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Like the girls team, it took a strong opponent to finally throw the Indians off balance, with the Hanover Hawks earning a spot in the region championship with a 5-0 sweep in singles.

Wallace had a good battle at the top of the starting lineup


With the two team’s seasons wrapped up, there’s still the singles and doubles region tournaments to look forward to, Last year, Wallace won alongside teammate Jacob Pfab in doubles to send them to the state tournament.

Notice is herebygiven, pursuant to §15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, thatthe Planning Commission of Powhatan County will conduct apublic hearing on Tuesday,June 6, 2023 at 6:00 PM in the Powhatan County VillageBuilding Auditorium, 3910 Old Buckingham Road, to consider the following request:

23-04-REZ: Powhatan Fair (District #3: Powhatan Station/Graceland) requests arezoning of the parcels located at TM #26-112A and #26B1-1-20 from Agricultural 10 (A-10) to Commerce Center (CC) and amendment of the zoning district mapofapproximately19.137 acres located on the west bound side of Anderson Highway approximately 0.64 miles east of Emmanuel Church Road. If approved the applicant intends to use the property foroutdoor recreational use such as motorsports,anevent venue, and afar mer’smarket. The applicant intends to renovate the existing structures on the property and create an outdoor courtyard. The 2021 Comprehensive Plan designates the subject properties as GatewayBusiness on the Countywide Land Use Map. The meeting maybewatched live by visiting http://powhatanva.gov/432/Live-Stream-of-Powhatan-County-Meetings All Planning Commission meetings areopen to the public and interested persons areencouraged to attend on the dayand time specified above. Copies of the proposed plans,ordinances,and amendments maybereviewedinthe Department of Community Development in the Powhatan County Administration Building (3834 Old Buckingham Road) between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM of each business day.

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