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Congratulations to Our Home Cook Hero All-Star Lodges
The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania was recognized for providing 13 meals in 2022 at the Gift of Life Howie’s House, a home away from home for transplant patients and family members staying in Philadelphia awaiting a life-saving solid organ transplant.
Prior to the December Communication, R.W. Grand Master Jeffrey M. Wonderling and the Grand Lodge Officers toured the facility, saw firsthand the involvement of the local Philadelphia lodges that cook the meals and met the Masons who volunteer as shuttle drivers.
The lodges that qualified collectively as a “Home Cook Hero All Star” included: St. John’s Lodge No. 115, Richmond-Solomon Lodge No. 3, William L. Elkins Lodge No. 271, Tacony Lodge No. 600, William Penn Harmony Lodge No. 52, Lodge No. 9, Lodge No. 2, Joseph H. Brown Lodge No. 751, Newtown Lodge No. 427 and SouthamptonRadiant Star Lodge No. 806. Congratulations!
Pictured are: Brothers Tim Radtke, P.M., Masonic Blood+Organ Donor Board Member; Efrain Rivera, P.M., District D Blood Chairman; PJ Roup, R.W. Junior Grand Warden; Larry Derr, R.W. Deputy Grand Master; Jeffrey Wonderling, R.W. Grand Master; Rob Brink, R.W. Senior Grand Warden; Joe Jenson, D.D.G.M.-B; Bob Baur, Organ Donor Ambassador and shuttle driver, and Bill Soloway, Executive Director of the Masonic Blood+Organ Donor Program. (Not pictured are Brothers Len Juliani, D.D.G.M.-D, and Richard Bradbury, D.D.G.M.-8.