book section
please know this is a student project. brand concept by patrick drake professor michael kidwell nov 2012 design systems images from california and hawaii : 60 to 65 / ron church prewar surfing photographs / don james surfing photographs from the seventies / jeff divine riding giants / stacy peralta
nothing but love
10 30
BRAND EXPRESSION brand philosophy
letter from the owner
identity attributes
target audience
brand language
BRAND TOUCHPOINTS identity system photographs
business cards
#9 envelope
#10 envelope
direct mailer
tshirt tag
one color silk screens
responsive web design
store front/vehicle
012 ll ss
b ra nd vis i on
014 ll ss
an oceanic escape for inland individuals
since i first visited the island of oahu i knew it was a magical place. The land was the most beautiful I had ever seen. The coast was lined with healthy vegitation and sand of the beaches was soft beneath your feet. The ocean pulled inward and began to rise to unforgettable heights. The waves were much larger then I had ever experienced. They truly demanded respect. Just as this one particular wave folded over itself a long haired board rider cruised out. He seemed stoked on emotion as a the wave collapsed right behind him. He rode out the wave, cutting back and forth in the mid day sun. The ride seemed over idealized, but it was the observed reality. The perfection seemed effortless. Surfers humble qualities are ones I could relate with; being from Kansas City, an underrated midwest town, we were fundamentally taught to remain genuine and humble. This is why I thought regaurdless of geographic limitations the cultural transplant would resonate well.
owner of Land Locked Surf Supply Co.
letter from the owner
016 ll ss
b ra nd e s s en ce
forever stoked.
brand philosophy
b ra nd mis sion
018 ll ss
spread love and genuine surf goods to kansas cit y
brand philosophy
s e t u b i r t ta y t i t n e d i
L A R U TA N ecarbme cinagro
120 ll ss
id entit y attr ibute s
022 ll ss
NATURAL organic embrace
slightly strange, unorthodox
brand expression
024 ll ss
EVOCATIVE highly emotional, nostalgiic
CHARMING welcoming and pleasurable
identity attributes
026 ll ss
STOKED constant euphoria
INDEPENDENT non-commercialism
identity attributes
028 ll ss
for those who are wishing for wave s
target audience
030 ll ss
brand expression
book section
032 ll ss
book section
034 ll ss
d evelop men t
book section
Vans started as a California skateboarding shoes company but quickly adapted to multiple markets of “extremeΊ sports� such as surfing and snowboarding. Their products are distributed world wide and fail to align with the historical values of the surfing culture. The organic appeal between surfing and skateboarding is what vans can be attributed to most of the brands success.
036 ll ss
William Gordan Saturday Surf is a New York based surfing brand, which provides hard goods like surfboards and wet suits to east coast based surfers. But it is a brand based in opulence.All of their clothing is marked up to a price much higher than its original production value. Their brand characteristics are rooted in east coast values of classicism and respectability. The distribution of their products is limited to small upscale boutiques nation wide.
Tom Hillton
Harvesting surfing culture in the midwest, may seem like a daunting task, but try telling that to John Thatcher, the 26 year old Kansas City native, who was the first to get seduced by the waves of Wiamea. When he returned from his first trip he easily convinced his two buddies to return with him, promising they wouldn’t need jobs and could live off the land while surfing everyday. The three were quickly adopted by the locals because of their respectful approach to learning the way of the surf. Day after day in the Hawaiian sun, they rode with the water. After a year and a half of waking up to the crash of waves, the three transplanted surfers, realised their new found lives need to be shared. They needed to share their new appriciations of life.
John Thatcher
in 2010, Tom Hallton, William Gordon, and John Thacter combined to create Land Locked Surf Supply Co. The three grew up skateboarding around Kansas City and have been best friends for over ten years. By manufacturing and distributing genuine surf goods, we can celebrate the surf.
book section
t yp og ra p hy
NEUTRAFACE BOOK AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLl MmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVv WwXxYyZz 0123456789 038 ll ss
use for bodycopy
demi small caps AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLl MmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVv WwXxYyZz 0123456789 primary typographic representative
Freehand 575 AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPp QqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789 use selectivly for typographic accents
KNOCKOUT HTF27 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 Use in all caps for headlines
book section
b ra nd l a ng uage
nothing but love 040 ll ss
FOREVER STOKED remain genuine
ra d
brand language book section
042 ll ss
i m ag e t r e at m e n t
brand language book section
044 ll ss
logot ype
brand language book section
graphic elements
046 ll ss
brand language book section
048 ll ss
brand language book section
050 ll ss
brand language book section
052 ll ss
k a n sas c it y
brand language book section
054 ll ss
brand language book section
056 ll ss
book section
058 ll ss
brand touchpoints book section
060 ll ss
brand touchpoints book section
062 ll ss
brand touchpoints book section
064 ll ss
view the scaled designs
book section
business card scaled 100%
066 ll ss
b ac k
3" Ă— 2"
# 1 0 com m ercial envelope scaled 4 0 %
b ac k
9.5" Ă— 4.125"
brand touchpoints book section
letterhead front scaled 50%
068 ll ss
8.50" Ă— 11.0"
l e t t e r h e a d b ac k s c a l e d 5 0 %
8.50" Ă— 11.0"
brand touchpoints book section
#6 baron ial envelope scaled 4 0 %
070 ll ss
b ac k
4.25" Ă— 6.75"
direct mailer scaled 40%
b ac k
4.25" Ă— 6.75"
brand touchpoints book section
a p p e r a l tag s c a l e d 1 0 0 %
072 ll ss
b ac k
1.5" Ă— 3"
reciept scaled 75%
va r i a b l e l e n g t h
2.5" × ºº"
brand touchpoints book section
on e color silk screen s
074 ll ss
brand touchpoints
wiggle tee
076 ll ss
onebook color silk screen section
078 ll ss
s u r f s ^ ta n k t o p
onebook color silk screen section
responsive web design
080 ll ss
nobile m edia qu ery
de sktop m edia qu ery
responsive web design book section
store front a nd vehicle graphic
082 ll ss
store bookfront/vehicle section
084 ll ss
ride or die
book section
086 ll ss
re spect the sand and the surf
thanks forsection hanging out book