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arour.(o3snccvlzIUVJ) 'M3lA {ooc aur"Ig SCIN 'AS3U3H r{l9r _ g1 anssl c*,i:
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t h e m a o ! A t t t h e i n f o v o u c o u t de v e r w a n t c a n b e f ( Karoiin-C e o t t i n st 1 2 l 9 b@ 4 0 t h S t . W a r e h o u s e , 0 a k .
ffiffiMffi EOITOR
GRAPHICS JoshBaker STAFF alamoejoe Matt Average Erics Beck Jeb Branin RudolfEwrls AthenaKautsch Lydia DennisMiller Ken Pollution JeI Robinson KenSmdeMn GrahamSleightholme Akira lbkeuchi llmojhen Mu\rybd Daw Mtte
REVIEW A .D V E R T I S I N&GC. O N T E NPTO L I C Y Seethe title of the maSeine? Seethe bandsthat we cover? lfyour stufrfits, thenw€ went t0 hee fmm you. you'rc If not fmiliu with anythingin this m48... That'syour llBt werninS: You'rebrking up the wrongtree, pal.
PHOTOS Are ffedltcd when we knowwho snappedthem. Wbneed Soodpica ftom all over the planet! Sos€ndsomeou way...
COVER Exclaimlive in Japan.
FAST, WANTTOSELLSHORT. & LOUD!? At shom? In yourstore,or thru yourdistro? Howaboutat worlqchurch,or pepmllys? Contactusfor lowwholesalerates!
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qlpr pesseldurl 'acBJour?C 'ocuBlsqns a,vr'ace;auug loN peq ar\ Jeqloqlt'sn 1e1plnomauofuearaq,lil;e,re lsq pal4s rillcalrocaol ooluslvsv 'i(ep 1eq1pu?q a^rl eqltoyfrm, aql rsolc pefeldall 'sEuos ol Jouol ? alor { pu?asJ€orlor u?r{luolq$J ur palsorolurarou s?A\lBrll 0u0cs ol p?rluoql pus (sur?uagparrsqC'acualuag ponulluoc goddns peq ra^oosl?q r ou o/lA lnq e ur,tenarno pulJo1Eu1&1 4undelocpreqf1.rea o J I l ' C g C ' 3 q 1 1 )s E u o s 'Supacar suErs Jo las ? iluldsn Suuloqs ;o sdn8Euqool4und roJ o^01palool deapt q1ua, '100c p1s ppoqs v(n8 orp?J aqJ oq 11sfnE st ,titouriluo13q1auocsl?colaql pu?sn uao.[laq -uoN 'snsesurelqord au?sor{laABqol pauaos 1a1 olperoql dq pelnssearan eq1o1oE lnq,noqs ' o E p a ,? r t E u l i r u pr a q U n J' , , s a r 1 u nu1l o r o H luoruruoC0N s,08,arcl aql q8nolqlpa1ffirup plno palJro^\ r ouo ou oJorron sn ol uoddeq01 ql?00,,s? slBcoltrrouaql fq paqqnparan I?10W Eul,leg 'uolssortordproqcarq prders,Euos iilpy 1osree{;o esnsaog or\ noqauos '{oollno papeIpuz dlrirrlcnpo.rd lsror\ oql Eullcadxa qceaEup(e1s {puelou elrqn 1ernb,{1uae lsorule ' s I J q C u o J J e , t l l q 8 n o q 6 g 1 1 1 dpsa s ? o l a r J o { c ? l u ^ r or n o J o Js r o q l o B u l u r l q ' f 1 r d 'sEuos.rog quaurrulsurEurqclurrs alqnoJlou p?rl esoqa'suleu:egpaJJ?rlC eueu aq1{q 'auacs -31es;o dr.r1 eql olur qlh{ ^\ou oql pa1,t1s Jlos pp lleJot1 acur1pu?llarg 'lp!l l? s1?oqpues11r3 ^{ou{ o,rrpu?qr rogE1E lsrg oql Eupnlcug ocuBldocc? 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q s e r q l ) r r a u a Cl o A r o u a y { u l - N o S N I g O U
- In Memory
rash (Cont'd.
a CoLUMNS rJill
llljlllu'" issue,mostof their gigsprobably drewabout20- bandstill remember andtalk abouttoday,In the 30 peopleandthis nightwasno exception.But middleof ourset,a smallHispanic manjumped those30peoplewereentranced byNoComment on stage,totallydrunk. HeaskedShawnfor the andthrashed aroundasmuchaspossible. mic and,needinga rest,Shawngladlyhandedit A f t e r N o C o m m e nfti n i s h e d ,I m e t t h e over. In brokenEnglishhe madea speechhow Crossed OutfellowsandtheygaveusT-shirts and all thesepeoplein the barwerenot sodifferent wegavethemcopiesof ourEP(to thisdaythisis andthat basically we couldaccomplish anlthing Dallas'favoriteCCrecord,whichhorrifiesmeto togetherif the barriersof the worldweretorn no end). After clearingtheir equipment Andy down. I don'tthink I've everheardanypunk cameoverand I gushed like a schoolgirl over bandsmakesucha heartfelt,downto earth mydrunkenass, proclamation theirset,probably embarrassing at a show,let alonein front of a but I didn'tcare.Seeing thesetwobandsmade roomof stranger$,With a polite"Gracias" he punkin mefeelsomething I hadnotfelt towards handedthe mic to Shawnandleft to a roundof a coupleof years. I wasexcitedand totally genuineapplause from the punks. Poppunk inspired.Thesongs we wroteno longerseemed bandswereon the stagethe restof the showbut like a wasteof time andtherewerepeoplejust us fourdown-trodden, disliked,un-punklooking asferventanddedicated aswewereto old,real bandscongregated out in the parkinglot to hardcore.CharredRemains tookwhatI would exchange records, shirts,tapesanddiscussion of learnin yearsto cometo be their customary whata greatnightit wasandthe smallHispanic L0ONNGGG setup time. Monolithic homemade man'sspeech.Wegaveall our EPsawayfor free ampssatlike high-rises on the stageas well as to whoever wantedone. LaterI wasapproached an insaneamp,adornedwith knobsandgraffiti by this guy,heartilyintroducinghimself."l'm whichread"Ampsfor Christ".Whatthehellwas MikeThrashead.Youguyshad me doingThe t h a t t h i n g f o r ? S t a r t i n gt h e s e t w i t h t h e Worm,I haven'tdonethat at a showin L.A for statement years".I didn'twantto leavebut eventually our nameto ManIs "Wearechanging we T h e B a s t a r df o l l o w i n gt h i s s h o w " ,M I T B hadto go. Plansweremadefor themto comeup careened into a morassof downtuned despair. to our areafor showsandwe wouldtakeup EricandAaron's dualbassgrmnastics hadtheby Crossed 0ut's offerto SanDiego n o wf r e n z i e dc r o w do f f o u r d o z e nf u r i o u s l y andplayand smokea bunchof dirt weed. I h e a d b a n g i nagn d s l a m m i n ign t o e a c ho t h e r . knowfor a fact,yearslater,that all four bands Henry'sastounding arrayof homemade amps discovered something special thatnight. Sureit chirpedandspit noiseas he deftlymatched the wasa poorlyattendedshowby mainlyfriendsof b a s s i s t sf r' e n e t i cr i f f i n go n a i n . d e s c r i b a b l ythe bandsand bar regulars.Surewe got paid beautiful,self craftedguitar. Shiftingfrom maybe$20andbeerfor driving400miles. But torturedslowpainto fastandcrudeblastbeats, despiteeachband'sstruggles for acceptance by whichenhanced their barbaritytenfold,Joel the punksceneof the time and no matterwhat seemed t o p l a yt h e s o n g si n h i s m i n d ,h e a d stupidcriticismsthe punkscenecouldhurl at bobbing, lostin sometwistedformof timingonly us,weall knewwefinallyfound"ourniche". he couldfathom.I don'tthink anybandhas W e m a d et h a t t r i p t o S a n D i e g ot h a t playedtighterfrrra first gig,rippingthroughthe followingyearto playwith Crossed Out,MITB setwith the easeonlyreal musicians seemto andNo Comment again,andplayedwith oneor exude.After that we hadto try andfollowthese m o r eo f t h o s eg r e a tb a n d sm a n yt i m e st h e incredible tryingto convince followingmonthsandyears,Werecordeda full bands,somehow thecrowdto stickaroundfor ourset. Thankfully LPonSlapA Hamto thegreatyawningsilenceof theydid and aftertwo songsmy nerveswere the currentBayAreascene.Wetried to book gone.NI the bandsstayedandyelledbetween s h o w sl o c a l l y a g a i n ,g e t t i n g b a n d s l i k e s o n g sf o r m o r e . I r e m e m b eAr a r o nc l o s e l y Plutocracy andAsbestos Deathto comeplayfor meplaythe introto "BiasHate",trying our 20 friends,evenmanaging watching to play with to figureoutthenotesandmakingmesonervous NapalmDeathin Sonoma Countyto aboutl5 I c h o k e da n d f u m b l e dt h e l a s t n o t e s . W e people.Thoughwewerestill ignoredlocally,we biggrinsand laughteras the song madeour newlyignitedinspirationtake us exchanged Chrisandhis soonto be wife Lydia wherever progressed. it could. Wetouredwith TheDread, stoodupfrontwith buddyWalterGlaserandthe andthoughmusicallyverydifferentfrom us,we usonwith heckling, threecheered thekindthat foundthat samerewardingfeelingof friendship madeus feel unafraidand aroundfriends.At we neverhadwith a bandin years. After that onepointI lookeddownat myfeetandsomeone tourin 1992, quickly.Notcaring thingschanged waswrithingon the floor spastically... he was aboutpleasing the localscene, webecame more doing"TheWorm"to us!!A drunkenwhitetrash focused andinspiredby the international punk galgot up on stageand begangyratingher ass scene.Wereceivedcoolmail from all overthe against mybass,I hearChris'voiceriseabove worldcomplimenting our records.SlapA Ham thecrowdsaying"l'm gonnatell Athena!"That exploded afterreleasing the Crossed Out EP brokeus up and the unison,went followedby our LP andNoComment's legendary " 0 o o o o o oB " .u t s h o r t l ya f t e rt h a t s o m e t h i n g and,asofyet,unmatched MITB "Downsided"EP happened incredible of each becamethe leaders,releasing that all members their ownrecords
whetheranyoneboughtthemor not. 0n their selfreleased split EPwith Aunt Marytheywrote a songaboutthe smallHispanic manandthe gMngthese showin PicoBiveracalled"HSMP", four bands(andothers)an identityanda group title: "WestCoastPowerViolence", a title that we worewith honor Finallyin Januaryof 1993 our comrades fromdownsouthfinally madethe trip up northto the BayArea. Chrisand Ken Sanderson had somehowconvincedGilman Streetto havea hardcoreshowto showcase the bandson SlapA Ham. ThankfullyAssuckat the time waslookingfor a showin the BayAreato fill a dateon theirshorttour sothis lookedlike it wasmeantto be. Unprecedented at the time, the ideamusthavebeenmet with hesitationby thetheninbredGilmanStreetscene.Whowould showup? It'sgottaflop! Right?I thinkall of us l o c a l sw e r e s u r p r i s e da n d s h o c k e da t t h e turnout. Oneof the biggershowsat Gilmanin m a n y m o o n ss t a r t e dw i t h u s f o u r b a n d s sandwiched betweenPlutocracy andAssuck. People camefromall overCalifornia for the first time to seeextremehardcorepunk/ grind/ whateveryouwantedto labelit andpackedthe place.Chrissingle-handedly provedto the East Bay/ Berkeleyscenethat therewasa crowdfor this stuff,that pop punkwasold in 1988and, moreimportantly, hardcoreand bandsplayrng e x t r e m em u s i ch a d a n a u d i e n c ea; h u n g r y , inspired oneat that. Dverything seemed to changein California after that. Kenwasextremelysupportive and playeda veryimportantand largelyunheralded role in gettingthe krcalextremehardcorebands backinto the scene.Wewereaskedto play showsat Gilmanwith ChaosUK.Rorschach. and any other extremebands. After all, we were aboutthe onlyonesbesidesthe die hardslike Plutocracy, 976,Sleep,Discrepancy andothers fromthe westandsouthbayto playthis noisy crap. It took no time at all for new bandsto springup like Benumb, Spazz, No Less,Utter B a s t a r da n d T h e M i s a n t h r o p i s tasn d s o o n NorthernCalifornia's localhardcorescenewas as strongas any. Showswere frequentand practically all of us starteda labelor zineor bookedshowsor all of the above.At the same time SouthernCaliforniawasexperiencing the samething. After the sadbreak-ups of Crossed OutandNoComment, of newbands anonslaught fueledthemselves off the newfoundpopularity of the bandsthat camebeforethem,reclaiming h a r d c o r e ' sD I Y a s p e c t sa n d t o t a l m u s i c a l destruction that onlybandsfromL.A.canvomit up. Ignoredbandslike Lack0f Interest,Phobia, BadAcidTlip, Dystopia, Excruciating Terrorand othersfinallygotsomerecognition asnewbands like Gasp,Cromand Despise Youblazednew pathsof extremity.The SlapA HamFiesta Grandebecamean annualpilgrimage,soon drawingpeoplefrom all overthe Statesandthe world. By the middleof the '90's,hardcore was backin full forcein California.
'spJocor qloq Eurpnlcul q l o g ' e s d i ( l e c o dsys o l o s u o q ll?1,t1iqcng s 1 y *E u l . r n o 1 lsucrr/uoq +isN0lJcnv0N 'dluool?slos '(peldecxa suorlrpa xelrg {cuq) sauo reqlo arorr o^\ a11qlr oEalquegu1oEeslead;oeldnoc rnod turllos islsrlrnof au puas asprocor ilsql lno,{11elnoqe1sn[Eulunoo111uprr{psrdeeqs €pql pu?locs ooso11ea$se,n11 ,t1qula1 'sn oql ur pdd g$ sdg arsnur 'lsrl s roJ l?og IIV lr?ru I pu?sdg rolsln{uoCIueu oo1i(u,ralrq oo1 ,v(nEasoqlssuuI pu? uaddrqplnoc1ra^arloq -oro allr{\ osBeld'uaoirqaq-ur pus oslooroq^r&oAa 'satr 'ueq i[ee1go1u1 ou ap?u,{eql 'plp euodueusql al0u lnoqB r?cuauy qlnos 'odoJnq'uedr1uro4 pur.rE I 5rtfi 1aEt,uacllrls I tnq VSn duugedng rogEu14g1 ? or?qsI pus 11e1sdrnle 1 ,{lunuuoc srql lnoq?orou au Euyq.rnlsrp olur al,no{;ros'1eq,n 74und1aa4s7g1g/ etoclseJ 'onssr 'seirlesuraql slqc rnotr daql ul sdrl JoJ auou e1rq,n Eugldecce lsBIornl?al,,uollcoll0c 1qEne1 rno osl?Jol sasnJoJ Joll?ruou sacl.rd sloa.\ xrs 'a.req1 Bulsst.uuqug aql Eupee.r ra!;? clsnrup?q auofla,reuo poddnsEur.ranoqs sduinly lsol4l,, '1saiuo1 'rnoJaqt ur alsulso;;z1s rno;o {utu por?qs pu3 (l palsel gilll a{I $tooq oW I J0tJolouo 'lelelo; ,zzedg eirl1 {eq1 {rur dluoeq1sl sorllens?C lsrlrlrdrg :gneg'Ildg leq 1y 'Eu1oE spu?qocuelor1 ra^rod iqlrul eql s,1rq; s11eq,1 IcnJ s?>1und puq ,{luappns lsed sruadu! spueqorocpr?rl ',,oqcru,r 'ece1d lnod Jnof punoJ,(11euq a,r,no,{ clpolau u! 0r0lt oqllrspDlp0cr10u I .r?qcu?Aou pus ll r{Uor ale,no8elno,{;o slecspalogBqaql €r1,, ralJeEuol1,use,r 1qliulsseldapuuep 0o1s,ll uaq^r sourl aql 0J? asaqlt?ql azrlear11utno{ 'a1f1sa;ry EulsnqeEnrplreql lnoqr EurEurs 'p1o 93 ry ,nau qltA{llasrnoddn 1esno,{,Lroqs spuorrJ J0 sacnoporngollnoqeEulEurs gg,1y41 olur lat punor?ils no,{uaq,rsauroclqEruauol€ql B JolJs lou plnoclsnfoqn qund asoqlo1{1pueu;arou puv IyIS 0I gUgHgg,ilgl lilluepodu_rr u0rl^1 acualor1 leno4 Eulluruecueq'rounq peppe pu?'slalrreqIraro lou'auacsaq1poddns ,teq.l(Z pue pooEuutp oredeq.l(t :suosaar oJolu ol oJorlel,nofasnecaq usrcllrrcpueEullq8g osoqlroJfluo;1 'acuelorA ra^tod;oflprrlndod f11edeuecs-ur l?ql aloq?al,no,{e,roldpu?luorll ur uorsoldxa olqrpaJcul aql JoJ elqrsuodsar o11t eiuE'goddnslnoi(ro; Eug4se aurocseloqss? d11car1p zzedgploq lsr{t pp? 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JOtrod ;fiauog1e1s ,,acuolorA lseoC lseg,, 'ouacs lnod,ro;qEnoua Jo lou,,J0,,s{crq,, JI ,,looc s,JacnsroquoueJoq^ruosladi(1uooql I urv (t pu? nof aq i{uur spuer.g .lnod ,,olco[,paleprsuoc .rolsuleEyurog pu?ls ',,alq?u0rqseJ,, elsur{couo}g aq 1ouduurnotr ',,q8noua lsq lou,, ue (g l,uccoq^\nou4 uosradfluo eq1 1 1191s 1 ',,p10,, J0 o0l ',,3un0,{,, oo1oq ,{uu no1 'uorlrrceldde ,,lsq,,o01 puelcedsali(ru 'sa411 telu lno,{ul auoou t?ql pu?qr ur r{e1d {eur 'prpJa^ospu?q 1e 1aEspuuqasaqJ lsEoc lsoln 'u/nol no aJaq^rou ll?lus? ur anrli(uu notr eq1se rynd arocpJeq iiup luasa.rduo ocuanlJur 'ulaqlol plp ro prBseuoi(ue lall?ru ou 1uq,r,r qcnu sBlsnf peq IqEIJu^\0rrar{lur oq^{pu? ueddeq ro papelEururoceq 1rap?upu?ssaladoq puel4unddodur elaq prp otr se cllserpsu lno 'aa11eEou ot{l oprsp learqt luaseldsdu,nle lou ssanEplno^rI q8noqlsecuEsunrrrcJ?lnuts J0 pu? suorlsJlsn{ uirroJlaqlpa1se11no'4und rapunsallt?qreltturslq8nogi(lqrqordoqm los 'cla 'Basn?N '1sel.ry '{o4seq'qceqcsrog Jo suollcrJlsor l?rcospus lllsruq Oqlpals?11n0 suazrlr3 i(aq1plun plnoci(aq1se EuolsBJoJlr plol.[ '1drusrq'puaqdorq a{I eup aql spu?q lwoc Jo put Eullaey l?ql punoJspueqosorlle{?lsrru ou p?qspu?qlsuoc lseaEu$eroql uo ocuanlJur ' s a c n p o . r d , { 1 a r e r s a s n o d suee l J oo s { g 1nq lsoa aql 1eq1Eugouur ssrualaqplnoaI 'sputq oJocpr?q 7 4und1eq1raqloqc?a;oecueldeccu ,spuor{JodnorEr .rogolueulcludlrs e;o pualsug ? oruocaq pu? aprttplJolr E u r u o r l s a n b uanq l r o J e s e q o q l s ! l t q l d11en1ue,re ,,aJuoE,, ,{lrunuruoc;o Eullaey Eulleagl?ql pulJol scrlrrc spueq i{uau 'dueuracuenl;urfllenluaae aql pu? 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JeuooJo,(:oual u1- 1
- Beersand Band DAVEWITTE
ATTENTION BEERDRINKERS! Welcome back. Therehaven'tbeentoo manythingsto seesincelastissuebesides Immortaland"thefilthyparodymaster"John Valbywho I caughtlast weekand produced s o m eo f m y b e t t e r l a u g h si n a w h i l e , I couldn'tfind a worthyinterviewcandidate t h i s t i m e a r o u n de i t h e r ,s o h e r ea r e t w o outingsfrom the wonderfulBeersAnd Bands bashingstaff. Eryoyand be sureto wet your whistlewhileyouread...
) I
NYCandit wasworththe wait. Theyplayed shewasn'tand I actuallygot a little pissedand mostlyslowermaterialand not the blistering panickedat the sametime andthoughtaboutputting speedtheyareknownfor,whichwaskind of a mypint glassin her skull. I didn't,though.I gota let down,but it's all aboutthe guitarplayer Yeungling Blackand Tan insteadand thoughtto whohadsucha wonderfulcrystal/ razorblade myself,"l hadthe lastGuinness anyray." like guitarsoundwithoutthe harshtreble Gaylordwasthe first bandof the night and they twangthat wouldpierceyourears. He is the wereexcellent.Greatplayersand lots of memorable riff master.Theybustedinto "BattlesIn The parts,oneof the bestguitarplayersI've seenin a North"andI wantedto sellmysoul(again)to while. A styleall his own for sure. The rhythm join Satan's fools sectionwasexcellentalso,like the drumsand bass armyalongwith themindless in the audience.Thefastermaterialwasn'tas wereweldedto eachother. I can't reallygivea SATYRICON. IMMORTAL. ANGELCORPSE, fastastherecords, butveryeffective.I gotthe description of Gaylord.Theyhit all areasof music KRISIUN / Mon.Aprit3. TheWettands, NYC chill fromthe landof snowandice on my andblendthemquitewell. Maybea little Zappa-ish. spine.Immortaldelivered the iciclespikeof Thesecond band,Makersof FineClocks, sucked. I m i s s e dm y b o y sT h e D . G . Q .t ,h e yw e r e winterstraightthrougheveryone's heart.They Rapand roll crapthat falls shortof anyimpact. I playingThe KnittingFactory,but Immortal werealmostperfectuntil theystartedthe wentto schoolwith the drummer.Niceguy,but hey, hadpriorityby neverbeinghere. Notraffic whole"Howareyou,NewYork?"bullshitand ifyousuck,yousuck. into the HollandT\nnel,I wasamazed.It's holdingtheir handsto their earsto hearroars The DimitriGurevich fires Quintetlit everyones beena whilesinceI've beento the Wetlands fromthecrowds.Veryrockstarlike. I gotoff a andmadeusonceagaina bunchofanimals.Dressed andnothinghaschanged.It's still the side coupleof "Fuckyou"sand "Yousuck"sand I as moomoos,a soldieqClint Eastwood anda green showthat it's alwaysbeen. Womenhanging get a chant head,theyconquered instantly felt I better. tried to all. We were alljumpin'up and out of their clothes,idiots,jerks,losers,etc. goin',but failed. I did heara "gobackto down,spillin'beeron people(that wasmainlyme, Definitely not the spotto conducta Mensa Norway"thoughand it broughtme a smile. dueto peoplepushingeachotheraroundandgettin' wasthe flrst beer,thenSierra test. Guinness Immortalwasalmostperfect,but fell short. eachotherriledup),andreallylettin'the bandhave Nevada, Bass,Sierra,Siena,Sierra,I'm sure Then again,I guessnothingreallyis. it! Cursin'up a stormat theml Theyloveit though... yougottheideanow.Nooutstanding beerwas gotin a caraccident they'relaughin'the wholetime,while theycurse yeah,AngelCorpse 0h consumed besidesthe understanding that andSatlriconsucks, for them. sonoreviews back. It's something everyonemustexperience. Guinness is the anchorof beerno matter During all the fun, was whenthe mysteryman,the go. wherewe L O V EA M O N OF R E A K S T . H E D . G . O . drunkest manin the house, a.k.a.the houseidiot,got K r i s i u n ,B r a z i l ' sd e a t hm e t a l a t t a c k just satthereright in the middleof the M A K E R S O F F I N E C L O C K S . G A Y L O R D on and stage team, blazedawaywith no mercy. They Sat.Oct.31,TheBrighton,LongBranch,NJ stagelikean "Asshole... on the stage"whichbringsus N E V E Rl e t u p a t a l l . P u r eS a t a n i cH a t e backto the beginninghere. Surehe lookedfunny, channeled throughcurrentsof electricity. "Asshole...on the stage"I yelledanda girl but for somereasonhis headlookedlike a football Thisandtheyarenobullshitwhatsoever (too answered backfromacrossthe room"Nohe and his bodythe tee just waitingfor kick off. He b a d t h e i r a l b u m ss u c kt h e b i g g e sct o c k s isn't,fuckyou".Well,that'swhatI wastold at needed a goodkick in the face, I'm laughin'right i m a g i n a b l e )S . e r i o u s l yt h, e s t a m i n aa n d least,as I put the D in drunkthat night. nowjustthinkin' aboutif that happened.It would endurance A n o t h e rn i g h t a t t h e B r i g h t o na n d i t ' s theseguyshaveis a wonderin havebeenthe funniestthing I've seenin a while itself.Krisiunliveis the deal. Halloween.I go incognitoas a bankrobber besides the Russian weightlifterwhopulledhisarms Theyfinishedandleft the stagein ashes,I with oneof thoseclearmaskswith a mustache offon "SNL".NotonlydidthedrunkannoyJacko,the had1000morebeers,and Immortalappeared on it. I lookedlikean crowdalsodid by yelling"onemore"the threetimes 0n stagein corpsepaint to stimulateus with oneknewwhoI was. Hell,no oneknewwho weredone. Finally,theyfinishedand it TheD.G.Q. theirsonicsounds that the Norsemen smiled anyoneelsewaseither,so it wasverycool. s e e m e da s i f t h e r e w a s n o r e a s o nt o b e a t t h e upon. Immortal,the true Vikingblackmetal "Sorryn0 moreGuinness," the bartendersaid. Brightonanymore,andyaknow,it wastrue soI left... I reallythoughtshewaskiddingat first but warriorsfromNorway;it wastheir first trip to
' J o Jp o o l $ o l c r : * r ii rj e i - u : :q0rui11 i l e l e I q 5 l s q l r 0 ] p 0 o l s - r s ^ a u, { e q l i i e q , 1 p u e ' i l n s , J n c A n A a rsl i i l r $ i l l l $ $ l l { s p * r j : . l s i r i l i r $ r {t l € s,ll lnq 'lno ou?c sul uoqitr?oprou '$?lrnE op eln1eqlrram s pueEu;EEe1 r pegels '.raq1aEo1 r.{}y'\ adscspunos cluorlcolosolulloluos os[? sorppnq pur ,(ur eur JJnls p u ? ' e l r l r l e d o r a J 0 u ' , , E u 1 u a 1 l ? e q s r pEuyql ,, sl.rods auarlxo s1{l ul IIB euoss! oprsJeqlooqt pu? 'leururnrp lear oJ,oA{'sJap?lqrollor oql II? LJlft\u/rop s qll,$ tnq d117sqsegpo8 aqt a{I rpu14'ap1s oslB0r,01{'uaql punorssJoqc?olq 'Eulpoorq epnfeq1u0 llqs Eugssardap ot{l tuorJEulEueqsrauu?qlJosoJclru lrar '1rqs looc',,0I?rqoJopolusi(pTapnleql ;o; pu? I?crUoAou rllrr{ s4redele>1s eql ul eurl srql 'seun1qslyodelou euosJ0 perosuods fi1c 1oEerrprocar Euel-mr ddoce pelocs1sn[1senou se4of,,lJosop oql ^{auaql lnoqe{lel puedup1e ,firrqrr ur sJ00pr?c punu? Eupirruc sge; Eul11eus,, oql l? qJncB ole{s sorppnq,{u pue 7 osoql ll? lnoq? psq IaeJol Eu11re1s olu 'luoqlu! auoc 1eq1sptrc eldues 'Bc'uuo.loc 'ou?1 61116 Wl6ZZl euFolocoqt o{ll I 'nou seugze8eu 'qerest 'usdul uror; fdoc e 1aEo1,fi1aqfeuros ole{s uo 96'99puedsrpr?oqatr?Is 'qEnolql luorJluolsncE paluopfq 1nd 1no 3 o p r J r J a l €I s 3 r u , l e s n ? c a qs l pue i{eaa eloq,naql Japrnulpoolq Eurureelcs slql r{lpr u^{op ru,l suos?or ur?ru lHs il? 'sped odural-plru 'Eultuunrp,{snqqlur looc oql J0 auo 'as1aauo,{le,re aqrlSugeq aroc,poo8ouoslnoglaq acaldg 1rcos'seur11 o^olI 'lle ll,{nq ll,l 'o1odro'ec11neu 'so{orus Ip 1euo Eulploqflereq ,,1r(ureqdselq 'r{ururol s,1rraqlaqlluoocdl Eurqlola 'pa1upe11191 ueurnqerd sql e eq fru lnq aJreuolllnu ? s,aq'u!r{ qlra{uorlcouuoc 'puelod'acrurrqrd gulu6eusalpod 99796 osolc ? laoJ r"'ruoql u0 0ru3u '1no4.r;dzs 'sur.rE AroJpu?:l? uoql e1r.r,n snl o^Bql?ql Erqs uo ggga4upuadsr 'eurosa,ue pu?slrqsJoJu! ua{oJql s,nod 'i(nE per8 ,,acuolsgo 4unq,, fururol e u ra8glq 'leldocrleq esrdsep ro ocEqlral'erqoqd saurT luelnc ;o ;o s , l s q l l e u o s l e ds r q aq1Euoles,l?qlourop,neue dn perues1sn[ ul Iq oql {q pasuqc3u111e8 s,eqa1rq,n uoqvufld- ?unsars,,trlunoc oql ol pu?qacrog spu?qsrquo ,ft1enet;or{uo/!r)t00/ o{rl {11elde pp??puDl^rouuac noi{1nq'puulod qlr^{uorsu?ru e ur sladdr.rls r{lrlrxas ;o seldelsaql oressaaar1t pouJ?elnoi(sa4ol Eupreq erreuolllnu ? ol o1zlord11e1o1 uec ggyi{lqEnorpuu'e'esnus'r11o1oE narpue g 'oo1'doq dtq qt.urlur\opos ru,r 'aru 'anssr eq1ecursped '1rqs ls?l ol pal 0ss,1rlepr.rolr8Eu11ra,us i(urolur oluucllqs pooE;olunoue Jolsnllcul looc'oo1'sp?elru osoql0^olrlleq d11erd u's;yoiielddelcoqeq1uorJ aprs? poo8p suaulloreqr6 aq1pueEur4ool &erq11 eq1 sqrncdueur0ss,oroqlefq^r elt sitn8aql 'slrll{s olq^{ pue sq?q)l 1r ',,1o0d,, spul{ sluoos qlpr sa^ouocu€pIoocesaqlEurops1,rp ? et?{sof eu o1p1dn1s 'sfnEroploauosur04 Eu11u4s ry s{n8aq1 'loocf11erdele d11ueca.r 111nq ,,s100d,, 'dueduroc acu€rnsul uaasa ,l slslcJauuocde8lreu eq1 lnoqBoltlll ? prsoqeir,1 o1eur sq qofr au sleEpur eEalloc 1e ,sreuped spuosoq aroJoq r\ou1qfll eseqd,,loqor,, € ul ru,l${ul{l oq 'll ql$ loocf1u1o1sr leqle; fur 'parosuods puepeuErs uecem 1eEd11n;edoq ossaguduroc olap q ,,punore uaql Eurddoqs,, pue {lelqrl oql l? sqrncEu11t4s so^losrno J 0 s 0 a p l ^a l n u r u g 1 E u l p r o c a{r1 1 u a l r n c or,a^\ 'saullourosqEnorf11erd,ur4cn;s,1r 'lqs puBsre{mu1 pueual&rosseursnq laurolur 0I? s{l0Jrn0 J0 ls0tu 'spu0I00/r\ Otllu0
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CL 10/3600-808 Itd. to 600...write mareksarba,ul.platynowa poland warsaw, i heard,andnow shitlistflooredmewith a couplecassettes hlve a 7" out on fired up records.blazing,strippeddown no hardcore,6 songs,bad assskankbeats,quickbreakdowns, leads,goodrecording,and tight as fuck. what is it aboutthat can't understand?hell yeah,doooood!write that other.bands at - po box8985,mpls.,mn.66408 firedup records can't remember whetherit waswhenmicrosoftwindows but cameout,or whenlabelsstarteddoingbig"pr0m0"mailings, in a while back"fanzines"took an absolutefuckingswan-dive the qualitydepartment.dumpa bunchof stupidasscd reviews in wordpadand sendit off to the printer. yeah,that'scoolas fuck!..... bloatedsewerzineis a breathof freshair for measthey rely moreon a razorbladeand a gluestick thana couple semesters of computerclassesto put their shit out, interviews with assuck,los crudos,guernica,agoraphobic nosebleed, etc. plus lots of goodphotos,art, and semi-shittyphotocopy whichis coolwith me.secondissueshouldbe out reproduction bynowiVwhenyou'rereadingthis, writeme-pob 4452,in$ewoodca90309 /
LatelyI've hearda lot of peoplesayingthat the sceneis startingto suck again...that bandsaren't as goodas theywerea coupleof yearsback.,.that showsdon't seemthat excitinganymore.I, too, do not look forwardto the returnof whatthe scenewaslike in the early90s...small,not a lot of support, a handfulof bands,etc. But there'sanothersideto this issue,Sure,showsweresmallerandthere wasn'ta lot of supportfor the extremebands,but theystill existed.It's when peoplestart to loseinterestthemselvesthat they begin to feel that things a r e n ' tt h e " s a m e a " n y m o r e .T. .H E Yc h a n g e d .b. .u t t h e s c e n el i v e do n . Sometimes a in the caseof a town that losesits venue/ kids/ bands... here'sa coupleof examples: A couplbof timesI havewatcheda strongscenein a specifictowngrowand decline.Thoexamples standto the fore: oneis the Bayfuea scene.Whilethe thrashscenewasslowlydyingoff (it wasbasedaroundplaceslike The Farm, Ruthie's,theVats...)the Gilmanscenekeptthingsalive. It pumpednewenersl into a scenethat couldhavefadedfromexistence.Butthen the'90'scameand showsstartedto be small,faster/heavierbandswere hard to comeby,and peoplewerenot interestedanymore. Wewereluckythough...we IIAD Gilman, we HADEpicenter...The otherexampleis DeKalb.This town is a perfect exampleof howa sceneis madeand then fades. Somekids attendingNIU decidedto starta band.Theymadetheir basement into a placeto practiceand haveshows.Nextthing you know,there's6-10bandsfrom this groupof friends...oneof whichturnedout to be oneof yourfavoritebands:CHARLES BR0NS0N,0nce they completedschool...the membersmoved,someto the EastCoast,someto othertownscloseto Chicago.., somestayedin DeKalb,But (don'tkick myass,Ebro). In bothof DeKalbisn't asactiveasit wasin 1996-97 thesecasesthe scenedid appearto die..,at leastin a localsense. Soyeah,I agree... I don'twantto seethe BayAreasceneget like it wasin 1990-92... it wassadanddisheartening to seesofewpeopleat the RORSCHACH / B0RNAGAINST show,or earlierthe INFEST/ PHCshow. But you know what?... fuckit. Therewerepeopletherewhohadtheir liveschanged fromsome of thosesmallshows.Therewerepeople(like me) who boughtshirts,who wrote letters,who practiced3-4times a weekwith their bandthat nobody caredabout...who lovedeveryminute of the showslike UNDERT0W, CHOKEH0LD, HELLNAII0N, SLEEP, etc.,that peopledidn't showup to. Thequestiontums out to be: fue yougoingto measurethe sceneby the popularityit haswith others,or areyougoingto look at it fromwhat it means0o youandyoualone? Everyscenethat I lovesufferedbad in the early90s; grindcore,fastcore,sXe,evenmetalcorein my areawitsveryunpopular.But fuck it, therewereenoughof us,as smallasit was,wherewe got0otalk about goodbands,turn eachotheronto somehardto find demoof someband,etc... ThereasonI'm writingthis is not to addressothers...just recentlyI've so muchin the pastfew years. startedto listento thosewho havecomplained I'vestartedto seethe numbersdropat shows,to noticethat sometimes, shows aren'tasfunas"theyusedto be." Thiscolumnis a projectto remindmyselfthat that'sfuckingbullshit. WhatI'm comparingtoday'ssceneto werethe showsof the mid-'90'swhenwe had the early exceptional(andphenomenal)
6ua 1eqllng se&d eq1o1u1 dqsEseralurIEau peuealE'1srd leu'Iu!lquee@96au! eq1uorJsir\alruelw;oslupdarqlpl 'aalqcrt '999t9 'sal36uv 'o so'l xog s1q d J0 alilll ? l?l p.aquoqt pus ,[ou ,{reag asoolJo '4ooqf.rolsrqs o{rl Jo lros sl aurzaq;, fpearlt ?9006 v3 e6eJaV nen {q,n repuo,nlnq dleq1,uecnof 1tUaE alg{ u puu'gqs orocprsrloluosp?tl slr{l ouopl,usuqauooruos ll pw'InO SCISNIpallecaulz? opol pasn 1raesno{ uoqa l?ql saulzesoqlJo auos! HSyHqU "'ar?co{ql ll0!u urorJ00f 'roJ 'uunloDoreqsrqlur po^ropers? d0 ,,goloqilr? ptp zzedguostel eEur.rls s? 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Therewas a carefullycut out path betweenthe KISStradingcards,the heaps 'zines,an alwaysgrowing of "to-be-read" moundof mail, flyers for showsfrom last month,backissuesof "Kamandi- LastBoy grew 0n Earth",7" recordsthat seemingly like a fungusout of one corner,a box of children'sbooksI ownedwhenI wasthree that my parentssawfit to sendmewhenI was28,photosfrom mytrip to Australiain stackof 1996,sketchbooks, a MASSIVE recordsI still hadn'tlistenedto followed by whateverrecordI hadto listen to every singleday (in the last few weekseither T H EL A S T" L A E x p l o s i o n "F, O R W A R D 0F FAITH "WhileYouAlive"or ARTICLES "GiveThanks"),wanderingmismatched s o c k s t, o n f a ( ? ? ? ? ? )g, r e a tc l a s s i c so f Westernliteraturerangingfrom MobyDick to "SpockMustDie", anda andGilgamesh wholeassemblage of miscellaneous things that meldedinto an undefined,hulking massof splayedout "stuff'. This path led from the doorto my bed and wouldalter and changecourse,and often cut across the teenyoctagonalroom in different directions.Yearsof beingan intensified packrathadlandedon this nerd...hard. I can'tremember howI startedbeinga collector. I dimly recollectdraggingmy parentsto take my teenifiedself to stand in awe of the toweringold-stylerevolving c o m i cb o o kr a c k a t t h e d r u g s t o r ea n d m e a s u r i n go u t h o w f a r m y h a n d f u lo f changewouldgo. I recall spendingmy paperroutecashin a "gotta hard-earned collect'em all frenzy"to fill out my Star Warstoy collectionwith essentiallifealteringitemslike "ThePowerDroid"and "Lobot". Thenthere'swant adsfor rare to Swedishhardcorerecords,"upgrading" originalpressings andto "mint condition", m u l t i p l e c o v e r s ,m u l t i p l e p r e s s i n g s , multiplecolors,filling in thosemissing l i n k s i n t h e N o r w e g i a nH a r d c o r e collection...anyonegot an extra AKUTT INGELESSE 7'??? Memorabiliareadsin the American things Ileritagedictionaryas "Remarkable worthyof remembrance".A placein time hasdrawncloserby a physicalreminder,
whetheryouwerethere or just wantedor wishedto be. Conllictingwith the "NoMore '77 sensibility, Heroes"STRANGLERS Punk its historyandheroes,its Rockhascanonized reliquariesof limitedpress7" and LPsand spreadand swapped and tradedacrossthe globe.Collectability is basedon the simple rulesof supplyand demand,and in the case of earlypunkrecords,the demandwashard to meet.Therewasnoneat all at the time or the ability to pressmoresimplydidn't exist. Beingableto buya pieceof it is yourticket D.C. to a part of London1977,Washington 1979,Helsinki 1981, Tokyo1983,LosAngeles 1982- placeswheremusicand ideaswere formedthat alteredhistoryand outlook& definemeaning.Musiccan alsotake you backto long afternoonsafter high school listeningto D,R.l."DealingWith It' overand over,0r what show you met your first girlfriendat, how RUDIMENTARY PENI's yourlife (believeme,anything lyricschanged before"Cacophony" can) or a winterspent d e l i v e r i n gp i z z a sl i s t e n i n gt o A N T I 0 C H ARR0W andCROSSED OUT Musicandrecordsarethe primarysource of communication and ideasof this scene, moreprolificin andeachyearis seemingly o u t p u t . T h i s i s t h e u p s i d eo f t h e d o - i t yourselfrevolution-anyonecan put out a beingit makesa lot of record.Thedownside shit to wadethroughand mostpeopledon't havethe time,moneyor interestto keepup. It makesit hardto run a recordlabeland a lot of labelsare forcedto flip the collector cardto keeppeopleinterested,ordering,and a cashflow to keepputtingout records.The upsideof thesecollectors'editionsis that theytax 0n people'screativityto createnew gn d r e c o r d s , a n d i n t e r e s t i n gp a c k a g i n a rewardthosepeoplewho go to showsto get "the limited tour version",write and make contactto get the "limitedmail-order only" version, orjustto createsomething specialto markthe occasionof releaseto giveto fans I and friendsof the band. But sometimes is wonderat this point if the memorabilia comingbeforethe memories. I'm at Gilman,and I'm stuckbehinda tablesellingstufffor a bandheadliningfrom Japan.There'san openingbandplaying,I've
seenthemmultipletimes,but tonighttheyare on fouralarmfuckin' blazinglire!!! Onesongafter the next, completely andtotallyintensehardcore,bandmembers airborne,vocalsscreamingawesomelyrics all in a ragingsynthesis of intensefeelingand musicwhereit's I think evidentthat thosefeelingsarereal....everything definesgoodhardcorepunk. I am in awe...bandsthis goodare infectious,sendingout waveafter waveof energrandI feel myselfgettingsuckedin. It's explosive an effortto standstill. ThenI lookoverandthere'sfive peoplelazilypawingthroughrecordboxeskind of bored,not watchingthe bandand I honestlycouldn't for encapsulated intensitywhen believeit. Shopping it's happeningten feet awayfrom them. (Sameway I all the peopleat showswith video neverunderstand like here'sa videoof a showI hada really cameras... greattime at...STANDING IN A ASSTILLASP0SSIBLE CORNERHOLDINGA VIDEOCAMERATHE WHOLE FUCKING TIME!!!!!).Peopleprobablysat outsideat andVOIDshows,walkedto the liquor MIN0RTHREAT wentandplayedPachinko storeduringTHEMISFITS, played,or shotup while theycouldbe whileCONFUSE watching THEGERMS, Thinkaboutit. Priorities. Everyonehere'sa musicfan on somescaleand wantsto knowthe newsounds andideas,Thistoneof collectingand tradingas a priority part of hardcore yearsago-- a wassteeredby MaximumRockandRoll magazine startedby someintenserecordcollectors and fans,alwaysleaningheavilyon the recordgeek quotientandfocusingon whatnewrecordsare out as the primaryhappening.With yearsof expansionin contentand scope,MRRhas had and continuesto havean indelibleimpact,but aska lot of peoplewhy they read it and it's not for the Mykel Boardnude photos-- it's the "Reviews and Ads" answer.The guideto punkrock. An oddcall for betterconsumer's a s c e n eb a s e dw i t h s o m ea n t i - c a p i t a l i s t a , nticonsumerist tenant,but peopleare people,There's probablyvolumesof dissertations on the collector i m p u l s eb , u t I t h i n k p a r t o f w h y p e o p l es e e k c o m m u n i c a t i od ne , f i n i t i o na n d m e a n i n gt h r o u g h objectsand possessions is becausedealingwith real peopleis awkward,difficult and/orpainful,often throughno fault of their own. Collecting(or at its m o r eb a s er o o t ,s h o p p i n gi)s a m e a n so f e s c a p e , e4joymentandaddsto self-worth. WhereI grewup therewas no sceneor shows. Records, mostof themboughtthroughMRR,werethe life-linkto it. I alwaysfelt part of somethingmuch largerby hearingand readingand participatingin keepingup with the scene,andthe lyricsechoedideas
rolcul .lo$ euo vudel'' LtN<nZeqHf,IHS-srtrsN,ppsSqs€H
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( p.tuoc) N0su3oNvs
S.0.lllYellowMachinegun Stfl7Vitl't{td tRlY IDLf,ASH Oldshod & rew shod unie for ths lhrdhcoreexlnv4aul
Vulgar Pigeors
St&r ' t12 tta NEW If,LEASE Hardhiltingllew York stvlehardcorewilh youlhcrewoverlon6. rsFl
' ?"rltl
!{ . MCDtt t/
Frtreme, stmiShl fomard NEW iILJASE hardcoresrind wilh btutal dual vocals.
Jigoku Gnruna Sd-rrdcl ' !t tta NfW IIIJASE! Superaglressive fron olinawa,Japan metallic hardcore
ui{ Udted Dlrl.rt l Vbid , lr2 'la Stunningbarrageof rills and rage lrom th* Japanes metal maslers.
YellowMachincgun ' ll2 ta No cute pop music here, jusl heavy, brualhardcore.15mnss. SFt ta.u
P.eparefor a bl6t beat dsaull on all your s@s. l5 engs.
Garlic Boys Lr.
, ll2 tta
lrcredibly catchy pop'punk from thtr evolvingJapans veterans
, lr2 tta
Ten darft, twisted,churningsngs The soundlrackto a nightnare.
flG{clta r(l| VLy' ' tl ta An 80s flahbact on this z-eng l0'. Fealures Spee.dMetal Hell and Rat'n'roll Bashrds
Panorana Afro
Chek out he US full lengthdebutfrcm Tokyo.Japans velerandeathgrind masteF
l6t (r rg!t3-l'E' lr2 ta Heary,mtalliclhr6h witha do$ of NYHC vocalists. dueling andrap.2 distinct
The originatoF of Afrck! 4 hardcoreblasts dedicatsl lo this bands lavorilc coilleue
Garlic Boys
Force ' 312 tta
f,ellchild taBtir
' $r2 tta
ar|tr|.s' lr2tra Thisunique3-pi6efmmJapancreate crunch. eme 6lchy punkwithlotsof thmbbinS
r.a , trz ia hardcore at itsbestlnclude6 bonus Melodic on lheJapamepressing. tracksnotincluded
Ah. ?" ' l,l tt
f,BA Sanpler Ist6
' 15 ta
A budgetcompilationfealuringI of Japans most popular independentbands. 18 Songs
auo{Ja^g I,uop) u/rrolqtnoJql tuluoc s? r lno{oorluo pueqB osn?roqpollcxaIIE sB1rr 'OZUSHCS po,t?ld pu?qEugnollsrg oql pusul 8u1uocpepelss11ec sr,trosnoqfu 1e l€ql eq11nq'uaq1pu?rrrouiftairafuydspueq1uco1 ueoqp?q1 '(ourqeq1p Eulpea.r sau Eupruq e pu€qlool auu?cJ?llalsutrodu gooquroc r sreuru aq1)ruoqs%r,,asnoH 14ooqelrdruzir r ur luas1os'1urod EuugEurg,,eq1puc eEed,,rnq[Supltq{u r0 rnotrlo0g,,eq1log8ur1sn 'luauas?q,{uru1s,$oqsop 1tq11urtlsnor8llorllouNlcouunuF?It turp?orpauqs p,l ualoJqitp?eJlcur .ro;3uiledau lsnfol:ersuepus rad?aqcaq plno/r111q1 (auoqdo.rclu papua11z,{lasruds paqo^ur1er.llluaprcurus pu?saaoqs ma;e raryr)pazrrcaluaql pu[ aJaql ,ral s plp I 's roqsdn 1esaldoadlal plno^r1q1 6'uos1pe141 ur raluacuaols sslr oraql iol{ &ttoqsdn tu$les socue;lodxo tsrg rnof oroa lae[ iouocs alp u.Ipaalo^qAleirporluplai ol ra{ooluo o,rlssrdr tqaq urog of troXapsurl8qrtr 'ur.suocs![q snoqslrnd dn los ol pesnno,froul 1 '3 'uo lurodl?ql tuoqpoloor{ i(11u1o1 su,upue r(e1dpuuq s,puauptoqpauorluaueroJ€ aqt aasol Sulo8paUelsI 0661 ul 'Jlasdudq s^roqsreqto ltu? o1oEo1pareasool ssArI pu? lr u! pa$aralu! aJaAr spual{ ^urJoououtnq clsnu aql pa{ll,tllserI '(986I'ygg) looqasqErqur,noqsauo0l uaaq 'pusqBur peqpur (,,sra1svsrq puaq)plocarlund auopeu,uo &a8rnsc11sr14,, ,s,{peuuay I (ueuo,nIscrd,tloalals aq1'qo) esnecaq euacs4undaq1ur pe,rloirur selrpuar.rptoq,tu 1oE1 'I llqt"plul u! nol(aorp t8ftl leuocsrlunileq1q pouqs tet no.{plp aoH VN3HIV'Sv30'110S 'tv\ONv IHI 0Nln U3A3N 0l 9Nllll9 i3NllOUVy S,3U3H 'gNtUtdSNt HIUOI A'ltItNtJ3o Sl 0NV o N V ' 1 0 0 3 A U 3 AS t " t n o s o N t v
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'UnOI 0Nll NVJ nOA NOION S,3HSN3Ht{ 1l ln08v 3ClN ]'|V3USVtv\ IHS Ing Is01 AlIdnOUdI HSlH/v\'(i,ds) sNV3']Cl8lH U3H3n IN3'l A'10Nly '9Nll33n 'tvlilNt 3HS 33VI-OI-33V1 I V H J 0. I U o t u d3 N 0 H d3 H LN 0 U3H0l 03y'lvl OVHI H9OOHIIVlly3lH U0l 9N13l0V0U SVrv\ 3HSNlHrvl 'S8V3A 3NtloUV)tl]n A']lVNtgtUoI 3Hr UtAo SoNVSSnOU3nnN Uol llovou v N33gsvH 3Nllouvy ild^Iolu3ls v 9Ntyv3u81n08v )tlvt Ls3lHgl']s3Hl Nl NOlIdlU3S30 3A0gV3HI lll l.NS3000H/v|SNI'1103 'u3^li 3Nt']ouvyl0 yNtHI | 0H "'ilovou. 0u0,l 3Hl sAVs3N03H0s 'oNtn N3H,1SUnIJtdIN3U3Jlto V NotSrANtA]'rVnI3V| 01 3nm oS'lV tHoln s3ssvd3gvlsy3vs uol t9NVHSxlNr s-rutgr9vu30NngNtdnnH 's, l0 sSluols rosslH Jo m0 gNly3tlsy3vu3rtnS stHHltMu3Htldnv 'U340 3 9 U V 1V d n 0 N l y 3 l d 1 N 3 Sl v n 0 l A l 0 N l S l H t S u n l 3 l d 0 ' l n O t f i y30U gN[il] IH9[ 3M SdVHUSdLNOUI3HI NONTVISV HI|,l IUTHS-L 'u30']0 v oNluvSl Ano Asv3ug rH9tsl u3^o NV 3unlJtd A18v80ud 0 ' l n 0 l s n J 0 A N v F t. ' 3 r 0 v 0 u "0 u 0 , 1 l H l s ^ v s 3 N 0 l n 0 s N S H , \
i\^al^ralul surllo3aurlorex" sarpe'laql Jol au0 puv - Hcslnvy
groan,it was1991, we didn'tknowanybetted).Doing showsat myhousemademefall evenmorein lovewith punkbecause suddenly it wasaboutmorethanjustthe I would music/show; it wasall aboutcommunication! alwayscookfoodandtherewereusuallybigsleepovers wouldstay a lot of the folksfrom Milwaukee because late hangingout andwind up beingtoo tired to drlve punls were home(72miles). TheMadison-Milwaukee all like a big familyandwe spentmostof our time goingbackand forth betweenthe two citiesseeing shows,havingpotluckdinners,andjust hanginSout. From'91to '93I had66bandsplayat myhouseandwe onlygothassled bythe copsonce!
loadingin gear& merch,settingup merch,selling merch,talkingto kids,hopefullyeatingvegantreats, morecaffeine,packingup & loadingout, g0in8to house,cookingfood,hangingout & telling someone's tales,goingto bedwaytoolate. Repeatsameeveryday for at leasta month. 6. You'vebeeninvolvedin tho punk communityfor msny years. What hae kept you involvedwhere manyothorshavodroppedout?
changed mywholelife forever.Themusicis great,but it's the communication on so manylevelsthat means somuchto me(yeah,I know,I'm verysappy). 8. I thlnk the way you share a job with your husbsndk lntercstlng. Pleaseexplain how thst worksfor the rcadersofSFL. Doesyour bossthink it's welrd?
Robert(my husband)and I sharea job at a small juice bar in SanFrancisco.It's perfectbecause it I guessrqyten-year"punkmck anniversar/'is in Julydoesn'tmatterwhichoneof us showsup.towork (our that's pretty weird to think about,huh? Especially bossjust puts our last nameon the schedule). when because compared to a lot of peopleI know,ten years Aetually,we kind of had a similararrangement ain't nothing!I knowl'm still involvedbecause I was we were both workingat Fuel Cafdin Milwaukee. 3. How did you etart roadieing? What has changed ableto sortof evolwwith the punkthingsI wasdoing. We'vebeenluckyenoughto workfor peoplethat know as a roadie? Who are for you In your experiences we'reboth reliableemployees.The onlytime this is Firstit wassettingup showsanddoinga recorddistro. someof tho bandeyou've roadied for and of thoee ThenI startedtouring,goingall otrerthe world(Hong difficult is whenwe bothneedto goon tour. Ourboss bands,who are tle mostfun to tour with? Kong,Philippines,Brazil,Argentina,and mostof appreciates the fact that Robertand I are both a bit WesternEurope,in additionto the previously weird ourselvesand somehowsharinga job just fits I startedroadieing(sheesh,that's an awkwardword, into that quitenicely. mentioned AYCEdestinations) andall overthe US huh?)in 1994whenALL YOUCANEATwaskind Australia, many,manytimesover. It seemslike quite a few to takemeon tourto NewZealand, enough L What has beenthe worst or scariestexperience peopleget burnedout by doingthe samethingin the Thailand,andJapan.I hadbeentryingto getsomeof you'vehad as a roadie? sametownyearafteryear.Therealsoseemsto be an the bandsin Milwaukee t0 take me alongfor a few yearsand had beenunsuccessful, unspoken sorta"turning30,I bettergrowup" thing usuallydue to the Gettingshotat in SaoPaulo,Brazil(not mepersonally, goingon aswell. Notfor me,but I'll elaborate girlfriendwasupsetat the notion on this fact that someone's but the car we weredrivingin... neverstopfor a red in question7 (don'tskipahead,okay?!). that a womanmight be goingon tour with their light at night in Brazil). Almostgettingarrestedfor boyfriend's band. I hadt0 go t0 Califomiat0 get my lookinglike a hookerin Dallas,'lX(don'twalk to the 0. What doesyour fanily think about your being a gasstationfor a sodawearinga leopardprint skirt and first opportunity!Thingshaven'tchangedtoo much roadie? in my roadieexpetiences, the dutieshavepretty hat withoutan ID in Texas).Gettingsunoundedand muchalwaysinvolvedsellingmerch,loadinggear, Luckily,myfamilyhasalwaysbeenentirelysupportive then interrogatedby undercover Germanpolice yikes! Seeingtonsof lost socks,and driving,findinglost bandmembers, lookingfor footballhooligans... of myroadieadventures. Mymomalwayswantsmet0 lost tempers.I've beenluckyenoughto workwith bring photosfrom tourswhen I visit so shecan see copswith sawedoff shotgunsall overBraziland people:ALL YOUCANEAT,HICKDY, what I've beenup to. I think bothof my parentsare someamazing Argentina- sawedoff shotguns- in broaddaylightl S P I T B O YC , I T I Z E N F I S H , B E N D E R ,A V A I L , reallyexcitedthat I've had the opportunityto seeso Needingfive escortsat the AYCEshowin Manila and FUCKFACE, AUSR0TTDN, Y0UNGPIONEERS, muchof theworld. Mydadlaughedsohardat a photo becausebeinga white girl with dreads,tattoos,and WHATHAPPENS NEXT?.There'sno wayI can pick of somedrunk punla with mohawkspassedout in a lots of armpit hair wouldjust be too distractingfor whichbandis/wasthe mostfun, but everytour has heapat a squatin I\rino, Italythat I let himkeepit! I manyof the boysat the show. I thoughtthey were inoediblemoments(is that a copout or what?!)but I think he showedit to all his friendsandsaid,"Thisis kiddinguntil I tried to walk aroundby myselfandhad can definitely say that AYCE was the most whatmydaughterdoesfor work"(takingphotos,that to outruna packof "well-wishers." brake Complete adventurous, HICKEYhad the mostrun-inswith the is). Myhusband toursalmostasmuchasI dosowe're failuregoing80MPHonthe highwayleavingtownfor a cops,SPITB0Ywasthe sexiest,and CITIZENFISH both super supportiveof each other traveling HICKEYtour Almostdrivingoff a cliff a few weeks waslike a grandfamilyreunioneveryyear. I also wewant. whenever laterandjust laughing aboutit. A hugebrawlbetween haveto givea hugeamountof thanksto Richardthe duringa showin "the couragecrew"and SNAPCASE ?. Are you able to makea llving as a roadio? How RoadieandPetethe Roadiefor trainingme"properly" Dayton,0H that ultimatelyinvolvedAVAILas well longdo youthink you'll do it? Whydo youdo it? (nothinglike tryingto packup/loadout merchandise in 1995.Theyhavebeenmy "roadieidols"for a long time and workingwith themwaslike gettingan in the midstof a frghtl). Um,um, I knowthat there's I've nevermadea lMng from touring,but AVAILwas apprenticeship froma roadcrew techcollege. more,butthat'sit for ofrthe topof myhead. with their "paychecks" and they even very generous paid travelexpenses wheneverthey neededRichard 4. Describea typicalday on tour for you. Whata,re 10. What &re someof the best or most rew&rding and I to comeout for tours,whichwasawesome.I yourresponsibilities? you'vehad as a result of being a experiences haveno doubtsthat I will be doingthis in someform roadie? I usuallygetthe wonderfultaskof wakingeveryone up or anotherfor the rest of my life. My husbandand I ontime to getto the nexttown. I'vefoundthat being hopeto be that "weirdold couple"wholive in the Gettingto travelall overthe world is the thing that because throughthose a roadiecanoftentimesfeellike beinga mom.Youget Midwest,haveshowsat our house,cookfoodfor the standsout the most...especially It doesn't thekidsup,get 'emtheir breakfast(usuallycoffeeand bands,andlet'em crashthereaswell (all contingent travels.I feellike I have"family"everywhere. get 'emin the van,andmakesurenobody on the requirement cigarettes), matterif I don'tseesomeof thosefolksfor years,they that they lookat photos"from in New le{tanythingbehindbeforewe leave(generally backin the day"andlistento ustalk abouthowgreat all havea specialplacein my heart. Especially England, andltaly. Brazil,Argentina, referred Zealand, Australia, to asan "idiot check").A typicaldayusually the 90'swere.). Scary,huh?l I can'twaitl I do this gettingup far t0o early,drivingall day, involves Also,gettingto tour aroundthe Statesis awesome becauseI can't irnaginelivinganyotherway...the youget to meetnewpeopleall the time and consuming smoke, D.l.Y.(do it yourself)ethicsof punkandthe whole because too muchcaffeineandsecond-hand giggling aboutrandomshit, gettingto the show, communityof peoplethat goeswith that mindset keepin touchwitholdfriendsona regularbasis.
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',{dd?q,ira^ au saleu slooq o1 Eu111es'fus eagns 'lt polsq7pa pueeuoeluos 0l feql 1q1 no{ llol pusqluolxs ur {c?q euoc11,,{aq1 0l allrl ? lsaB8ns '>1ooq 'sr n0,{seurrleruos r lnoqr anire no,{souqal[os looq z prJ Aroqra o qsnBqloq nof saurlaurog 'aldoedq1u,roAstlol 'u^rolut s,oquaq^{ aql s! slooqEu111as loEnor(anEolerp lnoqzlred lsaq aql puolaa,lr,iroa aroqlsl otpg u?rrgpu?orutlaleq,(aq1ueq,nalqelSrergpuz i(asuegtrparc aq111ua1e1 'qluolu ? sauq orstru?rd u?S I,u?oI 1no:1caqc) FroAos$noqsusrullClB uraqtllaspu?(Ero'ssardlr',r,uu,r 'qsaaqg ut ssaldXVluorJq00q loEI 'llo r /fia uogsonb sqt Euga.nsue slr{lroJauts lou ru,1 6661ur 1.43 oql pp ll pu?Z66Iur,{siaeaur,rrolqlooq 1zq; fup (,tu 'asucsql ut rro)lno,(salru ,{1par1r',,uauro11 ,ftEuy,,looq qu?aggUaql tnoq?pallcxaladnslat Ir!3 8uno,{B aasno,{put oq?pl's11ug uyr11ur ar,no,t 'alq4 uoqn 'ald0adaluosol qcnu u?eu puq (9661)uoql ? suq orurs uo uaaq a^,1 tnq 1ou lqEnu leql looq 'uoll€cnpo = Eulpeau uorl9urB?urr rnol fiarraqcnu s,auooruos flqrssodo1,{z.,rr Alald luarBe JIes {J?ds ,tne1ot s",r I pu?uoluo^rI lsql rnot HSISNSZIIICtsrg aql plp aH s,$oqs 12q11;passardul lund t€q00q Sulllos,fulunocaql punoJ?II? Eurlo?q s?,noqa 1au 1 uosredlsrg aql s?r!r(ssar6yy go)sr?H,6SlsrC 'o.t1slp ',tolo{ragq snoqs sqooqiu;11es sr(r^rlBoJBnotr 'gI lG looq 0Wlnoqs 0u IloJ 'lcadsar pue'uotl?crunuuot ',{lrunururoc'sarqle lnoq? II€ s,lr olu ol " 11a{?ul nof l?q,nsr lund ssanE; ,,;1asrno,(-11-op,, 'AI ;s1lund 1u1q1no,{op ltt1tr 'pepuur ',Lraqr6 'lno elu epu11 szm Euol 1rq1 1;qe dlaqo1Eu;g,t aldoad;oassodaloqr e 1oEair,y'pueq;o1nosle8Suqlauros aql ur aJss Jr l€ql eEpot^{ou{ 'il pounq pur spueuJ r{ur rltln mol 01 el?unuoJ .ro ,$rprdnls uoaq osls a ut noi( 01dn turpuels 1eeJ 1a3 ,l urhrsro {urs o1no,{saqceal3u1lno1 1nqtqs {1n5u1ed Jouollcqsll?soql a tsqJoqllonotr i(qc;nbr(11eel oq q posn 'pulu Jno{ ocold€ o sq ure, e11oE nol{saurlauroslnq 'opuls ur 1r aqq o1f.r1 1a1 lsnf I Jo quouluoc,,usrqsal u aqlsnu eqsllreqlrdrurroql lls l3 I (0u0lsal1lsaqt s(s rl? s,lsqluosuorauros.rog) 'Iclnb pur aldoadna; r ql! { saqcl?uSuqnoqs {o0rl,,olqBluou!eql osp s,oJaql ltsaruaoppelceqe,r,,(aq1 alqlpalcu!aluosolu! uomoto^,1 ,,apu?qsnq rno,{sr auoqcru\,, '(uorlsenbecrrauryqlnog ur rzlndod puu'.lq1pnBurdaa1s Ja o aql) pus',,;otdnoJt ? noi{ aly,, no,tarepucqaql ur ,{nBqaq11,,'1noqe;;osqlnour quaprcuryo,{1ua1d rlot{l Eullooqs (pJouotu! seloqssr uaeqa,rzqeraq;, lsnfpur) seloqs*luup Sunloaur 'alsroqtlo ecBold u; lueurssBraq ro suralqordo1u1uru ro^enoi(oq '11 lalpsor apuel r Eugaq
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16. What do you feel a,rethe punk communit/s geatâ&#x201A;Źst strengilN &ndweahnessee? wasn't Yikes,that probably anessayin andof itself. I wouldn'tbedoingthis intewiewtodayif networking of the punkcommunity.Theabilityto booktours(or just travel)andmeet one0f the geateststrengths peoplewith similargoals& ideasall overtheworld. Tbbeinspiredbysonieone's wordVmusic,/actions and or oneyou'rejust visiting. I don't know, then in turn sharethat with eitheryourowncommunity/scene but sharingis a big part of it. Sharingfloor space,a meal,a zine. this soundslike a little kid answer, or a comprecord. Theweaknesses Workingtogetherto build something,be it a venue/infoshopArousing arepretf obviousI guess.All the isms: sexism,racism,homophobia.Drunkpunkvs.straightedge,crusty long... vs.poppunk.Thelist is thousands 17, If you had neverbeeneposed to the punk ecene,what do you think you wouldbe doingnow? I don'twant to think aboutthat question.Gettinginto punk at age20 savedme from everhavingto (andI'm not embarrassed ponderthat question.Butto put it in perspective aboutthis) I wasthe captain Pom-Pon andyes,thereis a difference!). of thePom-Pon squadin highschool(notcheerleading, just a hobbyfor you or is it more? Wtat do 18. You are a talentedphotogrspher. Is photogpaphy you do with all of the photosyon take? Will we everseea book of photographyftom you? in Milwaukee andalmostfinishedmydegree,but then I gota chanceto I wentt0 schoolfor photography tour with AYCEand I neverwent back. I try to sendcopiesof my photosto the bands,but I tend to procrastinate I'vehada lot of workprintedin variousrecordsandMRR.I'vealsohad onthat sometimes. fromJapan.Basically, my closetis litteredwith andDollmagazine a fewthingsin the SFBayGuardian boxesandboxesof negativesandprints. Devon(AYCE)and I are collaboratingon a bookthat chronicles the adventures of ALL YOUCANEAT,but that's a goup effort betweenthe wholebandand myselfand it mightbe a fewyearsbeforethat getsfinished.Noplansfor a photobookat the moment,but I wouldlike to do a seriesof themeposters.We'llseewhathappens.0h yeah,I got myfirst "backcoverof a book" photocreditlastyearwhenAKPressreprintedCraig0'Hara's"Philosophy of Punk".Veryexciting! 19. Who&resomeartists you admireand why? of peopleis truly amazing to hero. Herstyleof capturingthe strangeness Dianefubusis myphotography Herpassion for her subjectmatter(be it music,rotting ne. ChrisBoartsLarsonis myotherphoto-hero. trees,or people)shinesthroughin all of herwork. structures, 20. Thankseomuehfor taking tlte dme to answerall of thesequestions! Any last eomments? so much in this interview,feel free to write me: Since I've mentionedcommunication or l00l 41stStreet,0akland,CA94608.Also,for the record,I knowAthena's knowthat she'soneof the mostincredible focusin hercolumnis womenandI'd just like to let everyone andhardworkingwomenin punkrocktoday.I lirst reallyhungout with her overa borvlof ramenverylate at nightin St. louis, Missouriaftera stellarHickey/fheDreadshowin 1995and I've beena hugefan of Beaufor teachingme howto throwa hen eversince!Manythanksto all of myroadfamilies,especially properpunchandAesopfor the blackeye.I'm planningonputtingouta "tourtales"zinein a fewmonths Um,um,okay,I guessI'm done.Thanks! fromall of rnyadventures. with excerpts
LIFT, $+ilirp bc*kr al 9?4 S.]l;niin S l . . 5 r : r r r r r * rl r i 9 f . fttSl1TP , i g f i r a r n + i a na s k e d m * i o *arry
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l a k * r r . . .F u i r k p s i n t * , e h ) l { p h $ l } h y ChrisS*rrt$-Lar$firi
ro^g lerll\,, 'uorlnqrrluoc srqro; 0J pauaddsH ol eur pa{sBJIopnU srei(gI soloqdapu,c.rd islJtlcIH
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- Grandpa
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Llrm," whichallowsme to commenta little on yourIssue#5. (Regarding the Heresyarticle)as far asI know,Johnsangin Can'tDecide(at least I'm quitesureI hear& seehimon their12"- no nameslisted)after Heresybrokeup. And I'm prettyconfidentthat Steveplayedwith a 60's punk/garage bandfor a while. Their name escapes mebuttheymadeit quitebig. Thepicturesyouprintedwith the Heresy youlifted articleweremostlyshotbyme. I guess It's a long themfromthe Lost& Foundreleases. storywhichI'll summarize by tellingyouthey rippedmeoff (andthe bandaswell). Maybeyou in thezine. canrunthatasanannouncement Here'sillustrations to accompany the LArm feature.All photosby me. Flyers... I don'tknow, If you knowanyonewho wouldgo apeoverthe "NothingIs Hard..."7" & who'sgota nicetrade, plug) let theme-mailme. (lt'sa shameless Thatshouldbe all. Betweenthe five most embarrassing albumsyou play all day,don't forgetto playthe classics: rFireParW- both12" oFideliW Jones- lzu&7' oReptile - MLP House - 7" rDesiderata oRainLikeTheSoundOfTtains- anv Dischord rules!l Gladto seeotherold menin the sceneafter somanyyears.ThoughI guessI'm dropping out, Givemeindie-rock!Later, T h e u nK . / t h e u n k @ d d s . u l ThsunYut.werecorrectahutt the Heresypi,cs. We just li,fted,what we could lind from their releases.AsJar as Eou hauing a stotg about beingripped offfu Lost & Found, what Lost & Foundstory isn't aboutbeingripped ffi I'ue neuerheardone... I agreethat Dischordrules, but of course I'm not taLkingaboutthesanxereLeoses thntgou are. I liked Embrace,but nerything elseJrom Rites 0f Spring on up, including the shtfr yau mmtioned,shouldbe incineratedand,dunped in an undergroundatomic wastefacilitg. Magbeif we eliminate the roots of emo,thut, we'II seea positiae effecton the eoentual ertinction of modern-dagemo. That cry-core, -Spock-and-Jall-on-the -like-Mr. dress floor shit is phong& d,eserues a swift & painfuLd.eath. Thanksa millionJor thegreatLcinnpi,cs& I tlgers! Ant, in caseI didn't mmtion it beJore, Iikejust abouteuerystgleof musi,c,but thnJact remainsthat nxlstindi'erockblows... - Chris
I just got the first issueof ShortFastand Loudtoday,andholyshitdoesit smokel!! It looks good,it feelsgood,it's wholesome all around.I haven'tbeenexcitedabouta magazine in a w h i l e . M R Ri s t o o b o r i n g ,H i t L i s t i s t o o rock'n'roll,Heartattackis too P.C.,and Punk Planet,althoughsomeof the interviewsare good,is too poppy.Finally,a magazine that comesprettycloset0 whatI'm all about.I'm considerablyyoungerthan many 0f your c o n t r i b u t o r sa,n d i n s t e a do f m o s to f t h e m comingoff as all jadedand negative, they all seemexcitedashell to bea part of it. Fuckyeah. I'm lookingfonvardto learningsomenewthings aboutthe daysbeforeI camearound,some historyandinsightinto the shit that'scoming out now,whenthingsseemed a bit morefresh and ready.So thanksfor the new mag,and spreadthewordt0 all, that a stellarjobhasbeen d0neon the first issue,andtell everyone to keep onrochng,..lbke careChris!!Sincerely,
I just a fewweeksbackpickedup my first issueofSH0RI FAST& L0UDandreallyfucking e4joyedthe hell out of everypagel I sit on my assall dayat mylamejob at a bookstoreherein Nashvilleandyourzinesurehelpedpassa lot of time.HowcanI getmyhandson the otherback i s s u e s? ? ? I t ' s a b o u t d a m n t i m e p e o p l e r e m e m b e rb a n d s l i k e H E R E S Ya n d t h e ACCUSED, I'm almost27 and gladto seethe CROSSOVER sceneremembered. I lovedthose timesandbands.Thanksandtakecare.
by manyzine columns,some ...As'evidenced :peopleare alreadyhavingnostalgicfeelingsfor Nostalgia alread/ Well,thereis "powewi0lence". a 3 0 - m i n u t ien f o m m e r c i af ol r a s e t o f C D s showcasing ihe "Bestof the 90's"in which partiersaskusto uremember smiley-faced when lroudancedall nightto that PaulaAbdulalbum?" In the faaeof this, powerviolence nostalgia hardlyseemsworthyof ridicule.Haveyou ever seenthe word"powerviolence" written bya zine columnistwithout quotationmarksaroundit? Lookin'forwarilto the next Hellnationolatterl Sincerely, Davis. CA I
I just thoughtyouandyourfellowpeoples whoworkon that zineshouldknowthat I loveit. I got the first onewith my SlapA Hamordera coupleweeksagoand I want the newoneas soonasit comesout. A greatbigbreathof fresh air to all the mybabyshit that'sbeengoing aroundfor far too long. SF&Lwill probablybe mypick of zinesnowthat ProfaneExistence has passed away(sobll).Goodcolumns, reviews, and a greattastein music. Keepup the goodwork people.xoxoxo, F r a n k - C a r oAl n n
For thosewho don'tknowaLreadg, thereare rw backissuesof SF&L. Startin4 thefirst issueat #5 was my stupid,senseoJhumor kicki,ngin again....hard,yhar har....well, arenttI Mr. funngpants... - Chri"s
J a s o nS c h u t m e r i c h
Rick Ele / KDVS
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IGtt.9 rneql{doq4€ u d].xrodno||!F0. + spe4tuoo .notr 'rrlt..u00 q r6ct!.g.lnuel tr30m 6 lill6ll 03- JU0l0Ultl.. 'siurp,roil.r.n r !l l t d] JJlstTruod.'.$|16rs op1. iB..ropql F.rql. logpq 6 0ms11 tvglxtpse ttz66tl(F -JttrVs9IGAfi. . yowtgto4lSnsntr lelrry I tlnnn t|,t'.d I I ts|.J u,oqaa .ilt.lstxl l uttlpX ssutr1Ig ns*4 | atq.q! | trr,tug I pug p ttg 1tfu4 q Wj ofl/ qqrr41/ ryU p t Wgq)/ Fclrd q ryq 1nny 011 1uregL1 ryq1hry91tel14 o!w Itto4foS/ory u 6, p0 rFrsq md lstoorX0u;0eg d]-J3llgtrruU.. n try,q6 | Nn0 I q8',lryslrtF/.rpqy$ - 391 3310ltJ u001.o n1 qftq
XryA 1Wd AqpgI oS r,tpryt lrank!o! wfl 1eto6 og1XEnoA qt WE q / rr,nafrnod l yqsfiag1Ig nsse4/ wrstllo wtsopl/ Ielt'l ouqftl lt,00'tstAu ,9l6tpJww, lrnyq tgS.d.S I p.ssodm'01 d'l-.$llU3Slil'l lll0llJ lll0l" o l|n{ - upf 'rst8- ur :r$E -rBg'tc - |rqs rrm ;nr.llf,r tl6rr 91u ftn pptriqpg
[oss.. I]sts.l //.#ry tq,o, p.SnAptr t uryllp nnq) 1bq rlqlry,q,S tw.l 1.wpt 4 1 qtry1 fir,sn:rry | rrlarin. [m.Fr]l I sssrdS0m't :s.ld )ln0m.d A .l - lu|ltlunl lslluill. .
fltrng|rcS.E!UrF4luFEr@ orlrl$flrllo.rtrsft TEe t q2,rvr! F6n+ 1mnrptn ppqlFstno^qry dqfq msur rtmsUruq s.pueq q.n; ppnu l1uru srunp, suu0 - urpf'ssr8- u{' 1qn9- ltg'3p!0 -Iqmg 11pauonatnrry 14ptglIg tsl'd .q | @qwl WrE I +trowsur/.| +su| Lpol SfO{10. $l4 - rrpf'sstg-. S'4tg -rrS'to -Iqa6 ll twtu I tN.! p otztpo/.t sel',u atwl tr,atttntl I Fqtn I dl ptlg t rpa! t -quo1 oq Iq u71NsAu1 1pruA1 l sl,noq&,t4 oqcl I Wllpttg /.4l.wg q l r,u1Lpttll.saqf I/0.Frfl, f,.Fxu rql r!:fl uoFcs.ldmg dl -JBll0d J0]trlftE0- o tNttqWAqAuSlU.Ir','.)qll fl $mltuot -lBlvt l{t91il99t0-.
qe11*ryIpn1 11seneqh4 tn l qwlpwg t qloeqlle .Olryg ct11lg 1 yetoutl1 potltrg1 otej 1.uogno11yqsilug [t0.Iqu| oll .munl t|r]ssj. -il m0. drrql - r{of 'ss?t-ltl6:qtg - ag'q.oo1-tqrn6 ll ttn'er,n'sr,lll qr.71ossyl bninwl t16utg t0 .plg t ttttt o11tt1tr1 1pu1ot11 1oot1 I elnpry | 294 tptpulf I et.! Qdq t npn! 6uftt |l p.s$Id009?l [99.It}t / spr@ru FU-l-JI00SllWKm-. sun{ - qof !€sg-]r$ 4t9 -80'Fq -{gno g1eppt111gtg pag 11gngA1g 17101sqilry! lW.0 l0 ss,vI Pt.Wq qsMJt tMX l,Etlrwrf lNfl C p,p4qtuSt uj / o4qr.WUf ln. LPruqcll- 0t 0t{10. suuo - uqofssegt tqng - rrg 'slsJo- Iuruf fa pffin. // sltll,'r*t'va.Ln petg 1919191119 1pndy 9st41ryryry1.U 1sAnig uq,.4 /uon4f'|' quo4uil lbwinalp 61o4n1 [90.rqu{ - zt 0fi]0 . srug -trtof'srpg-tsgT q-:p1'pq-Iuur I eh puogt orry,!ep //!,''q u1/ e4 q Iq q1 / Wt ApI i.!0 qyt 6u.wq onkg l bty dcty I ll 0! s.pu!1 t I stuglpnl l aoqiw4 cspl ls0,anrl .uqnJrp pnss ut.- !t ${10.
l||dvug|)st0 ou(tutu
I r=unrvrr
RIPC0RD MEMBERS... where aretheynow??
'lI :
(guitar): Malc Phelps f'kideawhathe'supta! Jimmy Briffit(vocals)' I'lev*r sangfara band agai*, rurrenlly wrrks{or nr insuranre company. 'Buzby' Brian B i r c h e(l vl o c a l s )$' a n gi n a l s c * [n e t a lb a n d{ c a n ' t c*rrenlly traveling remenber lhename?). thewrrld. (vocals)' Moved Steve Hazzard tr Milwauk*e, l|ll,I.JSA andgalnTarriad. lfu*n p*nk divorced, moved back totheU(.sangin band $PtTt ahngwiihJohn Iurruntly noiinvolved in musirbutlivinghappily withgirl{riend idrumsi. andlhree kids. Works inf*rtory i* Westrn-$uper-M*rc. (bass)'l1|asinvarious JimWhitlely hands, including FlLTllKlCK. CRACfit$ t$p playing SKULLS. $0{iAl{ftR[$.furreni{yworkingasa prslmanin Cfreltenham, guitar inS0UAN0fRtS *ndbass in0UMBSTRUIK along with$arandJahn. "Baz'Ballam (guitar): Steve P{ayed in various bands. including several withfilPC$fiil drummer Jrhn.UNlt$ftt'l ApPR0AI|i. fAl,l'T 0lIiilf & Itl,l F0t0liATi.Alsopiayed in rnckbandfylRCR[[[t{ be{ara teaming backup withJimandJohninilUM$$TRUIK. llforks asanelsctrician inSristol. JohnMillier(drums)' it*yedin UlllfORM APPR0ACtl, CA}i'T 0lil0f a T[]'l t0til HATI with8ar.thenill$||fL0Tlt covers tiran$PlIt iill$CllAR0[ bandt. v o$c a l i s C t ] .u r r e n tpl lya y i ni g n0UMB$IftUCK. t w i t hS t e vssx - R l P [ 0 R Ilorksasa srlferlrployed inandaround bui{dsr Westcn-Super-Mare. wasco-heddliningwith NAPALMDEATH.10peoplein a van, no seatswith all the equipmentand luggage!Morehassleswith fenies ensued,however,things straightenedthemselvesout and the tour went well with a crowd of 600-700 plus at the first gigl One of the gigs in WestGermanywas videotapedand distributedprettywidely.It officiallycameout in Japansomeyearslater. Stevedecidedto quit after returning and somemore UK shows,Jim (who'djust left NAPALMDEATHafter the tour also) agreedto join. In November'87, the bandwent into the nearlegendary"Whitehouse" studios for the first of manyvisits. goodgigs, A tourof Holland& Belgiumwith HERESY in early'88produced but Baz and Buzbywere havingproblemsand Buzbygot the boot after the tour, playinghis last showin Notts. It waspossiblythe worst gig they did. In the midst of the upheavalthe band returnedto the Whitehouseand recorded the backingtracks for their "HarvestHardcore"EP.Stevethe ex-bassistwas askedto retutn on vocals.He agreedand laid down the vocalsfor the seven tracksfor the EP: 5 originalsand 2 covers(by SSD& SIEGE).Thereweresix songson the initial UKpressand sevenon the USpresson SoulForce. The EP soldwell and caughtthe ear of nationalradioDJ JohnPeelwho askedthem in to recorda session, July 12,1988.Beforethis wasa brief tour of Irelandwhich wasa great successas few bandshad touredthere,They madeenough$5Sto buy back all the equipmentthey'd had stolen out of their van in Birminghamon the wayover. Anothertour of Europein '88 went well, and wasbetter organized. One gig full of skinheadsturnedout o.k.whenthe banddid coversof SHAM69's REJECTS' "HurryUp Harry"and COCKNEY "PoliceCar"!Therewasa riot at anothershowwith Nazi skinheadswhich was a pitched battle until the policeturnedup. A live LP was put out by the guy who ran "YourChoiceLive Series" Records,althougha better live tape of the time from Alkamaar,Holland exists.Straight back from Hollandand into the studios(Whitehouseagain!) for the 2nd LP "PoeticJustice"had the band being pretty pleasedwith the overallsoundas the studio was still only eight track. During the recording thoughSteveannouncedhe was leavingthe band for the 2nd time as his Americanwife washomesickand they wereleavingfor the States.After much thought,it wasdecidedto call it a dayrather than goingthroughthe hassleof findinganothervocalist.Ripcordplayedtheir last gig in '88 in their home town of Weston.In just four years,the wholejourneyhad gonefull circle,
l i
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tl i
i . T h i s i n t e r v i e wt o o k L A I M - I n t e r v i e w e db v A k - l G u i t a r /l M O B -t B a w d n n k s o f b e e ra n d ' o i n .M A T S U
r c e M a v I 5 . 2 0 0 0a t a l o c a tb a r a f l / E V I- ' t D r u m s l / S A K A I- t V o c a
INTERVIEW M{EI I FIRST HEIRD IOUR SITD TII8, I JUSI TflOUGgT, 'IIIIILY, SOIEOIE usED ${IS Xl\ IAISII: Yeah, that old label froo lorton... but Eore tha! that I ras rt'{.Iy lato g0r I U. S. haralcoro. AIso rheE I }ookstl up tho rortl rerclaloil i! ths dtctlolary, lt retd loesthrng llke flscreaoil or trrhout out r. That roulaloal really H.IRDCoREt,o E€. So, balf of ltrr froB a llttlo for of ry raDoct rnal, tho tho olat labol l-Claln! othor half ls for the Eoanbg of I lioor lt rorDd,8 cony, tho rord. (leught,or) though.
souf,Ds 0r T0 IE, rHoucg,... LATSU: At Lsast I took out ll|1o bstrse! I an<l Clalo. (laugbter)
SO. LI(l YOU SATD. YOU f,IRE IXIO $IOSA SOIS SOUUDS. !IIA$ R&ILII SHOIS IX IOUR SOUID.... LAISU: fhe rGqilty Fscarr EP by tl$ FnEEZX ra. ths flrlt rocoral to hlt ny bead roally hard. tb€a THnEAt rtuff. lot ltk6 that IItoB gou!d,r, you loor, you Uf, haralcoro catrrt really fLDd tbore rar, harsh-soundtng hsralcors froe tbsre , YOU GUTS DID GIIG O8EtrI.EID
rHn$arcoYERs 0x YouRtPs.... IATSU: Yssh, thoso coulal deflnltely bs cttod as our dtrongost bflus[cer. Uot Ju3t thoto loston bs[d3 but lGf, aud all the other baaalg ar rol.I. 3ut sspsclally thoss tro barals r€re tho franorork for ExclalDrs 8ourld.... ltrs our goal to be llke lut ltrr lryosrlble theE. to re Jurt, keep rur?srs th68..... follori€ l.a thslr footrtops. HOI CLOSI DO YOU fgITE YOU.ARI TO Fgost 8lrDS BICttT Xor... IATSU: Xot evotr at tholr fest (Iaugbtsr). trs Jurt rlrop a aeedla ottto th6lr rocords ard grl.nil our toeth svery t,f@ (ldghtsr). rll!, IX,FORE f,E CO IITO IE T, .HOf, DID THE I.AXD ST.ARTOUI?? IA:ISU: lle aacl lob r€ro ln thls r6lrd threih-coro bald calleal DSoL, th€! Devi Jousal the band, e[d aftor about 2 EoDtbs, I gurss tho fourdBtloD of that bsc@ ErcIsls. f,HEX t&S $rA8?
s $ s *
rar about e y€ar alld. lbat IMU: r97? I a half ago, so...,, haal rrtttstl lle alreat thlnk. rhil,e re loEa songs for Exclalo rere gti.Il tn DSoL. fbat raa actu8lly out IqE: poltr!. Ey Yrttrng sncb turltrtg hard.core typo son€a, re ilsbatod re ghoultl rtth sach othor rbsthor d,o noro hard.coro rtuff or Jurt kes! playfD€ pulk rtuff. DIVI: fs ourselve! to ilo...
raro ovan lortlg on rhat re roally
focur rantod
.6r1il o1 etqTr.od4 ool tupoc.q |ilr 1I 'i![ 1.I tflo Eo rql eret er .DrIl lrql Jeu.J E A. tqfitd 1r lnq 'oc.Id-oeJql r eq of !.Ir1 ecuo rf, 3OSItttr
v 80[ rltot couir-ttuEr ? lFori smo nor
'@roql slrfr aTlcol o? ?rrr er.q {o!q .Eoo ?Tnoc '?so .ql It eAtet 01 l''l[ en .q lql ?o.tEord er lnq '1u.pn1. r |lr eq .ma.q .qrll uoqa r IoJ m qllr :osxftr rL eq lql r.El cr 'p.Elof .lrt u.ql
'(rf@trt) Ilrodr po1oo1 .ecrt tl.ql u.a. 'efrfa so ruoalr 9EIItTd .r.r rt ql |r ?.:{ooT ..8 01 llcorta .tIEtJ.p r .clIr.r au (.Eo lnso[r olor{d . ..1r SIc lrtt! ?e...rd.r) 1I
'&00s?orrrtElos tuc tf,v &tE&firrsl vgcl 0t f !E i!08 sorrE&[dri[ ortstttoct'rs tms ortTrfr rc ctt w'l o! otEr m lll&
ECnr Ooi! CMS
rrr v orriLrro rrl,r q8!g ? 0m smo oot crv 's'o rEr Oe ffiE
'!ID !trll Stt dt qIZ IEI Efil,lt 'fn Jo ITr rot ?Tr. .q Eo llq!
C8!l[S I :osIvl
.rou ?..q t ""'a!sn3 llteq.fa rtllru.lq '@roue IrrJ tos :Ilgq """EEEq{ IIIIr
llw,x 0s 0rt00 tmE oot falH toH qF 'esTE JO 'fuIql Ilot .ro efte11rqc r arlT JIInl.ry 'oS 'Jl.rrfo rot larJ rbld 01 ?rrq ! loE .r1I ?rrq ilTil ,lllter fuI,lrl orlr lrt lnq ' ?E! rclrlt 'qtel '1oI r fI.ITEIJ.? !u8c o? ?To1 ./(trTr Elt "'lgg& tIIe EEI 'raal somos I,r lTr [SiV,r Uf,dOSlrrd Ot tat/g oor lrll .fuIqlftr trro lrsaeop futrlrotelrC .no.f .e^@ ff .poF eunor lmf 1I Jt :IIKI 'erogP'tq 'qr|rr{|! "'eroa-elr{r eq 01 ?seu of, '.CtTrueltrl !n! 'lffiI qtrrg rnr 80 ror[Irt8rc
lrltl lca\I '€noql ?eEIJsP 'leeds :OSI'X tE! 88 finof, JlHr
'clrtlE aroo?rlt{ gJTrdJo ?oeal! e^o1 lrnf ar 'r{esl rEOtr fu111oruee1r lql fuIfrId '1I op o1 rrc{reBr 6IItr ro rqrpuEq ro le{c€r 'rrspl ?rlar mo! I'qlrel ?e:ildr fir ?eau lrsop ef, '?eeilr 'solloEe ?ur ,o rlrlrsoc qclqr rtrllTllnlq re&r! e.selsh .I cJorp$q rno to {uTql er lrqf 'no,t reacF f,Ileer 1I 'r1r€ rno,( Jo lno fuIrcrt aT 'ltttTtutlo fulq1coor qII I..J nof ro:{tu lt ?eTdrJ -oqrnl E $IIT nof rlTq oql 'tt fleq lrrTJ !rmo. nof ueqr emboq rI arorprtq frlil er uotreJ eql lOSIttl o[1.fu1q1ou .rt er 'ot (ref6ct) ""1q1 rt/gt rrtgttBrrrT fAEnS ffi.! EOI (ESn OOr SOIEaIIEOIUll t gSOEl OC ilq perlroSelrc loE 'futqtrft! ""arlq$tt 'afuIr{l op o1 afuITc.J .erJ .ro Jo rptrt:I esostr,
cql ltqr roE t rttTlnl.f fuIw.E J.ql JI at olalo.d to alol lng .r.Lr ll .tlr afrrtr qt PE t o1 Pe.u r Eca. loq ar.t.ql 'rpror {q p.qlrcarp .q ol elq! .q ?oE l€IE 3lqtr, l.rorP.rrq $r| rynd pror .lll u..rl.q .neroo?Jrqr sql rrpqt .oE.r.tJI? ?Jor .qrcl eql ol rrrnlr ,lIelIsIJe? .I' .r tos,trftl 'ISEOCCEI'HI GSOI
I 1l
qgr ,mogrsnolufs rTrwE gtv o0r gxlr sgtnos 'aIoc?.tlld
rI lrru fuIrspsor lnoq! aT 1T illlrcl|lg '(rof6ct) ?ufq eroccltq r s1;I ?spuno3 er '?rocer aql Eo arl&tT lnd Eea. lrspTnoc er Irql urm or 1I epE I 1n8 3IA!C "'ol $t!
losatl aclt/tT iln ITt .1Ig .t ..Iq1 lnoqr qreu :tlgg ert er 'roEl nol '&I IIVC fFS rf,fSOdr
It'cTs.(a fITreJ
'ftor .Iql Eo fuorl .oor sPnlcq 01 ?elutr or 'lnoqr .&ro3.1rc eEo. olrl 1IJ 01 lErr.Lql e.rtc leql fuIql lrrTJ eq1 rI et.llr ro crq.t '1I o1 E.1aII er u.qr ITI 1l Itql lfi\f elu{r !rmo! lrsreoP 1T lnq 'ero./:lcor .lrqr IrTd /til{l rfn oqr fpqfq eaoql .ro; tu ftot 'op re^eE er 'of, lns'n|tl rTqI (ra161tt) rstls
!trI, [xt1
gElrxs srno nor 0c
'm lnoq! fuIqlf,.reAe .EIJSP '($rt) rlq ?Inor fuo. rTql reot el Jtro eq 01 Fq 9uor rTql 'an o& 'fuoa 1n{1 tuti 01 ]tlf.r los Jo UtT:[ TIIIa .tr tq ?sf ' ftor ot .lttls .{:ca rto rNr tarTt rqstrq! olr lrtt d! laT eqt fuT?rocar eJer .r E[l :OSOtl r.r ellt .ql ,fq .tuor tutE$.I lltlr 'atf, &sT 800r gElr lulEr .I,lts r0 o&lslT a&rold illE&l
'.TqT.|o&I ftTlcr./tqal'tuI. lroult .rll ?u| rr1l!|' l(|Id ol 'uoqr l! lng 'fTeltrd.r l.rrd /cre^. ?roc.J ulo cr elnrceq Tr.P t Jo tlq ltql log trll 'rfuor A[?rooer erlrl Eeqr 'tp.I lnS,DtI nE[
lgcSlit-EIEH.l v sr I,I 0c V f,AlE &HrttE CtIlOl IE0IDEI OOt (rcr@trr) r @rorq.1, ltts$tl
.T. ?oltlrrrtc
rrm fiI8 srno nor flc tog 'r.fuIr lrrlJ 'ro9trIl raq .rT!o r.lrtr laE or saqr au lnli! r pQc.n .r .at[aeq eTtqr roJ punofl fuIfr1d .rEltlcrf .l 01 aEtrl ?.rft!ol. trTpnlc! rno ?o'urq? lrlrf er srnl eror! .tr 1I lOSDtl
torlg,rtuftr ro orilmcrE l[,r wr 10sg '0s
cJoE cEol l.E .r ?Inoc (.ro1unoc llrr..q eql 1r itr9 r 01) 'ltrq qiltq artlrtlq tr.r ! tnq 'a4@nrp crtqdu 1rql dIIt lof, :IASC 'oP 01 pelEr .r 1ll{r rI ltltl .rrn9 I 'sPtrEI uorl reEoc t{cTqr fuIT..J 's.l.II t.JtJ 1!ql mld rqrur .lrT?Mt Ary?..(!. to nof E ql .s.d(bq qclqr ?Eno. 'rPeedar ltnltt ?EI{ lrrlL '?.odr ra.Tp.cals :os8!tr ur rPsnoa tttlqrtl.r easql lnoqltr 'rlElOJGf,lHr !0 (EUICa(I nOr CF
lslero^l - lvyvs / lsPnJol - lA3 / lsseSl- 801,{/ 'l srr{I /v\ale isue JPqlerol e le 0002'glAey{€r?ldlool /$arru3lur
E X C L A I M- I n t e r v i e w e db v A k i r a T a k e u c h i . T h i s i n t e r v i e w t o o k D l a c eM a v 1 5 . 2 0 0 0a t a l o c a I b a r a f t e r a f e w d r i n k s o l b e e r a n d ' q i n . M A T S U- [ G u i t a r l / M 0 B - [ B a s s ) I E V I - ' [ D r u m s l / S A K A I - l V o c a l s
BIG T I'd. 3I'l Sil IrIItsITG AT IIL?
MSU: f,ell, re tot r Dor sb€rr, for ono, aail rdlve leen rorklng o! our lit LP, rhlch re nat to put out by tho 6nal of thlr su@er. lhrtrr b€s! nakflg tbf!€| go slorly...
rBY 1r .|IAI,I rgouog? tu'I.Drrr tr l8 DIFTIOULT 1! IlIilPI! TO XIEP TgE ltrf,SIOT gIGfl taor srlas m trusE?? lgosE Eosm! lltt EAXDSOIC' IBIIO IXD ruIJD.... IATSU: leab, but re hrve put out onr lrt arlat znal IP aad lot! of coqr tracks !o f.r, so I raDteal to nake e recor<l reprorgDtbg our It Btgtrt rou8d like totrl rork q) uatll !or. lttr too early to alD lt, but I thou€bt rg shoulil do lt rhllc re feel m c.a Inrt all the effort togpther rlgbt !or. DIVI: X'or a 7r record, you caD llrten to lt la<livtctually, but for .tr L!, r. c.r not oBIy have eecb sotg but olto re carl hrva to@ colcrlrt lalse bobbd lt. IATSU: If ro csa Bkc poople t€o tbat coaccpt tbrng ru,o!r.t throt€h lt, it coulcl be a record that rould bopoful,ly bo dtfflcult for you to ovsn fllp lt ovsr to tho othar !lds. Lqls 0F 88008DS fEESE DIIS .0crulttr tID ItP GE!'!IIG 3OBIIO OI SIDtr I.IID JUST SIT COLI.ECTIIG DUSTIF1EA OTDIISTII. shors, 8o rs haal to flld a n6r thts guy Sakal, 6r-0AC slrger, Ml T IADT YOU wlXI IATSU:
ttren iug€r. cane to Dlad.
IATSUI Itrr gorag to bs e o4)ori.DoD! .ail a cbelleng{ng albu8 to ur r! 16ll, but ro far ltrr boor grset. It hr| thi.r flor gotlg throu€h lt fro6 rosg to ao!g.
IX THE 3AXD? elre.
lcoor aDyo!€
SOTHIS IIAUI IS COTIIG OI'T 1UIS SUUEE Horf,nEtr... THE! tlltr Etst t'oB ltsE nESr 0r IIID rlIR???
IOE: Xhea re sar our rhors on vlalso. ho rar alreyr rtgbt 1ll froat of the 3ta€p trtch{ng ur. It lookeal Llke he res alroady the rbgpr. (leu€htor) llATSUr So re only nsodeal to porsoD rar. (taughter) SO, II rIS S.AIOI?
IAISUT f,s 16ro gobg to tour th€ U.S. rlth I{ELIJIAIIoI, but bscrlr|s of u's bohg 1.2y, ltrr po3slbly hrypenrng sarly lsrt ysar.... but re d,Bftaltely r.nt to tour tbo U.S.l!
SII(II: lsah, Irvs ihts band so.....
faa of
bsen a loDg ttm
IAISU: lctually, rsco@6!d6al Iate alrea{t Sakal to us aad sald that ho roultl be the perfoct p€reoD to replace hlB. (to ths 9W...) Coulal re hava @ro bsorg, plsago?
SII(AI: ...Last eft€r Xste loft.
I thtlk.
A ltttle
IAISU: f,6 alrayr rho rstod to havo rb€or srng la JapeD,ese. You }oor tholo olal Jsp-coro ballal. froo ths 80tr, DIlfH, SISfEL{UC oUDOX, otc., rore slDglDg ltt tapssso. It, roelly ftt tlth our erglc... !o offotrsa to Xato. (lau€htor) .IISO. I CIX HEAR IqTS O8 EXEBGI ITD EIqIIOX GOIIG IX IOUB SOIOS. EUT lX THE SIIE IIID I rElL ATL OT TfiE SOIGS 'IBE TRIrINA If A IOBS FLIIIED oUT, tr.anolulE IoRE Cttcu!{t@ sTrla,
souElio[.... IATSU: (Iau€htor) lo!98. . . .
DEYI: In tho bogrnnr4g, to thtet svsry psrt ro raatsil to play lnto a !oDg...
I tSU: Tben re s[t out aU tho uar.atoal btts, sttrpoal thoo up a 1lt,t,l,6 .nd tbror mre riffg ltl egab. Dobg th8t beck anal forth, lt ruro (Ieughtor) t6ksr rooo tfE6. IS IEAT f,RT YOU TU!
ATYOTIILSE?? If you can lano ro@ SINAI: II@..... bardr, I ce Juit go, rYosh, tru€, ihatrs really unforgettablorr (Iau€htor) or caJl ro Just say sou bed| that navsr erlstsd 6nd uk6 p6opl€ 60 Dutl trylng to ftld then???? (l.aueht6r) IATSUT rEIIE RUSSIAX.
ott, r0B rErs Isstt8, comalllnoEs l8E tlsrlxc trIE SEST trVE rORC€Cttt rtt UrtoBolltlllJ EtxDS. n$r Doxr! YoLrc,{JIs Do I!, rco??
llAlSU: f,ell....
LAISU: Io, I Just oralereale alrhk... (fru€htsr)
IAISU: Sf,lXffs, too. .AreBtt thoy roll, loor!??? llor about H&AAI AI110f. 0h and. RI{IIo 19 for suro.
IiAXIDloufi{ for o!e.
t€ah, thstrr
o!. of th@.
'pasgq gu 0l uetlsuql aresa6q0ql,tu tEql'spu?q asoql uralngroq l0Il?ts()ulg ,qgat;lvf sflorqlnq puspuslstepun eql aalog Iq alule s lnls ualsrqSrlue | 4U39uI lrqn noul,l 'rurllryqS l0 l0l i l0 8u0!pt tql prepp llltsl luF I l53l e{l lo.lldr ul '34ru.ll0pur mqnclpt,ll pull I reqp4 l0 I.r .uo ,,ltt,,ur leql oullrs aldoadp dnor0ulue u3 s.srlulslpeuogu0seullluf .l3ql,,lle,,us lgql l0 s!{l ulla! a9 lgtll a8n€eqdn00 r sa pelal 3q 0l eler3p s03[s[qc Irr oqr rldoadrlllr slurun0tt p:q {lF[lra a^,1 srst l0 ptglrul tutllspqc lr peule trnl 'uslzsi l0 elJol.qrf.Fllur eql slll Tl r gu 0l rpun$ lspru lcqq pur eroJpltqt0 pl r 0! leo nol d.rc inollllslue aql l0 ruos 'unqll pu03.8t,luo/J csrouly u0 r?efl gql p auos clll -'.rr0sr.qpq.q u83scp{ ei0qr rlll l[r.r .!u[cll I l3{l spusqsr ue{l pu8r^Ir euscst0 pull 9ur08aq ltnu uaql os lige u0 eulpolllcrls r ,01ll883pr0c1r.4rpfetls 'u3u 1nq sputqmt dr u!ti48 lou llst pgllp006 trlgptseq Ja^au o^,1'ualqodI rcus,lrlsql i,no{ilsrl'spusq 0s'qqaI$lun 0sl,uers$!{ aqli0 qonoua cNU nag e+ll,u0pJaqleI $ano -Bdnls ll40l | Blt {leil arar s3u{ eqlpu?p006leql4l?al llls pussn0uas s?t pu?q eq uew lue qlnll s3s9c 3ql 0t uqd l,u?c luerouq l0 lurrll lsnl I llel t0 paopnlad trl$ou0s atssluequaqnaul aqlrctp | 'pueq]aqNaqlu0 {uunl pu?uq puDl!J 0s aryl outuot lsql l0 {snoles l,ugc InN {lget I sasdjm la0u0 u0 p00lqoulluo^alqr ssel6uololqqltil lullouatll ur uslss0ut0p ln0qpours q unltua^aqutcI lur]t I scu{s0oln3tpu rllrr spueq l0 sl0l0l ue}sl| 501:lvf leull e{l llrp nol 0p.r.{/n lclsnu .ql elll nol I u.ql q relsllll[s nol llla qli luru.s0r ul lou u3 nol srap!ssadr. ls{l scll{ saqpusq? ll 'au 0l &l aqls u0pcnpe -'n0I pn0l9ppoflaq q e6pa[$ul rnotr{ddeuaql'n0,( 0l ruell0dutlsal s,teqiltnouno|Jpu?}qotslsps0q ln0ilao lsrl u0q9$ Iastn0liol 0ur&{.ll l0l sugsaqlaql,u0r l?qns,lalllnqeu0fus^| ll uaqliol sasnm lqfu ql JoJpuesu$sallseqaq j()l Fe lila {aql,ssafl uilo Jlarlluol puedar aqlllsU0pblq0l q6n0ua 6ut)iuql saqasuraql t00pu?lqotols spreq raqllaoatdoed ll (s,09aqlo{t) tsedeqturprptreqls?wnu seqsltdu0cce pel6p lq 9 papsyuqe^0q ar?{aql&poll0rql|'sasnm l,uoppuetrpu?rl $selud puzstuuaqlgo wu lsedaqlur qonoqMsnBrputaqlqlrr slrls,,luaua^0u,, 3ql paauafl sctlt0dl0 pult eqlsr leql lurql| 3sn9c0q scrllodlgu0srad I l0 purlslr au Jol n0{ qlrr $tfu pinm | 'sel teql6u[6 ]01$lu9q1:Ivf
]rr}:. , t:' ::4 pue ured0inlssorca :lvf Durlt?d{ceq tuail pusuetu8 0upuesetr 96, | lFltl J,leqll,uorg lrcllllod u3qll3u03r.drou aa {eql rlir l0 l0l r !! 0s'st^l.sueql I0l Iq guopar,nol0u!qlsu08 $ $qa 193!0rlc lrql sl .d0rnl u pgs?clei r0l uraict !c qsnu0r rpugorle3llllod a q3sud^lls.i lurql 0l aldoad J[oI l0 lsou lrql su3e8ll llsm au nalq ll ulelsqyoullreqlsqu.uet 0l u..s |,uopl.ql loq l8c|!l0d{.dlqper.pr3uoc sq plnocscll{ ir0l l.u$ lr4l eql 8! 0c n.u .||l lno InF l0 uol 3 $?q nol {!00q1ur^l (alrnb aiqgpr0^eun llaqlaueJs rculnq)lsoulgs lt auilqllr il0l0iltflssauaisw 'u101 q uaassuejinopug1rqlmaq u?ceil p3pr0c3r urpu?3il1qloq'a0J09 pug oqllllH ,olseldoed ssouqselnq'auacs cq oqlu ustJsel sgupapuu-pas0lc '3rsnuinoioj 0p$a[qdsseq s?J?Ino leqlqonoue Fou q pealllr ll il?ussrailajoilpeql l0 lq ? lllFq ararll tl0ururuua^aI seop {lmsnI lnqssauuars aql0uqfluru^|duNsrssq aqtI llplcadsa'a3uajagrp afuelI olru l,usaop I lqd usau'llesacaul,usa0p a6sa^s u?l0lgqlual iefuqI q pes0dre lgql u?ilreuv pustal0jFaobrda{l af^osnul0 a[N aqlr0l 'otl lsnlau?u0l $rVasuspjocs]0 srugjaJocpreq aoeJilg u3lgqlsgap untlcads Jsoqs aql alul? \al ;/|vf l0 {u0 I ar '0sr0 Jeatr s roJarard0N s 6uraq raUV0r I ounpalat spuErql0 pacrlou 's66 '0010r0ril 'sar0csrd 'Jarsga 'Ir3'.!s.n ql ur{l 0uFu00i0 {qrpaDupaulduB lp - ouunol 0ur0p ,uq !!uew ,qclu -alsssrl sl u0rl4i0dsl?il ssalqcnur 0s-sluaunfus ssallueu 0s-acardotl ? s?sl !u!lu!ql .ul erours! url l8nrctu0cprsq/pu!! e!u.^. .ql lulql nol 0p 0S qcnuffoqn0.(llalau tal acualslra 8It rarseo Jgatr aillm0urrsl {q asuod$J Naq 'atq$$d$ ourqfus - e 0ttxorll 3qlqlrr urs&or rs r0l aqtparnol ar pueacald 0f,'|e s?paptmal ltq u!{ 66, n s ]lar 0cl01 ue^eeq'{a!r0'esn?d au0au0s ail0IIMI eqrkll louOteer 6utqlauJ0s tol slql(qpelrd$r ser I 'tpautupv luar unql03qtl?l 0S usflsnqluo Uq l0cudaDls '3rard '0S ual0 ualslsl!0]sa[ I purul,uopI pu?qFis a{l | 'saplsaS oal I s?anurlu0c 0l gapreqlpBqlal(?ld Jelrn0 aql'u9tu9 lgqlolullouelear ees q sell[ 0u0saqlle l00l pueJar0I u0 0t peeutrlu0laql asql sau0fl0l{ :Avl tua^aJursjd 0l alqp0qID plnoapu0[me 6umu ssr pueqrnu 0spu[q4l 0lurl,usr aqprnratrqd ss?qaql'86,urJnqI Jaueuaql u3u0elrn!erod0Al3 apurq!0J-u0! I rol nol qqslu ol 0u!0!us qdoedlsql pcpronnol ur s?ourcrlgerd'alqqrersun s?ilra&ldssgqaqluerlrmardorue se{rld 0l panuuu0c 0llll lsrll qlla 0c r pu. llqs e 8!Fql ur r.^03qta Fq oql,,u!q!r a[ 0s ]a'(qdss?qI ou|ssuaranar pacl0ussFlpoqoulal arsagauscaq 'urq uollcunlq p.uuulod ua sldogdpu! pga8aJdgl slB$$lu!ql sal pugq q000rll 311 AU0 Aql eql ur sfl eq ua^a s66lusnbasqns ml l8 noqlr ",ueFls q.!co. p 0l .cuuslu 3 s ,,$rqu0zl0 llrJ plloi ,, 0Cflournol p sn[ gql I pug00 le|Jinoparkld efflgrllJruurs,ll 'sassalai fl01lsJllrnoJolsnqlfi pa,kt! q patueff oqaratrqd ssErorllou? pueouape proca, eM'96,prupoqs'eurl t00 aqllv ataldofl aql0l lcgqluan'squouffal s lq talqdsssq? pgq'96,utpsq &fl leqlInopau?ls a/U eJuaNrre rnol0 lsour0l aJerd 0o e uaeq a^grleffl :,kl ippar pq6|lpaiarear 'ur?6? pueVoSqlm000lrsl iq u0Nr36p arotllJnqsn lseqeqlwr lr puaerllur0s dleqq pauetsnld'll asealar 0l Flueil pu,lr olurrkr sff vOSte 0109dunqp srllu0 Indpu plnoilpueusals001ssr pesrbql'uaqlq 0ulpocal aqlluas I er ueqih peFaatur ser 0u0pus(pPs[eql0s)lsnq001erernq l|nls {snouas jn()N00q0l p0lu9[ puguoddos aqtpe{l qaqqllell sn aqluraieqeJns0dre ,lasodjnd paul| 'unqpeqlpep0rilil uaqlu als€l att qaqquecuaujv lers^as ur $lurlJnO l0 slnsereigaigqlllugnd0dlnopueadoJnl ,suslSNnuugadornl as()ddns at0uIq s s,t!lsqloulo?rlr uscn()tr 0s'(ia)pl3 l{)us,llll pl0aq | )elnd0d puelanroleltuld,$ql 'aaqsrI seDurql a^gqD sqnlrurs3lc0qlebv s &uaJl s3l()usrcrmuSuauaed0[] ul l8qlau q suaesll adunlurseilesu0dsal l0 {lu0l8usrlllai "srl aqtut4ls0uInq'pfoil0tll,a^0llefeu trqs0uep00[pusspeaq puu0 oqileld0ad lnopuasplpI spj0cu0pq snpera|l0 00trln0q3 1003 le lno340q m ql|t s0u0pl0 sl()ltqonorq l0 lq ? lau 0M""q tuer er slp^usel
-.|J$ euos lo lcruu!0 I sE penelrr0 oulllullcq plnocll elll ll d,u8eq s{rale s^rq n0[ lr{r teql8l -pueq.ceF 0Al I lureqlnoqe0urlsaIq U?lsr[00 | 0S '9t{[s]u]lilt
lt dil)t ItvlsSv r)il1
s0r{v8IY lt 0uvlH llvHI r)rnErJI srt|l[]$r0s IrHlctsnut l0 oilr srRr u()rlt(|tssvd I Hcns tlvr{| 0t0l[0 srHlsvl11l]rdlro3 0[vluctn||sy]gycl$l slruyu(lr{y ln ssvug 0t Nstul{uolilt3 v llHl tlllo 00rroil st ll tflHl /$ill8]ll{t0l olltvtu I ltHlttuxlI ilHilt'flrvts8Y llouJ0citi]t 3Nt J0llnl 0ll0it,,l0 sxcrur[!200YllvHHgn0BHl lt ]oft{ []At lt0YHI ",sil8l{02
ur (slPlo^/surnr0) Aer- Nlvlsg
A B S T A I N- J a y ( D r u m s / V o c a l s i)n t e r v i e w e db y
ffi* tBdilion... ney arcsimply embracing thedarftside0f theChristian is a Christian idea... tunny,beliedng in Salanandhisp0viers
Ih! rlnh d.nodq d0nnh.|i lhrl h pnw.nuriq. Inoyrdndcfud ri$ hb ooi|t rnd lrimbm rd eod bro b .[ mttl|olqt at'bd tt Ch]i'tirrt b c.ntll Cidrlirnr so tir lront i! to "rorship" tirt i! to l.nd cndllility lo Chri{ilinitt. Todmgc $! lulFcl iltt t bil-. d0 tou thhk il fard. b limitnCh fitrft? bim I !|d$h il l0rmeat leasl,andI can'limagine JAY:ilo,it is t0ta[ natural, I w0uldsat "agenda"is hsrdt0 delimtor ary olh€rw4. Although pers0nal kind some 0f anyonr outside 0f's delinilely maybe "nn" isa bulbey0nd thalit'shardl0 describe... salislaction w0r0. 0000
i, l
(l,auChs) &n, huh? lou mighth.y! t0 rhb06l! 0n thtt onalor m!! JAY:Zen,l0 me,is theideallut peotlecangelanintuitiwleeling is "rbN". I gd lhat thatall is asit should be,lhateverylhing fiaing leelingtr0mbeinqintheband, included. anyandallagendas p€ophl0 lislrflc0mes naturally somthinq t0 sayandencouraging il. andwithout effort..I don'terenthir*ab0ut
In tir lonc "Prrudorcirno"tou dacrt .ninrl brling. ln y o ! 0 p p 0 t r dt 0 a l l y i r i s r c t i 0 n0 r i u ! t m ! r n i I c l r r t ndudrnct in bsting? ln tou vlgltrdtn?
\\ ;
would savemylile0rthelile JAY;ll yout0ldmethatkilling a rabbit (0rany0l mycbsekiends0r rehtives) I ol myson0r daughter wouldnolhesitate to takeitslile,nord0| thinkanyclearlhinking justity person would.Bul it is hardil nolimp0ssible t0 99ct0l in lhisway. Ljlesaving?| don'llhinls0. Slalus animal lesting
qu0?Deti0itely. ls lheryslem lesling asa means 0l using animal hcallhcarecosls, 0elinitely. keeping salarier andpmliheleyaled? induslry makinq Clearly.The h lhemedical a m0ney business? liesin lhewavsienceinteracls withbusiness andletme soluti0n you who speak outdon't tell busi0ess always wins.Itn scienlists receive l0r theirresarchandarec0nsequenlly m0ney silenced. it willconlinue. Unlilit becomes unprofilable t0 d0af,imal lesling, norarewe straightll0,neither memb€r is veoelarian, 0f Abstain torllul maner. edq€ llou dolr th! mahrial0n this nrw CDcomlarrt0 tom! 0l torr rrrlifi 7"rr!? in nalure and JAY|ll's tBrdl0 beunbiNd.butllhinkrl is similar a0da hasbener0fducti0n.I thinkall0l terturc. a lnle bil faster angryard fasl,last lasl. ll youlke lhe oufslutlis veryaogcssrve, youw0uld lke theearlier C0,lhereisa highlrohability stufl. lbstrin s!rm! i0 l0[r e l0l. Dols thel mrk! il h!]d t0 lilc? havra "normal" 0ntheroad.tor us,thatis morethan509t0l JAY:Weloveg0ing wearein a band.Yes, thereas0n il doesmakeit difiicult.Bryan's job old wasveryunderstanding. ll youarea kickas woiler,you gain can a lot0l respecl andlatitude lr0man employer. I ama gfaduate student anda tearher s0 | qet0pporluflilies durinq winler summer, andUniw6itti0lidayvbreaks whichisawesome. ll tou r.n ebh to do b. bandlull timr .nd n*r N "jut tcnpinC!t" livinelmm it u0uldt0! b! intlnlt d? JAY: Yes,butI w0uldstillstudybecause I loret0 learnandI w0uldslill leachl0r treebecause I lovelhal.t00 (whichis not muchlesslhanwlBlI getmw). (trughr) l'm .n rduc.lor,loo, t0 | lnm rhrt tou m!.nl lnothcrdrt, .nothrr 35 crnlt... D0tou l.rci pittlcr? llor d0 t0!r lludsnts rlsgondl0 htying a crindcor! musicirn rs. larch!r?
huh?Awes0me! Yes,I leachphysics. ll0st0f mysludents JAY:You100, l0 lindne appr0acluble. I hareh€n Mlled"du&"and"man"a bt by seem mystudenls, I don'tmindil a bit, I suppselheythinkI ambidba*, less lanI lhinkit lvhentheycanse I ama bigmusic stillthanltpirpr0lessors. mkesa c0nnecti0n wilhlhekiddios. llowrcc'tionalizrd rh pu lindthr lrin&oc lcrm l0 br? 0o tou !.r crindlaN rr0oliry thlnlrhEr l0 ottrr lind! 0l muric? people lromLou ol music... JAY:InEuropq seeml0 listenh 8 tvih spectrum Reed IntheU.S.I sseit asprettydamnlmtioned.funks t0 Cannibal Corpse. canbeEry dcad otl l0 mlal andmehlhad c8nb€chrodotl t0 purt h bytrerd in thet.S.b guided alwrysseems l0 meat leastllBt thsscene whereain [ur0pe(ardtheBl 0l ltp wodd)pe0gle arcbyalto $eit genrDs anarthlona 3rd andlheart'st&ll is quite0ltenthatAmtuanl m sbandon ardthena [umpean hbelpi*s themu0andlheyg0oyerlhen 0r1lhalbum bulne ft. ()ur l0 tourwilhhugesucces.Theysaywe lBw noculture, Ri0htnowpunkis coolaod is thelrendandttp trendis ourculture. culture metal isnotbutI amsureinfumpetlut mlal isasbigase1cl I l0r! thatJtillmlnl! "0ur cultunb lhr tnnd rnd th! tnnd ir 0u. culho." lt th.t youB?CanI slltl it? yeah, it asmineuntilI lhd it s0merrh€re ebe. stealit I willclaim Jay;Thank\ Whet,boutth! llip ridr? 00 tor tr. lcopl. wto m [0] c.llt ldnd hB at llrtrin rhow!? wewillph$ fi pu* bsndsard JAY: llell n0,buts0mtimes people willbewayinlous Thi!is surprisin$ 1lAl8fgen€dmarry times,orEeat a lum0il sho'rthocrosdwentilMne,bulwlPnwebtt thq wiowervec. slilldiln'lknow (l.rugiing)lhnb fu th! inllnbr, Dob$or.-
[{IEBYtEW 8tJt8 8811ilt
'ua, tnoqs taEJoJol puol lllls oldoadte^ protaJ p8q € pasalal ra au s?q 0 0U 'qsJr0 dqJeeJtspaedsqtlq J0 se0Jeqlunsun aq1;o euo snlels Itnc-qnsnrql l{sn JtaqtEutqslql ? Eurqsus llrls aJEsasJoqJsa ,lo asaqJ ipunon.l.llls eJ,Ioql pu8 JvauHl uoNlltl qrla saa siloqs lsru srpu?qslql J0 auo lulql I - Icvucol{flo J0 cv'td. 'poilasap^aql uouldomJ aql lot rilou ^agl pur arnsnluaql prpJsau sturp$)il olprllsaql Inq d'l aJnJsqoJodnss pus ,/ s pas"olalfaqJ qJnu 6 s" InO^po{rpl ouoF ,!snu JraqlasnsJaqtulBus lllls eJuffird at"ls ou psq oqa spusqaeJeql Joeuo elqrpoJrur aroa,bW T olqlssodrr alaa S,(BAID nq l? lp qcnu * soqs a rt Jraqllqtnsc I uosar aurosJoJuo qrlsc 0l pauaasJilau 1nqsalumq ,(u;o auos&np 'otuau?r)us tr10{rlsJ$ alea s.{nta6eqJ yC Isrllllod s,08ol?l pJsNoJIqEEJ|S" HSg'IdSHI d0 SNIS. :puxu q ruD pql 9 dol lw)al f (m nil s,0fr11nq 'poaqfm u2 buxtiuolp aqftffuDls'IrotnW lql oql 'wnuD awu lsr'ld?t!1Jvfidod tDlll llr uM !,ufrm ?orll ov'l(ruo n |ult auo p lmqo woJ uaq afttJ spuoqpqoailddD upm MI D dpnl) s?uq fiq J roan0 nq n?y,,SWCZthVhnMOnn I0 s6alss0rd )tout amnv r q pep?{qnsaq q pilu kluDssnau t, aq llD utlo ouu^qwwr lluom atD e1o rullotiJolaqll0 no lDIfi f )N lyDts J t)p ahqil'LIuDp Talloonf udq anry ?Dr$Woq ffi JolsV
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JaEElq ouos uo l! ol?u ol tultru?u ua^apus dA uao rraql Sulsalar'ft86l ur aJo)pJsqlVNIClllo pu€qJo tno,{ll8tolEulteldsuaal (iorqo) tseaprl4{ J0 ll)unq u lnoqr ,{rs no,iuua ttsq.$. 0CC01S.
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" I?tli ')l JJg JJnlsstql JoJl?ll ? illl lJdJ I s-lsrls nldoJ(lJJqlo turprar ralJv u€ql aJou p#aq l,ua^PqI laq I rnal?u? aJocpJ?rl 'sdlaq |f,qt I UAUlCnylg 31,p1g1 ,tq paruanwr ilhprrl l) rril.usI{rroi- JrdrlJ l)lrs put isool ^llajd *a p u ? $ l o o q p t q l ? q l q s r q l u a 8 f , s !l ! t n q , , l a u O p t p i l u ( , , i i l l l s , ' u l I S a r u J \ - - g d l ' l U O d o g t { l v t { . ',iuued,iltdrdr ir{l {lpp13 IIra I put qrnol ur poot r l.rt ol alq?aq ot lq8no n0{ os aJaa Jtaqtsrq auo^uu sJa,/ Jraqlu0 1aE d1 JI IBap 'aEpJdlsnrr r qlrn cro;1rrrq 8,{ntasaqlEurnus,{lnJl aoq salurJaJddu,{p0q0N lrrrlrlorl ssollrar pue clloEqC tsrl ,{u uo lods ? uaql suJsal?qr sda aql Jo qtludJts drlt sr lr trq sdJuaraodde duros 'd1 ^rI0 au0 psq puuqstrll (6 alvH vI?) gNlN J0 ^luald pu€$a!/ tu€rllrq oilt X SAWtJgIvH. aq plnoqsinrll auol?pJoraldu0lrql Jo qfueJls rrll ispuaEal u o l o , ( p u ? u a q l I n o q ? s I I ? l r o ^ a ^ p 0 q oa N rouprp,{aqlJraoull,uoplos(,qrl8trrvv,pallsr)urqt ,{q,l ouoa ?q ^luOI pu8 IJE q*JqlnsnJr-qruarJs,08,srll lnoqr.Surqtou tsoul? aou{ I'SdVUCS. 'uaq^8u pu? so?q) l0 aur0troairll sca rlsrlql anlorql llnJlaql oal paffieloJ,{luopu?qreJ? alrls uolEulrlsy\ silll a0ul I stsJUJsV -JSVSd NIUIdSV. Inq 8J0,,L 'duilu dlrJoA?,J rlun llu ilp suruuil (uqot) tstlcronrralll J0 'punosEul'sJ pu8 pedr?a,{ll€tole p?q purq saft J'0 s?rtrllri ,{llur slllJ . NolJVJnn 0SUNII.
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G I M M EF I V E- C o m o i t e db v J e b E r a n i n . " W h a ta r e t h e 5 m o s t f o r o o t t d n h a r d t o r e b a n d s ? -
s FEATURES n **frn
..WHAT HARDCORE BANDS?" ARETHEFIVEMOSTFORGOTTEN .RATIUS - One of the fiercestFinnish thrash bandse$"'r In tte '80's,alter yearc0f lncrediblerecords beingrelemedoverseas, they finally r€leasedan album in the U.S.0n the Batcagelabel. I sawstacksof thosein dollar bins for the next 5 - 6 yeam. Pathetic. As the years80 by,they seemt0 be more& more forgottenor iSnored.I'm not a total retro thrashjunkie,but t still listen t0 theseSulsa lot evennow. - Great,hook-filledChicagohardcore. Solid and in-your-face.Theycaptured .LIFD SENTENCE that urgencythat a lot 0f bandscompletelymissed. Theywere pretty popularin certain circles backthen,but I haven'theardtheir namementionedan)ryherein at leastl0 years.I evenlikedthe secondalbumthat wasrecordedafter they got in a liSht and split off into two separatebands,each (exactlylike D0GCYSTYLEexceptin this caseb0th bands callingthemselvesLIn0 SENTENCE relere albums). calledLIFE SENTDN00 didn't simultaneously .WRDTCHEDTonsof incrediblethrashcameout 0f ltaly in the early'80's,but th€ wretchedwere alwaystopsin my book. Theywere a hugeinfluencet0 me earlyon. Sttangelyenough,I neverhear a n y o n ee l s e s i t e t h e m a s a n i n f l u e n c e . I l i k e d t h e m w a y b e t t e r t h a n t h e i r m o r e p o p u l a r but th€ c0unterparts like INDIGESTI.I hearthe stuff now& it's prettysloppyby today'sstandards, raw energr and savagedelivery are still there remindinSme why they were a favorite. Aslor erteryoneelse'slists, it u,as like a u,alk doun mry law uhne I lound myself cowtantlv saying "0h.!!ealt, thosequus!" And thm that pruwted mernories oI nm we (and, in gamal, oaerly obscure) handsJron the d?epcil recessesof my brain... MDCHTMENSCH,InAfI, EUS ABSE,INIERN0, EAT THE RICH, KILLJq\ all o! the early releaseson Pmpaganla Record,s.... sowone slnp mz bel\re nlt h.mdimplodesJrun fLalinq an endlessgame ol "stump tke scetesters"... GRAHAM SLEIGHTHOLME. - Alwayslingeredin the shadowof CONFLICIunfortunately. rEXIT STANCE .G0! - Neverheardof now,whyweren'tthey huge? - Greatband,split LP w/JltiAD still fucksme up. Whathappened, .OTTAWA anyoneknOw? .KITCHDNER-UKthrashen. Drummerwsawesome,iustskSned. lsingle,comptracks,thenzip. .EilIBITTERED' tJKgrind merchants... a split 12"w DYS1OPIA even! Remember nOw?Didn't think sol MATT AVERAGE, .THE0FFENI)ERS .N.0.T.A. .C0l)E0F H0N0R .VERBALASSAULT .ARTISTIC DECLINE
a total classic!!!fttally grsat lyrics, too. HeyJos,where'smy copy of the demo? .DIS0RDERLYC0NDUCT- The Floridaband,not any of the hundr€dsof othen that odsted with the samename,theywere a weird meld of hardcoreand rock $'ith the guy ftom I' on Suitar,squirly weird vocals...they put out the "Amen"LP then leter, I guess,movedt0 L.A and playedshowsunder that name...theydid a demothat poundedthe MOITORHEAD inlluenceand rock and heavinesewn furthet but, man,0n that LR whenthat guitarwall kicksin 0n the llrst song,"CrawlDownlnside0fMe"...whoa!! .SWANKrS NOtforg0ttenby any meansin Japanwhere eachyear a new band cranksout a r"riant 0f pop meetsDTSORDER the SWANKYS thrmh noise. If their ryery Best 0f Hero.."LP w8n't so hard io find, maybethey'd rightfully be placed up where they belongwith KURo, GISM,CoNFUSE,COMES and the other Japanesehardcoregreatsam0ngoverseaslisteners. I sear the Suitar 0n that record soundslike an amplified cheesegrater playinSBeatlesriffs, and the changeoversbetweenthat style of absolutelysickly,sweet,dorky pop and b0mbasticCHAOSU.K. "Short Sherp Shock"style distorted t h r a s h a r e a w e s o mTeh.e r e s t 0 f t h e i r o u t p u t i s s o l i d ' T T s t y l e p u n k e d g e d w i t h a f u n d o r k i n e s s . h res?oh\eto othtr lists: Jeb,ooodmt with MAIMED FORUFE - Pl6 thq wenlml SaULake City!! MM, S'NS OFISHMAEL!! YeaLgood, b the noint, tnlri,ls thr6h Their secondEP uith tht tetrille Ba!/ Citlf BoUtrs cner saccumbedb the lale 1980'splarye o! nure frill and c(nwdy; and ult, rnfued 'lhe! resuLLs. ako ultra-elreiue I0' in Europe. nu cool lhing abma DEADLESSMUSSis lhe dilJtrmce beluem the "l WiU" 7" uhich is graunchv, typical Japcme ,hr6h and the second EP oJ Amtrican stltle, skate thresh i^slike 360 d,errees,but bolh are really awes(nu. IULr 0F8.. thdr later incamalion as thc Mre metal, BLACK FLAG-y IINWIRE han iB Mntnt1 too (utL.. ,nt 'Looking Dom"...) Nou thre's soruthing gm seein ,he used biw. Je!:, DIE KEAEZEN, tha playing m l.lwt Iirst LP i"sso out oJhand, the b6s smnd /playing is unbeliruable. I rec€n l!! rs-bryht the secmi. LP just to seehot it stood the test ol tim 10-14Vearslatn anl tht wcals STIU ncked. Mau... AEUSTIC DECLINE, this band mles!!! 1he LP thev releasedhts so many clKsir sows on il, lutl oJ uit and irut4ht Likethe bestoJthe earfurtBim oJpunk rcck and hardcme (a la BUCK FLAG, CIRCLEJEH{S, DEADKENNEDVS)and completellt treatiue sowtriting aith lnts o! changesin structure, sutnd, and, deliaery TOTALFEEEDOMFn0M FREED0M! ALL 0F YOA& PB0BLEMS SOIMEDIN ONE SHOT! ITUNDREDMILLIqN G00D EXCASES(just like Uou t0 ne lhov're useless!!!)!!! Cl6sic, cmltleteltl undenated stuff. Ken, SWANKYS!Chis, &ATTUS...the 'WC." 12' is one of my bp fixe Iavorite hardcore renrds nfr; it's aU high otd, and relies on speed,nelodll atd kiuer songs tr get its I,oint across,like th.eDAMNEDptaued,at 400 BPM. thbelinahle. Em mme nobodlt mailioned, D0GGY ROCIA???Ha ha-ha....
- Somepeoplemight say they ain't hardcorebut I still love their hyper,cr0ssover .WEHRMACHT KEN SANDERSON, soundand silliness.Their first albumgot only I point out of 100in Japan'smostwell-knownmetal .CAPITOLPUNISHMENT . Ascribingt0 the schoolwhereeachrecordgetslousierthan the lst througha magand s0 peoplerushedt0 g€t a copy. Another thing I miss is tap€ traders. I wil too lazy to 8et succession of singerVstylistic changevetc.t0 the point whereit's m far fmm the originalpoint that a new i n t o t h e t a p € t r a d i n gs c e n eb u t w i t h o u t d i e - h a r dt a p e t r a d e r s a r o u n dt h a t t i m e , s t u f f l i k e nalne0r ideaprobablyms in orderand nobodyredly cred (*e MDC,7 SEC0NDS, etc.,)...but at their REPULSI0N, SPAZZTIC BLURR,etc.,wouldn'tbe on vinyl,I think. high points "WhenPutschComesto Shove"12"and "IV0 PartySystem"7" - they were the best . M A D C O N r L U X - O r i g i n o f t h e b a n d a n a t h r aTs h e ! !f i l s t t r u e b a n d a n a b a n d i n J a p aTnh. e y w e r e jackhammeringthr6hbandewtand0riginalrccalistRalphy'sraunchyvmalsharener€rbeenbeat.'Iblal armedwith bandanas,flannel, and hyperthrash. Kazuma,the sinSer,still lives in my heart. porverhouse drunmingwith the oddmL\of humorandtenor llrically. Pokemewith a f0rk,I'm done! .VORXRIDGSPHASD, MALINHEADS' Early Germanbandsare underrated! . t J G L YA M E R I C A N S- " T h e D r e a mT u r n s S o u r " i s m y f a v O r i t eg e n e r i ct h r a s h r e c o r d ,S r e a t .RAPI - A few p€oplelike 0livier / SludSeRec'srememberthe greatnessof this crazy French band metallabel,DeathRecordsrelease"Who's Droducti0nand funny lyrics...their BLACKFLAG-esque, a n d a n n o u n c e d r e i s s u i n g t h e i r sAt unfdf .t h e n f a n a t i c s l i k e m e a r e r i p p e d o l f b y S l u dtgi reg!h ! - Nobodygivesa fuck aboutthemin Japan. BeenSleepingIn My Bed" has one 0r two m0ments,but wN attemptinSthat later metallicFLAG .CRl?TlC SLAUGHTER soundthat even FLAGcouldn'ttotally pull off on vinyl. SimonBObSlnisterwent on to sing for CORRoSI0N 0F CONFORMITY... and,well, that didn't reallyw0rk either.."'Ibchnocracy"!!! Second KEN POLLUTION. .TH' INBRED' Awesome runnur-upfrom the North Carolinahardcorecamp is STILL BORNCHRISTIANS who were on the bandwith someof the bestl!'ricsever FromWestVirginial .DAMNABLEEXCITEZ0MBIES-'Ibtally overlooked.Greatoverloaded guitr and Mrky's imane voice. "WhyAre Wellere" compwith a couple0f greatsongs.Som€body sendme their demOl .NEtIROOT- This I)utch banrlreleaseda 7" and an LB and there'salsothe limitedsplit test-press .FLAG 0F DEMoCRACY - "ShatterYourDay"& "23" LPs ile clsica - great combinationof insaneHC with FRATRICID0 from Pusrn0rtthat wes nev€rreleased(it wm the 7" with two extratracksfrom with a little melodythrownin. .MAD CONFLUX- Overuhelmingguitar and bad-assvocals.Derutating HC thrash. Someof the best the sanlcsessi0n).The LP sucks,a bad delvinginto p0gI-METALLICA metalcore,but the 7" is a -. rampaginS porverhouse... total barnst0rnling nlel0dic,crunchinShardcOre with fury and ener$r... songsevermitten. oRAISECAINandCRUCKtie. GrcatenthemicJaDanese HC. "Sm$h Yournriends"!
6u ag air!r;!l,o.ua3oo
rvltr utuBiE qen /(q a€t^Jelul isMorrualul qof le raMsu€ ]enau plno3 I uorlsonb to lros aLll sleql a€ltt6noql lBuu Auv srnlln3 pslprluoc pue unr AlleuJolutue qSnu fuaA s t > n o L l l u r q l r Ms l e o q l a r o q l o u t n q ' l n a ! [ a p r s l n o l s a r o l u r p u e A e t d J r el o l u r o u P - e l e J o a r e M e L , l lceqpeal oopalMoulj3e puP euoslaM s^eMle I peL] seq )jioM Au aJnsodxe qcnu Moq eapr leer ou aneq uorleSrunuuof, Jo, tauialur aql uo ^luteu IlaJ pue IlolioN Jo led alowol AlJreJe ur anrl | ]lnclllrp st srLil l6epBotq a,sldo€d ol oinsodxe eql pBq eABq IJom rno^ lo eecetd lBrl.l\^ >n eql ur olnsodxa aJou '>n alll ul lao ol AllnJadoL]rea^ Meu aql rol Nr> laqel M a u e L ] l r Mo u r l r o M u I l l e l E p a l e r o q e l l o 3 I u a ^ e q I uello no^ oo e)troa rno,{ ut eleloqBlloc
Ahrlce lecrlrlodlsureoa u LLiur^esla^o^\oti 's3r1r1od uo lou u I Arlrqrsuodssr leuosiad salesrpqe lr asuelloour qcnu ool a3eld ol a)jelsru e s,lr)jurL.ll I oN AUoa /tUB lo epu66B lectlllod e ol ue ino^ qsBllE ol e/laep B pBrl JgA€ no^ eAEH isrsnu laqlo ur sr alaqi I sv &ia^ou lo eapr aLl) uo pa)looq lrls are aq^eu AaLII aoueq3 ol suaas Ourqlou ,{qm puelsrapun lueJ Aaql sau laLUoS aeleerc no^ lBqa resq ls/!l aoul no^ eldoed ueqa uollcee,l lBcld^l e ejeql 6l auoro e se sreaooe f,rsnu ur lapou srrll Jo arnleu aA l tadaJ aLll AlOurlsaralu lapou reln3rlo alels Apeals e ol uorlf,ear-Lrorlce qlrM arnlln3 Jo espr leaurl e uoji anou e aas ol paau e sr aJaq-L ssaloord 'ssauMeu 'uolnona luauDadxa uotlceal lo seapr ^uap oi sJaes ou-od ,o sa taqlsae a u l J S u r a p o t u , O u o r l e n L r l u o ca d o s S e I , b u r A A Sr O lr reqlre ol uaas Aaqt r Jo saJuaabasJoJ A q l , O a . e M e a i e S I Sl r e O U r ) r f , e , d u e u t u r q l luop I us urapou-lsod ol salelal q]qM lerauao ur sue aql u LllrMsualqord 01q ale aroql lxaluoc srrl] u[.]]rM )1JoMOur3npoid roj ujolleld p llrlssr araLll puncs u qlr/A !urql I lre tenldacu03 pue usr eu u u ol pal3elle u I aaur sllllelrs ul no^ lcejUa ecll€rlls€B lo odA leqM '66rnldlnc6 eM alallre p u n o a - u o u u o r l u o l l B r l d a u t p e u ! 8 6 €A B q n o ^ Na 30s ol uo[cea] l s r . q ' u e d e q l r o L J l oa r e u o r l e ra u o j d o l J ^ a o o l p a a J plnoM soeqrao pue uorlf,€l p Lllr^\ arnlnl ur sL!a qord a o e l l q O r u l l l s e d a q l u A q l l e a L ts e ^ \ a l P r ^ u e ]e ro Aqlleoq fuan s auacs s r.ll )iutll Llonoql ] uop I eoueaa lBql ol 6uo!lceuuoc pue Aue eABq no^ og'clsnur eroopreq lund ol a,(ea ,o AoFB^ B ut pgll FJB 6la!u6 ealou lo punor6tep{.|n lsclenut e6nq B 6! ererll 'llOM Slql Sl nsal alll lo aseaieJ ol MoLl Jo,r aplcap ol aAEq t MoN sourpro3ol ,aqlo atqlssod e jo 6uruul6ao eql p€luesaJoa. ua)s^s oi]l Jo olels ur oouBqc I 'lcrl3 oLll senlEn urnu xeL! aul LlliM paIels elil a^pM nCd Jo aoualrs €r-.iluoJl ]srj Au ^q apeu )icr13 tEllotp lBr.{}lo punos aq} s^ap Mal e laAO s>icllc puB s€zznq a^e6 uanaun uaqa ' s a u o l a n e O u a ^ e u e q M s g n l e ^ M o l / L { O r qO u leulal e lo sloolE asrou olqM aABO sanlen ulopueU aausi s paonpord sanleA gnonurluoc lo les AUV plep nod ai| ur las anle^ aql ol oraz uloJl dunl lerirureql Aq palearc seM )if,rJ aql e3uetrs Iq peMolloj \13'lqe seM a I lsj, Iu )jceq Our^€ld uo preaq I lpl.l^n sanlen unururLu lo wnu xeu Jaqlta ol los etep FlCd 0u uteluos alrJnvln' e alear3 plnoM q3rqM uerOord e at!M ol i luarf,rljns aw palsaralur ]l s L Areurq le a I anle^ unu xeul s ] r o l l a s e l €p 0 u u r p l u o 3 a r ] p u n o s e t o a r n l p u aLll lnoqe lqonoql Jo aurt e ueoaq srql .pau quoo S o r c u a n b S J ,l l v , O u r u J g c u o ca s r o u l l € O n O J o s m a u aL]l ol Arnbuo ue pal9od uooruJef qogef'slrrl ol punoiOloBq eql uretdxe p loqs eq^eu I so3uatrs pue slcrl3 O[Hsq lonpojd €r]] 'iuarajJrp fua^ sr ralnduoc e 0ursn lroM luecar JaUIO el]l Our^to^a Ourql€uJos lo lreo au ol Lueas lu99op )iroM paseq raz€€qlu^s lugJar aJou qonoql lelueprcce s srJl lnq ao lq6ru ll AOunlo^e punoe :nor( al 'uollgnlcnll puE ecuslre^ 'lro/tr snof^erd eroll Jno,{ lo leour uBql scllriBu,{p arour aBrl aoBele, luecsr lBoru lno^ Atar3oSluorel, p p tuo o,aoM ao^ lteM 'raqlo llcpa urojl Aauou] 6uft€u _uotou pue AnlEorO sjorllo qces uo snSol oM ll tr Ouroueqf, acl,{sLu se llaM sp uorlenlF uanr6 aql ulqlrM OJr^| ,o ^eM B puu ol paau aM )ult0 I 'rr)Po-JddE/tr! tusr lueweoeoua lcerlp 'souiq] atqDralBulop aJE iaql lnq l'O ^ll!$.lE6dde lsnt s u o r l e r o d J o o - r l l n uo q 1 p e a L l u M o r n o ^ a p r s u r a o e l d €l e l o l s E q u o r l n l o n a r e i l t u o u u a l u q o f a s e r q d e r e d ol lurr]l I olrsoddo ue lqorl op ol pereao are Aaq] leqM 'ssaDurodsr suals^s q3ns pue ful lsnt s,lr ]sureoe lL-.lorl ol >iulql , srrri uo4 ^eMe unJ a^l asuas e ul ArJjgpou Aq petearc uollBuarlp Jo suislqord aLtl ]o e.iEMe tuan u I sa^la$tuoql Ouraq aldoad ^q pardsul u aejnlru PlrB €uiecuoa uBurnq r{q psJld6u! r ! e €8 p u B L l , c q l o eql uo no^ lEql /l'Bo ol puB uollezluEqnqsp otBa ll at 'uollEl|inlBuep orotdxe puE ilbtEpeo eq1 io o1elrn1ng eut /(q peJeeuold teu/oql 6u[elt6rn6cJ eq ol luees puno€ lo euolt3erdxe clpoleur.uou lo lol V alearc ol lueA SUorlerodrof,6.q eql leql lapou o^l66ed tua^ aL[ ueql rpr.]l6r socard jo uoLleorc ]o lce €ql ul aJuarpne aq] ado ur " lrEil3rsnu l o u o r i n q u l s r p l O 6 a x o p o r . ] l r oO u r l s l x e 6 O u a l B q f , o l p €a u a M x u l q l | o d ^ u r l n o t e r j o l B L ! l v t l a q t ile lnd ol lPalo pq plnoM 11alroddns puB €ceds auos Ouuajlo ulrp€lse.le$)r qsuo^re lr dota^ap o1 olrj Atear p ouiqtauco s.ll 'ec€d€]o Jgs Jo lunoue o0lB trel e sl
paau plnoM I leqM leutoi stql ur xloM aseeloj ol ejnlnj aLll ur axrl plnoM pue lenaMoq gdn lo eapr aql alrl I salrj elep nCd olur Atloalp UaDUMelep fueurq Oursn > l r o Ml e l u a u l a d x a a u o s p u e l c e l l x a u e A l u o a c e o s dst ot anp qonoql Mou salrl odn awos dn lnd aneq I alBr{l op ol €uBld ,(UV AnoA e^eq cl€nr! 'rno^ 6ullnqtrtalp lo auBeu B ae qoa eql pean Ilteer lue^Bq no^ lnq eauoaoJd qea e 6unBq sE rBt 69 llq e sllnb qoa or{l pezuln o^eq no^ sardoo 09 lo sunJ lJoqs ol sa^lesuaLt] pual pue sacard leluauu€dxe orou lot paruesaj oje stn3 aqlel aLll unrpsu psrajald aLll sl cc ssoddns l u €r l l ' ) l J o M o l s a u l l O u r u u n l 6 u o 1 A l t r e 1p o a u s a o e t d aql sV alnqulsrp ol llnouljp 6re Aaql ]nq l^utA psssotd lo unr e ful prp I prepuels clJel ap aql lnq untpeu peep AlJlEi€ sr OC s^EMeonr0 ouotd lol slnc eqlel aLtl lo sardoc are sailassec Aluo aLll lqou uMo ltaql s)f,aroo ta, l.eoe aJp AaLI s 4u ^ t.f a.]le aL.llelrt I eeaBole'| rol leujol e eplo€p ol o6n no^ op ,tolcBl lBr{^,,\ uo puB a,acuereleJd B eABr{ no^ oO.ello8eBc 'OC uo ctanur Jno/( po8eelei €ABq no^ l/(ul^ uo sil1l oas ol ]ueuodur s,l pue luolalllp st erJalLOaLll lnq ra!]o aq] ueql relteq sr euo Our^es lou u,l dlle 0ut)ieu p r . u 1 s 1 u O u ) i e u u a a M l a q o 3 u a J a l l r pO r q e s r a l a q l leql Aes I ptnoC paxrl lou sr Ourueau s]r 'lre our>leu l.oop alri I leqM L,ewop 3rtqrd aql ur t3afqo ue sr pue Alodold crlqnd s,ll 'posealal sr aood eLll acuo SaCeld aLll ol S€cuep UO^O lurql I lnljapuoM Sr L]f,rL]M ouoauos'sesuoosor )uajallrp olrnb a^eq Aoql saurl raLllo Ourrll Jelrurs fuen Ouraas are Aaql saurlauos eldoad uorl )ceqpgat la0 | uaqM Oulcuauadx€ ' 6 u r > 1 u t q '1o u r o p u l , l l €q M J o l r E d l s n l S . l r ' e a p r u e alejlsnllt f,rsnuJ eql alereortap lou ^lurelieo sl Lusaop srr-]llnq '€cuenllu! aujos sEr.] sdeqiad qcil.{/t\Ouqlauos t ) | e u r o u u r , 16 u r > 1 r o m l.oqE Ou oea, Jo Our)jurr.A u uor.lA^ paldsur €le s)roM eqt teql lee l.uplnoM I alu€lul cllaluB lno^ atept uao rleql etBrrc ^or4l l o t u e p u €d o p u t Jalerd no^ plnorn .ro uotat^ ,no/l puBlarepun eouelpnB Jno/( l6tlt ll et no^ ot luauodurl aoH 'olBerc no^ seceld SnoUeA pulr{aq uo|lgJldsu! eql Jol suolllulrep xelduroc eASq uelro no^ punos J, ,o)ursd 6 se q3nLu AJa^ )iroM llnq 'surol slt pue orsnu,lpuotlrpe]1.lo ^pnls auos op ^tluanb€sqns p'p | 3rsnu uEul ,aulel spunos lenlog palear3 Aoql AeM aLl puB srezrsaqlu^s Aq pelpulcsEl seM I a6€C lau pue allsl/rlrE uoJl sesgBlc ppll aM saurldrosrpJaLllour luaurj€dxe ol paoelnocuo ara^ sluapnlS eOalloo lJe i€ punos ur polselelul A ' i . e 3 a q I O u t d r p d ) r e a u r Js p u n o r o l c e q A u o N a,uoleaordxe lBclanru u! punoJolcEq B e^eq no^ oo tBuolllperl 'usllo allnQ ,?3 eql ur u6ql Aetd I tnq pesBaFrJn are Aseql suorlelooadre palEodol Alssatpue lsnl are {-{OrqM $pJoCel af,uepr lo atdnoc B ope{! a^eq I pgopalrvrouloe s1 srql ua^a ssalun Oulloq (suJ -iol) sa,ulocaq ^tprdBJ lr uqlrroolB poxu I seq grsnu lt OuqgsJ€lur a,ou sr esrou/punos sdeqrad 'ilaM sr aJaLillulql LUop I acttnut puE ealou lo oltnlu p u B p u n o s u e €A r l c q u o l l a e u l l e p e eleql al e>jrt-oJorpsr sje€dde leqm nun para.4el'6uupom to tBep E olrnb sr gjsl.ll so?Ald.grJl sprsul al$nu isrtBuJlul! ro auoJp ,lo ^iooale3 eql olul ilel Atpe6odons qcrr.i,r*SBcard ur spUF ttsrqM UOEAnIISpopu€ Ugdo ^irel e 6J ougrom u16ee I ualtM auoip esooqc luprp I ettiloShl v sv 3Notio 3sooHc AH^ o3Lv3uc 3 S N V C l V H l ' C t N n O S J O S 3 1 €V T A V A .eSNOt ss3'roN3 3Hl. HlrM O AH/t^,, Sl
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. Answersby Paut- [9.]./ otav- Id.l / {os - tb
dry_ Still it is the mostimportantpart of mylife I suppose, but there are morethings I am interestedin and doingaswell. Oneof the thingsthat happenwhen yougrowolderI suppose...(laughter)
actuallygoingto playa song... Wealreadyplayedthree, wesaid.Heshutthe PAdownandleft...
wayI cane4joya bandlike that. Consumerism seems to beplayinga veryimportantrolein punknowadays (andoftenI amguiltyasmuchasanyoneelse),but a G I l t EY | l U RO P I I I I ( l IO{ I I T H EC U R R E NSTT A T O EF lot of timesit seemsto bethe onlythingthat matters l|ARllCORE / GRIIIOC(lRE / WHATEVERC(lRE... to a lot of people.Beingaroundfor quitea whileyou ASBAil0SSEEilT0 EilC0Ut{TER L0TS0F WE|R0/ cansaythat this is something that hasbeenaround parts of WHEIIBEIIIOOIITHEROAll, I really must admit that there are some FUIIIIY / SCARY THII{GS probably for a very long time and will be. Onething that I can'trelateto anymore:militant F U I I N Y Punk/Hardcore I I H A TS I I t t S T I C KTS( l Y O UA ST H EM O S T that still amazes me aboutpunkis that it is ableto name few. straight edge, drunkenness, chaos-punks to a THIIIO YOUCAIIREMEMBER? maintaina positionof creatingan alternativewith a In myeyestherearestill a lot of bandsaroundwith good lot of peoplebeingactivein variousthings,be it intentions Thatwouldbe eithera concertwe playedwith a andsomething to say.In thiswayI meant0 say playing in a band,makinga zine,settingup concerts Belgiancrossover bandcalledCYCLONE wherethere that it is not alwaysbecause of the musicI like a band. where wereabout2000peoplethere. Mennosanga bit of the Forinstance, musicwise I don'treallye4joySUBMISSION etc. etc. I think it is oneof the movements peopleactuallydoa lot themselves. 7 SEC0NDS LP ("this is fuckingmagicman,and we HOLD,but I likewhattheydo.0n the otherhand,I don't like all SPAZZ but havea lot of are all a part of this together,woohoohoo etc.") and stuff (sorryRudolf...) W(IUI-DY(lUFOLIOWUPBAIIDSLIKETHEPISTOTS respectfor their attitudeandthe thingstheydo. I just the crowdrespondedto that as if we were actually (lFT(lllAY AIIDY(IUTH At{Dltl) A LARMREUIII()I{? playingthat song. Whenone of the otherbands meanto saythat I amnotalwaysjust blownawaybysheer played,two peopleweremakinglovebelowthe stage. of bandsanymore.For instance,I If wewouldeverdoa reunion,wewouldjust do it for speedandbrutalness hada listento the INSURANCE RISKrecordandthe the fun but it seemsunlikelvbecause Anotherthing that wasfunnywaswhenwe touredthe Mennois musicwasverygood,but their lyticssuckbig time. No untraceable. UK toSetherwith HERESY and HEIBELand the peoplefrom HEIBELwere beingvery noisyand mdssing up someguysparent'splace.Weweregetting "li-{fl i':j.:l"ll"illri tIi]FLl ); :- l , ' . r l i i l , . i ' , : r l . , i$ i i . i l I : , i , , , 1 : i ;i { i " ; ' 1 : r : , i , . , . annoyedby that so I said,"Hey,we'reguestsover t * $ l t L L ! i l l t Y h t r i { . : l,"4i : i i , . r : .1;11.:,,r. t i , * I il i.I", = i:. ii;;! il; I lf'f l.]il|..ri i... :i' h e r e . .b. e h a v e ! " T . h e ya l l w e r eq u i e ti n a s p l i t l j l - J t l " t , f i l {l f d i L l . J i fl ' J l l h | r i .lr: , il j : i r , ' : ! E F l# , i r r i r \ ' . \ r J ' / l ! l"*Y l l . r t f i : : i , i i.l second... Alsothe soundcheck of our first concertever ljPll;l*f,]. Allil i* ,\n"{.!{i. i :-,'': wasfunny,the PAguykept askingus whenwe were
VIOI_E qKfic]lrkErr(
:ffil: ..*, :ii
TFC RECOKDS ManchurianCandidatesf,BetweenRealityand Shadow"LP, Brrnd new lE songreleaseof brutal musical.bludgeoningstraight out of Ausiin,T)CDon't be shy.--97.00
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The MonstersIn My Headcomp.7" FeaturingSocietyof Friends,Benumb,AgoraphobicNosebleed, Pisspoor,Deadbodieseverywhere, Supprssion,Line of Fire, Misanthropists'MurderSuicide,andBeasL-s3.00
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iu F:AUlllVe r.laa:aa
l J l - J o s h B a k e r / [ E B l - E r i c a B e c k / [ J B ] - J e b B r a n i n / I C D I - C h r i s D o d g e/ t R B - R u d o l f E v e r t s/ t D M l D e n n i s M i l t e rI I K P ' I -K e n P o l l u t i o n/ t J R l - J e f f R o b i n s o n/ [ G S ]- G r a h a m S t e i q h t h o t m e/ l M W l - M a x W a r d
A D E A T HB E T W E E NS E A S O N S Weighing Contradiction Through Gnvity7'
SHORT, FAST &LOUll! P.0.Box42086SanFrancisco. CA94142-0843 USA r0€mtEWsfsgF
ryre ff0frs8!
A6AT10Ct6 ALILL lilEu Ar{llscHrsll , Ar 80ilMtilfi', A[ni{us nlt ASilE SUtSEIS BASTAR0 rptst' BERNR|( 8EY01{D o$$mpil BIZARRE X BrACr( ilrss0t l8slj BL()()DPACT EL0tftR ERIAO &IVATTR B.S.E BURlillt6 t{tlc}| oltvAs
6ErElllrA w6ER0G[R|6SS.. 60AIsHAltTY.,
Mrsxmr 000smilPn gil()RRill fTEF 0iHlft6*i
ol|wnrffitm fltn0msv{ u0s
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Acc|'|sE mpfl,Es m0s6fl 0rrl 01il0 ofl4q.{rT 0ttrRufi D.0.t. ilAN()il OEAD DEAilREAT 0E0ARltt
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0s-13 000t{ltl TAf,ilCNISIS ffIIII( PII"FICIAROR
Totally chaotic and discordantpowercorefrom upstateNew York. I've heard a few of their dem0s& beenreallyimpressedso I'm gladt0 see wassmartenought0 finally gir€ them a someone chanceat vinyl. Like a few other upstateNY b a n d sI c a n t h i n k o f ( A V t l L S l o Nf o r o n e ) , A . D . B . Sc.o n s i s t so f a l o t o f g u y s( s i x o f ' e m ) makinga lot 0f n0ise. Loudand terrifoinglike a moreunrulyHIS HER0IS GoNE. Onlyfiv€ s0ngs here but they'reso intenre that it feels like l've beenput thru the ming€r for an extendedperiod 0f time. It's a mini-adventurein itself. They're more focused0n impact than speed,for,speedssakethrmhing. I bet they'recrushinglive. (CI)) 0oniedACustom. J4a
lf itsshoilhst .ndloud(0reyen tong. slowandloudl wewanth hearit Wereview allformats... CDs, vinyt yousend even cassettes! Justbecause some$ing in,it is nota guaranhe hat wewillr€view I However, fte parameters ofwhatwereyiew should beobvious by now,soif yourstff is sinitar,wewillmostlikelygive yousome ink.6otit?
ffnr,usil rultlfrsrl xFsn G0008Yt IOSTYASl|I MJAl( |(0rmRI0tl I.AST SECURIIY r.AsTlv RiltNG UFt ilEtoctal r.uoHttct0xt
ittcltf,E n$Er,z0 ulF,AcTr0rl M$til SHAC|(LES I'UllCl{JRUll Cllt0l0AIEs MCI) 102 MEAilWlilLt MUTJACI( l'tEuE Hff.BAilAIIA t{liltE
trREtfimmft0u0 illt lowmcoxlo : G,Dl,lAllG|.00lrl 0OPHOBIA
6rc0t.0 Hm, t&0m$ ', MU|(E l||.c. i ?MilSI|IFTER
mrn0tmr tdilnus PrLAn Pffi0lltilslsp[tHY m$![E PR()IIE psYcH0[EUR0srs REO MAilITESM REIALIAIIO}I
RUm nnilc$ iununE ftngril3clr00t0Fut$r $mu& . ',, sun${ sgfrtnmE." .i sunnms $llrlK i:r,, , 'i':::..*.. , SLAl( $PERS .";j..i SSBTR :fti SAt lllFESIA!0IIrr. ::,.:;l 10.0. s0RtlilRoAr sPUt
suEImR flu|||(ros sutclot il lt0ll ITRROR SOUAD ilII{IY IIIIRD CIIAPIER UTIIMATT ITARRI()RS UIICUREEl) l,ill)tRPRtvtu6g) I^n0il UIIH()LY GRAVT VARSITY vtultltYil.t vt0tEnHu0Acl|E
vr0rt]fi s0ct$Y v00RltEEs m0 rf$Gt ilfi{}liltss ilANOil MOIOR5A6EIISERVICE WARMRil ilUT? MR.CALIF{)RIIIA AIIOT|lTSTATT IVI|ATilAPPTilS vvtt8tJR c08B P0t-tct Y lttjsTA t$sl YAC(}PSAT ltAst,tl ilAcl|lllE6ull Yn[0w IITUR()PAIIIIA
ABSTAIN - Wortd Futt 0f Zombies CD lflou int€ndto listento this CDyouhadlntter put 0n you *atbelts bo]s end girls because ABSIAIN are g0ingto take you for one hell of a fast ride, T h e yb l a s t0 u t a b l a z i n gb r a n do f g r i n d c o r e m a y h e mt h a t h a s b e e n f i l t e r e d t h r o u g h a thmsvcrustsound.The bandhailsfmm California but muchof their vibe $unds like it was heavily inlluencedbythe Dumpeanscene.Giventhat frct, it is not surprisingthat the ltalian labelS.0.A. relesed this disc. ABSTAINare violcnt enouch and furious enoughthat they are a perfect complimentt0 an S.OA.rost€rthat includs bands l i k e C 0 M R A D E S .R O T T E N S 0 t l N D a n d MOIORSAOENSERVICB. This is oneofthom CDs that is s0 relentlessin its delilrry that it is almost phlsicallyexhausiing to listento...youalnrosthave t0 takea showefaftergrvingit a spin.(JB) CIARocfldrfE 0ddisida6ubho6?/69. S1{8 Romalbly
Aussi€thrashers RALlOtn shrc.dit up with sme blisteringhardcorc.Someof it is alongthe linesof f e l l o wO z s p e e dj u n k i e sH E I S Ta n d N A I L E D DO\M!. But it's not all 100li fast. FAILOIr mhes in somepunky breakdownsand a mixture of temposthat addenoughchanges t0 ke€ptheir side listenableild movingalongbriskly. Sonrcslower s t u f f r e m i n d sm e o f P r a n k R c c o r d sb a n d s . hailsfrom Swedcnand soundslike I ACURSED t h o u g h t t h e y w o u l d s o u n d .w h i c h i s n ' t a mind you. Punkan(l thrashthat disappointment, completely reeksof crrstiness.MostlyliO'sScandithrashstylethat'sthicklyrecorrledand casyto pumpy0urfist in the air to. A modernversi0nof the nois that Finlm(l'sftopagandalabel md to relem. \bu'll be doingone-m-ilroshJril lapsin you bednronr oncethis hil3the turntal)le.(CD) Pubidtiffi Cmspincy.Swedrn
ALL ILL - Symbols of Invocation7" Haveyoil overseenthe nrovie"Cl6s of 1084"?lf s0, then you haveprobablywondcredwhat it feelslikc to be cut t0 pieceson a table saw. Well, w0ndern0 bnger Just put 0n this 7" and you will be instantlyrippedand t0rn into littlc nreaty chunks. ALL ILL havefounda wayto nrergetwo 0 f t h e m o s t i n t e n s es o u n d si n t h e h a r d c o r r underground...breakneckpowerviolenft:thrash andnewbreedhealT-core. Bestof all, theydo it in sucha waytlrat they rilanageto fr)rgetheir
ffi ffi ffi
ffi ffi
own uniquesoundand avoidthc clichesof both genres. They plow through l0 tracks 0n this suckerand eachone is mofeviciousthan the one beforeit. Their lyrics are a bitter exposd0n modern life and yet still manaSeto be qualitt' poetryat the sametime. The pmductionis dead 0n and the packagingis superb. Any way you want t0 lookat it, this is a masterpiece. (JB) Sound PolMon.P0.Box17742. Covington. KY11017 AMEBIX - Arise +2 CD A reisue of their sminal fimt LP alongwith some preriouslyunrelemeddemotracks. [fyou [en't familir with theseUK blokes,they'reon€ of the earlv bandswho crossedovcr & madecertain fornts of metal acceptablein punk rock circles. Whetherthey realize it or not, practicallyevery long-haire.d crustybanddonningbullet belts and blackT.shirtswm influencedbt theseguysin som€form or ilother. lf lou listento erery bmd from NEIIROSIS to DYST0PIAto MISERYand then list€n t0 AMEBIXyou'll know how far their roots date back. Pers0nally,then and now, I\e never been much of an AMEBIXfan. The song " S l a v e "i s n y f a v o r i t e ,a n d t h e d i s c h a s i t s momentsoverall,but I realb don't care muchfor the proSmomentswhere thet etually try to sing (1ikrs!)...nravbeif I was into J.R.R.TolkienI'd a p l r e ( i a t 0i t m o r e . .I. d u n n o . l n g e n e r a ll,h e tunes rrlv on a ton of tribal styledrummingand gallol)ingon the E string. It wesindeed"heaw" by early 80sstandards.but for whateverreasonI'vc newr listenedt0 their stulTmorethan onceevery d€cade,y) I guessthis lrtr 2000re-releasecanre Outjust in tinxr for trrylatestperusl. I think yilt know t)y now if it's up your alleyor not. Nicr: packagingin a digipakthat includesa booklel with liner notesby Pusheadannngothers.(C[)) Atsmativelorrtadss P.0.BortI9092.SanFmcisc!. CA9(Ut-9092 ANTISCHISM- Stitt Life CD Don't needt0 sy much hcre cuzyou knowthe drill alrrarly This was originallyrelemedbar:k aroundl09l 0n Allied Recordings and hasjust l)eenlr)issue{lby Prank. Olassiccrustypolitical t h r a s hh e r e . I n a d d i l , i o n to th€ir hook-filled anthems,the tradeofl male& femalemcalswcre alwals one of my favoritequalitiesaboutthis band. The tunes ile grcat but lV€ almys foun{l the srnrples& between-song interludesto be a bit tediousand difficult to weatheron r€pe^ted lislens, But if you'reunawile of ANTISCIIISM or mised 'cm the fiNt time around.this albunlis a "ntrNthave".This is a greatthing to haveamilablc againbut I'd be evenmorepsychedif therewasa completedisoSraphyreleas€(hint hint...).(CI)) PrankRrcords P0.8ox110892. SanFrarciso.CA961{l-0892 ARTIMUS PYLE - Civil Dead 12" If you'relookingfor Southernfrie(lrock,you'rc barkingup the wong trce. Howcwr,if you want t0 lx: beltedacros the no&{in'by the fiercesttrir) in I'risco,then you'rein thc right camp.fclla. Sontcex-l'IiCKFACE and cuncnt Wll{I HAPPDNS NE{lpenonnel residehcre. It's all aboutvoluilre, pOwer, anddetOnati0n on inlprut. ARTIMIISPl1,E h a u l s a s s t h r u e i g h t t u n e s t h a t l e a v er l l c o n t e n d c rcso u g h i n gi n t h e d u s t . A d r e n a l i n { l f u e l e d . u r e g a - h e a vt yh r a s h a n d s t r a i g h t u l ) anguishedfury is their specialll & they'redishing it out on olerdrive. lbu'll necda handtruckto carrythis dis il0und... it's that heawl Onlything nrissing i$a wsion of "Freebird".... (CD) PrankRrcords P0.Box110892. SanFnncisco. CA941tl-0892
A ST H ES U NS E T S E a c hI n d i v i d u aVt o i c ei s D e a di n t h eS i t e n c e CD Lct's hope it neverrises again. A very bland n l e t a l / h a r d c o r ee x p e r i e n c e . T h e r e a r ( l practicallyzilchodynamics on this record. Like one big, l(rnginitating screanring/ noisysong. lt seen$thnseguysarereallyintoTHEIIILLINGER
solquos8? dFullslsupd ueeuI puB'EuHl&a^o rslp olqnopslql iourosueqlputr'lu€[ Ja^e plnorn0,{u?qlN0SN0US SuIUVHCarourq EqJ O3xZ^dderrolsrO .lalduroC
s3'luvH3 NosNouS
'0t 'rFnf3.H I|q| tos..rg '0p oUO8GZ'lgt I00 (qC) qnuoJ purd eqt uo.{t ^Erts ot prsrF 'C'C preEer tsqt u! t,us! oqa pusq pnos s s! sossolal 8I-IDSI rol?t ol upF 8! slq,L ,ilFtpart ul pol8orotu!ftsug sr,{llunuuoc pul8 ottt u! au03rl|08pelc 's08!0uJo IInJr0g 8,8t0puDd8 pw 'Eeaq doq dq '83ldu?s ptzsJc qlle posredsJolut suaop)Ferq.qq[ qq! qqi &\saq Jodn€pu? puut ropuolg 'slrll o{!l ulnqls u? tllls dn auoc ol qloq Jo anll s 3q,(?ruro pauo$ ,{ll?il Jo e llsalt /ill?al eq E$ot ror{lla aAnotr 'spuau 8!q?uu?c op?roloCesoqf u0{ pulrt soJaqlIno,, aJ0l{
'uotsog .9i1.peq1 uptg 66t20vlt lr7055rog (0C) "t!toEa4no,t'aEpnls lwa no,tJlispu?q ol!Jo^sJ,{uJo oal on asoqJ '0q '1n0,(€l^ddul ? .lo or Wd6lp erlN l! J0 alnuux &a^a tu! ol -lsoqc rno^ u0 Eulduo$ ^pqsadal Inq lwqdela uol ZI s Eu! srt o{!l s! ua, ot tuluots!.l Jaaod Joaqs4oql 6" Iloa s 't! Jo Iill l0 'poads{eqt ul ro$quoq s?,{lpnb3 $ OryNStyoO ,tqde80c6lp po ll-Uorls Jlaqt J0 Ice8al aqt q dn a !l $lreJl 08aWpu? Ja o qg|no Eueunosll^a $ou ? Fanols 0{l J0auoa+{oqI'suql FqH roJ$lcBrl pofealalun aoJ € qlruoun ol peE?u?rx o^,^oqt lnq dn 'mH srn lll(b g A\'g Jo lro aln roJ dBcecunp 3 qlln eql u! lls 01spsu HC\Llt\ CNNUng lalxor qIil t?nlur8Jlou ouo,{uv 'pueRt fitr lodlml aql 'eru4qm u! iloamF pounl-uop lq eAno{ uaql 'osualu! lsou eqf Jo euiosorors 0l luBA no^JI
03tlds- SwNsrvoc/ mItM cNtNunS
OO,qrleuJouqvol 6utuJJoluoC 30vNUV3Ct'tVHd3C
'ur0uue6eg puqpg p 594797hruq 'utryeg
(gt) -',tHus.g?u!qm$!p JaWEJsl op I ff qrnu s? slu a)lll I tilJ aqI -'tu!l?oddr,tlouosan.6 sl 'olns oq ol ^llsoJlsuou l?ql ouotnq lsclsnurs 6l ll ',lsus d0 ssnoH 08J0 $KueJ Futsnpu!aqt pu? CIIOHCIOueaalaq sEslEu ? Jo plrqc pqqEllq 3ql 3{ll spunoslFsil pua oqJ 'osusuou/eslou 'slusr pro,f, ualods J0 qsrnq r$6"ds pus soldul?s 's{Earq u?! ppo ,{luold pp? /iaql aJnlcn.Us Jo clssq slqt o;, 'pur.rEc!lo?qc J0 ftsslq qlrs Ftelx q|8ap pilo ?U orororot Jo J?or paunl aol eql sfirur gcvNuYc clTYHilIc 'pJBoqrom il?q I MnqF pu.6 cnoqr,{sd $our aql J0 auo s! slqJ
03 uo!lrunlslo 6ullloldx3 39VNUV3CllVHdlS
(gU) u00sspu?qqlOqu0{ lslJol8ur^rau 'g g lcadxg proror oql J0 epls tsqt JeJardI S Jo tlsnu aql ul ,qrsa rp aql J0 o€n?toqInq lp pu? peodsoql dn dool €pu?qqtog oqForq ol oull auos reualsll eql a !Eq saldussouos ql!ff po4u arocpurd poo8Ino lrds q anulluoc,toql sproceu lueluorslo u0 pJoce.llsJU r!3ql Jeuv 'Eulqt ororpu!.6 aqt rOJ soo8 J'lnSNl papnlru! als sJu,{l ou psq oql saaou ro sdlqsuoll8lor 'sellrl Inoq? tuls lou soop pu8q srqt ,(ospFoa I tuos aql,(q Eu6pnl 'unop1a1s s! ouo lou pu? Cqn ,(q ,,cnoqt8dI fpoorC' tulpnlcu! $lrerl ua^as 'alocpJrq lssJ,tqs?Jlpoot Ino lusJc qilqa purq qcln( aau ,tla^rtelerr s! g'S'g 'procer slql JoJeuot aql slos pulJt qspJ,l, T
. / l l l d s- r ' t n s N/t' 3 s ' g
roqueuoJ I JI .Flruq lns qlr *qtnoql aurJeqtoq I,useoq 'soulqc8urunJp asn qloq ,(oql t?ql q cpusqosawqtlalull uouuor eqJ am^6us qlln swlq elqsJorrou 'Iasalt B lsJ " US.{\o'IS s? lsoq ou?s eqt u! a.ts srolspulJEu8lp8usC 080qI 'lou Jo oroqao€lapal?odds^WeJI?illeql I oJnslou u.l os /8, uro{l 0r8 $lr?rl gooy \ eul 'slo al auos uo pu!t!.ro oql eF^g uo^o ilq ocl$nf caopfluo lou rtrlqr Jmc HJVS0 n'JvdvN ^F?o 'uraq,isu rluos rlaql 180.83 II0 lnd o6F faqJ ol ppE ol ocordo$ou ? sailqrquoc ogglgASON 'roqfus CIgoHdVUo0y luo.{ ttors JJnts eluo EJ,tu E rlcluA 'S'g ,qsa e{[ Atcae cpunog ',{ltulslrdrns 'pur 1ou lauuoued 'Il0S II{SNS 'pue q tutuultaq -x0 J0 slslsoc UA/t\Cng tultuolailn s,tsw xu!f-!q peeds-lq'uaolq llnd
oc lllds - tgov/v\ / u3/\ 018
,010? ll{rqrvurv160ln0'01'EFn3.u t+
(0C) xotpld sNt dn lcld T ruo,Uoddn€ qtot e4no,t'orocmarc-a1r'uaop poddrqsolul a{no,{ 'spu?qtupFoa prsrl qloq oJ?asaql J! 0s llol usc I 1! o ol B$ot nol u?ur IroJ rynd llaH eunlJo |n0 llq B $ rqrnt eqt qtnoqw GIU psortEtqtpJF 'pooC 'aloql oroq qJBd ? .Bttnqr stEnqr,, aeJ € 'qtnoql,quea 'ool 'otpe pleu! oxs s06, Fnt toN aql Jo o.lolft 'uo lulot Eu?q1suoqr tuols-Euls eql J0 arour ua e ql,lA $q looqrs 0lll?8 oql lno.ll 'puu u8t q$rqt s,tqd ruSW I l?qt eraqa,tu? ICYdCooqg roJ 6'80rpp"ltsluor 0u r,oraql l?ql ldecxo'looc s,tsq,! lqcnq u! lot os?old'uaol rno{ ,tuld ol sn a{l| plnoa no,{J:!"',,'loaqs c!:,{l 4oql uo uolluou ,{aqJ qltA peuolrat eq ol ecJoJ ? oq pJoql 'tud?ld {ot{t dn ualqfil,qper T s&e^ aal Joqlolr?JoJpunon 0.n s,in8adaqlI loq I Inq 'ilou p00t oJ,,{oq,LnJql qnr flpoJ l8ql oJeqouol J?llnE^qtunJc oclN 'tutuJurnrp{c!$doqr lsq qlpr sglJ pnospuEaldurs 'qsoJws0g,tuusrlq 'osool J0 s{c?Jl II ruqt u0 sdlr ICVd0001g 'olu! uoll?J a^sq OpBrop lssd eqt ul spueq ^usu os dBJt als{,, ',{uoqduoltuorl leql ,,atpa ot lou 'pldn$ eq1ur alqnd luop pur orocpJsq a^lllsod o1 an:1,{e1sspuuq qloq Isuo!ilprr1 lsqt fl essolalslw lnoq8 lcou o)t!l I Eutql oqJ 'sopgdsul orotpJ"q '$oeplll ls ! ar rercqlno,t
dt illds - Allsuv / 13vd00018 'qrol {ryom$n1 1Ol0fll unqotutr0n5a53
(f)'eilqa? roJturum aqt ls erqs pue uoo,r paua)ll?pr u! Is q palusa tsnl I ssalun ulut? uo l! Ind l,uplnoa,{lqeqord I - ualsll 'su?ol's pozsrc pu? tulJollnu lnJupd'tuol V 'olqp![qulun,{tqalftuoc aJ? I8rnltnt Errol aql '{oanluy 'U-01e JoJ looqs i,,l la^ot xorex r0l0c -euou Jo pJEaqJo^aoqil\ ilaaqs-auoturlcnJ aql pu8 (f[Ho vH 0{ll 8pu8qI,{g ts?oc F8q roqto 'sorull rllorooruoq)sonrl tuo8 lr Jo luorsluluor oql !o oc aql Jo uolldarxooql ql$'llor -l8lau Icslq s,t! tBqt tulq ,{luo eql sl 6lql - ,iBABt! aqt sprEoq&{ altls-w8ro qrJnqr oussq {onE? ',(llu!l oql ,{luo i0leslr ul luauqstlduoccs uB Jo pu!I) spoods qloq uo aolc ool spunosll u{l pu8,{Epnls 'aol8 os s! pJocal slqJ
.4 uesqlEurervaql l0 quiol 3ql 6u;1o01- nsgV lO SSVl.tXOV'Ig
aa.l rr glvo sorrs 'nS00 '0t2066r08 '0i| 'pql r4{|| 66t20 vl{ (gU) EuFeuep$ srw :olrolul ourostuqcos 'ournlo^ oqt dn uml 'qqtll aql go uJnl Uel€ pu? ot q slqt ol uotsll ot f?a 18eqaql {q?qord t€rlt JoJpaads qcnur ool llq s pu8 otuonuul l?lour qrnu oql oSpnlsololduoc slql lpr lou plnoil I Inq e8pnlsuo su?al|8qaauos tlenu eqJ uEeu 'IrBp',$?rS pornpord 'punos llan ^lauorua 'procor stqt 0t EuluqEI o[q^r Jo IFA tlq E s,il ortr 0l our?cspupl l?rla s! slrlJ '0l our uollrlJ -oruers Apcs u ol oJlu! us lou 818!{1 'oN eplq q scqd s JoJ{oq llaq s par?cs oJorl,u/fiaro uorJ Euluoc osloN ra^o so{Bl ssouu?p FloJ
0c aur^r0aql qsrloqvoI saproH
rel xen - uilnl /
lnol / sua^3llopnu-
'll 'lnpue{'mz0rc[ '04spo3ru 0l.un0 ilz0-o90t (d)I)iprrosuollscu!4uoE
'ocual0!^ol?ls'uol1?llotdxo IBur!ur :Bolwaue 'tcedsal {und cls€?tceql n? Eu!{c?lts scF,tl lfllt ut scNqtogs0st(I'Ihtc a)lll Er08 - Iror J?llnE rlpolou l00r ouos qtla stuos InJocJod 'sslls0 uorJ ' p 0 0 E^ l l s o u {und CH tur^up
J, sauouranEJnlnl- uflvi\A ? 0v3ug 'St {|PurgAru||lqouH 610t0 su.p.ulsrp'4{t .r.163.9 orprPs 0p'u'st
(qg) 'uorunaroq1u1o[1,(doce dn {cld 'stlof,Jo tulllunor I s! c6!pslql s6onEI os 'oEssJ?o,t6pwq osaql qloq JoJ |Jogo ls{l oql J0 sila ./ llds qC{V \ / 1I0S tr1AIqNgoqt '{tcoroc
lgi6glx lt uf sl4tt419t 8xdr0!3ruF[ burs (qC)Xsaaql&'ltut.EolC qlgl iororu.rsaq 6spsl roJ Eullt8A no,( aJB18qa 0S
'ote ottqfl
ralsweqer9- [scl / uosurqou lar - [ur] / uorlnlloduay - ldyl / rallrl{ stuuoo / e6pooslrqC- [0J] / uruer8qef - tgfl / lreg e'|rf - [g3l / laleg qsof -
s qlnb ll p3ll8ap?tt,{aqtlqtnol{l I a aolsreuul 'puno.n aql ol EulpJocc? ll$s aJ€s^nEasalll l8lll lno puu ol 8! aslJdrnsFattlq alu saunl lualC 'polEe{to.18 ol pell top plqcr r alll tulpunos l u o l ? l a J J ? ql s q l s 0 u n l a e J q J s a c u o J a J o I 'l{vgucdll re 'ile 'HJYSo ctrvliaJs,ts 'OJno asn :^?il oqt l l ? a r O c p r u qu o d d l N 'qslFug u! scu,{'l ^llse s! &e^[ap l?clsnu lnq 'uoJpsnbsqstJql oz?{llxul aseutdul stql ,{q ouap A6t8Jo assolorl,iul pltlgo lgu aql s! slql -L Z66J ul sleo soPq3 0N0438 Nolldlu3s30 spl030ussolou 'alnr (l{0) dn U lsld'ilaq asluodJo EYI p,,{oqllaq '0^!l uaql 3es q a ol p,l spaauetls ouur8 aql Ip req tulpoeJEuoF speadspuvq aql ellqa sftqs unEtlq o{l uooq Enoqspw staJm Jatl 'sotlo^ arocpJsqepu l$u tuFeaodlno ,{lls?g 'dn poJs! pus ttqsllnqJ0iluqs laq p?llseq(sPro^) eclds ouusof prserl 3 .1 slsco^al?uoJ lsoq 0rl1 Jooruo€l$!a eJo4s'sJail$ aalt{lln0,V{und,tq4st tnutp ouos €! oJaqtInq le$aq aq pln0) EulpJ0caJ '{cns aql 'pooE ulep ,(11a:dIttJ uI ssa ll tou ll plp ,(tuo1ou1cq1pasud:nsallnb sa Put uo ll tnd alqrJral sI lJoau?/Jo^oc aqJ lsJoa I 'qq1 oW papa&o pu? rilot aql rus I 1oE1 uat111 - yuSzu3s 03 aurellear^aql U6Ul6U0'Fpnlod'9601rc1'04 {rytosq snopq (CC) isl I a4l I sllal oqaauoou6 ' 3 olul sroJplstl ltsulJ ,iiiauaasJapnu aJocpJcq Jraql uIr\L / pooq!le^rlJraql sl tsqt fJ0lua^ur aql apraurcul / iiEsoJl$ peuutppoEJlaql lnC / ii|?oqEuqcnJreqt {mU / aftds tuFlua po trl3rlt acuslslssa allt ^rotp |?W saq4lq arocpJ€q-IundJ0 qtlil qcu Eul$at tuld€J 'Eulpols / lsoq op ,{eln l?qa tulop - punod puv lsol / slqt sornsuradu luglsuoaJop^0rddsoql / o{duro uBroJelsJedsap " Iso,n 'a^!sN,, :^laJrtua ilaql ur olu ,(alll aJoH ouacsCH orll Jo go Eulddlrssalpua:1aq1 pus epJoroupunodI tso.l lnoqr ,,adsulwlsu0C J0 lr^orddv OqJ,,roJ srrrdl aqt s! sllt| tnoqu sEulql eluo sJ,(u Jo euo lnq tsorE als slcrJl eql po4slt pus JeEw md Jleql ur pnaq r0 a o4l atoruls lsou aqt aJs lsql spJo a uq stuos aal V sll8fistou Jo 8u!{?aftl Eultuuq)'Ia^a aql qtla peldno) suqltqr JruoJlcalapa!0lslp J0 spualqluollacxo ors ralt?ld l,tul^ eldrnd $gl u0 $lr8rl srou JnoJaqJ luaJaglp ou s! 0s80l0l slqJ auors {und oql Jo onb snlsls oql apls|no sEurqltul0p ,tul T slslr a{?t ot tulllla euets oW ul aldoadaoJ eqt J0euo uoaqst?qr sq poqA\
- 1 s, u o l s s e s ' vu a q I ]SIONOUVISVS 'u 'spe|a3 !eq8n0 r080a ?04!0H uoPls999 110 szll gutny s6urprocaX (0C) ln}Iaaodt?qts,il hor? u!60ultaol{t Eurqtanlua oql ol pouolq,tl8rotlt I srqttoEI ,{rp lug oql aJors,qwa aql JorapunqluElou aql 0t 'asa4un oql soqr?oJJ0ln0oql uo.q epoc Icsq Jo a6rou ol ',taulqc?ur u?eu?lolqns turumqc uo.ll no,{sa{q &ql fpwc .rEeJo mop IFJ e a asrps!q.L tluEur ualsl pus trs $q Eult|lou 0p ot pafloduroc oq ll,no,i Eulzlroursouros ortr lBqt sernlxsl punostull?aJr 'dsu oql rilo Ip lile{ iloq acrou 's8alor o^rs$orrns,Qileql|A Jo salnuu u/ oql spunoq? sd?ol,(q noJdq ot eftu?u '0, ? poqt 'scluo4coloJenod sloot agl qlla uolluJoldxa Jo pus uoll?luaurJadxa Jo sJso,{pu8 sas€aloJ uollllru ? JalJ?ue^e tnq'tr op u€c ^aql aoll aoDl l,uop I ',tFnolms iuE& so^laslaql auoplno B ouot o^Bq SOUYJSYSaql aou Ing ssil
r!td8uYoudnsuu\uts / gstoNquY$vgaqr olqpsrcur iloq Inoq? pae 3 polu8J I 0n$! 18q
oc uolllnrlseollasJo srs^l?uvaql 3SION0UV1SVS ulaloe@I1rp1r.utrunrfl I Jr$HIpeEloUrauroll
(n() alqeJouauun,tilqq puDclrouat 'tutrog 'tulod aql 0t oslr'aaqc taE ll,l'I0 usr ,(sqt uEqt orou JJoEurtlq oJe sfnt asoql a{!l suees lrEJ pu? aJoql pu? aroq anbruqrel s,d g 0 gHJ Ino dJt ^aqt sr NV'Id gdyCsg
[Jl - JoshBaker/ DennisMilter/
- EricaBeck / - KenPollution
E V 0 R Y T H I N Gt h, e s e D e K a l bc o r n b a l l se v e r produced. Fr0m the first demo to the ever collectiblealbum plus outtakes,live stult, and a CD RoM that features drummer Ebro's appearanceon ''tte Jerry SpringerShm" (Jerry calls him "Elbro", by the wqy). I won't rattle on too long about this becauseI know that you alreadyown this & know everythingabout 'em. A l l I n e e d t o s a y i s t h a t t h i s c o l l e c t i o ni s incredible. I love hearingeveqthing back to back. It's interestingto hear their proSression thru the yeals. They alwayshad a great sound that was raw & snotty but they managedt0 improve upon their simple greatne$ and write catchier,not t0 mention more cynical,songsas the yeamwent by. I'm sadthey aren'teroundbut like mostclmic bandsthey hun8it up while they werestill goodwhich is probablythe bestpossible wayt0 g0 out...with a banginsteadof a whimper l)amn, I didn't ev€n mention the zillion page bookletwith the micr0scopicreproductions of e!€r!'thing.Be sureto alsopurchasea nagniryin8 glasswhenyoubuythis. (CD) You0rAtb* Rrods
l|illMion.P0.Bu1621]hwYck llY10156
C O C K R O A/CMHI H O E -Ns p t i t7 " 'Iho
DutchoutlitsjOin forceson this split record and theydo it well. I wa reallysurprimdwhen I got this recoKl. COCKR0ACH kick it ofrwith six tracks of hyperfasthudcore and I immediately hadto think of CIIARLLSBRONSON. lte vmalist usesa high piiched screechylrice and the music is rushingby like a whirlwind. They us enouSh variationin the musicto keep it enteilaining. Goodto seeyoungEumpeanbandsplayingmore ertreme music. MIH0ENlllls in their split side with five tracks. one songin Dnglbh,the rest in Dutch. Again h!?erfastsongslike CoCKR0ACH r|res, but MIH0EN is more straightforvard end has a rnorepunky approarh. All this togetheris $ammedontoa thick pieceofvinyl md packedin a lovely cardboardfoldout sleeve. Both bands erlrlain all th€ir lirics and viem on politicsand nore in a little bookletthat'senclosed.The bands relemedthe recordthemsehs to keepup the DIY spirit.Checkthisout.(RE) Mihoen, lltechtsoweg 305.3731 61,0! 8ih.ilothnd
coDEl3 - Discography CD 1994-2000 The title saysit all. You'vegot ererything this l\linneapolispowerhouse hr ewt rccordedall on 0nedisc. ThisCDwru rnainlycoilrpiledto linrnce (roDE l3's tour of the Pacilic Rim Whalewr the reason,I'm glad t0 heveever)'thin8compiledin one place. I'm a big fan 0f discographiesin general(if it's a goodband,that b) andespecially Cl)s (yeah,so fuckingffucify me already...) so lhis rvm a welcornesurprise.For thow arnongthe u n i n i t i a t e d ,C O D E l 3 s p e c i a l i z e si n f a c e flattening thrash that combinesthe straiSht fomard approach0f'80's hildcofe and the over the top speedand harshnessof '90'sfastcore. llearing all 0f the material back to back,the progression of this bandis obvious.Like most bmds. their earliesttracksare mugh aroundthe edgesand not the best,but by the time of their secondrecordingeverythingseemsi0 haveSelled and the ovemll focusof the band is apparentby
- JebBranin / tCDl- ChrisDodqe/ tREl- RudotfEverts/ | il - JeffRobinson / tGSl- Graham Steiohthotme / tMWl- Max
the easewith which the tracks are executed. Aw$ome stuff, of course,that requhes repeated listens....goodthing you canjust hit the "rep€at disc' button instead 0f continuouslyflipping a bunch of stupid ?'over & over. 'Ihin Cities hardcoreis I forceto be reckonedwithl (CD) lhvoc ftrods. P0.8or 8505,Minneaolis.Mll 554S
Tasteof despair.Brutals0litude. Sweetpain. Peellike stepping0n brokenglasswith bue feet. It's s0 uSlyand beautiful. I'm down. Rumorhas it that they have a plan t0 destroyEuropethis fall. Preparefor the attack. MACHETM0spit grind and a out their own brand of bloodstained mightyST VITUSc0vel Worthpickingup. (EB) F r i g i d i t y0 i s c o s .# ' 1 1 0 2V i t a K e w a i i 2 , -11-18. Xpmadibori.l{ishiku. 0saka55&'0O3. hpar C R I P P L E SA C C U S E
0n TheDownLowCDR
COMRADES / AGATHOCLES - sptit CD fitls is my mcond exposuret0 the self desfiibed "dark edgeviolence'of CoMRADDS.They take the ulhe low tuneddeathm€tal deliveryof early CABCASS and combineit with a clmic $indcore sound. They then throw in angrypolitical llrics with a straiShtedSeslant and deliverthe whole thlng wlth the extremelyraw productionfoundin most mlncecore.It is quite the mix of styles actuallyand it worksmost0f the time. Theyare detinitelypised and prusionatein their delivery and that helps to overc0methe rery muddy production. The secondband0n the disc is the who haw got to be one legendaryAGATIOCLES ofthe most prolific extremebandsever While ewn 0n an ofr releasethey re better than most of the Srindinsmincecorebandswho mimic them, this is nOtone 0f their better attempts. Most 0f the stufi they haverecordedin the lst coupleof yearshad seemedto be a leapfomard for the band into a more dynamicstyle;this however,seemst0 be a step back and morc reflect[€ 0f s0meof their eillier w0rk. Maybeit is the productiOnmore than the songrvriting (evenmore muddythan COMRAD0S), I'm not sure, I just know this doesn'tgrab nre like I expectedit to. Fanswh0 adoredtheir early materialwill be all orer this. (JB) Cl Rrildl Ybffrii & Grfrh 67161 001{8Ronalbty
C O M R A D /ED S U D M A -Ns D t i 7 t" In the liner not€sCoMRADDS mentiontheirsideof this 7" ms recordedfor $ soundslike it. Admittedlythey haw nerer b€ena bandwhofavo6 the hlt€ch recordingproces but this time ilound this arc particulafly mw and murh'. Musicallythe self proclaimedgurusof "drk edge"continueto muta,teintO more and more of a mincecoreband. Th€y s€emto be more grindinSwith each relem. The dual stylevox still mix screeching/smeaming wlth the sewergmwlsud their chmge up still has the hardcorefeel but I think that 0vemll they m becomingmoreAGATH0CLDS-like eachtime I hear them. Whetherthat is g00d0r bad will dependon your mBical tast€s,I supp0se.0n the DUDMANside of this record you will lind another r€ry lGli pmductionjob but srnehowit seemsto serueDIIDMANbetter. Probablybecausetheir musicis simpler Straightaheadhildcore retrothrash. Dual vox, machinegun drums,buzzing guitan and lots of chms. Very8ood,althoughnot (JB) memorable. |)drd A CusbmRecods.Japan
This is a CD denrufronrthis two.piece noisecore unit. Talk aboutD.1.Y...besidesbeinga selfproducedCDR,the recordingwm 0bviouslydone at home0n a portabletapeplayer Whatyou get here are 12 primitive blmt attacksakin to early S0RETHR0ATat best. Not exactlytop notch material,but definitelyinspiredand not lacking a sense0f hum0r For obviousfeuons. I cracked up at s0ngtitles like "0ur OwnSp^zzSong, Chris D o d g eW a n t sU s T o " a n d l y r i c s l i k e " A r t f u l D 0 d g e r 'o s n t h e c l o s e t ,m a s t u r b a t i nogn o u r tape". Flatterygetsyou nowhere,bo!s. Anyhow. it's a prettyraw eff0rt overall. Rougharoundthe edgesbut with anotheryear and sOmemoney investedin actualstudiotime, thesefellm coukl a(tuallybe goodinst€adof a novelty.(CI)) Germany? Ilese goohdidnt induds$eir addrsss...
c R o s s EoDu T- 1 9 9 0 - r 9c9D 3 0ROSSEt) OUTwas in existencefor lessthan threeycars,duringwhichtimetheyrelesed0nly one7",onesplit7",andonesplit5'. Doesn't seenl like the resunlf 0f oile 0l the nlostinfluential bandsin extrenlehardcoredo{rsit? But without questi0nthey wcre.This CD,which is the first (and then officialCROSSED 0llT discography some),is literallya primer0f first wavepower viol€nce.CROSSED OUTare a meldingof raw I h r a s h .p u l v e r i z i nggr i n d a n d b 0 n ej a r r i n g heavinessthat lurchesback and forth between bleing andploddingin what semed, at the time it wm recorded,like inc0n$uentrandomness but is nOweasilyrecognizable as the blueprintfor p0werviolence.As I carefullyrevisitedthese tuneswhile miting this reviewI wasremindedof I 0 w n r u c ht h e C R 0 S S D D 0 l l T i n f l u e n c es t i l l resoundsin thc p.v.bandsof today,I wasalso a s t o u n d e tdo r e a l i z et h a t t h e s et u n 0 sa r e a s relevantand listenablenow as they werewhen first relemed.If thesesongswerenewtheywould still be rnoreintensethan 99%of the extrenre hardcorecuftently beingreleased.What that m e a n si s t h i s 0 D i s r n o r et h a nj u s t a h i s t o r y lessonor a curiouslo0kbrck at the rools0lpower vi0lence,it is an albumthat is gonnakick yOu upsidethe head!YOuue gOingt0 want to listento this CD for what it is, nOtfor what it repre*nts. Hell,this is so vici0usthat when I put it on ny musicshelfall the other hrdcore and metalCI)s startedt0 cryfor their mommies.(JB) Sla AHan.P0.8ox{2{[43,SanFrancisco. CA91142-0843
b u n c h0 f l i t t l e d o t s . B u t a m I c 0 m p l a i n i r g ? Actually,n0. In fact, the thing that strucknte i m m e d i a t e l ya b o u t t h i s r e l e a s e w a s h 0 w aestheticallygeat it looks. Seriouslyone of the m O s te y e - p l € a s i n lga y o u t sI c a n r e m e m b e r . Somel,hing aboutthe art and the backgrounds and the Overallc0l0r schemereally makethis appealing to me. Music,wis€, it'sequallym much ofa corker lt's superheaw a onewouldexpect from the peachof the Georgiascene,but it's also full of surprises.The wholealbumflowsalong with soundsandsanrples linkingall of the songs together. They'vedefinitely graduatedwith honorsfronr the NEIIRoSISschoolof power. "Epic" is probablyth€ term I'm grsping for All of the tunesare excellentand totallyuniquefrorr eachotherbut still maintaintheir ownflavorsof heaviness.lbcalist Vict0riaalonegoesthru so nlanyaural switcheroosthat I'm renlinde(l0f Linda Blair'scharacterin "Thc Exorcist". Il's obyiousthat a lot of work went into this one and paidoff bigtinre.(CD) it hs undoubtedly Prank. P0.80x410892, SanFrancisco, CA941{1-0892 DAMAD - Centric 7' l'rtckkno$show longthis hasbeenout. It was recordcdagesagobut I onlygotnly little ntils{)n one recently.A bandthat seenlst0 hive bcen ar0un(lf0revfi.. whcn di{l lhey start? An}wa}-. an{,therl\vo s0ngs\rhich sh0wthey are geninA l)etterwithtime. I thoughttheirearli(rr Ll "llisc And Fall",wasabit naIIto be honest.0r thosc l\r0 Sr,ngs ho\vever lhcrps .t r, fliriil i n l p r o v e m e i l t . A s l i g h t l c a n t o w a r ( l sl h r l D!'ST0PlAsidc0f things\vith b0thsann)los il(l heavi0sity meansI'm a happyman. I think that the vocalbyVictoriacOuldbe the mostbrutalI'vf heardfrom anywoman,short0f my nrotherin a rage. FuckinggradeA. The llrics are suitablr depressing and fit well with the music,a ilridpacedcrustv/ sludg€affair. The packagingis prettyneat,too.and lookslike a bit of tinte and effort \vasspent on that fr0nt which is alwrls n i c e t o s e e . l l e a r i n gt l l i s m a k e sm e w a n l t r l checkout anyrnorerecentmaterial.(GS) Ctean PtateRecords DAMAD / MEATJACK - sptit CD I)ann, I)AMA[)is on fire. Three releasesfor redew ill oneissue?Their trackshereue equally 'fhe in lino rvith the greatness 0f their newalbum. vocalsue especiallycreepythis time aroun(l.shf soundslike half Beelzebuband haliWickerl\Vitch 0f The West. Heaq, heary,hearytunesthat lvill haveyou bobbingyour headlike a buovin strrrrrv sem. Reallyexcellentqualitytunes. I use(lto think DAMADwa so'so,but they'vequicklywon me overwith eachneweffort. I{EATJACKfrrllorvs u p t h e i r d c b u t a l b u m w i t h s o m ee q u a l l ! d e v a s t a t i n gl u r c h - c o r e . T h e i r f i r s t s 0 [ A i s with trippr{l r)ut Iowedul and aninosity-fueled harftrnics that giveit the extra edgeto set lhosc guysapartfrornthe pack. Their secondsongis like listeningto the birth 0f an evil spawt,aln!)st like a rileanvemion0f the MDL\rINS. Thissl)lilis the perfectcomboif you likc your tunesillrrtr (0D) with a lot ofgristleto boot. AtA l"oss.P0.8or3597. Annapolis. M0 2'1403 DATACLAST - demo CDR
- sptit7' CORRUPTED / MACHETAZO C O R B U P T EtDe a m e du p w i t h S p a n i s hg r i n d monstercthis time and put Outa sweetlittle thing on their own label. Ultra heavy, d€itstating soundsthat slowly squashyou flat. CORRUPTED deliver two shoil songsfor losers w h o e a g e r l yd e s i r et o b e p u n i s h e di n a g o n ] .
DAMAD - Burning Cotd C0 A lil' bird t0kl me this albumwm delayeda year or so cuz Pusheadwas slowwith the artwork. Well,the coverhasth€ bsic Puselernentsrfl. A skull #2.A bunch0l bandag€tlpe thingies#l:].A
T h e s eg u y sp u t a n o r i g i n a ls p i n o n t h c o l ' grindcoreforrnula. Their tracks are specrlr'& grindybut they usesequencers, synthesizfrs & drunl machinest0 createuniqueso[nds. I)0n't worry,it doesn'ts0undlike the HUM,{,\LD\(it:1. It's different,l)utit's still N kicking.Wto knerv gotsl)lits te(hnolog/couldbesovicious?They've ir the w0rks with PANTAL0NDS AlJA.lo M A R I N D R 0E, X H t l i l l E DI,) E K A P I T A T 0 aI tn d (Ct)) soyouknowit's legit. IMPALED P0.BoxI 27.Allenhurst ilJ 0771 AnftonySaunders. 1-0127 l
eraa lnq ptrnostusa c psq leql spusqucad0Jng p l o a s o q tl l 8 J 0 s p u r u e r : q s s r q l l s c J r l r l o u dol Suos ua^oJdsa I ^llnJ)lusql'ro aaoH 'dJusprJu0J l l l l s u ! t . u p l p0 s l e s d l t u E u 0 s aqJ 'ls.r0a 0lll poJsal I {IoalJr / a^aolsJa^0t puq ,tilard sql ,iq SurSpnIpur IsEnll0d uorJ srql 3u luas puauJv aJaqasudJnsa)ru'll8or\\ anEea'l p.lrlsn[ul "/
3tvls 3Hrl0 s900
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s r x v3 3 N v 0 u 0 3 s t 0
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03 puoMtralradul- Srvtcossvsl0
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d..rpalorrseoes ,,rMsre^olsriJo;3qor
uF{s 'p!jpel{||mz '060?lrc0 'oil 'suoDnpud|trfql0 (0C) srno,iJ0^,rurqllrrsnu-ltw l?ql ul pooun0,it?qa ar? XVNgq uaqt 'illo€rlc ? pnolt! e{ll no,tJl 00t 'popt oJdaJt qslltug 0l qslu8ds uo.u su0!l?lsu8.\L sss slcns plloil eql aoq u0 scldq Jo ,{Bxs pJspu?lseql lnoq8 ors scuI.l '0ryJ qI ^la|€unu0J 'lno sucJq slq Eulaolq tnq auoou0sJo oloqds sl lJ? re oc Eutua{ilseqJ, l8rrot?u uao s,XVNf,0ul luondds s! latl 0lll spu?qJo ?cuonuu!aqJ NolIvNI'IgH pu8 qoc dO UVUd,{qseunlJoRrooc sapnlJul aulpuoJp? pu? paads Ornd Io stsf,lq EullEr8t 'uaop paddutspus uoglcnpo.rd a nlulrd s,06,{UBo ? sr080lBl aql u! uultl roJ a0l^0J 0l pasn I nmls pu!.6 dlwa oqt J0 l0l € J0 eur spuiluou po,tsld aq 0l pasn1ra{ll aJotasl0upalprrqunJ0EsJnqa6
arorpuu9 - yvN30 "01 'ucuror0 '92p'l.Fqol'sccilrnvel {ue|||log 00ZOU (gf) Eulqsruc,qlstot slqttutqloruo8 orout! l,utt no,{^auou^u rOJtnq sauoua0 oua aql uraqlslusp ol ld8orr suf,JaureJ[aJ0 J0osnf,caq sl Nwld[dvcsg uscNl,l,u0 101 Y u0poJaTnq Jloqloprsqcrqaaou{orlapu8q8I0 laaluocpsq 'crlo?qru0EulJopJoq lclduOraqtilsq 0€F,{aql plau oqtu0{,{lu8oq lnq (l oNVnoi?l E)euecs
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(0C) e|sl oot s€fl t! I$ |noqs mul lupp no,{|rql pu€q|so.E ? Jequilil ? u?a il$ no^ olqa nnF JleWdn )ptd Itill euemCH aql q cpoJqr eq ot ilaas tpoorF dn uolorq a^,,{6qlt?ql lno puu $nf plp I !a{ar$H 'aroql q?Joq8lalusc I os sclJ,tl0u 'oJaq UI,r{Jiloc oru?,rpeqtnoJ e qlr,a^dor r lot I polnJoxos,lsql ororplrq Ituos lqtlg '/(ncoJJad ,{EJeueqErq 'peJeaodqtlH sperqs ../ slql lfl 0$ ary Fnf unqp oql usql EulpJoJoJ.roaeu I s! slw AluoJsddv a'I naqt Jo mpil aql ul itss ,S,?ary luplp I l?r$ pp? ot oqa tgqa mnl luoo
uoJJ toE I Eullaalaqt Jo aurspulual ltlll sapnxeilsnu rlaql dJuaEJn T,{ErauaululJac? s,aJaqJ cH s.08,Ioorlrsplo Joaqh atn salDoqula ^lnJl t8qt spu€qI0ollcsaau aal ellt J0ouosl slrlJ, - NolrvN 0v30 d'l pu3 pea0 'q1 '999 uedeJ trPw IY3 elo0e1 -e)Pil ns0'6t-9'l I Z '0ll "pl8 aseil'sporau Jstrsuv (Uf) auopllan &a ,ill)h-? Ja^oJd'I ploJalc8IBurEuoaql serd0r a^aals ,,1 suo0qsu?Jlesau?d€fpu? ilasur paqs ralso(l qlra sauoC qlsd uro Jlaql al?ut .{lltnlua^a plno) s^nEasalll IJos J0 tq y qlla 'spwq asoqt w alquouou flluslsur s lou alnllt \slll aln(l 'N0lJVN.l'lSIl J0 las alqppuroJr ptou ot'rla ' N O I S S n U d d n S ' I S g d N Ia { ! t s p u t q Jo .trnJeqt Eululquot 'alsp 0l uOIJatsaqlleql qlJoJ 'arualoh JaMod tnd s,tnEaseql J0 l00q)s u?urJai) orll tuo{ EuJruoCassalalsql u0 tur03 llu 11o^url UgtlVJS s,,iu€uraC palsp Sulpunosuto{ ll doe{ 01slJeds uropou q8nouslllta puuls(l alll Joslsa.6eJoJpnqs,Bllsllo,lpou pu00rpc{ A^?arl r qlla luroddrsrpot 10upaaluel?n8'sulqqunrl aJorpJ?qJo s{c?Jl 0I iilr tnoqr crlaSolodsun pw prnllod ^lua o 'Itts!!? Iund aJoapJWlraJE ? qlla Eulnlq tno auoc f 0 C s,,{l?u ,{u?ulraC J o t n 0 s p J o o a ua u r J C t q E n 0 q Ju 0 p a s u a l a l IlpufrJ0 d'l lrlds aql J0 ss?alar0C asOusdtsl
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lopotpu l6!02v'uqa! ast ea$ry !mU! spr@c6 (0C) uo q]tut dllBil sputsqsaql uaqa ralvl sotr eql njql EUL{rdJ0 p?alsu!aou ll tytrs r?iloq p,no^6 sauoJ I dn o4 wq l! T na aldJnduo s,]I IIBre^oSullslundarou I &oo8sal - sffialar Jalljte ilo{ luaua^orduiltrr,{lluar aJss{)cJl l\'n aqJ us!)!t€u€JSurltsarnJo asoplznsn Iroqt s,tr asrNaqlo ,,Ieqg aqJ qL FIrrN,, tuos aql ur il? sJu^l Aln 31uorJ ,{W Eurpadd?aJ0ur saunlallt s3{ux leql roulnqJo asuos3 qlle sasop loqs ur pur.6 illl8tau ,ftlFIIs tno tsnq 6p,{aqt trltt u! )MIUB,w0 0l nlurs fiil an SUOIUWl SJvHIJ'ln UHJ ,.r3agY paaN I o0 uru?ppoc ptrV snatr Il Jod aEpgtqErrJts,,alrl sOltrrEuos ^ills ^llJ8ulpr0?JuaT Euol ,{Fa 0 JoJluEqruad ? rounq J0 osuasJraql qtra qsa{ Eurrll,fia^a d 0 a { o t a t s u s u p u y a J o c l s ? l qp a E u r t - l s l a u ^qcfc lno lutJr,{aqJ $l)84 aau ZI qlla eJaq ,J rsrp rd tnqaptBa$ naql sastuns NVgU&{Vo 'allqa ? u! lno auor ol EIIds Jal?aqeql Jo auo
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((C) 'uoosoJou fiaq q ad0qI T esudJns twwald s e$ sInE OseqlInq lsJU ls lcadxe ot '(0J0W loqfl aoul Lupl( lno 661s,arOql08u0, Joeuotot l) maolle^ uo 00?s,ila$ ^lluarEdd? ' s a d , { lr 0 l c o l l 0 c n o , { : o . y ' p u r r a l s 0 d lno -ploJ 'otnq B q Fasul oql HJJtotr OAJSV\ sra pur NggUC 0NV0 BJo( y'rl toN .ut s,ueEBeU" uotsog' qJsd pnbo Jo ou spulueJunqlE aloq^l slrll suatsll polsodoJpu8uop lBql sroqs8Jqt 'ol,{$ rynd nqqrc tnq alduilson saunl oql pu8 s,06,cueuet eql u! palao.6 l.ue.r?lflll 8lf,co ' dula f.6u? B,OJoql l,uol? |?ql EJ?d tuop-Euls s,araql .Isp aql ur lcrqr aJocpngol tu|u"lsll
ffiw ffiffisMS|ASU
l J l - J o s h B a k e r / I E B J - E r i c a B e c k/ U B l - J e b E r a n i n / t C D l - C h r i s D o d q e/ t R E ] - R u d o t f E v e r t/s [ D D e n n i s M i l l e r/ I K P I - K e n P o l t u t i o n/ t J R l - J e f f R o b i n s o n/ l G S l - G r a h a m S l e i o h t h o t m /e t M W - M a x V
still crazed,if you know what I mean. Eight songsthat movealongpretty nicely,cOveringall the @nilcho baes. The layoutand insert are,as I mentioned,off-putting but 8et past that and you'll lind it wm worth your while. Fansof old Italian thrash take note. It ain't g0nnaslayyou like NECAZIoNE,but it's cool to see bandsfrom "uncool"countriesgettingrecordsout. (GS) 0uinlaSailoAntonio.lote l4-a 2(|0 Loiria Potugat
goodfor it, too. Sevensongs,only one overtwo minutes,so tiere's not muchfucking about. C,ould seethis littinS in w€ll with shff on Havm or labels of that ilk. I4rica[ they only tramlat, sonSsfmm Swedisht0 English but doesn'tlook like we're mising much in the originality depadmentthere. Basically,if fat, crusty but polishedpunl/hc is your ba8,then you'll b€ all riglrt (GS) lligh Socirly.Ealo#rd 5,?lF 5l Umra.Svrdcn
0 R E A 0l 0 l - c a s s e t t e
- sptit12'lCD EVANCE / JYABARA
Pounding80'sUK style political thmsh from the CzechBepublic. Imagineif the best DIS- bands and MoB 47 wonhippen combinedtheir sounds with 90'sblastbeatsandgrufrmcab. DREADl0l pull it olIwell...Ijut wish this wm on vinyl or CD, too. It fuggin' destrolr! Now that you knowwhat DREADl0l's bagis the only thing left to d0 is 8et oflyour assandsendlor this tape...(CD) Insane SocidyRoords P0.8or6.50101llradecKntove.Cad Ropubllc
Anothergreat slabtom H.G.Fact.EVANCE abeady put out a couple0f 7"sso,ou knowhowtheysound 'Itaditional like I gues. Japanemhardcorewith t0u8h choruses,hooksand everything. JYABARA was born ftom Nhes 0f MESSEDUP md they're in the same vein. Totally aSgressive sweeping Japcor€. The cml coverart is by legendaryTbm... yeah, five p0ints up! A.ll traditional Japc0refans shouldteke not€. Awmme. (EB) f10l llongo-1,|. 2-36-2.YayoFcho. 1l.6.Fact llakano. T*p 161-111113. hpan
DROWNING MAN - How They Light
Cigarettes ln PrisonCD
DRoWNINGMAN seem to light their smokes without an''thing, it just happens. Like a line MAN blend the colom of the adist, DROWNING musicalspectrumso smoothlyyou almost misg the fine weavesfull of technicalskill and superb songwiting. llom screamingrage to pin-drOp s i l e n c e ,D R 0 W N I N GM A N a r e a m e m o r a b l e l i s t e n w o r t h y 0 f y o u r h a r d e a r n e dd o l l a r s . There'seven melody.Theseguyshaveall the basescovered.Buy...Support..,Eqjoy. (DM) Rcvolation Rrcuds
lf you like to hear subhuman,bowel-rattling grind, this would be a safe investmentfor your pennies.Japan'sEVOLpla,ts1990stylecrossover grind with double bms & guitar solos. Lots 0f "call & resp0nse"high/l0wscreaminBv0cals. Most 0f the stuff i receive these days doesn't havewanky solosand now that t hear'em, I realizehow much I like them! Betro but fiued WAnIORNNATI0N and really c001.Singapore's v0mit forth four tracksof their own styleofgrind with cookiemonstervocab. The $itars arc out of tune, but what they lack in tunefulnes, they gain in all-out energeticaggression.The pink vinyl is pleasantwhich of courseis in direct oppositionto the musicalcontenthere. (CD) In [.du llit' S&r |ltd 1006tustalia P0.Bor1118,hft'Mo Yalloy.
D S - 1 /3 C O D E 1 3- 1 3S o n gs p t i t7 If l3 is your lucky numberor if you like fucking g r e a t , s t r a i g h t ' a h e a df,a s t h a r d c 0 r ey o u ' l l probablylovethis record. Thesebandsare made for each other - matchingnicknames,the same lucky number,they evenmote the samesong ("WorklwideHardcorePride")althoughit sounds different when both bandsplay it. Even if you hate cutoony, emo-lookingrecord covers,you'll probablylovethis record. Actuallyit looksreally good,and with a message, too - it's nice t0 see F e l i x b r a n c h i n go u t i n t h e f e c o r d - d e s i S n department.The whOleconceptis good,the musicfuckingdestrols,DS'13beingmy personal favorite' raw,ripping,energetichardcorewith SEEIN'REDishvocalsbut d0ing it their own (slightly Swedish)way - althoughCODE 13 also pulls togethersomeof their best stull since the only 13"boot. This one is a keeper.(J) Japanese llarocRccnds,P0.8q 8585,l,linnqolis. ft{ll 55tlF USA Swodcn Eustsd llads R*rds. Bor275.90106Umsa,
- StitherCD EARTH CRISIS Wronglmg. I ws newr a fan of these gul8 and I can safelysay I'm still not. Their K0RN / FEAR FACIORY "reachingthe mass" inspired"rcck"(as sals) fallsshOrt0f d0inganythingfOr the one-sheet ilre. Suretheyspeaktheir mindsand get some decentpointsailoss llrically,but it's mOstlyabout the musicfor me. I just don'tget it. Also,I maybe wronghere as I'm not an authorityon anyones viewsbut why the hell is a vegarulegetarianband (iI they ue still) wearingleatherjackets?Mayb€ they're not real leathet who knom, but the orerall imaSinethinS struck me m odd. The 0nly thing that "saves"this record is the Steve Evetts recordingand producing.Crystalclear,you can heil everylittle thing I'm sue it will help them succeedin retrhing the mNs, but I'm mor€fOr theblmkshepmlself. (DM) VictoryReords
EPILEPTIC ATTACK TERROR TheRacket7" How'sthat for a namethen? Y0u'dthink theywere Japanese,but n0, they are from Umea,Sweden, etc. There'sa slight honre0f DS-13,RDrUSED, s i n i l a r i t y i n s o u n db u t t h i s b u n c h a r e m o t e straightup punk with a crustyedgeand fucking
EYEHATEGOO Southern0iscomfortCD Aboutthe Onlything coolerthil this p0sthumoB releaseby EHG is the fect that the band have sincedecidednot t0 breakup making"Southem Discomfort"n0 longerposthumous.This CD is a collection of 7" tracks, outtakesand alternate ve$ions. Their Bovinercleased"RupturedHeart Theory"?" is here (dnerent venion of the song than the Oneon the last album) and both their SlapA Hamand Ax/ctionreleasedsplib with 13 are hereas well. This CD is both a great intmducti0nt0 the bandand a vital piece0f the discographypuzzlefor fans. Many 0f EHG's fastest and most violent songsgrace this disc ( " P e a c eT h t u W a r " a n d " L a c k o f A l m o s t Everything"being my favorites)as well as a couple0f their best dirges("Depres" beingthe most notable). 0HG have helped shapethe sludgegenre but havealso managedto be only poorlyimitatedleavingthem as a relemnt part 0f the is beyOnd trrycomprehension that you needproddingto go pick this up butjust (JB) in case...c0mid€ryourseuprodded. CentryMdia 1t5$Al4tr St #I( Sat MmicaCl9'0(|(
ffi lJ':)
I couldsit thm a completecOllecti0n, s0 the "b€st of'approachfor this CDwn the bestcall. For m muchI Reagan sucked,w€ shouldall thankhinl... if he didn'tpmvidesomuchammo.the punkscene might not have developedro strOnglyas it did. Checkout this discif youneedan enmple. (CD) AHinh&PI.8trtl90n Sa kncbcq CA941fi FISHSTICKS - Disko CD Mil, I hateit whenSreatbandscall it quits,but it tempersmy dispp0intmenta bit if tliey are cool enought0 releae a discography c0llectionbefor€ theyrid€ ofr into the sunset.Suchis the cme with I'ISHS|ICKS.I havefollowedthemfor a fewy€ars and have loved everghing they'vedone. Their back to basicsgaragethrash hs all the clmsic vibesofthe lint genenti0nof hildc0re bandsand appealsto me on severallevels.This CD collects all their releases(at least everythingI know about)on onediv. which is coolsinceaide fronl a l e w c o m p t r a c k s t h e i r m u s i c h a s n ' tb e e n availableon CD before.Their hildcore is s0 fat and furiousthat the CD almostseemsin a race with its€lft0 reachits conclusion.Thiswouldbc a badthing exceptthe musicis s0geat that I can't wait to start the CD over as soon as it ends. play"on y0urCD "Disko"is the reson "continuous playerwa invented.(JB) Iieologian, P.0.8ox1070. Hermosa Bsad,CA90254
I didn't e!€n know theseguyswere still playing. Play€da showwith 'em manyyearsago& the sing€r broke up a fight by going into the crowd himselfwith brassknuckles.Yeah,they mean business.lf you ilen't fmiliil with this Southern Cali c0mbo,they play semi-tech,metallically, t i n g e d t h r a s h . T h e p l a y i n gi s t i S h t & t h e productionis clean.There'sa uriety of fastbla.sts, m0shparts, and stop-and-gogallopinghudcore here. Theseguls obviouslydig black metalto an ext€nt,t00. Vocalsee completelyposwd. No lyrics included,just a statementfrom the band 'You that includes, will be crushedunderthe heel of GDHENNAPreparefor the siege."No needt0 prepare,it's aheadyhere. Checkit out. (CD) Crawhpace. P0.Bor11031, LongBead.CA9l[53
- 7" FOUNDATION Y O uc a n ' t s t a r t a r e v i e wo f t h i s 7 " w i t h o u t mentioningthe superi0rquality0fthe packaging... f u l l c o l o ra r t , f o l d o p e nc o v e r c, o l 0 r e dv i n y l , excellentgraphicdesign,overallvpry irnl)ressive. Anotherreasonworth mentioningthe packaging is the fact it is the b€stthing aboutth€ record becausethe musicis rather bland. I like lo-tech productionbut this is muddyand flat. Musically on the right track but there the bandareobviously j u s t i s n ' t a n y t h i n gm e m 0 r a b l eo r e s p c c i a l l y inter€stingin their delivery Theyplay a hard edgedbreedof crushingmetalcorethat hasa lot 0f chanSeupsand mriety in eachsong.The dual vocalsfluctuate betweenHELLNATI0Nstyle screeching,death metal growlsand hardc0r€ screaming.Like I said,ererllhingis doneright, it just isn't doneverywell. I w0ulde&ect that is a band that is goingto developinto s0mething memorablebut right nOwisn't quite readyfor primetimeyet. (JB) P0.8ox97.htdwelLllj 07006 |)ed AliveRscords, FUCK ON THE BEACH Betrayed Again MCD lf you knowF.0.B.'spastreleasesthere are no surpriseshere...which is good. Raw,fast tlc thr8h from Tbkyo.Fivetracks,I shouldsayfour s i n c et h e f i r s t s o n gi s " F u c k0 n T h e B e a c h " which is onjust ab0utall their releases.The four newtracksare sone of their finest. All tht speed and hooks with no filler or experimentation.Lookingfomard t0 more. If only'l\uyoshi'smovieswerethis good.(KP) XittedByFastRecords, 205Yayoi-so 2-6-5.Fudru-cho Fudu-shi.Tokyo 183-005. Japar
FALSE PROPHETS - Btind Roaches
A n d F a tV u l t u r e sP, h a n t a s m a g o r i c BeastsOfTheReaganEraCD This is an antholosr of sorts from this early I.IYC punk unil Whatyou\r got her€ is a compilationof 2l tracks rangingfrom their lirst 7'thru their album plus comp,demo,rehearsal,and other unreleued tunes. Musicallythey ran the gamut from CLASH-Iikepunk to snotty early MIDDLE CLASSstyle thrash i0 moody,jangly, hibal, GANG 0F F0tlR-ish post-punk. Great lyrics that intelliSentlycriticire not only the usualamayof political subjectsbut also social moresand the punk sceneitself. Unlike mostanthologies, this isn't a completecollectionbut ratherselected highlightsftom the band'ssix year career They werc a great band,but t0 be honestI don't knowif
THE GEROGERIGEGEGE None Friendty CD Beingoneof the older,long-stmdingoutiitsof the Japanese noisescene,THE GEROGDRIGEGEcE hro alwayswt a high water mark by neverbeing predictableand this latestreleaseupholdsthat relemefor tradition. I haven'thearda GGGGG s0illeyem now& ftanklyI wa expectingt0 heil a hundred or s0 shOrt, harsh, and grating disturhances. Instead,thisdiscisjust Onelooooong track....almost59 minuteslongto be emt. Rather than goingf0r the ridiculously commonrouteof endles,distortedscreeching n0iwslike th€ legions of l0th generationMERZBOW cOpycats, this efrOn, is a continuous, slowlypulsatingbne that changes form & color and hlpnotizesto the p0int 0f near insanity.For me,it's a moreaurallyuniqueversion of JLIATor LULL If that'syour bagthen I highly reconxnend trukingthis dom. (CD) MinkRecords. do tilariko0hkawa17-59Shimoimaike. Morioka lligashiura-do. ChiFgun.Aidri(?0-2101 -bpar GOAT SHANTY - 7" $/ell. I've been hearingfor yem that "the South will rise again"so I guessit shouldcomes no surpris that it's linally happeningin the form of this incrediblehio from Athens,GA I usuallygive Awayrnostdernosafter I hear'em,but whenI gota dernofron GOM SHANTYa while backit wm one of the few that I had to keepcuz they'res dilnn good.Gladto seesomeone elre thoughtsoandhad the doughto releme their record. Thereare 12 rip r0aring,fastc0rerag€rsher€. Speedyan(l antag0nistic h[dcore 0n's the sortof t h i n g t h a t m a k e sy o u w a n t t 0 o p e r a t €l a r g e nlachineryand weck houseswhile listeningt0 it. Fst, furious,and worthyof r€peatedlistenings.I her theyhavea CD OutnOq to0. Thes guls ile goingt0 be big in the underground md soon.(CD) l)enied A Custom. Japan
GEHENNA N e o o t i u mP e r m b u l a n si n T e n e b r i sC D
Theseguysrock. No other wordsare necessary.... but I supposeI shouldelaborateanyhow.This combo'sdebutalbumfrom lst yearwasone 0f the heaviestthingsI'd everheard. Dver And sincethen I've beeneagerlychompingat the bit for more. G0ATSNAKD c0nsists0f sceneveterans who haveplayedin everybandfrom SCREAMto FALSELIBERTYand then some,but this band s o u n d sn 0 t h i n g l i k e a n y 0 f t h e i r p r e v i o u s incarnati0ns.GOATSNAKE is the missin{link
- -t0uIN03
.,4esrn3preNaqI Nl J0 rsuorssas {aod,,? s lJofo.rdaql FqlJcsapuoy urdEuq purq'ilOwelu! luacel u ul a1 atBJe^s Jno,{lou sr sql - lurodoql la8 no,{lnq ,uooEplnot I sasalal lsul'uo Jtoql uo u€rll oJallsnorcoJaJ srou punc qilqaJo lsou 'scrmtt No!trvN11gH papJosal-eJ Jo ^llsoulslstsuor1! tas Jnol I Jo uolpaual I q unqp eql ilnrraq qEnoqIs'orpnF aql u! uolluA oJoa sEuosoql J0 aarqJ .aEpoo sultC s,ZZvdSJo uJoJ aql ut unE peJlq s pasn 6 lslssuqs snr$tr aJil,taqJ rqlnE pus ffiq aqf qloq JoJ|aurqer auo p?q ,{1u0,{a{trpiloroq alaa suup eqJ fiol urodmg s,*o,{ tsq u0 8u!)|.l8qua Jlaql 0l roud lsn[ (eur0lt ,{IJnluay s,pusq aqt uO.U,ft? JtJ s) oc$)uq{ wS ur poplorei s?a ll ''ilal s |8n[e.laaunuaq[ uon8alsEr Eurpunorns saJurlsunJlrcaql Euraqqcrqa ts€alalll 10u J0 '$otmJ dunl| ol onp$ ssouanbrun qoC aW asou 0s puu arJ 0s rno,{solpoolq l€ql er?J-Jn0^-ul puetu!'qn(l x08'0i,'tsrprlos soJm sau0c l!suwal 1se06'0s aq!Joeuoq Itolud enblun ll (gl) pearrlnuoplas/fta euopu?pJoroJtrlds r qcnssl ,,usrl?uadutJod slap?alJoallC! lc?J ? rl)r0Jddu0t.{ra l00c &a^ ? lolll0 arll J0le^ot aqt oq^?t{ puno$ropunolll u! lno I EulEnls J0 t saop puuq qcua luql,ttllJoaalou /tlalrurJap apr)op B rEJpsalmuurdaau q saqailaql qsnd0t sl ll crsnu aqt Olur,{sa Jraql apuu selpolaur sanuuu0rpu€qs lsql uauol,usl 'll pur spreoq,{e1e{rl sEurql aJoJeqoua)s s.06 "usll?lJadurl Iod sJep?slraaqC,, aou pur lssar{ dn polcnd, sossoloJ0,$t ls8l {eqt u0 il8q ,{ow s AEalduoc s punx ,{x wqq lsd aql u! Jsau usq ^aql s.ruod roJ NOILVN'I'IXHJo ueJe uaJq a^eq I qtnoqllv ,{lJseaql uo{ ufislp tuleq uoll?Jrdsur Jo slol qlla tulpunos rls?lr aJou trq B q Islau {rslq rraql llnsal pue aql u! qEnoqilE'uotldrDsap rleqt ur patredaraq plnOcprsstsnl I Eu!q!&aa pus us'l'III ua'I'Iluo 0r8 procar slql uo orutJ)u! sJaulsd Jleql 'Waq aql u! au pe{r!{.ilalnlosqs stqJ ilONall ua o ro 'I,{gluot{ 'IvNunJc0N 'u0usdI,{s sa{rl eql qtra J0 Ilrq B u0 pln0t ,iaql s OggUnCNnro g'0J J,OHSCIUta{rl spu8qEulrnFoJlllq ? uo ,{lrfla 6" lsnl tU plnot s,tn8a$qJ 'uJou aql uJ0{ punosiloql solundas tnq a8paqszq put ,t$r.6 e uiaql spuoldlu0 tou J^rlJuuslpp a^?q{drlJ tur.llduoue^oaJ0JpJ€q 'pusq srql ^q paaedstqtnslsuo qs?rql l)rlq tnO polpuqunaql roJparrdard^BA 0u ur sa I eltJl puu )uauaEaJ0u I tulqtouos tull)adxa sa lrq I droJaq3N3UVZVN0gTvdt{l pnaq ^Ilsnlru Ja^aua^rll I 'sra^ JoJs,{e?surrur auarsqEnollIv
03 pue,,/lilds- u3'l'lly u r r l u 0 / 3 N l u v z v N0 l t v d t { l lueuuag'uarquuel 99lgt 'gI .ssc.Fueyenv bnol $tq pepm5 (d't) sql qtte EUoJAoEq pnq s,tr'ln0 tuq)rl uaaq3 8rl spu?qu?uJac l€ql cH Jrll4au aql 0lur er,no^JI aJaqerualJs B ol uaop polncara an solq EurqsJJ aqJ s[?to^ el&s lqaur qlEap aql pu? 'EuUqJlrnl s lha 'uonJnpoJd ^lnp f^eall l?ql d^urlspu?qqlo8 spunoqstr ol,ilspsellsnd '&!l€tnrq uEuJeC osopalqnop Jo V IEl0t IooC
..1,lnds - 3sdllv3odv / SflYOH 3HI UOl SU3OVl-lU3:lH3 spoJel uooEto 8u ((IJ) rasal Eunaau? Jo p€alsu!,{luofvuralll u! aJaaslrd CH aql J! auo slql pe^ola^?qplnoa I T lralt aJ?su8d ar0JpJ?qaqJ Eurpunos oua ,{lat0ual Eulq$ut ro; 3u1q1eo1 9 perluq tululaqNo^0 ,{ul puo,{aqlot l,uor ^llsau0q 'lsnu no,{ I lnq Jr "rz?u-)rsnu,, poullrBppoE 'sl8ao^ eu llrr os')0 lllrp aqt iloul no^ paqsrntusqt|A pora^or srstlnE te!nb 'tulpun0s '^lE0Jql 'arJ ,,^llaJd,, slpJo^ paueorcs qlla8u0l? sl€ro Eul&csnoauqlnuls :spJ?pu8ls ouraoqt J0 ll? Ino llnd,{eqJ iouJa :promouO ur 'sai 'Isa nod ',,i,iJot!JJol,{uoug,, '&ollJJat , { u a u ao l u r d a a p a ^ ! p a s 0 ut J q t l o 0 l E u l q t aloqs aW rpa{ooqs?a I s? ,il{clnb 8r lsnl uaqJ 'l?.llocp?eH?rp,{Haql ur stuolaq Foul? ll o{ll spun0s pllos fllsiluqcet T pernpoJd/tluEalc s,l?ql al0rpJrrl a^rssalE8s',qunqrJadnsqlla csrp oJ0cppll Sulz?lqs a{rl tno s'lJ?lsauo s[ll OO Auourer€ Eurlearg punoJC - VSI{H 'Dt00ztr08 'uS{ qS fl80-ettt6 n @StPrl |rS 0A v (gf) aluo sJs aq ol tuloE lppua) $ il 'tou trttu I ur?te uaql Uq !e^o umqp NOU,VNI'ISH lseq aql s! slql dss ol rq trq I tulot eq lqElu I nodsq€S 18W,{cuafunu? ssq r" sJapoaFmqC, u 0 e J u 8 u r o J r a da q l , , s u 0 r s s a sl a a d , , { u s u l aM tsnt u0 peapsl uorldu)sapl8ql pus'suos
03 ursrlPuedurl Jol sJapEalJaaqS
'ua6uruuoX 'll 'SJeur.rFurpH fueulg 71ZlI rPlorounqs (SC) spJoaorSIOrnf$ 'oIqa pu?{mlq raqto,{u lls qlh llaa ur EU pu8 tuluur l,usr EulEslttd 'aou{ l,uop I tnoqs ll3 s,lrrlt t?rl^\.pusq Nn Jaqtow ls Elp B EUFBquaqt sas Euostsel aql 'u0q uJsolplno, alqs $qt Europspueq Jo lol r llclrla uollanpoJduualt pooE'p!lo8&leJd s,l! asla 'punos sop! el|tqtBqt q?nu &a tqnopI lnq n0,{ urdsut tuuoE1,urzsrql,illscl^.l q0lp0ot turlcnJ € 0p ,taw puo punos sllfl IreIad 0l sna,( qEnoua tulo8 ueaqa4^aqJ 'qsql CHlls!paasJ0lunouu plo IreJ? pus tcuYHcslo qoaur I|J000Jopuslq v p00Eau0] a4daql&ucorpau raplsu0tI ltqa JosI?aI I?Uppu8s,tupesoqlueqt pulqq sesalar Jo lunous JrsJI EuulaEan l0l slql a{tl suaas
./ aleHJosuillsr^- ulHsnuyl'l3H
pg 6urrrml roggi1tcucruy 62101|ilt6 n'l S'6Ztg1
(gf) au?qs? 0q plnoatI uaql 0tEuruaddsq t8qt aM Eulqt0uosplo s wa (.IIHC'I1SH adoq ,{lereculs I alpu?q0l ouecspaqcuellua-eJuat eqt JoJeSuollsqos se^oJdpunosJraql esnsreq EU aql ul lsol laE ,taqt sol&sro €oilo8 J8lllusJ ueeateq punorEelppru aql so{sl pu?q€ uoqa u0T0 qlta,,0t IIds B pilpqs eruo o.llHCl.lgH oqa WylU pu?qaqt puu 0t s8uuql3q1punos ,ql 0l arn[al asuapI pp? pu? punosJql Je,{el ,{oql 'tqErNEurzaa.\{s[lJ ulr 0{n sEuosuo ueql Inq tuo{ dn pus ilssq ^Ul?Jsr crsnu aql ault 0qlJoqrnu 'alduHo Jod s,{BAsrtu0uu!J0 tol s ur ,,u[)lsong,uo dn stulql \nx ^aqJ (pur64tFep tsolx u8qtroa0ls'pEou sr'qtnoqltr) oEpnlswql JelsJ acEd? uo llrlls uosal l?W ^ldd8 0t aoq poureolel8q O1U{C{'I[H pus n0,{|3 ^h? punod ^laols clsnu aql Eal pwq I uoqa s! l! sllselle aoq 0l l6qls u€r otpnls J0 usJ ^uV rauats[ aql J0 ulls Oqlrepun IJoil puBaqlsarq ol acusqcu sEuosrlaql eJnFuturqqilql eqt tuwE ar ,{aqt Jo asnsraqsr lsql urst? lnq aruot oql u! spu?qlsoltr w pun0s urql JoaoF,{BIdfeql aEpasnoltcaJur Jlaql silF t€ql o 00.6 tul8Enqclcuusrp r rllra punosFlau/pur.6/ql8opIsrld& aqt asnJu!^eql Iqa aoqs llra ,,uffsal?gool uEslt auopur spwq auallxs raluild s,uudrf Jo auo 0n 01HC'l'lgH 03 urlsaJeS - 011H3'l'13H 'oJ uedefIl60-tZ9 qoAl 'runne}lnoeruslt9l UJH (.DI) ASION,/!$UPu?Xfl1,{NOC ovl|l J0 ss0J3? alll sa8rJ srql aJ0u JOJllsa Irwc I c dg lnqapJlaqt$ slql UlqJo au pupal Inq AuDssacauuq o)tll punm t,uopdeql I't0dC J0 rqse)RlJ0au puruil 416 sFm e,lrlppv wnd,, pollsr uaqlus qs?Jql? olu! taElou n0,{usr aOq '"du,ry s,.ro.Iadug,, '.arq aql - Jrlppv {und, pu?
oI'',,uoll8tuorJuoC,, 3{!l sallu Euuautustllsn! a[ stuoseqJ, xu aql ul luo{ dn,{un put lctq tulpaal r"tFE papsolrao aqt ilol I 0/qql u0{ Ctl 'EudJsqcusau pw'SuFnqC isolnJSuqcnJsntJ t "4 ialeH ieleH ialeH ouvzvH 'l8 r00 '01 sprotouu0$4u03 'H '3p8a'l )ln l 19sl l (SC) 'sordorA09ol palrun q sHt'rto reaq n0,{l?qaalrl n0,{Jruaop $qt Imq ueql tsrg drl (EuadresJ0 uorl8lnreh aql & palcEord,,rlew tno lcoqc p,l p4slllurun oql JoJ 'scuA EurssaJdop 'ss,{^?aq auG pw tupurnJp tulz?uu 'sJJlJsn0n0lC sJeEursoal lllta pln0a nO,{I oulE?rtrt dn papaadsHCYHCSU0U 'aroJaqsfnE asoqlpr8aq l,u!r n0,{JI lsauorl aq o1'pessardur,illoldu,l pu€q8noJql0u0l q Eultl| p?q daw ,{tJouaaql laal u?c nO,{la^aaorl 'asrJaJdpu? Jsalr aJs s8u0sorll pue p0ot sl ^llFnb punosaql pro3il a^I r ,tunnJoEurtroJ aln sl llclrla 'alaql 0q 0l psq no,{Jng 'IcnJs ilto?rlc pur |Eruq ,{lq8noJoqJau0qspueqslql eleqil sea 0^11 uea4aq-uloroqaeuosspuulsauosrrlJ llrls alt l8rll sparpunqpus lsoJt ors t?ql a^UlnoqB aul?uurc I spJoceJ o^ll lW tn0q8sn0rqnp,{$ard lx,l 'lsouoqaq qL ipJ0cal0W ln0w Eqa 1€I00l 0t unJ$ o^ooFaln oS COCY,tl'{tu alll Jo alq $d B s! a aals.JadoJd,, aql aprsuralll uo laAasoH 'EutWauresoql sl sr$ ltal\ 6oEt AHJ J0Joods r/ "spaq u! a4'L, trsgu[H aql raqususu ;oE{\ gHJ pu€u?q8ulrloNu0.g spusqqlla t! s! Fqr\t
puv sp:r {ntoq .41qtpa:)ul lno Eulumq)uo{ uatn (laa{ paadsJo ssorxaslll l3l l,uop daqt qEnoqlls 'SulBlllqpw rnlq 'soduralo$t a ul {plauot ,tallJ '(^usurraCuro.g IBrl,iaql r6noqlp) ol&s osau8d?t rr$lr arll ur sallcaar)sqftlt pu?sla0,6Jails 'lluo aol xu ^a[L iln pur.6 asJ ? ]0J snld t ,ilatruuap ' ' u n q l r a J r l u aa l | l l u a u t s t u s J e pc l l o u l l ) J0 oEJaalll uo an AellJ lillu0r J0lno Eulturdsuro{ punosrarn daal wc ^atnEulruf, s lr luu&a^Iap Jralllur au6ur puu )rnqnq m an,taql a:orpurd Jo puurqtuauraqa^e,trld vHUuol^loc satrls ?lll ur sEuososelllroJ arnsodxaltal lsJrJarll sr slllllurql I tnq,, lltdsupw d'L,lna0sVpmO,,arll uloq pi4r.{0lnrqrsJl J0 uorltu(luor c sNrsp 9rll
03 l/s - vHuuohtoo
,01spaa'luta^r'l- Mol]vMs 0l ouvH
{po3sonE }uFqmI.s€3u0sprorou luud
(SC) au tuqax LU!€ lqs i$lcrrq 'p003s,l!p4uHg pase.rdul[1:aro un t! lnq 1ou 1 Euunoqspw Wnq aqt lal ol pW EuqlaEa:,,{aq1 'spoo8aqt Ja^llep 3u$[a]cs aqt qFoa lou Inq ll€ 0l sIrJ Ja au {u?Jd pus awalal p00t r 'lluJa^O 'U0JoaWtulryu ur€qloos0l poot s,lr pus Uuus alr suorlppr puz suorlruuldxaloor pur srrill aul uroJlurJo / IsNlvcY Nuog {ulll our a{wr oslrIa 0r pu?Usu al{L .,tlwu,,OtulEur0E,,arlu,, pur saldussaEuBJls'aoulnOtr ,tlrlBnb.aJaql 1n0.l?l.ll loE a ,,{aqls ur0Jrulo^ a{ll auOau0s u0 ouoq |s oJou aq p,^aqluo{cal I lutrd uo srqt os ol eEw{S eu q Jaaodllua 0 arll *ol qrlqa qlq rallr{.no Jo Eol oslEudql lnq 'uolE "0p4a^\, lsJ el$ tursEl nodlaEqJrqas$u tuqrnJ lnFarod 'qva1 J0Eo-I srqltat ,qpug 1od.{qeq11u ralp os
'arry 99996y3 aleduunS ll€r{pr0s86100d3e! (gU) apuurparpunqnaJu&u0dn firnll Uq pJororsrqlld8tsnla$ouauosa 0l nodJI ,,roull,{ g ul srrduillo 1ru01",palpl l)u4 asou r 8ur{rtrr JY0UHJ gUoS J0 s{loJ Oal saJnlvalap!s-(larlJ 'punos 'clsuq r lcarbia tsnl sr srql lr4saqrro 11n1 l,uoq e^ol I lrqa sr punosssrq aq1,{llrrradsg ' l s O u ra u r o 1 s l v a d d r l z q m s r p u n o s1 t r 1 r l , { 1 ? a^?qlarll ttslll pu? arard'oal r sr putq srlt 1rll1l)q allJ crsnu anbsaalualoNaaod fllsJl 'lsJ 'snorxouqo'pnol ',{sroust silll $salal Jal0o a{11 UIdI^IOJSOOC Jo asalar (patnull)rarltorry
.1,llos - lvouHt3uos/ u3dt{o$009
urnurrxey{ 03 ursrqsEurs t N n H S N n dv N v n o {tq "vos (d)l) swd ll,l Inq'aluaEaqtrOJprq ool l,usl aurtBul I l€qt EtrluunJpss?qalqnop pus8ut$J lha aql s?qI sl8co EuuqEgEopputs lt) au0lououtsql lOEs,ll puz ourJoJEu0l001,{€a u0 0EsEuOSA'I srql uo uraqlJoxs,{luo ow alorll s arOllsEu0sJldaals 0l tu!,{.rt0p ,{arllssonEI
- 33Nv 3lu0 dt epue.lry{
Psourr.H'0101 xog0i|'r€surssod t9206 Y3'rps.0
(OC) stur-IOtpnlsarut aql J0aJruEBnb aql Olu! ssal8arput Jo^BJI JlasJno^o0 ,,lr 'qdpl,tlqdpu alrl qrnu 'EuoJls loE lll$ a\,(aql srse,{0l eI[ Eul$aum relF ua^apw / tsg aqt aluls wJ € uaaqa ,l Josa)apaJdEl s turqsrul s? lsnl ?u0 qr?o punoJ?eun srql s8uoslqSlg 'ar0laols J0 adolspawos{assl0u aql uop IaJl s,tn8eseqllepulq looqJsqErqs,Jau0lsaurosu0{ puesnrr rl (hu pJurlsa lr a{n q00l lsrll lJoffltr 9l IJBuapeIl qt$ atalduoC lJtlur el.{lsqsr -dglUC-6-ra^r rlrqt rllla JSIUCrrJrloJd-rd^r aql s,lr'dOtr uorlr? u! Ic?q 0J?s^oquaotu?agallJ
03 palunHaql euora8llrMuey{puv J3tU9 'uosrPeII08 spJor.u 3uoloqu z8 04
erol Ig prupl Vl $flrlll i0 poor$uno16,9791 50906 puu (0C) ilaq qtoqJo&ualds,araqt 'pr?8il llSrqur uoluolsp puu,Srauaa)tld sputq qloq l?rll sr aJaqpearql uouuor aqJ oralll dJ,,Jdsl,,ll tllnJl)I s*q s.U6olulJd sIJ.,l lll(ls rdrlJ?3raqt uro{ ua{4 aurosT pasolaJunauros 'sBurpro)aJ auoll q8nor su,ilFnba uorJ ualul aft s{)crl usdNoISoOc aqJ sounl crss?lc 'Jlo passrd?8aurpuu plq?U ^l!l?nb pun0suaop -peddrJlsJadnsqlra aroJ{trndasau?dcfs,08 'aJaqoquroc,{zem ,{lJreJlsfllr sr M t'no,11 allssser lnds - tvg / u3dnolsoog 62006 Vt'sata6uvsol 196[6uxo8 0a'pJoluroqnos (01) lrua no^tsnf spoENu :no,{aq llra s,tn8asaqt'IroJ Jauols^EpnlsEtp no,{JI znB ro,{zzo ad?ol Eul,{$^ldurs s,oqa{l 'sEu0laq alll lou anbrunI alq?.{ofua lnq l! tuo lou punoslr altsu puESururuarcs Jo p?alsutEurs Il|?nlctsuvr oqa araql lno sInE ,{luoaql Jo auo sl Fl?ls alad uBuluo{ puv ,urlcor uSeu "$eaq cEal^i SNl.flgni ilJ?o put HJVggvS uaaataq
(gf) ilaqa,{w 0C Nuatul arou s pulJol posseldpnq oq llh notr illaa 0p '0C snttu0 ,ior$Fqa 0p,qqulbp VHUUOI{oC tnq auas pu!.6aql JoJau0pSulaqNu tulqlou s! ilaqI 'JNln'l&t\0sHsslo J0 luemruuer sr tr so.lou 0s sl q)rqa ,,0JtnO,arll s1Surppold,tllsrrsdsg 'sluau0u polllJoEpnls IlErxsJoJuaOpturaols
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lJl - JoshBaker/ DennisMiller/
- EricaBeck / - KenPottution
- J e b B r a n i n / I C D I- C h r i s D o d q e / . l - J e f f R o b i n s o n/ I G S I- G r a h a mS t e
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thotme /
- Max
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ffiffi* If you know anlthing about hardcore,you know that STALAGl3 was one of the premierearly thrsh units from Oxnad,.CA Alongwith otheN like ILL REPUIE,their own"Nardcore"scenewas born. And e\€n now that sceneis pumpinS'em out like it's still 1982.IN CONTRoLpa$tshomage to their rmts, riShtdownto their bmd nme lifted from STAL{G l3's LP, and paws a path of their ownwith eigit snSs ofcrunchy,in yourface,, I meanNardcore. Their enthusiasmtranslatesto the gr00vesand this record is a fiery lil' Mini Me of fastcorefury. 'lbtally D.l.Y andreadyto takeover.Getit. (CD) CnC Ctddl Rrcorft. 333Sonst 0r.,0nad, CA93185
m the oriSinaladv€rtisement for the nexi. Also faitMul to the oriSinalis the fact that milorder copiesof the recordcomeon clear blue vinyl (althouShthe flexi wasa seageen / blue color). obviouslythis is a recordthat everyextreme hardcorrfan shouldpick up, but don't think it is ontygmdfor nostal8ia... this suckerstill rips.(JB) 9a Alln P0.Bo (filt SNrFrilcisco.C 9tla2-Oa3
INHUME Oecomposing FromInsideCD 20 megaaongrindcore. It's heaw and tuned so low that it rattles your boweb,but ewn thouSh it's "brutal", there'shonestlynbthing new here. You'vegot your standardblast beats,rumbly bffi, jibbidy-jibb guitars,and CookieMonsteryocals over songs like "Gargling Guts' and "Meatcleaver". If the band dOesn'twork 0ut, I think they could8et full-timejobsas hah filmeB (check out the band pics & you'll undeBtand). Good,solid,wind-utrand.8oglind. Crank it uD, bangyouthead,andpretendit's lgg0.(CD) SmrsErigdr, Rurdr Cnct,6211ll &.vilhr. tmcr
I N F E S T / P . H . C .- s p t i t 7 ' Becaus this is a re-isue of the fmt recordever relemd by SlapA Hamthe temptationin writing this reviewis t0 d0 a historyless0n..,y'know, comparethis new 7" t0 the original 8" nexi, ialk about how inlluential to extremehardcoreboth thesebandsturnedout to be,eventhrowthe word "legendary" aroundin referenceto my numberof thingsconnectedto this rec0rd.But as I played this slabwhat struckm€ the mostwN not the histnryit representsbut iNt€ad how listenableit w a s . E v e n b ! t o d a y ' ss t a n d a r d s ,t h i s i s a Inonstfousrelease. lt s0undsmore danSerous than dated,more aggresivethan aged. PH.C.'s soundis lurchingand thunderous.They tune it low and tear it loose. As a bonusthere is one additionalsonghere that didn't appearon th€ originalreleme. 0n the flip sideINFESTspewout their f6t and incensd brand of hardcore.They 8 0 r i S h tf o r t h e t h r o a ta n d s t a r t r i p p i n ga n d trarinS. Sh0ul€dvfr:alsmd relentles thra.sh8iw this bandtheif chasichedcore llawr. Tllereare three additionalLrnckson this side as well to 'lh(r cover is a relatiwly faithful ileetetr the pot. recreationof thrf rtritlinal. On the insidethere is A mprint ofthe r)ri(itrnlMRRreriewofthe 8" eswell
- H a t tM i c hV e r r u c k tl c h INWARD GehFesl(BumBum)7Gruff AND screechyvocaled,straight-ahead, bl8tins Germanhildcore that has its moments, exceptthat it mixesin somehornsandlokey soundingquiet pafis. I don't sp€akCeman, s I might not 8ei the jokeson the cowr (a set 0f big brests with "BumBum"mitten on them in what miShtb€ lipstick)md in the mngs,but I'd gues this is not too PC,0r political,and if you like Germenhardcoreand aren't botheredby the above,you'll like this. I th0ughtit w 0K and I rememberhearinga 10" by the same(l think?) banda coupleyearsagothat wa3WAYbetter than this, althoughI mightjust hare beenlisteningt0 ACMEandSYSIRAL, stoked0n all thingscernan, andnotrcaltypqyingatt€ntion.(J) Rqurgihd Smrn Rrcads. c,o Sandro6.ssngr.Sb. dr khdns 15.07819tili[dpollniE.6rmny
- s/t 7' JEANX SEBERG This is the last releas€of this Frenchband. And smething it is. Bmwht to lDu are 12haclc that will blowyou amy. It's mostlyinsanef6t grind with sme trahy sl0wer parts thmwn in for 8md measure.All the grind ingredientscomedrifting bf Fastbeats,dar* lOwgrunt, highpikhed scleaming. JNt like the music,the vinyl is gonnakick in for sure. the plaltpris $ thick that the factorycould eNiV haw madetwo diss out of it. But this thick vinylis comon for a lot 0f Eumpemrelems. Nice dmwirgson the sleereto tnp il ofl. (RE) i{uder c/o0liviorLacoslr 8Pll, 33023 Eadrau Ced* Fnno
INOEX FOR POTENTIAL SUICIDE The Newest Youth Rebettion CD Theselads are all over the map. One minute l l e y ' r e b l a s t i n Sa w a yl i k e t h e m i s s i n gs t e p c h i l d r e n 0 f T H E L O C U S Tt,h e n e x t t h e y ' r e deliveringtrippy $undscapesmd n0irc snatN in the vein of BA$lAffDNOISE(not ircnically,B.N.'s Eric Woodmakesa guest appearancehere). There'slotsof experimenlation herewilh r"rietis of sounds, recording techniques, and cornbinations of instruments. Layout-wise, it l o o k s l i k e t h e y e s c a p e df r o m t h e C O M B A T WoIINDED\TTIRAN schoolofSraphica.There's partswherethe.yseenlto experimentfor the sake 0f experimentetion itslf. Sometimesthe results are fantstic, other timesthey'reso-so. For a debutefiort,this is reelv damngoodmd certainty better than the 3rd or 4th ellorts by somemore € s t a b l i s h e ( lb a n d s . I ' m a h u g e f a n 0 f c{)erimentation& new sounds,but et the same tinre I think albumcould havebenefiteda tad fton a morefocusfllapprotrh. Halfofthis album couldlrercleasedon GSLandthe Otherhalf could he on Vermifornr.If you'relookingfor snEihing outside0f the pararletersof your genericfast release, thenl.nPS.isyourbestbet. (CD) (lhn P0.Box772121. Contgrinp. F| 33077
Shlloks.25Linoln An.Cobti. CA 9tt3l
INSULT The Moshpit ls 0ur Sabbath CD Pisd oll grind!Yes,indeed.lmagineif youwould the mightyRDPUI^S10N.., well, take their fuzzed out grind and add dual vocals,screaming and Srowlingrespectirely,md you'\€ got a goodrecip€ in my bmk. ll songsin l3 nlinul€s,soyouknow ther€ ain't n0 balladson here. Straight dom the line grind trith fun samplesbetweensongs. Fairly decentlyricaand acconrpanying explanations, somethinga lot of grind bandslack thesedays. AlthouShsying that, theseguls are fun with it. Liw this band m wherc it's at: Reallytight md keep your ntl€ntion.The bassistrem a gB m$k and they take the pis out 0f "emo"kids. Bonus pointsfor that in mybook!Thecowr art is a bit of a let downthoughand seemslike a last nfnute thought,Don'tl€t it putyouoffthough.(GS) BCo*skiRrcods l|auag 2t7, 67119 RI ll{.ning.n. lllth$lilds
- Virtue0f Progress 7' INTENSITY Oneof the thingsthat struckme the mostabout this recordis the Srippingllrics. they rangeft0nl p0liticalc0mmentarJ on the impersonalnature0f clmsroomsin the Swedishpublic overcrowded educationslstem (certainlysomethingpeoplein the [J.S.canrelat€to) to a call for mcial equality of th€ sx$ to 0bsenetiomof the rape0f m0ther earth. Theyare intelligentlywritten with an individualpempectivethat alloB them t0 emily a v o i d b e i n g c l i c h 6 . A d d i t i 0 n a l l yt,h e y a r e deliffied with a fiery passionthat burnsthrough the wall 0f thrashinghardcorethat they ere couchedin.., A deliwred in th€ thick and healy styl€that hasbeenthe mark of the Scandinavian soundsincethe beginningyet it is not dated soundingor derivative in an'ryay. Mostof the time the musicis blazingand hellbent but there are enou8hchangeupsto k€ep thingsunpredictable an e(|3e. and giw everything I'm thrilledto se that the eplosion in U.S.thruh and powerviolen.ehB not sallowed up whal Ls c0mingOutof Europe. Yet another"must have" fromthe SirWeekssl,able.(JB)
JLIAT - Stitl Life #4 3' CD Man, I dOn'tewn wBnt to wite this reriew After years 0f following JLIAT and repeatedlybelng amazedat how impacting his minimalistic interpretationsof sound are, he llnally relemd something that dmsn't do anythingfor me. tt m boundto happenconsid€ringthe extrere natue of his "muical" erploratiombut that dmsn't m€an I want h arceptthe fact I don't like this CD. Tllis is ihe 4th inrtallment in his "lstill Life" seriesmd the first releme basedupon his experimenting with soundvia digital pro$anlming on a binary level. This work w8 created by a word set to +32767followedby 44100set tt rero in PCMdata. Initlally when JLTAT(aka JamesWhitehead) beSantheorizing about running binary code to creat€ sund he eryected to create a \ariation 0f his dronewrk tmtead he disover€dthat what he got wm a "click" or a digital 'pop' if you will. ConsiderinS the thoughtput int0 the creation0f the w0rk and the oft ignoredand paradoxical i m p a c t o f s i l e n c eo n s o u n dJ a m e ss t i l l w a s interestp.d in what he hed achiewd. By repeating the codlng480timeshe built a strlng0fclicks that becamethis piece of sund sculptur€I am now listeningtI. My problemwith the pieceis enctly what rnkes the pitre legitimat€ut... Silenceac "e.xpresion'isa fNinaiing c0nceptandsilencea "sound"is a brow furrowing idea that wa fully realizedby Philip Glass. And therein lies the problem... the meatof this theoryis not in the actuelsoundilself but in the thoughtprocessof conceptualizing the theory That conceptualizing realv doBn't ned a sundtrack,in fact a lackof a soundtreckis somewhatthe point. In the end, "Still Life #4" fails to contribute to my understanding of the theory. The click is not €noughof a counterpointto allow eleensionvia contral and it alsois not silentenoughto be the "ewrything"that is containedin the "noihing"of sound'sabsnce. (JB) fdilion.126l Bmoklhott lerynncrviU.,0A 3tXI3
J O H NH O L M E/SC A N V A-Ss p t i t7 " 'l\vo
J E N N YP I C C O L /OS u l 9 b - s p t i t 7 ' JEN\ryPICCOLO hasbeencril)plingthe scenefor ageswith their crushinSstyleof red light / Sreen liSit hudcoremd thisefrortis no uception. They speedalonglike a ragingbull, then recoilt0 a snails crawl. Five mngs of raging power and one youthcrew-esque closer SulObdms a CR0SSED O[Il cowr on their sideandit $unds s similarto t h e i r o w n s o n g s t, h e s em i S h ta s w e l l a l l b e CROSSED OLn songs.Sul9bsxecutessluggish style vocals i'hat dirSes with CORRUPTED erupt into d0ublebmeled, hi'speed unexpect€dly barrages.Thisis the l)estnnterial lle everheild from this Fai East outfit. Both bandsdeliver a simitr sffle of HC and on this clee linyl platter they c0ntinueto firmly establishthemselvesas someofthe rnostbrutalunitsuound. (CD) Burbank CA91510-6911 0ro Sir P.0.Bc 6911. JILTED - La Mia Reatla 7' MidJempo,lcfi, Peareyguitar-sounding anthenic hudcorethat'salmostpoppyat times. Sffeuning, vocals kinda like if JefI frOmCAPITALIST hoarse hada bit of a s0rethroat (andspokc CASUALIIIES Italian). Yep,anotherOK recordfrom ltaty'sS0A. Whenthe tempopickedup,s did myint€rst, md whenthe moshparts lsted a whilc 0ike thev aM"lBshuuld)I thouShrt d like this,bui it rtcsni hold up too well I whole$ngs or as e record...I probablywouldn't list€nagan. (J) S0AR*ads. Vn0drii daGuhbio 67/69. Ol[6 Rom.lbh
0f the finer UK bandsget it togetherild lay downthe law J0HN HOLMEScarry0n wherethe "El Suevo..." LP left on Thre songsof chugldng sludgewiih fuckedofr vocals.t gum theylit into that win of bandslike 16but dirtier end thet ain't no badthing. StrongproductionhelF givethb an extra punch and feeling of heaviness.pretty original m well, which is getting dillicult th$e dals. C/NVASon the other side haw turned from a hearychugging,screamingnoisealfair into s0nEthingcompletelyfuckinginsane. 'l\ro songs which manaSet0 incorporatecheesy?0'srock, straiShtup thrash,moshmeteland strangepian0. rewrb, noise/improvisation bits mixed into one! Let's put it this way,they are getting hard to piSeonhole.lf you like "weird" and heaw then checkthis 0ut. Slewe art is pretty nice and feels good...mal thick cafil. Greateffortall,mundfor a fiNt relese on this newlabel. (cS) DevilRoclcP0.8or 187,[r0&. tS6ltl|. U|(
- split7" KABINBOY / REDMANIFEST0 If you read the lmt issueyou'll know how muchI l o v el , h eK A B I N B o Y .F u c k i n g j a wd r o p p i n g . Anyonewith a liking fOr the stoner/sludge end 0f thingsshouldcheckthis bud out. Hadthey Inen born in the Statestheyd be huge. Gmgraphyhas slr)w0dtheir world-conquering rilfs, but only for now! lnstrumentalSABBATwMDL\I|NSC0re. One songonly,but a beauty.RDDMANIFBSI0on the othor side alsogo for the instrumentaltip, Cool with nre,words/vocalsruin too many e grert r{rfl)r(l. Not as heavym the flipside,md I gues more "juzy", but still rcal intemstingand a gmd putner to Bowith the KABINB0Y The pmkaging is clasy a3rell, prettyminimd, printad0n quality card and looksreal nice. The downsideio this record is that there'sonly a criminal 300copies mund!! tio,goodluckin tying to get one. (CS) Kabinboy. 109Metrose Stoet Brlhst BI970PUK
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(Bf) ,{ufl tsl0 tr lu?[ plnoa puoq aql aJnsu,l ^loJuualr otJoJol lqEnoqcruots I s e a s q I A s { l o J d n t ! t u l l r r d a l o J a qC C aql J0 eu6 r?aq pw &t q lusa ,{Bursuq puld Euu?uluucslperoll slql re^o lp aq ll$ aruru pw eJoEJ0$sJ ouoturpuld u Jo ilour pu8aq!^ lEau qpep EJ0ssalqlh lroqF aun 3ql Jo qcnu lqEnoqlJ0 l00q)s ,0t no,tuuc mol aoq' OqlJ0 ,tlurslreoaE,t0ql qEnoqtp aqa turqfur s 0C aql a?tl lsql salduBsel^ou Jouoll eql ol qcnw s anpaq ,{uu ErIl tnq NylCLLUOf,l Jo au puruar {allt s,{ca ,{u€u ul punos aroceJot/eJotaculu , , r r n d ,0 I 0 u e E u ! d o l a ^ a up o s l s ? q d u aJ l a q l lnd puu trq s olmb dn Iturql pouatqEnilEq ,{erll ,,otraluaueJo0 aureCru0 ueql?ut oJocastou alnd J0 asop ,tqllsaq r qlla Eul0p oJea ,{aql lsqa u0 qsou ol posn 0zvJsHcvlr,l :otrq a$ou aql eq 01Mes oruore$p utru aqJ 'l! u0 sounl gl Jtruaus^la rt€lal s s?q pue aull I0 qltual aues aql In0q8JoJsunJoc slqJ lr u0 saunl iUU Ja^o prq spJo)au ,{qlJoaaEpnJuo procal i,{)llualal rraqJ raqlotot sEuoclnd,iaql ^ra aql patu?rlr nsq pu8q alll q)nu aoq sr OCslrll lnoqulslu eu ls lno sdurnflsql Sulql aql J0auo 03 orraluaura3 a0 aurES - ozvl3H3vn
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(0C) oal oqlJo alquouau ilou a$ s! pns osla-uollrnpoJd s apB tulpunos.rauoaq 4aru lelol aWwp Eulotlouqd m0lnoq8scF,{l {und puolllpsJl aqt qlla srnlq aJocFrq prsNoJ 'clsq ilou Mqd srlatmv uo.g tqtErls JIoq.lVJ 'puOcasua^!t ^uB 18 lJ8ds llsJ ^lalalduot ol lnoqf, oroa AaqlJ! 8[ popunostnq 'BEuos pe,Ed ^tuo pw seup{ea ? 6?Is0q,tal lstq {eW eql paqrllp Isnc0'I aHJ JI aIil are sIr?rl '{Fc!snn usscns puf, 0NINUV/!\JSY-] asaql tstus rtt$ Ja o tulloq aJ?tsqt sopor{Sosaql,iq Suo€trFlo su.rstuoctllds n{L oruo F Uo lF nn$ 'uuso J0 suol s Bq s.inl CNINUYiIJSvl asau
., lllos- mo't"lvl / gNtNuvAlsv'] 'rfluwd u|lrfs'ouqTl4llz erpos Ys|ar0ryBd
(gU) Uoddnsaqt qlroa ,ilelluuoc,LilSNS,tNl uo.Ualdoodfq unJs! ?n0slrll $nd oqa laqq eqJ 'anb!unturqleuos tululsueI tnq XCndUM pu8 8l-S0 aM spusq0t rzlluts allnb 'tulod oql ot IIB'scl.!qtulllg ilocprsq a?I utqd lsnl 'aJocpu[6ou'erocl*J oN o.locpJsrl porlsllodun 'e8r seop lJ,lUnCgg,1,gy1 uolldacxaou s1 slqt pw q4q spusqpoot auos porq$q uepeas
.l epnluv rno^IJnl - AJunS3sls\n .rdq.u (Uf) m I brqga a{l spwq ffiql speeJq^edrefmN Erogo tu!,fffloJ ,s,tlEasa$ JoJ Iqsads oE^tqrqNd IIAIn$ BlqtJoilrd pctuqr30 001J0 lno uasJp ool tuluat aleq uo slJ?rl xls eql Joroqllou ||ln ,{Ur ptxa ltl$ ul sloarcnc qql 'lurod eql ol pw poqs an sEumeql uaqa al&s slqt,{ofueI 'HJJIUJTWnUg ro SNJVI{SUN${nH q r acuanlul plau ? Jo ilou lrq s altnb qlrA ilq y[nsYNJ0tufioar arocpud po{dsu! €sdslau[qq[
03 lretrqrrvaqI puv tsruosrvaql 3N0'tc3J00n'l 't6ll1ro8'0a f6tz-zttt6 n Lt tr.8 1s9 (0C)loulElroTpotstr.U, (u9orr I
lsqa fioul ll,no,{pu8 spJocartsallna Jra$ Io llr puu) p"Usls ,i8pol r0 tsgNvdvf JTyH Sglgvg UYI r0 slgddnd JvgI,{ aql J! tcaoxo plnoa r qlla I tsqa 0l ullu uollf,orcsn0uor{docsc a.raqaslJtunse oroa IoqJ UVoVUN0 gvuv ot eJnsodxetsJll ^u s! srqJ ^totourlr4 pJsoq,(ol arsds ul lso.l qlra cts?lq^sloN punospulJt 'pauuep-Jlesrloqt aolloJ l8ql l8q eqt J0 lJ-lts lno qcut ilJ qlnd JSnCort SHI oo8Jo alppnd Eu!u!s|I4uaus qI tsral 1?ltqt|oot Jo alppnd s e{l lool ol tnr s,lsl$ l,(uh peJolo,pusEutluFd Jilor tulqrnFlp I s,oJaq; qooJ araqEudalrud aql uolllpErl 'lSC aql qtla turdeel 'JJotcrld
9Ol0rXT.rn46r000.d'3F.F3.Ur llvp..0
(0C) rxo,roJFlaad srsaJno,tdae{ m antnJ oql ul ocroJolqeddoFunuB eq plnoc NOIIUOINoX '888Ic?[ a^!lueler-l8u? u[ tulaq lsnI ur,l 'proc€J 'punc lsa.6 s 8! q$'tuoJA elu let l,uoq ,dr8aqs loE tsnouqo a4^orI T poot W ors sauol il|l Inq 'puno.E)lteqeql u paunq Iq ? aJr slclrnE aql xu sql a tulqduroclrar tuo,in anlqlsq T uao$ Wq fl ^doc Brql dW I sr l,(uh pa.rolor oql ? Ioor fl tno,tq oqJ rtpea4ea111s1m111pqn aou{ ^lq?qoJdno,{G ra 0c aql plp dgluC uo{ ,{l8 aqJ sJ€F!ilffrou lnrucauuoJ m{l Jospusq aql u! oquoc tuluula I srlt lnq sFco ,{qJeaJm 'Io-epsrl a0lqElq pu? sr8llnt ua0p-pauntpnsn eql to8 a4,{aql ssausnolcojoJ rlaql uro.UEutsnJq ? silaa asnsr flalns ll,luqt 6{rrtt? xls lu8ls acuelo! .raaodr Jo arou q16 pur.6 1m; Euprg
-1,- NotIU0IN0y
-/ uds- uvovuNoSvuv/ Isnco't3Hl
laezv p|Iurptu'ssgtln0 oil
(Uf) 's0x0qo.neeeqt u! {nl8 ourerood-ssld s? qql slltrslp l,uop 6 liloc eql uo pJoJaJeql Jo olM 0u /tluoqlln e^aal€ adolo^uo?lluf,u 'sau0q
wdrf'eeO-t9t olrtot '!urBur!ns 'nilur{s '0!-9-!'3!r0r.u prBlsBS tund (Sg) iit0F oC )lc?lls qssrlt ar.,r'tulllltprrH
eJBg 0ol'pu?q e^ll poot uuzp I pus (senE I JqF JoJra{Jnss u,l) lqtnoql I usqt aJou srql pe,{o[ua,tlFeJ 1 - aae;rno,{ur pw pasildefln rotlr8 FlqL al,ils pcm pus tuolxotusur u! a{lt -NolSSllUddnS ^til ta.{'UgdttoOSCOC ilseqot I J0 arou aq^?ll ilB ls aauonuulOUVISV8 AHJ St NW{ orlt uo ^lor t,useoptsqt tuluuup 'EuldunqlJa 0 EuluEorcs lo{uoc J0Ino Fnp puB &&llnt ss?q0i\I pe lo ul NolSSgUdd0Suro{
uosf ({urrll l) qllA €rurfur^Jo raft puouqJru ,ila^01eql uo.U (no^ purur'lnlsllnq,,unJppur ffiq, ouqcel|cqt lou) ssauhuallunrp pus rs?8 -1, s.OAg In ut 6urrt*ra^3 oO | - yvfo)l qlu.l ?L0snY tt]]-v tszrcg.r$0Fod xqnqneguer 0/: '$lor,u prd.l (gU) ,{sa eql ,{qlaHooqacruB papnlrul spu?qqlog lltoq Jr qu p0oEe tsnt s,ll aq,{ul,! 'eJocF?q tsal lp lou 6ls pw )uFlalu flptut tou s,ll pJocalsnlt lnoqr lqnop ul sputl ur,l spJm ,{u?aJrsqtra oslu 'stu0sralsJ Jlllqau llns lnq punosl)rqt eroul u sornpoJdC I,llWVUC0Ud 'aprssrql lnoqr tsaq Pa{!l I lrrla s,l8rlJ rl8r0^ ptruq qIA E8rnqln0,tpaadss,arOql^luappnspuv 'suffop{ealq auros'sltJo^EunutaJJS alocpJ?rl ,{slou tsqaauos rlIA ur sI)tI IHSVAVB0)I 'uodr0a u ss 's{csnu urJlsnv lrlauJEursn
./ lllds- c haHvu9oud / tHsv vsoy
sp.ror.u uo[slo 8u (0C) jua, Jot€aq0lll lllh assr aqt s,{salu t?qt l,ust Elnb 1r palFr a4{aq1plol u,l acuts luluadduq l,us! tsql /ilatcun1:oJu1 erou lura 's]rqdu$ pooE'uollcnpord tsnI I IalqJ oarl dllur€JCV'ld aql Jo siaquau fuuJouoqauoraq plnoqsgtrg000C JI SSII )tu!r0 l 's,{vpasaql p?q os s{cns (gNOCfda)xa alnlua^ 0l0suutC EarCd.raa uortuau 0l tou) 0NVg SN!.IIOUaql 'ltsJ ul BJaatrl-ot-pruJo qsrnEur C\qd XCV'IS paJnuol aql slaau eJoJqcal-ctllelautls?OJ 'dol-arll-ra0 s,0661 altus snoFald J!a{l lsg Jo 01 erul ^sls tEql eJoq stuos a^rd uorlrrelrlqo unJpfta Jo ssaursnqaqt ur llrts al,,{aqllsrll sr paEusqrl usq ltql turqt auo (araql dn llt|s Ip al,,{aqtJ! fioul l uop) alllsas 0l pa^ou lF ,{arll uaql'Ctlt ur aq ol psn Aarll g,tgoooCIt SSDI aus)aq ^aql ueqt 'InCOVA0 aq 0t pasn^aql
ocn aror{3- 3480000J.tssty Itrurg'uopuq 91197-0ZZ4spilg uqos.w.pgv op P{D||IS (gU) adv|ouap y lsnf s! slqt Eulraplsuoc Ittdur u€ alrnb sarylu puBqeqJ s?lrnE poot 'sun+ Eurpunod aclo^puld tulwar)s u lsuruEy salllrq arl0Araaols l?qaaluos'aol ouo asn spuequsuJac Jo tol B 0{q ilsnu rllulau pn0l pu?,{^eaqno^s8uuqpurq alll s3u6 uomsul aur paqqe-drsnu aqt'lpu0las r{uunJalrnbaluuu aql punoJI llo ls!.t u?rulF^l,iu ur lcnls udaq s.1!uaql aJulsput pudr{ 8 u0rJ oudp silll lot I
allasse)66.oura0- Hsor{ llvy
(gl) pun6reql ur apsu a^?q,{oql9uilaDu? pe mopueuar| aql pw H.[\80 WMVN ^?qE.ruFaqt ot strmusduo) arJp Inq dlaq Lurc L,^caqdordOllJ,,uo pattoJ mq pusq eql punosoJnl8u eJou aql olut panlc pus,t! lot, I aJuo'ttrJ ul alou qJnu sunt o$ |s.rueqt 48lrerddr pup OC aql Jo turuuFaq aqt q 1mq oEq alq? M I oqn |sl|l qt! \ 'uaq^ru Eulpul.Er!0rll olu! ernue| pu8 ^polau J0 lunourg tuBculuEls€ pesnJuro^sq ,{aqt roJ EuroEser pwq aqt eqh 3qt lot I 'Np a$Jo lru oql qEn0rqt tu!{c€Jl raUV istlnJ ^spslxoopur0lol oldoad snuD E$ qc J0 pull aql s! slqtr )tmur lu3lruh aql s potusJaps? lsoulc m sFJm ldnroJ aqJ 'I{&{HYIW ruo{l'a^ol pw'lcodx€ 0l aurorsuq I ltrJl r " poolqwtJp eq lr lrlun oElal l,usaopplR nlnEnf aql roJ tqElr seo8unqp eql "tunslra a aqJ EurpaaJg,JnoJ lr?rl puu "putlulols! aaql {r?{ rlt$ tutucts llaq u|lno quq Jo llnJ nsr I e{l no sal81 0C aql rpd$p ol Inoq?ma t s FnltilamH tall ]slil qpap "ilau,, pilffi punos!{raq}u!r arou r :o1.tra11aprllual Jraql euoEDJn?q 04p0uom osF ^aqJ lEnoua dq oql Jilo t,uilail lsnl^aqJ lrq u pa]aduil uaaqe^uqol peuffi pur$ prqu naql auo^?pu0{ saqruaqt roJ les psq 'TiSIIXVIW prepu?ts qtlq aql 01dn Euwl aq q uas l,uprps8utrll poulacuot llq [ $a I snJn8pul$ areruards,cpsuscu0{ euoaau oql u0 saunlJo aldn0Jtsu aql qtnuqJ 03 (alElnleururl aql jo eleu6rls)
^reqdord aql
IJI - Josh Baker / D e n n i sM i l t e r /
- Erica Beck / - Ken Pollution
sizedrecord. Fansof splatterand goregind m goingt0 be grabbingthis babyfastandfuriousand it is limitedt0 1000unitsso ifyou are sick enough and twisted enough to risk exposure to MACHETAZoyou'd better waste n0 time in ordering... andno youcan't havemine!(JB) Infeclion|}istibntion,0 $evin 0r.,lVobum.MA01001 MALEFACTION - A Defining Moment 7" Completeeruption 0f grinding chaoson this r e l e a s ef r o m t h i s C a n a d i a nb a n d . Japanese Metallic guitar, blast beats and g r u n t i n g / s c r e a m i nm g a y h e mi n a b l e n d e r . Pentagrmsand what l00kslike an alteredph0t0 (maybejust a poor scan) 0f the band in corpse p a i n t a d O r n st h e i n s e r t a l o n g w i t h l y r i c a l Muchin the vein oftheir hanslationsin Jepanese. "ManGrms Cold.LP 0f lst yeil, this sunds like a bmd ihat knowswhat theyare doinS!Full scale, Mlting, political,metallichardcoreat its best. Can't go wr0ngwith a DISRUPTcovereither. Theseguys don't need corpse paint t0 further tleircause. Ubll worth the ducats.(JR) Oenied 3-5-12-106Hashigadai. llarita-shi, A Custom. Chiba286-0037 -laan
- J e b B r a n i n / { C D I- C h r i s D o d g e / I - Jeff Robinson / [GSl - Graham Ste
q&em Collaps", etr. LASI SECIEITYmundslike pro-emo,post-CHARLES BBONSON, hardcoremixedwith the standardScandinavian thrah style. Nicepackaging,tlo. (CD) Sounds 0f Eetnyal Rodrigo Alhro.Siidn Pa*gatan, 3h. 21422llalmii.Swedsn
M A N C H U R I A NC A N D I D A T E S BetweenReatity AndShadowLP Mega-fierce,gruff hardcore that so0ndsas mighty as their home state 0f Texas. MANCHURIAN CANDIDATES belt'em out like an i n b r e d c 0 u s i n o f B U R N E DU P B L E D D R Y . Theyre intense md powerfulwithout playing the same song over & over. There's a iariety 0f approacheshere, but they'reall akin t0 getting punchedin the face...the 0nlything is with each songyou don't know wltich direction the next punchis comingfr0m. Austinha sptmed some really excellent fast HC in recent yeals and the* guls ile right up there in the ranks along with ouuits like SHORTHAIE TtsMPER, SoCIEIY0P PBIENDS,and PISSP00R. Theyle beenaround for a few years& I\e neverheard 'em til now. Glad I linally did becausethis is one of the b$t releaseslve heardin recentmemory (CD) IFCRocods. P0.Bu 150877, Austin, II 70705
M C D1 8 2/ C O N T R-As p t i t7 '
- WorshipNothing7' MALEFACTI0N I knowthe namebut I'm not surehowlong these CanuckSrindershavebeenat it. That said, I wish I'd heard 'enl s00ner. Th€y rip thru six b l a s t i n gt r a c k s t h a t l e a n I n 0 r et o w a r d st h e hardcoresidethan the nletalsideof grindcore. 0f course,my desoiption h0ldsn0 water because theyalsod0 a SLAITRcoverhere. And it's damn good,too. If you can do a goodjob of covering S L A Y E Rt,h e n y o u k n o w y o u r b a n d r o c k s . Refreshingly intelligentlyricsand phihsophies vocal are underneathall of thosescorched-throat attacks. I especiall-v bve the tune "AbusedAnd Unloved"aboutunwantedchildrenand idiotic, selfishparents: "Reproductionis not a right it is a privilege/ And I'm sick of dealingwith y0ur mistakes."Hell yeah! Theseguls rule. (CD) Camde #5U7 2ldAre S1ICCFX 48.IfS m5 Cil&
MAD COWDISEASEl&2 is oneof thosebandsthat unfortunatelyis becomingm0re and more rare in today'spunk scene...a bandthat iekesnothin8, includingtherehres, mriomly. Theym crrcking a joke ewry singlesecond.Theymtrk anythingthat youcan think ol md hm a grandole' time d0ingiL Musically they incorporate all kinds of flmN but Fimuily th€y ue stxaight cOnt€mpomry aheaderly/mid 80's MDC style punk. lf anyone remembersbandslike WI|OPPERSTAS'IEG00D youcouldfile MCD182right nextt0 themor msybe ffin nett to }ou gnKKY albull}s 0n the lip side C0NIRA is morcof a thruher but styli$icalv sull a throstrck t0 a daywhenpunkwasmoresnotry,bs polished,and wasn't willinS to take crap from anyone.lnstead0f hum0rtheys€emto talc a mole political md angrystance.Goodshlfr. (JB) 0uo, 51lmjean ler, hst lla$port llY 11731
i'{r{NIN S}lACKl.Flssunds like the newgeneration of Dl$core bands. Superbsic thruh that's good & tiSht and easf,t0 destroythe statewhile list€nin8 to. Funnything is nlost 0f their songtitles are namesof bands: "Slavestete", "DeathThreat',
- Max
REVIEWS ffis ffiffi*
MELEE - demo tape
S.0.4 Rccods
Bostonhardcorelike they usedt0 do it. Nine blustery fastc0re assaultsthat arc angry, snotty and catchy. File somewherebetweenAF.U. and CHARLES BRONSoNand you get the picture. It's a killer debut. lt'll be goodt0 hearwhat they comeup with next. If they stick with it, MELDE will quicklybe crcatinSone. (CD) P0.Box171.Altston. MA02131
M R ,C A L I F O R N IAAN DT H ES T A T E P o L I C -E2 4 s o n g 7 ' Don'tknowwhothlslsorwhsttherealsioryls
0nthisrel€ase eventhoughlt's ftomthisrrea, butI havea feelingit'sonegWdoingit all. this greyvlnylplatterhas24songs, butit's nota total grind/ blastfestllke you'reprobablyimagining. Thisrecordi8 moreakln to the VerySmall - M evenhasthat samelook MELT-BANAN A x B x1 9 9 8 / 1 3 0 0 0 Records layout-wise. Kindafun& goo&,snotwassvocels, MitesAl LightVetocity CD practiceampguitarsound,andmostlymidThere are very few bandsthat can truly lit the tempo.For beingrecordedon a 4 track,the deliniti0n0f"unique",but MEI.II-BANANA is oneof production good.Th€tunesar€all is surprlsingb thoselucky few This Tbkyofoursomeis an enigna; short,of cours€,but there'sa 8urprisinS amount a bandwith whom no comprimns can be drawn. 0f %rietywlth diflorsntsounds, instruments, They ate equaltyinnuencedby hardcore& fmt spee6,& such.Tte drurns& a fewotherthingr thmh mrell a8noise& iltsymirdns. If Y0KO arepreprogrmed butthatdoe8n'td€hactftom 0N0 was still a spry,youngmaven0f the early, the sound;that stufris coolif youknowhowto undergoundFlms art morementwho wm just useit & apparentvthis chapdoes.Don'tknw now becominSinvolvedin the musicscene,thig whati0 compar€ it to othorthatlsup€rearlyand would be the type of band she would start today. superrawD.l.Y.punkrclea!€s.Mayb€it's like Completelychallenging the boundaries of Mn.EPPwlth shorter Eaclc?(CD) traditional music (eren of the e*reme rariew) is 218EdoAn ll. Carybl|l.CAtgn MELT-BANANA8 trademark& they nerer ceaseto plem me. this ame, surprim,& simultaneously efrort wasrecordedfor JOHNZORNin NewJers€y duing MEUI-BANANAs U.S.tour in '98. The geat thing ab0utthis discis that it captur€sthe unit in top conditioncrankingout their live set whlch consistsof old and newfawritesspanningtheir 7 yearexbtence.26 songst0tal. IVe beenlistening t0 this for 5 monthsstraiShts that'saboutassolid a recommendatiOn asI cangiveanything.(CD) Tdik 6l hst Eslft SM, gib 126.lowYo& ilYlmts
MUSTAKASI VanhojenSanomalehtienKastaus7' EP Sloppy, fast asfuckpunk-core fromFinland takingcuesfromall thegreatsthiscountryha.s produced thelast20yeaE.Shoutad vocals in the natiwton8ue lashoutowr a ClayRecodssMed UKpunkattackbringingto mindDISCHABGE (of cours€o ) r o B H a n d I w h o l eh o s t0 f Propaganda Records-era Finnishpunk. The healthydoseof rawpunkaggression kgepsthis fromfauingshortlike $me recordsof thlsgenre tendtodothese dqys.(JR) Auvo&(tlbi ircords P*t|tir 16.5S0 Punkrhdt Fdnrd
Previouslyonly availableas a hard to find 10", SoundPollution does us all a favor by making "Lawless Solidarity" widely available for consumption.Nowhopefullythe hrdcore rene is smut enouSht0 c0nsume!MEANWHILS hail from Swedenand they take that Northern Europeanstylechunkyhardcoresoundt0 the 'nth degreeand beyond.They reminiscentin axe all the right waysof bandslike TERVERIKADBI and VAISE TBTSTEor even DISCHARGE(lf you needa non-Scandinavian example).Theykick it out full speedand have a sound as thick as GeorgeW Bush'sskull. Their lyrics are biting social cOmmentarythat attack everythingfrom mediamind controlto nationalisticfascism.This CD shouldattract attentionftom the old school and the new breed,ftom the crustypunk t0 the p.v thrasher Justrcnemberto playit loud!(JB) Sound Pollutim. P0.Box 17762. Coyingbn, XY11017
{I l
mGg$mm MIND - New Homes for the Rich 5'
MEANWHILE - Lawless Solidarity CD
M A N I N S H A C K L E S/ - sptit7" SECURITY
- RudolfEverts / [DMl
tholme /
Srnrt lookinglittle 5" packagehere,repletewith gatefold cover MIND hail from Germanyand come from the ASSUCKschool of grindcore (minus the $6000recordings),addinga healthy dose0f Eurlcrust and USpomr violence.Thes€ fm tracks seemmuch moreshaight fomd than their previousr€leNes,mostlikelydueto the time constrainingformat. Anti government,religion anddelinitelymti-humanllrical cOntentdrhB in the knife. As with most5"s,the soundqualityis prettypoor0n myshittystereo.S0mebody's 8ott0 luure out howt0 makethesethingssoundbetter mastering-wise. Overalla fairly goodintroduction t0 theseguysbut hy their previousreleasest0 get the full efrectof theirgrindonslaught.(JR) Rcsuscitats, P.0.Box7900.Al| Hoogeveon, llolland M O T O R S A G E N S E R V I C E- D u H a b t Gottes Sagen 3" CD This tiny piece0f plasticpacksplenty of punch. M0T0RSAGENSERVICD spew out a buzzsaw blend of crust, gind, hardcore,noiseand even somemetal (especially on tracks? & 8). The music is punishingfmm start to finish with an emphasison speedand fury sometimeswith the excessiveness of blur. The varietyof vocalstyle used givesthe disc some distinction although everythingis harsh and maniacal,no clean vocalshere! I know absolutelynothinSabout this band but I certainly hopeI will heat more from them in the future. (JB)
- H u m a n2 . 0C D NASUM lf youve head NASUM'gothor releasos,then you know what you're ln for: Cranium-crushitrg blaskor€! This keepsin the spirit ofthet preyious CD and splii relersesby deliveringnon-stop, cleanly and heavlly pmducedjackhammer glind. Pissedvocalsthat are shoutedin a style that's more believable than those phony,growly, death metal $unts most bands resod to constantly. Nothingnew to repod here, but believeme, I'm not the least bit dlsappointedabout thal this is 100 odreme, the way it shouldbe. Chalk another oneupforSweden.(CD) Rotapsr. 10. Bor2060.UpprrOaby.PA19082
- sptit7" NEUROPATHIA / MIXOMATOSIS NEURoPATHIA is fromPoland andplaythash metal. The productionis quite g0odand drives home the headbanglngonslaught. The vocals soundlike someonemic'eda toilet flushin& No lyrics providedbut with song titles like "Sperminator(Gut Convenlon)" I'm sure these 8uys are certified geniuses. MIX0MAT0SISis absolutelyterrible noisefrom Spain. Think if a grindcore band was playinS an outsideshow a mile awayand you taped it on your shitty boom box. Then for vocalsyou taped someonewith excruciatinSdiarrhea. Then you 8ire it to some
ilj 't
'"aaJJ qlno,{,s8 peqrJJsepaq lsaq u?c t?rll stulJo sU qlra qsuql lslq red,(qtururquoJ Jo qof u op spsl asaqt spu8lralnaN teuauouaqd AnJl aql uoJJ EurllsH l?a,( stll Jo sda lsaq u sl ual oql auotulaq dn pua lqElu lsnllsqt ,,/ J0 siltJ rllul aqt uo{t rsqunJaq pF0c tunllou ast 'peluloddssrp atrl snll ul &ql ^8s01[dd?qu,l Inq sil8al .uago aloJaqFr8aqJarau orsq I pusq u Jo suortqcadxaqtq tu! sH :toqlpu ew u! qqs sql puu ol pffield alnn ? usql olour s8a pu? l\gJ d0 JNIOd Inoq8 stulqt poot tua pJsaq p?q I
./ erePnseql qle.uaS- /v\ll Jo lNlord
Frqv ill'6n Eso|l{ lls zll6ltrD0 !'d qqq. (0C) salprtEil'seltq 'qtad 0J $qt 1tql fl aauil eWJo lulod ursu aql puv sluac oat ,{u Euuano tsnf u,l fuq Jraql s,lsrltpw /iwduoc l?a.6 s s,tuspro$l dh Jatnra 'lla t! Inoqs,ilEuo{s luql an) t,uop ,{lsn0nasI \ 'SUOI4 ON HJIVJ puv trvo NggUCJo toleluJ aql {J€q 3ql qlls s,06aql Jo uooq .4^!1?ura1F,, uro{ paluouaq{turlulaqNa o u8pJol,{uouuaul (4 loN Eaarlsaqt Elq t! IBp aql gg0J gJI Io d0d .{0cl r0 vcl'ITvJiln a{rr trqsEuLinqualq0Jd r a^uqlou ol uas,{aql'qaqul Jofvu t4ull q uql qund lsoul s q)nu s " tw olal sl ll lnq 'eahaJ s urrll lusJ lsuosJad? Jo eJou aou sr slql 0s 'XO lnoqspoJdn w ur 1aEo1ualqo:d lzu u puq 'qloJ .tlsolJs ',{nE Inq Uau aqt s qJnu s lsnf 'tsnohoo psq $qs erpuruoddns I IIF sr ilsru p?qpw pooEllts s! crsu poot !o[vu s D arpur ur uo s,[ ]aqlaqa lnq'lwil no^JrailJ aql ur anlq al,no,{Irl, au q1m anEry sllBl l?oc leqq Joftu apF 04Eul^rl J0 qtuou eql JoJstu aql ot Euua,l?l s,aq3sn?JaqtOu'1rso{l aq mnmsq nn$ sffialar ollat l?ql snohqo ,{llnJursds,lr pue tolttsc J,V oql ts Iml auo i6sa?r {rnJ oql oqa,tesI lnq 'sltn Jilo Wa.U^ru n0,{JoIIV 6i?esra^0 laqq loFu t Iq pwelar toEl8ql 0C Jarllow u0 sr dU slqt uo s8uos aqlJoauol8qluas ll :umar aul Nalar J,v Iaqlo &aa Awr ,taql qtnoqf ue a 0C slqt.{u?r ol pasnJaluspJol,{l€ql pnaq I 'alou aprst uo 'uotsllpooEr a 6 lr I l?rll aou lou soddns I lnq satudasqt u! petuoleql! tqtnoql I lrtls J0a3ard ? ,{llurrsq pw tuuoq ^lFou 'Icol spupl 'ouqcat sput)l lsqt l3 Iru olp?l pmE Ail tou pw 'Imr 0rpsro){ll qrnu,qtald s,il tunJodxa sa I aM lF l8 ^^saqlus! sr{l lsqt s! aou)l I lff Joquouar ' u u u t H E u l q t a u o sr 0 l,uec I HSSIdOOC a{u .t{saq aq oq p3sn ,{aql I 03? s$e^ a[!^ao€ad u 0 a r a a s ^ n Ea s o q l l q 8 n 0 q t I 6 o r ut s n l l ! s l
d3oJuopburypallunun- u:IljtHsltrlld
EFrpSBtUl 3Sqq4 rs:4ntrt$I tmFYrryrg
(0C) dn s,t?qil aoq oqa s,tnEoAl ujoq uoga pffialil-Jlil srqt uoddns q eutt Jnodquor s,lr 'aq ,{uu as?caql rmlsq |ol ^^ud tou u,l lsl|l rounq Jo su6 lslp.msq?quoN alrqrt rarc ilos s,lr aq,{ru J0Eurqlau6 tulsl|l u,l aq,{sn unqls aqt Jo lsr aqt qlla llu 1t truas iw a{Bu o,l uas t,uop'ffiMJ alrnb'l?qt stuosumalaq uaorw ile saldunsJ0l0l v Euum$,lul lr deal o,l&am put suaopryalqJ0 &uald qtu qs?Jqlpus aJocoslou al&s plo Jo $lr?q lA qtnNqt dlr uapu!.6 (ws^ IcoJ {und ur "ploi ua, So)tsu^lFltlllo tsrlt os lp leltu so8no{l ur m,taqt lloa) 4u0aEpnun? oal asaql 'slsro^ ? s[nrp 'rslrnt tsnt qllfi\ 'llail w'^llerrsnu sra^rlapg)l0ugd 'auol€ tnq
tr rluoa m l8ql qI ilac ucMlund puon!p8.\I/ Jod uolls^rlol,{iu1:1cngcrsugaql {rq oq^\ ,suslcrsnn,sv-aur8.l Jod sl arocpurJcauallr:g,, ln0qe aoq ro (elo iarc ioro Eul{Jndplnoqs oulasuv dlllqd rO rappa alppg 'pleutaHsau?f ,{B pocuanuul,qolou0uua\q umg raA?sH oqrtl l$leaO alEuls&a^9,,'a)uBlsurrod Jo^ascll^l I sollll EumtsaqaqtJ0auffi sq onplcnusc slqt 'pa,i aqlJ0ann |xnqF aql qUAdn Euruorsplsg
03 euo ueql lellag e i v s u e a H u e l o r 8 o i t ^ l- 0 ' 1 0 3 I n o
ordgzlr0g0i|w qe{ lu 8J|t0p! 10620
.zt l/s - u3^tu0Ntvd
o3 oole6ooS lullel3
lnnrlsrll ,sutll lliullJ, 0&\\aq1lf, {cl(l0l rrqlil8r)t urDlpu?lvaurs!{rrurl)'Jrl,)s^(,^0N tslr! rr$rltl0ll.rl 03 allleasul 3llle8aql uiorJ a^rl - ogl,io3 olM 0N IHI y4 tunqqt6 peog t# muauYpag F.rtUt€rgsg 5191g (gf) ill{)trlNuilr dJonrlllnill l v q l l r s 0 { ? u , i l u o , \ l r I s r n o , il l t o J l , ) 1 0 i l 1P) s n l JrlJ !\\0 lS.)l\ tudr)prd ?prstno ?rlt lult t.)p.J alnlGqr w sr .)srpsrll rnJ Jo sur[ Jlds l)rq str qlh wol) s'lri put ,)l.rsrur.\\jurUsr s'r\.rU \llp,r putq alll alalla sI.)vll uJl)lrrl o$l lslr)l lr (al? .,rr
- 3ynu3d 03 sexalquMssal.l"'aseald (g[) aua4xa eqlJos{sJI[8 pue ,{uf,JoJunqp tye$ V rlsluuq ueF uo.Uluosild ? q l o t E u ! t l J eE u 0 s^ l l l E n b B!usu palprJqun qt!q aqt ot ^ra^rlaplqElt aqt uo{ Eurqfre^0 u ! l l a a u a q l s a ^ r a sa J u o r J a d xrar o q l t ? q l qslug 01wls ruo{ sno! qo s! pu? aua6 aorpEq oueJ|xa oql Jo swJala^ J0 dn ap?u pusq ? s?a srqJ ,{llsonlJ!lscruqc"lpu€dlrmlduor JonB ur ,{troqdoJ?r aJrluaaql pual tsoup pw tur$ila,lur Ir ds{ q alqs snql il pw 3u0sqmo q,{lare puf, sdn etusql tol E ppr AoqJ alqslcrpard Jo l o l s u o r s u a u l pa u 0 E u r a qp r 0 A ?0 l o l q €a J t 'tlluaurap us lu0NlYd l?ilsnu Jo puDlsrql tno {uur oqa spurq,{u8lua{[un qssrqlal$uq| llnJ s,ug IucNIvd J0 llnJ pouumc s d1 rudrgt sqJ 'oJaa ^oql |?a.6 aoq JoJapulrxoJr 6o pJocorslql sn Ual ^eql teal lV psep osF st UgAIUqNfVd l8rll suaas lr flou lnq UgC.l0 ftrltlru aql J0 saqs?eql J0 tno uroq $a ug^luoNlvd
(lil rFutr tt1!6nbto|.sl|lsz06ltr00 trrE (OC) 'alodeuoqdelErolu!tuuaaqs Jo lueuou fJa^ aql tu 0l Eulualsll aq plnoa Irlq ua{urupurqsilprl{ s,{m l€l|t lrE4pun6 I sv ainlJrdplnot I l?ql tulql J0 odfl aql s! slrtl ONSN\{ttr{oNpu? sefllng 00rc J0usds ptrwq paurldw-rso pw n0 pa6sldlurup u a{l lsourlr {JoJ slou o.6tr lno qus.rJ lglno ulsuocslrt s n l l ' { r s l s I u ? l J s u u q l J a q t n o lp u r ^ l s a u Jadns tpJns n0^ 4qoh q a8swu faql promr u0 uno lnq 's.&pfF?o aql ur lol ? e8qsu0tunqtu snorrolouuaeqa,,{.qI ^lpotall€'sJeslsr-llaq et" qtla EulaollourJo uortualurou il?q ^aql t?ql soqs unqle slql pw aou aurl Eu0ls Jolleq u roJ auatr aqt Eulz.uoral uatl a rq sp€oqffiaqJ afa{I
:ll ssv aql ul roPuslos- oyNlH3vd )ln9ll8ul|lunqp.'l slro80a'$upq8
(Ul) 'uaoNnuly s,$alar tsnJcpu8 pur.6 sollunoc r0ur reaoual slrll roJ rF Jo qtsolq popaauq)nu V ?nt aql ul slsu pw paurq sploq0u '{und iloJpnq puoqpe4Jo scu^l 'no,tqsrt 1,,I"llrq aql tp lecm spusqqlog dmls rlaql u! {und il0)lwq selNu ,&ld wr saqsr{l Xn ffiql'sffialil ,qsa noqlJ0 sr|mq,qr0aa$ ol Iceg slp slqt u0 (ilq rm,ta$I s) turoddwp lou 0p pus Euu s1q1.10srapsal 0l ,{Jals,{u ou 0q plnoqssgsHuoo^ aaq pl3ru %001pu8 g86l Jotno tqEu 6?unos Im rynd aocpm{ 'emJ aqt ur polcrl'dn tqEF{s tsnl 0utaou 'ocual0! ra,f,od0u 'pulJt ou 'Eulqs9rqleJocpJf,qlooqcs plo turdund aurpuaJpsalnloEv oJoquo urJoJ dot ur eJsq'loC Jllo ,ElasnqilffiI{ iiiauo&a Ja a aFql JI tuqcpl-sst opu suoq s s! a$q floN
03n rltds- s33HU00A/ 0't0c tn0 'ur9r|s|||y 't sprsy.qrll vy8o! I 0.arn!I sFr@.u ool€0tP)l
(0C) TJ CH)l]lnb ? IaU?ar,no^I st?urp alsrJdoJdds aql 0p ll,l! lnq 's!ql ra 0 sf,ususq lou u,l lulod aql ol pus ilstg atueJoJeJ J0 ewsiJ raqt0us aq pln0a sclJSlllHlN aql passrd? a^rlstau^lqeldu0c aJs sJrr^1 's,tosJl1c gHI pallsJ llun sJncsqou€Jo eu spuruar srql ',{llscrsn!{ ilal) qlnOdEuqFl lou u,l pu8 ,^sp aqt ur lmql op 0l pmn ^eqt aoq Jo lrJldsoql ur qmJql lsnf qJrd lwlq r0 sFto Eullao.60N EuIIUBAr0solos0N eJoJp[q el&s s,08dFsa u0 a{sl rroql .0 IInJltorlc llogo tuor 'l I sr auosrqJ sffialalJo usals &aqs &laJd I loE o rq saqsql uaolusag asaqla{rl ru0as
araql lr ds"d 14 lr rEilrl lillr)i r0{ llur(lr.r l)ull '[)rtrr).r ) s uoucn{sap aEutll) llt[0 irtll Jo ( )rsnll lnq tunnou Eutsn) [lols ,)rlI sllJl r)sJo sdlrurur l); oql Ji o l?rll 8ur)sUrxl .r,\Uu sr tl llt(l,l)
Jo Nnor
E! u! Eurpunols" sr Wlll \r)rl] luliloluuddli Jro[r put latuol auo put ulnl sllll lI snunt snoln(lu, (lJ 0llJ nol rrrssr I sdJ sil0r)JJJ I Jo SISISUO)
0uxn8 lozer080dspr6.u t0z8-60st8'lJ'uopuEr8
(0C) dn1rllrd 0r qofmo,{s,lraou 6 spooE aql ila^rlep VIS0HdOIO'ueaalaq-ulT usaur ? ]silateJ.l8q il04sr Eulqsm fi!,qrapun aql ,iq tuop pelwJ sl qlr plarms J0 ^sw pnsn arll punm EuWo ar sF,q |{l.tA{J"n? tsJM pffiffiod aqJ arorpjsrl ln}0aod,{FuuaE sls J0 IInJ d a tu0s Il uEq llruI aql 'lc?dur T poadsaJo4sJ s.06rllla sacuanuurqssJqt s,08^lJ?a sexru VISOHdOJO Mf,psaouralto q sq qtnos daap oql Eqa J0 sJoptssequslcaJradaJ?s,{nEasoql ? sl?a,(luaral ul sa[ qwnv 3qt Jo lno tuluror rtmu aua4xa Jo doJt aau t aq ol suaas araql
-1,uorsnluo3 l0 arrnos- vl80Hd0l0 '.u0tso8 ro8'0il'3pr@.u 364|01 vlt tosl s1a0
(99) mn punor,peoqrno,{laEq alw eq ,ilq8qud il,no,(u! an aldoedsa$ s?wq raqt0 aq1 otur il no{ Jl ffint I qtlqa 'go Eulot sa!($ .10q4ru -x!urs 'aloqaeql u0 'qEnoqtEurdmIJImJ Jauqs J0lulq 3 una qalaqJ, ssaursq wau {aw aoDl no^'6IU aqt Ino luptu?Jc|Ins ^eqt uaqlt iprOcil YIdOIS,I0 / IZVCTUs uao43q sdr 8 aM $1001 'wus 'utrsopa aolsaq1oslu puy &lald ,sady IoJ qnlC €uauouuoCtv tu!ue^0 uv{ a{!l BOnn EuosJoJqJsu dol uaqt e,r$ woC slfla s s ilJ 'lu'lxa uE 0l $lJoa t! lnq fn0qlla lcq qtnoqlls 0p plnoJI qrlqa uaq lpa q luBA nol{Jne.ltqa J0 sadsJs-aslou'osle a:aql u! uaorql sltq ppo ilos aJoqltulnat 31n0,{pw gNvsNn Jo qs"p r pps pw ul uaoqaA,{aqlspwq 0$ Jo IUrqL 0E proa aql uo-U,{^mqEuq)nJ :crsnuaql ^rs,fuV 'sJ€A{ J81SICnJ olu! lx,l qJrqa 'p00t 0s tou = su?unq'tmE = sadEsl pJocaraql u0 a)Fl unur aql Waqm0,{ur flaq,IaIcnJsq tuLtnqur,l,,pnol s Eull plnoqsl8qt aoN iNI{ VC pu? [CUd NoC uuJ aldmd arnFal ffou ^aql ltql au suJoJull! qlla seuoclsql lmqs Oqt:0u uo pwq aau 6 'X)
- noolc Nvn 010 03 I ul suo[elrpey{ srpsuq.a!.rw
(gf) iqsatqd 'C 0 eWlr pouoJJad ,ta$J! rapuon I &qspusltr usr$ ffil tulqlou s! cC s$ oltl 3qt J0s|Uaue pus ollaf J0ffiJ IoJ ua pql Jo uat N( aWJo ^usu oI{ $nl tuol ml uo suru uara pu?x0 ue ,-ruefuns Dnsld, J0${rus il pus tuos aou .r3llol8pu0rs au q ruolt?lwld r!uoJlcelg, 0I \ aqt .iq p0llorluor plroil 3 J0 sall!lsarcruouoroo!aos oql J0 uolldlJcsap e s rusll8pnal aaN, assJqdaql uroJ0l solrl ,ilatrJodsapollal alaqa ,uslFpnad aaN,,palluc IrsJt anbsa-xo&a^ aql 8r u?d oql Jo lseq aqJ 'olt aql u0 luatruror 0l ,ilt8cllrcodsu4lua s8u6 f,'au 04 ula (.golEt FleH lFJ,, pw ,prolpusl sounl ollel )rwlJ J0 arnunu oqJ ltJu^18,1a.1") E s! rlmu aq.! S,logNNOt oruC aql qtla d8ns uo speJn,{,Epuatal flq pulu q SuHq 1l samlml m qrrqa&nnqlEpJoaualods$q u0sr l? papJorar eq wql uecuoJIUnd r JoEu$lffi al$ ut lusl€quo) aJ0urJ?Jpus passldoJourJsJs! aH lusr &au s wrelo It?lr $lcotoilaf ,01flcrsnuFnrl.usr0c a{L s4ouroJdll 8alclod alslmtunoqaql pw Olitr\ aqt qltA arnsaldslprlaql sildxa ^aql qclqa ^q qr$a eql $ unlpou l?ql ffi plnoa Jrmu uaaq s&q? sequollgrlunmor Jowau ,i.auud mqa aldoadltqt tuolu woffi u alllses ur Esalord
iluql IBs uuJ spu?q llur-d lulxrr ^\(Jrl ur\o ltJlll IFI sr lvq'1 oq!"\ o t'lJunsrl)t lr)t.nrrlsuol illnJssn.))ils alrq riaqt l8rll sr iloul ()p I lrrl$ tnq $oul l.uop I quos arlt ur arri\ inrlt unrl$.{'lJugltltt
N0ut pur xJo'IJyriuv'lv.{ultg8,\wutsJ(J
tol I 0l paualsrlflun8 sdrlt J0sJdllloutallt Jq.{rl{ 'saqxs alvl aql Jo lilo llltrr.rls sr t?tll ulapilrlils(l JrpolaullpuorlddJxr l)ur iIun,t iddrJl u lllra ,idqlpur l)[] turllu) s,puldsr tprltroj ll asnJur pua aol 'Eurlllsra,1rJinrl'l.){?},{Jtl.LnJorpur.rii l lli JuUapnr J o s e l l r l l q J s s opdu ? s a u r p u n 0 . 0 q rduat'F s,OVlCgHJ Uod Jsgil 0N ur ddls]$!l aql sr 'areds JO pug ar|I, lrqul u?JudurvJra(l s,ryoHuOUuo lnqap0J lallt rlrur Euruoe?rnq puut rauots Jrlapall){sd1o srrlwur esaurdtl saql ourapEuliu uRlq ihnll Josla0llilll u0 t0ll
0 3 a r e d sl o p u f a q 1 0V30 lHl UOI lS:lU 0N
ued?r 0tz0-tzt pa!q0 elonzrqs'eJeql cfquql PIoill-z8r'sprorau
(d)) iiilducldSurlrrUdrltur)spu?rl)sn(lnql t Jlrs.uroio0 plrnop Jo auo snll la8 put J1)A?.J SurIrnJlnoqlra s8uosltart Jlua ol r\0\ srlul llns lnqlo $$a JlaqliBl(l utJ sint osdqJ rlsuql JH pa8JrrlJoqJnl Jlurpr u0 (lr)lspue sJtuuq.) aull s izJC sttll tllta srr)l ll r)spuv Bulalull a q t u u o t s , l l s o u l \ J n J s t J l n s n 0 . \{ ) p , \ J l l l uaqd tnq 'spJolariuru nstdl0rt,u0l),{arlJ 'Jul pa,{o{saplrrll 96,ur aorls Jrrl v lt urdrlla6 tsg I JJulsJIltutJA\31\l.JJlNP udJ,lr.1.1;llur\ \',n.{
. . / - M S t A3 3 t N
a&U 0ueg F2ill 4t|ffmdmSggZs0!etd sptrrau
(uf) ipro)ilJo pur\.it{ ,qir,nFlrz.rgJ0 uorsl psardap'1np ilour u olurSrft{ip pw s.)do} \s-rl8ug {und aldturslsd Surpu?d\,r,(lluuotsa.r.n) {,r' 'ur \,ui pw sJnEnUodrlloqur prtlr',s,,Jrl aql u0{spwq lund uu[rofl Jo.iru[ ut lrp l).)gS 0H,l0 vus.IoJ ovuod 30 soltl Josur)lpunrur IWa aql iq utropl)tvl Iun{l lt?tti Jr)u('tlppun0J a q t u o r J I c a e { u u s o d u t . r .l , t l l E u r t | d l . r r . \ n u ^q sta^alqSrqle,i8Jnudilll sdrJl tl)tLla\Jsltv {und poq{l a?J BJllll lra,Jflur srlodoJl.u0l0td ms aql Jo slrls'lno illl xroJlpulrl aJu .)Ils?luuJ d : l - 1 ,l / s - V N V g U n 3 S O U f l S N g spo:aglqronabpnl 10810Yl{ urnqot r0 ue,u15 (4q) fqpoma8pnllru u,l :tlnsr] nql s^,rrorlll.^\ '''l!x_lu0l a8wPp[tl(lJ0 )ullrtllP lxrli r] tl]t$.ru(]
ffiry= ffi{r'i ffi fl*r
I J I - J o s h B a k e/r [ E B l - E r i c a B e c k/ [ J 8 l - J e b B r a n i n/ I C D ] - C h r i s D o d s/ e I R E I - R u d o t f E v e r/t sl D M l . D e n n i s M i t l e/ rl K P l - K e n P o t t u t i o/ nU R I - J e f fR o b i n s o/n [ G S I - G r a h a r i S t e i o h t h o/t mt e MWl-MaiWair
*ue ffie
ffiffi* alth0ughit is dellnitely wodh pointing out it is intelligent youth crew. The combinationworks much better than you might imagine...think HDLLNA'IIONwith slightly more of a gr0or€ and with the occasionalbreakdotrn. the lntemational thrashsceneis probablyhealthiernowthan it has ever been and P0INT 0F FEW are definitely poisd t0 makelheir mk in that scene.Another noteworthyaspectof this releaseis the high quality packaging. CoalitionRec0rdsseemst0 alwalsdo a superbjob andthis is top notch. (JB) CmlitionRoodl, Hugo00 Eroobtad 25.2510& l|sn llaag.lhelle0ubnrh
ThesePolish grinden have been at it for nine years and only now havethey linalb isued thelr fist vinyl release. The intro is super metal and has some unbelievablyannoyingeffectson the vocals,but once that hurdle i3 passed,it's full speedaheadon the Duropeangrindcore express. Barking dog vox, an unending maze of gultar no0dling,and maniacallyfat blast drumming. Includes a cowr of an AGATHOCLES tune. 'Ib sumit all up in aword: "Aarrrgghhh'.(CD) R#alPrm. llallcn 10119.41-201! Scnorirc. Poland
anthem. Remember the lirst time youheardthe f i r s t E N T 0 M B E Da l b u m ? T h i s l s a s i m i l a r experience... this could seriouslypass as an album 0f "Left Hand Path'outtakes. ROTIEN SOUNDeven has that same l6-megat0nguitar tone. The tunes are as memorableas they are brutal. They mix it up with different drum patterns and speeds. There's mosh parts, headbangparts, and stralght up blast parts. Theyve got the early Earachesounddown to a sciencs and it's actually refteshing to hear that approachagain.Hiotyrecommended.(CD) S.0.LRrcrds. hly
good. Superaggro& 0ver the top. Evil vocals, Iightning fast druro & guitr riffing, scaryefects. It all equalsa brutal listeningexperience that doesn'tcomeoff as generic 0r as f0rgettableas their c0ntempOraries.This band is what black metal shouldhaveturned into instead0f that cheesykeyboardshit like MORTIIS.No lyrics includedso I don't kn0w how serioustheseguys ile or howmuchthey'rejustdoinSschtick. Great tunesifyou cen lind ii though. Mine is on cruy, splattery blood-clotcoloredvinyl. (CD) Itli*sd td P0.8oxS35. l0l APAmsterdam. Hdland
RUID0- s/t 7'
More black metal inlluencedpolitical crust,this time comingfrom Minneapolis.High pitched, screamingover rapid fire cr0ssoverhardcore. Quiteepic soundingfor suchshort mngs,this takes a few iilluenc€s from their lst EP tom last year and addsa hugedos 0f evil inugery and metallic guitar parts (without g0ing totally overb0ard, thanKulh) while still retaining their lightninSfast thmh blit laie& these kids play this style at the highmt level. Excellentrecord. (JR) PaganPunkRec..21{1Lyndalo Aw S.,lf,nn.,Ml{55{ll5
Thls 7" is a nine songeruptionofwhirlwind thrash that aimsfor the thmat and goesfor the kill. Ihe vocalistdo€sla$ru calisthenicsashe scrcamsand screecheshis way throughwhat appearst0 be polticalv chargedlyrics (althoughwithout a llric sheet I can't t€ll you that for su€). the music is tenaciousand rips at breakneckspeedfrom beginning00endwith a dos€of noisethmwn in for good mea$r€ and distinction. It is r€ry in-yourface, not in a t€stosteroneyouth crnv kinda way, but ln a relentless$violent kinda way. It rcminds ne 0f the classicthruhing of FISHSIICIG in that rc8rrd. Evenwith nine songBthe record is short and dircct just the vry geat ttuash shouldbe. A rmord wo(lry ofyour hard emb€uledcash.(JB) Shlfrts.25 litrcoh An. Cobli.CA91931
Wwhhhhh00ooo0oo0o0aaaaaauaauaaaaaaaa! Okay,that's out. this record rocksl SCALPLOCK pummelstluough sOmefast songsthat makethe message clear. Intelligentexplmationsincluded. SIIANKplals Violent'l\ubo Rockas they call it, play meaning fat and mgry. Saxc$mdrips Otrthe btics. Againclearly explained. Both bandsare fromthe UK Stopreading, startlistening!(RE) Retibriion,ordardllilse. BngdsRD,0matlVa&an. Chslnsford. EsserCM3IEE U|{
- 7" PREHUMAN BLASPHEMY Mega beefy, crushing 'core from Southern Calilornia I'd heard a few comp tracks before & thoughtthes€gws were Olq but this f kich anus. They play pissed and powerful hardcore that makesme think mosttyof MAN IS fiE BASIA,RD and, at times, a bit like the early demo days0f GASPbeforethey strted ffiing waclq soundloops. For mffit of it, it's very much MITFish if you can imagine them with a few more blat pilts and a thick guitar in the mix instead0f a Gottahem morecuz this deshoys. (CD) l}aird ACmtqn,Japen
- TheExecutionCD RETALIATION If you like the reliability 0f non-stopgrinding machines like NASUM, then you'll love RETAIIAIIoN. this ofrort is a 22 truk howlinS whiflwind 0f blastcoreat its m03t intense. They combine the speed of 90's grind with the simpllcity of &andinavian haldcoreand comeout 0n 0opwith a winning combothat's gurani€ed to be worth your hard earnedcash. (CD) lHfudorRocoldrm. Bqlil.Hmtukb. Brcria l*t
- InnerStruggteMCD PREJUDICE Anotherhad hifting, bashand crxh hudcore band from Geievq Switzerland!Youwould think that lmple n'holirc in a counhythat hB not ben to mr in hundredsof yearswould havea hard time general,ing musicthat $unds m violentandhmtile. I guessnot. Ifyou like the complexand metallic lurdcoreofthe bmds onViciory PREIIIDICDis right upyou alky. It is a[ herc...the mniacal mals, the bli$eringguitarsmd the crushingrMhm sction. It eren hasthe technicxlvirtumity thal s0 nlarryof you derud. Awrysolid release.(JB) llmnibals iecods ,|206. 95Rtc0oRo.issilt 6snon, $ritsrlard
P R O N -Es / t 1 0 ' A new bandof which most membeBwere./il€in SIACK.That meansno weakshit on this pieceof vinyl. And it sure isn't. It's fst, angry,loud and aSSressive.Not all songsare hi?erspeed but it's all perfectlydone. The vocalsare not as highpitched as STACKhad and that makes it even more brutal. Somesongsin German,somein English.Ear blowingstum (RE) Flmenioleno. lugdlildras. 15.60165ihnnhcim. Gcrmfiy
- Cunt0f GodCD RUPTURE
ROT - Sociopathic Behaviour CD Brazil's top mincecoredemonsarc back and in a big my! 'Ihb 33 mng CD is the perfectoomple of why this band hasbeenhming headsdl owr the internationalundergound. It is packedfull of tntalh owr the top puhrrizing mayhem.ROI plqy a savageand nefariousstyle of grindcore that is stripped t0 the bone and as raw as roadkill. N0 frills, no embellishmentsand n0thing falcy on here. InsteadROTis relyingon bludgeoning brutality to maketheir point. AddinSto the elfectivenessof their delivery on 'Sociop8thlc Behaviour"is the pmduction. Like thelr pr€dou8 stufi it is wry pilmitive and basic but this tim€ aroundthere is gooddefinition betweenthe difrerent inshumentslendingthe CD a cladff thAy haw heretoforulacked. RgT arc not for the meek but if }ou hnw yourseua disciple of the exteme yru mqywant t0 track this onedom. (JB) f,hohricRoordr P0.0u 81 li{adi3m.|ll 53fl11
RUINACRE - LP lhis is a rcally damn impressiwdebut efort fton the FlagSafrFirr. Musicallythey createmonshous, chaotichardcore. Lots of high speedtenor but plenty 0f variety with chords, breaks & other chilg$ keep it inter€stin& Vocalsar€ screamed but multi-lalrred at tims givingdepth to what s manyother bmds deliwr ru on*direNional. the trns elonearc r€asonenoughto txackthis down, but the tNnS that immediat€Vgrabbedme about this releas€was the incrediblepackaging.The complexartwork and layout of the cover and the accompanying24 pagebookletreally enhancethe listeningexp€risnce.'lbp n0tch qualitywith no e$€m€ sparsd apparently. Another flawlessone ftomone ofnyfavorite labels.(CD) Sdn's Pimp, P0.Bu l3l1l, Rcno. llV095117
IVe alwaysthought that these guyskick ass and thls 12" doesnothingbut c0nllrm that mln&et. They don't do anything originel, 80 you would think I'd be boredbythem. But I'm not! Infact, they improvewith each release. This is their most mature efrort t0 date. ROIIEN SoIJNDhas a knack for penning,dare I say,"catchy"gind
Nothln6 new. Bad production. Seemslike RUPIIIREare loosingtheir edgemusicwise,N it ju$t doesn'tmeesureup t0 the earlier stuff. hrlcally, sure they're still pised at everyoneand everything,but don't you think that would wear ofi alter a while? Maybelf theyweren'tsopised abouteverythingthey'dwite better mNic...then aSalnthey may not evencare since that's what it seemslike this time around. "Lynchthe fags,'' their lfics say. What ihe hell is that? Maybe someoneshould lynch RUPTURD... but then aSainthat'sjustmyopinion...(DM) Rhtrric Rrodr. P0.8ox02.l,ladison. lYl53701
SELF INFLICTED - 7" Don'tknowanythingabouttheseSocalspeedstem other than one of 'em cme up at a show& gave this to me out of the bluea few monthsback. This foumme is all abouttorpedo-paced thrash along the lines 0f a less metrllic BENUMB. l2 tracks here md ewry single one of them is insanelyfast. Shouted,old-schoolt]?e vocalsand memorable, distorted riffs team up with weed-whacker, steamrollingdrums. Impressivetunes. Hope there'smoreon thewal (CD) 16161 llordhoft 51f465.llottt llitls.CA913(l
RUSSIAN SCHOOL OFBALLET- CD Filst 04 what a geat narnefor a hardcoreband. Thes€cab hail ftom Bradl and dp thru l5 raw and fast attilks that rem.indme of a cmssbreedof cml 80'sthrash and fall-on-tho-noorEbullitlon style HC. Basic but cetahytunes with agonizedwals. Tte r€cordingis mugh, but I think it compliments the subtertaneanfeel of this releaserather thil detrrcting from it. PackaSing is done by hand, D.I.Y.cut & pasiesfle. ;Muybien! (CD) - Pr- Eradt 80011-970. CXMl1860, CEP Cwitiba SANGRML - Wotves 0f Armageddon LP Don't kn0wmuchaboutthls but I waslmmediately intrigued when this arriwd in my mallbox. The backcoverof this album ha a p€ntaSramprinted in actualblood. Itb a.limitededitionof48 copis. Mrybethe guypassedout after doing,E of'en Ha ha... who know? In any cue, this album is full of satanic metal-grindthat's actually really damn
SENSELESS APOCALYPSE Sensetess Stereotyped ldea CD This blistedngJapanesecombohas beenaround forerer but it ha taken theln until now t0 linally releasea full length album. I thought it would neverhappen,but now that it has,the wait ws well worth it. lf you're at all familir with S.A you knowtheir earlier materialconsisted0f many short & sweetA.C.-ishstyle blsts. over the yea$ theyle finely honedthetustyleof actuallywiting solid,thrNhcore anthems. Erch 0f the 25 songs here havedistinct hooksand speedalong like a starvedgeyhoundchasingthe ChuckWh8on.The
ut?luocol Ah r lstll run prruraqJ pu? ftolcnu oJau wql tpeap alou qJnu 6 sl l! lsql sr tl4h ,{po aqJ uotlonlsapwu Jo uodzaav s clsnu s,ogBUnCNI) srB EursnJoIIlqrssod aqt EulJoldxa pF0aaqlrilo ll€Euauura o0 A€punsu0 qcJnqJ ul suu&{qEuFulssarp?lplo alT[ alr! punossJaad llaqt Jo lsou so)FU ttrql ^lrJoJsJpslpuqun uv snldroJ pouq $ alorpl?q qspa^\sssDl)rql alll sq l?ql qsqt x0 18npaads ^aqJ iSura0lqpuru ,{lalnlosq8ils 0SSU0CN0 qEnouatueuqsrund st turzue srql Eurqlau0sJo JlasduSuhudap u a a qa ^ s q I l s q t a 8 p e t a o u la q l r l l r a i l r l 0 l 'lla tunrq " lou aq,{ttu \ ilotls pw tno usl$ Jq ol lq3n0I z,$?dslll u! pwq srtll pasu I o.\urlaoH 03 q6rH.lauueg aql sdaaY GgUnCNn t8?0ell u0l4 sr08't# 8^Y9l ml 009t'^aqo (Uf) asalerlalto poot rorllouv ^.pluauruoc lulssardap'uappuluoopJo ol,{tspJ!1.{ltulJsueur 0 1 o J n s ? a lt0 s r \ l J l a q ls a J u ? q u p aut l[ { o o l alzu sarardrolo) Jtwd pu? ln) alrl-yldolstro pal,{ls Jtulo) lualld)xg lllra panu l(x{l lro,trlle .'tulJJrp J a ) r l - l ? l J r u! r t s s n l 8 t u ? r o u J a t s r J {luo sopnlJdlur olur SurWaJq,{llauors)Jo l?lJul pw saunssq turqsruJaols Joslol lJtlp lsnr) lmqfr sau aW Eulopspll sroJpJtll lsdsprl^l 0s ro oEcna,{ pmE I lno a[?) pJoJaJslll a^arl?qI 03 saurqren 3ql rol uap3 UV - U3IdVHJ OUIHI AIN3Ml ued€f'[e!!-0tto{1olorQung o6uog '9-SZ-Z0ng 'suopnpord soe|t3ppot UOnns[ 90?f (gg) iil?lau uo lvl,)r\iio, srrtuuqp?arl oD slll Etp ll,no,{'leloullls?Jllluruuai) s,ottolur Iltls ro rla 03t\lnHx3 uoJvJl,lYxso d{rl spu?q o l u r a r , n o , { J I ( i o J i ) ) p r r l lu p u u a Os , t ) 1r1l l r a dn tr xrx l,uop',tnrl)Jnll uar)lJAo0-O\UAdNl drursaftalar lsn(l nrlJ lotal?J pnol puv lstJ 'lroqs aql ur lU IItJJFJ(l.{irq1ararlarl1 uoour dql ul sputq rrilJl,rPrlop,rnsrl.iP.$? sa('lrl.ilts",, ll)rrlaqslqtBurd(lu,{llvt([ Ilrsuilur JollnJpus paadsq40u tlul ,4a'p61trj11gJSS0'141000S e l r l s p o Eu ? u r r o 0 l s i r r \ s{ , 0 SI q p e J t r o n l J u r ^lusaq sr qilqfi ltlru lls?Jlll loorlcspl0 l?ld puuurduf ur spur(lpleur llsJql SuruunJ lsa8uol aql Jo auoaJ,IdqI dn lr pdlrrd I os alourardsilp '66,ur plnoqs,iaql Inq lno asaliu sau B lou s^,11 03 urs leurall lo
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t/s - U3SgOls 03 Aqderoorsro-ruJaS 01iln8n (}il
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sraqloolun o0 - vlvnglls
(d)l) plo)el)t0uV s8urxJqsrrqteUlppue sEuos3^rd lqEn?lsuorlsrqt s alnb InOllaq pu? 0q0r uo.q lpq NYII0ftc Hcvus 0HJ N0 rcnJ dqtJotolV aJualohJdaod Joru pJpurud.)rsnru palpr uqJo at,Iarlla:nsu,1 pmE&1ad s crmp 'usrxasuo slc8ll? aJB lsou s? tutl)odxa wa I lrqd qJtBU 1,uopscu.t1Jtaql sr EurqlaSuurls 'lsroa aql Euuradxasa I silqd€.d lJrEdn-utd asn,{alll pue 0NU0d ,{XSSUgdns susau a S S
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o u a P 0 0 0 2- y v ' l z l s u?dq[100-t9loapl 'ousleil'0qr-|o[8] 'il-06r0fl 'Fpl z-t0-z 10t 9ll (0C)ia|?pot}|ogayS tsaq oql rq dqs,lr'll?ra O affielarVNvNVS-,ngn s uolcodrcp,l tul{leuoSaM $1001qo(]-,tsld Euol ,$loo{an Jopunour ul lcnls susaq,(llef scrqdB$ Je^oCJo lutrll uucI pwq alqsJ?duoc , { u uu r p a q c l t s u usn! ! { r l l t C p u s n q u u r 1 4 slsrl?JouasalaqJJO apsrtaFual / 3pu prqrl
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ib derastatingpower hasyet t0 be discowred. lt ig only April but this is esily the frontrunner for albumof the year. Hell, it is only 2000but albun of the millennlum is a wry real posibill$ Youttry think I am overstatingmy cas€,but that is only becaus€you heven'theardthis yetl (JB) Sulrd hltniil. P0.8ox1ru2 Covhghn.l$ 1l0U
UNDERPRIVILEGEO NATION ... ForWeAre Manyl2' 0ne-sided12",etcheddquotes from th€ Blble popularizedby WiUiam Peter Blatt}r's'Legion' (that later becamethe excellentmvie 'Exorcist lll'). 'Y0umaycall us l€gion,for s€ are mdry." I wish I could rwifl the movie or the book, 'cause b0th are gr€at. This record, however,is not that grcat. In fact it's mid b slw-tempo screamowith an added b0nusof sungf€male vocals. I could comp$e it t0 bandson HydraHead,but that might orcrstate ib heavin6s (and its productlon,and...). I Justwish all the goodpop-cultureconcepts muldn't get revisit€d unlessth€y were going!0 at leastcomeclos to the original idea in quali$... (J) llcd Alin Rrods. P0.8ox97.Cr5mt U 07O6
U N H O L YG R A V E/ C A P I T A L I S T - sptit 7" CASUALTIES Whatan unstoppable combo,eh? Tlie copyI got is a test presing with blank labelsso it took me a while to figureout tllat one side is at,l5 end the Otheris at 33. CAPITALIST CASUATTIES are the mr-torn throh reterms.ftom NorthernCali who n€ed no iniroduction. After l3 odd years of crankingout high qualityspeedcore, theyshowno signs0f letting up for evena second.0n this latest effort, C.C. continuesto lly the fstcore bannerin their ininlitable style. Three blastinS sngs with enoughbrics to rivel ewn the shortest chapterof"We & Peace'.Theyle kept the speed & urgencyin their musicbut theh tunesofrecent yearshavea more "punk" feel to them...and that's nOt a ptoblem at all. They do it well. UNHoLYGRAVErips thru five raging gravelvoicedpunk / grind mini-epics. Catchier than mostothers0f the genre,U.G.keepsit fierce and still managesnot 0o sound like they came out 0f the samecookiecutter thrt most grinden mold themselru from. An excellenti€m-up ftom two 0f the tin$t the saenehast0 o[er. (CD) lhClmsica. 13SdrtOtud Rd, 0l$r$ P 17019
i- r r Iv r rr r:r na rft I r r
ir 4 4I I
'olrF,-srneDE.p" ( )999) V I L E N T L YI L L - O n e - s i d e dE . P .7 '
This guy Andrew has been doing his one-man thrash holocans VILENTI,YILL for so nwry ]€ar8 nw I can't ewn rcmemberwhen he darted. OIer all of thh time heb still lo€pin8 V.l. at its root* lMnS mm recoding a le S0I[ER, no mngr orer a ndnute,piss€dof scr€arningowr fed guiter and a dlum ruchine, superlimited prcsslngrof rehases, This one ls a limited pr€ssof 300 copiesand featuresfour iunss that boil downthe basicsof what hedcor€ i8 dl about.. 'l Dont Fit In", "Piss 0n YourAuthoritf, ek. Ilel an old $ry with young. athead ethics and at this rale he's pmbabv stil gonnabe doingslo thruh mng!'til he's00. (CD) |(nd itrsic. P0.Bor5111. Sorfi lhvri. till lt0t0-0501 VIOLENT HEADACHE - Bombs of Crust/False Term inat CD VI0LENT HEADACI|Eshould have called this album "CLUSIERBombeof Crust"becausecluster bombsthmw their dstructiw materielall owr the place and so do€sthis albun. Tlrcrc b no vry i0 pin down the 7l tracks 0n thir album by llttlng them wlth a neat little 8erustag; Muchof tho tLrE it b obviouslyI crust (DISnUPTmeetsMoRAL SUCKUNG)album with dual vocals;a screeching fenale on€ and a low growling male one. other times it reens to be pure thrash golng no holds ba[ed. Tten just whell you thint ]ou!e got them peggedthey pull out an alnrostgrindcorc sund. 'Iten mme blmore is addedin for gmd meum. Hell, therc re eron bits ofd€eth metal her€! Not to mnuon the tun€ with horns and aheacoustic diry. Tte onb con$antis that eachhne i8 int€ns€ and rough deliveredwith a cutthro8i abendotr. Some0f the dir€lrig but W no mearu aU of ltr is due to the fact this CD is ,ctualv a collecti0n of 'llach two differont rccording& l-19 haw the dual vocals and are much more crusty. Ttacks 20-71 heve just male vocals and are far more grlnd/noiserblu munding; I don't cat€ which nry pu lean, f youlike e,:Gen€musictherc is golngi0 b€ somethlngright up you aueyon this CD. (JB) $r l{roks. 35 LincohAn. Clhli. C 94nl
- s/t 7' S0CIETY VIOLENT Ttis ?" isn't exacttynew but l.lNt got it and it is so damn smazingthet I would honestlybe doing all you readersa disseMce by not bringing it to t0ur atl€ntlon! lf you haw mr daed to coroider yourselfa fan of punk and hadcor€ then this lil' slab o'vinyl is goingt0 be a gods€nd.VI0LENI S0CIEIY can't redly be definedW appMngaw of herdcore'smultiple genre tegs but that doesnrt mean that they aren't unleashinga muslcrl lirestorm of rage. Their sound is totslly classic. Imaginetaking the pure adrenaline0f the lllst g€n€rationof hardcorebandsand combinlnglt wlth the powerhousedelivery of today's most raglng ads ild you hare what amouils to a rn€r€ hint of the poweron tap tom VIoLENI SoClEff. Ttis 7" is a mNt. Get it. Get it nffi. (JB) Cnrg fucadr. Srib.220.252 |h Ed l{rldStt|t Or.rbr. P ltill
- B o o k b u r n e r7 ' VOORHEES All right,I newsixsongEPbyoneof the UK's mostprominont thrashers. Thisis noletdown. but Mqybenotasftanticn thelreerllerreleases, solid. StraiSntupHC,nofllleqnobullshit.Jud abrasiwHCwith meattasfuckwcals. Iiveseen thomlivethreetirnesb€foroandnotoncedidthey mll ontheflmr. Irng liw Eeditionel HC!(le) Ill0 Rrc&. P0.Bor 10(1.ltnnqdis, li{}l55110 / DB/O|D0F FAFH- split LP VOORHEES I gum a revkwof thlsis pr€ttypolntless asrnost p€oplersadlngwil plckthisupregardless ofwtal I say. Baslcally tso realgoodsolldHCbande wholeb€onaround forewrknockoutnbre0fthe quelitymusicthoy'reknosnfor andneither In erywry. DWoID0F nA,l,IIldowhat disappoint theydob€standbm out0na greatpiee ofvirvl. Sadh seethemgoe8p€cialh astheynewrplryed owr herein the UK,butyougetthisasa good reminderI don'tthinkthey8otther€Epect they
des€rvedto be honest. I guessnow that th€Vve split tt'll b€ 0K t0 like them mor€. 0h, and the BASXABD colrr is s line m0ve.VoOBHEESon the nip knock it up a geil ftom the "13' LP and go for I mor€ straiSht fomard thrash appmach and it wo*s. Blows the LP lnto the water. Still think the productioncould b€ belter though. 'Ihey loose someof the powerI know they havelocked up. The SUICIDALTENDENCIES cowr is classand abouttime someonedid it. The whole thing is wrappodup in a simplobut elfectire sleeveand the vlryl is white for thosewhocue. (GS) Gbm Rrods. P0.0c l{253.Albary,llY 12212
crust/thrasi lr full thmttled ftom strrt t0 tlnlsh, with barcU e momenti0 catchyour br€ath botwe€n songr. The lirics are almGt as rage fllled a the mBic with Y taking shotsai everythingAom Nauis to copBto abu3hEhusbandsto tabloid nffipaper& Tlle onv dmlde to th€ r€leaseis that lt look me a coupleof timee thmuSh to core !0 grips with th€ rocalson the mor€recentnut€rial. Ttev arc burled in th€ mix and one-dimensionaleven by thrash standatds,which undercuts$omeofthe diversib in the mngs,maqyofwhich hare a wry stsonggroove budedin the rna€lshomoI sound. (JB)
SoudPolldim. U?ra&ringbrfi 1101,
WHATHAPPENS NEXT? BrutifulFearing6' 0kry,okqy fnt things llrst...I onbhawacouple of other 6"en in my colltrtion s thh wins instant rccord colloctor dort bonuspoints ftom me. That said...I harc hsardso muchaboutthis bendthat I was nrorc thrn a llttle eageri0 nnally hear their music. I haveto admit h being rather surpris€d end pleassnw so. As pmgenitorsol the ton8uein cheek "bandsnathrash" mmm€nt lllH.N.? were taggedasa thmw backio the skatocore/metal-core soundofthe 1980's.As a r€sult I oe€cted a band that srs more 0f a nowlw than.allything else...a bandthat madea conc€rtedetrort t0 soundlike $mething ftom the pal lmt€ad this r€cordshoffi a band that, although influenced by the afor€mention€dscene,without qu$tion interprets that inlluenceby llliedng it thmugi the n*thrmh soundsof th€ more violent end ferocious90'i mund. 'lhis isn't red$ a thmrtack soundat all. It is simply a dneront navor 0f quasi-thrashthat incorporatesdissimilarvibesthan most of their coniemporaris. 'lteir mund i8 simpler and rnor€ dir€ct than the norm. It utiliz€s conwntions like discernibleleadvocals,moshablegultar bridges fld 8ary wcab duringthe chorus. But I r€sent,as do the bandI'm su€, arv implicationthat because this vlbe is not what is cunenth popularthat it is somehw lx vdld or entertainingthar the more mognlzable powerviolenceof today. ${H.N.?are dellnitev oneof thm bandsthat ar€ ln it for fun so crankthis up rnd haD frm with it Duh!(JB) Sh lllh. ?5 Linoln Aw. Cohli.CA91931
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YACOPSAE / BIZARRE X - sptit7' Be warned: A split record by two Germangind bands. Don't lisien 00thiswhen havingpmblems with your hesrL Both bands brutally grind their way through, of couBe, lots of songsat insane speed. Ibo bad the production ofthe BIZ{RRE X side is bad compued to the lupslde. Both bands defnltely do a Soodjob but YACoPSAEs sids is so well pmducedthat it's alnost unbeatrble.Ifyou dig the Sind, 8fue'em both the opportunity. (nE) Vutglr,do Silb Prids, KPduhkctl. 112625 Bartrn, 0nmly
WILBUR COBB- TheNightof...7' Althor4h candidat$ for the worstbandnamo0f the par, MLBUR C0BBare nonetheless oneabsolute$ ripping herdcorcband. I acquiredthis record becauseone of their fans sent it t0 me (thanks Rudou). It is a rcry 8oodsiSnwhen a band'shns arc so dedicatedthey spend their owtt money to helpryr€adthe wold. I hadnelar heard0f MLBUB COBBand initialv had absolurelyno ideawhrt t0 oq€ct bot it onv took about l0 mond8 beforelrv mindwrs blmn. WILBURCoBBunleashalouthtul end [y!or thrash in the wln of ULCEn or mete srcn HELLI,IAIoN. MBnybmds who Ey and plqy this fast s€€n to losegraspoftheir soundand l€t it rpiral o{rt of mntrol. WILBIJBC,OBB, on the other hand, nunrge i0 be wry tight and focused. They mry be cheotic,but it is a controlledchaos (orymoronanyone?).Their lyrics are reelly lmg€ssiw as$€ll. Itey takea wry crltical atd, in my oplnlon,very accuraielook at the hardcore sceneandtalc it io task. Ttey challengea lot of the ldiocy and mindlesness in the scenethat far t00 often mlrrors the very society it claims t0 be rejtrtin& lbry gmd st|findeed. (JB) llwa Rrcodingror Scmr Polio Rrccds
Y - Pseudo Youth...Human Cesspool CD If you haw beena fm of Y in ths pmt, you will pmbabf dtetfi be familiar with the mterlal on this CD which i8 a collectionof their previously nleas€dvW outsut. lt includ* th€h ?', the 'Ali Bomaye"LB the split 7" with DISCRIPTand a coupleof unreleued tracks as well. If you are amongthe rillc 0f the uninltlated(like I wx) then 8et prepared t0 sit back and be thrashed and bashedand smashed.Y does00the humenbrain what a tornadod0esto I trailer park. Their
YAWPI- ProgressionCD Dldn't knN what t0 think of this by looking at the cover. Honestv, I was eptrting that it muld be lam€. TtanKully I'm totrlvwn& Ttis CD kicks ass! Thesegws play hadcore thrash that's mid. tempo 1980bBtyle. ltey rrite lncrediblycatchy ritrs & sing along parts without d€lving into the borin8, melodic, pop punk trep that most newer bandsfdl Into. The mcals are shouted,the guitars are loud, and the drums gallop alongforcefully. The only band I can think of as a comparison would be somoonelike TflE NEICHB0RSwho are exc€llent in their own ri8ht, by the wav. I'm not cmry about slowertunes like 'Pl4'8round" that try to evokesomeemotlon (md fa[), but th€ mqiodty of thir is stralght fonrard and eqlotable enoughto reconmendthis one. (CD) lhnproo Rrcadr, liliddrnrrg 13.1098AAAndrdm. lhdrrLnds
Y E L L o W M A C H I N E c U N- s p o t RemoverCD I can't tell y0u how great it is that this phenonenal CD is avallable in the States. YELLOWMACHINEGUNarc a trio of unimposing
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{wuJ.9'uasneq$q0 aql Jo qrunq t tot lllls s,allrurlCaol^al ioJ u! eqrslno/. 'llsnerel tus loEllus !t lnq o8t w0liloJ tno au[) dtxlsltlI 1999j5 4eldpue;q1'.l.Ian (gU){Hplnoqs - V/A 0 JS tauo&ilaJoJEulqtaums ..9aOeuords3 olpnV ')tNvHs'gsorvn0c'arYJIuul'uvrluoJllv '0ss0o'I'lvc'socNtt{ylJ
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'szln0 'o3uapno{ l}il }Y qse{ It)610lu (0J) wadluecilulsaJtPWFUAmN uaaqql8qaJouoqmll0c J4sa.6aqlul Euluad&q 1mg slcegaoJqdedlatnduol aql qlh pJeoqJilo ,qtqErlsaq,teuqtnoqtF otlu s lnodelpslul plot I Jillls aq,J,Sltts NnS3HJ SVJ0dlqsoa gldul {c?lq aq1pus SsNgJso 1t^tf, Ju lls?.lqlpdsld a$'S&tg ilt Nl s,08/itpnba3ql JSVdgUgHrt0N '1110010 l0 stull^ts aalc qtno,{dn lqElBrls etll '0A0NV1 uo.{l auo Nyl.{ 0.t0 Jo {ctll8 oSE? Oql
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oF$sw Instead of krllrng S o h e r e ' s t h e n e w h o m e f o r m y z i n e M O S HO F A S S , rt r two and half it 7ears, I decided lhe Les-t thrno to do was to include as a feature cf SHORT, FAST & LOUD. Lately, aLl my other projects have consumed m.rre and nore of my trme, so 1 debated whether to just qurt MoA rha LIS confrrmed tha: peolJle actuall:, Bul lhe ttpes k e e p c o m i n g i n , a n d t h e r e c e n t W H A T H A P P E N SN E X T t o u r . , f entireli'. lead the damn thin9. At every new denc in the next issle. show, krds asked when the new issue was coming out, o! 1f they could get tlreir I took rt fcr granted that bands and fans t-o MOA. appreciated and lcoked fcrward So think of this as a complomise; on one hand, by being included in another naqazine, I don't have t.r do 1r.0X of the work (MCAwas given out for write f!ee, so it was no! only time consuming, but cash consuming as well), On the other hand, I can still up denos an(l qet the word out on t-he new international bands. on the issues So keep your eyes peeled of SHORT, FAST 6 LOUD for new l{OA reports and more importantl), keep those demos and tapes practice coning in via my address. The one and only difference is that I will a tiny blt of qual-ity control now (.lue tr) soace limitations) so don,t send in complete crap noise, and never ever send in sexist, homophobic shit-. Ok, tiII next time, see ya in the pitl Send future
MOA tape
- d@ BETDACn! ttnnlBr.E know already tlost of you probabl! Headache Terrible of the mighti awesome EP on by now from their llurred Records. Thls taPe is a iot slower than what I remember nore of the it's tbe EP being'-
DusLesL what,s
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FIEL COOD CDNOCIDE - LISIEN YOUR OllN RlgX d6o Thi.s rs a crazed one man band. Itrs really welI done fo! that. A good mix of psycho rioise, hard o!e, lazzy si,^t, I tlae d tr.ix of t he Crucl fucks di..i .ltarL Rdvrr.g Mad. The re^ordin,3 Is home-studro, so it' s rough, l,ut dudible. E, .Sdskatoon/ Ma).ca)n, 4)) l0th.'lr 5X, J-N 0a9, !-af)ada V/A - COLLECTIVE EFFORI VOL.I1 This tape revives tfre great art of a 'rrnp tape. AII these bands are rippinJ,lapanese lh!ash, moslly reior.leC cn 4-Lraak, anC aI L of which rule I Bands include one River, SIut Judge, Array of Hope, PFEE, and Sonic StamP, Guzzle,
, 1 , , - ' \l u- X}
rh,? is r.all\
DUDI{AII 9le.l1, been
::::^::'l:";;-"-'i. This was !ereaser oi.""t.att' .^ wri!e filst ' 'S-c"n,J .f qu 'nt t ' P 'A )121 Australla vrc,
-- ., pt .hr.ilj Box r ) 1
zl - -Y Rrzrac . h-c. aui.s you miqht !enemb4r imi in- 'F.'" '. L' . ; iha! r intervrew rn
t ! om p."i
them, nore
rrrEJ q'--
:::' ,;i:"';;;'; i '' i:l'::,,'"^o:""',. as
:::"*':;";';;"':::"' l::":'..::|., " iill
46' 44120 ?lt';,", R' Boskovica
GROADIES - tape JOHNNY X These dudes have been around for awhrle, and p1a7 some crazed fucking harrlcore. Ijon't let the name deceive, brutal thrash an,l on the 1t's !ealIy !irite eml And ask ve!ge of grindcore. song "Kent CD as weLMherr for thei! M.iCIard Can Suck M7 Ass" is classic. Pcrtlan<l' .lohnn) ):,1426 SE D1vtslon, '98 HANDS ttELD OUT - d4o Harlcore that has a mix ct youth r!ew wiih sone punk,/hardcore elements as welL Good for a demo, and I t-hrnk shit down for therr ha./e thel! theT'Il Recor.led in '9! so sophomore release. 'em. 1 don't know what's neH wlth Braden Govani, P,O. Bax 5583,
.,]u?l'.:;::: f a s f . r a p a n e "s n e u . t' h rash. It,s
aR 912A2
..i'o'" -:l:.' !',lli' ?, l,::"1^",1'"1'
l.lOA reader rn
so busyt rhis ra!,e r"
t'?' llil.lii'ii', ^".' Iu".'n.,no'o'u o""""io'1;'ii1,,
^ , , \ , c
bands, new,
- d@ l2-cAo6! flell, thts is a se]f-made CD demo in llopes of getting a lecold con!ract. The musi.c is stoner rock, whlch I can't stand. Everyone ta.l.ked up bands llke Hrgh cn Fire, then I saw them and the.r/ sucke.l ass. Fuck ltoner rock. Dan, 2tt06 ureerddle Dr., :hanpai,ln, IL 61821 |lIfD
t55;p-032, Japan
bastaad! ), so watch for i!. Rirchr, lAi Asahi.-so, 2-48-1, Darzawa, Setagaya-Ku, Takyc.
ea!1ie! rapes, vnicir r al6lF-iG see
from Tokio, taking early B0's Boston and mixrng il with BMX. j.s the shit, Seri.cus. this and from what I heard, this is going
This is a four "trand" noise taPe, feedback Dinly of el.ectronic/ Aural Bands are: @ise proiects. Zonbie Dead, lolute Mechanis,
1 l 3A
'99 d6o
these I
t ^
and r^^l I r,
oC ^t.
'''.--.. -.. )o ,.,therr split EP wrth Galvanrzed Head, !ou -anr! mrss thrs. I"s <|np, -h1.ri..1 F-Ft.e' I^.hrash
v/r- l-rAY xotsE cor'rp
ot 'en
i n:l
Cn nU -
0015, Japan
30 trrte
Y^i ^raci
Scandinavian thrash Persuasion grtnd, but folward than stralqht it's just as enjoYable. l,lrite'em a v a i l a b l e ' to see i.f 1!'s stiIl 1-9-j9 tusuke Adachj, shinizugaoka, Fuchu, Takra 183-
. II,TPACT !A.PE T3 A docunentation of an awesome show that happened in yokohama in I999, .heck ihese bands ouE: unkrn.l, Real Reqgae, Brdinea!e!s, Trappeci, ?he Little Bastards, Eramticl, Flame, Smash your [-ace, Truth of Arise and couka. sone trve tracks, sone stuciio, atl awesome. But qet thrs, .1ou nad co oe !he!e to qet ttj i clon,r, thrnk rt's d.,'dilable th!ouqh the mar1. ELaOn DEEP - d@ I'v-o seen chese dudes name around fcr arhile (srnce it,s a side band of Arns Reach), so ftnally here's the product . It's onty a rehearsal
, tA 23220
Kutlna, crgitia
on thjs LrJ"ot.r" thrs ti-"i,-tn-"tt
than originars' rs PretL/ lood
ccvers bY crossed
etc' rc 0!t, CoP Out, Flnqwotm' tn"1-t:gru" You u feel o! whete I h.alo LheY wenL ln i*rng rto.. wl rcn r w-ulr i t r e. i u a t o r e i e n ! l i ln Lhe meanLrme' Itk" to cnect crt check tnls. to","n i.i,, 2303, A,str3lia
TtE Prss nrgt rRtsrE / x)olr At{D Itrgrs - .Pljc r'P' rnelr amazed me with Valse Trtsle Iength of last-Year' flrst full The first *lch tnis a dub of'
but bY the i a cows cover, they kick lnto tracks, and third some crazed Finnish Punk-thrash with insane vocals. one of the on17 rt's sounds like bancis that really aII over again. AdoIf Firrland'81 is from the US and PIaY low-fi but the garage punk. Good as well, VT stuff destroys aI]. Tonchev, Stata Aot) c/o lvajlo l6-Gtaqora 6010, KV "KazansI:i" 115, B0lqa|ia gPlit tAPâ&#x201A;Ź FIAI,IE / BRAINEATERS. Flane is Japan's best kept they pIaY great thrash secret... with tons of good crunchy hooks and fast beats. 1 think they are there best Live, the records don't This is llve sets do 'em justice.
from both and though the recordings are rough, _it ' s strlL good. Brain Eaters are awesome as welL, their recen! EP destrc!.ed ne. No address. - dco llTUS lttERS Brulal psychc-qrindcore f!om socaI. Thej/ ha\'e sone funni thtngs going on throughout the music, buL rt's alI prettr. damn brutal. The samples a!e funny as shit, the approach j,s as weII, bur it. s still reaII!'weI1 played grrnclcore. F.E., P,O. Box 6488, Burbank, CA 91519-6488
band. r-hrs i
tRat{D rsRAstt d6o
sweat !o
" dc
hyPer-speed_thrash core 1s uncontroliai,le Kenll fron Razors Edge on from osaka featurin:l tctal early 80's uu., thrs is brrlliant' ,o."f". Get thrs beEter lhan arrithlng I'ae heardl thrash, escc:r- i't! cut of the scenel persooaliy or I wlII Aono, 7-1 1-2A UeIloshlba' Sakar-c'r!y' Iadahlko Csala 59,?-8J0-l .'apa,
- ttP. PlGEoNs wlEAR a side band ot I guess I can say that rt's well, on snlE' lrke flies Benunb and you'11 be on thrs grindco!e' but let me say, lhese guys are brutal (what from what tsenunb sounds ti'ke very drfferent own to say is these guys stand on thelr I'm tryinq rncludes) ' This is a Iive on tnut member it le"pit" the ladi,o show, plus three extras' :T :,t"t; ".:-:httk cA 94A30 Mil)'brae' tziz s.leepy Ho.l]of, Ln" tti,
1 l
{ t ?
) t l
. (oI) AIeiI xfno '68 'pnournoJ, ewoS etA 99001 oJ7el4 o/J fuotznpofd isez 'TaqeI 6Tql uorJ sduoJ o:ocpurl6 IPlnfq arou ioJ 1no qJfeM 'auosaae sf,alcnspooTg are s{cerl ssallcto aqJ '(Prua^oTs) IJErI ' (puPlod) pue , sedlsal { u e d e c ) ro:raJ, ssoJoid ' {unr6I3g) :spueq rnoJ sralrnspooTS adet asrou/puI:6/aJoalsPI qlr6
t C 1 s o
Teuolleufalu! ,ilarrD6 loor
uv Y/A
'a^oqe 'H+J)v a a s ',{lrIenb Jo peq oof f, uare slas 'ITae 'lno fr IUC aql lJaqJ IIIPaT sl:oa ^TTentoe adet srqf pue 'auosaae 3fP 6pueq
'sfes aAtr Iud (88-286I) pTo euos qlrM lrlds pueq sfoctsPJ uPureg s,06 v :no^ roJ auo prras e s,araq ffoN - IUq ,/ fSdOJV adil tTfdr 'a^oqe aes 'N+JJV 'srofsaTT03 loJ Iertuass3 'p]eaq aq of papualur seA 1r IeA aql ur sf,rssel, fno lnd ot Aoq sAou{ uoiJ H + I t v l lro 'qserql-plo suosahe s,tt -(cJ PUP uudp dq< sr srqJ uo fr aas of p,od sPff ltlc IuTqt I lea aqt Iq qJrqal iq llnts auos pasealaf fsnI osTe vJ5 teql pueq qselqf ueuf,a9 plo aqt s! sIqI - Ot{U3.rNr E {EN3C\fH-IJ,N\'
'uapsezq ,luewtag '6tZ 0tZ xog .O.d
77li .N+JJv
:uolJ qoI eurJ raqfouv .reqlTe pPq tou s. Ifrlpnb aqt pue /adpt pooS 'dg ?6uag satord ^repua6aI Aou aqt /etrJoApJ Ipuosred Iu 6p sp ,d3 ra^oqv T T a A uoiJ qtPao., ptPrsro aq. foD osTp s,tJ .adpt ,,Irpttv aiocprpHr.qt pup rt86 uoiJ) d.l 6altooq a.rt1 aql '_o u a p a q t sepnlcur edpt srqJ _ r' Eogr .ssarppe
.{lrlelnrq Pue ta6 f,uoo qlra lTrls TeuorlddJxa euos llo DaTInd s, leql arcf,purf6 slnb asaqi uapet-lounq,(eTd - V TITtrE(g O'P 'DB nJ.lSIJlUq
6AL8-A89rt ''u'I 'raTsqaM a6pfTqpaav AN 'sPJoJaS'e^arqJY 0tJJ 'bulo6 )iund-clPoTau 6urql pfeq ol aql laL
-parror.-Idset cof,
palrf /ot
spueq uatsrl
s,fI ,r]ftf,
rerlruet 'lseoJ
euos'q6noqlIe Unl
Ierlred aqt acl
s p u €q
.{llard of
15u1Pt'V s.araq
qlli elTqM
aql /adPl
L'jorlelrduoJ s1
- Y/A IEto raar 11ul a'
€ auPu Adl 'xIxC'ia'l
:lsrl ,spueq
up spq _uerpPuP) ataTduocur AIuo adpt eqt pup ,adoIa^ua aqf fsoT I ,qctrq p Jo uos a:eIJ ^ttard sr srql
f J
if '4 I )l
uedea 9og€ -Ir,' tTlV'un9-ran1v'otl.-tan)V 'rqsnqPg ,gzt 'oqn>{O nqouttlsoA auosaee ue ilTJlno aleu ITr{ uoTlJrJ oN . (IlrIenb etou q1M /a3uarradxa
lf 'b )l rf
,z )J ft4 IT rI
! q r P r v J o r
o q +
v t
d ' . P /
J r t J o q
Iunos slefo^ eqf aTrqA,aAllTUTJd pue prPAroJ tq6Tpffs aip s6uos ar{J .aioJ_lseJ asoueopl pazerJ auos SI uollaIJ oN '(a^alIaq 1) eare e^obeN aqf uofJ burTTeE gJIl @P .tr}| SI gN\flS - NOIIJIJ ON uPdeA tgOO-?gy 'aqa\ n ' 4 e p e uf q s P b f H ' a ) e a P A f q s a i f a n s rrr taXI !4e'lLlsoJ 6 €- t - g ' 'TTeh s€ auosaae sI 6ur6elced aqJ, 'trefs p o o 6 w e p e a ^ €q s I n 6 a s a q l ,uo palroa eg plno3 eafe DurlrfM
6uos aqf ut luaudola^aP a111fT e 3lrqM'af^ls
p--t tts iar I od siFiTFffYjFpE Sg-ou poo6 auos leld al rred spupq aseuedel qtoq uorl
leco^ lenp aqf 6u!211-ffn ,q6noJqt ^en aqt lIe P€ads 'Uedec 'aqoy aql sulef,ai 1I lsel a:ocP:eq-.d1sn:3 uo:] @P Ste(
aiorpreq,){und I rpsroJ tq6rerts p.ol - InO NggdCS / gOItSO edef Xrfda
ro rcNr(nrJ8o rllr - €'o}{ llvx
tolt:,tal .trls updpl ,t0OO-9|T ZI_g _ruceTtuny lteptwt\nJ _ t , e t n w e > { e No / . s a d e J I . O ' S .saT^ls ,elTuls a^eq Luop aqf acurs Allercadsa ,trTds poo5 'sa-!1nP spupq
pue Iceq qlfoJ Jo suol Ieco^ J1 lsrl leq qfrA lseI fsnrl 'aI^fs uaaj'S ^eId lnO
9At90 I)'paaluefg'895. *r,t1 -rr.O i TIaa sp fr 6urcp sprl aro-,1)Jpq s,lr e^atiaq I .ouap ILtau qtPal) Poob auc ot dn sppp ,Jptau ritpap Flnurot af/.rs-^il eq I jo J I rJo 'SlL-o Lg.lton dUr !Up lurl J.Jnj )i.Prt_g eqt ,tprlt sr llJat sp lorr s,ti aTTqM.,lTN Uortprollns tsrrl aqt rlrlun lou letau qlPap IPtnrq sr sIl{t ,tIqs lT.H
@P _ srsatrs
'uedec 'ZZ0O-9bZ 'uejt pAL.fiprrpy 'rqs eufu()Icl ,ny p-{eJr ,noA\nsltN ,aurquaa.r:l ,ppnsldJ{ ipruouoj 58 iJi z 'auosahp nrah /,er{l i,ue rreLiel qsrliaM: sIn6 esarlt hes I .sp!e6at eql al I lun I r,r dr '. - l rp.- .:.. rr
seh I alrrih ro qsI'tuIJ
6urpunos xo-Il
orpnts e a^Pq lqDru AeqJ 'ra^o ou uom q.eordde ou trqsflnq e q r l - u e a d e t €q t J o / . l t l P n b a q 1 sols lnq ,(af,uaTor^ faMod alrI) oJ lseJ uorJ 6ur06 ,sarnJtruls 'o,4loJ a^rlrurld .{Ilear s,fI uorl aroJpjeq lseJ tedns auosaffV - xr.E OftIE.t'r€ 66, odsl I6J6r{Er
uapahs,bufdo>!urz ' €0 6 t x o g ' 4 f l u a H
iuoos TIur^ roJ loo.I 'auosaa€ 6urlrnJ ,ssaTaqlauou tnq /lsPItno pueq af,oJpfeq pa.uan[Jur
28, e lo qrou sr srr.lJ 'sorrII :)eal6 qtrA aroapleq poc6 wep ldaaxa staquau
ets,\eTerl ,tnclaal e-[enN 9 t 9 0 9 ' r O 9 €I xag 'o d '(0-69tb6010a) uPaJaS rrrJr.4sd )uauurPtiatu3 ,,razru96Pdr alrT awu e qlri IrPJ p@ ,1rqs pooC I,uP. no,4 .''IuTqt 'pmorbraprm aqt uotJ fq6rprts 'IPtil qteap s,06 looq.s-pfo IeId qlog 'lrazru€bed) uapaAs uoJJ auo p@ irrotfPqqv) alode6urs uor] p@q ouo sajnl€a] lnq Prs^elen uT pasPalal seA adel sTqJ -
no^ op TTaq aqt tPrlh ,llaM @p 66, - qN3 (N3O epeue)'ZNt NbH,at)e)uo,a)uoroJ, "pt; ,:ioo? ua6 qbnoroqre.S ,r, ' . .a6pa i pueq poo6 -aleJ af,ah ^aqt qbnoqtle) ra^of, aplrd tTun auosaAv 'IPA eq"t uo eq TTrA IIuri pue ,ouep e auos
:ol poo6 ,{11eag ..4:arreg i(1iEa- I spuruar teqt epeue] uorJ aarr qtnol a^rtrsod-eltIn s,tJ .tr sr ade; s. i. pu€ e u a r P q l n o l d a l J a q f ur sse Iw slcr)i srqt adet auo ta6 I anssr lra^3 - lll:Ut o6P ICNO tt|
uedeI,' 9Og0-r9A tapre>!\aH 'oJoddeS'n4-onqJ,tZilgS'g ja,^,rE /spfo.d!' -adnoy ,ttt pipiroj .lal.r iarou op s^n6 asaqt adoq 1 .6urploJat ord-uou aql l11ercadsa,sr,11 6np I 'aJorprpq gg\ pTnuiol auos !ltrs sfpcod paurprts auos qtla ^f,olau auos 6urxru /sarJ qlnol aTils alits B g , J o alou e sIeld auuv ,Ipdpf u.rrl Tpui6tlo @p - qr{Ntf siul(z.t 0I .ao NoILYlIlnnJJv uedet .9900*9EI a,\)taJ' nI-pipbe)ai: 'ewe,luearqaeH' trqS artqr\nr. bL-0t-L' 'leql lol q.rten os aurtauos d3 u€ aq Tt.!M 'TIaAIauoH ro ploA afnln]
rdT I,uoo iauosase asauedef arou ua^a - sqwlsr{g e'lltl1
Pr s e u o p u J
,Ll0O, bunpueg'9ZLL 1sp7a)a'd tapTeH xoa 'o'a i eroJprPq uPlSauopuI bu1l1a6 qf-!A fP-!Tluel 'o13V tJefs o1 Aea fealb v 'puPfs punos qcrqA -x aIrI 'Pueq lsf!l aql v aleJ s I afrfo^?J AH rla'UollPClTdnp ',la^oc JOrOf, I I n l fPal6 ,r13a qclou dol sI ^fllenb s e Ol e q l , ' l u n d e T x l s s a u o u €8 uoll aI^ts f,HlN I^Paq ladns a6uPl leql sPuPq 6urlnleaJ adel duoc aio'Preq/lund auosasv uersauopul - v/A tlnnrs stgrott^j8g tltOZ) oclxa{ rJO a.txa{ 'zfn'I -9t, leTsoc oPdv iaou
Jo {IP asH. r-
;sal{_l -
't'atrlsnIlur aiJU
- Yzdgvc
S,lr JllI s,lI 'izeJl lrYH
s-.Pil slql
- T1I
i ir
a r?Pra_J-\-_.) Jn PJ jP5. prjpfi ,Og, Jn6:e.l
I tzeig
'qserqt rsdxq fdnrsTo bulIgI
I la'i
brrl.,nl irrrr t e X s .irrlirr! fa--u.Jr itui ,riselql ic.rl. !; rIc
o,{loI .(PI.l tspllearg slr aauls uorJ a v o x a '.{2ccp bur06 P aq ot 'llqs qO haul I
Fal lofal airs ljtu
r' leqr P, nt l' raqf,ouv
laailxa adel
aqi airo au(,:iaMe J o os :^, ti I,uP oual, srrll 'd. r'r ertlr,-raA l-q,
u €S
-g: l90 ,i3J-g:a ',16rpue_i .rrrpr.:FJV pny .slri: jiaqt ua foi,e; ur sljc[ , ( 6urprocar tabpnq-hoI a.iJ aroJaq aupu ireqt pJeaq I, ua.1,eq I frasrJdlns u,Il uaqt jpaq uorj erou cl adcq .srrril sbucs I p!e poo6 qtre I I ra_..cssoj:r ",lseJqt tsnL-_ rund tou 'purr6:ou -pre tse: tqcrt.{ITea.d
znt) "\
r i l i €l q : I pue
/d.s /dL6 ir"Pjg s!_.qin.rPn:) 'a9 -J6[LA ,sruey ,9 fP]sod X., 5sgp1. 'tno .qserqt slr'it )iJoqJ ,To poo6 lrrl, s,tl lsnr. aqt rncl ltru Jo unl , sr lcu Jrsou aql la,{ se sar tnp I Ida .s:r rp: o,, -e10 r.{1 poco qlrff IUnJ aqt i oualj
fiur:{rnJ au
st PaI
s,lT :rtlceLi:r oua tnq 'ascf1 ''Ileaf t:joulE 'uedea ar':!re'i !all .dl1
JO Srrl
qlrroS j;{'lirPH Ia!C-i6(la't '::):x'g ii'aaJPuY '.taLJru 3T UJli: ;c ie.': t rql l' s ' - f , u : :i a i .ilu:i euc /t'a:'uan1lu1 'lsPJql lio []uE 'l3I:e'l r , r 1 1 | €a ' t l : qlr$ lsaq:lJcx s,_t
rlf,rqs) 'tiJn uof
uedel , eae)teS e i e b e a P x e r e q o o ' g €- l Z - t 'IIluaeal : lTqs Poog sduoJ uo saJuef,eadde auos apeu aA,^aql :iurqt I ,All.error raquausf I Jr pue,llnts .s-o-u-e-p sue6 asaql TTer aff IqA nooc 'rJ-AoI sr 6urp:of,ei aqJ'qsef,ql s,reqt tnl -tsnrc q l T h p a x ru afof,purrb alalduoc eje ^dqr 'v^ luw+ dupu dq. /qseiqf .{TIear sr qJrqe up
uedet TrZr-6A9 nJrt'e\e\nint'abtqsato*'91-g-I'ouleI 'tno 'oot ,6urptoJal tr l r e q 3 poo9 'paq3lrd q6rq ele sTeJo^ rl-noI ,pafuro[stp aqf pue tsp; sr burwnJls aql IIIeaf aJe sleaq aqt fng .pueq ^fsuf, e to pupq sro e altl faqlra Ietau lliear pun.s plnon .{eql aunsse pTnoa no^ ,sf,rqdel6 aqt uorJ 6ur6pnC aIrqil .qselqf-Iplrtrlod pue uedeC uoJJ af€ pro^V
DISCRU3T - d.rc from fast-thrash primitive Really Confuse and Japan. Take a 1itt1e and mrx it with earlY grindcore OnlY craPPY you get Discrust. i-hing is Ehe taPe doesn't have an addaess, SorrY. . .
rlilf xrrrc / NtNtEr|Do tlExAGt nrcLUltON - rpllt trpa weird minj,malist Thi.s is leall', nainly electro-noise. 1t's only vocals and a lrum machrne. For complete noise freaks onlyl *08il.k 554, Eedok N th st.3, 4b0554, Sinqapore 241, Singapore
CUYS d@ DTSPTRAIOR - DE|\NL IN TBISI This rs the 3rd (?) taPe fron lhese These songs of grindcore. experts ccntinue Desperator's fun grindcore, better and i-hey only keep getting are tape. The song titles with ereri so 1f You get risky, a li.ttle I ' n don'r- bother' cffended easily, t-hat these guys aiways surprised
- d.e Bull.snrr IXCOSI grind crazy, .Loose, fucked-up what do you get when you hardcore. combine members of Plutocraci, Agents of Satan, No Less, Apeshit, with Large amounts of and Eretic reed and booze? Thrs rs fuckrng plus 14 songs rn aII, crazed shit. I heard
do a Madba]l.
don't have any vrnyl out Yet. Mrcke strombe!-g, Grlndvagen 10 A. Sreden 767 62, Narttalje,
IS MNIT SCREAI{ING CHII.DREN Ul.t!a prrmit rve grrn'icore recl! led l 7 a fou!-track. It's not bad, I I lst get lnto these tapes too don't really much an)rcre. If you lrke low-l-u.lget
EN 1., 't t" !
t99 rom
o uc he
Hlpo-Chrrstran r!S ) . Most of it is recorded wa7 low-fi, but noise fans wr I i :lrg. Plus llarco does a free ziDe so ask for one when you w!rte himl Zas! c/o Matca Taurnajal, via R o n a5 9 , 1 , 0 5 . u u l r t:At, Ita.l, CRISIS - SAVED FROM EXTINCTION Jeb flom the alass Menagerre rs a (we're talkrnq total netal fiend glil and everything). So Lack rn '811's the early ttrere was a rrtah bed called Crisis wirich plaT rockug early '8ri's rock,/heta1 Iike Motlei Crue/kaven. I Con't kroH then tirey exrsteii, but I llile thrs a lol more than Ehe )ve!-
From the Czech comes this straight ellge band Underfrre. Tlris rs an ultraSlick deho, wrth a llce coYer pro-recordlng, ud but loD't be turned off cuz it's not really fomula youth c!ew style. It's sometimes Just qood hardco!e, fast, sometlmes slow, with sohe youth crew hixed in here anC there. Good effort, and watch for their track olr the upcohing Comitment Records compilation. ilartin Cesky, Nebtehavjce 7, 8501 Stfakanice, Czech Repub-llc PAPARAZZI DEATH SOUAD - ds R e a fI y c r a z e d h e t a . l . I r c halclcore, kinda on the posthardcore trip, but with more hardcore than lets say Converge, Good shit, I want hea!
has tapes available-dd still !f you're dom, order one! Jeb Bran)n, SUU Box 9548, Lledar atcy, uT 84720 DACIMATION - d@ Fron 11Lrno1s, Decination rgreat name) plays a mrx of fastcore and grindcore. The recording rs rI think) a four-track so !t's hard to hear what's going on. But ludgrng froh what's on thrs tape, they'Il. k!ck some ass i.n a studro. Barry,1505 Da||son D!,, Champalqn, IL 61820 SAY YOU HATE ME - dso The/ sent me two tapes; the first is from a boombox,
watten,7152 Rd., ,trightsvilJ.e,
, PA
V/A - METAL EGTON t.p. Straight from Singapore comes thts awesome metal conp tape. Man, this is awesohe. Its '89 ove! agarn, total oId thrash and .leath netal influences aIl throuqh thrs, This rs the true hetal plus the tape underground, ls super pro (oolor good iecoraling, cover, pro tape) so write the label and see what.s up wrth the true underground netal. scene. yjshun Central Candleljght Productions,
ts awesome, if you've never hearcl Swankys befole. PIus the tape label will have tons more rale thrash tapes com!ng soon. Matned fot Life, 15289 youngvood Dr,, Whittter. CA 90605 .98 tcNoRttfct - deo Good dual vocal crust-thrash from Japan. thi.s tape has more of a Japanese thrash souncl than thei! later tracks on the FFf comp Ep and the conp 10'r (I forget the name, it's on Forest Recs). J also got their split tape with Society Attack who al,so plays sohe fierce thlash, lhey,re a really busy band, so write 'em to see if they have any new t
a Iitrle retter.-@ prrhitive haldcore/fastcore. Didn't do too much for me, but haybe with ti6e and a better recordrng lhese guys will puII off a solid tape. S.Y,H,Mt P.O. Box 274. Nev Paltz, Ny )2561 IADED GRIY - d.e RealIy f,ell executed melodic positive hardcore from Las Vegas, reminds he of a mix between VerbaI Assault and Statue, cet this cuz I assule you they'Il have sone vinyl soon, cuz thig i.s reall!. weII done ! Faded cray, 4846 sangay Hay, Las vegas, NV Otj-47
o.rirat@ Une, 3-7-9-204, Nanjki, Yokahana-city,
Kanazawa-ku, Japan
POPAT - d@ Froh Nashvi.lle comes pupae who play sone nardcole not unlike the first HeII No EP, Mainly staying within the mid_tehpo range, they actually are strongest when they pla! thlashie! stuff, Pupae, 4A51 Hrqh Sc., Ndsivr_i.le, TN 3j2jl 30 grCOt|D FURY - de 9 songs of old-school punk/hardcore from pretty close to where I Iivel I guess thelt. are only 1.5 and l? which heans rhev,re to be a force to reckon wrthl t can hear a little Boston in thei! stuff. Alessdndro, 104 \,ta Sant Marra, trg.5 Gatos, CA 95A30 -
SELF nAfE - prm
Polard's S.H. kick &r$ sG crazy just what lou wilt grindcore, It's frm grindcore.,. rough r@rding, guitars, Iortued €tchy breakdow, od ultra-fast b.last beats. Nrne songs so get this tw if you're a fd of grind. R4inds re of early ExhuEd but with pol.itical lyri6. Nldrev Szpi,rko. ul. Pod.lesna 3a/n8, 95 200 Pabianice, Pafand MEDFUL IHINCA - d.rc Brutal Czech grindcore with Disrupt & Supplession covers to boot. A]most 20 songs in aII, with no slowing dom whatsoever' Grind fans beHare! Oato 8eran, Anenska 1296, 530 02, Czeh RepubJtc
SCRtrx lt way noise/grind
comp tape
- de o\rSRuME Four song rehearsal tape of a pissed off strarght edge band froh Canada, Lyrics remind me of I Hate You, while the husic ls reall.y good heavy youth crew. Get these guys in a studio and the?'II be a force to watch out for. Overtjnedhofte. con HATEBOX - dso For tl.ose who drg one-man grrn,l bands, thrs tape rs for you. It,s a one-han band fastcore/grrnd band recorded by hj,mself as weLl.. The production 1s pretty rough, but I think lhatrs the onlr' way thrs klnC of husrc could be recorcied. I'm lust amazeC peopl.e can do this by themselves. Fu).vio Djverio, vja de vit 19, (VB), 28838, Ita)y Stresa
vle|| 17368
DRIPI IOAN 14ER' - DEID ESCIR ultra-IoH-fi grindcore mixed wiLh werrd par!s an.l sdnples. rauntr.!// )aZz etc. are utrlized to break apart the 9rrnd/noise parts. Ok, but not real_ly my thing. Josh, 9 W. Lakeside Ave., l,akesrde, Ky 4j0)7 - dao CASTIGAI! lotal Malaysian black metal thrash. Femal.e vocals, aLmospheric songs (Chat are like 5 minutes lohg), pretty goo.i s!uff, I actually eould have Iiked thj.s nore back tjr 1990, but irs srill good to ltsEen to. Fo! fans of metaL. fuc
(cones in Good packaging to start off with a bag with tons of shtt). The nusic itself is politically grj,ndcore/fastcore. o!iented The production rs a home recordrng, but rt works welL wrth this band. cood shltl Mjke Gifford, 2940 Oleander Dr llB-4. Wilningtan, NC 28403
DEIONIC ORGI - SPOR! VOMITING trp. Well, I would dig this tape for the sheer brutallty of its prj.hitive grindcore, but as with alnost aLl of these bands, the porno-oriented, Iyrrcs are total which I can't stand. If you dig bands like Gut or even worse, The you wilt Meat Shits, dig this. Ertc, 4312 NW 54th St,, Ft, dale, FL 33
soRRornt& EMIINq NOR T LIVING d@ Wow, this is onlr, bass and vocals. That,s rE, no drums. A Irttle too m.i.nimalist for -ts6^L drihd-h^i.6 ir .,,r me, but the song ',f1ck Me Down,, has an Jasen, 1508 Jrd Sc., Cua.te, L-A 9iL).10 a w e s o m e c h o r u s . If Godston r:srrumen!s ror you to ;;;:;: FSF - TOLERATE NO rrORE tape :;:"t::r:"ll r19ht for youl 0k, in countries Iike Mala?sia, spence, 119 N. Maote st-. ottunwa, lndonesia and irnqdpo!e, rA, 52SOj fuII Iengtns S.I'CRILICTOUS - doo ed EPs are !eleased as cassettes Crazy, here,s a tape froh since that's the host uti.lizeC fomat a SF band I,ve never of hardcore phk. S. mrsl )t the rheT are !rpprnq. r!.s a rorar l:::o.:1.."o !eleases are super slick, as wrth s naldcore ihrash, has sore good breakdowns, fast rrffage, thrs. FSF pla;s some catchi snoti/ ancl some strained punk wrth great lyrras. I'ocals, Let's say awescme crossor.,e!. 68 Arnafd -st., .Sa, Francjsco, Fabnf . 63 .j.i-idn Lembai, E -lA, cA 94110 40000 Shah rlldm Selaiqor, Wesa SnT.NXYS BtSr OF t.p. MaI aysj a A good bootleg tape of these Japanese thrash leqends. Tota1 distorted thrash and if youre fahtliar aE all wrth their brother bancl r, you knor what I mean. Thrs
Plague Rages {Brazil), Hatebox (see review thrs issue) , (Czech Repi and lristed Trutb
Ip I
Awesome band name. Dispose! is not a Dis band, but sound nore the swankys due to thej.! fuzzed out puok-hardcore. This is awesome, check 'en out if you Iike ol.d Japanese distorted punk-thrash. Djsposer c/o Kotake,10l A,5-2116, Kawaguchi-cho, Fukuyana-city, 720-0822, Japan
This is a cassette copy of their CD, and while they play Euro-grind, itrs a Iittle slower than what you'd expect. Rehinds me of .Late 80's thrash bands fron Brazi.I playing as fast as they can. Itts ok, but for conpLetist grind fiends only. BaJ.nDzette, ?8 Avente de Njnove, 8-5580 Jee.lfe. France @AT SHA}ITY - d@ This is the fucking shit! Fron ex-Tres Kids and Rash of Beatings (one of my favorite bands) , Holy shit, this is out of control thrash, get thj,s now. It,s a great bLend of hardcole with grindcore beats, and the o-ver by being
screams, la:on. Atnens,
no Bs! 2SS HiJtcrest GA 3060)
l.'ErcR |l!lo( _ tlo :PEtFrc lron Seeden, these 3 Md thrashels play atesore scando chrash. J heald they have an LY ln the works, and they,II arso appear on a coip CD I,h qolng so watch for that. But 1n the reantihe. get this 5_ cuz irs awesore ion?.4"*, rwelsh thrash. Marcus /qxe_lsson, Banjas ttakeL 5' 903 53 OEd, SH€€le, SInAt - dG LMRrf Frm lralaysia. S. L, are suEr heavy NyfiC styl6 like outb;rst or BreakdM. The first sono rs really good i sgsieqsly Dut the Last B,ong ls a I
tm retal loiR v€als in full effect). I,bn, there is a glrLar solo tn thts tha! rs lust fucking awesore, B-ob,. 51 Jalan punqa Raya Besar, MaJidee Baru, 8)l0O Jahor Aahru, Johor, Mal.aysia IN lnl - d@ ,99 CLIIR Ok, with a name like that, guess f,nat they play? Rrghto! Strarght eoge, this reminds of the early '90's Conversion styted stuff, not 100i hardcore, not metaI, sonewhere in betreen, J thrnk thei! next release wiIl be sEronger, but thrs is good in glrite em at: rtself. S_ure. Ha.nd, po Box l2Sl, Slt gHE, Lng tand
ualel) (lseJ o6e.Iqf, o surrlo:' auTlofet,4q uorJi J,M{ s,3JI1 dols aql 6urIof,lsap spl{ lolIpa f,nol.'o?olld burldualle vot{ luelleA
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tor tfte srci
Blaokened DlstrLbutLon is the bestaral oblld of tb,e former'Profane of eoolal end, E r l s t e n o e C o l l e a t l v e , carrying on ln the tradltlon polltlcaI actl.vlsn and the ongoing for mrslcatr, f,C'BtlntrctLonl BlackenedcarriesCD's,recordsand evensomecassetteand videotapesfrom the likesof : . AUS-ROTTEN . AXIOM. BROKEN . . BROfHERINFERIOR ANTI-PRODUCT A//POLITICAL. . . . CAPITALISTCASUALTIES THECASUALIES.OIVILDIS,{)BEDIENCE CODE CALLOUSED . . . . . .::DFVIATED INSTINCT DIRT. 13 CRASS DEATHREATDEFIANCE DETESIAT|ON D I S K O N T OD. I S R U P TD. O O M .D R O P D E A DD. S 1 3 . D Y S T O P I AE.X T I N C T I OONF M A N . FLEASANDLICE. GEHENNA.GUTSPIEEARSHOT . KIND. EXTREME NOISETERROR . HISHEROlS GONE.INFEST.LOSTWORLD. MANlS HARUMSCARUM.HELLKRUSHER . .'MANKIND MASSKONTROLL. MOB4?,,.NAUSEA.Ol POLLOI. OPERATHE BASTARD . SINDIOS. SKITSYSTEM . TION. POSTRFGIMANT.REACT.SEEINRED. SHITLICKERS . . TOLSHOCK.WAFTCOLLAPSE ZEROHOURandmore... HOLD.THESYSTEM SUBMISSION . . . CONSENSUS Some of the labelswe stock include:ACTIVE AFTERMATHCOALITION . ELEVATOR/ . DISTORTION . CRUST. DEEPSIX' DERANGED REALITY. CRASSHOLE . . . . . UNDER13THFLOOR FIREDUP! HAVOC LIFEISABUSE MINDCONTROLSENSUAL . . . . POP.... WAR UGLY TRIBAL A HAM SPIRAL. GROUNDMINISTREISSKULD SLAP Blackenedalso distributesa growing numberof zines and books on punk and political. HEARTATTACK. PROFANE . GREENAI{ARCHIST activistsubjectsincluding:ARKANGEL . DIY . . SLUGANDLETTUCEWE DAREBE FREE...pIuSbOOKS ONANARCHISM EXISTENCE . VEGANISM . POLITICALARTWORK andothers. / GRAPHICS PUNK. ECO-ACTIVISM Btackenedalso providesfor thosewho wish to walk the walk whiletalkingthe talk with a l i m i t e d s e l e c t i o n o f T - S H I R T S ,P A T C H E S ,P I N S a n d n o w e v e n s t u d s t o o : PROFANEEXISTENCE "Welcometo 1994"T shirt doublesidedreprintof PE'smostpopular America; desgin(whiteon black):$10ppdUSA($12Canr/Mex,; $13Europe/S. $15elsewhere) ppd America; USA($12Can/Mex.; 1/2inchconeor pyramidstuds:Bagof 100:$10 $13Europe/S. "your possible problems). own risk" to customs orders sent at due elsewhere overseas $15 For a completemailordercatalogcontainingcoverart and descriptionsof the hundredsof titles we distribute,pleasesend 2x $.33US stamps($1 or 2x,lRC'soverseas):
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cc elrrqTrl srtperrEex pBeq e1yt orelA +srgyL. y/A .6rog tq1d;.{
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