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Being Recognized for Good Deeds
Miatta, age 9, lives at the Masonic Children’s Home and attends second grade in the Elizabethtown Area School District.
She was recently recognized by the community of Elizabethtown with the “Do The Right Thing” award for her exemplary behavior and for being a positive role model.
Do The Right Thing is a national program that began with the Miami Police Department in 1990 and continues in communities nationwide.
This program honors youth, grades K-12, who do positive things that make a difference. In doing so, they become positive role models for their peers.
Miatta was nominated by her teacher, Mr. Heaverly, for independently initiating positive and supportive relationships with kindergartners who have special needs at Bainbridge Elementary School.
“We have special needs kids at school. I push them on tire swings and play with them and make them feel welcome,” Miatta said. “I help them if they are lost and need to find their classrooms.”
Social worker Alison IzerBowman added, “She always helps without being asked.”
Miatta was celebrated at a recent awards ceremony, where she received a T-shirt, certificate of recognition and the opportunity to attend a Hershey Bears Game, where she and the other nominees will be recognized on the ice at intermission.
Giving students positive recognition for good deeds encourages positive behavior, helps kids feel good about themselves and improves school climate.
The Do the Right Thing is a collaborative effort among Elizabethtown Area Communities
That Care, the Elizabethtown local police departments and the Elizabethtown Area School District.
Miatta said she is excited to attend the Hershey Bears game. Alison said she plans to take Miatta to dinner beforehand, most likely at her favorite restaurant, Chick-fil-A.
Miatta said she appreciates the support she receives while staying at the children’s home.
“There are people there who care about you and support you,” she said. “I have a lot of friends.”