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[New] Three Radford University students present research at Winter CARD

RADFORD, VA – The Radford University Office of Undergraduate Research (OURS) sponsored the fourth Winter CARD, or Creative Activities and Research Days, held Nov. 29 through Dec. 2, 2022.

Working closely with faculty and other students during the fall semester, undergraduate students solved wicked problems we face in society and on our planet. Students presented their research projects through poster projects or orally to an audience.


Participants included: Zoe Higley of Powhatan, Poster –Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court Case; Collin Lawson of Powhatan, Interdisciplinary Poster – Legalization of Marijuana in Virginia Policy; and Abigail Shiflett of Powhatan, Interdisciplinary Poster – The Inclusion of Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists in the Acute Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Recidivism Rates During LongTerm Follow-up.

insurance advisors have indicated no increase for FY2024, Halloway said. This is a marked difference from last year, when there was a 19.1% increase.

Halloway also highlighted some of the capital improvement plan (CIP) projects the school division is considering using operating funds to accomplish totaling $461,000. The projects are included in the line item budgets and account for some of the increases. The bulk of those are at the high school or divisionwide projects, including $50,000 for a divisionwide facilities study to help determine the biggest needs.

After the presentation, the board asked a few questions regarding wanting more information on fuel costs; insurance rates and making sure they won’t go up; legal fees (with the consideration of still contracting versus having a staff attorney); wanting county and school employees to have the same benefits; what kinds of software is being used; a purchasing agent shared with the county (currently being advertised); funds used for addressing learning loss; wanting to make sure the salary increase is moving forward; addressing mental health concerns; wanting a radio system on school buses that connects with the county’s emergency services (funds already identified in CIP); and addressing the flexibility of transportation between the schools and day cares.

The school board has already planned several budget workshops (see page A3) but is likely to add more as it receives more information and takes deeper dives into the budget.

Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

Do you have a news tip, story idea or photo to submit?

E-mail Laura McFarland at lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com

For our younger youth, ages 5-8 years old, we’re seeking new club leaders interested in starting a second Cloverbud 4-H Club in Powhatan. 4-H s chool e nrichment programs are also available for homeschool groups. reach out to C athy Howland, Powhatan 4-H e x tension ag ent, at 804-5985640 or chowland@vt.edu for details about the 4-H opportunities listed, and/or information on starting new 4-H clubs or programs.

Powhatan Food Pantry is currently seeking volunteer drivers who can pick up food from the local Food Lions on different days between 8:30 and 10 a.m. and tr ansport them to the nonprofit at 2500 Batterson road. Contact the pantry at 804-372-9526 or powhatanvafoodpantry@gmail.com.

News tip, story idea, community events, photos, birth announcements, 40th anniversaries & above or 80-year-old birthday & above announcement submissions can be e-mailed to Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com or call 804-363-1577 in your yard, or are new to the Powhatan or Goochland area, we also offer free one to two-hour site visits. available now e mergency Housing relief funds to assist with rent, mortgage or other housing concerns. Powhatan Community a c tion agenc y has received funding for housing relief for families in Powhatan County who have been affected by COVI d -19. Contact renee Van n atter at valerie.vannatter@dss.virginia.gov or via cell at 804 814-5332.

Powhatan County Parks and r ec wishes you a healthy and happy n ew year 2023! Check out our neW January schedule of programs. s pecial n eeds Basketball (18+), Monday 10 a.m. to noon; Pickleball (18+), Tuesday, Thursday 9 — 11:30 a.m. and W ednesday noon-2:30 p .m.; Community Matters (55+), Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10 a.m.-noon; Movers & Pacers Indoor Walking Group (55+), 9-10 a.m.; Preschool PlayTime (ages 2-5) — Friday 10-11:30 a.m.; Fast Feet (grades K-8), Friday 3-6 p .m.; *Girls n ight: Open Basketball (all ages) — 6 -8 p.m. Holiday Closure: Monday, Jan.16. ac tivities are free for residents and county employees/ $10 non-residents. Minors under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Pocahontas Landmark Center Gym is located at 4290 a nderson Highway. For more information, call the rec Center at 804-598-5275. Follow us on Facebook @ Powhatan County Parks & recreation.

The Friends of Powhatan County Public Library’s Bookshop is open during library hours and accepting donations again. The bookshop accepts books, movies, audiobooks, C d s, and magazines. Materials can be given to a library staff member or placed in the book shop corner (tuck them by the file cabinet in the back), which is at the end of the passageway once you come in the front door. Proceeds from the book sale are used for additional library programming.

Habitat for Humanity-Powhatan always is looking for donations of gently used appliances, cabinets, and furniture such as dining room and bedroom sets (no mattresses or upholstered furniture). Call to drop off at 804594-7009, ext. 1. Or email store@habitatpowhatan.org. Habitat also does pick-ups for a $20 donation to our Critical repair program. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Check out our website at habitatpowhatan.org Volunteer transportation program — free service to Powhatan seniors age 60+ who are unable to drive for basic needs. d rivers receive all information from program coordinator on rides that are requested by registered riders, and accept only rides they are available to fulfill. Call 804-698-0438 or email ras ervices.PVa @gmail.com to register as a rider or apply as a volunteer driver.

Join for details. 80-year-old e-mail: Advertise in Powhatan Today

Powhatan County Public Library is excited to partner with Wowbrary to offer library patrons the opportunity to subscribe to a curated weekly e-newsletter showcasing new library acquisitions. each newsletter features the latest bestsellers, movies, audio books, children’s titles, cookbooks, mysteries, and more purchased by the library. Wowbrary alerts are free and all you need is a valid email address. Visit www.wowbrary.org to sign up. a Powhatan County Public Library card in good standing is required to check out print and electronic items. To obtain a library card, visit the library or apply online at www.powhatanlibrary.net.

Call 746-1235 for details.

The Powhatan County Cooperative extension Master Gardener Help desk is here for yet another growing season. although office hours are reduced because of COVI d -19 restrictions, the Help d esk is still ready and available. e mail questions and detailed photos of your stricken plants to gpmastergardener@gmail.com and volunteers will try and find a solution for you. you can also dir ectly call the Powhatan County e xtension at 804-5985640 and leave a message. The Help d esk will be in touch. If a real-life diagnosis or determination is needed, large plant samples including root, stem and leaves can be dropped off at the Powhatan County e xtension’s office after consulting with Master Gardener volunteer. If you have plants/ shrubs/trees needing identification


narconon arrowhead is here to help you. n a rconon offers free addiction counseling, assessments, and referral services to rehabilitation centers nationwide. Call 1-800-468-6933 or log on to www.narcononarrowhead.org. a box was provided by the n ational association of Counties (naCo) to provide citizens a place to bring flags that need to be retired properly. It is located at the County ad ministration Building in the vestibule area by the front doors. County administration is working with local groups that hold flag disposal ceremonies and will be routinely transporting the flags collected to these ceremonies. For questions, call 804-598-5612.

in Powhatan Today Call 746-1235 for details.

Hope Project provides free transportation for Powhatan County residents who have lost their driver’s licenses due to drug-related charges. e xamples include rides to court, rehab, job interviews, doctor’s appointments, and probation meetings. Contact the Hope Project coordinator at 804-301-3324. Give a minimum of 24 hours’ notice.

Calendar Submissions

E-mail to lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com

Deadline is 3 p.m. Wednesday for the following week’s issue. Calendar announcements cannot be taken by phone. We reserve the right to edit all items submitted.

OURS provides transformative experiential learning opportunities to undergraduate college students to help them gain experience that will serve them well in their workplace and all of their lives. Students’ experience in tackling ambiguous processes and solutions transforms them well beyond learning skill in their disciplines, to include being more engaged in their workplace even decades later (Purdue Gallop Poll), developing critical thinking and communication skills which are the most desired Career Readiness skills by employers, and helping get that first job as 86% of employers indicate they are more likely to hire students who have conducted a research project with faculty.

Nye of Powhatan.

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi inducts three new members

BATON ROUGE, LA – Local students recently were initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines.

News tip, story idea, community events, photos, & above or 80-year-old birthday & above Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com

McKay named to fall 2022 Dean’s List at Westminster College

NEW WILMINGTON, PA – Timothy McKay of Moseley was named to the Westminster College Dean’s List for the fall 2022 semester. McKay is majoring in Political Science.

McKay was among 361 students named to the dean’s list. To qualify, students must earn a GPA of 3.6 or higher.

Emory & Henry congratulates students named to Dean’s List

The following students were recognized: Jami Clarkson of Moseley at Virginia Commonwealth University; Megan Mbagwu of Moseley at Virginia Commonwealth University; and Scott Stech of Moseley at Virginia Commonwealth University. They are among approximately 25,000 students, faculty, professional staff and alumni to be initiated into Phi Kappa Phi each year. Membership is by invitation only and requires nomination and approval by a chapter. Only the top 10% of seniors and 7.5% of juniors are eligible for membership. Graduate students in the top 10% of the number of candidates for graduate degrees may also qualify, as do faculty, professional staff and alumni who have achieved scholarly distinction.

News tip, story idea, community events, photos, & above or 80-year-old birthday & above Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com

EMORY, VA – Emory & Henry College congratulates students named to the fall 2022 Dean’s List. To be named to the Dean’s List a student must be a full-time student and receive a 3.6 GPA for the semester.

The following students were recognized: Joy Johnson of Powhatan, Mitchell Johnson of Powhatan and Janey

Thomas Latham named to Mount St. Mary’s Fall 2022 President’s List

EMMITSBURG, MD – Thomas Latham of Powhatan has been named to the President’s List for the fall 2022 semester at Mount St. Mary’s University, achieving a 4.0 grade point average. An additional 579 students made the Dean’s List, for which a grade point average of 3.4 is required.

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