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A profession you can trust?
A profession you can trust?
The latest Edelman Trust Barometer reveals a significant increase in levels of trust in chartered accountants (to 85%), despite ongoing economic uncertainty.
The trust in chartered accountants has in fact increased seven percentage points since 2021 –which puts accountants alongside doctors (87%) and engineers (87%) as trusted advisors.
To put this into context the trust in lawyers fell three percentage points between 2021 and 2023 to 64%. Auditors have a trust score of 75% and politicians 27%.
Interestingly, the trust in chartered accountancy bodies rose three percentage points to 80%. While good, it still means one in five people don’t trust them!
The Edelman report, commission by Chartered Accountants Worldwide, said as concerns about misinformation grow, particularly during a move towards increase automation, chartered accountants can capitalise on their existing strength and become the ‘guardians of the data’. Some 77% of financial decision makers say they have or will be using their accountants to lead the digital transformation in their organisation.
For more go to https://tinyurl.com/mt9b4euv