Safety Induction

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Safety Induction Safety Training Module 01 Version-1

Safety Talk


Should be conducted before commencement of ANY meeting 9 Responsibility R ibilit

---- the th coordinator di t off th the meeting ti

9 Inform

---- about the exit ---- about the location of fire extinguishers g and alarm ---- the assembly point in case of emergency evacuation.

Safety Induction 2

Values -------------------------------------------------------------------9 Safety :

Our commitment to Safety will be the benchmark in the industries.

9 Trust :

Trust will be fundamental in the Quality of our Products & Services as well as in our Delivery Commitments Commitments.

9 Human Dignity :

We will always uphold Human Values among all Stakeholders.

9 Excellence : WE will strive to always achieve the Highest Standard across our Value Chain Chain.

Safety Induction 3

Vision-------------------------------------------------------------------9Tata BlueScope Steel shall strive to achieve leadership position in the Coated Steel Business and its applications.

Safety Induction 4

Mission --------------------------------------------------------------------Tata BlueScope Steel will actively pursue Market Development of Coated Steel and its Applications by Developing Customer Oriented,, Reliable and Efficient Solutions. Our Endeavour is to become most preferred Solution Provider in the SAARC region. Safety and Quality shall be the hallmark of all our Operations.

Safety Induction 5

.. Tata BlueScope Steel nothing is more important than working safely ‌‌.Harish Pathak, Managing Director

Our goal is

Safety Induction 6

Safety at Tata BlueScope Steel


Strict rules about Safety which everybody must obey Rules are to protect you and those working around you. If you are NOT SURE how to do the job safely:

ALWAYS STOP AND ASK Safety Induction 7

Safety Induction 8

Safety Induction 9

Safety at Tata BlueScope Steel ------------------------Tata BlueScope Steel follows 9 BlueScope Steel Safety Policies & Procedures 9 Indian Occupational Health, Safety & Environmental Laws 9 OHSAS OHSAS-18001 18001 & ISO-14001 ISO 14001 Every one is expected to do the same when workingat TBSL because failure to do so will endanger you and yourworkmates yourworkmates.

Safety Induction 10

Our Cardinal Rules ----------------------------------------------------------9 All employees will abide by the safety rules and regulations outlined in the Safety Induction hand book. 9 S Specified ifi d personall protective t ti equipment i t mustt b be worn according to the work requirement. 9 No dangerous work practices. 9 No foolish behavior or practical jokes. 9 No working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Smoking is prohibited.

Safety Induction 11

Our Cardinal Rules ----------------------------------------------------------9 All injuries, near misses, unsafe acts and unsafe conditions must be reported to your supervise or immediately. 9 No falsification of documents. 9 No interfering or tampering with safety devices and equipment. 9 Do not endanger others. 9 In case of an Emergency, follow instructions given by security & authorized persons. persons

Safety Induction 12

Safety Induction 13

HSE Expectations from Employees -----------------------9 In Tata BlueScope working safely is a condition of employment. 9 As part of the employee involvement all are e expected pected to cond conduct ct at least one safety audit (individual or team) every month. 9 All injuries are to be promptly reported, with corrective and preventive actions expeditiously carried out out.

Safety Induction 14

HSE Expectations from Employees -----------------------9 Shall stop work if you believe it has become unsafe and start only after it is safe to do so. 9 No repetition of serious incidents. 9 At least two near miss incidents to be reported & corrective action taken taken.

Safety Induction 15

HSE Targets ----------------------------------------------------------------------9 Our goal is a Zero Harm where the prevention of injuries and unsafe incidents will be the focus of our Safety Management System 9 The following OH&S Safety targets have been established and are applicable to all associated with Tata BlueScope Steel , India – Nil Fatalities. – Lost Time Injuries (LTI) - 0 – Medical Treatment Injuries (MTI) - 0

Safety Induction 16

Incident Reporting --------------------------------------------------------9 All injuries and incidents which could lead to injuries or damage must be reported to your supervisor immediately and a report on the incident filled out. 9 Supervisors must notify the Department Head & Safety Representative i immediately di t l when h one off th the ffollowing ll i iincidents id t occur – – – – – –

Injury Incidents Vehicle incidents Fire Incidents Equipment failures Security violations N Near miss i with ith th the potential t ti l ffor iinjury j or damage to property.

p immediately y to yyour 9 Unsafe acts & unsafe conditions must be reported supervisor. Safety Induction 17

TBSL HSE Management Systems ----------------------------

Safety Induction 18

TBSL HSE Organization Structure ---------------------------Tata BlueScope Steel Management

Corporate Corporate Safety


Supporting pp g

Safety Professionals Safety Professionals

Central Safety Committee ( CSC )

Implementing ( Line Organization )

Business Level HSE Committees Business Level HSE Committees

Sub ‐ Business Level HSE Committees

Site / Dept Level HSE Committees and OH & S Risk based Representatives OH & S Risk based Representatives Safety Induction 19

Basic Personal Protective Equipment required to be worn at TBSL sites ----------------------------------------------------Helmet Safety glasses Ear muffs or ear plugs (need based) Sleeved shirt & trousers ( No sleeveless OR Tshirts allowed) Reflective Jacket Safety shoes. Enclosed foot wear allowed ll db butt nott iin work area

Safety Induction 20

Incidents -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Near miss


Unsafe Act

Unsafe Condition Safety Induction 21


Safety Recognition & Discipline Policy -----------------------Safety Recognition – Recognition R iti will ill b be given i ffor id ideas or actions ti which hi h result in a significant improvement in safety performance. Discipline – We will provide each employee with the capability to follow the cardinal rules. Any breach of Safety rules or regulations will be viewed seriously and shall be investigated g to determine the root cause. –

If there is a breach, the employee will be subjected to one of the following disciplinary actions, depending on the severity and repeat nature of the breach. breach 1. Verbal warning 2. Written warning 3. Written warning & Suspension for a period determined by the Management 4. Dismissal

Safety Induction 22

Who is Responsible?-------------------------------------------------------------Everyone working at TBSL is responsible for safety. Management must provide; 1. Safe plant 1 2. Safe premises 3. Safe systems of work. Before B f you do d any work k att TBSL you mustt be b properly l inducted. There are two levels of induction at TBSL for people who want to work here. 1 General induction 1. induction. 2. Job level induction

Safety Induction 23

Safety Signs -------------------------------------------------------------------¾ Danger authorised persons only. ¾ Flammable Liquid. ¾ Warning explosive –power tools in use

Mandatory Signs

Do Not Signs

Emergency Signs

Caution Signs





Safety Induction 24

What are the site rules? -----------------------------------------------Walking around TBSL sites, ¾ Visitors must stay on the green walkway with their guide. ¾ Look out for the hazards during your visit. Exclusion zones, ¾ Exclusion zones are marked in red stripes, when work is being g conducted in this area yyou must not go within 3 metres of the work. Smoking, ¾ TBSL has h a “No “N smoking ki policy” li ”

Safety Induction 25

What are the site rules? -----------------------------------------------Cameras 他 The use of camera or video equipment on TBSL sites is generally not permitted.

Weapons 他 Absolutely None

Mobile Phones 他 Do not use mobile phones inside plant.

Safety Induction 26

Wh t are th What the Main M i H Hazards? d ? ----------------------------------------

Beware of forklifts, trucks and cars

Overhead Cranes and loads

Steel sheet is Sharp and can cutt

Do Not Watch the welding arc

Safety Induction 27

Potential hazards at any Sites / Plants --------------

1. Heavy mobile equipment movement : Excavators,, Crane,, Forklifts,, Combi lifts,, Trailers, Tippers, tractor etc- (Walk through the designated walkway) 2. Fall into excavated pits – (Do not cross C ti b Caution barricading i di ttapes)) 3. Eye - (Wear your goggles)


Potential hazards at any Sites / Plants -------------1. Sharp edges - (Keep away from work area) 2 Slippery 2. Sli ground d – slush l h & curing i water ( Walk slowly) 3. Noise from generator, machines, earth handing g equipments q p (Wear earplugs if visiting such area)


Emergency Response Procedure----------------------------------In case of an emergency ,the siren will sound. Walk slowly to the assembly point near Security Exit Gate. Do not leave before the head count has been taken and the emergency has been lifted lifted. The emergency coordinator will assist you.

Safety Induction 30

Road Safety ----------------------------------------------------------------------• •

Employees shall have valid driving license V lid d Valid documents (RC B Book, k IInsurance & PUC) for the vehicle and shall be always available with employee.

9 T Two WheelersWh l The rider & pillion rider should always wear safety helmet 9 Four WheelerWhile driving/travelling, wearing seat belt is compulsory for all employees

Safety Induction 31

Driving Around TBSL --------------------------------------------9 9 9 9 9

Authorized vehicles onlyy Licensed (learner’s permit not allowed) Seat belts must be worn Follow all road signs and signals Alcohol and drugs not permitted

Safety Induction 32

Driving Around TBSL --------------------------------------------9 No bicycles, skateboards or roller blades 9 Inside buildings – maximum speed 5 km/h (walking pace) – vehicle headlights/hazard lights must be on 9 Parking in designated areas only 9 Report all driving incidents

TRANSPORTATION OF PEOPLE 9Not allowed : - People p in the back of utilities or trucks - Children & Pets

Safety Induction 33

Working Safely at TBSL ------------------------------------------------9 Before commencing any work 9 All known hazards are: – Identified – Assessed – Controlled ALWAYS TAKE 2 – Stop, Think & Plan

Safety Induction 34

Hierarchyof Control for Risk Management ---------The hazard completely Eliminate

Substitute Barriers Administrative

For something less hazardous Between yyou and the hazard

Procedures etc as a last resort

Personal Protective Equipment

If you cannot do the job safety than you must talk to your supervisor

Safety Induction 35



9 Think about the job 9 Identify the hazards in each step of the job 9 Assess the likely impact of the hazards in each of those steps 1. Job steps 9 Control each of the hazards identified 2. Hazards 3. Controls 9 Written out and attached to the ATW 9 If unsure – STOP AND ASK

Safety Induction 36

A th it to Authority t Work W k System S t --------------------------------------------Non Routine Operational Work 9 Hazards in and around the job are assessed and controlled 9 Everyone involved in the job understands their responsibilities 9 Site supervisor p must sign g the ATW authorizing g yyou to commence work Routine Operational Work 9 Work that has a standard procedure in place 9 Carried out by people reporting to the operations department

Safety Induction 37

Toolbox Meetings ------------------------------------------------------------9 Conducted before work starts or when the original work plan has to be changed 9 Talks about the safety aspects of the job in hand 9 General safety of your job and hazards from the surrounding jobs that may impact on you 9 Review the ATW, JSA or procedures 9 Involvement of all personnel

Safety Induction 38

PLANT AND EQUIPMENT -------------------------------------------9 Before you do any repair & maintenance work – isolate 9 Accredited people can carry out an isolation 9 Must be locked in a SAFE position 9 Ensure the isolation is verified 9 You must get permission to commence work 9 Must have necessary authorization to drive forklifts, cranes and other mobile equipment

Safety Induction 39

Isolation Locks -----------------------------------Personal Lock (Red) 9 Protects P t t you personally ll 9 Name, department or company 9 Your lock & your key

Multi Lock Devices (Red or Orange) 9 Used to secure equipment isolators

Equipment Lock (Yellow) 9 Secures isolators in a safe (isolated position) 9 Only to be used by an Isolation Person

9 More than one lock can be attached

Safety Induction 40

Warning Tags ----------------------------------------------------------------• • • • •

Used when equipment is faulty, damaged or out of service Removed your personal lock after installing new equipment Set machinery at a non standard setting To warn someone In conjunction with Danger flags

Removing the Lock-----------------------• The person who put the tag on • The maintenance person after repairing the equip. • The plant supervisor after it is safe to do so Safety Induction 41

B i d -------------------------------------------------------------------------Barricades Caution Flags 9 Used to warn people that they are entering an area that may be hazardous

Danger Flags 9 Stop unauthorized entry into dangerous area 9 You MUST NOT enter a flagged off area without the owners permission 9 Warning Tag (Must be 1.5 meters away from hazard)

Safety Induction 42

Working at Height 9 9 9 9 9 9


Must plan to do the job safely Eliminate the need to work at height Doing the job another way Solid barrier or handrail Scaffolding or Elevated Work Platform Last choice is to wear a Safety Harness

Scaffolding 9 Erected and inspected by a trained and qualified person 9 Ensure no one can be hurt byy objects j falling

Safety Induction 43

El ti Work Elevating W k Platforms Pl tf -------------------------------------------

9 Must be trained to operate 9 Safety S f checks h k to the h equipment i llog book 9 Safety harness with lanyard and energy absorber 9 Keep tools and equipment within bucket 9 Do not exceed Safe Working Load of EWP

Safety Induction 44

Safety Harnesses ----------------------------------------------------------9 Properly and securely fitted 9 Correct lanyard & energy absorber attached 9 Working on a Crane or Crane Runway or roof – When walking or working within 2 meters of an edge: – You must wear a harness attached to a static line, set a barricade or wear a harness attached to a recognized anchorage point

Safety Induction 45

L dd ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Ladders 9 Do not over reach or stand above the recommended step 9 Set on level surface, lock spreaders and keep steps dry and clean 9 Regularly check condition 9 Read any additional instructions on ladder 9 Use 3 point rule while ascending and descending ladder

Safety Induction 46

Electrical Tools -----------------------------------------------------------------9 9 9 9 9 9

Inspected by a licensed electrician inspection tag attached NO TAG…NO USE! Portable electrical equipment Any faults – Warning Tag to be attached Switch rooms and sub stations are restricted areas


Safety Induction 47

G Cylinder Gas C li d S Safety f t --------------------------------------------------------------

Always store cylinders in vertical position & ensure that they are secured properly

Full & Empty cylinders shall be stored separately & shall be marked for identification

Flash back arrester shall be provided towards torch & towards regulator side

Ensure hoses used are in good condition-no cracks, proper clamps provided, not close to hot object etc etc. Safety Induction 48

Securing A Load --------------------------------------------------------------9 9 9 9

Must be adequately secured Transport “Load Restraint Guide� followed Loading and Unloading to procedures in place Knowledge of any restricted access zones

Safety Induction 49

Environment ----------------------------------------------9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Every person is responsible Consider the impact the job will have Report all liquid and solid spills Take Steps to Stop it straight away – spill kits TBSL has formal procedures for disposal of waste Contact Supervisor before disposing of waste Take advice of HSE Dept- Hazardous waste disposal Recycle where possible If in Doubt – ASK!!!

Safety Induction 50

END of Trainingg Module No 1 Safety Induction Version – 1 Date of Revision: April:2011

This training module is developed by Tata BlueScope Steel HSE Department exclusively for in-house training. Permission to use this training module should be obtained from GM - Corporate Safety Safety. Safety Induction 51

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