Hussite Prague / Summer in Prague 2015

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Hussite Prague Summer in Prague 2015

Special events for the Master Jan Hus sexennial To go with this year’s 600th anniversary of Master Jan Hus’ immolation, many interesting things are happening in Prague.

Key celebrations: National Festival “Jan Hus – European of Modern Times” 1st Apr. – 25th Sept. / various venues / National festival comprising of dignified, appealing and nationwide events to mark the 600th anniversary of the immolation of Master Jan Hus. Its programme of exhibitions, concerts, church services and conferences takes place at all the key Hus sites, at Charles University, the Bethlehem Chapel, Husinec … But not just there! See

– Jan Hus and Prague University 28th Apr. – 28th Aug. / Carolinum / What linked Jan Hus with Prague University, as its student, tutor and Rector? The exhibition is divided into eleven themed units, covering his childhood and youth, tenure at Prague University, teaching and preaching, etc.

– Master Jan Hus: Tracing his teachings worldwide to the present day 11th June – 15th Aug. / Václav Havel Airport Prague In Terminal 2, an expo of the international roots of Hus’ teachings.

– Master Jan Hus and 15th century cuisine 6th June – 31st Oct. / Gastronomy Museum An expo of the food mores of Jan Hus and the culinary misdeeds of his followers. The exhibition also introduces the menus of various strata of 15th C. society, diverse not just in quantity, but in the ways of preparing and types of food.

– Bethlehem Odyssey – Video Mapping 4th – 5th July, from 22:30 / Bethlehem Chapel The historical building of the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague enlivened with a festive audiovisual projection. The author of this singular multimedia project is Zdeňka Čechová.

– Living Hus 6th July from 16:00 / Wallenstein Garden / Celebratory events set in one of the loveliest of Prague gardens offer a cultural programme for the general public and families with children. You can look forward to a concert and a spiritually inspired cultural programme.

– By Thy Truth Standing 6th July – 31st Aug. / Bethlehem Chapel The leading Czech artists of today exhibit their bespoke works on the legacy of Hus and what it means nowadays.

– Charrrge! The Hussites at Vítkov 11th July / Vítkov / A reconstruction of the battle of Vítkov of 1420 revives the throes of a battle in which an outnumbered handful of Hussite warriors fended off Austrian and Meissen Crusaders. Some one hundred battle-dressed warriors are taking part.

Hus Celebrations 5th – 6th July / Old Town Square and other venues The main celebrations commemorating the life of Master Jan Hus. This spiritually-cultural project will recall his reform ideas and life struggle. The celebrations will offer a range of spiritual and cultural events; services, concerts, theatrical performances, lectures and discussions. For more on the programme, see

– To Master Jan Hus with love 5th July from 14:00 / Bethlehem Chapel Spiritually-cultural meetings and ceremonial handover of the “Master Jan Hus” bell. Performed by Alfred Strejček, Štěpán Rak, Musica Bohemica, Pražští pěvci singers et al.

– Hus Celebrations opening ceremony 5th July from 18:00 / Old Town Square Festive concert by the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Olomouc, right on Old Town Square, with thematic compositions by Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana and other musical greats.

– Medieval market 6th July from 10:00 to 18:00 / Ovocný trh / A full-day programme for children and parents, with puppet theatres, fencing and crafts demonstrations and a show of historical weapons.

– Memorial Mass for Master Jan Hus 6th July from 15:00 / Bethlehem Chapel A classic Mass, accompanied by Musica Bohemica and the Schola Gregoriana Pragensis ensembles.

– Ecumenical Service of Worship 6th July from 17:00 / Old Town Square / One of the highlights of the Hus festival will be a grand open-air gathering of all participants.

– Master Jan Hus 600th anniversary Festive evening 6th July from 19:30 / Municipal House – Smetana Hall / The programme includes the Hussite ‘Song of Truth’, the première of the cantata ‘Master Jan’s Credo’ as well as Blaník from the cycle My Country by Bedřich Smetana. Performed by the Prague Symphony Orchestra, Kühn mixed choir, Roman Janál and Alfred Strejček.

– Master Jan Hus Oratorio 6th July from 20:30 / Old Town Square / Jan Hus has inspired the Czech musician, composer and a gifted artist Richard Pachman. His original compositions will be yours to hear by the Hus memorial statue on Old Town Square.

Other Hus events: Hus artefacts from the National Museum archives (1415–2015). Master Jan Hus and his legacy 5th June – 12th July / National Museum New Building An exhibition aiming duly to commemorate the anniversary of the burning of Hus in Constance. At the same seeking to highlight through a selection of items from the Museum’s collections not only the significance of his persona, but of his legacy.

I shall not Renounce 5th June – 4th July / Empire greenhouse at the Royal Garden of Prague Castle / Set in the beautiful venue of the empire greenhouse is an exhibition introducing visitors to the impacts of the works, ideas, and ethical legacy of Hus through the works of contemporary artists.

Scholar and Reformer – Heretic and Saint – National Hero. The three lives of Jan Hus 2nd July – 18th October / Wallenstein Palace / The exhibition presents the life, work and legacy of Jan Hus in all historical aspects. It also tracks the transformation of the priest and scholar into a martyr and national hero.

The Prague of Hus and the Hussites 1415–2015 24th September 2015 – 24th January 2016 / Clam-Gallas Palace Six hundred years of the Hus and Hussite tradition in Prague’s history is remembered in the exhibition, documenting the influence of Jan Hus in Prague. Also in evidence is how the teachings of Jan Hus spread in the Czech lands and abroad, including his recognition and acclaim by reformist and evangelical churches. Other useful information and interesting reading on Master Jan Hus can be found on our special purpose web

Other summer events 70 – World War II through the lenses of Czech photographers until 26. 7. / Prague Castle – St. George´s Basilica / The exhibition presents the fates of Czech soldiers and civilians impacted by the biggest conflict in human history.

Sculpture Line 10. 6. – 30. 9. / various venues / The inaugural year of a singular exhibition which shows the statues and art objects by leading domestic and international artists in a novel way, directly in the streets of Prague.

UEFA European under-21 football championship 17. 6. – 30. 6. / Sparta and Slavia stadiums June will be teeming with soccer. For the first time the Czech Republic will host the final European tournament for the under-21s.

Prague Proms 21. 6. – 19. 7. / various venues A whole range of famous names from the world of classical and jazz music will perform at this 11th year of the International Music Festival.

Knightly days 11. 7. – 12. 7. / Prague Castle – Deer Moat A weekend event in the natural wilds of Prague Castle is aimed at all who like to dream of bygone days.

Bohemia JazzFest 13. 7. – 15. 7. / Old Town Square / One of the greatest summer jazz music festivals each year offers an unsurpassed musical experience right in the heart of the city on the Old Town Square.

Summer Festivities of Early Music: Femina Aeterna 13. 7. – 6. 8. / various venues / An international early music festival set in Prague’s authentic and historical context. The central theme this year will be women’s musicality in all its forms.

Behind the Door 13. 7. – 18. 7. / various venues / A vivacious festival of street theatre to rouse the squares, streets and courtyards of Prague. As every year, the artists will vault through the air, dance on stilts, sing and make music.

Kamil Lhoták from 18. 7. / Kampa Museum An exhibition of key works by Lhoták from the period 1938–1951 on loan from private collections, showing works never before exhibited.

Prague Folklore Days 23. 7. – 26. 7. / various venues / The traditional folk-art festival, one of the biggest folk dance events in Central Europe. The ensembles’ joint parade through the Old Town is breathtaking.

International organ festival 6. 8. – 24. 9. / St. Jacob Basilica Solo organ recitals by leading world and Czech artists resounding through the spectacular St. Jacob Basilica. The famous St. Jacob organ has 4 manuals, 91 sounding registers and 8,277 pipes.

Prague Pride 10. 8. – 16. 8. / various venues The largest Central European LGBT festival offering its usual broad mix of cultural and social events. It culminates in the parade of pride with many floats and a freewheeling atmosphere.

Opera Barocca 15. 8. – 6. 9. / Clam-Gallas Palace / A distinctive festival of early music in meticulously authentic style, taking place in one of the most beautiful baroque buildings in Prague – the Clam-Gallas Palace.

Letní Letná 16. 8. – 3. 9. / Letná Park / The best among world and domestic newcircus experiences, coming in the second half of the summer to Letná Park. Letní Letná is not only an exceptional festival, but also a meetingplace for friends, relations and families with children.

Classics under the stars – Aida 27. 8. – 28. 8. / Letná Park The ‘Classics under the stars’ project is a chance to see and hear classic opera far away from theatrical edifices. This year includes one of the most famous operas by Giuseppe Verdi – Aida.

Vibrant Nine 29. 8. / Park Podviní / Travel the world in a day at this multicultural festival full of aromas, flavours, colours and rhythms.

Mercedes Benz Prague Fashion Weekend 3. 9. – 6. 9. / ZIBA Window Gallery / The festival will showcase the work of selected Czech and Slovak designers, revealing their collections for 2016.

Birell Grand Prix Prague 5. 9. / centre of Prague / The first September weekend will fill Prague’s lit-up evening streets with thousands of runners and spectators lining the route. Come and cheer or take a run…

Foodparade 5. 9. – 6. 9. / Troja Chateau / Are you a foodie, lover of gourmet food? If so, you should not miss the 5th year of the good food and drink festival in the charming gardens of the Troja Chateau.

Dvořák Prague 6. 9. – 23. 9. / Rudolfinum and other venues The international music festival is a celebration of the musical genius and the most world-renowned Czech composer, Antonín Dvořák. Now in its 15th year.

Prague Castle vintage 19. 9. – 20. 9. / Prague Castle / Moravian first-pressed ‘burčák’, fresh grape juice, cimbalom music, but also the reopening of production gardens – all on offer in the 10th year of traditional vintage. Dozens of other events, see

Master Jan Hus Czech history is full of gripping and surprising twists and turns. When Jan Hus was burned at the stake in Constance for his views and criticism of the Catholic Church 600 years ago on 6th July 1415 none suspected what profound changes Czech society would undergo thanks to him in the following decades. His name came to stand for principled defiance. This theologian, preacher and Master of Prague University was to be one of the leading religious authorities, whose ideas spread beyond Czech borders. The European reformation of the 16th century owed much to what Hus called for. He is often linked with the English theologian John Wycliffe as the father of the European Reformation. His death became much symbolised and commemorated over the centuries. –

Jan Hus was born and raised in Prachatice in Southern Bohemia.

In 1396, he became Master of the Liberal Arts, and later Rector of Prague University.

From 1402 onward he preached in the Bethlehem Chapel, purposebuilt for Czech sermons.

During the Papal Schism he sought to right the straying Church – he rejected its wealth, opposed its selling of indulgences.

He studied and spread the works of John Wycliffe, albeit these were decreed heretical by the Papal Curia. Hus was censured, and Prague put under an Interdict.

In October 1414 he set off to the Council of Constance to redeem himself. He was not given the chance, was branded a heretic, arrested and imprisoned. His work was publicly destroyed and he died by burning at the stake before the city gates.

His ashes were thrown into the Rhine, so the man who’d sought to right the Church should perish without trace. Paradoxically, it was the death of Hus that most served to spread his views and let to the Hussite movement.

In the footsteps of Master Jan Hus To mark the 600 years since the events that led to the burning of Hus in 1415, let us follow in his footsteps. One of the most important personages of Czech history will lead us via matchless and historically distinctive Prague sites. Old Town Square – Master Jan Hus statue – Old Town Hall – Týn Church – Church of St. Michael – Carolinum – Church of St. Havel – Bethlehem Chapel – Church of St. Martin in the Wall – Church of the Virgin Mary of the Snows – New Town Hall – Karlovo Square – Vyšehrad No place in Prague is more symbolic than Old Town Square. Here, at the 1915 monument to Master Jan Hus, we can begin our walk. The Old Town Hall is also closely linked to the Hussites. In 1422 it saw the execution of the radical Hussite preacher Jan Želivský. Today the great chamber of the Town Hall hosts one of the most famous paintings of Hus by Václav Brožík. Another dominant feature of the square – the Church of Our Lady before Týn, staunchly backed the chalice bearers and was the base of the Hussite bishop Jan Rokycana. Lesser-known is the Church of St. Michael, where Jan Hus took part in disputations. Today only the Gothic scuncheon remnants recall the times of Hus as a preacher. Carolinum – the Charles University College is inextricably linked with Master Jan, who was Dean and later Rector here. Nearby is the Church of St. Havel, much changed since Hus’ time. We go along Havelská Street and on to Bethlehem Chapel, the holy place built for Jan Hus to preach in Czech, where he found refuge in 1402–1412. The Church of St. Martin in the Wall saw the first Communion under both kinds among Hussite followers. The Church of the Virgin Mary of the Snows, and the New Town Hall remind us how radical the Hussite movement became after the first defenestration of Prague. Across Karlovo Square we go on to the Vyšehrad fortress. It is hard to credit today that one of the key battles of Hussite Prague took place in 1420 just below Vyšehrad Castle, fruitlessly besieged by Sigismund of Luxembourg’s troops. Once you make the climb up to Vyšehrad you will understand, and in reward enjoy one of the most beautiful views of the city. The route is marked out at

A day with Jan Hus on Saturday 4th July Prague City Tourism have prepared a day full of fun and surprises while getting to know the persona of Master Jan Hus and the Prague sites tied to him. Would you like to meet the ghost of Jan Želivský and get to know more about Czech Hussite past? You have an ideal chance on Saturday, 4th July. A childrens’ tour of the Old Town Hall at 10:00 and 15:00 The youngest visitors tend to head for the Old Town Hall to see their favourite Apostles. Why not add a personal meeting with Jan Hus? In the Brožík Hall children can go back 600 years and witness the final moments of the reformer’s life. Children will get briefed on concepts of heresy, the synod, the church or of communion under both kinds, and in a small workshop they can make a heretic’s cap. The furore caused in the Czech lands by the burning of Master Jan Hus will be told by none other than Jan Želivský, the successor of Hus. Registration in advance at: Prague in the footsteps of Master Jan at 15:00 A walk through the Prague sites associated Hus and his fate. Each participant makes their own way along the prepared route, carrying out tasks at waypoints to get their game card endorsed. While so doing they learn something about the given place. Everyone who completes the tasks at the eight historical waypoints gets a sweet reward. Set-off time is 15:00 from the Jan Želivský memorial plaque on the Old Town Hall in the Old Town Square. Registration in advance at: Evening tour of the Old Town Hall starting at 20:00 Master Jan Hus sacrificed his life to defend his views. When he stood before the Council at Constance as a heretic, he had lost his ideological and life struggle. Participants of the evening tour of the Town Hall can witness this crunch point in Hus’ life, complete with a detailed look at the Václav Brožík canvas “Jan Hus in Council of Constance”. In the Town Hall basement the visitors shall meet another representative of that stormy time – the mysterious “bloody priest”, who came to Prague from the monastery at Želiv following the death of Master Jan, and who will captivate listeners with his own narrative of what followed. Registration in advance at:

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