H e v t h e r e o u n k r o c k e r ! L o o k u o h e r e w h i t e v o u r e f t i o o i n ot h r o u o ht h e m a Att of the informa c 6 u t de v A rw a n t c a n b e f o u n d ' u oh e r e . t i k e ' t h i s- P H d T O S : t i o h t - S t a o o e r s J e n H a t e t 9 2 4G i t m a n
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EDITOR ChrisDodge GRAPHICS JoshBaker STAFF joe alamo€ NlattAverage EricaBeck ,lebBranin RudolfErcrts AthenaKautsch Lydia KenI'ollution JeffRohinson KenSanderson (;rahamSleightholme Akira Takeuchi Ilrur \!hrd I)aveWitte R E V I E W ,A D V E R T I S I N G . & C O N T E N T P O L I C Y Seethe title of the magMiile? Seethe bandsthatwe cover? If yourstuffn|s,lhenwe wantt0 hearfronryou. ' Ifyoil'renotfamiliirrwith anlthingin this mag... That'syourli$t warningl lbu'ro harkingup themong tree.pal. PHOTOS Arc crerlited whonwe knowwhosnapped them. \\'e nee(lgoodDicsfron all 0\€r th(i planetl Soscn(lsomeoilrwau..
COVER Fuck0n The tseach in SR(lA 15.991 WANT TO SELL SHORT, FAST, & LOUD!? Al shows? ln yourstore,or thru )'ourdistro? Il0waboutat work,t hurch,or pepralllsl C0nl.actus for l{)wwholesalerrtes!
A DD E A D L I N E .luly1,2000(for issue#6) Makeall payments out t0: ChrisDodge PalmentilIUSTacrompany )our ad. Sendall a(lsCAIIERAREADYan(lthe CORRE(IT SIZE. \!e reseNethe right to refuseanyad for anyreruon. AD SPECS Fullpagc(7 l/2" x 10")= $?5 l/2 page(i 12" x 5") = $,10 l / 3 p a g e( i " x 5 ' ) 0 r ( 2 l / 2 "x 1 0 " )= $ 2 5 l/6 page(2 l/2" x 5") = $15 ') Insidefrontor bach(7 l/!" x l0 = $I I 0* (*f ilrail or Mitc lirst t0 resewethis)
S E N DE V E R Y T H ITNOG, Short,l'Nt, & Loudl PO.uox120843 SanFrancisco, CA 9{112.0813 tiSA shoilfastloud@h0trnail.conr
Eulferep aql lno Burlnoqs,{qlooqcsqBIq ul r?lndodlou aloocAspols013uos0J llrlsl?ql ?crrourvuI leql lsoluocdllrelndodlooqcs-q81q sl{l r{ll,udn lnd ol ueql lrnb o1 aro,lirdeql lcq aql lo; dn a4eur o1 3u$r1 lnoqe qsBJqlerocpr?qaqlJo lasl?ql s,06 'pessaurrlauros Orusssleuar pepefosoruocoq {gcpb o1,i1uo ulelduroco1 Eurqlou q1,n s8urqlauos-d1ue,q1 ureqlnosur ^{oqspopuollg rols?os{ll1eq1 dlleeeq1ul ?ruroJrt?C oql ul slaqBlpu?spu?q ,{upo1orocpruqur la8ur pa)roJJo l0l B aas I {pood e Jo al?t e noiiutdsILI'onssrlxoN * saulzJ0uollcosr011al 'clsnuauaJua'lsq'pJ?t{ pedeleel ol aull ul poolsoq^rs4undeurtl-yed 'll op 1,11nq1adaurzaql urs^rehar I0 l,luaua 0u {e1d nof Sg)lVI4lleqt reffu?Jo pur>1aq;, reBue eurl aql olq no,{ Euol 11eg 11pu olpueqll,e^r^roqorns lou uru 1 '4und 91 ;o slql pu? clsnu slql l n o q l l / r l0 ^ l l l , u E c 'lygU - l(oul no 'l1a 'spuag; 'looqcs 'raq1e; -uou/oEpa qlnofplund/arocpr?q lq8l?rls,uerc ol oruocll!$ nof J o J a q l o u - r l c l l qJ l a q l l n o q r S u r u r u a r c s p t { noi(1q1 lcBJoql q1ul sdr.rE ^ralar ol fddequeql arou aq 1,1* crraua8 11e orocpreq p1o rea,{91 dq peiieldSuraq>1undarocpr?rl{cnJ-se Jo euoqcrql\ i,s,06aql;o uolsoldxa alsq\\u?qrn eq1uo ,trrecIll,r\spl)tpac?J-lous rnaq ol Jue.{rI fu,u 1eq11t a4t1 Jo spueq -cuauaF'sse-dddols 'ua11oFro; eq lsuds,arocpreq 1 ileqal Suqcq .lrou4no,{puu op ol mau Butqlou nod;oauoqcrq11 80s '1qEg s,1eq1) a8ret{csI0 (raurq,lir aql os uello8ro; sr f.rolsrq s,araLII6.{r0uuorleraua8Ltlg i,l?tl,{r\"slrut st e1d1s lu)qrs^\au ;o ssoulear8 JoIIB11r,n arocprer1 aql uoqilrpuu'eln11nc srql;o Arolsq ocualo! ra,rod-tunc-1e1aur'sse-iutroq rnotr'e8, d0u paqtl0rll\ pue aq1;o aEpel,lroq oql o^Bq ol uaas aues aql uI,l uro.q Eutqseqar lcadse.l l?ql 26, tuoJJSJJIJ souap fllee-uorl?J0 l\ad 'aleqsol uoas'aurzsrqlur po,rlorrut oldoad Euqsrqar{1qeqo"rd ar,no 'ltqs 1,utenodd1lec1seq I?raunJ pJ?q-orp aql Jolsorupuu'1 dlrleluaur oql oas puz sread0e lsBI oLpJo^ospu€qalocpleq,{ddelc I'U'0 _sdos pee$ aq1sa,u.rp 411sy 1,uop 1sn[ 1sn[srq;, go drolstqiiuol iuol 3uo1e u1 auo lsnf st pu?q I pueur reBBep j:r,::j$[, spl?u00cl,tJ ueqlosJo,ralprJa^ouJnl arocpJ?q,{ddercrno,t 'pueq arocpleqfdderc dur _ 'saedoldura eq1 u 0 a ^ o u o l a p r c a p a411',t,rou1qt1riurqlauos acp+ll€ s,1a1'asnuceq osnofanol a r o c p J s r { S u r 4 e u r ill0AYTIVHJ'qlnut polroddns pue .to 'euaqly'a11aan"^ Ioqel procar/pueq prdnls fur ;o urs1c111.tc pu?puor{ lsaq,{u.rol puV* oslesreadZ asoqlJoJuoql 1 'lno uraqlpasrerd o1 puodsarol paau B lloJ JOAO 1eq1qund aq1d1pns11 urnq ,,s^{a!aJ,,a,r11e3au puesread7 ro; slretlselearc,{aq; 'dn >1earq 1 o,req,{1arer,ira,r1nqauacsaql Jo slaadseutelrac iolnJno'sJa{rol.\l|t{s'spuBq'spJeq -arpOJocpr€rl lsPoclsa \ aql il€0l s,,4\13d* feql :opspu?qarorpr?qleq.us,ler.ll'dn ue4orq q l r ^ \ a l l l a s o l s e J o t sq i i n o u au e q l a r o u r1 o f l pueqB asoqc s?q noi(aalueleni aA,lpuu JaIcnJJJrlloru plo up ru.l 'p;1ue.tg'u1u1 '1saq lBql l?ql %08 pue e1p,t1 srJLlC ol $lueq; aq1 rog lureq * ',{es';o spueq 'srea,{aarql lsel aq1 I 111,1r J{)1o1e lqinoql suq3 ttEJptno^{suun[{))a}^aql 'olrq,r punOr? e pelcadsar pur '1e1r,r'relndod {crls plno^l eJoJpJ?q aq1olur IIpl ol asnJalI lng lsour derl ,,1sa;-durnrr1,, nof ;o dlrrofeu aql qsl/v\lsnf I 'll lnoqlr.r aql Jo o.{,rl puturrno,iul asooqclueuou slql 'ucrJauVur r.lJq aur,)s>1urrrI a.ro,rprnq aql qllA\ '{coJ 'auo,fta,rg '^rolloJ peraEue 'as'ea1d uorlcunJ l,uopI lund arocpreq pueq ol ifia,ra aq1sao8oS'lnoqll^r a]eq-a^ol areq lnoqe 1e 1 drqsuorl?[a.r l e a r Bi u r a a s p u ? s p u o r r Jq l l ^ { E u r E u ? q 1snIpue pueq,,1?crql{ul,, slql 0l paueddeq alll l,u€c I Surqlauros toJ aAtTI Sutqleuosaugap 'dlrunuuoc 'auoi{JaAo pu?s^roqsaq1o1Suro8o^ol 1 y0 llr?s an ssan8 uuc ol uJal sg aql pasn I 'r^aA',,aro)pr?qrJo plJo^t 1eq,r,r I {urql r n o o ^ o l I p u ? l s r a p u n1 1 en o , { o d o q stqldus lqsllnq 'a14cqoq1 auo[?lal 'aluaB .{ueJo pueq no{'ouqcnglueddeq1,uprp ;1,uec palon8ealaq due .roJ&tTtqtssodurlut lsotu[er-[s1q1'puulsrapun 1 1 n qf l l u n u u o c l u n d 1 e c 1 1 r 1eordo c p J B q nodur3 'uaql pJ€eqgglg t(11ueg 'srea,{ .&aAut,y'sa;* rreqlldecxagNg rno;o slcadsrur€Uec J0l?crlrJc JouroJ I leq^{ ruoJd 0N qpy uotsserdxa 91 lsBl aql lo; pueq lund 'Suunar,ral pournlpue arorprequurBporuBr^ ? olul lloJ-u-IcoJ a^sqI lal'st aq1ut pa,{e1d ar,no,{1eq,r'r luelour'EurqlorJ alelosopoql ur uJeqauosur raqlaEol auruu,{ryllasfur lnoqe a111r1 e no,{1141 o1$tut8lur goaipel,r,rou>1 auos a^?q,{11en1ce noi(suuaur lsarlr-puu sEInJasn lot s{?orJJ0 qcunqe s,0goql ul olullau0s u u n l o c a u r z e E e uorl u l a . r n l u a Al s . r us t q l e s n trlJc e Sutaq!aquraurag'edt,r,r-1tqs 'pouad'le,ra 'nou1 pu?q a^r tuoJl Buqcn; ssanE lsaq luouqslu?q ll? 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a t a m o ej o e - 3 1 0r â‚Ź
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prettyhonoredto be a part ofthis first issue.ifyou eversendme an)'thingleave thebiosat vuurhouse. 87-9il: after no comnent - dis<rography y0u'r'edonelisteningto the $100worth of 7"sthat you boughtwhile on springbreak, i'll still be sayingthat the no comment "downsided" 7" is the besthardcorerecord to comeout in the 90's.this cd has everl'thing they'vedoneplus a bunchof live songs 11211 aIe,iustahoutastight asthe studiooutput. breakingthem down,no combines comment the speedandfeelof d.r.i."dealingrvith it" and the short-to-thepointstvleof crossedout. clearproduction, guitarchanges, ptecision overthe top drumming that doesn'trelystrictlyon blast beats,but usesa seriesof fills on the fast partsrand someof the mostsincereand fbrcetll vocalsi'r'eeverheard.....tommy hilfiger,dkny,drum triggers,managers, bookingagents,and religionhaveaboutas muchto do with hardcoreas i haveto d0 with bookingemoshowsin sandiegoand youwon't lind anyof that shit on this cd. don'tgoagreeingwith this reviewand then 'causethere say"theyweregreatlive,too", wasonlylike 20 peoplebackat thosehong kongshowsand you werebuying4l I records andpreparingfor youl collegesats. info = www.nocomment-hardcore.com there are currently326black sabbath tribute/cover albumsout now,eachoneof themas bunkas the last. i fuckin' hate heawmetalbandsdoingnote for note sabbathsongs...... while i thoughtthe eyehategod,/a.c. split 7" in (his serieswas prettyweak,the 6th 7" in this seriesis a
splitwithneurosis andsoilentgreenand umm,it delivers.bothbands throwjust enough of theirownstyleintothesongs instead oftryingto "re-invent thewheel", go whichiswheremostoftheheshers wrong.neurosis slowsdown,andputs sometribaldrumming into"children of thegrave", andsoilentgreenputsall grind,/doom/rock variety theirpatented intotheirversionof "lordof thisworld" anda coupleof othernon-ozzy tracksand makeit intoa medley, kindalikeoneof youusedto buyat the thosemix-tapes glass youneeda magniffing swapmeet. to readthesleeve, butthisis anawesome recordifyoucanfindit. writeto hydra head-po box990248, boston, ma.02199. eyehategod hasgota newcdof older material, thatwassupposed to betheir lastrelease, coming outin february it 2000called"southern discomfort". hasthe"ruptured hearttheory"7",and thesplitswith l3 onslapa hamand axlction thatyourecently spenta lot of money versions 0n,plusdifferent of thtuwar","depress", anda song "peace jam"whichis basically called"dopesick a medley of a fewsongs combined witha lot of grassanddisregard for studio time.theinftranddesign onthebooklet is prettylight,withnophotos or recording info,buti don'tthinkthe bandwastooinvolved in thelayout.i hearda rumorthat evehategod was gonnarecordanother studioalbum,but fuck,i alsoheardthatrumoraboutrod getting pumped, stewart hisstomach so we'lljusthaveto waitandsee...., is crucifictior/unruh thecreation youmightwantto split7"is something purchase. clean/plain layoutin a cool chipboard kindalike ffie sleeve pushead of his hasusedwitha couple things,c.i.c.is kindacoolfastmetalcore, buttoohealyon theslayerstufffor me, unruhrockssomefast,technical, almost blackmetalriffs,andthrowsin some coolbreakdowns. sounds likeit was recorded in thesamesession asthe "setting fire...." Ip, onetunefromeach band.$4shouldcoverit willowtiprecords, 103daviddr butler,pa.16001 com/-willowtip wwwmembers.tripod. ' somemoreshiti justgotis thegod's ep. irontooth"thegettingfucked" wherehavetheseguysbeen?it'sthe
firsti'veheardof themandgottotally caughtOffguard.... theycomefromlong beachwheretheyholdtheskateboard tradeshows andit'salsoa greatplaceto getyourlife burneddownin abouttwo grief,cavity minutes.healyeyehategod, feel,withthedark,bluesyguitarsand screaming vocals.theshitreallystarts cookin'whentheypickupthepaceand groove onthestraightrockshit.reach themat - godsirontooth@aol.com or I 727e.broadway / longbeach, ca.90802. speaking of rock- boulderjust kickedmedownwitha cdr(there'sno any'rnore) ofall the suchthingasdemos stufftheydidbeforetheircurrentlp. ofharddrivin'bigass thisis 73minutes fuckin'darkrockandroll shitthatall sortsof truckertlpesareprobably listeningto. theyevendoa coverof venom's withsatan"for good "in league i guess try to thinkof a measure. heavier/angrier version of nebulawith fantasy noneof the happymar{iuana partsandtheguyfromrorschach on waybetterthanthehellacopters vocals. andi doubtthey'llevermilkoneoftheir byreleasing 5 cdsingles albums off it. theseguysat - jamie: 3515 contact nautilus trail/ aurora,oh.44202 or their website iswwwboulder.8m.cum recently hada chance to goto the milwaukee metalfestandthenovember to dismember in sanantonio.asidefrom thecoolnameof thetexasthingand good"performances" bycephallic carnage andtheeastside'sowninfamy, therewasn'tmuchmoreshitthatwas coolaboutit. theformulathatall these metalfests seemto followis - 100bands. il stages, I pornstar,wrestling, and$60 for a twodaypass.the radthingis that theygetmostof thebandsto "payto play",charge thevendors $750pertable to sellhealymetal,andtake30%of the moneywhenyousellt-shirts,chaps, beanies, etc. addthatto thefactthat there'sno"insandouts",andyoucan't bringyourownfoodor drinksin, and is whoever runsthismotherfucker shakin'outof thatshit in a brandnew sportutilityvehicle.kindahardfor me to believethat some50yearoldcares thenoise"to a bunchof about"bringing butyouall mustlove teenaged longhairs, i didn'thearor seea thatshit'cause singlecomplaint.
Jlopnu,tlrunuoddo srt{l au SuprproJslrqCol $JuBqJ:our[lsBIaug 1u'dr1gs1ra,ra ;1opn.r ls au Ir?ua asecld looJ Iulol ? ru,l lnodoJtqs0l luelr nort {urql Joau qlu{ uorurdo 'lnoqtoqplnoqsolo)pr?q raEurpuuaslou 1eq1 JI 'curr$ut Jo ls?lq1eq1Aotuapuporsr a{?l IN plno,{I pu?qlaqlo VSnoql ot {c?q oBo1a,ro1 s,lrq,tl;opnordur,1 aqluopu?adorngur uoSuro8 'aurs dusol e{rl plno^r1';go1rqsrugo1'110,1.1 1uq1 qolrraq1 prp srqledog'11a,u aqt0pll!,naurzrStur 'adoJng ur ur s^{oroJssan8 I UUWe{!l sculz?8eru wql sn aql ul la8ol ral$c,{lqrqold0I?spro)al CH/ {und orngploJolol ? tuLpl)?.Jaql sr sJrlt opqmeu ol sauocpq1 Euql ,{uun;eq.1 3ur1r.r,l,r 'Iulql fe,u ssardxa 1uq1 1 iauocsoln.qoql lpq IIV s r q lp u ul l e l r t n o q ?l q 8 n o q l p l n o q sS u r l q q r q pue lq8noqlI euoq l? lctq dlcgrsEurag 'lr Jolnolsaq
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hasjust "Mybloodrunscold,My memory beensold!!!" Thispastsummerwasaboutmovies. dreck, Foreign Samuraimovies,Hollywood films,the $1 movienightritualof schlock horror,a lot of movies.Chalkit upto being , y a p r e t t y d e a ds u m m e rf o r s h o w s m girlfriendwhocouldgoto the movies every n i g h ti f n e e db e ,a n d b e i n gs i c ka l o t . Basically that'stheonlytimeI reallygetto calmdownandjustifywatchingclassics like "Rockand RollNightmare" or "The Stuff'or"TheIncredible MeltingMan" in thereI wentandsawthe Somewhere movie'SLCPunk"andwhileI won'tdissect the "AndI gaveup the shittypunkrock for LawSchool" moralto therather lifestyle droll movie,there'sonepart that really where strucka nervefor me. It wasa scene the two leadcharacters areyoungkidsand (oh, they'replayingD&Din the basement h o w t r u e o f t h e e a r l y' 8 0 ' s . . I. w a sa " G a m m aW o r l d "m a n m y s e l f )a n d o n e bringsin a cassette tapeand says"You gottahearthisman!"andput thetapeof a punktune(Tubes power-pop maybe? I can't remembernow)andthe otherkid goes " W h a t ' st h i s ? "a n d t h e o t h e rk i d g o e s , smiling,"lt'ssomething new". Thatonescenedestroyed me,because that'showit felt in 1982/1983 at thecuspof new,exciting.Thefuturewas something ours,14andFree!!Hell,everybody in the moviesaboutthe future- BladeRunner, R o a dW a r r i o r- T H E YA L L l o o k e dl i k e Punkers.Weweretakingover!Watchthose moviesnow,andpeopledon'tlookreally that strange.It wasabsolutely out of controlwhenthosemoviescameout. ' just didn'twalkaroundwith People leathercoats tattoosandmohawks, andpiercings andexpectto come oi homein onepiece.Hell,theone f' personI met with a mohawkin Alabama in 19811 talkedmeinto buyingthe first Maximum Rock and Roll compilation, "Notso Front",at :,. Quieton the Western '.: the mall,then hadhis asskicked a w e e kl a t e rb y s e v e ng u y sa t a grocerystoreandleft town, _ O N T O F T } " I EB T $ T B - 5 I D T 5 T V ' R I N T H T H I S T O R YC I T T I M I S Y S N E * T T H T B T $ T S A N D $ I N T H H I ^ { ' 5 T O RSYF ' T I M I
Mymindwasblownbyall of this musiccomingout,it was.reallyeven hardto findanlthingoutaboutit. I'd cliparticlesabouttheSexPistols out of old issues of "Time".All the "Slam-Dance Horror"storiesout of "RollingStone",stayup latefor the oddchancethat "X"wouldbe on "SolidGold"again....what I didlearn,I thenplottedto turnall the kids at myschoolonto,thinkingsomehow it wouldbe a volleyagainsta seaof lameness, football, ReoSpeedwagon, Rednecks, et al. Thisill-fatedscheme of minewasinvariablymet againandagain with blankstaresanda slackjawed, "Dude,RUSHare so muchbetter thanthis".I played themradstuffliketheSexPistols, CircleJerks,Dead Kennedys, BlackFlag.... scratching theirheads, it didn'tmotivate anyone whowasgoingbackhomeandlistening to TomPettyandJ. GeilsBand. M O V EI T F O R W A R DD . O N ' TB R I N GI T B A C K Thatessence of creatingsomething new,manipulating the future, tryingto changethingsI miss;that to mewasthe vital essence of Punk Rock.I don'tknowwhere14year-old kidsstepin nowwith something steeped in traditionovertradition. I don'tthink it is importantthey knowwhoSSDecontrol or Riistetltor Ghoulor OlhoSecoare,0r even theSexPistols, CircleJerks,DeadKennedys, BlackFlag.It is all there to be learnedfrom,just as muchas the Dadaists, the JazzGreats, the Hippies.TheHippies didtonsof coolstuff- theirpublicappearance as out losersat Deadshowsis probably a bunchof drugged equivalent to perception the general of "Punkers" asrowdy"sowing wild oats"losers rippingoff girlstopsandsmashing shit andthemselves at "Woodstock 99"or "TheWarpTour"to bullshitlikeBlink182,LimpBizkitandKorn. Eachgeneration hasits ownangst,andits ownneedsof expression, andperhapsas newpeoplelearnaboutmusic,it's asvital and dooropening asmusicwasfor methen. I hopeMeltBanana or In/humanity mightbe a^s vital to folksas DeadKennedys and Devowereto me. I'd hateto seeexperimentation crushedfor the staticboringritualsof punk rock,theformula of everyshow, band,stagedive,"ThePit","TheSpiritof 1987YouthCrew".... or bentto fit staticdefinitions of how"Punk"looks andsounds fromtenor twentyyearsago.Freereignfor experimentation mightmakemoremishaps like FidelityJones, A State0f Mind?,or half waythroughM.D.C.'s Signals" album,but it alsomightcomeup "Smoke witha CRASS. BadBrains.or MC5. I pickup sometimes thatpeopleinto Techno of "New", feelthis compulsion DEVO a n d i t s c u l t u r ed o e ss e e mv e r y Ptvsx46{ by OFVO }n {r$s-'it{dn '1 *ith Robsrt Xatgngloll technology-acceptingand i, orlented.It alwavs struckmeas toosocialfor mytastes.Music .,.-^----: .,
lrYBS4955P iltiiifiii; to be enjoyed with a lot of !:10 ; People. Punk rock was alwaYs
a p p e a l i nfgo r i t s s h e e ra n t i . socialvalue,the coreof "l'm i *: againstit" kind of values...my Inc''t!trsr "|:t-[:" .r futurewill not be lit by a disco
ball, clothed in a cat-in-the-hat ... ..1pt!ryA5gu!-$S .o't tlrrll:^ttbnrglUG. V, ._'n!!lr) grlrory*n.rs;, ;""";oo,;,.' hator dullyspentstaringatoneof ".." " those "alien" stickers in an ecstasyinducedhaze,sorry"bro".
'ocualorJar{odJo stuDl anrt aql aI? Hcvgg sHI N0 Nc0d 'tl (sl 'lsal oql uorJ {cnJ fts o1eireqI IIV lr aler?dosol Joprour JJnlsu0 rrnorql oI0/rIsloqBIuaq^raull e uI polslxo rdllearEurqlop ldecxa N0SNSUS is0uN eqlpu?N0sN0ugss1wHc u00ll110q0cueroJJrpeql s,l?ql\ ;ocuolotlrlenod ggg11oql sl aaruelola sB^\lr e{ll lenod ggglg sI 'ouols-ur-las urel aql Eursnpagels on lrlun palstxa reaaull osnecaq'oN d11rar ;alp ocuolo.r ronod prq ;i(epo1ere o,rroraqr\{ool 'auoppuupr?sst rege'11eq 1nq'4und II? puu orocpur.rE uoanleqsou?punoq oql paqsnd1rorns'ouallxe seilrlr orns 'olocpr?q poo8 1sz;,1o lsnf'sei\,\ll l?qr\ roJlr oaspuesosues rno uleEeruec arlreqdeur1rq1'c1a 'serqder8ocsrp Euqlndspueqouolc lno 'suo11cne ,{egeolur funu Eurpz;spueq '?ldooqeql CO aql II? lle ralJ?^rou eqi(eur'1eq1 {ulql lnq dleq1,uec1 1ng 's06-pluroql uI dn ^\alq l?ql e1fisaq1 pu? aJocpJ?q ropllluuoe^uoq J0 sluJoJ uollcurlsrp? {r3lu dlrzelc seop 'fz^r eirrlrsod? ur esnspu?q lr lr pue J0 suol '.troN &elnquco,r,{ruolur de,ns1r punoJJa au lr Jruala ,,'acualon roaod,, urol eql o1esn1eEplnocI pounss?I urroloql o1pesn1oE1 '11q9 ,,'arocpu1J8,, 's1eqr1 ,uauEulpnlcur'Euq$ramsalrq o q a l l q s ; o e c e r dp e p u f , { 1 e 1 e 1 d u r o c B lou ru,l 'Euoul eur1eE1,uop',r,rop 'uorlruEoaa.r oluos ureE o1 11 Sursn popels ls?JaJolroqArspu?qnau elrqlr'e4r1 1,uprpdeql spueqlno lurod o1urel aql Eursnpogels qsurt{lssolaunlpa1eq oq.r a1doe6'as1aeleq,rilla,rauoql pu? '(aur1 1eq1l? orocprsqeue4xaEupteld a r a n l e q l s p u a r r J ; od n o l 81 r u 1 3 r r o eq13u$g1uE1s) ls?oc lser\ orll uo lsrrJ 'punore u,uorql EuglleEpoptls 1 uoql 'GUyl1 raql tng IN1V qlpr 69 111ds uo s,1r)q1t,lldn aurecqUyJSyggHI SI NVI4Ialgleur8eulsi(e,t1req11eq1 uual enbgn puu snolnqeJ reqlousse,n 'llqs 'Jorunq setlr uollceor1s.rqIq ll uJel eql prcoql$U I ,,'ecuelolJa,iaod,, oculs,rrousreafg lnoqr uaeqs1r'og
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CHRIS DODGE Oneof the biggestproblemsat showsin the 80swas Nazi skinheads.I can't speakfor the rest of the country,but in the llav Area these m e a t h e a d su s e d t o d o m i n a t e s h o w s a n d e n d l e s s l iyn t i m i d a t e k i d s . T h e y w e r e i n t o randomlybeatingpeopleup, usually3-on-1.The "peacepunks",usuallypale and quiet t;pes who woreblack and listened to Crass,Crucifix,and Discharge,rverefavoLitetargets, but anyone smaller& non-violentniade a goodpunching bag. Nazi skins lvould gang up on individuals because there rvassaletyin numbers...after all, it's so much easiertor three peopleto beat up o n e p e f s o n a n d n o t g e t t h e i r I ) o c ss c u f f e d . However, one thing I could neverunderstandwas why everyonelvouldjust sit hack and take it. Whenyou'r'eat a showand two or five or evenl0 peopleare causingprohlems,there'sat least 50 or 200otherpeopletherewhojust wantto or 1(10 enjoythe show and are sick of the violence. If three dickheadscould intimidate one person, t h e nw h y c o u l d n ' ta t o o m f u l l o f c o o l p e o p l e s i m p l yt h r o w t h e i d i o t s o u t ? T h e a n s w e ri s simple:Thevcottldhave! Buttheydidn't. Whenthe GilmanStreet I'}rojectopenedin 1987,Tim Yuhannonrvasthe first personI ever k n e ww h o s u c r : e s s f u l lcvo m m u n i c a t e da n d enactedthe idea of fighting back. And fighting backdidn't eveninvolveactual fighting. Gilman Streetmanagedto build a teelingof community a n d s e c u r i t vr v i t h i n i t s r a n k s a n d a l l o f t h e weeklyregulars,or "Gilmangeeks"as we were s o m e t i m edsu b b e d ,d i d n ' t f e e l s t r a n g ea b o u t takingaction. It lvassimplva methodof taking b a c k c o n t r o l o f o u r s h o w sa n d r e m o v i n q t r o u b l e m a k e r s I. f s o m e o n ew a s b e i n g t o o aggressive in the pit (not dancingfor fun, only doingit to take cheapshotsat people),one 0f t h e r e g u l a r sl v o u l d t a p t h a t p e r s o n o n t h e shoulder& ask them to knock it off. If that personcontinuedto act violentlv three or four Gilmanreqularswouldescortthem out. It never h a d t o i n v o l v ev i o l e n c ei n t h e l e a s t . I t w a s
simplemath: 3 peopleejectingI asshole= a fun show. 0n certainnightswhen largegroupsof Naziswouldshowup and try to enter shows,one of the Gilmanregularswouldget on stageand announceover the mic that help lvasneededup front by the door ln mostcases,the showwould temporarystop and the crowd wruld surround the front door en masse,letting the idiots know, b y o u r p r e s e n c ea l o n e ,t h a t t h e y w e r e n o t w e l c o m e . I t w a s n o t c o m m u n i c a t etdh r o u g h violenceor evenverbal threats. ,lust the fact t h a t t h e r e w e r e 7 5 o r 1 0 0p e o p l es t a n d i n g silently,unwilling to movein the face of the Naziswas enoughto keepthem out. The Nazis, despitemuch posturingand scolvling,always backeddown.Thev had no choicebut to simplv walk arvay. Onceagain,safetyin numbers,but this time "we"werewinning Fortunately, the Nazi elenientin the punk scenehas dried up and blown away over the years. I haven'tseenevenone of thoseguysat a showin years. But just becausethat menaceis finally gone doesn'tmean that the problems havedisappeared.The sameidiocycontinuesto springup, but now it'sjust in differentpackages. The "peacepunks",who as I mentionedwere a favoritetargetof skinheadviolencein the ll0's, mutatedinto the crustydrunkpunksofthe 90's... and ironicallynow the ousties are the onesrvho predominantlvseemto causeproblemsand start fights. Talk about"turning inkr what you hate". You'vegot crustiessportingshirtsby racistbands like Burzumcomingto showsdrunk & causing t r o u b l e . N e v e r m i n dt h e f a c t t h a t t h e v ' r e showingup with a dog in tow (anotherirony is that these types typicallyespousesomesort of despitethe fact "stop animal cruelty" message, that their dog is goingdeaf from the musicand
beingkickedbypeoplewhokeeptrippingoverit at shows).\\hetherthere'sa pit or not,people d o n ' tw a n ts o m ef o u l - s m e l l i n dg r, u n k e no a f fallingall overthem,plainandsimple.I always spotthesejackasses startingfightsunderthe rallyingcryof "anarchy" or'"chaos". Whatever. jockswhowantto Thenyou'vegotsuburban fulfill their "gangsta'J fantasies, sotheyjumpon the sXebandwagon andformtheir "crews".If y o u ' r ei n t h e w a y o f t h e i r f l o o r p u n c h i n g windmill-kickbodng-whatever dances, thenthey thinkyoudeseleto be beatendownsotheycan h a v es o m e t h i ntgo b r a gt o t h e i r o t h e rh i g h schoolbuddies about."Yo,vou'remessin'with my boys."Yeah,toughguy,just wait 'til I tell y o u rp a r e n t sr v h a t ' su p w i t h t h e i r b o y ( c u z peoplelikeyouALWAYS livewith theirparents) thenlve'llseervhata badassyouare. You'llbe grounded nexttimeSnapcase comesaroundand you'llbestucksittingat homelistening to ill I or watching ByAn Angel"(notlike that's "Touched differentfromwhatyoudoin privateanyhow). 0bviously I'm takingsomelibertiesherejust to takesomecheapshotsof my own,but my pointis not to overgeneralize. I realizethat not all crusties aredrunksrvhowantto fight,notall gangsta sXekidsarewanna-be thugs,andnotall skinheads are Nazis.Thepointis eventhough the uniformschangeoverthe years,the tough guymentality remains thesame.Andlikewise, if t h e a t t i t u d er e m a i n st h e s a m e t, h e s a m e methods canbeusedto puta stopto it. Anyonereadingthis rnagis involvedin the youcareabout HCsceneto someextentbecause it as morethanjust a fashion, a fad,or an easy placeto starttrouble.All I'm sayingis keepthe idiotsoutof thescene... no matterwhatcostume thevrvear.It canbedone.
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= COLUMNS deh rc
Helloeveryone.I'm Athenaandthis is goingto be myfeature/column Athena/ Six Weeks/ The Dread me aboutwriting thingfor this zine. WhenChrisinitiallycontacted 225 Lincotn Avenue / Cotati. CA 94931 or because theaudience of this for thezine,I wasreallyexcited something Akautsch@aot.com genreneedsa zinedevoted to it. Plus,I reallylikeChrisandtheideaof likea positive thingto do. workingwith thepeopleonthestaffsounded Thewholethingis,I wasn'tsurewhatI couldcontribute.I didn'twant dofor Flipside,nordid I wantto to reviewlive showslike I sporadically reviewrecords.Mybandisn'tof thisgenreandwhilemylabelputsout recordsby bandswhowouldfit the criteria,wealsoput out bandswho original,so I startedto think about don't. I wantedto do something what I find so inspiringaboutthis genreandI cameuponthe answer. in thiscommunity thereareassholes involved It's thepeople.Granted, whetherwe'retalkingaboutmusic,work, like thereare in any"scene" thatthereseemto bea lot lessin or school.I'm willingto say,however, the hardcorecommunity.Mostof the peopleI'vemetwhoareinvolved population, whetherthey'remusicians, labelgeeks, with the hardcore peoplewhoput on shows, or arefanshavebeensincerein zinesters, their convictions andsupportive of eachother.That'snot to saythey lastmorethana fewyears,buthey,at leastit wastimewellspent!I'm not goingto wastemytime talkingaboutthose(andwe knowwhoyou theyarejust a are!)who do their bestto tear othersdownbecause percentage small(in every.way) asfar asI'm concernec. Sobackto howI cameup with the ideafor this column.I wasthinking who I find aboutall the peoplewithin the hardcorecommunity inspiring, thatthewomenon or at leastinteresting, andthenI realized mylist werefar outnumbered by the men. That'snot to sayin anyway that menarebetteror anlthingof that nature,but therearejust more oftheminvolved; thing.SoI decided to focusmycolumn it's a numbers on the womenwho'vedevoted to supporting themselves the hardcore communityby interviewingat leastone eachissue. I'm hopingto includewornen, whetherthey'rein bands, in all facets, whoareinvolved roadie,do zines,put on shows, or whatever.I already collectrecords, havea list in my headof womenI'm interested in interviewing, but if youknowof someone overlooked I mayhaveaccidentally or don'tknow about,dropmea line! I hadoriginallyinterviewed Yuki,singerfor Mass Genocide, whenshewasvisitingCaliforniain November, but my tape playingfastcore, wenthaywireandsounds like the Chipmunks s0I'm goingto redoit throughthemailforthenextissue. 'Til nexttime,takecareofyourselves andprepare for
thewordsofYuki Genocide! Thefirst hardcore bandsheevers'awwasGhoul,soyouknow she'sgotto be prettycool. Feelfreeto write,preferably emailsinceI lagat snailmail. J
'slolqq?p r00qp?qssollunoc 's€ardlpe.l 1eqlEupeuenoq uleldxe ol plnomlo{ulrp ssouulnc e se spueq;oa1ld f11eelurc pulJ u?c I sproi$011 'u11qEnr1c1,r1 e o oq?osrrol ruoos^rerl uqot /,$ ll{Bqs s?,trree,{s1q1^ws I ,noqslseq clreueEssele;t1-Jedns 'aurl Jo alsB^r? sl lr J0 lsolu {urq} oql""rrou raquouer I 'qqqqwsv 'Ctrll ur oroq uaillJ.erun osn?o,dlqzqoq 'uolJoo0l 11eep(1s rulncrlled los luellacxeue pe{e1dsratuo^scsor{J'aasol I su?unqqnsaq;, 'Eqzeur s l q l 0 l u o l s r lI , u o pd 1 1 e e1rs e e u r e El r a q l lrar8 szn rnol uo.runor 'uoql ,tr?s uoqa qElg pur1s1fauog godo1eq11uerei(aq1oJnsu,l 'eldoedluacepse I ,ur{cnd au?r pu?uao rloql ploqpu?qoqJ 'looc ra o IIUssufu pe4cq ryEEnqseprra,i sg1 ,{erc ss0Jc? se,n1r'ece1d aql Jo 0 ll?.punor? fi1eld f11m1ce oluA{olqLupp spu?qJolol olor{rir ? aql,,p?q EulduntaldoedlslnuEuroB ,,uo1q8ug "{1epun1ro;u11 'Z {aq;, 'cgsnu;oafis qq1qlp\ auroroqol osooqc irso{ $S uoese4no,(puuqpeq orps,o{$ ol uoas oqllrspu?qr0qlo ssollun0ca{rlun '(t1to1,t1 storyy,g {o gmlso ptn ssauu4,ng ,oy,ndn 'orocpr?qpaced 'oua 1se; 'oqwocpe[lad a4) le,rero;raaq 1e,uflpar ouopIng lnoq?u0 alqu?r '4und 'sooptlr pJ?oqap{s dod ?puDI ? aousuo plnoc osnec,',nouuo elou t1se1uuep I 11,1 ctsnurpunor8lceqw r?oqp,nodSuqleuros ere,lir f11erd'4reqelqnoqs,Ialrogcl4l {ut.tp I Ntlu tst'l 'pooE Ieq; urutp,Qleld str,r teurtpraqeq1',Lre1 'e,rtsued:<e '1 rlpoar laeq 1ce1qEurzeur IIa/ulnq papeJuollesra^uoc uollrr^rufl'neq11f1>1crnb ue s1nEupl 'll lnoql$ acqd eEue4s? oq ppo,rr 'esnoc;o pr?pu?ls pu? pusr{druu1ssauurnge Surceldouoauos sroaq plrol{ oql 'sseuurnC Jo ,{lpnordured ,{qpelculstpsttt yi[11cn1'uo"roy41 puoras 'z0ZZred 97'19taeg deeq3pooCill o^01l pueuaql pa{eldsrp eq1;oe>1ods oH 'uoasra^a yq (lcau,oc)l! e{ll lou lqtlur no{ iey auEueltg a^,l suorssas ryl lsJoa 0r{1J0 auos aral\ lBq^{ sl pJspuslsourll-ll? eq; 'q8no1?pul{ sr sn{l 'puBqaloqi[ aql ra^oc au q JJolroqso1pel8ueqlororus? r pue;1as.{ur 'ururuqH eqnqreoq ^?d ol luolululoEu;,i1dde au pocllououoauoslllun ol ozooq;osedi(1raqto put raeqqEnouei(e,ne po ?s sB/n1 'Eup(qddolsfeql ',i1eurg'Euq$ue 'e1q'11ees 1ndupsnl T,qlBH 1{ar aq1$q (s.?q, 'Eulqleuros Jo uoql l? asJncpu?luoruolelsua .rot[o guaod7a0ftaqD{upp l,uop1e en,tlpnlcy Ioqocls roq/srq uorJ 0{?r\ plno^\ p^\ort oql ul lolpl eurosEurdoqsem1 'dqeqr uroq &roaqJosed,$olro,rq dpurcEup1u1 o)il s,ll sBsluopnlsa8allocryrup .rnoiters loqa 'ou IIOI 'aroq pafol^ralul 'ueq1olur p^{oJroql uosrer,{uo eq1,{qrqordpur 'pooi {11r1aadsa iqeq e.r,noX 1eBo1pueq z ro; i(r,nJo^alc€ lBql\ IulJp ol pmorc s,laql os '1q.rp putq mor{ pw noit'1106 '1 i(111qs pue ,ur{urJp eq1EurEernocuo T {unrp ,ur11e8 'olqrlroJ 'Eu14cns lnoq?,ul{l?l 1da1daq; luo{ ueql e^ssl,uplnocplJoa0q1ul Joeqoql 'aull gy feld 1,uplnoc 1eqlIC uro{ pueqB{sV pooE{ur pournrpus u0 au?c qce1,laaq8uudg 'pooE 'uoseal elrnb ,lro11 ouos ro; 4c1nb Eurtea; pueroqlou? st 1sn[u,nop1rdpE o1pepeaco.rd reeqeq1leEro;1,uoq'Eulqleuos u.reel i{rur no,t '0'C'0 aqJ lno {coqc T {us q srq aq Fq/$ 0t ualsll 'ssorcBolllocreire11,noi{ spu8quu?p lsoq aqlJo ouoor? oq,t[lalulno qcl elnClqrul0 eql roJrei(e1dsseq'1cu1glleg IIIfi &qEW aqt fq pelemsueEulaqerr suollsanb0I s,onss! sl{I
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Snsst3HIJ 0 u33g ;. 4t
f;L 3. Who'sthe best band you'veseentlat's beenreally drunk and pulled it off when you'veseenthem? 'cause can'tanswerthis oneprecisely Sorry, at mostshows. I'm prettydamnsmashed or not....if Whoknowsif thev'resmashed they'regoodthenfuckit! 4. Tell us a little about The Dimitri G u r e v i c hQ u i n t e t ( l i n e u p , r e l e a s e s , contact,etc..). TheDimitriGurevich Quintetis - Dimitri: leader,Matt:guitar,Erik:sax,AIan:drums, Justin:trumpet,and I play bass'A lot of peopleask me to explainwhat the band s o u n d lsi k e . I t ' s a m i x t u r eo f a l o t o f differenttypesof musicput togetherand s o m e t i m enso t . " s c h i z o p h r e nSi ca t i r i c a l it is onewayof explaining AudioTheatrics" or not...sorry.Wehaveour debutCD on S m e l l v C a t R e c o r d sa n d t w o 7 " s ( l l l u m i n a t i o nR e c o r d s& C a t e c h i s m Wehavea songon a compthat's Records) Records whichis comingout on Hopscotch b r a n dn e w . W er e c o r d e da l l t h i s s t u f f in Brooklyn, at SmellyCatStudios ourselves NY.We'rein a real studionowrecording6 songsthat are almostfinishedbut we still haveno oneto put themout.Wannahelp? Wannacomedrink beer?Wannacometo o u r s h o w sa n d v e l l o b s c e n i t i east u s ? giveusall yermonev? Wanna Writeus: USA DOQ, flz145thAve.,Brooklyn, NY11209 or emailus:dgq@walrus.com/-dgq 5. Bel$um is homeof the world's finest b e e r . H a v ey o u h a d t h e p l e a s u r eo f consuming any? If so,which? ls it the homeof the world'sfinestbeers? (Yes,of coursal)I dunnoif I've had the pleasure of tryin' any...oh wait,didn'tyou bustout that fancystuff dthe cork in it? (Yeah,but that's a CanadianBelgianimitation,qood, Maudite) nonetheless 6. Bottlesor cans? Definitely preferbottlesovercans.Didyou seetheyactuallyput beerin plasticbottles now?(MGD) I don't expectmuchfrom a shittybeerif that'swhatyouwantto callit. I dunnoaboutyoubut beerin plasticis all \\rong.(l agree) 7. Whois Lemmy? andthe Lemmyis the singerof Motorhead nameof oneof the furrybeaststhat livein m y h o u s e( o t h e r f u r r y b e a s t si n c l u d e , andJess)' Pookie, Samuel,lones
8. Ok,whenyou'reseeinga bandlive and they really suck do you (A) Really let t h e m h a v ei t ? o r ( B ) J u s t k e e Pi t t o yourself? on the nightand:(A) Howmuch Depends and(B) The I'veconsumed, alcohoVdrugs placeandtheband.Onenitewewereat the in NYC.Wewerereallylettin' Continental this bandhaveit - theywereso fuckin' thename,sorry). terrible(can'l remember filled Aftereachsong,yellsof "YOtlSUCK!" t h e r o o m ( G o o db o y l / i l l ) . T h e o w n e r "Tligger"(dumbname) askedus to stop "yellingyousuck"andwe laughedat himl WherehastheRockandRollAttitudegone? 9. Is it true that you haveto be drunk beforeyougetto TheBrightonBar to play a show? Youknowaswellas I do,it certainlyhelps! It alsohelpsto getreallypissdrunkandyell all kindsof fuckedup shit at ,facko,but preference.... that'sa personal 10.Whatdo youthink of NJ'sDim-Mak? Dim-Mak is oneof the bestbandsI'veseen live.Actually, cometo thinkof it, theywere thebandwhowasreallydrunkor up all nite o r s o m e t h i nagn dp l a y e dt i g h ta s h e l l .I haven'theardthealbumyet,butthey'llkick yourassall overthatshittyclubyerin....
Hey,true believers.Beingthe first issueandall I don'treallyhavemuchto offeryouin regardsto the purposeof this column.It's sortof like a first dateandall - that awkwardsilence... on Anryay,this sectionis goingto be focused o t h e rz i n e so u t t h e r e o f t h e s h o r t ,f a s t ,l o u d persuasion; stufflike Beans& Rice,Scream(who's gettingtheir first Englisheditiontogethernowas plug...), So,Why youreadthis),Engine(shameless andthe like.WhenChriswasstartingthis Worry?, z i n eu p , h e s e n to u t a n e - m a i lt o a l l p o t e n t i a l describing whathe hadin mind,and contributors wasthat therewouldn'tbe onethinghe mentioned to that effect.What or something anyzinecoverage, andon top of all wasexactlysaidI can'tremembeq this,I'm tryingto fill up somespacehere.But,yeah, h e s a i ds o m e t h i n a g l o n gt h e l i n e st h a t t h e r e of zines.I wasshocked, wouldn'tbe anycoverage aghast,mortified,all thosethings.My legsgot all heavyandtingly.SoI e-mailedhim backwith the asafterall, suggestion that zinesshouldbe covered, zinesarelamewhentheydon'tgivea nod0r two t0 Notto mentionthat zinesaresort fellowzinesters. you bro".Yeah, of likethelife'sbloodof "thescene, canusethe internetto getnews,andall that other in necessary shit,but youcan'tholda computer yourhandslike youcana zine,andyousureas hell (doublebagged mycopy can'tpolybaga computer of My Rules)N . o r c a n y o u e n j o yt h e s m e l lo f newsprint,0r xerox,or offset;the waythe ink wafts with everypage,andwhenno one'slookingyoustick yournosecloseto the bindingto geta bettersniff. Ahh,it's sogood.YouknowwhatI'm talkingabout. Alongwith the news,reviews,net zines(or w h a t e v etrh e y ' r ec a l l e d ) ,a n d o t h e rt h i n g so f i m p o r t a n cien t h e z i n ew o r l d )I ' m p l a n n i n go n with havingspecialfeaturessuchas interviews of greatzinesfrom variouseditors,retrospectives are agespast,that sort of thing.The possibilities endless. It shouldbefun... for reviewto Sopleasesendyourpublications my address, whichis hereat the bottomof the to placeit. Maybe column, Joshdecides or wherever nexttime I'll havemoreto sav...Tbkecare, MAfi AVERAGE , o s A n g e t e s ,C A 9 0 0 6 4 P.0. Box 64666L e ng i n e 9 8 @ e a r t hnlki . n e t
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lr.,i,ToP TEN lr
CL KENSANDERSON TopTenfor 1999: r SCROTUM GRINDER/COMBAT W0UNDEDVETERAN splitEP(Burrito) r V/A "RagingHardcoreShot"CD(Mangrove) o F0RWARD "WhatAreYouGonnaGet"EP(Fa.stNail) andLive . BothSEEIN'REDsplitLPs(Coalition) . EXCLAIM "Out0f Suit"7" (SoundPollution) . KRIGSHOT LP (SoundPollution) "Maktmissbrukare" . HAILMARY"AIIAboardTheSinkingShip"LP (Vermiform) 'ThePlotSickens..." . HISHEROIS GONE LP(GASR) r NEUR0SIS "fimes0f Grace"2LP . B0RNDEADICONS 7" . All therecordsI released andbandsthat playedthe Prankfest thisyearl!!!l
MAXWARD r V/A- "A Reason ForLMng 1999"SxLP(DanDoh) . CRUCIAL SECIION CoreThrash"EP(DanDoh) "Speed . PAINTB0X "SingingShoutingCrying"CD(HGFact) . Y0IJTHENRAGE CD(StraightUpRecords) . DxRxY/FLASHGORDON split CD(SlightlyFast) . DISCL0SE or Reality"tP (MCR) "Nightmare . LIFE'SHALT"WeSoldOurSoul"EP(Young Blood) . LIAR"Deathrow Earth"LP (Goodlife) r NINESH0CKS TERR0R "ZenAndTheArt" LP (Devour) o OUTLAST EP(Bridge)
DAVE WITTE . ANEKDOTEN "FromWthin" . B0TCH"WeArethe Romans" . 0ZRICTENTACLES.iWaterfall Cities"
livei ITRI
JEFFROBINSON CurrentTopl0: L FDS"PlanetaTena"CD 2. LACKOFIMIEREST LP 3, PAINTBOX CD 4, URBANWASTE 6.BATTALI0N 0F SAINTS bootlegLP 6. RASTA KNAST "LegalKriminal"LP 7.VI0LENTHEADACHE all 8. HEILNATI0N all L WHATHAPPENS NEXIlive ThanEver"sXecompEP 10.V/A"Stronger Top10of 1999 H0STILsplit CD: 1. KAOSGENERAT/SITUACION longlostpoliticalthrashfromPeru1988.I live Classic, for releases likethisl! 2. LACK0F INTEREST "IlappedInside"LP:Finallyl! Andaninstantwestcoasthardcore classic. 3. RASTA KNAST"LegalKriminal"LP:Anotherinstant classic; rippingGerman Ttall punkrevivalists.. the 2nd Astalksk (lookemup,Sonny). comingof Sweden's 4. ANTBANKS"BigThangs"CD:Fuckingbrutalwest coastgangster rap line-up- Ice Cube,TooShort,Dr. D r e ,E - 4 0 ,M a c k1 0 ,A l l f r u m t h a ie, t c . A m a z i n g brutality!I'm not evensurethis is the correcttitlell Whocares!Notfor thetimid. or Reality''LP:Justabsolute 6. DISCL0SE "Nightmare oneof the fewwhoreally bombraid,d-beatdevastation; canmakethisstyleover-the-top andpunishing. TERR0R LP & splitwith Devoidof 6. NINESHOCKS Faith:Basically whathardcoreis all about,nofrills & no bullshit.Theseguysknowtheirhistory.Excellent,alwaln. CD: 7. FUNERAL ORATION "TheEarlyRecordings" burnedPmbably the first in a L0NGline of upcoming Excellentsoundlakenfromthe at-homeCDbootlegs. JustamazingDutchhdrdcorepunk originaldemos. vocals.Pure from'83-'84 with perfectsung/non-sung geniusandcomplete powerin theirearlyincarnations. CD:AnotherbootCDof 8. CAPITAIIST ALIENATI0N politicalthrashfromthe late 80's, longlost Canadian heavyon the DRIinlluenceaswellasLiirm-likehellish distortion(althoughI don'tknowif theywerean influence). HastheLP& coolbonusdemotra"t. 9. INTENSITY EP:0K, I put "TheVirtueof Progress" youththis out but, hey,too bad.Awesome Swedish c r e w s t y l e dh a r d c o r eb u t I d o n ' t b e l i e v et h e y consider themselves straightedgeat all.Thisis their heaviest,by far, with influencefrom their side projectbands,Snifter& Kontrovers seepingin to givea full, by-the-throat rampaging hardcore record. Oneof mycunentfavoritebands. RocknRoll" CD:Muchneeded 10.N0FX"Maximum compof the old Mystic-era stufffromthe 80's.Thisis the NOFXI grewup on.lJltrarawandsnottyandfastas hell."MyFriends"is a classichardcoresong... actually there'squitea fewonhere.Rules!
$ffiwr ffiffiffi dWffi ffi&ffi Wffiffi
by Graham H e r e s vr e l e a s e s
IS TO DOCUMTNT TI"Iil tTHEIDTABTHINDTHIgSECTION PASTHISTORY OF THF BANDSWHOHELPHDPIONTTR ,'FASTCORE'' ANDAL$OA5 A IN ONEWAYORANOTHER KlNn0F "WHIRI ARETHEYf'l0W"FOLLOW Up 0N THHSf; _ COMPILED FOLKS BYORAHAM SLTIGHTHOLME] Backin the day,thereweresomeprettyhappening bands from the UK whichgot a fair bit of attention,be it for speed, greatbandsat soundor whatever... mainlyfor beingall-around a time whenthingswereprettystagnant.Oneof thosebands wasHERESY.Chances are vou'veheardthem! If not rectifu this situation!
-NEVER HEAIEI)" 7" Flexi .l pressing. 3000pressed (1"copies came withstickerl
The m4jorityof this info comesfrom Baz(guitar)whowas in virtuallyeverybandgoingbackthen,so blamehim for any fuck upsor non-truths.0h, andthere'salsoa largeamountof plagiarism f r o m t h e l i m i t e dJ a p a n e sH e ERESC Y Dw i t h a historyby Kalv. Sowaybackin late '84/ early'85therewasa bandknown as PLASMID, featuringSteveandReevsy, cousins whorecorded to whatwasto a roughas hell demo, Basically a precursor laterturn into HERESY. Trackit downifvou can. The real HERESY arrivedin '86with the line-upof Steve- Guitar/ Vocals, Drums,Reevsy andKalv- Bass.A demowas recorded, followedby a handfulof gigsbeforegoingbackinto the studioin late '86to recordwhatwasto becomethe "Never Healed"flexi. It wasput togetherandreleased by KalvandDig (whonowownsEarache).Rawasfuckandfasterthanmostof what wasaround,it went downwell with speedfreaks. This now attracts"nerd"collectorpriceseventhoughtherewasa fair amountpressed. Nextup, theyrecordedfor a split LP with C0NCRETE SOX whichwasreleased aboutI monthslater. Thiswasto be the last recordingwith the "original"line-up.Thetwo bandsdid a smalltour togetherandsomewhere alongthe line JohnMarch, whowasdrummingfor C0NCRETE SOXat the time,endedup takingovervocaldutiesfor HERESY to givethem a stronger live performance.It workedlAlmostall the photosof this periodinvolvedJohn doingclassichardcoreleaps,obviously takinga fewlessons fromU.S.bandsaroundat the sametime. Not too long afterwards,Reevsyleft the band citing the given,andsomeguynamedMitchwhohadbeen usualreasons playingin UNSEEN TERROR wasdraftedin. Theball wasnow a goodnamefor rollingandthe live gigsweregettingHER0SY especially as part of the "Network0f Friends" themselves, touringrepertoireduringwhichtheywerecleaningup peoples houseswherethey stayed(nowthat'sposi-core)!Another toursensuedandalsoa few morerecords: coupleof European Thelinited "Thanks"EPto coincidewith the Germantour and a sessionfor nationalradioDJ JohnPeel. Theywerelater in bothof whichendedup for JohnPeelon two otheroccasions, becoming the "13Rocking Anthems" record.
SPLIT SOX LPw/ C0NCRETE r l" pressing sleeve w/green &orange .2"dpressing w/orange & pinksleeve
"THAItKS77 0 0p r e s s e d ' r l 2 5 o nr e d .1 2 5o nb l u e1. 2 5o n green, 125onyellow-numbered o u t o f 5 0 0o n c o l o u r esdl e e v e (came w/stickers) o 2 0 0o n b l a c kn. o tn u n b e r e d , black& whitesleeve .6 testpressings sleeve wihdarkgreen
'uo 'dJXqN .S.11 sa^r[ ,tce8al rraql oS SNSddVHIVH,1\s?q ot{l pue N0IICSS 'IVICI}UC a)it[ spu?qBt,tpunosrroql Surdnare asauudelaq1 ,ra1e1s.rea.{ ua1 ,,no1q
s I 3 e i ll o 0 u r s s a p r du n otJ l s o l . 0t/d] ..uvill0 sN0tst^..
'..1 txoll..paleaH la^aN,, ? ..slueql,,d'l ..ll 0I 0fl arel.. ru0ll s I J e r ll o 6 u r s s a t pd u n o jN | s o ' l o 0 J / d ' .l . N 0 t N t d u0 n0lt3t0/\.. ( s { J e J l , . l , . c u 0 t l e . l a suoaqgM . , ) ' 0 u r s s aqr ds r 1 o 6 . Illtvt l^t//'^ dt lt'l ds a 3 e lr n o 1u ; u o6 u t s s a ll ed u r 6 1 1 9 o
dt ..s1,{tHINv 9NtyJ0U 0t,. l c e q u o. . 6 u r g r q Use l ss l 0 l r a l l o r , , r l l r ap a r 0 q u n u a A a a lls0 0 d s P u e slolsrdxas qlrir'r sburssald lsal 02. p a s s a :gdg g g' 6 u r s s a 1l d.
..1..iN0[vu]Nt0 ls0HM..
( t x a l.l. / s n u 0 q Pue s I J e J le r l x aq l t l a ^ a a l sl u a l a l l t 0 ) uede;'sptore au g6o0. (lualalltpale slaqel) e p e u e '3s p r o 3 a6gu r 1 u r q1 11 r 1 9 . {lualslltpale slaqel} p u e l l 0 H s p J 0 t a ul a . i l n l u 0 N o : 0 1p a s u a s0t ls l v a 3 e lr n o l u ; u o0 u r s s e rl e du r 0 r r g o
d'l..It0I dnl3vl,.
'iuunol qlr,ndn pal turllat s?,r zsB >1utq1 q8noqlle '1t1dsaq1ro; ue,trBsB,{\uoseal crJrradsoN 'ruar{1ur lsaJalur arour lol u a{el 1 ol tuluulSaqse,{\'S'0aql uarl,/r\ orut?E }? se,n1r'lecrtl{1s-ts€pue'lrldi- pusq aql ,gg,Jaquora0 ul 'o.rnirg og lsaqJraql ;pro,lar3ur11as 'pasBalaJ s€1t\ ara,tr(l1r1enbSulprocaralqrJJalaql ol onp,,1rqgs,11,..11 (,ll oJ dn acBd,,'ra,ra.uo11 otr tl11 ac€d,,s? auec JOBealtq,r E pueqaql ,{qu.[ou1osle),11,,ll oJ d{l arpd,,arll puB,,,tr,,luur1BJeuag lno lr asolllA,,aq1 t1 ,,sureqluyfiur>1cog gl,, aql'aslt-procag lr ro 1n0 au?, s.ln01pul?sp.lo)aJIEJoAOs pu11 'sleqlo eq1 u?ql alllcnpo.ld arouraq o1pa,lorddn-au11 srq; .(au11.raqlounsrql uo alour) 0UgC(llUul osl€s31doq6 '(ue1leg a,'ra1g) zeg fq paoelda.r s?,r pu? 3ur,rea1 dn papuarlrlrlAIporratlsrql punorv
r.,1ll "t1oq1qO,"15
u e q l l s a s p a l a t A s a J a Hs n o u e A L u o j l p e l l t l 5 U ^ q p a l r 0 u r o S c ^ s l u l H 0 1 "0 l N l d d v H u!
W H A TE V E RH A P P E N E DT O H E R E S Y ?C o m D i t e db v G r a h a m S t e i o h t h o t m e P H O T O Sl'i f t e d f r o m v a r i o u s H d r e s vr e t e a s e s l t h a n k s ! l
TOTHTSE HARDCORH 50 WHATHAPPHNEi} S*HNTSTERS? Reevsy- Marriedwith kids (that'sall weknow). Mitch - Apparentlyin an "emo"bandwhosenameescapes us. Alsoworksina recordingstudio.
f r o m " W h o6seen e r a t i o n7?" .-" 1 3 Rocking AnthemsLP& livetracks "t,(lICE OFFEARzCD o C o m b i nbeos t ho f t h ea b o Yoen lost& Found
JohnMarch - Nowlivingin London,workingasa bricklayer, andby all accounts is well into his dance drugs,kids!) musicandpills (that'srecreational Steve- Wenton to formMEMFLYwith Kalv,released a coupla'records, thendisappeared for a whileto returnbrieflya while backwith 666DEAD,whichwasferocious thrash.Noreleases camefromit (yetl) justgigsbut there'sallegedly a CDRouttherewith recordings on it! (l knowKen/Hellnation hadit.,.) Kalv - As mentioned above,wentinto MEATFLIandalso666DEAD,andaftertheviolentnatureofthe bandssplit, hasallegedlygoneinto hidingl 0r a deeprecordc0llectinghypnoticstate,his other past-time. favourite Baz - Playedfor RIPC0RDuntil their demiseandthenwent into CAN'TDECIDEshortlyafterwards, whoput out a coupleof recordsand touredEurope.Disappeared for a whileto resurface in a grunge HhI e nd r o p p e dt h a t a n d n o wp l a y si n D U M B S T R U w C iKt h R I P C 0 R D b a n dn a m e dE V E R C R E A C T members JohnandJim,goingbackto the classicthrashstyle.
.ilEVER SLI THAIIKS' Cll J a p a n e sper e s s i n go f " N e v e r Healed" flexi,Thanks7",plusboth theoriginal version of lhesptitLP (w/Reevsy onvocals) andthefinal (w/John released version onvocals)
"20REASOI{S TOEtID ITALt"Ctl o J a p a n e sp er e s s i nogf ' W h o s e Generation?-. 2 & 3, PeelSessions andthreelivetracksfLiveln Leeds" 7'l
"uvEtt{tEE0s" 7"
r l - s i d e d3. l r a c k se. t c h eBd- s i d e (recorded atlastgiginLeeds 14.12.88) COMPILATIONS:
FUTURE N(}WFanzinecomp7- flexi r-MakeTheConnection(fromthe "Thanks'7") BR(lTHERS BAII.EY -DIMHtSHED RESP0ltStBil.lTy" tp .2 tracksespecially recorded lor t h e c o m pw / M i t c ho n g u i t a r iAcceptance& "Sick0f Slupidity'
USFROM O{lllSAVE THEUSAI.P- 2 trackstakenfromthe"FaceUpTo - "Flowers It" session In Concrete" 'Cornered Rat' & IIORTH ATLAIITIC i{OISE ATTACK LP/CD .3 trackstakenfromthe'FaceUp T ol t ' s e s s i o -n' F a c eU pT ol t ' , 'Too "Stand & Proud" Soon ToJudge-
L siifsitliw
: :.,:.'
'::11 ;'j::ajjjii.i"
P H O T o SC, a v i t y[ l . 9 r o e r ss h o w 1 1 . 1 3 97
G i l m a n .B e r k e t e v s C l u b .S a n J o s e .
by Matt Aver M a t t Aver
lJ':) GI ffi @
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- " W h a t a r e t h e 5 m o s t e m b a r r a s s i n-oa [ b u m s i n v o u r r e c o r d c o l l e c t i o n ? C o m o i t e db v J e b B r a n i
Matt,I canforgiveyournumbers 3,4,5but what the fuck wereyouthinkingwhenyou b o u g h t h e S T Y L EC O U N C I rLe c o r d ?I n England onlybadscooter boysandmiddleof the roadbusinessmen likedthem.Whichare you?As for the CARDIGANS, hell,youmight aswell listento the fuckingSMITHS. Please please. tell meyoudon't.Noseriously... Chrig... Well,what'sthe pointin tryingto mockthe afflicted? Weall knewChriswasa lostcause. Jeb,I don'treallyknowwhoyouare,but I am gettingprettyscaredright now. I never want to visit yourhomefor fear of havingto endureanyof theselisted.
l. HIBAX - signedcopiesitour editionvinyl, picturedisc(didn'tseethat onecoming, huh?) 2. Yourband'srecord. 3.Notall,butwaytoomanyGONXIILAIOR EPs. 4. MEAT SHITSEPs(not like I playedfor themor anything) 5. DOWNCAST LP and EP and evenone HEROINrecord,ugh! JOSHBAKER,
1. IRON MAIDEN - 20 lz'EP BoxedSet (completewith l0-partoral historyof Maiden, narratedby NickoMcBrain!).Don'tget me wrong,everyone knowsthis is the bestband JEBBRANIN, ever,but even/ think I wentoverboard on this o TVthemefrom PrisonerCellBlockH one.Notto mentiontheBATILEZONE LPs... ThefactI owntheserecords is nowhere nearas - "JesusChristSuperstar" "0ntheInside"7" 2. Soundtrack embarrassing as the fact I truly LOVEthese . RockAid Armenia- "Smoke on the Water" Combinethe bestelementsof this late 70s recolds. Springfield is a popgenius.Oliviawas 7" (rockhas-beens covering this for charity) gemwith MEATL0AF and HELL0WEEN and my pre-pubescent fantasy(okay,okay...post- . W O L F S B A N E- " l L i k e I t H o t " 7 " you'vegot yourselfa recipefor top-quality pubescent too!). Discowasa blastandI could (remember bad80'smetal?) powermetal,a la BLINDGUARDIAN. German havelistedseveralothersherebut the "SNF" . - "News of theWorld"LP QIIEEN 3. IORD OFTIIE RINGS- 12Cassette Boxed soundtrack is the universaldiscoicon. STYX (boy,didtheygoshit) S e t . T h i s B B C R a d i o d r a m a t ization a n dR E Oa r e c o n s i d e r ebdy m o s tp u n k st h e . GREENDAY- "1000Hours" 7" accompanied manylong,lonelyhoursof epitomeof whatwaswrongwith musicin the (erm,a gift....honest) perusingthe Player'sHandbook, Dungeon 7 0 sa n d 8 0 s ,b u t I c o u l d n ' d t i s a g r em e ore. M a s t e r ' G s u i d e , a n d b o t h v o l u m eo s f the rvell,I knowwe couldgo roundand IIATT... KENSANDERSON, MonsterManual.Afterthis,is anyone surprised roundaboutthis but,faceit, theydefinedL.A. thatI sit in frontof a computer all day? spandex metalandI loveit (if yougetthe pun . THETIME- IceCream Castles LP 4. I think I have almost every NEW ORDER r you are lorbiddenfrom laughingat my list MAIIRICECHEVATIER+ HAYLEYMIILS record and I love'em all! you, because too,area dork). "Take YouT0...TeenStreet"LP I guessI cantakecomfortin the'factthat . DANZG- "LiveIn Hamburg 1991" Bootleg LP 5. Ditto DEPECHEMODA...and the CIJRE, guessthis endof my list . s o m eo t h e rp e o p l e ' sl i s t s a r e e q u a l l ya s LORNEGREENE- "Welcome to the Pon- and the SMITHS!I embarrassing is not so much as it is lifeh u m i l i a t i n ga s m i n e . A s f o r G r a h a mn o t derosa" LP wantingto cometo myhouse, that is okay,'cuz . DURANDURAN- "Carnival"12"(greatest threateningwithin certaincircles(present company notexcepted!)... I don'thaveanybloodyteaandcrumpets. hits12"Remix) - Everything l. RICKSPRINGIIELD heeverdid - "Physical" 2. OTNIA NEWTON-JOHN LP - "Saturday 3, Soundtrack NightFever"LP - Everything 4. STYX+ REO SPEEDWAGON theyeverdid 5. RATT- "0ut0f TheCellar"LP M A T TA V E R A G E . - I like to Here'smy fiveembarrassing records in no referto themas my guiltypleasures.... particular order,aswell: - " T h eS i n g u l a r l . T H E S T Y L EC O U N C I T Adventures 01:..'CD - "Firsttsand0n The 2. THE CARDIGANS Moon" CD - discography 3. STAPSHOT CD - "TheCrew"LP 4. 7 SECONDS - "TheMuppetMovie" 5. Soundhack LP
a t a m o ej o e : t h e o n l y t h i n g i n m y c o l l e c t i o nt h a t ' s questionable is therosiegrier"committed" lp. i absolutely standfirm behindeverything else, including: r . . .
kraftwerk- "tourdefrance"12" - "buffalo girls"12"ep malcolm mclaren - "fever"lp annabella - "grease" soundtrack lp
J E F FR O B I N S O N , 1. JOHNDENVER- "Poems, Prayersand Promises" LP Pie"LP 2. DONMcCLEAN- "A.merican -"BridgeOver 3. SIMON& GABFUNKEL lloubledWater"LP 4. THE KINGST0NTRIO- "Sold0ut" LP - "Paris"2LP 6. SUPERTRAMP
splorar prpoquo.urelgqyt 'IgouspueaJluo.rorh .luu llB {u 1oauos0ulpn1rut oln souqqinoqle ren s.ue6eou. rBllrlslera^.saseal.r0l u0luoril0lsnJSv "qaddn6 ' e u a 1 s {aqr 0 r p r B q a c a r d r a l s e u'1und oqil pueq ruaue0raqlerpar{e1d r ; o 391 o q 1 ' p e g c e d s1nssy uo$uqseg loqloue'glSnJJy e sen urnqle lHl lunda1e1s 'dn eurelg a4uq 1 {nqo1peqI n\oulI qrnuos pourol il[@l oq uoqil puetueaqpuerileronn ZIX@J .qI u10ugaes tale 'asuapl utotstoll lag 1 paleq ]Elan 'uosarn[ue;uroq Ouunsuo snql-slull5lllls raqurourar l rnanal0'0{uo aq1s ll tallel pue pallec 0u0u0 g'g plloil osnere8. srql aq1ury 0urr$nur{1ap1osqe 0uqet ,uqJnl 0J {q pueq uo.peoqegqdgr(qder0orsrp i.lluela$ 0utseelar-at o.tolqns e 1 6unr0sprolag s,olsm3v ol paprrep aqlJouoq squBH unlauoql' lsru lHl {luaratseq1'y d'l l0 pailerepEueS pql lelallulaquo]l o^!lsualv pa,ranoJ leqqsapelual uaqloU uololsrelsol? uraql uraurze ro16uurnseit| 's08plttto1{tee 0uruoe0rnq prg r(1 peurea palpuqun {rn1pueaslou 0rllurser pueqaqlo1atnsodxa ;o1q6nelsuo {yeaaq1urpueqa.rocprsrl roltello u0lattlaque0eq esoqnsargq0ra peuteu puepearyegeldg e ner {poo1q e anril oql eqpe1 lolseut lecmod ZIU@I '9391133y peldope [aq1'ralapqil ]eFu I sllelunqeg 311s0uq ryu rgelds u q o g ' p a r e l doour r e l gl s r l e r o a trtqilqaq pueZIU@J ftepue0ol Aq I leluanyu! 'ra)prs 'pugqrarner qJnur qrnu aqlrof ueurluorl e1e rou.rol aq1sr{dd17 'i0l^e0q qsnue olurpalelnu0lsnSJY eleI00Jeulelg IHI Fezrilaqleleu@l aurqS
ffiuffJ.ruil }|rutrffi XH $Tff ue.J
personal Fun s a m e T o m m y t h a t w a s i n T H E favorile albums like"More ACCUSED, as manypeoplethink,fell "Grinning Than An0penCasket Funeral", healy drug abuseand victim to some [ i k e A n U n d e r t a k earn" d " M a r t h a
we are not reallycertainof his status.
Stories Ever Told" I haveaskedfor help from the local Splatterhead's Maddest (which Terry0ate'smostraw musicpressto help track downSteve, features jobeyer). production but of coursenobodywantsto help. anddeyastating De r e W ew o n ' t g o a h e a dw i t h a n y t h i n g L i v e . T H E A C C U S Ew u n t o u c h a bTl eh.ew h o t b e a n dw a sa withoutSteve.Therewasa lot of bad bloodas the F@RTZfadedaway. For gyrations atthough frenzy of epiteptic all I knowStevemightbe reluctantto off put thepastbehind. highflyingleaps, bouncing Blaine's gnome. were thewallslikea deranged J e b : I ' v e a l s o h e a r da b o u tT H E defi nitely lhehightight. gettingtogetheragainand ACCUSED E v e inn t o d a y 'usn d e r g r o uynodu maybeevenMR. STUBBSANDTHE aren'tgoingto finda m0redevastatingC A R N I V O R O UCSH I C K E NB A N D Thisisn't my p l a y i n gt o g e t h e ra g a i n . A n y t h i n g bandthanTHEACCUSEI). there? f i r s ti n t e r v i ew wi t hB t a i n eb.u ti t i s substantial definitely mybest. Blaine: THE ACCUSAD did get t o g e t h e rf o r a b o u ta h a l f a d o z e n
morning. I reallyshould Blaine:Good Danalivesin shows.0riginaldrummer I beasleep, butlikemostmornings, like to get up before the rest of my little family. Jeb: Goodmorning! So,what is it like seeing the
F@RTZ discography
released? Is it cool for vou or more like flogginga dead horse? Blainer Its really great to seethe F@RTZstuff back in circulation. The original concept with Alternative Tentacleswas that all the material in their catalogrvouldalwaysbe available for future listeners. So when theY c a l l e d t o s a y t h e y r v a n t e dt o p u t a l l t h r e e r e c o r d so u t o n o n e d i s c I w a s f l o o r e d .F l o g g i n ga d e a d h o r s e ,y e a h maybe. The rvorld rrf music has c h a n g e ds o d r a m a t i c a l l l ' .\ V h o l v o u l d have thought that you rvould see kids in the 90's with Crassand Black Flag scratchedon their leatherjackets. 0r for that matter kids in the 90'ssporting
t h e i r s t o r e b r r u g h tt i e - d y e c l o t h i n g d r i v i n g a r r r u n d i n a \ - . \ \ ' .m i n i v a n blastingthe GratefulDead, Jeb:
I've heard rumors that the
F @ R T Zm a y r e u n i t e . A n y t r u t h t o that? Wruld it be a real band project again or just a "get together to play a few shows"type of thing? Blaine: l've really tried to rally the guysaround the old campfirefor some seriousspeaksrbout doingsomeshows and recording something new. I haven'tbeen able to track down Steve. I a m i n c o n t a c tw i t h P a u l a n d L o u d . Originalguitarist TommyF@rt, not the
the Denverarea. Chewythe old bass playerdied of a drugrelateddeatha fewyearsback,OriginalsingerJonis still to this dayworkingin a record store. It reallydoesn'tseemso long agowhentheyaskedmeto be in their band,WAYbackin April of 1984.The Tom, othermembers of THEACCUSED Alexandour mostnotabledrummer Joshall wenton to playtogetherin GRUNTRUCK. Thingsreallywentsour in that bandand thosethree fellows can't seeeyeto eye.Alex and Josh
havea newthanghappening, THEHOT RODLLINATICS. Theyreallyarea great band.THEACCUSED lostfocusin our lateryears.Westill wantedto dothings for ourselves anddidn'twanta manager r u n n i n gt h e s h o w , T h e m u s i cb i z whenyou doesn'ttakeyouseriously don'tfollowall the right moves.I've tried to get Mr. Stubbsbackin the saddle,he'sa hardmanto nail down. I don'tknowif theworldis readyfor MR. STUBBSAND THE CARNIVOROUS CHICKEN BAND. Jeb: Whilewe'regoingoveryourwhole careerhere,is THEBLACKNASTY still a projectyouare involvedwith or is it dead? Blaine: THEBLACKNASTYis dead. WeputoutourownCD.Weonlypressed about460of them.Nobody wantedto distributethedisc.Wecouldn'tevenget a showin Seattle.Thediscgot really goodreviews.The fact that it was heads. totallyDIYwentovereverybody's Wegotthediscsfromthe plant,hadthe coversprinted,gotthe empffCDcases, foldedthe coversto fit in the teeny seems weenyCDcases.Nobody to really c a r ea b o u t h a t k i n d o f d e d i c a t i o n anymore.Eventhe mightyMRR,who gaveit a reallygoodreviegwashesitant to run an ad for us.Thediscssit in basement waitingfor someone Woobies to takethemhome.
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ItsurHffrru$ 'pas^r^atd 3Jo^{leql sda 009 aql J0 lno (qaf - flIC iltDI ltns ut atols pruar qu.n.rlsnou.nlul :alou 'pX) spr0raU q 0 u n u u u r 0 r Jp e J g p u e p B a q s n d 0 l i ' p J 0 J a Je q l J 0 a u 0 s p l 0 s a i { l ? q } li^Po;)lse.Meql u,{roppur dn Bur.{u1d p e l r r l s a , l tI t l u n l , u s p . { 1 { y dn 3urq1 aql {Jrd 0} umol ur sarols proreJ ,{u€ lat rra^aI,uplnoe a,$ dg puaqJall€lds E q l r r ? l {a q t p r p a ^ r u e q l | a l d o a d J 0 I n J p u e q3 p a l c B r l l s , 4 l u oa 1 1 1 u a 5 u r p r p 0 . { rl ? q l s . & o q se q l p u P u ^ \ 0 1 r0gSllCCV Jo ln() aJaA\s^\oqslsllJ Jn0 ggl paurol I ueq,{\ 'al}tsaS ur araq ,{rouraulsol 3u0[ B aJalr a,{rdn e{orq ZIU@d oqt ueqA\ '11a,n,i11ea.r S u r o pp u e e l l t ? e S J o a p r s l n o s l \ o q s 3 u r , { e 1adr a , ua y u 0 s a 0 3l s r l e q l p u ? s u r u r gp u g ' a 8 r e q e s r 6 ' r a pu1o s r o 4 S u n o l e ' s 1 r a 1e l r l C ' s u e u n q q n sa q l ' 'sxO eql qll,$ v 0 0 llrq aql parEqs e |Bra aql J0 spu?qelqelou ls0u 3ql Jo auoi^ rllrln pa,{e1dpue sp,uoraaSnq ^18rp()i pasn zJu@J gHJ luaualels a8nq € sJeplqnoJ0 pur{ eJa.r 8ur{?W auacss,,{poqfuBJ0 ald i^pu?qqloq ul
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, r ? : -e ! l a A t s rlll r l s l g t i , , n o i > 1 c n 1e, u laal l,uop I JUJslql lr appu ue^a e^rq plno^rI leql iq8noql a,reqplno^\ra^au I 0 3 t s J u o , (i l u a , r g ; 1 a r ^ i L a uu o p p q aAr{ plno,{rJarau I uarplnlr iiuno,tq1r,tr 3 u r 4 r o , n; o s r u e { u a i l l r r : a u l n o q l l r \ \ ',{ppeppnord e rur 'qua,tq0 :aulelg 1 l u a z r l r )I a p o u p u r ? , t p p u pp n o r d o r { t : , i ? p o l, 1 0a u r B I Ba q 1 paurorri^ {)q^\ J0 IuFt? zJu@,{ eql q}rr,!l aurelg raieuaeg aql plno^r ttqr!\ :qaf
B L A I N EC 0 0 K - I n t e r v i e w e db v J e b B r
I think that only about 300 actually got out there. We continued playing to the all ages crowd while Seattte was moving towards a strictly bar scene. We refusedto play bars and didn't do so until the late 80's. I g u e s st h a t w e w e r e s e e n a s a k i d d i e band. We were playing sell out shows that no other bands in Seattlewere a b l e t o d o . \ \ t ej u s t d i d n ' t c a r e w h a t p e o p l ei n t o w n t h o u g h t . Jeb: The F@RTZand THE ACCUSED a r e b o t h c o n s i d e r e dl e g e n d a r yb y many today. How does it make you
Jeb: Your vocalsare someof the most deranged ever. ls your singing style hard on your voice? Do you have to do anything to keepyour voicein shape? Blaine: Yeah,it was hard on my voice. It d i d b e c o m ed i f f i c u l t t o m a i n t a i n . I d o n ' t sing anymoreexcept to my daughterand my kids at school. Jeb: What do you think are the best and worst recordsyou'veever done and why? Blaine: All of the recordsI've done are good. They are chunks of time and you have to rememberwhat was going on when each
feel when you hear somebodycite you
was made. My favoritesare the F@RTZfirst
as an influence?
s i n g l e , T h e " M a r t h a S p l a t t e r h e a d "D P , "Maddest Stories Ever Told" and "Grinning
Blaine: Crazyman, crazy. \!hat can I say. I just picked up the mic and
Like An Undertaker" I like the way those recordsturned out and thev were fun to do.
Jeb: Are you still into horrorfilms? Whatdo you think of the trend in the last few yearst0 redoand modernize classichorrorstorieslike Dracula, the Mummy, etc.? Blaine: The remakesof classicfilms a r e a w a s t eo f f i l m . N o wI c o l l e c t l6mmfilm. Myhouseis setup to show films. I alsoshowsomeof the classics in my backyardduringthe summerrmy ownlittle outdoor cinema.I don'tkeep uponthecurrenthorrorfaves. Jeb: Whatwasthe bestsellingTHE ACCUSED album? Blaine: Don'tknow. I think they all soldaround35 to 40 thousand copies. Westill get little royaltypayments from Relativity. TheNastymix records aren't available anymore. Jeb: WhenTHEACCUSED hookedup with Nastymix Records it seemed an Looking oddcombination. back,howdo youthinkthatall workedout? Wasit a goodmovefor thebandat ihe time? Blaine: It shouldhavebeena good move.The labelwasn'treadyfor our "takecharge"attitude.Theywantedto do it their way. In the end,their way didn'twork.Thelabelwentbankrupt. in your Jeb: Whatis thekeydifference mindbetween thepunk/hardcore scene todayandwhenyoufirststarted? Blaine: It's easierthesedays. The worldmovesfaster. I rarelygo see music.l'm tooshortandI can'tsee. Jeb: Anyfinalwords?
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B l a i n e : P e a c e . T h a n k sf o r t h e opportunity t0 answerthesequestions. I couldreallygo on for daystalking aboutmy musicpast. Themusicgave meopportunities that can only wish for. I real I have the fans to
s it.
ffi ffi
- Jeb Branin /
t C D l - C h r i s D o d g e / t R E l - R u d o t fE v e r t s / t K P l - K e n P o l l u t i o n l G S l - G r a h a mS l e i q h t h o t m e / t M W l - M a x W a r d
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[ong. slouand[oud) lf it'sshortfustandloud(oreven a[[formats... C[}s, vinyL wewantto hearit Wereview yousend Justbecause something in,it even cassettes! iL However, the tratwewittreview is nota guanntee parameters by ofwhalwereview should beobvious wewitlmosttiketygive now,s0if yourstuffis similar. yousome ink.ootiP &LOUD SHORT. FAST USA SanFrancisco. CA94142-0843 P0.Box420843 IEX#ff1:L::::l]i :: TllEAffi$IO
AGAr}tmis ARMAdS!',I AssAuliiji,.l.ii BASIAmr:,tPlSE BAfiLE.EOIFU$OtI BANLESDISARM BrR0Fd$Ei UPR()AR BIZARRE ARMY JACl(EI BLACX BoR*-las8,$ArxRrl lHuf'r'iiiil,r'r ; tnfttrmn$,i'
MAtilSnt|(t MAIIGE
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coLn Ctutcr"'riiiiriil:jiiiiiiiii'""li'iUlt ot:lli* souL c0LLAPsE offisrnr :i#iii r'llPhctFlJL IV U s t o xi i ' ' , i , i i l ',,:,::::;;:,:i: i i i u , r ,PESMEI{BEII .
u{imux ...,,,,,,
riilflAilE riffiilIorFEiv iiiiiiiocrs ir, ,iiiiiihomumrnouo cAsTt "' RABIEs
MErrrrrli... 0E$ER i[Sioorffi; iiiiiiii:] EdtFlGtR ffiE Pl-Af;:;:' :r:,
ER{AeSi,,,i,, ' 0s:1J' t)Ul'{BSTRUCK
0k, lhere'sn0 infowhatele\n0s0ngtitles0r info on whercit wasrec0rded.Abolishstart thingsoff w i l h a f 0 u r t r a c k r e c o r d i n g0 f t h e i r a n a r c h 0 punkrrust.Thefirst s0ngh&sdiscernible vocals, andthen by the sec0nd. thr silgcr goesballistic The like Kaa0s0r s0mething. rn(l slailss0unding Battleof Disarmsluff is a reheamal andis super brutal.As I said in their other review,if }!u dig y0u'llIOveBattleof Disarm![MW] Hiatus, 3-25-20.l(ouenji RyujiAsada.102llakaneHouse. JAPAII Minami. Suginamiku. Iokyo.166-0003 A.C. - lt Just Gets Worse CD o v e r t h e y e a r sI h a v c b e e na h u g eA . C .f a n . Greatlyappreciatingthe 0ulrage,the humorand e v e n t h c n 0 i s e / m u s i c r 0 a l e db y S e t h a n r l compan.nI rclishedin an interuiewI did with S e t hr v h e r eh e n r a r l ef u n 0 f i l I e . . w . hatc0uld possibly thanthat? I haveeven be moreA.C.-ish 'musical"tlirectionthe bandhas lovrd the new t . C .r e c o r d sa s t a k e r a n d r a n k s o n t er c r r e n A f a v o r i t c s . T h e i r o n y i s t h a t a l l t h e s ef a c t s (0ntribulet0 my bitter disalp0inlrnentin "lt Just Gets\!bNe". Nluskjallyit is probablym g00ds ani,lhingSethhasevettlonebut my "openmind" will onlygosofar andembra(eso Inuch"outrage" 'r0nlroversl'. Thereare limits. Not and r v e r y t h i n gi s f u n n y . S e x u aal b u s e d , omestic v i o l e n c ea n d r a p e a r e n ' tf u n n y . R a c i s ma n d on I[ost of attacks Naziismaren't funny. all, (hildren[en't funny.Yes,thereare someclmic 'nancidSucksAnd A.C.stylesongs("TinrIs Gay', ', ' TheClashSuckerlTq) FlxtroneNoiseTbnorAre Afraitl 0f t:s" and '(lhris Barnesls A Pussy")but part this CD conescl0sert0 being for the nl0s1, the trlealShit"swoultlreleme. It steps sonrething !'ileandpromotes olrr theline. It is mcist.sexisl, N0nFr. minorilicsandchiklren. !'i0lerceagainst int0the I knowbt sltingthisI atnfrllingsquarely l r a p A ( 1 .h a v es e t . T h e v\ \ : \ N Tp e o p l et 0 b o ofiendedandthel'\ll\NT IXr)l)lct0 deoy then and 0r ilot a longtinle theirnusic. (lortainlywh(!lher fan like myselfc0ntinuesto likc them or not is inelevantt0 Seth. But the tlip side0f that coin is who likes I don'treallycarcwhatA.(1.or any0ne this albunthinkseithex I I)ON''|like this CD. I w 0 u l d n ' tr e c 0 m n e n ( il l t 0 a n y 0 n ea n d t h a t jaded and tynitralA.(1.fans.This may inclurles simplybe a case0f Scth pushingthe envelope everyreleasernd in the processlosingpenpectirt 0n exacllyhow far he hls gone,but that hs no bearing0n whelher0r nol I havet0 like this 0r on thisrlisr:de aboutm funnyas Iislent0 it. .{.(1. the KKK,the NationalFr0nl 0r,4.d0lfHitler YOu ( 0 u l d n ' t p 0 s s i b l -w v a s l . 0y 0 u r m 0 n e y m 0 r e irto it. [.lBl thanbyl)uyilrg completely Earache
renlemberingcorrectly,and representsone 0f their peaksin my opinion. Their earlystraight up noiscstyle is ml\ed with messedup covers& a few "real"songsfor g00dmeasure,The Insult n a t e r i a l i s f r o m t h r e e s e p a r a t eL . A . r a d i o s h o w st h e y p l a y e do n d u r i n g t h e i r ' 9 8 t o u r . They bust out "BostonNot L.4." style,in-yourface thrash but with more offensivesubject nlattel ICDl l{i*sd Sid. P0.8or 65010'1. llA 02165 l{. Nswton. THE ACCUSED- Paint lt Red 7" Let it be proclaimedfar and wide that I am a total Accusednerd. This new posthumous7" relcme from the 80'ssplattercoregodscomes in :1r'olorsof war. I boughrall three. Yep,I nlayevenqualilf,for dork status,but realizeI have an airtight delensefor my actions.., That d e l e n s eb e i n gt h a t T h e A c c u s e dr u l e t h i s ilniversc(and a smatteringof 0ther universes as well). For the sadlyuninitiatedthis 7" will only hint at the greatness 0l this band bilt for the hardcoresplatterhead this is a nlandatory p i e ( i eo f t h e A c c u s e dp u z z l e . T h e 7 " i s a collection of two never before releasedlive rec0rdings(includingtheir trademark"Martha Splatterhead")and two covertunes;"Paint It Black"originallyby the RollingStones,which I believe appearshere for the first time, and "N(!at,Neat,Neat" their barnstormingremake o f l h e c l a s s i cD a m n e dt u n e w h i c h 0 r i g i n a l l y appeared 0n a tribute albumseveralyearsrgo. Thereis a fifth track that is a prankphonecall on LSD that is a waste0f plasticbut is funny n o n e t h e l e s sT. h e h i g h l i g h t0 f t h e r e c o r di s definitelythe Damnedcoverwhich is a shining exanrple of why this bandremainsoneof my all tinre favorites.The Stonesc0veris alsoSood r n d f e a t u r e sB l a i n eu s i n ga s l i S h t l ym 0 r € r e s e n e dv o c a ls t y l en o t u n l i k eh i s w o r k w i t h T h c B l a c k N a s t . v .B 0 t h l i v e t u n e s a r e r a w , qualitydittiesbut for l0ngtimefans s0iln{lboard s t l l ( { : r t a i n l yb r i n g b a c k m a n ym e n l O r i c s . There c0ntinuest0 be rumorsof The Accused rclornringanrldoingnew recordings, if theydo y o u c a n b e t m y s h o u t so f j u b i l a t i o n w i l l b e heardclearto Seattle.[JB] Tnnsparent Records. 6759Tnnsparont 0dvo.Clarkston, Mt48346 AGATHOCLES / BLACK ARMY JACKET
S o t i 7t " 'l'ou w o u k l t h i n k t h a t a f t e r r e l e a s i n gt e n s o f would thousands0f split ?"ersthat Agathocles br)ginto get stale. T0 slack off, To become g e n e r i c .l b u w o u l dt h i n k . , .b u t y o uw o u l db e wrong. If anlthing they afe iine tuning their nrin(ecorcnrania,h0ningthe edge,makingit fveil n0re deadly. This split certainly bears evidenceto that fact. BlackArmy Jacketalso are in fine form churning out two very different tunes. The lirst is pure grindcore,riDpingand shredding.The secondis more of a dissonant hardcorenumberwith dual vocalsand guitars that soundlike they havebeenworkedtoo hard a n d a r e r e a d y t 0 c o l l a p s e .T h € c o n t r a s t betweenthe two numberssaysvolumesfor the BAJ'sdiversity.IJB] #3Eetel Church Rd.Diltsburg. l)eafAmorican, PA17019 ASSAULT Demo
T h i s r e l e a s er t a r k ss ( r l . lAl . ( 1 . 'rse t u r n t o t h e rec0r{llabel biz as tlris is Wi(ikedSick'sfirst releasein aboilti{ y(:ars.The A.C.set is from a from '95. This is appearan(:e live 0n-the-radio fron the era of their 2n(lllarachcalbum,if I'm
This is ror:king,mid-pacedJapanesehardcore, and when I say rocking,I meanrock. lt's got t o n s o f g u i t a r s o l 0 sa n d c a t c h yD a r t si n t e r , mixe(lwith speedand sh0utedch0ruses.Fans of thc new styletraditionalJapanese hardcore will dig this.Welldone![MW] Saloroc/o BoyRscords, 3-59-9.KohenjiMinami, Suginami-ku. Tokyo 166,Japan
a u r r dr a q ll e p u e q aql s^roqs au0Jsr0 'llafi\ sesoslldrns eruo,t\ol e a J s0 r o q l n q q l n r l 0^rl lelnrS l0 0l3ru0rqr e [ l u P u u ds r , , p l ] o M 'pueq l o u Sa { q p o o g , , e l 0 I s e J 0 A 0p l n o l a u o s e l l e ra t e l e 6ut11rl sesrlt lol uloq] l l a l I l r l u nd nl e a r qo 1 p a s o d d1nosua r el e e r E plo srqlspueql spuno/f, uado 0 u r d d1r rl o a l r d s pallec ur puepuequ! 0J leql a^eq/nou| ''ppol1lanr3e{qpoog,, aielred,,llar\arel,, rstp 0lqnop Jtaqllo aseoler 0urpuadur aq1sen srqllo pnolrqrepl(relaq1ur 6ulu11 osrxops,pupq rerlrsl(1uo eq1 'lsrxo 'slrnb r e q p u e q p u r r 0 r o ^ e o 1 l r p a l l ep l s a g e aar 0q lr ( ; q r s s o d olrnb'qpt1lelnrgleqlprofioql1001ueqnpaapur {eppese se,'}l
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lJEl - Jeb Brantn /
t0 play it for my funeral.The ultimaterelease fromthe bandofthe decade. Essential. {EBl f401 l|ongo-M,2-36-2,Yayoi-Cho. llakano. H.G.Facr, Iokp 164-0013 Japan C O U N T D O W NT O O B L I V I O N The Death Rattle Demo Wow-thisshit is like fuckingpure death metal Slayerstyledhildcore. The shit is top notch and I'm surprised I'm not listening to a fucking LP right now This shit is so brutal, imagineAt The Gatesmeetsthe Germanmetal core of Acme.I songsin all, and all 0f them are gems0n their own,s0fuckinSsendfor this nowifyou lore brutal ass black metal style hardcore.They have two future DPsplanned.so get this and try and get somescenepointsbeforeall yourfriends.IMW] Katie. 2037Dundas $ l{..Toronto. 0ll l.l6RlW8,Canada CROW - Death of Nuclear Arms EP Definite Anti'sect inlluence is all over this, from the peacepunk lyrics / graphics,t0 the m e t a l t i n g e d p u n k / t h r a s h .C r o w h a s b e e n a r o u n ds i n c e G o d ' k n o w s - w h e ns ,0 I ' m g l a d they'restill goingfull force.Word0n th€ street is that they're coming t0 the Statesin early 2000,can'twait to seeem. IMW] CRUCIAL SECTION Speed Core Thrash EP This fucking blew my ass awayth€ lirst time I h e a r d .C ' m o n ,j u s t l 0 0 k a t t h e f u c k i n gt i t l e l Awesornefastcorein the vein 0f the 80's bands like Heresy,BGK,etc. Theseguysile one 0f the besl to rlo lllis stylc,an'l they'rerlarnnsincere abOutit t00. watch out for their split flexi with Lie s well![MW] DanDoh.Japan C R U D E - C h a n'o e E v e r v t h i n o F r o m I n
Psychedt0 get this in the nlail.l've beena fan s i n c €t h e i r s p l i t E P o n M C R ;a n d t h e n t h e y destr0ye(l nrewith lastyear'sCD,and now this. B e s tw a y t 0 d e s c r i b et h e m i s a m 0 d e r nd a y from the s0ngstructures to the blo0d Deathside, boiling vocals.Their guitarist is amazing;his soloscould haveOzy calling next time he needs another a\e mastel I have no idea what their singer is sffeaming but he's got one of the best
l C D l- C h r i sD o d o e /
voicesin punk. You'dbe wise t0 get this and their first CD while you're at it. I'm sure they wouldkill lire. IKPI StraightUp Recordsl(ovn btd.2F llinami 2 llishi-l Chuo-|tuSapporo 060-0062 hpan
C R U N C-HR o c k ' n ' r oDl lo p i n gE P This is {l beliewl the 3rd 0r 4th EP from ltaly's Crutrch,and muchlike their full lengthon Clean Plate, these Buysnot only dish out someof the tightestfastcoreyou\vehetrd, but nerer cese t0 amee with the graphics.9 songsin all, with all 0fthem flyingby in what seem a couplesec0nds. C r a z yf u c k i n g d r u m m i n gt o b o o t .T h e m o s t under-ratedbandin the scenetoday.[MWl Crunddo Fsdsrico tisfsra - Torino, ViaMontemagno 3410132 ltaly
- PtowThroughNowEP DASTON Awesome,catchy,traditionalJapanesehardcore with tons of barkedch0rwes,guitar licks,catchy h00ks,the whole thin8. Great balancebetween heavinesmd catchiness. Iheir split with Gouka f r o m a c o u p l ey e a r sb a c k i s s t i l l o n e o f m y favoritesDlitsof all time. If you can find eithe! and you're a fan 0f traditional Japanese hardcore,you'llfuckingloveD8t0n. {MWl 0aton,Kuronuna, Modoka2-2-ll-505,Hondodouri. City.hrdr.020,J4an
OAYBREAK F r o z e nW i n t e r e dR e a t m s0 f M y MoontitRecordCo[[ection 7First and foremost,I gotta saythat a 7" picture disc is an extremelycoolwayt0 debutyour band. If Daybreakhad nothingelsegoingfor them,this fact alonewould make them noteworthy, FonunatelyDaybreakdo haveA LoT moregoing for them...like their genseof hum0r Everything ftom the title tmck to "l LoveJunkiesBecause TheySellMeTheir RecordsFor DrugMoney"(my favorite)will keep a smile on your face. MusicallyDaybreakare all overthe place,which is an impressivefeat consideringthey couch ever]'thingin 30 secondblmts. Theyhavesongs that are pure mince-corewith deepgrowledvox and all. They havetunes that ile pure thrsh, tunesthat are fast yet chugginghardc0re,tunes that ile grindinS,and tunesthat tr€ morein the p0wer violencevein. Dverythingis fast and
ontheircareer. before theydropped thecurtain lt shortly [axe?l 0n maslerful theband'ssoundasfeatured releases highlights t r e nS 0 sf T h eA n i m a Kti n g d o mA" . t i k e" K i lT d u i c i d ae n" d" S o u n d anygenre tagas [imiting as sound thathadevolved far beyond " g r i n d c o r eB" r. u t aTtr u t h go , r eh a r d c o r e w e r em o r et h r a s h i nm 0r anyone else.Musicof this andmorenoisythaneverbefore caliber andintensity can'tpossibly bedescribed. lt canonlybe experienced. Besureto lookforthehidden track.a trlly magical 0ueen c o v e rD. i s ct w oi s m o r eo f a f l a s h b a cdki s cf e a t u r i n g Truth's storied ll highlights fromall stages of Brutal existence. f e a t u r epst e n t 0y f n e ws 0 n g so,l ds o n g sc,o y etru n e sa, l b u m to disctwois likegoing to bonus lunesand7"tracks.Listening thatis sogoodyoustuffyourself untit anall youcaneatbuffet y0uareready ofy0urstomach, instead to burst.Except it is your fromanauralg0rging thatis ready to explode 0f grind.B.T. head 0 f i n t e r n ef at n sb yo f f e r i nag e v e np a yh o m a gt o e t h e i rh o r d e . et h i sC 0 s p e c i ablo n utsr a c kt h a ti s o n l ya v a i l a bol en l i n eG it! [JBl regret now.Youcan'tpossibly Relapse
l R E l- Gra
f r a n t i c b u t a l s o t i S h t a n d ( g a s p ! )c a t c h y . Dveq'thingis alsotied togetherwith a distinctive Daybreakflavors0youget the diversiwthe band ha t0 ofrerbut youeen't lelt feelinglike youile listeningt0 a compilation.This is not one of those "Wehave20 songson a T" becauseall we can mit€ is secondrate blur" bandsbut rather 0n€ 0f those extremelypowerfuland focused bandsthatjust happensto wite shOrt,fast songs ala Spazz,Agoraph0bic Nosebleed and Sairaat Miel€t.Atrotherplus for Daybreakin my book is the constantjokesat the expense0f blackmetal. If ev€rthere wa a genrethat neededto leun to laughat itself, it is black metal.Mark my words, this record is going t0 be a highly soughtafter releaseby a bandthat hm what it takesto turn extremehardcore0n its ear YOuwant this. UBI Replilian Records,403 S.Broadrny, Eahimore. M021231 D E V O I DO F F A I T H / M A I N S T R I K E Sptit Live 7" The title for this recordshouldprobablyhave been"defunct"m bothbandshavesplit up.The recordwas intentionallymadeas a tour record for the DutchMainstrike whilevisitingthe Est Coastin June '99. Mainstrikeis not one of my f a v o r i t e sb u t I s u r e l y t h i n k t h e y d e s e r v e somethingbetterthan this.Thesethre€tracks of '88 stylehardcoreare recordedlive but the qualiwis reallypoonIt soundslike it wm taped by s0me0newith a walkmanthat was stuffed deepinsidea coator something. 0nly thingthat may link to the averagec0ntent 0f this mag is backups that s0me sounds0 dist0rtedit sounds grindy.Devoidof Faith kicks out 3 songsfrom a WRPIradio pcrformance. The qualityof these recordingsis way better than the flip side.The s0ngsperfectlycapturethe anger and brutality that I like this band for. Darly 80's hardcore w i t h a d i s t i n c t i v ev 0 i c et h a t g i v e st h e b a n d originrl.{REl something Pantogy. P0.Bor14253. Alhany. llY12212 D I L L I N G E R E S C A P EP L A N
C a t c u t a t i nl ngf i n i t yc D Rarelyare you goingto find a debut album by a bandthat is s0 comDleteand so mature. D.E.P h a v e t h a t s e a s 0 n e dp r e s e n c eu s u a l l y0 n l y associatedwith bandswho havefar more yeils undertheir belt. Put of that ses0ning is due to the tremend0ustalemtD.E.Pha; part is a result 0f payingsomevery hard dueson the way t0 the release0f "Calculating Infinity". The payingof dueshasprovenboth a positiveand negativefor the band.Positivein that theyhavehad a chance t0 tour their butts off, giggingwith somereally great bands. Negativein that they have had to w e a t h e rp e r s o n n e cl h a n g e sa n d t h e t r a g i c accidentthat left their bssist AdamDoll with a severespinalchord iqjury. But hard knocksand hardwork bothbreedsuccess and ilthis albumis anlthing it is a success. "Calculatinglnlinity" is a monumentalrec0r(lingthat is destinedt0 be a referencepoint in extrem€musicfor yearst0 come. D,E.P.congealselementsof new breed metal, new breedhardcore,new breedemo and quasi fusion int0 a soundthat almostbrings aboutsensoryoverload.The musicis s0 exheme and s0 ferociousthat is can truly be describeda viOlent,yet at the sametime, it is complexly layeredand nrulti faceted. There is s0 much going0n al anygivenInoment0f anygivensong t0 listent0 this CD. that it is alnlostexhausting Add t0 this a very classyoverallapproachand cleverCD packagingand you havea winner any wayyoulookal it. lJBl Retaose DIR YASSIN Durchbrechender Geist 7" C o m b i n ef u r i o u s t l C t h r a s h w i t h € x c e l l e n t politicallyricsand you get the debut EP from This is one amazingER theselsraelithrashers.
I'm nOtjust talkingaboutthe music,the photos inside and the lyrics are powerful.lt's not oft€n you get to heil the point,of view from punks in Israel.The ll'rics ile top notch, attackingIsrael society,the military, racism againstArabs,& other socialills. Dir Yassinjust did their first tour in Duropeand plan t0 hit the U.S.in the t'all,I'm therelIKP] IhoughtCrimedo lhomasFranko Prokauer Sf. 22.10217 Eerlin. Gemany 05-I3 / SIC TRANSIT GLORIA MUNDI
S p t i t7 ' Swedenmust causea lot 0f angert0 musicians. DS-13'smusic has the anger dripping Ofr.Total rawnessand brutality captured in p0unditrg songs0f eilly 80's hardcore.This band is hitting it hard.A lot 0f releasescomejumping out 0f n0where.STGMalso displaysa lot 0f anger throughtheir songs.It's not m driven 6 Ds-lll though.Think of a mid-pacedcrust way.The band singsin Swedish.DS-13sticks to English. STGMis t00 genericcomparedto sideA. IRE] llepatl 0 do JohnnyChrislianson. l{oltevangstoryet 5 C, 21121Malmo. Swedan
DUMBSTRUCK l f l t A i n ' tB r o k e . .D. o n ' tF i xl t 7 " E P Bsically Ripc0rdwith a new vocalistis what the line up constitut€s,the other memberswere also in Heresymd a hordeof other old UK bands.The musics youwould upect is pretw brutal in the wayRipcordwere;a mL\betweenmid 80'sUK and old U.S.punk/hardcore. The vocalsgiveit a slight "Swedish"feel also.You get slx tracks on here, noneof which breakthe two minutemuk, soyorr knowthere'sno foolingaroundjust straightdown the line old schoolthrash.There'sevena coverof "BreakThe Chains"by Deathwish0n here,which is pretty faithful t0 the odginal, I guess.Cover artwo* and samplesbetweenthe sngs are takeil from the film "Str€et'Itlh" and fit in well with the wholefeel 0f the record.A fine slab oi UK "fNt-core"for those0fyou still interestedin what goes0n overthissideofthe ocean.lGSl ElindOestruction. Box29.82 Colston Sl..EristolBSI 588.U|(I destuclion@cablsinstco.uk
E-150 L a R a b i aJ u s t i f i c tao sM e d i o sE P Hey,don't be caughtsleeping0n this Spanish band- they play phenomenalpissedo[1hardcore. To give you someidea 0f their sound,they did a Lerm cover0n one 0f their earliersDlits.Whil0 this EPwa record€din 199?,it becameavailable again,s0 keep your eye out for it. They havc maybeabout2-3 EPs,with a split s well, but get 'emall, 0r pay $600n eBayin about3 years.Itr'lWl B.C.M. Apdo.601.08913. Ercdona.Spain
E - I 5 0/ D A R K S I DOEFT H ES O U L S o t i t7 " Spainis the ke)"w0rdfor this release.E-150hits you right in the face with high speedingtrashy h a r d c o r ei n t h e s a m ev e i n a s b a n d sl i k e L o s Crudos.The vocalsare somewhatgrindier than L.C. which preventsthe band from being too much of a rip-ol[. Someslowerpilts and a Lirnr c o v e r ( " V i o l e n c eS u c k s " ) m a k e t h i s s i d e c 0 m p l e t e .A l l t h e i r o w n s 0 n g sa r e s u n g i r r SDanishand explained/ translatedin Dnglishin the booklet.Darksideof the Souldoesthe same on this thick fOrtheir two llaical contributions p i e c e 0 f v i n y l . T h e m u s i c a ls t y l e i s t o w a r d s a n o t h e rd i r e c t i o nt h o u g h .C h a o t i cm e t a l l i c hardcoreoutbunts mired with soft played"emo" parts.A despersteloudervoicecombinedwith soundingmultiplebackul) evenmoredesperate vocals. I wouldfile this under"emo-metal". IREI 0lYProdudP0.8oxO9.08913 Sadatona. Slain
ergYrcros'm6l ouou..r.l
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HAIL MARY Att Aboard the Sinking Ship LP 0h yeslFor those0f youwho'veloll0wedthese g u y sa n d b e e n a l i t t l o n 0 n p l u s e ds o f a r , a n d believerne I havc,hokl 0nt0 )nursel\€sN this is what they'vehinted at being capableof. After a fewmpey7"sI d givenup,to be honest,andwould havepmsedthis by if a mat€ hadn't playe(lit to me. M0re fool me. So the Born Against c0nlparisons are easyand I guesssl,illrelevant but. he)',what'swrongwith that? It's not like a million bandsare doingthis styleat the moment. nris is an LP of solirlIVC.simpleand honest.No fuiking million mile an hour grind bils or wailing solos,,justpure fucking hardcore,get that! Great l y r i c st 0 u c h i n go n t o p i c sm o r ep e r s o n atl h a n p0liticaland they hit the spot,leavingyouablet0 interpretth€m in your ownwal'.The pa(kagingis outstanding. hugefat screenprinted card sleeves that makeyou think that a lot 0f effori went into this.As I sai(lbeforethis isn't the m0st0riSinalLP in the world but someh0wI keepfinrlingmyself listening to the(lamnthingoverandover IGS] Vermilom HELLCHILD / G0MORRHA Sptit 7" Keivord for this releaseis metal.Tho embossed met{llic letterson lhe covershoul(lgiveyou a (rluet0 that. Hellchilrlfrom Japan bringstwo iracksof plain Inetal.cleanlyDr0du(ifl|.I (l0n't havea history0i motrl s0 don't ask nre to label lhis as death0r wMlcven lt's 800d.someparts e v e n s 0 u n d m e l o d i c . ( i o m o r r l r ah t i l s f r o n t Gernrany. Threc trarrksof melallic grin(l lvith tight drunrmingan{l again a g0o(lpro(luction. Thisrvholerec0rdsticksto nle as a bit t00 nletal but still it's an eli0yablepiece0fplastic.IRE] PerXoro,Fehrleld 26.D-?8203 Bremen. 0ermany
- G r a h a mS t
artwork,s0mebizane,picture0f earthwith trees growingout 0f it with capitalisticonsattachedt0 the branches.Odd.Getpst that thoughandyou get f0ur tracks of powerful Jap crust, which is hmd to nail downm it straysafioss manypaths. Dualvocalsboth male and femalegive it that clNic crust feel but the musicgoesall overthe place from say Doom/HealthHzard to hints of old schoolHardcore.Llrically they are downthe line anarch0 topics. Earth liberati0n, homophobia, etc.As I saidbefore,the artworkis the stumblingblock,but if you get pst it and crustystull is yourbag,checkthis out. IGSl P08oxI I 22,Btistol.BS992l|X.Ul( Dasboy.
JEN0- AfterBirthCD This is my first exposuret0 these Pueblopunx. They specializein ear'shreddingblatcore with variationsin t€mpo& style. It's a threepiecebut they all bark on vocalduty which addst0 the densityof their alreadybeefuthrash. Thru all 0f t h e i n s a n i t yt h e y m a n a g et o k e e p e a c hs 0 n g interesting,partly due t0 the hugevolumeof lyrics for each s0ng. This disc also tacks 0n Jeno'sprevious7" and den0 tape at the end. Moreglind for yourgreenbacks. I CDl BadPeople Records P0.8ox680931. 0onver. C0802(8-0931
of EnemySoilbut their soun(l HBFhasmembers is lessstraightfomartl & more all arrrossthe Nap. Thevrun th0 ganriltfron tiptoeinglyquiet, enro-likebreakrlowns Losupercharge{l screech(orc. JMVCCkicks major b0ot-ayhere with a pair of high-poweretlpiledrivers. A lot of m00d c h a n g e sh e r e a s w e l l ; t h e v a r i e t y k e e p si t irteresting & the powerkeepsme hooked. They nee(la full lengthout. ICD] 0btuse Mule.180HighSt #lt, Podtand. ME04101 HUMAN DESPAIR
" C r yO u t .F i s tU p "E P N0 matterlrow harrlany Arnericanbandtried, theyc0uklnot comeup with askiller asa title 6 t h r t . P u n i s h i n gt r a d i t i o n a ls t y l e dJ a p a n e s e Iar(lcoreW . h a t l h e h e l l d o y o u e x p e c tf r o n r I)iscrelerecords? [1lW] Japan |)iscrete. IS0LATIONSetf titted 7" Whoa,@narcho-.1a1)-crust assault.Nevsrc0ne rcross this mob beforeand t0 be honestwrun't cxDecting too much.nrainlydownt0 the horri(l
/l el
- Ken Pollulion - Max
JOHN HOLMES - El Louso Suavo LP The bandt0 end all bands0n the scenesterfront. featuringmembem0f Hard T0 Swallow,Manfat, HealthHMard,G€neric,€tc,,etc,,this lot have beenaroundthe UK scenefor l0ngerthan most. Fuck it though,that's all irrelevant.Is this a d e c e n tr,e c 0 r d ?A n s w e r :y e s !H e a r y ,d r i y i n g Metal hardcorewith a seriousdoseof depression, onslaughtis an und€ntatement;eventhe centre label on the record is a clone 0f the old Vertigo fBlack Sabbath'slabel) ones.Bri's v0calsand Rgallypowerfuland llrics are fucking awesome. hate-filled.The rnusicis darkand brooding,pretty fast pacedbut not strayinginto th€ Pv/thrash field by a longway,excepton the song"Master Blaster"which nearlykills Snedeve4time I see h i n l p l a y i t ! W i t h s o n gt i t l e s l i k e " F o r g e r y " , "Blacklist"and "Spacetrip(666)" and a front coYersp0rtinga cheekylookingdevil,you know this ain't no posi-core record,just pure fucking grooving,heawasshardcore.Prelaret0 air guitar andmoshwhenthe needlehitsthevinyl,IGS] FlatEarhRscords. UK T H E K A B I N B O YS e t f t i t t e d l 0 ' l'rom out 0f the d€pths0f Belfastc0methree n o r m a l l o o k i n gf o l k s , c h c e r ya n d p o l i t e . llnderneathhoweverlurks the beastknownas The tiK's answ€rt0 the Melvins, the Kabinboy. threepe0plearmedwith m0untainous riffs. N0 v o c a l sr v h a t s o e v ejru s t r i f f a f t e r r i f f a n ( l poundingbassanrlrlrums.No s0ngtitles either. a n d n i n i n r a lp a r k a g i n gj i, l s t t h r e e t r a c k s0 f c r u s h i n gS a b b r t h/ l l e l v i n sp o w e r l.f s l u d g e ' esquen0iseor ?0s rock is y0ur bagthen track Bang this down.Yourvill not be disappointed. the h€adthat (loesnot banglIGS]
The latest from,lliat (aka JamesWhitehead) t o o k m e c 0 m p l e t e l yb y s u r p r i s e , I ' n l ast0nished.This 7l minute pieceis certainly anothersolid brick in the wall 0f Jliat drone. nraken0 mistake,but this new CD is the mOst variant and c0mplexofferingI've ever heard from James. Whilestill maintainingall 0f his r n i n i n r a l i s l i cq u a l i l i F s a n d F x p r e s s i 0 n s ( e l e m e n t su n i q u e l y0 f f e r e dh i m v i a t h i s rnedium),this latestCD expandsthe equation with far mOretOnevarietyand depth. This is the lateststep in a ptocess.0n the "May' Ll Jamescreateda dronepiecethat inc0rporated a thicker and nloredensesoundand now the risesand falls presentin this pieceseemt0 bc the nextl0gicalstepbeyondthat. He hastaken the artificial variablesintroducedby a mind tryingt0 interpretdroneand hasgiventhem a life of their own. In essencehe has brought t h e ( l r e a mi n l 0 t h e r e a l r v o r l r l l n p r c l i o u s work he createdthe creatur€,now he givesit breathand a voice. For me this 0D is like an u n v e i l i n g0 f s 0 m e t h i n gI h a v es u s p e c l e ( l e x i s t e df o r a l o n g t i m e . f o r y e a r s I h a v c followedthe soun(l0f JIiat through multiple CDs,tapes,and records. I havefollowedand now it has led me s0mewhere.A vistawhere droneis not just a dr0ne. It is like lhe pouring 0 f c 0 l 0 r i n t o a b l a c ka n d w h i t e p r i n t 0 r t h e addingof flesht0 a skeleton... lf I giveyou lhe i m p r e s s i o nt h i s i s m y f a v 0 r i t e p i e c e f r o m J a m e s ,t h e n I a m d o i n gs 0 m e t h i n gr i g h t . I can't saywhat impactthis CD wouklhaveon a virgin Jliat listener but for at least 0ne l0ng time followerthis is stunning.IJB] uk htbJlwvrvjliatdemon.co.
I've beena fan sincetheir "SpecialMusicFor SpccialKirls"LP carne0ut l0 y0arsago,and after the long hiatusI'm not disal)p0iilled.Despite someline up changes, The Kidsare still a for(e lo be reckonedwith. They'vcchangedwith the times & tra(ledin someof the llo'skeyboardpop for 90'ship hop,rock,and partytunes. This is one of thc few bandsI woultl nnke an exception [0r regardingthe "Short,Fasl,& Loud"review policy.After all, theydominatetheir own niche and createlheir own new definition 0f extrenle nusic. Talk about0!€rc0mingadveNityand the gcneralbullshit& misconceptions societyhas abouty0u...The Ki(lsare living proofthat the Dunkspirit is still alive& ki(king,without the sameoltltiretlpackaging. [(lD] P0.Box1197, CA94501 lpecac. Alameda. K|TO - The Long Ptayer LP At lNt. one of the llK's hardestworkingbands f i n a l l y g e t s t 0 p u t 0 u t t h e L P t h e y ' v eb e e n wanting t0 rlo for years.Wasit worth the wait? !'uckingright.Whatyou get is one tight 6 hell Inetalliclll0 trip. Not an insl,antclassic,but a growerin the truestsenseof the word.After a roupleof playsthe riffs start reelingyouin and
F O R MAC A B R AI ARtv E D O M tL T h i sl - Pi s a b o n af i d et r e a s u r e . Forga Macabra area tinnishband w h os i n gi n P o r t u g u ebseec a u s e t h e ya r es u c hr a b i df a n so f t h e B r a z i l i ahna r d c o sr ec e n eT. h e y r e c e n t luy n e a r t h ef idv e n e v e r b e f o r e r e l e a s e dt u n e s b y Armagedom, thelargety unheralded b u th i g h l yi n f l u e n t iB a rl a z i l i a n crossover act. Forca Macabra was ableto getpermission to release t h eA r m a g e d torm a c k sa s a s p l i t gem release andthisteethrattling o f a n L P i s i h e r e s u l t .F o r g a pummrI Macabra thesenses with n i n en e wt r a c k so f t h e i rt i n n i t i s i n d u c i nm g e t a l - c o r eS. p e e d , sense aggression anda metallic of of each heaviness aretrademarks tune.Y'know thatFinnish hardcore is usually thicker andmorepainful t h a nm o l t e sn t a gb e i n gp o u r e d d o w ny o u rg u l l eat n dt h i si s n o tracks exception. TheArmagedom d e f i n i t e st yo u n d a t e db o t hi n p r e s e n t a t iaonndp r o d u c t i o bn ut thatisfarfromthepoint.Thep0int is.instead. thatinthemidandlate playing eighties therewerebands a m e l aal n dh a r d c o rcer o s s o v e r t h a tw a se v e r yb i t a s i n l e n s e , produce heavy andpotent asbands today.lmagine taking themetatlic s e n soef n o i s yt h r a s m h e t a(lat a 0 e s t r u c t i o nr e v e nS l a y e ra)n d presenting it witha vibethatwas morehardcore thanmetalandyou w i t t h a v ea s e n s eo f w h e r e Armagedom arecoming from.lt is a crimethatthisis thefirsttime t h a t t h e s et r a c k sa r e b e i n g released. Hopefutly extreme music h a sc o m ef u l lc i r c l ee n o u gth a t t o d a y ' sf a n s c a n r e c o g n i z e y e s t e r d a yb'rsi l l i a n cweh e nt h e y hearit! [JBl 5ix Weeks,225 Lincotn A v e . .C o t a t i .C A 9 4 9 3 1
elrt spusquo{ lJopusqaql ualel stl putq slrll 'rpu"ro aql le selutEadd€^uuu J0 lsJtJ "tt.tJ uluq ,{rupallolu8als ^oql acu!spu€ J!aql Eutrnp 0uaptnqaplraql Joawalel aql aJUlsqsnJlqlooN Allta J0 uvJ atnq I uaaq a^[q I 'tqdul8o'slp s,puBqaql uo{ saunlJo uotlcallol I sl qJlqa\ 'oC srql laE 01palols alllll ? ulrtll olou s?^1I - HSnUCHI00N 03 uosred aql 3por3 e6qro1 ro6 91 siurprocag 9tZZ0Yl{ uotsoS'fl}991 lOCl luoura^ uto:Jaulo, n0^uatlasuadd?q l u q a s t s l t l l s s a n t I s p J u l s u q? , { o ^ J o s a p ,taullJadsaraql uro,o^rEos'ul€llu ol llnJujlpsl lclll acuElcqauIJlsql pa^olll)?a^,AnllJII?a st ,{urlsJars lnq'ltlau-tlluut lluo'1ouort 1uq]s11r ql!fi arudt dql olu! dJ!lJlut'ssrlllvJJqsorhunJ u 0 N ' x a l d u 0 r p u t t s l t t s o l l , , , { \ r t n bd , ,n { o o l 0l sunf,saqlaqt JoJEutuuniaut 0,\tllleql sdunl g n : q 1 f t n t t a \ 1 d n l ) l t l , { l l v l n l q s t l l a Ja s a q t 'urld adersgJaEulllloput'd0 sautu sulturru
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o u a o - l y s N 3 0 1 0 9v 3 l l oij I s 0t80ztr08 0t80-ztlt6vl spm.uueilv dqs . Inr,,l)sr {uil(1,,tlrlll no,tllJl o} sil ll
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ffiry ffiffi sMllAlu I
Grief (an admittedlyhugeinfluence)and run for sl!. They d0 more than PLAYsludge,TheyARE sludge. Everythingaboutthis band oozesand crawls. Their music is as punishingand it is preciseas it is plodding. Lyricallythey take cOncepts and ideasthat in the hands0f lesser artists may seem silly (Star Wars) 0r overused (hate and loathing)and th€y discoverexistential sociologicaland philos0phicalinsight. l'rom one p o i n t o f v i e w i n t h e e x t r e m €u n d e t g r o u n d , Noothgrushare hideouslydeformedif for no other reasonthan they travel a route far less t a k e n ; b u t f r o m a n o t h e r p e r s p e c t i v e ,a n d certainlyone that I share,their deformityis actuallyuniquenes and allowsfor the breeding 0f distinction. Y'seethere are only a handful of really stellar sludge bands around and Noothgrushare amongth€ best. IJB] P0.Bor 11(2.Cupertino, CA95015-1142 OUT COLD / NO SIDE Sptit 7' O u t C 0 l d s t a r t s i t o f f w i t h 3 s 0 n g s0 f s 0 r n e punkyhardcore.Personally I think it's g00dbut n o t o u t s t a n d i n gA. f u l l l e n g t h 0 f t h i s w 0 u l d makeme loseinterest.[f you like this "No la la la" style, thetr go for it. No Side from Japan on the otherhandkeeDsup the speedand delivers three tracks of trashy raw punk songs.I think it's the rawnessantl thc speedthat givesthis bandsomethingertra. If this was a contest,I wouldsayJapanwon. IRE] Asne.P0.8ox&1.Dracut MA01826 PEACEFUL COLLAPSE / BATTLE CONFUSI0N Sptit Tape B0th bandsfrom Japan;they play t0tally fierce and raw crust c0re. PeacefulCollapsestarts things off on the Ameblr/Hellbstild tip with a lOngitrtro,but then bustinto someC0nfuseswled f@-rusault. The guitarsare just pure distortion. killerl 3 from them. Battle Confusionis in the samevein,fuzed out guitar,throatyv0cals,etc.A 8o0dtape ifyou lovesuper-rawcrust.{MWI Ko*i Kimura. Coupo Sunlighl #18.Azallalajimrhimo. 150lbkuda-Shi. l,liyagi.981{505.Japan PESMENBEN lV / EDM Sptit Tape 0h, this is the fuckingkind 0l tape I fuckinglove. Pure,DIY $indcore / hardcorefrom Ecuador Sure,the recordingis four track, but this is how demoswere meant t0 be. First.up, P-lV who rangefrom straight HC thrash, t0 grindc0re,t0 somenoiseinfluencedstuff.23 songstotal and the stuff is greal. EDM are fucking pure BCT thrsh naterial. Their stvle is like okl DRI - n0 fluff, just straight up l000rnphhardcore.This is essential, so get in l,ouchwith Francisco[0DM] rvhoalso doesa tape (lislro and newsletterand find Outwhat'shappeningin ncuad0r!lMWl Castelbnos Fnncisco P0.Box18-01-0223, Ambato. Ecuador
PHOEIA - Destroying The Masses C0 Phobiaare back to follow up their brain frying Slap A Ham "Means0f Existence"album and they haven't lost much 0f a step. "Destroying The Masses"is not quite as diverseand far reachingas its Dredecessor but it is also rawer and, much 0f the time, more grinding, Almost, but not quite, a fair trade off. This CD has m o r e e l e m e n t s0 f t h e b a n d ' se a r l y R e l a p s e ?"ersevidentmakingit a releasethat ls both a look forward and a look back for the band. Wh€reas"Means.,."was rather complexwith the band taking the time to throw many different feels into the mix "DestroyingThe Masses"is more straight foMard, more of a "let's get riSht down to businessntype 0f a record. Fans0f both the old Phobiaand the n e w P h o b i aa s w e l l f a n s o f t h e e x t r e m ei n generalare all goingto get olTon this. I would b e s u r p r i s e di f i t d i d n ' t s h o w u p 0 n a f e w people'stop ten lists this year. "DestroyingThe Masses"is availableon b0th CD and 10" and you know I highly recommendthe vinyl but s o m e t i m e si t i s h a r d t o g e t t h 0 s e r e c o r d s shovedinto the discplayerin yourcan {JBl Pessimiser Records P0.8or'1070. Hermosa 8oach.CA90251 PLAN E - Songs For A Rainy Day CD Hot damn! After a few EPs,two mini-discs,and a 10", Plan E have finally releasedtheir debut f u l l l e n g t h a l b u m , A s e x p e c t e d ,P l a n E c 0 n t i n u et 0 m u t a t ea n d a d a p tt h e i r s 0 u n d . "SongsFor A RainyDay"finds the band more down t0 earth and more direct than most 0f their other releases.Not that they are any le$ just that their experimentsare experimental, m o r e f o c u s e d . T h i s i s t h e i r h e a v i e s ta n d d a r k e s tc 0 l l e c t i 0 no f s 0 n g st o d a t e . N o t t o mention their best! The guitars play a more dominatingrole in the musicthm ever before. The keyboardsadd t0 the overallsonic wdl by careeningwildly aroundthe music,sometimes just teasinSthe soundperipherallyand other timesjoining in the fray as a full contributor. The vocalsare thick and menacing.There are plenty 0f industrial t0uches and sound embellishmentsthat also add t0 the stifling atmosphereon the disc. lt is ameing how the soundof a dentist'sdrill will make a spooky s0n8 turn downright evill The bigSeststep the bandhm madeis in their songmiting. Without losin8any 0r the quirkinessthat has comet0 deline the band, they havesculpteda batch 0f tunes that are related in form and flavor to m o r e m u n d a n em u s i c a lg e n r e sl i k e m e t a l , industrial and gothic. This affordsthe band a basefr0m which to launchtheir nrore adventur0uss0undswith0ut alienatinr th0se
ffisREVIEWS mk
w i t h l i t t l e i n a g i n a t i o n .C o n s e q u e n t l tyh i s album shouldappealt0 a muchwider base0f fans than the members0f Plan E are usedt0. IJB] Solardisk 0ulu.Finhnd Box50,90251 POINT 0F FEW - There ls Not Much Lelt Giveaway Tape A taDecompilationwith songs0f the third studi0 s e s s i 0 n0 f t h i s D u t c hb a n d .W h i l et h e i r 2 n d recordingfrom a year agostill hast0 b€ pressed on vinyl, I think thb one is improved,aswasthe 2nd comparedto their fi$t one.The bandnnkes a m i x 0 f f a i t h a r d c o r ec o n b i n e dw i t h s o m e y o u t h c r e wi n f l u e n c e sT. h e l y r i c s d e a l w i t h pemonalandsocialtopics.After a 8o0dlistenyou shouldconcludethat bandslike Seein'Redhave beena big influenceto theseguys.The bandtri€s t0 captureand mrintain the attenti0nof the listenerby puttingin s0mewhatheavierguitar partsand slOwerlarts to keepit refreshing.One 0[ the few outstandingEuropeanbands.I RE] Pointof Frwdo ),larco Erialan 18.7906llE Hoogoyo!il. Holland
0f Dale Rabid and RusselBear actually pr0ves pretW driving and ferociouskeepingthe music moving at a fair clip most 0f the time and providinga tweakedcounterpoiset0 the viscous tar 0f the guitar rifrs. Thls is not musicfor the closedmindedor the weakof heart but if youare a sick and twistedfreakwho likes noisethat will make the neighboBput their houseup for sale, then track downnabiesCaste.[JB] InfomalRa*ot P0.80x1611. BsftLhom. PA18018
P R O C E S S- 9 8 D e m o 4 s 0 n g s0 f S r e a tJ a p a n e s eh a r d c 0 r e .T o t a l traditionalll0'sstylewith healy crust inlluences and a lot of drawnout slow parts.The female vocalists0undsfucking great and her vocals separatethis thrashunit from other bands0fthe same8enre.I'm sucha suckerof this stylethat I can't help but saythis is highlyrecommended.
R.D.Phavebeenmund just abouta weekshy of fOxever and these boys fron Brazil have consistentlydeliveredthe 80odstime and time again, but on 'Carnicerialtopical" they up the ante. WAYup. This is extrcmehardcoreasit weg tMWI 102 Shttts l0kusui, 2-l Kikusui. Shiroishi-ku,meant to be played:take-no-prisoneBintensity lakdnru. mixed with rip-Out-your-throatpower violence J4an Sapporo. O3-0fl12. styled mayhem. After l0 albumsone miSht be temptedto beliew that RDPhad playedall their PRONOUNCED DEAD- Demo cards. Not s0. In somewaysthis heilkens back ( f e a t u r e s K i l l e r h a r d c o r ef r o m I l l i n o i s the to the earlier dals of the bild andthek Swedish drummerof KungFu Rick). The rilfs are super crust influencesbut for the most prt this shom well mitten, and if fast (not blast beat-core) l h e b a n d l a u n c h i n g t h e m s e l v e si n a n e w your hardcorea la Initial Stateor Thlkis Poisonis direction, one that is light years remol'edfrom get good, guls than& thoseKFR this,Doser!Shit's the metal influencedcrossoverof their lat few haw the goldenthumbsright now,man!lMWl albumsand more alongthe lines of Capitalist John.12{10 Kemnan Aw.,laGrange Pak.ll,6l]526 Casualtiesflavoredhysteria. A foyal flush of an albumwithouta doubt.UBI Afiernalive Tentad*, P0.Box119092. 5ECl ?11tl-9092 CASTE RABIES
ForTheVomiting TractorDriversCD InfernalRacketreally hit the jackpotwhen they decidedt0 bring RabiesCasleinto the corral. This Israeliband pukes(pardonthe pun) out some0f the sickestand rneanestnoise/sludge 0n the planet, Th€y aren't as pl0ddingas nost s l u d g eb a n d s i,n s t e a do p l i n gt o i n c r e n s et h e noiseandrnani|factorrla Gob(Reno),EIIGan(l 3D HouseOf ltcef. Warpedv0calswap aroun(l the bizarrr nrctal laced racket like a Dython puttingon Lhr!squeeze.The (lrun and basswork
- D i s c o q r a p h yC D
REDRUM - Ghettobtaster 7A one-offproject with an all star cast (Dave W i t t e , D a n n y L i l k e r , L i n o R e c a ,a n d J e f f Halward) and a penchantfor death metal. The r e c o r d i n gi s r o u g h b u t i t a c t u a l l yw 0 r k s i n Redrum'sfavorfor it t0 soundlike it wasactually b 0 0 t l e g g e df r o m t h e b o w e l so f h e l l i t s e l f . Possessed and mayhemicthrash & 'lbb jbb" heaviness.Lino'sgot one 0f my favoriteiltistic styles,too,s0 the coveris a big plus.[CD]
it y e ti n s p i t eo f t h a tb r a i nf r y i n gf e r o c i ttyh e ys t i t t Thisis oneoflh0serecords thateversinceI heard o create w a si n t h ew o r k sI h a v ew a i t e da n dw a i t e df o r , m a n a gt e hooka s n dl a yd o w na y i b et h a t are makes theirtunesmoreidentifiable chomping atthebittheentire time.l{oComment thanmostpower y e r ys i m p l y0 n eo f t h ev e r yb e s t h r a s h/ p o w e r v i o l e n clef .t h r a s w h e r eb i o l 0 gtyh i sw o u l db et h e didn'treleaseevolutionary They result bands thateyerplayed. ofthesub-speciation violence of bands like andNegative m u c hs t u f fb u tw h atth e yd i dr e m a i nssu p e r i ot or D.R.l. Approach. Therecord collects that nu g lt h e r e .J u s th o w9 o 0 dw e r e aforementioned S.A.H. a l m o sety e r y t h i o 7" aswellastheirothertwo consider this... their7" onSlapA Hamis EPsand22livetracksincluding they?V{etl a KXIUshowfrom Yep, 1 9 9 3 .W i t h o uqtu e s t i ot h probably n i si s o n eo f t h em o s t thebestthingthelibeleverreleased. r e l e a soent h eg r e a t e s it n g l eessentiaI records t h eg r e a t e s itn g l e for fansof theextrsme to addto , yf r i e n d sm, e a nN s oC o m m eanrte theircotlection. l a b e l .T h a tm UBI b r i l l i a n tT! h e yp l a ya t a n i n s a n pe a c ew i t ha n $ 1 0U . So. r $ 1 4n o n - U .tSo., song single and A . 8 . , P . 0 .B o x 1 6 6 4 2 N amount ofenergy 0nevery unrelenting . . H o t t y w o o dC, A 9 1 5 t 5 - 6 6 4 2
qsJql aJ0rpnq ouaJua u0!l8punoJslr l€ suq lsql u?un$ pJns u3 lrocuoJ qnJun eloldu0l ^ l J a i l n s r u o l l r n J l s a pl s c t s n u J 0 u B r ? d u s ) a s o q d p u s q 8 ' q n J u n J o J a u o q l 1 ) 3 J J a d€ sr srql azlFal l 'l€t{l pl?s a ,l lEql aoN uuuH ' e l a l d u o J p u t r a l l n s e A u o r l c n J l s a pa q l l?ql aJnsa{uu 0l oq plnoa ,,sdlqsEur{ursol atrJ lasr ol Jo lulrll ucr I uosr3Jalqrssod^luo aql 0 O s d l q S 6 u r > 1 u r 5o 1 a : r 3 6 u r 1 1 a g HNUNN 'qogueg uedel IA\W]iqserqts,ll aoul no,{ os sEuosZI pu?q alrJo^alaau rno,{ s,araq'lla \ .VOS sslu notr srolot 8uilU qlla 'roJEultooqsaroa ,taql JJolr pallnd ^aql pur 'urau duor p€aHJnotrxald a{} lsqa s,lrql 1 uo uoaq a^Bqplnor ,{lsnouassrql Oltrl IBaJC
- AUnl 'lVlOL df qse.rql6ur.rdg
'099tro8'0a 61086 Yt lle n0 [Bf] .{lucrdapI?loI Aou punosJ0 eJnlx!tr snonJtu0rurorll ftaq n0{ lrlun 1re61laro;aq rrloqa,{sdma lt lq8noql notr ouolu Jslp srql Jo arud aq1qpom sr Eseq ollcala qlra ,,spro3oul?lua0 ^g p.01,,aunl JraqlJotuaultsarl pa&?a aql saprse8 a)ualslxaJ0 autld Jaqlout 0l lrs[ roJlr loq lsnf ,tta 0N punosO[ aql " ,,pauru,,aq {ulqt plnoa aldoedpatuon wn aq 18Weu u! papuuorl?rN pasalar ffis srql uaql\ 'alEuJarulafiulq8ru lsJoa Jraql altl papunos s a u n l a s a q lJ 0 s a x r u l v u r t u 0 a q l l E q l u a p r ou a^Bqplnoa aArJlBrol ]laql l? uaop SurllaS E€J qnlC ,{ca E ur ,{uunJls0ulp sr u 0t a)usp a o u p l n 0 ) n 0 , ts a r q u qa s a q lJ o a u o s J e q l r o saHual adq lrr.rlsnpur lsnf 10upuv sauntra\l J0 unql[ x1ua, V sapr Alrca ]alllou€ ?a,{rllra dn au0r 0l s,{oqasaql 0l lr a^ual oS ssoluJ?q utadsuaoplldntJol.)rdJJ?JlJnut sJ{uu d8l,ills p o l s a J uars r 0 rJr r d q l p r r n o J sel l u €qI r d E u r J d p lsourdql Jo auoarv JdaBJOdsn0HOe ilq8u IIV 03 ur3lled lrellv
1338 lO 3Sn0H 0E preluu qn() lsz06 09x08IsrFr€10s 'sailasap Igt] ,{lqru os lr puod aql J0 aprssrql u0 uortua]]r a q l l a t l l , t ! , { l l n J a d 0 qo s V S l l a q l u r o J l s r p JoJdn po{ard uaaq s€q ,,ursdalturlln oqJ, 'durl qJra qlddl dql ut 1rt4 t sapuordlt es:nor 'puv u0 t! lnd I aruu q)tsaaau Surqlau0s J0 Jago0l ssul) pue qtdap oql sq tsrp slqJ ^Bldslp a4ssaJdurlsou y ln0rlSnorqlsauoua 0 ralstrrrs {Jsp qlril lasJDrlslttnts ? putspaadsSullrEIJ u a a a l a q s a l B n l r n l Jl l ' l 3 p ? x l a a l J a J u o l J pJ€oqJ3 a a^?qI {cBrl snol)oloJpuf, a^rssrur 'l)tsJul aJorpJ?rl lsou aql sr ',{30l0aplulud,, E u r p u n o dl a l q l a q l J o s { J s r r o q l q 8 n O J q } t u r u r q s , t l l ? o r s a J U a n l J ullt l a u r a q l q l r ^ \ sEutproJal lsanraq JrarllJo auo sr srql s8uos lsarS alua ot aoq a0ul ^aql luql sr ol uaop qroq s,{salsll luqa tnq s€a^ aql ra o wuosJad snou?^qtnoJql pal?tnu a Bq ^aqJ sluroddssrp ^ l a r 8 . l? s q l p u ? q I J o J3 u ! p J o ) a JE u r ^ r l p a l r d r a q l o u ss r , , u r 8 da l ? u r r l l l la q J . , l n o l r I i l I 0l aoq aou{ Iills ^aql pus ra^aJ0JJ0 dqs {aaa s lnoq€punoJsueaqa cq ^aqJ spua8olllnr aJr lapql taaNql lcql aou ^q lurrJ0 aq lsnu ?r 0S 03 u!ed aleuJriln aql
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'llry qsnr3 1 3A o r l s a o 77VAa
-lvuJ.sAs dl raloLus lrel8 -
{rEurag'uauaig tozgz-o9Zpplqajor0)lr6d lgUl'prorar 0l sJlrl nu[f,trrvspurqJ0spur{asaqlol JaJaJ 3UtrU usuracJoo ?a aou Jopuar{r s aJ0Jpnq sql spu?q tsasaqtul uaolppln0a HcO,tN J0 puuqslql ,{csplnoal lnq lroa r4rnEp00Eput slrr0^ltstnJB oEpo rrlluleur {Jup? llUAeJo)pr?rl
.splol.uuo0nq|lpu ) n lggl 1rlrrqaq trlBnorlt lrrrlll0d aqt puE )rsnuraqt rlloq roJ dn SurI)r(lqIoa,{latruga( 'au0snl'l slun0,))3 uo llr P I o r a Js n o r J a sv sJrqduJ8 rn0lor ilnJ'01ouopilailtr $ Eur8rlrrd ellJ allu ,,1aql 0l SurlrlJJ{vssauu la8 ua^anotr srrdOll[nsn dlll lnoqt Surlnollspu?qoq)nu@ I I r t r ra q l J 0 u n J J n 0 { a { r l u n ' l r l n o q ? a r 0 u l l cnur l ) r a l 0 l p a l s e J o l usrt a l 0 s ' 0 1l r l 8 n 0 l l q ua^r8p,l rrd0l ? toN [OrtrrailaltrrSII q8norql aurlJapqr put aJil'llil)u?rlruHolur Asnotrassl (slEco) alad a)uutsl?)rlrlo(lr a{ul ^aql tsql u! re311p ,{aq1la^oa0q 'JJnlsacuJJn0,{ul spJo)au r u E Hv d c l s J 0 u 0 r l n l l 0 dp u n 0 Su o s r a q s s r r l l u r r u J 0 J r l c ,J 0 d 0 J ) l u a r r n ) a l l l J 0 s u J a t ur tulluads ar,a^rillvrrsnuros lueualalsapun u t s s r l s s J : a u r o s a ^ r tE u t I J n J s t J a u u I n J p d { J ' q s ? r l l l o r u a l o r ^ - J a a osdn o t r a sa u r o sl n 0 Ir0ul 0J I alad ruosaerql snll sauor qlnos aql ur0q lno JcoI lsul pouad larilb ? JalJ?'){n iql ur purq lsalwJarllroJropuatuors,{laluuao
10ur^a$ I 990s-10810 vl{ urnqoi{
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-/ r!losvvvsuvN / v3vrs
uesem0zt x08 0980-zttt6 n 0ospuP.u 0d uegy dqg
[gt] ilorpEq olureraa no,{ pualald0l paJspua^aJa a nofJl srqluao 0l poau ,{lalnl0sqc nol CC pw adt'l 'l^uh u0 saluwaddu r l e q l J 0 a ^ U . { U 0 JI I B a r n ? a s0 l 3 u r , { r {l [ u r u ^ auoArnaJoJ^qdudorsrpatalduo)? pu?'srrdJa^U 'sJId stOlsapnlDur pu8 ??aJ8sl 8u!8u{c€ds,ol) Jo aqJ ,&allnrv Fl0rx qsuql J0 s.lalwu ualloEJoJ ,(Waupu?palrrapun ^lpt0l aql 0lu0aldo0dalour aal € u.tnl^llnJadoq IIh qcrqa,tnqs llnq\ pro)og s,Opftuor{4n0,, pu? 'sad?|f)g 01sdordpailosap
./ lnds H S l t l 0 u t S/ s - l l M 0 gH s v n o s )lflTnz[08'airqs+ol lsaff pjolpsr8ynoJ.lolsrol69[ x080d Pa^elsu] ,{u ul )lsstl) ? i-Lll{xnd aJ0ur sl IgU] u0rurdo Jrsnu aql pur,{llous '}rqaaur0spuil0ss-ll?)o^ aql tnq lunqs 0t rElrursalrnbsr altrtr-a{J',,t ?rlds s[{l JoJJ0ulJsdl)aJ]ddt sr 0ls0Jtutt{alnilrN
It69-0t9t6Vl luEqrn8It6tr08 0i| r$ !800 [0C] drrua, ou lurod ra1n dn uro,pura lsn['suou?u?ldxa aql s,tcql oq,{rurlnB oJUrl0 UasutIuf, qlra eu0r l,uprp aurl'li pasnr0JIllu)urlod,{lhsaq 0 s l , u s r 0 p r n u l t s q l a q p l n 0 a a J U a r s J J rapq l uaql tng uorssart8uputspaadss,06aql SurppE alrqa punosqsrJql ,rswl) s,08,{qr1r) lnq aldurs t t s q lO l u rd z t o ? a l q u S u r o qJ o p u 0 qu o u u 0 t aql a^rq 0p spupqqloq alsntu?l aql soplsaq l n q ' s 0 p n l C , i e s? a z r l u a u a E r a ^Lou o a I ' ) 1 0 'llsruBdsur Sunsqsw\l dn lll8rcJlsJ0 s8uostI
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Kffi ffi$
- EilCa
- Jeb Eranin /
- Chris
/ tREl- RudolfEverts / [ il - Graham S t e i o h t h o t m/e
- Max
ffi=REVIEWS ffi&
but is in no way limited to that. They als0 have learnedthe lessonsof musicalmutilationa la the verybest0f grindcoreand theyknowthe value0f beinghearyenought0 cr[sh b0nea la various forms 0f extrememetal. They also kn0w that sometimesthe bestway to makea songreally destructiveis t0 infuseit with contrast. They c0unterpoisetheir d0minantwhirlwind of speed a n d f r e n z y w i t h m 0 m e n t so f d a r k ( m a y b e introspective?) melodythat providean alm0st d e c e p t i v ec a l m .I t i s n o t u n l i k ef l y i n gi n t o a hurricane. For the m0stpaft you are goingt0 get tossedabout by p0werstoo grand t0 Opposebut just as s00nas you think yoil are g0ing to get pulverizedyou breakthrough into the €ye 0f the stornl. Youbrcathea sigh 0f r€lief but you kn0w you are far from safe be(ausethe torrential p 0 w e t o f t h e s t o r m i s a l l a r o u n dy O ua n d inevitablyit is goingto havc at you againand quite likely rip you apart. Nee(llessto say (s0 0i courseI will), Unruh are a band for the extreme Inusica,lventurer The rest 0f tou are too wimpy to evendare. [JB] Pessimissr Records llermosa P0.Box 1070, Bead.CA90254
- T h r a s hi t U p 7 " URKO I ' e a h ,s o n o p r i z e s f o r g u e s s i n gw h e r e t h e nane's from, seri0uswoNhip of the filn fr0m t h e ? 0 ' s g o i n g o n h e r e .T h r e e t r a c k s 0 f tIK via Scandinariathrash.Harshis a Dounding word that springst0 niild; stripped(lownand r a w a s f u c k a r e a r r o u p l e0 f o t h e r s .0 h , a n d yeah,there'sa songaboutnronkeys beinggreat and humansbeinga bit crap,but yOuknewthat already,right?Their soundis a crossbetween Motorheadand sayCimex,althoughthey never getto thoseloftyheights.IGSI VAE VICTIS - s/t LP ThedebutalbumbyVheVictisis a ilr0therl0de0f D u r en o i s cg r i n d . T h i s b a n ( lh a s a v o i d e da l l (:lichesin their deliverl'.Their soundis complex a i l d e x p e r i m e n t anl ,o t t 0 m e n t i o ns t e e p e di n n o i s c a n d d i s h a r m o n yT , h e y ( i r c a t ea v e r y (listinctivegrindcores0un(lwhile at the same tinrenot succumbing to any kiil(l 0f wanderlust that takesthem t00 far off center as t0 alienate fansof the genre.It is the pcrfect soundtrackfor the en(l of the millenniumas well as a superb w a y t o u s h e r i n t h e i l e x t 1 , 0 0 0y e a r s 0 f folly an(l inhumanityto nlan. Every hunranitv's aspect0f this album is powerfulan(l (lestructive. The guitamare a ravenoushor(lebent on t0tal auralannihilation. The laryu tearingvocalsare the screams0f the damnedas the (lrunlsb€at their endlessmarch into hellish torture. The bassthrobs like the hea(beat of the workl hekl in an irongripoffearandloathing. the life sl0wly beingsqueezed out of it. l)estine(lto be one of they€ar'sbest.[,lB] Satan s Pimp.P0.Box l3ll1. Reno.llV 89507andBta* MotP0.Box 2771.Reno. llV89505 VIJMIT F6R BREAKFAST / EMMA HO
S p t i t7 " Saveyour v0nri[ for latel VFB gr0wl and screanl t h e i r w a y t h r o u g h 8 g o o r ll r a r r k s o f h a r s h grirrrlcore. \bu get the conlplctegrintl package: brutal g0re pictureson tho cover,blasfbeats, h i g h / l o wg r o w l i n ga n d s ( r c a m i t r g .I t ' s n o t gr0undbreaking but definitelysticksout. They supporte(lHellnation0n tho Eur0peantour in 1999.Bypecta new recor(lfrom theseguyssoon. Dmillallo unf0rtilnately rloesn'trlo nle any900{1. I t ' s p o o r l yr e c o r d e dt :h 0 m i l s i ( i s j u s t 0 n eb i g wall of noise.Thc vor:alsar0 r0ally g[ttural. I cann0thelpbut seeirnages dogswhen 0f (ihoking hearingthis kin(lavoice.T0o raw for nrc.Both bandsarefrotnFran(e.IRDI Murder do 0Uvier. BP11.33023 Ceder. Fnnce Sordeaux
Swedesaren't sitting on the f€nce.This will not leavemy turntablefor awhile.Makesyouwant to put it on l0 anddowna 40.IKPl Anomie Recods foldsieper Sfasse13,448WBocium,Gennany V/A - A Reason for Living 3xLP
Voorheeshaveonce again donnedtheir h0ckey mmks and are readyt0 haveat you with a rMor sharpue. The latestpiece0f Voorhees viOlence is simDlytitled "13" so what better way t0 rant aboutit than list l3 reasonswhyyou needt0 own it? l- V0orhees are to thrsh what KingKongis t0 monkeys.2' It is called"lS" becauseit hm ll] songs,exceptfor the CD which hm bonustracks so the n€w name0fthe CD shouldbe "16". :]' Voorhees'musichm beenknownt0 causeriots. 4- Voorhees' musicsoundslike a riot. 5, "lli" is moredestructivethan your averageriot. 6- All your friendswill hate it. ?- All your friendswill be alraid of you becausethis musicis way too i n t e n s ef o r t h e m . 8 ' T h e v o c a l sa r e v i o l e n t screams0f rage.9- Voorheeshave beenaround l 0 n ge n o i l g ht h a t t h e y a r e t i g h t a s h e l l . l 0 Voorheesare just as powerfulwhen they are playingslow as when they are playingfast. llM0st of the time they ar€ playingImt. 12. The llrics are moreintelliSent thanyouare,l3-This is better than the lst albumyOubought...There you90...BetyOudidn'tthink I couldcountto 13 did you? Yeah,well youalsothink you can live without this CI). You'reObviously uong 0n b0th counts.IJBl SixWeeks, Ave., Cotali. CA94931 225Lincoln
W A D G EI.( ) " Last time I heard these guyswas y€ars ago 0n their limt relese, a split 7" w/ EnemySoil.They wer€ greatthen, and they'reevenbetter now. M i x i n gb l i n d i n g l yf a s t , h a r d c o r eg r i n d w i t h dmhesof powerelectr0nics,Wadgeis a forceto be reckonedwith. l0 songsthat h0ldtheir own& junkies.ICD] provide the perfectfxforspeed RSR c/oSandro Gessner Sb.desFrisdsns 45,07819 Mittalpiillnit. Gamany
This comp is the fucking reasOnto live, it's the bestthing fr0m '99 in my opinion.Think 3 LPs worth 0f hyper-Japanese fstcOre, with most 0f t h e b a n d st a k i n S t h e i r c u e s f r 0 m t h e 8 0 ' s thrashcorescene.Bandslike CrucialSection. L i e , R a z o r sE d g e ,T 0 t a l F u r y ,S t r u c k ,p l u s a geilli0n moreproducean incrediblecomp.It's everylabelsdreamto put out somethingthis solid.Onlything is that it's limited,and quite possiblyalreadyg0ne,so I'm sorry I got yOuall fired up for this. [MW] DanDoh.Jaaan
Revohdion I 8adCad.France
This 28 banddoubleplatter c0mbineseverlthing from still wet-behind-the-ears newercrustc0r€ 0 u t f i l s t 0 0 l d e r - t h a n( l i r t p I n k b a n d s( l i k e RioVClone).The thene here revolvesaroutrd b a n d st h a t a r c a c t i v ep o l i t i c a l l y .T h e r e ' sa variety0f styles,but they'reall based0n some f o r m 0 r a n 0 t h e ro f a b r a s i v e n € s sT. h e U . S . , Bruil, and Europe(well, predominantlyBritain youknOwab0ut & the Scandinavian c0untries.,. thOsecfusty preferenc€s)are representedhere. S t a n d 0 u tt r a c k s i n c l u d e t h o s e b y B r 0 t h e r Inf€rior,React,Rectiry,Calloused,Acumed,and Diskonto.Fold out postersleevea la Cras with the full epitaphfor "ProfaneB\istence".A primo collection oYerall.[0Dl Bladened Dist.P0.8ox8722.Minnoapolis, Mll 55408
V/A - Wortd Demise CD A lot of the usual"c0mpbands"ue here,but for somere60n this onereallysticksout for nle. All 0f the tracks are great and despitethe fact that it's all HC / grind / powerviolencestufl there's e n o u g hv a r i a t i 0 nb e t w e e nt r a c k s t o k e e p i t interestingall the way til the end. Greatstuff f r o m t h e l i k e s o f A g a t h o c l e sM , rBrain0il, CapitalistCasualties, Dyst0pia,Captain3 Leg, Alalsion,an(l by fe the bestN0 ComplysongIVe heud. l{Jbandsand34songs.WeUwOrth it. [ODl 15",516S.Avs19,los Angetss, CAt0031
Iinally a c0mpilationwith a purpose!The reason I hate most compsis that they usuall) lack a themeor uniryingelementand are merelyhastily thrown toSethercollections0f throtvaways0ngs by "flavor 0f the month" HC bands. Snedfrom Flat Earth ha goneout 0n a limb and conlpiled l9 noiseand ambientpiecesby members0f the punkcommuniW who are doingmusicequallyas D.l.Ym their HCcounterparts, yet aren'tplaying "acceptable" styles. Th€re's a l0t 0f experimentation, originality,and diversityhcro by mostlybands& individualsI've neverhear(l0f. And fortunately,unlike ggx of "noise"releirscsin the punk world, it isn't just an hour of peoplc makingc0okiem0nstern0isesOverl0[d static.
This band is often desffibedm Europe'sanswer to Chrles Bronson.Okay,namingyounelf after a Germankiller and playingawfullyfmt songswith high pitcherlvocalscausessucha comparison. Topit off with sarcasticlyricsand a clmsiccover songbyJerry'sKidsandyouile there.However, I think there is a typicalGermanfe€l to the songs. There are not that manyfast bandslike this a r o u n dE u r o p eb u t t h i s 0 n e s t i c k s0 u t . T h i s recordis the first relese of the band.Rightnow the zndoneis outaswell.lREl ScrnePolice. do 0PM.Auldemstshnsberg 58.53340 Me*enheim. Gematy
I was surprisedhow g00dthis is. I'm not that familiarwith their earlierrecords,so I guessI will be now,This is l00X rrginSSwedishHCthat fucking hanrmersfrom start t0 finish. Great h0arsesh0utedvocals and an excellert productionfrom Mieszkoof Nasum/Krigsh0t fame.Comesin a gatefoldjacketand the band eyen statesthey are againstdog fiShtinS;these
V/A - Thrash Ahoy l!! 7' This volume(the third one?)featuresI I banrls& l7 songs0f batrdswith femalevocalists.\\lty is it that Japan is burstingat the seans with in*edible female-fronted thrashbandswhile the rest 0f the planet is still predominantlya "boy's club"? 0bviouslythe Japaneseare keepingit a s e c r e t c u z t h e i r h i g h - s p e e dw o m e n b a n d s ( 0 n l i n i l e l o b e s o n r eo f t h e m 0 s t i m p r e s s i v e 0utfitsaround. Fuck 0n The Beach,Senseless A p 0 c a l y p s eP, o w e r0 f I d e a ,J u n 0 .I { a m u s h i , Protess,and others are here. Too bad Mass Gen0cideisn't represented.Maybenext time? o v e r y t h i n g0 n t h i s l a b e l r u l e s a n d t h i s i s n o exception. ICD] TlrashAhoy.Jl|549,825-lshiwata. Mizuho. llishitama. Tokyo 190-l2llJapan
V/A - You'reOnYourOwnCD
WILBUR C O B B- | E a tP u n k sL i k e 7" YouFor Breakfast
G00d stuff from Hellnati0n, Corrupted, jearut(seaberg, Lack 0f Int€rest. Dbola,Hybride, Real Reggaea , nd Aut0ritar. A worldwide c0llectionof mostly ripping thrash & varying shades of heaviness, YOuknowthedrill. l0Dl
Greatcoverail, title, & banrls. Deathreatbarks out their patcntcd80'stingrrl llc; flamadtries soundingnice& innocentan(lthen flattensyou ; u p p r e s s i 0snh a k e st h e w i t h a l 0 - t 0 nw e i g h t S foundationof noisecoreitsclf; 0quil,yspends their own sw€ettime gettingoff the groundbut then c0rnein hard with a widowmakerto the midsection. ICD] AnnapoUs. M021403 AtA Loss.P0.8or3597.
god r tsz06Yc'qc?egesorursH0l0l Jestutssed qsecJo 0l olqsi(ed . spj030u 's()w 'slsaqc qceo03'dTrlceo . (euo0rppe r0l'dT 9$PrlE4srv /prsv)lpuortrppe ucs003 qceo rof g$' rof lPu0nrppE z_3/03 . ueu Jodl$ ppe t$ pps sgesle^0 'rey{ pup'upJ. vsnutpddsurslr llv
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