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Memorial Gifts
The following memorial gifts were made Aug. 1- Oct. 31, 2019. Below is a list of individuals (names shown in blue) whose loved ones have made a gift in their memory to one of the five Masonic Villages. We have taken great care to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the names listed below. If an error has been made, please contact the Office of Gift Planning at 800-599-6454; 717-367-1121, ext. 33430; or by emailing giving@masonicvillages.org. Thank you.
George J. Armstrong Joseph and Susan Armstrong Vincent W. Attaviano Marion Attaviano Beverly A. Baker George Baker William Baker, Sr. Jane Baker Earl and Frances Baringer Paul Baringer Joan Margaret Bartlett Kim Hennon Nancy Barto Loretta Ann Fappiano Richard Basehore Fred and Dottie Basehore August E. Bauer LeRoy McClellan Howard A. Beiseigel John Beiseigel Stuart I. Blitz Houseman Lodge No. 211 Marie Bond Masonic Village at Dallas Social Committee Archie J. Branton, Jr. Jane Branton Geraldine (Gerry) A. Bricker-Vaughan Camilla Anderson Joseph and Elizabeth Barnes Ken and Elaine Bleiler Roger and Anne Burkhart Sharon Edwards Elizabethtown Masonic Village Shrine Club Bill and Carla Fishel Robert and Marilyn Forney FRA, Harrisburg Branch 106 Happy Mad Hatters Bryan and Eileen Hill Jerry and Pat Kemmerer Cynthia and Jerry Kopenhaver Ginny Locker Ted Nichols Julia Siipple Elvin Silvius James Silvius James Vaughan Roger and Susan Wheeler Willard-Waterman Court No. 54, Order of the Amaranth Larry and Carol Wolford Evelyn L. Briel Irene Van Tassel James and Helen Brookhart Don and Pat March Charles and Hilda Buehler Clintin and Karen Probst Betty Burgess Ronald and Alice Burgess Margaret “Ginny” Ceneviva Pat and Bob Jones Robert Momorella Louis Sayland Lynda Sayland Upper Moreland Township PBA Andrew Charles Willaline Charles Toby Zelda Chase Judith Arnoff Valerie Cutler Lou and Helayne Dodson Matt and Heather Greenberg Laura McCabe Stepanie Newman Lois Cherry Larry and Carol Wolford Alva and Martha Cochran Thomas and Carol Cochran Donald F. Coles, Sr. Etta Coles Clarence J. Cox Carla Cox Harold Cramer Hackenburg Mount Moriah Lodge No. 19 Joy Crawford Mason Crawford Edwin F. Davies, Sr. Edwin and Bernice Davies Jason L. Dean Richard Dean Jean K. Dent Ruth Fishel Richard and Barbara Haas Jerry and Grace Langholdt Jason Schneider Chester A. and Marian E. Derk, Sr. Chester and Barbara Derk, Jr. Antoinette DeSalis Timothy Desalis M. Grace Di Massa Elizabethtown Chapter No. 407, O.E.S. Ord L. Dixon Jean Dixon Henry C. Dobbs Henry Dobbs, Jr. Joseph Dodd Allen and Shirley Chadish James Donnon John and Joan Groves Laura W. Dove Albert Dove Katherine M. Dubbs Wayne and Debra Dubbs
Manon Duck Don and Shirley Miller Lee Eck Edmund and Darlene Ludwig Anna Mae Eiceman Berle Eiceman Mary Elanjian Paul Elanjian Marie Eltz Doris Rodgers Ruth Emberger James Seibert Earl A. Emerich Joyce Emerich James T. English Margery English Jimmie and Lorene Erwin Jimmie and Barbara Erwin, Jr. Yvonne M. Fafata Robert Fafata Lori Fehnel Charmaine Florey David and Helen Hughes Glen David Fisher John and Barbara Kolchin Carl R. Flohr Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania, Order of Eastern Star, Inc. Elizabeth Maffett Lorraine Formica Martha Blackstone Forrest E. Forney Robert and Nancy Forney Samuel Fratis Stephen Long Father and Mother Frischauf Alice Mason Grace Frishkorn Michael and Elizabeth Maugans Roy Fulmer Jack and Debra Fulmer Connie Gehman Suzanne Anderson Elizabeth J. Goettle William and Marjorie Goettle William Graves Southampton Square Club Glen Griffith Bertram and Patsy Griffith Gertrude “Trudy” Gutshall Preston and Brenda Van Deursen Robert Hagerich Robert Scott and Diane Hagerich Ruth H. Hasenauer Mary Jane Keim Mildred Henritzy Eileen Hill Sterling Hepler Duane and Nancy Hepler Raymond H. Herot Houseman Lodge No. 211 Betty Herriott Dell, Inc. Ryan Utzler Sidney S. and Sylvia M. Hersh Joel Hersh and Cynthia Tyger Paul W. Hess Judith Hess Bill Hibbard William and Sandy Wood Charles and Loretta Hill James and Mary Hill Jerome L. and Kathryn Hitz Paul Thompson Delmer Hoover Dallas Hoover Robert P. Hromika Carolyn Hromika David and Alicia Hunsberger Timothy and Fay Pletcher Helen Jaymes Nora Beyers Irene L. Jochen Al Jochen Thomas Johnson Hackenburg Mount Moriah Lodge No. 19 William Josephson Michael and Sandra Josephson Vincent J. Joyce Winifred Joyce Jon Katherine Ken and Elaine Bleiler Frank H. Kendra Anthony DiBattista Claire E. Kistler Bev Schweitzer Albert and Mary Kling Albert and Roberta Kling George and Douglas Krissinger Ann Krissinger Edwina “Sherrie” Letcher Camilla Anderson Ken and Elaine Bleiler Jim and Betty Gotta David and Beth Griffin David and Nancy Halliwell Happy Mad Hatters Eileen Hill Ray and Patricia Horn Bruce and Joan Howarth Kimberly Jankowski Pat and Jerry Kemmerer Gary and Shirley Letcher Pennsylvania TorchBearer Kappa Reading Barbara Zell Dominick Lizzi David and Alda Lizzi Harry W. Locke Lee Locke Richard Lower Marion Attaviano Bruce and Joan Howarth Anthony and Jean Loy Clintin and Karen Probst Kenneth and Pauline March Don and Pat March Thomas H. Martin Elizabeth Martin Marie Massa Michael and Rebecca Maxwell Florence E. Maugans Michael and Elizabeth Maugans Audrey J. McBride Lisa McBride Cora McClune Roger and Anne Burkhart Roger and Susan Wheeler Brinton L. McCully Evelyn McCully R. Dale McDowell Bonnie McDowell Lloyd McKee Dean and Brenda Miller John L. Mengel, Jr. Dale Schoeneman Paul E. Meyers Donald Meyers Glenn Miller Betty Miller Joyce Miller William and Donna Miller Dan Milligan Kathy Milligan Lillian Milliron Eric and Lois Milliron Harry S. Mills Skip and Elizabeth Mills June Y. Mitchell Elizabethtown Chapter No. 407, O.E.S. Fred E. Muller, Jr. Southampton Square Club Gertrude K. Myers Stephen and Kathy Kiessling Hubert G. Myers Eva Myers Robert J. Nagel Judy Nagel
James C. Nickle Thomas and Terry Kamerzel George Ovington Edwin and Bernice Davies Donald Ray Phariss John Beiseigel Ruth J. Phillips James Phillips Betty Pirnick John and Julie Tomlinson H. Stanley Redline Duane and Doris Redline Larry G. Ritter Doris Ritter Jim Roach, Jr. Southampton Square Club Charles E. Rose Donna Rose Stanley H. Roth Marlene Roth Tom Rothwell Lillian Rothwell George Runkle Alvin and Iris Goodman Lynn A. and Jonathan D. Rutkowski Daniel Rutkowski Roy I. Schell George Schell Donna M. Scott Donald Scott Henry S. Seitz John Seitz John G. Shaffer John Shaffer George B. Sheasley Anna Sheasley Kim Shelley Donald and Jane Hacker Jean Silvius James Silvius Millie Sinopoli Henry and Jocelyn Sinopoli Robert K. Sloan Edna Sloan Donald A. Smith Barbara Smith Pauline Spangler Delbert and Fern Skinner Danny Spickler Jim and Betty Gotta Dot Spickler Paul and Christiana Fauser Arnold Stackhouse Bruce and Joan Howarth Ruth E. Steeb Peter and Mary Steeb Dale R. Stump Gail Stump TU College of Business and Economics Wilson L. Sturgeon H. T. and Vicki Silbaugh Joseph T. (J.T.) Sullivan Ann Carr Margery English Richard and Debbie Friedman Walter and Peggy Gozdan Ben and Polly Levinson Elizabeth Lexa Sidney MacLeod Jr. Bernard Moore Paula O’Reilly Josephine Palancia Eleanor Rankin Chris Reynolds Thomas and Sharon Smith Kathryn Frances Sullivan-Bacher Anna Johnson Herbert M. Swisher Beryl Swisher Wayne Serena Thomas Polly Thomas Nancy Marie (Hitz) Thompson Paul Thompson Emily Louise Tumolo Ken and Elaine Bleiler Masonic Village Travel Club James Silvius Lloyd Tyson, Jr. Jacquelin Tyson Mable H. Van Dyke David Van Dyke Fred Washkevich Louise Washkevich Leroy (Roy) James Watters, Jr. Patricia Bennett Donald Bruner Long Financial Group, LLC Rachel Uhrich Elizabeth Weamer Bruce and Irene Christman Joseph L. Weber Lucille Weber James Whittington Thomas and Phyllis Cercone Rose H. Wible Sandra and Don Kunz Florence Willis William Reaghard David Winter Loretta Winter James H. Wolf, Jr. Dorothy Wolf Walter H. Wright Jr. Carolyn Wright Reba Yottey Gael Rapp John and Eloise Ziegler John and Marguerite Ziegler Ben Zisselman John and Barbara Kolchin