4 minute read

EXPLOSIA - Traditional Czech Manufacturer of Explosives


Explosia a.s. off ers many types of powders.

Explosia a.s. off ers many counter-terrorism products.

Explosia a.s. off ers many types of powders.

Flexible, RDX and PETN based charges for special blasting works.

The company‘s off er includes industrial explosives.

Bi-modular charge system for 155 mm gun-howitzers.

Explosia a.s. is the traditional and most important Czech manufacturer of explosives with history dating to 1920.

Explosia a.s. off ers industrial explosives, explosives for special and military use, black powder, drilling and blasting services, special products for counter-terorism, smokeless powders, etc.

Explosia a.s. is 100 % in the ownership of the Czech Republic, it is an independent commercial company with a signifi cant position on the market of industrial.

Czech Business and Trade – With a Tradition of 90 Years

Economic Magazine is Designed for Foreign Partners, Interested in Cooperation with the Czech Republic

Issued by PP AGENCY s.r.o. in cooperation with  Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic  Ministry of Foreign Aff airs of the Czech Republic  Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic  Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic  Confederation of Employers‘ and Entrepre neurs‘ Associations of the Czech Republic  Czech Chamber of Commerce  CzechTrade


EDITORIAL BOARD: Vladimír Bärtl, Jiří Hansl, Marcela Havlová, Jaromír Kohlíček, Dagmar Kuchtová, Martin Lukáš, Karel Machotka, Marie Pavlů, Tomáš Seidl, Miroslav Somol, Jarmila Škvrnová, Jan Špunda, Martin Tlapa, Jan Wiesner

MANAGING EDITOR: Pavla Podskalská

EDITOR: Jana Pike

TRANSLATION: Vlasta Benešová

PROOFREADING: Ivana Kadlecová, Matthew Booth, Pearl Harris

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Stanislava Podaná

COVER PHOTO: www.bigstockphoto.com

DEADLINE: 30/1/2018

© PP Agency

ADDRESS: Myslíkova 25, 110 00 Praha 1 Czech Republic e-mail: journal@ppagency.cz www.ppagency.cz, www.doingbusiness.cz

Press run: 10 000 copies. It is not allowed to reproduce any part of the contents of this journal without prior consent from the Editor. Attitudes expressed by the authors of articles carried by CBT need not necessarily be con sistent with the standpoint of the Publisher. MK ČR E 6379, ISSN 1211-2208 „Podávání novinových zásilek povoleno Českou poštou, s. p., odštěpný závod Přeprava, č. j. 3468/95, ze dne 24/10/1995“

 INTRODUCTION Questions of the Month for Dagmar Kuchtová, Director General, Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic 4

 ECONOMIC POLICY Czech Economy Is Growing, so Is Labour Productivity 5

 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY Vision of the Chemical Industry 6 Chemical Industry – Massive Support for Innovation, Science and Research Backed by Long-Standing Tradition 8 Presentation of SCHP ČR 12 Chemistry Wins with the Best Project 20

 PROFILES BOCHEMIE a.s. 13 Czech Plastics Cluster / Plastics Processing Association 14 Explosia a.s. 15 FARMAK, a.s. 16 Fatra, a.s., Napajedla 17 GUMOTEX, akciová společnost 18 MATEICIUC a.s. 19

 PHARMACEUTIAL INDUSTRY Czech Pharmaceutical Industry Focuses on Generics 21 Pharmaceutical Industry: Trends, Development, Future 23 2017: Czech Achievements in Pharmaceutics 25 New Top Pharmaceutical Laboratory in Prague 27

 PR SILON Strategic Focus: Cable Compounds 28 Cayman Pharma 30 GUMOTEX: Over Half of Century Tradition and Innovation in Processing Rubber Compounds and Plastics 37

 PLASTICS INDUSTRY Plastics Dominate Industry 32 Polymers Are Their Heartbeat 36 Road to Success: Linking Research, School, and Practice 38

 WE SUCCEED MATEICIUC a.s. – Quality Products Going Boldly out into the World! 35

 PRESENTATION OF FIRMS BOCHEMIE a.s.; Cayman Pharma s.r.o.; Continental Barum; Czech Aerosol, a.s.; ENVITES, spol. s r.o.; Explosia a.s.; FARMAK, a.s.; Fatra, a.s.; GUMOTEX, akciová společnost; MATEICIUC a. s.; Plastikářský klastr z.s.; SILON s.r.o.; SPEDICA, s.r.o.; Svaz chemického průmyslu České republiky, z.s.; WALMARK, a.s.

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