The Trader Emergency Coalition (TEC) The Advent The Vasari Empire
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Installing the Game Obtaining Updates
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Single-Player Games Multiplayer Games Ironclad Online (ICO) LAN Games Game Types Scenarios Random Maps Map Designer
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Your Galaxy and You The Main Interface The Empire Tree Camera Control & Zooming Report Dialogs Quick Stats Scuttling Auto-Placement Pinging and Ally Requests The Action Grid InfoCards Fleet Logistics Resources & Economy Tax Income
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Trade The Black Market Planets Planet Management Building a Solar Empire Diplomacy Faction Disposition Missions Gifts Treaties Research The Criminal Underground Orbital Structures Ships Essential Stats TEC Frigates TEC – Cruisers TEC – Capital Ships Advent – Frigates Advent – Cruisers Advent – Capital Ships Vasari Empire – Frigates Vasari Empire – Cruisers Vasari Empire – Capital Ships
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Welcome to Sins of a Solar Empire, an RT4X game that combines the best elements from the turn-based strategy genre with its real-time cousin. You will become the ruler of one of three unique races and lead your people to victory over your competitors by any means necessary. As you expand to new worlds, you will gain access to vital resources and unique artifacts, construct shipyards to build mighty fleets, establish trade with neighbors, and assimilate rival cultures. Each of the races in Sins of a Solar Empire has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. Once you choose which side to fight for you‘ll only have the resources of your homeworld and your wits to help you start your new empire. Be wary, however, for danger lies at the end of every phase lane and it‘s not only your opponents who will seek your destruction.
THE TRADER EMERGENCY COALITION (TEC) The history of the TEC began more than 1,000 years ago during the foundation of the Trade Order by economically driven settlers. Established on strict principals of economics and codes of behavior, the Trader Worlds quickly began to expand – making the Trade Order an industrial and commercial juggernaut. However, outside of the Traders‘ core principals, each member world maintained its own interests, form of government, economic systems and culture. It was during this early period of the Trade Order that something unique took place which would later reshape the galaxy. During a routine exploratory expedition to recruit new trading partners, emissaries from the Order landed on a dry, desert world orbiting a red giant. Here they discovered a colony of people practicing the most heinous forms of scientific and social deviancy, breaking the covenants of the Trade Order. When the emissaries returned, their news sent shockwaves throughout the Trader Worlds and the response was swift – exile. For the first time in their history the Trade Order forced their will upon a sovereign world, banding together and forcibly removing their twisted cousins from Trader space forever…and forgotten. Over the next thousand years the Trade Order went on in relative peace and prosperity – a golden age for mankind. War became a thing read about only in history books and seen in 4
holo-vids. The occasional rare dispute was settled in Trader-sanctioned courts and merchant fleets filled the phase lanes with goods. The Trade Order‘s golden age came to an abrupt end a decade ago with the arrival of the Vasari Empire. With no defenses, the Vasari swept the Order‘s ships aside with ease, and within only a few short months defeat seemed like a real possibility. In a last ditch effort to turn the tide, the Trade Order sanctioned the creation of the Trader Emergency Coalition to combat the alien threat. The TEC quickly learned to marshal the vast industrial resources of the Trader Worlds towards military production and used their new war engine to keep the Vasari at bay. Unfortunately for the TEC, an ancient enemy has just returned to open a twofront war against them.
THE ADVENT The origins of the Advent began well before the recorded history of the Trade Order. Legend tells that their civilization began as one of many broken peoples who sought spiritual escape on the periphery of known space following great wars of antiquity. The Advent, whose society is known collectively as “The Unity,” are a highly advanced civilization that relies heavily on spiritual, psychic, and cybernetic technologies. A sense of elitism permeates the Unity, and is most strongly expressed with the high value they place on psionic ability. Silent Ones, those who are unable to participate in the Unity‘s group mind, are exceptionally rare and universally shunned. At an early age, Advent children are taught to seek enlightenment in whichever way naturally suits them and it is common to see even the very young using neurochemicals or artificial implants to augment their mental abilities. This advanced level of integration with their technology – known as PsiTech – is largely responsible for the Advent‘s strange sense of collectivism, and allows them to share their thoughts and feelings on an almost innate level. Navigating, interpreting and shaping this sea of ideas are highly prized skills in Advent culture and one’s mastery in these areas forms the basis of the Unity‘s social hierarchy. Females in particular demonstrate a natural prowess and have come to dominate the higher castes, called Coalescences.
When the Trade Order forced the ancestors of the Advent from their homeworld, it created an indelible scar upon their psyche. An etching was created upon every Advent citizen in all the following centuries to exact retribution upon their enemy and assume their rightful place in the galaxy. This powerful drive for revenge pushed the Advent even further in their practices, advancing their technology far beyond anything the Traders could have imagined. Over the next 1,000 years the Advent would use all the resources at their disposal to create frightening new weapons and abilities powered by their PsiTech. With their resources exhausted and an arsenal to wield, the highest Coalescence synthesized the will of the Unity and determined that now is the time to return to their original homeworld to fulfill their prophecies of dominion.
THE VASARI EMPIRE The ancient Vasari Empire once ruled over countless worlds. Beginning at the galactic core, the empire expanded uniformly, and brought hundreds of alien races under its control. While most of the species the Vasari encountered were primitive and peacefully subjugated, more advanced civilizations were harshly enslaved. Once conquered, these species were integrated into Vasari society as “valued citizens,” giving them minimal standing in the Empire. Each world was then locked down and ruled from vast orbital structures in order to minimize the chance of rebellion. As with all empires, the Vasari civilization‘s fall began from within. Ten thousand years ago the inner worlds of the empire fell suddenly silent. Expecting nothing more than rebellion by the local species, a local wing of the Dark Fleet was sent to restore order, but no status reports were ever received. Soon three more planets fell silent off the communications grid, and while Internal Intelligence deliberated on the response of what could only be the work of traitors, several more worlds went dark – including the ancient Vasari homeworld. The rate of expansion of this unknown enemy was astonishing, far exceeding even that of the entire Dark Fleet! As a last resort, the Dark Fleet Veerr brought the bulk of their forces back from the expansionary frontier for a blind assault on whatever was eating its way out of the empire‘s core worlds. When a single, heavily damaged warship from the Dark Fleet appeared out of phase space in orbit of a planet on the empire‘s perimeter, the inhabitants decided 6
to board the ship. What they found were the remains of a once battle-hardened crew driven mad with fear. In a rare act of autonomy, the colony made the decision to evacuate to a system far from the Empire. It would prove to be the last time they would ever see Vasari space. For the next 10,000 years the Vasari refugee fleet travelled from system to system, dropping warning beacons on their way, spending only enough time to replenish their resources before moving on. No matter how far the Vasari travel, their warning beacons fall silent; their unknown adversary continues its march toward their extermination.
To play Sins of a Solar Empire your PC will need to meet at least the following minimum requirements: Windows® XP SP2 / Windows Vista™ 1.8 GHz Single-Core Processor 512 MB RAM (1 GB for Windows Vista™) 128 MB 3D Video Card (Radeon 9600 / GeForce FX 6600 and above) DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card DVD-ROM Drive (for the retail version) 3 GB Hard Drive Space Keyboard and Mouse (with a mouse wheel) DirectX 9.0c Note: GeForce 4 MX video cards are not supported. To get the most from your play experience, we recommend you have: 2.2 GHz Dual- or Quad-Core Processor 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Windows Vista™) 256 MB 3D Video Card (Radeon X1600 / GeForce 7600 and above) 7
INSTALLING THE GAME If you‘re running the retail edition, place the DVD into your DVD-ROM drive and the Sins of a Solar Empire Launchpad will appear. Choose “Install Game” and follow the prompts when asked where you‘d like to install the game; the files will then be copied to your hard drive. It is not necessary to have the DVD in your drive to play the game after installation is complete.
OBTAINING UPDATES Included with your installation of Sins of a Solar Empire is Stardock‘s Impulse, an exciting new program that makes use of the latest development technologies. By registering your game‘s unique serial number with Impulse, you will be able to obtain the latest updates to Sins of a Solar Empire, plus gain the ability to download the full version at any time in the future for no additional charge. Please note that once registered your serial cannot be transferred to another user.
Even though this manual will give you lots of information on the nitty gritty details of the game, the best way to begin is with the Tutorials. Four interactive tutorial missions are included to help bring new players up to speed on the controls and concepts of Sins of a Solar Empire. We strongly recommend playing through them before diving into a new game. Basic Gameplay – will introduce you to the core concepts of camera control, unit selection, ship movement, special abilities, squadrons, combat, and conquering planets. Basic Logistics – introduces you to gathering resources and setting up planetary defenses. Advanced Interface – instructs you on all the elements of the main gameplay screen and how to interact with them. Advanced Logistics – gives you a primer on setting up trade and broadcast networks in your empire.
To play the tutorials, launch Sins of a Solar Empire and click on Single Player from the main menu. Then on the left side of your screen, click Tutorials and select the mission you‘d like to play from the list.
SINGLE-PLAYER GAMES When you‘re ready to play, launch the game and click Single Player from the main menu.
Along the left-side of the screen you‘ll see several options: New Game – Here you can start a new scenario or random map game. Load Game – This is where you‘ll restart an existing map that you‘ve saved and want to come back to.
Watch Game – Replays of your matches are saved automatically. You can even share replays with friends and watch their games. Player Setup – This is where you can enter your character‘s name, select your faction‘s symbol and color, and choose which racial picture set you‘d prefer. Map Designer – This is a powerful tool that will let you create custom randomized maps. Achievements – As you play Sins of a Solar Empire you may attain special goals which are listed here along with an award image. It will take many hours of play to unlock them all! There are several settings that can impact new games including map type (scenario or random), speed, and whether to lock teams or not. The Speed button determines how quickly your game will progress by increasing or decreasing certain factors like movement rate, resource rates, research times and more. Normal speed provides a good balance for most people. If you‘d like a quick match, then Fast is for you; whereas for truly epic games the Slow setting will serve best. The size of the map you play on can also be a deciding factor in how long your matches last. Locked Teams gives you the power to control whether factions can alter their allies in a given game. When teams are locked, they are allied throughout the match. With unlocked teams, the various factions may change their stances fluidly during play based on how they‘re treated and what their current objectives are. When you click the Play button, you‘ll be given the chance to see an overview of your game‘s setup and select final options.
The first button lets you lock out additional players, which can be useful for when you want 10
to play a larger map with fewer than the recommended number. By default each player is assigned a random race to play, but you can change this to your liking by clicking on the Random button. Teams can be assigned by clicking on the Team button; all players with the same team will start the game allied. If you chose to Lock Teams on the preceding screen, the assignments you make here will remain throughout your game. The last button assigns A.I. difficulty to the computer player, with the default being Normal.
Sins of a Solar Empire supports up to 10 players in multiplayer games, either via LAN or Internet.
IRONCLAD ONLINE (INTERNET MULTIPLAYER) Internet games of Sins of a Solar Empire are played through Ironclad Games‘ Ironclad Online system. Ironclad Online is a free matchmaking service that lets you chat with other players and setup multiplayer games for galactic supremacy. Only registered, players with a valid serial number can play on Ironclad Online. To get started, click on Ironclad Online from the main menu. From here, click on Manage Accounts and enter an Account Name and Password, then click the Add Account button. You should get a notice that your account was created successfully. If not, follow the on-screen instructions to correct the error. Once you have an account, click Login and enter your credentials in the dialog boxes. After you‘re logged in, your next step is to create a Player for use online. Click on Manage Players and then Add Player; you can also delete your players from here. Enter a player name in the dialog and click Accept. Go back to the Login screen and select the player you‘d like to use, then click Use Player. From here you‘ll move to the Ironclad Online Chat Lobby.
There are several key elements to note once you‘re logged into Ironclad Online‘s Lobby: Chat – This is where you begin and is an area where you can talk to new people and arrange setting up games. Friends – Here you can see a list of all the players you‘ve labeled as your Friends. You can also filter the various lists in Ironclad Online to show only your Friends. Host New Game – This screen allows you to create a new game in much the same way as you would in single-player. The key differences are that you can name your game and enter a password so that only those you want can join. You can also set your game to allow only your Friends to join if you wish. Host Saved Game – Sins of a Solar Empire gives you the ability to save multiplayer games and continue them at a later date. This option gives you the ability to restart previously saved matches. 12
Join Game – This screen lists all of the available open multiplayer games. To join an open game, select it from the list and click Join Game.
LAN GAMES If you have a LAN setup, you can play Sins of a Solar Empire on up to two connected machines using the same serial number. To get started, click on the LAN Multiplayer button from the main menu. The options here are similar to those for single-player games, so we won‘t reiterate them here. To create a new LAN game, select the map you‘d like to play and enter a name for your match in the Game Name field. You can also password protect your game if you want to keep others on the LAN out of your match. When you‘re ready, click the Create button and wait for your other players to join. When everyone has checked their ready boxes, you can click Start to get underway. Should you be joining an existing game on a LAN, click the Join Game button once you‘re in the LAN Multiplayer section. On most LANs, existing games will automatically appear, but under certain conditions you may need the IP address of the host PC to connect to it and begin your match.
GAME TYPES SCENARIOS Sins of a Solar Empire comes with over 25 pre-made maps, ranging from small single-star systems to huge multi-star scenarios. From the list you can choose which scenario you would like to play, with more information provided on the right that tells you: how many players the scenario supports, the number of stars present, the number of total planets in the scenario, and our recommendation for the best multiplayer mode for that particular map. Tip: In Sins of a Solar Empire any object that generates a gravity well is considered a planet, which can include asteroid belts, plasma storms, wormholes and other phenomena. 13
RANDOM MAPS Unlike scenarios, random maps are generated on-the-fly after you click Play. Sins of a Solar Empire includes several settings for various sized galaxies ranging from small four-player maps to huge 10-player maps spanning several stars. You can find random maps in the Scenarios list.
MAP DESIGNER The Map Designer is a powerful tool that allows you to create your own custom maps. The maps you create can be found by clicking the Change Map Type button at the bottom of the Scenarios list. Here‘s an overview of the Map Designer‘s features: Create – This will allow you to create a new random map. In the text box above, you can rename your selected map.
Delete – Just as the name implies, this button will delete your selected creation. Save – When you‘re happy with your new map, click this to save it for future use. Your saved maps will show up in the User Designed Maps list when setting up new games. Preview – After you‘ve setup your map‘s parameters, you can use the Preview feature to view it in-game. Your map will be loaded and the entire galaxy will be visible to you. When you Quit from the menu, you‘ll be returned to the Map Designer. Map Size – This slider determines the distance between the objects in your maps – everything from planets to stars. In the middle of the Map Designer are three list boxes that give you near total control over your galaxy. The first is the Star Editor, which lets you add or remove stars from your map. You must always have at least one star, but the upper limit is only what your PC can handle. By default, new star types are randomized, but you can select from any of the available colors. The second list box is the Planet Groups Editor that allows you to control the number of planets in your galaxy; this also ties into the Group Contents Editor which is the third list box. Each Planet Group contains at least one planet, with the default type being random. Clicking on Change Planet Type will present you with a long list of possible planets that can be set on a per-group basis. It‘s possible to have both multiple groups and multiple planets per group, giving you a great deal of customizability. Additional settings to help finish off your maps are: Players – This determines how many players start off in each star system (including yourself). The default is two so that you begin with an instant challenge. Orbit Radius – This is the radius around each star where planets can appear. Phase Lane Length – This setting determines the distance between your planets. Longer distances result in longer travel times between worlds in Phase Space.
Phase Lane Chance – Here you can set the probability of your various planets being connected to one another via Phase Lanes. The higher you make the slider, the more “open” your map will be. Min/Max Distance – These sliders determine the minimum and maximum distances from the star where planets can appear in each Ring. Neutral Colonies – Here is where you can set how many of your planets are precolonized by forces that have refused to ally with any of the major powers. Higher settings will provide greater challenge by making it more difficult to take planets early on. Min/Max Count – These settings let you set how many planets will appear in each of your Planet Groups. Each group must contain at least one planet.
GAMEPLAY YOUR GALAXY AND YOU A game of Sins of a Solar Empire can feature many planets in a solar system, with distances spanning millions of miles. In larger games, players may encounter more than 100 planets across six or more solar systems with distances spanning many light years. Solar systems are comprised of a single star surrounded by many planets, planetoids, or anomalies. Each of these objects generates a spherical gravity well around themselves, the size of which is determined by their mass and density. Ships are affected by gravity wells in several ways: vessels travelling towards the center of a gravity well move faster, while those moving away are slower; gravity wells also impact a ship‘s ability to Phase Jump. With such vast distances in play, it would literally take hours for ships to travel from one world to the next using sub-light speeds. The races in Sins of a Solar Empire work around this issue by using Phase Space to move faster than the speed of light. As a
ship reaches the edge of an object‘s gravity well, they will power-up their phase jump engines and punch a temporary hole into Phase Space. Through Phase Space, trips that would have literally taken hours of game-time to traverse occur in just seconds. There are some limitations with travelling through Phase Space, however. Not all worlds are directly reachable from one another; those that are are indicated by faint lines connecting the objects in a solar system called phase lanes. Phase lanes indicate the corridors of space through which a ship can enter Phase Space. This is important, as it means that you can create bottlenecks to protect your empire from invaders. Another limitation is that once a ship has entered Phase Space, it cannot be interacted with. You must wait for the vessel to reach its destination before issuing it new orders. Lastly, ships entering Phase Space are vulnerable to attack while they power-up their jump engines. Tip: Ships can jump into Phase Space anywhere in a 45 degree area from the phase lane. Where your ships leave a gravity well from will determine where they arrive when they reach their destination.
Commanding an empire that can span millions of miles, or even light-years, can be a daunting task for any leader. Luckily, the interface for Sins of a Solar Empire has been designed with this in mind, giving you control over any world or ship under your control with the click of a mouse.
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Item Description
Item Description
Empire Tree
Gameplay Area
Main Menu
Report Dialogs
Camera Control & Cinematic View 12
Quick Stats
Diplomacy Screen
Rename Ship / Planet
Research Screen
Scuttle Ship / Structure
Criminal Underground Screen
Available Capital Commanders
Available Fleet Logistics
Action Grid
Available Resources
THE EMPIRE TREE One of the most powerful tools in the game is the Empire Tree – a collapsible tree that resides along the left-edge of the screen. The Empire Tree lists the planets, structures and ships in the galaxy that you have selected or that you have attached through pinning. The Empire Tree gives you direct control over the whole of your territory using an intelligent selection and display system. At the top of the window are three buttons: Pin, Search and Stack. When you select an object, its hierarchy will appear in the Empire Tree until you select something else or deselect it. If you‘d like to keep an object in the Empire Tree, select it and click the Pin button. The Search button allows you to quickly display and select certain planets, ships and control groups by simply clicking on the appro-priate button or iron. As you hover over each button with your cursor, an InfoCard will appear displaying more details for that item. Stacking combines all ships of the same type into a single numbered group, instead of displaying each vessel individually. To make the most of the Empire Tree, in particular after Selecting units using the Search button, you can move through the sub-selected item in the tree using tab and shift-tab. This Allows you to operate on each object without losing your overall selection, and is very useful during combat situations. Every object in that appears in the Empire Tree can be interacted with in the same way you would in the main gameplay view. You can even instruct one of your groups to attack an enemy‘s. Tip: You can pin any number of objects simultaneously so it’s easy to keep an eye on all your planets and ships. To unpin all your objects at once, hit Ctrl-`.
CAMERA CONTROL & ZOOMING With a galaxy at your fingertips, it‘s critical to be able to view what‘s happening quickly and easily. Sins of a Solar Empire‘s camera and zoom options are what help to make this possible. Using the mouse wheel, you can zoom out to a view of the entire galaxy or zoom in to the smallest fighter. There are two primary camera modes: Zoom-to-Cursor (default): This is an intelligent zooming mode where the camera will zoom to where your mouse cursor is located on the screen. If your cursor is over a particular object, the camera will center upon it while you zoom in or out. Standard: In this mode, the camera will zoom in or out on the center of the screen. You can also lock onto specific objects with this mode by double-clicking on them. Both camera modes are useful and some players may want to switch quickly between them. This can be done by pressing the “m” hotkey. By holding down the right-mouse button and moving the mouse, you can swivel the camera around 360 degrees. If you‘re locked onto an object at the time, the camera will swing around it. Even more ways to control the camera can be found in the key bindings section in the Options menu. Tip: Hold down the Shift key while zooming to slow down your movement.
REPORT DIALOGS Located on the lower left of the gameplay screen are the Report Dialogs. This is where you‘ll get information on the latest happenings around your empire – everything from offers of alliance, to construction projects being completed, to raids against one of your worlds. As a new report comes in, an image will appear in its respective button to give you a quick
heads-up on what type of news it is. By clicking on an alert, a dialog box will appear that displays a history of the last several reports you‘ve received in that category. You can move forward through the list of reports by left-clicking on the button, or move backward in the list by right-clicking. If you hit the space bar, the camera will automatically jump to where the highlighted report originated. From left-to-right the four types of reports are: Planet Reports: These will tell you when a new planet has been discovered by one of your ships, when one of your worlds has completed a important project and more. Production Reports: These reports inform you when new ships are completed by one of your shipyards, plus when structures and research are finished. Diplomacy Reports: Should another player in the game desire to form (or break) a treaty with you, give you a mission or some other diplomatic notice, the offer will be logged in this report. Threat Reports: When a new item appears here, be warned! It‘s an indication that one of your ships or planets is under attack - or worse.
QUICK STATS Located to the right of the Report Dialogs is the quick stats display. You can find out vital information about your currently selected object from these three windows. For ships or structures current hit points, shield points (if applicable) and antimatter store (if applicable) are listed. On planets the display shows the world‘s current health, tax income rate, and culture rate. By default the Quick Stats displays your total number of planets, capital ships and frigates/cruisers.
SCUTTLING At the bottom of the center selection window is the Scuttle button. This allows you to destroy any ship or structure under your control after a 30 second countdown. Should you wish to abort the countdown, just hit the Scuttle button again. Destroyed items will gain you back some resources. 21
AUTO-PLACEMENT If you don‘t want to place structures around your planets yourself, you can have the AI do it for you by enabling Auto-Placement. When enabled, the AI will place the structures you tell it to build using its best judgment.
PINGING AND ALLY REQUESTS There are two methods of pings in Sins of a Solar Empire and both will work in single-player and multiplayer games. A standard ping, issued by clicking the Ping button, creates a temporary visual marker around the selected object that‘s visible to your allies. In single-player games, your computer-controlled allies will make their best judgment as to what you intend for them to do with your request. Smart pings give you much greater control and can double as a method for requesting A.I. allies to perform certain tasks. To issue a smart ping, first select the item in the game you want to interact with; you‘ll see three buttons appear in the action grid: Set Ally Attack Target – requests your allies to attack the pinged target. Cancel Ally Order – tells your ally to ignore your last request. Set Ally Defense Target – requests that your ally form a fleet to defend the ping target. Tip: Other factions may not always follow your lead. If they’re not happy with you or have secret agendas in place, they may ignore your requests or even work against you with someone else!
THE ACTION GRID The Action Grid appears in the lower-right corner of the gameplay area and is where the most used game controls appear. The buttons on the Action Grid will vary depending on whether you have a planet or ship selected. For planets the grid displays (from left to right): 22
Planet Development – Gives you access to the tools to turn you planet from a simple colony into a beacon of power. Logistics Structures – From this you can construct new factories, mines, research facilities and more in orbit above your world. Tactical Structures – A wise ruler knows to protect his planets and this tab gives you the ability to do just that with weapons platforms, repair bays and more. Ship Construction – On the lower bar of the Action Grid you can access your various ship construction options. Some ships require special factories and research before they can be constructed. Rally Point – With this button you can set a rally point for all the ships built at this planet. Planet development, logistics and tactical structures will be explored later in the manual in greater detail. When a ship or military structure is selected, the Action Grid displays new options giving you direct control over its abilities:
Attack Stance – By left-clicking this button you can order your ships to attack a specific target or area. Right-clicking toggles auto-attack on and off. Stop – Cancels all the orders that have been giving to the selected vessel or structure. 23
Move – Left-clicking this button allows you to move the selected ship to the desired location by left-clicking again on your destination. Right-clicking this button toggles group movement on and off. With group movement on, your ships will attempt to phase jump as a group and not individually. Squadron Management – For those ships or structures which are able to support squadrons you‘ll be able to click on this button to order the construction of fighter or bomber squads. Tip: If you need to exit a gravity well quickly, order your ships not to use group movement. This tactic improves speed but increases the risk of your ships being picked-off if there are enemies at your destination. The last button, Tactics Management, opens up special options for your ships:
Create Fleet – This creates a fleet from the ships you currently have selected. Whichever vessel you have sub-selected within your group becomes the fleet‘s leader. The other ships in the fleet will rally around the leader and attempt to act as a single, cohesive unit based on the orders you give it. Right clicking the Create Fleet button will enable Auto Join Fleet which means that ships that aren’t in fleets will attempt to automatically join fleets in the current gravity well that they are best suited to. Engagement Range – This is the range that ships use to determine whether they can attack or use special abilities on a target. Fleet Cohesion – This controls how far ships can move from their fleet. Tight is a very 24
short distance (stay as close as possible), Standard is a moderate distance, and Loose is relatively far. Retreat – When clicked the selected forces will retreat to the closest and safest planet possible, avoiding enemy territory if they can. Note that it may not always be possible for your forces to retreat or retreat to a safe planet. Retreating forces ignore jump as group orders.
INFOCARDS InfoCards appear whenever you mouse over an object with additional details of your selection. With planets, you can see their type, allegiance, health, population, tax income, available slots, resources and more. For ships, the InfoCard will show you its name, hull points, shield points, armor level, current damage Mitigation, average damage-per-second, and any special information that may come up during the course of the game.
There‘s a limit to how many ships an empire can field at the same time, which is represented by your fleet supply. Each faction begins with 100 fleet supply points, which is the base amount any race can manage without additional research. Every ship drains some of your available points, with frigates requiring the least and capital ships the most. Once you‘ve maxed out your available fleet points, you won‘t be able to field any additional vessels. The amount of currently available fleet points is displayed at the top of the gameplay screen. By mousing over this number, an InfoCard will appear that will list your total points in use and how your points are distributed across your ships. In addition to fleet supply, capital ships require special commanders before they can be constructed. Each player starts the game with the ability to field one capital ship, which should be used wisely. In order to construct additional capital ships, players must research advanced training technologies. The number of available capital ship crews is displayed next to your fleet supply at the top of the main gameplay screen. By mousing over this figure, you can see where your commanders are deployed. 25
Wars are typically fought over resources and the races in Sins of a Solar Empire are no different. There are three primary resources in the game that will fuel your economy: Credits: This is the currency of the galaxy and just about everything you‘ll want to do will require some. Credits are generated from the taxes of your population, via trade, by collecting the bounties on other empires, and a variety of special means unique to each race. Metal: The ships and structures you build aren‘t made of just plastics, they‘re made from metal alloys. Metal is a common resource in the galaxy and can be found around most planets, especially volcanic worlds. Crystal: Crystal is the rarest resource in Sins of a Solar Empire and is found most commonly around frozen worlds. Crystal is required to conduct research, build more powerful ships and much more. Metal and crystal are found within mineral rich asteroids and can be collected by building extractors upon them. Each asteroid holds an infinite amount of their respective resource. The rate of extraction can be improved either through research or by building special orbital refineries.
TAX INCOME Most of the credits that you‘ll spend during a game will come from the populations of the planets you control through taxes. While you cannot adjust tax rates, you can manage your income at a macro level by investing in Population Infrastructure. After all, more people means more people to collect from!
TRADE When tax income proves to be insufficient to make your designs come to fruition, you should start constructing trade networks. With Trade Ports you can establish both domestic and foreign trade routes between worlds. If you can create long, unbroken trade routes, you‘ll gain extra trade income. 26
Tip: Uncolonizable planets don’t count as breaks in the route. You will gain even more bonus trade income if you can establish foreign trade routes.
THE BLACK MARKET There will be times when you‘ll find yourself with a glut of metal or crystal resources and in dire need of credits. During such situations your quickest way to obtain money is by selling your excess inventories on the Black Market. The price you‘ll get for your goods fluctuates with supply and demand, so you may not always get the best deal. However, this can work in your favor for when you have lots of credits and few metal or crystal resources to draw upon. More information on buying and selling resources can be found later on in the Criminal Underground section.
Each solar system is the home of many individual worlds where people have settled to try and eke out an existence for themselves. There are several planet types in Sins of a Solar Empire, each with their own particular advantages and Disadvantages. The worlds you can exploit include: Terran Worlds: These planets are lush, vibrant and full of life. Abundant in water, they can support large populations and are therefore a great source of tax in come once developed. Desert Worlds: These are dry, desolate, sandy planets with little water and a harsh environment. Still, life has evolved on them using sub-surface water reserves and air traps to catch moisture out of the atmosphere. Desert planets don‘t support large populations but do make for good bulwarks against intruders. Ice Worlds: Ice planets are frozen wastelands, with very little liquid water and even less people. What makes these planets so valuable is their abundance of crystal. Volcanic Worlds: What ice planets lack in warmth is more than made up for by volcanic 27
worlds. Planets of this type are unstable and riddled with fierce geologic activity. They tend to be metal-rich and, with the proper equipment, can support population centers. Gas Giants: Bodies such as these don‘t have any surface upon which to start a colony and can be dangerous. Gas giants can unleash unstable pockets of highly unstable gas that when ignited by an explosion, can severely damage nearby ships. Some gas giants are known to have planetoids in their gravity wells which can be mined using special bases. Asteroid Fields: These fields are rich in resources, but can only support minimal colonies. However, some asteroids are dead and contain little of value.
PLANET MANAGEMENT Empires aren‘t constructed overnight and the key to success is to invest in your most valuable assets – your planets. Without control over a planet, you won‘t be able to build new structures or collect taxes from your citizens. There are several areas of planet development: Population Infrastructure: Through advanced terraforming and city planning, investment in infrastructure will allow your world to maintain higher populations. Emergency Facilities: It‘s a dangerous universe and spending some effort on building bomb shelters and other emergency infrastructure will help your planets to survive in case the worst occurs. Explore Planet: Some worlds contain secrets – artifacts, natural resources or phenomena lost to time. By sending out exploration parties you may be able to discover some of these secrets and gain a useful advantage. Designate Capital Planet: Every empire needs a seat of government. Why should yours be any different? You may designate any one of your planets as your capital (assuming you have the money for the transition). Capital planets affect allegiance due to the distance between themselves and your other worlds, plus greater tax revenue. Your first capital planet is your starting planet.
Logistics Capacity: Much in the same way that you can‘t field an infinite number of ships, so too can a planet not house an infinite number of structures. By investing in your world‘s logistics capacity you‘ll be able to build more research labs, trade centers, etc. Tactical Capacity: This is similar to logistics capacity, however, it allows you to construct more military structures such as defense platforms and repair bays.
With enemies on all sides, it will take a strong foundation to build an empire that will not only survive, but stand the test of time. Doing so will require diplomatic skill, a profitable economy, a powerful military, research & development, and occasionally dealing with less than reputable elements.
DIPLOMACY The screen gives you the opportunity to deal with the other empires in your part of the galaxy. From here you can see what other empires think of you, forge alliances, give gifts, sue for peace and take on missions that other empires may ask you to complete for them.
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Item Description
Item Description
Faction List
Mission Timer
Faction Portrait
Faction Disposition
Faction Name
Mission Area
FACTION DISPOSITION The Faction Disposition slider tells you how happy another empire is with you. Empires you have good relations with will be more likely to accept your invitations for treaties and joint attacks. On the flip side, those you have poor relations with are almost certainly guaranteed to ignore you and will actively seek your demise.
MISSIONS Sometimes other empires will seek (or demand) your assistance in some matter, such as a request for resources or attacking an enemy. When a mission comes in, you can choose to complete it or ignore it within the time limit shown. Failing to complete a mission will hurt your standing with the empire who submitted it, while accomplishing it will raise your standing with them and possibly provide some other reward.
GIFTS From time to time, you may want to persuade an enemy of your good intentions (whether legitimate or not!) or send aid to an ally. Both can be accomplished by giving gifts of the three primary resources: credits, metal or crystal. Giving gifts will endear you to the recipient and improve your standing with them. Tip: By holding the Shift key you can give greater amounts. This works throughout Sins of a Solar Empire when pressing any button that involves quantities, such as buying ships or resources.
TREATIES Treaties are your primary political tool in Sins of a Solar Empire. Using them you can shape the future of your people – for better or worse. The various types of treaties include: Go to War – As the name suggests, by declaring war against another faction you are terminating all existing accords with them and giving your military units permission to open fire on their ships and structures. Earning back the trust of a faction you‘ve declared war on may not always be possible and will definitely take time should you decide to sue for peace later. Cease Fire – Cease fires are essentially states of non-aggressive neutrality with another empire. Neither side will fire on the other, but either may decide to do so with no explicit ramifications. 31
Peace Treaty – Peace treaties are formal accords of friendship and possible alliance. To establish one, you must first have a Cease Fire agreement in place. As with cease fires, neither side may attack the other and to do so will require formally breaking the Peace Treaty – an act not viewed well by your partner. If you and your treaty partner are on very good terms, you may be able to coordinate assaults on enemies (using Ping). After breaking a Peace Treaty, neither nation will be able to attack one another for some time. Trade Alliance – There‘s an old saying that credits make the galaxy go around and trade alliances are key to that purpose. Empires in a Trade Alliance will consider each other‘s planets for optimal trade routes by their respective trade ships. Trade ships are immune to enemy fire when a Trade Alliance is in place. Ship Vision – This is an intelligence treaty that will give each empire sensor information from one another‘s ships. Planet Vision – This is another intelligence treaty, but instead of granting the sensor data from ships, it does so for planet‘s. With a Planet Vision pact, each faction will have complete views of one another territory.
RESEARCH Research is a key aspect for any empire during wartime, providing boosts to existing systems and access to new technologies. Each race in Sins of a Solar Empire features its own unique military and civic technology trees. Additionally, there are two common trees which all races have access to. In order to research new technologies, you must first have the requisite number of military and civic research labs and the resources to pay for the new technology. The InfoCard for each research subject indicates the cost in credits, metal and crystal that you will need to pay, plus the number of labs required to complete the technology. Higher level topics are substantially more expensive to research than those that preceded them.
COMBAT RESEARCH This technology tree features all of the military technologies for each race and is divided into three sub-categories per race. TEC – Military Tree Structural Subsystems: Provides technologies related to improving armor plating, hull strength, shielding, power systems and engines. Ballistics & Rocketry: Provides improvements related to defensive structures, shipto-ship weapons, and planetary bombardment. Experimental Design: Gives access to the latest wartime technologies including new planetary defenses, ships designs, weapons technologies, and special abilities.
Advent – Hostility Tree Energy: Provides access to refined weapons, antimatter regeneration, and shield technologies. Ascension: Includes new and improved defensive structures, ship designs, and special psionic attacks. Substance: Contains research designed to improve hull integrity, armor strength, and the power of Advent kinetic weapons. Vasari Empire – Warfare Tree Prototypes: Gives lines of research into new ship designs, defensive structures, antimatter tampering and phase space manipulation. Assault: Includes improvements to Vasari pulse weapons, phase missiles, plasma wave technology, and planetary bombardment weapons. Support: Provides new insights into ship skeletal reinforcements, automated healing nanites, armor strength, shield improvements and next-generation power systems.
CIVIC RESEARCH The civic technology tree provides new technologies designed to improve your worlds and resource generation. As with combat research, civics is divided into three sub-categories per race. TEC – Civilian Tree Industry: Provides improved extraction methods for metal and crystal mines, trade ports for commerce, orbital refineries, plus general improvements to building rates. Engineering: Gives access to orbital sensor drones, planet exploitation and colonization technologies, PSIDAR for detecting incoming ships, planetary shields, and improved phase jump engines. 34
Policy: Includes technologies for broadcasting propaganda to far-off worlds, improving the happiness of citizens, and general improvements to both ships and planets. Advent – Harmony Tree PsiTech: Gives advances that extend the faith of the Unity plus improvements to exploration and planetary phase technologies Perception: Provides technologies that expand the psychic connection and awareness of the Unity. Materialism: Includes planet colonization technologies, resource generation advances, and trade networks. Vasari Empire – Empire Tree Nanotechnology: Introduces advanced nanomachine technologies ranging from medicine to resource generation, trade, construction and more. Phase Mastery: Gives access to phase space monitoring research, phasic barriers, FTL transmission, phase stabilization, and access to the Dark Fleet. Oppression: Provides access to planet occupation methods, propaganda, trade and enslavement abilities. The last two technology trees – Fleet Logistics and Artifacts – are common across all the races in Sins of a Solar Empire.
FLEET LOGISTICS Fleet Logistics allows you to research advanced training regimens to support more military vessels and capital ships. While initially there is no upkeep to maintaining your fleets, as you research in this tree the cost of operating more forces will increase. This Upkeep penalty is deducted from your resources as a tax against credits, metal and crystal production. This makes it vital not to overstretch yourself too early, lest you find that your economy has collapsed!
ARTIFACTS Artifacts are rare, special technologies and items that you may find during your expeditions on new worlds. The bonuses these provide are immediate and can greatly impact the game. Should you lose a planet where an artifact was found, you will also lose any benefits it bestowed. When an artifact is discovered, its power signature can be detected by all players, giving away the artifact‘s location, but not its function.
THE CRIMINAL UNDERGROUND There will be times when your empire is in dire need of resources or that you have need to deal with the seedier elements of galactic society. The Criminal Underground screen is where this can be accomplished with great efficiency.
THE BLACK MARKET When you want to anonymously buy or sell resources, the Black Market is the place to do it. For a premium, you can purchase needed resources or sell any excess you may have for credits.
In the above figure, you can see an example of metal and crystal pricing on the Black Market. The number on the left is the current sell price for that resource – meaning that if you were to sell 100 units of it, you would receive 100 x the sell price in credits. The number on the right is the current purchase price for the resource. Purchasing 100 units of it would cost your empire 100 x the current purchase price. You can also change the amount per unit that your empire puts excess resources on the market for. This is done as a percentage of the current market price, with the price per unit displayed on the offer price button. By manipulating these values, you can undercut other players and create some real havoc on the prices they pay or receive for resources.
Market prices and transactions occur in real-time and will fluctuate with supply and demand. It‘s important to pay attention to the trends which appear on this screen (as shown in the graph in the middle of the screen) so that you‘re not taken by surprise should another faction uses the markets against you.
PIRATES & BOUNTY Piracy is a constant problem in the galaxy with raids taking place on a regular basis by the unscrupulous. Those who take part in piracy don‘t care who they attack as they have no political views on the subject. They go where the money is, which is determined in part by Bounty.
Bounty is essentially an anonymous way for empires to attack one another. By placing Bounty against another empire, you‘re placing a reward for any ship, structure or world which is destroyed by either the Pirates or another empire. Bounty is collected in this way until it is exhausted. This is a key way of getting others to do your dirty work for you, or to secretly wipe out allies. 38
The Pirate screen displays the following information: Threat Indicator – Shows the current estimate of the size of the next pirate attack in the galaxy based on the total bounty, the number of lucrative raid targets and other factors. In general, when there is more profit to be made, there are more pirates to be had. Bounty List – Here is where you can place bounties on other empires and see what the current bounty is on each faction. Players that are currently being raided are indicated by a pirate sword beside their bounty. Wanted – This window shows the current target for the next pirate raid and the bounty against them. Should the bounty against every faction be zero (as is common at the start of a game), the Pirates will attack a random target. Launch Timer – At the very bottom of the screen is the launch timer, which countdowns the time to the next pirate raid. When the timer expires, the red skull will start to flash indicating that there is a brief amount of time before the pirates launch. This gives each empire a last second opportunity to outbid their neighbors to determine the pirate‘s target.
ORBITAL STRUCTURES Each planet in your empire has the capacity to build two primary structure types: Logistics and Tactical. Logistics structures relate to resource generation, ship factories, research labs, trade ports, refineries and broadcast centers. Tactical structures are those which include defensive platforms, repair stations, and more.
LOGISTICS STRUCTURES Logistics structures will help you build your economy and research new technologies, plus influence other worlds. Each structure costs a certain amount of resources to construct and requires a set number of logistics slots.
Structures include: Metal Extractor – Extracts raw resources from asteroids rich in metal ore to be used in constructing ships, structures, and more. Crystal Extractor – Extracts raw crystal resources from asteroids rich in the element for use in myriad applications. Frigate Factory – Allows the construction of frigates and cruisers for your fleets. Each ship you construct also requires fleet supply to deploy. Capital Ship Factory – Allows the construction of powerful capital ships to anchor your fleets. Capital ships require both fleet supply and special commanders in addition to raw materials. Military Lab – This structure gives you the ability to research new technologies from the Military branch of your empire‘s technology tree. Civics Lab – Grants you the ability to research new technologies from the Civics branch of your empire‘s technology tree. Trade Port – Once researched, the Trade Port will allow you to establish lucrative trade routes between worlds. Routes and trade ships are automatically created to maximize potential income. You must have at least two Trade Ports (on separate worlds) in order to initiate a trade route. Orbital Refinery – With an Orbital Refinery you can greatly increase the amount of 40
resources your worlds can generate. Refineries send out ships to resource asteroids in nearby gravity wells to bring ore back for processing. The Advent‘s Trade Port can toggle its functionality to act as either a Trade Port or a refinery once researched. In refinery mode, this structure only affects resource asteroids in the local gravity well and doesn‘t use refinery ships. Broadcast Center – Your empire can spread its culture to nearby worlds through the broadcast center, as can be seen through phase lanes taking on an empire‘s color. The stronger your culture, the faster it will spread and push back enemy culture. As each planet comes under more of your influence, its allegiance to your empire will increase. When an empire‘s culture is strong enough, a planet could even revolt and become neutral. You can‘t colonize a neutral world that has revolved due to an enemy‘s cultural influence until that influence is reduced. In addition to planetary effects, each race can unlock special bonuses to its ships stationed in friendly culture.
TACTICAL STRUCTURES Tactical structures will help you to protect your planets and defend your empire as a whole. Each race‘s structures can vary greatly:
TEC Structures Gauss Defense Platform: Featuring dual gauss cannons, these stationary defense platforms will defend nearby structures from enemy vessels. They are heavily armored and can do serious damage against opponents. Hangar Defense: The orbital hangar houses two squadrons of fighters or bombers to defend their planet‘s gravity well. Hangar Defense must be researched before it can be constructed. 41
Repair Platform: These platforms have a long range and will automatically repair your damaged ships and structures for as long as their antimatter reserves hold out. As with Hangar Defense, they must be researched before construction. Phase Jump Inhibitor: TEC engineers are always trying to reverse engineer Vasari technologies so they can find vulnerabilities and build their own versions. When the first Phase Jump Inhibitor was recovered it was immediately clear that it was not of Vasari origin – it was just too different from everything else. To this day, they have no idea how it works and are restricted to only fielding stolen units. Once unlocked, this powerful structure substantially delays the phase jump charge times of enemy ships in its radius of effect. Shield Generator: Planetary bombardment can be catastrophic to your empire‘s long-term survival and the shield generator helps prevent this. Once researched, this structure uses antimatter to envelope your planet in a protective shield, defending it from bombardment. Novalith Cannon: This is the ultimate weapon of the TEC and can be constructed only after laborious re-search and cost. The Novalith cannon is capable of firing a devastating shot through phase space at an enemy planet, causing obscene damage. Advent Structures Beam Defense Platform: Four powerful beam emitters defend your planet and nearby structures from enemy ships. What they lack in armor they make up in firepower. Hangar Defense: Housing two squadrons of either fighters or bombers, this structure provides defense across a planet‘s gravity well once researched. Repair Platform: With a substantial range, once researched the Repair Platform will automatically repair your damaged hulls for as long as it has antimatter. Phase Jump Inhibitor: As the Advent moved closer to the Trader central worlds, they were drastically slowed by the increased use of these strange devices. Recognizing their potential, the Advent are now recovering as many as possible from conquered Trader worlds for their own use. Once unlocked, this powerful structure substantially delays the 42
phase jump charge times of enemy ships in its radius of effect. Antimatter Recharger: It can be essential to quickly recharge the antimatter reserves of capital ships and once researched this structure does just that by transferring its own reserves. Deliverance Engine: The most potent device in the Advent arsenal, the Deliverance Engine can only be built after intense research. This weapon focuses and amplifies the Unity‘s psychic presence across phase space, greatly increasing their culture on far-away worlds. Vasari Structures Missile Platform: Loaded with multiple phase missile launchers, the Vasari missile platform can quickly decimate enemies who tread too close. Hangar Defense: This orbital hangar houses two squadrons of fighters or bombers to defend their planet‘s gravity well. Hangar Defense must be researched before it can be constructed. Regeneration Bay: With a substantial range, once researched the Regeneration Bay will automatically repair your damaged ship hulls for as long as it has antimatter. Phase Jump Inhibitor: During the initial Empire expansion, the Vasari found these devices scattered about the galaxy, even in areas with no evidence of settlement. Unable to determine why they work but successfully replicated using nanotechnology, they were employed throughout the Empire as part of the Vasari’s extensive subject containment programs. Over thousands of years the mystery eventually faded into commonality. Once unlocked, this powerful structure substantially delays the phase jump charge times of enemy ships in its radius of effect. Nano Weapon Jammer: Through careful manipulation of special nanites, this defensive structure infects nearby enemy ships‘ weapons systems, greatly slowing their rate of fire. Phase Stabilizer: Utilizing their mastery of phase space, the phase stabilizer creates a direct phase lane between itself and any other phase stabilizer in the same solar system. 43
This allows ships to avoid the regular phase lane network and quickly reach key strategic points to attack enemies. Kostura Cannon: The Kostura Cannon is a complete mystery to both the TEC and Advent. It‘s said that no enemy has ever witnessed it in action and survived.
In order to protect your worlds and project your power into the galaxy, you must build ships to explore, defend, and wage war. While each ship has its own unique purpose, armament and abilities, they all fall into three distinct categories: Frigates: Frigate-class ships comprise the bulk of any fleet and are the grunts that get the job done. They range from smaller scout class vessels which explore the heavens to bulky, powerful warships capable of taking a pounding. Cruisers: While only slightly larger than Frigates, Cruisers are highly specialized vessels that tend to take on more of a support role. The most powerful Cruisers are designed for heavy combat against enemy fleets. Capital Ships: The most powerful ships in the galaxy are capital ships, which dwarf their frigate and cruiser cousins. Heavily armed and armored, capital ships feature devastating weapons in multiple banks, heavy armor, and powerful shields. Their unique crews learn over time and make their vessels more powerful with each destroyed enemy or with advanced training. Furthermore, capital ships contain unique technologies which grant them a range of special abilities. The sheer might of these titans is even able to dampen enemy culture (after all, are you going to believe the nightly broadcast or the ship ready to rain destruction from orbit?).
ESSENTIAL STATS Every ship has a set of key attributes that are vital to its survival and ability to wage war: Shields – Shields are a ship‘s first line of defense against enemy fire. Powerful generators deep within the vessel create an energy barrier which absorbs incoming fire at 44
the point of impact. Shields will automatically regenerate over time so long as they‘re not under stress. Once a ship‘s shields reach zero, they have failed and any further damage directly impacts the hull. Shield Mitigation – This is a special trait which all shields share due to the nature of how the protective barrier is formed. As a shield is assaulted, computer systems automatically adjust its harmonics to match that of the incoming weapons‘ fire. This has the effect of reducing the amount of damage done to the shield by completely negating a certain percentage of the enemy weapons attack. Once the primary shield has failed, emergency generators are brought online to maintain this last line of defense throughout the armor of the hull. Hull Points – Hull points represent the structural integrity of a ship and should they drop to zero, the vessel will be destroyed. Over time a crew can repair their ship‘s hull, though this process can be greatly sped up if in range of a repair station or through the use of other specialized repair technology unique to each race. Armor – Armor refers to the special ablative hull plating which absorbs enemy fire once a ship‘s shields have failed. Armor does not entirely soak up the damage done to a ship, but is effective in reducing it somewhat, giving the vessel a better chance to survive. There are various types of armor and each is more effective at protecting against certain weapons. The high the armor‘s level, the better it is at reducing damage. Antimatter – Antimatter is a secondary source of power for all ships in the galaxy and is generated by specialized onboard reactors. Using non-passive special abilities always consumes some portion of a ship‘s antimatter reserves. Additionally, due to the nature of phase space, a portion of a vessel‘s antimatter is lost during transit. Ships will automatically recover anti-matter over time and at an increased rate if in orbit of a star. Special Abilities – Many of the ships in Sins of a Solar Empire have special abilities which grant them powerful attacks or unique traits. By default, your commanders will try to use these traits when the situation suits them best, but you can elect to control this yourself by right-clicking the ability‘s icon.
TEC FRIGATES Arcova Scout Frigate
Primary Role: Exploration / Recon Shield Power: Very Low Hull Points: Very Low Armor Level: Very Low (Type - Light) Primary Weapons: Forward Pulse Laser Special Abilities: Explore / Probe / Timed Explosives / Infallible Jump Drive Antimatter: None Crew Complement: 75 Accustomed to the prolonged periods of isolation their long reconnaissance missions often require, Arcova crews make excellent forward observers for the fleet. Their powerful engines, ability to bypass enemy phase jump inhibitors and remote sensor equipment further enhance their intelligence role.
Cobalt Light Frigate
Primary Role: Combat Shield Power: Low Hull Points: Very Low Armor Level: Low (Type - Medium) Primary Weapons: Forward Linked Pulse Lasers Special Abilities: Sabotage Reactor Antimatter: Low Crew Complement: 150 The workhorse of the TEC fleet, the Cobalt combines speed with an average weapons‘ package. Cobalts are best deployed in groups and packs of upgraded Cobalts are extremely effective at hunting down antimatter-dependant units. As they are typically manned by the TEC‘s newest recruits, fleet commanders are well advised to keep them on a tight leash lest they charge into battle prematurely.
Javelis LRM Frigate
Primary Role: Long-Range Assault Shield Power: Very Low Hull Points: Very Low Armor Level: Very Low (Type - Light) Primary Weapons: 2 x Long-Range Missile Pods Special Abilities: Cluster Warheads Antimatter: None Crew Complement: 200 The Javelis is the TEC‘s answer to enemy weapon emplacements which would otherwise cause heavy damage against a fleet. With their exceptionally long-range and damage potential, the Javelis can quickly obliterate an enemy, and with Clustered Warheads, groups of smaller frigates don‘t stand a chance beneath its devastating area of effect attack. However, the Javelis‘ weak armor and shields make it an easy target, particularly for enemy fighters.
Krosov Siege Frigate
Primary Role: Planetary Bombardment Shield Power: Low Hull Points: Low Armor Level: Low (Type - Light) Primary Weapons: Forward Heavy Pulse Laser / 2 x Ship-to-Surface Nuclear Missile-Launchers Special Abilities: Heavy Fallout Antimatter: None Crew Complement: 175 When it‘s time to take out a planetary target, the TEC calls in its Krosov Siege Frigates to do the job. A small group of Krosov‘s can quickly cause catastrophic damage to an enemy world and can survive against defenders with its heavier shields and hull. Regrettably, the situation is dire enough that the TEC command is considering equipping radioactive warheads to the Krosov, that will severely diminish the population growth of enemy planets.
Garda Flak Frigate
Primary Role: Anti-Fighter / Bomber Escort Shield Power: Low Hull Points: Low Armor Level: High (Type - Heavy) Primary Weapons: 2 x Front / Rear Mounted Light AutoCannons; 2 x Port / Starboard Mounted Light AutoCannons Antimatter: None Special Abilities: None Crew Complement: 300 While heavily armored against attack, the Garda‘s primary role is to defend against enemy fighter and bomber wings. It‘s forward and aft mounted autocannons can quickly shred through the lightly armored craft. Against larger targets, like frigates, the Garda stands little chance.
Protev Colony Frigate
Primary Role: Colonization Shield Power: Very Low Hull Points: Medium Armor Level: Very Low (Type - Light) Primary Weapons: Forward AutoCannon Antimatter: Low Special Abilities: Colonize / Crew Extractor Crew Complement: 500 Once a new planet has been secured, a Protev is called in to deploy settlers and administrators on the new world. These ships must be protected from enemies at all times, as they are quickly destroyed in a firefight and barely able to defend themselves. Protev‘s also carry crews and equipment that can be used to establish remote mining bases.
TEC – CRUISERS Percheron Light Carrier
Primary Role: Squadron Support Shield Power: Low Hull Points: Low Armor Level: Low (Type - Medium) Primary Weapons: None Squadrons Supported: 1 Antimatter: Low Special Abilities: None Crew Complement: 450 When the TEC need to augment their fleets with fighter or bomber support, the call goes out to the Percheron group. Each carrier is able to support one squadron which serves as the ship‘s only offense and defense against attack. However, due to their long-range nature, Percherons rarely enter the fray and remain on the edges of a gravity well, out of harm‘s way.
Hoshiko Robotics Cruiser
Primary Role: Repair / Support Shield Power: Low Hull Points: Low Armor Level: Medium (Type - Heavy) Antimatter: Very High Primary Weapons: Forward Heavy Pulse Laser Special Abilities: Repair Drones / Demolition Bots Crew Complement: 500 Like most of the TEC fleet, the Hoshiko was not designed specifically for combat, but it did find a natural niche in battle due to its unique shape, which offers a near 360 degree launch angle for its droids. Using swarms of unmanned repair drones, the Hoshiko can quickly patch up a damaged vessel and keep it in the fight. They also carry a supply of demolition bots that can wreck havoc on the engines and weapons of even the most heavily armored frigates and cruisers. Crewed by perhaps the most eccentric of the TEC roster, the Hokoes‘ are obsessive tinkerers and take great pride in their uniqueness and ability to engineer ultimate droids.
Cielo Command Cruiser
Primary Role: Support Shield Power: Very Low Hull Points: Low Armor Level: Very Low (Type - Heavy) Antimatter: Very High Primary Weapons: Forward Heavy Pulse Laser Special Abilities: Embolden / Designate Target Crew Complement: 900 Cielos are command and control centers for the TEC fleet. Staffed by hundreds of experienced coordinators and command staff, and equipped with the newly developed Tactical and Targeting Analysis (TATA) computers, the Cielo is able to boost the attack power and efficiency of any fleet it accompanies. Should allied ships find themselves close to defeat, each Cielo‘s command crew is effective at issuing a rallying call to embolden the battle-worn crews.
Kodiak Heavy Cruiser
Primary Role: Heavy Combat Shield Power: Medium Hull Points: Medium Armor Level: Very High (Type - Very Heavy) Antimatter: None Primary Weapons: 3 x Forward Mounted Heavy AutoCannons Special Abilities: Intercept Crew Complement: 475 Heavily armed and armored, the Kodiak is the most powerful warship in the TEC fleet outside of capital ships and was originally designed for clearing paths through dense, metal-rich asteroid fields. Capable of soaking huge amounts of damage, the Kodiak can quickly close in on its targets to unleash its powerful autocannon barrage. Many of the Kodiak crews are among the most battle experienced in the TEC fleet.
TEC – CAPITAL SHIPS Kol Battleship
Primary Role: Combat Shield Power: High Hull Points: Very High Armor Level: Very High (Type - Capital) Antimatter: Low Weapons (Fore): 4 x Linked Beam Cannons / Rail Gun / 3 x AutoCannons / 2 x Pulse Laser Batteries / Ship-to-Surface Nuclear Missiles Weapons (Side): 3 x AutoCannon Batteries (Starboard) / 2 x AutoCannon Batteries (Port) Weapons (Aft): 2 x AutoCannon Batteries Squadrons Supported: None (upgradeable to 2) Special Abilities: Gauss Rail Gun / Flak Burst / Adaptive Forcefield / Finest Hour Crew Complement: 2,500 Unlike most of the TEC‘s hasty conversions of civilian models, the Kol class battleship is the first dedicated warship design in nearly 700 years. It admirably balances speed, protection and firepower. A Kol Battleship, with its array of heavy weapons, has a formidable presence in any engagement. Commanded by the best of the TEC‘s people, they were marshaled to frontlines to serve has a devastating weapon of war and a sign of hope for the embattled and weary TEC fleets. More than any other warship, the Kol has proven to be instrumental in halting the Vasari advance.
Sova Carrier
Primary Role: Squadron Support Shield Power: High Hull Points: Very High Armor Level: High (Type - Capital) Weapons (Fore): 2 x Pulse Lasers / Ship-to-Surface Nuclear Missiles Weapons (Side): 4 x Pulse Laser Batteries (Starboard) / 4 x Pulse Laser Batteries (Port) Squadrons Supported: 2 (upgradeable to 7) Special Abilities: Missile Batteries / Embargo / Heavy Fighters / Rapid Manufacturing Crew Complement: 2,000 Having proven to be an effective countermeasure to pirate incursions, strike craft have been a staple of planetary defense forces for hundreds of years. The arrival of a true invasion force has made a mobile platform for hosting strike craft a necessity, and the Sova Carrier ably fulfills this role. The most advanced ship-borne manufacturing and repair facilities keep its large dorsal and ventral fighter bays in a near constant state of combat readiness.
Akkan Battlecruiser
Primary Role: Support / Colonization Shield Power: High Hull Points: Very High Armor Level: Medium (Type - Capital) Weapons (Fore): 2 x Pulse Lasers / 1 x Heavy AutoCannon / Ship-to-Surface Nuclear Missiles Weapons (Side): 4 x Heavy Pulse Lasers (Starboard) / 2 x Heavy Pulse Lasers (Port) / 3 x Heavy AutoCannons (Port) Squadrons Supported: 1 (upgradeable to 3) Special Abilities: Ion Bolt / Colonize + / Targeting Uplink / Armistice Crew Complement: 4,000 Even in this modern age of faster than light travel, traversing between star systems can still take months. While military personnel grudgingly accept the cramped quarters of their warships, the distinctive biodomes of Akkan-class battlecruisers suggest civilian colonists are less compromising with their comfort on long voyages. With the risk of combat now ever-present, the Akkan design was outfitted with additional weapons and a modest fighter bay.
Dunov Battlecruiser
Primary Role: Support Shield Power: High Hull Points: Very High Armor Level: High (Type - Capital) Weapons (Fore): 4 x AutoCannons / 2 x Ship-to-Ship Missile Launchers / Ship-to-Surface Nuclear Missiles Weapons (Side): 4 x Heavy Pulse Lasers (Starboard / Port) Squadrons Supported: 1 (upgradeable to 3) Special Abilities: Shield Restore / Destabilizer Charge / Magnetize / Flux Field Crew Complement: 2,700 The recent and unexpected arrival of hostile forces in TEC systems meant that constructing a sufficiently large fleet of warships from scratch was impossible. With desperate times calling for desperate measures, TEC engineers began cannibalizing parts of the large civilian merchant fleet as a quick means to militarization. In spite of its cargo freighter heritage, Dunov-class battlecruisers make a respectable and welcome addition to TEC battle groups.
Marza Dreadnought
Primary Role: Long-Range Assault / Planetary Bombardment Shield Power: High Hull Points: Very High Armor Level: High (Type - Capital) Weapons (Fore): 6 x AutoCannons / 3 x Heavy Pulse Lasers / 8 x Ship-to-Ship Missile Banks / Ship-to-Surface Nuclear Missiles Weapons (Side): 3 x Pulse Lasers (Port) / 2 x AutoCannons (Starboard) Squadrons Supported: None (upgradeable to 1) Special Abilities: Radiation Bomb / Raze Planet / Incendiary Shells / Missile Barrage Crew Complement: 2,500 With modest beginnings as a small planetoid destruction and recovery workhorse, the Marza-class dreadnought is the pinnacle of TEC military retrofitting engineering and is the most recent addition to the TEC arsenal. Immediately recognizable by its spinal mounted siege cannons, the Marza can bring crushing firepower to bear on hostile empires‘ settlements.
Primary Role: Exploration / Reconnaissance Shield Power: Very Low Hull Points: Very Low Armor Level: Low (Type - Light) Primary Weapons: 2 x Forward Pulse Lasers Antimatter: None Special Abilities: Explore / Martyrdom / Lingering Presence / Infallible Jump Drive Crew Complement: 100 The Seeker Vessel is a fast-attack ship built for quickly scouting out enemy fleet positions and jumping back without being noticed. Its twin pulse lasers also make it useful in small skirmishes against lightly armored targets. Dedicated to the will of the Unity, Seekers will not hesitate to sacrifice a portion of their presence to follow the enemy or to martyr themselves against the hulls of the unenlightened.
Disciple Vessel Primary
Primary Role: Combat Shield Power: Low Hull Points: Very Low Armor Level: Low (Type - Medium) Primary Weapons: Forward Heavy Pulse Laser Antimatter: Very Low Special Abilities: Steal Antimatter / Transfer Antimatter Crew Complement: 75 Armed with a single forward pulse laser, the Disciple Vessel may at first seem underpowered, but that is deceptive. Shedding extra crew compartments and relying on total integration of the ship‘s crew into its systems, the Disciple is agile and deadly. Once further trained and equipped, the Disciple Vessel submits itself to becoming an important battery of antimatter for the more powerful of the Unity‘s vessels, while at the same time denying antimatter to the enemy. The Disciple is crewed by expendable low-level Advent acolytes who have demonstrated their personal submission to the Unity, but have no particular psionic talents.
Illuminator Vessel
Primary Role: Long-Range Combat Shield Power: Low Hull Points: Very Low Armor Level: Low (Type - Light) Primary Weapons: 3 x Beam Cannons (Forward / Port / Starboard) Antimatter: None Special Abilities: Deceptive Illusion Crew Complement: 250 The Illuminator Vessel is a frightening sight to behold on the battlefield and a true testament to the Advent‘s mastery of beam technology. Featuring not one but three long-range beam cannons, the Illuminator can quickly tear through shields and hull, leaving nothing but a cloud of debris in its wake. Despite its weak armor, the Illuminator is able to survive due to its ability to project false images of itself into the minds of nearby enemies, confusing and bewildering them. The adversary facing a cohort of Illuminators can never be sure of how numerous his enemies really are.
Purge Vessel
Primary Role: Planetary Bombardment Shield Power: Low Hull Points: Very Low Armor Level: Medium (Type - Light) Primary Weapons: Dual Forward Heavy Plasma Cannons / Ship-to-Planet Kinetic Bolts Antimatter: None Special Abilities: None Crew Complement: 300 To the humans of the Trader Worlds, the shape of the Purge Vessel is reminiscent of a great bird, but it‘s one bird nobody wants to see in their sky. Lightly shielded with moderate armor, the Purge Vessel can rain down powerful kinetic bolts onto an undefended world, laying it to waste. Purge Vessel crews are recruited from amongst the most zealous of Advent converts, and see themselves as direct incarnations of the Unity‘s desire for retribution. Although the ship is not heavily armored or shielded, Purge Vessels will often rush through a contested area in their eagerness to deliver justice to the unfaithful.
Defense Vessel
Primary Role: Anti-Fighter Escort Shield Power: Medium Hull Points: Very Low Armor Level: Medium (Type - Heavy) Primary Weapons: 6 x Pulse Laser Turrets Antimatter: None Special Abilities: None Crew Complement: 375 Although designed to counter enemy fighters and bombers, the Defense vessel is also adept at taking on opposing frigates and cruisers. With its pulse laser turrets, the Defense is capable of targeting enemies in almost any direction. Single Defense Vessels are weak, but used in large numbers or as an escort group, they can be a force to be reckoned with, especially when used as escort for capital ships. An Advent crew member feels at ease when he can sense the presence of a fleet of Defense Vessels guarding his flank.
Missionary Vessel
Primary Role: Colonization Shield Power: Very Low Hull Points: Low Armor Level: Very Low (Type – Light) Primary Weapons: Forward Light Pulse Laser Antimatter: Low Special Abilities: Colonize / Crew Extractor Crew Complement: 1,100 The Missionary ship spreads the Unity‘s will throughout the galaxy by seeding new Advent colonies on newly claimed worlds. Missionaries are given special psionic training that allows them to encourage indigenous peoples to submit to the will of the Unity, and to break the spirits of those who resist. In addition, specialized members of the Unity are onboard who are willing to separate themselves for long periods of time in order to establish isolated mining facilities. Like most colony ships, the Missionary is weakly armed and armored, and succeeds in battle by avoiding it at all costs.
ADVENT – CRUISERS Aeria Drone Host
Primary Role: Squadron Support Shield Power: Very Low Hull Points: Medium Armor Level: Very Low (Type – Medium) Antimatter: Low Primary Weapons: None Squadrons Supported: 1 Special Abilities: None Crew Complement: 200 The Aeria Drone Host is the Advent answer to the TEC light carrier; the key difference being that its fighter/bomber squadrons are unmanned. Instead, multiple onboard psionic anima are integrated into the Aeria‘s systems, allowing multiple drone fighters/bombers to be piloted remotely using a highly sophisticated telepathic link. Anima members are among the most skilled psionics in the Unity, and their telekinetic skills are revered and feared even by those in higher castes.
Iconus Guardian
Primary Role: Support Shield Power: Very High Hull Points: Very Low Armor Level: Low (Type – Heavy) Antimatter: Very High Primary Weapons: Forward Heavy Pulse Laser Special Abilities: Shield Projection / Repulsion Crew Complement: 185 The Iconus Guardian is a relatively recent addition to the Advent fleet and reflects the new focus on ship shield technology. The hull of the ship is weak, but the Guardian has an extremely powerful shield generator, which can be projected outwards to protect nearby vessels. The shields do not completely prevent the target from being damaged, but they can help nearby ships to survive battles which would have otherwise have destroyed them. Guardians make excellent supporting ships and combined with offensively oriented ships, like the Destra, can be part of a devastating force.
Domina Subjugator
Primary Role: Support Shield Power: Low Hull Points: Very Low Armor Level: Medium (Type – Heavy) Antimatter: Very High Primary Weapons: Forward Heavy Pulse Laser Special Abilities: Suppression / Perseverance Crew Complement: 200 Utilizing the Advent‘s unique telepathic skills, the Domina‘s specialized hull is capable of projecting a psionic suppression field onto enemy ships. Once hit, the opposing crew is unable to move, rendering their vessel open to attack by more powerful Advent ships. This makes the Subjugator a fantastic complement to any of the more combat-oriented vessels, or to any of the Advent capital ships. Domina crews are highly trained psionics and can also telepathically encourage nearby ships‘ crews to work well past the point of exhaustion.
Destra Crusader
Primary Role: Heavy Combat Shield Power: Medium Hull Points: Low Armor Level: High (Type – Very Heavy) Antimatter: None Primary Weapons: 4 x Plasma Cannons Special Abilities: Ruthlessness Crew Complement: 900 Destra Crusaders bring enlightenment to the masses, if not typically in a friendly manner. The Destra‘s design is dominated by four huge plasma cannons which make it more than a match for most enemy frigates and cruisers. The appearance of the Crusaders in the first few battles of the war marked the beginning of the end for the TEC forces. The resulting tales of the survivors created a widespread superstition in the TEC military that the appearance of a Destra on the battlefield signifies bad luck for the TEC.
ADVENT – CAPITAL SHIPS Radiance Battleship
Primary Role: Assault Shield Power: Very High Hull Points: High Armor Level: High (Type – Capital) Antimatter: Low Weapons (Fore): 2 x Heavy Beam Cannons / 2 x Plasma Guns / Ship-to-Surface Kinetic Bolts Weapons (Side): 3 x Pulse Laser Batteries (Starboard / Port) Squadrons Supported: None (upgradeable to 2) Special Abilities: Detonate Antimatter / Animosity / Energy Absorptive Armor / Cleansing Brilliance Crew Complement: 2,750 No ship personifies the Advent‘s vengeful nature more so than the Radiance Battleship. Literally bristling with varied energy weapons, it can unleash a torrential downpour of plasma bursts and laser fire. Those who endure such an onslaught have little respite, as the Radiance‘s axial beam cannon can cut a wide swath of destruction through enemy ranks.
Revelation Battlecruiser
Primary Role: Planetary Bombardment / Support Shield Power: Very High Hull Points: High Armor Level: High (Type – Capital) Antimatter: Low Weapons (Fore): 2 x Very Heavy Plasma Guns / Ship-to-Surface Kinetic Bolts Weapons (Side): 2 x Heavy Pulse Laser Turrets (Starboard / Port) Squadrons Supported: 1 (upgradeable to 2) Special Abilities: Reverie / Guidance / Clairvoyance / Provoke Hysteria Crew Complement: 3,300 Immense arrays of powerful PsiTech project through the hulls of the Revelation Battlecruisers, allowing them to amplify the natural skill of their Battle Psintegrae up to a planetary scale. While such power occasionally finds benign use, the Advent show little hesitation using it to channel their wrath and inflict chaos upon the hapless populations below.
Progenitor Mothership
Primary Role: Colonization / Support Shield Power: High Hull Points: High Armor Level: Medium (Type – Capital) Antimatter: Medium Weapons (Fore): 2 x Pulse Laser Turrets Weapons (Side): 2 x Heavy Plasma Turrets (Port / Starboard) / 3 x Pulse Laser Turrets (Starboard / Port) / Ship-to-Surface Kinetic Bolts Squadrons Supported: 1 (upgradeable to 3) Special Abilities: Shield Regeneration / Malice / Colonize / Resurrection Crew Complement: 3,800 While the Advent certainly seek to exact revenge for their exile, they also strongly desire to spread the influence of the Unity. Few ships are as capable in this objective as Progenitor Motherships—their ability to tap into the Unity‘s collective consciousness is unrivalled. The most skilled Progenitor crews are so attuned to the Unity that they can psionically transfer the spirits of a destroyed ship‘s dead crew into another vessel. This ensures that the Advent‘s best and brightest are never truly lost, as their presence can be recovered and reinserted into willing hosts of the Unity.
Halcyon Carrier
Primary Role: Squadron Support Shield Power: Very High Hull Points: High Armor Level: Medium (Type – Capital) Antimatter: Medium Weapons (Side): 2 x Heavy Beam Cannons (Starboard / Port) / 2 x Pulse Laser Batteries (Starboard / Port) / Ship-to-Surface Kinetic Bolts Squadrons Supported: 2 (upgradeable to 6) Special Abilities: Telekinetic Push / Adept Drone Anima / Amplify Energy Aura / Anima Tempest Crew Complement: 2,270 Responsible for remotely piloting groups of the Drone fighters, Drone Anima are valued crewmembers aboard all Advent capital ships. The most veteran of this caste are reserved for positions aboard Halcyon Carriers; leveraging the piloting skill of these elite Psintegrat allows the ship to host a veritable swarm of strike craft. Halcyon Carriers employ a number of systems to augment the combat effectiveness of their own fighter wings, as well as those of allies.
Rapture Battlecruiser
Primary Role: Combat / Support Shield Power: Very High Hull Points: High Armor Level: High (Type – Capital) Antimatter: Medium Weapons (Fore): 2 x Heavy Beam Cannons / 4 x Pulse Lasers / Ship-to-Surface Kinetic Bolts Weapons (Side): 2 x Dual Plasma Turrets (Starboard / Port) Weapons (Aft): 2 x Pulse Laser Turrets Squadrons Supported: 1 (upgradeable to 3) Special Abilities: Vertigo / Vengeance / Concentration Aura / Domination Crew Complement: 4,000 Rapture Battlecruisers carry relatively few and often lighter weapon emplacements than most similarly sized capital ships, leading many early TEC captains to believe they were an easy target. Such smugness often gave way to display as their crews faltered and succumbed to the true strength of the Rapture: an abundance of both advanced PsiTech and the Advent‘s most gifted Battle Psintegrat.
Primary Role: Exploration / Reconnaissance Shield Power: 225 Hull Points: 425 Armor Level: 1 (Type – Light) Primary Weapons: 2 x Forward Plasma Pulse Guns Antimatter: 300 Special Abilities: Explore / Capture Extractor / Phasic Cloaking / Infallible Jump Drive Crew Complement: 90 As the Vasari continue their long trek through space, it‘s the Jakaras that lead the way to safety. However, the Jakara is also used for quick strikes against unsuspecting mining installations and houses strike teams that can be deployed to capture enemy assets. Should it encounter enemy forces alone in unknown space, its unique Phasic Cloaking device can be used to either hide and observe enemy maneuvers or to avoid weapons fire, thereby giving it a high survivability without any support from the Exodus Fleet.
Ravastra Skirmisher
Primary Role: Combat Shield Power: Low Hull Points: Low Armor Level: Medium (Type – Medium) Primary Weapons: Forward Heavy Plasma Pulse Gun Antimatter: None Special Abilities: Interference / Reintegration Crew Complement: 120 Ravastra Skirmisher‘s combine speed with power to create a deadly close-range combat vessel. Heavily armored, the Ravastra can withstand a great deal of punishment for its size but is still nearly as nimble as the Jikara. Its ability to withstand punishment is further enhanced once it enters its Reintegration repair cycle, where both engines and weapon systems are shut down in order to quickly regenerate its hull. Given its high speed, survivability and relatively low resource cost, the Ravastra was also determined to be the most suited to striking deep into the enemy‘s fleet during combat in order to activate interference devices that restrict the use of antimatter.
Kanrak Assailant
Primary Role: Long-Range Assault Shield Power: Low Hull Points: Very Low Armor Level: Low (Type – Light) Primary Weapons: Forward Phase Torpedo Launcher Antimatter: None Special Abilities: Charged Missiles Crew Complement: 165 Equipped with a long-range torpedo launcher, the Kanrak has been designed to eliminate both stationary and mobile targets from a safe distance. Depending on the importance of the target and the overall tactical situation, Kanrak commanders may decide to channel power from the ship‘s engine system into its missile‘s warhead, granting the vessel increased weapons range and an area of effect attack at the expense of mobility.
Karrastra Destructor
Primary Role: Planetary Bombardment Shield Power: Low Hull Points: Low Armor Level: Low (Type – Light) Primary Weapons: 2 x Plasma Wave Cannons (Port / Starboard) / Ship-to-Planet Kinetic Bolts Antimatter: None Special Abilities: None Crew Complement: 160 While of only minimal use in ship-to-ship combat, the Karrastra‘s true purpose lies in planetary bombardment which it accomplishes with ease. Not many Karrastra‘s were present in the original Exodus Fleet and almost none were constructed until over a year into the war with the Traders. Previous engagements at scheduled resource acquisition drops required next to no siege capabilities and no future need was anticipated. Production rates have increased dramatically since.
Junsurak Sentinel
Primary Role: Anti-Fighter Escort Shield Power: Medium Hull Points: Low Armor Level: Medium (Type – Heavy) Primary Weapons: 4 x Anti-Strikecraft Phase Missile Launchers (Forward / Aft / Port / Starboard) Antimatter: None Special Abilities: Charged Missiles Crew Complement: 265 Equipped with fore and aft anti-strikecraft phase missile launchers, the Junsurak is deceptively adept at dealing with both enemy squadrons and vessels. Not only are its missiles effectively impossible to outmaneuver, but they can also be upgraded to use the same area of effect Charged Missile technology of the Kanrak Assailant, allowing the Junsurak to clear dense clouds of enemy strikecraft at the cost of mobility.
Jarun Migrator
Primary Role: Colonization Shield Power: Very Low Hull Points: Medium Armor Level: Very Low (Type – Light) Primary Weapons: 2 x Forward Pulse Guns Antimatter: Low Special Abilities: Colonize Crew Complement: 1,600 As one of the largest frigates known to exist, the Jarun safely ferries civilians critical to the survival of the Vasari species and experienced xeno administrators between the stars. The Jarun is extremely vulnerable to enemy attack and must be carefully guarded.
VASARI EMPIRE – CRUISERS Lasurak Transporter
Primary Role: Squadron Support Shield Power: Low Hull Points: Low Armor Level: Low (Type – Medium) Antimatter: Low Primary Weapons: None Squadrons Supported: 1 Special Abilities: None Crew Complement: 430 Light fighter and bomber support for Vasari fleets is provided by the Lasurak Transporter. Capable of fielding one squadron, the Lasurak is capable of launching its forces deeper into an enemy‘s gravity well than one might think, thanks to its relatively strong shields and structure.
Stilakus Subverter
Primary Role: Support Shield Power: Low Hull Points: Very Low Armor Level: Medium (Type – Heavy) Antimatter: Very High Primary Weapons: Plasma Pulse Gun Special Abilities: Shield Disruption / Distortion Field Crew Complement: 500 Stilakus Subverters are best used in combination with other ships making use of phase missile technology. While only lightly armed themselves, the Stilakus‘ are equipped with powerful phase manipulator fields that have a twofold effect: The first is a weakening of enemy shields, greatly lowering their shield mitigation and making them more easily bypassed by phase missiles; the other is the ability to create a distortion field within the gravity well. This field allows the Stilakus to perform an in-grav phase jump, teleporting it towards an enemy target before it channels a disabling field of energy.
Serevun Overseer
Primary Role: Support Shield Power: Low Hull Points: Low Armor Level: Low (Type – Heavy) Antimatter: Very High Primary Weapons: Heavy Plasma Pulse Gun Special Abilities: Reactive Nanite Armor / Jump Degradation / Mobile Phase Detection Crew Complement: 375 The Serevun Overseer is an advanced ship of the Vasari fleet, that earns its name for two reasons: by being able to detect incoming starships and by protecting the fleet. When enemy ships are detected, a Serevun may decide to activate its Jump Degradation technology to delay the incoming forces. To protect the fleet during combat, the Serevun can manufacture and deploy Reactive Nanite Armor which forms a hardened armor layer around the target, with the added benefit of improved structural integrity. Many Overseers have been intentionally left behind in the wake of the Exodus Fleet as another attempt to serve as an early warning system, and potential delaying mechanism for the unknown threat. There has yet to be any reports aside from those that were placed prior to entering Trader Space.
Skarovas Enforcer
Primary Role: Heavy Combat Shield Power: Medium Hull Points: Medium Armor Level: High (Type – Very Heavy) Antimatter: None Primary Weapons: 2 x Plasma Wave Cannons Special Abilities: Inertial Field / Reintegration Crew Complement: 600 As the most powerful direct combat ship in the Vasari Empire before reaching capital ships, the Skarovas is armed and armored for a fight. Utilizing twin heavy plasma wave cannons, this heavy cruiser is able to destroy many enemy vessels before needing to withdraw. Like its smaller cousin, the Ravastra Skirmisher, the Skarovas support Reintegration technology and inertial fields that slow nearby targets, allowing Skarovas to keep enemies in range of their dual plasma wave cannons. 66
Primary Role: Combat Shield Power: High Hull Points: Very High Armor Level: Very High (Type – Capital) Antimatter: Low Weapons (Fore): 2 x Plasma Wave Cannons / 2 x Pulse Beam Projectors / 4 x Phase Missile Launchers Weapons (Side): 2 x Pulse Beam Projectors (Starboard / Port) Squadrons Supported: 1 (upgradeable to 2) Special Abilities: Power Surge / Jam Weapons / Disruptive Strikes / Volatile Nanites Crew Complement: 9,000 Like many ships in the Vasari fleet, the Kortul doubles as both a warship and a home for the remnants of the empire. As the lead assault class vessel, the Kortul has a number of defensive system that grant it impressive survivability in battle, which combined with a full complement of heavy weapons make it a force to be reckoned with. In the days of the Empire, Kortuls formed the backbone of every Wing of the Dark Fleet, and while the Exodus Fleet pales in comparison, the Kortuls perform much the same function with one exception: they no longer carry Variments of shock troopers.
Skirantra Carrier
Primary Role: Squadron Support Shield Power: High Hull Points: High Armor Level: High (Type – Capital) Antimatter: Medium Weapons (Fore): 4 x Phase Missile Launchers Weapons (Side): 4 x Plasma Wave Cannons (Starboard / Port) Squadrons Supported: 2 (upgradeable to 6) Special Abilities: Repair Cloud / Scramble Bombers / Microphasing Aura / Replicate Forces Crew Complement: 12,000 Nanotechnology is put to use in some form in nearly every Vasari design, but few utilize it as pervasively as Skirantra Carriers. Through some of their subsystems may be obsolete by Vasari standards, that makes them no less feared by fledgling civilizations. Large banks of Matter Compilers allow Skirantras to generate many varieties of nanites at a staggering rate, granting them enormous flexibility in how best to support allied forces.
Jarrasul Evacuator
Primary Role: Colonization / Support Shield Power: High Hull Points: Very High Armor Level: Medium (Type – Capital) Antimatter: Medium Weapons (Fore): 2 x Plasma Wave Cannons / 2 x Heavy Plasma Wave Cannons Weapons (Side): 2 x Pulse Beam Projectors (Starboard / Port) Squadrons Supported: 1 (upgradeable to 3) Special Abilities: Nano-Disassembler / Gravity Warhead / Colonize / Drain Planet Crew Complement: 15,000 The Jarrasul Evacutor is the largest capital ship known to exist in the galaxy and is truly a city in space. The Vasari rarely established surface colonies on occupied worlds, preferring instead to rule from orbit in these floating cities. The Jarrasul has been modified greatly during the exodus to serve the needs of the fleet. Its giant frontal maw can rip apart planets from orbit, inspiring both terror and utter destruction against its enemies.
Antorak Marauder
Primary Role: Combat / Support Shield Power: High Hull Points: High Armor Level: High (Type – Capital) Antimatter: Medium Weapons (Fore): 1 x Heavy Pulse Beam Projector / 2 x Phase Missile Launchers Weapons (Side): 2 x Plasma Wave Cannons (Starboard / Port) Squadrons Supported: 1 (upgradeable to 3) Special Abilities: Phase Out Hull / Distort Gravity / Subversion / Stabilize Phase Space Crew Complement: 4,000 Despite a technological advantage, the Vasari Exodus Fleet strongly favors guerilla warfare tactics to make the most of its relatively few starships. Quickly blitzing unwary targets already softened by sabotage is a cornerstone of this strategy. The Antorak is perfectly suited for assisting in such a strike, boasting abilities to both incapacitate the enemy and swiftly bring in reinforcements.
Vulkoras Desolator
Primary Role: Planetary Bombardment / Combat Shield Power: High Hull Points: Very High Armor Level: High (Type – Capital) Antimatter: Low Weapons (Fore): 2 x Heavy Phase Missile Banks / 2 x Pulse Beam Projectors Weapons (Side): 2 x Plasma Wave Cannons (Starboard / Port) Squadrons Supported: None (upgradeable to 1) Special Abilities: Phase Missile Swarm / Deploy Siege Platform / Assault Specialization / Disintegration Crew Complement: 10,000 Few ships in the galaxy can match the destructive potential of the Vulkoras. Both enemy forces and planets alike quickly fall before its banks of heavy phase missile launchers and deployable siege batteries. Such offensive power comes at a price, however—the Vulkoras relies on supporting ships to deal with specific threats like strikecraft more so than any other Vasari capital ship.
Each time you quit a match you‘re given the chance to look at detailed statistics on your game as a whole. The number of individual statistics is far too great to be listed here, but they are broken down into the following categories: 1
Capital Ships
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Whenever you click the Menu button from within a game, or select Options from the main menu, you‘re given the chance to tweak various settings. Some are shown only while you‘re playing, while others are always available. Save: When it‘s time to take a break, or take out some insurance against random misfortune, the save button can be your best friend. Load: When it‘s time to cash in your insurance policy, your new best friend becomes the Load button. Each save game lists the scenario you were playing at the time, the name you gave it, the number of players, how long you were playing the game, and when you last played the game. The games list can be switched to list the various game types. Record: Sometimes you may want to save a non-interactive recording of your game up to its current state, which can be accomplished here. Note: whenever you quit a game, a recording is made automatically. 70
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Rondel Reynoldson Voice Talent Recorded by: Makena Cove Entertainment Group Ltd.
IRONCLAD GAMES Allan Corrigall Blair Fraser Craig Fraser Stephan Mackay Eduardo Sarabia Paul Schuegraf Jamie Seward Josie Stephens Hatem Zayed
EXTRA VOICE TALENT Matt Slevinsky Shinobu Yasuoka
STARDOCK ENTERTAINMENT Brad Wardell Brian Clair Michael Crassweller Aaron Rister Scott Tykoski Keith Jeter Jillian Santos Chris Williams Kris Kwilas Laurence Parry Kim Kolaz Angela Marshall Pat Ford George Marsack Jeff Sanders Paul Boyer
KEY CONTRIBUTORS Francois Cannels Dream Catchers Tristan Goodes Alexis Sabatovich Rustin Zantolas
CONTRIBUTORS Anthony Atkinson Michael Dogan Paul Dowd Trent Payton
Tom Ohle
Alexandra Carter Brian Dobson Krista Dobson Michael Richard Dobson
TAKE 2 GAMES Tony Costa Stacy Rachels Penny Armstrong
SPECIAL THANKS Brendan Byers Chris Mair Kim ’Multianna‘ Jensen Robert ‘lordkosc‘ Kosc Daniel ‘P5yy‘ Wong Jim ‘Major Stress‘ Morgan Ryan ‘Gauntlet03‘ Rabideau Ron Lugge Nathan ‘Paradoxnt‘ Taylor Daniel ‘Novaburst‘ Joergensen Ingo ‘Shadowhal‘ Hanke Sebastian ‘Vandenburg‘ Uehle Paul ‘pkaski‘ Kaski Mike ‘eetmorsqrls‘ Rodenbaugh Alex ‘Annatar‘ Veltchev Robert ‘The Wicked Flea‘ Kosec Friends and family, especially Lynda Hutchinson
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Stability, Performance & Graphics MAKE SURE YOUR VIDEO DRIVERS ARE UP-TO-DATE. If your video drivers are more than two years old, you will almost certainly have trouble running this game. If you encounter poor performance or crashing, try turning down the in-game video options. Turning off anti-aliasing and reducing screen resolution can both help with performance. Stability problems can best be solved by turning down the texture quality. Obtaining Updates You can use Stardock‘s Impulse to obtain updates. An Internet connection and your serial number are required to validate your purchase. If you don‘t have access to the Internet on your PC, you can follow the on-screen instructions on how to apply updates manually from an Internet-connected system. Last Minute Changes and Information Some game dynamics and additional troubleshooting information can be found in the readme file. You can find this in your Sins of a Solar Empire installation directory.
Important: Read this before using your copy of Stardock Entertainment, Inc.’s and Ironclad Games Corporations‘ Sins of a Solar Empire. End User License Agreement This user license agreement (the AGREEMENT) is an agreement between you (individual or single entity) and Stardock Entertainment, Inc.(Stardock) for the Sins of a Solar Empire program (the SOFTWARE) that is accompanying this AGREEMENT. The SOFTWARE is the property of Stardock Entertainment, Inc. and Ironclad Games Corporation and is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties. The SOFTWARE is not sold, it is licensed. LICENSED VERSION The LICENSED VERSION means a Registered Version (using your personal serial/registration number) or an original fully working version of the SOFTWARE. If you accept the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT, you have certain rights and obligations as follow: YOU MAY: 1. Install and use one copy of the SOFTWARE on a single computer. 2. Install a second copy of the SOFTWARE on a second computer only if you are the main user of this computer (home computer or laptop for example). 3. Install the SOFTWARE on another computer only if you change your main workstation. In such a case you must uninstall the software from the old computer. 4. Use the SOFTWARE via a network, only if you have purchased an adequate number of licenses. The number of users must not exceed the number of licenses you have purchased. 5. Make a copy of the SOFTWARE for archival purposes only. 6. Create “mods” based on the documented functions of the SOFTWARE to customize it and upload those “mods” to www. YOU MAY NOT: 1. Copy and distribute the SOFTWARE or any portion of it except as expressly provided in this Agreement. 2. Sublicense, rent, lease or transfer your personal serial number without express written consent from Stardock. 3. Sublicense, rent or lease the SOFTWARE or any portion of it. 4. Decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or modify the SOFTWARE or any portion of it, or make any attempt to bypass, unlock, or disable any protective or initialization system on the SOFTWARE. 5. Copy the documentation accompanying the SOFTWARE. 6. Upload or transmit the SOFTWARE, or any portion thereof, to any electronic bulletin board, network, or other type of multi-use computer system regardless of purpose (except as provided for above for “mods”). 7. Include the SOFTWARE in any commercial products intended for manufacture, distribution, or sale. 8. Include “mods” in any commercial products intended for manufacture, distribution, or sale. ACTIVATION FOR UPDATES Updated versions of the SOFTWARE made available after the release will require Internet access to activate the update. Alternatively, users may send an email with a special code to be sent back the file needed to activate the Registered Version on a machine without direct Internet access. Please see for more information. Updates can be obtained from the Stardock Impulse program bundled with the SOFTWARE.
WARRANTY DISCLAIMER The SOFTWARE is supplied “AS IS”. Stardock disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The user must assume the entire risk of using this SOFTWARE. DISCLAIMER OF DAMAGES Stardock Entertainment, Inc. assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this SOFTWARE, even if Stardock Entertainment, Inc. have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Any liability will be limited to refund of the purchase price. TERM This license is effective from your date of purchase and shall remain in force until terminated. You may terminate the license and this agreement at any time by destroying the SOFTWARE and its documentation, together with all copies in any form. COPYRIGHT NOTICE The Company and/or our Licensors hold valid copyright in the Software. Nothing in this Agreement constitutes a waiver of any rights under U.S. Copyright law or any other federal, state or international law. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTAND IT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOU ALSO AGREE THAT THIS AGREEMENT IS THE COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE STATEMENT OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND THE COMPANY AND SUPERCEDES ALL PROPOSALS OR PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS, ORAL OR WRITTEN, AND ANY OTHER COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN YOU AND THE COMPANY OR ANY REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COMPANY RELATING TO THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS AGREEMENT.
PUBLISHED BY: STARDOCK ENTERTAINMENT, INC. 15090 N Beck Road - Ste. 300 Plymouth, MI 48170 USA
DEVELOPED BY: IRONCLAD GAMES CORPORATION 5172 Kingsway, Suite 340 Burnaby, BC V5H 2E8 Canada Stardock is a registered trademark of Stardock Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Sins of a Solar Empire and Ironclad are trademarks of Ironclad Games Corporation. © Copyright 2008 Stardock Entertainment, Inc. and Ironclad Games Corporation. All trademarked names mentioned in this document and SOFTWARE are used for editorial purposes only, with no intention of infringing upon the trademarks. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from Stardock Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.