Metal type
In a manual printing (letterpress) house the word “font” would refer to a complete set of metal type that would be used to typeset an entire page. Unlike a digital typeface each character, but commonly used characters (such as vowels and periods) would have more physical type-pieces included. A font when bought new would often be sold as (for example in a Roman alphabet) 12pt 14A 34a, meaning that it would be a size 12-point font containing 14 uppercase ‘A’s, and 34 lowercase ‘A’s. Given the name upper and lowercase because of which case the metal type was located in, otherwise known as majuscule and minuscule. The rest of the characters would be provided in quantities appropriate for the distribution of letters in that language. 1
10 best typface
The weight of a particular font is the thickness of the character outlines relative to their height. Helvetica Neue weights A typeface may come in fonts of many weights, from ultra-light to extra-bold or black; four to six weights are not unusual, and a few typefaces have as many as a non-professional use come with just a normal and a bold weight. If no bold weight is provided, many renderers (browsers, word processors, graphic and DTP programs) support faking a bolder font by rendering
ABCDEF ghijkl mnop qrst uvw xyz 0123456789
just smearing it slightly at a diagonal angle. 10 best typface