Creating cohesive work environment large scale intervention manufacturing

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Pragati Leadership's contribution: In order to meet the above experien al objec ve, Praga Leadership designed a Outbound Workshop that was a combina on of fun and experien al learning


Case study

There were 240 par cipants, hence 6 Facilitators and 12 support team members were involved in the execu on of the workshop

Solution Category: A day Team Bonding workshop for a large number of people from various func ons of the company to align themselves to the organiza on's ambi ous plans.

Business Need The organiza on had iden fied ambi ous growth plans and the new MD was looking at preparing the Organiza on for the big leap The need was to create a culture of “Can Do”spirit and being Impac ul while maintaining healthy Compe on at the workplace


They wanted to move forward to a world class system in the subsequent 6 months

a cohesive

working environment large scale intervention

The par cipants were first divided into 3 Main groups (80 in each group.) The main groups were further divided into 4 sub groups (20 in each group). Totally there were 12 groups

The Module: To bring in the compe ve spirit, a compe on was held between the 4 sub-groups. They were asked to demonstrate their capability in 3 situa onal games. Key A ributes that needed to be demonstrated by team were: Compelling Urge to win against all Odds Cross func onal alignment Keeping focus on the set goals The situa onal games involved physical & mental stretch in an outdoor se ng. one such game involved raising overall team performance together & not in isola on which would demonstrate benefits of team work.

Objective: The key task for Praga Leadership was to design and deliver a powerful experien al workshop that would help align and integrate people to the new thought processes This would also serve as a Trigger and Energizer, to enable thinking processes on how they can deliver their best in realizing the organiza on's goal

The following criteria for assessment was evolved and shared with the teams: Ability to stretch themselves Trust and Understanding between team players Speed of Execu on Quality Efficiency Post event debrief was to draw their a en on to the essence of team work to achieve the final goals. The Programme ended on a high note.

Impact of the Intervention The en re team of 240 people were Rejuvenated, Mo vated and Aligned to the new growth plans and goals of the organiza on

The team understood and imbibed the key a tudes and behaviours that they needed to display for the realiza on of the goals

An organiza on wide process was implemented and rolled out so as to benefit not only the par cipants but the organiza on as a whole.

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