PPGOH Spring 2014 Newsletter

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In 2011, Ohio had…

2 nd 13 th

highest infant mortality rate in the country for African American babies highest infant mortality rate overall

Breonia and family with babies

We work all over Ohio with other communityorganizations to reduce infant mortality. You can help mothers and babies get a healthy start in life by supporting Planned Parenthood in Ohio. To make a donation visit supportppgoh.org or call 614.224.2235, ext. 3017.

Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies Giving babies the safest start to life Breonia is a 17-year-old who has her hands full with 2-month-old triplet boys. Breonia knew she needed help to give her babies the best, safest start to life, so she turned to Planned Parenthood. Our Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies program was there for her throughout her pregnancy. Our Community Care Coordinators: • Provided her with health counseling and services; • Arranged transportation to her prenatal care visits; and • Connected her with other critical community services to ensure she was prepared to take care of her children We also taught her about safe sleeping methods for her babies and gave her three Safe Sleep Survival Kits to help her babies have the safest start to life. Through generous community donations like yours women have healthy pregnancies and babies every day.


A Mother’s Love When you provide care for a young woman, you make an impact that ripples through generations. Your gifts support confidential, nonjudgmental quality care— for women and their families.

Zoe and Barbara

Because of you, mothers and daughters in your community have access to affordable health care. Barbara first came to Planned Parenthood 27 years ago. She and her 15-year-old daughter recently shared how important this access to care is to them.

“I love Planned Parenthood!” — Barbara

“I like knowing that my mom cares about me, my health, and my future.” — Zoe


I love Planned Parenthood!

When I first came to Planned Parenthood, I was uninsured and needed affordable care. Now, I have insurance and could go elsewhere, but I choose to stay. My experience has always been positive. Planned Parenthood is very patientcentered—the nurse practitioners answer any questions I have, educate me, and give me options and referrals. The staff is supportive and nonjudgmental. Planned Parenthood makes my care easy. I can walk in and get a birth control shot that lasts three months. When I’ve gone to a private OB/GYN, I needed three visits for the same service: an appointment to get the prescription, a trip to the pharmacy to get the prescription filled, and another appointment to have the shot administered. That was hard for me to manage as a single working mother. My daughter and I have always been open about sexual health, and I wanted to be proactive and have her be prepared before she became sexually active. I like bringing her here because I know she’s getting good medical advice and receiving the services she needs. It’s great peace of mind for me. I know I’m giving my daughter the gift of health.



My mom first took me to Planned Parenthood a little over a year ago. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the staff put me at ease right away. They talked to me and made everything comfortable. I like going to Planned Parenthood with my mom. We make appointments on the same day, as close together as we can, so we can both get taken care of. I like knowing that my mom cares about me, my health, and my future.

Aundrea says, “Thank You” Thanks to you teens are getting stronger and smarter about their bodies and their relationships.

Donor Thanks The Peer Education Program is supported by generous donors like you and… • CareSource Foundation

All across Ohio teens in the PPGOH Peer Education programs: • Educate their peers and neighbors about preventing unintended pregnancies and reducing sexually transmitted infections; • Advocate for women’s rights and comprehensive sex education in government and school policy; and • Develop leadership skills that help them face adulthood with a healthy confidence. The unique sexual health challenges of LGBT youth are being addressed in our new pilot program in Cleveland in partnership with the Cleveland LGBT Center. Because of your continued support, we will also begin working with teens in Toledo. Thanks for helping us make a greater impact across Ohio!

“ I definitely learned more about myself in the program and feel I became a stronger person.” – Aundrea

• Richard C. and Nanciann Kaufman Ninde Fund of the Columbus Foundation • Treu-mart Foundation • Women’s Fund of Central Ohio

33 peer educators 4,500

teens & community members

The 33 peer educators and more than 4,500 teens and community members they reached in 2013. Thank you!

Teen testimonials Our peer educators love what they’re learning. Thank you for helping them learn and grow.

“ This program has positively affected my life because it has given me more confidence to believe in myself and stand up for what I believe in.” – Aundrea

“I will forever make informed and smart decisions.” – Sam

“ During this experience I learned a lot about myself and others. This program helped me understand how women’s rights are political issues world-wide, not just in workplaces.” – Faven

“I am more confident in my abilities than ever before.” – Cynthia

Toledo leads the way Your generosity improves accessibility to health care in many ways—including expanding the way that patients can make appointments.

Cutting-edge vasectomy services Donor support has provided the latest technology for vasectomy services to give men more options here at PPGOH. Our doctors use the new non-scalpel method, requiring only a single puncture with no suturing or stitches. Our patients can be in and out in less than 30 minutes. Patients can use private insurance, Medicaid, or cash for these new services.

Did you know?




The new non-scalpel vasectomy method requires only a single puncture with no suturing or stitches. Our patients can be in and out in less than 30 minutes!




The new non-scalpel vasectomy method requires only a single puncture with no suturing or stitches. Our patients can be in and out in less than 30 minutes!

Starting this month, patients in northwest Ohio will be able to request appointments for preventive health care services online. This is a pilot program to test a new and more convenient system that will allow a patient with Internet access to go to our website and request a health center appointment. Becky Boone, practice manager at the Toledo Health Center, will be instrumental in the development of the system over the next couple months as well as in the rollout of the system across the state. Thank you for giving patients one more way to access the services they need. To learn more about online appointments, contact the Development Department at 419-255-3730.

Your Treasures Save Lives A silver tray stuck in the back of your closet will transform into a life-saving HPV vaccine for a young woman. After a record-breaking event

Cecile Richards, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America

No matter what: CARE Cecile Richards, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, is coming to Ohio, and she wants to spend the evening with you! Cecile will be in Columbus on Wednesday, May 7, at 6:30 p.m. at the New Albany Country Club. For more information about sponsorships or ticket purchases, visit NoMatterWhatOhio.org. Tickets are going fast!

in September 2012 under the leadership of Chair Jean Sarlson and her crew of dedicated volunteers, Celebrate! will return

Pictured from left to right: (Front row) Katherine Furler, Ally Rapp, MaryBeth Brown, Robin Webb, Beth Ferrier, Stephanie Kight, Ken Brown; (Back row) Josh Brown, John Anthonsen

September 19-21, 2014 to raise funds for critical preventive health services. We are currently seeking donations of jewelry, sterling silver, china, crystal, quality table lines, fine art, and special collections for this antiques and collectibles sale. All donations are fully tax-deductible. For unique or rare items, we provide free, professional appraisal! For questions about donations, please contact Jean Sarlson at (216) 464-3850 or sarlson@sbcglobal.net.

Bon-bons and bubbly in Athens More than 100 guests attended the 26th Annual Chocolate & Champagne Affaire, our annual signature event in Athens, on March 14. Thanks to the Athens Community Leadership Council, Chocolate & Champagne raised more than $43,000 to support the patient services through event ticket sales, auction bids, and raffle tickets. Thank you to all who attended — your support is building a healthier Ohio.

Supported in part by

Call us: 614.224.2235 Visit us online: ppgoh.org

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