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Welcome, On behalf of the Bohrson marketing team

I would like to state how pleased we are to be part of this year’s sale, thank you to the McTavish family for including us. I didn’t have to talk with Jared long to know that he cuts to the chase, so I’ll do the same. What you’ll find in this sale are yearling and a group of highly sought after two year olds bulls that are bred and raised to go out and work, Yes, he has some calving ease bulls but with every mating he has the end goal of producing bulls that will give you steers that will push down the scales and females that you can keep in your herd. Jared is very in tune with the needs of the commercial cattleman as he has his own commercial herd. Now more than ever before the big heavy steers are commanding that top dollar per pound come fall, something we all need. You won’t find the McTavish family chasing any fads this bull sale season, he wants to buy a bull with power that’s sound and functional from a great momma cow. They have some bulls that breeders will be looking at for sure, but the commercial cattleman is where their focus remains. I look forward to meeting you at this sale. I encourage you to stop in before hand and have a really good look at these bulls, I bet you’ll like them. If you cant make it please utilize are free and confidential order buying service. See you down the cattle trail.


Best Regards,

Cody Haney -- 403-845-8806

Harvey Welter -- 306-227-8684

Here at McTavish Farms we would like to extend our warmest welcome to our 12th annual bull sale. There is a great selection of bulls on offer again this year! McTavish Farms Ltd is located just off the #1 highway in the southeast corner of Saskatchewan 6 miles east and 2.5 miles north of Moosomin. We are offering yearling and 2-year-old Charolais bulls, built to calve and perform when the time comes. As far as the type, the bulls are structurally sound, moderately framed, stout, easy fleshing herd bulls with excellent temperament and thick hair coats backed by superior cow families.

All bulls offered for sale are raised as breeding stock and are developed as such. Bulls are developed on a silage based TMR to gently target gains of 3-4 lbs per day. The rations are designed to build muscle, not fat! All bulls are semen tested; vet inspected and scrotal measured prior to the sale. Vaccinations are up to date on all bulls in the sale. Bulls are vaccinated twice with Bovi-Sheild Gold/One Shot and Ultrabac 7, once in the spring prior to kick out to pasture with their booster shots done in the fall at weaning time. All are given Ivermectin at these times, as well as 45 days prior to sale day. Safeguard is given to weaned calves once they are eating well. Mothers are vaccinated yearly prior to breeding season with Bovi-Sheild FP5 and Tasvax.

It is always a hectic time of year, but we always look forward to bull sale time to reacquaint with old friends, customers and meet many new cattlemen in search of genetics to enhance their breeding program. We strongly encourage you to come and tour the bull pen prior to sale day for a more relaxed atmosphere.

The genetics we offer on MARCH 24, 2023 are geared to work in any breeding program. We also have a commercial herd of cows that start calving late March usually calving the bulk of them on pasture. So we understand the importance of cows being able to calve to our bulls. We have concentrated on traits like calving ease, vigor at birth, sound udders, and temperament and material qualities. Here at the farm we believe that bulls need to be able to calve but you also need to have the pay weighs at weaning time. We believe that our genetics will work in any kind of environment, and we are confident that they would work for you. Please join us for smoked brisket for lunch before the Annual Bull Sale. If you need help in any way, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Videos will be available at www.mctavishfarms.ca. Come to the farm any time prior to sale day to view the bulls and their mothers. Hope to see you here on the 24th of March.

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