Auction 134

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Lot 454 Cracked Electro


Lot 3621 Charkhari SG #21

Lot 3844 GRI 2½d SG #5 MUH

Postal Auction No. 134 World Stamps, Postal History & Postal Stationery Plus Specialised Australian Postmarks Starting 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 email: Phone: 03 9038 8136 Int: +613 9038 8136 Fax: 03 8677 2858 Int: +613 8677 2858 GPO Box 4346, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia

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Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016

PPA Preamble Welcome to Auction 134 our first auction for 2016. This auction is a little later than planned, unfortunately due to health issues David was off work for a month, however I am sure the wait will be worth it. With over 4,200 lots there is something for everyone. We have 2 new books in stock. 1. Brusden White’s Queen Elizabeth II 1952-66 Price $105 2. Molnar & Waugh’s Victoria: The Travelling Post Office Services 1865-1932 Price $198 Both these books are essential to collector of these areas and come highly recommended. To order simply include order them from the Retail Books section of our website or add them to your bidsheet. Quite a number of postmark collectors use our Post Office Reference Database on our website and a number of you pay an annual subscription of $55 to access our detailed Victorian Postmark Database. This section is now been completed through to the Zs including the Melbournes. We are starting to include images and as I write this, we are up to Dargo Flat. Also the Melbournes, Reliefs and TPOs have already been done. While it will obviously take quite a while to get all of the 36,000+ postmarks scanned and updated. For those who collect Victorian postmarks this is a wonderful resource. To subscribe simply go to the website ( select Reference Tools from the top left menus and then select Victorian Datestamps. There is a Subscribe link in the welcome line, click on this and just fill in your details. Alternatively simply enter in your search engine address field. Our on-line bidders will be pleased to know that our new live-bidding screen seems to be working well. If you haven’t used it yet then give it a try. To bid live online go to the website and log in with your Client Code and Password. Ten minutes before the auction starts an Open Auction Live Bidding window link will appear below the image of the catalogue front page. Simply click on this and you will be ready to go. The pop-up window displays the last lot sold, the current lot and the next two lots. If you have already placed bids then these lots will be displayed in a bold font. A bid button will be displayed below the current lot number to bid at the next bid step. This button disappears when you have the top bid or when the auctioneer has stopped accepting bids. Use the View Bidsheet menu on the top right of the home page to review or place bids for later lots. This screen will also show you the total value of your successful bids to help you manage your budget. Remember that we only sell lots that have bids already placed on them and therefore the pop-up window will only show and allow bidding on those lots. To ensure a lot appears you will need to place some sort of initial bid on the lot, even if it is a below reserve bid. Our clients who have access to the internet should also take time to review our retail lots. There are over 20,000 items which can be accessed and searched for in the same way the auctions can. If you have your collecting interests set up these will also work on the retail list ensuring you can access them as efficiently as possible. Please ensure that you confirm your order once you have selected the items you wish to purchase. Our website provides many different ways of viewing those items or areas in the auction that interest you the most. We provide a standard selection in lot order, searching by topic (over 250 of them) or by country and searching by your collecting interests or a description search. Our Image Gallery enables you to just browse through the pictures and likewise you can also use the Image Gallery to just view the items that match your collecting interests. To help with your specific collecting interests and to find the lots that interest you, we provide an extract service. This service saves you time and helps to keep our costs down. Simply provide us with your collecting interests. You can specify whether you just collect stamps, postal history or postal stationery, whether you collect mint or used, what periods you collect, what countries you collect etc. You can be quite detailed. In nearly all cases we can provide an extract which is well matched to your collecting needs. The most effective way of bidding is to use our secure website However you can always use the printed bidsheet that comes with the catalogue and fax or mail it to us, you can also phone your bids through if you prefer. We take bids any way they come. David, Cathy & Keith.

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016

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[These notes are offered as a guide to understanding the information given as symbols.] 1. 2.




6. 7. 8. 9.

Firstly, we have the lot number. If it is in bold and underlined, the item is illustrated: e.g. 1234. (The actual location of the illustration is given at the end of the description: e.g. {Page 41.37} is position 37 on page 41.) The second column contains a symbol, which represents the item(s) in the lot: ** Mint, unmounted o.g. * Mint, mounted o.g. W Unused, no gum D Piece (“Postmarks” lots) * Cover or card B Booklets L Literature PS Postal Stationery S Stamp (“Postmarks” lots) or, in the case of used stamps, covers & Postal Stationery a grading of the cancellation: V Neat postmark, leaving most of the stamp design clear F Neat postmark, across at least half of the stamp design G Untidy or indistinct postmark H Heavy or poorly struck postmark The third column gives an overall quality assessment for the lot, from ‘A’ to ‘D’. The same standard applies to mint and used stamps, to covers, postal stationery, literature etc. An item graded ‘A’ is very fine; it has no faults. ‘B’ items are fine and may have minor imperfections. A ‘C’ item will exhibit obvious faults. Items in poor condition are rated ‘D’. Occasionally, an item in truly superb condition will be rated ‘A+’. This grading is used sparingly and is not applied to modern material, which one would normally expect to be in very fine to superb condition. An otherwise very fine item which has a subsidiary problem may be allocated an ‘A-’. This may be a stamp with writing or a hinge remainder on the reverse. A cover may have a receiver’s endorsement on the face. The halves of a letter card may be stuck together. A book may have a previous owner’s notations. Whether this factor makes the item an ‘A-’ or ‘B’ is a matter of degree. The fourth column is relevant to perforated stamps, and also to lots listed under the sub-heading ‘Postmarks’. For perforated stamps, this column gives a grading for both centring and perforations. The letter ‘A’ to ‘D’ relates to centring. ‘A’ stamps are very well centred; ‘B’ stamps are slightly off-centre; ‘C’ stamps are significantly off-centre, and may have the perforations slightly into the design; ‘D’ stamps are badly off-centre, with the perforations well into the design. [NB: These gradings are the same for all perforated issues, whether Australian Decimals, De La Rue Colonial keyplates or 19th Century American issues. However, it should be understood that for many issues poor centring is the norm. Thus ‘C’, and even ‘D’, gradings should be expected and accepted. For such issues a ‘B’ stamp will be above-average and an ‘A’ stamp will be considered an exceptional copy.] Following the letter ‘A’ to ‘D’ is a number ‘1’ to ‘4’. A stamp with all perforations intact is ‘1’. One or two short perfs, or normal rough perforations, will drop the grading to ‘2’. More notable perforation problems such as the perfs down one side being trimmed will result in a ‘3’ grading. A stamp with major perforation faults will be a ‘4’. [NB: A stamp graded ‘A1’ is well-centred with all perforations intact. In many cases, particularly with modern issues, this is the norm. However, for many issues, ‘B2’ or even ‘C3’ may be normal and quite acceptable.] For lots listed under the sub-headings “Postmarks” and “Ship/Paquebot Markings”, this column gives a grading for quality of the strike, and completeness. Quality is graded from ‘A’ (very fine) to ‘D’ (poor). Completeness is graded from ‘1’ (complete) to ‘5’ (identifiable only). ‘+’ is used for superb strikes; ‘-’ is used for postmarks which are lightly struck, a little doubled, or otherwise a bit short of the mark. The 5th column contains the general description of the of the lot and should be self-evident, however the following notes apply specifically to postmark description. Whenever possible postmarks will be described in full, except that the top portion of a postmark is only spelt out when it differs from the post office name or requires some clarification. Bracketed shaded text within a description indicates that these characters cannot be read, while greyed characters are hard to read or are only partly present, as is the case when part of the postmark is on the edge of a stamp. Very large or small letters are represented by large and small fonts respectively; small fonts are particularly used to indicate the presence of small nylon wheels in the datestamp. The following example illustrates these points: '[POST] OFFICE/21DE86/GARAH'. For postmark lots the condition of the postmark is the most important aspect of our descriptions. Minor defects in the stamp or cover are mentioned only when the value of the item is significant. Naturally, major defects will always be described. The symbols in the second, third and fourth columns, and the illustrations of lots, form part of the lot description. Figures in the right-hand column are our estimate of value. You may bid at, above or below estimate. The reserve price for almost every lot is 80% of estimate. Bids below this level will not be considered, except lots which have an estimate of $5 or less when bids below the reserve may be considered at the auctioneer’s discretion. Australian residents will have GST added to the hammer price of all lots. We use the following standardised abbreviations: o.g. original gum opt(d) overprint(ed) d/s datestamp cds circular datestamp h/s handstamp mss manuscript; handwritten ERD earliest recorded date LRD latest recorded date o/o opened-out RLabel registration label M/S(s) miniature sheet(s) PPC picture postcard cnr corner blk block impt imprint mtd mounted provl provisional wmk watermark LDL large dateline (postmarks) SDL small dateline (postmarks) TLC,TRC,BLC,BRC Top Left Cnr, Top Right Cnr, Bottom Left Cnr, Bottom Right Cnr

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Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016

THEMATICS & TOPICALS 1 */F AChristmas: 200+ issues, mostly GB & Canada, in small stockbook. CINDERELLAS 2 ** A 3 W A B1 4 W A B1 5F A 6 ** A B1

Austria: 1965 Wipa Stamp Exhibition set of nine labels. France: c.1916 multi-coloured label with portrait of M Millerand French War Minister issued for Lord Roberts Memorial Fund. Great Britain: c.1916 multi-coloured label with portrait of Vice Admiral J M De Robeck issued for Lord Roberts Memorial Fund. - illustrated FDC with set of three Gloucester Emergency Postal Service labels tied by cancel Gloucester 12 FEB 1971, uinaddressed. Greece: Cigarette Labels inscribed M.C.C./M.C. Carathanassis & Co/20 Cigarettes etc. In different colours & inscriptions. (5)

COINS & BANKNOTES | Coins 7 UNC Australia: 1955 ½d unc. 8 UNC - 1942 D 3d. 9 UNC - 1948 3d Unc. 10 UNC - 1957 QEII 1/-. 11 UNC - 1987 Uncirculated Royal Australian Mint set. 12 UNC - 1970 Cook Bicentenary 50c specimen in red plastic case. 13 UNC Great Britain: 1887 QV Jubilee Head 1/- unc. 14 UNC New Zealand: 1975 cased Proof set. (7) 15 UNC - 1978 20c Proof. 16 UNC Russia: 1888 1 Kopek. 17 UNC USA: 1976 $1 Eisenhower Bi-Centenary. LITERATURE 18 A 19

20 L









24 ** A

Australia: Australian Commemorative and Air Mail Stamps 1927 to 1951 published by Australia Post c.1970’s, 44pp, Excellent used condition. - The 1913-14 Recess-Printed Series and the King George V Sideface and Pictorial Definitive Stamps published by Australia Post c.1970, 32pp, Excellent Used Condition. Paperback. - Australian Commonwealth Specialists Catalogue Decimals III 1992 - 2001 (current edn) hard bound copy. New. Retail $93.50. - Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue Australia 5th Edition in 2009, 272pp, Good Used Condition. Paperback. Channel Islands & Isle of Man: Stanley Gibbons Collect Channel Islands and Isle of Man Stamps published in 1999, 270pp, Good used condition. Paperback. Falkland Islands: Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue Falkland Islands 5th Edition in 2012, 71pp, Excellent Used Condition. Paperback. New Zealand: New Zealand ‘The Chalon Issues’ Christies Robson Lowe sale Catalogue 11th October 1989 with prices realised.

PICTURE POSTCARDS Australia: black & white PPC ‘A Handful of Australia’ with scene 25 *** Aof crop sowing, real-photo. 26 *** A - Black & white PPC ‘In the Shearing Shed’, card from The Sydney Mail On the Land series. 27 *F A Australia - Artist: multi-coloured PPC ‘Where the Waves roll whitening to the sand’ by W Lister Lister. Australia - Birds: black & white PPC ‘Native Companion’, a fine 28 *F A looking Brolga. - black & white PPC ‘Lyre Bird, Australia’s songbird and wonder 29 *** A mimic’, real photo. 30 *** A Australia - New South Wales: black & white PPC ‘Martin Place from George St’ a Kerry card. - Black & white PPC ‘Hunter St’, a Kerry card. 31 *** A - black & white PPC ‘The Hotel Metropole’ a Kerry card. 32 *F A 33 *** A - multicoloured PPC ‘Lane Cove River’, nice card. - multicoloured PPC ‘Clifton Gardens Sydney’. 34 *** A 35 *** A - black & white PPC ‘The Gap, South Head, Sydney, NSW’, real photo. - black & white PPC ‘Spectacle Island, Parramatta River’. 36 *** A 37 ** A - black & white PPC ‘McMahon’s Point, from Lavender Bay’. 38 *F A - black & white real photo PPC ‘Sydney Observatory’ Sydney Pleasure Resort Series, Kerry card, franked with 1d Arms and cancelled with poor framed Galston cds. PO 26/5/1890. 39 * A - multicoloured PPC ‘Britannia Falls, Blue Mountains’ G. Giovanardi, Sydney card, unused. 40 *** A Australia - Patriotic: Multicoloured embossed PPC with 1912 shield from the coat of arms. 41 *** A Australia - South Australia: Black & white PPC ‘North Terrace looking West, Adelaide’. Australia - Tasmania: multicoloured PPC ‘Government House 42 *** A Hobart, Tasmania 1910’ with Steam Locomotive in foreground, nice card. 43 ** A - multicoloured PPC with map of Tasmania with insert of ‘Government House Hobart, 1910’. Australia - Victoria: Multicoloured PPC ‘Melbourne from Queen 44 *** AVictoria Gardens’. 45 *** A - Black & white PPC ‘The Hotel Alexander Spencer Street Melbourne’, real photo, nice advertising card. - black & white PPC ‘Prince’s Bridge Melbourne. 46 *F A - multicoloured PPC ‘Lake Botanical Gardens Melbourne’. 47 ** A48 *** A - Black & white PPC ‘Swanston Street, Melbourne’, with trams in foreground. Aviation: black & white real photo PPC ‘Boeing F4B-2’. 49 *** A

50 *** A $10 $20 $15

51 *** A 52 ** B 53 * A-

$16 $20 $6 $10 $20 $20 $15 $30 $4 $35 $25 $6 $15 $4

54 *** A 55 *** A 56 * S 57 *F A

58 *** A 59 *** A 60 *F A-

61 *F A $5 62 *** A$5 $85

63 *** A64 ** A 65 *** A

$10 $15

66 *** A


67 *F A 68 *** A+

$20 69 *** A $10

70 *** B


71 *F A-

$15 $8 $7 $15 $15 $15 $10 $12 $7 $10 $8

72 ** A 73 *** A+ 74 *** A 75 *** A 76 *** A 77 *** A-

Comic: multicoloured PPC by Donald McGill ‘How much do you charge for a bed room Missus............’ - Multicoloured PPC ‘Why are you digging up my husband’s grave...........’ by artist Donald McGill. Egypt: Ephitimios black & white PPC of ‘CANAL DE SUEZ Pont des Caravanes de la Mecque’ showing caravan crossing bridge on the way to Mecca, a few faults. - Fix & David black & white PPC of ‘Palais de la Compagnie du Canal de Suez à Port-Saïd’, franked with 2m green x2, cancelled with ‘PORT-SAÏD/7VI04 11/’ (B1), to Parramatta, NSW with light duplex arrival of JY5 04. France: Multicoloured PPC ‘Nos Dirigeables Le Liberte’ early Postcard of a French Airship. - Hautmont black & white PPC ‘Exposition Internationale du Nord de la France - ROUBAIX 1911, Villiage Flamand - la Caberet populaire’. Great Britain: Raphael Tuck & Sons tinted colour PPC of South Parade. Matlock Bath, used in NSW 1906. Great Britain - 1908 Franco-British Exhibition: Alexander coloured PPC of ‘FRANCO-BRITISH EXHIBITION. Australian Pavilion.’, franked with ½d green, cancelled with double-circle ‘WEST·KENSINGTON. W/9PM/AU24/08/6’, to Newbury, Bycks - Valentine black & white official PPC of ‘Palace of Women’s Work, Franco-British Exhibition, London, 1908’ - Valentine black & white official PPC of ‘Colonnade: British Applied Arts Palace, Franco-British Exhibition, London, 1908’ - Valentines black & white PPC of ‘BRIDGE IN COURT OF HONOUR Franco-British Exhibition, London, 1908’, franked with ½d green KEVII, cancelled with poor London machine of AUG18 08, to Northamptron. - Valentines coloured PPC of Palace of Women’s Work, FrancoBritish Exhibition, London, 1908.’, franked with ½d green, cancelled with ‘HAMPSTEAD S.O.N.W/415PM/SP25/08/03’ (A1-), to “Distillery Creek/Tasmania/N.S.W.”. - Valentines coloured PPC of ‘In Elite Gardens, Franco-British Exhibition, London, 1908’, slight corner wear. - Valentine’s coloured PPC of ‘Fine Art Palace, Franco-British Exhibition, London, 1908’, slight corner wear. - Valentines coloured PPC of ‘Bridge in Court of Honour, FrancoBritish Exhibition, London, 1908’. Great Britain - 1909 Imperial International Exhibition: Valentine official coloured PPC with lilac border of ‘GRAND RESTAURANT, IMPERIAL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1909’. Great Britain - 1911 Coronation Exhibition: Valentine coloured official PPC #776 of ‘English Country Scene,/ Coronation Exhibition, London, 1911’. - Valentine coloured PPC of ‘Court of Honour, Coronation Exhibition, London, 1911’, view from cascade end Great Britain - 1912 Latin-British Exhibition: Valentine & Sons Multi-Coloured PPC ‘Court of Honour’, Latin-British Exhibition, London 1912, View of boat going up the lake. Ireland: Black & white real photo PPC ‘Guinness’s Brewery, Lower Level, Dublin’. Italy: coloured PPC of ‘PALAZZO DEL GHIACCIO’ (people ice skating), bit grubby, tiny closed tear at base. Lourenco Marques: Spanos & Tsitsias multi-coloured PPC of ‘Laurenco Marques, Exposição Colonial,/Colonial Exhibition’ 1910 Durban transit, stamp removed. Netherlands East Indies: multicoloured PPC with view of the Festival building used for the Colonial Exhibition Samarang Java 1914, nice card. Portugal: Real Photo ‘La Exposicas Colonial Portugueza, Portugal - Porto, 1934’, view of band of Indian musicians and dancers performing. Shipping: multicoloured PPC ‘P&O SS Morea off Colombo’ nice card. Trains: Black & white PPC with Steam Engine leaving Engine shed. - Locomotive ‘1070 class No155, rebuilt with variant valve gear’, real photo. Trinidad: W,H,Y.? PPC of ‘Maraval Reservoir, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I.’, unused.

$5 $5 $4

$6 $20 $10 $5

$6 $6 $5


$6 $6 $5 $6

$6 $6 $6 $6 $10 $13 $10 $12 $10 $15 $10 $10 $4

AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - First Watermark $15

78 F A A2


79 ** A B1 80 F A C1 81 F A A2

$20 $8 $15 $12 $10 $20 $7 $5 $15 $10

82 F A C1 83 V A B1 84 F A A2 85 F A- C1 86 F A B1 87 * A A1 88 F A- C3 89 F B B2 90 F A C1 91 F A B1

½d Green [2L21] Break in shading line at left edge opposite Perth, perf small ‘OS’. 1d Red Die I BW #2ba Perf Large ‘OS’. - [BR46] Broken shading line right of base of Tasmania etc - [CL16] Broken shading line above N of ONE - State II colour dot inside right frame opposite Brisbane - [CL49] Break in base of Gulf of Carpentaria outline etc - [CR51] Broken shading lines to right of value circle 1d Red Die II [EL16] Colour dot joining line above LI of AUSTRALIA - State II broken shading line above PE of PENCE, rough perfs. - [FL1] Broken shading line NE Cape Leveque, light blue stain. - BW #3(F)d [FL10] White flaw over AU of AUSTRALIA, Cat $20. 2½d Indigo unplated Flaw off SA coast. 3d Olive Die I BW #12bc, perf small ‘OS’, Cat $50, some short perfs. 4d Orange BW #15, Cat $35, with blind ‘T’ perfin, cancelled with part Hobart 1915, some slight toning around edge, couple of short perfs. - BW #15ba, perf large ‘OS’, Cat $70. 5d Chestnut BW #16ba, perf large ‘OS’, Cat $65.

$10 $40 $6 $6 $6 $6 $5 $5 $12 $85 $16 $13 $16 $30

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 92 * A B1 93 V A B1 94 F A B1 95 F A- B1 96 F B B1

9d Violet BW #24, very fine mint. $125 1/- Emerald BW #30, Cat $35, with unplated Broken shading line above I of ALIA. $20 - BW #30. $20 - Watermark inverted, Cat $500, ink stained, light crease, left marginal line. $50 2/- Brown BW #35B, dark brown shade, small tear, Cat $350. $60

AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Second Watermark 97 F A B1 98 F A B1 99 F A A1 100 F A C1 101 V A- A1

2d Grey BW #6, Cat $20. $5 - BW #6 rare strip of 5, Cat $100+. Cancelled with 3 strikes of ‘MD/13’ of Garfield. $80 9d Violet BW #25. $65 1/- Emerald BW #31ba, perf ‘OS’, Cat $175. $70 2/- Brown BW #36, well centred, odd lightly tone perf, Cat $350. $100

AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Third Watermark 102 F A B2 103 * A104 * A A1 105 F A B1 106 F A B1 107 F A- B1 108 F B B3 109 F A A1 110 F A B1 111 F A- B1 112 F A D1 113 F A- B2 114 F A C1 115 F A A1 116 F A B1

2d Grey Die I BW #7, Cat $15. $5 - BW #7ba, plus ½d green KGV, both perf ‘OS’, Cat $250 on cover, from Perth to USA. $120 2½d Indigo BW #11. $20 - BW #11, Cat $12. $6 3d Olive Die II BW #13L, olive-green shade, Cat $250, TH cancelled with ‘[MAC]GILLIVRAY/?0AU21/[S AUST]’ (rated R). $70 3d Olive Die I BW #13(2)d [2L5] Diagonal white scratch through right frame opposite A, rounded TRC, Cat $90, cancelled with Launching Place of 1NO21. $35 - BW #13(2)j [2R51] White scratch from left frame to Albany, fluffy perfs, corner perf missing, Cat $125. $30 6d Blue Die II BW #19A. $15 9d Violet Die II BW #26ba, perf ‘OS’, Cat $60. $25 9d Violet Die IIB [4R14] perf ‘OS’ with White flaw on curve of R of AUSTRALIA, etc, corner crease. $8 - BW #27(4)n, White flaw below ‘IA’, Cat $125. $30 1/- Emerald Die II BW #32(2)j [2L23] Break in bottom frame under O, Cat $125, missing corner perf. $20 2/- Brown BW #37ba, perf ‘OS’, Cat $125. $25 2/- Maroon BW #38, Cat $35. $16 - BW #38C, reddish maroon shade, Cat $35. $13

AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Small Multiple Watermark 117 F A B1 118 F A C2 119 V 120 V 121 F 122 * 123 V 124 F

A B1 A B1 A B1 A B3 A A1 A B2 A A1

126 *

A A1

127 V A B1 128 F A C1 129 F A- B1

6d Chestnut BW #22, Cat $20. $6 - BW #22(3)ha [3R6] Retouched top frame with additional scratch from Broome to left frame, Cat $75, couple of shortish perfs. $20 6d Chestnut Overprinted ‘OS’ BW #22(OS), Cat $60. $32 9d Violet BW #28wa Perf ‘OS’ CTO. $25 1/- Emerald BW #34, Cat $25. $15 - BW #34b, perf ‘OS’, Cat $70. $45 2/- Maroon BW #39wa perf ‘OS’ CTO with full gum. $40 10/- Grey & Pink BW #49, Cat $700, couple of short perfs at top. $360 6d Chestnut BW #23(3)ha, Retouched top frame with additional scratch from Broome to left frame, Cat $150. $70 6d Chestnut Overprinted ‘OS’ BW #23(OS)(3)f, pair, left unit with Retouch in top left corner, Cat $245+. $100 - BW #23(OS)(3)ha, Retouched top frame with additional scratch from Broome to left frame, Cat $175, CTO $70 9d Violet [4L15] Upper outline of 2nd ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’ short at right end $15 5/- Grey & Yellow BW #46(D)da, Broken coast near Sydney [L2], Cat $125, red pencil cross. $48

AUSTRALIA | Engraved Issues 130 * A C1 131 F A A1

BW #60, 6d Kookaburra, Cat $100. BW #60, 6d maroon Kookaburra.

$50 $60

AUSTRALIA | KGV - Single Watermark 132 F A B1 133 V A B1 134 V A C1 135 F A B1 136 ** A B1 137 F A A2 138 F 139 F 140 F 141 F 142 F 143 F

A A2 A C1 A C1 A B1 A B1 A- C1

144 F A B1 145 F A B1 146 F A- B1 147 F A B1 148 F A B1 149 F A C1 150 F A B1

½d Green Comb Perf BW #63a, Wmk inverted, Cat $40. ½d Orange BW #66ba perf ‘OS’. 1d Red Smooth Paper [V/26] Nick in top frame near right corner - BW #71(4)g [VII/32] Nick near top of left frame, Cat $20. 1d Red Rough Paper BW #72bb carmine-rose perf ‘OS’. 1½d Black-Brown Die I BW #83(1)g [1R7] White spot in front of emu, Cat $30. - [2R10] Retouch - abnormal shading lines behind roo. - [3L32] Short shading lines behind roo. - [3L56] Spot at left of RVT, spot left of T in value tablet etc. - [3R15] Notch in value tablet below O of POSTAGE. - [3R30] Blurred flaw left of I of AUSTRALIA. - [3R42] Break in shading line left of right wattles, scratch in value tablet. - [4L14] Flaw on C of HALFPENCE. - [4L31] Notch in lower frame at BRC. - [4R51] Break in shading line on King’s neck, light toning on back. - [4R57] Flaw on Maltese cross in crown. - BW #83(4)d [4L4] White flaw on T of POSTAGE, Cat $30. - BW #83(4)i [4R60] Break in shading lines above left wattles - State I, Cat $30. 1½d Brown Die I [1L60] Spot in border of RVT.

A B1 A B1 A B1 A D1 A- B1

156 F A C1 157 DV A B1 158 F A B1 159 F A C1 160 F A B1 161 F A B1 162 F A C1 163 F A C1 164 F 165 F 166 F 167 *

A B1 A C1 A B1 A C1

168 F A B1 169 F A- B1 170 F A C1 171 F A C1 172 F A B1 173 F 174 F 175 G 176 F

A B1 A B1 B B1 A B1

177 F 178 F 179 F 180 F 181 F

A C1 A B1 A B1 A B1 A- B1

182 F A B1

AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - CofA Watermark 125 *

151 F 152 F 153 F 154 F 155 F

$15 $15 $5 $7 $75 $20 $8 $10 $10 $8 $10 $10 $10 $10 $8 $10 $20 $20 $8

183 F A B1 184 F A B1 185 F A B2 186 F A B1 187 F A C1 188 F A B1 189 F A C1 190 F A C1 191 F A B1 192 F 193 F 194 F 195 F

A B2 A B1 A C2 A- C1

196 F A B1 197 F A C1 198 F A C1 199 F A C1 200 F A C1 201 F A B1 202 F A- B1 203 F A- B1 204 F A- B1 205 F A- C2 206 F A C1 207 F A- C1 208 F A- C1 209 F A C1 210 F A C1 211 F A B1 212 F A C1 213 F A D1 214 F A C1

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- [3L6] Flaw on C of PENCE, rounded TRC. - [3R1] Extended TLC, spot in RVT. - BW #85(3)d [3L1] Retouched NW corner, Cat $25. - BW #85(3)i [3L31] White flaw on kangaroo Cat $25. - BW #85(3)n [3R13] Break in left frame opposite Kangaroo’s neck, Cat $25. - [4L19] Break in 5th shading line below left wattle stem etc. - [4R8] Notch in white border above top left leaf of right wattles, on piece. - [4R21] Break in shading line above left wattles. - [4R39] Projection of right arm of Maltese cross. - [4R51] Break in 11th vertical shading line from back of King’s neck. - [4R57] Flaw on upper left part of Maltese Cross. - BW #85(4)d [4L4] White flaw on T of POSTAGE, Cat $25. - BW #85(4)i [4R60] White spot on top of King’s head, Cat $25. - [5L31] Spot at top left arm of Maltese cross. - [5L49] White spot in Postage Band above P of POSTAGE. - [5R56] Vertical line to right of final ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’. - BW #85(5)e, horizontal pair [5L13-14], right unit White flaw on ‘T’ of ‘POSTAGE’, perf ‘OS’, Cat $120+, hinge remainder, stain on back. - BW #85(5)e [5L14] White flaw on T of POSTAGE, Cat $45. - BW #85(5)f [5L19] Retouched left frame and flawed SE corner - State I, Cat $45. - [5AL4] Oval flaw below ‘O’ of ‘POSTAGE’. - [5AL5] Break in top frame just right of crown top, etc - State I. - [5AL7] Break in shading line on King’s forehead, rough left frame etc - State II. - [5AL19] Notch on inner upper frame, right of crown. - [5AL43] White line left of roo’s head. - [5AL57] Projection on tail of 2 in LVT, small thin on back. - [5AL59] White line extending from curve of R in AUSTRALIA. - [5AL60] Break in shading line behind emu etc. - [5AR13] Extra serif on large 1 in right value tablet. - [5AR56] Bulging lower left serif of 1 in left value shield etc. - [5AR57] Notch in lower right corner of left value shield etc. - BW #85(5A)eb [5AL6] Retouched SE corner - State III, Cat $35, fluffy perfs. - BW #85(5A)f [5AL56] Flawed fraction in left value tablet, Cat $35. - BW #85(5A)g [5AR55] Retouched SE corner - State II, Cat $35. - [6R6] Recut TRC, break in shading line behind emu’s head etc - State II, tone spot on back. - [6AL18] Diagonal line behind emu’s head, couple of shortish perfs. - [6AR2] Horizontal flaw above roo’s heel. - [7L49] Scratch from I of ALIA to top of bottom bloom of right wattles - State I. - [7R1 - later substituted to 12R25] Notch in bottom frame near right corner, notch on inside of left frame by roo’s tail etc. - [7R2 - later substituted to 12R26] Break in shading line right of crown, light tone spot on back. - [7R10] Irregular upper frame left of crown etc. - [7R11] Break in shading lines between emu’s legs, break in line behind King’s neck etc. - [7R22] Notch in bottom frame near left corner etc. - [7R34] Break in shading line above left wattles. - [7R35] Jagged left frame at base etc, missing corner perf. - [7R44], Extended bottom right serif on A of POSTAGE etc, tone spots. - [7R50] Two notches in bottom frame at right corner. - BW #85(7)d [7R9] Broken shading lines NW of left value tablet, Cat $20. - BW #85(7)m [7R54] Right side of cliché damaged by many flaws, Cat $150. - [8R35] Notch in right frame just above emu’s tail etc. - BW #85(8)p [8R48] Retouched to lower frame, Cat $25. - BW #85(8)ra [8R56] Retouched right frame - State II, Cat $25. - [10L32] Broken shading lines between left wattles and crown etc, light crease. - [10R29] Broken shading line adjacent to top right leaves in right wattles, light crease. - [11L51] 1st & 2nd diamonds in crown band solid - State 1, this develops into the catalogued Blurred R in AUSTRALIA in the green printings, tone spots. - [11R37] Left end of line above fleur-de-lis extends down, couple of short perfs. - [11R44] White patch at base of King’s neck, etc. - BW #85(11)h [11R2] Letters EE of THREE and A of HALF filled in, Cat $25, light tone spot, crease. - [12L42] Line protruding to left on large 1 in LVT, couple of toned perfs. - [12L43] Egg-shaped flaw behind roo’s elbow. - [12L48] Sloping cut above 2nd bloom of right wattles. - [12R43] Line below fleur-de-lis joins upper band of crown at left. 1½d Red-Brown Die I BW #87(11)k [11R7] Scratched electro, Cat $60. - [12L49] Break in outer oval above 1st A of AUSTRALIA. - [12L54] Letters of ALF of HALFPENCE joined at base.

$8 $8 $15 $15 $15 $8 $5 $8 $8 $6 $8 $15 $15 $15 $10 $10 $80 $30 $20 $10 $8 $10 $8 $8 $8 $8 $10 $10 $8 $8 $20 $20 $20 $8 $10 $8 $8 $8 $8 $6 $8 $8 $8 $6 $5 $8 $15 $70 $6 $15 $15 $6 $6 $6 $6 $8 $15 $8 $8 $8 $8 $25 $15 $15

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Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016

215 F A B1 216 F A- C1 217 F A- C2 218 F 219 F 220 F 221 F

A C1 A C1 A C1 A- B2

222 F A- B1 223 F A B1 224 F A B1 225 F A C1 226 F A- C2 227 F A B1 228 F A B1 229 F A C1 230 F A- C1 231 F A C1 232 F A- C1 233 F A C1 234 F A- B1 235 F 236 F 237 F 238 F

A C1 A B1 A C1 A- B1

239 F A C1 240 F A C1 241 F A C1 242 F A A1 243 F A B1 244 F A- B1 245 F A- C1 246 F A C1 247 F A B1 248 F A- B1 249 F A B1 250 F A B1 251 F A C2 252 F A C1 253 F 254 F 255 F 256 F

A C1 A B1 A C1 A A1

257 F A C1 258 V A B1 259 V A A1 260 F A B2 261 F A B1 262 F A C1 263 F 264 F 265 F 266 F 267 F 268 F

A C1 A A1 A B1 A C2 A C1 A B1

269 F A C1 270 F A B1 271 F A B1 272 F A C1 273 F A B1 274 F A A1

1½d Green Die I [11L5] Word of value thick and uneven particularly the EEs of THREE etc. - [11R25] 2 white flaws on oval below P of POSTAGE, two small tone spots on back. - [11R37] Left side of horizontal line joined to top of left fleurde-lis, couple of trimmed perfs. - [11R44] White patch at base of King’s neck, etc. - [11R48] White flaw left of 3rd bloom in left wattles, etc. - [11R52] Break in right frame 3mm from top. - [11R60] Broken crown top, watermark line, couple of trimmed perfs. - BW #88(11)f [11L51] Blurred R in AUSTRALIA - ACCC State II, Cat $30, few toned perfs. - BW #88(11)jb [11R4] Retouched NW corner - State III, Cat $30. Seems to be harder than the catalogue value suggests. - [12L23] White flaw beside left wattle stem, small corner bend. - [12L42] Small extra serif on large 1 in left value tablet. - [12R34] Broken base of crown etc cancelled by 25½mm ‘HEIDELBERG/20DE23/VIC’ (B1), small tear, couple of short perfs. - [12R39] Right side of crown top broken etc. - [12R43] Flaw joins curved line and upper band in crown at left. - BW #88(12)e [12L32] Flaw on large 1 in left value tablet, Cat $30. - BW #88(12)f [12L34] Flaw through PO of POSTAGE, Cat $30, crease not visible from front. - BW #88(12)h [12L58] Horizontal scratch through neck and beard, Cat $30. - BW #88(12)k [12R6] Scratch through kangaroo and left tablet, Cat $30, crease not visible from front. - BW #88(12)l [12R11] White spot in front of kangaroo’s chest, Cat $30. - BW #88(12)o [12R24] White spot behind kangaroo, Cat $20, few toned perf tips. - [13L37] White flaw joining 2 in LVT to fraction bar. - [13L38] Break in shading line in King’s neck etc. - [13L55] Short shading lines left of left wattles - State I. - [13R53] White spot under emu’s tail etc, small tone spot on back. - BW #88(13)j [13R54] Scalloped lower frame at left and flaw below right wattles - ACCC State II, Cat $25. - [15R24] White flaw on white border in BRC, marginal line. - [15R52] Missing shading line right of rightmost bloom in right wattles. - [16L57] Short 1st shading line in King’s neck etc . - [16R41] Notch on bottom frame below RVT - State I. - [16R47] White border of bottom angle at right projects towards emu’s leg, couple of toned perfs. - BW #88(16)e [16L7] Eight wattles at left, Cat $30, couple of toned perfs. - [17L11] Line below and left of O in POSTAGE. - [17L28] Coloured flaw above right wattles etc. - [17L40] Spot between T and H in value tablet, couple of toned perf tips. - [17L51] Coloured flaw above right wattle spray, fluffy perfs. - [17R50] Spot below and right of Maltese cross. - BW #88(17)m [17R6] Left frame thinned opposite value tablet, Cat $30, short corner perf. - [18L5] Shading line break adjacent to lowest bloom in right wattles etc. - [18L31] Small notch below NC of PENCE. - [18L34] Vertical white flaw on roo’s ankle. - [18L41] Coloured flaw in white border above left wattles. - [18L45] Right edge of shading line below right wattles missing - ACCC State I. - [18L60] Irregular white flaw above small 1 in LVT etc ACCC State I. - [18R4] Right end of 2 shading lines missing above U of AUST - ACCC State I. - [18R8] Small notch on top side of top right angle. - [18R28] Point of TLC split. - [18R29] Left end of shading lines missing adjacent to 4th bloom in right wattles etc. - [18R33] Several shading lines right of emu’s neck damaged - ACCC State I. - [18R36] 4th pearl at left missing. - [18R40] TH of THREE joined at top. - [18R46] Dot on bottom edge of LVT. - [18R49] White oval widened in front of emu’s breast etc. - [18R54] Downward projection on C of PENCE. - BW #88(18)g [18L24] Blurry white flaw above CE of PENCE - ACCC State I, Cat $45. [BW has the description Retouched SW corner but the retouch was not done until the red printings.] - BW #88(18)h [18L25] Broken upper frame at left, Cat $45. - BW #88(18)k [18L57] White spot in front of King’s eye, Cat $45 - BW #88(18)l [18R5] Large white flaw obliterating emu’s foot - ACCC State I, Cat $45. - BW #88(18)l [18R5] Large white flaw obliterating emu’s foot - ACCC State II - white flaw at left of headband, Cat $45. - BW #88(18)m [18R18] Flaw through ALI of AUSTRALIA, Cat $45. - BW #88(18)q [18R42] White flaws between AU and inside U of AUSTRALIA, Cat $45.

$5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $15 $20 $6 $8

275 F A B1 276 F A B1 277 F A C1 278 F A B1 279 F A- B2 280 F A C1 281 F A B1 282 F A D1 283 F A C1 284 F A B1 285 F 286 V 287 F 288 F 289 F

A C2 A C1 A B1 A B1 A C1


290 F 291 F 292 F 293 F

A A2 A C1 A B1 A C1


294 F A C1


295 F 296 V 297 V 298 F

$10 $8 $8 $20

$20 $15 $5 $6 $6

A A1 A B1 A B1 A B1

299 V A A1 300 V A C1


301 V A C2

$15 $8

302 V A C1 303 F A C1 304 F A B1

$6 $8 $8 $8 $15 $8 $8 $8 $6 $8 $20 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $30 $30 $30

305 F A B1 306 F A B1 307 F A C1 308 F A C1 309 F A C1 310 F 311 F 312 F 313 F

A C2 A A1 A C1 A C1

314 F A A1 315 F A C1 316 F A C2 317 F A C1 318 F A C1 319 F A B1 320 F A C1 321 F A C1 322 F A C1 323 V A B2 324 F A C1 325 F A C1 326 V A C1 327 F A A1 328 F A A1


329 F A C1


330 F A C2


331 F A B1


1½d Red Die I [13L55] Short shading lines left of left wattles - State II vertical line below RVT etc. - BW #89(14)na [14R58] Retouched BRC, state II, with additional white flaw on stem of right wattles, Cat $30. - BW #89(15)e [15L38] Spur on left side of first A of AUSTRALIA, Cat $20. - BW #89(15)k [15R60] Shading lines missing at lower right corner, Cat $20. - [16L57] Break in shading lines on King’s neck etc, missing corner perf. - BW #89(16)g [16L37] White flaw in crown, Cat $20. - [17L49] Hooked notch in right frame, blurred flaw on emu’s tail, horizontal oval flaw above King’s ear etc - State II. - BW #89(17)d [17L7] White flaw below AL of AUSTRALIA, Cat $18. - BW #89(17)l [17R3] Scratched electro, Cat $10. - [18L5] Shading line break adjacent to lowest bloom in right wattles etc. - [18L31] Small notch below NC of PENCE. - [18L34] Vertical white flaw on roo’s ankle. - [18L41] Coloured flaw in white border above left wattles. - [18L43] White dot touching white oval above large 1 in RVT. - [18L45] Right edge of shading line below right wattles missing - ACCC State II - white flaw at top of emu’s leg. - [18L46] Broken shading line left of King’s eyebrow. - [18L53] Two small white flaws below RVT - ACCC State I. - [18L55] White spot on King’s ear - ACCC State I. - [18L55] White spot on King’s ear - ACCC State II - dot between roo’s ear and A. - [18L60] Irregular white flaw above small 1 in LVT etc ACCC State I. - [18R1-2,7-8] with plateable flaws on units 1, 2 & 8. - [18R1] White dot below emu’s beak. - [18R2] Curled flaw on top of small 1 in RVT. - [18R4] Right end of 2 shading lines missing above U of AUST - ACCC State II - top frame and crown top worn etc. - [18R4] Right end of 2 shading lines missing above U of AUST - ACCC State I. - [18R6] Break in coloured oval above LI of ALIA - ACCC State I. - [18R6] Break in coloured oval above LI of ALIA - ACCC State II - white dot above King’s head. - [18R8] Small notch on top side of top right angle. - [18R12] White comma right of small 1 in LVT etc. - [18R24] Front point of 2 in RVT extends downwards - ACCC State I. - [18R24] Front point of 2 in RVT extends downwards - ACCC State II - blurred flaw from back of King’s neck to emu’s foot. - [18R28] Point of TLC split. - [18R29] Left end of shading lines missing adjacent to 4th bloom in right wattles etc. - [18R33] Several shading lines right of emu’s neck damaged - ACCC State I. - [18R33] Several shading lines right of emu’s neck damaged - ACCC State II - missing shading line right of 4th bloom in right wattles. - [18R36] 4th pearl at left missing. - [18R40] TH of THREE joined at top. - [18R46] Dot on bottom edge of LVT. - [18R48] White flaw below 5th & 6th blooms in right wattles - ACCC State I. - [18R48] White flaw below 5th & 6th blooms in right wattles - ACCC State II - blurred flaw on emu’s beak. - [18R48] White flaw below 5th & 6th blooms in right wattles - ACCC State III - wattle flaw disappears. - [18R49] White oval widened in front of emu’s breast etc. - [18R59] Blurry white flaw on top right leaf of right wattles also affects adjacent shading lines - BW #89(18)d [18L2] White spot in right wattles, Cat $20. - BW #89(18)e [18L8] Accent on 2nd E of THREE, Cat $20. - BW #89(18)f [18L13] Scratched electro - ACCC State I, Cat $20. - BW #89(18)f [18L13] Scratched electro - ACCC State II white flaw on roo’s rear leg, Cat $20. - BW #89(18)f [18L13] Scratched electro - ACCC State II white flaw on roo’s rear leg plus transient flaw in RVT, Cat $20. - BW #89(18)g [18L14] Scratched electro, Cat $20. - BW #89(18)h [18L24] Retouch SW corner and white flaws to base of 1 and to right of THREE - ACCC State I - prior to retouch, Cat $20. - BW #89(18)h [18L24] Retouch SW corner and white flaws to base of 1 and to right of THREE - ACCC State II, Cat $20. - BW #89(18)h [18L25] Broken upper frame at left, Cat $20. - BW #89(18)k [18L52] White flaws right of and into the right side of crown (? cracked electro) - ACCC State I, Cat $75 - BW #89(18)k [18L52] White flaws right of and into the right side of crown (? cracked electro) - ACCC State II white flaw joins top of last A of AUSTRALIA to emu’s head, Cat $75 - BW #89(18)l [18L57] White spot in front of King’s eye, Cat $20 - BW #89(18)m [18R5] Large white flaw obliterating emu’s foot - ACCC State II - white flaw at left of headband, Cat $20. - BW #89(18)m [18R5] Large white flaw obliterating emu’s foot - ACCC State III - white flaw at top of emu’s leg etc, Cat $20.

$5 $20 $15 $12 $5 $15 $6 $10 $10 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $10 $5 $5 $10 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $40 $40 $10 $10 $10

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 332 F A C1 333 F A C1 334 F A C1 335 F A C1 336 F A A1 337 F A B1 338 F A C1 339 V A C1 340 F A C1

341 F A C1 342 F A- A1 343 V A B1 344 F 345 * 346 * 347 * 348 * 349 * 350 F 351 **

A C1 A A1 A A2 A B1 A A1 A A1 A B1 A B1

352 *

A B1

353 ** A B1 354 ** A B1 355 *

A A1

356 F A C1 357 * 358 * 359 *

A C1 A A B1

360 *

A- C1

361 *

A A1

362 *

A B2

363 F A- C1 364 ** 365 F 366 * 367 *

A B1 A C1 A C1 A B1

368 *

A B1

369 * 370 *

A C1 A A1

371 *


372 F A B1 373 F A B1 374 F A C1 375 F A B1 376 F A B1 377 F A- B2 378 F A B1 379 F A C1 380 F 381 F 382 F 383 F 384 F 385 F 386 F

A B1 A B1 A B1 A C1 A C1 A C1 A B1

387 F A B1 388 * A C1 389 F A B1

- BW #89(18)n [18R18] Flaw through ALI of AUSTRALIA, Cat $20. $10 - BW #89(18)o [18R20] White flaw on kangaroo’s rump, Cat $20. $10 - BW #89(18)q [18R30] White spot between emu’s legs, Cat $20. $10 - BW #89(18)r [18R42] White flaws between AU and inside U of AUSTRALIA, Cat $20. $10 - BW #89(18)s [18R52] Flaw on King’s eyelid - ACCC State I, Cat $20. $10 - BW #89(18)s [18R52] Flaw on King’s eyelid - ACCC State II - right end of shading line behind King’s head broken or missing, Cat $20. $10 - BW #89(18)t [18R56] GE of POSTAGE joined, Cat $20. $10 - BW #89(18)u [18R57] Two white flaws at base of King’s neck, Cat $20. $10 - BW #89(18)ua [18R60] White flaws in right value shield with unrecorded white flaw adjacent to tip of top right leaf on right wattle stem. [Only previously recorded in No Wmk printings!] $100 - BW #89(18)ub [18R60] White flaws in right value shield and right wattles, Cat $20. $10 - BW #89(18)ub [18R60] White flaw in right wattles only, few toned perfs. [Unrecorded third state] $10 - [19R34] Retouched white oval above IA & associated broken shading lines etc, partially obscured by postmark. $4 - BW #89(19)k [19R20] Scratched electro, Cat $50. $30 - [21L9] Several flaws in right frame etc. $10 - [21L28] Coloured flaws in 3rd bloom in left wattles etc. $10 - [21L31] Spur on small 1 in RVT. $10 - [21L41] Small spur on A of POSTAGE etc. $10 - [21L42] Small spot top left leaflet of left wattles. $10 - [21L54] Dot on white oval below left leg of last A of ALIA. $6 - [21L53,59] marginal pair, unit 59 with White flaw joins base of TR of AUSTRALIA etc. $12 - [21R3] White flaw adjacent to base of back of King’s neck etc - State II - break in bottom frame under LVT. $10 - [21R11] Break in 4th shading line below right wattle stem. $10 - [21R25,31] pair, unit 31 with Triangular white flaw behind roo’s back. $10 - [21R49] State II - large notch in bottom frame below AL of HALF etc, quite prominent and deserves catalogue status. $10 - [21R50,56] pair, unit 50 with Blurred spot below emu’s breast etc - State I, unit 56 with notch in top frame above top left leaflets. $5 - BW #89(21)d [21L1] Retouched upper left corner, Cat $35. $25 - BW #89(21)e,f,g,ha in block of 6, Cat $150+. $70 - [21L5] White flaw on oval in front of emu’s neck etc the uncatalogued first state of BW #89(21)f. $10 - BW #89(21)f [21L5] Gashed and scratched upper frame, minor tones on gum, Cat $35. $15 - BW #89(21)ha [21L10] Vertical scratch through kangaroo’s paw - additional white flaw in left side of crown, Cat $45. $30 - BW #89(21)j [21L28-29] unit 29 with No top of crown, Cat $35+. $25 - BW #89(21)k [21L38] White scratch left of crown, Cat $18, small tear. $10 - BW #89(21)l [21R9] No top to crown, Cat $35. $25 - BW #89(21)l [21R9] No top to crown, Cat $18. $10 - BW #89(21)m [21R24] Two billed emu retouched, Cat $45. $30 - BW #89(21)ma [21R24] Two billed emu retouched, retouched again, Cat $45. $30 - BW #89(21)ma [21R24] Two billed emu retouched, retouched again - ACCC State III scratch through King’s head, Cat $45. $30 - BW #89(21)n [21R27] Splintered SE corner, Cat $35. $25 - BW #89(21)o [21R32] Retouched lower frame at left (added metal retouch), Cat $35 (cat of $20 is an error). $25 - BW #89(21)z imprint block of 4, couple of minor faults, Cat $450. $200 - [22L2] Break in shading line at right of right value shield. $6 - [22L15] Break in shading lines above right wattles. $7 - [22L37] Curved split in upper frame at right of downward point etc. $7 - [22L58] perf ‘OS’ with White flaw inside top frame 3mm from left corner $3 - [22R5] Break in bottom frame 4½mm from right corner, etc. $5 - [22R13] Dot above O of POSTAGE etc, missing perf. $8 - [22R16] White projection into value tablet below G of POSTAGE. $5 - [22R18] White horizontal line in right segment of crown joins vertical line. $6 - [22R32] Break near middle of 8th line below King’s neck. $5 - [22R33] Notch below O of POSTAGE in TRC of value tablet. $6 - [22R43] Notch below G of POSTAGE - State I. $8 - [22R43] Notch below G of POSTAGE - State I, perf ‘T’. $10 - [22R55] White diagonal line above tip of left leaf. $6 - [22R60] Retouched lower right corner etc. $5 - BW #89(22)d [22L1] White scratch through left wattle stem, early state without notched bottom frame under ‘N’ of ‘PENCE’ etc. $20 - BW #89(22)da [22L1] White scratch through left wattle stem, and notched bottom frame under ‘N’ of ‘PENCE’ etc, Cat $30. $20 - BW #89(22)j [22L28] Thin RAL retouch, Cat $20. $10 - BW #89(22)k [22L42] Heavy retouch from left frame to front of face, Cat $20. $15

390 F A B1 391 F A A1 392 F A C1 393 F A C1 394 F A B1 395 F B C2 396 F A C1 397 F A B1 398 F A B1 399 F A A1 400 F A B1 401 F A C1 402 F A C1 403 F A C1 404 F A C1 405 F A B1 406 F A C1 407 V 408 F 409 F 410 F 411 F 412 F 413 F 414 F 415 F

A B2 A B1 A C1 A A1 A- C1 A C2 A C1 A C1 A C2

416 F A A1 417 V A C1 418 V A C1 419 F A B1 420 F A C1 421 F A B1 422 F 423 F 424 F 425 F

A C1 A B1 A B1 A C1

426 F 427 F 428 F 429 F

A C1 A C1 A B1 A C1

430 V A A1 431 V A C1 432 * A C1 433 V A C1 434 V A C1 435 F A C1 436 V A C1 437 V A C1 438 V A B1 439 V A C1 440 V 441 F 442 V 443 F

A C1 A C1 A C1 A B1

444 F A C1 445 F A C1 446 W 447 F 448 F 449 F

A C1 A C1 A B1 A C1

450 F A C1 451 F A C1

Page 7

- BW #89(22)m [22L45] Coloured flaw right of wattles and defective fraction in right value tablet, Cat $10. - BW #89(22)n [22L57] Notches in top frame left of crown, Cat $10. - BW #89(22)n [22L57] Notches in top frame left of crown, Cat $10. - BW #89(22)p [22R6] Split lower frame at left and white flaw in right value tablet, Cat $10. - BW #89(22)r [22R30] White flaw in left side of crown, Cat $10. - BW #89(22)u [22R50] Shading line breaks above left edge of right wattles, Cat $10 - [23L1] Retouch to BRC with tick below right value tablet, cancelled with ‘BELLARWI/11MR26/N.S.W’ (A2). - [23L7] Small scoop in top frame at right etc. - [23L10] Left end of right short arc in crown joined to line above. - [23L13] White oval thickened above RE of THREE. - [23L22] Small dot below centre of left lower serif of large 1 in LVT. - [23L29] Break in shading lines between band of crown and right wattle spray. - [23L30] Scratch running from base of left value shield, through shading lines and into lower frame - [23L30] Scratch running from base of left value tablet, through shading lines and into lower frame. - [23L41] EN of PENCE joined. - [23L54] Notch in top right of crown top etc. - [23L56] Diagonal cut in right frame opposite RVT - State II - break in bottom frame below RVT - [23L56] Diagonal cut in right frame opposite RVT - State I - [23L59] Top frame thinned over right angle. - [23L60] Broken shading line at base of King’s neck etc. - [23R1] White flaws in right end of bottom frame. - [23R6] Thickened TRC etc. - [23R7] Damaged TRC etc. - [23R8] TLC thickened and pointed etc. - [23R16] Flaw above kangaroo’s feet etc - [23R24] White horizontal flaw in coloured oval below emu’s breast. - [23R27] White spot on King’s temple. - [23R28] White flaw in bottom leaflet of left wattles etc State I. - [23R28] White flaw in bottom leaflet of left wattles etc State II - white flaw between back of King’s head and white oval. - [23R30] White flaw in King’s hair etc. - [23R35] King’s hair around ear darkened etc. - [23R34-5,40-1,46-7] block of 6 with plateable flaws on units 35, 40, 41 & 47. - [23R36] Round white flaw in King’s hair. - [23R40] Round spot in front of emu’s neck. - [23R41] White flaw on roo’s elbow. - [23R43] White line projecting from top of white border of right value tablet towards large 1 etc - [23R47] Spur on left edge of A of RAL. - [23R48] Vertical flaw between base of U & S of AUST. - [23R50] Irregular bump on top of A of AUST etc - State I - [23R50] Irregular bump on top of A of AUST etc - State II small break in 4th vertical line in King’s forehead - [23R59] White spot at back of Kings head - BW #89(23)d [23L2] Dark band through lower right design, Cat $15. - BW #89(23)e [23L6] Dark band through lower right, Cat $30. - BW #89(23)f [23L8] Vertical dark band through design, Cat $15. - BW #89(23)g [23L11] White flaw right of right value tablet, Cat $18. - BW #89(23)ga [23L11] White flaw right of right value tablet - retouched, Cat $18. - BW #89(23)h [23L12] Vertical dark hand through design ACCC State II with notch in lower left frame, Cat $15. - BW #89(23)h [23L12] Vertical dark hand through design ACCC State I, Cat $15. - BW #89(23)i [23L14] Retouch to upper right of design, Cat $15. - BW #89(23)j [23L18] Vertical dark band through design, Cat $15. - BW #89(23)k [23L28] White flaw in right wattles, Cat $15. - BW #89(23)l [23L35] White flaw below roo’s tail, Cat $15. - BW #89(23)l [23L35] White flaw below roo’s tail, Cat $15. - [23L53] Shallow notch in bottom frame below CE of PENCE etc, early state of catalogued flaw BW #89(23)m. - BW #89(23)n [23R2] Retouched SW corner and flaw in left value tablet - ACCC State I - pointed SW corner, Cat $15. - BW #89(23)n [23R2] Retouched SW corner and flaw in left value tablet - ACCC State II - rounded SW corner, Cat $15. - BW #89(23)o [23R23] AUSTRALLA, MNG, Cat $30. - BW #89(23)o [23R23] AUSTRALLA, Cat $15. - BW #89(23)p [23R29] White flaw on emu’s leg, Cat $15. - [23R42] Broken shading line above 3rd pearl on left side of crown ACCC State I prior to development of BW #89(23)p. - BW #89(23)p [23R42] Retouch behind emu - ACCC State II, Cat $20 - BW #89(23)p [23R42] Retouch behind emu - ACCC State III - small horizontal crack from right frame into emu’s tail, Cat $20.

$7 $7 $7 $8 $7 $6 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $15 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $8 $20 $8 $10 $10 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $10 $8 $5 $8 $8 $10 $7 $8 $5 $10 $10

Page 8

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016

452 F A C1 453 F A C1 454 V A B1 455 * A C1 456 F A C1 457 F A A1 458 V A B1 459 V A B1 460 V A C1 461 F A C1 462 F A C1 463 F A- B2 464 F A B1 465 F A B1 466 F A B1 467 F A B1 468 F A B1 469 F A- B1 470 F A A1 471 F A C1 472 F A C1 473 F A- C1 474 F A- C1 475 F A- C1 476 F A- C1 477 F A- C1 478 F A C1 479 F A C1 480 F A C1 481 F A D1 482 F A D1 483 F A- C2 484 F A- D1 485 *

A- B1

486 F A- D1 487 F A C2 488 F A B2 489 F A C2 490 F 491 F 492 F 493 F 494 F 495 F 496 F 497 F

A C2 A B1 A C1 A B1 A C1 A D1 A B1 A C1

498 V A C2 499 F A B1 500 F B B1 501 F A C2 502 F A C1 503 F 504 F 505 V 506 F 507 F 508 F

A C1 A C1 A B1 A D1 A C1 A C1

509 F A- B1

510 F A C1 - [14L6] Several notches in left frame at top, etc - BW #89(23)p [23R42] Retouch behind emu - ACCC State IV $8 - void area from right frame into emu’s tail, Cat $20. 511 G A B1 - [14R27] Dot above tail of 2 in RVT $8 Deserves separate catalogue entry. $10 512 F A C1 - BW #96(14)g [14L25] White flaws in left wattles and frame - BW #89(23)p [23R42] Retouch behind emu - ACCC State V above, Cat $35. $20 - large white triangular through right frame into emu’s tail, 513 F A B1 - [15R42] Broken shading lines around top leaf of right Cat $20. Deserves separate catalogue entry. $10 wattles $6 - BW #89(23)r [23R44] Cracked electro, Cat $300. $170 514 F A C1 - BW #96(15)d [15L27] White flaws on King’s cheek, in front - BW #89(23)s [23R49] White scratch through left wattles, Cat of neck and over S of POSTAGE, Cat $20. $15 $30. $20 515 F A B1 - [16L49] Dent at BRC & compartment line at top right $8 - BW #89(23)s [23R49] White scratch through left wattles, Cat 516 F A C1 - [16R18] 2nd line from top broken near right wattles $8 $15. $10 517 F A B1 - [16R20] Damaged right frame opposite wattle stem and - BW #89(23)t [23R58] No top to crown, Cat $15. $8 emu’s neck etc $8 - BW #89(23)t [23R58] No top to crown, Cat $15. $8 518 V A C1 - [EF4] Break in shading line at base of back of King’s neck $6 - BW #89(23)u [23R60] White scratch from beard to bottom 519 ** A B1 3d Blue Die I BW #104, pale dull violet-blue shade [1L60] frame ACCC State I, Cat $15. $8 marginal single with part imprint, Cat $75. $32 - BW #89(23)u [23R60] White scratch from beard to bottom 520 F A A1 3d Blue Die Ia BW #105b perf ‘OS’. $20 frame ACCC State II - break in right frame at junction with 521 ** B C1 4d Orange [2L59] Extension of white line into left side of emu’s back, Cat $15. $8 value tablet, light stain on ‘R’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’. $60 - [24L59] Right frame broken above top angle etc. $5 522 F A B1 4d Violet BW #111. $20 - [24R43] Right arm of Maltese Cross joined to perpendicular 523 F A A1 4d Blue Cooke Plates BW #112b perf ‘OS’. $20 line above - State II. $6 524 * A- B1 - BW #112(2)d [2L7] Left frame broken at top, Cat $120, small - BW #89(24)g [24L50] White flaw on kangaroo’s left ear, Cat thin on back and one toned perf. $40 $15, missing corner perf. $8 525 F A B1 4d Olive BW #114, cancelled with ‘NEWCASTLE/9AU24/ - BW #89(24)j [24R16] White flaw on kangaroo’s leg Cat $15. $10 [N.S.W.]’ (A2). $6 - [25-28L6] Dot between AG of POSTAGE. $6 526 F A B1 4½d Violet Die I BW #118b, perf ‘OS’, Cat $75. $32 - [25-28L22 - not 27] White dot below left leg of A of 527 G B B1 5d Chestnut Die I Smooth Paper Single Line Perf [1R50] POSTAGE $5 Flaw attached to upper edge of right half of T in Australia - [25-28R48 - not 28] Notch in right frame near top corner, State I, small bluish stain at base of stamp. $12 break in 8th shading line below King’s neck. $5 528 * A B2 5d Chestnut Die I Smooth Paper Comb Perf BW #123D, deep - [25-28R54] Breaks in lower frame at both ends. $6 orange-brown shade, Cat $60, rough perfs. $24 - BW #89(25-28)h [25-28R29] PQSTAGE, Cat $15, light soiling. $10 529 G A B1 - top unit of pair [1R33,39] with Notch in crown top etc, perf - BW #89(25-28)i [25-28R30] Neckless emu retouch and flaw ‘OS/NSW’. $20 below left value tablet, Cat $15 $8 530 DV A- A1 - BW #123l [1L55] Retouched shading lines behind - [28R48] Curled flaw on 2 in RVT & triangular break in Kangaroo, Cat $45, on piece, crease. $10 shading lines above right bottom angle etc. $8 531 ** A B1 1/4d Greenish Blue BW #128ba perf ‘OS’. $250 2d Orange Die I prominent Tinshed flaw on left & right 532 * A B1 - BW #128c Dry ink variety perf ‘OS’. $150 wattles. $10 AUSTRALIA | KGV Large Multiple Watermark - [2L19] Indentation in upper left frame and break in shading lines at right of lowest leaf on left wattle spray, fluffy perfs 533 F A- D2 1d Red Harrison Printing BW #74(4)vb, Run N - (third state), and a couple toned perf tips. $8 Cat $100, right-hand unit of reconstructed pair cancelled with 2 - [2L38] Line joining Maltese cross in crown is broken at partly overlapping strikes ‘TIMBER MILLS GREENBUSHES/ right by coloured flaw etc, fluffy perfs, light tone. $6 16OCT20/WE[STN AUSTRALIA]’ (B2 - #D27), one missing perf. $70 - BW #95(4)g [4L51] Horizontal scratch through right wattles, 534 F A B1 1½d Black-Brown Die I BW #84ba, perf ‘OS’, Cat $15. $6 Cat $35, small fine vertical tear at top, toned corner perf. $6 535 F A C1 - BW #84(1)g [1R7] White spot on front of emu, Cat $30. $20 - BW #95(4)h [4L52] Horizontal scratch through top wattles, 536 F A C1 - BW #84(1)k [1R36] White flaw on 4th bloom of right wattles, Cat $35, couple of toned spots. $12 Cat $30. $15 - [6R6] Linear projection on upper frame at left, bulging 537 F A C1 - BW #84(1)m [1R45] Lower left corner missing, Cat $30. $20 upper frame at right, flaws within right frame about 2mm 538 F A C1 - [2L1] Notch in lower frame and flaw in upper left frame. $10 and 6mm below TRC etc, couple of toned perfs. $10 539 F A C1 - [2R10] Retouch - shading behind roo. $10 - [9R5] Triangular mark outside TRC becoming a 540 F A C1 - [2R18] Spot at lower left of T of AUSTRALIA. $8 compartment line (weak) outside right frame, compartment 541 F A D1 - BW #84(2)e [2L27] TA of POSTAGE joined at top, Cat $30. $15 lines above top frame and below lower frame at left absent $8 - [Ba3] Lines within left frame near TLC and notch in inner AUSTRALIA | KGV - No Watermark left frame 9mm below upper frame perf ‘OS’ $6 - [BaII7] Left third of crown top missing, small compartment 542 **/* A A1 1d Green BW #79 block of 6 (3**). $45 line below lower frame in line with left frame $10 543 F A B1 - BW #79ba perf ‘OS’. $100 - [BaII12] Notch in lower frame 1¼mm from BLC perf ‘OS’. $6 544 F A B1 1½d Red Die I BW #90(17)n [17R19] White spot on - [BaIV57] Notch on inner margin of left frame 7mm below kangaroo’s body, Cat $90 partially obscured by pmk. $20 TLC $6 545 F A B1 - [18L5] Shading line break adjacent to lowest bloom in right - [BaVI43] Blurred flaw from top of S of POSTAGE to inner wattles - dot above last E of PENCE not apparent. $10 white oval, short corner perf and toned perf. $5 546 V A C1 - [18L34] Vertical white flaw on roo’s ankle. $10 - [BXVIII24] Horizontal line between pearls on left of crown, 547 F A C1 - [18L55] White spot on King’s ear - ACCC State I. $10 couple of toned corner perfs. $6 548 F A C1 - [18L60] Irregular white flaw above small 1 in LVT etc 2d Red Die I BW #96, right marginal unit, Cat $20, small stain ACCC State II - large blurred flaw between beard and roo’s on surface. $10 leg. [This State Is rare and only found on some No wmk - [9R30] Indentation in right frame 1.25mm long starting printings.] $20 about 10mm below TRC, some toned perfs. $6 549 V A- C2 - [18R1] White dot below emu’s beak, odd toned perf $5 - [10L9] Broken shading right of crown - State II $6 550 V A C1 - [18R2] Curled flaw on top of small 1 in RVT. $10 - [10L33] Broken shading above King’s forehead $8 551 F A B1 - [18R6] Break in coloured oval above LI of ALIA - ACCC - [10L55] Thick protruding BLC and spot in left frame in State II - white dot above King’s head. $10 centre of upper projecting point $8 552 F A B1 - [18R8] Small notch on top side of top right angle. $10 - BW #96(10)h [10R56] White flaws on 2 at right, Cat $35. $15 553 F A B1 - [18R29] Left end of shading lines missing adjacent to 4th - [11L3] Broken 8th shading line in King’s neck near base. $8 bloom in right wattles etc. $10 - [11R21] Small notch in right frame opposite RVT $8 554 F A C1 - [18R33] Several shading lines right of emu’s neck damaged - BW #96(11)d [11L7] White flaw on T of TWO, Cat $25. $12 - ACCC State I. $10 - BW #96(11)f [11L25] Scratch through beard, Cat $25. $14 555 F A C1 - [18R40] TH of THREE joined at top. $10 - [12R6] Scratch through emu’s toe, etc $6 556 F A C1 - [18R46] Dot on bottom edge of LVT. $10 - [12R13] Scratch alongside top right side of left wattles $8 557 F A C1 - [18R48] White flaw below 5th & 6th blooms in right wattles - [12R48] Missing left end of shading line at tip of King’s - ACCC State I. $10 beard and white flaws below emu’s breast $6 558 F A C1 - [18R49] White oval widened in front of emu’s breast etc. $10 - BW #96(12)d [12L21] Crack over emu’s head, Cat $100. $60 559 F A C1 - BW #90(18)d [18L2] White spot in right wattles, Cat $90. $30 - BW #96(12)k [12R28] Flaw on 2nd A of AUSTRALIA, Cat $35. $15 560 F A B1 - BW #90(18)e [18L8] Accent on 2nd E of THREE, Cat $90. $30 - BW #96(12)l [12R39] Broken top to crown, Cat $35, small 561 V A B2 - BW #90(18)g [18L14] Scratched electro, Cat $90. $30 closed tear at left. $5 562 F A B1 - BW #90(18)h [18L24] Retouched SW corner - ACCC State I - [12AL24] Part of left half of crown top missing and bulging - prior to retouch - blurry white flaw above CE of PENCE, Cat upper frame towards TRC, blunt corner. $8 $90. $30 - [12AR25] Break in top of crown top and break in upper 563 F A- C1 - BW #90(18)h [18L24] Retouched SW corner - ACCC State II, frame just left of crown top etc $8 couple of toned perfs, Cat $90. $20 - Line joining base of CE of PENCE [12AR30?] $8 564 F A C1 - BW #90(18)i [18L25] Broken upper frame at left, Cat $90. $30 - [12AR39] Circular flaw in BLC of right value tablet $6 565 V A B1 - BW #90(18)l [18L57] White spot in front of King’s eye, Cat - [12AR46] Coloured flaw in King’s beard near tip, etc $6 $90 $30 - BW #96(12A)j [12AR54] Recut right 2, Cat $200. 566 F A C1 - BW #90(18)n [18R18] Flaw through ALI of AUSTRALIA, Cat $30 $8 $90. - [13L12] Top frame broken close to left side of crown top $30 - [13R24] Broken shading line at back of King’s neck near 567 F A C1 - BW #90(18)r [18R42] White flaws between AU and inside U hairline $8 of AUSTRALIA, Cat $90. $30 - BW #96(13)d [13L35] Broken top to crown, couple of toned 568 F A C1 - BW #90(18)s [18R52] Flaw on King’s eyelid - ACCC State I, perfs, Cat $30. Cat $90. $15 $30

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 569 F A B1 570 F A C1 571 F A C1 572 F A B1

- BW #90(18)s [18R52] Flaw on King’s eyelid - ACCC State II - right end of shading line behind King’s head broken of missing, Cat $90. $30 - BW #90(18)ub [18R60] White flaws in right value shield and right wattles, Cat $150. $100 - BW #90(18)ub [18R60] White flaw in right wattles only. [Unrecorded third state] $100 - unplated Large white flaw left of left wattles. $20

AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 14 573 F A B1 574 F A C1 575 ** A- C1 576 F 577 F 578 ** 579 **

A C1 A C1 A A1 A C1

580 F A B1 581 V A B1

1½d Red Die II BW #91bb perf ‘OS’. $5 - [4R27] Broken top to crown $6 - BW #91(4)ia, golden scarlet shade pair [4R27-8] left unit with Type B re-entry - compartment line at left, Cat $100+, a couple of light tonespots on back of each stamp. $32 4d Olive BW #115, Cat $60. $20 - [3R1] Small projection on base of G and D in RVT etc $40 4½d Violet Die I BW #119 marginal block of 4. $250 - BW #119r, marginal single with White flaws in upper right border, MUH, Cat $75+. $60 1/4d Greenish Blue BW #129. $125 - BW #129wa perf ‘OS’ CTO with gum. $275

A A1 A B1 A B1 A- C1 A A1

587 V B C1 588 ** A B1 589 V A C1 590 F A A1 591 F A B1

622 ** A1 623 *

A C1

624 * A A1 625 V A A2 626 V A A1 627 ** B B1 628 *

A B1

629 ** B B1 630 ** A B1 631 ** A

AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ 582 F 583 * 584 F 585 ** 586 **

621 **/* A B1

1d Green BW #81(1)fb Die II perf ‘OS’. $250 - BW #81(1)i, Die II, MVLH, Cat $60. $40 1½d Red Die II BW #92cd, Slurred print, Cat $75. $30 2d Red Die II BW #100ba, perf ‘OS’, Cat $75, one tone spot. $30 - BW #100A(1)z Golden Scarlet shade Ash Imprint block of 4 (Stamps **), unit 1L49 with Double left frame at top, Cat $150. $100 3d Blue Die Ia BW #107(4)k [4R59], Retouched lower right corner, Cat $70, creased. $20 4d Olive Overprinted ‘OS’ BW #116(OS), left marginal horizontal pair, Cat $70, minor bend. $24 4½d Violet Die II BW #121, CTO, no gum, very light tone spot, Cat $150. $40 5d Orange-Brown Die II BW #126. $12 - BW #126b perf ‘OS’. $25

632 ** A A1 633 F A B1 634 ** A A1 635 *

A A1

636 F A B1 637 ** A A1

AUSTRALIA | KGV - CofA Watermark 592 ** A B1 593 * A B1 594 ** A- C1 595 F A C1 596 V A B1 597 F A B1 598 F A C1 599 F A- B1 600 F A C1 601 F A- B1 602 F A B1 603 F A B1

3d Blue Die II BW #109, Cat $75, gum bend and some toning on back only. - BW #109, Cat $35. 4d Olive BW #117(3)z, Plate 3 imprint pair (N over A), suntanned gum, MUH, Cat $325. 5d Orange-Brown Die II horizontal pair, perf ‘VG’ (11 holes in G). - [3L12] Left end of 22nd shading line, counting up, missing by left frame - [3L22] White flaw above 2nd wattle at left - [3L29] Thickened BRC, etc - [3L49] Flaw joins diamond and line above in crown and flaw at base of 1st wattle of right wattle spray, small tone. - [3L5] 1st state before scratch behind King’s neck develops, (127(3)e). - BW #127(3)g [3L25] 8 wattles at left, Cat $25, 2 toned perfs at right - BW #127(3)h [3L31] White flaw between crown and right wattles, Cat $25 - BW #127(3)i [3L56] Broken top frame at left, Cat $25.

638 ** A A1 $32 $25 $50

639 * 640 ** 641 ** 642 **


643 ** A A1

$10 $6 $10

644 F A- A1

$6 $10 $6

A/AA A1 A A1 A A1

645 ** A 646 V A

$15 $8

606 ** A A1 607 ** A A1 608 F A A2 609 ** A A1 610 ** A A1 611 F A C3 612 *

A B1

613 * A B1 614 F A B1 615 * A/A616 *


617 ** A 618 ** A B1 619 F A- A1

620 ** A

1930 Sturt BW #139zf, 1½d Plate 7 TRC block of 4, Cat $25. $10 1931-38 Kingsford Smith Airmail BW #143 6d dull violet marginal block of 4. $40 1932-37 Large Lyrebird BW #145, block of 4, Cat $320, with ‘VG’ perfin (2 reversed & 2 normal). $150 1934-49 1/6d Hermes BW #161, No Wmk marginal single, Cat $125. $70 1935 Anzac BW #164-5, set of 2, Cat $40. $16 1935 Silver Jubilee BW #166(3)ze, 2d Ash imprint block of 4 with Retouch to crosshatching below AUSTRALIA and POSTA, Cat $250. $120 1936 Cable BW #170z, 3d Plate 1 TLC block of 4, Cat $60. $25 1937 NSW Sesquicentenary BW #175e, 2d scarlet Man with tail, few short perfs, Cat $100. $20 1941-42 1½d Green KGVI BW #186z, McCracken imprint corner block of 4, Cat $20. $14 1937-41 3d Blue KGVI BW #191 Die I. $35 - BW #192, Die IA, Cat $30. $8 1938-49 Robes Thick Paper BW #212-6, set of 3, 10/- tone spot, £1 hinge rem, Cat $117. $40 1938-49 Robes Thin Paper BW #213-7, set of 3, 5/- gum aged, Cat $145. $90 1944-51 2d Purple KGVI Wmk CofA BW #228e 2d purple Reentry in POSTAGE [shC L4/2] on corner block of 8, Cat $40+. $25 1941-44 2d Mauve KGVI No Wmk BW #229bc, coil pair with large & small holes, lower unit with slight offset. $20 1944-51 2d Purple KGVI No Wmk BW #229bc, 2 coil strips of 6 on piece, Cat $120+, top left pair shows coil join, very lightly cancelled 11DE51, small closed tear affecting 3rd unit of left strip. $50 1945 Duke & Duchess BW #234d 3½d Re-entry at lower right [sh? L3/1] in corner block of 8, Cat $30+. $15

1946 Peace BW #237d, left pane BLC Imprint vertical block of 6, ‘H’ flaw formed by colour joining left pair of vertical bars at right [Sht C R4/2], varietal unit MUH, light gum aging, Cat $30+. 1951 3d Scarlet KGVI BW #251c, complete left booklet pane of 288, Cat $240+, weak entry at [C/2/15], not apparent. Columns 3 & 14 are creased parallel to the perfs from poor folding. 1949-64 Arms BW #268-9, 5/- carmine & 10/- bright purple, Cat $24. - BW #271, £2 green, Cat $100. 1953 Produce Food BW #290e, 3½d Butter Retouch beneath milking cup on cow - Type I [1/4], Cat $30. - BW #290ec, 3½d Butter Retouch beneath milking cup on cow - Type IV [2/3], Cat $30. 1954 Royal Visit BW #308g, 3½d red with Weak entry in lower right corner, Cat $40, tone spot at BLC. 1957-59 QEII Definitives BW #322e, 10d grey-blue Upper portion of inner left frame recut [ShB R5/1], Cat $40 for MUH. 1955 SA Stamp Centenary BW #330d, 3½d green with Weak star in right corner, Cat $40, couple of mild tone spots, mostly along bottom edge. 1957 Flying Doctor BW #337d, Recut frame & weak entry under AUSTR in association with ‘wandering dot’ electro a [ShA 1/6] in pair with normal, Cat $75+. - BW #337dc, Recut frame & weak entry under AUSTR in association with ‘wandering dot’ electro d [ShA 1/6] in TRC block of 6, Cat $75+. 1959-66 QEII Definitives BW #347h, 1d purple TRC block of 6 with Re-entry through ‘ALIA’ & corner ornament [ShtD 1/8], Cat $40+. - BW #355h, 5d blue Recut shading lines left of Queen’s hair [ShA R4/5], Cat $75. 1961-64 Cattle BW #373B, 5/- reddish brown cream paper, Cat $20. 1959 Post Office BW #374d, with Roller flaw under cross-bar of second ‘F’ of ‘OFFICE’ [ShD 2/1-8 or 3/1-8], Cat $40 for MUH. 1960 Christmas BW #381ea, Weak entry left side - retouched (frame added) [ShB 7/2], Cat $40. 1963 Export BW #397eb,f, Retouch to end of jib and shading below, Type III [Sht C R9/1] and Colour flaw in Arctic Ocean [ShC 10/1], Cat $135+, in BLC marginal horizontal block of 4. 1963-66 Navigators BW #404, 4/- Tasman marginal block of 4, hinged in margin only. - BW #404-9, set of 6 simplified, Cat $213, small crease on £1. - BW #405, 5/- Dampier marginal block of 4 - BW #406, 7/6d Cook marginal block of 4 1963 Cable BW #411d, BRC block of 6 [LtSh 10-12/3-4] with Broken line to E of CABLE, Cat $50++. 1963-66 Birds BW #412-22, set of 8 (no helecon papers), Cat $33. 1965 ITU BW #429da, Sputnik retouched, small abrasion at base, Cat $30.

$12 $95 $10 $65 $5 $5 $6 $15 $6 $40 $40 $20 $40 $12 $8 $25 $60 $12 $80 $15 $30 $20 $10 $12

AUSTRALIA | Decimal Issues

AUSTRALIA | Other Pre-Decimals 604 ** A C1 605 ** A A1

Page 9

647 V A

648 ** A B1 649 ** A A1 650 * 651 ** 652 ** 653 **

A A1 A A1 A A1 A

654 ** A A1 655 ** A A1 656 ** A- A1 657 ** A 658 ** A A1 659 ** A A1

1966 Collectors’ Set 1c to 50c cto (Melbourne 25SE68) and 10/- to £2 ovptd ‘SPECIMEN’, all unhinged. (22) Range Of CTO Miniature Sheets incl Shanghai ‘97, 2002 Namatjira, 2001 Parl Centenary pr, 1999 Children’s TV, 1998 Butterfly, 2002 QEII Jubilee, 2001 Rock Australia, 2001 Hong Kong Joint Issue, 2001 Centenary of Federation, 2000 Space, 2000 Towards Federation, 1998 Rock and Roll, 1999 Celebrate 2000, 1997 Breast Cancer, 1998 Heart Health, 1996 Alf Centenary, 1996 Atlanta Sydney Handover & 2000 Face of Australia. (19) - incl Shanghai ‘97, 2002 Namatjira, 2001 Parl Centenary pr, 1999 Children’s TV, 1998 Butterfly, 2002 QEII Jubilee, 2001 Rock Australia, 2001 Hong Kong Joint Issue, 2001 Centenary of Federation, 2000 Space, 2000 Towards Federation, 1998 Rock and Roll, 1999 Celebrate 2000, 1997 Breast Cancer, 1998 Heart Health, 1996 AFL Centenary, 1996 Atlanta Sydney Handover & 2000 Face of Australia. (19) 1966-73 QEII Definitives BW #440zhd, 4c red helecon paper, block of 8 showing upper plate number ‘-24-’, Cat $30 (for block of 20 with perf pips). 1966-68 Bird Definitives BW #448d, 5c Yellow-tailed Thornbill, block of 4, TRC unit with Green dot right of 5c [LP1/2], green shade, Cat $12. - BW #459, 30c Straw-Necked Ibis, Cat $15. 1966-74 Navigators BW #460 40c Tasman marginal example. - BW #461, 50c Dampier, Cat $15. 1967 Gynaecologists & Obstetrics Conference BW #477d, White flaw joining BS of OBSTETRICS in sheet number block of 8, Cat $16+. 1968-74 Floral Emblems BW #485d, 15c Blue Gum marginal pair left unit with Green dot left of NI of TASMANIA [UP 1/5], Cat $18+. 1968 Floral Emblems BW #485e, 15c Tasmanian Blue Gum pair, left unit with Retouch in brown left of flower [UP1/7], Cat $20. 1968-74 Floral Emblems BW #485z, 15c Blue Gum autotron block of 8, Cat $16+, toning in margin . 1968 Christmas BW #494za, Upper pane sheet number block of 8 with number under 5/7. 1969 England-Australia Flight Anniversary BW #514, setenant strip of 3, left unit with Black flaw on ‘E’ of ‘ENGLAND’. - BW #514, se-tenant strip of 3, Cat $15, left unit showing unplated Retouch above tail of plane.



$50 $6 $10 $4 $8 $8 $8 $15 $12 $5 $5 $6 $6

Page 10 660 ** A A1 661 ** A 662 F A B1 663 ** A664 ** A 665 ** A 666 ** A A1 667 ** A A1 668 ** A A1 669 ** A A1 670 ** A B1 671 ** A A1 672 ** A A1

673 ** A A1 674 ** A A1 675 ** A A1 676 ** A A1 677 ** A A1 678 ** A A1 679 ** B B1 680 ** A A1 681 ** A A1 682 ** A B1 683 ** A A1 684 ** A 685 ** A 686 ** A A1 687 ** A 688 ** A A1 689 ** A 690 ** A

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 1970 Royal Visit BW #519da, 5c block of 20 (2x10), all right units showing Top of tiara extends beyond top frame, Cat $40 - BW #520d, 30c Retouches on flag left and right of star [RP 3/1], Cat $25. 1970-73 National Development BW #538d, 7c Retouch in dark blue over dam wall [RP 4/5] in TRC block of 12, Cat $15++. - BW #538f, 7c Retouch in dark blue below centre of pylon [RP 8/2], tonespots, Cat $15. 1970 ANA BW #545z, 6c autotron block of 12, with Retouch in upper portion of orange segment & Retouch in ‘K’ of ‘BECK’ in imprint, Cat $20. - BW #545za, 6c lower pane sheet number block of 15, with Retouch in blue left of lowest star & Retouch in blue right of lowest star, Cat $20. 1971 R.A.A.F. BW #558g, 6c with White flaw in clouds at upper right, Cat $10. 1971 Aboriginal Art BW #569f, 35c on Cream paper, verticle pair lower unit with Retouch to AR of ART, Cat $12+. - BW #570f, 35c Grave Posts, white paper, BLC block of 4, BLC unit with Retouched ‘AR’ of ‘ART’ [L5/1], Cat $12. 1971 Christmas BW #578c, se-tenant block of 7, Wiggins Teape - cream paper, Cat $32.50, CTO. 1972-76 Rehabilitation BW #596e, 12c white paper TLC block of 4 with Broken spoke in upper right of wheel [UP 2/2], Cat $25+. 1972 Accountants BW #605f, right marginal block of 4, BRC unit with Retouch around ‘gr’ of ‘Congress’ [LP6/5], TRC unit with Retouch below ‘nal’ of ‘International’ [LP5/5] 1972-76 Pioneer Life BW #615d,e, 50c Transport, White paper, right marginal block of 4, TRC unit with Retouch under horse’s hind legs [R3/5] & BLC unit with White flaws on horse’s blinker & neck [R4/4], Cat $30. 1973 Metric Conversion BW #624g, 7c Length corner block of 4, BLC unit with Black dot on ‘M’ of ‘Metric’ [ShC L5/1], Cat $12. 1973-80 Gemstones BW #643, 7c Agate KP6T paper, Cat $24. 1974-78 Marsupial Definitives BW #659-63, set of 4 in blocks of 4, Cat $11.20. - BW #661f, 25c Spiny Anteater, vertical, top unit with Retouch in brown over hind paw [LP 3/10], Cat $18+. 1974 Non-Olympic Sports 7c Golf marginal block of 4 with Void over hand [ShtC L4/3] & Retouch in brown below golf club [ShtC L5/2]. 1974 Newspaper Sesquicentenary BW #678, TLC block of 4, BLC unit with Weakness in dots right of A [L 2/1] 1974 Christmas BW #680zh, 10c block of 4 with Plate ‘5’ left, Cat $20, a few spots of rust. - BW #680zh, 10c, Plate ‘5’ left marginal number & perf pip block of 4, Cat $20. 1975-78 Wildflowers BW #725,727, set of 2 in blocks of 8. 1975-78 Wildflower BW #725j, 18c right marginal horizontal pair, left unit with Light areas above & below left flower [ShtA U8/9], second brown-orange cylinder original flaw. 1975 Christmas BW #730d, 15c strip of 5, right unit with Black spot on chalice [ShA L4/5], Cat $10. 1976 Australian Scenes BW #751, 70c Barrier Reef, BLC block of 9 with White dot in BLC [ShtC R8/3]. 1979 National Stamp Week Presentation folder with special overprinted Year of the Child PSE and Rowland Hill folder with 1979 Xmas 25c block of 4 . 1980 Aircraft BW #883d, 22c vertical pair top unit with Scratch on wing (ShA U9/1), Cat $10+. 1993 Trains 45c Peel and Stick strip of six. 1994-2000 Counter Printed Stamps - Kangaroos & Koalas BW #1794c, National Philatelic Centre, Melbourne (NPC) strip of 6. 2007 Botanic Gardens M/S special sheet only produced for the 2007 Year Book. Limited edition of just 8,000. 2008 Beijing Olympics Book includes the 10 gold medalist sheets and digitally printed pairs.

AUSTRALIA | Booklets 691 B** A 1949-50 2/6d KGVI BW #B55 2½d scarlet 692 B** A 1959-60 4/- QEII BW #B61 4d lake, Cat $50. 693 B* C 1967-68 Vietnam BW #B128Aa, 5c Thornbill from panes of 50 attached at left with sheet number, Cat $90, toned. 694 B A1967-68 Defence Force Booklets BW #B128Ba, 5c Thornbill white UV reaction attached by left selvedge with stamp having Green dot right of ‘c’ [LP1/2], small spot on face, Cat $100+. 695 BF A A1 1984 $1 Cockatoo cancelled with Canberra Parliament House FDI of 13MAR1985. 696 B** A 1987 80c & $2 Aboriginal Crafts BW #B151,B153, both P15½ x imperf. (2) 697 B** A 1988 80c Australian Crafts BW #B159, Harrison off-white paper, cover with brown UV reaction. 698 B** A 1989 $3.90 Fishing BW #B163, CPL paper P14x14.4, Cat $12, full perfs on left side. 699 B** A1989 Fishing BW #B163, $3.90 Leigh Mardon full perf CPL paper, Cat $12, couple of small tone spots. 700 B** A 1989 Trams Stampshow 89 BW #B169, $8, Cat $14, ticket attached. 701 BF A 1992 $2 Wetlands cancelled with Canberra Parliament House FDI of 2JAN1992. 702 B** A 1993 $4.50 Trains BW #B190, Cat $12. 703 BF A 1995 $2 Endeavour cancelled with Canberra Parliament House FDI of 9FEB1995.

$30 $15 $15 $3 $12 $12 $6 $8 $5 $15 $10 $6

$13 $8 $10

704 B** A 705 B** 706 B** 707 B** 708 B**


709 B** A 710 B** A 711 B** A

1995 Australia Remembers BW #B202, $4.50 booklet, Cat $12. 1995 The World Down Under BW #B204, $4.50, Cat $12. 1996 Pets BW #B225, $4.50, Cat $12. 1997 Classic Cars BW #B228, $4.50. 1998 $4.50 Greetings - Champagne Roses BW #B234, 45c x 10. 1999 $4.50 Arthur Boyd BW #B240B, 45c x 10c, philatelic barcode. 2000 Gardens BW #B251A, $4.50, philatelic barcode. 2001 $4.50 Desert Birds philatelic barcode, with APTA Melbourne Stamp & Coin Show opt, No 331, Pfeffer #B237(1), Cat $65.

$4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $32

AUSTRALIA | Postage Dues 712 ** A A1 1902 Converted NSW Plates BW #D1d, ½d emerald marginal block of 4, top right unit with White flaw left of top serif of 1 [1/4], nice block. $100 713 F A C2 - BW #D8, 2d P11.8 all around, Cat $20, pencil cancel. $6 714 * A A1 - BW #D9, 6d emerald P11½-12, wmk inverted. $65 715 * A- C1 1902-04 Design Completed Wmk Crown/NSW BW #D28, 4d emerald perf 11 Wmk upright, couple of tone spots, Cat $375. $100 716 * A- D1 - BW #D37 1/- emerald perf 11½-12, crease, Cat $125. $30 717 V A C1 - BW #D41, 10d emerald P11.8x11, Cat $25. $10 718 W A B1 1909-10 Wmk Crown/Double Lined A Thick Paper BW #D77, 1d rose-red & green Die I, Cat $18, with Break in top frame at left & Weak entry to BLC of value tablet. $8 719 F A C1 1913-21 Wmk Crown/Double Lined A Thin Paper BW #D100, 3d carmine & pale green, Cat $40. $16 720 F B B1 - BW #D102, 1/- scarlet & pale green P14, Cat $50, small tear. $10 721 ** A- B1 1946-56 Redrawn Value Plates BW #D138, 1/- left marginal vertical block of 6, Cat $120+, toned TRC. $40 722 F A A1 1953-59 New Value Plates For Shilling Values BW #D142 5/bright brownish red and deep green Die II block of 8 cancelled by Alexandria cds of 2 AU62. $40 723 * A 1958-63 No Wmk BW #D143-58 simplified set to 2/-. (10) $90 724 * A B1 - BW #D148-9, 4d red & green Die I & Die II. $4

$4 AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery 725 PS A 1974 Post Free Envelope: for the Electoral Commission for the return of Electoral Papers. $20 $12 AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 726 PS A 1937-42 KGVI & QM Fullface BW #P69, 1d green QM, with $10 advert for Myer Winter Sale 1940 on reverse used in 1940 scarce card. $100 $4 AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Letter Cards $4 727 PS A 1915 KGV Sideface BW #LC18(110), 1d purple-brown P12½ with ‘RIVER DERWENT/TASMANIA’ view, cancelled with light $8 ‘197’ tied by unframed ‘GLENLYON/MY27/15/[VICTORIA] (A3). $40 $4 728 PS A 1930-39 2d Red KGV Sideface New Design ‘TO OPEN THIS LETTERCARD’ BW #LC64 2d red on white. $60 729 PS A 1953-59 QEII Sideface BW #LC81B, 4d claret admonition inside $8 in claret. $25 730 PS A- BW #LC81B, 4d claret with admonition within in claret, $10 cancelled with ‘BARHAM/17SE59/N.S.W-AUST’. $6 731 PS A - BW #LC81B, 4d claret with admonition within in claret. $25 $10 732 PS A 1966-80 QEII Decimal ASC #L61, 1966 4c QEII cream within. $15 733 PS A - ASC #L64, 6c red, uprated with 1c brown QEII. $10 $10 AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 734 PS B 1916-20 KGV Embossed Octagon Without ‘Postage’ BW #EP21, 2d orange, cancelled M O Rushworth in 1933, roughly $5 opened. $10 735 PS A 1923-24 1½d Red Star BW #EP28(1), with blue security lining, 1925 use from Malvern to Footscary. 736 PS A 1938-51 KGVI Embossed Oval BW #EP45(2), 3d red on buff $5 paper, knife 2. $70 AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes (Official) 737 PS A1922-23 2d Red Star OS-In-Die BW #EO12, on window $80 envelope of Sydney Sub-Treasury, used 1923. $75 $35 $10 $60 $5 $6 $10 $5 $4

AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes (PTPO) 738 PS A1923-24 1½d Green Star BW #ES55, on window envelope, for Sargood Bros, Sydney, used 1923. 739 PS A 1928-37 1d Green KGV Oval BW #ES64, on window envelope, used in 1930. 740 PS A - BW #ES64, window faced envelope, used in 1931. 741 PS A 1929 KGV Embossed Oval BW #ES64, 1d green window faced envelope, for Vaccum Oil Co, used in 1930 742 PS A 1938 KGVI Embossed Oval BW #ES86, 2½d red, on long kraft paper OHMS cover issued for the Education Department Melbourne with Melbourne machine cancel 12 NOV 1948. 743 PS A 1953 QEII Embossed Large Die BW #ES91, 3d green on window faced envelope, for Norman Bros used in 1955. 744 PS A 1953-57 3d Green QEII Large Die BW #ES91 on window faced envelope for Norman Bros P/L used in 1955. 745 PS A 1953-56 3½d Red QEII Large Die BW #ES92, on window faced envelope.

AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes 746 PS A 1930-37 5d Brown KGV Oval BW #RE27, on buff, Cat $45, cancelled with light ‘NORTH SYDNEY/9-A-8JA36/N.S.W’ (A1-) $4 with blue & black C5 registration label. $4 747 PS A 1951-53 1/0½d Brown KGVI Crowned-Circle BW #RE36, on cream, cancelled with ‘WODONGA/23MY52/VIC-AUST’ (B1) $5 with blue C6 registration label, to Melbourne, Vic.

$30 $8 $45


$30 $30 $30 $30 $80 $20 $15 $10


$24 $9

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 748 PS A 749 PS A

1953-56 1/0½d Brown QEII BW #RE37, on cream used from Mordialloc Victoria in 1955. 1966-67 QEII Decimal Embossed Circle ASC #R48, 25c brown on yellow, uprated with 5c ILO.

AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes 750 PS A 1954 10d Plane on Globe BW #A8B, red on blue with boxed Aerogramme, sealing flap 9-12mm wide, very lightly machine cancelled. 751 PS A1959 10d Jet BW #A10, minor spotting, Many coloured spots in indica. 752 PS A 1960 10d Jet With ‘Overseas Service’ Added BW #A13B, on light blue stock. 753 PS A 1961 10d Christmas BW #A16. 754 PS A 1963 10d Royal Visit BW #A20. 755 PS A 1966 Christmas ASC #A26 9c, unfolded.

$12 $4

$6 $30 $60 $10 $10 $12

AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Wrappers 756 PS A 1931-38 1d Green KGV Sideface Additional Postage Box BW #W19, Cat $40.


AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Miscellaneous 757 PS A 1946 Food Parcel Labels BW #N2 5/10d pale blue cut-out.


AUSTRALIA | Covers By Manufacturer 758 *F A APO 1937 1d QE & 2d KGVI illustrated FDC with adhesives tied by Adelaide cds 10MY37. - 1940 AIF 1d, 2d & 3d imprint block of 4, registered at Bowen, 759 * A unusual with imprint block. 760 F A - 1969 Flight Strip of 3 tied to long FDC by GPO Melbourne cds 12NOV69. Artcraft 1953 QEII 3½d pair with typed address. 761 * A 762 *F A Haslem 1938 9d Platypus illustrated FDC with adhesive tied by Sydney cds 1SP38, scarce illustration. Parade 1967 QEII 5c tied to illustrated FDC by ‘CASTLEMAINE/ 763 *F A 29SE67/VIC.’ (WWW #220B), addressed locally. 764 * A Royal 1954 2/- Blue Olympics Publicty red & green, typed address. 765 *F A- 1957 Christmas pair tied to illustrated FDC by ‘WINDSOR S.1./6NO57/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 1½,2½mm), unaddressed. 766 * A - 1967 Lions grey, gold & red, neatly addressed. 767 *F A Royal Geographical Society 1945 Leichhardt Centenary illustrated cover with ½d & 1d cancelled at Brisbane on 17DE45. Set-Maker 1946 Mitchell set of 3 on illustrated cover with mss 768 *F B corrected issue date cancelled with ‘M.O. MERBEIN/14OC46/ VIC.’ (A2) on registered air cover to Tasmania, a little grubby. 769 * A Southern Cross 1953 3½d QEII red, typed address. 770 *F A - 1953 3½d Young Farmers pair tied to illustrated FDC by Sydney cds 3SE53. Unknown 1955 USA Memorial blue & green, typed address. 771 * A 772 * A WCS 1955 Rotary red & blue, typed address. 773 * A A1 - 1956 Olympics blue, green & orange, cancelled with ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[female runner]/22NOV 1956/MAIN STADIUM MELBOURNE·VIC·AUST’ & ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[stadium]/22NOV 1956/MAIN STADIUM MELBOURNE·VIC·AUST’, stamped address. 774 F A - 1957 4d & 1/7d QEII tied to illustrated FDC by Adelaide cds 13MR57. 775 * A - 1957 Mount Kociusko red, dark blue & blue, oval cancel of 23DEC57 on 4d Christmas, stamped address. - 1958 Tasman Crossing black, blue & yellow, 8d Kingsford 776 * A Smith, stamped address 777 * A - 1959 1d New Design blue, dark blue & gold, 1d & 4d, unaddressed. 778 F A - 1959 4d Centenary of Self Government in Queensland tied to illustrated FDC by Salisbury cds 22AP59. - 1961 1/- Colombo Plan illustrated FDC by Salisbury cds 779 *F A 30JE61. 780 F A - 1961 1/- Colombo Plan pair tied to illustrated FDC by Prahran cds 30 JE 61. 781 * A - 1963 Burley Griffin gold, dark green & green, neatly addressed. 782 *F A - 1964 5/- Navigator tied to illustrated FDC by Russell St of 25NO64. - 1970 Floral Coils 6c QE II & 6c Floral coil tied to illustrated 783 *F A FDC by Clarence Street cds 28SEP70, unaddressed. 784 *F A Wide World 1949 2½d Henry Lawson illustrated FDC with adhesive tied by Melbourne cds 17JE49.

$25 $30

792 * A B1

793 *V A 794 *F A A1

795 *V A

796 *F A 797 *F A

798 *F A

$30 $10

799 *F A


800 *F A

$12 $10 $15 $15 $20 $10 $20 $15 $20 $10

$15 $15 $10 $10 $10

801 *F A 802 *F A 803 *V A 804 *V A

805 *F A

806 *F A 807 *F A+ 808 *F A 809 *F A 810 *F A

$15 $20 $15 $10 $15 $15 $15

AUSTRALIA | First Day Covers 785 *F A 1959 1/- Platypus on plain cover with Philatelic Bureau Melbourne FDI 9SEP59 cds, typed-addressed. 1982 complete year set of APO covers including 1983 reptiles & 786 *V A amphibians cover. (15)


AUSTRALIA | Maximum Cards 787 *V A 1950 8½d Aborigine tied to illustrated PPC by NSW cds 9SE59, early maximum card.


AUSTRALIA | Commemorative Covers 788 *F A 1932 Opening of Sydney Harbour Bridge 2d & 3d Bridge tied to plain cover by Sydney Harbour Bridge cancel 29 MAR 1932. 789 *F A A2 1956 Mount Kosciusko 37mm Pictorial ‘THE SUMMIT MT KO[SCIUSKO]7308/ROOF OF/AUSTRALIA/24DE56/N.S.W AUST’ on 4d Olympics. [APM Cat #250] 790 *F A 1965 International Crystallographic Meeting 2 strikes of 16AUG1965 on 2d & Cocos 3d on addressed cover.

791 *F A A1


$30 $40 $24

811 *F A-

Page 11

1968 24th Session E.C.A.F.E. pictorial ‘24th SESSION E.C.A.F.E. 17th-30th APRIL 1968/17APR1968/{map}/ CANBERRA A.C.T. AUST.2600’ (first day) on 5c blue QEII on cover to ACT. 1969 4th ECAFE Symposium water-stained ‘FOURTH SYMPOSIUM/E.C.A.F.E./CANBERRA A.C.T./AUST. 2600/ 27OCT1969/PETROLEUM RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT’ on 5c blue QEII on cover to ACT. 1970 Veteran Car Club International Rally illustrated cover with 5c tied by Pictorial cancel Melbourne 16 APR 1970. 1970-71 9th Australian Jamboree pictorial ‘9TH AUSTRALIAN JAMBOREE/29DEC1970-9JAN1971/-6JAN1971/LEPPINGTON {New Endeavour logo} NSW 2900’, on illustrated souvenir cover, unaddressed. 1972 Sovereign Hill 2 different Sovereign Hill PO covers franked with 7c telegraphs cancelled by ‘SOVEREIGN HILL GOLD MINING TOWNSHIP/19SEP1972/BALLARAT 3350’ & bearing boxed ‘Carried by Cobb & Co Coach/Sovereign Hill to Melbourne/[coach]’ cachet. 1975 Cohuna Centenary illustrated cover carried on the Major Mitchell re-enactment with adhesive tied by Cohuna cds 22NO75. 1979 Centenary Horsham Railway pictorial ‘HORSHAM RAILWAY CENTENARY/HORSHAM VIC. 3400./{train}/5 FEBRUARY 1979/1879 - 1979’ (A1) on 20c Little Grebe on unaddressed APO Souvenir cover, Cat #35. 1980 Christmas Stamp Fair illustrated cover with adhesive tied by Pictorial Stamp Fair cancel Adelaide 8NOV 1980, unaddressed. 1981 Centenary of Pharmaceutical Education 22c PSE cancel First Day with Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre postmark 6 May 1981, unaddressed. 1981 Tibooburra the Corner Town illustrated cover with 22c Gold set tied by Pictorial Tibooburra cancel 4 SEP 1981, unaddressed. 1981 National Stamp Week Exhibition 24c PSE with Pictorial cancel Carlingford Shopping Square 29 SEP 1981, unaddressed. 1982 RAS Moore Park Centenary 24c Waratah PSE with Pictorial cancel 2 APR 1982, unadressed. 1982 Brisbane Commonwealth Games set of 16 cancels on 27c weightlifting on APO Javelin covers. 1982 Opening of Rosny Park PO AP souvenir cover feat. the new Post Office, franked by 27c York PO cancelled with oval ‘OFFICIAL OPENING/[building]/15OCT1982/ROSNY PARK TAS 7018.’ hand cancel. 1983 Canberra Philatelic Cruise illustrated P&O 50 years of cruising cover with 1982 P&O commerative cancel then carried on Canberra Philatelic Cruise in 1983 with appropriate cachet and boxed PAQUEBOAT handstamp at right. 1984 Stampex 86 Discoverers of South Australia Series No 4 illustrated cover with adhesive tied by Port Lincoln commemorative cancel of 24 FEB 1984, unaddressed. 1984 Ausipex set of 10 pmks on unaddressed Ausipex aerogrammes. (10) 1988 Sydpex Exhibition set of nine covers with 50c Sydpex frama tied to illustrated covers by appropiate daily Commerative cancels, all unaddressed. (9) 1988 Philatas 37c Possum on Philatas ‘89 pre-exhibition label (blue background) on APO FDC, Hobart FDI cds (28 Sept 88) Cat $50, unaddressed. 1989 Mooroolbark Philatelic Society Mooroolbark Philatelic Society 1979-1989 cover franked with 39c Fishing & 2c Crimson Finch, cancelled with ‘MOOROOLBARK/7NO89/VIC-AUST’ (A1) on unaddressed cover with Mooroolbark PS logo signed by Society Chairman & Secretary. 1994 Adelaide-Minlaton Anniversary special postcard signed by Pilot Geoff Constantine and passengers Chris Lloyd, Ian Hamilton & Arthur Bergen. Ovptd ‘PRINTER’S SPOILS’, bend at left, Unusual.

AUSTRALIA | Advertising Covers 812 *F A Australasian Missionary College, Cooranbong cover with small logo franked with 5d Xmas, ‘COORANBONG/6NO62/NSWAUST’ (A1-) cancel. 813 *F A Bell’s Asbestos And Engineering window-faced cover with ‘PAID AT CONCORD WEST/5?27JE62/NSW-AUST’ (A2) cds in red. 814 *F B Brewer’s Own Ale illustrated window-faced cover (wrinkled), with 28 Sep 1979 Springvale, Vic. meter cancel. 815 *F ADunlop Perdriau Rubber Co. Ltd, Melbourne illustrated window-faced cover, 30 May 1932 Melbourne Postage Paid meter cancel. Hamilton Hume Motel, Geelong cover with small logo franked 816 *F A with 22c Kingfisher, 24 Oct 1980 Geelong Mail Centre slogan cancel. 817 *F A Jocelyn, Florist cover with logo, franked with 3d green KGVI and with 5 November 1954 East Melbourne cancel. Melbourne Butter Supply Pty. Ltd. cover franked with 2d Vic 818 *F ACentenary, slogan cancel, roughly opened at back. Pyneboard window-faced cover with CSR Pyneboard APM 3 819 *F A May 1971 Milsons Point, N.S.W. meter cancel. 820 *F A Quality Produce Pty. Ltd, West Perth illustrated window-faced cover Fresh Fruit & Veges, franked with 22c Kingfisher, 25 Jly 1980 Perth Metro Markets cds (B2). Radio Hobart 7HO cover franked with 5d blue QEII, 31 Oct 821 *F A1963 Hobart machine cancel, small tear at top and on flap.


$8 $10


$20 $20

$20 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $6


$25 $10 $6 $35 $6



$8 $16 $12 $12 $10 $12 $20 $10 $10 $10

Page 12 822 * A 823 *F A 824 *F A825 *F A 826 *F A 827 *F A 828 *F A-

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 Shepparton Trotting Club cover with small logo franked with 22c Kingfisher, 5 Sep 1980 Shepparton slogan cancel. Singer Sewing Machine Company, Melbourne illustrated cover franked with 2d AIF, 8 Jly 1940 Melbourne slogan cancel. Stanford & Pilley Pty. Ltd, Alexandria illustrated cover for Brush Manufacturers, franked with 5d blue QEII, 22 Jun 1962 Sydney slogan cancel. T.F.Mackay, Kalgoorlie cover for Photographer and Art Picture Dealer, franked with 2d AIF, 26 Aug 1940 Kalgoorlie machine cancel. The Colonial Mutual Fire Insurance Co.Ltd. cover with small logo, 29 Nov 1963 Melbourne meter cancel. The Seventh-Day Adventist Church cover for Greater Sydney Conference, Strathfield, franked with 5d blue QEII, 21 Jly 1961 Strathfield, N.S.W. slogan cancel. Yellow Cabs of Australia Ltd, Carlton cover franked with 2d Vic Centenary, 29 Aug 1934 Melbourne slogan cancel.


853 *F A-

$15 $12 $15 $10 $8 $20

854 *F A 855 *F A 856 *F A

1938 Holland - Australia - Holland AAMC #815a, on Royal Packet Navigation Co 1st flight Amsterdam - Sydney printed envelope, with ‘AMSTERDAM - BATAVIA - SYDNEY/[lion, sword & kangaroo]/NEDERLANDSCHE LUCHTDIENST/OPENING 28JUNI1938’ (A1) cachet, Cat $125, franked with 30c green air, 5c Rembrandt & 3c Heldring, cancelled with double-circle Amsterdam Central Station of 24.VI 1938, reverse addressed to Holland, franked with 3d blue KGVI & cancelled with Sydney machine of 22JLY1938, light vertical crease & some toning, primarily around Dutch stamps. 1940 Australia - New Zealand AAMC #900, long illustrated Tasman Empire Airways cover for flying boat service, cancelled Sydney 1MY40, Cat $100, 4d fallen off. 1952 Australia - South Africa AAMC #1307 illustrated Qantas cover with adhesives tied by Sydney cds 1SE52 with special cachet in violet at lower right. - AAMC #1308a illustrated Qantas cover to Mauritius with adhesives tied by Sydney cds 1SE52, cachet in violet at left and backstamped Port Louis 3 SP 52 Intermediate. 1964 Melbourne-Sydney AAMC #1522 50th Anniversary illustrated flight cover with 2/3d Air Mail tied by Melbourne cds with special cachet at left and special vignette at lower left. 1974 14th World Gliding Championship illustrated cover with adhesives tied by commemorative cancel Waikerie SA 27 JAN 1974, not listed in AAMC. 1974 UPU Pigeon Post AAMC #P11 illustrated cover with adhesive tied by National Stamp Week Adelaide cancel 9 OCT 1974 with pigeon flimsy inserted.

$50 $16 $20

AUSTRALIA | Postal History $20 1917 use of ½d green and 1d red KGV x2, cancelled by 829 *F A857 *F A Brisbane 24JA1917 machine, addressed to USA, flap unsealed, light toning. $20 $15 830 *F A 1920s Illustrated Long Cover for S.G.Youren & Son Estate 858 *F A Agents Alphington with illustration of House at left and KGV 1d red pair tied by part Melbourne cds. $60 $20 831 *F A 1923 Long OHMS Cover to The Acting Clerk of Petty Sessions 859 *F A Helidon with KGV adhesives tied by Brisbane machine cancel 13JUL23. $25 $15 832 * A 1934 (Apr 10) use of 6d Large Kookaburra on cover from Wellington, NSW to USA with blue & black C5 registration label. $20 AUSTRALIA | Military - Boer War Period 1901: use of stampless envelope, cancelled with light double860 *F A1935 (May 5) use of 1d green KGV and 2d Jubilee to USA, nice 833 * A circle ‘FIELD POST OFFICE/16/MY24/01/BRITISH ARMY Sydney Pillar Box machine with the rare ‘SUPPORT/THE S.AFRICA’ (A1-) of Klerksdorp, to New South Wales, JUBILEE/MOTHERHOOD/FUND’ slogan. $20 backstamped with ‘SYDNEY/JY2/7-A-M/01/2’ (A1), couple of - OHMS Registered cover with 5d KGV perf ‘W/A’ tied by 834 *F A short closed tears & 2 pinholes. $180 Registered Perth cds 8 OCT35, nice cover. $60 1937 use of stampless cover with Sydney 1 ‘POSTED IN/ 835 *F AAUSTRALIA | Military - World War I Period PILLAR BOX’ machine cancel to Eastwood, magenta 861 * B 1915 (Nov) use of ‘METHODIST SOLDIERS’ HOME,/ ‘REFUSED/TO PAY/TAX’ (A1) backstamp applied at DLO. $24 BROADMEADOWS CAMP.’ cover, 1d red KGV cancelled with 836 *V B - use of 5d yellow-brown KGV & 2d scarlet NSW Sesqui, Melbourne machine cancel, a bit spotty. $25 cancelled with Sydney Registered of 16OC37, on long cover to 862 * B - (Nov 23) use of ‘METHODIST SOLDIERS’ TENT,/ Queanbeyan, NSW, with blue C6 ‘Sydney B’ registration label, BROADMEADOWS CAMP.’ cover, 1d red KGV cancelled with some edge wear & toning around 2d stamp. $16 Melbourne machine cancel, a bit spotty. $25 837 * A 1940 (Oct 5) use of 2d AIF perf ‘VG’ on local cover from the Chief 863 * A-MELB- (Dec 3) use of ‘METHODIST SOLDIERS’ INSTITUTE,/ Offoce for Stamp Duties. $15 MARIBYRNONG CAMP.’ (69mm long) cover, 1d red KGV 1942 Advertising Cover for The Argus and The Australasian 838 *F A cancelled with Melbourne machine cancel. $30 with fine 1½d Melbourne meter cancel 28 AUG42 in red. $20 864 * B 1916 (Jan 4) use of ‘METHODIST SOLDIERS’ INSTITUTE,/ 839 *F A 1944 (Nov 26) use of 2½d x4 on air cover from Sydney to MARIBYRNONG CAMP.’ (78mm long) cover, 1d red KGV strip Canberra, endorsed “SPECIAL/DELIVERY”, overpaid by ½d of 3 cancelled with Ascot Vale duplex, back a bit spotty $30 and airmail label crossed out so presumably overpaid for that 865 D A B2 1917 2 strikes of double-circle ‘LARK HILL CAMP/-PM/18AU/17/ service as well! Rare. $80 S[ALISBUR]Y’ on GB ½d green x3. $5 840 *F A 1951 Stampless wrapper for Australian Board of Missions 866 * A- B2 - use of stampless cover to Mildura, Victoria, light violet tripleMelbourne used to Malvern with printed Postage Paid oval ‘No 1 AUSTRALIAN AUXILIARY HOSP[ITAL]/FRANKED Melbourne. $25 BY/...../HAREFIELD PARK, MIDD[LESEX]’ (Emery #CA.206A) 841 *F A 1952 illustrated cover with advert for Charleston Garage and and ‘Capt. Chaplain Terry.’ (Emery #CA.268) on face. $19 Farm Services with 3d KGVI tied by Charleston cds. $15 1919 use of GB 1½d brown KGV, cancelled with double-circle 867 *F B 1953 use of 3½d beef, cancelled with Rockhampton 15APR1953 842 *F A ‘PARK HOUSE CAMP P.O. SALISBURY/*/8AU/19’ (A1-), on slogan, addressed to Brisbane. $10 cover to London, letter included, on 41st Battery, Australian Field 843 *F A 1960 commercial cover to Abbotsford with Victorian 3d Stamp Artillery letterhead. $20 Duty adhesive tied by Melbourne machine cancel 1 APR 1960, nice cover. $30 AUSTRALIA | Military - World War II Period 844 *F A1966 use of 5d green QEII & 20c Golden Whistler (mixed 1940 use of 1d green AIF, cancelled with Tamworth roller of 14 868 *F A franking), cancelled with poor ‘DALY WATERS/14MR66/N.TNO, on cover to Geelong, Vic, with straight-line ‘NO. 6 E.F.T.S./ AUST’ (A1 backstamp), on Tatts cover with typed provisional ROYAL AUSTRALIAN/AIR FORCE/TAMWORTH, N.S.W.’ (A1). $26 blue registration label, addressed to Melbourne. $150 845 *V B 1970 use of 6c QANTAS commemorative, tied by light AUSTRALIA | WWII Military Postmarks ‘NORMANTON/5-P16NO70/QLD-AUST’ on illustrated addressed 869 * A- A1- 3rd Bde. H.Q.P.O. ‘3RD BDE. H.Q.P.O./5JA42/M.3.’ (Madjloya Murray Bros. (Parramatta) ‘A message from/Normanton’ cover, a near Tripoli, Lebanon), on 3d blue KGVI strip of 3 on air cover to few spots. $6 Dubbo, NSW, with triangular ‘PASSED BY/CENSOR/[crown]/ 846 *F A1978 use of 18c Australia Day & 50c Australian Scene, cancelled No3461’ (B1) in purple, some light toning. [Rated 100 by Proud] $24 with ‘FOOTSCRAY /9FE78/VIC-AUST’ (‘W.11’ removed - WWW 870 * B B1 A.I.F. Field P.O. ‘A.I.F. FIELD P.O./24NO41/NO.6.’ (Julis, #230C) on long cover with green & white Certified Mail label Palestine), on 9d Platypus on Rockville, Qld, with violet boxed attached, addressed to Melton, Victoria. $12 ‘PASSED BY CENSOR/[crown] No. 2713’ (B1). [Rated 150 by 1982 use of 65c Snake on long Commercial Banking Co. of 847 *F A Proud] $20 Sydney Air Mail cover to USA, 6 May 1983 Melbourne slogan 871 * B- B2 - ‘A.I.F. FIELD P.O./15SE42/32.’ (NSW), on 1d red-brown QE, on cancel. $8 large part envelope with ‘[AUST]RALIAN IMPERIAL/FORCE/ [PASS]ED BY CENSOR/461’, some mild toning. $5 AUSTRALIA | Flight Covers 872 * AArmy P.O. ‘ARMY P.O./2NO40/A.W.1.’, (Beit Jirja, Palestine) on 848 *F A 1930 Perth - Wyndham AAMC #165a, Registered cover Onslow Palestinian 50m purple & 10m grey on airmail cover to flown to Wyndham, scarce intermediate. $85 Strathfield, NSW, with boxed ‘PASSED BY CENSOR/ 1930 Derby - Wyndham AAMC #165a Intermediate Registered 849 *F A [crown]/No.647’, some repaired closed tears at top from cover flown from Roebourne and backstamped opening. [Rated 150 by Proud] $16 Wyndham14JUL30. $90 873 * A- A1 Base P.O. ‘BASE P.O./16AU41/B.W.2.’ (Gaza, Palestine, Proud 1934 New Zealand - Australia AAMC #367, plain cover with NZ 850 *F A#D3), on 9d platypus, on to Maryborough, Qld, with violet 7d Airmail tied by ‘MOTUEKA/2MR34.5/N.Z’, with Special Trans triangle ‘PASSED BY CENSOR/[crown]/No. 3373’ (A1) on face. Tasman Air Mail Kaitaia cds 29MR34 and backstamped Sydney [Rated 125 by Proud] $13 29 MCH 1934. $25 874 * B A1- Div. Supply H.Q.P.O. ‘DIV SUPPLY H.Q.P.O./16AU40/S.M.1’, 851 *F A 1934 Australia - New Zealand AAMC #369, Faith in Australia (Julis, Palestine) on Palestine 50m purple & 10m grey, on air flight with 3d Airmail booklet stamp (small faults) & 4d olive KGV cover to Mildura, Vic, bearing doubled, boxed ‘PASSED BY tied to special illustrated cover by ‘BATHURST/330PCENSOR/[crown]/No. 1655’ (B1) in purple, generalized light 9AP34/N.S.W’ and backstamped Christchurch 12AP34. $30 creasing & edge wear. [Rated 150 by Proud] $20 1934 Derby - Victoria River Downs AAMC #429a, (Oct 4) 852 * A 875 * B B1 Field Post Office ‘FIELD [POST OFFIC]E/2JE42/047.’, Eustis cover endorsed “No office at Victoria R. Downs/Private (Bonegilla, Vic) cancelling 3d brown & 2½d scarlet KGVI, on bag on plane”,. Rare intermediate, the total mail carried for the OHMS cover to D.O.S. GHQ Melbourne, backstamped with entire trip was 822 items. $100 double-circle ‘ARMY/1VI42/TELEGRAPHS’ (A1-), double-circle ‘ARMY/V1VI42/SIGNALS’ (B2) & ‘ARMY P.O./3JE42/0130.’ (A1), part of flap & TLC torn. [Rated 60 by Proud] $16

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 876 * A- A1- - ‘FIELD POST OFFICE/12JY42/048’ (Beenleigh, Qld), on 1d red-brown QE strip of 4, with poor AMF censor handstamp, to North Balwyn, Vic. 877 * A- B1 Railhead P.O. ‘RAILHEAD P.O./7AU41/R.W.1.’ (Deir Suneid, Palestine), on 3d blue KGVI, on airmail letter card to Warragul, Vic, with triangular ‘PASSED BY/CENSOR/[crown]/No. 916’ (A1). [Rated 200 by Proud] AUSTRALIA | CINDERELLAS 878 ** A 1996-97 $15 Duck Stamp: special miniature sheet of 4 for Taipei Exhibition. AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY | Datestamps 879 * A A1 Canberra (3): ‘FIRST/DAY OF ISSUE/12APR1983/CANBERRA CITY A.C.T. 2601’ (Opening Day), on unaddressed 27c Opening of Canberra GPO PSE. PO 12/4/1983. 880 * A A1- Canberra City: ‘CANBERRA CITY/30VIII57/A.C.T. - POSTAGE PAID/4D/J18/AUSTRALIA’ meter on Superannuation board OHMS cover to Brighton, Vic, closed tear in flap. Renamed from 881 * A B1

NEW SOUTH WALES | Railway Stamps 916 U A/A1925-48 Wmk NSW/R 1d, 3d, 1/- & 3/-, Elsmore Cat $55. 917 U A A1 - 3/- olive-green, Elsmore Cat $25. $10 918 U A A2 - 3/- olive-green, Elsmore Cat $25. $32



1/2/1964; closed 30/9/1986.


NEW SOUTH WALES | Official Stamps 913 * A B2 1888-90 Centennial Issues Optd ‘OS’ SG #O43, 8d Lyrebird, Cat £24. 914 **/* A 1892 QV Opt ‘OS’ SG #O58, ½d grey block of 4, (2**). NEW SOUTH WALES | Revenues 915 W A B1 1872-94 Stamp Duty: Peck #2.46 2/- orange-brown & violet P12½, wmk 1st NSW (upwards).

NEW SOUTH WALES | Numerals 920 S A A2 2: rays (2R20) on 2d blue Diadem. Allocated to Parramatta-PO 1/3/

922 S A A3 923 S A A2


NEW SOUTH WALES 882 F B 1851-55 Imperf Laureates Plate III No Wmk Medium Bluish Wove Paper SG #63, 2d Prussian blue 3½-margins, Cat £70, few light spots. 883 F A1852 Imperf Laureates No Wmk Medium Greyish Blue Wove Paper SG #67 3d dull yellow-green, three clear margins, small corner thin. 884 F A 1852-53 Imperf Laureates Plate I No Wmk Medium Bluish Grey Wove Paper SG #76, 6d grey-brown 4-margins [5/3], Cat £250. 885 F A 1854-59 Imperf Large Diadems Wmk Double-Lined Numeral SG #94, 6d grey 4 good margins. 886 F A - SG #96 6d greyish brown 4-margins, Cat £35, cancelled with ‘20’ rays of Liverpool. 887 F A - SG #96 6d greyish brown 4-margins, Cat £35, cancelled with ‘35’ rays of Goulburn [Rated R] 888 F A - SG #99 1/- rosy vermilion, three margins close to good, inverted wmk. 889 F A 1856-59 Imperf Registered No Wmk Yellowish Paper SG #102, (6d) vermilion & Prussian blue 3½-margins (pin holes from cancel rays), Cat £170, cancelled with ‘97’ (B2) rays (2R19) of Walcha. 890 F A1856-59 Imperf Registered Bluish Paper SG #106, (6d) orange & Prussian blue, Cat £180, 4-margins (right just touching). 891 F A 1856-60 Imperf Small Diadems Recess Wmk Double-Lined Numeral SG #117 3d dull green, four margins close to good. 892 V B 1860-63 Registered Perf 12 Bluish Wove Paper SG #119, (6d) orange & Prussian blue, Cat £60, imperf on 2 sides. 893 F A A2 1860-63 Registered Perf 12 Yellowish Wove Paper SG #121 (6d) rose-red & Prussian blue, Cat £45, cancelled with ‘59’ (2R20 - A1+) of Dungog. 894 F A A2 - SG #121 (6d) rose-red & Prussian blue, Cat £45, cancelled with ‘424’ (3R16 - A2) of Araluen. 895 F A A2 1860-63 Registered Perf 13 SG #124 (6d) rose-red & Prussian blue, Cat £65, cancelled with ‘265’ (2R43 - A2) of Moulamein. 896 F A A2 - SG #124 (6d) rose-red & Prussian blue, Cat £65, cancelled with ‘345’ (2R35 - B2) of Forbes. 897 F A A2 1860-63 Registered Wmk Double-Lined 6 Perf 13 SG #125 (6d) rose-red & Prussian blue, Cat £24, cancelled with ‘358’ (2R35 - A2) of Woodhouselee. 898 F A A2 - SG #126 (6d) rose-red & indigo, Cat £30, cancelled with ‘140’ (3R16 - A2+) of Wentworth. 899 * A C1 1867-93 DLR Wmk Single-Lined Numeral SG #206, 10d lilac P11, Cat £18. 900 * A B1 - SG #206a, 10d lilac P10 901 * A B3 1871-1902 Wmk 1st Crown/NSW SG #220g, 9d on 10d redbrown P12x11, Cat £15. 902 * A B1 1882-97 Wmk 2nd Crown/NSW SG #233a 5d blue-green, P12. 903 * A A1 - SG #233d, 5d blue-green P12x11, Cat £10. 904 * A C1 - SG #233d, 5d blue-green P12x11 TLC single, Cat £10. 905 * A C1 1888-89 Centenary Wmk 2nd Crown/NSW SG #253b, 1d lilac P12, with Wmk Inverted. 906 * A- C2 - SG #258, 1/- brown, Cat £30, slight toning to left edge. 907 * A B1 1891 Small Diadem Wmk Single-Lined 10 SG #269 3d green P10. 908 * A A1 1897-99 Jubilee Wmk 2nd Crown/NSW SG #297b, 2½d Prussian blue Die II P12. 909 **/* A A1 1899 Chalk-Surfaced Paper Wmk 2nd Crown/NSW Perf 12x11½ SG #298 ½d blue-green marginal block of 4 (2**). 910 **/* A B1 - SG #312 1/- purple-brown block of 4 (1 unit adherence, 1 unit **, 2 *). 911 * A B1 1903-08 Diadems Wmk 3rd Crown/NSW SG #329c, 5d dark blue-green P12, Cat £45. 912 F A B1 1905-10 Wmk Crown/A SG #349, 2/6d Lyrebird P12x11½, Cat £40.

NEW SOUTH WALES | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 919 PS A1888 Centenary HG #B4, 1d dull violet on white laid paper size a, flap stuck down.

921 * A A2

Ainslie PO c.1929; closed 12/4/1983.

Downer: 2 strikes of ‘DOWNER/1OC86/ACT-2602’ (closing day) on 36c PSE Philas Post Office Closed cover, unaddressed. PO

Page 13

924 S A C2 925 S A A1 926 D A B2 927 S A- A2


928 S B A2 929 * B A1-

$45 930 S A A2 $100

931 * A- A1

$75 $30

932 S A B2


933 S A B2

$90 934 S A A2 $25

935 D A A2 936 S A A2


937 S A B2


938 S A B2


939 S A C2


940 S A A2 941 S A A2


942 S A B2


943 S A A2


944 S A A2

$16 $20 $12 $25 $12 $20 $8 $8 $10 $15

Pyrmont-PO 1/4/1853; renamed Harris Street PO 27/11/1882; Reallocated to Pyrmont PO 27/11/1882. 66: rays (2R19) on (6d) Registered P12. [Rated R] Allocated to Singleton-Renamed from Darlington PO 1/12/1841.

- 2 strikes of rays (3R16) on 1d Centennial pair. 92: 2 partly overlapping strikes of rays (3R16) on 1d Centennial pair. Allocated to Richmond River-PO 1/1/1849; renamed Casino PO


105: BN (1A) on 1d Laureate. [Rated RRR - the first offered by us] Allocated to Bendemeer-PO 1/7/1852. 106: rays (2R19) on (6d) Registered. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Rocky River-PO 1/4/1854; closed 30/6/1965.

- poor BN (1A) on imperf 2d Diadem. [Rated RRR - the first offered by us] 107: rays (2R20) on 2d blue DLR. [Rated RRRR] 112: rays (2R20) on 2d DLR. [Rated RR] Allocated to Binda-PO 1/5/

PO 1/3/1854.

954 D A A2


955 S A A2


956 S A A2


957 D A A2 958 S A A2 959 S A A2 960 S A B2

$60 $100 $40 $80

$70 $20 $15

Flat-PO 1/4/1859; closed 31/12/1977.




254: ‘254’ rays (2R25) on 1d Centennial. Allocated to Randwick-PO

382: ‘382’ BN on 2d blue tied by framed ‘MAUDE/OC5/ 1905/N.S.W’ (A2) on Tatt’s cover. [Rated SS] Allocated to Maude-




949 * A- A2

953 S A B2

$13 $4

Nundle-PO 1/1/1853.

334: BN on 2d blue & 1d Arms on piece. [Rated R - the example in the Freeman book.] Allocated to Monga-PO 1/2/1861; renamed




116: rays (2R19) on (6d) Registered. [Rated RRR] Allocated to

948 D A B1

951 S A B2



244: rays (3R16) on 1d Arms pair. [Rated S] Allocated to Reid’s

950 D A A2


$20 15: 3rd Type (2R20) on 1d Laureate. [Rated RRRRR - the first offered by us] $150 17: rays (2a) on 2d Diadem. [Rated PPP] Allocated to Dubbo-PO 1/1/1848. $19 31: mss “31” on 1d Centennial ‘OS’. [The only copy known to us.] Allocated to Picton-Renamed from Stonequarry PO 1/9/1841. $50 35: rays (2R23) on 2d Diadem on piece. [Rated R] Allocated to Goulburn-PO 1/2/1832. $15 36: 1st BN on 3-margins 6d Laurate [1/5] thin. [Rated R] Allocated to Braidwood-Renamed from Strathallan PO 1/1/1837. $30 - rays (2R20) on stationery cut-out. [Rated SS] $8 38: rays (3R16) on 2d Emu on aged cover to Sydney with framed ‘QUEANBEYAN/MY4/1894/N.S.W’ (A2) backstamp. Allocated to Queanbeyan-PO 1/1/1836. $8 40: rays (2R19) on (6d) Registered. [Rated R] Allocated to $30 Bombala-PO 1/1/1849. 47: rays (3R16) on 2d DLR tied with light unframed ‘TUMUT/ JA13/1879/N.S.W’ (A2-), light unframed ‘[HA]RWOOD ISLAND/ JA19/1879/=N.S.W=’ (A2-) arrival on back. Allocated to Tumut-PO 1/1/1849. $26 51: 1st BN (1Av) on 1854 6d slate-green Diadem 4-margins. [Rated R] Allocated to Deniliquin-PO 1/1/1850. $24 54: rays (2R37) on (6d) Registered. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to

946 S A A2947 S A A2


Renamed from Brisbane Water PO 1/9/1841.

945 S A A2

952 S A A2


- framed duplex (4D) ‘PARRAMATTA/2/AP7/85/N.S.W’ on 1d DLR ‘OS’ pair on OHMS cover to Mudgee, worn Gulgong & fine Mudgee backstamps. 5: rays (2R20) on 1864 2d DLR. [Rated RR] Allocated to Gosford-

122: ‘122’ rays (2R23) on (6d) Registered. [Rated RRRR - the first offered by us] Allocated to Pambula-PO 1/9/1853. 127: ‘[1]27’ BN (1A) on imperf 3d Laureate. [Rated RR - the first offered by us] Allocated to Hinton-PO 1/1/1854; closed 30/6/1994. 182: rays (2R23) on 2d blue DLR. [Rated R] Allocated to Newtown-


$15 $70


$30 $15 $15

Mongarlowe PO 1/8/1891; closed 10/4/1974.


PO 1/5/1863.


Warren-PO 14/8/1863.


1/11/1863; closed 30/11/1968.


395: BN on 1d Arms & 2d blue pair. [Rated RR.] Allocated to 401: BN (4B) on 2d blue. [Rated SS] Allocated to Warkworth-PO

487: ‘487’ rays on 2d blue. [Rated R] Allocated to Two Mile Flat-PO

$15 1/12/1867; closed 4/6/1980. 525: BN on 1d Centennial. A new undescribed type for this number. [Rated RRRRR] Allocated to Mogo-PO 1/2/1869. $140 537: 2 strikes of rays on 2d blue pair. Allocated to Pooncarie-PO 1/4/ 1878. $4 593: rays (3R12) on 2d blue. Allocated to Forest Reefs-PO 1/10/ $10 1870; closed 15/11/1974. 625: rays on 1d Roo. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Canadian LeadPO 1/5/1872; TO 1/8/1960; closed 31/12/1961. $100 666: Rays on 2d blue on piece. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Box Ridge-PO 1/11/1872; renamed Turondale PO 1/4/1899; closed 2/12/1981. $80 669: (3R12) on 6d lilac DLR. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Rouchell Brook-PO 1/11/1872; renamed Rouchel Brook PO 26/11/1929. $80 691: rays (3R12) on 2d Emu. [Rated RRR] Allocated to Budgee Budgee-PO 1/6/1873; closed 31/5/1968. $50 709: rays on 2d blue. [Rated RR] Allocated to Cookardinia-PO 1/12/ 1873; closed 2/1/1976. $30

Page 14

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016

961 S A A2

716: rays on 1d Arms. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Cox’s River-PO

962 S A A2

719: rays 2d blue. [Rated R] Allocated to Yatteyatah-PO 1/2/1874;

963 S A A2

722: ‘722’ rays on 2d Emu. [Rated R] Allocated to Barrington-PO

964 S A A2

729: rays on 2d Emu. [Rated RR] Allocated to Meranburn-PO 1/6/

965 S A A2

730: BN on 3d Kangaroo. [Rated RR] Allocated to Spring Grove-PO

966 S A B2

734: rays (3R12) on 6d lilac DLR. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Lake

967 D A A2 968 S A A2+ 969 S A A2 970 S A A2 971 S A B2 972 S A A2 973 S A- B2 974 S A A1 975 S A A2 976 S A B2

977 S A B2 978 S A A2 979 S A A2 980 S A B2


closed 20/6/1973.




1874; TO 1/1/1932; closed 8/6/1933.


1/7/1874; renamed Millthorpe PO 1/3/1884.


1004 S A A2

Cudgellico-PO 1/9/1874; renamed Cargelligo PO 15/8/1915.


1005 D A A2-

Allocated to Harwood Island-PO 1/2/1875. 786: ‘786’ on 2d Emu. [Rated SS] Allocated to Greendale-PO 1/7/ 1875; RO 16/5/1900; renamed Alma Park RO 15/11/1905.


754: 3 strikes of rays on 1d Arms & 2d blue pair. [Rated S]

788: ‘788’ rays (3R12) on 1d Arms. [Rated RRR - the first offered by us] Allocated to Wallendbeen-PO 1/7/1875. 794: rays on 1d Centennial. [Rated RRR] Allocated to Bungwall

20/5/1878; closed 31/8/1899; Re-allocated to Queen Victoria Markets PO 1/9/1899; renamed Queen Victoria Buildings PO 1/5/1918. 1070: BN on 2d blue. [Rated SS] Allocated to Towrang-PO 1/4/1881; closed 30/6/1976. 1108: 2 strikes of 2nd BN (7mm high) on 2d blue pair. Allocated to Mount McDonald-PO 1/11/1881; closed 30/11/1954. 1125: ‘[1]125’ BN on 4d brown DLR. [Rated RRR] Allocated to Yandarlo-PO 1/4/1882; closed 15/7/1896.

1134: 2nd duplex ‘THE EXCHANGE/JY14/345PM/01/N.S.W 1134’ on ½d green strip of 4. Allocated to The Exchange-PO 1/7/ 1882; renamed Exchange PO c.-/4/1917.

982 S A A2

1141: BN on 1d red KGV. [Rated RRR] Allocated to Yurrunga-PO

983 S A B2

1227: ‘1227’ on 1d Arms. [Rated R] Allocated to Eastwood-PO 1/11/

1321: ‘1321’ BN on 1d Arms. [Rated S] Allocated to Coolabah-RO

986 D A B2

1369: BN on 1d Arms. [Rated RR - the example in the Freeman book.] Allocated to Mortlake-PO 1/1/1887; closed 7/1/1977. 1390: ‘1390’ BN on 2d blue tied by framed ‘TIMBERY RANGE/ OC11/1907/N.S.W’ (C1) on Tatts cover (spike holes). [Rated SS]

Thackaringa PO 20/2/1889; closed 30/9/1929.

1/12/1884; PO 16/12/1885.

Allocated to Timbery Range-PO 1/11/1887; TO 1/5/1942; closed 30/11/ 1957. 1394: BN on 1d Arms. [Rated SS] Allocated to Monica Vale-PO 25/12/1887; renamed Koorawatha PO 1/12/1888; closed 22/8/1997. 1397: BN on 1d Roo. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Humula-Replaced Murraguldrie PO 1/1/1888. 1407: BN on 2d blue pair. Allocated to Woodstock-PO 13/2/1888.

1415: BN on 2d blue QV, tied by framed ‘COME-BY-CHANCE/ SP17/1904/N.S.W’ cds (A1-), on Tatts cover, usual filing spikeholes. [Rated SS] Allocated to Come-By-Chance-PO 8/9/1890; closed 30/9/1987.

992 S B A2

1417: ‘1417’ on 1d Arms (closed tear). [Rated R] Allocated to

993 * A- A1

1427: BN on 1d Arms pair tied by framed ‘BROKEN HIL[L RY] STN/OC8/1901/N.S.W’ (B1) on 3d Registration Envelope to Tatts. Allocated to Broken Hill R.S.-PO 16/7/1888; renamed Broken Hill

Galong-PO 15/4/1888.

Railway Town PO 1/3/1905.

1474: on 1d Arms pair tied by framed ‘PERICOE/JA19/ 1905/N.S.W’ (C1) on Tatt’s cover. [Rated SS] Allocated to Pericoe-

PO 1/7/1889; TO 1/7/1950; PO 6/11/1950; TO 1/5/1963; closed 7/6/1966.

995 S A A2+ - BN on 1d Roo. [Rated RRRR - the example in the Freeman book.] 996 S A A1 1489: BN on 1d Roo. [Rated RRRR - the example in the Freeman book.] Allocated to Woolomin-PO 1/10/1889; closed 28/2/ 997 * A- A1 998 * A- B2

999 * A- A2 1000 D A B2

$40 $3


985 S A A2

994 * A- B2


16/8/1882; renamed Yarrunga PO 1/4/1918.

1243: on 1d Roo. [Rated RRRR - the example in the Freeman book.] Allocated to Thackaringa Mines-PO 1/3/1884; renamed

990 S A A1 991 * B B1





1545: on 2d blue pair on Tatt’s cover, tied by framed ‘EXETER/ OC20/1903/N.S.W’ (B1). [Rated S] Allocated to Exeter-TO 14/4/

$5 $20

1007 S A A2 1008 D A B1 1009 * A- B2 1010 * A- B2

1891; renamed Bangalow PO 1/10/1894.

1605: BN on 1d Arms x3 tied by framed ‘MULLUMBIMBY/OC3/ 1904/N.S.W’ on Tatt’s cover. Allocated to Mullumbimby-PO 16/4/


1612: 1st type BN (numbers 5mm high) on 1d Arms pair tied with framed ‘PORTLAND/AP5/1907/N.S.W’ (B1) on Tatt’s cover. [Rated SS] Allocated to Portland-PO 16/6/1891. 1658: BN on 1d Arms. [Rated SS] Allocated to Woolwich-PO 14/3/

1892; closed 30/6/1986.

1669: light clear BN alongside 1d Roo cancelled with ‘GREEN CAPE/AP12/14/N.S.W’ (A2+). [Rated RRR - the example in the Freeman book.] Allocated to Green Cape-TO 18/5/1882; PO 1/8/1892;

closed 31/8/1922.

1673: ‘1673’ on 2d blue on Tatt’s cover, tied by framed ‘KEW/ AU20/1907/N.S.W’ (A1) backstamp. [Rated SS - the first offered by us] Allocated to Kew-RO 9/11/1891; PO 1/9/1892; closed 13/8/1942. 1686: BN on 4d Roo. [Rated RRRR - the example in the Freeman book.] Allocated to Tantawanglo-PO 15/11/1892; TO 1/2/ 1957; closed 31/1/1959.

1703: 2 strikes of BN on 1d Arms pair. [Rated SS] Allocated to

1016 * B B2

1018 D A A1 1019 S A B2

$40 $10 $60 $5

$30 $8


1021 * A A1 1022 S A A2 1023 D A A11024 * A 1025 * A1026 * A1027 * A B1


1028 * A A1

$90 1029 S A A2 $90 1030 * A- A1

$25 $20 $10

1031 * A B3

1032 * A A2 1033 D A B2 1034 * A A1


$100 $25 $150




Wyalong PO 22/6/1894.


Allocated to Coogee-PO 4/4/1894.


1713: on 1d Arms x2 & 2d blue tied by framed ‘WHITE CLIFFS/ JU14/1905/N.S.W’ (A1) on Tatt’s cover. Allocated to White Cliffs-PO

1719: 2 strikes of BN on 1d Arms x2, tied by framed ‘COOGEE/ OC2/[1905]/[N.S.W]’ (A2) cds, on Tatt’s cover. [Rated SS]

1015 * B B2


Hill-PO 16/10/1893; closed 29/12/1978.

1012 * A- A2

1014 * A- B2



1711: 2 strikes of BN on 1d Arms pair tied by framed ‘RILEY’S HILL/AU26/1906/N.S.W’ (A1) on Tatts cover. Allocated to Riley’s

1718: multiple strikes of BN on 1d Arms x5 on Tatt’s cover, tied by framed ‘WEST WYALONG/JA19/1904/N.S.W’ (A1) backstamp. Allocated to Wyalong-PO 29/3/1894; renamed West

1013 * A B1


Daviesville-RO 1/12/1892; PO 20/4/1893; renamed Bodangora PO 1/2/ 1897; closed 30/9/1968.

1011 * A- A2

1020 * A A2

1890; PO 1/9/1890; closed 12/3/1892.

8/9/1890; closed 29/4/1967.

1006 * A- A2

1592: on 1d Arms pair tied by framed ‘BANGALOW/OC4/ 1907/N.S.W’ (A2) on Tatts cover. Allocated to Byron Creek-PO 16/1/

1815: BN on 1d Arms tied by framed ‘WAHROONGA/DE23/ 1908/N.S.W’ (B1) on PPC. Allocated to Wahroonga-PO 15/10/1896. 1894: ‘1894’ on 2d blue, tied by framed ‘CONDONG/AU13/ 1904/N.S.W’ (A1) on reverse, on Tatts cover. Allocated to Condong-


RO 1/7/1898; PO 1/9/1898.


closed 28/8/1977.


2021: ‘202[1]’ (tip of 1 just visible) on 1d Arms on PPC, few tones. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Tia-PO 1/2/1901; TO 6/1/1967; 2024: BN on 1d Arms tied by framed ‘MOSMAN’ BAY/JA30/ 1908/N.S.W’ (B2) on multi-coloured PPC ‘Near Watts River, Healesville’, faults. Allocated to Mosman’s Bay-PO 16/4/1901.

NEW SOUTH WALES | Datestamps 1017 D A A1 Adaminaby (2): 31mm ‘ADAMINABY/28MY64/N.S.W-AUST’ (arcs 3,4) on ½d on piece. Renamed from New Adaminaby PO 30/9/ $80


- 2 strikes of BN on 1d Arms & 2d blue x2, tied by framed ‘BALDERODGERY/OC5/1905/N.S.W’ (B2) on registered Tatts cover. [Rated SS] 1567: 3 strikes of BN on 1d Arms x3 tied by framed ‘ROUS MILL/FE20/1905/N.S.W’ (A2). [Rated S] Allocated to Rous Mill-PO

1003 * B B1


1890; PO 1/6/1890.

1565: 2 strikes of BN on 1d Arms & 2d blue x2, tied by framed ‘BALDERODGERY/DE24/19[0]4/N.S.W’ (B2) on registered Tatts cover (small faults). [Rated SS] Allocated to Balderodgery-RO 15/2/

1002 * A- A1


1/3/1890; renamed Tomingley PO 1/6/1890.

984 S A A2

989 S A A2-


$50 812: ‘812’ rays on 1d orange DLR. [Rated RRRR - the first offered by us.] Allocated to Blackville-PO 1/11/1875; PO 13/7/1994. $120 817: BN on 1d Arms pair. [Rated RRR] Allocated to Huskisson-PO 22/3/1886. $30 855: BN ‘855’ on 1d Arms. [Rated RRR] Allocated to Iluka-PO 1/12/ 1876. $25 875: BN on 1d Roo. [Rated RRRR - the example in the Freeman book] Allocated to Bendolba-PO 1/4/1877; closed 28/3/1968. $100 879: BN on 1d Roo. Allocated to Adamstown-PO 16/4/1877. $15 924: framed duplex ‘QUEEN VICTORIA MARKETS/AP2/2/99/ SYDNEY - 92[4]’ on 1d Arms strip of 3. Allocated to Park Street-PO

1138: BN on 1d Roo. [Rated RRR - the example in the Freeman book.] Allocated to Ten-Mile Reefs-PO 1/8/1882; renamed Mingelo PO

988 D A A2


Flat-PO 1/8/1875; renamed Bungwahl PO 16/10/1896; closed 30/6/1993.

981 S A A2

987 * B A2

1001 * A- A2

1/1/1874; closed 31/12/1954.






Alectown: ‘ALECTOWN/28SE36/=N.S.W=’ on 2d red SA Centenary on piece. Renamed from Alicktown PO 1/8/1891; closed Allynbrook: ‘ALLYNBROOK/5FE68/N.S.W’ on 5c Thornbill on piece. Renamed from Lewinsbrook PO 1/11/1879; closed 10/5/1977. Appin (2): ‘APPIN/26DE39/[N.S.W]’ on 2d red KGVI on cover, (mild stain). PO 1/2/1841; closed c.1992. Arncliffe: ‘ARNCLIFFE/2NO58/N.S.W-AUST’ on 6½d on 1/0½d Registration Envelope with blue registration label. PO 1/4/1878. Aylmerton: 28½mm ‘AYLMERTON/9JA25/[N.S.W]’ (ERD) on 1½d red KGV with [18R36] 4th pearl at left missing. [Very rare in RO period.] RO 8/10/1920; PO 1/7/1927; closed 29/6/1979. Balladoran: 2 partly overlapping strikes ‘BALLADORAN/ 15NO71/N.S.W.’ on 7c purple QEII. RO 16/12/1898; PO 15/2/1905; closed 28/6/1985.

Balmoral Beach: black & white PPC ‘Balmoral Beach’, stamp removed but fine ‘KILLARA/15DE1905/N.S.W’ (A1) on address side. PO 15/6/1936; closed 30/4/1987. Barren Jack: multicoloured PPC ‘Scene on Barren Jack Weir’ W. Taylor, Yass card, unused, couple of corner faults. PO 23/5/

1907; renamed Burrinjuck PO 15/2/1911.

- multicoloured PPC ‘Building Diversion Channell, Barren Jack Weir’ W. Taylor, Yass card, unused, couple of corner faults. Barry: 2 strikes of ‘BARRY/24OC67S/N.S.W.’ on 1c brown & 4c red QEII on cover. RO 10/5/1888; PO 1/10/1891; closed 5/6/1991. Bathurst: boxed ‘POSTMASTER/23MAY1978/BATHURST N.S.W. 2795’ in violet on PMG’s Department OHMS long cover.

$4 $8 $6 $50 $4 $10 $12 $12 $6

PO 1/3/1828.




Bathurst Military Camp: ‘[BATHU]RST MILTY CAMP/12SE116/ [=N].S.W=’ on 6d blue Roo perf ‘OS’. PO 1/5/1916; closed 2/12/

Beaconsfield (2): ‘BEACONSFIELD/7OC50/N.S.W’ on 8½d Registration Envelope with blue label. PO 10/4/1899. Beverly Hills: ‘[B]EVERLY HILLS/22AU50/[N.S.W-AUST]’ (inverted 10s wheel - better backstamp) on 1½d pair & 5½d Emu on cover with blue registration label. Renamed from Dumbleton PO






Billinudgel: ‘BILLINUDGEL/1AU72/NSW-AUST’ (A1 backstamp) on 7c & 50c Cocos on cover with blue registration label. PO 1/6/

Binna Burra: ‘BINNA BUR[RA]/27NO67/N.S.W.’ on 5c on 4c QEII on piece. RO 10/1/1902; closed 31/8/1974; PO 1/7/1907. Bondi: ‘BONDI/1OC83/NSW-AUST’ Post Office Centenary on 27c PSE Philas cover, unaddressed. PO 1/10/1883.

$5 $5

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 1035 * A B1 1036 * A- B1


Booral: (‘2491’ removed) on 33c PSE illustrated Closing Day cover. PO 1/1/1874; closed 30/6/1986. Boorowa East: 2 strikes of ‘BOOROWA EAST/7JA59/N.S.WAUST’ (better backstamp) on 3d green QEII, 4d Broken Hill perf ‘OS’ and 1/- Lyrebird on Housing Commission of NSW cover with blue registration label, flap damage, tear. PO 28/6/1950; closed 18/7/1980.

1037 * A A1+ Breeza: ‘BREEZA/30MY79/NSW-AUST’ on 20c Australia Day on cover. PO 1/4/1856; closed 29/7/1987. 1038 D A A2 Brickfield Hill: ‘BRICKFIELD HILL/1—-20JE33/SYDNEY N.S.W’ on 5d brown KGV. PO 1/7/1925; closed 19/2/1982. 1039 * A A2 - ‘BRICKFIELD HILL/1—-30SE35/SYDNEY N.S.W’ on 5d brown KGV on cover with blue registration label. 1040 * A A1 Broken Hill Railway Town: ‘BROKEN HILL RAILWAY TOWN/ 30JA87/N.S.W-AUST’ (Closing Day), on unaddressed 36c Sydney Mint PSE. Renamed from Broken Hill R.S. PO 1/3/1905; closed 30/1/ 1041 * A A1

1042 * A B1


Broken Hill Wyman Street: ‘BROKEN HILL WYMAN STREET/ 31MR87/N.S.W-AUST’ (Closing Day), on unaddressed 36c PSE.

Renamed from Wyman Street Broken Hill PO 14/9/1964; closed 31/3/ 1987.

Burrawang: framed ‘BURRAWANG/DE21/1910/N.S.W’ alongside 1d Arms cancelled with illegible numeral on PPC. Renamed from Mount Pleasant PO 1/7/1865.

1043 D A A1+ Burwood: 33mm nitrile ‘BURWOOD/20MAY1974/N.S.W. 2134’ on 1c brown on piece. PO 1/10/1861. 1044 D A A1+ - 34mm nitrile ‘CROYDON PARK/20MAY1974/N.S.W. 2133’ on 1c brown on piece. 1045 D A A1+ Cabramurra: ‘CABRAMURRA/29MY64/NSW-AUST’ on ½d on piece. TO 17/10/1953; PO 9/11/1953. 1046 * A- B1 Cal Lal: framed ‘CAL LAL/OC22/1904/N.S.W’ (date inverted) alongside 2d blue cancelled with poor ‘1756’ on Tatt’s cover. PO 1047 * A A2

1048 * A A1 1049 D A1 1050 * A A1

20/8/1895; closed 30/6/1973.

Cammeray: 2 strikes of ‘CAMMERAY/25JL59/=N.S.W=’ (better backstamp) on 3d green QEII x2 on 1/7d Registered Envelope with blue registration label and Air Mail labels attached, sent to Cootamundra. PO 2/11/1914. Canley Vale: ‘* POST OFFICE */19AUG1995/CANLEY VALE/N.S.W./2166’, on $20 Painting on Tax Pack cover. PO 1/10/


Carrington (2): ‘CARRINGTON/PAID/6AU79/NSW-AUST 2294’ in red. Renamed from Onebygamba PO 6/7/1888. Charmhaven: 2 strikes of ‘* LICENSED POST OFFICE */ 29AUG1997/CHARMHAVEN/N.S.W./2263’ (closing date) ‘* LICENSED POST OFFICE */5SEP1997/ CHARMHAVEN/N.S.W./2263’ (Last day of use, continued to be used by new Lake Haven LPO), on Alexander closure cover. PO 3/9/1956; replaced by Lake Haven PO 29/8/1997.

1051 D A A1+ Chatsworth Island: ‘CHATSWORTH AUST’ on 4c QEII on piece with mss “Tax/2c” alongside. PO 1/10/


1052 * A A1 1053 D A A 1054 D A1+ 1055 * A A1


Chester Hill North: ‘CHESTER HILL NORTH/31MR87/NSWAUST’ (Closing day), on unaddressed 36c Sydney Mint PSE with illustration of the PO. PO 1/7/1965; closed 31/3/1987. Church Point: ‘CHURCH POINT/19MY66/NSW-AUST’ (ERD) alongside 1c brown with poorer cancel. RO 1/1/1909; PO 15/5/1912. Coalcliff: ‘COALCLIFF/16MY74/NSW-2515’ on piece. RO 11/12/ 1916; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/7/1978.

1056 * A

Collaroy Beach: ‘LICENSED POST OFFICE/1JUL1997/ COLLAROY BEACH/NSW/2097’ opening day on Alexander first day cover. PO 12/2/1923. Coogee: Black & white PPC ‘Coogee Beach - Sydney’. PO 4/4/

1057 * A

Corobimilla: black & white photo of PO taken 1967. Renamed

1058 * A A1 1059 * A B1 1060 D A B2 1061 D A B1 1062 D A A2 1063 * A A!-

$10 $10 $12

Croydon: ‘CROYDON/24DE08-1030AM/N.S.W’ on 1d Arms on PPC. [Used about 4 yrs only] RO 15/6/1877; PO 1/1/1880. Cryon: ‘CRYON/-9??52/N.S.W-AUST’ on 3½d brown KGVI. RO 29/7/1918; PO 1/1/1921; closed 30/3/1979.

Darby’s Falls: ‘DARBY’S FALLS/12AU63/N.S.W’ on 5d blue QEII on piece. RO 1/2/1875; PO 1/9/1877; closed 29/6/1984. Doubtful Creek: ‘DOUBTFUL CREEK/18JL38/N.S.W’ on 2d red KGVI. RO 1/11/1909; PO 19/1/1924; closed 24/11/1968. Drummoyne: 2 strikes of ‘DRUMMOYNE/3SE84/NSW-AUST’ on 30c PSE Philas Post Office Centenary cover, unaddressed. PO 1/9/1884.

1065 * A A1

Dubbo South: ‘DUBBO SOUTH/27FE87/N.S.W-AUST’ (Closing Day), on unaddressed 36c Sydney Mint PSE. Renamed from East

1066 S A A2

Elizabeth Street South: ‘ELIZABETH ST SOUTH/11AP17/ [N.S.W]’ on 1d red KGV. PO 23/3/1891; renamed Strawberry Hills PO

1067 * A A1

Elong Elong: ‘ELONG ELONG/30JE86/N.S.W.’ (closing day) on 33c Western Tasmanian Wilderness PSE, unaddressed. RO 1/6/


Dubbo PO 1/7/1947; closed 27/2/1987. 1/8/1917.

1918; PO 1/10/1919; closed 30/6/1986.

Emmaville: framed ‘EMMAVILLE/SP1/1916/[N.S.W]’ on 1d red KGV. Renamed from Vegetable Creek PO 20/9/1882. Fairfield (2): 2 strikes of ‘FAIRFIELD/20FEB’85/NSW-2165’ Post Office Centenary on 30c PSE Philas cover, unaddressed. PO 20/2/1885.

1072 D A A2 1073 * A A1

1074 * A A1-

1076 S A B2 $5 $13 $5 $5 $6 $10

$12 $5 $5

1077 S A A2

$5 $6 $10 $4 $5 $5

$5 $6 $8 $5 $8 $5 $30 $5 $15 $5 $5 $5

Federal: ‘FEDERAL/■3MY.15/N.S.W’ on 1d red KGV. RO 1/6/

1893; PO 1/1/1899.


PO 1/12/1861.


Forbes: ‘FORBES/16AU49/N.S.W-AUST’ on 2½d Lawson & 6d Kooka on Aust. Tech. Schools cover with blue registration label. Glen Davis: ‘GLEN DAVIS/3SE51/N.S.W-AUST’ (arcs 4,6) on ½d Roo & 1/- Lyrebird. PO 1/3/1939; closed 1/10/1986. Grafton North: ‘GRAFTON NORTH/27FE87/N.S.W-AUST’ (Closing Day), on unaddressed 36c Sydney Mint PSE, Philas Post Office closed cover, unaddressed. TO 12/8/1946; PO 1/7/1948;

1081 * A A11082 D A1 1083 * A A1

1084 * B B1 1085 * B A1

1087 * A 1088 * A B1 1089 * A A1 1090 * A 1091 D A A2 1092 * A A1 1093 * A A11094 S A A2 1095 * A A1 1096 * A- A1 1097 D A2 1098 * A




Greenwich: 2 strikes of ‘GREENWICH/16AU83/NSW-2065’ Post Office Centenary on 27c PSE, unaddressed. RO 1/10/1880; PO Grosvenor Street: ‘GROSVENOR STREET/29AP88/NSW-2000’ (closing day) on 37c Platypus PSE, unaddressed. Replaced

George Street North PO 7/8/1972; renamed Grosvenor Place PO 2/5/ 1988. Gubbata: ‘GUBBATA/2?OC34/N.S.W’ on 2d Vic Centenary. PO 25/8/1930; closed 31/7/1981.

closed 31/5/1979.

Holbrook: pictorial ‘{submarine}/12MAR2008/HOLBROOK/ NSW 2644’ on 50c on unaddressed cover. Renamed from Germanton PO 20/9/1915.

Holdsworthy Camp: ‘HOLDSWORTHY CAMP/ 10OC18/=N.S.W=’ on piece from POW Envelope. PO 22/3/1916;

1103 * A A1 1104 S A A2

$5 $10 $5 $15 $5 $10 $5

closed 15/11/1919.


closed 30/8/1996.


Homebush: ‘FIRST DAY OF ISSUE/30AUG1996/HOMEBUSH NSW 2140’ (closing day) on 45c PSE with Alexander Closure of N.S.W. P.O.’s cachet, unaddressed. TO 13/12/1877; PO 1/1/1878;

Hunter’s Hill: ‘RELIEF/PAID/-5MY87/36/NSW-AUST’ in red on Municipality of Hunter’s Hill cover, a bit spotty. PO 1/6/1858. Inverell: ‘INVERELL/30AU23/=N.S.W=’ on 5d Registration Envelope (#RE12) with damaged red registration label. Replaced


Byron PO 15/9/1859.


PO 11/1/1951; closed 30/4/1968. [Snowy Mountains Scheme] Jerilderie: black & white photo of PO taken 1967. Renamed from Jereelderie PO 10/2/1890.


1959. [Snowy River Scheme]


Island Bend: ‘ISLAND BEND/1JE65/NSW-AUST’ on 5d green.

Junction Shaft: ‘JUNCTION SHAFT/8MY57/N.S.W-AUST’ on stampless Money Order Advices cover. PO 6/6/1955; closed 30/5/

Karuah: 2 strikes of ‘KARUAH/1AP85/NSW-2324’ on 33c PSE Philas Post Office Centenary cover, unaddressed. Renamed from

Aliceton PO 1/1/1892.

Katoomba: black & white real photo PPC ‘Katoomba Falls’ Kitch & Co. card, franked with 1d Arms and cancelled with 2 Nov 1908 Katoomba cds (B2). RO 1/2/1879; PO 16/8/1880. Klimpton: ‘KLIMPTON/31MY72/NSW-AUST’ on 1c brown on piece. PO 1/3/1957; renamed Falls Creek PO 1/9/1977. Lambton: ‘* POST OFFICE */29SEP1995/LAMBTON/N.S.W./ 2299’ (closing day) on 45c with Alexander Closure of N.S.W. P.O.’s cachet, unaddressed. PO 1/3/1865. Lewisham: 2 strikes of ‘LEWISHAM/30AP87/NSW-AUST’ (closing day) on 36c PSE Philas Post Office Closed cover, unaddressed. PO 1/3/1912; closed 30/4/1987. Liverpool Military Camp: ‘LIVERPOOL MILITARY CAMP/ 9MY17/=[N.S.W]=’ on 1d red KGV. PO 25/2/1915; closed 14/12/


$5 $10 $5 $5 $5





Liverpool West: ‘LIVERPOOL WEST/28FE87/NSW-AUST’ Closing Day on 36c PSE, unaddressed. PO 2/2/1959; closed 28/2/ Longueville: framed ‘LONGUEVILLE/AU20/1906/N.S.W’ arrival on coloured PPC of ‘Sylvia Fall, Blue Mountains, N.S.W.’. PO

27/1/1892; closed 31/7/1976.

Manahan (2): ‘PAID AT MANAHAN/9MY80/NSW-AUST’ in red.

PO 1/3/1947.

Manly: Multicoloured PPC ‘Ocean Beach, Manly, Sydney’, unused. PO 1/4/1857. 1099 * A- A2+ Matraville: violet 12-hr ‘MATRAVILLE/2036/18JAN1988/ PRIORITY/PAID/OFFICE’ on face of long cover (flap missing) with Matraville meter cancel 18 Jan 1988 paying $1.57 and small Priority Paid label. PO 15/12/1910; TO 28/2/1915; PO 26/7/1920. 1100 S A A2 Menangle Military Camp: ‘MENANGLE MILITARY CAMP/ 8NO16/=[N.S.]W=’ on 1/- Roo. PO 13/3/1916; closed 22/4/1918. 1101 * B B2 Military Road: framed ‘MILITARY ROAD/DE27/19[05]/N.S.W’ on 1d Arms on tinted PPC ‘Mosman’s Bay’ (corner bend), framed ‘[BR]OADWATER/DE29/1905/N.S.W’ (A2) transit. PO 1/8/1899; 1102 * A


closed 27/2/1987.

Gulgong: 25½mm ‘GULGONG/11JY1916/N.S.W’ on 1d red KGV. PO 15/8/1870. 1078 * A B2 Hanwood: 27mm ‘HANWOOD/8JL49/N.S.W’ (A2 backstamp) on 3d brown KGVI & 5½d Emu on Aust. Tech. Schools cover with blue registration label. PO 1/1/1921. 1079 D A A1+ Hibbard: ‘HIBBARD/23 JY74/NSW-AUST’ (spaced dateline) on 1c brown on piece. PO 1/8/1912; closed 28/3/1988. 1080 * A B1 Hillgrove: 2 strikes of ‘HILLGROVE/31MR79/N.S.W.’ on 20c Little Grebe on Philas Closing Day cover, unaddressed. PO 1/6/1884;

1086 D A A1



1071 * A A2


from Cuddell Siding PO 19/12/1904; closed 30/11/1988.

Crow’s Nest: ‘* POST OFFICE */ADV 1/4AUG1995/CROWS NEST/N.S.W./2065’, on $20 Painting on Tax Pack cover. PO 21/2/

1070 D A B2

1075 * A A1


Dubbo Military Camp: light clear strike of ‘DUBBO MILITAR[Y CAMP]/5SE16/N[.S.W]’ on 1d red KGV. PO 26/5/1916; closed

1069 * A A1



1064 S A- A2

1068 S A A2


Page 15

renamed Watersleigh PO 1/12/1918.

Miller’s Point: multicoloured PPC ‘Holy Trinity Church, Millers Point, Sydney NSW’, unused. PO 6/2/1878. Montefiores (2): ‘MONTEFIORES/31DE86/N.S.W-AUST’ Closing Day with inverted 8 in decade on 36c PSE, unaddressed. PO 1/10/1951; closed 31/12/1986.

Moore Park Military Camp: ‘[MOO]RE PARK MILTY CAMP/ 25SE16/=N.S.W=’ on 1d red KGV. PO 10/3/1916; closed 30/8/1918.

$15 $6 $10

$8 $10

$12 $10 $5 $15

Page 16 1105 * A 1106 S A A2 1107 S A B2 1108 * A A2

1109 S A A21110 * A A2 1111 D A B2 1112 * A A1 1113 * A B2 1114 S A A2

1115 * A A11116 D A A2 1117 * B B1 1118 D A1 1119 * A A2

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 Mosman’s Bay: multicoloured PPC ‘Cremorne and Mosman Bay, Sydney Harbour, NSW’, unused. PO 16/4/1901. Mount Hope: framed ‘MOUNT HOPE/26FE/1926/N.S.W’ (LRD) on 1½d red KGV perf ‘OS/NSW’. PO 1/7/1881; closed 30/6/1988. Mulgrave: framed ‘MULGRAVE/DE11/1914/N.S.W’ on 1d red KGV. PO 1/12/1880; closed 30/4/1968. Narromine R.A.A.F. P.O.: ‘R.A.A.F.P.O.NARROMINE/ 27JA41/N.S.W-AUST’ (A1 backstamp), 2d & 3d KGVI on Leek cover with blue provisional registration label. PO 19/11/1940;

1123 D 1124 * 1125 D 1126 * 1127 * 1128 D

1130 * A A1 1131 * B A1 1132 D B A1 1133 * B A1 1134 * A- B1 1135 D A11136 * A A1 1137 * A A1 1138 D A11139 * A A2 1140 S A A2 1141 D A2 1142 D A A1

1144 D A A2


1145 S A B2

Upper Horton: ‘UPPER HOR[TON]/16AU54/=N.S.W=’ on 3½d red QEII. RO 1/1/1892; PO 1/9/1899; closed 1/10/1993. Urbenville: ‘URBENVILLE/2?NO.17/N.S.W’ on 1d red KGV. PO

1146 * A A1

1906; closed 23/11/1940.


Newtown: 27mm ‘NEWTOWN/2MR59/N.S.W’ (arcs 4½,4) on 1/7d Registration Envelope with blue label. PO 1/3/1854. North Randwick: ‘NORTH RANDWICK/2JL34/N.S.W.’ on 2d Vic Centenary. [Very rare, Hopson & Tobin only record use in 1934.] PO 1/8/1921; closed 27/3/1986. North Rothbury: 2 strikes of ‘NORTH ROTHBURY/ 30NO83/=N.S.W=’ on 27c PSE Philas PO Closure cover, unaddressed. PO 15/8/1914; closed 30/11/1983. North Sydney Shopping World: ‘* POST OFFFICE */ 14OCT1995/SHOPPINGWORLD/N.S.W./2060’ (sic) on $20 Painting on Tax Pack cover. PO 25/11/1981. Orangeville: ‘[O]RANGEVILLE/27SE24/[=]N.S.W=’ on 1½d red No Wmk with [18L45] Right edge of shading line below right wattles missing - ACCC State II - white flaw at top of emu’s leg. Renamed from Bob’s Range PO 1/1/1916; closed 31/10/1967. Pagewood: ‘PAGEWOOD/11 30JE88/NSW 2035’ (last day) on 37c PSE, unaddressed. PO 1/5/1941; closed 30/6/1988. Park Street: 5 strikes of framed ‘PARK STREET/JA31/1899/ N.S.W’ on 1d Arms x5. PO 20/5/1878; closed 31/8/1899. Parramatta: 12-hr ‘PARRAMATTA/2150/22NOV1988/ PRIORITY/PAID/OFFICE’ on $1.64 Cash Register receipt, roughly opened. PO 1/3/1828. Peakhurst: ‘PEAKHURST/PAID/9OC78/NSW-AUST-2210’ in red. PO 9/11/1885.

Pennant Hills (3): 3 strikes of ‘* MONEY ORDER TELLER */ 26NOV1986/PENNANT HILLS/N.S.W./2120’ in violet on 30c AAT x4 (2 pairs) & 36c Xmas on long window-faced cover. Renamed from Upper Nemingha PO 15/2/1911; closed 30/11/1964.

Potts Point: multicoloured PPC ‘Pott’s Point, Sydney, NSW’, unused. PO 1/2/1937. A A2 Pymble: double-circle ‘* POST OFFICE */28/MAY/1935/ PYMBLE, N.S.W.’ in violet on 1/- Large Lyrebird. PO 6/8/1890. A2 Queen Victoria Buildings: magenta double-circle ‘POST OFFICE/JAN/11/1937/QUEEN VICTORIA BUILDINGS, N.S.W.’ on piece. Renamed from Queen Victoria Markets PO 1/5/1918. A A1 - ‘QUEEN VICTORIA BUILDINGS./29NO71/N.S.W AUST’ (arcs 1,1½) on 25c & 35c on Brown cover with blue registration label. A A2 Redfern: ‘REDFERN N-S W-/10PM-JE13 1919’ machine cancel on 1½d black-brown KGV. PO 1/7/1856. A B1 Revesby (2): 12hr clock ‘REVESBY/2212/14OCT1988/ PRIORITY/PAID/OFFICE’ on cover to Sydney. PO 1/6/1955. A1 B1 Rose Bay: 27mm ‘ROSE BAY/28NO42/N.S.W’ on 1½d green pair & 2½d red KGVI on cover with “Rose Bay/256” in lieu of registration label. PO 15/5/1906. A A2 Rowena: ‘ROWENA/1MR1932/N.S.W’ on 2d red KGV. Renamed

1129 * A A2



Newnes: ‘NEWN[ES]/2-FE15/N.S.W’ on 1d red KGV. PO 1/11/

Renamed from Pennant Hills Railway PO 1/8/1898.

1122 S

Uarbry: 2 strikes of ‘UARBRY/4JE80/N.S.W-AUST’ on 22c Kingfisher on Philas PO Closure cover, unaddressed. PO 1/4/

closed 31/8/1946.

1120 D A A2+ Piallamore: ‘PIALLAMORE/12MY48/N.S.W’ on 2½d red KGVI. 1121 * A

1143 * A A1-


from Eaton RO 2/12/1907; PO 1/7/1908.

Ryde: ‘RYDE/6OC36/N.S.W.’ (arcs 5,6) on 5d KGV on cover with blue registration label. Renamed from Kissing Point PO c.1846. St. Clair (3): 2 strikes of ‘ST CLAIR/17MR81/NSW-2759’ on 22c Kingfisher on Philas PO Opening cover, unaddressed. PO 17/3/


St. Peters: ‘ST. PETERS/2AU58/N.S.W-AUST’ (ERD) on 1/7d Registration Envelope. [Hopson & Tobin record for 1967 only.]

PO 1/10/1851.

Stoker’s Siding: 2 strikes of ‘STOKER’S SIDING/ 27AU34/N.S.W’ on 2d Vic Centenary pair (1x damaged, 1x torn in half) & 3d blue KGV. PO 15/2/1912. Strawberry Hills (1): ‘STRAWBERRY HILLS/1AU63/NSW-AUST’ on 5d on philatelic cover. From Elizabeth Street South 1/8/1917; replaced by Sydney Mail Exchange 6/3/1965.

Sydney Showground: ‘SHOW GROUND/24MR37/SYDNEY’ (A1 backstamp), on 4d KGV on Jamieson cover with blue provisional registration label, water damage. PO c.1916. Sydney South: ‘PAID AT SYDNEY SOUTH/3AP84/NSW-AUST’ in red. Renamed from Castlereagh Street PO 6/1/1964. Telopea (2): ‘* LICENSED POST OFFICE */29NOV1999/ TELOPEA/N.S.W./2117’ (opening day) on 45c on Alexander illustrated Opening Cover, unadressed. PO 29/11/1999. Terranora (2): ‘TERRANORA/7AU70/N.S.W-AUST’ on 30c Cook (part M/S) on Blackwood cover with blue provisional registration label. RO 15/10/1915; PO 16/7/1917. Toongabbie (4): ‘TOONGABBIE/PAID/6JE79/NSW-AUST 2146’ in red. Renamed from Toongabbie West PO 5/12/1960. Torrington: ‘TORRINGTON/26SE78/NSW-2371’ on 2c on long PSE. Renamed from Torington PO 21/5/1970. Trial Bay: ‘CENSORED,/DETENTION BARRA[CKS]/TRIAL BAY, N.S.[W.]’ in blue on 4d lemon KGV. PO 4/8/1917; closed 23/5/ 1918. [Detention Camp]

Trundle: ‘PAID AT TRUNDLE/-2SE74/N.S.W’ (dateline to left) in red. Renamed from Trundle Lagoon PO 1/7/1892. Tweed Heads: ‘TWEED HEADS/6SE76/4/NSW-2485’ on 18c PO 1/7/1878.


1147 * A A1

1148 S A B2

1870; closed 4/6/1980.


2/4/1962; closed 21/8/1987.


R.A.A.F. P.O. PO 1/10/1960.


Wagga Wagga R.A.A.F. P.O. (2): ‘WAGGA WAGGA RAAF P.O./ 1130A17MR62/NSW-AUST’ on 5d blue QEII on illustrated (Koala & Kookaburra) tourism cover, addressed. Renamed from Allonville

Wakool Crossing (2): ‘WA[K]OOL CROSSING/3DE25/N.S.W’ on 1½ red KGV. PO 1/6/1911; renamed Kyalite RO 4/5/1927. Wallgrove Mil. P.O.: ‘MIL.P.O.WALLGROVE/5AP40/N.S.WAUST’ (arcs 1,1) on 4d on Leek cover with blue registration label. [The first offered by us] PO 5/2/1940; closed 14/9/1946. Warnervale (2): light ‘WARNERVALE/3MY47/N.S.W’ on 5½d Registration Envelope with blue registration label. Renamed from

1149 * A A1


1150 * A B1-


1151 * A- AB1 Waterloo (2): ‘WATERLOO/2MR59/N.S.W-AUST’ on 1/7d Registration Envelope with blue label. RO 1/11/1876; PO 11/6/1883. 1152 * A- B2 Wattamondara: 2 strikes of ‘WATTAMONDARA/6JY88/N.S.W.’ (Closing day) on 4c Butterfly & 33c Cockatoo on cover, addressed. Renamed from Wattamadara PO 1/10/1903; closed 6/7/

Warnervale Railway PO 1/12/1917; closed 14/11/1980.


1153 * A A2


1154 S A A2


1155 * A A2



1156 D A A1


1157 D A1-


1158 * B2

$6 $8 $8 $5 $4 $6 $10 $6 $10 $24 $10


Wellington: ‘WELLINGTON/19SE36/[N.S]W’ on 2d & 3d SA Centenary on cover with blue registration label. PO 1/4/1838. West Pennant Hills: ‘WEST PENNANT HILLS/ 12OC36/=N.S.W=’ on 5d KGV on cover with blue provisional registration label. Renamed from Pennant Hills PO 1/8/1898. Westpoint: 2 strikes of ‘* POSTAL SERVICES */OFFICER/3/ 30JAN1990/WESTPOINT/N.S.W./2148’ on 35c Butterfly, 41c Sports & $1 Living Together on long cover with small Priority Paid label and overlapping strikes of 12-hr clock ‘WESTPOINT/ 2148/30JAN1990/PRIORITY/PAID/OFFICE’. PO 1/3/1976. Whitebridge: ‘WHITEBRIDGE/9JY70/NSW-AUST’ (LRD) on 5c Watson. [Hopson & Tobin record 1966 only] PO 19/9/1927; closed 31/8/1994.

Wilberforce: ‘WILBERFORCE/PAID/21MR79/NSW-AUST-2756’ in red. PO 1/5/1856. William Street: ‘WILLIAM STREET/12SE50/[N.S.W. ]AUST.’ (arcs 3,3 - a1 backstamp) on 6d & 2½d on Hotel Imperial cover with blue registration label. PO 11/8/1873; renamed Kings Cross PO

1161 * A C2 1162 D A A2 1163 * A A1 1164 * A B1 1165 * A- A2 1166 D A A2 1167 * A A2 1168 S A A2


1174 D A B2

$4 1175 D A B1 $50 $10 $4

1176 D A B1 1177 * A A1

$10 $6

$10 $8 $12

$8 $40 $6



- ‘WINDSOR/6JE36/=N.S.W=’ on 5d KGV on cover with blue registration label. Wingham: ‘WINGHAM/10OC49/N.S.W’ (A2 backstamp - arcs 3,4) on 2½d red KGVI & 6d Kooka on Aust. Tech. Schools cover with blue registration label. PO 1/9/1853. Woolomin: ‘WOOLOMIN/14AP66/N.S.W.’ on 5d blue QEII perf ‘G/NSW’. PO 1/10/1889; closed 28/2/1974. Woolwich: 2 strikes of ‘WOOLWICH POST OFFICE/30JE86/ NSW-2110’ on 33c PSE illustrated Philas PO Closure cover. PO 14/3/1892; closed 30/6/1986.

Wyong: framed ‘WYONG/SP28/1907/N.S.W’ on 1d Arms on tinted PPC of ‘The Bridal Veil Falls/Leura’. Renamed from Wyong R.S. PO 1/4/1889.

Yagoona: ‘YAGOONA/5P19NO57/N.S.[W-AUST]’ on 1/7d Registration Envelope with blue registration label. PO 1/6/1941. Yalgogrin North: ‘YALGOGRIN NORTH/10NO36/N.S.W’ on 2d SA Centenary. PO 15/10/1894; closed 29/1/1985. Yarrabandai (2): ‘YARRABANDAI/30SE80/N.S.W’ (Closing day) on 22c Kingfisher on Philas Last Day cover, unaddressed. RO

15/2/1911; PO 15/11/1913; closed 30/9/1980.

Yetman: framed ‘YETMAN/JY31/1923.N.S.W’ (LRD by 9 yrs) on 1d violet KGV. PO 1/9/1867.

$6 NORTHERN TERRITORY 1171 * A A2 Berrimah: ‘BERRIMAH/1NO62/NT-AUST’ on 5d Commonwealth Games on illustrated Royal FDC, unaddressed. PO 2/1/1957. 1172 S B A2 Darwin (1): ‘[DAR]WIN,N.T./18SE35/AUSTRALIA’ on 1/4d $5 turquoise KGV (toned). Renamed from Port Darwin PO 1/1/1911; 1173 * A A1



NEW SOUTH WALES | Travelling Post Offices 1169 * A B2 West: ‘TRAV[ELL]ING P.O.NO1 WEST.A/NO30/1906/N.S.W’ $4 Peck #1W9a on 1d Arms on PPC. [Rated 6] 1170 S A A2 - 27mm ‘[T.P].O.NO2.WEST/13MR.15/N.S.W’ Peck #2W7 on 1d red KGV. [Rated 7] PO 4/5/1830. $70




1159 S A A2+ Windsor: ‘WINDSOR/11AU15/=N.S.W=’ on 1d red KGV. PO 1/3/ 1160 * A B1



Villawood East: ‘VILLAWOOD EAST/1130A 21AU87/NSW-2163’ (large decade wheel; last day) on 37c PSE, unaddressed. PO




$7 $15 $10 $5 $10 $8 $10 $10 $8

$40 $15


closed 19/3/1942.


closed 17/9/1993.


H.M.A.S. Coonawarra: ‘H.M.A.S. COONAWARRA/5-P6JE91/NT 0820’ on 43c RSL PSE, unaddressed. PO 9/11/1987; Jabiru East: ‘JABIRU EAST/2AP80/1/NT-5796’ on 2c Crab & 20c Dingo. [Only open for 2 years.] PO 23/10/1979; closed 23/10/1981.

[Ranger Uranium Mine]

- ‘JABIRU EAST/1030A1-JE81/NT-5796’ on 22c PSE strip. [Only open for 2 years.] Maningrida: ‘MANINGRIDA/1JE71/NT-5791’ on 7c Rotary. PO 1/7/1970.

Nguiu: ‘RELIEF/19NO74/1/NT-AUST’ on 75c, 50c & 10c on Occleshaw cover with blue provisional registration label, signed on back by postmaster. PO 3/6/1974; replaced by Wurrumiyanga PO

c.-/6/2010. [Bathurst Island]

$20 $20 $4


Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 1178 D A A11179 * A- B1 1180 * A A2 1181 * A B1

1182 * A A1 1183 * A A2 1184 * A B1 1185 * A A11186 * A A1

QUEENSLAND 1187 V A C3 1188 F A B1 1189 F A B1 1190 F A B2 1191 W A B1 1192 F A B1 1193 *

A B1

1194 *

A B1


Nhulunbuy: (arcs 9,9) on 5c Deakin. [Rated R] PO 4/2/1970. Nightcliff: ‘NIGHTCLIFF/19OC67/NO[RTH-]AU[ST]’ (LRD) on 1c on 24c Registration Envelope with blue label. PO 17/7/1946. Parap (3): ‘PARAP/20OC67/[NT]-AUST’ (arcs 14mm ‘PARAP 19mm wide) on 25c on cover with blue registration label. [Rated 3R] PO 2/1/1960; renamed Darwin North PO 2/9/1974. Port Darwin: 26mm ‘PT DARWIN/19/AU19/03/S_A’ on ½d violet Newspaper Wrapper (H&G #E7) uprated with ½d cut-out, to England. [This is 3 years earlier than H&G quote as the issue date for this wrapper.] Ti Tree: ‘TI TREE/28JE85/NT-5751’ closing day on 43c Kakadu PSE, unaddressed. Replaced Tea Tree Well PO 3/12/1981; closed 28/6/1985.

Victoria River Downs (1): ‘VICTORIA RIVER DOWNS/ 21DE44/N.T.’ on 5½d emu on air cover to Adelaide. PO 1/1/1935;

closed 14/2/1953.


Winnellie: (Opening day) on 2c & 5c on Collas cover. Renamed from Darwin R.A.A.F. P.O. PO 25/2/1973. 11JA83 - ‘WINNELLIE/ /NT-5789’ on APO official cover to Adelaide. Yuendumu: double-circle ‘YUENDUMU/17OCT1997/NT 0872’, on illustrated Alexander Opening Day of LPO, franked with 45c dreaming. PO 1/5/1979; CMA 7/2/1989; LPO 17/10/1997. 1860-61 Small Chalon Wmk Small Star Clean-Cut Perf 14-16 SG #9, 6d green, Cat £65, trimmed perfs at left. - SG #9 6d green. 1868-78 Small Chalon Wmk 1st Crown/Q Perf 12 SG #106 6d yellow-green. 1880 Small Chalon Litho Wmk 2nd Crown/Q Perf 12 SG #118-20, 2/- blue in 3 shades, each with fiscal cancels, Cat £12 for fiscal cancellations. 1879-80 Sideface Wmk 2nd Crown/Q SG #134 1d reddish brown Die I. 1882-95 Large Chalons Wmk 3rd Crown/Q Thick Paper SG #160 10/- brown. 1897-1908 4-Corners Wmk 2nd Crown/Q Perf 12½,13 SG #240 3d brown. - SG #254 2/- turquoise-green, some light gum tones.

QUEENSLAND | Railway Stamps 1195 F A 1901 4th Series 1st Issue No Wmk Cat #4.1320-1 1d blue & 3d reddish violet both P12½.

1212 S A- A2

133: rays (N2a - rounded ‘3’s), on 6d green Chalon (small faults). [Rated RR] Allocated to Myall Creek-PO 1/8/1854; renamed


1213 * A B1

148: rays on 2d 4-Corners pair tied with unframed ‘THURSDAY ISLAND/8P/MR28/04/QUEENSLAND’ (b1) on PPC. Allocated to


1214 S A B1


1215 * A- A2 $80

QUEENSLAND | Postal History 1867 (Oct 8) inwards cover from Goulburn to Hughenden, 1205 * AFlinders River, Queensland, endorsed “Via Rockhampton”, messy cancel on 2d blue DLR x3. The addressee is Robert Gray station owner and pioneer at Hughenden. The Bowen backstamp is type 1b rated 4R. QUEENSLAND | Numerals 1206 A+ Queensland Colonial Postal History Volume 1 - The Numeral Cancellations 2nd Edition by Bernard A Manning in 2014, 266pp, New. A very comprehensive study. It contains a complete review of this interesting area of philately, with over 1000 colour illustrations across it’s 250+ pages. It offers new information and ratings not only on numerals, but by type, allocation and for different issues. This is a retail item and is offered at a fixed price. 1207 D A A1 38: 3 strikes of rays on 1d & 2d 4-Corners pair. Allocated to Barcoo-PO 1/4/1864; renamed Blackall PO 31/12/1868.

1208 S A B2

53: 2 strikes of BN on 1d Lined-Oval pair. [Rated RR] Allocated to

1209 S A- B2 1210 S A A2

73: rays on 3d brown Chalon. [Rated RRRR] Unallocated 85: rays (N2a) on 1d 4-Corners. [Rated RR] Allocated to Drayton-

1211 S A A2

89: rays on 2d 4-Corners. [Rated R] Allocated to Westwood-PO 1/4/

Charleville-PO 1/8/1865.

PO 1/1/1846; closed 31/12/1977. 1861.

Dalby PO c.1855.


Thursday Island-Replaced Somerset PO c.1877. 161: rays on 1d Lined-Oval. [Rated R] Allocated to WooroorookaPO 25/3/1886; closed c.-/2/1903.


166: 3 strikes of rays 1d x2 & 2d 4-Corners tied with unframed ‘EULO/P/7SP/07/QUEENSLAND’ (A2 - Rated R) on Tatts cover (filing holes). Allocated to Eulo-PO 6/9/1872. 1216 S A A2+ 181: BN on 2d Lined-Oval. [Rated RR] Allocated to Veresdale-PO

Renamed from Jundah Police Barracks PO 26/6/1877.


Floraville-PO 15/9/1883; RO c.1915; closed c.1916.


PO 5/6/1879.


Dulacca-PO 3/3/1879; RO c.1902; PO c.-/1/1909.



$20 $4




1219 S A A2

268: BN of ‘268’ on 2d 4-Corners. [Rated RRR] Allocated to

$20 $6

1220 S A- B2

309: ‘309’ BN on 1d 4-Corners. [Rated RR] Allocated to Emerald-


1222 * A- A2

$20 $80

1223 D A A2 1224 S B A2


1225 S A- A2

$4 $40 $40 $12 $40


1226 S A A2 1227 S A B2 1228 * A- B2

1229 * A- B2

1232 * A- A2

312: BN on 2d 2nd Sideface P12. [Rated RR] Allocated to

325: BN on 2d 4-Corners tied with ‘EWAN/1-30P-6JY05/ QUEENSLAND’ (A1 - Rated R) on Tatts cover (filing holes). [Rated R] Allocated to Ewan-PO 1/12/1903; RO c.-/1/1910; closed 20/2/ 328: BN on 2d 4-Corners. Allocated to Burketown-PO 1/1/1883. 352: BN on ½d green (faults). [Rated RR] Allocated to Eudlo-PO 376: BN on 1d orange. [Rated R] Allocated to Buderim Mountain-RO

1/4/1874; PO 1/6/1884; renamed Buderim PO c.1897. 399: on 2d Void-Oval. [Rated R] Allocated to Bundamba-RO c.1875; PO 4/5/1885. 425: ‘425’ on 1d Lined-Oval. [Rated R] Allocated to BogantunganPO 8/7/1881; closed 22/12/1982.

453: BN on 2d 4-Corner pair tied by unframed ‘DUGANDAN/ MR16/05/QUEENSLAND’ (A1) on Tatts cover, taped flap. [Rated R] Allocated to Dugandan-PO 1/10/1890; RO 22/7/1909; PO 1/7/1927;

1234 S A C2 1235 * A B1

1236 * A- A2

1238 S A B2 1239 S A B2

$8 $6 $4

closed 23/9/1929.


Allocated to Eidsvold-PO 19/9/1887.


454: 3 strikes of BN on 1d & 2d 4-Corners pair tied by ‘EIDSVOLD/9—-7JA05/QUEENSLAND’ (B2) on registered Tatts cover with two-lined ‘REGISTERED/EIDSVOLD’ handstamp. Monal-Renamed from Monal Creek PO 1/10/1893; RO c.1914; closed 21/9/1925. 540: BN on 4-Corners 1d & 2d x3. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Opalton-RO c.1895; PO c.1896; RO c.-/7/1908; closed c.-/1/1909.

544: ‘544’ BN in blue on 2d 4-Corners tied by unframed ‘DUNWICH/4OC/05/QUEENSLAND’ (A2) on Tatts cover, spike holes, small tear. Allocated to Dunwich-RO c.-/1/1885; PO 22/10/1896. 1233 S A A2+ 547: BN 1d 4-Corners pair. Allocated to Gympie-Renamed from

1237 * A- A2


236: light clear BN on 2d 4-Corners. [Rated RRR] Unallocated 252: BN on 1d 4-Corners. [Rated RR] Allocated to Jundah-

1230 S A A2+ 512: on 1d Void-Oval re-joined pair. [Rated RR] Allocated to 1231 D A B1

$15 $20 $48

1217 S A A2 1218 S A A2

1221 S A A2


1/1/1874; closed 4/8/1951.


QUEENSLAND | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 1196 PS A 1889-91 QV Oval Sideface HG #4, 1d rose on greyish with dots for address line, cancelled with unframed duplex ‘TOWNSVILLE/ 10OC15/95/Q[UEENSLAN]D - 59 (C2) with commercial message from E E Cowley & Co. $13 1197 PS A - HG #4 1d rose on drab stock used 1891, with printed message from the Royal Society Of Queensland on reverse. $25 1198 PS A 1898 QV Sideface Views With 2 Line Heading HG #10 1d chocolate on buff with scene ‘A Queensland Station’ with horses in foreground. $80 1199 PS A - HG #10 1d chocolate on buff with scene ‘Charleville Bore’. $80 1200 PS A - HG #10 1d chocolate on buff with scene ‘Loading Cane at North Isis Sugar Mill’. $80 1201 PS A - HG #10 1d chocolate on buff with scene ‘View of Works, Mount Morgan’, early mining card. $80 1202 PS A - HG #11 1½d chocolate on buff with scene ‘Sheep under a Bottle-tree, Western Queensland’. $100 1203 PS A - HG #11 1½d chocolate on buff with scene ‘Barron River, Cairns’, few minor blemishes. $90 QUEENSLAND | Postal Stationery - Wrappers 1204 PS A1892 QV With Lined Background HG #E1, ½d green, wove cream paper, end of text above S of QUEENSLAND, no gum, top corners cut-off, soiled face. [This appears to be the first state of the E1 series of wrappers. The corners were apparently removed to make the wrapper easier to handle.]

Page 17

Gympie Creek PO 9/7/1868.

552: worn BN on 1d 4-Corners. [Rated RR] Allocated to Geraldton-

Renamed from Johnstone River PO 1/1/1883; renamed Innisfail PO 18/8/ 1910.

557: 2 strikes of BN on 1d & 2d 4-Corners pair tied by unframed ‘DIRRANBANDI/7P/FE3/05/QUEENSLAND’ (B1) on registered Tatt’s cover with ‘T.P.O./A*9FE05/QUEENSLAND’ (A2) backstamp. Allocated to Dirranbandi-PO 1/1/1889. 598: BN on 1d & 6d 4-Corners tied by ‘DONORS HILL/SE11/04/ QUEENSLAND’ (A2 - Rated S) on registered Tatts cover (repaired filing hole) with ‘’REGISTERED/DONORS HILL’ (A1) handstamp. [Rated R] Allocated to Donors Hill-RO c.1887; PO 1/4/

$13 $80 $15 $4 $16


1891; closed c.-/8/1951.




c.1895; PO c.-/6/1910.


Renamed from Ball Pocket RO c.-/6/1910; PO c.1911.


602: BN on 2d 4-Corners tied by unframed ‘EBAGOOLAH/11A/ 7SP/07/QUEENSLAND’ (B1 - Rated S) on Tatt’s cover (spike holes, tear). [Rated R] Allocated to Ebagoolah-PO c.1900; closed

630: BN on 1d 4-Corners. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Drillham-RO 712: BN on ½d Roo. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Yungaburra-

QUEENSLAND | Datestamps 1240 Queensland Post Offices and their Datestamps 1859-1999 Vol. 1-4 by Ken Smithies in 2011, 1,593pp, New. Copious $50 coloured Illustrations. Essential for any collector of Commonwealth-period postmarks. This is a retail item and is being sold at a fixed price. $450 1241 * B B2 Adavale: ‘ADAVALE/9—A■7SE07/QUEENSLAND’ on 2d 4Corners on roughly opened Tatts cover (spike holes). [Rated RR] PO 1/1/1881; closed 1/2/1991. $10 1242 S A A2 Ambrose: 26mm ‘AMBROSE/5JUN33/QUEENSLAND’ on 2d red KGV. RO 25/10/1910; PO 1/11/1915; closed 28/2/1977. $8 1243 D A A2 Amby: ‘AMBY/20DE56/QLD’ on 3½d red QEII. RO c.1883; PO $160 c.1900. $4 1244 * A B2 Amity Point: ‘AMITY POINT/26JY66/QLD-AUST’ on 4c QEII $6 Envelope, addressed to Tatts. PO c.1942. $10 1245 D A A2 Barcaldine: ‘BARCALDINE/17AP63/QLD-AUST’ on 2/5d $20 Banksia. [Rated RRR by Smithies] PO 13/11/1886. $16 $100 1246 D A A1 Biggenden: ‘BIGGENDEN/19NO45/QUEENSLAND’ (blocks recut to arcs) on 4d Koala & ½d Roo. [Rated R] PO 16/5/1891; RO $15 1/4/1893; PO c.1895. $6 1247 S A B2 Blenheim: ‘BLENHEIM/■???25/QUEENSLAND’ on 1½d red $8 KGV. [Rated R] RO c.1878; PO 1/11/1885; RO c.-/7/1909; PO c.-/1/ 1910; closed 1/5/1970. $8

Page 18 1248 S A- A2 1249 D A B1 1250 D A- B2 1251 * A B1 1252 D A A2 1253 S A A2 1254 D A A1 1255 * A A1 1256 * A A1

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 Bloomsbury (2): ‘BLOOMSBURY/22DE36/QUEENSLAND’ on 2d red KGV. RO c.1925; PO c.-/3/1926; closed c.1993. Boodua: ‘BOODUA/18AP51/QUEENSLAND’ (LRD) on 3d red KGVI. [Rated RRR] RO c.-/5/1911; PO 1/7/1927; closed 1/2/1965. Borallon: ‘BORALLON/31OC34/QUEENSLAND’ (ERD) on 2d Vic Centenary. [Rated RRR] RO c.1922; PO 1/7/1927; closed 1/11/ 1974.

- ‘BORALLON/24MY67/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red QEII on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRR by Smithies] Boulia: 29½mm ‘BOULIA/24MR39/QUEENSLAND’, on 2d red KGVI. [Rated RR by Smithies] PO 1/7/1879. Brigalow: ‘BRIGALOW/2MR25/[QUEENSLAND]’ on 1½d red KGV. Renamed from Mulga RO c.1896; PO c.-/11/1912; closed c.1993. Brisbane: pictorial ‘{watermark logo}/29SEP1978/Queensland Philatelic Exhibition . Brisbane 4000’ on 35c Wittenoom Gorge. PO c.-/4/1830.

- ‘PAID/3D22JY55/BRISBANE’ in red, on long cover to Highgate Hill, Qld. Brisbane North Quay: 2 strikes of ‘BRISBANE NORTH QUAY/5/18JAN1984/QLD-4000’, on $2, $1 & 45c pair on cover with blue registration label. PO 1/10/1958; renamed North Quay PO c.1976.

1257 S A A2

Brooklands: ‘BROOKLANDS/7NO37/QLD’ on 2d NSW Sesquicentenary. [Rated S] Renamed from Ennis RO c.-/2/1916; PO

1258 D A A1 1259 D A B1

Brookstead (2): ‘BROOKSTEAD/4352/6AU93/QLD-AUST’, on 45c Wallaby. [Rated RR] Replaced Brookstead Rail PO c.1925. Brown’s Leigh (1): ‘BROWN’S LEIGH/26JY56/QLD-AUST’, on 3½d red QEII (cut-to-shape). [Rated RRR] PO c.-/5/1956; closed

1260 * A

Browns Plains (2): colour photo of PO taken 1993. Renamed

1261 D A A2 1262 D A B1

c.1920; closed 6/10/1966.


from Brown’s Leigh PO 1/5/1980.

Bryden: ‘BRYDEN/2FE50/QUEENSLAND’ on 2½d Forrest (cutto-shape). RO c.-/5/1917; PO 1/7/1927; closed 10/2/1970. Brymaroo: ‘BRYMAROO/5OC64/QLD-AUST’ (ERD) on 5d green QEII. [Rated RRR by Smithies] Renamed from Rosalie H.S.A. RO 1/7/1905; PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/9/1968.

1263 * A A1+ - ‘BRYMAROO/23MY67/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red QEII on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRR] 1264 D A1+ Buaraba (3): ‘BUARABA/11MR70/QLD-AUST’ (unauthorised impression) on 4c red QEII. [Rated RRR] PO 24/11/1936; closed

1271 * A A2 1272 S B B2 1273 D A11274 D A A11275 D A A1 1276 D A B1 1277 D A B1 1278 D A A2 1279 D A A2 1280 * A A2 1281 D A1 1282 D A A21283 D A B1 1284 S A B2 1285 * A A1 1286 S A A1

Renamed from Buderim Mountain PO c.1897.

Builyan: ‘BUILYAN/28FE49/QUEENSLAND’ on 2½d Jamboree (cut-to-shape). RO 1/5/1912; PO 1/7/1927. Bulimba South: ‘BULIMBA SOUTH NE.1./1015A14?E5?/QLDAUST’ on 2d purple KGVI. [Rated S] PO c.-/1/1947; renamed Hawthorne PO c.-/2/1968.

Bullyard: 2 strikes of ‘BULLYARD/4OC68/QLD-AUST’ (LRD) on 1c QEII & 4c YWCA on unrelated PNG FDC of 1963. [Rated R]

Renamed from Kolan RO c.1897; PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/8/1972.

- 2 strikes of ‘BULLYARD/4MR69/QLD-AUST’ (ERD) on 1c QEII & 4c Gynaecology on unrelated illustrated FDC (toned areas). [Rated RRR] Bundaberg: 23mm unframed ‘BUNDABERG/4/FE26/97/ QUEENSLAND’ (LRD) on ½d Queensland wrapper. [Rated RRR] PO 1/1/1871. - blue double-oval ‘[B]UNDABERG/4JUL17/[Q]UEENSLAND’ on 2d Roo (missing corner). [Rated RRRR - Only recorded date.] - ‘PAID AT BUNDABERG/27AP68/QLD-AUST’. [Rated RR] Bundaberg East (2): ‘BUNDABERG EAST/2FE68/QLD-AUST’ (ERD) on 5c on 4c red QEII. PO c.1945. Bundaberg South (3): 31mm ‘BUNDABERG SOUTH/1FE68/ QLD-AUST’, on 5c on 4c red QEII overprint. [Rated S by Smithies] PO 1/11/1945. Bundaberg West: ‘BUNDABERG WEST/20JE66/QLD-AUST’ (arcs 1½,1½) on 4c red QEII. [Rated RRR by Smithies] PO 26/8/ 1948.

Bungalow: ‘BUNGALOW/13NO47/QLD-AUST’ (ERD) on 5½d Newcastle (cut-to-shape). [Rated R] PO 2/1/1947. Bungunya: ‘BUNGUNYA/18NO63/QLD-AUST’ on 5d Export. [Rated S] RO 16/1/1912; PO c.-/6/1915; RO c.-/8/1922; PO c.1926. Burdekin (4): ‘BURDEKIN/23AU73/QLD-AUST’ (LRD) on 7c QEII (cut-to-shape). [Rated S] PO 1/12/1956; closed 17/4/1974. Burleigh Heads: ‘BURLEIGH HEADS/7FE69/QLD-4220’, on 5c David on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRR] PO c.-/6/1915; RO c.1916; PO c.1920.

- triple-oval ‘POSTMASTER/7APR1988/BURLEIGH HEADS, Q. 4220’. [Rated RRR by Smithies] Burnett Heads (2): ‘BURNETT HEADS/28OC54/Q[LD-AU]ST’, on 3½d Railway. [Rated RRR] PO c.1942. Burrum Heads: ‘BURRUM HEADS/18DE52/QLD-AUST’, on 3½d Jamboree (cut-to-shape). [Rated RRR] PO 11/12/1950. Bushley: ‘BUSHLEY/24??38/QU[EENSLA]ND’ on 2d Sesquicentenary. [Rated RRR] RO c.1899; PO 1/7/1927; closed 14/7/1955.

Caloundra: ‘PAID AT CALOUNDRA/—D11DE6[1]/QLD-AUST’ in red on cover. [Rated RR by Smithies] RO c.1890; PO c.1919. Cania (2): mss “Cania/22/9/03” (1st hand) on 1d 4-Corners pair.

RO c.1882; PO c.-/7/1909; closed 16/7/1959.

1287 * A B1 1288 D A A2 1289 * A A2 1290 * A B2


1291 D A B2


1292 D A A1-

$10 $13

$5 $8 $10 $48 $5 $6 $16 $40


Buderim: unframed ‘BUDERIM MOUNTAIN/AP8/02/ QUEENSLAND’ alongside almost illigible BN 376 (C2) on 1d Queensland Post Card Gold Mine and Works Charters Towers (missing corner, another corner almost torn off). [Rated RRR]

1270 * B A2



1266 * C B2

1269 * B A1-



Buddina: violet double-oval ‘POSTAL MANAGER/5NOV1999/ BUDDINA 4575’. [Rated RRR - Only recorded date.] PO 24/11/

1268 D A A2



1265 D B2

1267 D A A2


1293 * A- B2 1294 D A B1

1295 D A B1


1296 D A A2+ Donnybrook (2): ‘DONNYBROOK/15OC82/QLD-4510’, on 22c Goldmining. [Rated S] Renamed from Pumicestone PO 2/2/1976. 1297 D A A2 Donors Hill: unframed ‘DONORS HILL/JA11/13/ QUEENSLAND’ on 1d 4-Corners. [Rated S - LRD] RO c.1887; PO 1298 D A B2 1299 D A A2 1300 D A A2 1301 D A A2 1302 D A A2 1303 D A1 1304 D A A11305 S A A2 1306 D A A11307 D A A1-


1308 D A A1


1309 D A A1

$6 $10 $15 $15

1310 D A A11311 D A1 1312 D A B2 1313 S A B2 1314 * A A1 1315 D A1 1316 D A A2

$60 $10

1317 * A A2


1318 * A- A2


1319 D A A1 1320 D A A2

$12 $5 $5 $8 $24 $16 $12 $24 $30 $19 $40

Charleville: 2 strikes of straight-line ‘CHARLEVILLE/31-MAR1948/Q’LD.AUST’ on 5½d Emu & 3d KGVI on cover with blue registration label. [Rated RRR by Smithies] PO 1/8/1865. Chinchilla: ‘CHINCHILLA/15SE55/QLD-AUST’ (arcs 3,3) on 9d Platypus & 6½d QEII. [Rated RR] PO 3/1/1878. Coorparoo: 39mm double-oval ‘POSTAL MANAGER/ 29AUG2001/COORPAROO’ on 45c on long cover. PO 15/4/1880. Daisy Hill (2): 2 strikes of ‘DAISY HILL/28SEP1981/QLD. 4128’ (B1 backstamp) on 24c IYODP, 50c Possum & $2 Painting on cover with blue registration label. PO 31/10/1975. Deception Bay (2): ‘DECEPTION BAY/22OC65/QLD-AUST’ on 5d red QEII. [Rated S] PO 10/12/1934. Depot Hill: ‘DEPOT HILL/27OC65/QLD-AUST’ on 5d green QEII. [Rated R] PO 2/12/1946; closed 6/10/1977. - ‘DEPOT HILL/8AU68/QLD-AUST’ on 5c blue QEII on Greetings from Rockhampton tourist cover. [Rated RR] Dirranbandi (2): violet double-oval ‘POSTMASTER/8DEC1970/ DIRRANBANDI’ on 6c United Nations, partly o/struck with ‘DIRRANBANDI/5OC70/QLD-AUST’ (A1-). [Rated RRRR - Only recorded date.] PO 1/1/1889. Dittmer: ‘DITTMER/7MR51/QLD-AUST’, on 3d red KGVI (cutto-shape). [Rated RRR by Smithies] PO 1/4/1940; closed 16/5/1960.

1321 D A A2 1322 * A1323 D A A2 1324 D A B2 1325 D A B1 1326 D A2 1327 D B1 1328 D A11329 S A A2 1330 D A A11331 D A A1-

1/4/1891; closed c.-/8/1951.

Down Street Ipswich: ‘DOWN ST.IPSWICH/27JE68/QLDAUST’ (LRD) on 5c on 4c red QEII. PO c.1945; closed 20/2/1981. Drayton North: ‘DRAYTON NORTH/23JY53/QLD-AUST’ (arcs 1½,2 - small Q) on 3½d Coronation. [Rated S] PO 11/12/1950. Duaringa: 2 strikes of unframed ‘DUARINGA/AP14/99/ QUEENSLAND’ (A2) on 1d & 2d 4-Corner pair. Renamed from Colo PO 30/12/1875.

- ‘DUARINGA/4702/11SE85/QLD-AUST’, on 33c Sea Dragon. [Rated S by Smithies] Duchess: ‘DUCHESS/1AP68/QLD-AUST’ (LRD) on 5c on 4c red QEII. [Rated S] Renamed from Duchess Mine PO c.-/6/1910; closed 30/9/1987.

- ‘DUCHESS/6P31OC77/QLD-4824’ (Only recorded date). [Rated RRRR] - ‘DUCHESS/13AU83/QLD-4824’, on 2c Finch. [Rated RR] Dulbolla: ‘DULBOLLA/16MAR14/QUEENSLAND’ (ERD) on 1d roo. [Rated S] RO c.-/1/1912; PO c.1915; closed c.1949. Dunwich: ‘DUNWICH/25OC43/QUEENSLAND’ (LRD) on 2½d red KGVI & 4d Koala. [Rated S] RO c.-/1/1885; PO 22/10/1896. Eagle Heights: violet ‘EAGLE HEIGHTS/15JUL1992/QLD. 4271’ on 45c Living Together. RO 1/8/1926; PO 1/7/1927. Earlville: ‘EARLVILLE/27SE82/QLD-4870’ (LRD) on 22c Waltzing Matilda. [Rated RRR] PO c.-/1/1948. Ebbw Vale: ‘EBBW VALE/27JA66/QLD-AUST’ on 5d red QEII. [Rated R] RO c.1911; PO c.-/7/1911; closed 30/4/1976. Edge Hill (2): ‘EDGE HILL/10AP68/QLD-AUST.’ (LRD) on 5c on 4c red QEII. PO 15/9/1947. - 31mm violet ‘EDGE HILL/17OCT1986/QLD. 4870’. Edungalba: 25½mm ‘EDUNGALBA/16MR66/QUEENSLAND’ on 4c red QEII. [Rated R] Renamed from Herberts Creek RO 18/7/

1918; closed 29/9/1978.

Eidsvold: ‘EIDSVOLD/9—A30NO15/QUEENSLAND’ in blue on 1d red KGV. PO 19/9/1887. - ‘EIDSVOLD/19FE69/QLD-AUST’ (arcs 8½, 7½) on 5c Paterson on Waghorn cover. [Rated R] - ‘PAID AT EIDSVOLD/5P12SE85/QLD-AUST’ in red. [Rated RRR] El Arish: ‘EL ARISH/12JE74/QLD-AUST’, on 7c Desert Pea. [Rated R] RO 16/11/1921; PO c.1926. Elimbah: ‘ELIMBAH/21JE66/QLD-AUST’, on 4c red QEII on Waghorn cover. [Rated S] RO c.1911; PO c.1916; closed 31/8/1978. Emerald: ‘EMERALD/10—A-7OC11/QUEENSLAND’ on 1d 4Corners on multicoloured PPC ‘Loch Lomond, Swan Island’ London Series card (corner bend). PO 5/6/1879. - ‘EMERALD/915A-7FE71/QLD-AUST’ on 6c Coil. Emu Park: 3 strikes of unframed ‘EMU PARK/OC4/99/ QUEENSLAND’ on 1d 4-Corners x5 (inc. 2 pairs). Renamed from Hewittville PO 1/1/1890.

- 2 strikes of ‘EMU PARK/-6MY47/QUEENSLAND’ on 2½d red KGVI. Emu Park R.S.: black & white photocopy of photo taken c.1896 at Emu Park Railway Station. PO c.1889; closed c.1890. Emu Vale (2): ‘EMU VALE/19AP66/QLD-AUST’ (ERD) on 4c red QEII. [Rated R] Renamed from Neereeadah PO 10/10/1898; closed


Erobin: ‘EROBIN/18NO70/QLD-AUST’ on 6c Duigans (cut-toshape). [Rated RR] PO 1/7/1946; closed 2/1/1974. Esk: 3 strikes of unframed ‘ESK/FE13/01/QUEENSLAND’, on 1d & 2d 4-Corners vertical pair. [Rated S] Renamed from Mount

Esk PO c.-/2/1881.

- ‘ESK/24FE87/QLD-4312’ on PSE cut-out. [Rated RR] - ‘PAID AT ESK/3D21JA53/QLD’ in red. [Rated RRR - Only recorded date.] - ‘PAID AT ESK/2OC78/QLD-AUST’ (LRD) in red. [Rated RRR] Eton: ‘ETON/06SE1932/[QUEE]NSLAND’ (LRD) on 2d red KGV. [Rated R] PO 2/10/1881. - ‘ETON/20AU79/QLD-AUST’ (LRD) on 20c IYOTC. - 33mm ‘ETON/20AUG2003/QLD.-4741’ (inverted dateline) on 50c flower.

$26 $10 $6 $12 $4 $8 $10

$50 $40 $6 $8 $5 $6 $6 $5 $6 $55 $8 $10 $8 $4 $15 $6 $4 $5 $6 $8 $8 $16 $5 $8 $12 $5 $5 $5 $8 $6 $8 $6 $8 $30 $15 $6 $8 $6

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 1332 D A B1

Eton North: ‘ETON (LRD) on 20c IYOTC. [Rated R] Renamed from Savannah PO c.-/7/1937; closed

1333 D A B1

Eudlo: ‘EUDLO/3NO34/QUEENSLAND’ on 2d Vic Centenary.

1334 D A B2 1335 D A B2 1336 D A C2

1337 S A A2 1338 D A B2

1339 D A- A2 1340 D A B2 1341 D A A1 1342 D A B1 1343 D A- B1 1344 S A A2 1345 S A A2 1346 D A A1 1347 * A B2 1348 D A A1 1349 * A B1



PO 1/3/1891.


Eulo: ‘EULO/21AP88/4491/QLD-AUST’, on 37c Xmas. [Rated RRR] PO 6/9/1872. Eumina: ‘EUMINA S[IDING]/20MR??/QUEENSLAND’ on 1d green QE pair. [Rated RR] RO c.1924; PO 1/7/1927; closed 4/11/ 1939.

Eungella (1): unframed ‘EUNGALLA/JY 14/01/ QUE[ENS]LAND’ on 1d triple and 2d 4-Corners, also cancelled with illegible strikes of BN. [Rated RRR] Renamed from Eungalla PO c.1897; RO c.-/8/1905; closed c.-/9/1905.

Evergreen: ‘EVERGRE[EN]/8JUN11/QUEENSLAND’ on 1d 4Corners. RO c.1890; PO c.1905; closed 31/7/1934. Ewan (2): 25½mm ‘EWAN/8JA36/=QUEENSLAND=’ on 1d green KGV x2 (partly overstruck with another lighter strike). [Rated RR - recorded 1934-36] RO 10/8/1910; PO c.1923; closed

1356 S A- B2 1357 D A B2 1358 D A A2 1359 D A A2 1360 D A A1 1361 D A A2 1362 D A2 1363 D A A21364 D A B1 1365 S A A2 1366 D A A2

1375 D A B1 $40 $15

1376 D A A2 1377 * A A1

Wivenhoe PO 10/5/1877.


1379 * A A1



1380 * A A1


1381 D A A1-

Fernvale: ‘FERNVALE/11SEP30/QUEENSLAND’, on 2d red KGV (cut-to-shape). [Rated RR by Smithies] Renamed from ‘FLETCHER/13AP67/QLD-AUS[T]’,

Fletcher: on 24c Kingfisher. [Only recorded date - Rated RRRR] RO c.1915; PO c.1922; closed Forsayth: ‘FORSAYTH/1MY68/QLD-AUST’, on 5c on 4c red QEII overprint. [Rated R by Smithies] Renamed from Charleston PO



Garbutt: on 7c purple QEII. [Rated RR by Smithies] PO 6/10/1947; closed c.1993. Gargett: ‘GARGETT/28JUL60/QUEENSLAND’ on 5d blue QEII. [Rated S] RO c.-/2/1909; PO c.-/10/1910. Gilbert River: ‘GILBERT RIVER/30JE32/QUEENSLAND’ on 2d red KGV. [Rated RR] RO c.1896; PO 29/7/1898; TO 22/7/1965. Gilliat: 25mm ‘GILLIAT/12DEC24/[QUEENSLA]ND’ on 1½d red KGV. [Rated R by Smithies] Renamed from Gilliat Crossing PO 15/4/ 1909; closed 2/2/1973.


Gin Gin: ‘GIN (ERD - arcs 13,14), on 5d red QEII. [Rated RRR by Smithies] PO 15/3/1875. Gladstone: 2 strikes of ‘GLADSTONE/1JE59/QLD-AUST’ (A1 backstamp - arcs 4,4) on 3d & 4d QEII and 1/- Lyrebird on Tatts cover with blue registration label. PO 1/7/1854. Gladstone South (1): ‘GLADSTONE SOUTH/29MY68/QLDAUST’, on 5c on 4c QEII overprint. [Rated RRR by Smithies] PO 1/9/1955; closed 2/11/1973.

Gleneagle: ‘GLENEAGLE/6JY67/QLD-AUST.’, (LRD) on 4c red QEII on Waghorn cover. [Rated RR] RO 19/8/1889; PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/9/1976.

Goodna: ‘GOODNA/17AUG3?/QUEENSLAND’, on 2d red KGV. PO 1/11/1864. Helidon: ‘HELIDON/8NO34/QLD.’ (ERD) on 2d Vic Centenary. [Rated R] PO 1/8/1866. - ‘HELIDON/5-P11SE81/QLD-AUST’, on $2 & $1 on cover with blue registration label. Herberton: ‘HERBERTON/24FE69/QLD-AUST’ (ERD - arcs 3½,4) on 5c Paterson. [Rated RR by Smithies] PO 22/11/1880. Hillview: ‘HILLVIEW/12AU50/QUEENSLAND’ on 2½d red KGVI. [Rated RRR] Renamed from Hill View PO c.1903; closed 1/5/

1355 D A A2

1374 S A B2

1378 D A A2

1351 D A A2

1354 D A A1-


1373 * A A2


Glenore Grove: ‘GLENORE GROVE/1NO34/QUEENSLAND’ on 2d Vic Centenary. [Rated R] RO c.-/7/1906; PO c.-/6/1910; closed

1353 * A A1-


1372 D A A1

4/12/1946. [mining]

1350 D A B1

1352 D A A2

1371 D A A2




Home Hill: 24½mm ‘HOME HILL/13OC1924/QUEENSLAND’ on 1½d red KGV. [Rated R by Smithies] RO c.-/10/1912; PO c.1913.

Homestead: ‘HOMESTEAD/13DE34/QUEENSLAND’ on 2d Macarthur. [Rated S by Smithies] RO c.1884; PO c.1894. Howard: ‘HOWARD/17JE69/QLD-AUST’, on 5c blue QEII. [Rated RRR] Renamed from Burrum PO 1/8/1883. Hughenden: ‘HUGHENDEN/19FE46/QUEENSLAND’ (Type 100 - arcs 2½,3), on 1½d green QE & 2½d red KGVI. [Rated RRR] RO c.1874; PO 1/7/1878. Ilfracombe: ‘ILFRACOMBE/21MR57/QUEENSLAND’ (recut) on 4d Koala. PO 7/12/1891. Inglewood: 25mm ‘INGLEWOOD/1—17SE13/QUEENSLAND’, on 1d Roo. [Rated S] PO 16/9/1866. Irvinebank: ‘IRVINEBANK/9A16FE42/QUEENSLAND’. [Rated S by Smithies] RO c.1884; PO 1/6/1885. Kaimkillenbun: ‘KAIMKILLENBUN/1-NOV59/QU[EEN]SLAND’ on 4d lake QEII. RO c.1908; PO c.-/6/1909. Kenilworth: 26½mm ‘KENILWORTH/15MY55/QUEENSLAND’ on 3½d red QEII. [Rated RR] RO c.1896; PO c.1926. Koah (2): ‘KOAH/8AU40/QLD’ on 2d AIF. [Rated RR] PO c.1933; closed c.1947.

Koongal: ‘KOONGAL/6MR74/QLD-AUST’ on 7c Agate. [Rated R by Smithies] PO c.1946; closed c.1993. 1367 D A A2+ Kooroongarra: ‘KOOROONGARRA/28APR53/QUEENSLAND’ on 3½d Butter. RO 2/2/1890; PO c.-/12/1908; closed 26/3/1970. 1368 D A A1 Kuranda: ‘KURANDA/15JE66/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red QEII. [Rated R] Renamed from Middle Crossing PO 25/6/1891. 1369 D A A2 Kurrimine Beach: ‘KURRIMINE BEACH/7AU67/QLD AUST’ (LRD) on 4c red QEII. [Rated RRR by Smithies] PO 1/12/1953. 1370 D A B2 Kuttabul: ‘KUTTABUL/10JN55/QUEENSLAND’ on 3½d red QEII. [Rated RR by Smithies] Renamed from Mount Jukes PO c.-/4/ 1927.

$8 $5 $15

1382 D A A1 1383 D A2 1384 S A B2


1385 D A A2


1386 S A B2

$16 $24 $20 $8 $5 $8

1387 D A11388 D A A2 1389 D A2 1390 * A A1 1391 * A 1392 D A A2 1393 D A A2


1394 D A A2


1395 * B A2

$32 $8 $5 $40 $16 $4 $5 $4 $4 $12 $30 $5 $8 $6 $32 $12

1396 * B B2

1397 * A- A2 1398 D A A1 1399 * A A1 1400 D A A11401 D A A2 1402 * A A1-

1403 * A- A1

1404 S A B2

Page 19

Kyoomba: ‘KYOOMBA/13MR49/QUEENSLAND’ (LRD) on 2½d Von Mueller (cut-to-shape). [Rated RRR] PO 9/8/1881; closed 2/8/


Laidley: ‘LAIDLEY/24JUL46/QUEENSLAND’ on 2½d red KGVI. [Rated R by Smithies] PO 1/2/1861. Lakes Creek: 2 strikes of ‘LAKES CREEK/-A14JE66/ QUEENSLAND’ on 4c red QEII on Waghorn cover. [Rated R] PO

1/6/1881; RO 1/1/1883; PO 24/12/1888; closed 1/1/1965.

Lethe Brook: ‘LETHE BROOK/20AP25/QUEENSLAND’ on 1½d red KGV. [Rated RRRR during RO period - only recorded date] RO c.-/8/1924; PO 1/7/1927; renamed Lethebrook PO c.1951. Lockhart River: ‘LOCKHART RIVER/1145A21JL82/QLD-4871’, on 27c Rose. [Rated RR] Renamed from Iron Range PO 24/4/1978. Lockyer: ‘LOCKYER/26NO65/QLD-AUST’ on 5d green QEII (cutto-shape). [Rated RRR] RO c.-/9/1912; PO 1/7/1927, provisionally closed 31/12/1967; closed 11/4/1968.

Lowood: ‘LOWOOD/29SEP1995/QLD 4311’ on 45c Soldier Surgeon on cover to Crows Nest, NSW. RO c.-/6/1884; PO 15/10/


Lutwyche (2): 25mm ‘LUTWYCHE/21JA48/QUEENSLAND’ (arcs .,.) on 2½d Shortland. [Rated R - LRD by more than 11 years!] PO 24/5/1918. Manly: 2 strikes of ‘MANLY /27JA82/QLD-AUST’ (E.3 & time removed), on $2, 60c & 35c on cover with blue registration label. [Not recorded by Smithies] RO c.1892; PO c.1898. Mareeba: 32mm ‘POSTAL MANAGER/7SEP2001/MAREEBA QLD 4880’ on 45c Bradman on long cover. Renamed from Granite Creek PO 25/8/1893.

Margate Beach: light ‘MARGATE BEACH/1?MR52/QLD-AUST’ (tall letters - ERD) on 3½d KGVI. [Rated RR by Smithies recorded used for about 2 yrs only.] PO c.-/10/1935. Maxwelton (3): ‘MAXWELTON/26JY62/QLD-AUST’, on 5d blue QEII. [Rated RR] RO c.-/6/1907; PO c.-/2/1910; closed 8/3/1991. Mena Creek: ‘MENA CREEK/9SE83/QLD-AUST’, on 22c Air Mail. [Rated R by Smithies] PO 10/2/1934. Miallo (3): ‘MIALLO/2AP35/QUEENSLAND’ on 2d ANZAC. [Rated S] RO c.1925; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/10/1975. Miles: ‘MILES/-1SE55/QLD-AUST’ on 1/0½d QEII. [Rated RR]

PO 3/1/1878.

- ‘MILES/9SE71/QLD-AUST’ (arcs 12,13) on $1 Flinders pair. [Only date recorded - Rated RRRR by Smithies] - ‘MILES/PAID/5P30DE85/QLD-AUST-4415’ (time added - ERD) in red. [Rated RR] Mooloolaba: ‘MOOLOOLABA/25AP36/QUE[ENSL]AND’ on 2d Cable. [Rated S] PO 1/7/1929. Morningside Postal Depot: ‘MORNINGSIDE POST DT E.1/ 630A-3FE61/QLD. AUST’. [Rated R] Mount Gravatt: 2 strikes of ‘MOUNT GRAVATT/11AUG1981/ QLD. 4122’, on $2 & $1 on cover with blue registration label. PO

$50 $4 $18 $30 $8 $25 $4 $10 $5 $6 $12 $12 $6 $10 $10 $24 $8 $6 $6



from Mount Larcombe RO c.1905; PO c.-/11/1909.


Mount Larcom: black & white photo of PO taken 1977. Renamed Mount Surprise: ‘MT SURPRISE/21SE59/QLD-AUST’ (ERD) on 4d red QEII. [Rated RR] PO c.-/7/1908. Mullet Creek: ‘MULLET CREEK/19JE54/QUEENSLAND’ on 3½d Butter (cut-to-shape). [Rated RR] Renamed from Littabella

Creek RO c.1896; PO c.1924; closed 30/7/1974.

Muttaburra: ‘MUTTABURRA/2OC34/QLD.’ (ERD) on 2d Vic Centenary. PO 25/1/1878. Newmarket: ‘P/31OCT1995/NEWMARKET QLD 4051’, on $20 Painting (faults) on Tax Pack cover. RO c.1901; PO 1/7/1927. North Bundaberg: unframed ‘NORTH BUNDABERG/JY26/03/ QUEENSLAND’ alongside poor BN 271 (C2 - Rated RR) on 2d 4-Corners on aged cover, addressed to Brisbane. [Rated RRR] PO 1/1/1878; closed c.1926.

North Ipswich (3): ‘NORTH IPSWICH/16DE56/QUEENSLAND’ on 3d green QEII on 145x130mm cover, ‘T’ handstamp, 1d Postage Due added. RO 1/1/1916; PO c.1920. - double-circle ‘NORTH IPSWICH/1/2AUG1993/QLD 4305’ on 2c Sports. [Only recorded date] Pittsworth: ‘PITTSWORTH/9AM29MR55/QLD.AUST.’ on 1/ 0½d Registration Envelope with blue label. Renamed from Beauaraba PO 19/3/1886.

Pumicestone: ‘PUMICESTONE/31OC66/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red QEII. [Rated R] PO 1/8/1958; renamed Donnybrook PO 2/2/1976. Redland Bay: ‘REDLAND BAY/23AP32/QUEENSLAND’ on 2d red KGV. RO c.1881; PO 1/7/1890. Rockhampton North: 2 strikes of ‘ROCKHAMPTON NORTH/ 18SEP1984/QLD.,AUST.4701’, on $2, $1 & 30c pair (damaged) on cover with blue registration label. Renamed from North Rockhampton PO c.-/11/1959.

Sellheim Mil. P.O.: 2 strikes of ‘MIL.P.O. SELLHEIM/7OC42/ QLD-AUST’ on 1d maroon QE & 2½d red KGVI x3 on OHMS cover with blue registration label and Airmail label, to Melbourne.

PO 7/6/1941; closed 29/12/1944.

South Gladstone: ‘SOUTH GLADSTONE R.O./14SE34/ QUEENSLAND’ on 2d Vic Centenary. RO c.1898; PO 1/7/1927; renamed Gladstone Valley PO 1/3/1955.

1405 * A A2+ Sunnybank Hills: 32mm ‘SUNNYBANK HILLS/27OCT2000/ QLD. 4109’, on long APO cover. PO 12/10/1987. 1406 * A A2 - 38mm double-circle ‘POSTAL MANAGER/20SEP2000/ SUNNYBANK HILLS 4109’ on 45c on cover. 1407 * A A1 Toowoomba: ‘TOOWOOMBA/QLD/8AUG/1946/2½D/PAID’ machine in red on Masonic envelope to Brisbane. PO 1/1/1858. 1408 * A A1 Townsville: ‘TOWNSVILLE/1MAY1996/QLD. AUST. 4810’ in violet, on 45c A39 Frama on unaddressed Air Mail cover. PO 1/1/ 1866.

$10 $15 $4 $5

$80 $8 $8 $5 $10 $10


$50 $5 $3 $6 $10 $2

Page 20 1409 * A B1 1410 D A A2 1411 * A A1

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 Wandal: 3 light strikes of double-circle ‘WANDAL/18JAN1984/ QLD-4700’, on $2 pair & 10c on cover with blue registration label. RO c.-/9/1919; PO c.-/6/1927. Wellington Point: 29½mm ‘WELLINGTON POINT/14OC31/ QUEENSLAND’ on 2d red KGV. Renamed from Wellington PO 1/2/ 1890.


Woorabinda: on 25c on 5c Envelope with blue provisional C5 registration label. [Rated RR] PO 25/10/1965.

QUEENSLAND | Registered Handstamps 1412 D A A1- Aramac: two-lined ‘REGISTERED/ARAMAC.’ on 1d & 2d 4Corners pair. 1413 D A B1 Muttaburra: two-lined ‘REGISTERED/MUTTABURRA’ on 1d & 2d 4-Corners pair. PO 25/1/1878. 1414 D A A1 Southport: two-lined ‘REGISTERED/SOUTHPORT.’ on 1d & 2d 4-Corners x2.

1453 * A A1 $5 $10

SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 1437 PS A 1877 Framed Queen Victoria HG #1 1d violet on buff stock with printed message for Grand United Order of Oddfellows on reverse. 1438 PS A- HG #1, 1d violet on buff, some discolouration to top edge. SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Wrappers 1439 PS A 1884 Arms 14x9mm HG #2. 1440 PS A1889 No Headings HG #E4, 1d green on buff, tiny closed tear to right edge.

1455 * A A1

$13 1456 D A A1 $8

1457 * A A1-


1458 * A A2


SOUTH AUSTRALIA 1415 * A1860-69 Second Roulettes SG #25, 2d pale vermilion, 2 red spots on face, Cat £150. $60 1416 F A- SG #41, 1/- chestnut, Cat £11. $5 1417 * A C1 1876-1900 Wmk Broad Star Perf 11½-12½ SG #119, 8d on 9d burnt umber, Cat £170. $140 1418 F A B2 1901-02 Wmk Crown/SA (Wide) Perf 11½-12½ (Large Holes) SG #147, 1/- dark brown, Cat £12. $4 1419 * A A1 1876-1904 DLR Wmk Crown/SA (Close) Perf 13 SG #175, 1d pale green. $9 1420 * A C1 1882 DLR Surcharge SG #181 ½d on 1d blue-green. $15 1421 * A B1 1883-99 Wmk Crown/SA (Close) Perf 13 SG #192, 3d pale olive-green. $10 1422 V A B1 - SG #193, 4d violet, CTO quarter cancel from presentation set, full gum. $20 1423 * A A1 1891-93 Surcharges Perf 10 SG #229 2½d on 4d pale green. $15 1424 * A B1 1894-1906 Tannenburg Wmk Crown/SA (Close) Perf 13 SG #238, 5d brown-purple. $12 1425 F A B2 1902-04 Thin ‘POSTAGE’ Perf 11½-12½ SG #273, 9d rosy lake, Cat £10. $8 1426 * A B1 - SG #274, 10d dull yellow, Cat £17. $11 1427 * A B1 1904-11 Thick ‘POSTAGE’ Wmk Crown/SA (Close) Perf 12 SG #287, 10d dull yellow. $20 1428 V A A3 - SG #287, 10d dull yellow, CTO cancel, trimmed perfs, full gum, Cat £23. $12 1429 * A A1 - SG #290 5/- rose-scarlet $75 1430 * A C1 1905-11 Wmk Crown/A Perf 12x11½ SG #294, 1d rosine. $4 1431 * A B1 1906-12 Thick ‘POSTAGE’ Wmk Crown/A Perf 12,12½ SG #299, 4d orange-red P12. $18 1432 * A B2 - SG #302c, 9d lake, P12½, (type A), Cat £11. $10 1433 * A A1 - SG #303c, 1/- brown, thin ready gummed paper, Cat £14. $10 SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Official Stamps 1434 F A A1 1882 QV SG #O48, ½d on 1d blue green Opt ‘OS’. 1435 * A B1 1891-96 QV Perf 13 SG #O58 1d green. 1436 * A A2 1894-1906 Tannenburg Wmk Crown/SA (Close) Perf 13 SG #O74, 5d brown-purple, Cat £95.

1454 S A A2

$50 $35 $80

1459 * A A2 1460 D A1 1461 * A A2 1462 * A B1 1463 * A A1

1464 * A A11465 * A A2 1466 D A A2 1467 * A A1 1468 * A A1 1469 * A A11470 * B A11471 * A A1 1472 * A- A2 1473 S A A2 1474 *

$25 $11 $15

1475 *

1476 * A A1 1477 * A A1



1478 * A A1-

1/1/1855, provisionally closed 4/11/1974; closed 1/7/1976.


Sedan-PO c.1872.


1442 S A B2

63: on 1d green DLR. [Rated R] Allocated to Cherry Gardens-PO

1443 S B B2

311: on 1d green DLR P10 (left margin missing). Allocated to

SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Datestamps 1444 2014: The Hand-held Postmarks of South Australia and the Northern Territory Volumes 1 - 3 by Philatelic Society of South Australia in 2014, 1000+pp, New. Essential literature for any collector of South Australian postmarks. It includes rarity ratings and is copiously illustrated. This is a retail item and is being sold at a fixed price. $175 1445 * A A1- Adelaide: ‘GPO ADELAIDE/10/31OCT1995/S.AUST 5000’, on $20 Painting on Tax Pack cover. PO 10/4/1837. $5 1446 S A A2 Angaston: unframed ‘[AN]GASTON/NO16/71/S.A’ on 2d orange. [Rated R] PO 10/10/1846. $8 1447 D A1 Blackwood: ‘BLACKWOOD/PAID/31DE80/S-AUST-5051’ (ERD) in red. [Rated RRR] Renamed from Belair PO 1/8/1881. $16 1448 * A A2 Blinman: 2 strikes of 24½mm squared-circle ‘BLINMAN/JA9/00/ S_A’ on 2d violet DLR on Shierlaw cover front. PO 1/9/1862; CMA $15 30/6/1993. 1449 D A1 Brighton: ‘BRIGHTON/PAID/3JA89/SA-AUST-5048’ in red on piece. PO 27/8/1849. $5 1450 * A1+ Broadview (2): ‘BROADVIEW/5P23MR87/SA-5083’ (Closing Day) on 36c PSE, unaddressed. PO 20/11/1945; closed 24/3/1987. $8 1451 S A B2 Bull’s Creek: ‘BULL’S CREEK/??DE31/[STHAUSTR]ALIA’ on 2d red KGV. PO 18/11/1863; renamed Bull Creek PO 5/12/1940. $8 1452 * A A1 Caltowie: ‘CALTOWIE/5P15JY88/S.A.-5490’ (Closing Day), on unaddressed 37c Wombat PSE. PO c.-/4/1873; closed 15/7/1988. $6

closed 29/1/1988.

Cooke’s Plains (3): ‘COOKE’S PLAINS/23JL36/S.A.’ on 2d Cable. PO 21/4/1890; renamed Cooke Plains PO 5/12/1940. Cowandilla: double-oval ‘POSTAL MANAGER/29DEC1994/ COWANDILLA S.A. 5033’ (Closing Day) in violet on 45c Gymnastic Championships PSE, unaddressed and signed by Postmaster(?). Renamed from Hilton PO 19/6/1967; closed 29/12/ 1994.

Craigmore: ‘CRAIGMORE/30JUN1986/SA-5114’ (Opening Day) on 1c Lizard. Renamed from Elizabeth Downs PO 30/6/1986. Edithburgh: 23½mm squared-circle ‘EDITHBURGH/MY9/08/ S_A’ on 1d red DLR on Shierlaw cover front. PO c.1873. Elliston: 2 strikes of framed ‘ELLISTON/MY9/02/S_A’ on 2d violet DLR on Shierlaw cover front. Renamed from Waterloo Bay PO


Eudunda: 27mm squared-circle ‘EUDUND[A]/1/JY4/05/S_A’ on 1d red DLR pair (faults) on Shierlaw cover front. PO c.1872. Gawler: double-oval ‘POSTMASTER/14JUN1983/GAWLER S.AUST 5118’ (unrecorded) in violet. PO 18/5/1841. Georgetown: 2 strikes of 23½mm squared-circle ‘GEORGETOWN/1/DE21/99/S_A’ on 2d orange DLR on Shierlaw cover front. PO 1/9/1871. Goodwood: ‘PAID AT GOODWOOD/—■24NO61/S.A.’ in red, on Taniwha window envelope. [Rated 3R] PO c.1885. Gouger Street (2): ‘GOUGER STREET/No.2/27JUL1992/S AUST. 5000’, on 45c A83 Frama on unaddressed cover. Renamed from Gouger Street West PO 1/1/1988; replaced by Adelaide Business Centre PO 27/3/1998.

Greenways: ‘GREENWAYS/26JY94/STH AUST’ on 45c Natural Disaster Reduction PSE with ‘Closure of Post Office’ cachet, unaddressed. PO 2/12/1957; CMA 26/7/1994. Gulnare (2): ‘GULNARE/11MA25JE93/S.A.-5471’ on 45c Train on cover with ‘Closure of Post Office’ cachet, unaddressed.

1479 S A A2 1480 * A- B1 1481 * A A2 1482 * A A1

1483 * A A1-

1484 D A B2 1485 * A A2

1486 * A A1

$6 $5

$10 $5 $10 $12 $8 $40 $15 $70

$2 $8

Renamed from Gulnare South PO c.-/12/1912; CMA 25/6/1993.


Renamed from Gilles Plains PO 15/8/1966.


Hillcrest: ‘HILLCREST/31MR70/SA-AUST’ on piece. [Rated 2R]

Hilltown: ‘HILLTOWN/4AP85/STH AUST’ (Closing Day) on 33c Kakadu PSE, unaddressed. PO 2/1/1914; closed 4/4/1985. Houghton: ‘HOUGHTON/30JUN2000/SA 5131’ on Alexander LPO conversion to Community Postal Agency, franked with 45c Faces of Australia. PO c.1849. Jervois: ‘JERVOIS/??P29JY94/SA 5259’ on 45c Natural Disaster Reduction PSE with ‘Closure of Post Office’ cachet, unaddressed. PO c.1928; closed 31/7/1994. Kilkenny: ‘PAID KILKENNY/3D 1MY54/S.A.’ in black. PO 1/11/ 1883; closed 23/5/1980.

Kongorong: ‘KONGORONG/26AP88/S-AUST-5291’, on unaddressed 37c Wombat PSE with Closure of S.A. P.O.’s cachet. RO 18/4/1912; PO 1/1/1924; CMA 26/4/1988. Kooringa: 2 strikes of 27½mm squared-circle ‘KOORINGA/1/ DE8/05/S.A’ on ½d green pair on multicoloured PPC. Renamed from Burra Burra PO c.1849; renamed Burra PO 1/12/1939.

Koppio (3): 27mm squared-circle ‘KOPP[IO]/[?]/[?]/S_A’ on 1d red KGV. [Rated 3R] RO 1/1/1908; PO c.1911; closed 1/12/1955. A B1 Magill: ‘MAGILL/415P-4NO57/SOUTH-AUST’ on 1/7d Registration Envelope with blue label. PO 3/1/1850; LPO 29/6/1998. A A2+ Mannahill: ‘MANNAHILL/9AM11AU86/SA-5440’ (Closing day) on 33c Stampex ‘86 PSE, unaddressed. PO 1/1/1881; closed 11/8/


SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Diamond Numerals 1441 S A A2 25: ‘25’ on 2d blood-red PB Imperf. Allocated to Gawler-PO 18/5/

Cockburn: ‘COCKBURN/10A29JA88/S.A.-5440’, on unaddressed 37c Wombat PSE with Closure of S.A. P.O.’s cachet. PO c.1887;

$6 $5 $8 $10 $6 $8 $50 $10



1918; PO 1/7/1927; CMA 31/5/1994.


closed 21/6/1985.


from Mintaro Central PO 15/10/1917; CMA 31/3/1993; closed 31/3/1993.




Marama: ‘MARAMA/130P31MY94/SA 5307’ on 45c Kakadu PSE with Closure of Post Office cachet, unaddressed. RO 1/7/

Meribah: ‘MERIBAH/21JE85/STH AUST’ (Closing day) on 33c Great Barrier Reef PSE, unaddressed. RO 5/4/1915; PO 17/3/1916; Mintaro (2): ‘MINTARO/915A31MR93/S.A.-5415’ on 45c Shark Bay PSE with Closure of Post Office cachet, unaddressed. Renamed Mitcham Military Camp: ‘[MILITARY] CAMP MITC[HAM]/ [?■]■31JL18/[S]TH AUST’ on 1d red KGV. PO 4/1/1915; closed Moculta: ‘MOCULTA/12AP57/SOUTH-AUST’ on 4d Koala. PO c.1870; closed 31/3/1982.

Montacute: ‘MONTACUTE/1030A29NO93/S-AUST-5134’ on Postage Paid Canberra PSE with Closure of Post Office cachet, unaddressed. PO c.1887; CMA 20/11/1993. Morphett Vale Central: ‘MORPHETT VALE CENTRAL/ 11A9MY87/S-AUST 5162’ on long 36c Old Parliament House PSE with Closure of S.A. P.O.’s cachet, unaddressed. Renamed from

$5 $10

Morphett Vale PO 1/11/1968; closed 9/5/1987.




Mount Bryan (2): ‘MOUNT BRYAN/5P30NO93/S-AUST-5418’ on 45c Elizabeth Farm PSE with Closure of Post Office cachet, unaddressed. Renamed from Mount Bryan Flat PO 15/8/1920; closed

Mount Gambier West: ‘MT GAMBIER WEST/18AU50/SOUTHAUST’ on 5½d & 6d on 1950 registered air piece, blue registration label. [Rated 2R] PO 3/6/1946. Mount Torrens (2): 2 strikes of squared-circle ‘MOUNT TORRENS/1/JY3/07/S-A’ on 1d on black & white PPC ‘Greetings from Adelaide’, Valentine’s Series real photo. [Rated R] PO c.1855. Mudamuckla: ‘MUDAMUCKLA/30OC87/SOUTH-AUST’, on unaddressed 37c Wombat PSE with Closure of S.A. P.O.’s cachet. RO 1/7/1919; PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/10/1987.


$15 $6

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 1487 * A A11488 D A1

Murray Bridge: 24½mm squared-circle ‘MURRAY BRIDGE/2/ JY19/05/S_A’ on 2d violet DLR on Shierlaw cover front. Renamed

from Swanport PO 1/4/1880.

1494 S A B2

- RTS hand ‘MURRAY BRIDGE 5253/24APR1996/RETURN TO/ SENDER’ on piece. North Adelaide Kermode Street: ‘PAID AT NTH. ADELAIDE KERMODE ST/24JE75/SA-AUST’ in red on cover addressed to Cleve, S.A. [Rated 2R] PO 16/1/1956; closed 27/2/1981. Olary: ‘OLARY 5440/19NO93/SA-AUST’ on 45c Train on APO Great Barrier Reef cover with Closure of Post Office cachet, unaddressed. Renamed from Oolarie PO c.1896; CMA 19/11/1993. Orroroo: 28mm squared-circle ‘ORROROO/1/FE3/09/S_A’ on 2d violet DLR. Renamed from Pekina PO 1/6/1876. Parilla: ‘PARILLA/330P30SE93/SA-5303’ on 45c Train on APO Trains of Australia cover with ‘CLOSURE OF POST OFFICE’ cachet, unaddressed. RO 10/6/1908; PO c.-/1/1909; CMA 30/9/1993. Parrakie: ‘PARRAKIE/4P27OC93/SA 5301’ on 45c Bellona Anniversary PSE with Closure of Post Office cachet, unaddressed. RO 26/6/1907; PO c.1910; CMA 27/10/1993. Paruna: ‘[P]ARUNA/7OC26/[STH] AUST’ on 9d Roo. RO 10/8/

1495 * A A1

Peake (2): ‘PEAKE/415P30JY93/SA 5301’ on 45c on cover. RO

1489 * A A1 1490 * A A1 1491 D A A2 1492 * A A1 1493 * A A1

1496 * A A1 1497 * A B2 1498 * A A1 1499 * A A1 1500 * A1 1501 * A A11502 D A A1 1503 * A A1 1504 * A A1

1505 * A A1

1506 * A A11507 * A A1-

1508 * A A11509 * A A1

1510 * A A1 1511 * A A1 1512 * A A1 1513 S A A2 1514 D A B2 1515 * A A1 1516 * A A11517 * A A1 1518 * A A2

1519 D A A2 1520 D A A2

1914; PO c.1916; LPO c.-/3/1993; CMA 23/9/1994.

10/6/1908; PO c.-/1/1909; CMA 31/7/1993.

Peterhead: ‘PETERHEAD/31MAY2000/S.A. 5016’ on 45c FOA on Alexander Closing Day cover, unaddressed. PO c.1886; closed 31/5/2000.

Petersburg: 3 strikes of 26mm squared-circle ‘PETERSBURG/3/JU16/99/S_A’ on 2d orange DLR on Shierlaw cover front. PO 13/12/1880; renamed Peterborough PO 1/7/1918. Piccadilly: ‘PICCADILLY/-MA31JA94/S-AUST-5151’ on 45c Country Womens PSE with Closure of Post Office cachet, unaddressed. PO 1/6/1901; closed 31/1/1994. Port Lincoln East: ‘PORT LINCOLN EAST/30JE86/SA-AUST’ (Closing day) on 33c Great Barrier Reef PSE, unaddressed. Renamed from Kirton Point PO 2/9/1968; closed 30/6/1986.

Rapid Bay (3): ‘RAPID BAY/13DE86/SOUTH-AUST’ (last day) on 36c PSE. PO c.-/5/1943; closed 15/12/1986. Red Hill: ‘REDHILL/5PM17SE93/S.A.-5521’ (Closing Day) on 45c Abel Tasman PSE with CLOSURE OF POST OFFICE cachet, unaddressed. Renamed from Broughton PO 1/4/1874; CMA 17/9/1993. Rendelsham: ‘RENDELSHAM/11JE48/[S.]A.’ on 2½d red KGVI. [Rated R] PO c.1887; closed 30/6/1988. Renmark North: ‘RENMARK NORTH/245P24NO86/SA-5341’ on 36c Old Parliament House PSE with Closure of S.A. P.O.’S cachet, unaddressed. TO c.1928; closed 24/11/1986. Rundle Mall: ‘FIRST DAY OF ISSUE/RUNDLE MALL./ 16JAN1995/S. AUST. 5000/FIRST DAY OF ISSUE’ on 45c A15 Frama on unaddressed cover. Renamed from Rundle Street PO 12/3/ 1984.

Rundle Street (2): ‘RUNDLE STREET/5P9MR84/SA-AUST’ (Closing Day) on 20c Butterfly & ‘RUNDLE MALL/ 9A12MR84/1/SA 5000’ (Opening Day) on 10c Butterfly, on unaddressed cover. PO 1/2/1882; renamed Rundle Mall PO 9/3/1984. - ‘PAID AT RUNDLE ST/3D■7AP55/S.A’ in red, on window-faced envelope. [Rated 2R] Seaton (1): ‘SEATON/5P 28MR91/S-AUST-5023’ on 43c Waterbirds on unaddressed APO Stamps cover with Closure of Post Office cachet. Renamed from Seaton Park PO 1/9/1965; closed 28/3/1991.

St. Peter’s: ‘ST PETER[S]/2AU43/SOUTH AUST’, cancelling 5½d blue, on plain registered cover to Adelaide with blue C6 registration label. PO 1/11/1886. Station Arcade: ‘STATION ARCADE/24APR1997/[code]/S. AUST. 5000’ on 45c Trans Aust. R’way PSE’s for codes 1-8 & Postal Manager with ‘First Day of Postmark’ cachets, all unaddressed. Renamed from Hindley Street Adelaide PO 24/4/1997. (9) Stockport: ‘STOCKPORT/30JE88/STH AUST’, on 37c Wombat PSE with Closure of Post Office cachet, unaddressed. PO 23/10/ 1856; closed 30/6/1988.

Stockwell: ‘STOCKWELL/5P29DE88/SA 5355’ on 39c Philately Centenary PSE with Closure of Post Office cachet, unaddressed. PO 1/1/1858; closed 29/12/1988. Tarcowie: ‘TARCOWIE/930A31AU88/SA-5431’, on unaddressed 37c Wombat PSE with Closure of S.A. P.O.’s cachet. PO 1/8/1876; closed 31/8/1988.

Templer’s: unframed ‘TEMPLER’S/JA25/07/S.A’ on ½d green GPO. PO c.-/3/1856; closed 1/5/1967. Thebarton: 27½mm squared-circle ‘THEBARTON/1/AP30/15/ S_A’ on 3d Roo. [Rated S] PO 24/10/1850. Trans-Australian Rail: ‘TRANS AUST RAIL/30AP86/SA-5700’ (Closing Day) on 33c Kakadu PSE, unaddressed. Renamed from Trans-Australian Railway Pay Train PO c.1956; closed 30/4/1986.

Ungarra: ‘UNGARRA/4NO93/SOUTH-AUST’ on 45c Train on APO Columbus cover with Closure of Post Office cachet, unaddressed. Renamed from Moody PO c.1913; CMA 4/11/1993. Venus Bay (2): ‘VENUS BAY/31JY86/STH. AUST.’ (Closing Day) on 33c Stampex ‘86 PSE, unaddressed. PO 1/11/1944; closed 31/7/ 1986.

Victor Harbor (2): 27½mm squared-circle ‘VICTOR HARBOR/1/DE22/10/S.A’ on 1d red DLR on black & white PPC ‘South Side of Granite Island, V.H.’, readdressed to Walkerville, S.A. PO c.1864. Way: squared-circle ‘WAY/SE25/?6/S_[A]’ on 2d orange DLR. [Rated X] PO 1/9/1882; closed 31/3/1913. Willunga: 24½mm squared-circle ‘WILLUNGA/1/JA19/04/S_[A]’ on 1d red DLR P13 x2. PO 14/7/1839.

$12 $10

1521 * A A1

Woodside: AUSTRALIA’, on 2d scarlet KGVI, on cover to Norwood. Renamed from Inverbrackie PO

1522 D A A2

Wudinna: ‘WUDINNA/18JL34/S.A.’ on 2d red KGV. RO 6/3/1918;

1523 * A A1

$15 $10 $8 $10 $10

1524 * A A1 1525 * A A1-

$10 $12 $10 $10 $10 $12 $5

1528 F B 1529 F B 1530 F B 1531 F A C3 1532 G A C2 1533 W A B1 1534 F 1535 * 1536 F 1537 F 1538 F 1539 F

A C1 A- B2 A C1 A B1 A B3 A C1

1540 F A B1 1541 V A B3


1542 F A B3 1543 F A- D1 1544 F A B1


1545 F A B2 1546 * A B1 1547 F A B1


1548 V A B1


1549 * A B1 1550 F A- B1 1551 V A C1






closed 30/4/1993.


Weaner’s Flat PO 1/8/1876.


Wunkar: ‘WUNKAR/31OC83/STH AUST’ on 27c Solar World Conference PSE, uprated with 3c Frog, with ‘CLOSURE OF S.A. P.O.’S’ cachet, unaddressed. RO 1/1/1926; PO 1/7/1927; closed Yongala: ‘YONGALA/9A30AP93/SA-5493’ on 45c Uluru PSE with Closure of Post Office cachet, unaddressed. PO c.1875; Yorke Town: 3 strikes of 22½mm squared-circle ‘YORKETOWN/AU14/05/S.A’ (LRD) on 1d red strip of 4 (one damaged) on Shierlaw cover front. [Rated S] Renamed from

1857-69 Imperf Chalon Wmk Double-Lined Numeral SG #28, 1d dull vermilion 2-margins, MNG, Cat £300. - SG #34, 2d slate-green 2½ clear margins, Cat £55. 1860-67 Imperf Chalon Wmk Double-Lined Numeral SG #45, 6d grey, 4 close or just touching margins, Cat £70, crease not apparent from face. - SG #48, 6d slate-violet, Cat £55, cut-to-shape. 1863-71 Chalon Wmk Double-Lined Numeral Perf 10 SG #59, 1d carmine, typical poor perfs, Cat £50. - SG #65, 6d dull cobalt, Cat £100. 1863-71 Chalon Wmk Double-Lined Numeral Walsh & Sons Perf 12 SG #70, 1d carmine perf 12, MNG, Cat £110. - SG #71, 2d yellow-green, Cat £95. - SG #72, 4d deep blue, narrow stamp, Cat £250. - SG #73, 4d blue, P12. - SG #76, 6d reddish mauve, Cat £42. - SG #77, 1/- vermilion, poor perfs, Cat £70. 1863-71 Chalon Wmk Double-Lined Numeral Perf 12½ SG #82, 1d dull vermilion, ‘52’ cancel of Launceston, Cat £24. 1870-71 Sidefaces Wmk Single-Lined Numeral Perf 11½ SG #134, 10d black, central Hobart CTO cancel of OC9/1900, Cat £48. 1871-91 Chalon Wmk Double-Lined Numeral Perf 11½ SG #138, 6d bright violet, Cat £32. - SG #138, 6d bright violet, poor perfs, Cat £35. - SG #139, 6d dull reddish lilac, Cat £40. 1880-91 Sideface Wmk TAS Perf 11½ SG #162a, 4d chromeyellow, Cat £20 - SG #162c, 4d buff. 1880-91 Sideface Wmk TAS Perf 12 SG #165, 3d red-brown. 1889 Surcharged in Words SG #167, ‘Halfpenny’ on 1d scarlet, Cat £22. 1892-99 Tablets Wmk TAS Perf 14 SG #222, 2/6d brown & blue, quarter Hobart CTO cancel, Cat £32. 1899-1900 Pictorials Engraved SG #232, 2½d indigo. - SG #234, 4d deep orange-buff, with perf ‘A’, cancelled with ‘HOBART/H/21OC/1905/TASMANIA’ (A2), aged. - SG #236, 6d lake, Cat £32.

TASMANIA | Postal Fiscals 1552 * A B1 1900 Overprinted ‘REVENUE’ SG #F34 3d chestnut.

$6 TASMANIA | Revenues 1553 W A C1 Stamp Duty: 1900 1d blue Platypus corner block of 4 Optd ‘REVENUE’, no gum. $25

TASMANIA | Railway Stamps 1554 ** A/A1976 Parcel Stamps 25c, 40c, 50c & $1.

TASMANIA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 1892 Queen Victoria New Design HG #4 1½d+1½d brown on $10 1555 PS A buff ovptd ‘SPECIMEN.’, address half only. 1556 PS A1904 KEVII HG #9, 1d dull red on white, spike hole, cancelled with ‘AVOCA/14JY/05/TASMANIA’ (A1). $12 $6

TASMANIA | Postal Stationery - Wrappers (PTPO) 1557 PS A 1882 HG #KE3, 1d red on white horizontal laid, 103x269mm.

TASMANIA | Numerals - Second Allocation $10 1558 S B A1- 15: on 2d Sideface (stained). Allocated to Cambridge-PO 1/1/1867; $6 $15 $8 $8

1559 S A A2 1560 S A B2 1561 D A B2

$15 $20 $10

closed 29/11/1974.

18: on 2d Sideface. Allocated to Carrick-PO 5/11/1841. 23: on 1d Platypus. Allocated to Cressy-PO 17/9/1856. 36: on 2d Sideface. Allocated to Forth-PO 12/5/1856; renamed


$90 $30 $32 $10 $30 $70 $30 $70 $80 $20 $35 $20 $20 $20 $10 $12 $22 $15 $8 $8 $15 $30 $25 $4 $15 $40

$60 $8

$20 $20 $20

$16 $4 $8

Hamilton On Forth PO 29/2/1868; renamed Forth PO 30/9/1876.


Latrobe PO 26/1/1873.


Bay RH 1/8/1859; PO c.1864; renamed Sandy Bay PO c.1878.


1562 S A B1-

51: on 1d Sideface. Allocated to La Trobe-PO 31/8/1860; renamed

1563 S A A2

74: on 1d Sideface. Allocated to Queenborough-Renamed from Sandy

1564 S A A2+ 91: on Imperf 4d Chalon. Allocated to Torquay-PO 1/10/1854; 1565 S A A1-


PO c.1920.

1526 D A A2+ - 2 strikes of 27½mm squared-circle ‘YORKETOWN/ MY28/07/S.A’ on 1d red DLR P12 pair.

TASMANIA $10 1527 W A$6

Page 21


renamed East Devonport PO 28/2/1890; renamed Devonport East PO 30/6/1895. 342: on 1d Sideface. [Rated R] Allocated to Macquarie Plains R.S.PO 1/7/1892; renamed Gretna PO 31/12/1906.

TASMANIA | Datestamps 1566 * A A2 Bathurst Street: ‘BATHURST ST/14AU56/TAS-AUST’ (arcs 1½,2) on 1/0½d Registration Envelope with blue label. [Rated R] PO 9/8/1954.

$24 $8


Page 22 1567 D A A2 1568 S A B2 1569 D A A2-

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 Beauty Point: ‘BEAUTY POINT/■8DEC14/TASMANIA’ on 1d Roo. Renamed from Ilfracombe PO 2/4/1904; closed 31/5/1991. Blessington Upper: framed ‘BLESSINGTON UPPER/MR2?/ 0?/TA[SMANIA]’ on 2d Pictorial. [Rated RR-] RO 1/4/1900; PO 1/10/1900; RO c.1911; PO 1/6/1927; closed 31/3/1974.

Breona: ‘BREONA/30DE49/TAS-AUST’, two light strikes on 3d brown KGV & 1/6d Hermes on telegram piece. [Rated RRR]

Renamed from Tiagarra PO 5/9/1938; closed 7/9/1963.

Burnie: ‘BURNIE/PAID/5P31AU82/TAS-AUST-7320’ in red on OHMS cover. Renamed from Emu Bay PO 1/1/1882. 1571 S A A2 Carnarvon: framed ‘CARNARVON/MR22/04/TASMANIA’ on 2d Pictorial. PO 1/1/1883; renamed Port Arthur PO 20/10/1927. 1572 * A A2+ Carrick: ‘CARRICK/25OC82/TAS-7257’ on 27c Post Office. PO

1570 * A A1

1573 * A- A2

1574 D A A11575 D A A1 1576 S A A2 1577 D A B2


Claremont Military Camp: ‘[M]ILITARY CAMP.1/8JE17/ [T]ASMANIA’ on 1d KGV letter card with ‘TASMAN PENINSULA,/TASMANIA’ view (BW #LC18(130)), message explains how he is travelling by train to Burnie, then boat to Melbourne and then overland to Sydney. There he boarded the A20 Hororata. It sailed to South Africa then up the west coast to Liverpool via Dakar. PO 23/10/1914; closed 22/11/1918. Cooee: ‘COOEE/12MR51/TAS’, 1d Princess x3 on piece. Renamed from Cooee Creek PO 16/8/1912.

Cornwall (2): ‘CORNWALL/2JA15/TASMANIA’ on 1d red KGV.

PO 1/10/1914; closed 31/7/1986.

Cradoc (2): framed ‘CRADOC/*/JU6/11/TASMANIA’ on 1d Pictorial. PO 1/4/1892; closed 28/1/1977. Darwin: framed ‘DARWIN/?N9/01/TASMANIA’, on 2d Pictorial. [Rated RR, open for less than 3½ years.] PO 21/2/1900; closed 30/6/1903.

1578 * A- B1

Derwent Bridge: ‘DERWENT BRIDGE/19NO52/TAS-AUST’ (arcs 2,1½) on 3½d Jamboree block of 4 (lower left cnr.) on private Air Mail FDC, addressed to Hobart. PO 15/2/1937; closed

1579 S A A2

Detention River: framed ‘DETENTION-RIVER/MR25/04/TAS:’ on 2d Pictorial. PO 1/11/1873; closed 31/3/1975. Deviot: ‘DEVIOT/10FE84/TAS-AUST’ (Closing Day), on unaddressed 30c Tasmanian Arms PSE. RO 1/4/1909; PO c.1915;

1580 * A A1 1581 D A A11582 S A A2 1583 * A A11584 D A A11585 * A A1 1586 S A A2 1587 S A B2 1588 * C A2 1589 * A A2 1590 * A A1 1591 S A A2 1592 S A A2 1593 * A A11594 S A A2 1595 * B

1596 S A A2 1597 S A A2 1598 S A A2 1599 D A A2 1600 S A B2 1601 S A A2 1602 S B A2


closed 10/2/1984.


Eugenana: on 5c QEII. [Rated R] RO 1/5/1917; PO c.1926; closed 9/2/1972. Evandale: framed ‘EVANDALE/JU1/09/TASMANIA’ on 2d Pictorial. PO 1/6/1835. Fingal (2): 3 overlapping strikes of ‘FINGAL/2FE60/TAS-AUST’ on ½d Roo pair on 4d QEII Envelope, addressed to Launceston. PO 1/1/1842.

Geeveston: ‘GEEVESTON/13AP49/TAS-AUST’ in violet (ERD), on 1/- lyrebird. Renamed from Geeves-Town PO c.1888. - ‘GEEVESTON/PAID/4P5FE88/TAS-AUST-7116’ in red. Goulds Country: framed ‘GOULD’S COUNT[RY]/JU17/07/ TASMAN[IA]’ on 1d Pictorial. PO 1/1/1871; TO 1/5/1964; closed 30/9/ 1971.

Highthorpe: framed ‘HIGHTHORPE/SP9/04/TASMANIA’ on 1d Pictorial. PO 1/1/1892; renamed Ashwater RH 30/4/1919. Hobart: ‘POSTAGE PAID/H/APR30/1904/·HOBA[RT].TAS.·’ (Type 2b - H 2½mm wide and right upright under E of POSTAGE). Renamed from Hobart Town PO 1/1/1881. - ‘HOBART/8NO371-P/TASMANIA’ on ½d orange KGV (cut-toshape) on newsprint black & white photo of Hobart General Post Office. Hobart North: ‘PAID AT HOBART NTH/25NO68/TAS-AUST’ on window envelope front. Renamed from Elizabeth Street Upper PO 1/4/ 1895.

Kettering: framed ‘KETTERING/OC10/00/[TAS]MAN[IA]’ on 1d Pictorial. [Rated R] Kingston Beach: framed ‘KINGSTON BEACH/JU18/06/ TASMANIA’ on 1d Pictorial. RH 16/4/1900; PO 1/10/1900. Latrobe: ‘PAID AT LATROBE/5P29SE83/TASMANIA’, on Latrobe Municipal Council window envelope Renamed from La Trobe PO


Launceston: ‘REGISTERED BRANCH LAUNCESTON/ 23DE20/TAS’ on 5d brown KGV. PO 12/10/1822. - ‘PAID AT/2D10APR31/LAUNCESTON’ machine in red, cancelling OHMS window envelope from the Deputy Commissioner of Taxes, somewhat tattered top edge & some light creasing. Leith (2): framed ‘LEITH/*/OC30/05/TASMANIA’ on 2d Pictorial.


1606 D A B1 1607 S A A1


1608 D A1+ 1609 D A A1-

$24 $6 $8 $6

1610 D A A2

$4 $15 $8 $60

$4 $5 $10 $5 $6 $6 $5 $10 $25 $13 $8 $6 $15 $5 $6 $12

Mowbray Heights: ‘PAID AT RELIEF/14NO88/1/TAS-AUST’, on cover with typed ‘MOWBRAY HEIGHTS POST OFFICE/ JOFFRE STREET/OPENED 14/11/88’, backstamped with ‘POST OFFICE/14NOV1988/* MOWBRAY HEIGHTS TAS 7248 *’ (A1) in blue. Renamed from Newnham PO 7/1/1961. Murdunna: ‘MURDUNNA/26APR32/TASMANIA’, on 2d Bridge.

1614 D A A2 1615 D A B2 1616 D A1 1617 S A A2

1620 S A A2

1624 S A A2 1625 S A B2 1626 S A B2 1627 S A B2 1628 D A A11629 * A A11630 S A A2 1631 * A A2 1632 S A B2 1633 S A A2 1634 * A A1 1635 D A A1 1636 S A A2 1637 D A A2 1638 D A A2


1640 D A A1-

18/12/1899; closed 12/11/1966.

Magnet: framed ‘MAGNET/OC19/18/TASMANIA’ on 1d red KGV. Renamed from Mount Magnet PO 31/3/1903; closed 11/2/1939. Magra: ‘MAGRA/4AP66/TAS’ #4(s), on 4c red QEII. [Rated RRR]


1641 S A A1-


1642 D A A2

Malbina: ‘MALBINA/23FE24/[TA]SMANIA’ on 1½d green KGV. [Rated R] RO 1/8/1911; PO 1/1/1917; TO 1/1/1972; closed 30/4/1974. Mangana: framed ‘MANGANA/OC17/16/[TA]S:’ in violet on 1d red KGV. [Recorded 1918-19, ERD] RH 1/1/1866; PO c.1867; closed


1643 D A B1


1644 S A A2


$15 $15 $6 $5 $4

RO 1/6/1910; PO c.1918; closed 15/9/1969.

Naracoopa: ‘NARACOOPA/3MY49/TAS-AUST’ on 9d Platypus on Telegram piece. [Rated RR] RO 1/12/1920; PO c.1926; closed

19/9/1962. [King Island]

National Park: ‘NATIONAL PARK/20MR31/TASMANIA’ on 2d Kingsford-Smith. PO 15/2/1917; closed 31/8/1971. Neika: ‘NEIKA/10A-1FE65/TAS-AUST’. [Rated RR] RO 13/1/1913; PO 1/11/1924; closed 31/1/1969.


Nile (2): framed ‘LYMINGTON—NORTH/AP1?/06/TASMANIA’ on 1d Pictorial. Renamed from Lymington North PO 7/2/1901; closed


North Motton: framed ‘NORTH MOTTON/SP6/04/TASMANIA’, on 1d Pictorial. PO 31/8/1879. 1621 S A A1+ Nubeena: framed ‘NUBEENA/JY28/10/TASMANIA’ on 2d Pictorial. PO 1/12/1886. 1622 D A1Nunamara: ‘NUNAMARA/15OC58/TASMANIA’ on registered piece. RO 4/2/1913; PO 1/6/1927. 1623 D A B2 Parattah: ‘PARATTAH/??SP25/TASMANIA’, on 2d red KGV.

PO 1/9/1890; closed 31/8/1978.

Margate: framed ‘MARGATE/21JU/31/TAS:’ (year inverted) on 2d red KGV (fault). RH 1/7/1866; 1/9/1869; PO c.1900. 1603 D A A2+ Mayberry: ‘MAYBERRY/18MY42/TAS’ on 2½d red KGV (cut-toshape). RO 1/12/1923; PO 1/6/1927; closed 30/6/1971. 1604 * A B1 Maydena: ‘MAYDENA/7JY65/TAS-AUST’ on stampless Meteorological Return. PO 1/5/1944. 1605 S A A2 Melton Mowbray: framed ‘MELTON·MOWBRAY/SP16/08/TAS:’ on 1d Pictorial. RH 1/3/1860; PO 18/11/1875; closed 31/7/1987.

closed 31/8/1963.

New Norfolk: framed ‘NEW NORFOLK/OC13/02/TASMANIA’ on 1d Pictorial. PO 1/6/1832. 1618 D B A2+ Nietta (2): ‘NIETTA/31MR32/TAS’ on 2d Bridge (faults). [Rated R] Renamed from Tangana RO 1/12/1922; PO 1/4/1923; closed 31/3/

1639 * A A1

RO 1/6/1911; PO 1/6/1927; closed 15/3/1968.

Road RO 1/2/1907; PO c.1910; closed 20/7/1973.

1612 * A A1


Linda: framed ‘LINDA/FE23/12/TASMANIA’ on 1d Pictorial. PO

Mount Hicks Upper: framed ‘MT HICKS UPPER/19FE/15/ TASMANIA’ on 1d red KGV. [Rated RR] Renamed from Mount Hicks

Mount Nicholas: framed ‘MOUNT NICHOLAS/NO1/12/ TASMANIA’ on 1d Pictorial. Renamed from Millbrook PO 8/1/1892;

1619 S A A2 $20

Renamed from Whitefoord Hills PO 18/9/1915; closed 30/6/1971.

1611 D A A2

1613 D A A1 $70

- ‘MELTON MOWBRAY/20NO63/TAS.’ on 5d Export. Middleton: framed ‘MIDDLETON/JA1/04/TASMANIA’ (New Years Day) on 1d Pictorial. Renamed from Long Bay PO 10/3/1892. Mole Creek: ‘MOLE CREEK/27OC51/TAS.’. PO 28/5/1884. Moltema: ‘MOLTEMA/24JL25/TASMANIA’ on 1½d red KGV.

1645 D A A11646 D A A1 1647 * B B2 1648 * A- B1

Renamed from Oatlands Station PO 1/1/1882.

Pine Road: framed ‘PINE ROAD/SP10/07/[TASMANIA]’ on 1d Pictorial. [Rated R-] RH 1/10/1891; PO 1/1/1892; closed 2/1/1920. Premaydena: framed ‘PREMAYDENA/DE3/03/TASMANIA’ on 1d Pictorial. Renamed from Impression Bay PO 1/7/1895; closed 30/6/


Ranelagh Junction: framed ‘RANELAGH JUNCTION/JU12/11/ TASMANIA’ on 2d Pictorial. Renamed from Mountain River PO 1/1/

1895; renamed Ranelagh PO 14/9/1910.

Regatta Point: framed ‘REGATTA POINT/DE12/11/TASMANIA’ on 1d Pictorial. PO 1/4/1900; closed 31/8/1964. Ridgley: ‘RIDGLEY/27OC50/TAS’ on 2d purple KGVI & ½d orange Roo. PO 1/5/1905. Rosebery: ‘PAID AT ROSEBERY/16MR78/TAS-AUST’ in red on plain cover to Hobart, Tas. [Rated R] PO 1/11/1897. Rosevears: framed ‘ROSEVEARS/*/MY27/10/TASMANIA’ on 1d Pictorial. TO 1/11/1887; PO 1/1/1888; closed 28/2/1978. Sassafras: 2 strikes of ‘SASSAFRAS/31JY75/TAS.’ (Closing day) on 10c Sapphire on cover addressed to Launceston. PO 1/3/1873; closed 31/7/1975.

Sidmouth: framed ‘SIDMOUTH/OC24/06/TAS:’, on 2d Pictorial.

PO 1/4/1871.

Snake Plains: ‘SNAKE PLAINS//SP25/11/TASMANIA’ (* removed) on 1d Pictorial. PO 1/8/1889; renamed Glendevie RO 31/7/


St. Leonards: ‘ST LEONARDS/15NO71/TAS.AUST’ #5(s) on APO Return Receipt card. [Rated R] PO 1/5/1871. St. Mary’s: Type 2b ‘ST MARY’S/9MR37/TASMANIA’ on 2d red KGV. Renamed from Cullenswood PO 12/4/1869. Sulphur Creek (2): framed ‘SULPHUR CREEK/*/SP24/??/ TASMANIA’ on 2d Pictorial. PO 17/2/1890. - ‘SULPHUR CREEK/9SE37/[T]AS’, on 2d red KGVI. Targa: ‘TARGA/12SE60/[TAS]-AUST’ on 8d Tiger Cat. [Rated RRR] PO 20/5/1913; closed 30/6/1970. Triabunna: ‘TRIABUNNA/PAID/?P30MY85/TAS AUST 7190’ in red on WBC cover. Renamed from Spring Bay PO 1/1/1882. Ulverstone: framed ‘ULVERSTONE/MR4/12/TASMANIA’ (solid stops) on 1d Pictorial. Renamed from Leven PO 1/1/1882. Waratah: Type 2b ‘WARATAH/19MY20/TAS[MA]NIA’ on 1½d red KGV x 3. Renamed from Mount Bischoff PO 1/1/1882. Warringa: ‘WARRINGA/■8JY63/TAS-AUST’ on 5d blue QEII. [Rated R] RO 13/11/1922; PO 1/7/1926; closed 30/7/1974. Wattle Grove Lower: ‘LWR.WATTLE GROVE/5MY32/ TASMANIA’ on 2d Bridge. RO 1/6/1900; PO c.1901; closed 31/5/1968. Western Creek: framed ‘WESTERN CREEK/AU31/15/ TASMANIA’ on 1d red KGV. PO 1/1/1904; closed 7/4/1966. Wilmot: framed ‘WILMOT/SP31/[3]3/TASMANIA’ on 1d green KGV. PO 15/7/1898. Woodsdale: ‘WOODSDALE/6MY67/TAS-AUST’ on stampless strip with blue registration label. PO 1/3/1884; closed 16/5/1977. Wynyard: ‘* MONEY ORDER COUNTER */12JAN1987/ WYNYARD TAS. 7325’ in blue on window-faced APO cover (roughly opened). Renamed from Table Cape PO 1/1/1882. - ‘PAID AT WYNYARD/■■■10AP56/TAS-AUST’ in black on illustrated The River Don Trading Co. Pty. Ltd. wrapper, filing holes. [Rated RR]

$4 $20 $4 $5 $25 $5

$12 $5 $30 $10 $60 $10 $30 $6 $5 $10 $10 $2 $20 $10 $8 $6 $5 $6 $5 $15 $6 $40 $12 $4 $15 $2 $25 $6 $5 $4 $10 $8 $15 $3 $6 $10 $20

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 1649 S A B2

Yolla: framed ‘YOLLA/30MAR31/[TASMANI]A’ on 2d Kingsford Smith. Renamed from Camp Creek PO 31/7/1906.


1701 PS A

Page 23

1892 QV Embossed Stieg #KB12, 2d carmine on cream, cupped R43-R42, size b, 1893 use from Bendigo to Melbourne.

VICTORIA | Postal Stationery - Wrappers 1702 PS A 1885 QV 1d Yellow Green Stieg #E8.


1854 Half-Length Campbell & Co SG #24, 3d blue pair close/ touching margins [Pos 23-24], unit 24 with squeezed transfer, Cat £100, nice pair. $60 VICTORIA | Postal Stationery - Wrappers (PTPO) 1703 PS A 1885 1d Green on Buff Stock Stieg #KE6. 1651 F A 1854-57 Half-Length Campbell & Ferguson SG #31c, 3d blue 3-margins [pos 5], Cat £45. $40 VICTORIA | Commemorative Covers 1652 F A1854-55 Imperf Calvert Woodblocks SG #32a, 6d dull orange 1704 * A A1 39th. Congress ANZAS ‘39TH.CONGRESS ANZAS/17JA67/ four good margins, couple of trivial faults, retail $40, nice BN ‘3’. $20 MELBOURNE VIC AUST’ on 4c red on unaddressed cover. PO 1653 F A 1858 Imperf Emblems No Wmk Good Quality White Wove 16/1/1967; closed c.-/1/1967. Paper SG #64, 1d pale emerald, Cat £20, 4-margins. $15 1654 F A 1858 Queen-On-Throne Wmk Large Star Rouletted 5½-6½ VICTORIA | Postal History SG #73, 6d bright blue, Cat £15. $10 1705 *F A 1851 use of stampless cover to Sydney rated “2” in red, light 1655 * B D2 1859 Perf 12 By Robinson SG #76, 1d yellow-green on wove boxed ‘PAID AT/MELBOURNE’ (B2-) on face, endorsed “p paper, Cat £250, large part brown o.g, creased corner. $100 OMail/15august”, oval ‘[MELB]OURNE/[crown]/AU*15/1851/ 1656 F A C1 1860-66 Beaded Oval Wmk Single Lined Numerals SG #95 [PO]RT PHILLIP’ (B2) backstamp. 4d dull rose-pink with Large white flaw in front of forehead. $10 1706 *F A1907 use of 2d violet x2, cancelled with Melbourne machine of 1657 F A C1 1867-70 Laureates Wmk Double-Lined Numeral SG #158, 4d Sep 13 1907, on backflap printed ‘UNION CLUB HOTEL./ dull rose-red Wmk ‘4’. $4 COLLINS STREET/MELBOURNE’ cover to the Commercial 1658 F A B2 1884-96 Stamp Duty Litho Wmk 1st V/Crown Perf 13 SG Bank of Tasmania, filing hole. #236b, 1/6d rosine perf 12½ with part Melbourne duplex cancel, 1707 *F C 1912 use of 1d pink, cancelled with indistinct Victorian machine Cat £60? (not catalogued used with this perf). $40 cancel of 1JUN12 on T. Gaunt & Co, Jewellers, Watch Makers & 1659 F A B2 1884-96 Stamp Duty Typo Wmk 1st V/Crown Perf 13 SG Opticians cover to Newcastle, torn open at left, toned. #258b, 2/- deep blue on green P12½, Cat £38. $32 1660 F A A 1 - SG #260c, 5/- pale claret on yellow. $40 VICTORIA | Commercial Perfins 1708 F A Eliza Tinsley: ‘ET’, similar to Cat #ET.5 but with larger gap 1661 * A B2 1886-96 New Stamp Duty Designs Wmk 1st V/Crown SG between E & T, 1901 use on 1d red QV. #329, 1d P12½ orange-brown/pink, Cat £16. $8 1662 F A B1 1899-1901 Stamp Duty Wmk 4th V/Crown SG #345, 3d olivedrab, Cat £30. $25 VICTORIA | Barred Numerals 1709 * A- B1 16: 3rd duplex ‘BALLAN/OC10/06/VICTORIA - 16’ on 1d pink on 1663 * A A1 1897 Hospital Charity Fund SG #353-4, pair, fresh MUH, light multicoloured PPC ‘Rough Seas, Australian Coast’ Art Series storage stain on gum, Cat £150. $175 card (minor edging faults). Allocated to Ballan-PO c.-/9/1853; LPO 1664 * A B1 1899-1901 Stamp Duty Wmk 4th V/Crown SG #356 ½d 18/11/1993. emerald. $12 1665 * A B1 - SG #356, ½d emerald. $8 1710 S A A2 40: 1st Type on 2d lilac. Allocated to Echuca-Renamed from Hopwoods Punt PO 1/1/1855. 1666 * A C1 - SG #358, 1d olive pair, Cat £24. $20 1711 * A- B2 51: 4th duplex ‘HORSHAM/1/OC3/04/VICTORIA - 51’ on 1d pink 1667 F A B4 - SG #359a, 2d violet Watermark Sideways, unpriced, trimmed pair on Tatts cover. Allocated to Horsham-PO 1/7/1848. right perfs. $32 1668 * A B1 - SG #362 3d slate-green, Cat £38. $30 1712 * A- B1 71: 3rd duplex ‘RICHMOND/D/JY28/91/VICTORIA - 71’ on 1d brown on cover posted locally, additional red writing on front. 1669 F A C1 - SG #362, 3d slate-green, Cat £20, cancelled with unframed Allocated to Richmond-RH 1/4/1853; PO 1/1/1857; closed 1/2/1857. ‘EAST MELBOURNE/JE9/01/VIC’. [Cancelled prior to first day] $10 1670 V A B1 - SG #364, 5d red-brown half CTO cancel. $10 1713 * A- A2 73: 2nd duplex, unframed ‘SANDRIDGE/MR24/80/VICTORIA 73’ on 1d Postcard, unframed ‘ROSEDALE/MR24/80/VICTORIA’ 1671 F A C2 - SG #372, 5/- rose-red, couple of pulled perfs, Cat £45. $25 (A1-) arrival cds on face. Allocated to Sandridge-PO 16/9/1852; 1672 * A B1 1901 Re-Issue of No Postage Designs Perf 12x12½ SG #377, renamed Port Melbourne PO 6/3/1884. 2d reddish violet, Cat £14. $8 1673 * A C1 - SG #378, 3d dull orange, Cat £15. $15 1714 * B A2 74: 2nd unframed duplex ‘SEYMOUR/NO1/07/VICTORIA - 7[4]’ on 1d pink on multicoloured PPC ‘Emily Street, Seymour’, small 1674 * A C1 - SG #379, 4d bistre-yellow, Cat £25. $16 faults. Allocated to Seymour-PO 1/7/1844; renamed Seymour West PO 1675 * A C1 - SG #380, 6d emerald, Cat £12. $8 15/3/1911. 1676 * A C1 - SG #381 1/- yellow, Cat £75. $50 1677 * A B1 - SG #383, 5/- pale red & deep blue, Cat £55. $40 1715 * A- A1 75: on 1d Postcard with unframed ‘SHELFORD/MR13/08/ VICTORIA’ (A2) cds alongside. Allocated to Shelford-Renamed from 1678 * A C1 1901-10 ‘POSTAGE’ Wmk 4th V/Crown Perf 12x12½ or 12½ The Leigh PO 1/1/1854; LPO 20/5/1994. SG #388, 2½d dull blue, Cat £15. $12 1679 * A C1 - SG #388a, 2½d deep blue, Cat £15. $12 1716 S B A2 126: type 1B on 2d Bell (faults). Allocated to Kangaroo Flat-PO 2/2/ 1857; LPO 26/2/1994. 1680 * A C1 - SG #391a, 5d purple-brown, Cat £14. $10 1681 * A B1 - SG #393, 9d dull rose-red perf ‘OS’, (BW #V109ba, Cat $60). $32 1717 D A A2 139: ‘139’ in blue on 1d pink. Allocated to Burrumbeet-PO 1/9/1857; closed 28/4/1978. 1682 * A- B1 - SG #393, 9d dull rose-red, Cat £18, toned perf at base. $6 1683 F A B1 - SG #395, 2/- blue/rose perf ‘OS’, (BW #V120b). $15 1718 * A A1 148: 6th duplex ‘SOUTH MELBOURNE/C/SE16/02/VIC - 148’ on ½d Wrapper. Allocated to Emerald Hill-PO 1/10/1857; renamed 1684 * A B1 1905-13 ‘POSTAGE’ Wmk Crown/A Perf 12x12½ or 12½ SG South Melbourne PO 19/11/1883. #422a, 5d dull reddish-brown marginal single. $5 1719 * B A1- 156: 2nd type on 2d violet tied by 22½mm unframed 1685 F A- B1 - SG #430a, 5/- rose-red & blue (4th printing), with perf ‘OS’ ‘MANSFIELD/JA15/84/VICTORIA’ (A2-, WWW #10) on cover to sideways, small nick at top edge, Cat £45. $30 Queensland. Allocated to Mansfield-PO 18/1/1858. 1720 S A- A2 173: type 1B on 4d Laureate. [Rated R] Allocated to Daylesford-PO VICTORIA | Revenues 1/2/1858; LPO 1/5/1998. 1686 F A Stamp Duty: Cat #3.113 1957 £10 Mauve P11 pair, 1961 pen 205: ‘205’ (type 2) on 1d pink. Allocated to Wahgunyah-PO 1/7/1858; cancel. $25 1721 S A2 VICTORIA | Railway Stamps 1687 ** A 1934 Winged Stamps Third Issue 2d Die II Tourquoise blue on white issued for Waitchie, scarce/rare. 1688 ** A1941 Ninth Series Second Issue 5d red issued for Moolort, scarce. 1689 ** A 1953 Tenth Series 3d black on white issued for Diapur. 1690 ** A - 4d black on blue issued for Tragowel. 1691 ** A 1958-66 Eleventh Series 10d red on white issued for Lal Lal. 1692 ** A - 11d red on white issued for Melbourne.

VICTORIA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 1693 PS A 1876 QV 1d Laureate Stieg #P1, on cream stock. 1694 PS A 1885 QV 1d+1d Violet Reply Card Stieg #P8b, Optd Stamp Duty Type 3. 1695 PS A 1891 QV Universal Postal Union Stieg #P14, 1½d red on 2d violet, 69mm opt. 1696 PS A 1901 Last Line of Instruction Starting With States Stieg #P26, 1d rose on cream, CTO on FE22/01. VICTORIA | Postal Stationery - Letter Cards 1697 PS A 1889 Full Length QV Stieg #A1k, 1d blue on chalky paper. 1698 PS B 1911 One Penny on 2d QV Rose Stieg #A16, Cat $25, selvedge partly stuck down. VICTORIA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 1699 PS A 1892 QV Embossed Stieg #B9, 1d carmine. VICTORIA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes (PTPO) 1700 PS A 1885 2d Naish blue-violet on blue size b, Stieg #KB4a, cancelled with ‘ME[LBOU]RNE/13A/DE12/85 - VICTORIA’ (B2), unframed ‘CERES/DE13/[85]/[VICTORIA]’ (B3) arrival.

1722 S A B2 $50 $40 $25 $30 $30 $30 $35 $50 $15 $10

1723 S A B2 1724 S A A2 1725 S A A2 1726 D A A2+ 1727 D A B2 1728 S A B2 1729 S A A2 1730 S B A2 1731 S A A2

$40 $6 $35


1732 S A B2

LPO 3/5/1994.

206: unframed duplex ‘SERPENTINE/NO20/93/VICTORIA 206’ on 1d brown pair. Allocated to Serpentine Creek-PO 1/7/1858;

renamed Serpentine PO 8/3/1917. 250: on 2d violet. [Rated S] Allocated to Franklinford-PO 15/2/1859; closed 30/9/1969. 262: type 2BR on 2d DLR. Allocated to Reedy Creek-PO 1/4/1859; closed 31/3/1965. 263: ‘263’ (type 2B) on ½d green. [Rated S] Allocated to Bellarine East-PO 1/6/1859; renamed Bellarine PO 16/1/1865; closed 27/4/1979. 273: on 2d violet. Allocated to Belmont-PO 21/1/1860. 284: 2 strikes on 1d Bell x2. [Rated SS] Allocated to Tylden-PO 7/1/ 1860; LPO 10/3/1994. 304: on 2d violet Naish. [Rated SS] Allocated to Smeaton-PO 21/6/ 1860; closed 29/10/1993.

- unframed duplex ‘SMEATON/MY18/00/VICTORIA - 304’ on 1d pink pair. 308: on 1d pink (faulty). [Rated R] Allocated to Barnawartha-PO 1/8/

$20 $30



$10 $4


$10 $12 $10 $10


$12 $15 $10 $8 $15 $15 $10 $3 $15 $5 $10 $6 $5 $15 $6 $10

1860; LPO 1/7/1994.


1861; LPO 28/5/1993.




17/6/1872; LPO 29/3/1994.


331: on 2d mauve Naish. [Rated S] Allocated to Guildford-PO 15/1/

340: on 6d Laureate. Allocated to Jamieson-PO 16/3/1861; LPO 2/8/

1733 S A A2+ 380: on 1d brown. Allocated to Ondit-PO 1/1/1862; renamed Beeac PO 1734 S A B2


384: on 1d brown. [Rated R] Allocated to Jan Juc-PO 25/1/1862; renamed Bellbrae PO 1/7/1923.

1735 S A A2

397: on 2d violet. [Rated S] Allocated to Bass-PO 1/6/1862; LPO

1736 S A A2

398: ‘398’ on 1d brown. Allocated to Scarsdale-PO 1/6/1862; LPO 1/9/






Page 24

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016

1737 D A A2-

426: ‘426’ on 1d pink. [Rated RR] Allocated to St. Leonards-PO 1/3/

1738 S A A2

438: type 4 on 2d Laureate. Allocated to Majorca-PO 6/5/1863; closed

1739 S A A2

507: on 1d pink. [Rated SS] Allocated to Harkaway-PO 1/1/1865;

1740 S A A2

520: ‘520’ on 2d violet. [Rated S] Allocated to Cape Clear-PO 17/4/

1741 S A A2

568: ‘568’ on 1d brown. Allocated to Barry’s Reef-PO 1/10/1866;

1742 S A A2

1863; LPO 8/3/1994.



$12 $8

1782 D A1

1865; LPO 1/6/1994.


1783 * A A2

closed 31/8/1956.


1784 * A A2-

589: ‘589’ on 2d violet. [Rated S] Allocated to Baynton-PO 24/1/

1867; closed 31/5/1959.


renamed Cowwarr PO 22/8/1870; LPO 5/10/1993.


673: ‘673’ on 1d brown. Allocated to Upper Heyfield-PO 1/2/1869; 679: ‘679’ on 1d brown pair. [Rated SS] Allocated to Barkstead-PO

1746 S A A2

696: ‘[6]96’ (edge of 6 just on stamp) on 1d Laureate. [Rated RRRR - the numerals are 11mm high, on 969 they are 12mm high.] Allocated to Golden Lake-PO 17/1/1870; closed 1/7/1895. 730: unframed duplex ‘SORRENTO/AU17/04/VICTORIA - 730’ on 1d pink pair on Tatts cover (pin holes). Allocated to Sorrento-PO

1748 S A A2 1749 S A A2 1750 S A A21751 S A A2 1752 S A B2 1753 S A B2 1754 S A A2 1755 D A A21756 D B2 1757 S A B2 1758 S A A2

8/2/1869; closed 30/12/1972.


773: ‘773’ on 2d violet. [Rated SS] Allocated to Flynn’s Creek-PO

21/2/1872; RO 1/3/1919; PO 1/7/1927, provisionally closed 31/12/1948; closed 31/3/1949. 841: ‘841’ on 1d brown. [Rated SS] Allocated to Kewell-PO 9/9/ 1874; closed 5/6/1948. 846: ‘846’ on 2d sepia. [Rated SS] Allocated to Balmattum-PO 1/7/ 1874; renamed Balmattum East PO 1/2/1891; closed 1/7/1893. 870: ‘870’ on 2d violet. Allocated to Molesworth-PO 1/1/1875; LPO 1/12/1993; closed 30/6/1994. 876: ‘876’ 1st type on 2d mauve Naish. [Rated RR] Allocated to Kialla West-PO 22/2/1875; closed 14/7/1951. 942: ‘942’ on 1d pink. [Rated S] Allocated to Acheron-PO 15/4/1876; renamed Taggerty PO 14/9/1893; LPO 1/3/1994. 976: on 1d pink. [Rated SS] Allocated to Yallook-PO 6/6/1877; RO 1/8/1917; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/3/1955. 998: on 1d pink. [Rated S] Allocated to Broken Creek-PO 9/6/1877; renamed Devenish PO c.-/11/1878; replaced by Devenish R.S. PO 10/11/ 1883.

1043: ‘M43’ on 1d Post Card cut-out tied by framed ‘BUNYIP/ MR13/95/VI[CTORI]A’ (A2). Allocated to Bunyip R.S.-PO c.-/11/1877; renamed Bunyip PO 14/9/1903; LPO 15/11/1993.

1062: ‘M62’ on 2d violet. [Rated S] Allocated to Lake Charm-PO

15/4/1878; LPO 30/6/1994.

1071: ‘M71’ on 1d pink. [Rated S] Allocated to Nurrabiel-PO 1/10/

1762 S A C2 1763 S A A2 1764 S A A2 1765 S A A2 1766 S A B2 1767 S A A2 1768 S A A2 1769 S A A2 1770 S A A2 1771 S A A2

renamed Beaconsfield Upper PO 1/7/1891; LPO 18/1/1994. 1101: ‘MC/1’ on 1d pink. Allocated to Musk Creek-PO c.-/3/1879; renamed Musk PO 31/3/1937. 1106: ‘MC/6’ on 2d Bell. [Rated SS] Allocated to Loddon Vale-PO c./1/1879; closed 1/7/1895. 1113: ‘MC/13’ on 2d violet. [Rated S] Allocated to Wanalta-PO 16/1/ 1879; closed 8/8/1980. 1122: ‘MC/22’ on 1d pink. [Rated S] Allocated to Elliminyt-PO 1/2/ 1879; closed 30/6/1993. 1126: ‘MC/26’ on 1d pink. Allocated to Cudgewa-PO 2/6/1879; LPO 1/7/1994. 1136: ‘MC/36’ on 2d violet. [Rated S] Allocated to Kilcunda-PO 5/8/ 1879; LPO 17/11/1993. 1153: ‘MC/53’ on 1d pink. Allocated to Woorak-PO 10/11/1881; closed 30/11/1964. 1178: ‘MC/78’ on 2d sepia. [Rated S] Allocated to Homebush LowerPO 1/2/1880; RO 21/1/1919; PO 1/7/1927; closed 14/10/1960. 1189: ‘MC/89’ on 1d claret & blue PDue. Allocated to Scott’s MarshPO 9/8/1880; renamed Scotsburn PO 1/11/1889; closed 30/4/1971. 1228: ‘MCC/28’ on 2d violet. Allocated to Middle Creek R.S.-PO 1/9/ 1881; renamed Middle Creek PO c.1896; closed 26/6/1971. 1252: ‘MCC/52’ on 1d mauve Naish [Rated S] Allocated to Tarwin Lower-PO 1/2/1881; LPO 12/9/1994.

1772 D A B2

1264: unframed duplex ‘SPOTTISWOODE/NO16/0?/ VIC[TORIA] - 126[4]’ on 1d pink x2. Allocated to Spottiswoode-PO

1773 S B A2

1305: ‘MCCC/5’ on 1d pink (corner fault). [Rated SS] Allocated to

1774 S A A2 1775 D A A21776 * A A2

$18 $15 $12 $15 $4 $35 $6 $10 $10

1/2/1882; renamed Spottiswood PO c.1903.

Moolort R.S.-PO 2/10/1882; renamed Moolort North PO 4/2/1907; replaced by Moolort R.S. PO 29/10/1910. 1321: ‘MCCC/21’ on 2d violet. [Rated S] Allocated to Barrakee-PO 1/3/1883; closed 30/6/1973. 1336: ‘MCCC/36’ on 1d pink. [Rated S] Allocated to Wail North-PO 1/6/1883; renamed Wail PO 1/5/1886; closed 1/2/1985.

1427: unframed duplex ‘KORUMBURRA/AP2/04/VICTORIA 14[27]’ on 1d pink on black & white PPC ‘Mathinna Falls, Victoria’, message on front. Allocated to Korumburra-PO 1/11/1889; LPO 1/2/1999.

1777 S A A2

1509: ‘MD/9’ on 2d violet. Allocated to Brimpaen-PO 1/5/1886; TO

1778 S A A2

1882: ‘1882’ on 1d pink. [Rated SS] Allocated to Whitelaw-PO 1/10/

1779 S A B2

2062: ‘2062’ on 1d pink. [Rated R] Allocated to Barmah Township-

2/1/1957; closed 19/9/1957.

1790 D A B1 1791 D A C2 1792 * A A1-

1793 D A B1 1794 D A1 1795 * A 1796 * A 1797 * A A2 1798 * B

$15 $4

$6 $10 $10

1799 * A A2 1800 S A A2 1801 S A C2 1802 D A B2


1803 D A A2


1804 * A 1805 S A- B2

$6 $8

1806 S A A2


1807 D A B2


1808 D A A2-

$10 $6 $10 $5 $12 $10 $8

$15 $6

1809 D A A2 1810 D A A2 1811 D A B2 1812 D A B1 1813 S A A2 1814 D A A2 1815 * A A2 1816 * A 1817 D A A2 1818 * A 1819 D A B2

1891; closed 30/11/1961.


1820 S A A2

PO 2/5/1902; LPO 30/9/1994.


1821 D A A2

$5 $6 $10 $10 $12 $5 $5

closed 31/7/1980.




1789 D A A1


1097: ‘M97’ on 1d brown. Allocated to Beaconsfield-PO 7/10/1878;

- black & white photo of PO taken 1968. Altona North (2): colour photo of PO taken 1987. PO 1/3/1966. Altona West: colour photo of PO taken 1987. PO 2/10/1961;


Beenak-PO 1/7/1878; closed 31/8/1951.

1760 S A A2




1073: ‘M73’ on 1d brown (corner fault). [Rated SS] Allocated to

1785 * A 1786 * A 1787 * A

1/5/1944; LPO 30/6/1994.

Abbotsford: recut ‘ABBOTSFORD/3NO40/VIC’ (large year wheel) on 2d red AIF. [Rated R] PO 9/1/1888; LPO 4/1/2000. Albert Park: ‘ALBERT PARK/20AP60/VIC’, WWW #70B (arcs 7,6). [Rated RRR] RH 26/11/1883; PO c.-/1/1884. Alphington: ‘ALPHINGTON N.20./2JE65/VIC-AUST’ on 5d Churchill. [Rated RR] PO 2/2/1858; LPO 30/10/1993. Altona: light ‘ALTONA W.18./16OC64/VIC-AUST’, WWW #30B, on 2/5d Registration Envelope. [Rated RRR] RO 14/1/1918; PO

1788 * A A1+ Apollo Bay: pictorial ‘CAPE OTWAY LIGHTHOUSE/ {lighthouse}/150th Anniversary/29AUG1998/APOLLO BAY VIC 3233’ on 43c on cover. Renamed from Krambruk PO 2/5/1898; LPO

1881; closed 30/4/1974.

1759 S A A2

1761 S A A2



1745 S A B2

1747 * A- A2

1781 D A A1

LPO 30/9/1994.

1743 S B A2+ 670: ‘670’ on 1d pink. Allocated to Crossley-PO 7/12/1868; closed 1744 S A A2

VICTORIA | Datestamps 1780 * A 13th Street, Mildura: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. PO

Ararat: double-circle ‘ARARAT/AU28/08/VIC’ (arcs 4,4) on 1d pink pair. Replaced Cathcart PO 31/8/1857. Ascot Vale: ‘ASCOT VALE W.2./5P 3JE59/VIC-AUST’, WWW #100B (arcs 1,½) on QEII 4d. [Rated RRR] Renamed from Ascot Vale West PO c.1893.

- ‘AS[CO]T V[ALE] /—-8JY68/VIC-AUST’ WWW #100D (arcs 1,½ - ‘W.2.’ removed) on 25c bird. [Rated RRRR] - ‘ASCOT VALE W.2/—4MR60/VIC-AUST’ WWW #110B (A1 backstamp, time turned off, arcs 3,3) on 2/5d red on brown QEII registration envelope (ASC #R41) with blue C6 registration label, to Melbourne. [Rated RR] - ‘PA[I]D AT ASCOT VALE /10DE73/VIC’, WWW #710F in red (‘.W.2’ removed). [Rated RRR] Avoca: ‘PAID AT AVOCA/5D-15AP54/VIC.’. [Rated RR] PO 1/9/

$4 $10 $10

$16 $10

1854; LPO 30/11/1995.


1965; closed 24/3/1979.


PO 1/7/1927; closed 21/5/1977.


Baden Powell: black & white photo of PO taken 1968. PO 1/7/ Bahgallah (2): black & white photo of PO taken 1969. RO c.1902; Balaclava: ‘BALACLAVA S.16./11MY66/VIC·AUST’ (#100A arcs 1,1½) on 24c Registration Envelope. [Rated RRR] PO 5/7/


Ballarat: WTP coloured PPC of ‘View in Botanical Gardens, Ballarat’ cancelled with Ballarat 2 duplex of 29·1·09, framed ‘SOUTHERN CROSS/FE9/09/W.A.’ arrival, small surface abrasion on picture side. PO 1/11/1851. Ballarat East: double-circle ‘BA[L]LARAT EAST/845/6·8·10/ VIC’ (#80B - recut) arrival on PPC from Cape Town. [Rated R]



PO 1/12/1857; replaced by Bakery Hill PO 31/8/1992.






provisionally closed 20/6/1970; closed 1/8/1971.


Ballarat Military Camp: ‘MILITARY CAMP/3AU16/BALLARAT’ on 2d grey Roo perf ‘OS’. [Rated RR] PO 11/8/1915; closed 4/12/ Bannockburn: ‘[BANN]OCKBURN/23MR15/VIC’, #30A on 1d red KGV. [Rated RRR] Renamed from Wabdallah PO 1/4/1892; LPO Baranduda: ‘BARANDU[DA]/2JL60/VIC’ WWW #10A on 5d blue QEII (cut to shape). [Rated RR] RO 1/2/1913; PO 1/7/1927,

Bareena: ‘BAREENA/13JL34/VIC’ WWW #10A on 2d Vic Centenary. PO 1/12/1911; LPO 1/11/1993. - black & white photo of PO taken 1968. Barfold (2): unframed ‘BARFOLD/JE6/??/VICTORIA’ on 1d pink. [Rated RR] Renamed from Emberton PO c.1867; closed 28/2/


- ‘ BARFOLD/5NO14/[VIC]’ (‘T.O.’? removed) WWW #20B on 1d red KGV. [Rated R] Baringhup: ‘BARINGHUP/25JY68/VIC’ (ERD) WWW #40B on 1c brown QEII. [Rated RR] PO 12/2/1858; closed 31/12/1974. Baringhup West (2): ‘BARINGHUP WEST/25OC3?/VIC’ WWW #10 on 2d red KGVI. [Rated RR] RO 1/9/1920; PO 20/6/1927; closed


Barjarg: ‘BARJARG/21NO56/VIC’ WWW #10A on 4d Koala. [Rated S] PO 1/7/1915; closed 31/12/1970. - ‘BARJARG/?JA61/VIC’ WWW #10B on 5d Xmas. [Rated S] Barker’s Creek: ‘BARKERS CREEK/??JE57/VICTORIA’ on 4d lake QEII. [Rated R] PO 1/10/1858; closed 14/1/1977. - ‘BARKER’S CREEK/23OC71/VIC’ 30BI on 1c brown QEII (cut-toshape). [Rated RR] Barkly: ‘BARKLY/25MY25/VIC.’ WWW #30 on ½d orange KGV. [Rated S] Renamed from Navarre Rush PO 12/11/1861; closed 30/6/


- ‘BARKLY/24MY79/VIC-3467’, WWW #40 on 3c Crab. [Rated R] - ‘BARKLY/30JE81/VIC-3467’, WWW #40 (Last Day) on 22c Gold Rush on long commemorative cover. - black & white photo of PO taken 1971. Barkstead: ‘BARKSTEAD/28JE60/VIC’ WWW #20C on 5d blue QEII (cut-to-shape). [Rated S] PO 8/2/1869; closed 30/12/1972. Barmah Township: colour photo of PO taken 1982. PO 2/5/1902; LPO 30/9/1994.

Barnadown: ‘BARNADOWN/??JA60/VIC.’ WWW #10 on 5d Xmas (cut-to-shape). [Rated RR] Renamed from Barnedown PO c.1936, provisionally closed 31/8/1968; closed 12/8/1971.

Barnawartha: ‘BARNAWARTHA/18JA27/VIC’ on 1½d red KGV.

PO 1/8/1860; LPO 1/7/1994.

Barrabool (2): ‘BARRABOOL/16MR58/VIC’ on 3d green QEII. [Rated R] RO 1/8/1921; PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/6/1963.

$4 $5 $12 $12 $15 $30 $6 $6 $6 $12 $8 $8 $16 $5 $8 $5 $20 $5 $10

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 1822 D A A2 1823 * A 1824 S A A2 1825 D A A1 1826 D A B1 1827 S A A2 1828 D A A2 1829 D A A2 1830 * A 1831 S A A2 1832 * A 1833 D A A2 1834 S A B21835 D A B2 1836 D A A1 1837 * A 1838 S A A2 1839 * A 1840 D A A2

Barrakee: ‘T.O.BARRAKEE/22FE48/VIC’ WWW #30 on 2½d red KGVI. [Rated RR] PO 1/3/1883; closed 30/6/1973. - black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Barramunga: framed ‘BARRAMUNGA/NO30/04/VIC’ WWW #20 on 1d pink. [Rated S] PO 14/2/1887; closed 27/2/1981. - ‘BARRAMUNGA/18FE58/VIC.’ WWW #30 on 4d Xmas (cut-toshape). Barrapoort (2): ‘BARRAPOORT/30AU60/VIC’ WWW #10B on 5d blue QEII. [Rated R] Renamed from Barrapoort Railway PO 15/2/ 1913; closed 19/9/1972.

Barry’s Reef: ‘BARRY’S [REE]F/16JA15/VIC’ WWW #20 on 1d Roo. [Rated R] PO 1/10/1866; closed 31/8/1956. Barwon Downs: ‘BARWON DOWNS/22SE60/VIC.’ WWW #20B on 5d blue QEII. PO 24/9/1888; closed 29/11/1975. Barwon Heads (2): ‘BARWON HEADS/6DE30/VIC’ WWW #20 on 1d green KGV. PO 23/7/1890; LPO 11/2/1994. - colour photo (9 x 9.5cm) of PO taken 1982. Bass: framed ‘BASS/MY16/05/VICTORIA’ WWW #30 on 1d pink. PO 1/6/1862; LPO 15/9/1993. - colour photo of PO taken 1984. Batesford: ‘BATESFORD/4SE30/VIC.’ WWW #30 on 1d green KGV x2. [Rated R] PO 18/8/1856; TO 3/6/1942; closed 31/1/1949. Baxter: ‘BAXTER/6FE23/VIC’ on 3d Roo. [Rated RRR] Renamed

Bayles: 29mm ‘BAYLES/30AP48/VIC.’ on 2½ red KGVI. RO 5/9/

1921; PO c.-/12/1923; LPO 1/7/1993.

- colour photo of PO taken 1992. Baynton (1): ‘BAYNTON/11AP25/VIC’ WWW #20 on 1½d red KGV. [Rated S] PO 24/1/1867; closed 31/5/1959. - black & white photo of PO (second last site) taken 1972. Beaconsfield (2): ‘BEACONSFIELD/22JA10/VICTORIA’ WWW #20 on 1d pink. Renamed from Beaconsfield R.S. PO c.1902; LPO 1/7/ 1993.

1843 S A A3

- ‘[POST AND] TELEGRAP[H OFFICE]/BEAUFORT/JE21/1892’ on 1d brown. [Rated S] - colour photo of PO taken 1990. Beeac: unframed ‘BEEAC/FE27/?0/[VICTO]RIA’ on 1d pink.

1851 D A A2 1852 D A A21853 D A A11854 D A A11855 * A-

1856 * A 1857 S A A2 1858 D A B1 1859 D A A2 1860 * A A1

PO c.-/10/1939; closed 27/3/1975.

Renamed from Raglan PO 27/5/1863; LPO 30/6/1995.

Renamed from Ondit PO 17/6/1872; LPO 29/3/1994.

- colour photo of PO taken 1980. - colour photo of PO taken 1982. Beech Forest: unframed ‘BEECH FOREST/DE20/07/ VICTORIA’ WWW #10 tied by BN ‘1740’ (B2) on 1d pink on black & white PPC ‘Penzance Harbour’ Dainty Series, London (rough edges). [Rated S] PO 10/5/1890; closed 30/6/1994. - ‘BEECH FOREST/15JA25/VIC’ WWW #20A (arcs 5,5) on 1/Roo. - ‘BEECH FOREST/19JE70/VIC’ (#30B; arcs 6,5½) on 5c blue QEII. [Rated S] Beechworth: ‘BEECHWORTH /30NO9/VIC.’ (‘JUNCTION’ removed) on 1½d red KGV. [Rated R] Renamed from Spring Creek PO 1/1/1854.

- ‘BEECHWORTH/730A13DE27/VIC’ (arcs 6,7) on 1½d red KGV. [Rated RRR - used for less than 3 years.] - 30mm ‘MONEY ORDER/12NO47/BEECHWORTH-VIC’ (arcs ½,1), WWW #540A, on 5½d Newcastle. [Rated R] - ‘MONEY ORDER/28DEC1988/BEECHWORTH, VIC. 3747’ in violet on 1c Living Together. - Multi-coloured PPC ‘Hospital for Insane, Beechworth’, franked with 1d pink on face, cancelled with framed ‘BEECHWORTH/ AP8/08/VIC’ (A2 - WWW #110B), to Ontario, Canada (Ottawa arrival datestamp), ‘T2D’ in oval crossed out, Beechworth Duplex (A2 - WWW #110B) on back. - black & white photo of PO taken 1967. Beenak: ‘BEENAK/14MR21/VIC’ WWW #20 on 2d orange KGV. [Rated R] PO 1/7/1878; closed 31/8/1951. Belgrave Heights: ‘BELGRAVE HEIGHTS/4JA68/VIC-AUST.’ WWW #10A on 4c red QEII (cut-to-shape). [Rated R] PO 1/8/

$5 $5 $4 $5 $20

$5 $5 $12 $5 $4 $16 $6 $8 $5 $5 $5 $5

$15 $6 $5

1870 S A A2 1871 D A A1 1872 D A1 1873 * A 1874 * A 1875 * A 1876 * A 1877 D A B1 1878 * A 1879 * A 1880 * A 1881 D A1 1882 * A 1883 * A

Renamed from Sandhurst PO 8/5/1891; replaced by Bendigo Central PO c.-/8/1996. Bendigo East: black & white photo of PO taken 1970. RO 26/10/ 1915; PO 1/7/1927; closed 27/5/1965.

Bendigo Military Camp (1): ‘[MILI]TARY CAMP/26JE16/ BENDIGO’ on 1d red KGV perf ‘OS’. [Rated S] PO 17/8/1915;

closed 30/11/1916.

Bendigo North: ‘BENDIGO NORTH/7SE82/VIC-AUST’ WWW #10B on 2c Finch. [Rated S] PO 17/11/1947; LPO 8/2/1994. Bentleigh (2): violet ‘POSTMASTER/10DEC1982/BENTLEIGH 3204’. [Only recorded date.] Replaced Bentleigh West PO 9/1/1928. Beremboke: black & white photo of PO taken 1971. PO 1/1/1877;

1889 * A 1890 * A 1891 * A 1892 * A A1 1893 * A 1894 S A A2

Bessiebelle: black & white photo of site of PO used prior to 1969, taken 1970. PO 1/5/1884; closed 31/12/1972. Bethanga (2): ‘BETHANGA/28SE27/VIC’, WWW #30 on 1½d red KGV. [Rated RR] PO 4/10/1879; closed 30/4/1952. Beulah: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. PO 6/5/1891; LPO


1901 S A A2


1902 S A A2 1903 * A


1922; PO c.1924; LPO 1/12/1997.


Blackburn Creek PO 12/3/1883.


Black Rock (2): black & white photo of PO taken 1968. RO 10/4/

1947; LPO 2/8/1993.

Boigbeat: ‘BOIGBEAT/6JE34/VIC.’ WWW #20A on 1½d red KGV. [Rated R] PO 1/7/1898; closed 28/2/1970. Bolton: black & white photo of PO taken 1971. RO 17/7/1920; PO


from Doon PO 1/5/1891; LPO 1/7/1994.


Bonnie Doon: black & white photo of PO taken 1971. Renamed

Boronia: ‘BORONIA/26AU69/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 11,11½) on Money Order Advices cover. RO 1/10/1920; PO 15/5/1922. - black & white photo of PO taken 1968. Bourke Street East: unframed ‘BOURKE STREET EAST/ OC3/99/VIC’, on 1d brown & 2d violet on piece. Replaced Eastern Market RH 23/6/1886; PO c.1902; closed 20/6/1969.

Business Centre BC c.-/10/1991.

closed 22/6/1982.

Bright: unframed ‘BRIGHT/OC23/06/VICTORIA’ on 1d pink (fault). [Rated R] Renamed from Morse’s Creek PO 13/2/1866. Broadford: multicoloured PPC ‘High Street, Broadford, looking South’ F.W. Petch, Draper, Broadford card, unused, couple of weak corners. PO 1/7/1852; LPO 29/6/1998. Broadmeadows Military Camp (1): smudged ‘MILITARY ENCAMPMENT/19DE14/VIC’ on 4d Roo cut-out. [Rated R] PO 17/8/1914; closed 29/3/1919.

- 25mm ‘MILITARY CAMP BROADMEADOWS/8NO16/VIC’ WWW #20 on 1d red KGV. - 25½mm ‘MILITARY CAMP BROADMEADOWS/15MR16/VIC’ WWW #30 on 3d Roo perf ‘OS. Broadwater: black & white photo of PO taken 1970. Renamed from Deep Creek PO 1/11/1879; closed 28/10/1993.

1923; closed 30/6/1982.

$5 $5 $5

1906 * A 1907 D A A1-

Buln Buln: ‘BULN BULN/24AU60/VIC’ WWW #20B on 5d blue QEII (cut-to-shape). [Rated R] Renamed from Brandy Creek PO


1908 * A 1909 * A

- black & white photo of PO taken 1970. Bulumwaal: black & white photo of PO taken 1970. Renamed

Benalla: black & white photo of temporary PO taken 1967. Renamed from Broken River PO 1/1/1854.


1910 * A


Bolwarra PO c.1902; closed 30/10/1971.

$6 $5

1933; closed 30/6/1982.


$5 $5

- black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Bolwarrah: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Renamed from

closed 27/4/1979.

- colour photo of PO taken 1982. Belmont: black & white photo of PO taken 1971. PO 21/1/1860. Bemm River (2): ‘BEMM RIVER/22AU82/VIC-3889’ (dateline corrected) on 22c Kingfisher. [Rated RR] TO 28/8/1929; PO 1/7/


c.1921; closed 7/7/1975.

1904 * A A2+ Brunswick: red double-oval ‘CARDED/3JUL1987/ BRUNSWICK 3056’ (LRD), WWW #410 on face of long Slater & Gordon, Solicitors Security Post cover, 2 Jul 1987 Carlton South paid meter, violet ‘CARLTON SOUTH/2JUL1987/VIC 3053’ (A1, WWW #110, Rated RR) backstamps. [Rated RRRR] PO 1/1/ 1905 D A2


LPO 10/8/1994.

1897 * A

1900 D A B2


$5 $5

Beveridge: colour photo of PO taken 1990. PO 1/1/1865. Birchip: ‘PAID AT BIRCHIP/3D-23OC54/VIC’ in black. [Rated RRR] Renamed from Wirrimbirchip PO 1/1/1890; LPO 1/4/1995. Bittern: black & white photo of old PO taken 1969. PO 5/1/1891;


$15 $5


1926; LPO 1/9/1994.

Branxholme: unframed ‘BRANXHOLME/FE22/98/VICTORIA’, WWW #40 on 1d brown pair. PO 1/6/1858; LPO 1/4/1993. Breakwater: black & white photo of PO taken 1974. PO 1/1/1867;

1899 * A-



Beverford: colour photo of PO taken 1981. RO 23/7/1923; PO 1/7/

1896 D A A2

1898 S A A2







Blackburn South: violet ‘POSTMASTER/15AUG1983/PHONE/ 877 3864/BLACKBURN SOUTH 3130’, WWW #420. [Rated RRR] Renamed from South Blackburn PO c.1957; LPO 15/3/1993. Blairgowrie: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. PO 1/11/

1888 * A


Renamed from Kangaroo PO 15/6/1900; TO 4/3/1955; closed c.1972. Berriwillock: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. PO 16/4/ 1894; LPO 3/9/1993.

1885 D B1

1887 D A A2



Berringa: black & white photo of site used for PO until 1953.

Blackburn: ‘BLACKBURN/23MR65/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 3½,4 small decade wheel) on piece. [Rated RR] Renamed from

1886 * A


closed 30/11/1968.

1884 D A1



- black & white photo of (old) PO taken 1971. Bellbrae: 2 partly overlapping strikes of ‘BELLBRAE/4JL29/VIC’ WWW #20A on 1d green KGV pair. Renamed from Jan Juc PO 1/7/

1869 * A

Bendigo: multicoloured PPC ‘Town Hall, Bendigo’ used in 1906.

Box Hill: ‘BOX HILL E.11/8JA64/VIC-AUST’ (#80A; arcs 1½,2; better backstamp) on 2/5d on registered cover, ‘...E.11’ Registration Label. [Rated RR] PO 1/2/1861; replaced by Box Hill

1927; closed 27/5/1977.

1862 * A 1863 D A B2

1868 * A

1895 * A B1


Belgrave South: ‘BELGRAVE STH/10JE58/VIC’ WWW #10 on 4d lake QEII. Renamed from South Belgrave RO c.-/9/1923; PO 1/7/

1861 D A A2

1867 * A


1938, provisionally closed 29/9/1976; closed 6/1/1977.

Bell Park: ‘BELL PARK/11MY60/VIC-AUST’ on 8d Tiger Cat on APO FDC, typed addressed. PO 1/7/1953; LPO 14/2/1994. Bellarine (2): ‘BELLARINE/21MY71/VIC.’ WWW #20B on 6c Duigans. [Rated R] Renamed from Bellarine East PO 16/1/1865;

1864 * A 1865 * A 1866 D A A2



Beaufort: ‘BEAUFORT/PAID/5-P22JE82/VIC-AUST-3373’ in red.

1850 D A A2


closed 30/6/1975.

1842 * A A1

1849 D A A2



Bayindeen (2): ‘BAYINDEEN/10SE5?/[VIC]’ WWW #10A on 4d lake QEII (cut-to-shape). [Rated RR] RO 6/4/1926; PO 1/7/1927;

Bear’s Lagoon: ‘BEAR’S LAGOON/18SE??/VIC-AUST’ WWW #10A on 2½d red KGVI. [Rated RR] Renamed from Janiember East

1846 * A 1847 * A 1848 * A- A2


from Mornington Junction PO 6/5/1918; LPO 23/2/1994.

1841 D A A2

1844 * A 1845 S A A2

$20 $5

Page 25


Brunswick East: ‘POSTMASTER/15NOV1983/BRUNSWICK EAST, VIC. 3057’ in magenta. [Rated RRRR - The first offered by us.] RH 13/1/1888; PO c.1902; LPO 20/9/1993. Bullengarook East: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. PO 15/4/1880; renamed Bullengarook PO 24/5/1972. 19/11/1874; closed 30/11/1973.

$6 $5 $10

$6 $4 $5 $6 $12 $8 $8 $8 $5

$40 $50 $5 $10 $5

from Boggy Creek PO 1/1/1871; closed 3/5/1978.


RO 15/7/1919; PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/9/1969.


Bunding: black & white photo of PO taken 1971. PO 10/6/1886;

Page 26 1911 S A B2 1912 * A 1913 D A B2 1914 D A A2

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 Burke’s Flat: unframed ‘[BUR]KES FLAT/FE5/18/[VICTO]RIA’ on 1d red KGV. [Rated RR] PO 1/1/1868; closed 28/2/1967. - black & white photo of PO taken 1971. Burnley: ‘BURNLEY E.1./10NO55/VIC-AUST’, WWW #40A on 3½d & 9d. [Rated RRR] RH 21/3/1887; PO c.1893; LPO 24/5/1993. Cabarita: ‘CABARITA/8JE58/VIC’ on 4d QEII (cut-to-shape). [Rated S] Renamed from Lake Hawthorn RO 2/11/1925; PO 1/7/1927; LPO 4/10/1993.

1915 * A 1916 * A

- black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Callignee South (2): black & white photo of PO (Old site?) taken 1970. RO 8/1/1916; PO 1/7/1927; TO 17/11/1930; PO 1/7/1933;

1917 * A A1

Camberwell (1): ‘PAID AT/2½■31MY46/CAMBERWELL VIC.’ on commercial cover. [Rated R] PO 12/10/1864; renamed

1918 * A A1-

closed 30/6/1967.

Camberwell Delivery Centre DC c.-/10/1994.

Campbell’s Creek: ‘CAMPBELL’S CREEK/19JE14/VIC’ WWW #30 on 1d Roo (torn) on black & white real photo PPC ‘Castlemaine, Gardens’, addressed to England. PO 16/4/1858; LPO 5/7/1994.

1919 D A2

Camperdown: ‘PAID AT (dateline centred), WWW #520C. [Rated RRR] Renamed from

1920 * A

Cardross: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. RO 15/6/1925;

1921 * B B1

Carlton South: ‘CARLTON SOUTH N.3./12NO66/VIC-AUST’ (WWW #50A) on 24c Registration Envelope with blue Registration Label. [Rated RR] PO 8/12/1924; renamed Carlton


Timboon PO 1/1/1854.

PO 17/1/1927; LPO 10/11/1993.

South Business Centre c.-/3/1999.

1922 S A A2

Casterton: unframed duplex ‘CASTERTON/JE10/97/VICTORIA - 28’, WWW #50B on 1d brown pair. Renamed from The Glenelg PO

1923 * A A2

Castlemaine: ‘PAID AT CASTLEMAINE/—-27AU43/VIC’ (price turned off) WWW #910B in black on window-faced illustrated Old Castlemaine Schoolboys Association cover. [Rated RRRR]

1924 * A1925 D A B1 1926 S A A2-

1927 * A 1928 S A- A2 1929 D A A11930 D A A2 1931 * A 1932 * A 1933 * A 1934 * A 1935 * A B4 1936 D A B1 1937 S A B2 1938 * A B1 1939 * A

1/1/1854; LPO 2/12/1998.

Replaced Forrest Creek PO 1/1/1854.

- black and white PPC ‘Post Office, Castlemaine’, used under cover, small blemishes on front. Caulfield: ‘CAULFIELD S.E.8./3JE66/VIC- AUST’ (WWW #100B - arcs 1,2) on 4c. [Rated RRR] PO 1/1/1863; closed 31/1/1974. Caulfield Military Hospital (1): 2 part strikes of ‘MIL. HOSPITAL CAULFIELD/1AP19/[VIC]’, WWW #10, on 3d Roo. [Rated RRRR] PO 2/12/1916; renamed Repatriation General Hospital Caulfield PO 1/7/1933.

Ceres: black & white photo of PO (Site used 1942-47) taken 1971. PO 14/2/1856; closed 31/3/1962. Charlton (2): ‘CHARLTON/29JE28/VIC.’ WWW #70 in blue on 3d blue KGV perf ‘OS’. Renamed from Charlton East PO 1/9/1879; LPO 7/7/1993.

Cheltenham: light ‘CHELTENHAM/2DE67/VIC.AUST.’, WWW #70A on 9c & 10c. [Rated RR] PO 1/8/1857; LPO 1/7/1998. Chepstowe (2): ‘CHEPSTOWE/7AU36/VIC’ WWW #20 on 2d SA Centenary. [Rated RR] PO 1/1/1870; closed 22/6/1967. - black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Cheshunt: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. PO 2/8/1886; LPO 12/10/1993.

Chinkapook: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Renamed from Christmas Tank RO 15/4/1914; PO 8/2/1915; closed 1/10/1974. Chintin: black & white photo of PO taken 1970. PO 1/5/1879; closed 30/9/1965.

Christmas Hills (1): poor ‘CHRISTMAS [HILLS]/ 70/VIC-AUST’, WWW #30B, on 6c Xmas. [Rated RRR] Renamed from Christmas

$4 $5 $5

1952 * A A2 1953 * B A2

$13 1954 D A A2 $15 $20 $5

$6 $6

$40 $15 $16

$70 $5 $8 $5 $30 $5

1955 * A 1956 * A 1957 * A- B1

1958 D A B11959 D A A2 1960 * A B2

1961 D A A1 1962 * A 1963 D A A2 1964 * B A2

1965 * A B1 1966 D B1 1967 D A A1


1968 * A


1969 D A A1-


1970 D A A1


- double-rectangle ‘* POST OFFICE */G 13SEP1995 G/45 COLLINS ST. MELBOURNE 3000’ WWW #175, on $20 Gardens on TaxPack cover. Commerce House: ‘COMMERCE HOUSE/11NO35/MELB’ (WWW #20 - arcs 4,3½) on 5d KGV with blue & black C5 registration label. [Rated RR] PO 8/7/1914; replaced by Degraves Street PO 17/11/1956.

Cooma: ‘COOMA/16DE71/VIC.-AUST.’, WWW #30B on 7c Xmas. [Rated R] PO 15/3/1882; closed 14/12/1972. Cope Cope: colour photo of PO taken 1981. PO 15/9/1873; closed


Corop: unframed ‘COROP/JE5/20/VICTORIA’, WWW #20 on 1/- Roo. [Rated S] PO 1/1/1868; LPO 30/5/1994. Corryong: ‘CORRYONG/PAID/1045A21NO8?/VIC-AUST-3707’ WWW #430B in red on Jakaleen’s, Corryong - Footwear, Hardware, Gifts cover addressed to North Melbourne. [Rated RRR] PO 1/2/1874; LPO 1/8/1996. Cosgrove: ‘COSGROVE/25NO36/VIC’ WWW #20, on 2d SA Centenary. [Rated R] PO 5/12/1888; closed 28/9/1979. Cosgrove South (2): black & white photo of PO taken 1970. RO

c.1902; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/8/1962.

Costerfield: ‘COSTERFIELD/22SE25/VIC’ WWW #20A, on 1½d red KGV. [Rated S] PO 23/3/1863; closed 29/10/1993. Cowwarr: 24mm unframed ‘COWWARR/OC27/05/VICTORIA’ WWW #10, alongside 2 strikes BN ‘673’ (B2) on 1d pink x2 on roughly opened Tatts cover (pin holes) addressed to Hobart.

Renamed from Upper Heyfield PO 22/8/1870; LPO 5/10/1993.

Craigieburn: ‘CRAIGIEBURN/PAID/5P-5FE85/VIC AUST 3064’ (partly o/struck with a second cancel) WWW #410A, in red on Highway Clutch & Brake Pty Ltd cover. [Rated S] PO 26/2/1866. Cranbourne: ‘CRANBOURNE/PAID/5P1AU86/VIC-AUST-3977’ in red. [Rated S] PO 1/8/1857; renamed Cranbourne Delivery Centre DC

Curdie Vale: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Renamed

1943 D A B3

Coburg North: ‘[COBU]RG NORTH N.14/19FE63/[VIC-AUST]’, WWW #10B on 2/5d cut-out. [Rated RR] PO 1/8/1957; closed 17/9/

1944 * A

Colac: black & white photo of PO taken 1970. Renamed from Lake

1945 * A

Colac West: black & white photo of PO (new) taken 1971. PO


Culla: ‘CULLA/19FE49/VIC’ on 2½d Jamboree. [Rated RR] TO c.-/3/1924; PO 11/6/1924; closed 30/9/1952.

1982 * B A1

PO 1/1/1944; LPO 1/8/1994.



Colac PO 1/1/1854.

1946 D A A2+ Colbinabbin (2): WWW #10B on 5d blue QEII (cut-to-shape). [Rated R] Renamed from Colbinabbin East ‘COLBINABBIN/5FE60/VIC’

Coleraine: pictorial ‘COLERAINE/[plant]/VIC 3315/26MAY1998/ [plant]/Home of the Points Arboretum’ on 45c RAN on Guide Dog cover. PO 16/11/1854; LPO 1/2/1996. Collingwood (3): ‘COLLINGWOOD N.5/22MR67/VIC-AUST’, WWW #140A (arcs 1½,1) on 24c Registration Envelope with blue label. [Rated R] PO 15/11/1865.

$5 $5

1983 D A1 1984 D A A1 1985 S A B2

$6 $6 $50 $30





from Boggy Creek PO c.1932; closed 28/2/1969.

14/2/1902; LPO 21/3/1994.





PO 1/4/1955; LPO 24/8/1993.


1924; PO 1/7/1927; LPO 1/3/1994.

Curdie’s River: ‘CURDIE’S RIVER/14MR17/[VI]C’ on 1d red KGV. [Rated R] RO 22/10/1910; PO 14/4/1913; closed 31/12/1968. 1977 D A B2 Curyo: ‘CURYO/2?AP34/VIC’, WWW #20 on 2d red KGV (cutto-shape). [Rated R] PO 20/1/1900; closed 9/1/1976. 1978 D A A2+ Dandenong: ‘DANDENONG/5P11FE35/VIC.’ (recut) WWW #80B, on 1d green KGV. [Rated S] PO 1/7/1848. 1979 D A A1+ - 31mm ‘DANDENONG/4/14JUN1990/VIC. 3175’ (ERD) WWW #310, in violet on 1c Living Together. 1980 * A A2 Dandenong North: ‘DANDENONG NTH/9AU66/VIC-AUST’ (better backstamp) WWW #10A, on 24c Registered Envelope with blue registration label. [Rated S] PO 18/7/1955; LPO 7/9/1993. 1981 D B B2 Dargo: unframed ‘[D]ARGO/JE12/00/[VIC]TORIA’ tied to BN ‘644’ (A2 - 1st Type) on 2d violet (fault). [Rated RRR] Renamed




1975 * A

closed 31/1/1974.



- 35mm ‘POST OFFICE/22FEB1996/No. 5/CROYDON 3136’ WWW #225, in violet. Croydon South: 31½mm ‘AUSTRALIA POST/26SEP1996/ CROYDON SOUTH 3136’ WWW #30, in violet. PO 1/2/1961; LPO


Coatesville: light ‘COATESVILLE S.E.15/5JY57/VIC-AUST’ WWW #10A (arcs 1½,1, A2 backstamp) on 1/0½d QEII on cover to Melbourne with blue provisional registration label. [Rated RR]



Croydon: ‘CROYDON/14SE49/VIC.’ WWW #40 (arcs 9,8½) on 2½d Lawson. [Rated R] Renamed from Warrandyte R.S. PO 1/8/

1974 * A

1942 * B B2


closed 8/6/1964.





Crossover: black & white photo of PO taken 1971. PO 20/1/1894;

Cullen: ‘[CU]LLEN/???33/VIC’ WWW #20 on 2d red KGV. [Rated RR] Renamed from Cohuna PO 8/9/1884; closed 11/12/1941. Cullulleraine: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. RO 17/11/




1973 D A B2

Clydesdale: black & white photo of PO taken 1972. PO 3/6/1861;



Crib Point: ‘CRIB POINT/12SE58/VIC-AUST’ WWW #30A, on 4d lake QEII (cut-to-shape). [Rated S] PO 18/7/1890; LPO 11/1/


1941 * A



1972 D A B2

1976 D A A2



Corio (3): 3 strikes of ‘18MAY1988/CORIO, VIC. 3214’ (8DL) WWW #60A, on 2c Hopper, 60c Living Together & $5 Painting on long British High Commission cover with red & black ‘Security Post’ label attached, tape remains front & back. PO 1/5/1963. Coromby: ‘COROMBY/11AP60/VIC’, WWW #30B on 5d blue QEII (cut-to-shape). [now Rated RRRR] PO 6/10/1879; closed 14/1/


PO 1/12/1948; closed 31/7/1955.


LPO 11/8/1993.

closed 30/11/1976.

Clifton Hill: framed ‘CLIFTON HILL/13AP/15/VIC’, #40 on 1d red KGV. [Rated R] PO c.-/12/1883; LPO 8/11/1993. - ‘CLIFTON HILL N.8./15SE58/VIC.’ WWW #60B (recut; ‘N.8.’ added) on 1/7d on cover with blue registration label. Clover Dam: black & white photo of Clover Dam (not the PO).



Corinella: black & white photo of PO taken 1975. PO 1/8/1860;

1971 D A1

Clarendon: WWW #40B on 6c orange QEII. [Rated RR] Renamed from Corduroy Bridge PO c.1858;





Clyde (2): black & white photo of Clyde School (old PO) taken 1969. Renamed from Clyde R.S. PO 9/2/1915; LPO 14/11/1993; closed

1948 * A A1-


1949 * A A1+ - pictorial ‘FOUNDED 1892./COLLINGWOOD FOOTBALL CLUB/[club logo]/CENTENARY/March 11, 1992/ COLLINGWOOD/Vic. 3066’ on 45c Young Endeavour on Centenary cover, unaddressed. 1950 * A A1 - COLLINGWOOD /M.O.O./24JA84/VIC-AUST’ (WWW #620B ‘N.5’ removed) on long APO cover. 1951 D A B1- Collins Street East: ‘COLLINS STREET EAST/2P20NO85/4/ VIC 3000’ WWW #70, on 2c Coral Hopper. [Rated RR] PO 23/6/

Hill PO c.1913; RO c.1924; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/1/1974.

1940 * A

1947 * A A2

$10 $5

from Dargo Flat PO c.-/11/1878; LPO 26/11/1993.

Darley Mil. P.O.: 29mm ‘MIL.P.O.DARLEY/23JE43/VIC-AUST’, WWW #20 (arcs 3,4) on 1d green QE on ACF cover front with violet rectangle ‘AUSTRALIAN/MILITARY FORCES/PASSED BY CENSOR/2927’ cachet. PO 29/4/1940; closed 14/4/1946. Darling: 36mm ‘DARLING/7FEB1995/VIC. 3145’ (no arcs), WWW #30. RO c.1921; PO 2/11/1925; LPO 19/10/1993. Daylesford: ‘DAYLESFORD/27JE22/VIC’ (arcs 6½,5½) WWW #100A, on 2d red KGV. PO 1/2/1858; LPO 1/5/1998. Deep Lead: ‘DEEP LEAD/11JE18/VIC’, #40 1d red KGV. [Rated RR] PO c.-/10/1859; closed 2/11/1973.

$10 $12 $6 $6 $12 $30

$20 $5 $5 $24

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 1986 D A A1

1987 * A B1 1988 D A A21989 * A A11990 D B1 1991 S A A2

Commerce House PO 19/11/1956; replaced by Flinders Lane PO 29/8/ 1986.

- ‘DEGRAVES ST.C.1./14AP61/5/VIC-AUST, WWW #50A on 2/5d Registration Envelope. [Rated R] - light ‘DEGRAVES ST.C.1./16JE58/6/VIC-AUST, WWW #60A on 1/7d. [Rated RRR] Dennington: ‘DENNINGTON/3AP57/VIC.’ WWW #30A on 4d Koala on Education Department OHMS cover, addressed to Bendigo. PO 5/10/1863; LPO 7/12/1993. Derby: ‘DERBY/■7MR37/VICTORIA’, WWW #20B (dateline inverted) on registration piece. [Rated RR] PO 6/1/1877; closed


1992 * A

Dergholm: 2 part strikes of unframed ‘DERGHOLM/FE27/01/ VICTORIA’ on 1d pink pair. PO 1/8/1876; LPO 28/6/1994. Derrinal: black & white photo of R.S. taken 1972. PO 8/7/1889;

1993 * A

Dhurringile: black & white photo of PO taken 1972. RO 10/8/

1994 * A- A2

1995 D B1 1996 * A 1997 D B1 1998 D A A2 1999 * A 2000 * A 2001 * A- A1 2002 D A A2 2003 S A A2 2004 * A B2

2005 * A B2 2006 D A1 2007 D A B1 2008 D A1 2009 * A 2010 D A B1

Diapur Town PO c.1887; closed 10/6/1974.

Digger’s Road: ‘DIGGERS ROAD/■3AP62/VIC-AUST’, WWW #10A. [Rated S] RO 18/4/1921; PO 1/7/1927; closed 24/1/1970. Diggers’ Rest: ‘DIGGERS’ REST/26MY30/VIC’ WWW #30A on 1½d red KGV (cut-to-shape). PO 18/6/1860; LPO 21/9/1993. - black & white photo of PO taken 1973. Dimboola: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Renamed from

Nine Creeks PO 16/2/1869; LPO 1/9/1995.

Dingee: ‘DINGEE/1OC47/VIC’ WWW #20A on 2½d red KGVI on Sunball cover (roughly opened). PO 12/12/1883; LPO 9/6/1994. Dingley: ‘DINGLEY/■6AU47/VIC’ WWW #20 on 2½d red KGVI. [Rated S] PO 21/7/1913; LPO 4/8/1993. Dixie: ‘T.O. DIXIE/21JA37/VIC.’ WWW #10A on 2d red KGV. [Rated RR] RO 17/8/1907; PO 15/8/1919; closed 31/12/1957. Domain Road: ‘DOMAIN ROAD S.E.1/24JY■■/VIC’ (1952 - A2 backstamp) WWW #10 on 1/0½d Registered Envelope with blue registration label to Hamilton, Victoria. [Rated R] PO 1/9/1936; LPO 15/9/1993.

Doncaster: ‘DONCASTER/9DE86/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 7½,8½) on 1c Lizard, 55c Fish & $1 Bicentennial with small Priority Paid label, addressed to Preston. PO 17/5/1860. - ‘PAID AT DONCASTER/5D10MY60/VIC-AUST’, WWW #510A in black. [Rated R] Doncaster East (1): ‘DONCASTER EAST/1030A30NO64/VICAUST’ (arcs 7,8) WWW #30 on 5d Xmas. [Rated RR] PO 8/8/ 1887; renamed Doncaster East Delivery Centre DC 22/7/1990.

- magenta ‘POSTMASTER/22NOV1982/PHONE/8421172/ DONCASTER EAST, VIC. 3109’. [Rated RRRR - ERD by more than 2 years - The first offered by us.] - black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Dookie Agricultural College: ‘DOOKIE AGRIC. COLLEGE/ 8MY42/VIC’ WWW #10 on 2½d red KGVI. PO 1/4/1924; renamed Dookie College PO 1/3/1984. 1/8/1994.

1956; LPO 24/1/1994.

Draytonville: black & white photo of PO taken 1968. PO 1/10/

1952, provisionally closed 25/11/1967; closed 12/7/1968.

Dromana: ‘PAID AT DROMANA/—P-1DE65/VIC’ (price turned off) in red on window-faced Shire of Flinders cover (aged). [Rated R] PO 12/4/1858. Drysdale: 2 strikes of ‘DRYSDALE/415-7AP88/1/VIC 3222’ on 37c Living Together & 60c Lionfish pair on Guide Dogs cover with small Priority Paid label. [Rated S] Renamed from Bellarine PO 7/1/1862; LPO 29/5/1999.

2016 D A A2+ Dundonnell: ‘DUNDONNELL/17NO69/VIC’ (day prior to closure) WWW #20B on 2c green QEII. [Rated RR] PO 19/11/1891; closed

2018 * A 2019 D A A1 2020 * A 2021 * A 2022 * A 2023 * A A1

$10 $50 $8


Diamond Creek: ‘DIAMOND CREEK/12JA87/VIC-3089’ (arcs 4,4) WWW #80 on 90c Fish & $5 Painting with red & black Security Post label, addressed to British High Commission, Canberra. [Rated S] PO 7/2/1863. - ‘DIAMOND CREEK/PAID/2MY89/VIC-AUST-3089’ WWW #310A in red. [Rated S] Diapur: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Renamed from

Doveton: ‘DOVETON/7AP71/VIC-AUST’ WWW #20 (better backstamp - arcs 9½,10½) on 6c orange QEII & 30c Waratah with blue registration label, addressed to Melbourne. PO 1/12/

2017 * B B2


1914; PO c.1921; closed 10/9/1973.

2012 * A A2

2015 * A B2



Doreen: ‘DOREEN/6MP30DE81/VIC-AUST’ (sic) WWW #30B on 1c Finch. [Rated RRR] Renamed from Hazelglen PO 20/5/1895; LPO

2014 * B B2


closed 15/1/1964.

2011 D A A1

2013 * A

2024 * A A1

Degraves Street: ‘DEGRAVES STREET/5P29AU86/2/VIC 3000’ (LRD) WWW #25 on 3c Jimble. [Rated RR] Replaced


Dunnstown: ‘DUNNSTOWN/3■FE35/VIC.’ WWW #20A on 5d brown KGV on roughly opened cover with blue & black registration label, addressed to Myer, Melbourne. Renamed from Dunn’s Town R.S. PO 19/7/1909; closed 11/4/1980.

Durham Lead: black & white photo of PO taken 1972. PO 10/8/ 1863; closed 14/5/1976.


Dutton Way: ‘DUTTON WWW #10C (VIO error corrected) on 6c Chrysoprase. PO 3/2/1949; closed 30/6/ 1986.

- black & white photo of PO (Site used prior to 1964) taken 1969. Eagle Point: black & white photo of PO taken 1970. Renamed

from Eaglepoint Village Settlement RO c.1907; PO 1/2/1927; closed 30/9/ 1976. Earlston: black & white photo of PO taken 1970. Renamed from Gowangardie South RO 20/3/1924; PO 1/7/1927; closed 6/12/1955.


East Geelong (2): on Boys cover. PO 6/6/1921; LPO 26/7/1993.

5c blue QEII

$15 $8

2025 * A B2 2026 D A1 2027 * A 2028 * A A12029 D A2+ 2030 * A 2031 * A2032 D A A2 2033 * A 2034 D A B1 2035 * A B1

$5 $10 $5 $5 $5 $12 $6 $40

2036 * A 2037 D A A2 2038 * A A2 2039 * A C1 2040 D A A2 2041 D A A2-

$20 $10 $8 $8 $50 $5 $8 $15

2042 D A A1 2043 D A1-

2047 * A 2048 D A A1 2049 D A1 2050 * A 2051 * A A1-

2053 D A B2

2054 D A A1 2055 D A1


2058 * A 2059 D A A1-

$5 $5

2060 * A A2 2061 * A B2 2062 * A A12063 * A


2064 D A A1


2065 * A-



- black & white photo of PO taken 1976. Eganstown: ‘EGANSTOWN/7AP60/VIC.’ WWW #10B on 5d blue QEII. [Rated RR] Renamed from Egan’s Town PO c.1917; closed 30/6/

$10 $25 $8 $5 $10 $12 $5 $20 $4 $5



c.1950; LPO 3/12/1993.


Eildon (2): ‘EILDON /15AU51/VIC-AUST’ (‘WEIR’ removed better backstamp) on 3½d blue KGVI on 9d Registered Envelope with blue registration label. Renamed from Eildon Weir PO Elaine (2): black & white photo of PO taken 1977. Renamed from

Elaine R.S. PO 23/10/1877; LPO 26/10/1993.

Eldorado: framed ‘ELDORADO/A?5/00/VICTORIA’ WWW #30 on 1d pink. PO 1/8/1861; LPO 3/10/1994. Elmore: ‘ELMORE/PAID/30JL84/VIC-AUST-3558’, WWW #420A in red on long Guide Dogs cover. [Rated RR] Renamed from Runnymede PO c.1882; LPO 7/12/1994.

Elphinstone: unframed ‘ELPHINSTONE/”25/3/01”/VICTORIA’, WWW #20 alongside 1d pink & 2d violet pair cancelled with poor ‘R-in-circle’ on Tatt’s cover. PO 1/2/1854; LPO 15/10/1993. Elsternwick East: ‘ELSTERNWICK EAST S.4/23MY64/VICAUST’, WWW #10A on 2d green QEII. [Rated RRR] PO 1/10/

$5 $6 $15 $16

1929; closed 20/9/1974.


closed 30/11/1967; closed 1/3/1968.


PO 31/3/1914; renamed Elwood Delivery Centre DC 1/4/1999.


Eltham South: ‘ELTHAM SOUTH/26MY52/VIC-AUST’, WWW #10A on 3½d brown KGVI. [Rated RR] PO 1/10/1951, provisionally

Elwood (1): violet broken rectangle ‘POST OFFICE/ 29SEP1941/ELWOOD, S.3’ on registered piece. [Rated RRR]

Enfield: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Renamed from



Echuca: ‘ECHUCA/13JA68/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 11,12) WWW #260, on 2/5d Robin with blue registration label, addressed to Melbourne. Renamed from Hopwoods Punt PO 1/1/1855. - ‘PAID AT ECHUCA/9DE70/VIC’, WWW #810E in red. [Rated RR] - black & white photo of PO taken in 1968. - sepia PPC ‘Post Office, Echuca’ W.Rickards card, unused, minor faults. Eddington: ‘EDDINGTON/29MY57/VIC-AUST’, WWW #40A, on 3½d red QEII. PO 1/11/1861; RO c.1915; PO 13/2/1917; closed

2046 * A

2056 * A 2057 * A


RO 17/11/1924; PO 1/7/1927, provisionally closed 19/12/1967; closed 31/12/1967.

2045 D A A1

2044 D A2+

$5 $15

East Melbourne: ‘AUST-EAST MELBOURNE VIC-3002/ 8JAN1997’, WWW #165 on long APO cover. PO 1/8/1884. - ‘MONEY ORDERS/2JE30/EAST MELBOURNE’ (A1 backstamp) WWW #610 on 1½d & 3d Sturt on cover (couple of tone spots) with red registration label. Eastern Suburbs Parcel Centre: ‘EASTERN SUBURBS/PAID/ 3APR1990/VIC.AUST/PARCEL CENTRE’ WWW #110A in red. [Rated RR] PO 6/8/1989. Eastern View: black & white photo of PO taken 1972. TO c.1913;

- ‘PAID AT ELWOOD /2MR72/VIC-AUST’, WWW #310D (dateline centred) in red. [Rated R] Emerald: rectangle ‘EMERALD 3782/CARDED/1st. 12OCT1999/Final / / ‘ (9DL), WWW #185. PO 22/12/1899. Emu (2): ‘EMU/11FE71/VIC’ on 6c orange QEII. [Rated R] PO

2052 D A A2 $10

Page 27

c.1920; closed 30/3/1977.

$6 $12 $10

Whim Holes PO 19/11/1874; closed 31/12/1971.


PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/8/1974.


Eppalock: black & white photo of PO taken 1970. RO 15/5/1918;

Epping: violet double-circle ‘EPPING/14MAR1986/VIC 3076’ WWW #70 on 1c Lizard. [Rated RR] PO 1/9/1857. - ‘PAID AT EPPING/5PM 6FE87/VIC-AUST’ (time added) in red. - black & white photo of PO taken 1975. Eskdale: 43mm ‘21MAR1991/ESKDALE/3701’ on 43c Thinking of You on Guide Dogs cover. PO 1/7/1885; LPO 15/9/1993. Essendon: ‘RELIEF/21MY71/NO.17.’ on 6c ANA. [Used 13-21/5/ 1971] PO 18/8/1856. Essendon Airport (1): ‘ESSENDON AIRPORT W6/11JE56/VIC. AUST.’ WWW #10 on 3d green QEII. [Rated RRR] Renamed from

Aerodrome Essendon PO c.1949; renamed Melbourne Airport PO 5/11/ 1956.

Eureka: ‘EUREKA/20JA82/VIC-3350’ WWW #20A on 10c Parrot. [Rated S] PO 1/2/1946; closed 2/7/1993. Euroa: ‘EUROA/PAID/14JA74/VIC-AUST 3666’, WWW #620 in red. [Rated R] PO 1/1/1854. - black & white photo of PO taken 1968. Eurobin: black & white photo of PO (until 1964) taken 1971. Renamed from Black Springs PO 9/12/1869; closed 31/10/1993.

- black & white photo of PO (Old site.) taken 1971. Evansford: ‘EVANSFORD/20SE54/VIC’ WWW #20A on 3½d red QEII. [Rated R] Replaced Stewarton PO 1/6/1867; closed 30/6/

$8 $6 $5 $8 $6

$20 $6 $6 $5 $5 $5





Fairfield: ‘FAIRFIELD N20 NO 1/9FE67/[VIC. AUST.]’, WWW #60B on 24c with blue label. [Rated RRR] RH 21/2/1887; PO 4/4/

- ‘FAIRFIELD/PAID/5P14JA81/VIC-AUST-3078’ WWW #550A in red on window-faced Koala Shoes Pty Ltd, Fairfield cover. Falls Creek: ‘RELIEF/30AU84/91/VIC-AUST’ on 30c Skiing on cover to Telecom, Melbourne TO 9/6/1958; PO c.1964; LPO 1/9/ 1994.

Fawcett: black & white photo of PO (Site used 1946-53) taken 1970. PO 2/2/1885; closed 30/8/1968. Fawkner North: ‘FAWKNER NORTH/2SE82/VIC-AUST’, WWW #10 on 2c Finch. [Rated S] PO 3/7/1961; LPO 9/9/1993. Federal Parliament House: black & white real photo PPC ‘FEDERAL PARLIAMENT HOUSE, MELBOURNE’, corner faults. PO c.-/12/1901; closed 30/6/1927.

$10 $4 $5 $6 $10

Page 28

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016

2066 * A

Fernbank: black & white photo of old PO (pre 1967) taken 1970.

2067 * A

Ferntree Gully (2): black & white photo of PO taken 1968.

2068 D A1 2069 S A A2 2070 * A A1

2071 D A A2 2072 D A2 2073 D A A1 2074 * A 2075 * A A1 2076 D A A1 2077 D A A2

PO 1/1/1868; closed 30/4/1977.


Replaced Ferntree Gully Lower PO 17/4/1967; LPO 14/7/1997; closed 25/9/1997.


Ferntree Gully Business Centre: ‘1/Business Post/CENTRE/ 4OCT1996/Ferntree Gully Vic 3156/9758 1117/POSTAGE PAID’ (9DL) WWW #210. BC 24/7/1996. Ferny Creek: ‘FERNY CREEK/13JE22/[VIC.]’ WWW #20 on 2d red KGV. [Rated RR] Renamed from One Tree Hill RO c.-/8/1906; PO 10/5/1909; LPO 4/11/1993.

Fitzroy (2): ‘FITZROY/5JL[4]8/VIC’, WWW #130B (arcs 9,8, missing decade wheel) on 5½d KGVI Registration Envelope (ASC #R31) with blue registration label. [Rated RRRR] RH 2/2/

1874; PO 10/9/1877.

- ‘FITZROY /5P30JE69/VIC-AUST’ (‘N.6’ removed) WWW #140B on 5c ILO. [Rated RR] - double-circle Japanese-style ‘FITZROY/10 9 66/VIC-AUST’, WWW #170 on piece. [Rated RR - experimental datestamp.] Fitzroy South: ‘FIZTROY STH/3JUL1991/VIC-3065’ (spelling error) in violet on 43c. PO 1/10/1936; LPO 5/7/1993. Five Ways: colour photo of PO taken 1984. PO 19/1/1928; closed 28/10/1992.

Flemington: pictorial ‘{horses}/1NOV1983/MELBOURNE/CUP/ FLEMINGTON VIC. 3031/{horse-shoe}’ on 30c Butterfly on illustrated APO Melbourne Cup cover, unaddressed. PO 1/1/1854. Flinders Lane: double-circle ‘PAID/13FEB1992/FLINDERS LANE VIC. 3000’ in black on 15c Living Together. [The first offered by us] Replaced Degraves Street PO 1/9/1986. Flowerdale: ‘FLOWERDALE/???Y67/VIC-AUST’, WWW #30, on 4c red QEII. [Rated RR] PO 4/2/1881; RO 20/11/1916; PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/4/1974.

2078 D A1

Footscray (1): ‘LETTERGRAMS & FAXPOST/24AUG1994/ FOOTSCRAY VIC. 3011’. PO 12/10/1857; renamed Footscray

2079 * A A1

- pictorial ‘10th Saltwater River Festival/{Charles Grimes}/ 8FEB1983/{rower}/FOOTSCRAY/VIC.3011’ on 27c Australia Day on addressed cover. Footscray Park: ‘FOOTSCR[AY PA]RK W.11/3JY55/VICAUST’, (A1- backstamp) WWW #10A on 1/0½d QEII Registration Envelope with blue registration label. [Rated RRR]

2080 * A B2

2081 * B A2

2082 D A1 2083 * A A2

2084 * A A1 2085 * A A1 2086 D A1+ 2087 D A1+

2088 D A A1 2089 * A A1

Delivery Centre DC 15/11/1993.

2092 D A A12093 * A 2094 D A1 2095 D A B2 2096 * B A2 2097 D A1+

2098 D A1 2099 D A A1 2100 S A B2


$50 $8 $15 $6 $5 $8 $15 $50 $8 $8

2102 * B B2 2103 S A A2 2104 D A B2 2105 * A 2106 D A C2 2107 * A 2108 D A1 2109 D A A1 2110 D A A2 2111 * B A22112 D A A2 2113 D A B1 2114 D A B2 2115 * A 2116 * A

PO 1/10/1951, provisionally closed 13/10/1975; closed 28/5/1976.




2118 * A


2119 * A

Foster: 26½mm ‘FOSTER/18FE48/VIC.’ WWW #40, on 5½d Emu on roughly opened cover (flap corners missing) with blue registration label. Renamed from Stockyard Creek PO 1/8/1879; LPO

- violet double-circle ‘POSTMASTER/9NOV1981/FOSTER 3960’, WWW #720. [Rated RRRR - LRD] Fosterville: 2 strikes of ‘FOSTERVILLE/16DE70/VIC-AUST’, WWW #30B on 6c Parliamentary Conference & 30c Waratah on Webster cover with provisional blue registration label. [Rated RR] PO 4/6/1897; closed 31/8/1974. Fountain Gate: ‘FOUNTAIN GATE/RPS/19OCT1998/4/VIC. 3805’ on 45c on Alexander opening of Retail Post Shop cover. PO 8/7/1985; LPO 1/10/1993; PO 19/10/1998.

- ‘FOUNTAIN GATE/RPS/19OCT1998/8/VIC. 3805’ on 45c on Alexander opening of Retail Post Shop cover. - ‘FOUNTAIN GATE/RPS/20SEP1999/PAID/VIC. 3805’ (ERD) WWW #230 in black. [The first offered by us] Frankston Business Centre: ‘FRANKSTON BUSINESS CENTRE/A/26SEP1995/FRANKSTON VIC 3199’ (LRD), WWW #10. Renamed from Frankston BC 29/5/1995; renamed Frankston PO



Frankston Heights: ‘FRANKSTON AUST’, WWW #10 on 7c Agate. PO 10/2/1964; LPO 22/4/1993. Fraser: 2 strikes of ‘“FRASER”/6OC66/VIC-AUST’ WWW #10A, on 4c red QEII x2 on Webster cover. PO 1/12/1958; closed 31/5/

$40 $4 $4 $15

$10 $5 $15

Renamed from Fryer’s Creek PO c.1856; closed 28/11/1975. Galah: colour photo of PO taken 1981. RO 1/12/1911; PO 16/12/ 1912; closed 17/12/1976.


Galaquil: ‘GALAQUIL/14SE60/VIC’ on 5d blue QEII, WWW #30B. [Rated RR] Renamed from Norwegian PO 15/2/1892; closed 11/6/1974. Gapsted (2): black & white photo of PO taken 1968. Replaced Palmerston R.S. PO 1/11/1892; closed 30/12/1977.

Gardenvale (2): ‘PAID AT GARDENVALE / - 14FE69/VIC-AUST’, WWW #410C in red (S.4 removed). [Rated RRR] Renamed from Garden Vale PO c.1940; LPO 24/5/1993.

Gardiner: ‘GARDINER/?5OC21/VIC’, WWW #10 on 2d orange KGV. [Rated R] PO 11/7/1910; closed 31/7/1979. Garfield (1): 31mm ‘GARFIELD/2OC47/V[IC]’ on 2½d Shortland on opened-out Sunball cover. Renamed from Cannibal Creek PO

16/5/1887; LPO 16/8/1993.

Geelong (1): ‘ELECTRONIC POST CENTRE/13JUL1992/ GEELONG, VIC. 3220’ (9DL). [Only date recorded for this dateline format.] PO c.-/6/1840; replaced by Geelong Business Centre BC 22/7/1994.

- ‘MONEY ORDER OFFICE/20JY33/GEELONG’, WWW #1620. [Rated RR] - 6d adapted design with 1865 Geelong duplex and very rare 17½mm ‘MORE/TO/PAY’ handstamp. [We have not seen this handstamp before and are assuming it was used at Geelong.] Gellibrand River: framed ‘GEL[LIB]RAND R[IVER]/MY7/18/ VI[C]’ on 1d red KGV. PO 22/1/1898; LPO 23/3/1993.

2117 D A A2

2120 * A B2

2121 * A A2 2122 D A A12123 D A A2


2090 * A A1+ Fryerstown: ‘FRYERSTOWN/28NO75/VIC-3451’ (Closing day), WWW #50 on 18c Flower on unaddressed cover. [Rated RRRR] 2091 * A


2101 D A A2

$5 $20 $5 $12

2124 D A A12125 D A C1 2126 * A

$20 $20 $50 $10

R.S. PO 16/5/1921; closed 29/4/1988.

Gerang Gerung R.S.: ‘[GE]RANG GERUN[G]/22MY15/[VIC]’, WWW #30 on 1d red KGV. [Rated RR] PO 1/8/1887; renamed

2130 D A B2 2131 D A A2

2132 D A A22133 * A 2134 S A B22135 D A A22136 S A A3

$4 $12

closed 31/4/1955; closed 31/5/1955.


Giffard: ‘GIFFAR[D]/■1OC??/VI[C].’, WWW #20 on 3½d brown KGVI. [Rated RRR - typical poor strike.] PO 10/1/1900, provisionally

Gilderoy: black & white photo of PO (Site used until 1963) taken 1970. RO c.1902; PO 18/12/1916; closed 30/6/1976. Girgarre: ‘GIRGARRE/1MR63/VIC’, WWW #10B on 5d blue QEII. [Rated RRR] Renamed from Stanhope North PO 12/4/1920; LPO 31/5/


Girgarre East: black & white photo of School (Site of PO until 1956) taken 1972. PO 21/8/1878, provisionally closed 31/8/1962; closed 1/10/1963.

Gisborne: ‘PAID AT GISBORNE/30AU66/VIC-AUST’, WWW #310 in red. [Rated RR] Renamed from Bush Inn PO 1/4/1850. Glen Valley (2): ‘GLEN VALLEY/13MR■8/VIC.’ (1948?) WWW #10A on 2½d red KGVI. PO c.1934; closed 6/10/1973. Glen Wills: ‘GLEN WILLS/19MY47/VIC-[AU]ST’, WWW #40 on 2½d red KGVI. [Rated RRR - TO period.] PO 20/10/1890; TO

c.1936; closed 31/8/1959.

Glenferrie South: ‘GLENFERRIE SOUTH /16JA65/VIC.’ (? removed) on 5d Xmas & 2/- Flower on opened-out cover with blue registration label. PO 2/1/1929; LPO 8/10/1993. Glengarry (1): ‘T.O.GLENGARRY/13JL26/VIC’, WWW #40 on 1½d red KGV. [Rated RR] Renamed from La Trobe R.S. PO 1/12/

1884; LPO 12/9/1994.

Glenhuntly: ‘GLENHUNTLY/12OC72/VICTORIA’, WWW #10B, on 7c & 50c. [Rated R] RO c.1907; PO 10/12/1909; renamed Glen

Huntly LP 7/6/1993.

- ‘GLENHUNTLY S.E.9/28JY52/VIC-AUST’, WWW #50A (arcs ½,2) on 1/0½d. [Rated RR] Glenisla: black & white photo of PO taken 1971. RO c.1902; PO

$5 $40 $5 $8 $8 $120 $8 $15 $6 $26

1/7/1927; closed 16/12/1969.


27/5/1976; closed 4/10/1976.


Glenloth (2): colour photo of old Glenloth Store (not PO) taken 1981. Renamed from Glenloth R.S. PO 14/9/1910, provisionally closed Glenluce: ‘GLENLUCE/28MR34/VIC.’, WWW #20A on 2d red KGV (cut-to-shape). [Rated R] PO 1/1/1868; RO 16/8/1918; PO 1/7/ 1927; closed 30/11/1969.

Glenlyon: black & white photo of PO taken 1968. PO c.-/5/1858;


closed 13/10/1973.


Renamed from Glenormiston RO 1/1/1910; PO 26/2/1914; closed 30/6/ 1970.


Butter Factory PO 1/1/1910; closed 3/8/1994.


Glenormiston North: black & white photo of PO taken 1970.

Glenormiston South: ‘GLENORMISTON SOUTH/27AP77/VIC’, WWW #10B on 18c Flower perf ‘VG’ on Glenormiston Agricultural College OHMS cover. Renamed from Glenormiston Glenroy: 2 strikes of ‘GLENROY/9AP84/VIC-3046’ (arcs 13,13mm) on $1 Butterfly on Glenroy Private Nursing Home cover with small Priority Paid label attached. PO 22/10/1888. Glenthompson (2): ‘GLENTHOMPSON/17MY47/VIC.-AUST.’ (arcs 5,4mm) WWW #40 on 2½d red KGVI. Renamed from


Gnarwarre: ‘GNARWARRE/24OC36/VIC.’, WWW #30 on 2d SA Centenary. [Rated R] PO 1/10/1857; closed 30/6/1963. Gobur: ‘GOBUR/11SE67/VIC-AUST’, WWW #30B on 4c red QEII. [Rated RR] Renamed from Godfrey’s Creek PO 1/7/1874; closed 28/2/


Yuppeekiar PO 18/4/1872; LPO 21/10/1994.






Golden Square: ‘GOLDEN SQUARE/PAID/5NO78/VIC AUST3555’ WWW #320A in red. [Rated RRR] PO 10/1/1863; LPO 1/7/

Goldsborough: black & white photo of PO (Site used 1961-63.) taken 1971. Renamed from Goldsborough Reef PO c.1888; closed


2129 D A A1


Gerang Gerung PO 16/5/1921.

2127 D A A2+ Goorambat (2): ‘GOORAMBAT/5JE3?/VIC’, WWW #10 on 2d red KGV. Renamed from Goorambat R.S. PO c.1909; LPO 1/5/1994. 2128 * A Gormandale: black & white photo of PO (Old site.) taken 1970.

$10 $8

Gembrook: ‘GEMBROOK /9MY25/VIC’, WWW #40 (‘SOUTH’ removed) on 9d Roo. [Rated R] PO 5/10/1877; LPO 1/7/1994. Gerang Gerung: ‘GERANG GER[UNG]/1OC47/VIC’, WWW #10A, on 2½d red Shortland, faults. Renamed from Gerang Gerung

PO 18/2/1887; LPO 24/2/1993.

$5 $4 $5

Goroke: ‘GOROKE/30NO72/VIC-AUST’ WWW #40 (arcs 11,11) on 7c purple QEII. PO 1/7/1884; LPO 9/9/1993. Goulburn Weir: ‘GOULBURN WEIR/9JA57/VIC-AUST’, WWW #40A on 4d Olympics. [Rated RR] PO 26/8/1887; closed 28/6/1974. Gould: ‘[P].O.GOULD/1OC24/VIC’, WWW #10B (‘R.O.’ altered to ‘P.O.’ - ERD - base of P just visible) on 1½d green KGV. [Rated RR] RO c.-/12/1912; PO 1/2/1923; TO 18/12/1959; closed 11/3/


- ‘ .GOULD/7DE49/VIC’, WWW #10C (‘P.O’ removed) on 2½d Forrest. [Rated S] Gowangardie (2): black & white photo of PO taken 1970.



Renamed from Gowangardie East RO c.-/2/1924; PO 1/7/1927; closed 15/3/1967.

Gowangardie South: framed ‘GOWA[NGARDIE SO]UTH/ JY?/16/VIC’ on 1d red KGV. [Rated RRR] PO 29/9/1902; renamed

Earlston RO 20/3/1924.

Grantville: ‘GRANTVILLE/29JA48/VIC.’ WWW #30A on 2½d red KGVI. [Rated S] PO 1/7/1875; LPO 19/10/1994. Gre Gre South: ‘[GR]E GRE SOUT[H]/??SP36/[VIC.]’, WWW #10B on 2d SA Centenary. [Rated RR] RO 1/10/1925; PO 1/7/1927;

closed 31/3/1969.



$5 $30 $5 $20

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 2137 * A B2 2138 D A A22139 D A1 2140 D D A1-


Great Western (1): ‘GREAT WWW #50B (better backstamp) on 2/5d Banksia on cover with blue registration label. PO 1/6/1858; LPO 30/7/1993. Greensborough: unframed ‘GREENSBOROUGH/JE11/09/VIC’ on 1d pink. PO 17/7/1858. - ‘PAID AT GREENSBOROUGH/■■■30MY64/VIC-AUST’, WWW #520B (price turned off) in red. [Rated RRR] Greta South: ‘GRETA SOUTH/18AU36/VIC.’ WWW #10 on 2d Cable (damaged & toned). [Rated RR] RO 1/3/1922; PO 1/8/1923;

PO 11/9/1905; closed 12/5/1942.


PO 1/6/1862; closed 31/3/1978.


Grovedale: ‘GROVEDALE/430P-2?MY87/VIC 3216’, WWW #20 on 90c Fruit & $5 Mentone on British High Commission Security Post cover. [Rated RR] Renamed from Germantown PO

2148 D A B1 2149 * A 2150 D A A12151 D A A1 2152 S A B2 2153 * A A2 2154 D A A2 2155 S B A1 2156 D A A2 2157 * A 2158 D A A2 2159 D A1 2160 * A A12161 D A A12162 * A A1

2163 D A1 2164 D A1 2165 D B2 2166 * A A1

2167 * A A2

2168 * A B2

2169 D A A2 2170 * A A2

2171 * A- B1 2172 * A-


2181 * A 2182 * A- B2

2144 * A A2

2147 * A- A2


2175 * A 2176 * B B2


- black & white photo of PO taken 1969. - colour photo of PO taken 1990. Greta West: colour photo of PO taken 1990. PO 18/4/1892; closed

2146 * A


- multicoloured PPC ‘Myers Falls, Healsville’, used under cover. Heathcote: ‘HEATHCOTE/PAID/5-P26JE90/VIC AUST 3523’ WWW #530B in red. [Only recorded date - The first offered by us.] Renamed from McIvor PO 1/1/1854; LPO 2/3/1998. - black & white photo of PO taken 1967. Heatherdale: ‘HEATHERDALE/18JA■3/VIC-AUST’ on 2/Flower on Business Reply Post cover with blue registration label. [Rated PP] PO 2/8/1948, provisionally closed 12/11/1971; closed 24/1/

2177 D A A2+ Heathmere: ‘HEATHMERE/11JY69/VIC.-AUST.’ WWW #10B on 2c green QEII. [Rated P] PO 26/10/1936; closed 31/10/1969. 2178 D A B2 Heathmont: ‘HEATHMONT/■■■?JE58/VIC-AUST’ WWW #20B, (time turned-off) on 4d lake QEII (toned perfs). [Rated PPP] PO 15/2/1929; LPO 1/7/1993. 2179 D A B1 Heathwood: ‘HEATHWOOD/3OC74/VIC-AUST’ WWW #10 on 2c Crab. PO 14/6/1965; LPO 1/9/1994. 2180 D A1Hedley: 30½mm ‘POST OFFICE/30JUN1994/HEDLEY/VIC./ 3967’ (Closing Day). [Recorded less than 12 months.] TO c.1908;

closed 31/8/1994.

2141 * A 2142 * A 2143 * A

2145 D A B2


2173 * A 2174 D A1-

Page 29


1/3/1916; LPO 21/9/1993.

Gunyah Gunyah: ‘GUNYAH GUNYAH/■?JUL32/[VI]C’, WWW #10 on 1d green KGV overprinted ‘OS’ pair. [Rated R] RO c.1904; Gymbowen: colour photo of PO (Receiving House) taken 1981.

H.M.A.S. Cerberus, Westernport: ‘H.M.A.S.CERBERUS WESTERNPORT/18MY64/VIC-AUST’ (‘M’ & ‘A’ damaged - A1 backstamp) on 2/5d Registered Envelope with provisional registration label (violet handstamp overprint on ‘Flinders Naval Depot’ label). [Rated RR] Renamed from Flinders Naval Depot PO 1/3/1963; LPO 20/12/1993.

Haddon: ‘HADDON/17MR60/VIC’ WWW #20A on 5d blue QEII. [Rated R] Renamed from Sago Hill PO 1/1/1873; closed 20/2/1976. Hall’s Gap (2): black & white photo of PO taken c.1969. RO

c.1902; PO 15/1/1925; LPO 1/11/1993.


Hamilton North (2): ‘HAMILTON WWW #10B on 2c Desert Rose. PO 1/12/1937; LPO 16/8/1993;

closed 28/10/1994.


Hampton Park: ‘HAMPTON PARK WWW #20A on 3c Crab. RO 22/11/1920; PO 24/2/1927; LPO 3/9/

$30 $5 $5 $5

2184 S A A2 $25


2186 D A B2


2187 D A1


LPO 5/7/1994.



WWW #50 on 7c Agate on Harcourt Co-Operative Fruitgrowers cover. Harkaway: ‘HARKAWAY/??AU59/VIC.’ WWW #20A on 4d red QEII. PO 1/1/1865; LPO 30/9/1994. Harrietville: ‘HARRIETVILLE/24NO13/VIC’ WWW #20 (arcs 1½,1½mm) on ½d Roo pair (1x faulty). [Rated RR] PO 5/7/1865; LPO 9/9/1994.

Harrisfield: ‘HARRISFIELD/4JA62/VIC-AUST’ WWW #20 on 1d QEII. [Rated R] PO 1/3/1927; closed 28/8/1979. Harston (2): black & white photo of PO taken 1973. PO c.1890;

closed 15/5/1973.

Hartwell (2): ‘HARTWELL/6SE76/VIC’ WWW #10B on 4c red QEII. [Rated R] RO 1/10/1923; PO 1/7/1927; LPO 6/9/1993. - 32mm ‘LICENSED POST OFFICE/PAID/3NOV1995/ HARTWELL VIC 3125’ WWW #220 (ERD). Hastings: ‘HASTINGS/PAID/29SEP1995/VIC 3915’ WWW #330 on 45c Roo on Guide Dogs cover. PO 4/2/1863. Hawkesdale: ‘HAWKESDALE/2AP32/VICTORIA’ WWW #20A on 2d red KGV. PO 11/4/1866; LPO 30/3/1994. Hawksburn: ‘HAWKSBURN /5DE84/VIC-AUST’ WWW #40D (‘S.E.2’ removed; hyphen 1mm, inverted decade wheel) on 30c Vic Sesquicentenary & 70c Toad on Furnishing Media, Hawksburn cover, small Priority Paid label attached. RH c.-/8/ 1890; PO c.1902; LPO 16/8/1993.

Hawthorn (1): ‘HAWTHORN E.2/25MR65/VIC-AUST.’ (arcs 2,1½ - LRD). [Rated PPP] PO 1/1/1854; replaced by Hawthorn Business Centre BC 24/10/1997.

- ‘POST OFFICE/19FEB1985/818-1804/HAWTHORN, VIC. 3122’ (ERD) in violet. - ‘MONEY ORDER TELLER/22AUG1983/818-1804/ HAWTHORN, VIC. 3122’ WWW #550 (‘3’ in ‘3122’ has a round top) in violet. Hawthorn Business Centre: ‘D/Business Post/CENTRE/ 27OCT1997/HAWTHORN VIC 3122/9920 5707’, on 45c on Alexander Hawthorn Vic.3122 Business Post Centre opening cover. Replaced Hawthorn BC 27/10/1997. Hawthorn South: 3 strikes of ‘HAWTHORN STH./30SP67/VIC.’ WWW #20 on 1c x2 & 2c QEII on Tyler cover. [Rated RR] Renamed from Camberwell South RO 27/11/1924; PO 1/7/1927; LPO 15/10/1993; renamed Camberwell West LP 17/7/1995.

Hawthorn West (2): ‘HAWTHORN WEST E.2/31JA64/VIC-AUST’

WWW #50A (arcs 3½,3 - better backstamp) on 2/5d Banksia on cover with blue registration label. [Rated R] Replaced Hawthorn

Lower PO 9/8/1907; LPO 14/10/1993.

Hazeldene (3): ‘HAZELDENE/4JA71/VIC-3658’ WWW #20 on 6c orange QEII. [Rated RR] PO 1/6/1946; closed 29/4/1974. Healesville: pictorial ‘{emu}/28SEP1990/HEALESVILLE/ SANCTUARY/HEALESVILLE V[IC 3777]’ WWW #140 on 41c Community Health on Guide Dogs cover. PO 1/5/1865; closed 9/2/ 2007.

- ‘HEALESVILLE/PAID/430P17DE80/VIC-AUST-3777’ WWW #320B in red on opened-out Toolangi Certified Strawberry Runner Growers cover. - Black & white PPC ‘Donnelly’s Weir, Healesville’ real photo, posted under cover, small corner faults.

2185 * A B2



Harcourt: unframed ‘HARCOURT/NO26/18/VICTORIA’ WWW #20 on 2d Roo. [Rated R] Replaced Mount Alexander PO 1/3/1858;

2183 D A1

$8 $6 $15 $6 $5 $8

2188 D A B2 2189 S A A2 2190 D A A22191 S A- A2 2192 * A- B1 2193 D A A12194 D A2 2195 * B A2

$15 $10 $5

$8 $19 $30 $8

2196 * A B1


$15 $20

$6 $8 $12

- colour photo of PO taken 1992. Heidelberg: ‘HEIDELBERG N.22/5MY61/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 2½,2½), on 2/5d Banksia on cover with blue registration label. Renamed from Warringal PO 12/8/1865; LPO 5/4/1994.

- double-circle ‘HEIDELBERG 3084/2/22DEC1994/LICENSED POST OFFICE’ WWW #170. Heidelberg Military Camp: shield ‘2/MILITARY/MR26/[13]/ ENC[AMPMENT]’ on 1d roo. [Rated PPPP - PO only opened for 9 days!] PO 20/3/1913; closed 28/3/1913. Heidelberg Military Hospital: ‘MIL. HOSP HEIDELBERG N22/ 2AP46/VIC-AUST’ on 1d maroon QE on Australian Red Cross Society cover with small logo. PO 29/12/1941; renamed Heidelberg

$15 $5 $12 $5 $8 $8 $60


Heidelberg West (2): ‘HEIDELBERG WEST/M.O.O./16AU78/ VIC-AUST’ WWW #210 on 18c cut-out. PO 26/5/1952. Henty: ‘HENTY/14JA47/VIC’, WWW #20 on 2½d Mitchell. [Rated P] PO 16/4/1885; closed 21/5/1977. Hesket: unframed ‘HESKET/M?25/21/VICTORIA’ WWW #10 on 2d orange KGV. [Rated P] PO 1/11/1866; closed 31/3/1971. Hesket State School: ‘HESKET STATE SCHOOL/17??56/VIC’ (dateline corrected) on ½d Roo & 3d green QEII. [Rated P] RO

c.1902; PO 1/1/1915; closed 31/3/1971.

Hexham: unframed ‘HEXHAM/AP25/15/VICTORIA’ WWW #40 on 1d Roo. PO 6/8/1857; closed 31/3/1994. Heyfield: ‘HEYFIELD/29NO73/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 5,5) on 7c Agate on Vern Graham Pty. Ltd, Timber & Hardware Merchants, Heyfield cover. PO 24/9/1870; LPO 19/10/1993. Heywood: ‘HEYWOOD/1DE25/VIC’ WWW #80 (arcs 5½,7) on 1½d red KGV. PO 18/8/1857; LPO 9/9/1997. Hicksborough: ‘HICKSBOROUGH/1AP63/VIC. AUST.’ WWW #20A on registered piece. [Rated P] RO 1/8/1910; PO 23/2/1911;

$5 $20 $10 $20 $6 $8 $5

closed 31/12/1974.


Renamed from Highpoint West PO 22/4/1987.


Highpoint City: 2 strikes of ‘HIGH POINT CITY/3—21AU87/3/ VIC 3032’ WWW #130 on 3c Jimble, $1 Starfish & $5 Painting on large cover with Security Post label attached. [Rated P]

$10 $5 $5 $10

closed 30/6/1960.


closed 10/10/1975.


2202 S A B2-

Hood’s: ‘HOOD’S/2?????/VIC’ on 2d red KGV. [Rated PPP A B2 strike realised $200 in sale 71.] RO 12/10/1912; PO 1/7/1927;

TO 1/3/1953, provisionally closed 31/12/1953; closed 30/4/1954. Hopetoun: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. PO 12/9/1891; LPO 31/5/1994.

Hopetoun Gardens: ‘HOPETOUN GARDENS S.4/15FE63/ VIC·AUST’ (better backstamp) on 2/- Flower on Business Reply Post cover with blue registration label. PO 5/11/1951; LPO 22/4/ 1994.

Hordern Vale: black & white photo of TO taken 1969. Renamed

from Calder River RO c.-/12/1912; PO 1/7/1927; TO 1/9/1956; closed 3/5/ 1972.

2206 * A A1+ Horsham: pictorial ‘150th Anniversary/{wheat}/HORSHAM/ 30JUNE1999/VIC 3400’ on 45c on cover. PO 1/7/1848. 2207 D A B2 Horsham North: 2 partly overlapping strikes of ‘HORSHAM NORTH/3JE72/VIC-AUST’ on 7c QEII & 50c Dampier. [Rated PPP] PO 28/4/1948; closed 29/6/1979. 2208 D A B2 Hotham Hill: 2 strikes of ‘HOTHAM HILL/13JY51/VIC-AUST’ on ½d Roo, 3d Barton & 9d Platypus. [Rated PPP] RH 1/8/1890; PO 2209 * A B2


Heidelberg Heights PO c.1950.

Homewood: ‘HOMEWOOD/9SE19/VIC’ WWW #20A on 1½d brown KGV. [Rated P] Renamed from Doogalook PO 8/10/1894;

2205 * A



Heidelberg West (1): ‘HEIDELBERG WEST/????48/VIC.’ on 5½d Emu. [Rated PPP] RO 14/5/1923; PO 18/10/1926; renamed

2201 D A B2

2204 * A A1-

$20 $5

Repatriation Hospital PO c.-/7/1947.

Highpoint West: ‘HIGHPOINT WEST/24NOV1975/VIC. 3032’ in violet on 8c Opal on 10c PSE with Certified Mail label attached. PO 2/9/1975; renamed Highpoint City PO 21/4/1987. 2197 D A A1 Highton: ‘HIGHTON/18SE68/VIC-AUST’ WWW #40 (arcs 13,13) on 5c blue QEII. PO 1/12/1864; LPO 30/6/1994. 2198 * A - black & white photo of PO taken 1973. 2199 D A A2+ Hillside: ‘HILLSIDE/3AP68/VIC’ WWW #20B on 2c green QEII. [Rated P] PO 1/11/1889; closed 30/6/1973. 2200 S A B2 Hoddle Range: framed ‘HODDLE RANGE/13??/??/VIC’ WWW #10 on 1d red KGV. [Rated P] RO c.1902; PO 18/5/1904;

2203 * A $4

RO c.1909; PO 1/7/1912; closed 30/6/1994.


c.-/9/1913; LPO 16/5/1994.

Houston: 2 strikes of ‘HOUSTON E.11/10AU63/VIC-AUST’ on 5d blue QEII & 2/- Flower on Webster cover with blue registration label. [Rated P] PO 16/10/1961; LPO 28/2/1994.

$125 $5

$25 $5 $5 $40 $25 $15

Page 30 2210 * A A1 2211 D B1 2212 D A A12213 * B B2

2214 D A A1 2215 * A 2216 * A

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 Hughesdale: ‘HUGHESDALE S.E.12/24AP67/VIC-AUST’ WWW #20A on 24c Registered Letter with blue reg. label. [Rated P] PO 12/12/1927; LPO 6/7/1993.


Huntingdale: ‘PAID AT HUNTINGDALE AUST’ in red. Renamed from Oakleigh East PO c.1955; LPO 1/7/1996. Huon: recut ‘HUON /2AP43/VIC’ (‘R.S.’ removed) on 2½d red KGVI. Renamed from Huon R.S. PO c.-/6/1921; LPO 1/11/1994; closed c.2010.

Hurstbridge: ‘HURST BRIDGE/22JL63/VIC’ (better backstamp) on 2/5d Banksia on opened-out cover with blue registration label. [Rated PP] Renamed from Hurst Bridge PO c.1954; LPO 10/2/ 1994.

Illowa: 30½mm ‘ILLOWA/14AU65/VIC.’ WWW #40B on 5d red QEII. [Rated PP] PO 15/11/1875; LPO 29/3/1994; closed 30/4/1996. - colour photo of PO taken 1983. Indigo Upper: black & white photo of PO (Site used until 1938) taken 1971. RO 28/7/1924; PO 1/7/1927; TO 22/6/1951, provisionally

2223 D A A1 2224 D B A1 2225 * A 2226 D A A1

2233 * A 2234 * A 2235 D A A1 2236 * A

2250 D A A22251 * A 2252 D A A1 2253 D A1

2/9/1907; LPO 3/12/1993.


2263 * A

Leichardt (1): black & white photo of PO taken 1969. PO 11/2/

1878; closed 30/6/1993.


21/1/1901; closed 30/11/1950.


Renamed from Leopold Hill PO 1/9/1885; LPO 22/10/1993.


from Lillimur North PO 1/5/1887; closed 31/1/1985.


Lillydale PO c.1872.


Leneva (2): black & white photo of site of PO taken 1971. PO


LPO 1/10/1993.

Karingal Centre: colour photo of PO taken 1984. PO 22/10/1984; LPO 28/10/1993.


Kennedy’s Creek: ‘KENNEDYS WWW #10B on 2c green QEII (cut-to-shape). [Rated PP] RO 1/6/1905;

RO c.1924; PO 1/7/1927; LPO 11/4/1994.

Kiata (2): black & white photo of PO (Old) taken 1969. Renamed

from Kiata R.S. PO 1/9/1914; closed 30/6/1975.

Kilcunda: 23½mm unframed ‘KILCUNDA/OC25/12/VICTORIA’ WWW #10 on 1d pink. PO 5/8/1879; LPO 17/11/1993. Killarney: black & white photo of PO (Site prior to 1965) taken 1969. Renamed from Tower Hill PO 14/1/1862; closed 3/11/1983. - black & white photo of PO taken 1972. Kilmany South: ‘KILMANY SOUTH/26MR41/VIC.’ (no arcs) WWW #20 on 1d green QE. [Rated PP] Renamed from Kilmany RO 12/5/1913; PO 1/7/1914; RO 1/12/1919; PO c.1924; closed 31/5/1948.


2270 * A


2271 * A

$20 $6


2275 * A


2276 * A


2277 * A


2278 * A

$5 $5

2279 * A 2280 * A

$40 $12 $20



PO 16/8/1890; LPO 28/3/1994.

Kooroocheang: ‘KOOROOCHEANG/9NO72/VIC’ on 7c. [Rated PPP] Renamed from Hit Or Miss PO 14/12/1874; closed 31/8/1974. Koriella: ‘KORIELLA/11MY27/VIC’ on 1½d red KGV pair. [Rated PPP] Renamed from Rhodes PO 11/9/1916; closed 31/8/1968. Koroop: black & white photo of PO (Site until 1/7/1970) taken 1970. PO c.-/1/1879; closed 31/5/1971. Korweinguboora: ‘KORWEINGUBOORA/22MY43/VIC-AUST’ on 2½d red KGVI. PO 8/11/1878; closed 11/11/1972. - ‘KORWEINGUBOORA/29OC54/[VIC-AUS]T’ on 3½d red QEII. Krambruk North: black & white photo of PO (Entrance to property) taken 1968. RO 2/8/1915; PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/9/1968. Krowera: ‘KROWERA/19JY45/VIC’ on 2d red KGVI. Renamed from Bass Valley PO 1/11/1889; closed 10/4/1968.

Kyabram (2):


Renamed from Sheridan PO 8/4/1886.

in red.

2273 * A 2274 * A

1/7/1927; closed 21/4/1978.

Koonwarra: black & white photo of PO (Old site?) taken 1968.

2272 * A



Renamed from Gowangardie PO 1/3/1888; closed 1/7/1965.

2269 * A


RO c.1902; PO 1/7/1927; LPO 26/7/1993.

7/1/1891; LPO 30/9/1996.

2268 * A- A1

$32 $5 $4 $20 $5 $50 $60 $5 $35 $25 $5 $10 $5

2281 D B A2 2282 * A 2283 * A 2284 * A 2285 S A A2 2286 * A- B2

2287 * A 2288 * A 2289 * A 2290 * A 2291 * A 2292 * A 2293 S A A2 2294 * A 2295 D A A2

$24 $30

Lascelles: ‘LASCELLES/-6AP22/VICTORIA’ (arcs 3,3½) on 2d red KGV & 3d Roo Die II on roughly opened cover (torn flap) with red V.2 registration label, addressed to Melbourne. RO c.1903; PO

2264 * A


c.1921; closed c.-/5/1921.

2262 * B A2

Kamarooka North: ‘KAMAROOKA NORTH/18FE52/VIC’ on 3½d blue KGVI. [Rated PP] PO 1/7/1885; closed 30/6/1976. Kaniva (2): ‘KANIVA/28MR58/VIC-AUST’ on 4d lake QEII. [Recorded use less than 4 years] Renamed from Budjik PO 1/7/1882;

Junorton RO c.1917; PO 1/7/1927; LPO 6/5/1993.

Koonda: ‘KOONDA/17AU36/[V]IC’ on 2d Cable. [Rated RR]

2249 D A A1


Lang Lang (2): unframed ‘LANGLA[NG]/DE23/97/VICTORIA’ (one word) on 2d violet. PO 1/4/1891; LPO 1/12/1993. Langi Logan: ‘LANG[I L]O[GA]N/1OC29/VIC’ on 1½d red KGV. [Rated PPP] RO 16/11/1912; closed 8/6/1970. Langwarrin Military Depot: ‘LANGWARRIN MILITARY CAMP/ 19OC17/VIC’ on 1d red KGV. RO 20/1/1915; PO 26/11/1915; RO

2267 * A

2244 S A A2

2248 * A



2242 * A 2243 S A A2

2247 D A B1

2261 S A A2


Lalor Plaza: colour photo of PO taken 1984. PO 15/10/1984; LPO

Ivanhoe: ‘PAID AT IVANHOE in red on window envelope. [Rated PPPP] PO 1/9/1874. Junortoun: black & white photo of PO taken 1970. Renamed from

Koimbo: 26mm ‘[KO]IMBO/4NO26/VIC.’ on 1½d red KGV. [Rated PPP] RO 25/9/1922; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/1/1968. - black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Koo-Wee-Rup: ‘KOO-WEE-RUP/27MY14/VIC’ on 1d Roo. PO

2246 D A B1

2260 S A B2

LPO 15/2/1994; CMA 1/7/1999.

Lillimur (2): black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Renamed

Koallah: black & white photo of PO taken 1971. RO 1/7/1924; PO

2245 * A

2259 S A B2

$15 $5

2266 * A


2240 * A 2241 S A B2

2258 * A


1/11/1864; LPO 1/12/1993.


Inverloch: colour photo of PO taken 1992. Renamed from

Anderson’s Inlet PO 1/12/1889; LPO 27/8/1994.

2239 * A

2238 * A

Lalbert: ‘LALBERT/18JL34/VIC’ on 2d red KGV. PO 11/1/1894;

Leopold: black & white photo of old site of PO taken 1971.

Kilmore: Black & white PPC ‘Kilmore Swimming Club’, real photo, unused. PO 1/2/1843; LPO 3/5/1999. King Parrot Creek (2): black & white PPC of ‘GIANT TREE CAMP/KING PARROT/CREEK’ showing camper asleep in hollow tree, unused. PO 20/2/1865; closed 1/6/1874. Kinglake: black & white real photo PPC ‘Wombelano Falls, Kinglake’ franked with 1½d red KGV and cancelled with two overlapping strikes of ‘KINGLAKE/21JA27/VIC’ (A2), addressed to Melbourne. PO 14/5/1883; LPO 1/10/1993. Kinglake West: black & white photo of PO (new) taken 1969.

2237 * A


2257 D A A2

2255 D A B1

2265 * A

PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/5/1974.

2232 S A B2

$20 $5

2256 * A

Kyneton: violet boxed ‘M.O.O./20MAR.1935/KYNETON’ WWW #330. [Rated PPP] Renamed from Mount Macedon PO 1/1/1854. Laanecoorie: ‘LAANECOORIE/23FE53/VIC-AUST’ on 3½d Butter. PO 6/11/1869; closed 30/6/1993. Lake Bolac: black & white photo of old PO taken in 1977. PO


1856; LPO 4/8/1993.

2227 D A B1 Kerang (3): ‘KERANG/13NO73/VIC-AUST’ on 7c. PO 29/7/1858. 2228 D A A1+ - ‘KERANG/30SE76/VIC-3579’ on 4c. [Rated PPPP - the only recorded date.] 2229 D A1 Kew: violet ‘POSTMASTER/16DEC1982/PHONE/861 8096/ KEW, VIC. 3101’ WWW #840. PO 6/10/1856. 2230 D B1 Kew East: ‘PAID AT KEW EAST.E.5/5-P11JA63/VIC-AUST’ in red. 2231 * A



- unframed ‘M.O[&S.B]/18JA/23/INGLE[WOOD]’ WWW #210 on 3d Roo. Inverleigh: ‘INVERLEIGH/19MAY1995/VIC. 3321’ in violet, on 45c on Alexander Western Victoria Postmarkers cover. PO 11/10/

2222 * A


c.1870; LPO 22/6/1993.

2218 S A A2

2221 * A A1-



Inglewood (2): 30mm ‘INGLEWOOD/5JE34/VIC.’ (arcs 7½,8) WWW #90 on 2d red KGV. Renamed from New Inglewood PO

2220 * A


closed 10/5/1952; closed 31/7/1952.

2217 D A A1

2219 * A A1

2254 D B1

Lilydale: black & white photo of PO taken 1972. Renamed from

Lima East: ‘LIMA EAST/1NO62/VIC’ on 5d & 2/3d Commonwealth Games on illustrated Wesley FDC, neatly addressed. [Rated PP] RO c.1902; PO 15/1/1923; closed 1/6/1970. Linga: black & white photo of site of final PO taken c.1976.

Renamed from Manpy RO 15/8/1913; PO 1/10/1914; closed 24/1/1975. Litchfield: black & white photo of PO taken 1971. Renamed from Witchipool PO 11/6/1906; closed 9/3/1979. Llanelly: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Renamed from Maidentown PO c.-/6/1882; closed 9/9/1994. Loch Sport: black & white photo of PO taken 1971. PO 1/12/ 1965; LPO 30/4/1993. Locksley: black & white photo of R.S. taken 1970. PO 1/5/1886; closed 29/9/1973. Lockwood (2): black & white photo of PO (old) taken 1968. PO c.-/2/1855; closed 13/2/1981. Loddon Vale (2): black & white photo of PO taken 1970. PO 4/5/ 1900; closed 31/1/1957. Long Gully: colour photo of PO (old) taken 1981. PO 1/8/1857; RH c.1890; PO c.1902; LPO 5/8/1993. Longwood (3): colour photo of PO taken 1990. Replaced Longwood R.S. PO 15/10/1910; LPO 21/12/1993. Lorquon: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. PO 27/8/1883; closed 18/10/1971.

- colour photo of PO taken 1981. Lovely Banks: black & white photo of PO (at reservoir) taken 1971. Renamed from Lovely Banks Reservoir RO c.1907; PO 7/10/1920;

closed 30/11/1960.

Lower Cape Bridgewater: ‘LOWER CAPE BRIDGE[WATER]/ ?26/VIC’ on 1½d red KGV (faults). [Rated PPP] Renamed from

Cape Bridgewater PO 1/1/1875; closed 30/5/1953.

Lucknow (3): black & white photo of site of PO taken 1970. PO

1/4/1885; closed 31/1/1964.

Lurg (3): black & white photo of Lurg School taken 1969.

Renamed from Lurg Creamery RO c.-/1/1909; PO 1/4/1919; RO 17/10/ 1924; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/12/1968. Lyonville Rail: colour photo of PO at R.S. taken 1985. TO c.1910; PO c.1913; closed 31/10/1962.

Macedon Upper: 30mm ‘MACEDON [UP]PER/14DE32/VIC.’ on 9d Kangaroo pair. [Rated PPPP] Renamed from Upper Macedon PO

1/7/1889; renamed Mount Macedon PO 1/9/1936.

Mafeking: 4 poor strikes of framed ‘MAFEKING/OC8/07/ VICTORIA’ on 1d pink strip of 4 on Tatts cover (pin hole) to Hobart, 25mm ‘WILLAURA/8OC07/VIC’ (B1) backstamp. [Rated R] PO 29/10/1900; RO 15/1/1918; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/7/1958. Maffra: black & white photo of PO (New) taken 1975. PO 20/7/

$25 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $50 $5 $5 $5 $55




1868; closed 31/1/1989.


from Malmesbury PO c.1896; LPO 9/8/1994.


1913; PO 11/9/1915; LPO 28/9/1993.






Maindample: black & white photo of PO taken 1968. PO 19/9/ Malmsbury: black & white photo of PO taken 1968. Renamed Manangatang: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. RO 6/1/ Mandurang: colour photo of PO taken 1985. PO 10/11/1874; LPO Mangalore West: black & white photo of PO (Site used 193742) taken 1972. Renamed from Mangalore PO 12/9/1910; closed 31/1/

Maribyrnong Military Camp: ‘MILITARY CAMP MARIBYRNONG/27AP16/VIC’ on 1d red KGV. PO 17/1/1916; closed c.-/10/1918.

Marionvale: black & white photo of PO (Site used 1940-44) taken 1975. PO 1/10/1928; closed 30/9/1960. Market Street: ‘MARKET STREET C.1/26JY67/4/VIC-AUST’ on 4c. [Rated PPPP] Renamed from Customs House PO c.-/1/1884; replaced by Collins Street West PO 21/11/1997.

$12 $5 $20

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 2296 * A

Marnoo: colour photo of PO (old) taken 1981. PO 9/6/1879; LPO

2297 * A

Marshalltown (2): black & white photo of PO taken 1973.

2298 D A A2


Renamed from Marshall R.S. PO c.1915; closed 31/7/1979.



McKinnon: (S.E.14 removed) on 5c. [Rated PPP] Renamed from Bentleigh North PO 2/1/ 1964; LPO 27/7/1993.

2299 D A A2

McLeod Military Camp (2): MILI]TARY CAMP/ 20DE21/VIC’ on 2d orange KGV on piece. PO 3/4/1918; closed c.-

2300 * A

McMahon’s Creek (2): black & white photo of PO taken 1970.

2301 D B B1 2302 * A A3

2303 S A- B2 2304 S A A12305 * A A1

2306 * A A1

2307 D A1-

2308 D A1 2309 * A 2310 * A 2311 * A



PO 1/7/1901; closed 31/5/1968.

Meade: ‘MEADE/30JA34/VIC’ on KGV 2d, cut-to-shape. RO 2/2/

1910; PO 10/11/1919; renamed Mead c.1942.

Melbourne: 25mm double circle ‘[MELBOUR]NE/[?]/1 30/19· 10·00/1’ WWW #500 (small 1) backstamp on Postal Card from Prahran to Armadale. [Rare] PO 13/4/1837; renamed Elizabeth Street PO 4/6/1917.

- 30x19mm blue oval ‘RECORDS/AM10NOV13/[M]ELBOURNE’ on 9d Roo (small thin). Seems to be quite rare. - light ‘G.P.O. MELBOURNE/3/?MY45/VIC-AUST’ WWW #17850A on 2½d Gloucester imprint block of 4. - violet triple-oval ‘STORES BRANCH/11DEC1939/G.P.O. MELBOURNE’ on face of long Postmaster General’s Department cover franked with 3d blue KGVI, 11 Dec 1939 Melbourne machine cancel, to California, USA. Melbourne GPO Shop: Group of 19 in the form of ‘[Picasso face]/2JUN1997/Melbourne/1-GPO SHOP VIC 3000’, on 45c on Alexander First day of Melbourne GPO Pictorials, 1-19 G.P.O. Shop covers. PO 28/11/1994. Melbourne University (5): magenta double-oval ‘POSTMASTER/25MAY1983/MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY 3052’. [Only second recorded date - ERD] PO 31/1/1967; CPA 9/11/ 2012.

Mentone: ‘PAID AT MENTONE/—-8NO74/VIC- ‘ (S.11 removed) in red. PO 16/5/1884. Mepunga West: black & white photo of PO taken 1972. TO 14/5/


$50 $6

2351 * A 2352 D B1 2353 * A 2354 * A

Mount Egerton: unframed ‘M[OU]NT EGERTON/DE30/19/VIC’ on 1½d brown KGV. PO 1/2/1856; closed 30/7/1993. Mount Franklin: black & white photo of PO (Site prior to 1947) taken 1972. Renamed from Dry Diggings PO 13/6/1921; closed 30/4/


Mount Prospect: black & white photo of PO (Site used 1942-62) taken 1969. PO 12/5/1862; closed 5/12/1967. Mount Waverley: ‘PAID AT MT WAVERLEY/ 4DE62/VIC-AUST’ (price turned off) in red. [Rated P] RO 9/10/1905; PO 1/10/1907. Muckleford: black & white photo of PO taken 1971. PO 1/8/1857;

$15 $5

2355 * A 2356 * A

2361 * A

from Musk Creek PO 31/3/1937, provisionally closed 16/1/1974; closed 31/1/1974.


1919; closed 30/9/1974.


LPO 4/1/1995.


closed 17/12/1973.


1892; closed 31/8/1971.




1/1/1873, provisionally closed 31/12/1974; closed 31/3/1975. [Phillip Island]


$5 $5

2366 * A

PO 1/7/1927; LPO 1/7/1993.


Renamed from Whan’s RO c.1910; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/1/1952. Moolort: black & white photo of PO taken 1968. PO 1/6/1870; closed 31/7/1973.



Moonee Ponds: violet boxed ‘MOONEE P[ONDS]/ 18MAR1940/W.4., VIC.’ on 6d Large Kooka perf ‘VG’. [Rated PPP] PO 15/1/1861. - ‘MOONEE PONDS W.4/2/16AU63/VIC-AUST’ on 2/5d Registration Envelope with blue registration label. Moorilim: colour photo of PO taken 1982. Renamed from Muddy Creek Bridge PO 21/4/1875; closed 10/3/1956.


Mooroopna: red ‘PAID AT WWW #210D. PO 19/4/1873; LPO 7/10/1996. 1MY68 Mooroopna North: ‘MOOROOPNA NORTH/ /[VIC]’ on 3c (cut-to-shape). PO 1/12/1877; RO c.1907; PO 1/10/1911; closed 28/2/ 1973.

Moranding: ‘M[OR]ANDING/12AP47/VIC’ on 2½d red KGVI. [Rated PPPP] PO 6/12/1890; closed 31/8/1957.

$5 $5 $24 $13

Neerim North: black & white photo of PO taken 1970. PO 25/9/ Netherby: colour photo of PO taken 1981. PO 1/9/1886; closed

2370 * A- A2

Newport: ‘NEWPORT/23JL36/VICTORIA’ on 5d KGV on cover with blue registration label. Renamed from Williamstown Junction PO

2373 * A 2374 * A

c.-/11/1881; LPO 16/5/1994.

Ninyeunook (2): black & white photo of PO taken 1971. PO c.1896; TO c.1962; closed 31/8/1968.

Nirranda: black & white photo of PO taken 1969, after it was destroyed by fire. PO 4/3/1871; closed 7/7/1969. Nirranda South: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. TO 1/11/


2379 * A 2380 * A 2381 * A

$16 $5 $5

1934; PO 12/10/1938; closed 31/1/1969.


TO 19/2/1964; closed 22/12/1964.


Noorinbee: black & white photo of PO (Original building burnt 1963) taken 1971. Renamed from Cann River Settlement PO 1/9/1913;

North Melbourne: ‘NTH MELBOURNE ____/25JY84/VIC-AUST’ (‘N.1’ removed) on $1 Butterfly on long cover with small Priority Paid label. Renamed from Hotham PO c.-/10/1887. 2376 * A A1- - ‘NORTH MELBOURNE/VIC./1956/14JUN/ /PAID’ machine in black, on Albion Quarrying window envelope. 2377 D A A2+ Northcote (1): 26½mm ‘NORTHCOTE/24SE24/VIC.’ on 1½d red KGV. PO 1/8/1854; renamed Northcote Delivery Centre DC 24/7/ 2375 * A- B1

2378 * A


Natya: colour photo of PO taken 1981. RO 28/4/1920; PO c.1922;

Newhaven: black & white photo of PO (new site) taken 1973. PO



- black & white photo of PO taken 1971. Mysia (2): colour photo of PO taken 1982. Replaced Mysia R.S. PO

2369 * A

2372 * A


25/10/1911; closed 13/10/1992.

LPO 17/2/1994.



$5 $5

Nagambie: black & white photo of PO taken c.1969. PO 2/5/1870;

2371 * A


Renamed from Myrtle Creek PO 1/1/1871; LPO 4/10/1999.

2365 * A




Myrtleford: black & white photo of PO (Temporary) taken 1971.




Renamed from Pentland Hills PO 26/1/1872; closed 30/9/1970.

Moorabool Creek PO 1/8/1879; closed 31/7/1985.

closed 9/3/1979.


$5 $5

Mywee: colour photo of PO taken 1982. RO 1/11/1911; PO 1/4/



1916; PO c.1924; closed 30/6/1969.

2364 * A

2368 * A



Murraydale: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. RO 4/12/



$10 $5


1946; LPO 29/10/1993.

Mitcham: double-circle ‘ASSISTANT POSTAL MANAGER/ 18DEC1990/PHONE/873 1057/MITCHAM VIC 3132’ WWW #310 on 43c Local Govt. PO 1/6/1884. Mittyack: ‘MITTYACK/8MY57/VIC-AUST’ WWW #20A on 4d SA Resp. Govt. (cut-to-shape). [Rated PP] RO 5/12/1916; PO c.1921;



Murchison East: black & white photo of PO (Old site) taken 1970. Renamed from Murchison R.S. PO 10/11/1890; closed 31/12/


PO 13/11/1916; LPO 31/5/1994.


1876; closed 30/9/1969.

11/8/1949; LPO 20/5/1994.

2367 * A



2362 * A 2363 * A

Millbrook: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Renamed from


8/9/1873; closed 31/7/1970.

Mudgegonga: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. PO 1/9/


Mildura West: black & white photo of PO taken 1972. PO 1/11/



Muckleford South: black & white photo of PO taken 1972. PO

BC 6/7/1998.

Mildura East: black & white photo of PO (old) taken 1969. PO

$26 $20

closed 14/5/1966.

Myrniong: colour photo of the mail ‘pick-up point’ taken 1984.

- black & white photo of PO taken 1968. Mildura Business Centre: ‘MILDURA BC/6JUL1998/D/VIC 3500’ (Opening day), on 45c on Alexander opening day cover.

2330 D A A2+ Moonambel: ‘MOONAMBEL/13JY79/VIC.’ WWW #20B on 20c Little Grebe. Renamed from Mountain Creek PO 12/10/1863; closed

2336 D A A2

2350 * A

Renamed from Puelba PO 1/4/1864; closed 30/11/1959.

2360 * A


Monument Creek: colour photo of site of PO taken 1987.

2335 D A A1

2349 D A A2

Mount Buller: gloomy black and white photo taken of the inside of the PO in 1972 PO 17/2/1958; LPO 11/8/1994. 2348 D A A1+ Mount Duneed: ‘MOUNT DUNEED/3MY43/VIC’ on 4d QEII.

- colour photo of PO taken 1981. Musk: ‘MUSK/21NO57/VIC-AUST.’ on 4d lake QEII. Renamed

2328 * A

2334 D A1


RO 22/8/1910; PO 1/2/1914; closed 24/6/1986.

2358 * A 2359 D A A2

2327 D B1

2333 * A

2347 *


Mologa (3): ‘MOLOGA/13JE52/VIC-AUST’ WWW #30A on 3½d brown KGVI. [Rated P] PO 1/4/1912; closed 6/9/1969. - ‘MOLOGA/6SE69/VIC-AUST’ (last day). [Rated PPPP - archival strike.] Montmorency: ‘MONTMORENCY/9DE35/VIC’. RO c.-/9/1923;

2332 * A- A1


1/7/1927, provisionally closed 31/7/1968; closed 31/8/1968.

- colour photo of town taken 1981. Mininera: black & white photo of PO taken 1971. RO 24/11/1913;

2331 S A B2


2345 * A 2346 * A

2357 * A

2321 * A 2322 * A

2329 * A


Morwell (3): ‘MORWELL/21MR53/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 4,4) WWW #100A, on 3½d Wheat. Renamed from Morwell R.S. PO 1/1/1880. - ‘PAID AT MORWELL/29MY70/VIC’ (price removed and date centred) WWW #410E, in red. [Rated PP] Mount Alfred (2): ‘MT ALFRED/8AP59/VIC’ on 4d QEII. [Rated P] RO c.1902; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/1/1975. - black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Mount Buffalo Chalet: Black & white PPC ‘Wall of the Gorge, Mt Buffalo, Vic’, real photo, unused. Renamed from Mount Buffalo


Minimay: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. PO 1/11/1887;

2326 D A1

2344 D A B1

LPO 4/4/1997.


2320 * A

2325 D A A2

2343 D A1

Morrison (2): framed ‘MORRISON/MR2/16/VICTORIA’, on 1d red KGV pair. Renamed from Riverside PO 8/7/1892; closed 31/8/1953. Mortlake: ‘MORTLAKE/19MAY1995/VIC. 3272’, on 45c on Alexander Western Victoria Postmarkers cover. PO 12/2/1859;


Mildura: ‘MONEY ORDER TELLER/16AUG1983/1/MILDURA, VIC. 3500’ in violet. [Rated P - The first offered by us.] PO 23/1/

2324 D A B2


2342 D A A2



2314 D A1-

2323 D A A2-


2341 * A A1

- ‘MORELAND/PAID/2FE79/VIC-AUST-3058’ in red. [Rated PPP] Morkalla: colour photo of PO taken 1981. PO 2/10/1933; closed


Merino: colour photo of PO taken 1990. PO 1/6/1858; LPO 4/11/

Miga Lake: black & white photo of PO taken 1970. RO c.1902; PO

2319 * A


2340 S A A2

PO 11/12/1922; LPO 29/3/1993.

PO 1/7/1927; LPO 23/8/1993.

2313 * A

2318 * A


2338 D A2 2339 * A

Moreland (3): ‘PAID AT in red on window envelope. [Rated PPP] Renamed from North Brunswick


Meringur: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. RO 2/2/1926;

Miepoll: colour photo of PO taken 1982. PO 1/6/1881; closed 30/6/

2317 * A


2337 * A A1-

1924; RO 1/4/1925; PO 1/7/1927; closed 27/2/1976.

2312 * A

2315 * A 2316 * A A1



$12 $10



PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/4/1969.


Tyntynder PO 1/11/1894; LPO 23/7/1993.


R.S. RO 20/12/1915; PO 1/12/1917; LPO 14/9/1993.


2/6/1919; closed 31/8/1970.


Nowingi (2): black & white photo of PO taken 1969. RO 3/8/1920; Nyah: black & white photo of PO taken c.1969. Renamed from Nyah West: colour photo of PO taken 1981. Renamed from Nyah Nyarrin: black & white photo of PO taken 1971. RO 2/11/1914; PO

Page 32 2382 D A1 2383 D A1 2384 * A-

2385 * A A1

2386 * A A2 2387 * A A1 2388 * A A1

2389 * A A2

2390 * A A2

2391 * A B1 2392 * A B1

2393 * A A1 2394 * A A1 2395 * A A1 2396 * A A1 2397 * A C2 2398 * A A2 2399 * A A1 2400 * B B1 2401 S A C2 2402 * A B1 2403 D A- A1 2404 * A 2405 * A 2406 * A 2407 * A 2408 * B B2

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 Oakleigh (1): ‘OAKLEIGH /12JE68/VIC-AUST’ (SE.12 removed, arcs 3,2). [Rated PPPP - the only recorded date.] PO 1/8/1854; replaced by Oakleigh Delivery Centre DC 27/9/1993.

Oakleigh South: ‘PAID AT OAKLEIGH STH/—?19AU65/VIC· AUST’ (price turned off) in red. PO 1/9/1936; LPO 6/1/1995. Olangolah East (1): blue & black provisional C1 registration label on Turley cover, 2½d Cable pair cancelled with ‘BEECH FOREST/15AP36/VIC’ (A1). [No datestamp has been recorded for this office.] RO 1/3/1913; PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/11/1948. Olympic Games: ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[wrestlers]/NOV24/1956/ EXHIBITION BLDG MELBOURNE VIC·AUST’ on 4d Olympics on APO cover. Temporary post offices were opened at the various venues for the 1956 XVI Olympiad. Each venue has a separate entry.

- ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[wrestlers]/NOV24/1956/EXHIBITION BLDG MELBOURNE VIC·AUST’ on 4d Olympics on APO cover. - ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[two scullers]/23NOV/1956/LAKE WENDOUREE-VIC·AUST’ on 4d Olympics on VPA cover. - ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[stadium]/22NOV1956/MAIN STADIUM MELBOURNE·VIC·AUST’ & ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[pole vault]/ NOV22/1956/MAIN STADIUM MELBOURNE·VIC·AUST’ on 4d Olympics on VPA cover, stamped address. - ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[main stadium]/22NOV1956/MAIN STADIUM MELBOURNE·VIC·AUST’ & ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[high jump]/ 22NOV/1956/MAIN STADIUM MELBOURNE·VIC·AUST’ on 4d Olympics on VPA cover. - ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[pole vault]/22NOV/1956/MAIN STADIUM MELBOURNE·VIC·AUST’ & ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[dias]/22NOV/ 1956/STADIUM (PRESS) MELBOURNE·VIC·AUST’ on 4d Olympics on VPA cover. - ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[marathon]/1-DEC/1956/MOBILE POST OFFICE NO2 VIC·AUST’ on 4d Olympics on VPA cover. - ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[shooter]/22NOV/1956/MOBILE POST OFFICE NO1 VIC·AUST’ & ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[pistol]/2NOV/ 1956/MOBILE POST OFFICE NO1 VIC·AUST’ on 4d Olympics on VPA cover. - ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[hockey]/22NOV1956/OLYMPIC PARK VIC· AUST’ on 4d Olympics on VPA cover. - ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[soccer]/22NOV1956/OLYMPIC PARK-VIC· AUST’ on 4d Olympics on VPA cover. - ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[gymnast]/1DEC/1956/OLYMPIC PARK (PRESS) VIC·AUST’ on 4d Olympics on APO cover. - ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[tandem cyclists]/22NOV/1956/OLYMPIC VILLAGE VIC·AUST’ on 4d Olympics on VPA cover. - ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[javelin]/22NOV 1956/OLYMPIC VILLAGEVIC·AUST’ on 4d Olympics on VPA cover. - ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[boxers]/22NOV/1956/RICHMOND PARKVIC·AUST’ on 4d Olympics on VPA cover. - ‘XVI. OLYMPIAD/[discus]/22NOV/1956/RICHMOND PARKVIC·AUST’ on 4d Olympics on VPA cover. Orbost: ‘ORBOST/28MY66/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 4,4) on 24c Registration Envelope #R46, opened-out. Renamed from Neumerella PO 5/11/1883.

Parwan: ‘PARWAN/28JE15/VIC’ on 1d red KGV. [Rated PPP]

Renamed from Parwan R.S. PO 1/7/1914; closed 30/4/1962.

Pascoe Vale South: ‘PASCOE VALE STH W.7/26AP63/VICAUST’ (A1 backstamp) on 2/5d on cover with blue registration label. [Rated PP] PO 1/8/1927; LPO 27/9/1993. Patho: ‘PATHO/3■MR57/VIC.’ WWW #20 on 4d lake QEII. PO

19/5/1892; closed 28/6/1991.

- black & white photo of PO taken 1973. Peronne: colour photo of PO taken 1981. Renamed from Mortat


$15 $20

2438 D B1 $15

2439 D A A2


2440 * A A2


2441 D A B1


2442 D A A2


2443 D A A1 2444 * A B1

$5 $10 $10 $5 $16 $24 $10 $5

2445 S A B2 2446 D A A2 2447 S A A2 2448 D A B1 2449 * A A1 2450 D A1 2451 * A

2453 D A1


2454 D A1 2455 S A A2

1911; PO 23/4/1914; closed 10/4/1954.


Alberton PO 1/1/1856; LPO 9/11/1993.


2456 D A A1 2457 * A A1


2458 * A B2

Bowen RO 28/9/1910; PO 5/7/1921; closed 13/7/1993.


Port Melbourne: ‘PAID-AT-PORT-MELBOURNE-S.C.7/ VIC’ (time turned off) in red. Renamed from Sandridge PO 6/3/1884. Port Welshpool: colour photo of PO taken 1992. RO 8/8/1910; PO 23/4/1914; closed 1/3/1994.

Portland South (1): ‘PORTLAND STH/5FE58/VIC-AUST’ WWW #10A on 4d Xmas. PO 1/11/1955; closed 31/10/1977. Portland West: ‘PORTLAND WEST/23FE62/VIC’ on 1961 Xmas.

$6 $5 $50

2459 D A A1 2460 * A B2 2461 D B1 2462 D A1

RO 10/1/1908; PO 1/1/1913; closed 20/6/1970.




2464 S A A2


2465 D B1

Prahran: ‘PAID AT PRAHRAN/1D 14AU30/VIC’ (LRD, arcs 3½,5) in black, on cover to Malvern, some light toning PO 1/4/ Prahran East: ‘PR[A]HRAN

2418 * A

Prairie: colour photo of PO taken 1982. Renamed from Prairie R.S.

2421 * A



Pitfield Plains: black & white photo of PO taken 1971. PO 1/1/

2417 D A2

2420 S A B2


1897; closed 3/9/1946.

Port Franklin: colour photo of PO taken 1992. Renamed from

2419 * A A1


2452 D A1

2411 * A

2416 * A- A1



Port Albert: colour photo of PO taken 1992. Renamed from

2415 D A A1


13/10/1913; LPO 29/10/1993.


backstamp. PO

PO c.-/9/1912; closed 30/6/1982.

Preston: ‘PRESTON/VIC/ /20JLY/1956/PAID’ (price omitted) machine cancel in black, on window envelope. PO 1/3/1856. Pullut: ‘PULLUT/20OC36/[VIC]’ on 2d SA Centenary. RO c.-/3/

1912; PO 5/7/1921; closed 25/6/1974.

Quarry Hill: colour photo of PO taken 1985. PO 2/12/1912; LPO 5/2/1994.

$5 $8

Queenscliff: ‘QUEENSCLIFF/PAID/415 -2FE87/VIC-AUST-3225’ in red, WWW #520B, on piece. Renamed from Shortland’s Bluff PO

1/1/1854; LPO 1/10/1998.

35mm ‘POST OFFICE/PAID/4.40p.m./4FEB1998/ QUEENSCLIFF 3225’ WWW #540, on piece. 2424 D A1 - 49x32mm ‘POSTAL MANAGER/PH. 52 1880/21JUL1994/ QUEENSCLIFF, VIC. 3225’ WWW #703, on piece. 2425 D A1 - 49x32mm ‘POSTAL MANAGER/PH. 584 219/8OCT1996/ QUEENSCLIFF, VIC. 3225’ WWW #706, on piece. 2426 S A A2 - belt & buckle ‘[POST AND TE]LEGRAPH[OFFICE]/ [QUE]ENSCLIFF/JL10/188[?]’’. - multicoloured PPC ‘Grand Hotel from the Park, Queenscliff’ 2427 * AV.S.M. series card, unused, small tear, one rough corner. - multicoloured PPC ‘The Esplanade (looking East), Queenscliff’ 2428 * A V.S.M. series card, unused, fine condition. 2429 S A B2 Raglan (2): unframed ‘RAGL[AN]/FE10/[?]/VICTOR[IA]’ on 3d Roo. PO 1/1/1865; closed 7/5/1960. 2430 D A A1 - ‘RAGLAN/6JL32/VIC’ on 2d red KGV on piece. 2431 S A A2+ Rainbow: framed ‘RAINBOW/MR17/19/VICTORIA’, WWW #10, on 9d Roo. PO 2/7/1900; LPO 1/6/1993. 2432 D A A1 - 28½mm ‘RAINBOW/17JE21/VIC’ (arcs 7,7½), WWW #20A, on 3d Roo & 1½d brown KGV. 2433 * A A1 - 28½mm ‘RAINBOW/12JA69/VIC’ (arcs 7,7½), WWW #20B, on 5c blue on cover. 2434 D A A2+ - 26½mm ‘RAINBOW/28JL30/VIC’ (arcs 5,4), WWW #30A, on 2d red KGV on piece 2435 D A A1 - ‘RAINBOW/15JE71/VIC’ (arcs 5,4) on 6c orange. [Rated PPP] 2436 D A A1+ - violet 33½mm ‘RAINBOW/8MAY1974/VIC.3424’ (dateline 2½mm high), WWW #45 on 7c on piece. [Rated PPPP - the first offered by us] 2437 D B1 - ‘PAID AT RAINBOW/-■■-5MR54/VIC-AUST’. [Rated PPP] PO

closed 30/6/1983.

2410 * A

2414 D A A2


2423 D A1


2409 S A B2

2413 * A


PO 1/5/1925; closed 30/6/1978.

Pine Lodge (4): colour photo of PO taken 1982. PO c.1915;

Pomonal: ‘POMONAL/__.__/25NOV1922/__.__/VICTORIA’ on 2d red KGV embossed Envelope, re-addressed from Moyston to Coburg. Renamed from Mona PO 10/10/1904; LPO 1/9/1994. Pompapiel: ‘POMPAPIEL/10MY17/VIC’ on 1d red KGV. RO 7/8/

2412 D A1

2422 D A2

2463 D A1

2466 D B A2


2467 * A B2


2468 D A A1

2/7/1900; LPO 1/6/1993.

- 37mm double-circle ‘POSTAL MANAGER/15FEB1995/ RAINBOW VIC. 3424.’, WWW #505, on piece. Rangeview: ‘RANGEVIEW/24OC58/VIC-AUST’, WWW #10A, on 4d Broken Hill on piece. PO 15/9/1955; LPO 29/10/1993. - ‘RANGEVIEW/5AP67/VIC-AUST’, WWW #10B (better backstamp), on 24c Kingfisher on registered cover. - ‘RELIEF/29SE78/NO 25.’ on 5c on piece [Used 20/6/78 to 28/5/79.] Rathscar: ‘RATHSCAR/[?]/VIC’ in violet on 2½d Mitchell on piece. PO 15/5/1884; closed 31/1/1972. - ‘RATHSCAR/27JY71/VIC’ on 1c on piece. [Rated PPP] Ravenswood (3): ‘RAVENSWOOD/17JE80/VIC-3351’ on 22c on cover. Renamed from Ravenswood R.S. PO 6/4/1970; closed c.1985. Ravenswood R.S. (2): unframed ‘RAVENSWOOD RY STN/ 31JA/22/VIC’ on 2d orange KGV. Renamed from Ravenswood PO 15/4/1884; renamed Ravenswood PO 4/4/1970.

- ‘RAVENSWOOD/29NO38/VIC.’ WWW #20, on 2d red KGVI on piece. [Rated PP] Red Bluff: framed ‘RED BLUFF/6OC/18/[VIC]’ WWW #10 on 1d red KGV. PO 17/4/1901; closed 31/3/1969. - ‘RED BLUFF/2?SE35/VIC.’ WWW #20 on 2d red KGV on piece cut-to-shape. Red Cliffs: ‘PAID AT RED CLIFFS/3D■■7JL■4/VIC’ (1954) WWW #310, on window envelope. [Rated PPP] RO 4/8/1920; PO 1/10/1920.

- ‘PAID AT RED CLIFFS/23JA69/VIC-AUST’ in red ink. [Rated PPP] - 1950 (Jun 3) inwards cover from Hobart with 2 different CDS plus, on face, ‘[U]NKNOWN BY POSTMA[N]’, ‘UNKNOWN AT RED CLIF[FS] & light boxed ‘UNCLAIMED AT/RED CLIFFS VIC’ all in violet. - 46x29mm double-oval ‘POSTAL MANAGER/17OCT1996/RED CLIFFS VIC., 3496’ WWW #404, on piece. - 49½x31½mm oval ‘POSTAL MANAGER/22SEP1999/RED CLIFFS VIC 3496’ WWW #406, on piece. - 51x32½mm triple-oval ‘POSTMASTER/12OCT1981/RED CLIFFS 3496’ WWW #420B, on piece. Red Hill: ‘RED HILL/9AP18/VIC.’ on 4d orange KGV. PO 1/8/ 1871; closed 30/6/1982.

- ‘RED HILL/1FE66/VIC-AUST’ on 5d red on piece. Red Hill South: ‘RED HILL SOUTH/22MR61/VIC’ on 5d blue on cover. RO 22/1/1923; PO 1/7/1927; LPO 22/7/1994. Redan: ‘REDA[N]/28AU35/VIC.’ WWW #10A, on 5d KGV on cover with provisional registration label. PO 1/7/1935; LPO 1/9/ 1993.

- ‘REDAN/5-P16AU90/VIC 3350’ WWW #20, on 1c on piece. - double-circle ‘REDAN LPO/[?]1994/VIC. 3350’ WWW #30, on 45c on cover. - straight-line ‘UNCLAIMED AT/REDAN’ (1999?) on piece. - 34½mm ‘REDAN/PAID/2FEB1996/VIC 3350’ WWW #210, on piece. - 32mm ‘REDAN/PAID/6OCT1999/VIC 3350’ WWW #220, on piece. Redbank (2): ‘REDBANK/10MAY23/[VIC]TORIA’ on 2d red KGV. PO 13/12/1920; closed 30/1/1981. Redcastle: ‘REDCASTLE/25NO29/VIC’ on piece (cut-toshape). [Rated PPP - only the 2nd offered by us in 25 yrs] PO

$5 $5 $5 $5 $10 $10 $12 $10 $15 $8 $10 $8 $6 $20 $50 $50 $10 $6 $15 $4 $15 $40 $10 $15 $20 $15 $25 $30 $25

$20 $20 $20 $20 $10 $3 $10 $12 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5

1/9/1860; closed 1/7/1944.


PO 22/3/1865; LPO 6/10/1994.


Redesdale: unframed ‘REDESDALE/JA18/02/VICTORIA’ 1d pink & 2d violet, 2nd 1d pink cancelled with ‘R’-in-circle’, faults.

- unframed ‘REDESDALE/DE11/15/VICTORIA’ on 1d red KGV on cover. - ‘REDESDALE/1AU35/VIC’ WWW #20A, on ½d orange KGV on piece.

$25 $5

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 2469 S A A2

Reedy Creek: framed ‘REEDY CREEK/SE3/15/VIC’ on 1d Roo.

2470 D A A1

- ‘REEDY CREEK/25JE57/VIC’ WWW #40A, on 4d QEII on piece. - ‘REEDY CREEK/12JY60/VIC’ WWW #40B on 5d blue QEII (cutto-shape). [Rated PPP] Reedy Flat: ‘REEDY FLAT/26NO58/VIC’ on 4d QEII. RO c.1902;

2471 D A A2 2472 D A A1 2473 D B1 2474 D A A2 2475 D A B1 2476 D A A2 2477 D A A2 2478 S A B1 2479 * A A2 2480 * A A1 2481 D A1

2482 D A A2 2483 D A1 2484 * A A1 2485 D A1 2486 D A1 2487 D A1 2488 * A B2 2489 * A B1 2490 D A2 2491 D A A1 2492 D A A2 2493 D A A2 2494 D A B1 2495 * A A1 2496 * A 2497 * A A2

2498 D A A2 2499 * A 2500 D A A2

PO 1/4/1859; closed 31/3/1965.

2513 * A A2

2515 D A1


2516 D A A1-


2517 D A2 2518 * A A1-

1947; LPO 20/10/1993.

- ‘REGENT WEST N.18/3-NO65/VIC-AUST’ WWW #20A (arcs 3,3) on 24c Registration Envelope. - ‘REGENT WEST 3072/21DEC1994/470 3386/VIC-AUST’ WWW #30 on 40c Xmas on cover. - double-circle ‘POST OFFICE/6NOV1997/PH. 9470 3386/ REGENT WEST LPO 3072’ WWW #50 on stampless APost cover. Repatriation General Hospital Caulfield (1): ‘REPAT.GENL.HOSP.CAULFIELD S.E.8/5DE35/VIC.’ on piece. [Rated PPP] Renamed from Caulfield Military Hospital PO 1/7/1933; renamed Caulfield Military Hospital PO c.1939.


Research: on 2c Bird. [Rated PPP - used for about 1 years only.] PO 20/10/1902; LPO 1/6/1994. - ‘RESEARCH/5 P29DE94/VIC 3095’ WWW #50B (Last Day) on piece. [Rated PP - only recorded with time turned on for a few months] - 38mm ‘RESEARCH 3095/28SEP1995/VIC. AUST.’ WWW #60A on stampless APost cover - 38mm ‘RESEARCH 3095/24SEP1996/VIC. AUST.’ WWW #60b (dateline inverted) on piece. [Rated PPP - only recorded as a last day cancel.] Research Delivery Centre: 35mm ‘RESEARCH M.D.C./ 9JAN1997/RESEARCH VIC. 3095’ WWW #10 on piece. DC 8/7/ 1996.

- 35mm ‘DELIVERY MANAGER/6JAN1996/PHONE/9437 0741/ RESEARCH VIC. 3095’ WWW #110 (date error for 6JAN1997) on piece. Reservoir: ‘RESERVOIR.N.19/16JE56/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 1½,1½), on 1/0½d Registration Envelope to Melbourne. RO c.1921; PO 11/10/1926.

- ‘RESERVOIR.N.19/11MY60/VIC-AUST’ WWW #50A (arcs 1,1), on 8d Tiger Cat FDC. [Rated PPP] - ‘RESERVOIR /17SE68/VIC-AUST’ WWW #50B (arcs 1,1), on piece. [Rated PPP] - 38½mm double-circle ‘POST OFFICE/23NOV1989/ RESERVOIR 3073’ WWW #110 on 41c on piece. - ‘RESERVOIR /1/1 15MR71/[VIC-AUST]’ WWW #150C on 6c cut-out. [Rated PPPP] - ‘RESERVOIR N.19/2/25SE51/VIC-AUST’ WWW #160A on 3½d & 9d on piece. Richmond (2): ‘RICHMOND /1/4MR69/VIC-AUST’ (E.1. removed). PO 1/1/1858. - ‘PAID AT RICHMOND/1D-10SE38/VICTORIA’ in black, on Pelaco Ltd cover to Glenhuntly. Riddell’s Creek: colour photo of PO (old) taken 1982. PO 1/2/ 1859; LPO 14/2/1994.

‘RELIEF/15OC68/93/VIC-AUST’ on

Ringwood Heights: 5c & 25c on cover with blue provisional registration label. [Issued with relief when PO opened - recorded used 14-15/10/1968.] PO 14/10/1968; closed 3/12/1990.

Rochford: ‘ROCHFORD/29SP39/VIC’ WWW #20 on 2d red KGVI. PO 10/3/1863; closed 30/11/1965. - black & white photo of PO taken 1970. Rosebery: ‘ROSEBERY/29JY57/VIC.-AUST.’ on 4d lake QEII.

$10 $25 $15 $10

2514 D A A1-

2519 D A1+ 2520 D A A2 2521 D A1+ 2522 * A B1 2523 D A A1-


2524 * A- B2

$30 $20 $10 $50

2525 D A2+ 2526 D A A2 2527 S A A2 2528 D A A2


2529 D A1+ 2530 S A A2


2531 D A A2 2532 D A A2

$15 $30

2533 D A A2


2534 D A B2


2535 * A A1-

$40 $5 $6

2536 D A A2 2537 D A2


2538 D A A1-


2539 D A1+ 2540 D A1+

$20 $15 $5

2541 D B1 2542 D A B2

PO 1/11/1884; closed 7/10/1974.




2544 D

LPO 1/6/1993.


2545 D


2546 D 2547 * 2548 D

2503 S A A2

Royal Park Military Camp: ‘MI[LITARY C]AMP ROYAL PARK/ 10MY16/VIC’ on 1d red KGV perf ‘OS’. PO 17/1/1916; closed 24/3/

2509 S A A2


$30 $10

Rosedale: black & white photo of PO taken 1968. PO 8/2/1859;

2507 D A2 2508 D A A1-

2512 * A A2


- ‘REGENT N.18/18MR58/VIC-AUST’ WWW #20 on 4d QEII. - ‘REGENT N.19/21SE62/VIC-AUST’ WWW #30A on 5d Flynn. [Rated PP] - double-circle ‘POST OFFICE AGENT/22MAR1990/REGENT. 3073’ WWW #40 on 10c. Regent West: ‘REGENT WEST N.18/6DE49/VI[C-AUST]’ WWW #10 (arcs 1½,1½) on 2½d Forrest & 6d Kooka. PO 2/6/

2502 * A

2506 D A A2



Regent: ‘REGENT/27OC60/VIC’ WWW #10B on piece. [Rated PPP - The first offered by us] PO 3/8/1914; LPO 5/7/1994; closed 8/8/

Rosebud West: ‘ROSEBUD WEST/19AU59/VIC-AUST’ on 4d red QEII (cut-to-shape). PO 12/1/1938; LPO 10/8/1993; closed

2505 * B B1

2510 D A12511 D A A2

PO 1/7/1927; closed 4/3/1964.

2501 D A A1-

2504 D A B2



Rubicon: ‘RUBICON/1?MY58/VIC-AUST’ WWW #20, on 1d & 3d QEII. RO 1/7/1926; PO c.1927; closed 16/6/1964. Rutherglen: ‘RUTHERGLEN/M.O.O./20SE63/VIC-AUST’ (A1) on 5d blue QEII and 2/- flower on cover with blue registration label.


PO 1/11/1860; LPO 1/7/1997.


1/10/1953; closed 5/12/1974.

$20 $30





Safety Beach: ‘SAFETY BEACH/6JY66/VIC-AUST’ WWW #10A on 4c Life Saving (First Day of Issue), light tone spots. PO BEACH/13DE72/VIC-AUST’ WWW

- ‘SAFETY #10B. Sailor’s Falls: ‘SAILORS FALLS/23JE67/VIC-AUST’ WWW #10A on 4c red QEII. Renamed from Borland’s PO c.1947; closed Sale: double-circle ‘SALE/14.5.13/VICTORIA’ WWW #120B (time no longer used) on 1d Roo. Renamed from Flooding Creek PO

2550 D 2551 D 2552 * 2553 * 2554 D 2555 D

- ‘SALE/10JA36/VIC’ (arcs 7,7½ - recut). - ‘SALE/1245P21AP34/V[I]C’ (arcs 6,6 - recut) on 2d red KGV. [The first offered by us - Recorded use 6 months.] - ‘SALE/19NO65/VIC’ (arcs 4, 4) WWW #180B on 2/5d Blue Wren on cover with blue registration label. - ‘M.O.O. SALE/12FE87/VIC·AUST’ WWW #530B on 75c Lizard (faulty) & $5 Mentone on long cover, addressed to British High Commission, Security Post label attached. - violet ‘CONTROLLING POSTAL MANAGER/19JUL1990/ SALE. 3850’ on 1c Living Together. [The first offered by us - Only recorded date.] - ‘POSTAL MANAGER/26SEP1996/SALE 3850’ WWW #1112. [The first offered by us.] - violet ‘P.S.C/GR. 3/19JUL1990/SALE 3850’ on 1c Living Together. [The first offered by us - Only recorded date.] - violet ‘POSTMASTER/10NOV1981/SALE 3850’. Sale East R.A.A.F. P.O.: ‘R.A.A.F.P.O.SALE EAST/ 3PM20FE46/VIC-AUST’ on 2½d red KGVI on long Department of Air cover, with small logo. PO 3/4/1943; LPO 1/2/1994. - ‘R.A.A.F.SALE EAST/20DE82/VIC-AUST’ WWW #50 (arcs 1½, 1½). - ‘POST OFFICE/21OCT1986/RAAF SALE EAST 3852’ on 3c Jimble. - pictorial ‘RAAF. SALE EAST. VIC 3852/{plane}/26FEB1996/ {plane}’ (ERD) WWW #90. - ‘PAID AT R.A.A.F. SALE EAST/4-P 3SE80/VIC-AUST’ on Equipment Section OHMS cover. Sale North: ‘SALE NORTH/7MY65/VIC-AUST’ WWW #10A on 2/5d Xmas. PO 1/11/1951; LPO 13/7/1994. Sale R.A.A.F. P.O.: ‘R.A.A.F.P.O. SALE/1■■26SE42/VICAUST’ on 1d maroon on Department of Air cover, with violet ‘R.A.A.F./CONCESSION POSTAL RATE’ handstamp. PO 12/2/

$12 $30 $10 $15 $40 $30 $30 $30 $15 $5 $5 $6 $10 $20

1942; closed 12/1/1946.


Renamed from Salisbury R.S. PO 7/6/1942; TO 30/11/1964; closed 13/3/ 1969.


Salisbury (2): ‘SALISBURY/13MR69/VIC’ (Last Day). [Archival]

Salisbury West: ‘SALISBURY WEST/2DE55/VIC’ WWW #30A on 3½d Royal Visit. PO 1/4/1878; closed 30/6/1971. Samaria (2): ‘[S]AMARIA/25SE22/VIC’ on 2d red KGV. RO

c.1902; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/12/1962.

San Remo: ‘SAN REMO/4MY22/VIC’ WWW #30 on 2d red KGV. Renamed from Griffith’s Point PO 1/10/1888; LPO 31/3/1994. - double-circle ‘SAN REMO/2/27SEP1995/VIC 3925’ WWW #80. Sandford: unframed ‘SANDFORD/DE21/12/VICTORIA’ on 1d pink. PO 12/5/1862; closed 31/8/1978. - ‘SANDFORD/18AP28/VIC’ WWW #20 on 1½d red KGV. Sandhurst: unframed 23mm ‘REGISTERED/JL15/87/ SANDHURST’ alongside 6d blue Astley cancelled with small ‘REGISTERED’ handstamp. Renamed from Bendigo Creek PO 1/1/ 1854; renamed Bendigo PO 8/5/1891.

Sandhurst East: ‘SANDHURST EAST/19??58/VIC-AUST’ WWW #10A on 1/- Lyrebird. PO 1/12/1952; LPO 11/8/1993. Sandon: ‘SANDON/21AP34/VIC’ on 2d red KGV (cut-to-shape). PO 9/6/1864; closed 30/6/1970.

Sandridge R.A.A.F. P.O.: 2 partly overlapping strikes of ‘R.A.A.F. 5219/8FE45/AUSTRALIA’ on 1d green QE on cover to Sydney. PO 9/12/1943; closed 31/8/1947. - ‘R.A.A.F.P.O. SANDRIDGE/10SE46/VIC’ on ½d Roo & 2d purple KGVI. Sandringham: ‘SANDRINGHAM S.8/23MR64/VIC’ WWW #40B on registered piece. Renamed from Gipsy Village PO 1/1/1887; LPO 2/3/1998.

- ‘SANDRINGHAM S.8/20FE52/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 1½,1) WWW #65A on 6½ brown KGVI. - ‘POSTAL MANAGER/15AUG1994/SANDRINGHAM, VIC. 3191’ (ERD) WWW #402. double-oval ‘POSTAL MANAGER/26SEP1996/ SANDRINGHAM, VIC. 3191’ WWW #404. [The first offered by us - Only recorded date.] - violet ‘POSTMASTER/24AUG1981/PHONE/5983344/ SANDRINGHAM, VIC. 3191’ (ERD) WWW #410. [The first offered by us.] Sandsmere: ‘SANDSME[RE]/8JE32/VIC’ on 2d red KGV. PO

$20 $15 $5 $6 $6 $12

$8 $15 $60 $50 $30 $8 $8 $50 $50 $40

27/7/1889; closed 31/7/1948. $60 Sandy Creek (2): ‘SANDY CREEK/11NO40/VIC’ WWW #30A on 2d AIF. PO 1/1/1859, provisionally closed 18/4/1964. $10 A A1- - ‘SANDY CREEK/15OC63/VIC’ WWW #30B on 1d purple QEII. [Rated PPPP - The first offered by us.] $100 A A2- Sandy Point (2): ‘SANDY POINT/24NO43/VIC.’ on 2½d red KGVI. TO 18/8/1924; RO 2/9/1926; PO 1/7/1927; closed 28/2/1994. $12 A B1 - ‘SANDY POINT/4JA72/VIC-AUST’ WWW #20 on 2c green QEII. $6 A - colour photo of PO taken 1990. $5 A B2 Sarsfield: ‘SARSFIELD/30JUN36/VICTORIA’ WWW #20 on 2d red KGV (cut-to-shape). PO 1/4/1873; closed 28/2/1979. $20 A A2 - ‘SARSFIELD./10AP58/VIC-AUST’ WWW #30A on 4d lake QEII. $15 A A1 - ‘SARSFIELD./30MY70/VIC-AUST’ WWW #30B on 2c green QEII. $12 A A2- Sassafras Gully: framed ‘SASSAFRAS GULLY/JE17/16/VIC’ WWW #10 on 1d red KGV. PO 1/6/1901; LPO 27/10/1993. $6 A- B1 - ‘SASSAFRAS GULLY/6AP50/VIC’ WWW #20 on 3½d UPU & 5d Ram on opened-out cover with blue registration label. $12 A A2 Scarsdale: ‘SCARSDALE/19??91/VIC’ in violet on 43c Stork on Guide Dogs cover. PO 1/6/1862; LPO 1/9/1993. $6 A A2 Scoresby (1): ‘SCORESBY/21SE67/VIC’ WWW #20B on 4c red QEII. PO 20/1/1890; closed 5/7/1979. $15 A A1+ - ‘SCORESBY/9NO68/VIC-3179’ WWW #30 on 2c green QEII. $6

2543 S A A2

2549 D

Page 33

Page 34 2556 D A1 2557 S A A2 2558 D A A2 2559 D B1 2560 * A- B2 2561 D A A2 2562 D A A12563 D B1 2564 D A1 2565 * A

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 Scoresby (2): ‘SCORESBY/15AUG1994/VIC 3179’ WWW #30 in magenta. PO 1/2/1984; LPO 13/10/1994. Scotsburn: unframed ‘SCOTSBURN/AP16/24/VICTORIA’ WWW #10 on 1½d green KGV. Renamed from Scott’s Marsh PO 1/11/1889; closed 30/4/1971.

$6 $5 $25

1879; LPO 2/5/1994; closed 31/7/2000.

$25 $10 $4

- ‘SCOTSBURN/28OC46/VIC’ WWW #20A on 2½d red KGVI. - ‘SCOTSBURN/30AP71/VIC’ (Closing Day). [Archival strike.] Scott’s Creek: unframed ‘SCOTTS CREEK/AU15/27/ VICT[ORIA]’ on 1½d red KGV on roughly opened cover. PO 13/1/ - ‘SCOTT’S CREEK/19NO30/VIC’ WWW #20A on 2d red KGV. - ‘SCOTT’S CREEK/15JE73/VIC’ WWW #20B on 7c purple QEII. Sea Lake: ‘PAID AT SEA LAKE/14SE70/VIC’ in red. PO 2/10/1895; LPO 18/6/1993.

- double-oval ‘POSTAL MANAGER/16AUG1994/SEA LAKE VIC., 3533’ (9DL) WWW #510B. Seaford: Official program for the opening of the new PO on 26th Feb. 1971, including a few historical notes. PO 6/3/1914; LPO 4/5/ 1998.

2566 D A A2+ - ‘SEAFORD/18MR32/VIC’ on 2d Bridge. 2567 D A1+ - violet double-oval ‘POST OFFICE/5MAY1986/SEAFORD, VIC. 3198’ (LRD) WWW #75. 2568 * A A1 - ‘SEAFORD/1MAY1998/VIC 3198’, on 45c on Alexander closure of Corporate Post Office cover. 2569 D A1- ‘POIC CHECKED/15AUG1994/SEAFORD POST OFFICE’ 2l. [The first offered by us - Only recorded date.] 2570 D A1- ‘SEAFORD/PAID/5P-9JE93/VIC-AUST-3198’ (LRD) WWW #310C in black. [Recorded use about 4 months.] 2571 D A1 - ‘POSTAL MANAGER/15AUG1994/SEAFORD. VIC. 3198’ (8DL - ERD) WWW #502. [The first offered by us.] 2572 D A1 - ‘POSTAL SERVICES CONTROLLER GR. 2/24JUN1994/ SEAFORD, VIC. 3198’ WWW #506. [The first offered by us Only recorded date.] 2573 D A1 Seaholme: ‘SEAHOLME W.18/18MR55/VIC-AUST’ on registered piece. PO 2/7/1951; closed 21/1/1971. 2574 D A A2 Seaspray: ‘SEASPRAY/????57/VIC’ WWW #10A on 4d Koala. 2575 D A A2 2576 D A B2 2577 D A A2 2578 S A A2 2579 D A12580 D A1 2581 D A1 2582 D A A2 2583 D A A2 2584 D A A2 2585 D A B2 2586 * A A12587 S A B22588 D A A2 2589 D A A12590 D A A2 2591 * A 2592 * A B1 2593 D A2

/9/1923; PO c.1935, provisionally closed 22/12/1976; closed 29/5/1978.

- ‘SEDDON W.11/22FE62/VIC-AUST’ WWW #20A on 5d blue QEII. - ‘SEDDON /6JY74/VIC-AUST’ (‘W.11’ removed) on 2c Crab. Seddon West: ‘SEDDON WEST.W.11./1??R48/VIC-AUST’ WWW #20A on 1½ QE & 2½ red KGVI. RO 3/3/1924; PO 1/7/1925; LPO 3/11/1993.

- ‘SEDDON WEST/VIC 3011/16SEP1991/POST OFFICE AGENT’ WWW #40 on 43c Radio & 65c Sports pair on Guide Dogs cover, with Certified Mail label. Sedgwick: unframed ‘SEDGWICK/??30/14/VICTORIA’ WWW #10 on 1d Roo. PO 1/3/1880; closed 23/9/1994. - 2 strikes of ‘SEDGWICK/?1MY58/VIC’ WWW #20A on ½d Roo x2 & 3d green QEII. - ‘SEDGWICK/11MR77/VIC’ WWW #20B on 4c red QEII. - ‘SEDGWICK 3551/20AUG1990/VIC AUST’ WWW #30 on 1c Sports. - colour photo of PO taken 1982. Selby: ‘SELBY/30JE94/VIC-AUST’ (last day) on 45c on unaddressed cover. RO 1/8/1913; PO 12/11/1923; closed 30/6/1994. Separation Street, Geelong: ‘SEPARATION ST GEELONG/ 2AP60/VIC.AUST’ on registration piece. PO 1/8/1957; closed 31/5/

2601 * A 2602 D A1

2605 D A A1 2606 * C B1 2607 * A- A1

2608 D A1 2609 D A2 2610 D A12611 D A2


2612 D A2+


2613 D A1

$20 $40 $40

2614 D A1 2615 * A- A2



2616 * A A2

2617 * A- A2

$15 $5 $6 $8

2618 D A12619 * A- B2

$20 $60 $20 $15 $15 $12 $15 $15 $5 $8 $5 $6

2620 S A C2 2621 S A A3 2622 D A2 2623 * A 2624 * A B2 2625 * B A2

2626 D A A1 2627 D A B1 2628 * A A2 2629 D A A2



2630 D A B2 2631 D A A2

from Serpentine Creek PO 8/3/1917; LPO 29/10/1993.


2632 S A A2


2633 D A- A2 2634 D A1+


2635 * A B1


2636 D A1

$18 $6

2637 D A1


2638 D A1

$8 $6

2639 D A1+

Serviceton (2): ‘SERVICETON /18FE35/VICTORIA’ (‘RLY’ removed) on 2d red KGV. PO c.1911; LPO 1/11/1993. Serviceton R.S. (1): ‘[SERVI]CETON RLY/29OC15/VICTORIA’ WWW #10 on 1d red KGV. Renamed from Serviceton PO 1/7/1908;

2599 D A1+ 2600 D A1+

2604 D A1+



2595 D A A1

2598 * A- B2

$8 $5

Bald Hills (Gippsland) PO 1/8/1879; TO c.-/12/1967; closed 25/3/1969.

Sebastian: ‘SEBASTIAN/11JY57/[VIC.-AU]ST.’ WWW #30A on 4d lake QEII. PO 8/7/1874; closed 3/9/1976. - ‘SEBASTIAN/3SE76/VIC.-AUST.’ (Closing Day) on 6c orange QEII. Sebastopol: ‘SEBASTOPOL/10FE15/VIC’ WWW #15A on ½d Roo. PO 5/10/1857; LPO 28/9/1993. - ‘SEBASTOPOL/2/18AUG1994/VIC. 3356’ WWW #45. - ‘SEBASTOPOL/PAID/15OC69/VIC-AUST 3356’ in red. Sebastopol Postal Depot: violet double-circle ‘POSTAL DEPOT/10OCT1995/SEBASTOPOL, VIC. 3356’. [The first offered by us - Only recorded date.] Seddon: ‘SEDDON/??????/V[IC]TORIA’ WWW #10 on 5d KGV (cut-to-shape). [The first offered by us.] RO 29/9/1908; TO c.-

Serpentine: ‘SERPENTINE/24DE34/[VI]C’ (year wheel inverted - recorded May 1932 - June 1937) on 2d Macarthur. Renamed

2597 D A A1-



Seaton: ‘SEATON/13OC53/VIC’ on 1½d & 2d QE. Renamed from

2603 * A- A1


RO 28/12/1915; PO 1/7/1927; LPO 14/7/1994.

2594 D A B2

2596 S A A2


TO c.1911; closed c.1917.

Seven Creeks: ‘SEVEN CREEKS/23JA62/VIC-AUST’ on 3d green QEII. RO 24/11/1924; PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/4/1968. Seville: ‘SEVILLE/6AP36/VICTORIA’ WWW #20 on 5d KGV on cover with blue registration label. Renamed from Wandin North PO 1/6/1886; LPO 2/5/1995.

- ‘SEVILLE L.P.O./24SEP1996/VIC. 3139’ WWW #40. - ‘SEVILLE L.P.O./PAID/23SEP1996/VIC. AUST. 3139’ WWW #120. Seymour (2): Official program for the opening of the new PO on 13th Sep. 1971, including a few historical notes. Renamed from Seymour East PO 15/3/1911.

- ‘SEYMOUR/20SE34/VIC’ WWW #70 on registration piece.

2640 D A1

- 2 partly overlapping strikes of ‘SEYMOUR/14AU61/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 6,5½) WWW #110A on 2/- Flower on Business Reply Post cover with blue registration label. $10 - pictorial ‘SEYMOUR/18MAR1996/{train}/VIC 3660’ WWW #159A. $5 - pictorial ‘RURAL CITY OF SEYMOUR/{train, fish, sheep etc}/ 150TH ANNIVERSARY 1843-1993/2 NOV 1993 . VIC 3660’ on 20c National Park. $5 - 2 strikes of boxed ‘MONEY/ORDER/13JUL1942/SEYMOUR’ in violet on 5½ Emu and face of cover front (small part of which is missing) with blue registration label. $30 - ‘M.O. SEYMOUR/21DE51/VIC-AUST’ WWW #240A on face of Advice of Delivery card franked with uncancelled 6d Kookaburra, ‘UNCLAIMED AT/SEYMOUR’ (B1) handstamp applied. [Rated PPPPP] $120 - violet ‘POSTAL MANAGER/15MAR1996/SEYMOUR, VIC. 3660’ WWW #281. [The first offered by us.] $40 - violet rectangle ‘POSTMASTER/8DEC1981/SEYMOUR 3660’ WWW #282. [The first offered by us - Only recorded date.] $40 - magenta double-oval ‘POSTMASTER/22JUN1983/SEYMOUR 3660’ WWW #284. [The first offered by us.] $35 - violet rectangle (38½x29mm) ‘TELEGRAPH SECTION/ 8DEC1981/SEYMOUR 3660’. [Only recorded date.] $40 - magenta double-oval ‘TELEGRAPH/22JUN1983/SEYMOUR 3660’ WWW #330. [The first offered by us.] $35 Seymour Mail Centre: violet double-circle ‘DEAD LETTER OFFICE/4JAN /Mail Centre Seymour,/Victoria 3660/Australia’ (1995 but year missing). MC 13/11/1977. $40 - violet rectangle ‘MAIL PROCESSING/CONTROLLER/ 4JAN1995/MAIL CENTRE/SEYMOUR’ WWW #305. [Only recorded date.] $40 Seymour Mil. P.O. No. 1: ‘MIL.P.O. SEYMOUR/1/16OC39/VICAUST’ on 2d red KGVI (fault) on illustrated Red Shield Huts Salvation Army cover, couple of tone spots. [Only 7 days after PO opening.] PO 9/10/1939; renamed Seymour Mil. P.O. No. 2 PO 31/9/1941. $20 Seymour Mil. P.O. No. 2 (1): ‘MIL.P.O. SEYMOUR/2/8JA40/ VIC.AUST’ (A1 backstamp) on 4d Koala on Leek cover with blue provisional registration label. PO 9/10/1939; renamed Seymour Mil. P.O. No. 30 PO 1/8/1941. $25 Seymour Mil. P.O. No. 4: ‘MIL.P.O. SEYMOUR/4/3-NO39/VICAUST’ on 2d red KGVI on illustrated Red Shield Huts Salvation Army cover. PO 9/10/1939; renamed Seymour Mil. P.O. No. 29 PO 1/8/ 1941. $30 Seymour Mil. P.O. No. 5: ‘MIL.P.O. SEYMOUR/5/26JE40/VICAUST’ on piece. PO 30/10/1939; renamed Seymour Mil. P.O. No. 25A PO 1/8/1941. $12 Seymour Mil. P.O. No. 25A: ‘MIL.P.O. SEYMOUR NO25A/ 20JA42/VIC-AUST’ on 1d maroon QE on R.A.E., 3rd Division/ Sgts’ Mess cover. Renamed from Seymour Mil. P.O. No. 5 PO 1/8/ 1941; closed 5/4/1943. $50 Seymour Military Camp (1): shield ‘2/MILITARY/JA14/10/ [ENCAMPM]ENT’ on 1d pink. [Very rare - the first we have offered.] PO 8/1/1910; closed 17/1/1910. $60 Seymour Military Camp (2): ‘[S]EYMOUR MIL CAM[P]/ 29AU16/[VIC]’ on 3d olive Roo perf ‘OS’. [Rated PP] PO c.-/7/ 1915; closed 1/5/1918. $20 Seymour South: ‘SEYMOUR SOUTH/1SE60/VIC-AUST’ on registration piece. PO 7/11/1955; LPO 31/8/1994. $12 - colour photo of PO taken 1990. $5 - black & white photo of PO taken 1968, with ‘SEYMOUR 5AU68 SOUTH/ /VIC-AUST’ (A2) on 2c green QEII affixed. $10 Seymour West (2): ‘SEYMOUR WEST/20AU66/VIC-AUST’ (better backstamp) on 24c Registered cover (roughly opened at side, part missing) with blue registration label. PO 2/2/1953; closed 17/12/1968. $70 Shandeen: ‘SHANDEEN/12MR77/VIC-AUST’ WWW #10 on 4c red QEII. PO 18/5/1960; LPO 6/7/1993. $5 - 32½mm ‘SHANDEEN/—-9OC85/VIC 3218’ (time turned off as usual) on 2c Coral Hopper. [Recorded use less than 15 months.] $10 - ‘RELIEF/13OC82/NO 26.’ on long APO cover with ‘SHANDEEN’ handstamp. $10 Shelbourne (1): ‘SHELBOURNE/21MR32/VIC’ WWW #20A on 2d red KGV. PO 24/3/1871; closed 25/7/1976. $20 - ‘SHELBOURNE/2AU74/VIC’ WWW #20B on 4c red QEII. $12 29AU63 /VIC-AUST’ on 5d blue QEII. PO 1/9/ Shelley: ‘SHELLEY/ 1962; closed 31/5/1969. $100 Shepherd’s Flat: ‘S[HE]PHERD’S FLAT/12AU19/VIC’ on 1½d brown KGV. PO 1/10/1866; closed 30/6/1968. $32 - ‘SHEPHERD’S FLAT/8JE66/VIC-AUST’ on 4c red QEII. $25 Shepparton (2): ‘SHEPPARTON/CARDED/26SEP1996/VIC. 3632’ in violet. PO 1/5/1858. $8 - ‘SHEPPARTON/PAID/4-P11SE80/VIC-AUST-3630’ in red on Shepparton Toyota cover. $12 - ‘AREA MANAGER/TELEPHONE/(058) 313690/4MAR1996/ FAX/(058) 218783/SHEPPARTON, VIC. 3630’ (ERD) WWW #583. [The first offered by us.] $40 - violet ‘ASSISTANT POSTAL MANAGER/4MAR1996/ SHEPPARTON, VIC. 3630’ (ERD) WWW #584. [The first offered by us.] $40 - violet double-oval ‘DEPUTY POSTMASTER/8DEC1981/ SHEPPARTON 3630’ (ERD) WWW #585. [The first offered by us.] $35 - 31½mm ‘NETWORK SUPPORT/TELEPHONE/(058) 313690/ 11APR1996/FAX/(058) 218783/SHEPPARTON, VIC. 3630’. $30 - violet ‘POSTAL MANAGER/27SEP1999/SHEPPARTON, VIC. 3630’. [The first offered by us.] $40

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 2641 D A1+ 2642 D A2 2643 D A A2 2644 * A 2645 * A 2646 D A1 2647 D A1 2648 D A1 2649 * A- B1

2650 * A- B2 2651 D A A2 2652 D A12653 * A A2 2654 * A A1-

2655 D A A1 2656 D A1 2657 * A- A1

2658 D A A2 2659 D A A2 2660 D B2 2661 D A B2 2662 D A A1 2663 D A A2

- violet ‘POSTAL SERVICES CONTROLLER/27SEP1999/ SHEPPARTON VIC 3630’ WWW #593B. [The first offered by us - Only recorded date with 9DL dateline.] - violet double-oval ‘SENIOR POSTMASTER/8DEC1981/ SHEPPARTON 3630’ (ERD). - violet triple-oval ‘TELEGRAPH OFFICE/1JUL1988/ SHEPPARTON’ (LRD) WWW #630, on 1c Living Together. [The first offered by us.] - Official program for the opening of the new PO on 29th March 1976, including a few historical notes. - black & white newsprint photo of PO taken c.1936, signed by Postmaster, Mr. S. Scott, with ‘SHEPPARTON/4P2OC36/VIC’ (A1-) cds on ½ orange KGV alongside. Shepparton Delivery Centre: ‘MAIL DELIVERY CENTRE/2123/BENALLA RD./21JAN1997/SHEPPARTON, VIC. 3630’. DC 29/5/1995.

- ‘MAIL DELIVERY CENTRE/21-23/BENALLA RD./21JAN1997/ TELEPHONE/(058) 316171/SHEPPARTON, VIC. 3630’. - ‘DELIVERY MANAGER/TELEPHONE/(058) 316171/ 10JUL1995/FAX/(058) 316172/SHEPPARTON, VIC. 3630’. [The first offered by us.] Shepparton R.A.A.F. P.O.: ‘R.A.A.F.P.O. SHEPPARTON/ 12MR42/VIC-AUST’ (A1 backstamp) on 3½d blue KGVI overprint and 1d maroon QE on Leek cover with provisional blue registration label. PO c.1941; closed 23/6/1945. Shepparton South: ‘SHEPPARTON SOUTH/4AP58/VICAUST’ (B1 backstamp) on 1/7d QEII on cover (roughly opened) with blue registration label. PO 1/7/1948; LPO 4/12/1994. Sherbrooke: ‘SHERBROOKE/29JA10/VICTORIA’ on 1d pink. RO 1/7/1905; PO 1/8/1908; closed 30/8/1993.

Shoreham: violet ‘SHOREHAM L.P.O./26SEP1995/VIC. 3916’ WWW #40. PO 1/10/1881; LPO 7/7/1993. Showgrounds: ‘SHOW GROUNDS/28SE54/MELBOURNE’ on 2½d blue, 6½d orange QEII and 3½d Western Aust Centenary on Boys cover with blue provisional label. PO 1/9/1905. - 3 strikes of ‘SHOWGROUNDS MELBOURNE/23SE49/VICAUST’ (A1 backstamp) on ½ Roo, 1d maroon & 1½d green QE, 2½d red & 3d brown KGVI on registered Boys cover with blue provisional label. - ‘SHOWGROUNDS MELBOURNE/25SE74/VIC-AUST’ on 2c Crab. - ‘ P.O. SHOWGROUNDS MELB/18SE64/VIC-AUST’ (‘MIL.’ removed) on 5d QEII cut-out. Showgrounds, Melbourne R.A.A.F. P.O.: ‘MIL P.O. SHOWGROUNDS MELB/25AU41/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 1,1) on 1d green QE on A.C.F. cover, with straight-line ‘CONCESSION POSTAGE RATE/R.A.A.F.’ handstamp, flap damage. Renamed from Showgrounds, Melbourne Mil. P.O. PO 2/4/1940; renamed Ascot Vale R.A.A.F. P.O. PO 14/4/1942.

double-oval ‘MIL. POST OFFICE/18FEB1942/ SHOWGROUNDS - MELBOURNE’ in violet on 5½d Merino overprint. - boxed ‘MIL. P.O./30JAN1942/SHOWGROUNDS, W.2’ in violet on ½ Roo & 4d Koala. Sidonia: framed ‘SIDONIA/DE13/0?/VICTORIA’ on piece (cutto-shape). PO 4/9/1899; RO 7/2/1907; PO 1/7/1927; TO 15/5/1944;

closed 6/7/1965.

- ‘SIDONIA/1???34/VIC’ on 2d red KGV (cut-to-shape). Silvan: 28½mm ‘SILVAN/8JL30/VIC’ (arcs 8,8) on 1½d red KGV. Renamed from Wandin South PO 20/8/1913; LPO 10/3/1994.

- 30mm ‘SILVAN/2MY34/VIC.’ (arcs 7½,7) on 2d red KGV (cutto-shape). [Used 4-5 years only.] 2664 * B B1 - ‘SILVAN/PAID/???5MR90/VIC-AUST-3795’ in red on long roughly-opened cover. 2665 * B A1 Simpson: 3 strikes of ‘RELIEF/16AP80/NO 26.’ on 1c Finch x2 & 20c Robin on cover. PO 4/9/1962; LPO 29/6/1994. 2666 D A A1+ Simpson Barracks: ‘SIMPSON BKS/28SEP1988/MACLEOD 3085 VIC.’ in violet on 1c Living Together. Replaced Macleod PO 1/4/1987; LPO 9/9/1993; closed 31/7/1996.

2667 D A A2+ Sinclair: ‘SINCLAIR/12NO65/VIC-AUST’ on 6c orange QEII pair. 2668 D A B2 2669 * B B2 2670 D A A1 2671 D A12672 D A12673 D A A1 2674 D A1+ 2675 D A A1 2676 * A B1

2677 D A B2

PO 22/6/1959; renamed Jolimont PO 13/7/1977.

Skene’s Creek: unframed ‘SKENES CREEK/AP26/09/ VICTORIA’ on 1d pink. PO 9/10/1890; closed 4/12/1971. - ‘SKENE’S CREEK/16OC70/VIC’ WWW #20B on 5c Envelope, flap missing. Skipton: ‘SKIPTON/2RMR58/VIC-AUST’ WWW #40A on 4d Xmas. PO 6/3/1858; LPO 10/8/1993. - ‘SKIPTON/PAID/245P27SE95/VIC-AUST-3361’ (large decade and year wheels) in black. - ‘POSTMASTER/7JUL1982/SKIPTON, VIC. 3361’ (ERD) in violet. Sladen: ‘SLADEN/8JE56/VIC-AUST’ WWW #10A on 3½d red QEII. PO 18/10/1954; LPO 12/3/1993. - ‘SLADEN/2/12APR1994/VIC. 3220’ (ERD). [Recorded use 12 months.] Smeaton: ‘SMEATON/26MR34/VIC.’ WWW #30A on 2d red KGV (cut-to-shape). PO 21/6/1860; closed 29/10/1993. Smith Gully: ‘SMITH GULLY/27AP64/VIC-AUST’ (B1 backstamp) on 5d green QEII on Return to Shire of Eltham cover, violet ‘SHIRE OF ELTHAM’ handstamp. [Opened for less than 12 months] Renamed from Smith Gully Road PO 1/2/1964; renamed Smiths Gully PO c.-/11/1964.


Smith Gully Road: ‘SMITH GULLY on 5d blue QEII. [Rated PP] RO c.1902; PO 1/7/1927; renamed Smith Gully PO 1/2/1964.

2678 D A B1 $40 $40 $30 $8 $10

2679 D B A22680 D A A1 2681 D A A2 2682 D A A12683 D A1


2684 D A B1


2685 D A A1-


2686 D A A2 2687 * A- A1

$20 $15 $8 $5 $30

$20 $5 $5

2688 * C A1 2689 D A B1 2690 D A2 2691 D A1+ 2692 D A1 2693 D A1+ 2694 D A1+ 2695 * A A2

$15 $35 $35

2696 D A1 2697 * A- B1

2698 D A A12699 * B B1

$70 $100

2700 D A A12701 D A1-


2702 D A1+


2703 D A1+


2704 D A1

$8 $8 $12 $12 $70 $4 $6 $60 $10 $8 $8

2705 D A12706 D A1

2707 D A1 2708 D A1 2709 D A1+ 2710 D A1 2711 * A A2


2712 D A A1-


2713 D A A2 2714 D A1

Page 35

Smiths Gully: ‘SMITHS GULLY/29MY78/VIC-AUST’ WWW #10 in violet on 18c Flower. Renamed from Smith Gully PO c.-/11/1964; LPO


Smoko: ‘SMOKO/11OC35/VIC’ on 2d red KGV (cut-to-shape).

RO 19/8/1908; PO 1/7/1927; TO 1/10/1952; closed 15/8/1964.

Smythe’s Creek (2): ‘SMYTHE’S CREEK/30JA73/VIC-AUST’ WWW #20B on 7c Fisher. Renamed from Smythe’s Creek Road State

$6 $80

School RO c.1907; PO 1/7/1927; closed 26/5/1993.




Smythesdale: ‘SMYTHESDALE/12SE35/VIC’ on 2d red KGV (cut-to-shape). Renamed from Smythe’s Creek PO c.1864; LPO 19/8/ - ‘SMYTHESDALE/22AP59/VIC.-AUST.’ WWW #60A on 4d lake QEII. Snake Valley: ‘SNAKE VALLEY/9JL35/VIC.’ WWW #20A on registered piece. PO 1/3/1859; LPO 29/10/1993. Solway: ‘SOLWAY /28DE74/VIC-AUST’ (S.E.11 removed) on 6c Chrysoprase. PO 11/10/1954; closed 7/12/1978. Somers: ‘SOMERS/2AU35/VIC.’ on 2d Jubilee (cut-to-shape).

Renamed from Balnarring East PO 29/7/1930; LPO 5/7/1993.

Somers Commonwealth Immigration Camp: ‘C.I.C. SOMERS/26JE56/VIC-AUST’ on 3½d red QEII. PO 18/8/1949;

$6 $6 $25 $5

closed 14/2/1957. [Migrant Camp]


PO 11/9/1940; closed 30/6/1946.


Somers R.A.A.F. P.O.: ‘R.A.A.F.P.O.SOMERS/20JY41/VICAUST’ (arcs 2,1½) on 1d green QE on cover with straight-line ‘DEPARTMENT OF AIR/CONCESSION POSTAGE’ handstamp.

- ‘R.A.A.F. P.O. SOMERS/9JE41/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 1,½) on 1d green QE on part of cover front, ‘DEPARTMENT OF AIR/ CONCESSION POSTAGE’ violet handstamp. Somerton (2): 2 partly overlapping strikes of ‘SOMERTON/ 6MR63/VIC’ WWW #30 on 5d Royal Visit. PO 9/3/1892; closed






Somerton Business Centre: ‘SOMERTON BUSINESS CENTRE/05JUL1994/VIC AUST 3062’ (ERD) in black. BC 30/6/

- ‘E/Business Post/CENTRE/26SEP1996/Somerton 3062/9305 1156’ WWW #100. [Only recorded date.] - ‘SOMERTON BUSINESS CENTRE/MANAGER/05JUL1994/ VIC AUST 3062’. [The first offered by us - Only recorded date.] Somerton Delivery Centre: 12-hr clock ‘SOMERTON M-D-C/ 04JUL1994/VIC AUST 3062’ (ERD). [The first offered by us.] DC


- ‘SOMERTON MDC/MANAGER/5JUL1994/VIC AUST 3062’ (ERD) in black. Somerville (2): ‘SOMERVILLE/PAID/4MY80/VIC-AUST-3912’ in red on Myer cover. Renamed from Somerville R.S. PO 1/10/1907; LPO

$15 $40 $15 $40


$8 $10

15/8/1890; renamed Somerville PO 1/10/1907.


- ‘SOMERVILLE/PAID/28SE94/VIC-AUST-3912’ in black. Somerville R.S. (1): unframed ‘SOMERVILLE RY STN/JE13/05/ VIC’ on face of registered Tatts cover (pin holes) alongside 1d pink pair & 3d orange cancelled with 3 strikes of ‘R’ in circle. PO

Sorrento: ‘SORRENTO/30P20OC59/VIC’, on 5d blue QEII. [Recorded use of less than 6 months] PO 10/1/1871. - ‘SORRENTO/2AU60/VIC’ WWW #60B on 2/5d Banksia on registered cover front (light toning). - ‘SORRENTO/M.O.O./5MY77/VIC-AUST’ on 4c red QEII. - violet rectangle ‘POSTAL MANAGER/15AUG1994/ SORRENTO/VIC 3943’ (ERD). [The first offered by us.] - circle ‘POSTAL MANAGER/****/25NOV1997/PHONE/(03) 5984 2200/SORRENTO, VIC. 3943’ (ERD). - rectangle ‘POSTMASTER/5NOV1981/SORRENTO,/VIC. 3943’ (ERD) in violet. South Eastern Mail Centre: double-oval ‘SOUTH EAST SUBURBAN MAIL CENTRE/22AUG1994/AIR MAIL/VIC. 3176’ WWW #280. MC 27/11/1990; replaced by Scoresby Business Centre BC 1/7/1999.

- 24-hr clock ‘HANDOVER/13OCT1995/AIRMAIL/SEMC/VIC. 3176’ WWW #285. [The first offered by us - Only recorded date.] violet rectangle ‘MANAGER/PERSONNEL &/ ADMINISTRATION/20DEC1995/SOUTH EAST SUBURBAN/ MAIL CENTRE’ WWW #480. [The first offered by us - Only recorded date.] - rectangle ‘SHIFT/MANAGER/(DAY)/20DEC1995/SOUTH EAST SUBURBAN/MAIL CENTRE’ WWW #482. [The first offered by us - Recorded for 6 days only.] - rectangle ‘SHIFT/MANAGER/(NIGHT)/20DEC1995/SOUTH EAST SUBURBAN/MAIL CENTRE’ WWW #484. [The first offered by us - Only recorded date.] - rectangle ‘TIMEKEEPERS & ROSTERS/MAIL CENTRE/ 20DEC1995/SOUTH EAST SUBURBAN/VIC. 3176’ (LRD) in black. - double-oval ‘SOUTH EAST SUBURBAN MAIL CENTRE/ 15DEC1995/PRIORITY PAID/VIC. 3176’ (LRD) in black. [The first offered by us.] - partly-overlapping 44x28mm double-oval ‘SOUTH EASTERN SUBURBAN MAIL CENTRE/TAXING/14FEB1997/SECTION/ VIC. 3176’ and ‘SOUTH EAST M.C./6 P.M./14FEB1997/VIC. 3176’ (WWW# 7) on stampless window-faced Australian Biomedical long cover with ‘UNDERPAID/POSTAGE/ COLLECTED FROM SENDER’ datestamp. South Geelong: ‘SOUTH GEELONG/20NO22/VIC.’ on 3d Roo. PO 1/6/1921; renamed Geelong South PO 1/9/1941.

- ‘GEELONG SOUTH/2DE30/VIC.’ on 2d red KGV. South Melbourne: circle ‘POSTAL MANAGER/*****/ 20FEB1996/PHONE/690 5430/SOUTH MELBOURNE 3205’ (ERD). Renamed from Emerald Hill PO 19/11/1883.

$20 $10 $6 $40 $40 $40

$40 $30

$40 $45 $45 $40 $30

$10 $20 $12 $40

Page 36 2715 D A1 2716 D A1 2717 D A1-

2718 D A12719 D A12720 S A B22721 D A A2 2722 D A B2 2723 * A B1 2724 * A- A1 2725 D A A2 2726 D A A2 2727 * B A2

2728 D A12729 D B1

2730 * A- A1 2731 D A1 2732 D A1 2733 D A1 2734 D A2 2735 D A12736 * A A1

2737 D A B2 2738 D A A2 2739 D A B2

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 - ‘POSTAL SERVICES CONTROLLER/*****/30AUG1994/ SOUTH MELBOURNE 3205’ (ERD) WWW #385. [The first offered by us.] - rectangle ‘TELEGRAPH SECTION/POST OFFICE/ 28DEC1983/SOUTH MELBOURNE 3205’ (ERD) in violet. South Melbourne Business Centre: ‘B/Business Post/ CENTRE/17JAN1997/Sth Melbourne Vic 3205/(03) 9299 8022’ WWW #80. [The first offered by us - Only recorded date.] BC


‘MANAGER/Business Post/CENTRE/17JAN1997/Sth Melbourne Vic 3205/(03) 9299 8022’ (ERD). [The first offered by us.] - ‘PAID AT/Business Post/CENTRE/17JAN1997/Sth Melbourne Vic 3205/(03) 9299 8022’ WWW #340. [The first offered by us Only recorded date.] South Purrumbete: unframed ‘[S]OUTH PURRUMBETE/ OC3/03//VIC’ (inverted day and month slugs) on 1d pink. PO

20/2/1888; closed 31/10/1970.

- ‘SOUTH PURRUMBETE/17MY51/VIC.’ on 3d Barton. - ‘SOUTH PURRUMBETE/31OC70/VIC.’ (Closing Day - only recorded for about 16 months) on 2c green QEII. South Yarra (2): ‘SOUTH YARRA S.E1./18MY66/VIC.’, on 24c pre-paid QEII envelope with blue registration label. PO 21/6/1858. - ‘MONEY ORDER TELLER/28MAR1984/PHONE/26 5339/ SOUTH YARRA, VIC. 3141’ in violet (Recorded for less than 6 months), on long APO cover (taped flap). - ‘MONEY ORDER TELLER/18MAY1984/PHONE/26 5339/ SOUTH YARRA, VIC. 3141’ in black. - 40mm ‘MONEY ORDER TELLER/18JUL1990/PHONE/266 5339/SOUTH YARRA VIC. 3141’ WWW #660 in black on 1c Living Together. [Recorded for 3 months.] - double-circle ‘ASST. POSTAL MANAGER/17JUL1995/ PHONE/866 5339/SOUTH YARRA VIC. 3141’ (9DL) WWW #915 on $20 on TaxPack cover, roughly opened. [Only recorded date - the first offered by us.] - double-circle ‘POSTAL MANAGER/23SEP1988/PHONE/266 5399/SOUTH YARRA, VIC. 3141’ (ERD). Southern Mail Centre: double-oval ‘CLAYTON SOUTH MAIL CENTRE/30AUG1994/PRIORITY PAID/VIC. 3169’ in red. [Only recorded date.] Renamed from Clayton South Mail Centre MC 1/10/ 1991; closed 31/12/1999.

Southern Suburbs Parcel Centre: ‘SOUTHERN SUBURBS PARCEL CENTRE 3169/21DEC1989’ in blue on long APO cover. , provisionally closed 6/8/1989. - ‘SOUTHERN SUBURBS PARCEL CENTRE 3169/ 23AUG1994’ (ERD - inverted dateline). - ‘POSTAGE PAID/23AUG1994/SOUTHERN SUBURBS PARCEL CENTRE 3169’ (ERD) WWW #110. Southland Centre: 31mm ‘POSTAL MANAGER/15AUG1994/ SOUTHLAND CENTRE 3192’ (ERD) WWW #410. PO 3/9/1968. - 34mm ‘POSTAL MANAGER/23SEP1999/SOUTHLAND RETAIL POST SHOP 3192’. [The first offered by us - Only recorded date.] - 24½mm ‘POSTMASTER/25NOV1986/SOUTHLAND CENTRE 3192’ in violet. Sovereign Hill: pictorial ‘SOVEREIGN HILL GOLD MINING TOWNSHIP/{tower & bucket}/24MAR1980/BALLARAT 3350’ in violet on 20c Dingo on Sovereign Hill Goldmining Township P.O. illustrated (tower and bucket) advertising cover, addressed. PO 17/3/1975; LPO 17/8/1993.

Spargo Creek: light ‘SPARGO. CREEK/??FE58/VIC-AUST’ on 4d Xmas. RO c.1902; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/1/1970. - ‘SPARGO. CREEK/24JY68/VIC-AUST’ on 2c green QEII. [Rated PPP] Specimen Hill: ‘SPECIMEN HILL/2???56/VIC-AUST’, on 3½d red QEII, overprinted with roller cancel. PO 1/12/1952; closed 30/6/ 1971.

2740 D A A1

Spencer Street R.S.: ‘LATE FEE/445P24OC16/SPENCER VIC’ WWW #110A on 2d Roo. TO c.-/10/1861; PO c.1886; closed

2741 S A A2

Spotswood: ‘SPOTSWOOD/16NOV29/VIC’ (no arcs) on 1½d red KGV. Renamed from Spottiswood PO c.1906; LPO 25/1/1994. Spotswood Postal Delivery Depot: ‘SPOTSWOOD P.D. DEPOT W.14/22MY59/VIC-AUST’ backstamp on registered illustrated FDC from Argentina. DC c.1957; closed c.1960. Spottiswoode: 25mm unframed ‘[SPO]TTISWOODE/JY14/99/ VIC’ on 1d brown. PO 1/2/1882; renamed Spottiswood PO c.1903. Spring Gardens: ‘SPRING GARDENS/30AP87/VIC-AUST’ (closing day), on 36c PSE, unaddressed. PO 2/8/1965; closed 30/4/

2742 * A B2 2743 S A A2 2744 * A A1 2745 D A A2 2746 S A B2 2747 D A B1 2748 S A B2 2749 D A B1 2750 D A A2 2751 D A B2 2752 * A A2 2753 D A1




Spring Gully (2): ‘SPRING GULLY/14OC85/VIC’ WWW #10C on 2c Finch. PO 1/7/1898; RO 31/1/1908; PO c.1909; LPO 22/7/1993. Spring Hill: unframed ‘[SP]RING HILL/NO15/21/[VI]CTORIA’ on 2d orange KGV. PO 1/1/1862; closed 21/9/1968. - ‘SPRING HILL/10DE34/VIC’ on 2d Macarthur. Springfield (2): unframed ‘SPRINGFIELD/????/22/VICTORIA’ on 2d red KGV. Renamed from Goldie PO 1/10/1884; closed 30/6/1961. Springhurst: ‘SPRINGHURST/8JE26/VIC’ WWW #30A on 1½d red KGV. Renamed from Bontherambo PO 3/3/1874; LPO 1/9/1993. Springmount: ‘SPRINGMOUNT/31AU77/VIC’ (Closing Day) on 4c Stinger. PO 4/2/1878; closed 31/8/1977. Springvale (3): unframed ‘SPRINGVALE RY STN/JE20/11/VIC’ on 1d pink. Renamed from Springvale R.S. PO 20/10/1902. - ‘PAID AT SPRINGVALE/3½D10MY57/VIC’ on The Necropolis cover to Elwood. - ‘POSTAL MANAGER/546 9777/31AUG1994/POST OFFICE/ SPRINGVALE 3171’ (ERD). [The first offered by us.]

2754 D A2 $40 $25

$15 $40 $25 $8 $20 $40 $8 $30 $12 $30

$60 $50

$25 $8 $8 $6 $40 $40 $30

- ‘POSTAL MANAGER/9546 9777/25SEP1996/POST OFFICE/ CENTRE/SPRINGVALE 3171’ WWW #615. [The first offered by us.] 2755 D A A2+ - 37mm ‘POSTAL SERVICES CONTROLLER GD 1 FINANCIAL/ (03)/546 9777/4OCT1988/POST OFFICE/SPRINGVALE 3171’ in violet. [Only recorded date.] 2756 D A A2 - 37mm ‘POSTAL SERVICES CONTROLLER GRADE 3/546 9777/4OCT1988/POST OFFICE/SPRINGVALE 3171’ in violet, on 1c Living Together. [Only recorded date.] 2757 D A A1- - ‘TELEGRAPH SECTION/(03)/546 9299/4NOV1988/POST OFFICE/SPRINGVALE 3171’ (ERD) in violet on 1c Living Together. 2758 D A A2 Springvale North: ‘SPRINGVALE NORTH/8JE72/VIC.AUST’, on 7c purple QEII & 50c Dampier. PO 1/3/1946; closed 12/4/1978. 2759 D A A1- Springvale South: ‘SPRINGVALE SOUTH/1OC54/VIC.’, on 3½d Red Cross. RO 4/11/1926; PO 1/7/1927; LPO 13/12/1993. 2760 D A B2 - ‘SPRINGVALE SOUTH/24AP62/VIC.’ (ERD), on 1d purple QEII. 2761 D A A1- - 30½mm ‘SPRINGVALE SOUTH/19JUL1990/VIC. 3172’ (ERD) in violet in 1c Living Together. 2762 D A A1 St. Albans: ‘ST ALBANS/20MR34/VIC’ WWW #20A on 2d red KGV (cut-to-shape). PO 22/10/1888. 2763 * A A1- - ‘ST ALBANS/30JE65/VIC’ WWW #20B on 2/5d Blue Wren on registered cover. 2764 * A A2 - ‘ST. ALBANS VIC. 3021/8 AM/28 AUG1990/MAIL PROCESSED’ WWW #190 in violet on 41c on Guide Dog cover. 2765 D A1 - ‘ST.ALBANS-RETAIL/MAIL/DESPATCH/19AUG1994/VIC. 3021’ (ERD) WWW #220. 2766 * A A1 - ‘ST ALBANS/PAID/2P-2MR82/VIC-AUST-3021’ WWW #520B in red. 2767 D A2+ - violet triple-oval ‘ASSISTANT POSTMASTER/20NOV1986/ Telephone 366 2119/ST. ALBANS VIC. 3021’. [Rated PPP] 2768 D A1 - rectangle ‘POSTAL MANAGER/19AUG1994/PH.: 366 2119/ST. ALBANS, VIC. 3021’ (ERD). [The first offered by us.] 2769 D A1+ - violet triple-oval ‘POSTMASTER/28NOV1986/TELEPHONE 366 2119/ST. ALBANS, VIC. 3021’ (LRD). [Rated PPP] 2770 D A2 violet double-oval ‘TELEGRAPH OFFICE/ 15APR1983/ST.ALBANS, VIC.’ [Only date recorded] 2771 D A1 St. Albans Business Centre: ‘MDC-BC/PAID/19AUG1994/ST. ALBANS/VIC. 3021’ (ERD). BC 8/6/1993; closed 27/10/1995. 2772 D A1 St. Albans Delivery Centre: ‘ST. ALBANS DELIVERY CENTRE/DELIVERY/MANAGER/8JAN1997/VIC. 3021’ (LRD). [The first offered by us.] DC 2/2/1993. 2773 D A1 - ‘MDC-BC/MANAGER/8JAN1997/ST. ALBANS/VIC. 3021’ (LRD). [The first offered by us.] 2774 S A B2 St. Andrew: ‘[ST] ANDREW/17JE2■/VIC’ (c.1921) on 2d orange KGV. PO 1/1/1856; renamed St. Andrews PO c.-/6/1923. 2775 * A B2 St. Andrews: ‘ST.ANDREWS/2SE64/VIC.’ (B1 backstamp) on 2/5d Banksia on cover to Eltham with blue registration label. 2776 D A A12777 * A A2 2778 D A1+ 2779 * A 2780 D A A1-

$10 $50

2781 D A A12782 * A


2783 D A1-


2784 S A A2

$8 $4

2785 D A A2 2786 D A A2 2787 * A 2788 * B B1

$25 $20

2789 D A B1


2790 S A A2 2791 S A A2

$5 $8 $12 $8 $5 $6 $6 $40 $40

2792 * B A1 2793 * A A2 2794 D A2 2795 * A A2 2796 D A1 2797 D A A1

Renamed from St. Andrew PO c.-/6/1923; LPO 25/6/1993.

St. Arnaud: ‘ST ARNAUD/5JY51/VIC.’ (arcs 6½,7) on 9d Platypus. PO 1/2/1856; LPO 1/3/1999. - ‘ST ARNAUD/PAID/315P18MY81/VIC-A[UST-3478]’ in red on St.Arnaud District Hospital (small logo) cover. - triple-circle ‘POSTAL MANAGER/30SEP1996/ST. ARNAUD VIC. 3478’ WWW #707. [The first offered by us.] - black and white photo of PO taken 1968, with ‘ST. ARNAUD/ 930A23MY68/VIC-AUST’ (cut-to-shape) on front. St. Arnaud North (2): ‘ST ARNAUD NORTH/23OC37/VIC’ on 2d red KGVI. PO 15/12/1898; closed 30/4/1971. - ‘ST ARNAUD NORTH/14JY69/VIC’ (ERD). [Rated PPPP] St. Clair: colour photo of homestead that PO was attached to, taken 1984. Renamed from Wonthaggi PO 1/8/1910; RO 1/12/1917;

closed 31/10/1918.

St. George’s Road, Thornbury: ‘ST.GEORGES RD. THORNBURY /9AU76/VIC.’ (N17 removed). [Rated PPP] PO 1/9/1936; closed 1/7/1977.

St. Germains: framed ‘ST GERMAINS/OC30/22/VIC’ on 1d red KGV. Renamed from Wyuna PO 1/8/1878; closed 30/4/1963. St. Helen’s: ‘ST HELENS/14AU42/VIC.’ WWW #10 on 2½d red KGVI. RO c.1902; PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/6/1967. - ‘ST HELENS/23DE58/VIC-AUST’ on 4d Xmas. - black & white photo of PO taken 1972. St. Helier: unframed ‘ST HELIER/FE15/08/VICTORIA’ arrival on W. Richards coloured PPC of ‘Lascelles Street, Hopetoun’, sent from Stawell, a little spotty. Rare. Renamed from Fern Hill PO 1/8/

1896; RO 31/8/1919; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/12/1960.

St. James: framed ‘ST JAMES/AU30/04/VICTORIA’ on 1d pink x2. PO 16/1/1882; LPO 9/11/1993. - ‘ST JAMES/26SE22/VIC’ WWW #30 on 6d blue Roo. St. Kilda (2): 25mm ‘[S]T.KILDA/27MY29/[V]IC.’ on 3d blue KGV. [Rated PPP] Renamed from Windsor PO 1/7/1858; closed 2/2/


- violet triple-oval ‘POST OFFICE/1MAY1942/ST. KILDA - S.2’ backstamp on registered cover, provisional blue label, stamp torn off. [The first offered by us.] - ‘ST KILDA S.2./23NO57/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 4,2) in green on 1d & 3d QEII on 4th VPA Congress cover (red printing), addressed. - ‘ST KILDA/PAID/25OC[7]8/VIC-AUST-3182’ in red. [Rated PPPP.] - ‘ST KILDA/PAID/5-P27MR80/VIC-AUST-3182’ in red on windowfaced Paramount Paper Merchants, St. Kilda cover. - double-circle ‘AUSTRALIA POST/POSTAL MGR./FAX: 9537 1830/6DEC1996/PH: 9534 3984/ST.KILDA VIC. 3182’ (LRD) WWW #905. [The first offered by us.] - violet double-circle ‘POSTAL SERVICES CONTROLLER/ 19JUL1990/Ph.: 534 3984/ST. KILDA VIC. 3182’ on 1c Living Together. [Only recorded date - The first offered by us.]

$30 $50 $50 $25 $10 $12 $15 $8 $5 $10 $8 $8 $6 $40 $40 $40 $45 $15 $40 $40 $25 $12 $5 $10 $30 $5 $20 $80 $5 $30 $30 $15 $20 $5

$40 $10 $6 $32 $30 $10 $44 $8 $25 $40

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 2798 D A12799 D A B1 2800 D A A2 2801 S A- A2 2802 D A B1 2803 D A1 2804 D A A1 2805 D B1 2806 S A A2 2807 D A1

- violet triple-oval ‘TELEGRAPH OFFICE/22JAN1987/ST.KILDA, 3182’. [Only recorded date - The first offered by us.] St. Kilda Junction: ‘ST KILDA JUNCTION S.2./20AP60/VICAUST’ on 5d blue QEII. PO 1/9/1936; closed 30/11/1993. - ‘ST KILDA JUNCTION S.2./20AP60/VIC-AUST’ on 5d blue QEII. St. Kilda R.S.: ‘ST KILDA RLY ST[N]/20JY17/VIC’ (arcs 5,5) on 4d orange KGV (stained back). [Rated PPP] Renamed from St. Kilda West PO 1/10/1886; replaced by St. Kilda West PO 24/10/1970.


- ‘ST.KILDA RAIL WWW #50B on 5d AAT. [Recorded use less than 2 years.] St. Kilda Road: rectangle ‘POSTAL MANAGER/29AUG1994/ 266 2244/ST. KILDA ROAD/VIC. 3004’ (ERD). [The first offered by us.] PO 2/5/1938. - violet rectangle ‘POSTAL SERVICES/CONTROLLER/ 13JUL1990/ST. KILDA ROAD/VIC. 3004’ (ERD). [The first offered by us.] St. Kilda Road Central: violet double-oval ‘POSTMASTER/ 29DEC1981/ST. KILDA ROAD CENTRAL 3004’ (ERD). [Rated PPPP] PO 12/11/1960. St. Kilda South: ‘ST KILDA SOUTH/31JA25/VIC’ on 4½d KGV. PO 27/10/1913.

2816 D A A1-

- ‘POSTAL MANAGER/GRADE 2/15AUG1994/ST. KILDA SOUTH VIC. 3182’ WWW #510. [The first offered by us.] - violet ‘POSTMASTER/2JUL1986/ST. KILDA SOUTH VIC. 3182’. St. Kilda West (2): violet ‘POSTAL MANAGER/PHONE/ 20JUL1990/534 5152/ST. KILDA WEST, VIC. 3182’ on 1c Living Together. Replaced St. Kilda R.S. PO 26/10/1970; LPO 5/1/1998. - ‘POSTAL SERVICES CONTROLLER/20JUL1990/ST. KILDA WEST,VIC. 3182’ (ERD) on 1c Living Together. [The first offered by us.] - rectangle ‘POSTMASTER/9FEB1988/ST.KILDA WEST 3182’ (50½x31mm - LRD). St. Leonards: unframed ‘[ST L]EONARDS/MR1/18/VICTORIA’ on 1d red KGV. PO 1/3/1863; LPO 8/3/1994. - ‘ST. LEONARDS/22JE34/VIC.’ on 2d red KGV (cut-to-shape). - ‘ST. LEONARDS/28MY64/VIC. AUST.’ on 5d green QEII. Stacey’s Bridge: ‘STACEY’S BRIDGE/16AU45/VIC’, on 2½d red KGVI. RO 29/6/1903; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/1/1967. Stalker: ‘STALKER/4FE47/VIC’ on 1½d green QE pair. RO 1/6/

2817 * A B1


2808 D A1 2809 D A A1 2810 D A A12811 D A2 2812 S A B2 2813 D A A1 2814 D A A12815 D A A2

2818 D A1+ 2819 D A B1 2820 D A1 2821 D B2 2822 D A A1 2823 D A1 2824 D A B2 2825 * A- A2 2826 D A1 2827 D A1 2828 D A A2 2829 D A B2 2830 D A A2 2831 * A 2832 D A A12833 D A A2 2834 D A A2 2835 D A A12836 * A A2 2837 D A A2 2838 S A B2 2839 S A A2 2840 D A B1 2841 S A A2 2842 * A A2

1907; PO 10/1/1919; closed 15/5/1958.

Stamp Bourse: on 1c Lizard on unaddressed VSPC Ausipex ‘84. PO 1/6/1985; closed 2/6/1985. Stanhope: ‘STANHOPE/17AU40/VIC-AUST.’ (arcs 5½,4½). Renamed from Lauderdale PO 1/8/1920; LPO 1/11/1993.


2843 D A A2

$6 $10

2844 S A B2


2846 D A A12847 D A2 2848 D A2

$25 $40

2845 D A A2

2849 D A A12850 * A- A1


2851 * A A1


2852 * A B2

$8 $25 $30

2853 D A A1 2854 D A2

Page 37

Stradbrook: ‘STRADBROOK/5AU34/VIC’ on 1d green KGV (cut-to-shape). [Rated PP] PO 4/2/1875; renamed Stradbroke PO


Strangways: unframed ‘[ST]RANGWAYS/NO29/21/ [VICT]ORIA’, on 2d orange KGV. PO 11/9/1865; closed 8/11/1974. Stratford: ‘STRATFORD/26AU18/VIC’ (arcs 4½,4½) on 1d red KGV. PO 1/5/1858; LPO 26/3/1994. - ‘STRATFORD/12AP35/VIC’ (arcs 4½,5½) on 2d red KGV. - ‘PAID AT STRATFORD/8NO76/VIC’ in red. - 35½x39½mm violet rectangle ‘POSTMASTER/10NOV1981/ STRATFORD/3862’. [Only recorded date.] Strath Creek: ‘STRATH CREEK/7MY37/VIC’ on 2d red KGV. PO 16/4/1885; LPO 28/6/1994.

- ‘STRATH CREEK/12NO82/VIC’ on 27c Stamp Week on illustrated Australian Red Cross Society cover (opened-out). Strathallan: ‘STRATHALLAN/2JY51/VIC-AUST’ on 3d Responsible Govt. pair on unaddressed Wide World cover. RO

$10 $5 $5


2861 * A


2862 S A A2

- 32mm ‘STANHOPE/19JUL1990/VIC. 3623’ (8DL) in violet, on 1c Living Together. $5 State Mail Centre: 24-hr clock ‘EXPRESS COURIER/ 20AUG1990/STATE MAIL CENTRE/PORT MELBOURNE/VIC. 3207’ (ERD) in red. MC c.-/9/1984. $10 State Parliament House: ‘STATE PARLIAMENT HOUSE/ 14NO38/VIC’ on piece. [An A1 copy realised $120 in a previous sale - recorded for less than 12 months.] TO c.-/5/1903; PO c.1921. $120 - ‘STATE PARLIAMENT HOUSE/14DE84/VIC-AUST’ on 2c Finch. $6 - ‘STATE PARLIAMENT HOUSE/5OCT1993/MELBORNE VIC. 3000’ (LRD - misspelt MELBOURNE). $10 Stavely: ‘STAVELEY/2SE35/VIC’ (error) on 2d Jubilee. RO c.1909; PO 15/8/1919; closed 31/12/1969. $15 Stawell (2): ‘M.O.O.STAWELL/9AP84/VIC-AUST’, on long APO cover (some toning on backflap). Renamed from Quartz Reef, Stawell PO 1/7/1870. $6 - double-circle ‘POSTAL MANAGER/27SEP1995/STAWELL VIC. 3380.’ (LRD). [The first offered by us.] $30 - ‘POSTAL MANAGER/6OCT1999/STAWELL VIC. 3380’ (ERD). [The first offered by us.] $35 Steel’s Creek: ‘STEEL’S CREEK/9MY67/VIC-AUST’, on 4c red QEII. [Recorded for about 18 months only] PO 14/3/1890; closed 31/8/1968. $20 Steiglitz: framed ‘STEIGLITZ/NO??/22/VICTORIA’ in blue on 2d red KGV. PO 15/3/1856; closed 7/7/1966. $15 - ‘STEIGLITZ/7FE58/VIC-AUST’, on 4d lake QEII. $20 - colour photo of PO taken c.1982. $5 Stewart: ‘STEWART/27MY66/VIC-AUST’ on 4c red QEII. PO $10 2/8/1937; closed 22/7/1994. - ‘STEWART/3?????/VIC-AUST’ in violet on 43c Thinking of You. $8 Stewarton (2): ‘STEWARTON/13MY60/VIC’ on 5d blue QEII. RO c.1902; PO 1/9/1914; closed 14/5/1962. $25 Stockdale: recut ‘STOCKDALE/14AU59/VIC’ on 4d red QEII. RO c.1902; PO 1/7/1927; closed 10/12/1968. $20 Stocksville: ‘STOCKSVILLE.SE.11./29AU58/VIC-AUST’ on 1/7d Registered Envelope with blue label. PO 16/5/1955; closed $20 28/5/1993. Stonehaven: ‘STONEHAVEN/21DE56/VIC’ on 3½d red QEII and ½d Roo. [Rated PPP] RO 30/9/1925; PO 1/7/1927; closed 14/7/ $65 1958. Stoneyford (1): ‘T.O.STONEYFORD/19JA24/VIC’, on 6d blue Roo. PO 1/7/1884; closed c.1926. $40 Stoneyford (2): ‘T.O.STONEYFORD/11AU35/[VIC]’ on 1½d red KGV. TO 9/1/1911; PO c.1926; closed 31/12/1980. $25 - ‘STONEYFORD/7AU58/VIC-AUST.’ on 4d lake QEII. $12 Stony Point: ‘STONY POINT/14OC.14/VIC’ on 1d red KGV. RO $15 c.1902; PO 30/5/1911; closed 15/12/1956. Stradbroke Park: ‘STRADBROKE PARK E.5/26SE56/VICAUST’, on 3½d Resp. Govt. on APO FDC, addressed. PO 1/5/ $20 1951; LPO 30/5/1994.

2863 * A


Sunshine (2): ‘PAID AT SUNSHINE/3D13NO54/VIC.’ (price inverted) on window envelope piece. Renamed from Sunshine South PO c.1910.

Swan Hill Folk Museum PO 27/9/1971; LPO 29/11/1993.

- pictorial ‘SWAN HILL PIONEER SETTLEMENT/8MAY197?/ VIC. 3585’ on 7c AAT on illustrated souvenir cover, addressed. Tabilk (2): colour photo of PO taken 1982. Renamed from Tabilk

R.S. PO 19/8/1918; closed 30/12/1992.

Tallangatta (1): 24mm framed ‘TALLANGATTA/AU30/05/ VICTORIA’ (arcs 1,1) on 1d pink. PO 15/5/1871; renamed Tallangatta

East PO 14/4/1955.

Tallarook: colour photo of PO taken 1990. PO 1/4/1861; LPO

2872 D A1 2873 * A B2

2874 D A A1 2875 * A- A1

2876 D A A1 2877 D A1 2878 * A 2879 * A 2880 D A2 2881 S B B2 2882 * A 2883 D A A1 2884 * A- B1

$8 $6 $5

$8 $8 $5 $16

Renamed from Tallygaroopna R.S. PO 9/12/1906; LPO 1/7/1994.


Tatura: Tatura Agricultural Society cover with meter cancel of 16 October 1967 and ‘UNKNOWN BY POSTMEN’ violet cachet and pointed finger ‘RETURN TO SENDER’ on front. PO 1/2/1875. - 28½mm ‘TATURA/31MY32/VIC’ (arcs 2½,3), on 2d red KGV. Tatyoon: ‘TATYOON/15SE59/VIC-AUST’, on 4d red QEII. PO

2870 D A A2 2871 * A- A2



2865 * A A1

2869 D A B2



Tallygaroopna (2): colour photo of PO (old) taken 1982.

2868 S A A2



2864 * A

2866 D A A1 2867 D A A1



Sunbury: ‘SUNBURY/10FE78/VIC.’ (LRD) on 6c Chrysoprase. PO

2860 * A A2






$8 $5 $8





20/11/1913; PO 1/6/1915; closed 21/11/1967.

Sturt Street (2): ‘PAID AT STURT STREET /16JA74/VIC-AUST’ (‘S.C.4’ removed) in red on window envelope. PO 1/2/1938; closed

Surrey Hills: ‘SURREY HILLS E.10/9NO60/VIC-AUST’ (arcs .,1) on 5d Xmas pair on unaddressed Royal FDC (few minor tone spots). PO 1/10/1884; LPO 21/6/1993. 2856 * A A2 Swan Hill: ‘SWAN HILL/18JA63/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 3½,4) on 2/Flower on Business Reply Post envelope with blue registration label. PO 1/2/1849. 2857 * A A1 - pictorial ‘FOLK MUSEUM/15MY67/SWAN HILL VIC AUST’ on 4c red QEII on addressed cover for Swan Hill Folk Museum. [Folk Museum PO opened 30/8/1970] 2858 D A1 - ‘SWAN HILL/PAID/3P27JY90/VIC-AUST-3585’ in red. 2859 * A A1+ Swan Hill Pioneer Settlement: pictorial ‘SWAN HILL PIONEER SETTLEMENT/27SEP1971/VIC. 3585’ (Opening day) on 7c National Development on unaddressed cover. Renamed from 2855 * A- A1


1/1/1867; closed c.-/5/1994.

Tawonga: ‘TAWONGA/JL1016/VIC’ (rare dateline format) on 1d red KGV. PO 4/10/1879; LPO 15/3/1993. Telangatuk East: ‘TELANGATUK EAST/16AP32/VIC’ on 2d red KGV. Renamed from Telangatuk PO 1/12/1882; closed 27/3/1975. - ‘TELANGATUK EAST/??OC46/VIC’ on 2½d red KGVI. Terang: 2 strikes of ‘TERANG/M.O.O./30OC87/VIC-AUST’, on $5 Mentone, 60c Lionfish & 2c Crab on long British High Commission cover with security post label. PO 1/3/1859; LPO 5/1/

$8 $5 $5 $40 $25 $20


$12 $32





closed c.1992.


- ‘PAID AT TERANG/—D22MR54/VIC.’. The Basin: 2 strikes of ‘THE BASIN/21DE51/VIC’ on 9d Registered envelope and ½d Roo & 6d Kookaburra with blue label and ‘Air Mail’ sent to Tatts. RO c.1902; PO 20/10/1915; LPO Thomastown: ‘THOMASTOWN/18NO59/VIC’ on 5d Xmas. PO Thomson: 3 strikes ‘THOMSON/2OC50/VIC-AUST’ (Opening day) on 2½d Lawson, 1½d green QE, 1d Princess & 4d Koala on Gavin cover with provisional registration label. PO 2/10/1950;

Thornbury: ‘THORNBURY/3/17NO47/VIC.’ on 2½d Shortland.

PO c.-/4/1911; LPO 23/8/1993.

$3 $6

1/2/1876; LPO 27/5/1994.


c.1902; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/5/1952.


- ‘PAID AT THORNBURY/3FE72/VIC-AUST’ in red. Thornton (2): black & white photo of (old) PO taken 1970. PO Toolamba West (2): black & white photo of PO taken 1972. RO

Toorak: 31mm magenta circle ‘MONEY ORDER/12SEP1983/ PHONE/240 1132/TOORAK VIC. 3142’ (8DL). PO c.-/6/1858. Tostaree: ‘TOSTAREE/1SE32/[VIC.]’ (date error for 1936?) on faulty 2d SA Centenary. Renamed from Hospital Creek RO 13/7/1917;

PO 1/2/1923; TO 1/12/1949; closed 3/12/1970.

Tresco: colour photo of PO taken 1988. RO 14/9/1914; PO 15/4/

1918; closed 12/3/1993.

Tyson’s Reef: ‘TYSON’S REEF/11JY61/VIC-AUST’ on 5d blue QEII. PO 1/9/1953; LPO 12/2/1994; closed 12/8/1994. Upper Ferntree Gully: ‘UPPER FERN TREE GULLY/■7OC47/ VIC’ (sic, recut), on 2½d Shortland on opened-out Sunball cover.

PO 25/4/1890; LPO 26/8/1993.

$8 $60 $5 $30 $12

Page 38 2885 * A A1 2886 D A A1 2887 * A 2888 D A B2

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 Upper Yarra Dam: ‘UPPER YARRA DAM/30MR54/VIC-AUST’ on 3½d QEII PSE, Tatt’s cover. Replaced Walsh’s Creek PO 15/12/ 1949; closed 30/6/1965.

Upwey: ‘UPWEY/27NO58/VIC’ on 4d Xmas. RO 1/7/1909; PO


11/8/1900; closed 31/5/1974.


Valencia Creek (2): black & white photo of PO taken 1970. PO

Vesper: ‘VESPER/????4?/VIC.’ on 2½d red KGVI. Renamed from Tooronga RO 14/3/1921; PO 1/1/1927; TO 29/9/1959; closed 1/12/ 1961.

Victoria Market: ‘VICTORIA MARKET/PAID/5- -5AP84/VICAUST-3000’ (decade wheel inverted as always - arcs 5,5) in red. [Recorded for 5 months only] Renamed from Elizabeth Street North

2890 S A A2

Victoria Street, Richmond: ‘VICTORIA STREET/9NO15/ RICHMOND-VIC’ on 1/- Roo. [Rated PPP] PO 3/12/1906; renamed Richmond North PO 1/11/1924.


2892 D A A1

Walhalla: ‘RELIEF/15MY85/NO 29.’, on 10c Desert Pea. [Used 15/5/85-12/6/85] Renamed from Stringer’s Creek PO 25/3/1868; LPO

2893 D A A1

Wallan Wallan East (2): ‘WALLAN WALLAN EAST/4DE53/VIC’ on 3½d Butter. Renamed from Wallan Wallan R.S. PO c.-/6/1909;



closed 7/8/1992.


Peacock’s Jam Factory RO c.1908; PO 1/5/1916; closed 30/11/1964.




Wangaratta: Black & white PPC ‘Boy Scouts’ Log Cabin, Wangaratta, Vic’, real photo, unused. Renamed from Ovens PO 1/1/

Wannon: ‘WANNON/30MY77/VICTORIA’ WWW #20B on 18c Flower. PO 11/2/1861; closed 31/12/1982. 2897 D A A2+ Wantirna (1): ‘WANTIRNA/2NO74/VIC-AUST’ WWW #20 on 6c orange QEII. RO 1/11/1913; PO 1/7/1927; closed 7/11/1977. 2898 D B A2 Wareek (3): ‘WAREEK/6MR56/VIC-AUST’ WWW #10A on 3½d red QEII (fault). [A copy in auction 27 sold for $72] Renamed from

2899 D A A2 2900 * A 2901 D A A1 2902 * A 2903 * A A1 2904 D B1 2905 * A A2 2906 S A C2 2907 D A B2 2908 * A 2909 D A A1 2910 D A1 2911 D A A1 2912 * A A1 2913 * A 2914 D A1+ 2915 D A A1 2916 D A1 2917 * A B1 2918 D A1+

2921 * A B2 2922 * A B1

2926 D A A1

2928 * A 2929 * A B1

$5 $5

2930 * A A1 2931 D A A1 2932 * A A2 2933 * A 2934 * A 2935 D A A2 2936 D A A1-




2938 D B A1


2939 S B A2-


2940 D A C2

Warrak (2): ‘WARRAK/25JA5?/VIC’ WWW #20A on 3½d SA Stamp Centenary. PO 26/5/1898; RO 1/2/1916; PO 1/7/1927; closed Warrandyte: information folded-card with sketch of original PO, produced c.1980. PO 1/8/1857; LPO 16/9/1993. Warrenheip: ‘WARRENHEIP/31DE75/VIC’ WWW #40B on 4c red QEII. PO 1/1/1859; closed 29/4/1988. Warrion: colour photo of PO taken 1982. PO 24/8/1875; closed 7/5/ 1976.




Warrnambool: ‘WARRNAMBOOL/31MAR1995/VIC. 3280’, on 45c on Alexander Western Victoria Postmarkers cover. PO 1/1/

- violet rectangle ‘PAID/29OCT1981/WARRNAMBOOL, VIC. 3280’ (8DL). [Only recorded date - this was used for Money Orders] Warrnambool East: 40½mm ‘WARRNAMBOOL EAST/2FEB1993/VIC. 3280’ (no arcs), WWW #20, on 45c Xmas on Guide Dogs cover. PO 14/3/1946; LPO 2/8/1994. Warrnambool Military Camp (1): ‘MILITARY CAMP/7MR16/ WARRNAMBOOL’, on 3d roo. PO 3/9/1915; closed 15/3/1916. Watsonia: ‘WATSONIA/????48/VIC.’ WWW #10A on 2½d red KGVI (cut-to-shape). PO c.1934; LPO 22/9/1993. Wattle Glen: black & white photo of PO taken 1971. Renamed


2945 D A B2


2946 * A A1


red. Wendouree West: ‘WENDOUREE.W/14JE67/VIC-AUST’ WWW #10A on 4c red QEII. PO 3/2/1955; renamed Wendouree


Village PO 2/11/1992.

Werribee South: ‘WERRIBEE SOUTH/26OC56/VIC’ on 4d Koala. Renamed from Duncan’s Road PO 19/7/1926; closed 7/6/1973. Westmere: colour photo of PO taken 1992. RO 8/9/1913; PO 11/3/ 1914; closed 28/5/1993.

Whitburn: ‘WHITBURN/26SEP1995/3168/VIC. AUST.’ WWW #20 (9DL). Renamed from Clayton North PO 3/1/1956; LPO 26/10/1993. White Hills: ‘WHITE HILLS/4JL41/VIC’ WWW #30 on 2d red KGVI. PO 21/8/1857; LPO 5/2/1994. Wickliffe (2): ‘WICKLIFFE/26AU68/VIC-AUST’ WWW #50 on 5c cut-out. PO 1/3/1856; closed 29/4/1988. Willaura: ‘WILLAURA/21AP75/VIC-AUST’ WWW #40 (arcs 8,8½) on 10c Environment on cover to Melbourne. Renamed from Wickliffe Road R.S. PO 16/10/1905; LPO 16/4/1993.

Central PO 24/8/1979.

- ‘WILLIAMSTOWN/PAID/1130A24AU81/VIC-AUST-3016’ WWW #510A in red on International Year of the Disabled cover to Melton. Williamstown North: ‘WILLIAMSTOWN NORTH/4JL57/VIC’ (B1 backstamp) WWW #20A on 1/7d brown QEII on Electrolux cover with blue registration label. PO 1/4/1878; closed 1/12/1980. Winchelsea: ‘RELIEF/26/5P7AU86VIC AUST’ on 33c AAT on Guide Dogs cover. [Last day of use - Used 7/2/86 - 7/8/86] Renamed from Barwon PO 1/1/1854; LPO 23/5/1994.

2943 * A


1858; LPO 2/6/1997.


2942 D A A1

2944 D A A1-


Wedderburn: unframed ‘M.O&S.B./DE9/19/WEDDERBURN’ WWW #110 on 1½d brown KGV. Renamed from Kerang PO 29/7/

2941 * A A2


from Diamond Creek Upper PO 1/11/1922; closed 4/4/1975.

$10 $12 $5 $8 $5 $4 $8 $6 $8

2947 D B1 2948 * A B2 2949 * A B1 2950 S A A2 2951 D A A1 2952 D A12953 * A- A2 2954 D B1 2955 D A A2 2956 * B A1-

2957 * A- A2


2958 D A A1


2959 * A 2960 S A A2-


Windsor (2): ‘PAID AT WINDSOR /10AU70/VIC-AUST’ WWW #410B (‘S.1.’ removed) in red. PO c.-/8/1886; LPO 4/10/1993. Wiseleigh: poor ‘[WISE]LEIGH/21AU57/VIC’ (A2 backstamp) WWW #10A on 1d purple QEII & 1/6d Hermes on Tatts cover (some flap missing) with blue registration label. RO 23/10/1911;

PO 22/4/1914; closed 3/4/1987.

Wodonga: ‘PAID AT WODONGA/14JE74/VIC’ WWW #1110D in red. Renamed from Belvoir PO 26/7/1869. Wonga Park (1): ‘WONGA PARK/2MR66/VIC-AUST’ (arcs 3,2½) WWW #20B on 4c red QEII. Renamed from Eight Hour Pioneer Settlement RO c.1908; PO 1/11/1915; closed 31/5/1989.

Wonthaggi (2): ‘WONTHAGGI/2/4AP59/VIC-AUST’ (better backstamp) WWW #134A on 1/7d QEII Registered Letter with blue registration label. Renamed from Powlett Coal Mine PO 1/8/1910. Wood Wood: black & white photo of PO taken 1969. PO 17/12/ 1900; closed 30/6/1987.

Woodend (2): ‘WOODEND/26SEP1990/11.00am/VIC AUST 3442’ WWW #132 on 60c & 90c Living Together on A4 Postage Paid Envelope with small Priority Paid label addressed to Coburg. PO 1/11/1856; LPO 4/5/1998. - ‘RELIEF/13OC82/96/VIC-AUST’ on 27c on cover. [Used 5/10/ 1982-17/1/1983.] Woodleigh Vale: ‘WOODLEIGH VALE/3JA75/VIC-AUST’ WWW #20B on 5c Education. Renamed from Woodleigh State School PO 24/7/1905; closed 29/8/1980.

Woorinen South: ‘WOORINEN SOUTH/13MY74/VIC’ WWW #10B on 3c green QEII on 4c QEII Envelope addressed to Melbourne. PO 11/8/1921; PO 1/8/1923; LPO 16/7/1993. - black & white photo of PO taken 1969. Woorndoo: black & white photo of PO taken 1970. PO 15/6/1866;

LPO 12/5/1994.

Wooroonook: ‘WOOROONOOK /21NO35/VIC’ (‘E’ removed) on 2d red KGV. Renamed from Wooroonooke PO c.1915; closed 30/11/


World Trade Centre: ‘MONEY ORDER TELLER/19SEP1988/ WORLD TRADE CENTRE VIC 3005’ (8DL) in violet on 37c Living Together. PO 3/1/1984; closed 15/8/1997. 2937 D A A2+ Wycheproof (3): 29½mm ‘WYCHEPROOF/1DE34/VIC’ (arcs 7,7) on 1d green KGV perf ‘VG’ pair. Renamed from Mount

Wareek State School PO c.1954; closed 31/5/1977.

- ‘PAID AT WILLAURA/5P12JY94/VIC-AUST’ WWW #310E in black. 2919 D A A1+ Williamstown (2): ‘WILLIAMSTOWN/(MO)/9JUN1988/VIC. 3016’ WWW #420 (arcs 4,4) on 1c Lizard. Replaced Williamstown 2920 * A A2

2925 D B1



Wandin (2): ‘WANDIN/23SE60/VIC-AUST’ WWW #20 on 5d Guiding Jubilee (cut-to-shape). [Rated PP] Renamed from

2924 * B B2

2927 * A B1 $16

Wal Wal: colour photo of PO taken 1981. PO 7/3/1887; closed 30/1/

2896 D A A1


PO c.-/7/1917; replaced by A’Beckett Street PO 30/6/1989.

2891 * A

2895 * A


7/12/1910; LPO 4/9/1993.

2889 D A2

2894 D A A2

2923 D A1-

2961 * A

Wycheproof PO 1/4/1884; LPO 27/9/1993.

- unframed ‘M.O & S.B/JA17/98/WYCHEPROOF’ alongside two ‘R’ in circle on 2d violet x2 (fault x1). - unframed ‘M.O.& S.B/DE2/14/WYCHEPROOF’ on faulty 4d orange Roo. Yabba North: ‘[YA]BBA NORT[H]/19AU35/[VI]C’ on 2d Jubilee. [Rated PPPP] Renamed from Catotown PO c.-/8/1901; closed 12/12/


$15 $8 $8 $15 $5

$15 $5 $10 $8 $5 $5 $100 $25 $5 $6 $10



PO 13/6/1856; LPO 5/7/1993.


Yackandandah: 46x28mm double-oval ‘Post Office/ 18JUN1936/Yackandandah’ (A1 backstamp) in violet on 5d brown KGV with blue registration label, addressed to Melbourne. Yallourn East: ‘YALLOURN EAST/12MR53/VIC-AUST’ on 3½d Butter. [Rated PP] PO 1/4/1951; closed 31/8/1970. Yambuk: colour photo of PO taken 1983. PO 1/3/1859; LPO 14/12/


Yannathan: ‘YANNATHAN/■3MR31/VIC’ on 2d red KGV. [Rated PP] PO 15/9/1884; closed 31/12/1959. - ‘YANNATHAN/1???59/VIC’ WWW #20B on 5d blue QEII. [Rated PPPP - the first offered by us] Yarra Junction: 31mm ‘YARRA JUNCTION/19APR1996/VICAUST-3797’ WWW #60 on 45c Roo on long Muirfield Group of Companies cover. PO 20/11/1901; LPO 10/11/1993. - ‘YARRA JUNCTION/PAID/7MY76/VIC-AUST-3797’ WWW #110A in red. - ‘YARRA JUNCTION/PAID/4P5NO82/VIC-AUST-3797’ (time added) WWW #110B in red on Upper Yarra Bush Nursing Hospital cover. Yarram: ‘YARRAM/PAID/145P28AU80/VIC-AUST-3971’ WWW #330B in red on Ford, Wight’s Motors, Yarram cover. Renamed from Yarram Yarram PO c.1925.

Yarraville: 26½mm ‘YARRAVILLE/9DE26/VIC.’ (arcs 3½,3½) WWW #25 on 1½d red KGV. PO 1/9/1872; LPO 6/6/1998. - ‘YARRAVILLE/(1)/5MAY1988/VIC. 3013’ WWW #118 (arcs 3½,3½) in violet on 1c Lizard. - ‘PAID AT YARRAVILLE /27AU70/VIC-AUST’ (‘W13’ removed and date centred) in red. Yarrawonga: 4 strikes of unframed ‘M.O.&S.B/OC7/05/ YARRAWONGA’ on 1d pink & 2d violet pair on registered cover (spike holes) to Hobart. PO 28/11/1874. - ‘PAID AT YARRAWONGA/■—12OC56/VIC’ WWW #410B in red. Yarrowee: ‘YARROWEE/20NO36/VIC.’ on 2d red KGV (cut-toshape). Renamed from Scotchman’s Lead PO 21/4/1875; RO 15/7/

$30 $5 $30 $80 $8 $8 $12 $12 $6 $6 $6 $15 $30

1919; PO 1/7/1927; closed 7/1/1961.


Renamed from Vincent PO 1/9/1953; LPO 26/4/1993.


Yarrunga: ‘YARRUNGA/31JA58/VIC-AUST’ on 1/7d QEII with blue registration label and 51½x31½mm oval ‘POST OFFICE/ 31JAN1958/WANGARATTA’ (A2 - LRD) in violet backstamp.

Yea: ‘YEA/PAID/5P5JA82/VIC-AUST-3717’ in red on cover to Myer. PO 15/1/1858; LPO 18/11/1996. Yendon: ‘YENDON/22AP49/VIC’ WWW #20A on 2½d Lawson. Renamed from Buninyong R.S. PO 1/9/1876; closed 8/7/1978.

- black & white photo of PO taken 1972. Yundool (2): ‘YUNDOOL/3JL27/VIC.’ WWW #10 on 1½d Canberra. RO 27/10/1913; PO 15/11/1922; closed 26/4/1985. - colour photo of PO taken 1982.

$12 $8 $5 $50 $5

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 2962 D A A2+ Yungera: ‘YUNGERA/2?DE33/VIC’ WWW #10 on 2d red & 3d blue KGV. Renamed from Narrung West RO 1/4/1926; PO 1/7/1927; 2963 D A B4

closed 20/2/1952.

- ‘YUNGERA/30SE4?/[VIC-AUST]’ WWW #20 on 2½d red KGVI. [Rated PPPP]

VICTORIA | Travelling Post Offices 2964 * B B1 English Mail T.P.O.: ‘ENG.MAIL.T.P.O./IN-17NO13/VIC’ backstamp on cover from Germany, mild toning and other small faults. VICTORIA | Reliefs 2965 D A A2 11: ‘RELIEF/29MY58//NO.11.’ on 4d QEII.

3004 D A1 $60 $20

$50 $5

AUST’ (#Pd E31) in red. Renamed from Perth North PO 1/4/1898. Broome: framed ‘BROOME/JY10/6/W.A’ (smaller letters type 3b-b) on 1d pink Swan. Renamed from Roebuck Bay PO 1/1/1892. 3006 D A2+ Broomehill: 29mm ‘BROOMEHILL/12OCT2001/WA 6318’ cutto-shape through stamp. Replaced Eticup PO c.1889. 3007 S A A2+ Brunswick: ‘[BR]UNSWICK/1/JA27/98/W_A’ on 2d grey Swan. 3005 S A A2

3008 D A B2 3009 D A A1 3010 D A A1

WESTERN AUSTRALIA 2966 F A B1 1882-85 Recess Wmk Crown/CA (Sideways) Perf 14 SG #77 2d chrome-yellow. 2967 F A A1 1882-95 DLR Typo Wmk Crown/CA (Sideways) Perf 14 SG #86, 3d pale brown, with part Eucla datestamp. 2968 F A B1 1885 Surcharges SG #91, on 3d pale brown, Cat £29. 2969 ** A A1 1885-93 Typo Wmk Crown/CA (Sideways) Perf 14 SG #94a ½d green block of 4, unmounted. 2970 * A B1 - SG #95 1d carmine. 2971 V A- B1 1902-12 Wmk V/Crown Perf 12½ or 12½x12 SG #121 8d yellow-green perf ‘OS’ (BW #W44b), lightly soiled perfs at left. 2972 F A B1 - SG #122a 9d yellow-orange Wmk Upright.

$25 $30

WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Postal Fiscals 2973 F A A1 1893 Optd ‘I. R.’ 2d on 3d lilac. 2974 F A A1 1893 Wmk CA Over Crown SG #F14 6d dull purple. 2975 F A A1 1897 Wmk W Crown A SG #F20 3d dull purple.

$20 $20 $10

WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Franks 2976 PS A Government Printing Office: frank stamp in violet cut to shape.


3019 D A1


3020 D A1


3011 D A B1

$10 $25

3012 D A B2

$60 $12

3013 D A A2 3014 * A- C2

3015 D D A1 3016 S A- A2 3017 S A A2 3018 S A A2

WESTERN AUSTRALIA | 12-Bar Numerals 2977 S A A2

16: in blue on 1d yellow-ochre. Allocated to York-PO 16/6/1840.

WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Datestamps 2978 D B1 Aberdeen Street: ‘PAID AT ABERDEEN ST/8SE69/WA-AUST’ in red. Renamed from Perth North West PO 1/4/1898; renamed Northbridge PO 30/1/1987.

2979 S A A2+ Ajana: ‘AJANA/13MAY30/[WESTE]R[N AUST]RALIA’ on 2d red KGV. TO 11/8/1915; RO 1/1/1918; PO 16/11/1922; closed 19/4/1979. 2980 D A A2 Albany Business Centre: 34mm ‘AUSTRALIA POST/ 24JAN2003/BUSINESS/CENTRE/ALBANY WA 6330’ on 50c Flower. 2981 D A A1- Applecross (2): 29mm ‘APPLECROSS/14AUG1997/WA 6153’ on 45c Koala. PO 10/3/1954. 2982 S A B2 Argyle: ‘WESTERN AUST[RALIA]/20FE21/[A]RGYLE’ (ERD inscriptions read outwards), on 2d orange KGV. RO 1/6/1909; PO 2983 S A B2 2984 D A A2 2985 S A B2 2986 D A A2 2987 D A A1 2988 D A A2 2989 D C A2 2990 D A A12991 D D A1 2992 * A- A2 2993 S A A2 2994 S A A2 2995 * A- A1 2996 S A A2 2997 S A A2 2998 D A A2 2999 S A A2 3000 S A A2 3001 D D A1 3002 D A A2 3003 S A B2

3021 S A A2 $4 $4 $5 $3

Page 39

Brisbane Street: ‘PAID AT BRISBANE ST./■■■27AP61/WEST-

3022 S A A2 3023 S A A2 3024 S A A23025 D A B2 3026 D A A1

PO 1/2/1875; renamed Brunswick Junction PO c.-/6/1909.

Brunswick Junction: ‘BRUNSWICK JUNCT[ION]/ 16FE3?/W.A.’ on 2d red KGV. Renamed from Brunswick PO c.-/6/ 1909.

- ‘BRUNSWICK JUNCTION/22AU56/WEST AUST’ (Ea31-a , ERD, repaired) on 3½d red QEII. - 28mm ‘BRUNSWICK/JUNCTION/9MAR1995/WA 6224’ on 45c Koala. Bullsbrook East: ‘BULLSBROOK EAST/29NO65/WEST-AUST’ (ERD) on piece. PO 1/1/1948; renamed Bullsbrook PO 1/9/1981. Burakin: ‘BURAKIN/ 65/WEST-AUST’ on 5d green. PO 1/7/1929;

closed 31/12/1984.

Busselton: ‘BUSSELTON/6AP73/W.A.’ (time turned-off) on 7c WHO. Renamed from Vasse PO c.1900. Canning Highway: ‘CANNING H[IGHWAY]/30OC48/WESTAUST’ (A2 backstamp) on 5½d Emu on opened-out CSBA cover with blue provisional registration label. [Rare] PO 1/3/1946; renamed Como PO 22/7/1953.

Capel (2): 30mm ‘CAPEL/25FEB2004/WA 6271’ cut-to-shape through stamp. Renamed from Coolingup PO 13/7/1899. Carnarvon: framed ‘CARNARVON/9/NO3/W.A’ (3b) on 2d yellow Swan. Renamed from Gascoyne PO 15/8/1884. - framed ‘CARNARVON/JY21/19/W.A’ (3b) on ½d green KGV. Carrabin: ‘CARRABIN/28OC35/[WES]TN AUST’ on 2d Jubilee.

closed 6/7/1990.

Cowaramup: ‘COWARAMUP/6MY32/[WESTERN AUSTRALI]A’ on 2d Bridge. RO c.-/5/1922; PO 1/11/1925. - ‘COWARAMUP/30AP35/WESTERN AUSTRALIA’ on 2d red KGV. Dardanup: ‘DARDANUP/15JE14/WESTNAUSTRALIA’ (D27) on 1d Roo. PO 22/10/1867. Deanmill: ‘DEANMILL/17FE53/WEST.AUST.’ (E30) on 3½d brown KGVI. Renamed from No. 1 State Mill Via Manjimup PO 8/11/

$30 $6 $40

3030 D A A2

1985. [Oil drilling]

Bassendean: ‘BASSENDEAN/27JE31/W.A’ (C28) on 2d red KGV. Renamed from West Guildford PO 23/9/1923. Bayswater: 30mm ‘BAYSWATER/11MAR2008/WA 6053’ cut-toshape through stamp. PO 1/8/1898. Beacon: ‘BEAC[ON]/29JY55/W.A.’ (LRD) on 3½d AAT, spike hole. TO 1/12/1931; PO 15/2/1933. Beenup: ‘BEENUP/17JUN13/WEST[N AUST]RALIA’, on 1d Roo. PO 16/7/1908; renamed Byford PO c.-/6/1920. Bencubbin: ‘BENCUBBIN/27JL32/WESTN AUST.’ (#B29) on 9d Roo. PO 1/7/1918. Beverley: ‘BEVERLEY/2AU55/WEST-AUST’ (E31) on 3½d red QEII, spike hole. PO 1/5/1858. - framed ‘SAVINGS BANK/OC17/05/BEV[ERLE]Y’ (#SBi) on 1d red Swan. [PMI records one copy only.] Billaricay: ‘BILLARICAY/3OC35/W.A’ on 2d Silver Jubilee. TO 1/4/1926; RO 1/8/1926; PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/7/1940.

Bindi Bindi: ‘BINDI BINDI/20OC56/W.A’ on 4d Koala. RO 9/10/

1925; PO 1/7/1927.

Blackboy Hill (1): ‘BLACKBOY-HILL/29JUN17/WESTN AUSTRALIA’ (D25) on 1d red KGV. RO 29/8/1914; PO 11/9/1914; closed 30/11/1918. [Military Camp]

Bonnievale: framed 20½mm ‘BON[NIEV]ALE/OC2/08/W.A’ on 2d yellow. PO 23/12/1897; RO 17/2/1912; closed 13/11/1914. Boulder: 30mm ‘(LPO)/BOULDER/29JUL2006/WA 6432’ cut-toshape through stamp. Renamed from Great Boulder PO 15/9/1897. Boyup Brook: 30mm ‘BOYUP BROOK/6APR2000/WA 6244’ on 45c Aust. Legends. PO 23/6/1909. Bridgetown: framed ‘[BR]IDGETOWN/NO20/99/W.A.’ in blue on 2d grey Swan. Renamed from Geejelup PO c.-/2/1872.

$5 $3 $5 $8 $5

3031 D A A2 3032 S A A2 3033 D A A2

1936; closed 30/6/1986.


3039 D A A2

Harvey (2): ‘HARVEY/27NO22/WESTN AUST.’ on 2d red KGV.


3040 D A A1-


3044 S A A2


3045 S A A2


3046 D A A1-


3047 D A A1-

$3 $6 $10 $8 $10 $4 $12 $15 $8

$6 $20

$8 $10 $5

PO 4/10/1889.


PO 1/2/1895.


- ‘HARVEY/15OC73/WESTN AUST.’ (#B29a - time removed & date centred) on 7c QEII. 3041 S A A2+ Highbury: framed ‘HIGHBURY/MR28/18/W.A’ on 1d red KGV with Notched right frame at lower angle [VI/55] Renamed from

3043 D A B2

$12 $4


3038 D A1-




3035 S B B2

3042 D A A2






1/7/1965; closed 31/12/1981.





East Fremantle: ‘EAST FREMANTLE/30SE31/W.A.’ (C28) on 2d red KGV. Renamed from Plympton PO c.1899; closed 1/8/1979. Edjudina (1): framed ‘EDJUDI[NA]/MR1/10/W[.A]’ on 2d yellow Swan. RO 8/8/1896; PO 1/10/1904; RO c.1915; closed 31/8/1926. Fairbridge: ‘FAIRBR[IDGE]/11AU65/WA-AUST’ on 5d green. PO

Fitzroy Crossing: ‘FITZROY CROSSING/5MR52/WESTN AUST.’ (B29) on 6½d brown KGVI. Renamed from Fitzroy PO

A A2


East PO c.1938.

3034 D A A2

3036 S A B2



East Cannington: ‘EAST CANNINGTON/2?MR48/WESTN AUST.’ (B27) on 2½d red KGVI. PO 1/3/1910; renamed Cannington




RO 17/3/1916; PO 1/11/1916.

Fremantle Railway Station: left half unframed duplex ‘FREMANTLE RAILW[AY STATION]/5/MR2/5/W.A.’ (DxPO-b) on 1d red Swan. PO 19/8/1895; closed 22/10/1907. Grass Valley: ‘[GR]ASS VALLEY/27JL17/WEST[NAUST]’ (B28a) on 1d red KGV. RO 1/7/1899; PO 7/7/1900. Greenbushes: unframed ‘GREENBUSHES/AP18/08/[W]A’ (2c) on 2d Swan. PO 5/5/1891. Halls Creek: ‘HALL’S CREEK/11NO35/W.A.’, #C28, on cut-out.




Cloisters Square: 26mm ‘(1)/PERTH/CLOISTERS SQUARE/ 25JAN2001/WA 6000’. PO 24/4/1972. Collie: framed ‘COLLIE FIELDS/AU5/03/W.A’ (3b-a) on 1d red Swan. Renamed from Collie Fields PO 27/10/1899. Coomberdale: ‘COOMBER[DALE]/18MR10/WESTN [AUSTRALIA]’ on 2d yellow Swan. RO 17/5/1909; PO 14/2/1910;

1910; PO 10/6/1911; closed 20/11/1981.

on 2½d red KGVI. Attadale: ‘ATTADALE/20FE66/WEST-[AUST]’ (LRD) on 13c Avocet. [PMI doesn’t record LDL, & records SDL for 15NO75 only!] PO 3/8/1953; closed 1/9/1981. Augusta (2): ‘AUGUSTA/?AU48/WESTN AUST.’ on 2½d red KGVI. TO 9/2/1915; PO 21/6/1915. Bakers Hill: 30mm ‘(LPO)/BAKERS HILL/10DEC2004/WA 6562’ on 50c . RO 1/6/1906; PO 17/5/1907. Balingup: ‘BALINGUP/14JAN31/WESTNAUSTRALIA’ (D27) on 2d red KGV. PO c.-/12/1885. Barrow Island: ‘BARROW ISLAND/25JY68/WA-AUST’ on 5c blue QEII (cut-to-shape through stamp). PO 7/11/1966; closed 31/1/



Dinninup: ‘DINNINUP/23MY71/WEST-AUST’ on 6c (cut-toshape). PO 1/12/1911; closed 31/10/1974. 3028 D A A1+ Donnelly River Mill: ‘DONNELLY RIVER MILL/3FE54/WESTAUST’ on 3½d red QEII. PO 2/1/1952; closed 8/2/1980. 3029 D A B2 Dudinin: ‘DUDININ/5JE31/WESTN AUST.’ (B27) on 2d red KGV.




Chidlow: 28mm ‘[code]/CHIDLOW/[date]/WA 6556’, code absent & 2, dated 1997 - 2000. Renamed from Chidlow’s Well PO


3027 D A A1


TO c.1910; RO 1/3/1911; PO 1/10/1912; closed 1/6/1951.

8/10/1910; closed 12/12/1975.

Arrino (4): ‘ARRINO/?AU13/[WESTN AUS]T.’ (#B29) on 1d Roo (White flaw on right side of A of AUST BW #3(F)i). RO 28/9/


Wolwolling PO c.1906; closed 29/3/1985.

Holyoake: ‘HOLYOAKE/12MY31/WESTNAUSTRALIA’ (D27) on 2d red KGV pair. PO 1/2/1911; closed 24/1/1961. Hopetoun: ‘HOPETOUN/30NOV22/WESTN AUSTRALIA’ on 2d red KGV. Renamed from Mary Ann Harbour PO 21/2/1901. Jarnadup: ‘JARNADUP/23SE15/[WE]ST[N AUS]T.’ (B28) on 1d red KGV. PO 1/6/1912; renamed Jardee PO 6/6/1926. Jingymia: ‘JINGYM[IA]/17FE36/W.A.’ on 2d red KGV. PO 29/12/

1933; closed 16/12/1939.

Jurien: ‘JURIEN/22MR74/WA-AUST’, #F31, on 7c QEII. PO 1/10/


Kalbarri: Light strike of ‘KALBARRI/17JY73/WA-AUST’, #F31, on 7c.

$6 $10 $8 $4 $20 $80 $2 $2

Page 40 3048 D A A13049 D A1 3050 D A A2 3051 D A A1 3052 D A B2 3053 D A A2 3054 D A B13055 D A A1-

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 Kambalda West: ‘KAMBALDA WEST/8AP81/WA-6444’, #G31, on 22c. PO c.-/3/1972. Katanning: ‘KATANNING/12DEC.27/WESTERN AUSTRALIA’, #A25 (frame worn away), on registration piece. Replaced Moojebup PO 1/7/1889.

Kojonup: ‘KOJONUP/30.SEP31/WESTN AUSTRALIA’, #D27, on 2d red KGV. PO 18/10/1864. - ‘KOJONUP/1NO74/WA-AUST’, #F31, on 7c & 3c. Kookynie (1): framed ‘KOOKYNIE/JY18/04/W.A’ (3b) on 2d yellow Swan. RO 1/11/1900; PO 28/2/1901; closed 1/7/1942. Korrelocking: ‘KORRELOCKING/21AU28/WESTN AUST.’ (B28) on 1½d red KGV. RO 9/3/1911; PO 1/8/1911; closed 30/11/1976. Kununoppin: ‘KUNUNOPPIN/20MY44/WESTN AUST.’, #B27, on 2½d red KGVI. PO 28/11/1911. Latham: ‘LATHAM/21SE55/W.A.’, (C29) on 3½d Nursing. RO 1/8/1914; PO 16/10/1925.

3056 * A A1+ Learmonth: ‘LEARMONTH/11OC55/WEST-AUST.’ on 6½d orange on Airmail Envelope addressed to Perth. PO 23/6/1954; 3057 * A B2

3058 D A A2

closed 4/2/1975.

Lion Mill: framed ‘LION MIL[L]/MR14/04/W[A]’ (reversed N) on 1d swan on PPC of ‘IN THE DARLING RANGES, W.A.’ with a note that the scene is not far from home. RO 1/7/1895; PO c.-/1/ 1896; renamed Mount Helena PO c.-/7/1924.

Manjimup: ‘MANJIMUP/28OC30/WESTN AUST.’ (2nd ‘P’ removed) on 1d green KGV. PO 5/2/1912. 3059 S A A2- Meckering: 2 strikes of framed ‘MICKERING/24JY/06/W.A’ (1st ‘E’ damaged) on 1d Swan pair. RO 1/1/1895; PO 1/3/1902. 3060 D A A2+ Meekatharra: ‘MEEKATHARRA/21AP58/W.A.’ (C30-c) on 4d lake QEII x2. RO c.-/7/1900; PO 15/8/1902. 3061 * A A1 Mirrabooka: ‘MIRRABOOKA/4OCT1983/W.A. 6061’ opening day on 27c Agricultural Colleges PSE, unaddressed. Renamed 3062 D A A2 3063 D A A2 3064 D B2 3065 D A A2 3066 D A B2 3067 D A A2 3068 D A A1 3069 D A B13070 D A A2 3071 D A B2 3072 D A B1 3073 D A A13074 D A A2 3075 * A- B2 3076 D A A2 3077 D A A1 3078 D 3079 S 3080 * 3081 D 3082 D 3083 * 3084 D

from Turana PO 4/10/1983.

Morawa: ‘MORAWA/28SEP31/WESTN AUSTRALIA’ (D26) on 2d red KGV. Renamed from Morowa PO 16/11/1915. Mount Barker: ‘MOUNT BARKER/19JUN.14/WESTN AUSTRALIA’, on 1d Roo. PO 1/1/1870. Mount Palmer: ‘MOUNT PALMER/14MY37/W.A.’ on 5d KGV cut-out. Renamed from Palmers Find PO 27/9/1935; TO 1/6/1944; closed 17/7/1947.

Muchea: ‘MUCHEA/■9SE53/WESTN AUST’ on 3½d brown KGVI. PO 1/7/1904. Murrin Murrin: 6 strikes of framed ‘MURRIN MURRIN/ MR7/6/W.A’ on 1d red Swan x6. RO c.-/11/1897; PO 18/3/1898; closed 31/12/1955.


Narrogin: AUST.’ (B28-b) on 1d Roo. PO c.-/7/1890. Norseman: ‘NORSEMAN/29AU49/W.A.’ (C30) on 2½d red KGVI. RO c.-/4/1895; PO 1/2/1896. Ongerup: ‘ONGERUP/13AU34/WESTN AUST.’ on 2d Vic Centenary. RO 1/3/1914; PO 8/8/1914. Palace Hotel: ‘PALACE HOTEL.PE[RTH]/20JA16/WESTN [AUST]’ on 1d red KGV. PO 8/7/1897; closed c.-/7/1917. Paynes Find: ‘PAYNES FIND/27JE49/WESTN AUST.’ on 2½d red KGVI. RO 1/10/1911; PO 1/9/1912; closed 20/5/1975. Perenjori: ‘PERENJORI/5SE64/WEST AUST’, #Ea31, on 5d QEII. RO 29/3/1913; PO 16/11/1915. Popanyinning: ‘POPANYINNING/14JL31/WESTN AUST’ (B29) on 2d red KGV. Renamed from Popanying Pool PO c.1907. Reedy: double-oval ‘POST [OFFICE]/9APR??/REEDY.’ in violet on 2½d red KGVI. PO 17/3/1934; closed c.-/7/1951. Shannon River Mill: ‘SHANNON RIVER MILL/17OC55/WEST· AUST’ on 3½d YMCA on cover to Perth. PO 27/3/1950; closed 29/5/ 1970.

Spinifex Hill: ‘SPINIFEX HILL/5SE66/WA-AUST’ on 4c on piece.

PO 14/6/1965; closed 12/8/1967.

Tardun: ‘TARDUN/5AP48/WEST-AUST’ #E30, on 2½d red KGVI. TO 6/3/1926; PO 12/11/1928; closed 2/7/1984. A A1 - ‘TARDUN/8MY73/WEST-AUST’ #E30, on 7c purple QEII. A A1 Tenterden: ‘TENTERDEN/8-MAY23/WESTERN AUSTRALIA’, #A25 on 2d KGV cut-to-shape. RO 15/11/1904; PO 15/1/1906. A B1 Tincurrin: ‘TINKURRIN/?MR59/W.A’ (sic) on 4d lake QEII on cover to Perth. Renamed from Tinkurrin RO c.-/7/1920; PO 1/12/1925. A B1 Tuart Hill (2): light ‘TUART HILL/30JA4?/WESTN AUST’ #B29 on 2½d red KGVI. PO 20/3/1933; renamed Tuart North PO 24/3/1954. A A2 Two Rocks: double-circle ‘TWO ROCKS/30MAY1980/W.A. 6037’ #Gd/c36R-b on 22c Waltzing Matilda. PO 1/7/1974. A- B1 Victoria Park: ‘VICTORIA PARK/2NO48/WESTN AUST’ (E30-b, ERD by more than 6 years) on ½d Roo & 9d Platypus on long cover to Perth with blue registration label. PO 1/12/1898. A A2+ Walpole: ‘WALPOLE/8JY48/W.A.’ (C29) on 2½d red KGVI. PO

3085 D A1 3086 D A A13087 D B B2


Wandering: ‘WANDERING/7MY36/WESTN AUST.’ #B29 on piece. PO c.-/4/1877. West Leederville: ‘WEST LEEDERVILLE/2AU48/WESTN AUST.’, #B28, on 3d KGVI & 2½d stationery cut-out. PO 15/4/ 1904.

3089 D A A1

Willow Spring: ‘WILLOW SPRING/24MR47/WEST-AUST’ on 2½d red KGVI (faults). PO 17/10/1938; closed 17/3/1949. Wongan Hills: ‘WONGAN HILLS/21AP44/W.A.’ #C30 on 2½d red KGVI. PO 2/1/1911. Wubin: ‘WUBIN/2AP80/WA-6612’ #G30, on 33c Banksia. PO

3090 D A A1-

Yealering: ‘YEARLERING/15JY77/WA-6372’ #G31, on 18c.

3091 * A A2

Yericoin: ‘YERICOIN/[10JA49]/W.A’ on 5½d Emu on long CSBA cover to Perth with blue registration label. TO 19/1/1928; PO 1/6/

3088 D A A1


Renamed from Yealering Lake PO c.1926. 1932; renamed Yerecoin PO c.-/8/1955.

$2 $4

ADEN 3092 *


3093 ** A A1

1939-48 Pictorials SG #16-23, ½a to 8a, ½a & 2a faults, Cat £16. 1949 Silver Jubilee SG #31, 10r mauve plate ‘1a’ single, Cat £40+ as normal.

$5 $50

$5 ADEN | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 1953 QEII HG #B5, 15c brown size a. $2 3094 PS A ADEN | Military - World War II Period $15 3095 *F C 1940 use of 1a blue & 1½a red KGVI Pictorials, cancelled with double-circle ‘ADEN/25OCT40/2-PM/+’ (B2), on cover to $6 Beverley, England, with boxed ‘[crown/eagle]PASSED BY/R.A.F./CENSOR NO 61’ (A1) in red, edges quite tatty. $2 AITUTAKI $5 3096 * A B1 1903 Overprints SG #2 1d carmine. 3097 * A- B3 1903-11 Perf 11 SG #5, 2d yellow-brown, Cat £18, couple of tone spots. $20 3098 * A 1917-18 ‘AITUTAKI’ On NZ SG #15a-18 perf 14x14½ 2½d, 3d & 6d, 1/- is perf 14x13½, Cat £20. (4) 3099 * A 1917-20 ‘AITUTAKI’ On NZ SG #19-23 set of 5, Cat £12. 3100 * 1920 Pictorials SG #24-9, set of 6, Cat £27. $120 3101 * A 1924-7 Pictorials SG #30-2, set of 3, Cat £14.

$15 $8 $25 $12

$5 AJMAN | Postal History 3102 *F B 1965 use of 50np London Exhibition, 10np J F Kennedy & 3np camel, cancelled with light cancel of 6JUN, on Ajman Govt post $6 office air mail cover to USA, some discolouration & light creasing. $4


ALBANIA | Koritza $6 3103 W A- B1 1917 Shqipèrié Vetqeveritare Mi #8, 25c blue & black, Cat €20, couple of small tone spots. $4 ALGERIA | Maximum Cards 1946 PPC view of the Summer Palace with 15f (SG #206) tied 3104 *F A $4 by Palace cds 6 2 46, fine early maxim card. ANTIGUA $20 3105 * 3106 * $5 3107 ** 3108 * $15 $5

A A1 A A1 A A

1913 KGV High Value SG #51, 5/- grey-green & violet, Cat £95. 1921-29 KGV SG #60 5/- green & red/pale yellow. 1937 Coronation SG #96-7, 1½d & 2½d sheet number singles. 1972 Ships Wmk Upright SG #323-34 set of 12, some hinge rems, Cat £26.

ANTIGUA | Booklets 3109 B** A 1977 Silver Jubilee SG #SB2.


$22 $5 $9


$25 $90 $7 $5 $10 $4

$5 ANTIGUA | Postal History 3110 *F A 1943 use of stampless OHMS registered cover to USA, cancelled with double-circle ‘ST. JOHNS/A/MY8/43/ANTIGUA’ $5 (A1), triple-oval ‘[G]ENERAL POST OFFICE/ANTIGUA’ (B2) at base. $13 $70 ARGENTINA $19 3111 ** A 1899 Post & Telegraph proof of un-issued 50p red on thick card. $30 $2 ASCENSION $5 3112 * A B1 1924-33 Badge SG #10 1d green & black. $4 3113 * A- B1 - SG #17, 8d grey-black & bright violet, odd light toned perf, Cat $48 £18. $6 3114 * A- B1 - SG #18, 1/- grey-black & brown, odd light toned perf, Cat £18. $6 3115 * A 1934 KGV Pictorials SG #21-30, complete set of 10, Cat £120. $80 $20 3116 * A B1 1948 Silver Wedding SG #51, 10/- bright purple, Cat £55. $10 3117 ** A A1 1981-82 Flowers SG #282A-96A, complete set without imprint $40 dates, Cat £17. (15) $19 3118 ** A 1985 Queen Mother SG #376-80, complete set with M/S. $3 $5 3119 ** A 1989 Land Crabs SG #487-90 set of 4. $3 $6 AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC TERRITORY 1966-68 Decimal Currency SG #8-18, set of 11, Cat £38, most $6 3120 **/* A units ** including $1. $24 $12 AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC TERRITORY | Postal History 1958 illustrated Wesley cover with 4d Christmas tied by fine $16 3121 *F A Davis cds 6FE58. $25 $6 AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC TERRITORY | Postmarks 3122 * A B1 Wilkes: ‘WILKES/A.N.A.R.E/1FE59/AUST. ANTARCTIC TERR.’ on illustrated Wesley cover with 3½d ANARE pair, also bearing $12 ‘AUST. ANTARCTIC TERR./[seal]/OPENING OF/WILKES POST OFFICE’ (A1) cachet in purple, neat typed address. $16 $5 AUSTRIA $5 3123 F A 1850 Arms Hand-Made Paper SG #1ca, 1K yellow type III 4 margins, Cat £65. $40 3124 F A 1854 Arms Machine Paper SG #8, 3k red type III 4 margins. $3 $2 3125 F A - SG #9, 6k brown thick paper 4-margins. $6 3126 F A B1 1860-61 SG #37, 15kr blue. $3 $80 3127 V A C1 1863 Arms Perf 14 SG #40, 3k green, Cat £120. $80 3128 F A A1 - SG #43, 15k brown, Cat £27. $22 $5 3129 F A- A1 1874-80 Franz Josef Fine Type SG #65, 25k brownish grey, Cat £275, minor soiling. $100 $2 3130 F A 1896 New Colours SG #105, 1g lilac P12½. $4 3131 ** A B1 1948-51 Traditional Costumes SG #1126, 1s red with $2 horizontal gum lines, Cat £50. $32 3132 F A 1851-56 Imperf Newspaper SG #N11b, (0.6k) blue Type II, 4margins, Cat £160. $140 $25

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 AUSTRIA | Postal History 3133 *F A1854 use of 4-margins (2 close) 9k blue (SG #10) on entire from Wien, fine ‘KUTTENBERG/16/5/’ (Czechoslovakia) arrival. 1862 stampless entire, cancelled with ‘BÖHM:KAMNITZ/9/_/11’ 3134 *F B (A1-), to Wohlen, Switzerland, with ‘RODENBACH/9/11’ (B1), ‘AARAU/11/NOV62/??’ (C2) & ‘WOHLEN/22/NOV62/+’ (B1). AUSTRIA | Postmarks 3135 S A A2 Wien 79 (Simmering): type 399 11/1 of 2.10.92 on 3k. AUSTRIAN POST OFFICES IN THE TURKISH EMPIRE | Postal History 3136 *F A 1911 use of 1p blue on blue cancelled with double-circle ‘CONSTANTINOPEL II/b 4 X 11/OSTERR. POST’ on commercial cover to New York. BAHAMAS 3137 * A B1 3138 ** A

1938-52 KGVI Definitives SG #149-154c, ½d green, 1d grey, 1½d red-brown, 2d scarlet, 2½d ultramarine, 2½d violet, 3d blue & 10d yellow-orange, Cat £14. 1985 CHOGM, Nassau SG #718-9, set of 2 with lower margin.

BAHAMAS | Postal History 1954 use of black/red Avis de Réception card with boxed ‘AIR 3139 *F B MAIL’ handstamp applied, locally used at Nassau, usual faults from being staples to original article. BAHAMAS | Postmarks 3140 S A A2 Wemyss Bight: double-circle ‘WEMYSS [B]IGHT/27NOV13/[— ·—]’ on ½d green KEVII. [Rated 80 by Proud] BAHRAIN 3141 * A B1 BARBADOS 3142 * A C1 3143 V 3144 F 3145 F 3146 **

A B1 A A1 A A

3147 ** A

1938-41 KGVI SG #22, 9p green, hinge remainder, Cat £16. 1909-10 New Colours SG #168, 6d dull & bright purple, few lightly toned perfs, Cat £25. - SG #169, 1/- black/green, Cat £19. 1912-16 KGV Seal of Colony SG #173, 2d grey, Cat £22. 1916-19 Seal of Colony SG #181-4, ¼d to 2d, Cat £35. 1953-61 QEII Pictorials SG #294-6b, 6c, 8c & 12c turquoiseblue & bronze-green (perf faults at left), all plate ‘1’ singles, Cat £20+ as normals. 1985 Queen Mother SG #779-83 set & M/Sheet. (5)

BARBADOS | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3148 PS A 1892-93 HG #9, 1d carmine, cancelled with ‘BARBADOS/6JA06 230PM/G.P.O.’ (A2). BARBADOS | Postal History 1920 use of 2d blue KGV & Arms Registered letter envelope, 3149 *F C H&G #C11, cancelled with poor cds of 4FE20, uprated with 1d red Seal x2 & 1d red ‘WAR TAX’ & bearing blue registration label, to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, backstamped with light ‘HALIFAX N.S./FE12/20/CANADA’ (C1), o/o for viewing, heavy vertical crease & generally a bit grubby. 3150 *F A1944 use of 4d P13½x13, & 1/-, on air cover to Canada, ‘P.C. 90/ OPENED BY/EXAMINER H/29’ tape at left. BARBUDA | Booklets 3151 B** A 1977 Silver Jubilee SG #SB1. BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE 3152 * A- B1 1897 ‘BRITISH/BECHUANALAND’ On COGH SG #58, ½d yellow-green, opt 10mm apart, small gum adhesions, Cat £19. BELGIUM 3153 F A 3154 * A A1 3155 ** A 3156 * A A1

1851-54 Medallions Unframed LL Wmk SG #8, 40c rosecarmine, normal paper, 4 margins, cancelled with ‘7’ of Ath 1931-32 Albert I SG #591, 10f lilac-carmine, Cat £130. 2006 Tourism, Wallonia SG #4007-11, M/sheet. 1933 Postpacket Mail SG #B645, 4Fr on 6Fr dark lilac.

BELGIUM | Postage Dues 3157 ** A A1 1946-53 Numerals on White Background SG #D1154, 8f dark lilac-rose. BELIZE 3158 ** A 3159 ** A BERMUDA 3160 ** A

1985 Coat of Arms 3rd Series SG #499-502, set of 4.

BERMUDA | Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes 3161 PS A 1950 KGVI HG #FG3, 6d black clear space has flat top. BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 3162 F A A1 1879-1900 Numerals At Top SG #104c, ½k black Type E P10½, Cat £39, 1897 Sarajevo cancel. 3163 F A 1900-01 Numerals At Bottom Perf 12½ SG #148-64, 1h to 5k excl 20h & 40h. 3164 V A B1 1900-01 Numerals At Bottom Perf 10½ SG #171, 10h pink. 3165 V A B1 1906 Pictorials Perf 13½ SG #190H, 6h brown, Cat £22. BRAZIL 3166 F A- B1 3167 ** A

BRITISH ANTARCTIC TERRITORY 3168 ** A 1971 Decimal Currency SG #24-37, complete set in marginal singles, Cat £95. $100 $12 $16

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH OCCUPATION FORCES (BCOF) 3169 F A- C1 ACSC #J5, 1/- block of 4, commercially used with indistinct cancel, regn pencil line on 2 units, Cat $100+.

$5 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH OCCUPATION FORCES (BCOF) | Postal History 1946 use of 3d dark brown BCOF opt, cancelled with 3170 *F A ‘NO.8.AUST BASE P.O./7OC46/C’ (A1, Kure, Japan) on plain cover by air to Melbourne, Vic. 3171 *F A 1953 Air Mail cover to Victoria with ½d roo pair tied by ‘NO.8.AUST BASE.P.O./29NO53/C’ (A1 - Kure, Japan). $16 BRITISH EAST AFRICA 3172 * A 1890-95 SG #4b,5b,6,9,11a,12,14, ½a deep brown, 1a deep blue-green, 2a vermilion, 1a yellow-brown, 4½a brown-purple, 8a blue & 1r carmine, Cat £20. Plus 1895 5a & 7½a. (9) $6 1890-95 Light and Liberty SG #16-9, forgeries of 2r, 3r & 4r $5 3173 */U mint and 2r & 5r used. (5) 3174 * A 1895 Opts on India SG #49-50, ½d & 1d, Cat £13.50. 3175 */W A/A1896-1901 SG #66-7,69-72, 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 4½a & 5a, 1a & 4a mint rest MNG, Cat £65. (6) $16 BRITISH GUIANA 3176 V A B1 1934-51 Pictorials SG #292, 6c deep ultramarine. $12 BRITISH GUIANA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 3177 PS A 1955 HG #B11, 4c violet, dated 4FEB1957.

1878-79 SG #65, 700r red-brown, Cat £90, very lightly used, several hinge fragments. 1980-85 Definitives SG #1828a,1829a,1834, 120cr Rice, 150cr Eucalyptus & 2000cr Sunflower.


$16 $30

$15 $10 $8 $20 $6 $8

$6 BRITISH GUIANA | Postmarks 3178 S A B3 Cotton Tree: squared-circle ‘COTTON TREE/8SEP/[?]/[?]’, on 1882 1c slate. [Rated 300 by Proud - used 1885-87.] 3179 S A B2 T.P.O. Pomeroon: ‘[T.P.]O POMMEROO[N]/20/JAN/14/[?]’ on $10 2c carmine. $15 $15 BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY 1990 Stamp World London SG #102-5, set of 4, Cat £25. $30 3180 ** A 3181 ** A 1993 Christmas SG #141-4, set of 4.

$22 $4

$8 BRITISH OCCUPATION OF ITALIAN COLONIES | Eritrea 1950 Surcharges SG #E13-22,26-7, set to 1/- plus 5c on ½d $7 3182 * A pale orange & 10c on 1d light ultramarine, Cat £17. (12)


BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS 1867 Superimposed Frames SG #18, 1/- black & rose-carmine $10 3183 F A forgery of, with dotted grid cancel.


BRUNEI 3184 *


3185 * A B1 3186 V A A2 $26 $13 $5


3187 *


3188 F A 3189 **/* A B1 3190 * A B1 3191 ** A 3192 ** A

$24 BULGARIA $55 3193 ** A C1 $6 3194 * A- A1 $35


3195 * A A1 3196 ** A A1 3197 **/* A B1

1977 Birds SG #458, M/S. 2006 50th Anniv. Europa Stamp SG #1336, M/sheet, Cat £12.

Page 41

$12 $10 $7 $16

$20 $4 $7 $14

3198 ** A- B1 3199 ** A B1 3200 ** A B1 BURKINA FASO 3201 ** A 3202 ** A BURMA 3203 * 3204 *

A A A1

1907-10 Bi-Colour Native Houses SG #24-6, 2c, 3c & 4c, Cat £20. 1924-37 Native Houses SG #71, 8c ultramarine. 1924-37 New Colours and Values Wmk Muli Script CA SG #73, 10c purple/yellow, Cat £27. 1947-51 New Colours and Values SG #79-90, simplified set to $1, 2c faulty, Cat £20. (12) - SG #79-90, simplified set to $1 with both 10c perfs, ex 3c, Cat £25. (11) 1949 UPU SG #96-9, set of 4, 8c MVLH. 1952-59 Definitives SG #112-3, $2 & $5, Cat £42.50. 1964-72 Sultan Omar Ali Salfuddin SG #120a,128b, 3c & 50c both glazed paper, both plate ‘1’ singles, Cat £21 as normal. - SG #120a-7ab glazed paper marginal singles, 4c, 6c, 8c black & crimson-lake, 10c black & sepia, 12, 15c & 25c black & reddish violet, Cat £35.

$10 $5

$12 $5 $20 $10 $20 $5 $15 $20 $30

1892 Overprint SG #61, 15s on 30s brown block of 4, Cat £220. 1901 Prince Ferdinand SG #116, 30s black & bistre-brown right marginal block of 4, Cat £196, right selvedge folded under & stuck to back. 1909 Lion Overprints SG #146, 1s dull mauve block of 4. 1911 Ferdinand I & Pictorials SG #168, 1l dark brown, type I (design 19mm wide), vertical pair, Cat £40 1920 Ivan Vazov SG #220-5, complete set of 6, in blocks of 4, Cat £36. 1929 Portraits SG #287-96, complete set of 10, Cat £33, 15s has rounded BRC, 6l has vertical crease. 1935 Turnovo Insurrection SG #349-50, set of 2 in TRC blocks of 4, Cat £26. 1939 Yunak Gymnists Society SG #424-8, complete set of 5, Cat £19.


1985 Philex Africa ‘85, Lome SG #764-5, gutter pair. 1989 20th Anniv. Du Fespaco SG #964-7, set of 4, Cat £19.95.

$3 $16

1937 Burma Overprints on India KGV SG #2-8, 1a red to 3a6p, Cat £18. (7) 1937 Burma Overprints SG #14, 2r carmine & orange, Cat £48.

$10 $35

BURMA | Military - World War II Period 3205 *F A 1945 use of stampless OAS cover, cancelled with ‘F.P.O./NO $32 209/ APR45’ (B2 - Ramree Island), to Bombay, violet ‘UNIT CENSOR/K 18’ (B1) on face. $4

$40 $5 $16 $13 $10 $10 $10


Page 42

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016

BURMA | Postmarks 3206 * B B2 Kyaikpi: double-circle ‘KYAIKPI/20SEP33/+’ cancelling 3a blue Registration Envelope (H&G #C5) uprated with 3a blue KGV, with Kyaikpi reg label, some mild damage to BRC, mild tone spotting & creased BLC. [Rated 120 by Proud] PO 14/4/90; closed 3207 * B A1-

3208 * A B2 3209 * A- B1 3210 * B B1

CANADA 3211 W B C1 3212 W A 3213 G 3214 F 3215 * 3216 *

A C1 A A1 A B1 B B1

3217 F C B1 3218 *

A- B1


Padigon: double-circle ‘PADIGON/B.O./10JLY34/+PROME+’, Proud #D4, on plain cover with 4a sage-green, 1a brown & 3p slate, cancelled with poor Rangoon registered & Rangoon reg label, slightly reduced, some mild water staining. [Rated 100 by Proud] PO 1/3/1902; closed 1942 T.P.O.: ‘R.1.IN/SET NO3/[JA11]’ (1910) on ½a KEVII on cover to Rangoon. - ‘R.2.IN/SET NO2/DEC8’ (1923)’ on ½a strip of 3 on cover to Rangoon. Zigon: double-circle ‘ZIGON/6JUN21/+’, cancelling 1a carmine & ½a green x4 KGV, on plain cover with Zigon registration label, with Kothamangalam arrival of 17JUN21, reduced with several small tears. [Rated 100 by Proud] PO 1882; closed 1942 1879 Officially Sealed yellow-brown P12, Uni-Safe #OX1, Cat $70 for no cancel, creased as usual, small thin. 1920s Semi Official Airmail Imperf 5c British Columbia Airways Limited label, mint no gum. 1859 Decimal Currency SG #32, 5c deep red, Cat £13. 1897 Jubilee Issue SG #125, 2c deep green, Cat £11. - SG #131, 10c purple, Cat £80 1908 Quebec Tercentenary SG #192 7c olive-green, selvedge adherance. 1912-21 KGV Perf 12 x Imperf SG #218, 2c deep rose-red, Cat £20, extensive thin. 1932 Air Ottawa Conference Opt SG #318, 6c on 5c deep brown Air pair, Cat £20, some toning.

CANADA | Postal History 3219 *V A 1910 use of stampless Dominion of Canada, Central Experimental Farm, OHMS cover, cancelled with ‘OTTAWA/18/ AP5/10/CANADA/FREE’ (A1-), to Ardmore, Pennsylvania. 3220 *F A 1949 use of 4c red & 3c mauve KGVI with perf ‘OH/MS’, cancelled with ‘SASKATOON, SASK./NOV24/730PM/1949/ CANADA’ (A1) machine, on Dept of Agriculture, Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Office cover sent by airmail to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. CANADA | Military Postmarks 3221 * A A1- F.P.O. ‘F.P.O. S.C.3/AM/MY25/43/2’, on GB 2½d blue KGVI, on cover to Cheshire, England. [Rated 75 by Proud]

CHRISTMAS ISLAND | Philatelic Numismatic Covers 3237 * A 2011 Year of the Rabbit - RPSV Bourse Overprint limited to 250, rubber band crease on plastic pocket.


CHRISTMAS ISLAND | Postal History 1979 use of 1977 20c Definitive on cover to Australia, cancelled $10 3238 *F Awith triple-circle ‘CHRISTMAS ISLAND/INDIAN/6-8MAY1979-6/ OCEAN’, to Australia, MM5.


COCOS ISLANDS | First Day Covers 1965 5d Anzac tied to illustrated Wesley FDC by Cocos cds 3239 *F A 14AP65, unaddressed.


$5 COCOS ISLANDS | Postal History 3240 *F A 1984 Wapex 84 Barrel Mail illustrated Barrel Mail FDC carried $10 on Tin Can / Barrel mail for WAPEX 84 with appropriate cachets.


COMORO ISLANDS 3241 ** A 1985 Philex Africa ‘85, Lome SG #555-6, 200fr gutter pair. $12 3242 ** A 1985 Sea Shells SG #566-70, set of 5, Cat £14.25.

$4 $12

COMORO ISLANDS - Independent 3243 ** A 1977 Paris New York Opt Sc #283, silver opt on 200f UN stamp, $32 Zeppelin & Concord sheetlet of.



$20 CONGO (former French Congo) $6 3244 ** A A1 1978 WWF Sc #457, 200f Hippopotamus, block of 6, Cat $40. $4 3245 ** A A1 - Sc #458, 300f Buffon’s Kob, block of 6, Cat $75. $60 3246 ** A A1 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympics Sc #C264, 350f Downhill Skiing, corner block of 9, Cat $20. $10 COOK ISLANDS 3247 * A C1 1931 Surcharges SG #93, 2d on 1½d no wmk pair, Cat £19. $4 3248 * A B1 1938-43 Wmk Single NZ/Star SG #127, 1/- black & violet KGVI. 3249 ** A 1946 Peace SG #146-9, 1d plate ‘1 block of 4, 2d plate ‘1 block $5 of 4, 6d imprint block of 4 & 8d imprint block of 6. 3250 * A 1949-61 Pictorial SG #150-59, set of 10, Cat £48. $40

CROATIA | Postal History 1992 use of stampless cover to Petrinja Station, cancelled with 3251 *F A double-circle ‘UNITED NATIONS - UNIES/1992-06-09/ UNPROFOR’ (A2), double-circle ‘GENERAL SERVICE/ UNPROFOR/THQ ZAGREB/SUPPLY UNIT’ (A2) on face.

CYPRUS $32 3252 * A- C1 $10

CANADA | Postmarks 3222 * A A2 Ponds Inlet: violet unframed ‘PONDS INLET BAFFIN ISLAND/ AU22/33/N.T.’ alongside 1c green KGV strip of 3 on cover to England.


CAPE OF GOOD HOPE | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 3223 PS A1892 QV HG #3, 2½d olive-green, cancelled with 1894 use from Port Elizabeth to London.


3253 W 3254 F 3255 F 3256 F

A C1 A B1 A A1 A B1

3257 F A A1 3258 F A B1 3259 *

A A A1 A A1 A A1 A A1 A A1

CAYMAN ISLANDS 3224 * A A1 1905 Wmk Multi Crown/CA SG #9, 1d carmine, Cat £14. 3225 ** A- A1 1912-20 KGV SG #40, ¼d brown gutter block of 14 (2x7), gum a little aged, Cat £14. 3226 ** A 1989 Architecture SG #686-90, set of 5.

$15 $7

3260 F 3261 ** 3262 ** 3263 ** 3264 **

CEYLON 3227 ** A A1


3265 **/* A A1


3266 ** A A1 3267 ** A A1

1950 Pictorials SG #415, 15c block of 6, Cat £15.

CEYLON | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3228 PS A 1982 National Stamp Exhibition 35c red on grey stock, unused. CEYLON | Postal History 3229 * A 1949 use of 25c & 50c on air cover from Colombo to NZ, black Ceylon ‘FTS’-in-circle, NZ 6d To pay handstamp, both on face with 6d adhesive paying tax. CHAD 3230 ** A

1985 Philex Africa ‘85, Lome SG #777-8, 200fr gutter pair.

CHINA 3231 ** A 3232 ** A


CYRENAICA 3268 * A 3269 * A/A$20

1880 Overprints SG #2, 1d red plate 215, Cat £16, creased corner. - SG #2, 1d red plate 217, MNG, Cat £22. 1881 Wmk Crown/CC SG #12, 1pi rose, Cat £32. - SG #13, 2pi blue, Cat £35. 1886 Surcharges SG #29, ‘½’s 8mm apart, Cat £15, fine ‘982’ of Famagusta. 1904-10 KEVII Wmk Multi Crown/CA SG #68 9pi brown and carmine. 1912-15 KGV Wmk Multi Crown/CA SG #74-8, short set to 2pi, Cat £10, includes 10pa orange-yellow & bright green & ½pi yellow-green & carmine shades. (7) 1928 British Rule Anniv SG #123-7,129, ¾pi to 9pi, ex 6pi, Cat £37. 1955 QEII Pictorials SG #173-87 set. (15) 1962 Definitives SG #222, 500M, Cat £19. 1963 Europa Tree SG #224-6, set of 3, Cat £25. 1965 Europa Sprig SG #269, 150M TLC vertical pair, Cat £18. 1967 Europa Cogwheels SG #302-4, set of 3 Imprint blocks of 4, Cat £10+. 1968 WHO Anniversary SG #323, marginal blocks of 2, 4 & 9 (hinged in margins only) showing varieties V1, V3 & V4, descriptions of which are not supplied. 1976 Olympic Games, Montreal SG #471-3, set of 3. 1977 Silver Jubilee SG #485, 120M Damaged V of SILVER. 1926 Propaganda SG #30-5, set of 6. 1950 Mounted Warrior SG #136-43, 1m to 12m, ex 10m, odd minor tone, Cat £30. (7)

CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1938 Prague Stamp Exhibition SG #388a, Miniature sheet with $5 3270 V A Exhibition cancel 1 VII 38 in blue, 3271 ** A 1989 Poisonous Fungi SG #2992-6, set of 5 in strips of 3, Cat $70 £12.75.

$16 $30 $9 $15 $4 $10 $20


$6 $14 $27 $30 $12 $8 $5 $30 $65 $15 $20 $14 $8 $5 $3 $5 $4 $15


1961 Labour Day SG #2166-67 set, Cat £92 (2) $10 1971 30th Anniversary of Albanian Workers Party SG #247073 set, Cat £140. (4) $170 CZECHOSLOVAKIA | Postal History 1853 use of stampless entire to Konninggratz, cancelled with 3272 *F A 3233 ** A 1973 Childrens Day SG #2507a se-tenant strip of 5 from the top octagonal ‘PRAG/15/4/5U.’ (B1) & framed ‘B·S· of sheet with marginal inscription, Cat £65. $75 KARLSPLATZ/15/4/V’ (A1). $10 CHINA | Postal History 3273 *F A1962 use of 1k purple pair, cancelled with double-circle 1940s use of 1942-45 Sun Yat-Sen $2 & $5 on China Inland 3234 *F A‘PRAHA06/30V62-10/g/’ (A1) on long registered Ambassade de Mission, Huangyen, cover to New Zealand, black on blue ‘Par la Republique d’Irak cover to London, GB, with registration label Avion’ label on face, endorsed “Chungking/to/Calcutta/and & straight-line ‘Doporucene’ (A1), some edge wear. $6 onward by/Surface Transport”, bi-lingual back-stamp of CZECHOSLOVAKIA | Military World War I Period ‘/18.4.33|17/KWEILIN’ (A2). $80 3274 *F A 1919(C.) use of large stampless envelope, cancelled with ‘3 3235 *F B 1956 use of 50f grey & 20f blue, cancelled with bilingual POLNI POSTA 3/CESKO-/SLOVENSKE/VOJSKO/NA RUSI/ ‘/’ on illustrated cover from Chinese [posthorn]/POSTE/MILITAIRE’ (A2), to Lieut. of health service, Observers in North Korea to Moscow by air, with bilingual 2nd batt., 1st regt of Janhus. [Czech Legion] $100 triangular ‘/13’ (A1) in red, backstamped with Cyrillic Moscow 7, reduced at right, some light creasing. $80 CHRISTMAS ISLAND 3236 ** A 1985 Christmas SG #207-11, strip of 5.


Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 3275 *F A-

1919c printed Pictorial military card feat. the flag of the 1st Shooting Company, cancelled with triple-circle ‘POLNI POSTA/ CESKO-/SLOVENSKE/VOJSKO/NA RUSI/[posthorn]/2/POSTA/ MILITAIRE/2’ (A2) & also bearing double-circle ‘7. STRELECKY TATRANSKY PLUK/1L/rota/*’ (A1) of the 7th Shooting Regt at Tomsk. in purple, to another soldier in 6th Czech Regt, 3rd Machine Gun company, some light toning. [Czech Legion, soldier to soldier.]

CZECHOSLOVAKIA | Postmarks 3276 S A A2+ Brünn Bahnhof: framed ‘[BR]ÜNN/17/5/76/[B]AHNHOF’ on 1867 2kr yellow. 3277 S A A2 Lobositz: framed ‘[L]OBOSITZ/30/5/75’ on 1874 5kr rose. DANISH WEST INDIES 3278 F A C2 1873-1902 Bi-Colours Perf 14x13½ SG #11, 1c brown-lake & yellowish green Frame inverted, Cat £22. 3279 G B C2 - SG #17, 4c blue & yellow-brown, Cat £190, a few short perfs & minor creases. DANZIG 3280 * A 3281 ** A 3282 ** A 3283 ** A

1922 Arms SG #94a,94ba,95a, set of 3 wmk sideways, Cat £19. 1924-38 Definitives SG #178a,179a,179e, 5p orange, 10p green & 10p blue-green, all with interrupted perfs, Cat £91. 1925 Buildings - New Colours SG #205-6, 1g black & orange & 2d black & carmine, Cat £29. 1938-39 Air SG #263-6, set of 4, Cat £12.

DANZIG | Postage Dues 3284 ** A 1938-39 Wmk Swastikas SG #D263-7, set of 5, Cat £33. DENMARK 3285 F A 3286 F A 3287 F A 3288 W C 3289 F A 3290 F A 3291 * A 3292 ** A

1851-54 Ferslew Printings SG #2, 4RBS chocolate-brown, 4margins, Cat £70. 1854-59 Spotted Spandrels SG #7, 2s blue 4-margins, Cat £85. - SG #9a, 4s orange-brown Type I, 4-margins, Cat £18, with ‘121’ of Kiel. 1854 New Currency SG #10a, 4s orange-brown type II, 3 touching margins, Cat £350. 1854-59 Spotted Spandrels SG #11, 4s orange-brown Type III, 4-margins, Cat £17. ‘51’ of Odense. 1854 Imperf SG #12, 4s green four margins good to close, Cat £100. 1858 Wavy Line Spandrels SG #15, 4s orange-brown, 4margins, Cat £17, cancelled with 1860s ‘SJ.P.SP.B./30/6/1TOG 34’ TPO duplex on cover to Randers 2006 New Carlsberg Glyptotek Centenary SG #1467, M/ sheet.

DENMARK | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 3293 PS C 1865-72 No ‘s’ in Value HG #B3, 2s ultramarine with large ‘2’, a bit spotty, couple of creases and small tear. DJIBOUTI - Republic 3294 ** A 1989 Philex France ‘89 SG #1038, 120fr strip of 3. DOMINICA 3295 ** A 3296 ** A 3297 ** A 3298 ** A 3299 ** A

1984 Shipping SG #890-4, set of 4 plus M/S, Cat £14. 1985 International Youth Year SG #957, $5 M/sheet x3. 1989 Butterflies SG #1255-62, set of 8, Cat £10.75. 1989 Walt Disney Characters SG #1316-7, set of 2 $5 M/sheet. 1989 Christmas SG #1325, set of 2 $5 M/sheets.

EAST AFRICA & UGANDA | Postal History 1918 use of 6c red KGV (SG 46) on cover to UK cancelled with 3300 *F A poor Jinja of 11DE/18. ECUADOR 3301 ** A 3302 ** A 3303 ** A EGYPT 3304 W B D2 3305 U A 3306 U A/A3307 */W A 3308 * A 3309 ** A B1 3310 F 3311 * 3312 * 3313 *

A B1 A A A- A1

3314 * A- B1 3315 */W A 3316 * A 3317 ** A

1985 Valdez Sugar Refinery Centenary SG #1936-7, 50s & 100s. 1985 50th Anniv. of Ecuador Philatelic Assoc. Bicentenary of French Revolution SG #1942-3, set of 2 in strips of 3. 2005 Galapagos Islands SG #2759, $2 Imperf. M/sheet, Cat £11.50. 1866 SG #1, 5pa grey, MNG, small tear, Cat £60. 1867-71 SG #11-15, 5pa to 2pi, 20pa is yellowish green, incl both shades of 10pa, Cat £59. (6) 1872-75 simplified set 5pa (inverted frame) to 5pi, Cat £30+. (7) 1878 Surcharges SG #42-3, pair (10pa MNG), Cat £17. 1925 Geographical Congress SG #123-5, set of 3, Cat £50. 1925 Int. Geographical Congress SG #124, 10m rosecarmine, Cat £14. 1929 Air SG #133, 27m brown. 1926 Surcharges SG #135-7, set of 3. 1926 Navigation Congress SG #138-40, set of 3. 1926 Port Fouad SG #142, 10m Ship, some light toning, Cat £325. - SG #143, 15m Ship, minor tonespots, Cat £325. 1933 Railway Congress SG #189-92, set of 4, 15m & 20m MNG, Cat £70. 1933 Aviation Congress SG #214-8, set of 5, Cat £90. 1985-88 Definitives SG #1568,1571-2, 15p, 25p & 30p.

Page 43

EGYPT | Postal History 3318 *F A 1916 use of long OHMS cover with ‘FREE’ handstamp, cancelled with bilingual double-circle ‘SIDI GABER/26V16.6PM/’, to Alexandria, with triple-oval ‘SUPPLY OFFICE, MUSTA??A/26MAY.1916/ALEXANDRIA’ (A1-). 1929 use of 1927-37 15m blue Fuad, cancelled with bi-lingual ‘/ 3319 *F A 10OC29.12/ALEXANDRIA’ (B1), double-circle ‘BAGDAD/SOR./ 16OCT29/’ (B1) transit, poor Isfahan arrival, contents included. $110 EL SALVADOR 3320 ** A

$10 $10

2005 10th Central American Students’ Games SG #2693, 4col M/sheet x3.


EL SALVADOR | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3321 PS A 1896 HG #36, 1c blue Arms on yellowish, uprated with 5c, philatelic use to Germany, cancelled with 1896 Santa Ana duplex, ‘TRANSITO/26/FEB/96/PANAMA’ transit on face. $10


$5 $10

$24 ERITREA 3322 * A $15

3323 U A

1922 Surcharges on Somaliland SG #57-8, 2c on 1b & 5c on 2b, Cat £16. 1933 Pictorials SG #199-206, set to 2L, Cat £19. (8)

$10 $15

$70 FALKLAND ISLANDS 3324 F A B1 1885 QV Wmk Crown CA (Sideways) SG #10x, 4d grey-black Wmk inverted, Cat £150. $120 $25 1904-12 KEVII SG #41-6,48, ½d to 2½d & 1/-, Cat £108. (5) $80 $10 3325 * A 3326 * A 1912-20 KGV Wmk MCA SG #60-65, ½d to 1/-, 2½d is line perf 14, Cat £120. $90 $30 3327 * A A1 1912-20 Wmk Mult Crown/CA SG #66, 3/- slate-green, Cat £95. $80 3328 * A 1921-28 Wmk Mult Script CA SG #73,75-8, ½d, 2d, 2½d & 6d, Cat £40+. $30 $60 3329 * A 1929-37 Penguin & Whale SG #116-21, ½d to 6d, Cat £38. (6) $30 3330 V A 1975 New Coinage SG #316-20, set of 5, CTO. $4 $75 3331 ** A 1984 Nature Conservation SG #492-5, set of 4. $4 3332 ** A 1985 Early Naturalists SG #514-7, set of 4. $3 $15 FALKLANDS DEPENDENCIES to 1956 $40 3333 V A 1949 UPU SG #G21-24, set of 4, Cat £10. $6 $16 FALKLANDS DEPENDENCIES 1980-85 3334 ** A 1985 Queen Mother SG #129-33 set & M/Sheet. (5) $8 $40 FAROE ISLANDS 3335 ** A 1975-88 Complete SG #6-173, incl M/S on Leuchturn hingeless pages, all checked stamps were MUH, Cat £250+. $100 $50 3336 ** A 1989 Folk Costumes SG #179-80, 350o & 600o. $3 $3 FIJI 3337 * A- C1 1872 ‘CR’ Surcharges SG #13a, 2c on 1d deep blue, small thin, Cat £55. $20 $50 $32 3338 * A- B1 - SG #14, 6c on 3d, gum a bit aged, Cat £85. 3339 F A C1 1876-77 ‘VR’ Underprint on Laid Paper SG #33a, 6d carminerose, Cat £42. $30 $6 3340 * A B2 1878-99 ‘CR’ Altered to ‘VR’ Perf 12½ SG #35 1d pale ultamarine, Cat £18. $15 3341 * A B2 - SG #36, ‘Two Pence’ on 3d green, rough perfs, Cat £12. $6 $10 3342 * A C1 1881-99 1/- Brown SG #66, pale brown shade P11, Cat £55. $24 $7 3343 V A B2 1922-29 KGV Die II Wmk Multi Script CA SG #235, 4d black & $8 red/lemon. $5 $6 3344 V A B1 1938-55 KGVI Pictorials SG #252, 1½d carmine Die II, P13½. $3 $6 3345 ** A A1 - SG #255a 2d green and magenta P12 Imprint and Plate No1 block of 6. $20 3346 ** A A1 1951 Health SG #276, 1d+1d brown, in bottom of sheet block of 10, with Bradbury, Wilkinson imprint & plate number ‘1’. $5 $8 3347 ** A A1 - SG #276, 1d+1d brown, in bottom of sheet block of 10, with Bradbury, Wilkinson imprint & plate number ‘1a’. $5 3348 ** A A1 1953 QEII Coronation 2½d black & green corner imprint block of 8, Cat £16. $12 $4 3349 F A A1 - 2½d black & green corner Plate Number ‘1A3A’ block of 4. $8 $5 3350 * A A1 1971-72 Birds & Flowers SG #435-50, complete set, Cat £38. (16) $10 1989 World Cup Soccer 1990 SG #798-801, set of 4. $6 $10 3351 ** A FIJI | First Day Covers * 1953 Royal Visit illustrated FDC with QE II 8d Royal Visit tied $5 3352 F A by Suva cds 16DE53. $15 * 1949 UPU plain Costello cover with set in plate & imprint blocks $40 3353 F A of 4, 2d & 1/6d plate ‘1’ and 3d & 8d plate 1a tied by Lautoka cds $20 10OC49, small edge fault. Unusual. $30 $10 $40 FIJI | Postmarks 3354 D A A2 Ba: ‘BA/14FEB31/FIJI’ (Proud #D3, wide ‘A’) on 1d violet KGV $8 x2. PO c.1871. $4 $3 3355 D A B2 Kabara (2): 2 strikes of ‘KABARA/4JUN57/FIJI’, on 1d QEII $3 triple. PO 8/9/1949. $5 $4 3356 S A A2 Loma Loma (1): straight-line ‘LOMA L[OMA]’ on 1d dull purple & black on red KEVII. PO c.1872; closed c.1908. $8 $150 3357 D A A2 - straight-line ‘[L]OMA LOMA’ on 1d red KEVII overstamped with $150 ‘G.P.O. SUVA/14/AUG/08/FIJI’ (A2-). [Rated 100 by Proud] $10 3358 S A B1 Moala: straight-line ‘MOALA’ on 1d red KGV. [Rated 100 by $10 Proud] PO c.1871; renamed Naroi PO 6/2/1953. $24 $60 3359 * A- A1- Nadroga: ‘P.O. NADROGA/24AUG51/FIJI’, on 1d brown & blue $7 KGVI Pictorial, tiny closed tear at right, some light toning. [Rated 300 by Proud] PO c.1890; renamed Sigatoka PO c.-/6/1968. $20 3360 S A- B1 Naidiri (2): 22mm straight-line ‘NAIDIRI’, on 2½d Map. [Rated 40 by Proud] PO 1/7/1919. $30

Page 44 3361 * B B1 3362 * A A1 3363 S A A13364 S A- A2 3365 S A- B2 FINLAND 3366 F A C1 FRANCE 3367 * B C2 3368 F A A1

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 Rotuma: ‘ROTUMA/9DE46/FIJI’ on 2½d Map on pre-addressed cover (a little spotty) for the Native Land Trust Board, folded from inclusion with original letter. [Rated 100 by Proud.] PO c.1894. Savu Savu (2): ‘SAVU SAVU/9OC70.9/FIJI’ on 2c green QEII envelope, for Jackson. Renamed from Savu Savu PO c.1890. Tavuki: straight-line ‘TAVUKI’ on KEVII 1d red with light Suva 1909 cds. [Rated 150] Renamed from Kadavu West PO c.1905; replaced by Vunisea PO 18/2/1910.

Waikava: straight-line ‘WAIKAV[A]’ on 1d red KGV. Renamed from

Navuni PO 2/7/1913; closed 28/9/1949.

Waimotu (1): ‘[W]AIMOTU’ on 2d grey KGV Die I. [Rated 300 by Proud] PO 10/4/1916; closed c.-/5/1926. 1875-82 P11 Mi #76, 25p lake, Cat €23 1876-81 Peace & Commerce SG #215, 5c green Type I, hinge remainder and crease. 1876 Peace & Commerce SG #224, 1 Fr Olive on yellow Die, Cat £11

FRANCE | Postal History 3369 * A 1863 (Sep 26) cover from Nantes to Liverpool, 40c Napoleon cancelled illegibly, Nantes-A-Paris TPO on face & Paris A Calais TPO on back. 3370 *F A B1 1878 use of 10c black on violet post card (H&G# 40) cancelled with double circle ‘PARAYleMONTAL/2o29/JUL/SAÔNE-ETLOIRE’ backstamped with Roma cds of 31/7 and Italian oval ‘4?/ DIST./31/LUG/-c’ (B1) handstamp. 3371 *F A B1 1939 use of 3f brown-lake Avignon x3 with 1f pink & 75c yellowgreen x2 Peace & 25c green Mercury, cancelled with poor Paris of 13-4 39, on registered air cover to Sydney, NSW, with ‘WILLIAM STREET/6A24AP39/N.S.W.’ (A1-). - use of 10f brown on blue Vincennes x3 & 25c green Mercury, 3372 *F Acancelled with ‘PARIS·VIII/1815/6-5/39/49.R.DELA BOETIE’ (B1), on air cover to Sydney, NSW. FRANCE | Military - World War I Period 1915 use of plain cover endorsed “Service de prisonniers de 3373 *F A guerre”, to Holstein, with boxed ‘VU PAR L’INTERPRÈTE/FORTBARRANY’. FRANCE | Numeral & Letter Postmarks 3374 S A A2 7: in star of Rue De Vieilles-Hautdriettes on 1862 40c orange. 3375 S A B2 22: in star of Rue Du Helder on 1862 10c bistre. FRANCE | Postmarks 3376 * A1 Autun: 29mm double-circle ‘AUTUN/20/SEPT./1842/(70)’ on outer rated “9”, 21mm double-circle ‘EPINAC/20/SEPT./42/(70)’ arrival on back FRANCE | General Colonies Issues 3377 * A 1887 Reprints: imperf 80c rose on white paper. FRENCH POLYNESIA 3378 ** A 1989 Polynesian Folklore SG #562-4, set of 3, Cat £11. 3379 ** A1989 Greetings Stamps SG #568-72, Sheetlet of 5, Cat £20, light corner bend. GABON 3380 ** A

1989 World Telecommunications Day SG #1028, 300fr strip of 3.

GERMAN STATES | Baden 3381 F B

1858 Numerals Mi #8, 3kr black on grey-blue 2½-margins, Cat €40, cancelled with circles ‘141’ of Stühlingen (A2), small surface abrasion at right, slight shallow thin at BRC.

3393 * A$30 $6 $16

A B2 A B2 A A2+ A B1

14: of Aschaffenburg/Alzenau on 6k brown. 134: ‘134’ of Höchstädt a.D./Frankenthal on 3k rose. 168: of Krumbach/Greisbach on 6k brown. 440: of Pliening/Roth on 3k rose.

GERMAN STATES | Brunswick | Postal Stationery - Miscellaneous 3386 PS B

Money Order 1865 1gr carmine on pink, type 1, line under Bemerkungen 13mm, HG #J1, cancelled with blue double-circle ‘WOLFENBUTTEL/27/3/10½-11’ (B1 - 1866).

GERMAN STATES | Hanover | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 3387 PS A-

1863 Stamp on TLC With Long Gum HG #B12, 1g rose, local use in Hanover, flap faults.

GERMAN STATES | Saxony | Postal History 3388 * A GERMANY 3389 F A B1 3390 F A B1 3391 F A C3 3392 F/G A B1

1860 stampless entire, cancelled with ‘FRANKENBERG/7/IX/7 60’ (A1) to Hainichen. 1872 Large Shield Mi #19 1gr carmine with Coloured flaw in solid border above E of REICH. - Mi #21, 2½gr chestnut, Cat €100. - Mi #27, 9k red-brown, Cat €550. 1915-19 ‘DEUTSCHES REICH’ Wmk Lozenges Mi #94.II-97.II, 1M (2 shades), 2M, 3M & 5M all perf 25:17. (5)

3395 ** A 3396 ** A


GERMANY | Official Stamps $40 3397 F A B1 1920 Bavarian Postage Dues Opt ‘Deutches/Reich’ Mi #3450, short set to 3m, Cat €33, 70pf, 75pf & 80pf on small piece. (17) $6 GERMANY | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3398 PS A 1936 Winter Olympics Mi #P257, 6+4pf brown, unused. $90 GERMANY | Postal History 1941 use of 12p Hindenburg on cover to Prague, stamp 3399 *F A cancelled with double-circle ‘GOLLNOW/’ (B1), $6 contents included.



$16 $13

GERMANY | Military - World War II Period 1940 use of stampless plain lettercard, cancelled with 3400 *F A‘FELDPOST/b/—-27.12.4’ (A1) from FPN 35434 (Ludwigsberg). 3401 *F A 1941 use of stampless cover endorsed “Feldpost”, cancelled with ‘FELDPOST/D/—10.9.41/[eagle & swastika]’ (B1), to Rüdersdorf, Germany, also bearing light unit censor handstamp. 3402 *F A 1942 use of POW postcard, cancelled with dumb double-circle ‘15.1.42?24’, bearing straight-line ‘Besetztes Gebiet’ (A1-) in purple & boxed ‘geprüft/15/M-Stammerlager IV D’ (A1-). 3403 *F A1944 use of stampless envelope, cancelled with double-circle ‘SULZBERG/17.III.44.-/b’ (B1), to Feldpost L-13591 Air Field Command 13/V1, Minsk? Russia, letter included, some light toned spots. - use of ‘Kriegsgefangenenpost’ letter sheet, cancelled with 3404 *F Adumb double-circle ‘27.9.41-19’ (A1-), & bearing hexagonal ‘Geprüft/36/Stalag VC’ (A1-, Offenburg) in red, to Poland, a few tone spots.

$20 GERMANY - Allied Occ. (American, British & Soviet) 3405 F A A1 1947-48 Industry: Mi #944, 6pf shade set of 4, Cat €80+. $6 GERMANY - Allied Occ. (American, British & Soviet) | Postal Stationery - Postal $6 Cards 3406 PS A1946 Numerals Mi #P952, 10pf brown on buff, uprated with 2pf Numeral, small corner fault, commercially used 22.12.46 (message is dated 1.9.46).

$15 $15 $6 $7

$12 $4


$6 $24 $6


$6 $24


$12 GERMANY - Allied Occupation (American & British) 3407 F B A1 1945 German Printing: Mi #19D, 5pf emerald, P11½, Cat €75, BLC has slight crease. $24 $11 GERMANY - Allied Occupation (American & British) | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3408 PS A 1945 M-In-Oval Mi #P902 (American Zone), 5pf Russian green, with codes ‘(10.45) By Din A 6’. $5 $9 3409 PS A - Mi #P903, 6pf violet type b, with codes ‘(8.45) By Din A 6’, commercially used ?.3.46. $5 $15 GERMANY - Allied Occupation (Soviet) | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3410 PS A 1945 Berlin Bear Mi #P3, 5pf green, used at Berlin on 7.2.46, no message. $7 3411 PS A1948 Von Stephen Mi #P965, 12(pf) greish turquoise, use from Gera to Saigon, uprated stamps removed, printed message in French asking about exchanging stamps. Unusual. $10

GERMAN STATES | Bavaria | Numeral & Letter Postmarks 3382 S 3383 S 3384 S 3385 S

3394 F A A2

1919 National Assembly Mi #107,109, 10pf & 25pf, on registered cover from Weimar to Stuttgart, Reichstag seal on back with ‘ABGEORDNETER’ obliterated. 1934 German Colonisers Mi #543, 25(pf) brown & blue, Cat €26. 1989 Meissen Porcelain Mi #3241(1)-4(1), small format set of 4 in strips of 3. 1989 7th International Typography Exhibition, Leipzig Mi #3245-7, set of 3 in strips of 3.

GERMANY - East | Postal History 3412 * A 1982 use of Sorbian Folk Customs se-tenant set of 6, cancelled with ‘GRAFENHAINICHEN/445/8.11.82/a’ (B1), on air cover to Arawa, PNG.

$5 $5


$5 GERMANY - West $4 3413 F A B1 1953 Von Liebig Mi #166 30pf, Cat €30. $5 3414 F A A1 1953 Transport Exhibition Mi #170, 30pf dark blue, Cat €30. $8 GERMANY - West | Postal History 1957 use of 20p Posthorn & Tulip, 20p Aschaffenburg 3415 *V AMillennium & 15p Ship pair on air cover to Colombo to catch passenger on ship. - use of 1957 10p Württemberg (first day) & mining set, $20 3416 *V A cancelled with light Dortmund of 16.11.57 on air cover to Australia, 1p numeral x3 & 10p Württemberg uncancelled on back.


$13 GERMAN COLONIES | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3417 PS A 1905 Usage of Levant 20 Para on 10pf card used from Constantinopel to France with Constantinopel cds 13 12 05.



$12 $40 $80 $6

GHANA 3418 ** A 3419 ** A GIBRALTAR 3420 * A C1 3421 * 3422 * 3423 ** 3424 **

B A2 B B1 A A

$4 $12


1989 Mushrooms SG #1368-9, set of 2 M/sheets. 1989 Birds SG #1398-9, set of 2 M/sheets, Cat £28.

$8 $20

1899 Spanish Currency Surcharges SG #18a, 25c on 2½d bright blue, with ‘5’ with short foot, Cat £55. 1938-51 Pictorials SG #122 1d P14, small perf repair, Cat £23. - SG #126, 6d carmine & grey-violet P13½, Cat £48, creased. 1985 International Youth Year SG #526-8, set of 3. 1988 Birds SG #596-9, set of 4.

$45 $6 $6 $4 $8

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 GILBERT & ELLICE ISLANDS 3425 * A A1 1911 Overprinted Fiji SG #5, 5d purple & olive-green, Cat £65. 3426 * A 1911 Pandanus SG #8-11, complete set, Cat £18. (4) 3427 V A B1 1912-24 KGV Wmk Mult Crown CA SG #14, 2d greyish slate, Cat £26. 3428 * A A1 1949 Silver Wedding SG #58, £1 scarlet, Cat £16. 3429 ** A 1963 Red Cross SG #80-1 set. (2) GILBERT & ELLICE ISLANDS | Postmarks 3430 D A D2 Aranuka: poor violet double-circle ‘GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS COLONY/PO/ARANUKA/ SLANDS’ (#11 - missing ‘I’ of ‘ISLANDS’) on 1d violet KGV on piece with Tarawa of 17AP/6 (1936). PO c.1924. 3431 D A B1 Beru: double-circle ‘BERU/*/16JY/63/GEIC’, on 2d QEII Pictorial. PO c.1911. 3432 * A- B1 Canton Island - British PO: 3 strikes of ‘CANTON/ISLAND/ 10MAY59-430PM/GILBERT/&/ELLICE ISLANDS’ on QEII Pictorials 9 values to 2/-, on air cover to Sydney, minor faults. PO 3433 D A C1 3434 S A A23435 D B1

GOLD COAST 3436 * A C1 3437 * A- A1 3438 F B 3439 F A B1 3440 V A

25/1/1941; closed c.-/2/1968.

Fanning Island: violet ‘FANNING/ISLAND/20MAY12AM-■64/ GILBERT/&/ELLICE ISLANDS’ (sic), on 1d pair. [This dateline configuration not noted by Fitchett.] PO 29/11/1902. Nanumea: double-circle ‘[POST OFFICE]/16JA/57/NANUMEA’, on 2d green & purple. Ocean Island: double-circle ‘GILBERT & ELLICE ISLANDS/G.P.O/OCEAN ISD/22JU/37/COLONY’ on piece with oval ‘OFFICIAL/POSTAGE/FREE’ (A-1) with central bar in first E of free missing. PO 1/1/1911; renamed Banaba PO c.1979.

$45 $10 $20 $10 $15

3446 F A D1 3447 F A D1 3448 F B C1 3449 F A C1 3450 G 3451 G 3452 F 3453 F 3454 F 3455 F 3456 F 3457 F 3458 F 3459 F 3460 F 3461 F 3462 F 3463 V

A C1 A C1 A C1 A C1 A C1 A C1 A C1 A C1 A C1 A D1 A C1 B C1 A C1 A-

3464 W 3465 V 3466 V 3467 V 3468 F 3469 F 3470 F 3471 F 3472 * 3473 V 3474 * 3475 * 3476 * 3477 G 3478 * 3479 F

B B1 A C1 B C1 A C1 A C1 A C1 B C1 A C1 A C1 A A1 A C1 B C1 A C1 A C1 A C1 B

3480 F A B2 3481 F A B3 3482 F B C1 3483 F A C1

3487 F A B3 3488 F A C1

$19 $4

3490 F A- A1 3491 F A B1 3492 F A C1


3493 G A A1 3494 F A C1

$6 $5

3495 G A B1 3496 ** A 3497 F A A1


3498 F A 3499 F A A1

1884-91 QV SG #15a, 3d olive, Cat £26. - SG #16a, 4d rosy mauve, small crease and stain on back, Cat £32. 1898-1902 QV SG #31, 1/- green & black, a few trimmed perfs, Cat £40. 1902 Wmk Crown CA SG #40, 2d dull purple & orange-red. 1935 Silver Jubilee SG #113-6, set of 4, Cat £70.

GOLD COAST | Postmarks 3443 S C A2 Ada: ‘ADA/AP8/92/[G]OLD COAST’ on 1d.

3445 F A-

3485 F A B1 3486 F A C1

3489 F B C1

$20 $10 $10 $4 $40

GOLD COAST | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3441 PS A 1903 KEVII HG #6, 1d carmine on buff, cancelled with poor CDS of 27APR1910. $6 3442 PS A1916-22 KGV HG #7, ½d green on white, uprated with KGV ½d green, to USA, stamps cancelled with poor double-circle crowned Anum of JAN6/24, corner creasing & some tone spots. $120


3484 F A B1


3500 F B B1 3501 *

A- B1

3502 * A B1 3503 * A A1 3504 G A A1 3505 F A A1 3506 F 3507 G 3508 V 3509 F

A B1 A B1 A B1 A- A1

3510 F A A1

Page 45

1867-80 Large White Letters wmk Spray SG #103, 3d rose, plate 5 [BG], Cat £60. - SG #104, 6d lilac (with hyphen) [NJ], Cat £110. 1867-80 Wmk Spray of Rose SG #110, 9d straw plate 4 [BH], wing margin, Cat £300. 1873-80 Large Coloured Letters SG #142, 2½d bright blue wmk orb plate 20 [BC], trimmed perfs, Cat £50. 1873-80 Large Letters Wmk Spray SG #147, 6d grey plate 15 [RJ], Cat £80. - SG #147, 6d grey plate 16 [ME], wing margin, light crease, Cat £80. 1865-67 Large Coloured Letters SG #151 1/- orange-brown plate 13 [LF] wmk spray, couple of toned perfs, Cat £700. 1880-83 Large Coloured Letters wmk Imperial Crown SG #159, 3d on 3d lilac [PD], Cat £145. 1880-83 Large Coloured Letters Wmk Imperial Crown SG #161, 6d grey plate 17 [NI], Cat £70. 1880-83 Large Coloured Letters wmk Imperial Crown SG #162, 6d on 6d lilac [PI], Cat £145. 1880-81 Wmk imperial Crown SG #166, 1d Venetian red [OC], Cat £12, cancelled with BN ‘172’ of Derry. - SG #169, 5d indigo, Cat £140. 1881 Wmk imperial Crown 1d lilac 16 dots control ‘N’ strip of 3 perfed through margin, SG Spec #KC42P, MUH, Cat £14+. 1883-84 QV High Values SG #178 2/6d lilac, Cat £160, with fine 1898 CONTINENTAL NIGHT MAIL cds. 1883-84 Coloured Letters in Corners SG #180 5/- rose, Cat £250 1883-84 Coloured Letters in Corner White Paper SG #180, 5/rose [IC], Cat £225. 1883-84 Lilacs & Greens SG #194, 6d dull green, Cat £200, a little soiled. 1887-92 Jubilee SG #198, 1½d dull purple & pale green, Cat £18, toned perf. - SG #202, 3d deep purple/yellow, Cat £30. - SG #205a, 4d green & deep brown, Cat £40. 1902-10 KEVII DLR Printing SG #226, 2d grey-green & carmine-red, Cat £30. - SG #234, 3d purple on lemon, Cat £18, cancelled with ‘ATHERSTONE/A/JU8/11/M.O&S.B.’ (A1). - SG #249, 7d grey-black, Cat £20. - SG #262, 2/6d dull purple chalk, Cat £150. - SG #263, 5/- bright carmine, Cat £200, cds. 1902-10 KEVII DLR Printings SG #264, 5/- deep bright carmine, Cat £200, small thin, steel cds. 1902-10 KEVII DLR Printing SG #265, 10/- ultramarine, Cat £450. 1902-10 KEVII Harrison Printing P15x14 SG #286, 4d deep bright orange, Cat £15. 1913 Waterlow Seahorses SG #400, 2/6d sepia-brown, Cat £140. 1915 DLR Seahorses SG #406, 2/6d yellow-brown, Cat £200, couple of short perfs. 1918-19 Bradbury Wilkinson Seahorses SG #414, 2/6d chocolate-brown, Cat £70, few short perfs. 1918-19 Bradbury Wilkinson Seahorses Horses SG #416, 5/rose-red, Cat £120, light cds. 1934 Re-Engraved Seahorses SG #451, 5/- bright rose-red, Cat £85, parcel cancel. - SG #452, 10/- indigo, Cat £80. 1939-48 KGVI High Values SG #478a, 10/- ultramarine marginal pair. 1948 Silver Wedding SG #493-4, used set. 1948 Royal Silver Wedding SG #494, £1 blue BLC single with cylinder ‘1’ and sheet number, Cat £40 as normal. 1951 Festival High Values SG #509-12, set, Cat £90, 10/- and £1 mounted. (4) 1955-58 QEII Waterlow Castles 2/6d to £1, SG 536-39, Cat £55+. (4)

3511 F A B1 1841 Line-Engraved on Blued Paper SG #8, 1d red-brown [OH] 4-margins, Cat £30. $10 3512 U A B1 1841 Line-Engraved SG #14, 2d blue [AH] 4-margins (close to touching), 2 small pinholes, Cat £85. $20 3513 G A B3 1856-58 Letters in 2 Corners Wmk Large Crown Perf 14 SG #39, 1d pale rose [BF], Cat £35, cancelled barred diamond ‘22’ 3514 F A B3 (A2). $12 1856-58 Line-Engraved SG #41, P14 1d deep rose-red 3515 F A C2 (Alphabet III), Cat £20. $10 1858-79 Letters in Four Corners SG #43, 1d rose-red plate 114 3516 F A A1 [QH], couple of tonespots, Cat £15. Cancelled with ‘312’. $5 - SG #43, 1d rose-red plate 121 [QI], Cat £11. Cancelled with 3517 V A A1 ‘166’ of Haltwhistle. $5 3518 V A A1 - SG #43, 1d rose-red plate 129 [QL], Cat £10. $5 - SG #43, 1d rose-red plate 141 [GB], Cat £11. $5 3519 U A - SG #43, 1d rose-red plate 149 [QA]. $4 3520 * A B1 - SG #43, 1d rose-red plate 151 [HK], Cat £11. $5 - SG #43, 1d rose-red plate 153 [DL], Cat £11. $5 3521 **/* A B1 - SG #43, 1d rose-red plate 161 [PI]. $5 - SG #43, 1d rose-red plate 162 [IF]. $5 3522 F A B1 - SG #43, 1d rose-red plate 168 [LB], Cat £10. $5 - SG #43, 1d rose-red plate 194 [CC], Cat £10. $5 - SG #43, 1d rose-red plate 197 [HD], Cat £11. $5 GREAT BRITAIN | Booklets - SG #43, 1d rose-red plate 206 [FE], Cat £11. $5 3523 B** A 50p SG #FB18A,B, 1981-82 Follies, Mow Cop Castle Type A x8, - SG #43, 1d rose-red plate 217 [DG], couple of tones. $3 Type B x4, Cat £53. - SG #43, 1d rose-red plate 221 [LF], couple of tones, Cat £20. $10 GREAT BRITAIN | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 1858-79 Letters in All Four Corners SG #45, 2d blue plate 8 1870 Framed QV ‘To’ in Address Line HG #1, ½d violet on [SL], rounded corner, Cat £40. $10 3524 PS Abuff, group of 6, addressed but uncancelled, (Huggins & Baker - SG #45, 2d Blue Plates 9 [RH], few toned perfs, Cat £350. $50 #CP2). - SG #47, 2d deep blue plate 13 [AD], Cat £27. $12 1899 Foreign Postage HG #21, 1d red (Huggins & Baker - SG #47, 2d deep blue plate 14 [PB], thin at top, Cat £35. $12 3525 PS A #CP35), unused. - SG #47, 2d deep blue plate 15 [TF], Cat £35. $12 1870 Wmk halfpenny SG #48, ½d rose-red [OD], Cat £24. $10 GREAT BRITAIN | Postal Stationery - Envelopes - SG #49, ½d rose, plate 3 [EA], Cat £50. $20 3526 PS B 1881-83 New Design HG #9k, 1d pink size f (135x80mm), - SG #49, ½d rose, plate 4 [PF], small tear, Cat £40. $5 (Huggins & Baker #EP31), 1898 use from Athlone to Welshpool. - SG #49, ½d rose, plate 6 [RK], on close piece, Cat £24. $10 - SG #49, ½d rose, plate 8 [KM], Cat £600. $200 GREAT BRITAIN | Postal Stationery - Envelopes (PTPO) - SG #49, ½d rose, plate 10 [EP], Cat £24. $10 3527 PS A1922 Reduced Rate HG #KB50E, 2d orange opt with triangular - SG #49, ½d rose, plate 11 [SR], Cat £120. $40 ‘W.C.’ (to indicate refund of ½d), (Huggins & Baker #ES57), - SG #49, ½d rose, plate 12 [GB], tones Cat £120. $20 black mourning border, flap partly removed. - SG #49, ½d rose, plate 13 [TA], Cat £120. $40 - SG #49, ½d rose, plate 15 [BD], Cat £40. $15 GREAT BRITAIN | Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes 1952 KGV HG #C81, 8½d grey on buff (Huggins & Baker - SG #49, ½d rose, plate 20 [JC], Cat £350. $150 3528 PS A#RP71), uprated with QEII ½ red, size G, small flap fault. 1847-54 Embossed SG #55, 1/- green 4-margins, small split 1983 £1.16 Huggins & Baker #RP116 sizes G & H. along silk thread, other small faults. $100 3529 PS A 1855-57 QV Wmk Emblems SG #70, 6d lilac, Cat £110. $40 GREAT BRITAIN | First Day Covers 1865-67 Large White Letters SG #92, 3d rose plate 4 [CC], 1938 KGVI SG #467, 3d violet on plain typed FDC cancelled couple of trimmed perfs Cat £210. $20 3530 *F Awith Palmers Green machine cancel of 31 JAN 1938, closed tear - SG #94, 4d vermilion plate 9 [EB], crease, Cat £80. $10 at top from opening. - SG #94, 4d vermilion plate 12 [OA], Cat £70. $20

$30 $50 $120 $5 $30 $40 $200 $50 $30 $40 $6 $50 $15 $60 $75 $100 $13 $10 $15 $20 $15 $10 $10 $50 $80 $30 $120 $10 $40 $60 $10 $30 $40 $40 $6 $20 $30 $26 $10


$16 $4



$10 $8


Page 46

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016

HONG KONG GREAT BRITAIN | Postal History 3559 V A C2 1863-71 Wmk Crown/CC SG #12a, 12c pale blue. 3531 * A1763 outer to London with fine 23mm ‘22/MR’ Bishop mark on $4 back, small sellotape repair. $20 3560 F A A1 1904-06 Wmk Mult Crown/CA SG #86a, $1 purple & sage1843 Entire to Fife with Imperf 1d red-brown tied by fine 7 in green on chalk paper, Cat £42. 3532 *F A$30 black Maltese cross with backstamp in red AUG 9 1843, filing 3561 * A B1 1937 Coronation SG #139, 25c blue, Cat £13. $4 crease. $85 3562 * A A1 1938-52 KGVI Definitives SG #157, $2 red orange & green, Cat 1849 stampless entire from Leeds to Halifax with fine Leeds AP 3533 *F A£80. BLC gutter single. $30 19 1849 handstamp in red at left and ‘1d’ handstamp in red at 3563 F A A1 1962-73 QEII SG #196-209, short set to $10 (14), Cat £12. $5 right and light Halfiax AP 20 1844 backstamp in blue . $60 3564 F A- B1 1966-72 QEII Wmk St. Edwards Crown Sideways SG #234, 3534 *F A 1850 use of nice 3-margins 1d red on blue [QA], light blue $5 multi-coloured, Cat £15, light horizontal crease. $5 ‘SUTTON-IN-ASHFIELD’ (C1-) backstamp. $10 3565 ** A- A1 1968 Seacraft SG #252, $1.30 junk, Cat £45, toned spot at 1883 use of 6d on 6d lilac, SG #162 (Cat £425), cancelled with 3535 *F Aupper right. $19 hooded ‘LON[DON] E.C./6/0C-19-83/D’ (A2-) on Shaw Saville & 3566 ** A A1 1982 QEII Wmk 14 SG #415-26, short set to $2, Cat £34. (12) $16 Albion Co cover to Dunedin, NZ, “Via Brindisi”, some light edge 3567 ** A 1989 10th International Dragon Boat Festival SG #488-91, wear. $120 set of 4. $6 1921 use of ½d & 2d Die I on cover, endorsed “Via Bushire”, 3536 *G B 3568 ** A 1985 Queen Mother SG #493-6 set. (4) $10 O hexagonal ‘T/?/L’ on ½d, bi-lingual double-circle ‘ISFAHAN.N 2/ 3569 F A A1 1985 New Buildings SG #506, $5 Coliseum, Cat £12. $5 20IX21/’ (B1) arrival a few small faults. $13 3570 ** A 1997 Chinese New Year SG #874,876, $1.30 & $3.10 both perf 3537 *F A 1938 use of 6d mauve KGV & 1½d brown KGVI, cancelled with 14½ in part sheets of 30, Cat £24. $20 ‘ST JOHN STREET/*/4OC/38/E.G.I.’ (A1- backstamp), on 3571 ** A - SG #880,882, $2.50 & $5 both perf 13½ in part sheets of 30, insured, registered cover to Prague, Czechoslovakia, with Cat £38. $30 straight-line ‘CENSUROVANO’ (A1-) in purple, blue ‘London 3572 ** A 1997 Migratory Birds SG #886-7, $3.10 & $5 in marginal blocks E.C.30’ registration label & manuscript ‘AR’ in blue pencil, of 10, Cat £15. $12 backstamped with ‘PRAHA/29X[38]-13/9?/X+X’ (A2). $55 HONG KONG | First Day Covers 1941 use of 1½d Stamp Centenary & 1½d brown on cover from 3538 *F A1968 Year of the Monkey set of 2 on addressed official cover. 3573 *V A $10 British Legation in Athens, cancelled on arrival in London, poor 1968 Human Rights Year set of 2 on addressed illustrated 3574 *V A filing handstamp on back from RAF Netheravon with cover. $3 endorsement that the addressee’s whereabouts are unknown. $36 3575 *V A 1971 Festival of Hong Kong set of 3 on addressed official 3539 * B 1951 (Mar 19) cover from London to “Merka/Somalia” and then cover. $7 redirected multiple times around NZ. The enclosed letter is a purchase order for 6 copies of Captain Smith’s Somali | Postal History vocabulary. $40 HONG KONG 1998 use of HK Skyline 10c, 20c & $5 plus $3.10 World Bank & 3576 *F A $5 Special Administrative Region on long registered air cover to GREAT BRITAIN | Military - World War I Period Sydney. $4 3540 *F A1915 use of stampless Cairo Postcard Trust black and white PPC of ‘Sphynx and Pyramids’, OAS endorsed, cancelled with HUNGARY double-circle ‘FIELD POST OFFICE/JY12/15/T.L.L’ (B1, Port 3577 F A B1 1871 King Franz Joseph Engraved Issue SG #12a, 15K black Said), to Kirkcudbright, Scotland, also bearing triple-circle brown. $100 ‘PASSED BY CENSOR/INDIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE/73/*’ $40 (B2) in red, bent BLC. $75 3578 F A A1 1932 Madonna and Child SG #535-8, set. (4) HUNGARY | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards GREAT BRITAIN | Military - World War II Period 3579 PS A1882-99 No Wmk HG #14, 2kr yellow-brown on buff, Hungarian 1940 use of stampless “On Active Service” cover, cancelled with 3541 *V A headings, some corner wear $6 double-circle ‘FIELD POST OFFICE/*/28NO/40/192’ (B1 Crete), to Cairo with double-boxed ‘PASSED/BY/UNIT/ HUNGARY | Postal Stationery - Miscellaneous CENSOR/59’ (A1). $55 3580 PS B COD? 10h blue on cream uprated with 1919 Parliament 2k pair (damaged) and 5k Wheatsheaf opt, cancelled with ‘GYOR/9.20GREAT BRITAIN | Military Postmarks DEC21-N 9/K 2 K’, black on white label on face. $12 3542 * A A1- Army Post Office double-circle ‘ARMY POST OFFICE/B/ 26FE/19/S.17’ (Etaples, France), on 2d black KGV Registration ICELAND Envelope with blue registration label, to Bungay, Suffolk, with 3581 * A- B1 1882-95 New Colours SG #20c, 3a yellowish buff P14x13½, boxed ‘[crown]/PASSED/BY/CENSOR/No./6260’. $24 Cat £50, hinge remainder. $10 3543 * A- A1 Field Post Office double-circle ‘FIELD POST OFFICE/+/ 3582 F A B1 1907-08 Christian IX & Frederik VIII Wmk Crown SG #81-91, 7AP/16/D.20’ (Somme area, France), on 2d black KGV short set to 40a, Cat £53. (11) $19 Registration Envelope with blue registration label, to Holborn, 3583 * A- B1 - SG #86, 10a scarlet, Cat £110, hinge fragment, small shallow GB, with hexagonal ‘PASSED/FIELD/CENSOR/[crown]/1100’ thin towards base. $20 (A1-) in purple, some damage on reverse. $24 3584 * A B1 1920 Christian X SG #120, 6a grey, Cat £14. $6 3544 * A A1- - double-circle ‘FIELD POST OFFICE/B/12OC/15/36’ (Loos 3585 * A B1 1925 Pictorials SG #154, 35a blue, Cat £90, hinge remainder. $28 area, France), on Tobacco Donation Reply post card, also 3586 * A B1 1930 1000 Years of Goverment SG #163, 20a red & rose, Cat bearing triangular ‘PASSED/BY/CENSOR/[crown]/NO 1669’ (A1£39. $16 ) in red. $10 3587 * A B1 1931-37 Christian X SG #188, 25a yellow-green & brown, Cat £20. $12 GREAT BRITAIN | Postmarks 3588 * A B1 1945 Pictorials SG #233,248,250a,256, P14 set of 4 (1k indigo 3545 * A A2 Edinburgh: unframed ‘PAID AT EDINR/A/JAN3/1833’ on entire Geyser, 10a grey Fish, 25a scarlet Fish & 10k orange-brown to Falkirk, rated “6” in red. $12 Statue), Cat £40. $8 3589 ** A A1 1944 Jón Sigurdsson SG #270, 10k orange-brown, Cat £38. $22 GREECE 3590 **/* A A1 1950-54 Primary Industry SG #296-300,302-3,305-7, original 3546 ** A 1989 Europa Children’s Toys SG #1825B-6B, se-tenant pair, set of 9 plus 25a carmine, Cat £123, 10a, 20a & 1.5k values Cat £10. $8 hinged $32 GREECE | First Day Covers 3591 V A A1 1950 Bishop Arason SG #309-10, set of 5. $4 3547 *F A 1960 Olympics set on illustrated FDC’s (2) unaddressed. $25 3592 ** A/B 1953 Manuscripts SG #319-23, complete set, Cat £42, 10k is thinned. (5) $16 GREENLAND 3593 ** A 1989 Christmas SG #739-40, set of 2 in strips of 3. $4 3548 * A A1 1915-37 Pakke-Porto Perf 11¼ SG #P4A, 1o green, Cat £47. $25 3549 * A A1 - SG #P9A, 20o red. $8 INDIA 3550 F A A1 1937 Pakke-Porto Perf 10¾ SG #P14, 1Kr yellow, Cat £80. $35 3594 H A 1854 Die I SG #12, 1a red 4 close or touching margins, Cat £80. $15 3595 F A C1 1856-64 Yellowish to White Paper SG #42, 2a yellow-buff, Cat GRENADA £45. Fake ‘Service’ opt. $10 3551 F A B1 1895-99 QV SG #55, 1/- green & orange, Cat £65, cancelled 3596 F A B2 - SG #44, 2a orange, Cat £55. $30 $50 3597 V A A1 1911-22 High Values SG #188, 5r ultramarine & violet. with ‘GRENADA/B/2[?]OC95’ (B inverted - B2) of St Marks. $6 3598 F A B1 - SG #189, 10r green & scarlet, Cat £16. $12 GRENADA | Booklets - SG #190, 15r blue and olive, Cat £42. $35 3552 B** A 1977 Silver Jubilee SG #SB1. $3 3599 F AB1 3600 F B A2 - SG #191, 25r orange & blue, Cat £60, couple of rounded corners and light aging. $10 GUAM 3601 * A 1931 Inauguration of New Delhi SG #226-31, set of 6, Cat £32. $20 3553 F A 1899 ‘GUAM’ Ovpts Sc #2 2c Washington, tied to piece by part 1935 Silver Jubilee SG #240-6, set of 7, Cat £30. $20 ‘[Ag]ana Isle of Guam/Aug 28 1899’ cancel. $30 3602 * A GUINÉ-BISSAU (Former Portuguese Guinea) 3554 ** A 1983 Manned Flight Bicentenary SG #734, 50p M/sheet x3. 3555 ** A 1983 Space Shuttles SG #750, 50p M/sheet. 3556 ** A 1984 Olympic Winners SG #903, 100p M/sheet x3. HAITI 3557 ** A

1985 Birth Bicentenary of Simon Bolivar SG #1531-7, set of 7,

HELIGOLAND | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 3558 PS A 1875 QV HG #1, 1½d/10pf red, unused.

$7 $3 $6

INDIA | Official Stamps 3603 G A B1 Optd ‘On/H.S./M.’ SG #O33a, 2a orange with black opt, Cat £42. 3604 F A B1 - SG #O70a 10r green & scarlet, Cat £16, telegraph cancel. 3605 F A B1 1912-13 SERVICE SG #O92, 2r rose-carmine & brown, Cat £14, telegraph cancel.

$20 $8 $6

$7 INDIA | Revenues 3606 * BQueen Victoria Foreign Bill Long Types: values from 2 annas to 24 rupees Optd SPECIMEN, few faults but interesting group. $20 (11) $130

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 INDIA | Flight Covers 3607 *V A 1976 Delhi - Karachi Re-Enactment cover, less than 200 carried. INDIA | Postmarks 3608 * A A1 Agra Fort: double-circle ‘MAIL AGENT AGRA-FORT-R.M.S./ 20APR39/18-15/SET-2’ on 9p green KGV Postal Card. 3609 * A- B1 Bhosawul TPO: octagonal ‘T/NO 2/BHOSAWUL/APR:28’ on ½a Envelope cancelled with ‘OOMRAOTEE.R.S./APR28’ (A1-), to Bombay. 3610 * A A1 Calcutta TPO: unframed ‘T/2 6/C DN/APR6’ and unframed ‘T/2 10/C UP/APR:6’ on slightly reduced ½a Envelope cancelled with poor ‘T’. 3611 * A B1 Howrah: ‘MAIL AGENT/HOWRAH/NOV 3’ on stampless cover, ‘2.DELY/SYNTHEA/NOV. 4’ (A1) arrival, boxed ‘POSTAGE DUE/ [ONE] ANNA’ (A2) on back. 3612 * A- B2 Katri R.M.S.: double-circle ‘KATRI R.M.S./13JLY.42/1230PM’ on 9p Postal Card, poor Ringas arrival. 3613 * B A2 Madura: ‘MADURA/X/1DE/92/+’ (type 35 duplex) on ½a green, ‘[SE]COND.DELY/[N]EGAPATAM/?DEC.92’ (B2) arrival on back. 3614 * C C2 Rewah: poor red oval ‘REWAH/ /?’ arrival on stampless OHMS cover to the Rajah. INDIAN STATES | Bhopal 3615 W A 1889-91 SG #30,31,37 1a brown, 2a blue & ¼a red, all imperf. 3616 W A - SG #36 4a orange-yellow, perf 6. 3617 W A 1895 ‘EEG’ On laid Paper SG #44, ¼a black 4 good margins. 3618 W A 1890 8 Anna SG #68, slate-green perfed, MNG, Cat £90. INDIAN STATES | Chamba | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3619 PS A-

1888 ‘CHAMBA STATE’ on Stamp & Black Even Sun HG #3, ¼a+¼a red-brown on buff, blue smudge mark on face.

INDIAN STATES | Nandgaon $8

1888 ‘SERVICE’ Opt HG #D1, ¼a red-brown on buff.

3640 W A-

1891 SG #1-2 ½a blue & 2a rose, both 4 large margins, light tones, Cat £49.

3641 PS A-

1885 ‘PUTTIALLA STATE’ Opt HG #4, ¼a red-brown on buff, size a, small tear at TLC.

3629 PS A-

1888 QV Black Opt & Arms HG #B10, ½a green on white laid paper, missing flap. 1913 KGV HG #B16, ½a green on white laid paper.

INDIAN STATES | Hyderabad | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3630 PS B

1940-41 Surcharges HG #23, 8p on 4p red-brown on buff, filing holes.

INDIAN STATES | Hyderabad | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 3631 PS B

1908 Oval HG #B17, ½a yellow-green on white laid paper, opened roughly at left.

INDIAN STATES | Indore 3632 *


1889-92 Shivaji Rao Holkar SG #5,6,8, ¼a, ½a (light tonespots) & 2a, hinge remainders, Cat £19.

$20 $13

3642 W A C1

1880 Dagger SG #1, 1p blue.

1904 Prince Without Moustache HG #4, ¼a brown, uprated with ¼a orange (SG #36), used 1947, spike hole.

INDIAN STATES | Jind | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3634 PS A1884 Jeend State HG #2, ¼a green on cream stock, green text ‘JEEND STATE POST CARD’ with coat of arms in middle, size c, minor rust on edge 3635 PS A 1885 Curved ‘JHIND STATE’ HG #3, ¼a red-brown on buff. 3636 PS A 1888 ‘JHIND STATE’ on Stamp & Black Arms HG #11, ¼a redbrown on buff. 3637 PS B 1904 KEVII HG #18, ¼a red-brown on buff, large Die, minor crease BLC. INDIAN STATES | Jind | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 3638 PS A 1883 Curved ‘JHIND STATE’ HG #B1, ½a green on white laid paper, size b. 3639 PS A1888 ‘JHIND STATE’ on Stamp & Black Arms HG #B8, 1a brown on white laid paper, size b, discoloured top left corner.


INDIAN STATES | Sirmoor | Official Stamps 3643 W A C1

1892-97 3rd Opt in Black SG #63c 2a carmine with First S inverted, MNG, Cat £55.


$6 INDIAN STATES | Travancore | Official Stamps $4 $13

3644 V A C2

1911-30 Wmk A Sideways SG #O12c 4ca pink with O inverted.


INDIAN STATES | Wadhwan 1888-94 Medium Toned Paper SG #3 ½p black perf 12½, Cat £19.


$5 INDO-CHINA | Postal History $3 3646 *V A A3 1905 use of 5c green pair cancelled with 25mm double circle $4 ‘BINH DINH/23/OCT/05/ANNAM’ (A3) on ‘Tourane, Le Marche’ $60 post card to France, backstamped with 22mm double circle ‘D??NE/23/OCT/05/ANNAM’ & Marly-la-Ville of 20NOV05

3645 *

A A2


INDONESIA $13 3647 ** A 3648 ** A $16

ISRAEL $10 3658 * A $6 3659 ** A

1985 United Nations Women’s Decade SG #1789-90, 55r & 140r in strips of 3. 1985 Centenary of Indonesian Oil Industry SG #1798-1800, set of 3.

1948 Coins 1000m blue P11 and 1000m deep blue P11 tab pair Imperf between, both forgeries. 1989 Greeting Stamps SG #1088-90, set of 3 with tabs, Cat £12.

ISRAEL | Postmarks El Arish: special unaddressed cover for opening day on 9.8.67. 3660 * A 3661 * A Han Yunes: special unaddressed cover for opening day on 20.7.67. 3662 * A Jerusalem: special Moshe Dayan unaddressed cover for first day of pictorial pmk on 16.8.67. $8 3663 * A Nablus: special unaddressed cover for opening day on 13.7.67. 3664 * ATul Karem: special unaddressed cover for opening day on 16.7.67. $4

$6 $4 $10

$4 $10 $20 $5

$24 $5



$5 $8 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5

$12 ITALIAN STATES | Sardinia 3665 F A

INDIAN STATES | Indore | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3633 PS B


$13 INDIAN STATES | Rajpipla

IRAN | Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes INDIAN STATES | Charkhari 3649 PS B 1967 8r as HG FG7 but green overlay, commercial use to India. 3621 FD A 1912-17 Handstamped SG #27 1p violet, cancelled with ‘CHARKHARI STATE/H.P.O./2DE/14’ on piece, Cat £130. $100 IRAQ 3650 * A B1 1918-21 Surcharges Wmk Mult Script CA SG #16 ½a on 10pa INDIAN STATES | Cochin green. 3651 V A- C1 - SG #18 2r on 25pi yellow-green, one toned perf, Cat £15. 3622 V A C1 1896 Large Design Wmk Conch SG #9 1p deep violet, mss 3652 * A B1 1923-25 Pictorials SG #49, 1d brown & blue-green, Cat £30. cancel, Cat £32. $20 3653 ** A 1985 Post and Telecommunications Development SG #16593623 * A A1 1916-30 Rajah Rama Varma II SG #45 3a vermilion P13.6, Cat 62, set of 4 in pairs. £12. $10 3624 * A A1 1933-38 Maharajah Rama Varma III SG #64 10a blue, Cat £20. $15 IRELAND 3654 DV A- A1 1935 Re-Engraved Seahorses SG #99, 2/6d chocolate, Cat INDIAN STATES | Dhar £60, on small piece, red pencil registration line. 3625 W A 1897-1900 SG #3, ½a black/orange 4-margins. $3 3655 ** A 1989 Anniversaries and Commemorations SG #728-31, set of 4. INDIAN STATES | Duttia 3626 W A 1904-05 Imperf SG #23 1a black/green blue control handstamp, IRELAND | Postal Stationery - Letter Cards Cat £27. $25 3656 PS A 1926 SE Monogram 2d dark green on cream white, HG #A2, cancelled with ‘BIORRA/430PM/22IX/30’. INDIAN STATES | Gwalior | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards IRELAND | Postal History 3627 PS A+ 1888 ‘GWALIOR’ & Arms Both in Black HG #5, ¼a red-brown 1942 Censor Cover to England with 2½d tied by Raile Atha on buff. $8 3657 *F A Cliath cancel and two censor labels, a pink Irish censor label and white English censor label. INDIAN STATES | Gwalior | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 3628 PS B


INDIAN STATES | Patiala | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards $8

INDIAN STATES | Chamba | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (Official) 3620 PS A

Page 47

$4 ITALY 3666 * 3667 ** 3668 * 3669 * $16 3670 ** $10 3671 ** 3672 ** $6 3673 ** $6 3674 ** 3675 ** $16 $10

A B1 A B1 A B1 A B1 A A A A A A

1855-63 Victor Emmanuel II Embossed SG #46, 20c blue 4magins, Cat £43. 1923 Manzoni SG #158, 50c orange-brown & black. 1950 Turin Motor Show SG #743, 20L violet grey, Cat £19. 1950 Holy Year SG #746-7, set of 2, Cat £157. 1950 Gaudenzio Ferrari SG #748, 20L dark green, Cat £32. 1983 Italian Aircraft SG #1792a, block of 4 plus 2 labels. 1983 Tourist Publicity SG #1806-9, set of 4. 1984 Italian Motor Industry SG #1826a, block of 4 with 2 labels, Cat £10.50. 1984 Europa 25th Anniversary SG #1840-1, set of 2, Cat £30.50. 1984 Tourist Publicity SG #1845-8, set of 4. 1984 Italia ‘85 International Stamp Exhibition SG #1857a, strip of 3.

$13 $4 $5 $20 $6 $5 $4 $8 $25 $6 $4

Page 48

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016

ITALY | Maximum Cards 3676 *F A 1952 Girolamo Savonarola SG #822, 25L tied to Maxim card by Ferrara special cancel 21 Sett 1952. ITALY | Postal History 1818 entire bearing ‘NAP1818/25SEP.’ (B1) in red with 3677 *F A additional red oval handstamp rated “10”, from Napoli to Bozolo, includes 3 page letter. 1840 entire to Roma, fine double-boxed ‘CASTELNOVO/DI/ 3678 *F A GARFAGNANA’, Mss “6” in black and “via de’Vent No 3”, all on face. Fine condition. 3679 *F A 1921 use of 10c red x5 & 5c green, cancelled with double-circle ‘TRIESTE PZZADELLA BORSA/’ (A1-) on registered Giuseppe Maestro cover to Cleveland, Ohio bearing straight-line ‘Raccomandato’ (A1) in blue & reg label in grey with straight-line ‘TRIESTE 3/PIAZZA DELLA BORSA’ handstamp in black. 1942 use of Forces Postcard, cancelled with double-circle 3680 *F B ‘POSTA MILITARE/?3.10.42 XX?/NO9900’ (B1), to Prof. Enrico Longi, Regia Procura, Enna, with double-circle ‘SEZIONE MILITARE CENSURA DE GUERRA/[arms]/SIRACUSA’ (A1), boxed ‘VERIFICATO/PER CENSURA/93-R’ (A2), circled ‘12’ (A2) all in purple, some creasing & pin marks at top. 1948 use of 50L purple-brown x3, 10L red & 5L blue, cancelled 3681 *F Awith poor double-circle Milano airmail of 30.1.48, on SICLA cover to Melbourne, Vic, by airmail, some slight toning, small closed tears at top. 3682 *V A 1953 use of 10c Army Day on Bolzano PPC of ‘Wallfahrt Maria Weissenstein mit dem Rosengarten/Santuario Maria Pitralba m. 1520 verso le Dolomiti’. ITALIAN POST OFFICES IN THE TURKISH EMPIRE 3683 * A B1 1911 Benghazi SG #170, 1pi on 25c blue, Cat £65. IVORY COAST 3684 ** A JAMAICA 3685 F A C1 3686 F A B1 3687 F A C1 3688 ** A

1985 Philex Africa ‘85, Lome SG #837-8, 200fr gutter pair. 1870-83 Wmk Crown/CC SG #13, 1/- dull brown, cancelled with ‘A75’ of Savanna-La-Mar. 1883-97 Wmk Crown/CA SG #17 1d blue. - SG #22, 4d red-orange, Cat £22. 1985 International Youth Year & Scout Jamboree SG #630-3, set of 4.

JAMAICA | Postal Stationery - Wrappers 3689 PS B 1954 QEII HG #E8, ½d orange, cancelled with double-circle ‘HALF-WAY TREE/AP3/57/JAMAICA’ (A2) to USA, black ‘Via Air Mail’ (A1) on face, part of back removed. [Why was this not uprated or taxed?] JAMAICA | Numeral & Letter Postmarks 3690 S A B2 A66: of Port Maria on 1885 2d grey. [Rated 60 by Proud] JAMAICA | Postmarks 3691 * A B2 Buff Bay: double-circle ‘BUFF BAY/DE11/33/JAMAICA’ on ½d on ½d Postal Card to England. JAPAN 3692 *

A A1

1949 Flying Geese 8y fine mint.

JAPAN | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3693 PS B/C 1876 New Design HG #11-12, 5 rin orange-brown x3 and 1 sen pale blue, used with faults. (4) JERSEY | Postal History 1953 Maxim card with GB 1d QEII SG 516 tied by Jersey CDS 3694 *F A 4 SP 53. JORDAN 3695 * A3696 ** A 3697 ** A KENYA 3698 ** A

1965 Visit to France & USA SG #699-701 5f, 10f, & 20f on unaddressed cover cancelled with bi-lingual ‘/18DEC65/2/ JERUSALEM/CITADEL’ (A1). 1985 Independence and Army Day SG #1439-42, set of 4. 1989 Inauguration of Mosque, Amman SG #1586-7, set of 2 in strips of 3. 1985 43rd Eucharistic Congress, Nairobi SG #364, 25/- M/ sheet.

KENYA | Postmarks 3699 * A B1 Machakos: double-circle ‘MACHAKOS/28JA17/ E.A.PROTECTORATE’ on 6c red KGV on black & white PPC of ‘A Fallen Boabab Tree, Mombasa B.E.A.’, to France, with double-circle ‘MOMBASA/930AM/30MR/17/BRIT. E. AFRICA’ (A1) transit. 3700 * A- A1 - ‘MACHAKOS/A/18AP/59/KENYA’, Proud #D7, cancelling 30c Owen falls & 1/30 elephants on registered air cover, glued shut at top. KENYA UGANDA & TANGANYIKA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 3701 PS A 1935 KGV HG #B5a, 20c orange, size b, cancelled with King George V Memorial Fund slogan, 1937 (Dec 9) local use in Nairobi. KENYA UGANDA & TANGANYIKA | Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes 3702 PS A1952(C) formular Christmas Greetings Air Letter without country of origin, light Nairobi machine cancel, (stamps removed?) to London, re-addressed to Ipswich.

KENYA UGANDA & TANGANYIKA | First Day Covers 3703 * A 1953 Coronation 20c pair on cover from Dar es Salaam to Western Australia. $15 KENYA UGANDA & TANGANYIKA | Postal History 1953 use of 10c on re-used long “printed matter” cover to NZ. 3704 * A$8 KENYA UGANDA & TANGANYIKA | Military - World War II Period 1941 double-circle ‘P.O.-U-M.P.K./6VIA41/2’ (Nairobi) on OAS 3705 *F B cover, boxed ‘PASSED BY CENSOR./U.F.P. No.17 U.D.F./ GEODGEKEUR DEUR SENSOR’ and double-circle $20 ‘MUIZENBERG/13JUNA41’ (A1) both on face. KOREA (North) 3706 V A $40

3707 ** A 3708 ** A KOREA (South) 3709 ** A

$36 KUWAIT 3710 * $8 $5

A A1

3711 ** A 3712 ** A 3713 ** A 3714 ** A

$50 LABUAN 3715 F A A1 $4

LATVIA 3716 ** A C1

1975 World Table Tennis Championship SG #1351, imperf M/S, CTO. 1985 60th Anniversary of 1000 Ri Journey By Kim Il Sung SG #2472-3, block of 6 of se-tenant pairs x3. 1985 History of the Motor Car SG #2474-8, set of 5. 1989 Lunar New Year: SG #1892, 2 160w M/sheets. 1950-54 Great Britain KGVI Overprinted SG #84-92, set of 9, Cat £90. 1985 50th Anniversary of Central Library SG #1084a, 80f block of 4, Cat £14.50. 1985 Civilian Identity Cards SG #1092-3, set of 2. 1989 Greenery Week SG #1204-6, set of 3. 1989 1st Anniversary of Declaration of Palestine State SG #1213-5, set of 3. 1902-03 Crown SG #119, 3c black & sepia P13½-14 with Printer’s mark at right, CTO cancel. 1921 Arms SG #95e 20r brown-purple P11½x10, Cat £160.

$5 LATVIA | Postal History $5 3717 *F A1908 use of Russian 7k from Libau to Riga. $18 LEBANON $6 3718 * A B1 1926 Surcharges SG #96,98,103, 4p, 4p50 & 20p, Cat £18.50. 3719 * A A1 1942 Anniversary of Independence SG #256-7, 10p & 50 Air. 3720 * A 1957 Pan-Arab Games SG #578-81, set of 4. 3721 */** A 1961 Chehab & Map and UN Anniversary SG #679-85, set of 4 air issues (MH) and set of 3 (MUH), Cat £12. 3722 ** A 1961 Labour Day SG #690-1, set of 2. $24 LEEWARD ISLANDS 3723 F A B1 1890 QV SG #5, 6d dull mauve & brown, Cat £14. $6 LEEWARD ISLANDS | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3724 PS A 1926 HG #12, ½d+½d green on buff. $16 LESOTHO 3725 ** A 3726 ** A $40

$10 $20


$3 $5 $6 $3

$50 $10 $4 $6 $6

$5 $60 $32 $14 $7 $5 $6 $4 $10 $20

1989 Migrant Birds SG #910-3, set of 4. 1989 20th Anniversary of Moon Landing SG #915-22, set of 8.


1915-16 Surcharges Sc #148, $1 on $5, Cat $65. 1921 Pictorials Sc #192-4, $1, $2 & $5, disturbed gum, Cat $75.

$50 $50

LIBERIA | Official Stamps 3729 * A 1918 Pictorials Script ‘OS’ Sc #O108-10, $1, $2 & $5, Cat $27. $20 3730 * A 1920 Pictorials ‘OS’ Sc #O117,124-6,10c, $1, $2 & $5, Cat $47. 3731 W A 1921 Pictorials ‘OS’ Sc #O131,138-40,10c, $1, $2 & $5, MNG, Cat $57.

$20 $40

LIBERIA 3727 * $3 3728 *

A B1 A-

LIBYA $16 3732 ** A $5 3733 ** A $3



1985 International Telecommunications Program SG #16657, set of 3 in strips of 3. 1985 Tripoli International Book Fair SG #1687-8, set of 2 in strips of 3.

LIECHTENSTEIN 3734 ** A 1989 Minerals SG #984-6, set of 3.


$5 $5 $4

LOMBARDY & VENETIA 3735 F A- B1 1858 New Currency Type I SG #17A, 3s black, 1mm cut at base, Cat £300. $150 3736 F A C1 - SG #21A, 20s blue, Cat £120. $100 LOMBARDY & VENETIA | Postmarks 3737 S A B2 Portogruaro: framed ‘PORTOGRUARO/2/5’ on 1861 5s rose.

LUXEMBOURG $12 3738 ** A

1989 National Welfare Fund - Restored Chapels SG #125962, set of 4.

MALAGASY REPUBLIC 3739 ** A 1985 Cats and Dogs SG #539-44, set of 5 and M/sheet, Cat £11.50. $20 MALAYA | Straits Settlements 3740 G C A2 $10


1867 Overprints on Stamps of India SG #7, 12c on 4a green, Cat £325, small thin and tear, part ‘NEDER?/FORWARD[ING]/ THE AG[ENT]/OF [?]’ handstamp.





Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 3741 *

A A1

3742 F A A1 3743 V A B1 3744 * 3745 *


3746 *

A- B1

3747 *

B B1

3748 * 3749 * 3750 *

A B1 A B1 A A1

1891 Surcharges SG #87, 30c on 32c orange-vermilion, Cat £15. 1902-03 Wmk Crown/CA SG #118a, 50c dull green & carmine, Cat £24. 1904-10 KEVII Wmk Mult Crown.CA SG #133a, 25c dull purple & green chalk paper, Cat £42. 1917 Red Cross SG #216-7, 2c on 3c (gum evenly toned) & 4c. 1921-33 KGV Wmk Script CA SG #234a, 25c dull purple & mauve Die II Type I, Cat £12. - SG #234a, 25c dull purple & mauve Die II Type I, Cat £12, light crease. 1937-41 KGVI Die I SG #278-81 1c to 5c, minor aging, Cat £55. (4) - SG #281, 5c brown, Cat £20. - SG #282, 6c scarlet, Cat £11. - SG #287, 30c dull purple & orange, Cat £20.

MALAYA | Straits Settlements | Postal History 3751 *F A3752 *F A-

1900 use of Netherlands Indies 10c on 12½c Env (2 stamps neatly removed) to Holland, ‘N.I.POSTAGENT PENANG’ squared-circle backstamp. 1928 use of KGV 6c scarlet cancelled with ‘MALACCA/2PM/ 16NO/1928’ (B1), double-circle ‘KARAIKUDI/DELY/24NOV28/ 330PM/’ (B1) arrival.

$12 $20 $35 $5 $10 $4

A B1

1900 Ovpt on Negri Sembilan SG #5, 10c dull purple & orange ovpt ‘SPECIMEN’,s.

MALAYA | British Military Administration 3754 ** A A1 1945-48 BMA Malaya Overprints SG #13a 25c dull purple and scarlet ordinary paper. MALAYA | Malaysia 3755 * A A1 3756 ** A 3757 ** A

1965 Birds SG #20-7, complete set of 8, Cat £65. 1985 National Oil Industry SG #325-7, set of 3. 1997 Hong Kong SG #635, M/S.

MALAYA | Malaysia | Postmarks 3758 * A A2

Ulu Tiram Buruk: ‘KG ULU TIRAM BURUK LUAR/1AP81/*’ on Selangor 5c & 25c Flowers.

3760 F A A1

1942 On Negri Sembilan SG #J162 2c orange with type 1 Ovpt in red. 1942 On Pahang SG #J242 10c dull purple with Dai Nippon Ovpt, part red cancel.

MALAYAN STATES | Pahang 3761 *

A A1

1895-99 Tiger’s Face SG #14, 3c dull purple & carmine.

$16 $10

1957-62 Sultan Sir Abu Bakar SG #84 $1 ultramarine & reddish purple plate ‘1A’ single, Cat £15 as normal.

MALAYAN STATES | Perak 3763 *


1957-61 Pictorial SG #151,156-7, 2c, 10c maroon & 20c. 1952 HG #C3, 20c dark blue on white, uprated with 1c black & 4c brown & 10c deep purple, 4 dotted lines on back, cancelled with ‘BRUAS/6FEB54’ (B1)

MALDIVE ISLANDS 3765 * A A1 1909 Minaret Wmk Mult Rosettes SG #10, 10c carmine. 3766 ** A 1989 Tropical Fish SG #1327-34, set of 8. MALI 3767 ** A MALTA 3768 F A B1 3769 F A B1 3770 * A B1

1989 French Revolution Bicentenary SG #1152-3, set of 2, Cat £11. 1882-84 Wmk Crown/CA SG #18, ½d orange-yellow, Cat £35. 1885-90 Wmk Crown/CA SG #28, 1/- violet, Cat £12. 1904-14 KEVII Wmk Mult Crown/CA SG #50 2d purple & grey, Cat £15.

MALTA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 3771 PS A1900 HG #B1b, 1d deep rose on thin cream wove paper size C. MALTA | Postmarks 3772 * B B1 Sliema: ‘6’ postman’s chop on PPC from Milan to Sliema, stamps removed. 3773 * A C1 Valletta: ‘VALLETTA (C.O.)/11-AM 30DE98/MALTA’ on 2½d blue, ‘[TUN]BRIDGE/11. PM/JA3/99/STATION OFFICE’ (A2) backstamp. MAURITIUS 3774 * A 3775 W A 3776 W A C2

1858-62 Imperfs SG #31, (no value) blue four good margins, Cat £10. 1859-61 SG #33, 6d dull purple-slate 4 nice margins, MNG, Cat £40. 1862 Intermediate Perf 14 to 16 SG #54, 6d slate, MNG, Cat £40.

3788 ** A 3789 ** A

1989 Prince Rainier SG #1910, 1912, 1923, 1930, 1934, 2f, 2f.20, 3f.60, 5f & 15f, Cat £14.30. 1989 International Dog Show, Monte Carlo SG #1941, 2f.20 strip of 3. 1989 Europa - Childrens Games SG #1947-8, set of 2.

$5 $15 $10 $15

$10 $6

$12 $5 $4


MONGOLIA 3791 ** A

1988 Asiatic Wild Ass SG #1967-70, set of 4 in strips of 3.



1832 300th Anniversary SG #88, 2½d ultramarine, Cat £21.



MONTSERRAT | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards $28 3793 PS A 1884-87 New Design HG #2, 1d carmine on glazed buff paper, cancelled with ‘KINGSTOWN/A/OC11/94/ST VINCENT’ (B1), $5 philatelic use to Leipzig, Germany. $5


MOROCCO (French) | Postal History 3794 *V A 1912 use of PPC ‘Corps diplomatique Arabe assistant à la Revue’ cancelled by circular ‘CAMPAGNE DU MAROC/1908$4 1909/1910/*’ (A1) handstamp in blue, from Casablanca.


MOROCCO AGENCIES | Postal History 3795 *F A 1892 use of Gibraltar 5c green Postal Card (HG #15) to Gibraltar, cancelled with ‘TANGIER/A/MY10/92 - a26’ (B1).



MOROCCO AGENCIES | Postmarks 3796 D A B2- Marrakesh: framed ‘BRITISH POST OFFICE/*/1JA/12/ MARRAKESH (MELLAR)’ on 5c on ½d green KEVII pair. 3797 D A A1 Mogador: framed ‘BRITISH POST OFFICE/*/FE6/12/ MOGADOR’ on 5c on ½d green KEVII x2. $6


$15 $15

MOROCCO AGENCIES | Tangier 3798 **/* A B1 $15 NATAL $4 3799 F A C1

MALAYAN STATES | Perak | Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes 3764 PS A

3782 F A B1 3783 ** A 3784 ** A

$10 $15 $40 $15

MONACO | Postal Stationery - Wrappers 3790 PS A 1886 Charles I HG #E1-2, 1c olive & 2c violet, unused and complete.

MALAYAN STATES | Penang 3762 ** A C1

A A1 A C1 A C2 A B1

MONACO 3787 ** A

MALAYA | Japanese Occupation 3759 F A

3778 G 3779 F 3780 G 3781 V

1863-72 Wmk Crown/CC SG #59, 2d pale blue, Cat £13, cancelled with BN ‘4’ of Pamplemousses. 1863-72 QV Wmk Crown/CC SG #61a, 3d dull red, Cat £21. - SG #65w, 6d blue green Wmk inverted, Cat £55. - SG #69, 1/- blue, Cat £28. 1877 Overprints SG #79, ½d on 10d rose, fake cancel, Cat £50 as genuine cancel. 1878 Surcharges SG #97, 25c olive-yellow, Cat £18. 1989 Visit of Pope John Paul II. SG #822-6, set of 5, Cat £12. 1989 Birth Centenary of Jawaharlal Nehru SG #827-31, set of 5, Cat £18.

$13 MAURITIUS | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 1878 HG #B9, 8c milky blue on thick white wove paper size $8 3785 PS A complete. $4 $8 MAURITIUS | Postmarks 3786 S A A2 Saint Pierre: ‘S[T P]IERRE/A/10MR/97/=.=’ on 1885 3c green.

MALAYA | Federated Malay States 3753 *

3777 F A B1

Page 49

3800 U A/B

1957 Centenary SG #323-42, complete set of 20, ½d to 1/6d marginal singles with cylinder numbers (11d selvedge separated), Castles and some lower values MUH, Cat £11. 1861 Chalon No Wmk Intermediate Perf 14-16 SG #11 3d blue, Cat £65, cancelled with ‘16’ of Weenen. 1902-09 KEVII ½d x34 & 1d x44, wmks not checked, odd fiscal cancel. (78)


$50 $4

NATAL | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3801 PS B 1902 KEVII HG #11, 1d carmine on buff, cancelled at Durban in 1911, minor staining.


$4 NATAL | Postal History $7 3802 *F A 1908 use of ½d green on PPC, cancelled with double-circle ‘DUNDEE/10.15AM/MR30/08/NATAL’ (A1), double-circle ‘MELMOTH/B/AP2/08/ZULULAND’ (C2).



$9 NAURU 3803 F A B1 $30 $10 NETHERLANDS 3804 F A B1 $10 3805 F A C1 3806 * A 3807 F A $12


3808 F A 3809 F A 3810 * A/A-


3811 * 3812 *


3813 V A 3814 */V A


3815 V A


3816 *



1924-38 Ship Smooth Paper SG #26-36B, set to 9d excl 1d, 2d & 5d, Cat £70. (7) 1864 SG #8, 5c blue (Utrecht printing), Cat £22. - SG #10, 15c orange (Utrecht printing), Cat £130. 1921 Airmails SG #239-41, set, Cat £35. (3) 1926-32 Wilhelmina Wmk Circles P12½ SG #306A-31A, 1½c to 60c set, excl 23½d red QEII, 3c, 15c orange, 25c & 27½c, Cat £24, plus ‘21’ on 22½c. (23) 1932 Child Welfare SG #404A-7A, set of 4, Cat £21. 1935 Child Welfare SG #452-5, set of 4. 1936 Cultural & Social Relief SG #456-9, set of 4, small gum fault on 5c, Cat £31. 1937 Scout Jamboree SG #466-8, set of 3, plus 1936 Air x2. 1938 Cultural & Social Relief Fund SG #478-82, set of 5, Cat £19. 1938 Child Welfare SG #487-91, set of 5, 1940-47 Wilhelmina SG #506-15b, set of 14, 40c VFU, 25c toning, Cat £32 1940 Surcharges SG #522a, 2½c & 7½c se-tenants in two pairs and two strips of 3, all diiferent. 1942 Legion Fund SG #569a, 7½c x10 M/S, hinged in margin only, corner crease, Cat £190.

$32 $20 $80 $15 $16 $14 $6 $20 $4 $12 $4 $15 $5 $60

Page 50 3817 V 3818 V 3819 * 3820 * 3821 * 3822 ** 3823 *


Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 1950 Zomerzegel SG #713-8, set of 5, Cat £47. 1950 Child Welfare SG #727-31, set of 5, Cat £21. 1952 Stamp Centenary SG #754-7, set of 4, Cat £13. 1953 Child Welfare SG #791-5, set of 5, Cat £27. 1954 Child Welfare Fund SG #804-8, set of 5, Cat £22. 1955 Child Welfare Relief SG #821-5, set of 5, Cat £19. - SG #821-5, set of 5, Cat £19.

NETHERLANDS | Official Stamps 3824 V A 1940 International Court of Justice SG #J9-12, set fine used, Cat £47. (4) 3825 ** A 1989-91 International Court of Justice SG #J37-50,52-6, sets comprising 1989 &1990 ** & 1991 cto, (14) NETHERLANDS | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3826 PS A 1908-16 5 Cent Surcharges HG #80, on 2½c green Type A, used 24.V.1920. NETHERLANDS | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (Formular) 3827 PS B 1871-74 HG #1, in lilac with text, addressed but not used. NETHERLANDS | First Day Covers 1955 Tenth Anniversary of Liberation strip of 5 tied to 3828 *F A Registered illustrated FDC by special cancel 4 MEI 55. NETHERLANDS | Commemorative Covers 1930 Conference of the Hague double-circle ‘CONFERENCE 3829 *V A DE LA HAYE/’, cancelling 4c blue, 1½c magenta & ½c brown, on cover to Rotterdam with triple oval ‘BRITISH DELEGATION/THE HAGUE’ (A1), boxed ‘A675’ handstamp on reverse. NETHERLANDS ANTILLES 3830 ** A 1985 Child Welfare SG #897, M/sheet of SG #894-6. NETHERLANDS ANTILLES | Postal History 3831 *F A 1981 use of 85+40c & 45+20c Child Welfare, cancelled with ‘ARUBA/30XI81-0/10’, on long air cover to Arawa, New Guinea. NETHERLANDS INDIES 3832 * A B1 1902-09 Definitives SG #138, 1g dull lilac P11x11½, Cat £90. 3833 * A 1908 ‘JAVA.’ Ovpts SG #142a-157a, set to 50c Ovpt inverted, excl 15c, Cat £140. (12) 3834 * A B1 1908 ‘BUITEN/BEZIT.’ Ovpts SG #161 1c olive-green Ovpt misplaced - reads upwards BEZIT./BUITEN. NETHERLANDS INDIES | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3835 PS A1874-82 King Wilhelm HG #1c, 5c violet with 105mm inscription, card has pre-printed address and message but has not been used. 3836 PS A1879 Bi-Lingual William III HG #5, 7½c brown on cream, cancelled with double-circle ‘AMBARANA/14/8/1883’, also bearing ‘WELTEVREDEN/16/8/1883’ cds, ‘BREDA/25/ SEP/83/12-IN’ cds & ‘NED’ INDIE/OVER/BRINDISI’ handstamp, card has two small punctures. NETHERLANDS INDIES | Postal History 1940 use of 35c purple, cancelled with double-circle 3837 *F A ‘PROBOLINGGO/281040 12/+X+’ (B1), on airmail envelope to Basel, Switzerland, sealed at left with ‘DOOR CENSUUR GEOPEND’ tape & bearing straight-line ‘GEOCENSUURD/36’ (A1) in red. NETHERLANDS INDIES | Flight Covers - Commercial 3838 * A 1931 (Jul 23) use of 12½c surcharge & 30c surcharge on 21st flight to Holland. NEVIS 3839 ** A

1989 Leaders of the World - Railway Locomotives SG #3529, set of 8 x3.

NEW BRUNSWICK 3840 W A A1 1860-63 No Wmk Perf 12 SG #10, 2c orange, MNG, Cat £32. 3841 F A- B1 1860 No Wmk Perf 12 SG #14, 5c yellow-green, some toned perfs, Cat £18. NEW CALEDONIA 3842 ** A 1985 ‘Le Cagou’ Stamp Club SG #768, 220f M/sheet, Cat £13. NEW GUINEA | German (Deutsch) New Guinea | Postal History 3843 * A 1907 (May 17) use of 5pf Yacht x2 on cover from Kaewieng to Frankfurt. NEW GUINEA | ‘G.R.I.’ Overprints 3844 ** A A1

1914-15 GRI Value 6mm Apart SG #5, 2½d on 10pf carmine, Cat £95.

NEW GUINEA | ‘N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS’ Overprints 3845 * A C1 1915-16 Kangaroos 3rd Wmk SG #96, 3d yellow-olive abc strip of 3, Retail $100, gum a bit aged. NEW GUINEA | Mandated Territory Issues 3846 *


1925-28 Huts SG #133 2/- brown-lake (creased but not apparent from front).

NEW HEBRIDES (British) 3847 V A B1 1921 Wmk Script CA SG #39, 6c rose, Cat £80. 3848 V A B1 1924 Surcharges SG #41, 3d on 1d scarlet, Cat £11. 3849 V A 1925 Weapons & Idols SG #48-51, 6d to 5/-, all probably per favour cancels, Cat £82. 3850 * A A1 1949 UPU SG #64-7, set of 4, all plate ‘1’ singles.

1953 Coronation SG #79 part pane of 40 with DLR imprint and $40 3851 ** A plate ‘1b5B’. $30 $18 $6 NEW HEBRIDES (French) $12 $6 $10 3852 * A B1 1949 UPU SG #F77-80, set of 4. $16 NEW ZEALAND $9 3853 V B 1860-64 Chalon Wmk Large Star Perf 13 At Dunedin SG #68 1d orange vermilion, trimmed perfs at base, Cat £350. $50 3854 F A C2 - SG #72 2d blue, Cat £80. $50 $25 3855 F A C1 1864-7 Wmk Large Star Perf 12½ SG #114, 2d deep blue, Cat £22. $20 $8 3856 F A B1 1864-67 Chalon Wmk Large Star Perf 12½ At Auckland SG #120 4d yellow, Cat £120. Picton cancel. $90 3857 F A C2 - SG #122 6d red-brown, Cat £28. $20 3858 F A C2 - SG #125 1/- yellow-green, Cat £120. $20 1871-73 Chalon New Colours Wmk Large Star Perf 10 SG $3 3859 F B #126 1d brown (pale shade), faults, Cat £130. $20 3860 * A C2 1871 Wmk Large Star Perf 10x12½ SG #128, 1d brown, Cat $6 £350. $200 3861 F A C2 1871-73 Chalon New Colours Wmk Large Star Perf 12½ SG #132a 1d brown, Cat £42. ‘5’ cancel $30 3862 F A C2 - SG #136 6d pale blue, Cat £55. $20 $20 3863 F A C2 1873 Chalon New Colours No Wmk Perf 12½ SG #138 2d vermilion, unidentified small part of sheet wmk, Cat £55. ‘17’ cancel $40 3864 F A- B1 1898 No Wmk Perf 12-16 SG #253, 5d purple-brown, Cat £18, some light toning on reverse. $6 3865 * A- B2 1899-1903 Pictorials No Wmk Perf 11 SG #266, 8d indigo, Cat £28, couple of toned perfs. $10 $80 3866 F A 1909-16 KEVII Wmk Single NZ/Star Perf 14x14½ SG #388-94 range, 2d, 3d, 4d yellow, 5d, 6d & 1/-, Cat £25. $18 $4 3867 * A B1 1909-16 KEVII Wmk Single NZ/Star Perf 14 SG #396 4d orange. $40 3868 F A A1 - SG #396, 4d orange, Cat £15. $12 3869 F A/A1915-30 KGV Wmk Single NZ/Star Perf 14x13½ SG #416-30 $10 complete set of 15 (unchecked for perfs), Cat £225. $150 3870 V A A1 1915-35 Jones Paper SG #441, ½d green. $4 1920 Victory SG #454-8, 1d to 1/-, Cat £75. (5) $60 $80 3871 F A 3872 F A B1 1932 Health SG #552, 1d+1d Hygaeia pair, Cat £60. $50 $100 3873 F A- A1 1935-36 Pictorials Wmk 43 SG #569, 3/- chocolate & yellowbrown P13-4x13½, Cat £48, toned perf. $19 $50 3874 F A- A1 - SG #569, 3/- chocolate & yellow-brown P13-4x13½, Cat £55, light crease. $24 3875 **/* A A1 1938-44 KGVI Definitives SG #606, 1d green Plate 31 block of 8 on fine vertical mesh (CP #M2c), 1 unit hinged $16 3876 ** A 1940 Centenary 1d Cook plate ‘H4’ imprint block of 4. $15 - 2d Tasman plate ‘D4’ imprint block of 4. $15 $6 3877 ** A 3878 ** B 1941 Surcharges SG #628 1d on ½d green BLC block of 8, 2 left columns with rectangles the rest with squares, few light tones. $5 3879 ** A 1946 Peace SG #667-77 set in imprint or plate number blocks, ½d imprint, 1d plates 2 & 7, 1½d plate 1A & 1B, 2d plate 4, 3d $20 imprint, 4d imprint, 5d imprint, 6d imprint, 8d imprint, 9d imprint & 1/- plate 1A & 1B, CP Cat $111. $50 3880 * A 1947-52 KGVI Counter Coils 4d number ‘3’ pair CP #MC2e. $5 3881 ** A 1946 Otago Centenary 1d plate A2 & B2, 2d plate A1, A2 & B1, 3d plate 2, 6d plate A1. $15 3882 ** A B1 1953-59 QEII Definitives SG #727, 3d vermilion Die Ib counter$44 coil pair ‘14’ reading up, CP #NC1(d). $20 3883 **/* A A1 - SG #727, 3d vermilion, in BRC block of 6 with Bradbury, Wilkinson imprint & plate number ‘27’, 2 units hinged. $4 3884 **/* A A1 - SG #727, 3d vermilion, in BRC block of 6 with Bradbury, $16 Wilkinson imprint & plate number ‘33’, 2 units hinged. $20 3885 * A 1953-59 QEII Counter Coils 4d number ‘19’ strip of 4 CP #NC1(h). $5 - 9d number ‘10’ pair CP #NC6(a). $5 $6 3886 * A 3887 **/* A A1 1953-59 QEII Definitives SG #732, 1/- black & carmine-red, Die I, in BRC block of 4 with plate number red ‘1A’, black ‘2A’, plain side selvedge, 1 unit hinged. $13 $25 3888 **/* A B1 - SG #733, 1/6d black & bright blue plate 1B2B block of 8, CP #N11a, unit 6/10 with 2nd shoulder flaw CP #NCV5(d). $10 $15 3889 * A 1953-59 QEII 2/6d plate ‘4’ imprint pair, hinge rem, CP Cat $450. $50 3890 * A - SG #734-6 3/-, 5/- & 10/-, 5/- is sheet value single, hinge rems, $10 Cat £94. $30 3891 **/* A 1955 Health set of 3 in TRC blocks of 4 with sheet value, 2d hinged. $10 3892 **/* A A1 1955-59 Redrawn QEII Definitives SG #745, 1d orange, in $80 BRC block of 6 with Bradbury, Wilkinson imprint & plate no. ‘13’, 1 unit hinged. $5 3893 **/* A A1 - SG #747, 2d bluish green, in BRC block of 6 with Bradbury, Wilkinson imprint & plate no. ‘3’ (no stop), 1 unit hinged. $20 $150 3894 **/* A A1 - SG #747, 2d bluish green, in BRC block of 6 with Bradbury, Wilkinson imprint & plate no. ‘5.’, 1 unit hinged. $5 3895 ** A 1955-59 QEII Larger Figures of Value 3d plate 20 imprint block of 8 on white opaque paper. $8 $30 3896 ** A- A1 1960-66 Definitives SG #784, 2½d Titoki, in BLC block of 12 with Harrison imprint & plate numbers ‘3B2B2B2B’, some toning to top edge. $5 3897 ** A- A1 - SG #784, 2½d Titoki, in BLC block of 12 with Harrison imprint & plate numbers ‘2A2A2A2A’, some toning to top edge. $4 $30 3898 ** A A1 1967 Decimal Currency SG #855, 10c timber, BLC block of 8 with Harrison imprint & plate numbers ‘1A1A’, C&P #OD11a, Cat NZ$27.50. $9 $60 $10 $9 3899 V A B1 1967-70 Pictorials SG 870-9, Cat £22. (11) 3900 ** A A1 1969 Capt. Cook SG #910, 56c minisheet, Cat £14. $12 $12 3901 ** A A1 1939 Express Delivery: SG #E6, 6d violet BRC corner block of 4. $6 $3

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 3902 F A B1

NORFOLK ISLAND 3937 ** A 1947-59 Ball Bay original paper set of 12, excl 3d chesnut in imprint blocks of 4. 3938 ** A A1 1960-62 Pictorials SG #24-36, complete set. 3939 ** A A1 1964 Scenes SG #51-4 set. (4) 3940 ** A 1970-71 Birds SG #103-17, complete set, all marginal singles ex 15c, Cat £27. (15) 3941 ** A - SG #103-17, complete set, Cat £27. (15) 3942 ** A 1973-75 Architecture SG #133-48 set. (16) 3943 F A A1 1986 Governor Phillip’s Commission SG #396-400, set of 5, cto. 3944 F A A1 1987-88 Scenes SG #405-20, set of 16, Cat £32, cto. 3945 F A A1 1987 Settlement SG #421-4, set of 4, cto.

$5 $16 $4

NORFOLK ISLAND | Postal History 1976 OHMS cover from Norfolk Island Administration with 3946 *F A Norfolk Island Official Post oval frank in violet cancelled by light $6 Norfolk Island cds 18AU76.


1967-84 Decimal Arms SG #F220a, $6 emerald wmk sideways horizontal strip of 6, Cat £13, cancelled ‘MOUNT WELLINGTON/ 25MR81 4/N.Z’ (B2).


NEW ZEALAND | Official Stamps 3903 ** A B1 1936-61 ‘Official’ Overprint, Wmk Multi NZ/Star SG #O129, 9d red & grey-black, Cat £80.


NEW ZEALAND | Life Insurance 3904 * A B1 1947-65 Lighthouse Life Insurance SG #L42-9, 1947 set of 7, excludes 2½d black & bright-blue (1963), Cat £15.


NEW ZEALAND | Postage Dues 3905 F A B1 1899 Type II Small D SG #D15, 2d vermilion & green.


NEW ZEALAND | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 3906 PS A1900 QV Octagonal HG #B4a, ½d blue-green, flap at top, (Samuel #CB.1b), some light tone spotting. NEW ZEALAND | First Day Covers 1953 Royal Visit set on illustrated FDC, cancelled with 9 Dec 3907 *F A 1953 Wellington slogan cancel, addressed to Australia. 3908 *F A 1972 Vintage Cars, Anniversaries & Lakes First Day Covers, unaddressed, Cat £12½. NEW ZEALAND | Postal History 1934 Registered cover to Dunedin with 4d violet KGV tied by 3909 *F A Wellington cds 20SE 34 with boxed ‘AWAY FROM H[OME]/ NOTICE LEF[T]/...’ handstamp in blue, cover redirected to Australia. 3910 *F A 1944 use of 1d green KGVI x2 on Gadsden advertising cover, cancelled with 15 May 1944 Wellington slogan cancel and ‘OPENED BY EXAMINER/D.D.A./36’ P.C. 90 censor label [Allocated to Wellington] affixed, addressed to Melbourne, Australia. 3911 * A1949 (Oct 4) use of 1d Inland Post Card uprated with 1d green KGVI, endorsed “Airmail”, from Ravensbourne to Waharoa. NEW ZEALAND | Flight Covers 3912 *V A1932 Kohita - Wellington 5d on 3d green tied by ‘HOKITIKA/ 20JA32.1PM/N.Z’ to air cover bearing boxed ‘AIR MAIL - FIRST FLIGHT/WELLINGTON - WEST COAST, S.I./[biplane]/BY AIR FROM HOKITIKA./20th JANUARY. 1932.’ in cyan, minor toning. NEW ZEALAND | Postmarks 3913 S A A2 Bainham: type A ‘N.Z/BAINHAM/24MR24’, on 1d red map. [Rated 4] PO 1/7/1896; closed 5/2/1988. 3914 S A- A2 Cambridge: squared-circle ‘N.Z/CAMBRIDGE/29NO20’, on 2d orange-yellow KGV, light vertical crease. PO 8/9/1864.

Page 51 $70 $60 $5 $20 $20 $9

NORTH BORNEO 3947 F A B2 1891-92 Surcharges SG #55d 6c on 8c yellow-green with Large ‘s’ in ‘cents.’, dotted bars cancel (not the remainder cancel), Cat £200. Rare. $150 $4 3948 F A A1 1894 Pictorials SG #74 8c black & dull purple, with blue Kudat cds, Cat £11. $9 3949 F A A1 1894 High Values SG #81 25c indigo, 1901 Sandakan cancel, Cat £30. $25 3950 * A- B1 1909 Surcharges SG #177s, 20c on 18c ovpt ‘SPECIMEN’, $50 minor thin, Cat £50. $30 $8

NORTH BORNEO | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3951 PS A1889 POSTAGE HG #4, 3c red-brown, (ISC# P2, Cat R$120), cancelled with red ‘[SAND]AKAN/8/JUL/1889’ (A2), to London, stamp removed. $24


$10 NORTHERN RHODESIA 3952 F A B1 1925-29 KGV SG #9 10d olive-green, Cat £50. 3953 V A C2 - SG #11 2/- brown & ultramarine, Cat £38.

$40 $30

NORTHERN RHODESIA | Postal History 3954 *F A 1942 use of stampless OAS cover to Nkana, cancelled with double-circle ‘NDOLA/20AUGD42/N. RHOD[ESIA]’ (B2), violet $32 ‘PASSED BY MILITARY CENSOR/No. 483’ (A1+) on face.


NORWAY 3955 F 3956 F $6 3957 ** 3958 **


A A1 A A1 A A

1856 King Oskar I SG #11, 8sk dull lake, Cat £50. 1867-68 No Wmk SG #29, 8sk carmine, Cat £65. 1985 Bicentenary of Public Houses SG #961-2, set of 2. 1989 Writers’ Birth Anniversaries SG #1065-6, set of 2.

$25 $25 $4 $6

NEWFOUNDLAND NYASALAND 3915 F A- C1 1870-71 Medium White Paper SG #33, 12c chestnut, crease, $25 Cat £48. $15 3959 U A B1 1934-35 Leopard SG #114-22, complete set of 9, Cat £35. 3960 U A 1935 Silver Jubilee SG #123-6, complete set, Cat £70. $40 3916 W A B1 1880-92 Prince of Wales SG #44a 1c dull brown, MNG, Cat £50. $15 OIL RIVER PROTECTORATE 3917 * A C1 1887-88 SG #49, ½c rose-red, Cat £15. $12 3961 F A A1 1892-94 SG #1, ½d vermilion, Cat £12, cancelled with ‘OPOBO 3918 * A C1 1894 New Colours SG #59, ½c black, Cat £10. $8 RIV[ER]/A/SP?/[?]’ (A4). $10 3919 * A- C1 1897 Discovery SG #69, 4c olive-green, light gum adhesions, Cat £12. $5 ORANGE FREE STATE 3920 * A/A- SG #71-9, 6c to 60c, odd gum faults, Cat £275. $150 3962 F A A1 1882 Surcharge SG #36 ½d on 5/- green. $5 3921 * A B1 - SG #117 1c yellow-green, Cat £10. $8 3963 * A B1 1890-91 Surcharges SG #54 1d type a on 3d ultramarine. $7 3922 * A B1 1923-24 Pictorials SG #155 8c Quidi Vidi, Cat £17. $10 3964 * A B1 1896 Surcharges SG #70 ½d type b on 3d ultramarine, Cat £14. $12 3923 * A 1928-29 Pictorials SG #168-71,173 6c, 8c, 9c & 12c, Cat £27. $20 3965 * A B1 - SG #72 ½d type d on 3d ultramarine, Cat £13. $11 3924 * A 1932 Pictorials SG #216-20 14c to 30c, Cat £50+. (6) $40 3925 * A A1 1933 Air SG #230 5c red-brown, Cat £22. $18 ORANGE FREE STATE | Numeral & Letter Postmarks 3966 S A A2 6: ‘6.’ of Kroonstad on 1d brown. $5 3926 * A 1933 Annexation SG #240-9, 5c to 32c (32c line perf 14), Cat £100. (10) $80 ORANGE RIVER COLONY | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 3967 PS A 1902 KEVII HG #36, 1d carmine on buff, cancelled with doubleNEWFOUNDLAND | Postal History circle ‘P.O.WINBURG/26OCTB03/O.R.C’ (A1). $13 1947 use of stampless front to Pilley’s Island cancelled with 3927 *F C double meter No.5 on 16IV47. $16 PAKISTAN 3968 * A B1 1947 ‘PAKISTAN’ On India SG #14w, 1r grey & red-brown with NIGER COAST PROTECTORATE Wmk inverted, Cat £80. $40 3928 ** A A1 1894 QV No Wmk SG #55a 5d deep violet marginal single with $5 red sheet number, hinged in margin only, Cat £80 as normal. $100 3969 * A A1 - SG #17, 10r purple & claret. 3970 * A B1 1948-57 Defins SG #43, 25r violet perf 14, Cat £55. $25 NIGERIA 3971 * A 1949-53 Crescent Moon Points to Left SG #44-50, set to 10a 3929 ** A A1 1944 KGV SG #50b 1d bright purple corner single with sheet with both 1a, Cat £94. $50 number. $4 3972 * A 1954 7th Independence Anniversary SG #65-71, set of 7, Cat 3930 * A 1953-58 Pictorials SG #77-80, 2/6d to £1 in corner singles, 5/£22. $10 & £1 both plate ‘1’, Cat £80. $50 3973 **/* A 1961-63 Defins SG #128-44b, set of 19, Cat £42. $20 3974 **/* A 1962-70 Defins Redrawn Inscription SG #170-81 original set NIGERIA | Postal History of 12, Cat £18. $10 3931 *F A1933 use of 2d chocolate KGV Die I on cover to UK, cancelled with double-circle ‘MAIDUGERI/1MY/33/NIGERIA’ (B1), doublePAKISTAN | Official Stamps circle ‘JOS/3.45PM/3MY/33/[NIG]ERIA’ (A2 - LRD by 3 years). $20 3975 ** A 1947 KGVI Overprints SG #O10-3 1r to 10r. (4) $125 1934 use of KGV 3d blue on cover to USA, cancelled with 3932 *F A3976 * A B1 1948-54 Defins no Wmk SG #O25 5r carmine, Cat £65. $30 double-circle ‘BENDE/27OC/34/NIGERIA’ (A1), double-circle 3977 ** A B1 - SG #O26a 10r magenta perf 13, Cat £35. $30 ‘UMUAHIA/30OC/34/NIGERIA’ (B1) transit. $12 3978 * A B1 - SG #O26b 10r magenta perf 12, Cat £24. $12 NIUE 3933 *

A B1

3934 ** A 3935 *


3936 ** A B1

1903 Overprints SG #16, ‘NIUE./Taha e Seleni.’ on NZ 1/- bright red Bird, imperf at top from edge of sheet, part OG, Cat £40. 1946 Peace SG #98-101, 1d plate ‘1’ block of 4, 2d plate ‘1’ block of 4, 6d imprint block of 4 & 8d imprint block of 6. 1932-6 Pictorials SG #98-101, set of 7 in corner singles, ½d, 2d & 1/- with sheet numbers, all, except 1d, with one or 2 corner dots, Cat £11.50+. 1950 Pictorials SG #114, 1d brown & blue-green, in TRC block of 4 with ‘10/-’ marginal inscription in blue-green.

PALESTINE 3979 * A $30 3980 * A B1

1922 Overprints Perf 14 SG #71-82 1m to 5p, Cat £28. (12) 1922 Overprints Perf 15x14 SG #87, 9p ochre, Cat £10.

$10 PALESTINE | Postal History 3981 * A 1948 use of 20m olive-green x2 & 10m slate-grey, cancelled with poor ‘TEL-AVIV/7/14AP/48’, on air cover to Pyrmont, NSW. $15 PAPUA 1917 ONE PENNY Opts SG #106-11, set of 6, odd tone, Cat $6 3982 * A/B £24.

$20 $8



Page 52 3983 *

A B1

3984 F A A1 3985 F A A1 3986 * A

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 QATAR 1930 Plane Airmail Overprints 6d dull purple & red-purple with rare Deep carmine overprint. $120 4016 ** A 1932 Pictorials SG #134 3d black and blue. $6 - SG #135 4d olive green. $10 RHODESIA 1935 Silver Jubilee SG #150-3, set of 4 in marginal singles, Cat £15. $10 4017 * A B2 4018 *

A B2

PAPUA | Postal History 1940 cover to Port Moresby with 2d Bird of Pardise tied by fine 3987 *F A strike Daru 21 Mr 40 cds.


PAPUA | Postmarks 3988 S B A2 Tahira: ‘TAHIRA/30OC26/P[AP]UA’ on 1½d Bicolour (tone spots). [Lee #93; rated D] PO 18/12/1925; closed 31/10/1926.

4019 V A C1 4020 * A C1


4021 * 4022 *

A B1 A- B1

4023 V 4024 * 4025 * 4026 *

A B1 A B1 A B1 C C2

PAPUA NEW GUINEA (Australian Stamps) Port Moresby: 2½d scarlet KGVI, cancelled with ‘PO[RT 3989 * A MORES]BY/23MY50/PAPUA NEW GUINEA’ (A2-), on cover to Brisbane, QLD.


PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3990 V A A1 3991 F A C1 3992 ** A A1

1952-58 Pictorials SG #14, 10/- Map, Cat £13. 1958-60 Pictorials SG #24, 5/- Coffee strip of 3. 1968-69 Shells $2 corner pair.

$15 $5 $12

PAPUA NEW GUINEA | First Day Covers 3993 *V A

1976 Ships set of 4 on unaddressed FDC, cancelled with ‘SHIPS OF THE 1930s/[anchor]/PORT MORESBY 21JAN.1976’ (A1).


PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Commemorative Covers 3994 *F A-

3995 * A

3996 *V A 3997 * A A1

3998 * A A1 3999 * A A1

1964 Goroka Show Illustrated long cover with adhesives tied by double ring commemorative cancel GOROKA SHOW EASTERN HIGHLANDS 29AUG 1964 with insert brochure describing the show . 1974 2nd International Orchid Show ‘THE ORCHID SOCIETY OF/[orchid]/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - 2nd INTERNATIONAL/ ORCHID SHOW/PORT MORESBY P.N.G/3-5 MAY 1974’, cancelling 10c Shell on unaddressed generic souvenir cover. 1974 Morobe Agricultural Show ‘MOROBE AGRICULTURAL SHOW/[plant & bull]/LAE·5-6/10/1974’ (A1) on 7c Village & 3c Wig Makers on unaddressed generic souvenir cover. 1975 United Church ‘LOTU I STAP/WAN HANDET/YIA/NAU/ 1875/1975/Rabaul,/PNG, 15-8-1975/UNITED CHURCH, NEW GUINEA ISLANDS REGION’ on 10t Tami Two Master Morobe, on unaddressed Souvenir cover 1977 Christian Book Fair ‘CHRISTIAN BOOK FAIR/ LAE[crucifix]1977/13-17 JUNE 1977/PAPUA NEW GUINEA’ on 7t Royal Visit on unaddressed illustrated cover. 1979 Papuan Philatelic Society ‘PAPUAN PHILATELIC SOCIETY/[Bird of Paradise]/Silver Jubilee/1954-1979/6OCT 1979/PORT MORESBY - PNG’, on 15t Butterfly on unaddressed Souvenir cover.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Postal History 4000 *F A

1954 Stampless long OHMS Registered cover to Tasmania with SERVICE DES POSTES handstamp in violet together with Registered Port Moresby cds 5MY54 and Momote Registration label overstamped Port Moresby in violet.



$6 $6

4027 V A- B1 4028 *

A B1

4029 * A B1 4030 F A 4031 * 4032 V A C2 4033 * 4034 * 4035 V 4036 * 4037 * 4038 U 4039 *

A A1 A B1 A D1 A C1 A B1 A A/A-

4040 *

A C1

4041 V A B1 4042 F C B2 4043 F A A1


4044 * 4045 *

A A1 A B1


4046 *

A A1


4047 * 4048 * 4049 *

A A1 A B1 A- C1

1985 40th Anniv. of United Nations Organization SG #794-5, set of 2.

1892-93 Arms Perf 14,14½ SG #8, 5/- orange-yellow, regummed, odd toned perf, Cat £90. $30 1892-94 Bi-Colour Arms Perf 14,14½ SG #21, 3d grey-black & green, Cat £22. $20 - SG #26, 4/- grey-black & vermilion, Cat £55. $40 1896-97 Scroll Behind Legs Die I SG #35, 1/- green & blue, Cat £27. $15 1896-97 Scroll Behind Legs Die II SG #41, ½d slate & violet. $3 - SG #44, 4d ultramarine & mauve, Cat £75, some paper adhesion to gum. $40 - SG #47, 2/- indigo & green/buff, Cat £14. $10 - SG #48, 2/6d brown & purple, Cat £90. $70 - SG #49, 5/- chestnut & emerald, Cat £65. $55 - SG #50, 10/- slate & vermilion/rose, small tear, few toned perfs, Cat £150. $10 - SG #50, 10/- slate & vermilion/rose, small red spot on face, Cat £75. $30 1896 Overprinted Cape of Good Hope SG #58, ½d grey-black, Cat £19. $15 1898-1908 Numeral Value Arms SG #77, 1d rose, Cat £15. $10 - SG #85-9, 2/6d, 5/-, 7/6d & 10/-, Cat £66. (4) $50 1905 Victoria Falls SG #99, 5/- violet P14, probably cleaned/ repaired fiscal, Cat £120. $10 1909-12 ‘RHODESIA’ Overprint SG #102, 2d brown, with Flattened tail on R of overprint. $10 - SG #107c 1/- deep brownish bistre, Cat £16. $15 - SG #108 2/6d bluish grey, Cat £35. $30 - SG #108 2/6d bluish grey, Cat £13. $6 - SG #109 3/- deep violet, Cat £27. $24 - SG #110 5/- orange, Cat £55. $45 1910-13 Double Heads Perf 14 1d x3 distinct shades. $10 1913-22 Admiral Single Plate Perf 14 SG #200 2½d deep blue Cat £10 plus 2½d bright blue (few toned perfs). $12 1913-22 Admirals Double Plates Head Die II Perf 14 SG #227, 5d black & bright green, Cat £25. $18 - SG #236b, 3/- brown & blue, Cat £140. $100 1913-22 Admirals Double Plates Head Die II Perf 15 SG #246, 8d violet & green, Cat £170, large paper fault at top of stamp, acceptable spacefiller. $13 1913-22 Admirals Double Plates Head Die III Perf 14 Cream Paper SG #265, 6d black & reddish-mauve. $6 - SG #274, 2/6d deep ultramarine & grey-brown, Cat £55. $45 1922-24 Admirals Single Plate Perf 14 White Paper SG #284, 1d bright rose, Cat £12. $10 1922-24 Admirals Double Plates Head Die III Perf 14 White Paper SG #292, 2d black & slate-purple, Cat £11. $9 - SG #295, 6d jet-black & lilac. $6 - SG #299, 10d bright ultramarine & carmine-red, Cat £22. $16 - SG #300, 1/- black & dull blue, one toned perf, Cat £17. $10

RHODESIA | Postmarks 4050 * A A1 Bellevue: double-circle ‘BELLEVUE/26APR1979’ on Kluun Postal Card. 4051 S A A2 Gatooma: double-circle ‘GATOOMA/ 12AUG1912/S.RH[ODESI]A’ (#D4) on 1d double head. [Rated $35 40 by Proud]

Finschhafen: ‘FINSCHHAFEN/17AP79/PAPUA-NEW GUINEA’ on 7c coastal village. PO 15/9/1948. Kiunga: ‘KIUNGA/29JY70/T.P. & N.G.’ on 5c Bird on cover to North Balwyn, Vic. PO 24/6/1970. Mendi: ‘MENDI/2JY68/T.P.&N.G.’ (arcs 11,11 G&H #ME-2) on 5c Headdress on cover to North Balwyn, Vic. PO 31/1/1958. Port Moresby: Australian 2½d KGV tied to cover by Port Moresby cds 6MY47.

RHODESIA & NYASALAND | Postal History 4052 *G A1958 use of 1/- grey on formular Air Letter from native postal clerk to USA. $4 RUMANIA $4 4053 F A A1 1907 Welfare SG #528-31, set of 4. 4054 ** A 1984 Romanian Olympic Games Medal Winners SG #4889, 2 $4 M/sheets, Cat £18. 4055 ** A 1984 Paintings of Children SG #4891-6, set of 6. $25 4056 ** A 1985 Inter - European Cultural and Economic Co Operation, Composers SG #4911, 2 M/sheets.

1917-20 Ovpts on NZ SG #26a,27a, 6d & 1/- perf 14x14¼, Cat £17. 1920 Pictorials No Wmk SG #32-7, set of 6, Cat £27. Plus 1d wmked. (7)

RUSSIA - Soviet Union (1923-1991) $14 4057 ** A 1985 115th Birth Anniv. of Lenin SG #5553, 30k M/sheet x3. 4058 ** A 1985 Railway Locomotives and Rolling Stock SG #5564a, $20 sheetlet of 8 (SG #5564-71).

PITCAIRN ISLANDS 4007 * A 1940-51 Pictorials SG #1-8, set of 10, Cat £75. 4008 ** A 1970 Flowers SG #107-10 set. (4) 4009 ** A 1970 Fish SG #111-14, set of 4. (4) 4010 V A 1980 Handicrafts SG #207-10 set in complete sheets (25 sets) CTO with Sydpex Exhibition cancel in black 39 Sep 1980 being First day of issue. 4011 ** A 1985 Christmas SG #277-80, set of 4.

RUSSIA - Soviet Union (1923-1991) | Postal History 1942 use of stampless humourous PPC of ‘A GERMAN 4059 *F B KNIGHTS DILEMMA’ (showing German soldier in woman’s dress choosing between male & female toilets), some staining. [Message translates in part as “The German-Fascist army and its allies are a barbaric band of professional looters and $35 murderers. Death to the German occupiers!”] $4 4060 *V A 1967 use of se-tenant pair of 10th Anniversary of Antarctic Expeditions on air cover to Australia.

4001 D A A1 4002 * A A14003 * A A14004 * A PENRHYN 4005 * A B2 4006 *


PITCAIRN ISLANDS | First Day Covers 1980 QM 80th Birthday 50c QM, tied by Adamstown Pitcairn 4012 *V A Islands FDI cancel, on unaddressed embossed illustrated official ornate FDC. PORTUGUESE INDIA | Postal History 1953 commercial air cover to Vic with Vaz 10t & Stamp 4013 *F A Centenary 1t. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 4014 * A B1 1870 Bluish White Paper SG #30, 3d blue, Cat £11. 4015 * A B2 1872 New Currency SG #36, 1c brown-orange.


$6 $4

$6 $4 $15 $4 $6 $3 $4

$30 $12 $15


RYUKYU ISLANDS | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 4061 PS A 1958 New Year HG #20, 1hc, unused.

$50 $8 $3

ST. CHRISTOPHER 4062 F A A3 1870-72 QV Wmk Crown/CC Perf 12½ SG #5, 6d green. 4063 **/* A A1 1882-90 Wmk Crown/CA SG #11, ½d dull green marginal block $12 of 4 with control ‘40’, Cat £24 as normal.


ST. KITTS-NEVIS $9 4064 V A B1 1921-29 KGV Wmk Mult Script CA SG #43, 2½d brown, SG $6 #43.



Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 ST. KITTS-NEVIS | St. Kitts 4065 W B B1 1870-79 Wmk Crown/CC Perf 12½ SG #1, 1d dull rose, Cat £85, small closed tear at BLC, some slight toning. ST. HELENA 4066 W A B1 4067 V A B1 4068 * A B1 4069 V A A1 4070 *

A A1

4071 ** A 4072 ** A ST. LUCIA 4073 W A C1 4074 F A A1 4075 F A 4076 * A A1 4077 *

A B1

4078 ** A B1 4079 ** A 4080 ** A ST. VINCENT 4081 W A B1 4082 F B C1 4083 F A C2 4084 U A/B 4085 V A A1 4086 U A/A4087 * A B1 4088 V A B1 4089 **/* A A1 4090 *


4091 ** A B1

1864-80 QV Wmk Crown/CC Perf 14x12½ SG #21, 1d lake, MNG, Cat £85. 1884-94 QV Wmk Crown/CA Perf 14 SG #34, ½d emerald, Cat £25. - SG #43c, 4d sepia, Cat £27. 1908-11 KEVII Wmk Mult Crown/CA SG #66, 4d black & red/ yellow, Cat £35. 1922-37 Badge Wmk Mult Script CA SG #110, 5/- grey & green/yellow, Cat £45. 1961 Defins SG #176-89 set. (14) 1985 Queen Mother SG #454-8 set & M/Sheet. (5) 1864-76 Wmk Crown/CC Perf 12½ SG #11, (1d) black, MNG, Cat £28. 1864-76 Wmk Crown/CC Perf 14 SG #18a, (1/-) deep orange, Cat £16. 1891-98 QV Die II SG #43-7, ½d to 3d. (5) 1904-10 KEVII Wmk Mult Crown/CA SG #72, 6d dull purple & violet ordinary paper, Cat £27. 1921-30 KGV Wmk Multi Script CA SG #92, 1d rose-carmine, Cat £12. 1938-48 KGVI Wmk Mult Script CA SG #138, 10/- black/yellow marginal single with sheet number, Cat £18. 1989 125th Anniv. of International Red Cross SG #1030-2, set of 3. 1989 Christmas SG #1033-6, set of 4 in strips of 3. 1875-78 Perf 15 SG #18, 1d black, MNG, Cat £60. 1875-78 Perf 11-12½ SG #25, 4d deep blue, couple of shallow thins, Cat £90. 1880 Perf 11 to 12½ SG #30, 6d bright green, some light toning, Cat £70. 1881 Wmk Small Star Perf 11 to 12½ SG #36-8 ½d orange, 1d drab & 4d bright blue (very rough perfs), Cat £144. 1885-93 SG #49, ‘2½ PENCE’ on 1d milky blue. 1899 QV Tablets SG #67-70, ½d, 1d, 2½d & 3d (toned perfs), Cat £25. 1907-08 Peace & Justice SG #98, 3d violet. 1915 Surcharge SG #121, 1d on 1/- black on green, CTO, Cat £40. 1916-18 War Stamp Opts SG #126, 1d carmine-red with straight-line ‘WAR STAMP’ opt block of 4, MUH x2. 1935 Silver Jubilee SG #142-5, set of 4, 1/- with Bird above flagstaff flaw, Cat £10. 1955-63 Defins SG #199a $1 deep myrtle-green plate ‘1’ block of 4, Cat £88 as normal.

ST. VINCENT | Revenues 4092 F A B1 Revenue: 1885-88 1d on 1d lilac. ST. VINCENT | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 4093 PS B 1884-93 HG #3, 1½d brown on cream, ink annotation on face. SAMOA 4094 ** A

1946 Peace SG #215-8, 1d plate ‘1 block of 4, 2d plate ‘1 block of 4, 6d imprint block of 4 & 8d imprint block of 6.

SAMOA | Postal History 1917 cover from Sydney to Apia with 1d red KGV cancelled May 4095 *V A 22 with boxed ‘PASSED BY CENSOR 2 GRI SAMOA’ handstamp in green. SAN MARINO 4096 * B A1

1890 SG #5 25c maroon, paper adhesions on reverse, Cat £170.

SAN MARINO | First Day Covers 4097 *F A 1949 Garibaldi set tied to two Registered illustrated FDC’s. SAUDI ARABIA 4098 ** A 4099 ** A 4100 ** A

1985 First Arabian Gulf Co-Operation Council Olympic Day SG #1421-2, set of 2. 2005 King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz Commemoration SG #2136, 5r Imperf. M/sheet, Cat £27. 2005 National Society For Human Rights SG #2146, 5r Imperf. M/sheet, Cat £40.

SERBIA | Postal Stationery - Letter Cards 4101 PS A 1904 Head Replaced With Arms HG #A14 10p red and black. SEYCHELLES 4102 ** A

1985 Queen Mother SG #614-8 set & M/Sheet. (5)

4103 ** A

1988 Kreol Festival SG #788a, set of 5, Cat £11.50.

SIERRA LEONE 4104 * A A1 4105 V A A1 4106 *

A- A1

4107 F A A1

1885-96 Wmk Crown/CC Perf 14 SG #36, 6d brown-purple, Cat £27. 1893 Surcharges SG #39, ½d on 1½d pale violet wmk Crown/ CA. 1904-05 KEVII Wmk Mult Crown/CA SG #93, 5d purple & black, gum lightly aged, Cat £14. - SG #95, 1/- green & black.

4108 U A $13

4109 * 4110 *

A B1 A/A-


4111 F A 4112 F A

$20 $23

4113 ** A 4114 ** A


4115 ** A

$40 $110 SINGAPORE 4116 F A B1 $5 4117 ** A A1 4118 * A A1

Page 53

1907-12 KEVII New Colours SG #100-5,107-9, 1d (both shades) to 2/-, ex 5d, Cat £45. (10) - SG #106, 5d purple & olive-green, Cat £24. 1912-21 KGVI Wmk Mult Crown/CA SG #117-22, 4d to 10d, 6d has odd toned perf, Cat £19. 1932 Rice Fields SG #155-63, ½d to 1/-, Cat £40. 1933 Abolition of Slavery SG #168-9,171-7, ½d to 2/-, ex 1½d, Cat £96. (9) 1966 Coins SG #398-409, complete set of 12. 1985 300th Birth Anniv of Johann Sebastian Bach SG #894, 12l M/sheet. 1989 Butterflies SG #1031B-5Bd, 1l, 2l, 3l, 9l, 12l & 16l, Cat £29.50.

$35 $18 $15 $30 $70 $7 $4 $25

1948-52 KGVI Perf 17½x18 SG #26, 40c red & purple, Cat £19. - SG #28 $1 blue & purple. 1976 Trees SG #268-71 set. (4)

$11 $25 $5

$12 SINGAPORE | Postal History 4119 *F A 1954 use of 10c purple KGVI, cancelled with ‘FORCES P.O./ $15 545PM/17AUG/1954/SINGAPORE’, on airmail cover to Loxton North, SA. $6


$24 SINGAPORE | Flight Covers 1953 Pan Am first flight from Singapore to San Francisco, 4120 *G A intermediate cover to Saigon, ‘SAIGON R.P/13.00/28-5/1953/ $6 VIETNAM’ machine arrival. $18 SOLOMON ISLANDS 4121 * A A1 1908-11 Small Canoes SG #13 6d claret. $4 4122 * A/B 1939-51 Pictorials SG #60-72, set of 13, Cat £85, 4½d & 2/$7 with tropicalised gum. 4123 ** A 1975 Definitives set of 16, $1 is white paper and $5 is cream paper. (16) $30 $40 $20

4124 * 4125 *

A A C1

1927 1st National Defence SG #104-7, set of 4, Cat £11.50. 1932-38 Pictorials SG #176a, 10L hippopotamus P14, Cat £120.

$12 4126 * A A2 1926 ‘Somalia Italiana’ SG #D77, 10c orange & black, Cat £21. $6 SOMALIA (Independent) 4127 ** A B1 1960 Independence Sc #C68-9, .50s & 1.20s Antelope air $15 stamps, Cat $16, gum slightly toned. $6 SOMALILAND (British) 4128 * A- A1 1903 QV - Overprint At Top SG #4, 2½a ultramarine with 2nd I $10 of BRITISH almost missing, couple of minor toned perfs. 4129 * A B1 1904 KEVII Wmk Crown/CA SG #33, 1a grey-black & red, Cat $90 £19. 4130 * A B1 1921 KGV Wmk Script CA SG #83, 2r dull purple & purple, toned gum, Cat £26. $3 4131 ** A B1 1937 Coronation SG #90, 1a marginal block of 4.


SOMALILAND (British) | Official Stamps 4132 * A 1904 O.H.M.S. SG #O10-11, ½a & 1a, Cat £12.50. SOUTH AFRICA 4133 F A A1 4134 F A A1 4135 F A


4136 F A 4137 F A B1 4138 ** A- B1


4139 ** A

1933-48 Pictorials SG #64 5/- black & green vertical pair. 1933-48 Pictorials, Rotogravure, Hyphenated SG #64c, 10/blue & sepia horizontal pair. 1942-44 Bantam War Effort SG #103, 4d slate-grey triplet cnr block of 6 with slogans. - SG #104, 1/- brown doublet cnr block of 4 with slogans. 1947-54 Pictorials SG #115, 1d grey & carmine block of 4. 1949 UPU SG #129 1½d sheet number block of 8, some perf separation and minor toning. 1954 Orange Free State Centenary SG #149-50, blocks of 4, 2d plate ‘104 1’ & 4½d plate ‘104 11’.

$16 SOUTH AFRICA | Revenues 4140 * A A1 1938-42 KGVI: 1/- orange. $3 $20

$20 $45 $45

SOMALIA (Italian)

$40 $6 SOMALIA (Italian) | Postage Dues



SOUTH AFRICA | First Day Covers 1937 Coronation set of 5 english language singles on 1d Postal 4141 * A Envelope from Winburg to New Zealand.

SOUTH AFRICA | Postal History 1946 (Mar 13) use of 3d & 1/- on air cover to Merca, Somalia $30 4142 * A SOUTH AFRICA | Military - Boer War Period 1901: use of 1d rose-red & green ‘E.R.I.’ opt, cancelled with $4 4143 *F Adouble-circle ‘FIELD POST OFFICE/51/?/01/BRITISH ARMY S. AFRICA’, from a Major, Rand Rifles, Johannesburg, backstamped with double-circle ‘CASHEL/10AM/JU18/01/1’ (B1) arrival, small closed tear at right $7 $10 SOUTH AFRICA | Military - World War II Period 4144 * A1941 use of 4d & 6d on air cover, cancelled with ‘EGYPT/54/ 29X41/POSTAGE/PREPAID’, censor 242 on face. $22 SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1937 Mail Train SG #96, 1½d used imprint block of 4, unusual. $3 4145 F A SOUTH WEST AFRICA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards $5 4146 PS A+ 1934 (C) Surcharge ‘Half/Penny’ on 1d carmine & black (H&G $6 #13). [Not listed by H&G.]

$8 $50 $15


$20 $15 $20 $3 $10 $16 $10 $30 $15 $4 $4 $5 $10

$4 $30


$10 $15


Page 54

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016

SOUTH WEST AFRICA | Postal Stationery - Wrappers 4147 PS A 1923 HG #E5, ½d green opt ‘South West/Africa.’ on buff. SOUTH WEST AFRICA | Postal History 1950 use of 3d grey-blue & blue Windhoek x4 (SG#77), 4148 *F A cancelled with double-circle ‘WINDHOEK/13IVH50/5’ on consular air cover with back flap inscribed ‘Kongelig Dansk Vicekonsulat/Royal Danish Vice Consulate/P.O. Box 222 : : Windhoek/Syd Vest Afrika’. SOUTHERN RHODESIA 4149 V A C1 1924-29 Admiral SG #10, 1/- black & light blue, Cat £12. SOUTHERN RHODESIA | Postage Dues 4150 F A 1951 SG #D3-5,7, 2d, 3d, 4d & 1/-, Cat £14. SOUTHERN RHODESIA | Postal History 1930 use of 1d bright rose KGV x3, cancelled with Bulawayo 4151 *F C machine of 13.5.30 on plain cover to Aberdeen, New Brunswick, somewhat roughly opened & now glued shut, small closed tear at base & slight toning to TRC. 1944 (Jul 4) use of 1/- & 1½d pair on air cover from Salisbury to 4152 * A“Political Branch/EA Command”, double-circle ‘E.A./ 6VIIB44/A.P.O. 52’ (Italian Somalia ?). SPAIN 4153 ** A SRI LANKA 4154 F A B1 SUDAN 4155 */V A/A4156 * A 4157 ** A SURINAM 4158 F A C1 4159 V A C1 4160 W A B2 4161 ** A- A1

4184 ** A 4185 ** A

$10 $10

TIMOR (Portuguese) 4192 */U A/B 1898-1913 Group all mint ex noted; 1898 2½a (u), 12a (u), 13a, 31a, 1903 5a-31a ex 12a, 1911 ½a, 22a (all u), 1913 10a (u) & $30 31a (u). (17)



4191 *

A A1


TOKELAU ISLANDS | First Day Covers $15 4195 *F A 1948 Defins set in Imprint blocks of four tied to cover to Fiji by Nukunono cds 22JE 48. $35


1898 Surcharges SG #71, 10c on 20c green. - SG #72a, 10c on 25c greenish blue P11½x12, Cat £17. 1900 (Mar) Surcharges SG #84, 25c on 50c orange-brown P12½x12, issued without gum 1926 Surcharges SG #182, 12½c on 40c lilac, top marginal block of 4, Cat £96, some mild toning.

$6 $15

1850 Rayon II SG #10, 10Rp red, black & yellow, 3 good margins, 1862-64 Seated Helvetia SG #58, 40c green, Cat £75. - SG #60a, 1f gold, cancelled with boxed ‘[SC]HWYZ/”4”APR79’ Cat £120. 1909 William Tell Cord in Front of Stock SG #247-9, set of 3, Cat £24, 2c has a toned perf. 1924-40 Shield & Value in Red SG #329-32, set of 4, Cat £29, 90c has paper adherance & small closed tear at base. 1939 National Exposition SG #391-3, set of 9, Cat £34, 30c Italian has slight toning to BRC. 1948 Landmarks SG #489-94, set of 6, Cat £16. 1948 Pro Patria SG #495-8, set of 4, Cat £14.50. 1952 Pro Patria SG #536-49, set of 5, Cat £28. 1923 Pro Juventute SG #J24-6, short set to 20+5c, Cat £14. 1939 Pro Juventute SG #J79, 30c bright blue & buff, Cat £13. 1949 Pro-Juventute SG #J128-31, 5c to 40c.

SWITZERLAND | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 4182 PS B 1874 Knife B Wmk 3 HG #B19, 10c aniline red on white, (HG don’t list this shade with this wmk), a few faults. SYRIA 4183 ** A

1894 Surcharges P&T Department SG #39, ‘2 Atts.’ on 64a, Cat £10.50. 1898-99 Surcharges SG #53, ‘1 Att.’ (12mm) on 12a, Cat £10.5.

1927-41 Postman SG #37-46b, 1m to 1p (2p small thin), original issue, plus used 20p, Cat £19. (11) 1931-37 Air SG #49b-57d, set of 12, Cat £40. 1951-61 Pictorials SG #138, 20p MUH corner block of 6, Cat £72+.

SWEDEN | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 4169 PS A 1872-79 Embossed Arms HG #1, 6 ore violet, cancelled with very fine ‘LINKOPING/7/8/1879’.

A A1 A A1 A A1 A A1 A A1 A A1


$5 TOGO (Independent) 4194 ** A 1985 Easter - Paintings By Raphael SG #1789-93, set of 5 x3.

SWEDEN | Postage Dues 4168 F A B1 1874-77 Perf 14 SG #D36, 50o bistre, Cat £65.

4176 V 4177 F 4178 V 4179 F 4180 F 4181 F

TANGANYIKA | Postmarks 4189 * A A1 Exhibition: ‘EXHIBITION P O/5SP/1929/TANGANYIKA’ (rated 150 by Proud - open 2-7/9/1929) on 10c KGV x2, double-circle $8 ‘CAMP POST OFFICE - DARESSA[L]AM/SE6/1929’ (B2 - rated 150 by Proud) arrival on back, flap sealed with 1930 Anvers $10 Exposition Internationale cinderella. $120

1976 Gemstones SG #628, 5r Ruby.

SWEDEN | Official Stamps 4166 F A B1 1874-93 Arms & Numerals SG #O31, 6ö violet, P13, Cat £75. 4167 * A A1 1881 Perf 13 SG #O31e, 6o violet, Cat £33.

4175 F A- A1



1858-72 SG #6a, 5o green, - SG #11a, 50o carmine, Cat £110.

4174 F A- B1


1915 Overprints on Gold Coast SG #H34a, ½d green Small F in FRENCH.

SWEDEN 4164 F A A1 4165 F A A1

4173 F A B1

1925 New Frame Colours SG #91, 25c blue.

TANGANYIKA | Postal History 4188 *F A B2 1917 of stampless PPC cancelled with ‘F.P.O./No306/10FF??’ (B2) & bearing ‘PASSED BY CENSOR/[Crown]/No3805’ (B2) triangular handstamp in red, face of card features Daressalam, Wissmann-Hotel.

TOGO (British) $4 4193 * A B1

1948-54 KGVI SG #32a, 3d deep blue, Cat £17. 1985 Queen Mother SG #486-90, set of 4 & M/sheet.

4171 F A A2 4172 F A A1



1985 King Juan Carlos I SG #2809-27, 1p, 5p, 7p, 8p, 12p, 17p, 18p & 45p.

SWAZILAND 4162 W A A1 4163 ** A



1985 26th Anniv of Supreme Council of Science SG #1592, 65p in a strip of 3. 1985 Re-Election of President Assad SG #1597, Imperf. M/ sheet, Cat £18. 1985 Aleppo Industrial and Agricultural Fair SG #1600-1, set of 2 in strips of 3.

SYRIA | Postal History 4186 *F A1924 use of ‘1 PIASTRE’ on 20c chocolate Sower x2, cancelled with poor bi-lingual Lattique of 9-5-24 on cover to Damas.

$70 TONGA 4196 *

A D1

4197 * 4198 *

A B1 A B1

$5 $32

4199 * A B1 4200 ** A- A1

1895 George II SG #33, 2½d rose block of 4, Cat £80, some perf separation. 1895 King George II SG #35 7½d orange-yellow. 1920-35 Queen Salote SG #57, 2d agate & aniline violet Die I, Cat £16. - SG #59, 2½d bright blue. 1942-45 Pictorials Wmk Script/CA SG #75, 1d black & scarlet Line P14 block of 18, Cat £45++, quite a few light tone spots.

$20 $75

TONGA | Postal History 1935 Tin Can Mail small cover to New Zealand with 2½d 4201 *F Aadhesive tied by NIUAFOOU cds 7AU35 with a plethora of cachets on front and back, minor stains. 4202 *F A1937 Tin Can Mail cover to Australia with 1d & 1½d adhesives tied by NIUAFOOU cds 16AU37 with a plethora of cachets on front and back, minor stains.

$20 $15

TONGA | Postmarks 4203 S A A2+ H.M. Customs: oval ‘H.M.CUSTO[MS]/12NOV1911/ NUKUALOFA.TO[NGA]’ on 1/- George II.

$5 $5

TRANSJORDAN $20 4204 * A A1 4205 **/* A C1

1920 Overprints on Palestine SG #16, 2p violet. 1930 Locust Campaign SG #190, 50m block of 4, one unit *, Cat £20.

$5 TRANSJORDAN | Postage Dues 4206 W A 1923 Overprints on Saudi Arabia SG #D117,120, ½p scarlet & 2p orange, MNG, Cat £12.50. 4207 V A B1 1929-39 SG #D191, 4m green, Cat £15. $60 $60 TRINIDAD 4208 F A C1 1863-80 Britannia Wmk Crown/CC Perf 12½ SG #72a, 6d $60 deep green, Wmk double-lined ‘N’. 4209 F A- B1 1863-80 Wmk Crown/CC Perf 12½ SG #73, 1/- bright deep $6 mauve, couple of light tones, Cat £11. 4210 ** A 1935-37 Pictorials SG #230a-3a, 1c to 6c in TLC blocks of 4 all $6 perf 12½, hinged in margin only, Cat £75++. 4211 ** A - SG #234, 8c in TLC blocks of 4 perf 12, hinged in margin only, $10 Cat £15++. $6 $4 TRINIDAD | Postal History 1896 use of 5d dull purple & mauve (SG #119, Cat £14 x4) to $8 4212 *F AEngland, cover a little bit soiled. $4 $8 $4 TRINIDAD | Postmarks 4213 * B B1 Dabadie: ‘DABADIE/A/NO12/98/TRINIDAD’, Proud #D2, cancelling faulty ½d brown Postal Card. [Rated 500 by Proud] $10 TRINIDAD & TOBAGO | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 4214 PS A 1957 HG #7, 2c brown on buff, dated 8JUL1957. TRINIDAD & TOBAGO | Postmarks $3 4215 S A B2 Arima: ‘ARIMA/28-5-27A/TRINIDAD’ type D6 on 2c Coronation. [Rated 50 by Proud] $15 TRIPOLITANIA 4216 * A 1927 1st National Defence SG #42-5, set of 4, Cat £11.50. $10 TRISTAN DA CUNHA 4217 * A 1963 Resettlement SG #55-67, set of 13, Cat £23. 4218 ** A 1973 Centenary of HMS Challenger’s Visit SG #181 M/Sheet. $16 4219 ** A 1978 Local Minerals SG #242-5 set. (4)

$32 $40 $12 $6 $25

$24 $24

$48 $5 $20

$5 $10

$10 $6 $60 $12


$50 $5

$4 $8 $12 $5 $5

Auction 134 - 10:00am Sunday 13th March 2016 TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS 4220 ** A A1 1919 (20 Aug) War Tax SG #150, 1d scarlet marginal pair, with Doubling of W on left unit. 4221 * A A1 1919 (17 Dec) War Tax SG #151, 1d scarlet marginal pair, with Doubling of W on left unit. 4222 * A A1 1950 KGVI Definitives SG #221-7,229 ½d to 1/- (ex 6d) in plate ‘1’ marginal singles. (8) 4223 * A A1 - SG #233, 10/- marginal single, Cat £28. 4224 ** A 1971 Definitives SG #333-46 set plus ¼c (SG 297a). (15) TUVALU | Postmarks 4225 * A B1 Nukulaelae: light double-circle ‘NUKULAELAE/*/4MR/76/ TUVALU’, on 1c Toddy & 4c Fishing, on Simpson cover. UGANDA 4226 ** A 4227 ** A 4228 ** A 4229 ** A

1985 UNICEF Child Survival Campaign SG #477, 500s M/ sheet. 1985 Decade For Women SG #493, 1500s M/sheet. 1989 20th Anniv of First Manned Landing on Moon SG #73643, set of 8, Cat £15. 1991 Elephants SG #988-91, set of 4.

UNITED NATIONS 4230 ** A 1985 Flags of Member Nations 6th Series Sc #454-7, Sheetlet of 16 (Flags of Uganda, Sao Tome, USSR & India in blocks of 4). UNITED NATIONS - GENEVA 4231 ** A 1989 Universal Declaration of Human Rights Sc #180-1, 2 Sheetlets of 12 stamps & se-tenant labels. 4232 ** A - SG #G180-1, 2 Sheetlets of 12 stamps & se-tenant labels. 4233 F A 1937-43 ‘SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS’ Issues SG #LN45A-55A, landscapes set excl 10c chestnut & 35c light blue. (10) UNITED NATIONS - VIENNA 4234 ** A 1989 Universal Declaration of Human Rights Sc #95-6, 2 Sheetlets of 12 stamps & se-tenant labels. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 4235 ** A 1984 13th National Day SG #174-80, set of 7, Cat £20. 4236 ** A 1989 Tenth Tree Day SG #265-7, set of 3. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 4237 F A A1 1893 Columbus Sc #235 6c purple Scott. 4238 ** A 1962 Coil Test Stamps Sc #62b, black ‘FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY’ Imperf xP10 joint line pair with pebble surfaced gum. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | Booklets 4239 B** A 1998 $2.00 Pheasant Sc #BK242A, 20c multicolour, combination panes, P#V2222. 4240 B** A 2001 $6.80 Apple & Orange Sc #BK284A, 34c multicolour, combination panes, Cat $15. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | Postal History 4241 * B 1839 entire from New York to Philadelphia with printed receipt for railroad parcel delivery, some splitting on paper folds. Unusual. 4242 *F A1874 use of 3c green (Sc #158), cancelled with blue quartered cork cancel, blue framed ‘DECATUR/OCT/4/1LL.’ (A1) on face, also poor dated company arrival of OCT/6/1874 on face, boxed ‘A/10 6/2-P’ (B1) on back. 4243 *F A1880s use of 1883 2c (Sc #210) and 1882 10c black-brown (Sc #209b) cancelled with targets on registered cover to Winameg, Ohio, framed ‘POPLAR/MAR.8/ /O’ (A1) on face. 4244 *V A1898 use of 2c on Patriotic cover from Jacksonville, Florida to Greenville Illinois, straight-line ‘DUE 2 CENTS’ on face plus 1c Postage Dues pair. 1938 use of 1c Franklin, 5c Roosevelt & 10c Special Delivery, 4245 *F Acancelled with ‘OMAHA. NEBR./JUN4/7PM/1938/AIR MAIL FIELD - RMS’ duplex (B1) on air cover to Chicago, straight-line ‘Fee Claimed at Chicago Ill.’ (B1). 4246 *F A 1941 use of 3c Washington cancelled with ‘U.S.S./APR/15/ 1941/A.M./MINDANAO. - SOUTH CHINA/HONG KONG’ (B1), on addressed cover. 1942 use of 15c Buchanan pair, cancelled with ‘HEMPSTEAD/ 4247 *F AMAY 9/830PM/1942/N.Y. - 1’ duplex, on plain cover to Northwood, Middlesex via Airmail, sealed at left by ‘P.C.90/ OPENED BY/EXAMINER 7477’ tape, letter included. 1950 (Feb 21) Salvation Army cover from San Francisco to 4248 * A Sydney, underpaid and returned for 19c additional postage, nice condition, unsealed flap. 4249 *F A1952 use of Lebanese 25p ultramarine, cancelled with ‘WASHINGTON/OCT18/10PM/1952/D.C. - 8’ (A1) duplex, on long cover from US Emabassy, Beirut to Denver, Colorado, bearing straight-line ‘This article originally mailed/in country indicated by postage’, torn backflap, 2 light vertical creases.

4252 *F A$10 $10

Page 55

1945 use of 6c red airmail, cancelled with ‘U.S. ARMY POSTAL SERVICE/BPO7/JUN/28/1945/A.P.O.’ (A1, Japan), on plain cover to East Malvern, Vic, with boxed ‘PASSED BY/U 39732 S/ ARMY EXAMINER’ (A1), some slight toning from envelope gum.

UPPER VOLTA - Republic 1976 USA Bicentennial Sc #C244, 500f Surrender of the $50 4253 ** A Hessians, imperf minisheet proof on light card. $12 $25 VATICAN 4254 ** A 1985 43rd International Eucharistic Congress, Nairobi SG #835-8, set of 4. $6 VATICAN | Maximum Cards 1954 Pope Pius X SG #205, 10L, tied to Maxi card by Vatican 4255 *F A cds 20 9 54. $3 VENEZUELA $3 4256 ** A 1985 25th Anniv of Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries SG #2548, strip of 3. $12 $6 WALLIS & FUTUNA 4257 ** A 1989 Philex France 89 & Bicentenary of Declaration of Rights of Man SG #548-9, 29f & 900f, Cat £19. $5 YEMEN 4258 ** A

1989 26th Anniv of 1988 Revolution SG #827-30, set of 4, Cat £17.

$8 YEMEN PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC $8 4259 ** A 1989 Birth Centenary of Jawaharlal Nehru SG #425, 250f in a strip of 3, Cat £11.25. $4 YUGOSLAVIA 4260 V A 1957 Animals SG #956-64, set of 9. $8 ZANZIBAR 4261 * A

1952-55 Defins SG #339-48, 5c to 1/- original colours in plate ‘1’ singles.

$15 $4 ZANZIBAR | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 4262 PS A1899 HG #12, 1a+1a red on buff, cancelled with squared-circle ‘ZANZIBAR/2AP/00’ (A1). $15 ZIMBABWE 4263 ** A 1985 National Infrastructure SG #659-80, set of 22, Cat £26. $19 ZIMBABWE | First Day Covers 1982 Rock Paintings set of 6 on unaddressed illustrated FDC. 4264 *V A $12 $10


$26 $30 $44

$12 $26

$13 $30


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | Military - World War I Period 1918 use of 10c orange, cancelled with violet double-circle ‘U.S. 4250 *F A [MILITARY] POSTAL EXPRESS SERVICE/NO 755/21NOV1918/ REGISTERED’ (A2), on registered cover used locally in France, endorsed “Officers/Mail”, violet double-circle ‘A.E.F. PASSED AS CENSORED/2631’ (A1).


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | Military - World War II Period 1940s use of 6c orange on white air envelope (H&G #3), 4251 *F A cancelled with ‘U.S. ARMY/NOV3/194?/POSTAL SERVICE’ machine cancel & bearing boxed ‘PASSED BY/U 19515 S/ ARMY EXAMINER’ censor handstamp, endorsed APO 159 of Sonsopor, New Guinea.









$10 $5


$12 $20 $4

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