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Practical application promotes exam success
Demonstrating good application skills is about what you can do, not just what you know
You know that exam success requires you to put in the hard yards in revision time to acquire expert knowledge. But how do you use that knowledge to give yourself the best chance to pass – and pass well?
Success means demonstrating practical application skills that highlight your awareness, familiarity and understanding of facts and skills presented to you.
A combination of good technical understanding and practical use of knowledge are pivotal to the Case Study exams. A high passing score (level 3) in CGMA Case Study exams also requires clear, detailed discussion and, often, an explanation or justification for your recommendations or arguments.
In short, demonstrating good application skills is about what you can do, not just what you know.
Pre-seen materials – know them inside out
It’s essential to become extremely familiar with the pre-seen document before exam day. This includes fully understanding the content and interpreting the facts provided.
When I worked towards my Case Study exams
I made notes from the pre-seen of key facts. I then thought about how these facts could affect the current situation, as well as thinking about some ‘what if’ scenarios.
Taking notes and self-questioning helped recreate a scenario I would possibly face at work. This practical process enabled me to clearly understand the scenario presented in the exam question, giving me the best chance to pass.
Case Study exams – immerse yourself in the scenario
The Case Study exam is a ‘role simulation’ that reflects real-world scenarios in business. The simulations require a CGMA candidate to think like a financial professional at work. Explore the information provided and how the details, facts, and figures affect you and the task you’ve been set.
Imagine that you’re the person in the Case Study and think critically through the requirements to report back to stakeholders.
Thinking through requirements in detail helps you to consider everything and avoid missing key information. The process also enables you to effectively assess your recommendations.
Application skills – use knowledge practically
Good exam application is about understanding the concepts and theories and then putting these to effective use. Practical application of concepts isn’t always easy, especially if your current job role doesn’t require a hands-on approach.
I recommend making a list of key areas from the pre-seen. Then, determine how each topic, within the subjects at the level you are studying, might relate to the pre-seen. Not every topic will relate, but writing them down and thinking through them at the specific case-study level means you can consider the points integral to success.
Evaluation – thinking through the theory from a practical perspective – is a strong start to developing good application skills.
High pass scores – advance your skill set
Taking good technical understanding and applying your knowledge practically is the best way to achieve a high exam score. By adding explanations, justifications, and balanced arguments, as well as raising valid questions, you can demonstrate proficiency and a deep understanding of both the Case Study and the work-based task.
Additional tips and tricks for success
• Mention name: Appropriately naming the organisation, your line manager, colleagues, stakeholders, product, project, etc., demonstrates familiarity with the scenario information.
• Write in the first person: Because the CGMA Case Study exams are business simulations of real-life jobs tasks, question responses can be conversational. For instance, you could be asked to respond to an email from your manager asking you to perform tasks. Respond as if you are in the role described in the exam. If your role is a finance officer, for example, respond to you manager’s request as a finance officer.
• Paraphrase scenario information: Don’t just repeat the scenario information. Instead, paraphrase it and draw on relevant information to support your points.
• Be conscious of the exam requirements: Understanding the purpose of the information required and what channel of communication is expected (e.g., email, report, briefing note, etc.) will help you stay focused and demonstrate your application skills when using evidence from the pre-seen or unseen information.
• Contextualise the theory: Context matters. Contextualising the theory gives your answers greater meaning and demonstrates your ability to put knowledge to practical use. Ensure that you put the general technical knowledge into the specific context set by the pre-seen and unseen.
AICPA & CIMA provide a wide range of support materials, including tips from examiners to support you in your studies. You’ll find plenty of examples from all three levels of the CGMA syllabus – together with level-specific study materials.
For further resources, explore the CGMA Study Hub and view a relevant exam session.
• Nasheen Wuisman, Senior Manager of Global Academic Progression at AICPA & CIMA, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants