3 minute read


Installation of Officers for Elizabethtown DeMolay


Lodge Multipurpose Room

Residents are invited by Todd A. Schwartz, Jr., Master Councilor-Elect, to the Installation of Officers for Elizabethtown DeMolay. A light dinner in the Lodge Multipurpose Room will be followed by a public installation in the Lodge Room. The suggested dress code is coat and tie for men and the equivalent dress for ladies. Please call Dave Berry at ext. 33853 to RSVP or with questions.

Jay Smar: Ol’ Time

Mountain Folk and Coal

Mine Music


Keystone Room

An uplifting interactive program of familial folk, bluegrass, gospel, mountain and coal mine music.

How to Prevent Health Care Fraud

TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 10:30 A.M.

Keystone Room

Who pays for health care fraud? You pay! Learn about the effects health care fraud has on one’s quality of care and the financial impact it has on the Medicare and Medicaid systems. Practical tips will be given on how to prevent and report suspected health care fraud. Presented by Dan Milloy, outreach and engagement supervisor for the senior Medicare patrol at the Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of Elders.

Formal Gardens Concert: Mitch & the Mood Swings

TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 6:30 P.M.

Formal Gardens

Featuring the best of the 60s rock ‘n’ roll, soul and Motown, Mitch has been singing for over 50 years and has never had more fun. “You can't do this music without a smile on your face,” Mitch says. Whether performing in a vineyard event, at one of the area’s fairs or as part of the New Holland Park summer series, this band brings its energy and performance experience and knows how to put on a great show for its audience. Please bring your lawn chairs and blankets (some chairs will be available as needed). A rain alternate location is the Deike Auditorium. Parking is available at the FCC lot, or call ext. 33205 to sign up for transportation.

Low Stress Diet


Life Long Learning Center

Discover the foods you may be eating that add to your stress. Learn about the five aspects of nutrition, which vital nutrients are depleted with chronic stress, what foods trigger the stress response and the effects of stress on your immune system. You will also learn what foods to choose to decrease your stress. Call the Baird Wellness Center at ext. 33783 to register.

Music Merrymakers

Summer Concert


Deike Auditorium

It’s June, a time of summer roses, sunshine, summer places, seashore vacations and oldfashion fun. Whether up on the roof, under the boardwalk, or on the back porch, it is a time to kick back and relax. The Music Merrymakers invite you on a romantic musical journey of seasonal favorites that never go out of style!

Village Encore Band

Summer Concert


Deike Auditorium

It’s not over, the Village Encore Band will present their version of “March Madness,” which is full of your favorite marches to celebrate the ideals that make America, America. You will find it difficult to keep your feet from tapping or your hands from clapping during this performance! The band consists of Masonic Village residents and community members.

Movie Showing: Sight & Sound’s “Jonah”


Deike Auditorium

Get ready for Sight & Sound Theater’s most extreme, fun-filled adventure yet! Filmed in front of a live audience in stunning high definition, you’ll be on the edge of your seat as the Bible’s most lovably stubborn character, Jonah, comes to life. This record-breaking production of the reluctant prophet with cold feet has thrilled audiences with its delightful humor, soul-stirring music, spectacular sets, amazing costumes and the breathtaking underwater scene featuring a huge 40-foot whale with a big appetite! But ultimately, it’s the message of Jonah that steals the show: the love of God is always seeking to give someone another chance. This movie is rated PG and has a run time of 116 minutes.


WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 10 A.M. – 4 P.M.

Brossman Ballroom and Brossman Courtyard

Play fun games and activities, earn tickets and enter to win various gift baskets and prizes!

Food trucks and Masonic Village Catering will be available to purchase lunch. No preregistration is required, and this resident and employee event will be held rain or shine.

Summer Wellness Series


GLH Solarium

Make 2023 the summer of a healthier YOU! Join Brigid Murphy, wellness specialist, for this FREE five-part wellness series designed to address five important areas of healthy aging. Each session will give you practical tips to enhance your daily routine to live a healthier, more balanced life. Topics include: June 29 - Taking Care of #1: Building Your Self-Care Toolkit; July 13 - Let’s Get Moving: Tips for Moving More & Meeting Your Fitness Goals; July 27 - Fact or Myth Nutrition Edition: Debunking Common Nutrition Myths; Aug. 10 - Mastering the Mind: Tips for Improving Mental Fitness & Brain Health; and Aug. 24 - Graceful Aging: Embracing the Changing You.

AARP Smart Driver Tech

FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1:30 P.M.

Keystone Room

AARP is making it even easier for you to learn about new vehicle technologies like Smart Headlights, Blind Spot Warning Systems and Drowsy Driving Alerts and how they can help keep you safe on the road. Learn with this free program and stay ahead of the curve when it comes to vehicle technology. Instructed by Bill Pearson. Call ext. 14509 to register.

Coming Soon:

Unsolved Cold Cases with Scott Baylor Look for more information.

Date to be announced.

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