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Big Bow

Comprehensive Design

Grad Studio Project

Public Infrastructure

Farmworker Community

Grad Studio Project

Public interest design

Buddhist Sanctuary

UG Thesis project

Buddhist architecture study & Pilgrimage Centre Proposal

Wood Workshop

Professional work

Wood Workshop

Blue Energy House


Renewable energy and infrastructure

Furniture Design

Kalki Swing and

Eggy Coffee table

James B. Williams Park District


Oakland, CA

Digital Design

Graphic Design

Urban Design

UG Studio Project

Community Housing

Mixed medium Art

Photography and Painting

New Bern, North Carolina

Comprehensive Design | Public Architecture

The main challenge was to create a link between the Library and its surroundings by working with the open public spaces and to increase the synergies between the building and its urban context.

The new building presents itself as an extension of the urban public space while creating an autonomous interior landscape of its own. The transparent skin adopts the curved shape which develops on the different levels protecting and wrapping the open space of the building.

The circulation is collected and guided by the public plaza that extends through the building’s main entrance. From the main entrance, circulation is continuous, following half-open, undulating corridors. The classroom areas and the study area are distributed along a continuous band accompanying the open corridors and dispose of mobile dividing walls that allow for creating classrooms of different sizes or even opening up the whole floor, depending on the needs. Adding to this flexibility in use are multiple spaces like the patio gardens and open ramps, the covered galleries, and the roof terrace, conceived as open exhibitions and places for social exchange.

Diagram explaining Structural system
Chunk 3D model













Grasshopper code for roof plane

> Buddhist Sanctuary | Academic 2019


Undergraduate Thesis | Public Architecture

The study aims to determine the existing relationship between architecture and the BUDDHIST tradition

This work is a study of both the transmission of a heritage (tangible and intangible) and a continuous process of its transformation. Thus, the building is presented as a synthesis of the historical and traditional relations, manifesting as the witness and the result of a process largely determined by the nature of the Buddhist practice. Regarding this, we will deal with a conception of space linked to the tradition and life of its inhabitants as well as the historical and geographical characteristics of the place.

To provide a healing centre > > >

To develop a clear understanding of Buddhist monastic architecture, its symbolic meanings and architectural characteristics.

To Commemorate Kanchipuram Monastery

Symmetricity is observed throughout all the Buddhist structure and master plan. Axis Mundi is an important element of Buddhist architecture

Sarnath case study
Bodhgaya Temple Isometric view
Bodhgaya Temple circulation path view and Plan illustration
Bodhgaya Temple Section
Bodhgaya case study
The raised platform between the temple and the circulataory path provides space for the devotees to pay homage to the buddha.
Bodhgaya temple santum Passage
Nalana University Archeological site zoning Plan.

The for is portrayed in symmetrical composition with a dominant focal point and richly decorated facade with an interplay of color, texture, and materials.

The campus separates the secular from the profane, with symbols of sacred elements like Mantra signs, energy wheel, and Toranas .

A free-standing non-structural element which creates focus and spreads aura.

The door represents a passage between two realms, often considered as an entry into heaven

two realms in a sacred context.

The main purpose of a plaza is to foster ingathering large numbers of people. Such exterior gathering spaces are unencumbered by traffic.

The measured exposure of layers, one moves towards an inner center, not only creates anticipation, but it also develops a mysterious sense of the unknown.

Element used for movement between two planes.also between
The Ambit
The Stair
The Door
The Form
The Path
The Plaza
The Pillar
1. Entry Pavillion
2. Statue Hall 3. Office
4. Retreat Center
5. Meditation hall
6. Pillar
7. Monk Stay
8. Prayer Hall
9. Monk School
Prosposed Site Plan for the monastry

The entry is planned in such a way that one could witness the stupendous pillar thus awakening a sense that one has entered the holy site. Such transitions are essential for spiritual experience.

The statue hall has an open auditorium to its left where visitors are given an introduction about the premises and visitors start exploring from the statue hall where archeological findings are displayed.

The Retreat center focuses on aiding the students with the library, Meditation hall, and dining hall. the building is semi-open with a covered roof and jalli walls to fill the place with sunlight and wind.

The accommodation units are simple structures with a pyramid roof which has proven to create healing energy and also helps in maintaining the indoor temperature as the solar energy is not concentrated on one side.

The workshops are where students are engaged in activities and classes. The space is simple and open allowing many dynamics to the user experience.

The School where the students who are in the process of becoming a monks are trained. The classrooms are connected through a single corridor that passes through the structure and also acts as a gallery for the students to spend time outdoor learning.

1 . Entry to the main campus
3. The retreat centre
5. The workshop
2. Entry to the statue hall
4. The accomodation Centre
6. The school

10. The gallery

The gallery is a place for meditating and monk group prayers facing the dome. the pond reflects the dome structure and from the gallery, it appears as a whole circle.

9. The column

Acts as Structural support and also as a meditation pavilion.

8. The ramp to access the gallery

7 The cloister

Circulatory pathway is designed for both meditation and the sacred walk around the holy dome.

1. Axis mundi

The centre axis of the meditation space.

2. The dome

Stupa like Dome to emphasize the architectural identity of Buddhist structures.

3. The brick curtain

The opening is the only source of light for the meditation gallery. the opening is walled with stones carved with lines from the teachings of the buddha.

4. The Ramp

The endless pathway to experience the curtain stone wall up close, ramping around the tunnel of light.

5. The pillars

The pillars are oriented in such a way that it creates a threshold to the light source.

6. The underground meditation hall

The light on the axis is reflected but the water sheet at the center of the meditation hall, the light reflection covers the space which makes the space dynamic as the reflected light is synchronized with the water movement

Prayer Hall and Circulation chamber

1. Statue Hall Corridor

2. Statue Hall Exterior

3. Statue Hall Interior

4. Retreat Centre

5. School Axis Corridor

6. Meditation Pavilion

7. Student Residence

8. Entry Hall

9. Monks Temple

The orange line highlights the form of the proposed spaces

> MEET Cultural centre| Competition 2016

New Delhi

Team work| Cultural Architecture

Team : Sherin , Pradeepa.

Contribution : Concept , Working drawing , 3D.

People - Pace – Place


The artiste and his/her expression are key to any art form and even more so for the performing art forms. Whether it is dance, music, oration, drama etc., the presence of the artist and his/ her motion and emotion makes a world of a difference.

Behind the scenes

Behind that performer and performance are a number of people – the teacher who nourishes the artiste and his/her expression prior to the performance; and at the performance itself- director, choreographer, script writer, the crew that puts together make-up, costumes, lights, sound system etc..


All the people who are present to witness the performance and internalize the spectacle are an integral part of the performing art itself.

Circular articulation connecting all the structure and linear wall divides the temporary stall ground from the rest of the interaction space to control the flow of visitors and the vehicular and pedestrian space.

The theatre structure resembles the demolished memorable Pragathi exhibition hall except that the structure is an inverted truncated square pyramid and the structure is connected also by the ring bridge in addition to the ground level

The studio for art students is allocated on the horizontal building supported by the truncated pyramid and gallery building in such a way that artists have a sense of privacy and at the same time, they are watched by the visitors from the

The Royal Opera house is embodied in a and the other floors are connected to the gallery

Demolished Exhibition center at Pragthi Maidan

The Building is organized in a way that anticipates a journey of 6 stages which are predominately defined by the visitor’s experience. Upon arrival, visitors will enter an arcade system with open public space before entering the main cultural hub. The Theatre, class, and gallery space have two main means of vertical circulation and circular journey for efficiency.

Streetscape along the wall that acts as the spine for the site.

Universal Application

Sustainable Architecture

Team : Sherin, Meera , Pradeepa.

Contribution : Research , Concept , Working Drawing , 3D.

The potential energy that could be harvested from tidal movements on a global scale is enormous. It is estimated that around 1 terawatt of exploitable power is stored in the world’s oceans. This would be enough to power 10 billion 100-watt lightbulbs at once. Though it’s challenging to tame tidal power, we came up with a plausible solution, and that can be utilized as public infrastructure. This project is also a solution for coastal erosion which might save us from problems due to rising sea levels.

Sprockets and chains are also used for power transmission from one shaft to another, sprocket chains being used instead of belts or ropes and sprocket-wheels instead of pulleys. They can be run at high speed and some forms of the chain are so constructed as to be noiseless even at high speed. The wave motion is converted to linear motion and then to circular motion which is converted into electricity by the dynamo.

Sea currents are the most powerful natural element which remains untamable by man. To secure our structure in the coastal bed, the grid is stronger than the liner structure with no support.
Working model of electricity generator
Sectional view of electricity generator
Conceptual model

> Cauvery Hotel | Professional 2018

Pondicherry | Firm : OVOID

Team : Neil , Shreesh , Pradeepa| Hospitality ArchitectureContribution : Working drawing , 3D

The internal form is generated largely through looking at the negative spaces and cutting away cubes from cubes resulting in floor plans that are splitting into halves through a focused corridor.While the building focuses more on the internalized programs, the building references Holistic architecture where the floors are connected through sight creating a relationship between tangible and intangible aspects of the space.

The design very much vertical and linear. We strive to promote a fluid network by opening up each floor through diagonal angle . Focusing on shared space the ‘ opening ’pulls the user from the entrace to the terrace level and emerges into a collective ‘Threshold ’ space.

Development sketches exploring space offset for internalized connectivity.

Isometric section

> Urban design Studio | Academic 2018


Undergraduate Studio| Public Architecture

Team : Surya, Abi, Visali , Pradeepa. ( Field work )

Contribution : Field study , Documentation , Induvidual Proposal

Kumbakonam is a city and a special grade municipality in the Thanjavur District. It is located 40 km from Thanjavur and 273 Km from Chennai. Kumbakonam is known as a “temple city” due to the prevalence of a number of temples here and is noted for its Mhamaham festival which attracts millions of devotees. It is one of the economic hubs of Tamil Nadu. Kumbakonam was chosen and the activity pattern was studied by analyzing how people’s activities are encouraged or affected through minor elements which are mapped and observed, with evidence. Analyzing this relationship will add insight into and complement the application of urban design theories and practice which could lead to further improvement of spaces in the study site.

Typology study of the houses in the city
Map highlighting the locations of the temples in the city
Colonial Modern Vernacular

Modules system is best suited for mass production, as units can be prefabricated and comprise of small compact modules and can be arranged in any order to achieve an efficiency of the space

Unsupervised space creates problems in social infrastructure thus creating unease to the residents. So no negatives space are created in the design.

Small business can be catalysts for economic growth in cities. By investing in cluster-based small business initiatives, we may be able to spark a new wave of business growth that creates jobs in cities.

4. Integrating small business
3. Shared space
Hidden Staircase
run shop on the ground floor
Connected Staircase

Isometric view of the context

Project Architect | Industrial And Infrastructure Contribution : Concept , Working drawing , 3D and site work.

The project tries to create a reminiscing past, to recreate an old warehouse, which accommodates the workshop and retail showroom. The partially accessible and complete french element as the podium of the building houses the showroom and office space. The structure not only stand out of the context but also act as a good landmark surrounded by coconut groves .the metal structure with wood walls create their own identity.

Truss frame details
Exploded construction Diagram

> Furniture Design | Professional 2020

Pondicherry | Firm : WOOD N DESIGN

Contribution : Design | Carpentry works

Contribution: Design and Weaving

The Yellow Lamp Paracord and metal
Kalki Swing
Eggy at Ahmedabad
Making of Eggy
Brand : Aram clothing Line
Brand : CocoBons | Chocolate Shop
Brand : Valviyal Wellness products
Poster Design : Ovoid Wood Workshop

North Carolina

Graduate Studio|Public intrest Design | Design Toolkit Induvidual Proposal

Farmworkers are under represented in the American society, they are the invisible people who put food on our plates, yet forgotten and looked down upon. Housing and food insecurity activity leads to oppression and vulnerable conditions of the farmworkers. Farmworker should be supported with access to resources and have a say on their future for a better tomorrow.

“The project ensure farmworker communities have access to opportunity and advocate to secure their rights and justice that they deserve.”

Sugarloaf apartments , Migrant housing community by Housing Assistance Authority

Contour based site plan that maximizes views, minimizes grading that ensures that the site’s unique character is preserved and enhanced.

The Community center is developed around a void in-order to fill the horizon with new forms that, in turn, generate a new empty space.

Two forces infinitely opposed and incompatible which can be observed on opposite sides of each layer that, interlocked, assemble the BUILDING.

These opposing forces intertwine to achieve integrity and balance.

Isometric view
Dignity is Beauty

Graduate Studio|City Design | ULI competition Team Proposal

Nimitz Freeway, which runns along the site was built in the 1980s as part of the urban renewal program, which displaced thousands of residents and businesses and further entrenched patterns of segregation and disinvestment. The Project reimagine the exisiting condition by removing the highway which creates new opportunities for development and reconnect the street to surrounding neighborhoods, improving mobility and accessibility.

Developer options

Present Figure ground diagram
Proposed Figure ground diagram +1 9848108229

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