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Planta on Shu ers
Timeless Elegance Free in home measure & quote – City, all suburbs & country Planta on Shu ers are a real ‘game changer’ – once installed, you’ll get used to guests complemen ng you on their dis nc ve, elegant look and the way they define the look of your home. Now available in both internal ( mber) and external (aluminium) applica ons and are popular for their prac cality too, offering excellent light control and thermal protec on in summer and winter.
Country Blinds have unparalleled experience in Planta on Shu ers. Years of experience designing and installing have proved there is no subs tute for planta on mber as the slat material for interior Planta on Shu ers. Basswood planta on mber is more durable and performs be er than other choices such as Vaneer Basswood, PVC or MDF. We treat our mber to three undercoats and two top coats of quality paint finish for a look you’ll love; whilst our aluminium shu er is coated with an automo ve finish giving it a long las ng appearance that doesn’t flake or chip.
Our Planta on Shu er Range Pinnacle (Basswood Timber Shu ers) Composed of solid Basswood mber that is 100% organically grown explicitly for planta on shu er produc on. Basswood is a hardwood that is ideal for Australia’s climate; providing a strong reliable finish that doesn’t warp, twist or buckle. Many mber shu ers sold as ‘solid’ mber, when they are only veneer. The Pinnacle planta on shu er is capable of spanning widths up to 1100mm (1.1m). Most compe tors require two panels to span this width. The Pinnacle is 2-pack polyurethane painted for durability, and can be custom painted to suit any decor.
Dri (Paulownia Timber Shu ers) The Dri shu er is a unique take on the planta on shu er as we know it. Inspired by dri wood similar to what we would find washed up on a beach, it has a texture that makes it stand out from the range. The dri shu er is manufactured using 100% Paulownia (Pol-on-ia) which is a hardwood used in sur oard manufacturing for many years. Proven to have amazing resistance to the Australian environments, as a
result it is stable and strong. The Dri shu er comes in a range of colours, stains and washes. It can be used as a background or a feature piece to add contrast.
En ce (PVC & Aluminium Shu ers) The En ce Planta on Shu er is a hybrid of aluminium and PVC, where the frame and blades consist of an aluminium core for rigidity and PVC as the top layer for a smooth protec ve finish, perfect for wet areas such as kitchens and bathrooms. Custom designed is a specialty for Country. Round, triangular, hexagon … No shape is too difficult, no size is too small or large. The En ce Shu er is 2-pack painted in a range of colours to suit any decor.
Endure (Aluminium Planta on Shu ers) Designed to withstand extreme heat from our harsh Australian Summer’s to freezing Winters, the Endure is made from extruded aluminium that is then painted with an automo ve finish to give it a long las ng appearance so it doesn’t flake or chip. Combining strength, security and flexibility, aluminum shu ers are the highlight of Australia’s outdoor living movement. As a result, the Endure aluminum shu er collec on unites design with usability for your exterior shade screens. It’s perfect for providing wind protec on or privacy on balconies or alfresco areas.
Ask for a Country quote for stylish suburban living No ma er where you live, ge ng a no obliga on-free quote from Country blinds is easy. City, suburbs or rural, we go everywhere, so give us a call on 1300 957 809 or CLICK HERE.
Planta on Shu er 5-year warranty built in as standard Every product carries Country’s exclusive 5-year limited warranty, so if you ever have an issue resolving it is as easy as calling us on 1300 957 809. Country is a growing South Australian family-owned and run business since 1987. Through the decades, in every aspect of our service we hold quality and workmanship above all. We deliver quality, custom made window furnishings that func on properly and enhance the look of the home and business. Put simply, if it is Country made, its made right and its made to last.
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