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IN THIS ISSUE A note from the Editor
by PQ magazine
Well, the UK the weather is never predicable, and nor it seems is the accountancy profession!
This month sees the launch of ACCA’s Student Hub, which in truth caught many people off-guard. It looks like it is going to be a fantastic resource – and its free! Add that to the new personalised support tool – My Exam Performance – and it could be said that ACCA is starting to embrace technology to deliver a much better service to its PQs. It really seems to have come out of the pandemic with a new vigour and a stack of great ideas. Now let’s see if it helps push pass rates up!
Doing the WACC calculation using a performance management technique
28 Accountex 2023
This is the one trade show you really must go to – and here’s why
29 Contract revenue
What you need to know about significant financing components

30 Opinion
Is it time to rethink accountancy?
AAT has also promised us they are going to get on top of the assessment problems with Q2022. We will be keeping a watching brief on this one, too.
It’s PQ magazine awards time, and you can find the shortlists on page 17. Well done everyone who made it, we will see you on 24 April.

Finally, we have another seminar coming up with Queen Mary University of London, on Wednesday 7 June. This time we are looking at ‘The Future is Net Zero – can accountants help to save the planet?’ You can sign up on Eventbrite at https://tinyurl.com/ n6mkesf4
Don’t forget Accountex, too, on 10-11 May – PQ magazine will be going along for a bit of networking.
Graham Hambly, Editor and Publisher, PQ magazine
4 CIMA case studies
Why you need to know all about tractors, package holidays and logistics
5 ICAEW CEO to retire Michael Izza calls time on an illustrious career
6 Skills shortages
Manchester and Nottingham hit worst by talent crunch
8 ACCA scraps degree Applied Accounting BSc to be withdrawn from Oxford Brookes uni
9 ACCA sustainability report Why the planet needs green accountants
10 Finance Bill makes 24 New Bill means two dozen new taxes have been introduced this century
12 Tech news
Students cheating on essays with the help of AI Features, etc
14 My AAT woes; why Manchester beats London; and are there really skills shortages?
17 PQ Awards 2023 The shortlist in full – so who made it to the big night out?
18 A question for Tom Solid advice from Tom on how to deal with exam failure
19 ACCA Study Hub Supercharge you exam success p22 News
20 Law Contract law explained –stuff you need to know if you’re sitting the AAT Level 2 Business Environment Synoptic assessment
22 PQ Book Club Business gets the manga makeover
23 ACCA ATX exam How to land those professional skills marks
24 AAT exams The lowdown on the AAT Professional Synoptic exam
31 PQ seminar
A report on our latest tax seminar, in association with Queen Mary University

32 CIMA case studies
We run the rule over the latest set of pre-seens
34 IFA spotlight
Why fraud awareness is a must
37 Ethics
Our puzzle will tell you how ethical you really are
39 Careers
Where are the corporate Net Zero plans? Plus more top advice on your career from Hays Karen Young and our book review
40 Fun
A look at the lighter side of life –and accountancy
The columnists
Lisa Nelson Why it’s vital that you pay full