2 minute read
FRC issues FRED 83
by PQ magazine
reform – Pillar Two model rules, which proposes to introduce a temporary exception to the accounting for deferred taxes arising from the implementation of the OECD’s Pillar Two model rules, alongside targeted disclosure requirements.
who has yet to meet the assessment criteria will no longer be able to achieve the BSc.
ACCA is reminding students it will still offer two other opportunities to obtain a Masters’ degree which are available globally: Once you’re an affiliate, you could consider the University of London MSc in Professional Accountancy
Once you’re a member it offers an Oxford Brookes Global MBA groups pay a minimum amount of income tax.
– who were by far the happiest workers. Even those who worked in advertising and PR were happier than accountants (76.66).
The only solace you might be able to take away from the survey is the fact that the legal profession is unhappier. Those working in law scored 69.51 on the index. You may have to be nicer to recruitment consultants, too. They scored just 37.14 on Reboot Online’s list.
FRED 83 is based on similar proposals issued by the IASB To make similar accounting relief and disclosure requirements available in the FRC’s financial reporting standards to a consistent timeframe the FRC is consulting now, rather than waiting for the IASB’s final amendments.
The OECD’s Pillar Two model rules introduce a global system of interlocking top-up taxes that aim to ensure that large multinational
To support the FRC’s intention to finalise any amendments in summer 2023, comments on FRED 83 are requested by 24 May 2023.
UK needs to move quickly on green agenda
The updated Green Finance Strategy brings welcome clarity on the Government’s intentions on the UK Green Taxonomy and the mandating of transition plan disclosures, according to PwC’s sustainability partner, David Crocker. He said: “These measures have the potential to drive better data availability for financial market participants and help channel capital to support the transition to a low carbon economy.”
However, he is worried that the announcement suggests that the timetable for embedding the ISSB standards into UK regulation will be ‘protracted’. Crocker believes it is vital that the UK moves quickly in driving progress on these initiatives, both to support net zero goals and to maintain the UK’s position as a leading hub for green finance.
Attempts to save energy failed!
New research from KPMG in the UK, as part of its Consumer Pulse survey, shows that nine out of 10 bill payers made changes to reduce energy use between October 2022 and February 2023. However, despite the attempts to cut back, over two-thirds (69%) said that their bills were higher than expected over that period, and for a third (34%) they were significantly so.
While almost all respondents said they made some attempts to reduce the energy they used, over half (56%) of billpayers said they also made upgrades to their homes, and the same amount (56%) purchased energy efficient gadgets to keep energy costs down this winter.
EY gets German ban
The German audit watchdog has banned EY from taking on new audit clients for two years over failures in its work on Wirecard. Apas (the watchdog) also fined EY €500,000. Apas said it “considered the violations of professional duties during the audits of Wirecard and Wirecard Bank from 2016 to 2018 as proven”.
EY Germany said it would examine the decision ‘carefully’ but had not yet received the detailed legal conclusion.