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Girls tennis returns with big roster, a familiar starting lineup
Email: paidnotices@ timesdispatch.com send news items to Powhatan today e-mail: lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com or call 804-363-1577 love for the game and her consistency in her practice on the courts. With Carter leading the way, the Indians will likely go as far as their No. 1 player goes once they reach postseason play.
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Carter and Quinn played big roles in the team upsetting Matoaca in last year’s regional tournament with a 5-0 win that never made it to the doubles portion of the match. In their doubles tour-
From B1 for the coaching staff to figure out what works best for the team. While it’s a young group that will rely on the experience of its returning cast featuring Ashlee Cates, Ava Harper and Kendra Hogston to steer the ship and generate runs, Crump says she wants to see improvement gameto-game as the team faces a challenging schedule in the crowded Dominion District. nament, the two also delivered wins to get to the regional quarterfinals after beating Henrico’s top pairing with sets of 6-4 and 6-2. It was a positive end to the season for Powhatan’s best play-
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Defensive versatility also gives Powhatan an edge early on in the season, with players like Cates, Harper and Flora already showing off the ability to work in different parts of the field.
Cates, who batted a .333 last year, can skillfully step into being the team’s catcher as well as a solid outfielder, while someone like Flora can serve on the mound and also step into a role in the outfield. Harper, who largely fits into an infield position, will be one of Powhatan’s top batters after
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Email: paidnotices @timesdispatch.com ers, who will be looking to improve on that postseason result. Rounding out the rest of the starting lineup is senior Polly Overboe at No. 3, junior Zoe Lucas at No. 4, junior Gianna LaRaffa at No. 5 and freshman newcomer Caris Grell at No. 6. Senior Amanda Seaman will also be featured in the third doubles pairing alongside Lucas, while Overboe and LaRaffa will pair off as the second pairing. As the one newcomer to find herself within the top-6, Grell brings with her a great deal of experience outside of Powhatan, with Maliff noting her consistency and match experience boding well for her in her inaugural season with the varsity squad. With time on the court, it’ll be interesting to see what Grell can bring to the roster in the immediate future as well as over the next couple of years. robby Fletcher can be reached at rfletcher@powhatantoday.com. impressing in her freshman year with a .338 batting average.
Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue.
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Popularity in the sport continues to be on the rise in Powhatan, as evidenced by the high number of rostered players on this year’s team. Bringing with them experience from last year that served them well and allowed them to compete with high-level competition within the district, the expectation is that the Indians should be an even better team this time around.
Some of the new faces that’ll see time on the field early in their Powhatan careers are freshmen Mazie Harmon, Cassidy Moser and Narbut as well as sophomore Addison Elliot. Without much of a safety net of veterans leading the way and showing them what makes a classic Powhatan squad run, this group of youngsters will be asked to do a lot in order to keep the Indians competitive, but their development over the course of the season will be the true storyline to keep an eye on.
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The Indians may need time to replace the efforts found on and off the field from a senior class featuring Carsen Hogston, Joy Johnson, Savannah Johnson, Payton George and Emma Phillips, but it’d be foolish to discount the veterans that still remain, the young up-and-comers hungry to leave their own mark on the team and the legendary coach that’s always managed to get the best out of her players.
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