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AARP Virginia issues scam alerts

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AARP Virginia regularly issues fraud alerts to make Virginia residents more aware so they can protect themselves.

„ Credit repair scams: Getting yourself out of debt is hard work and it is time intensive. Be wary of offers of guaranteed quick fixes. Criminal scammers prey on financial fears by offering simple solutions. These offers usually involve up-front fees (which are illegal), bad advice like stopping communication with your creditors and vague details on what services they provide. If you need help getting out of debt, turn to an organization like the nonprofit National Foundation for Credit Counseling.


„ Avoid crypto scams: Be vigilant about cryptocurrency scams. Fraud involving crypto investment schemes and crypto as payment in other schemes skyrocketed in 2022, according to the Federal Trade Commission. Reported losses exceeded $1 billion.

Last year, the evergreen online romance scam turned into crypto “investment opportunities” – starting on such platforms as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn in addition to dating sites and apps. The target can see their assets gaining value as they continue to invest more money, only the crypto exchange they are on is fake. When they try cashing out, they’re told they must first pay excessive fees, and they don’t get their money back.

In the ‘crypto as payment’ schemes, criminals convince targets that some urgent matter requires quick payment and direct them to a nearby crypto-ATM machine that converts cash into electronic currency. These losses are virtually unrecoverable.

The best way to avoid these scams – really any scam – is to know about them so you can avoid engaging from the start. Seek a financial advi- sor’s guidance on investing, and anyone pressuring you to pay by crypto to address and urgent or time-sensitive matter is a criminal.

„ When a favor is really a scam: We all want to be helpful, especially when the request comes from our boss, a friend or a community leader. This instinct is something criminals take advantage of. That’s why you should be suspicious of any urgent message that asks you to “do me a favor.”

These scams can impersonate a boss needing last-minute gift cards for an employee appreciation event, or a local faith leader who needs a quick favor of you to buy gift cards to support a family in need. These quick gift card requests promise reimbursement, which never comes.

Be aware of short, urgent text messages, emails or social media messages asking for your help purchasing gift cards. Criminals can hack into the profiles of friends, family, and community members to send messages in their name. In the professional space, the message often looks like it’s from your employer, but the criminal may have added a letter or number to the sender information.

Like so many scams, this one relies on getting the target into a heightened emotional state – of course you want to respond to your boss quickly or help your faith community support those in need. If you ever get a message asking for your help buying gift cards, contact the sender in a way you know to be legitimate and verify.

Chances are the request was from a criminal scammer.

„ Elder abuse checklist: Federal data suggest that losses from elder financial abuse perpetrated by a known person are greater than when fraud is perpetrated by anonymous scammers. Far too many families find out about financial abuse too late and regret not seeing the signs or asking more questions.

With older adults, sudden mood changes, either depression or excitement, could be signs that something is amiss. Talk with elderly relatives about financial exploitation and discuss what they can do or are doing to protect themselves and their money. Above all, respect their right for your older loved ones to make their own decisions as they are cognitively able, but leave the lines of communication open.

„ Five signs of a Social Security impostor: Certain scams can come and go but there is one that never seems to fade away – the Social Security impostor scam. According to the AARP Fraud Watch Helpline, Social Security impostor scams were the most frequently reported type of scam in 2021. In fact, according to the Federal Trade Commission, there have been nearly 312,000 reports of Social Security impostors, with overall losses topping $95 million over the past five years.

Even though there are different variations on this scam, each typically contains one of these five red flags.

The impostor:

1. Threatens to suspend your Social Security number

2. Warns of arrest or other legal action

3. Demands or requests immediate payment

4. Pressures you to disclose personal information

5. Promises to increase your Social Security benefit

Be a fraud fighter! If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam.

The AARP Fraud Watch Network is a free resource for all. Learn how to proactively spot scams or get guidance if you’ve been targeted. Visit www.aarp.org/fraudwatchnetwork or call our dedicated helpline to speak to a fraud specialist at 1-877-9083360.

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83-163oftheZoningOrdinanceoftheCountyof Powhatan.Theuse wouldbelocated at 1987Hancock Road, TaxMap Parcel#30-14F,in eastern PowhatanCounty approximatelyamileeastonHancock Road (U.S.Rt.716)fromtheintersectionof Jude’sFerry Road(U.S.Rt.613) andHancock Road.The2021Long RangeComprehensive Plandesignates thesubjectpropertyas RuralAreasontheCountywideFutureLand UseMap.

22-10-CUP:Morrissette (District#2: PowhatanStation/Graceland) requests aconditionalusepermit(CUP)tocreateanasphaltorconcrete plantintheAgricultural10(A-10)zoningdistrictperSec.83.162ofthe ZoningOrdinanceoftheCountyof Powhatan.Theproposeduseislocated on TaxMaps#53-35A,#53-36,#53-32,locatednorthoftheintersection ofGenitoandDorset Roads,insoutheastern PowhatanCounty.The subjectpropertyconsistsof6.7acres.Aconceptplanhasbeenincluded inthe application.The2021Long RangeComprehensive Plandesignates thesubjectpropertyas RuralAreasontheCountywideFutureLand UseMap.

22-07-REZ:UTT RealtyLLC (District#3:Bethesda/LeesLanding) is requestingto rezone TaxMap Parcel26-77fromAgricultural-10 (A-10)toCommerceCenter(CC).This request,if approved wouldamend approximately13.9acresofthe PowhatanCountyzoningdistrictmaplocated at thecornerofMaidens RoadandAndersonHighway withthephysical addressof2500Maidens Road.The2021Long-RangeComprehensive Plan designatesthesubjectpropertyasGatewayBusinessontheCountywide FutureLandUseMapwiththeintentofthisdistrictaimedtoaccommodate employment-generatingcommercialandlightindustrialusesthatsupport localeconomicdevelopmentgoals. Themeetingmaybewatchedlive by visitinghttp://powhatanva.gov/432/ Live-Stream-of-Powhatan-County-Meetings. AllPlanningCommissionmeetingsare opentothepublicandinterested personsareencouragedto attendonthedayandtimespecified above. Copiesoftheproposedplans,ordinances,andamendmentsmaybereviewed intheDepartmentofCommunityDevelopmentinthe PowhatanCounty AdministrationBuilding(3834OldBuckingham Road)between8:30AM and5:00PMofeach businessday. Copiesofstaffreportsareavailableprior tothePublicHearingupon requestandwillbe availableonline at least five (5)dayspriortothemeeting at http://powhatanva.gov/agendacenter.Please call(804)598-5621withanyquestions.

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