Ganesh Chaturthi, also known as Vinayak Chaturthi is one of the most popular Hindu festivals and is celebrated all over India in the Hindu month of Bhadra (which generally falls between August and September). This colourful festival marks the birthday of the Elephant Headed God, Lord Ganesh. This year, the 10-day long fiesta will begin on the 2nd of September and we have the best places for you to soak in the festivities at:
The passion and excitement of Ganesh Chaturthi are as quintessentially Mumbai as is Bollywood. With the sounds of beating dhols and chants of Ganpati Bappa Morya echoing across the entire city, Ganesh Utsav celebration here remains completely unmatched. This larger than life spectacle has pandals across Mumbai to thematically represent the current social issues that the city faces through tableaux, paintings and decorations. Don’t miss