PQ magazine, July 2021

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ACCA exam: the meltdown PQ editor Graham Hambly catalogues students’ woes at the latest set of ACCA exams The June ACCA exams were a catalogue of cancelled and delayed exams as UK exam centres struggled to cope with ‘technical difficulties’. Many PQs waited hours (some over eight hours) only to be told their exam would not be going ahead. ACCA students were also shocked when they walked into the Viglen House exam centre in London (see picture). Sitters told us there were “wires everywhere” at the Dalston, Manchester and Leicester centres. A PQ said: “It is hardly surprising there where technical difficulties when you are running 100+ computers off extension leads from one power source.” For many the pictures were confirmation that some centres were simply not up to the job. As one PQ said: “I had a fire extinguisher beside me with all the wires under the desk.” Another simply said: “So health and safety does not come

PQ Magazine July 2021

into ethics then, ACCA?” Students at many centres revealed it wasn’t plain sailing even if they got logged onto the exam. Many spoke of keyboards having a mind of their own, even deleting work as they typed in their answers. “My screen

just kept going on and off,” explained an AA sitter. One frustrated PQ even claimed it was time for BBC Panorama or C4 Dispatches to get on the case. We have also heard there were technical difficulties in India too, for the remote invigilated exams. And some students have actually called for a return to paper

exams. Students are demanding ACCA take a serious look at how it is going to address these continuing issues. “We don’t hear the AAT or CIMA having the same amount of problems,” suggested one sitter. With the availability of remote invigilated exams on demand, students believe the time is right for ACCA to offer affected sitters the chance to sit a new exam before September. • Despite the technical difficulties, computer crashes and noisy air conditioning, the exams themselves generally got a thumbsup with the usual caveats of time management issues. To read our paper-by-paper feedback go to www.pqmagazine.com.

ACCA statement about cabling problems at exam venue – 9 June

ACCA apologises to students who have been affected by delays and issues at some exam centres this week. We are currently investigating complaints from students about the cabling at one of our venues. We understand that one room at Viglen House in London was not set up in an appropriate manner. We take these matters very seriously and have launched an investigation with our partners at this site. We are sorry that students for the morning session were delayed and some had to withdraw because they were not able to stay for the delayed sitting in the afternoon. We will refund their fee and ask them to rebook their exam. We would also like to apologise to 140 students who had their exams cancelled at Ealing and Hammersmith College yesterday, where we had technical problems. They will also have their fees refunded.


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Articles inside

Careers Life at Zzoomm with our PQ of the Year; Agony Aunt Karen Young has more career advice; and our book review

page 39

Fun The lighter side of life; and more great PQ giveaways

page 40

Future emploment What

page 38

Target costing Philip Dunn

pages 32-33

Test bank How much do you know about material control and reporting direct material cost?

page 34

AAT exams Nick Craggs explains the difference between mark up and margin

page 29

Keep it simple Neil Da Costa

page 35

CIPFA spotlight Student

page 30

AAT guru In the first in a regular series, Teresa Clarke looks at how depreciation works

pages 36-37

Local government ARGA gets

page 31

Xero offer Add to your CV with a Xero qualification – and you can do it through PQ for FREE!

pages 26-28

A question for Tom Top tutor

page 22

Have your say There’s was

pages 14-15

ACCA spotlight Beware exam

page 21

International standards We

pages 18-19

CIMA spotlight Why question

pages 24-25

Wellbeing Studying and sitting exams can really take it out of you, so make sure you take time out to look after yourself

page 23

ICAEW spotlight Why data

page 20

ACCA exam meltdown

page 5
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