Performance and Planning Summary An Aircraft that is overweight will experience Increased take-off and landing distances Increased take-off and landing speeds Decreased climb performance Reduced cruise speed Reduced range Reduced service ceiling Invalidated certificate of Airworthiness Invalidated insurance Maximum Take-off Mass (MTOM) Maximum allowable gross mass permitted for take-off Maximum Landing Mass (MLM) Maximum allowable gross mass permitted for landing
↑Density Altitude- Increases ground run Reduces climb gradient ↑Humidity – Increases ground run Reduces climb gradient Wind – Headwind decreases ground run and steepens climb gradient -Tailwind Increases ground run and shallows climb gradient Windshear – Effect of wind will generally increase with height Runway Surface – Hard – Shortens ground run -Soft – Lengthens ground run Runway Slope – Downslope decreases ground run -Upslope increases ground run
Maximum Ramp Weight Maximum allowable gross mass prior to taxi Basic Empty Mass (BEM) Airframe, Engine, Fixed equipment, Unusable fuel, Full oil and all items necessary for flight Gross Mass Basic Empty Mass (BEM) + Pilot, Payload (Passengers + Cargo), Ballast, Fuel Zero Fuel Mass Basic Empty Mass + Pilot, Payload (Passengers + Cargo) Ballast, No usable Fuel. Lift
Vx = Best angle of climb (Most vertical gain for least horizontal distance) Vy = Best rate of climb (Most vertical height gain for a given period of time) (Occurs where most excess power is available)
Drag Thrust Weight Runway Slope – Vertical Change ÷ Horizontal distance X 100 = % slope
Take Off and Climb Performance TORA + Clearway = TODA TORA + Stop way = ASDA Take Off safety speed = 1.2Vs Factors Affecting T/O performance Flaps – Reduce ground roll Reduces climb gradient ↑Weight – Increases the ground run Reduces climb gradient
Mike A Simmons
In Flight Performance Drag Total Drag Parasite Drag – Increases with airspeed due to more air molecules striking the a/c. Induced Drag – Decreases with airspeed as the wings are producing less lift
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Performance and Planning Summary Max Endurance = Max time spent in the air occurs at the bottom of the power required (Drag) curve
Landing performance figures given are normally base on a paved level dry runway so any changes to the contrary must be factored in.
Approach speed should be 1.3Vs Best Range Speed = the aircraft will travel the furthest distance for a given amount of fuel, occurs where the power to airspeed ratio is the best
60° Off – Crosswind 9/10 wind strength
Carburettor Icing Is worse at – High humidity -Low RPM settings Warm air can hold more moisture so the risk of carburettor icing still exists and can be worse in some cases
Mass and Balance Mass X Arm = Moment
Descent and Landing Performance Gliding performance – Affected by the A/C Lift: Drag ratio. Endurance remains the same with changing winds but distance is relative to ground speed so a headwind will reduce gliding range Factors affecting Landing distance ↑Weight – Increases distance required Wind – Headwind decreases distance required - Tailwind increases distance required ↑Density altitude – increased landing distance Runway surface – Wet – increases landing distance Slope – Downslope increases landing distance.
Mike A Simmons
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