PEAF does not tell you how to be a CxO, Executive, Strategic Planner, Enterprise Architect, Business Architect, Solution Architect, Portfolio Planner, Portfolio Manager, etc, etc, etc.
What PEAF does do is expose a holistic environment and context of Methods, Artefacts, Culture and Environment that all of those people exist within. The glue that brings all the parts together into a choreographed whole which makes the whole so much more than just the summation of its parts.
PEAF asserts that people working within the Strategising and Roadmapping phases of Transformation already know how to do what they do. The problem is not them. The problem is the context (Methods, Artefacts, Cultural and Environmental things) that they are forced to work within. PEAF aims to increase the maturity (effectiveness and efficiency) of that context, enabling people to achieve their full potential.