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Time to update the ICAEW exam software?
ICAEW exam sitters want to know why they can’t open the word processing and spreadsheet areas side-by-side.
Currently, it splits on the right hand side of the screen, with the word processing area on top and spreadsheet on the bottom. It means exam sitters waste time scrolling up and down between the cells and resizing windows to view information to provide the necessary commentary.
“It’s not very much like work at all, as they claim,” ventured one part qualified accountant.
As fellow students pointed out, the system has been the same since the software was first released. “When are they going to update it?” some asked.
ICAEW case study sitters have been surprised by the lack of functionality. As one PQ said: “Just baffling. The one thing accountants need are spreadsheets, not Microsoft blooming Word.”
Another student explained: “You can zoom out on the
Social equity is something accountants must measure!
Accountancy and finance professionals must be at the forefront of a just transition to a sustainable future, according to the latest research by ACCA. Its new report, Accounting for Social Values, says all organisations need to transition to a sustainable future that embraces the economic, environmental and social aspects in combination.
ACCA explained that society faces long-term challenges from social injustice, with stakeholders and regulators increasingly focusing on the social implications of the actions of organisations. That is why defining and measuring the return to society by an organisation’s activities is becoming as important as the financial objectives themselves.
spreadsheet to 70-80% and still see fine, as well as hide the ribbon. Likewise, you can reduce the font size in the word section and it doesn’t affect the export, or just size up before you submit.”
Sitters can also free up more space by hiding the tiles next to the resources on the left-hand side of the screen, while they are not using them.
There also seem persistent problems with copying formulae in the spreadsheet.