2019 Annual Report

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Kids’ Own

Annual Activity Report


Kids’ Own is a children’s arts organisation and publishing house and Ireland’s only dedicated publisher of books by children, for children. Kids’ Own works in defence of children’s right to culture and supports their individual creative expression through publishing and the arts. Left: Children from Aughanacloy Primary School participating in Virtually There Right top: Children from Scoíl Íosa, Ballina at the launch of This Giant Tent Right bottom: Kids’ Own Director, Jo Holmwood, receiving the Lotto Good Causes Award from Panti Bliss

Company number: 508465 Charity number: 20639 Charity registration number: 20082109

A participant of Cruinniú na nÓg print workshops commissioned by the LexIcon Library, Dun Laoghaire

Who we are Kids’ Own was formed in 1997 and since

As a leading national organisation,

then has firmly established itself as a

Kids’ Own also strives to support and

leading organisation within the cultural

strategically develop the sector of arts

sector, supporting children’s engagement

practice with children through training,

with professional artists through high-

mentoring and supports for professional

quality arts and publishing experiences.

artists who work in this field. Through

Kids’ Own is Ireland’s only dedicated

national strategic initiatives, we seek to

publisher of books by children and works

extend the impact of our work beyond our

in defence of children’s right to culture,

own programmes of engagement.

supporting children’s inclusion and recognition as active cultural citizens

Based in Sligo, Kids’ Own works nationally,

within their communities and society as a

but is also committed to supporting and


enriching the economic and community development of our local and regional

Kids’ Own works through a model of social

community through family initiatives and

change, blending strong social justice

educational programmes in the northwest.

goals with artistic excellence. Through publishing and the arts, Kids’ Own

Our strategic plan sets out a strong vision

advocates for a society where children are

to continue challenging attitudes towards

valued and listened to, and where their

children and their role within the arts; to

voices, opinions, experiences and creative

raise awareness among families, teachers

expression are given visibility, credence and and policy makers as to the value of creative status. As part of a strong social inclusion

experiences for children across all stages of

agenda, Kids’ Own particularly strives to

their lives; to foster influential champions

support children who are experiencing

through professional development and

marginalisation or social disadvantage.

strategic initiatives; and to support the practice of artists who work with children.

Kids’ Own takes a holistic view of childhood and works in partnership with many organisations and agencies from across all sectors of society to champion children as active cultural citizens and change-makers within their communities and within society as a whole.

Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Who we are 03

Aims and purpose Kids’ Own vision

Our vision is for a society that recognises children as independent writers, thinkers and creators and that truly values the arts in the lives of all children.

Kids’ Own mission

Our mission is to develop, publish and promote artwork and writing created by children for children and their communities through meaningful engagement with professional artists.

04 Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Aims and purpose

Kids’ Own Strategic Aims (2017–2020) Aim 1:

Engagement and co-creation Increase opportunities for children to develop artwork and writing through meaningful engagement with professional artists.

Aim 2:

Visibility of children’s work Increase the visibility to children’s artwork and writing through publishing, exhibition and dissemination.

Aim 3:

Professional arts practice with children Strengthen the practice of artists and other professionals who work with children.

Aim 4:

Research and advocacy Strive to build evidence and lead change towards children’s inclusion as active creators.

Aim 5:

Building internal capacity Ensure that Kids’ Own has the capacity to achieve its strategic aims.

Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Strategic Aims (2017–2020) 05

Organisation and governance Legal structure

Election of board members

Kids’ Own is a non-for-profit company

Kids’ Own’s Constitution sets out the

limited by guarantee and a registered

following rules for election/ appointment


of board members:

Company number: 508465

To qualify for appointment, a director must

Tax registration number: 9822769G

be nominated and seconded for the position

(not VAT registered)

by existing directors. Nominations must be

CHY number: 20639

in writing, received at the registered office at

Charity registration number: 20082190

least two weeks before the board meeting at which the appointment is to be made.

Board members Kids’ Own has six board members, one of

And for terms of directors:

whom was co-opted in 2019. In September

Directors shall be appointed for a term of

2019, Maria Corbett resigned as Chair of the

three years and shall thereafter be eligible

board and Jennifer Hennessy was elected

for re-appointment for a further period of

as new Chair. Mark O’Brien was elected as

three years, but shall then retire.

new Treasurer.

raise awareness among families, teachers and policy makers as to the value of creative experiences for children across all stages of their lives; to foster influential champions through professional development and strategic initiatives; and to support the practice of artists who work with children.

06 Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Organisation and governence

About the board Carmel Brennan

researching best practice internationally

Tenure: 13 June 2018–present Field of expertise: Early childhood development and learning

in child protection proceedings. From 2001

Dr Carmel Brennan recently retired

unites over 100 members working together

as Head of Training and Practice with

to promote and protect the rights of

Early Childhood Ireland, where she had

children and young people in Ireland. She

responsibility for the organisation’s work

also served as the organisation’s Deputy

in developing curriculum, improving

Chief Executive from 2005 to 2016. She is a

practice and supporting services to work

member of the Board of Directors of the Ark

with the national frameworks. She now

Cultural Centre, Dublin and the Child Care

works as a part time lecturer in Maynooth

Law Reporting Project.

to 2016, Maria led the legal and policy work of the Children’s Rights Alliance which

University on the degree and masters in early childhood education programmes.

Jennifer Hennessy

Her research interests are in the areas of

construction of stories through play and

(Treasurer/Chair) Tenure: 19 August 2016–present. Treasurer until October 2019; Chair from October 2019 Field of expertise: Finance

the relationship between play and artistic

Jennifer is Social Finance Executive at

enquiry in children’s lives.

Clann Credo – The Social Investment Fund.

curriculum and particularly children’s play – the subject of her PhD thesis. More recently, she focuses on children’s co-

Jennifer has a background in finance and

Maria Corbett

banking. In her role with Clann Credo she

(Chair until September 2019) Tenure: 29th July 2016–8th January 2020 Field of expertise: Children’s rights/ child and family law

has worked with hundreds of non-profit organisations.

Maria Corbett has twenty years’ experience as a children’s rights advocate, policy analyst and researcher. Maria is currently a doctoral researcher with the School of Law, National University of Ireland, Galway

About the board Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 07

About the board cont’d Michael Kirby

Mark O’Brien

Tenure: 01 September 2019–present Field of expertise: Business and management consultancy. Michael has almost three decades

(Treasurer from October 2019) Tenure: 9 Feb 2018–present Field of expertise: Arts and cultural management

experience working in the private sector

Mark is Director of axis, Ballymun, an

in the U.S., England, and Ireland and,

organisation at the heart of Ballymun

since 2001, is a Partner of business and

on the northside of Dublin. Axis is an

management consultancy firm Meehan

arts centre, production company, arts

Tully & Associates Ltd. He holds a B.A.

development organisation & resource

from Villanova University, a M.A. in

centre. Mark also practices as a theatre

International Relations from St. John’s

director. Credits include: Feast or Famine

University, New York, and an MBA from

by Sinead Moriarty as part of 24 hour

Trinity College Dublin. Michael has

plays at the Abbey Theatre. For axis, ‘Bang

extensive professional experience of the

Bang’, ‘Tea Chests and Dreams’ and ‘The

not-for-profit sector and is actively involved

Parting Glass’ by Dermot Bolger (touring

in a number of organisations in a voluntary

nationally and Internationally), ‘Glimmer’


by Joe Flavin, ‘Stór’ by Ciaran Taylor, ‘The Good Father’ by Christian O’ Reilly,

Irene Lawlor

‘Cleaners’ by Colm Maher, ‘Waiting for Elvis’

Tenure: 15 May 2015–14 May 2018. Term renewed from 15 May 2018 for another three years. Field of expertise: Marketing and communications

by Eileen Gibbons, Other work include

Irene has been Communications Manager

(Galloping Cat), ‘A Soldiers Tale’ (Co-

at GSK since November 2016. Previously,

Opera). Mark also practices as a composer/

she was Communications Manager at

sound designer and has facilitated theatre

Barnardos, Ireland and Commonwealth

workshops nationally and internationally.

Bank of Australia, New Media Specialist with O2 Ireland, and Instructional Designer with Riverdeep.

08 Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 About the board

‘Shorts’ (Fishamble), ‘Jack Fell down’, (Team) ‘The Welcome’ (Druid), ‘Pass the Parcel’ (The Ark), ‘Sparkleshark’ (Draiocht), ‘Hype’ (Broke Theatre Co.),‘The Oresteia’

The role of the Kids’ Own board The key role of the board of Kids’ Own is

Board meetings

to provide leadership to the organisation

The board of Kids’ Own met four times

by setting strategic direction and ensuring

during 2019, on the following dates:

policies are in place that support this

• 25 January 2019

direction. The board also:

• 3 May 2019 • 6 September 2019

• Approves, monitors and reviews the

• 22 November 2019

work programme to ensure it is effectively meeting the agreed objectives and performance indicators. • Protects and represents the interests of Kids’ Own and is accountable to the membership. • Ensures a framework of prudent and effective controls are in place for the work of Kids’ Own. • Discharges its responsibilities in accordance with the defining rules of the organisation.

The role of the Kids’ Own board Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 09

Governance standards As a registered charity and publicly funded

With the new Governance Code issued by

non-for-profit organisation, Kids’ Own is

the Charities Regulator in November 2018,

wholly committed to fulfilling best practice

Kids’ Own is now committed to achieving

requirements in relation to the governance

full compliance with this code and has

of our organisation. We were among the

set the groundwork for this through our

first 100 organisations in Ireland to sign

ongoing attendance to this piece of work.

up to the Governance Code for community, voluntary and charitable organisations (2012) and have been working to ensure ongoing compliance by keeping this as a standing item on our board meeting agendas.


Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Who we are

2019 summary Our 2019 programme continued to develop and advance our strategic aims through a range of diverse but carefully interconnected activities. These activities included creative engagement programmes with new partners locally and nationally, as well as developing relationships with previous partner organisations. Our status as a leader in online engagement in arts practice and arts in education continued through our longrunning virtual artist-in-residency project Virtually There which entered into its twelfth year, and our successful tender for the continued management of the Arts in Education Portal – the key national digital resource of arts in education practice in Ireland. 2019 was an important year for Kids’ Own in terms of the growth of the visibility of the organisation. Kids’ Own carried out our Visibility and Dissemination Plan through which we reached new audiences with our work, raised our profile locally, regionally, and nationally, and continued our advocacy. In the following pages, there are reviews of each of our strategic aims, including short descriptions of selected activities. Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Who we are


A child from Aughnacloy Primary School participating in Virtually There

AIM 1 Engagement and Co-creation Increase opportunities for children to develop artwork and writing through meaningful engagement with professional artists. The guiding ethos of our work is to allow all children the opportunity for creative expression and to engage in meaningful creative processes alongside professional artists; to facilitate real collaboration between children, artists, and their communities; and for children and young people’s artwork, writing, and voices to be seen and heard, truly valued, and respected. We continue to expand and develop our modes of engagement and co-creation with children and to bring the voices of children and young people whose experiences may be outside of the mainstream to the forefront.


Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Who we are

Virtually There One of Kids’ Own’s flagship projects,

Kids’ Own is currently developing

Virtually There is a pioneering model of

independent qualitative research,

collaborative arts practice within sites of

conducted by Dr Bryonie Reid to explore the

learning. This project has been running

impact of the project on all participants,

since 2007 and began with one collaborative

which is funded by the Paul Hamlyn

partnership between artist Ann

Foundation and due for publication in

Henderson, teachers Julie Orr and Judith

spring 2020.

White and children from classes P2 and P5 at Ballydown Primary School in Banbridge, Northern Ireland. Twelve years on, and with generous grant funding from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation (UK), through its Artsbased Learning Fund (awarded in 2016), the project now supports eight collaborative partnerships between artists in Ireland, Northern Ireland and Spain, and schools in Northern Ireland. Virtually There was also

Children from Aughnacloy Primary School, participating in Virtually There

generously funded by the Arts Council of

Spring 2019 marked a pivotal moment

Northern Ireland through Lottery Project

in the Virtually There project when

Funding from 2007 to 2018.

engagement between the artists, children and teachers ceased. In autumn 2019,

A unique feature of the Virtually There

the focus of the project became directed

project is its pioneering use of virtual

towards an exhibition – scheduled for

technologies to connect the artists from

spring 2020 – which would showcase

their studio with the children in the

aspects of each creative partnership

classroom. This has resulted in very

to bring insights into high-quality arts

defined modes of communication and

in education practice to a wider public

innovative approaches to collaboration

audience. Dr Bryonie Reid – previously

with the whiteboard platform offering a

engaged as researcher on the project – took

shared canvas for dialogue and visibility of

up a new role as Exhibition Co-ordinator,


and long-time associate artist with Kids’ Own, Vanya Lambrecht Ward, took up the role of Exhibition Curator.


Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Aim 1 Engagement and Co-creation

Virtually There cont’d

Artists Lisa Cahill, John D’Arcy, Naomi Draper, Ann Donnelly, Julie Forrester, Ann Henderson, Sharon Kelly, Andrew Livingstone.

Teachers Paula Courtenay, Stella Cross, Wendy Davey, Fionnuala Hughes, Leanne Kyle, Chris McCambridge, Julie Orr, Judith White, Marcella Wilson.


Children from Donaghey Primary School, participating in Virtually There

Aughnacloy PS, Aughnacloy, Ballydown PS, Banbridge, Donaghey PS, Dungannon, St James’s PS, Newtownabbey, Killard House, Donaghadee (post-primary), St Colman’s PS, Lisburn, St Patrick’s PS, Crossmaglen, Strandtown PS, Belfast.

Exhibition Co-ordinator: Bryonie Reid

Exhibition Curator: Vanya Lambrecht Ward

Participants 237 school children in Northern Ireland; 8 artists; 9 teachers.

Opposite: Pupil from Donaghey Primary School, participating in Virtually There

Aim 1 Engagement and Co-creation Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019


Gender Equality Project St Louise’s College, Belfast In 2019, Kids’ Own was awarded funding from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland for a project exploring gender equality. Against the background of the Decade of Commemorations, and particularly the recent centenary celebration of women’s right to vote in 2018, our aim was to facilitate young teenage girls to articulate challenges and needs for greater social participation, empowerment, and equality.

Image from the Gender Equality Project

Through a meaningful creative process alongside writer and artist Alice Lyons,


and artists Sharon Kelly and Éanna Mac

Alice Lyons, Sharon Kelly, Éanna Mac Cana

Cana, participants responded to questions such as ‘What is it like to be a girl today?’


Through these processes, the participants

St Louise’s College, Falls Road, Belfast

explored issues of identity, peer pressures, social media and youth culture, and


allowed the girls to articulate some of their

St Louise’s College, Arts Council of

current social and emotional struggles

Northern Ireland

creatively in an open and safe environment.

Participants The group created striking artwork and

1st and 2nd year students at St Louise’s

writing in their exploration of their


experiences as girls. Artist Éanna Mac Cana documented the creative process and

Funded by

created a video which gives insight into

Arts Council of Northern Ireland Small

this process and which amplifies the girls’

Grants Programme

exploration of gender to the school and wider community.

Participant numbers 25 secondary school students. Link: https://vimeo.com/376166738


Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Aim 1 Engagement and Co-creation

Kids’ Own poetry and print workshops Wild Words Festival, The Dock As part of the Wild Words: Carrick on Shannon Festival for Young Writers, Kids’


Own developed a two-day poetry and

Vanya Lambrecht Ward and Mary Branley

print workshop for children aged 6–9. The children worked alongside artist


Vanya Lambrecht Ward and writer Mary

The Dock Arts Centre, Carrick on Shannon

Branley to develop their own hand-printed books. The participants explored shape


and image and words, and created their

Wild Words Festival, the Dock Arts Centre,

own individual handprinted books. The

Leitrim County Council

workshops offered important creative opportunity for a younger age group


than the main age profile of the festival

Local children aged 6–9

(approximately 12+).

Funded by: Leitrim County Council/Wild Words.

Participant numbers: 10 children

Poetry and Print workshop at The Dock, Carrick-on-Shannon

Aim 1 Engagement and Co-creation Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019


DLR Cruinniú na nÓg: The Kids’ Own Print Cart As part of the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Cruinniú na nÓg programme, Kids’ Own received funding from DLR County Council to develop and facilitate a print and writing programme for 5th and 6th class children. Participants developed hand-printed books that celebrated a sense of place, identity, movement, migration and journeying through a collaborative process with artist Vanya Lambrecht Ward and writer Mary Branley. The young people developed their own individual works, which were brought

Children from Dominican Convent National School participating in the Print Cart project.

together into a combined large format,


limited-edition, hand-bound concertina

Vanya Lambrecht Ward and Mary Branley

book, which was displayed in the LexIcon from 15th June until the end of July as part


of the Cruinniú na nÓg celebrations.

DLR LexIcon, Dún Laoghaire

Partners DLR County Council, DLR LexIcon, Dominican Convent National School, Dún Laoghaire.

Participants 5th and 6th class students, Dominican Convent National School, Dún Laoghaire.

Funded by DLR County Council

Children from Dominican Convent National School participating in the Print Cart project.


Participant numbers 25 primary school children

Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Aim 1 Engagement and Co-creation

UN International Day for the Eradication of Poverty Kids’ Own developed a programme of creative engagement for a group of young people in Sligo which aimed to explore, respond to, and create awareness of the UN International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Participants worked alongside artist Kiera O'Toole and writer Mary Branley to develop responses to the theme of “Acting to empower children, their families and communities to end poverty”. The process and work from these creative

Images from the UN Eradication of Poverty project

engagement sessions was installed and


exhibited in the Model Arts Centre, Sligo,

Kiera O’Toole and Mary Branley

by the group. There was a showcase of the work and a launch including spoken


word performances by the young people

Foróige CRIB Youth Project, Sligo, and the


Model, Sligo

Partners Foróige CRIB Youth Project

Participants Young people aged 14+ living in Sligo

Funded by Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection

Participant numbers 5 young people participated in the Images from the UN Eradication of Poverty project

programme. 40 people attended the exhibition and launch event in the Model.

Aim 1 Engagement and Co-creation Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019


Here in Ourselves

with Mid West School for the Deaf This project consisted primarily of online


engagement between writer Jo Holmwood

Jo Holmwood

and young people from Senior Class 2 at Midwest School for the Deaf. It offered a


unique opportunity to children who are

Mid West School for the Deaf, Limerick

deaf or hard of hearing to have a platform for meaningful creative expression with


support and guidance from a professional

Mid West School for the Deaf

writer. Through online dialogue-based engagement via a shared interactive


whiteboard, the young people developed

Young people in Senior Class 2, their

their own voices and shared their thoughts,

teacher, Michelle Creed, and SNA, Nuala,

ideas, and personal stories. The project

Mid West School for the Deaf

began and concluded with a face-to-face visit with the writer. In the concluding

Funded by

session, the children spoke on video and

Creative Engagement and Creative Ireland

created their own life-sized cut-outs of


themselves. Their work will be published in a book in autumn 2020.

Participant numbers

Participants of the Here in Ourselves project from Mid West School for the Deaf

7 young people and 2 teaching staff.

20 Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Aim 1 Engagement and Co-creation

LGBTI+ project In partnership with Youth Work Ireland – North Connaught / SMILY LGBTI+ Youth Project, Kids’ Own began a creative project with LGBTI+ young people in Sligo. This was the first phase of a proposed longer-term project, funded by the LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy 2018–2020. This initial phase focused on creative engagement and exploration and provided LGBTI+ young people with the opportunity to establish what areas within their experience they would like to explore through artwork and writing. One of the aims of the creative engagement sessions was to facilitate the young people

Artwork created by young participants on the project

to identify important issues for their


professional youth service providers, which

Kiera O’Toole and Mary Branley

would be further developed in the next phase of the project, subject to funding.

Venue Youth Work Ireland – North Connaught, Sligo

Partners Youth Work Ireland – North Connaught / SMILY LGBTI+ Youth Project

Funded by LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy 2018-2020, Department of Children and Youth Affairs.

Participant numbers 8 members of SMILY LGBTI+ youth group

Artwork created by young participants on the project

Aim 1 Engagement and Co-creation Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019


A participant on the Here in Ourselves project from Mid West School for the Deaf

AIM 2 Visibility of Children’s Work Increase the visibility to children’s artwork and writing through publishing, exhibition and dissemination. Important cultural moments, collective and individual experience, and our ways of being in and experiencing the world are often most keenly communicated through and reflected in the arts. We believe that children deserve and require this opportunity no less than adults and that their voices and creative expressions also need to be visible and valued. We are passionate believers in the value of arts and creativity in children’s lives and work to ensure that children’s creative expression has the appropriate platform. As Ireland’s only dedicated publisher of books by children, and a leading children’s arts organisation, Kids’ Own seeks to address the systematic dismissal of children’s voices within our society. Over 22 years of publishing books by children for children, Kids’ Own has sought to redefine children’s status as artists and writers and to champion their voices and impact within our society. Through our publishing history, we have developed a canon of books by children for children, offering real insights into children’s lived experiences across a range of contexts. In 2019, we undertook numerous activities to promote and make visible our work, including our Visibility and Dissemination Plan, funded by the Arts Council.

Launch of This Giant Tent Book launches are an important part of the book-making process and provide children, their families, and the wider community with an opportunity to come together and celebrate children’s voices and creative work. In April 2019, This Giant Tent: A children’s celebration of culture and identity in response to the Travellers’ Journey/Mincéir Misli’d exhibition at the National Museum of Ireland – Country Life, was launched at the National Museum of Ireland – Country Life. There were welcome

Children from Scoíl Íosa attending and reading at the launch of This Giant Tent

messages in numerous languages from


the children, speeches from Lynn Scarff,

Cass McCarthy and Mary Branley

Director of the National Museum, and all partners involved. Minister of State at the


Department of Justice and Equality David

5th and 6th class students from Scoil Íosa,

Stanton sent a special video message, and

Ballina, and members of Involve Youth

artist Leanne McDonagh spoke about

Group, Ballina.

the value of the project and the work the children had created. All of the children


involved read from their work.


Children from Scoíl Íosa attending and reading at the launch of This Giant Tent

24 Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 AIM 2 Visibility of Children’s Work

Launch of new Kids’ Own website and archive In January 2019, we launched our brand-

The pieces displayed will be curated on a

new website. The newly-developed online

rotating basis by Kids’ Own and offers the

space includes a “Look at this!” section,

viewer a glimpse into the rich and unique

which features a selection of pieces from

archive of children’s creative work.

our 22–year archive of children’s and young people’s artwork and writing.

Kids’ Own website pages

New video about Kids’ Own In 2019, Kids’ Own commissioned Pink Lime Studios to create a new, short video about our mission, values, and way of working. https://vimeo.com/manage/340464197/ general

Stills from Kids’ Own video

AIM 2 Visibility of Children’s Work Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019


National Lottery Good Causes Awards In 2019, Kids’ Own applied to the National

Creative Director Jo Holmwood and

Lottery Good Causes Awards under the Arts

Associate Writer Mary Branley presented to

and Culture category. We were delighted

a panel of judges in Athlone. In November

to be announced as category winners in

2019 at a gala awards ceremony, Kids’ Own

County Sligo, and later regional category

was announced as the winner of the Arts

winners in the northwest. The National

and Culture category, winning a prize fund

Lottery team made a special video about

of €10,000 and earning a significant amount

Kids’ Own, which included interviews

of national and local media coverage.

with the Kids’ Own team and with children involved in making the book A Strong



400 Video link: https://vimeo.com/369797450

Jo Holmwood, Director of Kids’ Own, receiving the Lotto Good Causes Award

26 Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 AIM 2 Visibility of Children’s Work

Visibility and Dissemination project In 2018, Kids’ Own developed an ambitious

The first two strands relate specifically

Dissemination and Visibility Plan, to build

to our aim to increase the visibility of

on previous years’ strategic development

children’s work and will be outlined here.

guided by our three-year strategy (2017– 2020). Our Dissemination and Visibility Plan set out how we would reach new audiences, raise the level of our local, regional and national visibility, and national and international advocacy. This project had four

1 Visibility and Identity of Kids’ Own 2 Dissemination of Kids’ Own Books/ Artwork and Writing

strands and was conducted throughout

3 Practice Artists’ Supports (This strand is outlined in more detail

2019 with funding from the Arts Council.

under Aim 3)

4 International Engagement and Advocacy (This strand is outlined in more detail under Aim 4)

Kids’ Own at Cáirde Arts Festival ‘Park Fest’ Kids’ Own hosted an information and book stand at Cáirde Arts Festival’s Park Fest in summer 2019. Cáirde’s focus on collaboration and diversity made it an ideal space to showcase Kids’ Own’s work in the local community and we hope to build on plans for future collaboration.

Attendees c. 400

AIM 2 Visibility of Children’s Work Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019


Strand 1 of Kids’ Own Visibility and Dissemination Plan: Visibility and Identity of Kids’ Own

Kids’ Own brand and design refresh The Kids’ Own team worked with designer

The result of the design process was a

Martin Corr, who has worked on the design

logo that acted as a vessel or holder for

of numerous Kids’ Own publications in

children’s artwork, imagery from projects,

recent years and who has an in-depth

and more. The typography itself – the font,

understanding of Kids’ Own’s way of

layout, kerning and most importantly the

working and the process of collaboration

apostrophe, denoting ownership – are the

between children and artists. Most

design elements that will remain constant.

importantly, we wanted our brand refresh to reflect the centrality of children’s work and creativity, and children’s ownership of the creative process.

New Kids’ Own logo. The logo was designed to be adaptable to different colours and formats, for both print and online use.

28 Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 AIM 2 Visibility of Children’s Work

New shop-front sign and custom-designed window display In 2019, as part of our Visibility and

We also commissioned a specially-designed

Dissemination Plan, we made some

display unit for Kids’ Own books which

striking new changes to the appearance of

is a prominent feature of our building’s

our building’s shop front and window. Local

façade. The custom-designed window

heritage sign-painter Gerry McGarrigle

display allows us to exhibit a range of Kids’

hand-painted our newly-designed logo on

Own books, and allows the public to see

to the shop front.

details from the books and to read about the background to different projects. The window display holds great potential for showcasing original artwork from various projects, or for exhibiting work focused on

New signage on Kids’ Own office at Wolf Tone Street

one project, or on a particular theme/issue.

AIM 2 Visibility of Children’s Work Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 29

Strand 2 of Kids’ Own Visibility and Dissemination Plan: Dissemination of Kids’ Own Books/Artwork and Writing

Stocking the Libraries Library services across Ireland are hugely

Following contact with libraries, we

important to Kids’ Own and have formed

arranged to send out sets of Kids’ Own

the basis of many partnerships for creative

books (10 of our most recent titles and

engagement and collaborative publishing

which are currently in stock) to County

projects over the years. Ensuring that full

Libraries. The response from libraries

sets of Kids’ Own books are available in

was overwhelmingly positive, and various

libraries also provides us with an important

County Libraries requested up to 10 sets

mode of developing and widening the

of Kids’ Own books, which the County

audience for Kids’ Own books and creating

Libraries would distribute across local

further awareness of the work that we

branches. To date, we have sent out 100 sets

do amongst library users. While many

of books to libraries across the country.

libraries had copies of older Kids’ Own titles, we wanted to ensure that the libraries

Audience figures

had all of our books currently in stock.

1000 books sent to 100 libraries nationwide.

The Kids’ Own office library

30 Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 AIM 2 Visibility of Children’s Work

Video Series – readings from Kids’ Own books In order to reach wider audiences with our

Colm O’Gorman

publications and work through another

Colm O’Gorman, Executive Director of

medium, we have developed a video

Amnesty International Ireland, reading

series of individuals with public profiles

from I Hope You Grow: Poetry, stories and

reading from Kids’ Own books. These

artwork by children living in temporary

short readings will feature on our website

accommodation in Dublin.

alongside the corresponding book in our


online bookshop. This will be a significant addition to our online space and will give

Leanne McDonagh

visitors to our page a greater sense of Kids’

Leanne McDonagh, artist and Traveller

Own books and their importance. In 2019,

Education Co-Ordinator at CIT, reading

we filmed the following:

from This Giant Tent: A children’s celebration of culture and identity in

Susan O’Keeffe

response to the Travellers’ Journey/Mincéir

Susan O’Keeffe, Former Senator and

Misli’d exhibition at the National Museum of

Director of the Yeats’ Society, reading an

Ireland – Country Life.

excerpt about women’s suffrage from


Across an Open Field: Stories and artwork by children from Ireland and Northern Ireland about the Decade of Commemorations 1912–1922. https://vimeo.com/404594207

Above: Leanne McDonnagh reading from This Giant Tent Opposite left: Susan O’Keefe reading from Across an Open Field

Who we are Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019


Artwork from the Poetry and Print workshops at The Dock

AIM 3 Professional Arts Practice with Children Strengthen the practice of artists and other professionals who work with children and young people Our core value of affording children opportunities for meaningful creative expression depends on our respect for and commitment to professional artists, particularly those who value working with children as an important part of their own arts practice. This strategic aim therefore informs each aspect of our work and requires continuous and careful attention. We honour our strategic role in the development of the sector in a number of ways. In the development of Kids’ Own projects, we continue to lead through exemplary practice, in which the artist’s knowledge and expertise in collaborating with children is valued and recognised. We aim to support our associate artists through various initiatives, such as our artist retreat in 2019, “An Island Away”, and in the provision of opportunities for professional development, as well as through continuous support from Kids’ Own throughout projects and our commitment to leading by example in our remuneration and expectations of artists. In our management of the Arts in Education Portal, we bring our extensive knowledge of the sector to a wider audience by developing engaging content, run inspiring and useful sectoral events and networking opportunities, and continue to promote excellence of practice within this arena.

New tender awarded to Kids’ Own to manage the Arts in Education Portal the management of the Arts in Education

Among the features of the Commissioning Plan in 2019 were:

Portal – the key national digital resource of

• Guest Blogger series

arts in education practice in Ireland – for

• Commissioned critical essays

a further two years, until 2021, with the

• Live offline events (see below)

option to extend for a third year to 2022.

• Documentation awards (see below)

In 2019, Kids’ Own successfully tendered for

Kids’ Own will bring our critical knowledge of the sector to our continued management

Portal statistics 2019

and development of the Arts in Education

Total site visits: 23,324

Portal and to promote excellence of practice

Users: 15,851

through this resource.

Newsletter subscribers: 829 Facebook and Twitter followers: 3,788

The Portal is live at www.artsineducation.ie

Video views: 2,028 Regional/National Day attendees: 167

Commissioned Content As an extension of our day-to-day management of the Arts in Education Portal, Kids’ Own develops specially commissioned features that enhance the content of the site, to ensure that it remains dynamic, relevant and continually updated for our dedicated audience.

34 Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Aim 3 Professional Arts Practice with Children

Artist Helen Barry participating in a circus skills workshop as part of the Arts in Education Portal National Day

Arts in Education Regional Day, The Sculpture Centre Manorhamilton In Spring 2019, and following on from previous successful regional days in Cork and Dún Laoghaire, Kids’ Own developed and managed this sectoral event, designed to be an informal day of sharing experience and best practice from the sector. The programme featured presentations by Aideen McCole of the Irish Architecture Foundation and participants in the IAF’s National Architects in Schools programme; a presentation on collaborative publishing with children by Kids’ Own, and a hands-

Artist Vanya Lambrecht Ward leads a workshop on folding for attendees at the Arts in Education Portal Regional Day in Manorhamilton, Leitrim

on, experiential workshop on folding and creating three-dimensional space led by artist Vanya Lambrecht-Ward. The event was attended by 40 people, including teachers, artists, sector professionals, and other interested members of the public.

Attendees: 40

Artist Vanya Lambrecht Ward leads a workshop on folding for attendees at the Arts in Education Portal Regional Day in Manorhamilton, Leitrim

36 Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Aim 3 Professional Arts Practice with Children

National Arts in Education Portal Day, ILAS, NUI Galway In November 2019, the 4th annual National

Keynote speaker Professor Bill Lucas

Arts in Education Portal Day was held in

explored the importance of creativity in

the Institute for Lifecourse and Society

schools. Minister of State for the Irish

(ILAS), National University of Ireland

Language, the Gaeltacht and the Islands,

Galway (NUIG) in partnership with ILAS

Seán Kyne, attended the opening of

and Babóro. The event continues to grow

the National Day and commended the

and develop as one of the key arts and

opportunities it afforded to the sector.

education events in the country, and saw over 150 artists, teachers and arts in


education professionals in attendance with


20 workshops and lectures across the day by a range of presenters from the sector.


Arts in Education Portal National Day attendees participating in a workshop

Aim 3 Professional Arts Practice with Children Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019


Documentation Awards In 2019, six arts in education projects

The awardees were:

from around the country were awarded

Funded by the Arts in Education Portal

documentation supports by the Arts in

Commissioning Fund

Education Portal Editorial Committee, which would facilitate the creation

• ‘A Sensory Experience of My Place’,

of a video to explore the processes

Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin, with dance

underpinning their work and to showcase

artist, Lisa Cliffe

these insights with the wider arts in


education community via the Portal. • TAIM Trail of Art in Midleton https://vimeo.com/375646741 • Creative Clusters Initiative – Bee Creative https://vimeo.com/357062216 • Future Forms Project, The Glucksman, University College Cork: https://vimeo.com/337881215 With special funding from the Teacher– Artist Partnership Initiative • Teacher-Artist Partnership, Holy Family Junior School, Portlaoise https://vimeo.com/359318157 • Teacher–Artist Partnership, Rockboro Primary School, Cork Printmaking led by artist Vanya Lambrecht Ward


38 Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Aim 3 Professional Arts Practice with Children

Strand 3 of Kids’ Own Visibility and Dissemination Plan: Practice/Artists’ Supports

An Island Away From 2nd to the 5th of October, Kids’ Own

During the residential, we harnessed a

hosted an immersive, residential event in

huge amount of collective knowledge and

memory of Orla Kenny, former Creative

expertise of the artists present, which

Director of Kids’ Own, with the artists/

will inform a forthcoming methodology

writers that she worked closely with over

document on Kids’ Own’s approach to

many years. This artist residential took

meaningful collaboration and engagement

place on a small island off the Donegal

with children and young people.

coast to celebrate and reflect on Orla’s, and

This will promote the practices and

Kids’ Own’s, influence on the practice of

approaches that underpin the ethos of Kids’

participating artists.

Own, and have been developed through long-term partnerships with professional artists. The methodology document will be published and disseminated widely across relevant networks in 2020. Attendees: 8

Images from An Island Away

Images from An Island Away

Aim 3 Professional Arts Practice with Children Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 39

Artwork on display from the UN Eradication of Poverty project

AIM 4 Research and Advocacy Strive to build evidence and lead change towards children’s inclusion as active creators.

Kids’ Own at the Arts in Education Portal Regional Day

Arts in Society Conference, Lisbon In June 2019, acting Creative Director Alice Lyons and Action Researcher Byronie Reid presented our long-term, virtual artist-inresidence project, Virtually There, which

The Arts in Education Portal Regional Day

has been running since 2007. Bryonie has

was held in Manorhamiliton, Co Leitrim in

been carrying out longitudinal action

2019, and sought to share the experiences

research on Virtually There, a project

and knowledge of relevant organisations

which supports artists to connect from

working in or based in the northwest. As a

their studios with teachers and children in

children’s arts organisation based in Sligo

the classroom, engaging in contemporary

and with extensive experience working

art practice that stems from the artists’ own

in the arts and education sector, Kids’

studio practice.

Own’s Creative Director Jo Holmwood and Associate Writer Mary Branley presented

This research will be published and

on collaborative publishing projects with

disseminated in Spring 2020. The Arts


in Society conference was an important opportunity to present some of this


research and promote the forthcoming


publication of this research. Attendees: 345

42 Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Aim 4 Research and Advocacy

Virtually There Research continues In June 2019, acting Creative Director Alice

This research will be published and

Lyons and Action Researcher Byronie Reid

disseminated in Spring 2020. The Arts

presented our long-term, virtual artist-in-

in Society conference was an important

residence project, Virtually There, which

opportunity to present some of this

has been running since 2007. Bryonie has

research and promote the forthcoming

been carrying out longitudinal action

publication of this research.

research on Virtually There, a project which supports artists to connect from


their studios with teachers and children in


the classroom, engaging in contemporary art practice that stems from the artists’ own studio practice.

A pupil of St James’s Primary School in Newtownabbey connecting virtually with artist Naomi Draper

Aim 4 Research and Advocacy Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 43

Artwork from the Poetry and Print workshops at The Dock, Carrick-on-Shannon

AIM 5 Building our internal capacity Ensure Kids’ Own has the capacity to achieve its strategic aims

Executive and board level changes

Achievements and outputs

In January 2019, following an open

Audience figures

and competitive interview process,

In 2019, Kids’ Own engaged with:

Jo Holmwood was appointed Creative Director/CEO of Kids’ Own. Prior to her appointment, Jo had been working with

• 327 children through direction engagement and co-creation;

Kids’ Own for ten years. Between the months of April and October

• 440 children and parents as public audiences for our work;

2019, the Director took maternity leave and her post was filled by Project Manager,

• 405 sector professionals;

Alice Lyons. Alice subsequently left the organisation to take up a post elsewhere.

Staff promotions In September 2019, Ciara Gallagher was promoted to Project Manager and Emma Kavanagh was given a new job title as

• Online audience of 5244 + 12,525 Portal users • Book audience of 5282 readers* (*Conservative estimate based on book sales and libraries mailout)

Digital Content Manager.

Board expansion

• Kids’ Own video views: 3522

Michael Kirby joined the Kids’ Own board in September 2019, bringing with him a wealth of experience in business and management consultancy, including extensive in the not-for-profit sector. Maria Corbett resigned as Chair of the Kids’ Own board and Jennifer Hennessy was appointed Chair at the board meeting in September 2019. At the same meeting, Jennifer Hennessy stepped down as Treasurer and Mark O’Brien was appointed new Treasurer.

46 Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Aim 5 Building our internal capacity

Testimonials This project saved our lives because it was very interesting to learn about different cultures and different people and I didn’t believe in myself and now I do. I saw the others painting and that the teachers didn’t care what the others did and I started to believe that I could do the same. I don’t need to impress myself beside other people. Weronika, participant in Travellers’ Journey project/ This Giant Tent

Wexford Libraries received their Kids' Own books today! These books contain inspiring and moving poetry, stories, research and artwork by children for children. Books of fun and games helping children make friends, traditions, new languages, new vocabulary. Sharing their experiences these books give our children a voice. Well done everyone! Wexford County Library Service

So many times, I’m just reminded that the limitations we set as adults are so often proved wrong when we bring it back to the kids. It was such a strong experience. I try not to let myself be limited by my preconceptions about what will work or will not work. Artist Ann Henderson, in reference to the Virtually There Project.

Libraries [in Northern Ireland] have benefited from previous work with Kids Own especially in the Peace Generation and the recent Young Writers project. I have personally been impressed with the way you blend a professional approach with the flexibility to meet the demands and special circumstances of different communities. Trisha Ward, Assistant Director, Libraries NI

Future plans Creative plan: In 2019 we were forging new partnerships

Kids’ Own has always been committed

and planning ahead for a range of projects

to a vision of society where children are

that would come to fruition in 2020. Among

recognised as active and equal cultural

these are collaborative projects that involve

citizens and change-makers within

the following partners:

their communities. We are particularly interested in pursuing projects relation

• Youth Work Ireland North Connaught/

children and young people agents of social

SMILY LGBTI+ Youth Project

change, in how children and young people can help redefine our society and our world

• Mayo County Council

through creative means. We are currently pursuing plans for a large-scale project

• National Museum of Ireland –

with these ideals in mind and which would

Country Life

use the Sustainable Development Goals as a starting point to connect children

• Donegal County Library Service and

and young people across communities

Libraries NI

throughout Ireland and further afield.

• Community Foundation of Ireland

We are continuing to seek funding to develop the ground floor of the Kids’ Own office into a creative work space where we can offer engagement, including longerterm programmes, for children and young people in the Sligo area as well as the greater northwest region.

48 Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Aim 5 Building our internal capacity

Employment structure Staff, skills and expertise, roles and responsibilities. Creative Director – Jo Holmwood Jo is a writer and editor and trained in

Digital Content Manager – Emma Kavanagh

Drama and Theatre Studies/Spanish

Emma graduated from NCAD in 2004

Language and Literature at Trinity College,

with a Bachelor of Design specialising in

Dublin. She has 15 years’ experience

Metalwork. In 2009 she earned an Honours

working in the children’s cultural sector.

Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Policy &

During her time with Kids’ Own, she has

Practice at the National University of

devised and managed an extensive range

Ireland, Galway and since then has been

of collaborative projects with children

working in the professional arts and

and artists and has edited and published

cultural sector. Through her work in

dozens of book titles with and by children

community and educational arts practise

and young people.

Emma developed a keen interest in digital media and technology which led to her

In her role as Creative Director, she is

work as a Digital Supports Consultant.

responsible for the successful delivery

During her time with Kids’ Own Emma

of Kids’ Own’s strategic plan, sound

has managed a number of collaborative

governance and financial stability of

projects and has continued to utilise her

the organisation, fundraising, HR,

skills in digital media as editor of the Arts

sustainability and creative planning.

in Education Portal, the national digital resource for arts in education and creative practise in Ireland. In her current role as Digital Content Manager, Emma is responsible for the management of the technical needs of Kids’ Own including the Kids’ Own Archive, alongside continuing management of the Arts in Education Portal on behalf of the Portal Editorial Committee, including the successful delivery of the Portal Content Strategy and Portal events.

Who we are Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 49

Staff, skills and expertise, roles and responsibilities cont’d Creative Director (Maternity Cover) Project Manager – Ciara Gallagher – Alice Lyons Alice Lyons, a poet and cross-disciplinary

Ciara has worked as researcher on

artist, holds a Ph.D. from the Seamus

children’s books projects including the

Heaney Centre for Poetry, Queen’s

National Collection of Children’s Books

University, Belfast, and postgraduate

at Trinity College Dublin, and “Gender

degrees in Sociolinguistics and Fine Art

Identity: Child Readers and Library

from the University of Pennsylvania and

Collections” at the Centre for Children’s

Boston University, respectively. Her third

Literature and Culture, Dublin City

collection of poetry is The Breadbasket

University. She is the co-editor of the

of Europe (Veer Books, London, 2016).

volume Constructions of the Irish Child

Among the honours she has received are

in the Independence Period 1910-1940

a Radcliffe Fellowship in Poetry & New

(Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). Ciara has

Media, Harvard University (2015/16) and

worked with the Museum of Childhood

the Patrick Kavanagh Award for Poetry

project, and helps to run a small charity,

(2002). Alice has worked for many years

Providence Education, which supports

as a lecturer in English and Fine Art and

Providence school in north-east India. She

as a literary and fine arts curator. She was

has also taught in a number of universities

visual arts curator at The Dock, Carrick-

in Ireland and has worked in various

on-Shannon, County Leitrim (2008-2015),

administrative positions in the non-profit

Assistant Commissioner for Ireland at the

and public sector.

2009 Venice Biennale and Curator of Poetry Now, Dublin’s international poetry festival

Ciara was promoted to Project Manager


in September 2019. In this new role, she is responsible for the planning and delivery

Alice stepped up from her role as Project

of Kids’ Own book and residency projects.

Manager into the role of Creative Director

This includes fundraising, developing

for a six-month period of maternity cover in

new partnerships, project planning in


collaboration with associate artists, budget management, documentation and strategic planning alongside the creative director.

50 Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019 Who we are

Financial Summary Gross total income in 2019 €275,825 Gross total expenditure in 2019 €267,864 Value of net assets at year end €27,739 2019 accounts were audited by Mulhern Leonard and Associates, Chartered Accountants and Statutory Audit Firm, Mail Coach House, Mail Coach Road, Sligo. Children from Donaghey Primary School, participating in Virtually There

Financial Summary Kids’ Own Annual Activity Report 2019


Left top and bottom: UN Eradication of Poverty Project Right: Vanya Lambrecht Ward leading a workshops at the Arts in Education Portal Regional Day, Manorhamilton

Kids’ Own Publishing Partnership CLG 40 Wolfe Tone Street, Sligo, County Sligo, Ireland, F91 R231


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