
33 minute read
Your December ACCA exam tips
December’s exams are nearly upon us! Top tutors from BPP run the rule over the exams and provide their guidance and tips
Performance Management PM
Section A will have 15 two-mark OTQs on a wide range of topics. Expect a mix of calculation and discussion-based questions, note that there are no marks for workings in this section. Good time management is essential as it is easy to get caught up in a tough calculation, which ultimately will only be worth 2 marks. Never be tempted to spend more than 5 minutes on any question in this section.
For section B there are three separate scenarios with five objective test questions on each scenario; each question is worth 2 marks. Questions are not dependant on each other and can be answered in any order. Each scenario could be a mix of topic areas or focused on one topic and will usually consist of two/three calculations and two/three narratives.
In section C there are two 20-mark questions, which could be from, but not limited to: budgetary systems, planning and operational variances, mix and yield variances, and evaluation of the company performance (either as a whole basis, or on a divisional basis). Familiarity with the CBE software is important as you may be expected to use both a word processing and spreadsheet format for your answer. Learn standardised layouts for calculations such as variances, learning curves and limiting factors. This will save you time in the exam and mean that you are less likely to make mistakes. The split of marks tends to be approximately 40% calculations and 60% discussion, so don’t neglect the written elements of this paper. Make sure that you always fully explain your ideas too. Interpretation and application are important skills that are tested in this paper so make sure you make full use of the scenarios that you are given in the exam.
Taxation TX (UK)
In section A there will be a wide range of topics tested as there are 15 OTQs. Tutors expect at least a couple of these OTQs to be devoted to the administration of income tax and corporation tax. So, candidates should ensure they are comfortable with the following:
• Due dates for the payment of income tax (including payments on account).
• Due dates for the payment of corporation tax (including instalments for large companies).
• Filing dates for the income tax and corporation tax returns.
• Penalties and interest for late payments and returns.
Other topic areas likely to be tested in section A of the exam are:
• VAT rules on registration, impairment loss (bad debt) relief, and the SME schemes relating to cash accounting, annual accounting, and flat-rate schemes.
• Inheritance tax due on lifetime transfers both in the donor’s life and on death.
• Statutory residence tests for individuals.
• Identification of groups of companies for corporation tax loss reliefs and gains.
• Trading loss reliefs for both companies and sole traders.
In section B the questions will be similar to those of section A, but there will be a longer scenario to deal with. You will have to tackle three scenarios each with five OTQs. This means a slightly different exam skill is necessary as you have more information to work through, and each OTQ will require you to find the relevant information or data in that scenario. It is not a difficult skill, but you must practise an extensive range of section B questions from the practice and revision kit before attempting the real exam.
In section C you will face the longer, constructive response questions with scenarios and much more open requirements. Your answers will need to show not just sound technical knowledge, but also the application of that knowledge to the question you have been asked.
At least 50% of your revision time should be spent answering the section C questions in the practice and revision kit to build confidence and speed in a way that will also maximise marks.
1. Remember to learn your income tax and corporation tax pro formas.
2. Calculations which require no more than two or three entries into your calculator can be included in the relevant cell of your pro formas (e.g. time apportioning a salary). Calculations which are more complex (e.g. company car benefits) need separate workings which are properly referenced (W1, W2 etc) and have a heading. Use the cell formulae to link the workings answer into your pro forma – then if you change the working the main body will be automatically update.
3. Attempt the narrative parts of the requirement – aim for as many sentences as there are marks, with each sentence containing something technical. Keep your paragraphs to no more than 3 sentences long.
4. Your exam will be in the CBE software and
the spreadsheets have some differences to the software you may be accustomed to, so it is crucial you practice using the CBE software, especially for section C type questions.
5. Remember you cannot insert rows into the CBE spreadsheets. So, leave plenty of space on the page (especially when setting up pro-formas). You may need to add something in and you can always go back and move workings up the page. Show workings down the page, rather than across the page as it makes them easier to mark. Wellspaced answers are also easier to mark – and you always want to keep the marker happy.
We know that the two longest questions will focus on income tax and corporation tax. These are likely to include the following:
• Employment benefits.
• Property income.
• Relief for pension contributions.
• Adjustments to profit to arrive at trading income for both companies and sole traders – in past sittings we have seen a number of questions whereby you have to correct errors in computations included in the scenario.
• Capital allowance computations.
• Chargeable gains calculations.
Finally, remember the pass mark is 50% so you don’t need to be perfect. If you don’t know something have a guess and move on. Sometimes you have to do that in order to get follow through marks in section C questions. If you make a mistake, but then use that incorrect figure later in a subsequent calculation, then that’s fine – you can only lose the mark once. In sections A and B never leave an OTQ unanswered – have a guess if you don’t know the answer. It might be right!
Financial Reporting FR
Section A:
• 15 two-mark OTQs on a wide range of topics, Continued on page 28
including areas such as consolidation and interpretation of financial statements that will also be covered in detail in section C.
• Expect a few questions on non-core areas (e.g. sustainability following the issue of IFRS S1).
• Read the scenario, requirement and answer options carefully and ensure you capture the correct information from the scenario to answer the requirement.
• Don’t leave any questions unanswered – there is no harm in guessing if you are unsure of the correct answer. There is no negative marking.
Section B (case questions):
• Three separate scenarios with five OTQs on each scenario; each question is worth 2 marks.
• Each scenario could be a mix of topic areas (for example revenue and receivables are often related, as are PPE and leases) or focused on one topic and will usually consist of two/three calculations and two/three narratives.
• Questions are not dependant on each other and can be answered in any order.
Section C (constructed response questions):
• Two 20-mark questions, one covering interpretations of financial statements and the other preparation of financial statements.
• One question is likely to be in the context of a single company and one in the context of a group, so you could be faced with a single company interpretation and a group preparation or vice versa.
• Both questions will require knowledge from other areas of the syllabus, particularly the accounts preparation question which will have a range of adjustments covering various areas.
• Accounts preparation questions may require full financial statements or extracts – read the requirement carefully. Students can expect questions on statement of profit or loss and statement of financial position, but should not forget comprehensive income, the statement of changes in equity, and the statement of cash flows.
• A single entity accounts preparation question could be preparation from a trail balance or restatement of given financial statements with common adjustments being for depreciation, revaluation and current/deferred tax (including deferred tax on revaluations) plus a mixture of adjustments on other syllabus areas e.g. leases, substance over form issues, financial instruments (change in fair value or amortised cost), share issues, government grants, inventory valuation, and revenue recognition.
• Group accounts preparation questions will provide the separate financial statements (or extracts thereof) of the parent and relevant subsidiary(ies) and associate. Candidates should be prepared to set out the standard workings for goodwill, non-controlling interests, movements in net assets, retained earnings as those are commonly examined. Other common adjustments are intragroup sales of goods, intragroup sales of assets, dividends, and fair value adjustments.
• ACCA has previously clarified that a consolidation financial statements preparation question could include up to two subsidiaries and one associate which allows additional scope for examining the disposal of a subsidiary (including as a discontinued operation).
• Candidates continue to find the interpretations question challenging. In both single entity and group interpretation questions, candidates must avoid making generic statements about the movement in ratios and instead focus on using the information in the question to, for example: identify key changes in the period (e.g. change in sales mix, closed down an operation, purchased a new subsidiary); identify transactions that would cause inconsistencies between periods or between balances (e.g. revaluation of assets for the first time, particularly if the revaluation was at the end of the period); identify any changes in accounting policies or estimates, or classification (e.g. one company presents expenses as part of cost of sales whereas another presents as part of administrative expenses).
• ACCA has previously clarified wording to emphasise the importance of the statement of cash flows in interpreting financial statements. Be ready for a question like this!
Audit & Assurance AA
In section A there will be three mini-case style scenarios, each with five 2-mark questions based on the scenario (total 30 marks). Each mini-case question will test single topic areas of the syllabus and so will test syllabus areas A, B, C, D or E. Expect questions in section A to focus on areas A and E.
All three questions (one 30-mark and two 20-mark questions) in section B will be broken
down into sub requirements and be scenario based. Most marks in each question will test syllabus areas B, C and/or D.
Areas expected to be tested in questions 16 to 18 include:
• Audit planning.
• Audit risk (identification and explanation of audit risks from a scenario and explanation of the auditor’s response to each risk).
• Internal audit.
• Internal controls (identification and explanation of deficiencies in internal control and the recommendation of suitable internal controls, and identification and explanation of direct controls and description of test of control).
• Audit procedures (substantive procedures and tests of controls).
General advice: Where questions are based on a scenario it is essential that you use the information in the scenario to score the identification marks and then develop this to score the explanation marks.
The exam often provides a table for you to complete your answer. For example, audit risk questions will have a table with two columns, one for ‘audit risk’ and one for ‘auditor’s response’ with each properly explained point being worth one mark. Using this tabular approach encourages you to answer both parts of the question, therefore maximising your marks.
Pay attention to the verbs used in question requirements as these indicate the number of marks available. For example, the verb “explain” requires a sentence and will score one mark if properly explained whereas the verb “list” simply requires you to list out information with no further explanation and this will score 0.5 mark per point.
Finally, it is essential you read the Examiner’s Reports which are issued twice a year after the June and December exam sittings. These are an invaluable source of advice and provide a sample section A OTQ case style question as well as three constructed response questions from the March/June and September/December sittings. Not only do they provide the example questions but these are accompanied by a commentary from the examining team, which gives guidance on interpreting the question requirements and common mistakes/areas of weakness noted during the marking process. These reports can be found on the ACCA website: https://www.accaglobal.com/gb/en/student/exam-support-resources/fundamentals-exams-study-resources/f8/examiners-reports.htm
Financial Management FM
Questions in section A will often be knowledge based (testing your knowledge of key technical terms), and will balance out the questions in
section B and C of the exam to make sure that all aspects of the syllabus are examined.
It is also likely that these questions will test your understanding of financial management and objectives (ratio analysis), as well as the economic environment and financial institutions topics (financial intermediation, fiscal and monetary policies).
Section B consists of three 10-mark mini case studies. The case study will then be broken down into 5 separate 2-mark MCQs (so 15 questions in total). Areas expected to be commonly tested in this section are working capital management (e.g. the operating cycle, the impact of a change in credit period or accepting a factor’s offer), business or security valuations (e.g. methods of valuation), and financial risk management (currency risk and interest rate risk).
Section C’s two 20-mark questions will be broken down into sub requirements and be scenario-based. These two questions will focus mainly on syllabus sections C, D and E. Section C is working capital management, section D is investment appraisal, and section E is business finance. Whichever of these three topics does not feature in section C is likely to appear in section B of the exam.
Questions from syllabus section C (working capital management) are likely to be broad ranging, so a good broad knowledge of this syllabus section is important. Candidates are sometimes exposed by a weak understanding of working capital finance.
Questions from section D (investment appraisal) are likely to feature NPV with inflation and tax, however it is important to also be able to answer questions that include risk, leasing, asset replacement and capital rationing.
Section E (business finance) questions often either feature an evaluation of financing options (interest coverage and gearing ratios are likely to be important here) or calculation and analysis of a company's cost of capital.
Strategic Business Reporting SBR
It is vital that you read the examiner's approach article on the ACCA website. ACCA has also published several exam technique and technical articles that you should read as part of your exam prep. These are available in the SBR exam support resources section of the ACCA website www.accaglobal.com
The exam section A will be 2 questions, worth 50 marks in total – both are compulsory.
1 – 30 marks
• Q1 will be based on group accounting. This question may test any aspect of group accounting, including consolidated statements of cash flows, foreign subsidiaries and associates and JVs. The question will include a pre-populated spreadsheet containing a consolidated statement which you will have to adjust for information given in the scenario. The requirement related to the pre-populated spreadsheet will be worth between 10 and 14 marks.
• Usually, the spreadsheet will require adjustments for amounts you have calculated or explained earlier in the question, if this is the case, an efficient way of tackling the spreadsheet is to make the required adjustments as soon as
you have calculated or explained the issue in that part of the question, rather than wait and do all the adjustments together.
• In the spreadsheet, you should lay out your answer as clearly as possible. Using a separate column for each adjustment is a good idea. Rather than relying on formulas in the spreadsheet cells, it will be helpful to the marker if you type out any calculations separately so that they can easily follow what you have done and therefore award any ‘own figure’ marks available if you have made a mistake.
• You also need to make it clear in the spreadsheet whether your adjustment should be added or subtracted, otherwise you will not be able to gain the marks for that adjustment.
• There are no marks available in the spreadsheet for a total column, so don’t waste your time adding the spreadsheet up.
• Time-keeping is key to passing this question. A recent examiner report identified that students were spending too long writing detailed answers to the first parts of Q1 and then not attempting the later parts. The marker cannot award more than the allocated number of marks for each part of the question, so to maximise your marks, you must make sure you attempt each part of the question. Make sure you work out the time you have available for each question, and for each part of the question and then stick to it.
Question 2 – 20 marks, including two professional marks
• Q2 will cover the reporting and ethical implications in a given scenario. Make sure you consider any threats to the fundamental principles of ACCA's Code of Ethics and Conduct in your answer.
• Two professional marks are available in this question and going forward the examiner has stated that the question will make it clear what these marks will be awarded for.
Section B will be two questions (compulsory), worth 25 marks each
• Section B can deal with any area of the syllabus and may be based on a short scenario, a case study with several parts, or an essay.
• Section B will always include a question or part-question involving the analysis or appraisal of information from the perspective of a stakeholder. Make sure you have a go at answering this question. There is no 'right' answer at this level – marks will be awarded for sensible points that have been applied to the scenario.
• There are two professional marks available for the question that covers the stakeholder's perspective. To gain these marks, you must discuss the issue from the perspective of the stakeholder – e.g. if asked for the investor's perspective, you must answer from the investor's perspective!
• Current issues are usually examined in section B as a part of a question (not a full question). However, current issues could be examined in either section A or section B of the exam. A question on current issues may require the application of existing accounting standards to a current accounting issue – for example, accounting for cryptocurrency, accounting for the effects of a natural disaster, or global event. General advice: Make sure you plan your time at the beginning of the exam (and stick to it) to ensure you don't over-run on a particular question – it is 1.95 minutes per mark (or 1.8 minutes per mark if you allocate 15 minutes to reading the paper).
Generally, you will be awarded 1 mark for each relevant well-explained point in the SBR exam. Make sure you make enough points for the marks available – for example, if the requirement is worth 8 marks, you should aim to make 8 relevant, well-explained points.
It will be easier for the marker to award you marks if you lay out your answers clearly, leaving space between your points. You can use the spreadsheet (and spreadsheet functionality) to do calculations. If you do use the spreadsheet, make sure you cross reference to any narrative discussion, if appropriate.
Some requirements state that you do not need to refer to an exhibit to answer that particular requirement. Where this is the case, then it is recommended that you follow that advice and stick to general discussion, rather than referring to the scenario.
Use the 'cut' and 'paste' tools wisely – e.g. do not cut and paste into your answer large sections of the exhibits as the examiner has stated in a recent examiner's report that this will be obvious to the marker, and will gain no marks. If you wish to use cut and paste, the examiner recommends just copying and pasting relevant parts of sentences and then adding your own comments.
Strategic Business Leader SBL
Strategic Business Leader (SBL) is ACCA’s case study exam at the Strategic Professional level. As Continued on page 30
with all other ACCA exams, SBL is examined as a closed book exam, and the pass mark is 50%. SBL builds on the knowledge that you have gained at the ‘Applied Knowledge’ and ‘Applied Skills’ levels. However, it does also have its own distinct syllabus content.
The December 2024 exam will:
• Be 3 hours and 15 minutes in duration.
• Include pre-seen information that is issued two weeks in advance of the exam.
• Comprise of further exhibits/information, three questions with two or three sub-requirements.
ACCA has indicated that the information in the pre-seen will not be examined directly, but will provide context and background for the exam questions (for example, the industry in question, the organisation’s history and background, board structure, KPIs, and competitor information). You need to be familiar with this information before you begin the exam.
The exam will focus on one main organisation (which has been introduced in the pre-seen information), and the question requirements will relate to that organisation. The exam will contain some additional exhibits (typically four or five) and the questions will be based on these new exhibits.
The questions in the exam are referred to as ‘tasks’. There will be three tasks in the exam, although these may include sub-tasks. All of the requirements (tasks; sub-tasks) in the exam are compulsory. Question requirements in the exam could assess and link several subject areas across the syllabus and will test your ability to construct appropriate responses to practical problems an organisation is facing.
Every SBL exam will consist of 80 technical marks and 20 Professional Skills marks. Each professional skill will appear once per exam, for four marks.
General advice: The SBL exam is demanding, and as such you need to give careful consideration to how you will manage your time to make the most effective use of it. You are recommended to spend about 15 minutes reading the exhibits and starting to plan your answers (for example, identifying the exhibit, and information, which is most relevant to each task). This then leaves you 3 hours (180 minutes) to tackle each task. Since there are only 80 technical marks, this works out at 2.25 minutes per technical mark. So, if a task has 16 technical marks, and 4 professional skills marks, you should spend 36 minutes on it (16 × 2.25). No time is allocated for professional skills marks, as you earn the 20 Professional Skills marks by virtue of the way you attempt the 80 technical marks. It is important to note that you can spend longer than 15 minutes reading and planning your answer if you choose to.
The 15 minutes – 180 minutes split is just a recommendation. However, if you choose to spend longer on reading and planning then you will need to bear this in mind when you come to writing your answers, and adjust your time allocation for each task accordingly.
Regardless of the time allocation you choose, it is crucial that you stick closely to your timings, to ensure that you do not spend too long on one task to the detriment of those you are yet to attempt.
Planning your answer: Clearly, if you have gone to the trouble of preparing an answer plan it is important that you use it when writing up your answer. To get the most from your answer plan, it is therefore important that you include as much detail as you think will be helpful when the time comes to write up your answer.
Numerical analysis: Some question requirements may require you to conduct some numerical analysis. For example, you may be asked to analyse the performance of the organisation feature in the exam, or a potential investment it is considering. When doing numerical analysis, though, it is important that you focus only on performing any calculations that are going to support your answer and provide you with something to talk about. Producing lots of unnecessary calculations for the sake of it will not earn marks, and will only serve to waste time in the exam.
Using computer software: Ensure you practise timed exam questions using the ACCA CBE software. You need to be comfortable reading and highlighting the exhibits on the screen, as well as taking notes in the scratch pad. It will be easier if you plan your ideas and set up your answer structure in the software, in the form of headings. The exam software comprises a word processor, a spreadsheet, and some presentation software. The word processor should be used for discursive answers (e.g. reports; memos; letters) and is likely to be used for answering most of the tasks. Any calculations you perform should be in an appendix in the spreadsheet software. Tasks requesting slides should be completed in the presentation software.
Appropriate use of theoretical models: To stand the best chance of passing the SBL exam, you will need to have a good understanding of the entire syllabus. However, it is important to remember that tasks in the SBL exam will not ask you to simply regurgitate your knowledge of a particular topic or theoretical model. The task requirements test your ability to apply your understanding of the topics covered in the SBL syllabus in the context of the question scenario (for example, to provide advice to the Board about how to respond to a particular situation or issue). Furthermore, tasks will not specifically ask you to use a particular model. Whether you use a theoretical model when constructing your answer will be a matter of judgement that you need to weigh up in the light of the information presented to you in the exam. Doing plenty of question practice in the lead up to your exam is the most effective way of developing your judgement in this area.
Using the pre-seen: The pre-seen allows all students to have the same background understanding of the context of the case study. The industry and the organisation are fictionalised, so there is little value in doing any research about the industry beyond what you need to do in order to understand the pre-seen information. Remember that the real industry may have features which are different to the simplified world of the pre-seen. Use the pre-seen to understand the organisation, its structure and the conditions in which it operates, so that you can write responses to the tasks that are applicable for and relevant to the organization. Do not try to question spot. The tasks will be based on the exhibits given in the exam, so question spotting will be a waste of time and may even lead you to misread the actual tasks in the exam for tasks you wish you had been set. A copy of the pre-seen will also be available to you in the exam, so you do not need to memorise it, you just need to be familiar enough with it to understand the context of the tasks and to be able to easily navigate to any
section if you need specific. You will not be able to take your own copy of the pre-seen into the exam.
Technical marks and Professional Skill marks: Technical marks relate to the knowledge which you demonstrate and apply in your answer. There are 80 technical marks on offer in the exam. The 20 Professional Skills marks are awarded for displaying the following skills and behaviours: Communication, commercial acumen, analysis, scepticism, and evaluation. Every Professional Skill will be tested in every SBL exam sitting. The Professional Skill being tested will be specified under each question requirement. As you prepare to attempt the exam it is crucial that you take the time to attempt as many practice questions as you can. To increase your chances of exam success you need to ensure that you take sufficient time to develop your understanding of the Professional Skills.
Advanced Performance Management APM
Q1 section A: Q1 of the APM exam will focus on a range of issues from syllabus section A (strategic planning and control), section B (performance measurement systems and design) and section C (strategic performance measurement).
Section A (50 marks) contains one question broken down into sub requirements. You will often be required to link a business’s mission to its performance objectives using the concept of CSFs and KPIs. You may well also have to critique and recommend improvements to performance reports and the balanced scorecard and/or information systems could well be tested in this context.
Assessing the performance of an organisation is likely to be tested and this could include benchmarking as a theme. Financial performance measures (ROCE/RI/EVA etc) are also likely to be examined in this context, but don't neglect nonfinancial issues from syllabus section C such as quality management, value for management and reward systems.
Q2-3 section B: ACCA have said that one of two section B questions will come from syllabus section D (performance evaluation). This means you need to have sound knowledge of the balance scorecard, building block and performance pyramid models. In addition you will also need to have a good working knowledge of activity based management (ABM) and value based management (VBM).
The other question can be sourced from a variety of syllabus areas including quality management, information reporting (e.g. big data, lean information), HR frameworks (e.g. reward & appraisal systems), transfer pricing and environmental management accounting.
General advice: APM is primarily a skills-based exam which tests the ability to apply knowledge to practical problems. This is now even more important as 20% of the marks are awarded for professional skills. Make sure you aware what these skills are and that you are confident in your ability to integrate these into your answer to the technical requirements of a question. However, application of knowledge is only possible if you have a good range of technical skills in place. So, even though APM is not about reciting technical knowledge, it is absolutely vital that you ensure that you have a good broad knowledge of core technical areas.
Advanced Taxation ATX (UK)
The exam will comprise of one compulsory 50-mark question within section A. The requirements will be detailed in the manager’s email marked ‘work to be carried out’ and there will be several exhibits containing further information. The answer will need to be prepared in a specific format as set out in the manager’s email which will include mark allocations for the sub-requirements. Due to the size of the question it is possible that the scenario could involve more than one client or a personal client in addition to a corporate client. The question will comprise of 35 technical marks, 5 ethics marks and 10 professional skills marks. Each of the four professional skills will be tested.
Section B will comprise of two compulsory 25-mark questions. These will be in a more succinct, note form style, and will comprise of 20 technical marks and 5 professional skills marks. A minimum of two of the three professional skills will be tested in these questions (not including communication).
The exam will test candidates’ ability to analyse and evaluate the tax implications of various situations, numerical calculations will only be required to assist in producing an answer and no purely numerical questions will be set.
Since the introduction of the professional skills marks students have more time to attempt each question than under previous sittings. The ACCA has stated that the additional professional skills marks should not be considered as additional requirements but that the extra time they allow should be used for planning and thus to prepare a more comprehensive answer.
Topics/scenarios we would expect to see are:
• Personal income tax scenarios which could involve: investing in a pension; investing in EIS, SEIS or VCTs, share schemes; employment income possibly with termination payments; a personal service company; property income or a takeover.
• Unincorporated business – particularly including loss reliefs, partnerships or basis period rules.
• A question focussing on overseas issues – this could be income tax, capital gains tax, inheritance tax or a corporate scenario.
• Capital gains tax versus inheritance tax including availability of reliefs.
• Corporate scenarios – likely to focus in more depth on intangibles; research and development; losses; corporate groups or consortia.
• Special corporate scenarios such as liquidation; purchase of own shares; close or investment companies.
• A business transformation scenario question such as selling a sole trade business, incorporation, or, in a corporate context, the sale of shares versus the sale of trade and assets.
• Other common types of question/calculation to expect are:
• Reviewing a pre-prepared computation to spot, explain and correct errors.
• Calculations such as “tax saved through an action”, “after-tax proceeds”, “the value of a posttax inheritance”, “net spendable income” or the “net of tax cost of something”.
Don’t forget that across the scenarios you can expect to see VAT marks available. Partial
exemption rules, VAT on land & buildings, transfer of going concern, the capital goods scheme, overseas VAT transactions, and registration/group registration/deregistration tend to be frequently examined.
There will also likely be a couple of marks for stamp duty points if you remember to think about it in your planning.
Finally, don’t forget your basic administration points are also likely to be examined – when do we need to pay tax, when do we file a return and what if either of those are late?
Advanced Audit & Assurance AAA
Recent AAA exams have contained no real surprises, although you should be prepared for the look and feel of the embedded email and supporting exhibits and the split of both technical and professional skills marks.
Section A will comprise a case study, worth 50 marks, split into 40 technical marks and 10 professional skills marks, and will be set at the planning stage of the audit, for a single company, a group of companies or potentially several audit clients.
Candidates will be provided with detailed information, which will vary between examinations, but is likely to include extracts of financial information, strategic, operational, and other relevant information for a client, as well as extracts from audit working papers, which could include the results of analytical procedures. The date will be set as 1 July 20X5.
Candidates will be required to address a range of requirements, from syllabus sections A, B, C and D, thereby tackling a real-world situation where candidates may have to manage a range of issues simultaneously in relation to planning, risk assessment, evidence gathering and ethical and professional considerations.
Ten professional marks will be available in section A and will be awarded based on the demonstration of professional skill within a candidate’s answer, including communication, analysis and evaluation, professional scepticism and judgement, and commercial acumen.
Section B will contain two compulsory 25-mark questions, with each being predominately based around a short scenario. The marks will be split into 20 technical marks and five professional skills marks. There are no optional questions in AAA.
One question will always test syllabus section E, and candidates should therefore always be prepared to answer a question relating to completion, review, and reporting. There are a number of formats this question could adopt, including, but not limited to, matters to be considered and evidence expected to be on file, a going concern assessment, the impact of subsequent events, evaluating identified misstatements and any corresponding effects on the auditor’s report. Candidates may also be asked to critique an auditor’s report or a report which is to be provided to management or those charged with governance.
The second section B question can be drawn from any other part of the syllabus, including sections A, B, C, D and F. Syllabus section G on current issues is unlikely to form the basis of a question on its own, but instead will be incorporated into the case study or either of the section B questions depending on question content and the topical issues affecting the profession at the time of sitting the exam.
Five professional marks will be available in each Section B question for demonstrating professional skill in analysis and evaluation, plus at least one of professional scepticism and judgement and commercial acumen.
This is a technically demanding exam which tests auditing knowledge from both AA and AAA. All three exam questions will require you to apply this knowledge to the scenarios given: the professional marks will be awarded on the strength of your application of knowledge to the situation presented in each of the exhibits. Apart from poor auditing knowledge, lack of success usually comes from poor analytical skills, poor application, poor judgement. and poor timekeeping.
This subject can also test topical issues which have been covered by the AAA examination team’s technical articles (e.g. quality management in September 2022, and the impact of data analytics in September/December 2020).
Check out the examiner’s two articles on quality management, two articles on planning questions and risk, plus another two articles that discuss recent developments in social, environmental and sustainability reporting. There are also ‘Topic explainer’ videos on areas such as quality management, audit procedures and prospective financial information (forecasts) that you may find of use.
The examining team has advised that certain less-frequently examined topics such as audit committees, money laundering, internal auditing and outsourcing could make an appearance, so you should make sure you have covered a good breadth of subjects in your revision. Note that for the syllabus examinable from September 2024, there has also been an increased focus on sustainability assurance following the issue of the IAASB’s exposure draft of ISSA 5000.
Advanced Financial Management AFM
All AFM exams will have questions which have a focus on section B of the syllabus (advanced investment appraisal) and section E (treasury and advanced risk management techniques). These syllabus areas are therefore high priority areas for your revision.
Q1 (50 marks): You can expect questions to cover at least two different syllabus areas. This emphasises the importance of having a good broad knowledge of the syllabus and not targeting your final exam revision on a small number of syllabus areas.
Questions are often based on core syllabus areas such as: project appraisal (domestic or overseas), business valuations and business/ financial reorganisations; these areas often include cost of capital calculations.
Risk management may also feature in a number of different ways, e.g. value at risk, real options, interest rate or current hedging, and risk management (e.g. mapping).
Q2-3 (25 marks each): Areas to be tested:
• Risk management (currency or interest rate) including the functions and structure of a treasury department.
• Dividend policy and general financing issues.
• Real options, including limitations of approach.
• Business reorganisation.
General advice: The examining team have stressed that exams are designed to make question spotting extremely difficult for this paper, so it is important to have a broad understanding of the key aspects of each syllabus area. Don't over-emphasise numerical analysis in your final revision – remember that this paper is not a maths exam and, in all exam questions the examiner is interested in your ability to communicate well and to give good management advice that relates to the scenario in the question. This is now even more important as 20% of the marks are awarded for professional skills. Make sure you are aware what these skills are and that you are confident in your ability to integrate these into your answer to the technical requirements of a question.