Document updated on January 13, 2016.
The official competition documents may be downloaded from the website of the Comune di Prato.
viale Vittorio Veneto 9, 59100 Prato, e-mail: RUP (Sole Project Manager) Architect Michela Brachi OFFICIAL LANGUAGE Italian
Summary Art. 1. SUBJECT AND PURPOSE OF THE COMPETITION Art. 2. CONDITIONS OF THE COMPETITION Art. 2.1. Type of competition Art. 2.2. Language of the preselection process and the competition Art. 2. 3. Parties allowed to participate and limits on participation Art. 2.4. Incompatibility Art. 2.5. Documentation provided Art. 2.6. Jury Art. 2.7. Secretariat of the Competition Art. 2.8. Requests for clarifications and inspections of the project site Art. 2.9. Timetable Art. 3. PRESELECTION Art. 3.1. Administrative documentation and portfolios to be presented Art. 3.2. Consignment of the candidacy Art. 3.3. Procedure and criteria of evaluation Art. 4. COMPETITION Art. 4.1. Subject Art. 4.2. Modes of participation Art. 4.3. Site inspection Art. 4.4. Clarifications Art. 4.5. Deadline and mode of delivery Art. 4.6. Envelope A. Documentazione amministrativa Art. 4.7. Envelope B. Proposta progettuale Art. 4.8. Procedures, criteria of evaluation and classification Art. 4.9. Prizes, reimbursements and subsequent commissions Art. 4.10. Commissioning of the final project and working plan Art. 4.11. Remuneration for the commission Art. 5. FINAL REGULATIONS Art. 5.1. Ownership of the plans and right to their exhibition and publication Art. 5.2. Exhibition and publication of the projects Art. 5.3. Return of the projects Art. 5.4. Acceptance of the competition conditions Art. 5.5. Terms of exclusion Art. 5.6. Checking of the declarations made Art. 5.7. Privacy Art. 5.8. Disputes
Art. 1. SUBJECT AND PURPOSE OF THE COMPETITION The municipality of Prato is holding a restricted design competition with preselection. The design competition is entitled “IL PARCO CENTRALE DI PRATO.” The city council intends to create an urban park on the site of the former hospital, in the service of the city and the surrounding region, that will perform the basic functions of such open spaces, linked to relaxation, walking, leisure and the environmental and biological rebalancing of the city center. The park will also have to be a tourist attraction, going beyond the fulfillment of the traditional functions of the “urban park” and taking on the role of a new place able to convey an image of Prato as a contemporary city and contribute to the socioeconomic development of the city center, with activities that can be carried out the whole day long. The design will have to turn around the themes of accessibility and environmental sustainability and pay adequate attention to questions of security. The winner will be entrusted with the task of drawing up the definitive project and working plan for the park, as per art. 4.11. For a more detailed description of the objectives of the competition see the Preliminary Planning Document (PPD, appendix A) which is to all effects and purposes an integral part of this notice. Art. 2. CONDITIONS OF THE COMPETITION Art. 2.1. Type of competition The design competition, in conformity with arts. 99 and 105 of Legislative Decree 163/2006, will be preceded by a preselection. Participation in the preselection process is open to all those who meet the requirements of admission. They will have to submit a résumé, accompanied by a portfolio of their works. Following evaluation by a jury, a shortlist will be drawn up of a maximum of 10 planners, who will be invited to take part in the design competition, in addition to 5 runners-up who will be invited in case one or more of the chosen planners are unable to take part in the design competition. The design competition will be conducted anonymously and will entail the drawing up of a project with a level of detail equivalent to that of a preliminary plan, consistent with the Preliminary Planning Document drawn up by the city council.
Art. 2.2. Language of the preselection process and the competition While Italian remains the official language, the documentation and the plans in the preselection phase can also be submitted in English, while documentation and plans will have to be submitted in Italian in the competition phase. Art. 2. 3. Parties allowed to participate and limits on participation The preselection process is open to the parties referred to in art. 90, paragraph 1, points d), e), f), f bis), g) and h) of Legislative Decree 163/2006 and subsequent amendments, in possession of the requisites referred to in art. 38 of the same decree and art. 253 of D.P.R. 207/2010 and subsequent amendments and to natural or legal persons belonging to member states of the EU who are qualified in the country to which they belong to provide services analogous to those required by this competition notice. Natural or legal persons who do not belong to member states of the EU will have to be qualified in their own countries and make a commitment to form a temporary consortium with a group leader who is a citizen of the EU. Independently of the legal status of the contestant, all the members of the grouping must be registered with their respective professional associations or at least authorized to practice their profession in accordance with the regulations in force in the country to which they belong on the date of publication of this Notice. The temporary groupings of professionals will have to comply with the formalities laid down in art. 37 of Legislative Decree 163/2006 and subsequent amendments. The contestants who form such a grouping will have to indicate the name of the professional who will take on the role of leader of the group and its legal representative in relations with the municipality. The temporary groupings, on pain of exclusion, must include at least one professional with a degree who has been qualified to practice the profession for less than five years, as per art. 253 of D.P.R. 207/2010, who will have, on pain of exclusion, to make a declaration that he or she meets the general requirements established by the law. No contestant will be allowed to take part in more than one group, either as a leader, a member or a consultant or collaborator. The participation of a contestant in more than one design group will result in the exclusion from the competition of all the groups in which that contestant is present. The composition of the group in the preselection phase cannot be modified in the passage to the design competition and in any further design commissions that may be entrusted to it. The participants in the competition, as individual professionals or
design groups, can make use of consultants or collaborators. These will be considered third parties with respect to the individual professional or group of professionals participating in the competition. Consultants and collaborators do not have to be enrolled in professional associations. Candidates will be able to make use of the pooling procedure provided for by art. 49 of Legislative Decree 163 of April 12, 2006. Art. 2.4. Incompatibility The following will be excluded from participation in the competition, upon verification of their incompatibility: - members of the Jury, their spouses, relatives and relatives by marriage up to the third degree and anyone who has an ongoing and known relationship of work or collaboration with the aforesaid members; - administrators, councilors, employees, consultants and term-contract workers of the municipality of Prato; - anyone who has been involved in drawing up the notice and the attached documents and in the organization of the competition; - anyone employed by public bodies, institutions or administrations except where specifically authorized; - those subject to exclusion under the provisions of art. 38 of Legislative Decree 163/2006. Art. 2.5. Documentation provided The competition organizer will provide would-be participants with the following documentation: • COMPETITION NOTICE • PRELIMINARY PLANNING DOCUMENT (appendix A), which includes: - Introduction - Preliminary geological survey - Financial framework - Tav0 - Aerial photo of the site - scale 1:2000, format A3 - Tav1 – Project site - scale 1:2000, format A3 - Tav2 – Simulation of the project site after the demolition - scale 1:2000, formato A3 - Tav3 – Urban plan variance - scale 1:2000, format A3 - Tav4 – Survey - scale 1:500, format A0 - Tav5 – Survey - scale 1:1000, format A1 • APPLICATION FORM FOR THE PRESELECTION PROCEDURE (appendix B) • SPECIMEN DECLARATION REGARDING FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATION AND THE ABSENCE OF CAUSES OF INADMISSIBILITY AND INCOMPATIBILITY (appendix C)
All the materials and documentation for the competition can be found on the official website of the Municipality of Prato and on the competition website In the competition phase, together with the invitation and the application form, each contestant or design group will be able to receive any further information needed for development of the project. Art. 2.6. Jury In both the preselection phase and the competition phase, the Jury will be made up of permanent members and temporary members. The work of the jury is valid when all the members are present, except for purely preliminary activities, is confidential. The decisions of the jury will be made by simple majority. When a permanent member is absent, his or her place will be taken, even temporarily, by a temporary member, appointed by the chair of the jury, who will choose the substitute among the temporary members, according to their order as outlined in the deed of appointment of the jury. Should the chair be absent, his or her functions will be carried out by the vice chair. Temporary members, also so as to best perform as substitutes, will take full part in the jury’s works, but without voting rights. Should a temporary member not take part in a meeting, he or she will not be able to take the place of a permanent member. Should one or more members of the jury prove to be incompatible, under the provisions of art. 84, paragraphs 4,5,6,7 of Legislative Decree 163/2006, with one or more of the parties who have applied to take part in the procedure or have working relationships with them, the permanent members will be replaced by temporary members. The jury, appointed on the basis of specific expertise, at an international level as well in consideration of the distinctive characteristics of the procedure, is made up of the following people:
Permanent members
1. An eminent person (president of the jury); 2. An architecture historian; 3. A philosopher and landscape expert; 4. A landscape designer; 5. An architect from the Municipality of Prato.
Temporary members
1. The President of the Association of Architects in Prato or his delegate; 2. The President of the Association of Engineers in Prato or his delegate; 3. A technical officer from the Municipality of Prato.
It is the responsibility of the Jury to examine the documentation submitted by the contestants, to check that it meets the conditions and limitations indicated in arts. 2.3 and 2.4 of this notice, to select a maximum of 10 entrants to be admitted to the competition phase, in addition to 5 runners-up who will be invited in case one or more of the chosen planners are unable to take part in the design competition. At the end of the competition, the Jury will appoint the winner and draw up a final shortlist among the projects submitted by the 10 chosen planners. Art 2.7. Secretariat of the Competition The jury will be supported by a secretariat that will carry out the following duties: - assisting the jury in general and in relation to specific questions - attending, without voting rights, the meetings of the jury, in part with a view to providing it with any information it may need on the organizational aspects of the competition; - making public the responses to queries made during the preselection and competition phases; - inviting the 10 contestants chosen to submit their design proposals; - informing the 10 contestants chosen of the date on which to make an inspection of the project site, after making sure of their availability; - drawing up the minutes relating to the on-site inspection and sending them to the selected candidates; - taking the minutes of jury meetings. The minutes will have to give a summary account of the methodology of assessment adopted, the progress of the works and the motivations of the choices made by the jury. The secretariat can be expanded, upon the president’s request, with interpreters or translators who, when necessary, may take part both in public and private meetings. All messages to the secretariat have to be made via this email address: Art. 2.8. Requests for clarifications and inspections of the project site Queries and requests for clarifications in relation to this notice and the material supplied should be sent to the Competition Secretariat exclusively at the email address by February 14, 2016. The queries received and their responses, if pertinent, will be posted on the website of the municipality of Prato and on the competition website at, within 10 days of the request and in any case by February 22, 2016. No other procedure is allowed. No information will be provided by telephone, nor will queries be accepted by mail or fax.
Inspection of the project site is optional in the preselection phase and obligatory in the competition phase. With regard to the preselection phase, the dates on which the inspection may be carried out are the following: Thursday January 28, 2016 at 11 am, Friday
January 29, 2016 at 11 am and Thursday February 4, 2016 at 11 am, at the Piazza dell’Ospedale. Before such dates, participants
should write to the date they would like to inspect the site, should they be interested, as well as the total number of participants. For the design competition, the inspection will be made in accordance with the procedures described in art. 4.3.
Art 2.9. Timetable The timetable for the competition is as follows: 1) Deadline for receipt of applications for admission to the competition: by February 29, 2016. Applications must be delivered by 5 pm. 2) Evaluation by the jury and dispatch of the invitation to participate in the competition to the shortlisted contestants: by March 11, 2016. 3) Consignment of the plans: by May 20, 2016. The delivery must be made by 1 pm. 4) Selection of the winning design: by June 20, 2016. Modifications to the timetable can be made by the competition organizer for sound reasons and will be published on the website of the Comune di Prato and on the competition website www. It is henceforth announced that all public meetings of the jury may occur also on non-working days or at night, since jury members have different nationalities. Art. 3. PRESELECTION Art. 3.1. Administrative documentation and portfolios to be presented Candidates will have to submit a package which contains two envelopes:
- ENVELOPE A, titled “DOCUMENTAZIONE AMMINISTRATIVA”, containing: 1. Application form
Competition application form, duly signed by all the participants, as per the specimen supplied (appendix B), with attached copies of their identity documents. In the case of a temporary grouping already formally constituted at the time of submission of the application,
signed by legal representative of the group leader, a certificate of incorporation of the group, in conformity with law, should be attached. In the case of a temporary grouping that has not been formally constituted, the application should be signed by the individual members of the group or (in the case of legal persons) by the legal representative of each of the companies belonging to the grouping.
2. Declaration
For each contestant, a declaration made in conformity with the D.P.R. of December 28, 2000, no. 445, and subsequent modifications, regarding the existence of the requisites of participation and the absence of the causes of inadmissibility and incompatibility specified above. The declaration must be made as in the specimen supplied (appendix C).
containing a printed portfolio of a maximum of 15 A3 sides including the cover, which will not be returned. It will be organized as follows: 1. Cover bearing the title “Dossier di presentazione” and the names of the contestant or the members of the design group. It must give the full name and address of the mandatary group leader to whom any subsequent communications should be sent. 2. Maximum of 1 page printed on just one side presenting the individual professional or the design group, with a specification and concise description of the expertise of each member in relation to the subject of the competition. 3. Maximum of 2 pages printed on just one side giving the professional experience and qualifications of each member of the group or the individual contestant. Anything in excess of 2 sides will not be taken into account. 4. Maximum of 1 page with the list of the principal works and/or most representative projects, in the view of the contestant, whether realized or not, with particular reference to the theme of the competition, including any feasibility studies. 5. Maximum of 10 pages printed on just one side, with images and texts illustrating at the most 5 of what the contestant considers his or her most representative works and/or projects, whether realized or not, in reference to the theme of the competition. The illustration of the works and/or projects should contain the following information: - a brief description of the work and/or project; - author/authors of the work and/or project; - quantitative data on the volume or area of the work and its cost; - the client; - if it is a work that has been realized: year of commencement and year
of conclusion. If a work in progress: state it has reached; - professional role and contribution to the design of the work made by the contestant or the member of the group. 6. CD ROM containing: 1) a PDF version of the portfolio; 2) all the documentation (the entire portfolio) in a single compressed file (only permitted formats are .zip and .rar) of a maximum size of 100 MB. Art. 3.2. Consignment of the candidacy The documentation should be placed in a sealed envelope, in such a way as to prevent tampering, and countersigned on the closing flaps. It should bear the following words CONCORSO DI PROGETTAZIONE CON PRESELEZIONE PER LA REALIZZAZIONE DE “IL PARCO CENTRALE DI PRATO”, the name and address of the contestant or, where a group is involved, those of the group leader, and addressed to:
Comune di Prato Ufficio Protocollo Piazza del Pesce 9 59100 Prato, ITALY
The documentation can be delivered on Mondays and Thursdays between 9 am and 5 pm and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 9 am and 1 pm and must be made by the deadline indicated in art. 2.9, no. 1. The expiry date refers without exception to the date of delivery and not that of dispatch, whatever the means of delivery used. Art. 3.3. Procedure and criteria of evaluation The jury will first of all, during a public meeting, on a day and at a time that will be announced on the website of the Comune di Prato (official website) and on the competition website www.ilparcocentralediprato. it, open the package and the envelope A “DOCUMENTAZIONE AMMINISTRATIVA”; it will verify the documentation herein contained, to admit contestants to the preselection. Afterwards, and always during a public meeting, the jury will open the envelope B “DOSSIER DI PRESENTAZIONE”; it will verify the documentation herein contained and authenticate it. Since this meeting will be held as a videoconference, the documentation will be authenticated by those members who are physically present. In the course of one or more private meetings, the jury will examine and evaluate the contents of the envelope B “DOSSIER DI PRESENTAZIONE” and, during a subsequent public meeting, to be held on a day and at a time that will be announced on the website of the Comune di Prato (official website) and on the competition website
COMPETITION NOTICE (ABSTRACT) IL PARCO CENTRALE DI PRATO, the jury will announce the outcomes of the preselection. Selection of the contestants to be admitted to the competition will be made on the basis of the points assigned for each parameter at the discretion of the individual members of the jury. From among all those who meet the conditions and the limitations indicated in arts. 2.3 and 2.4 and have asked to take part, the jury will draw up a shortlist of 15 candidates, made up of 10 candidates to be invited and 5 to be held in reserve in case of withdrawals. The shortlist will be drawn up on the basis of the following criteria and sub-criteria: Criterion
Professional CV of the members, taking into account their professional career and A.1
background in relation to the
subject of the competition and the existence of publications related to the subject of the competition Makeup of the design group, taking into account the
presence of different areas of
expertise and autonomy of design
Characteristics of the A.3
architectural quality
environmental and energy sustainability
innovative character and originality
completed works
projects/works, taking into account
The first 10 candidates on the shortlist will be invited by the secretariat to take part in the competition by the deadline indicated in art. 2.9. They will have to give their written agreement to participation in the competition. Should any of them be unable to take part, the secretariat will invite the candidates held in reserve. The shortlist of the 10 chosen planners, plus 5 runners-up, will be published on the website of the Comune di Prato (official website) and on the competition website
Art. 4. COMPETITION Art. 4.1. Subject The subject of the competition will be the drawing up of a project at a level of detail equivalent to a preliminary plan in conformity with art. 93 of Legislative Decree 163/2006 and arts. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 of the D.P.R. 207/2010. Art. 4.2. Modes of participation After the 10 contestants have been identified in the preselection phase, within the limits referred to in art. 2.9, the Competition Secretariat will communicate the result to the selected candidates, who will be invited to present the plans required for the competition, to be drawn up in conformity with the Preliminary Planning Document (appendix A). The letter of invitation will supplement and complete, wherever necessary, the procedures given in this notice. In case the contestants won’t accept integrations and improvements of this procedure, they will be automatically excluded and the shortlist will change accordingly. Art. 4.3. Site inspection The participants in the competition will be invited to carry out an inspection of the site, an obligatory requirement on pain of exclusion from the competition. Together with the invitation, the Competition Secretariat will communicate the dates on which it will be possible to make the inspection. Each contestant will have to inform the secretariat by email of the day on which they will be able to carry out the inspection and the number of people who will be taking part. Following an evaluation of the answers received by the secretariat, the timing of the visits will be communicated to the candidates. One or more members of the participating group (the individual professional or a delegated representative) can take part in the inspection. Art. 4.4. Clarifications All requests for information or clarification must be sent exclusively by email to the address of the Competition Secretariat indicated at the beginning of this notice, by May 10, 2016. Answers will be provided in a public form within 10 days of the request and in any case by May 20, 2016, on the website of the Comune di Prato (official website) and on the competition website
Art. 4.5. Deadline and mode of delivery Participation in the competition will be anonymous. So anything that might compromise the anonymity of the contestant must be omitted, on pain of exclusion from the competition. On pain of exclusion from the competition, no plans or materials in addition to those required below are admitted, and the absence even of just one of the documents indicated below will result in exclusion from the competition. Individuals and companies not based in Italy will have to provide the documentation translated into Italian, on pain of exclusion. The package containing the design proposal and the administrative documentation must be sent by any means, on pain of exclusion, to the following address:
Comune di Prato Ufficio Protocollo Piazza del Pesce 9 59100 Prato, ITALY
Delivery can be made on Mondays and Thursdays between 9 am and 5 pm and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 9 am and 1 pm, and take place by 1 pm of the day indicated in art. 2.9, no. 3). The expiry date refers without exception to the date of delivery and not that of dispatch, whatever the means of delivery used. Delivery of the package is exclusively at the risk of the sender; contestants whose packages arrive after the deadline for their reception will not be allowed to take part in the competition even when their failure to arrive or late arrival is due to circumstances beyond their control. The package, on pain of exclusion: - must bear on the outside SOLELY the address of the competition organizer and the following words CONCORSO
- it must be opaque and properly sealed; - it must contain two opaque envelopes, each properly sealed, marked with the following words: Envelope A . Documentazione amministrativa Envelope B . Proposta progettuale Under no circumstances will the contestants be able to violate the anonymity of the competition phase by placing symbols, signs or other marks of identification on the package and on the envelopes, on pain of exclusion.
It is forbidden, on pain of exclusion, to make public the design or any part of it before the jury has made and officially expressed its judgment. Art. 4.6. Envelope A. Documentazione amministrativa The contestant must present and include in Envelope B, on pain of exclusion, the application form for the competition with the additional declarations required, using the model that will be provided by the competition organizer. The application should be accompanied by a sheet identifying the participant and/or listing all the members of the group and their consultants/collaborators, complete with personal data and details of enrolment in the professional association, signed by all concerned. Art. 4.7. Envelope B. Proposta progettuale The contestants will have to submit a project with a level of detail equivalent to that of a preliminary plan, to be illustrated with the following materials: - 4.7.1. Technical and explanatory report, in A4 format, on a maximum of 20 sides (including the cover if present), containing: - a summary of the data and considerations on the basis of which, in relation to the objectives described in the PPD, the best design solution has been arrived at; - a detailed description of the design of the solution chosen and indications for the continuation of the design process; - the requirements and characteristics of the intervention, a description of the investigations carried out and of the insertion in the urban setting and landscape and a description and motivation of the technical choices made in the project; - the planned volumes and areas divided up by function; - an environmental sustainability study, containing the conditions that will permit the preservation and improvement of the environmental and landscape qualities of the context; - an accessibility and safety study; - a rough estimate of the cost of realization and related overview of expenditure; - the schedule for the implementation of the intervention; - any further indication that may of help to a better understanding of the project, including the operations it will entail. - 4.7.2. Report containing one or more economic and management models relating to the design solution presented, explaining the economic and financial sustainability of the intervention, including an analysis of the costs of maintenance, on a maximum of 10 sides in A4
format (including any cover). - 4.7.3. Three graphic presentations in A0 format, vertical layout, in two copies. One copy must be mounted on lightweight rigid panels (of the “forex” type or similar), and the other folded to A4 format. The longer side of the drawings should be vertical. Only the drawings folded to A4 format should be numbered from 1 to 3; the number should be placed at bottom right. In detail, the illustrations should consist of the following: Illustration 1: a plan on a scale of 1:1000 showing the project set in its context, accompanied if necessary by perspective views, other drawings or photos, schemes and ideograms that illustrate the arrangement of functions and the connection with the adjoining urban zones. Illustration 2: siteplans on a scale of 1:500 and plans, sections and elevations illustrating uses and accessibility, the characterization of public space, the layout of free spaces and areas of vegetation, representation of the built volume of the minimum area of 500 square meters and identification of the areas surrounding the other buildings. The illustration must contain schemes, perspective representations and renderings used to point out the most significant elements of the project. Illustration 3: in-depth analyses and details considered useful by the designers. The scale of all the plans and drawings must be indicated, in graphic form, on all the materials submitted. Whether to make use of color or not is left up to the candidates. Any texts contained in the illustrations should be in Italian. - 4.7.4. 1 copy of the illustrations reduced to A3 format.. - 4.7.5. any video or model. - 4.7.6. CD/DVD with no identifying mark, containing the materials inserted in Envelope B in PDF format. Art. 4.8. Procedures, criteria of evaluation and classification In open session, at a date and time that will be made public on the website of the Comune di Prato (official website) and on the competition website and communicated personally to the selected candidates, the Jury will open the packages received, checking that they contain Envelope A “Documentazione amministrativa” and Envelope B “Proposta progettuale” and that the package and the envelopes are in conformity with the requirements of the notice. The jury will place on the packages a numbering of its own that will be repeated on each envelope inside. The Jury will then examine and assess the content of the envelopes
identified with the words “Documentazione amministrativa” at one or more private sessions, of which minutes will be taken, while the envelopes marked with the words “Proposta progettuale” will be handed over to the Responsabile Unico del Procedimento, or Sole Project Manager, and then returned to the jury once he has drawn up the list of the design proposals. The minutes of the meetings of the Jury will contain a brief explanation of the methodology followed and the process of evaluation as well as the list of projects selected, accompanied by the motivations. Decisions will be taken by simple majority. The jury, whose judgment will be binding, will assign points to each design proposal, in accordance with the following criteria of evaluation: Criterio
architectural and urban quality of the project
quality of the open spaces
quality of the project in relation to the topic “Prato contemporary city”
quality, original character and appeal of the attractions different from those of the “urban park”
quality of the project in relation to: zero energy, sustainable design and construction, total accessibility
Characteristics of the project
Cost of realization
Management model
The evaluation of the design proposals submitted will be made, using the average of the scores assigned at the discretion of the individual members, by applying the method described in appendix I – Valutazione delle proposte progettuali nei concorsi di progettazione – of D.P.R. no. 207/2010. When the classification has been made on the basis of the points assigned, the jury, in public session and at a date and time that will be made known on the website of the Comune di Prato (official website) and on the competition website www.ilparcocentralediprato. it and communicated personally to the selected candidates, will open Envelope A “Documentazione amministrativa” and proceed with the association of the scores received by the individual contestants. The final classification will be communicated personally to the participants in the competition and made known through publication on the website of the Comune di Prato (official website) and on the competition website 4.9 Prizes, reimbursements and subsequent commissions A total of € 157,000.00 has been allocated for prizes and reimbursement of expenses. 1st Prize: € 40,000.00. Each of the remaining participants who has achieved a minimum score of at least 60/100 points will receive a reimbursement of expenses of € 13,000.00. The prizes and expenses include all charges and taxes liable in Italy and will be settled within 90 days of the publication of the results of the competition,. With the payment of the prize and reimbursements, the municipality of Prato acquires ownership of the winning project and the contestants will not be able, under any circumstances, to make any claim with regard to the preliminary design delivered, considering all their claims to be satisfied and themselves to have been duly remunerated for the projects proposed and for their transfer on reception of the prize/ reimbursement. No ties for first prize are admitted. The disbursement of the prizes, in case of groupings, will be made to the person identified as group leader. The payments will be subject to the application of Law no. 136/2010. Art. 4.10 – Commissioning of the final project and working plan The municipality of Prato will entrust to the winner of the first prize, through negotiations carried out without public notice, the preparation of the subsequent levels of design: Final Project and Working Plan.
By following the requirements of the decree of the President of the Republic of Italy from October 5, 2010, n. 207, detailed by the RUP and however produced in accordance to the PPD, while accomplishing the current regulations and the involved institutions (Soprintendenze, ASL, VVF, etc.) the winner will submit all produced documentation and work. The commission will be governed by the rules and regulations set down by the competition organizer. The final project and working plan will be drawn up according to the instructions and requests of the municipality of Prato, which will be able to require the introduction of modifications and improvements. The competition organizer reserves the right to interrupt the competition at any moment for sound reasons, without any right to compensation or reimbursement on the part of the participants. Art. 4.11. Remuneration for the commission The professional fee for the final design and working plan inclusive of VAT and any additional taxation will amount to Euro 250,000.00. This sum has been calculated on the basis of the parameter set in Ministerial Decree 143/2013. Art. 5. FINAL REGULATIONS Art. 5.1. Ownership of the plans and right to their exhibition and publication The competition organizer acquires the ownership and copyright to the prizewinning plans and drawings. In the case of groupings, the authorship of the proposals and competing project by all members of the group is recognized, with equal titles and rights, while the payment of the prize will be made by the competition organizer solely to the group leader, who will be independently responsible for its distribution among the other members. The competition organizer reserves the right to exhibit, publish or permit publication of the plans submitted to the competition in all or part without any compensation to the contestants. Contestants who did not win will only be allowed to exhibit and/or publish the materials submitted after publication of the final results of the competition. Art. 5.2 Exhibition and publication of the projects The competition organizer will be able to hold a public exhibition of the competing projects. Participation in the competition amounts to
acceptance of such an initiative on the part of the contestants. The competition organizer will have the right to make the proposals public by the printing of a catalogue. Art. 5.3. Return of the projects The materials submitted for the preselection phase and for the competition will not be returned. Art. 5.4. Acceptance of the competition conditions Participation in the competition implies unconditional acceptance of all the rules laid down in this notice on the part of each contestant. Art. 5.5. Terms of exclusion Participants will be excluded from the competition under the following conditions: - when the participant is not in possession of the requirements prescribed by law for the performance of the services needed or when the application form is not presented or lacks one of the declarations or a substantial part of one of the declarations, except where the Competition Secretariat considers them not to be of substantive character, in which case it will be able to ask for their subsequent inclusion; - when the contestant omits to include a copy of his or her identity document with the application form. Should the contestant include a copy of an identity document that has expired, the Examining Board will request its regularization; - when the participant will not accept possible integrations or changes explained in the letter of invitation; - when the participant will distribute, publish or let someone else publish his project, or part of it, before the results of the work of the jury will be published. Art. 5.6. Checking of the declarations made The declarations made can be subjected to verification by the contracting authority and, should they prove false, further measures laid down by law, in conformity with arts. 71, 75 and 76 of the D.P.R. no. 445/2000, will be adopted. Individuals and companies not based in Italy will have to provide the documentation required for verification of the requisites translated into Italian, on pain of exclusion. Art. 5.7. Privacy In conformity with art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, personal
data and/or data relating to individuals taking part in the competition will be processed, with or without the use of electronic means, solely and for the time needed for implementation of the procedure. The controller of the personal data is the municipality of Prato and the person responsible for its processing is the architect Michela Brachi, Head of Procedure. Art. 5.8. Disputes The competent forum for any disputes is the Regional Administrative Court for Tuscany, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 10346 of December 1971 and subsequent modifications and additions. For anything not specifically covered in this notice, reference will be made to the pertinent laws and regulations in force on the date of publication of the notice.
Head of the Mayor’s Office and Heritage Department Dottor Massimo Nutini
Comune di Prato
Competition and communication consultant