Photonews Autumn 2018

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Photonews Celebrating the Postal Photographic Club and its Members

Autumn 2018 - TE Results Special

Autumn 2018 - TE Results Special 3. EDITORIAL Some opening words from your General Secretary - some of which even make sense!

4. PRINT RESULTS The full Print section results - the Award winners, the Certificates of Merit and a full listing of all the images selected to be part of the 2018 Travelling Exhibition.

29. PDI RESULTS All the results from the PDI Competition, showcasing the Award winners, the Certificate of Merit awards and also listing the images selected to be part of the 2018 PDI Travelling Exhibition.


25 and 45. PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR New for 2018, the Photographer of the Year competitions are based on the total points scored by the club member in the competition. With two awards available, one Print (p25) and one PDI (p45) who made it onto the 2018 Leaderboards? 50. PANEL RESULTS Only in it’s second year, who took the honours in the themed panel of four prints competition? Graham Harvey won the inaugural competition but has he retained his crown?

ON THE COVER: Bee Eater by Maxwell Law. As General Secretary one of my jobs is to oversee the Online Circles and so I am privileged to view hundreds of superb images across the year. The Natural History online circle always produces some stunning images, we have a group of highly skilled natural history workers within the Club, and folio 8 in May 2018 had some particularly fine images including this stunning, pictorial entry from Max. As soon as I saw it I knew it would make a stunning Photonews cover image.

Autumn 2018 - TE Results Special Welcome to a very special edition of Photonews in which we celebrate our annual competitions known collectively as the TE (see p24 for more details). Over 500 images were entered this year and as ever the trophies and certificates will be handed out during the Rally weekend later in the year when we make a return trip to Plas Tan y Bwlch in Snowdonia. The TE will also receive its public premier too so something to look forward to for everyone attending. We will look to make the TE available online following the Rally for those who cannot attend in person - watch Photonews for details. An incredible amount of work goes in to organising and running our annual competitions and so as ever I would like to thank our hard-working Competition Secretaries for all their efforts in bringing this years competitions to a successful conclusion. Don’t forget that each year we have two Founders Cup competitions, these Annual Print and PDI competitions, the Print Panel competition and, new for this year, two Photographer of the Year awards based on a member’s overall success in the two annual competitions. So, a lot to do! Thank you then to Jon (Prints) and Graham (PDI) without whom none of this would have happened. Thanks also to Alan Phillips who has quietly and unobtrusively supported Graham by producing some bespoke software that is saving countless hours in the management of the PDI Competitions. We take for granted things like the certificates that we hand out but they all have to be personalised and printed and this too takes time so Alan’s skills have been put to good use automating this process for both the PDI and Print competitions. The changes to the entry requirements that we agreed last year levelled the playing field by giving all members eight entries regardless of how many Circles they belonged to. In doing so we removed the inter-circle competition BUT it gave us the opportunity to introduce two new awards for “Photographer of the Year” to be awarded to the member who scored the most points overall in each competition. These are an exciting new addition to both competitions and reward consistency as you will see when you turn to pages 25 and 45. Kieran, who usually polishes each issue of Photonews to perfection is taking a well-earned rest with his family and looking at the images he has posted on a certain social media site they are having a fabulous time. Anything strange-looking or less than polished in the issue is sadly down to me therefore. Rest assured, normal service will be resumed for the Winter issue at which stage we will also bring you the regular Photonews items that I have omitted from this issue. Finally, a big thank you to everyone that entered and of course congratulations to the award winners. If you did not enter this year then I hope the following pages will inspire you to do so next year. We send out the initial invite around six weeks or so before the competition entry window opens so there is no excuse; if you will be away during the entry period then get everything prepared and ask someone else to submit it on your behalf, or speak to one of the Competition Secretaries, we will do everything we can to enable you all to participate. Don’t leave it to the last minute! All the best

Dave Whenham PPC General Secretary


All trophy images © John Kay

The PRINT Competition Judged by: IAN WHISTON DPAGB EFIAP BPE5*

And the Winner is …. “It was pleasure to view the prints and I hope the viewers enjoy my selection. In general the prints were of good quality. Also it was good to see that some authors had thought about the paper they printed their image on in order to get the best out of the subject. I liked the varied subject matter in the competition and there were some interesting processing technique which had been used to produce some superb images.” Ian Whiston DPAGB EFIAP BPE5*

Uphill Struggle - Ken Ainscow The Challenge Cup for Best Print The Maurice MacDowell Cup for Best Colour Print “An excellent image. I liked the composition very much with the groups of runners being positioned in just the right spot, setting the scene to the image without being a distraction. The processing was excellent and gave the feeling of a misty fell atmosphere which enhanced the image for me. ”

The Challenge Cup for Best Print - this is what we are all striving for. 4

Uphill Struggle - Ken Ainscow The Challenge Cup for Best Print The Maurice MacDowell Cup for Best Colour Print

Head Gardener's Office, Heligan - Roger Edwardes The Jack Cowper Tannadice Salver for Best Mono Print “A very nice mono image with a good tonal range. The image was well processed in the way that there was lots of detail in the highlight and shadow areas. .I thought the author’s use of a wide angle lens was very imaginative. The circular distortion framing it produced really worked for me. ”


Breaking Through - Richard Bown The Scottish Quaiche for Best Action Print “I like the composition of the image with all the players focused on the ball carrying player. The photographers chosen position was good to enable him to have a distraction free background making the image very good.�


The Recruiting Sergeant - Ken Ainscow The Harry Ridgeway Cup for Best Portrait “An excellent portrait. The setting looks believable and authentic. The author has produced an image with natural colours full of detail. “ 8

St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh Barry Willcock

The Singleton Rosebowl for Best Architectural Print

“An interesting image. I like the way the blue and yellow colours harmonise with on another. The viewpoint down the aisle has been well chosen to make the rope barrier hardly noticeable. I like all the detail in the image and even on a small print all the stained glass information can be seen.�


Jay - Mike Atkinson The Dick Ogden Natural History Shield for Best Natural History Print “The author has produced an excellent print. The Jay’s colours are very true and natural. I like all the feather detail that has been recorded and for me there is variation in the background without distraction.”


Winter Evening Light, Lynmouth - Roger Edwardes The Andrew Emond Trophy for Best Landscape Print “A well composed image with good foreground interest. I like the movement in the water and also the way the author has captured the evening light without burning the highlights out.� 11


Top: Channel Markers - Roger Edwardes Right: Sunday Morning Strollers David James 12


Clockwise from top left: Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly - David Ridley Rhino - Ken Ainscow The Eye of the Tiger - Simon Rhodes



Gondolas and Lamps Media City Bridge Both images: Jon Allanson


Above: A Vase - Stuart Carr Right: Pom Pom Dahlias - Barry Roberts



Clockwise from top left: Loch Achity - David Ridley A Walk in the Snow Richard Bown Lonely Train - Simon Rhodes Biker 602 - Pat Couder



Above: Many Levels - Dave Whenham Right: Resting Shell - Sally Anderson


Snug as a Bug in a Rug Nicola Anderson Chrysanthemum - Pat Couder



Clockwise from top left: Gannet Diving - Peter Redford Kestrel - Peter Redford Eilean Donan - Len Downes

‌ and that concludes the Certificates of Merit. Over the next five pages you will find a full list of all the images that have been selected for the Travelling Exhibition together with the Retained images which will supplement the exhibition exclusively at the Club Rally in Plas tan Y Bwlch. 19

PRINT ACCEPTANCES & AWARDS The Print competition includes an additional category compared to the PDI competition: Retained. The Travelling Exhibition comprises the award winners, certificates of merit and those classed as Accepted & Hung. All of these will be on display at the annual Rally before setting off on the TE journey. In addition, and only for display at the annual Rally, we have a selection of Retained images which are held back and displayed alongside the TE for members to view at the Rally. Ken Ainscow Ken Ainscow Ken Ainscow Ken Ainscow

Shire Horse Judges Horse Judge Triptych Rhino Up Hill Struggle

Ken Ainscow Ken Ainscow Ken Ainscow Ken Ainscow

Duelling Scar Hindley Green Pit Head The Recruiting Sargent Fleetwood Whalers

Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Certificate of Merit The Challenge Cup for the Best Print in the Exhibition The Maurice MacDowell Cup for the Best Colour Print Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung The Harry Ridgway Cup for the Best Portrait Retained Print

The Raymond H Short Trophy for the best performance in the Travelling Exhibition was won by Ken Ainscow. Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson

Two Ladies, Deogarth In the Doorway Broad- bodied Chaser Gondolas and Lamps Media City Bridge Looking Up Robinson's Wagon Rajasthani Elder

Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Retained Print Retained Print Retained Print

Nicola Anderson Nicola Anderson Nicola Anderson

Snug as a bug in a rug Fields upon fields Bamboo Pole Dancing

Certificate of Merit Retained Print Retained Print

Sally Anderson Sally Anderson Sally Anderson Sally Anderson

Colourful macs The Grand Canal The glassmaker Resting shell

Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Certificate of Merit

Mike Atkinson Mike Atkinson Mike Atkinson Mike Atkinson Mike Atkinson Mike Atkinson Mike Atkinson

Mating Drone Flies Night Driving Jay Calla Lily Shap Lime Works Buff-tip Moth Foxglove

Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung The Dick Ogden Natural History Shield - best Natural History Print Retained Print Retained Print Retained Print Retained Print



Richard Bown Richard Bown Richard Bown Richard Bown Richard Bown Richard Bown

Sliding to the Shower Stairwell, Channing Hall Breaking Through A Walk in the Snow Red Car Rounding the Corner

Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung The Scottish Quaiche for the Best Action shot Certificate of Merit Retained Print Retained Print

Stuart Carr Stuart Carr Stuart Carr

A Vase Passing Squall The Hug

Certificate of Merit Retained Print Retained Print

Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder

Pink Gerbera Biker 602 Chrysanthemum Zara Silk Flower

Accepted and Hung Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Retained Print Retained Print

Tom Coulson Tom Coulson Tom Coulson Tom Coulson

Puffin Gazing out to Sea Second Year Gannet Marsh Orchid Fallow Deer

Accepted and Hung Retained Print Retained Print Retained Print

Graham Dean Graham Dean Graham Dean Graham Dean Graham Dean Graham Dean

Forgotten Photographing the Arnside Viaduct Gazing across the Bay River Lune south of Arkholme The Tram now Departing Heysham Sands

Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Retained Print Retained Print Retained Print Retained Print

Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes

Faded Glory Waiting For The Call Eilean Donan Stone Detail, Howick Avebury Stone Circle Burano Reflection The End The Winner

Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Certificate of Merit Retained Print Retained Print Retained Print Retained Print Retained Print

Bryan Durrant Bryan Durrant

Castle Ashby Gardens Abandoned Finca

Accepted and Hung Retained Print



Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes

Speed Demon! Channel Markers Winter Evening Light, Lynmouth The Old Stove Chasing the Lght Head Gardener's Office, Heligan Evenin Owl

Accepted and Hung Certificate of Merit The Andrew Emond Trophy for the Best Landscape print Retained Print Retained Print The Jack Cowper Tannadice Salver for the Best Monochrome print Retained Print

Bas Gunn Bas Gunn

The Bridge Whitby Harbour

Accepted and Hung Retained Print

Bill Hughes Bill Hughes

Rydal Water Kirkstone Pass

Retained Print Retained Print

Keith Hughes

No.7 Reporting Sir!

Accepted and Hung

David James David James David James David James David James David James David James David James

The Gateway The Cathedral Painter At One With God Sunday Morning Strollers Red Army Soldier Thousand Yard Stare Twr Mawr Nave and West End, Ripon Cathedral

Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Certificate of Merit Retained Print Retained Print Retained Print Retained Print

Ross Martin

Red Squirrels Snow Chase

Accepted and Hung

Alan Phillips Alan Phillips Alan Phillips

Tree Line Insect on Sunflower Encroaching

Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung

Kirsty Railton Kirsty Railton

Moonlit Monument Tilly

Retained Print Retained Print

Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson

Red Arrows, the Corkscrew Jay with Acorn Long-tailed Tit Kingfisher with fish A Wire-tailed Swallow attacks a Blue-breasted Kingfisher near its nest. Isn’t that Burnley Bob?

Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung

Bob Rawlinson

Retained Print


PRINT ACCEPTANCES & AWARDS Peter Redford Peter Redford Peter Redford Peter Redford Peter Redford

A Quick Paddle High Speed Gannet Diving Kestrel Fish Supper

Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Retained Print

Simon Rhodes Simon Rhodes Simon Rhodes

The Eye of the Tiger Lonely Train Animal Farm

Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Retained Print

David Ridley David Ridley David Ridley David Ridley David Ridley

Meadow Flowers Waiting for a Customer Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly Loch Achity Lone Fisherman

Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Retained Print

Barry Roberts Barry Roberts Barry Roberts

Aquilegia Pom Pom Dahlias Flamingo

Accepted and Hung Certificate of Merit Retained Print

Martin Short

The Bassist

Accepted and Hung

Peter Toogood Peter Toogood Peter Toogood Peter Toogood

Pier Path in the Pines Sundowners Boys at Play

Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Retained Print Retained Print

Richard Walliker Richard Walliker Richard Walliker Richard Walliker

Evening Return Spiral Llyn Gwynant Reflections Trwyn Du Lighthouse

Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Retained Print Retained Print

Les Walsh Les Walsh

Wreagreen Village Pond Loch Earn

Accepted and Hung Retained Print

Carole Wetherley Carole Wetherley Carole Wetherley Carole Wetherley

Light on the Forth Dalmore Beach Doves of Peace Amber Glow

Accepted and Hung Retained Print Retained Print Retained Print

Dave Whenham Dave Whenham Dave Whenham Dave Whenham

All routes lead to Halifax Snow and filigree Many Levels Shadows and doorways

Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung Certificate of Merit Retained Print



Barry Willcock Barry Willcock Barry Willcock Barry Willcock Barry Willcock Barry Willcock Barry Willcock Barry Willcock

Large Red Damselfly St Georgio Maggiore St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh Chicken of the Woods Farmhouse Kitchen Nightcap Broad Bodied Chaser (male) Talons

Accepted and Hung Accepted and Hung The Singleton Rosebowl for the Best Architectural Print Retained Print Retained Print Retained Print Retained Print Retained Print

The Annual Print Competition and The Annual Projected Image Competition. The following piece first appeared in the Winter 2017 issue of Photonews but as we have gained quite a few new members since that date, and seeing as there is this lovely space to fill, I thought it worthwhile repeating the item here. Informally known as the Travelling Exhibition, or TE for short, our annual competitions should in fact correctly be referred to as the annual print and projected image competitions. It is the award winners and accepted images from these two competitions that make up the Travelling Exhibition itself. The Half Plate Challenge Cup has been awarded to the best print in the Annual Print Competition since at least 1946. It is a hallmarked silver conical shaped cup. The trophy name and donor, F G Marfield, are engraved on the front of the cup together with winners from 1946 - 1951/52. The projected image competition also has a best image award, The HPPC Dorothy MacDowell Salver for the best image in the projected image competition. This is an 8-inch diameter, heavy-duty "silver" salver engraved on front with the Half Plate Photographic Club logo & trophy title. As it is a heavyduty salver winners’ names can be engraved on the back face. It was originally awarded for the best colour slide but with the decline of transparencies and the rise of digital photography the award moved with the times into its present usage. It still bears the original inscription however so “slides” live on in the form of this solitary inscription on the annual trophy.


The Raymond H Short Trophy for the Highest Overall Score in the Annual Print Competition Photographer of the Year: KEN AINSCOW

With all eight of his entries scoring points Ken Ainscow is a welldeserving winner of the inaugural Print Photographer of the Year Award. He was closely followed by Roger Edwardes who scored with seven of his eight entries. The 2018 Leaderboard looks like this: Ken Ainscow - 44 points Roger Edwardes - 34 points Jon Allanson - 29 points Richard Bown - 27 points Peter Redford - 23 points David James - 23 points David Ridley - 23 points Barry Willcock - 23 points

From left to right: Up Hill Struggle, Rhino, The Recruiting Sergeant,Duelling Scar. Overleaf: Fleetwood Wailers 25

Hindley Green Pit Head

Photographer of the Year: KEN AINSCOW 27

The Raymond H Short Trophy for the Highest Overall Score in the Annual Print Competition Photographer of the Year: KEN AINSCOW

Above: Horse Judge Triptych Left: Shire Horse Judges at Gt Ecclestone Show

Congratulations Ken!


The PDI Competition Judged by: HARRY EMMETT CPAGB

Hello everyone, My name is Harry Emmett and I’ve been privileged to judge your PDI entries this year. To give you a little of my photographic background, I have been a member of Accrington Camera Club for almost 50 years and have held most positions within the club during this time. I am on the Executive Committee of the ICPA, joined the Roll of Honour in the L&CPU in 1999 and achieved my CPAGB for colour prints in 2013. I am an accredited judge with the L&CPU having been on their Lecturers and Judges list for more years than I care to remember. The selection of exhibition images proved far more difficult than I expected. The empathy and understanding of the subjects shown by photographers has resulted in a collection of outstanding images. I resorted to judging with my eyes closed! After viewing the 291 images several times, I separated them into the various categories for which an award is available. Further viewings ensued. The first selection was made. When my brain couldn’t take any more viewing I left my monitor, closed my eyes and let my memory project those images that had made a strong impression on my imagination- the stronger the impression the more successful the image. This gave me a short list of images for awards consideration . Many of your images will live in my memory for a long time to come. My future photographs will be influenced by them. Situations will prompt the question “What properties did that similar PPC image have that made such a lasting impression on me? Can I incorporate some of its strengths in my own photograph ? I feel privileged to have seen all the photographs submitted over the year. I hope that the selected images will produce in you a similar positive response that they did in me so that in addition to the enjoyment of viewing them, your own photography will benefit from remembering them. Harry Emmett CPAGB


And the Winner is ….

Early Morning Light - Jon Allanson The Dorothy MacDowell Salver for Best Projected Image Salver for Best Colour Projected Image Salver for the Best Landscape Image “Frequently landscapes are quite wide shots to show as much of the vista as practical. This shot is a careful selection where the lines constitute a pleasing composition and leave the viewer to conject if the image is an indication of the whole landscape. The flow of the lines of light and shade is harmonious and relaxing. The tones are muted but the speckled effect of the light brings the picture to life. The tree is beautifully lit and the absence of the lower part of it emphasises the rolling nature of the land. The image has a lasting quality and reveals extra detail with each viewing.”

Early Morning Light - Jon Allanson The Dorothy MacDowell Salver for Best Projected Image Salver for Best Colour Projected Image Salver for the Best Landscape Image 30

Sophie - Roger Edwardes Salver for Best Portrait “A natural outdoor portrait. The vignette adds to the dreamy feel of the soft focus image and backlighting adds a sparkle to the outline. Sophie’s face is delicately portrayed and her skin tones are beautifully rendered. Her slightly forward stance hints of imminent movement and emphasises the feeling that the photographer has captured a fleeting moment which he is sharing with the viewer.” 31

Chloe in Clay - Pat Couder Salver for the Best Monochrome Image “An extremely dramatic shot. The direct eye contact is compelling and the enigmatic expression invites the viewer to determine the reason why she is covered in clay. Ancient skin remedy? Extreme sport event? Why is the clay dried on? The camera was positioned slightly higher than Chloe making her look up and this adds to the queries posed by the image. The dappled background gives no clue as to the location and the expression on Chloe’s face makes it difficult for the viewer to look away.”


Mating Harlequin Ladybirds - Stephen Yates The Thomas Langley Trophy for Best Natural History “Invariably ladybirds are photographed from an elevated position to show as much of the markings as needed for finite identification. This shot brings the camera alongside the beetles and this change of viewpoint engages the viewer. The lighting shows up the roundness of the ladybirds and puts some tone into the background. The hairs on the stems supporting the ladybirds form an eye-catching base and 33


Clockwise from top left: The Artist - David James Two Girls in Hanoi - Jon Allanson Fruit Seller, Hoi An - Jon Allanson On Pointe - Pat Couder Limehouse Man - Graham Snowden


Clockwise from top left: Pony y Ddraig Sunset Stephen Yates Spotted Gentians - Jon Allanson Val D’Orcia - Jon Allanson Nuthatch with Berry - Dave Williams



Clockwise from top left: Canterbury Cathedral Roof Detail - Len Downes Monk's cell, Mount Grace Priory - David James Peterborough Cathedral - Eric Ladbury



Red Squirrel - Kieran Metcalfe Red Kite, twist & turn- Bob Rawlinson

Tyger Tyger Burning Bright - Kirsty Railton Juvenile Cormorant Portrait - Stephen Yates 37


Clockwise from top left: Taking the Bend - Peter Redford, Reach for It - Roger Edwardes, Birdskull - Kirsty Railton, A Winter Meeting - Richard Bown, Snow Time - Keith Hughes. 38


Clockwise from top left: Brookfoot Lock - Dave Whenham, Emerging Man - Allan Bate, In Conversation - John Kay, Red Tulip in Jug - Barry Willcock. 39


Top left: Strolling the Lane, Robin Hood's Bay, Yorkshire - Eric Ladbury Top right: The Smile - Richard Vale Middle left: Solomon’s Seal - Barry Roberts Bottom: Daisies - Barry Roberts … and that concludes the Certificates of Merit. Over the next four pages you will find a full list of all the images that have been selected for the Travelling Exhibition.

PDI ACCEPTANCES & AWARDS - these images form the PDI Travelling Exhibition Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson

Gondolas in the Snow Two Girls in Hanoi Fruit Seller, Hoi An Val D'Orcia Spotted Gentians Early Morning Light

Jon Allanson

I'm with my sister

Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit The Dorothy MacDowell Salver for the Best Projected Image Salver for the Best Colour Projected Image Salver for the Best Landscape Image

The President’s Salver for the best PDI performance was won by Jon Allanson Sally Anderson

Juego Cafe, Limassol

Michael Atkinson Michael Atkinson Michael Atkinson Michael Atkinson Michael Atkinson

Dunster Castle Lone Tree on Limestone Pavement Irridescent Starling Grey Squirrel Cough

Allan Bate Allan Bate Allan Bate

The-Catch Emerging-Man Black-Hole

Richard Bown Richard Bown Richard Bown Richard Bown

A Winter Meeting Misty Morning Floodlit Fountains The Glassblower

Stuart Carr Stuart Carr

Studying the Form Bongo Man

Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder

Emerging Poppy West Pier Sunrise On Pointe Chloe in Clay Stuck In The Middle Seascape

Certificate of Merit

Certificate of Merit

Certificate of Merit Salver for the Best Monochrome Image


PDI ACCEPTANCES & AWARDS - these images form the PDI Travelling Exhibition Tom Coulson Tom Coulson

Hoverfly Resting Striped Red Eyed Fly

Graham Dean Graham Dean Graham Dean Graham Dean

Across North Bay, Salford Quays Basil Point Winter Snow at the Seaside

Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes

Canterbury Cathedral Roof Detail Certificate of Merit Spittal Stones Lindsey Buckingham, Fleetwood Mac Way Out Riverside Museum

Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes

Sophie Reach for It! Plainly Distracted! Front Crawl No Way Through!

Charlie Gott Charlie Gott Charlie Gott Charlie Gott

The Welder Lifeboat Staition Moon Over Porthwidden Bay St Ives Harbour

Raymond Greenwood

Aqueduct Segovia

Keith Hughes Keith Hughes Keith Hughes

Snow Time Skipool Moorings Dr Eve Jacabs

Certificate of Merit

David James David James David James

The Artist Monk's cell, Mount Grace Priory Pink

Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit

John Kay John Kay John Kay

Running Solo Taking The Dog For A Walk In Conversation

Salver for the Best Portrait Projected Image Certificate of Merit

Certificate of Merit


PDI ACCEPTANCES & AWARDS - these images form the PDI Travelling Exhibition Eric Ladbury Eric Ladbury Eric Ladbury Eric Ladbury Eric Ladbury

A Curve of Bluebells at Risley Peterborough Cathedral Certificate of Merit Strolling the Lane, Certificate of Merit Robin Hood's Bay, Yorkshire The Yellow Leaf Lower Lake in Osmaston Estate, Derbyshire

Maxwell Law Maxwell Law Maxwell Law Maxwell Law Maxwell Law

European Roller Cuckoo in flight Kingfisher Dipper and fledgling Corn Bunting in the corn

John Metcalfe John Metcalfe John Metcalfe John Metcalfe John Metcalfe

Finnish Winter Sunday Evening Stroll Sweet Maker Those magnificent men Cruising Otter

Kieran Metcalfe Kieran Metcalfe Kieran Metcalfe Kieran Metcalfe

Common Blue on Grass Fairy Glen Deer in the Mist Red Squirrel

Alan Phillips Alan Phillips Alan Phillips Alan Phillips

Tortoiseshell on Sunflower Street Musicians Fly on Euonymus The Photographer and his Fish

Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson

Harvest Moon rider Red Squirrel Red Kite, twist & turn Juvenile Kestrels at nest site Gannets bonding display

Peter Redford Peter Redford Peter Redford

Taking the Bend Pilgrims Way No my fish

Simon Rhodes Simon Rhodes

Europa Point Sunrise Butterfly

Certificate of Merit

Certificate of Merit

Certificate of Merit


PDI ACCEPTANCES & AWARDS - these images form the PDI Travelling Exhibition Kirsty Railton Kirsty Railton Kirsty Railton Kirsty Railton

Scaleber Force Dragonfly at Rest Birdskull Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright

Barry Roberts Barry Roberts Barry Roberts Barry Roberts

Aquilegia Solomon’s Seal The Weeping Window Daisies

Graham Snowden

Limehouse Man

Certificate of Merit

Richard Vale Richard Vale Richard Vale

Mating Damselfly The Smile Sundials

Certificate of Merit

Les Walsh


Carole Wetherley Carole Wetherley

Waiting on the Wall The Weeping Window

Dave Whenham Dave Whenham

The Glade Brookfoot Lock infrared

Certificate of Merit

Barry Willcock Barry Willcock Barry Willcock

Red Admiral Storm over Venice Red Tulip in Jug

Certificate of Merit

Dave Williams

Nuthatch with berry

Certificate of Merit

Shurle Woodhouse Shurle Woodhouse

The Eccentric Old Trainers

Stephen Yates Stephen Yates Stephen Yates Stephen Yates Stephen Yates Stephen Yates

Pont y Ddraig Sunset Pink Meadow Grasshopper Juvenile Cormorant Portrait Wing Walker Newly Hatched Cygnets Mating Harlequin Ladybirds

Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit

Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit

The Thomas Langley Trophy for the Best Natural History Image


The President's Salver for the Highest Overall Score in the Annual Projected Image Competition Photographer of the Year: JON ALLANSON

With seven entries scoring points Jon is a well-deserving winner of the inaugural PDI Photographer of the Year Award. Whilst all the main award winners feature at the top of the list as you would expect, the key to Jon’s success was consistency with all but one image scoring points for him. The 2018 PDI POTY Leaderboard looks like this: Jon Allanson - 46 points Stephen Yates - 36 points Pat Couder - 33 points Roger Edwardes - 29 points Eric Ladbury - 26 points Len Downes - 23 points Bob Rawlinson - 23 points Barry Roberts - 22 points Kirsty Railton - 22 points

Clockwise from top left: Gondolas in the Snow, Early Morning Light, Spotted Gentians 45

Fruit Seller, How An

PDI Photographer of the Year: JON ALLANSON 46

Two Girls in Hanoi

PDI Photographer of the Year: JON ALLANSON 47

I’m with my Sister

PDI Photographer of the Year: JON ALLANSON 48

The President's Salver for the Highest Overall Score in the Annual Projected Image Competition Photographer of the Year: JON ALLANSON

Val D’Orcia

Congratulations Jon!


The Panel Competition Judged by: IAN WHISTON DPAGB EFIAP BPE5*

A Study of Rust & Decay - Richard Bown Salver for the Best Panel of Four Prints 50

The Panel Competition Certificates of Merit

Tits - Mike Atkinson

The themed panel of four competition was held this year for only the second time having been introduced for the 2017 competition. Eighteen members each took the trouble to submit a panel of four and having seen all eighteen I have to say that in my view the judge has picked a very worthy winner. Of the winning panel (previous page), judge Ian Whiston said: “The panel hung together very well. I really liked the colour palette of the set of images and the presentation of the panel. I liked the way the author had arranged the subject matter in the individual prints so as they made a cross shape when the panel was viewed.� With the purchase of a salver this year I look forward to seeing the themed panel competition grow and thrive over the years to come.

Blackley Patchwork - Dave Whenham 51

To view more of our images, learn about the club and for membership information, please visit

Photonews Celebrating the Postal Photographic Club and its Members

Photonews is published four times per year. All rights reserved. All materials copyright The Postal Photographic Club and/or their respective authors. Any opinion or statement expressed by the author of any article published in this magazine does not necessarily reflect the views of The Postal Photographic Club, the editor or its members.

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