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I.B.C. - Industrial Valves

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ACER VOLTAGE was founded in Hradec Králové in 1992. It is a purely Czech firm, which is focused on the manufacture and development of arresters and overvoltage limiters for the protection of low- and high-voltage power distribution networks. These products find their use especially in railway applications, applications for transport enterprises, in industry in general and power generating systems.

Questions for Vladimír Dlouhý, President of the Czech Chamber of Commerce

The Czech economy is doing well, GDP for 2017 grew by 4.5 %. How do you explain this situation and what are the expectations of Czech firms for 2018? Last year´s growth was no surprise to us, the Chamber of Commerce was one of the first institutions predicting such growth. Our growth is strong and standing on firm foundations. One of the main factors of growth this year again is the economic revival in the Eurozone, which, together with the private investments of firms, boosts foreign demand. This dynamics, accompanied by the firms´ strong demand for labour, is placing pressure on wages, thus supporting domestic demand, which in turn adds to the good economic results. We are firmly convinced that the years of growth do not belong to the past. The prediction of the Chamber of Commerce is that this year the economy will grow by 4.2 % and in 2019 by another 3.3%. Unlike other prognoses we accentuate the effect of certain neglected factors – drawing EU funds, greater revival in construction and the results of the firms´ massive investment in digitalisation.

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