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The Findings
A Summary
The survey was compiled and undertaken by community organisers during the autumn of 2021 and spring and summer of 2022. The survey focused on areas of Tallaght and Clondalkin, including Cushlawn, Glenshane, Jobstown, Tymon North, Fettercairn and Balgaddy. The purpose of the survey was to find out more about the issues people in these areas were facing. Organisers spent time talking to people. This report sets out what they found.
Who took part?
In total, the survey received 108 responses.
Most people who took part in the survey live in social housing (84%). Just under 10% rent from a private landlord.
Housing Tenure
Half of the people who community organisers spoke to were living with someone who was disabled or had a chronic condition.
Living with someone who is disabled or has a chronic condition
This shows half of the people surveyed were supporting a family member because of disability or ill-health
People told organisers about a whole range of issues that were affecting their lives. These included:
• Living conditions
• Housing standards
• Mental and physical health and care
• Addiction
• Education
• Leisure
• Security