National DJ Day takes place on January 20 every year. On this day, we celebrate amateur and professional DJs who spin the records and play the grooviest music at the right time. The music is usually played in front of a live audience, but televised or recorded music sessions are also available.The very first disc jockey was actually a live radio experiment. A sixteen-year-old by the name of Ray Newby played a few records over the airwaves, kickstarting a movement that spread from California to the entire world. However, at this time, the word “disc jockey” wasn’t even used. In fact, the term didn’t appear until around 25 years later when radio commentator Walter Winchell started using the term to describe on-air music broadcasters. This was back during a time when records were the primary source of music, not digital files or small CDs like they are today.
One of the most influential disc jockeys was Albert James Freed, also known as Moondog on air. As one of the pioneering disc jockeys.