Profil SDM

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company profile of studio driyamedia

studio driyamedia

company profile

we perceives that...

all citizens... have the right and obligation to participate in the initiation and implementation of development activities, and enjoy its benefits...

Studio Driyamedia (SDM) is the operational body of Bumi Manira Foundation which has been legally established in 1987, as a non-profit organization providing support and services to other development agencies in Indonesia.


studio driyamedia

our vision...  Development activities are a continuous effort to achieve justice and prosperity for all Indonesian citizens;  However those efforts have not touched all members of the community evenly; there are still many segments of the community who are living in deprivation, both physically and in terms of the fulfillment of their basic rights as citizens and human beings;  Development should reflect and be directed at the realization of universal principles of justice, basic human rights, democracy, and community participation, within the limits of the environmental carrying capacity considering its preservation, and fulfilling the aspirations and needs of the community in the present and the future;  Presently there are still many development policies and activities, which lack consideration, or even, totally neglect, those ideals and principles,  There are still many development agencies, which event though subscribes to those ideals and principles are constrained in its realization by the lack of insight, knowledge, and technical expertise’s, especially in terms of their approach to the development programs;


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ď ą To realize those ideals and principles cooperation between all the parties - government, commercial and non-profit agencies, community organizations, educational and research institutions, in Indonesia is needed; ď ą And since all those problems are related to issues of humanity and field of activities that transgress national boundaries, cooperation should be developed not only nationally, but also regionally and internationally.

our mission... Based on our vision, Studio Driyamedia is developed as a nongovernmental, non-profit agencies, which... ď ą Provides services and support to development agencies - especially to

those agencies which are committed to the marginal groups/segments of the society which are still deprived of their basic human rights - in efforts to increase and improve their capacity to serve the communities they working with more effectively through appropriate and participatory approaches and development communication methodologies. Those


studio driyamedia

services and support could be provided through consultation, training, development of educational media, and operational cooperation at the field level.  Provides input to policy formulation and planning of development

activities (especially at the operational level - program and projects - but not limited at that level) that benefit all groups/segments of the community, especially the marginal groups/segments - through consultation, study/research, publication, and advocacy.  In providing its services, SDM will work in solidarity with and develop

cooperation with development agencies (Government and NGO) in Indonesia, within the region (Southeast Asia) and Internationally.  Works professionally without discrimination against any individual,

agency or social group based on ethnicity, religious, race, social standing, political affiliation, gender, age, handicap.  Develops its staff in order that they are capable of working professionally

according to the agency’s vision and mission, continuously and at an optimal level through staff development activities and efforts to fulfill their basic needs at an adequate level.  Considers the legally obtained resources of the agency as resources

entrusted to the agency by the community and utilize and manage those resources in a responsible way according to the agency’s vision and mission.


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our services... SDM is service agency, which provides services in development communication methodology and educational media to various development agencies. Our expectation is that through better communication methodologies and media, the effectiveness of the services will increase and the communities will benefit more. Some of the services we provide for these purposes are:

Media Development: Media development is the core of our activities. We have developed various kinds of media for many diverse agencies, and for many different purposes. This kind of media we work on includes: ď ą Media for Extension: informational and instructional media on various

topics according to the needs of the communication. ď ą Community Communication Media: Media is stimulating discussion in

the contexts of participatory education and communication within the community; usually reflective media to raise people’s awareness on issues relevant to their community.


studio driyamedia  Media for Training: Instructional media and handouts for structured

trainings on various topics for development workers at various levels.  Reference Materials for Development Workers: Manual, Handbooks,

Brochures, and Discussion Paper relevant to the informational needs of development workers at various levels.  Media in support of Networks: Newsletters and promotional brochures for

network members;  Editing and Graphic Design Services: Incidental assistance in editing and/

or designing publications.

Training SDM also provides training, mostly structured trainings and internships. We do not have standardized training package but adjust the training designs to the specific program needs and the needs of the participants. The different kinds of trainings we have provided so far are on:  Community Development Methodologies: especially on methods for inquiry

and planning with the participation of communities (Participatory Rural/ Rapid Appraisal or PRA);  Gender Analysis: in program planning and development, Basic concepts of

gender and methods to incorporate it into program planning;  Basic Concepts in Development Communication: overview of extension/

non-formal education methodologies with a focus on the communication aspects;  Development of Communication Media: development of various formats of

educational media;  Technical Skills for Media Development: such as Visual Design, Desktop

Publishing, and Photography;  The use of media: how to use various formats of media according to its



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Consultation  Assistance in the application of participatory assessment methods in

program planning and evaluation;  Planning of communication components in various programs;  Assessment and evaluation of programs;  In partnership: we like to work in on-going partnership and cooperation

with the agencies requesting our services, and not merely in the contexts of “client-provider” relationships;  Through network: many of our activities are in the support of networks

of agencies rather than limited for individual agencies. This enables us to have an impact that is not limited to area specific programs.


studio driyamedia

Network Facilitation Many of our activities are also in the support and running of networks collaboration of agencies. This enables us to support the network by developing:  Collaborative media;  Publication: Guide Book, Good Practices Documentation,  Multi-stakeholders meeting and workshop;  Information network: Web site, Milling List, Bulletin,  Collaborative action research on shared learning site,  Collaborative planning and monitoring evaluation  Collaborative planning and monitoring evaluation  Participative facilitators networking,  Participative facilitators networking,  Network financial and program management.


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our structure & staffing... Presently we have 15 staffs (12 full time, 1 advisor)  Media Development Specialists: 4 Writers/editors (1 person based in

the province of Nusa Tenggara), 1 Graphic Designer, 1 Desktop Publishing specialists, and 2 Illustrators;  Trainers: All media development staff also double as trainers/facilitators

for trainings relevant to their field of specialty;  Support Staff: 2 Administration and Financial Management staff, and 2

Maintenance staff.

YBM Board of Director

SDM - General Coordinator

Administ. & Finance Bureau

Secretary, HRD, Accounting, Cashier, Utility, Office Boy, Security, Cleaning Service

Program Coordinator

Project Coordinator

Creative Group Head

Program Officers

Project Officers

Illustrator, Designer, Photographer, Copywriter

Yayasan Bumi Manira, Board of Directors: Anne Nurfarina, Galuh Adjeng, Hawe Setiawan, Hoesin, Ibrahim Yunus, Igor Tamerlan Juhana, Ilya Moeliono.

Studio Driyamedia, Staffs: Dwi Joko Widyanto, Eddie B. Handono, Farida B. Utami, Hidayat, Ichwan Setiawan, Rianingsih Djohani, Rahadian P. Paramita, S. Enni Widyastuti, Nur Tjahjo (Tj), Yulia Rahayu. Supporting Staffs: Adit, Sutarso.


studio driyamedia

our working area... In its 21 years of existence SDM has worked together with various partner agencies in various provinces in Indonesia. More recently we have been involved in Nusa Tenggara Area Community Development Consortium in eastern Indonesia. On a limited scale we have carried out some work the neighboring countries Vietnam, the Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand.

how do we work..? ď ą Based on request/expressed needs: As we are mostly a service agency

most of the program and projects we are involved in are based on requests of the agencies responsible for the overall program. ď ą Within programmatic context: Since media development and training

projects will only be effective when they are part of a well designed program, we try to always approach those activities within the larger framework of the development program they are part off. ď ą Selective: considering the above-mentioned program context and our

own limitations, we necessarily have to be selective in the programs and projects we take on.


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sample of our works with our partners... In the frameworks of providing those services, some of our achievements have been:

Media Development Media for Extension:  Media for Environmental Sanitation Program: Various media extension for

Cirebon Urban Development Program  Practical Guides to Dryland Agriculture: A series of illustrated booklets for

farmers and extensionists in upland areas covering such topics as soil and water conservation, integrated farming, soil fertility management, agro forestry, goat rising, etc. These booklets were developed with World Neighbors and Yayasan Tananua. These achieve-ments has won “1993 Award of Excellence in Visual Aids” from the American Society for Training and Development.  Poster for Soil Fertility Management: This informational poster

was developed for supporting the development of NTCDC members’ agricultural program. This media has won award for Poster Prize of the “Fifth ACCU Prizes for fully Illustrated Literacy Follow-up Materials” from The Asia Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (June 1996).  Campaign Posters: For an environmental sanitation program in Bali for

UNV.  Media for HIV/AIDS Education: Brochures, campaign posters, flipchart, and

overhead transparencies for specific audiences at risk, in cooperation with the Epidemiological Research Unit of the Faculty of Medicine of the Udayana University in Bali.

Community Communication Media:  Open ended poster series for group discussion at the community level

on diverse topics such as health and nutrition, environmental sanitation, small scale enterprises.


studio driyamedia  Discussion booklet and Informational Game on HIV/AIDS for commercial sex

workers, in cooperation with Yayasan Setiabudhi Utama in West Java.  Analytical games for gender awareness raising and small business

development with the Institute for Socioeconomic Research, Training, and Extension (LP3ES) in Central Java.

Media for Training:  Overhead transparencies and handouts on Participatory Rural Appraisal is

support of our own trainings.  A sound-slide set on the principles and implementation process of PRA for

training and orientation of filed-workers, with Bina Swadaya in East Timor.  Overhead transparencies and handouts on Media Development for the

International Course in Development Communication organized together with the International Institute for Rural Reconstruction and World Neighbors in the Philippines. 

Instructional booklets and overhead transparencies on the care and counselling of HIV/AIDS patients for the National Education Center for Health Personnel/Paramedical.

Reference Materials for Development Workers:  From the Roots-up, Field Guide Book for Strengthening

Institutional Capacity with Guided Self Assessment: This Indonesia translation from World Neighbors Publication was developed for supporting Indonesian practitioner in how to conducting guided self assessment for intermediary agencies and communities.  “Berbuat Bersama, Berperan Setara”; a reference

guide on Participatory Rural Appraisal for the Nusa Tenggara Uplands Development Consortium  “Sustainable Development, Voices from Rural Asia” with CUSO-Asia; An

overview of field-level perspectives on issues of sustainable development from practitioners.  “Belajar Bersama Orang Dewasa” (Learning with Adults); A guide book on

the development of functional literacy activities and learning materials in cooperation with Save the Children in West Nusa Tenggara.


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Media Development ): This practical guide book explaining the proses on media development from Situation Analysis, Audiences Analysis (needs assessment), Developing Communication Objectives, Developing Communication Strategies, Media Selection, Media Development and Pretesting, Media Production, Media Uses, and Media Monitoring and Evaluation.  Participatory Rural/Rapid Appraisal Methodology Learning Package for

NTCDC PRA Working Group (2000). This trial version is a guide and modules for PRA Team or Field Facilitators in conducting PRA training.  Experience in Street Children’s Newsletter Development: This mini book

explaining the experience of participatory process development with street children, using PRA techniques for the discussion and reflection process.


studio driyamedia

Training Media Development Trainings and Workshops:  For various NGOs and Government Agencies in Indonesia, i.e. The National

Center for Agricultural Extension.  For various NGOs and Government Agencies in the region, i.e. for the staff

of NGOs in Northern Thailand with CUSO-Thailand, the staff of the Bac Thai Provincial Agricultural Extension Service with CIDSE, the staff of several International NGOs in Northern and Southern Vietnam through the Vietnam Interagency Training Project. 

The International Course in Development Communication organized annually since 1994 with the International Institute for Rural Reconstruction and World Neighbors in the Philippines.

 Workshop on the development of media for functional literacy with

tutors in the framework of the literacy program for rural women in East and West Nusa Tenggara with Save the Children Internships on media development.


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 For various NGOs in Indonesia i.e. the staff of Yayasan Citra Usadha, an

NGO concerned with AIDS education in Bali; staff of the Save the Children Federation (SCF) literacy program, and for the Bac Thai Provincial Agricultural Extension Service from Vietnam.

Participatory Rural Appraisal Trainings  For several universities based Women’s Studies Centers (Universitas

Indonesia in Jakarta, Universitas Padjadjaran in West Java, and Universitas Lambung Mangkurat in West Kalimantan) with GTZ.  For various government programs and agencies, i.e. the National Poverty

Alleviation Program, the Off-farm Income  For various NGOs, especially the member agencies of the Nusa Tenggara

Area Community Development Consortium.

Gender Awareness/Gender Analysis Trainings.  Although included as a component in most other trainings, we have

provided gender training for:


studio driyamedia  The Institute for Socioeconomic Research, Training, and Extension (LP3ES)

in Central Java, and Women’s Forum in West Sumba.

Consultation Program Assessment/Evaluation and Planning.  The Primary Health Care Program in North Sulawesi of the GMIM Health

Foundation and the Provincial Health Service, for the Swiss Development Cooperation in Indonesia.  The Agricultural Development Program in Flores, East Nusa Tenggara for

Yayasan Tananua  A participatory evaluation of a district level Micro hydro Rural

Electrification Project of Yayasan Mandiri and GTZ.  Consultation on the planning of a media development capacity for the

Ministry of Forestry of Vietnam through Interforest.  Media Assessment for AusAIDS HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs in three

province (Bali, East Nusa Tenggara and Sulawesi).  Participatory Impact Evaluation of Mitra Tani Mandiri Foundation and

World Neighbors program in Flores.

Integrated Consultation  Solid Waste Management Program, GTZ and Bappeda of Bandung

for PD Kebersihan Bandung (1998-2001). Assisting on Environmental Communication Program planning, implementation (including empowering the stakeholders), monitoring and evaluation; Developing and coordinating mass media campaign at city level; assisting in integrating mass media campaign, environmental communication and students schools networking; Train and coaching the staffs of several agencies that involved in SWMP on media development, project management and planning-monitoring and evaluation. Coaching and assisting the communities to develop by themselves their community communication media, coaching and assisting on campaign media development, assisting and developing extension media development, assisting on reference materials development (Senior High Schools students’ 3R modules, and Elementary Schools Teaching Curriculum on Environmental Sanitation), developing SWMP program development guide for middle decision/policy makers.


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Various consultancies for the Nusa Tenggara Area Community Development Consortium. Assistance in the Development of Training Curricula:  For the Directorate General of Village Development, Ministry of the Interior

for a training on PRA for various levels of program personnel.  For the Nusa Tenggara Area Community Development Consortium, for

structured training on agro forestry for farmers, farmers’ leaders, and extensionists.

Various products for Networks Collaboration.  Collaboration with the Forum for Development of

Community Participation (Forum Pengembangan Partisipasi Masyarakat - FPPM) and Forum for Development of Village Renewal (Forum Pengembangan Pembaruan Desa - FPPD); Kumpulan Modul APB Desa Partisipatif (Compilation of Participatory Village Budgeting and Expenditure Training Module), Naskah Akademik tentang Desa (Policy Paper on Village).


studio driyamedia  Collaboration with the Forum for Development of Community Participation

(Forum Pengembangan Partisipasi Masyarakat - FPPM); Peta Pengembangan Partisipasi di Indonesia (Overview of Participation Development in Indonesia), Bulletin ‘Lesung,’ Website Partisipasi (, Mil-list Partisipasi ( partisipasi/), Panduan Musrenbang Desa (Village Development Planning Meeting Guidebook), Panduan Konsultasi Publik untuk Eksekutif dan DPRD (Public Consultation, a Guidebook for Government Officers & Parliament Members).  Collaboration with the Forum for Development of Village Renewal (Forum

Pengembangan Pembaruan Desa - FPPD); Panduan Perencanaan Desa (Village Development Planning Guidebook).  Collaboration with the Learning Resource Center for

Community Empowerment | ACCU | UNESCO - Asia Pasicif Network Member (Sentra Pembelajaran & Pemberdayaan Masyarakat - SPPM | ACCU | UNESCO; (Konsorsium Pengembangan Masyarakat Nusa Tenggara); Belajar Melestarikan Masa Depan (Learn to Prolong the Future - ESD facilitators guide).  Collaboration with the Consortium for Nusa Tenggara

Community Development (Konsorsium Pengembangan Masyarakat Nusa Tenggara), World Neighbors (WN), and Studio Driyamedia Kupang (SDMK); Panduan Metodologi Restra Desa (Village Strategic Planning Methodology Guidebook).  Collaboration with the Consortium for Nusa

Tenggara Community Development (Konsorsium Pengembangan Masyarakat Nusa Tenggara) and World Neighbors (WN); Paket Modul Demokratisasi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam - PSABM (Module Package of Natural Resources Management Democratization - PSABM)


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how we financed... Despite that for most NGOs, including SDM, program funding and related overhead costs is a constant challenge, over the years our budget has risen from a few million rupiah (approximately US $ 7,000) in the early years of its development to approximately Rp. 470,000,000 (US $ 216,000) during the year of 1995-1996. The present annual budget (2001-2003) is approximately Rp. 1,350,000,000 (US $ 150,000) from various sources. In the past we have received funds from the following sources:

Project Grants Grants provided for the implementation of specific projects have been received from the ASEAN-Canada Fund/CIDA, The Asia Foundation, World Education Inc., and The Ford Foundation.

Program Grants Grants provided for the implementation of more long-term programs have been received from Ford Foundation, World Neighbours, and CUSO. 19

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Services/work contracts SDM has also received a significant amount of funds as payment for professional fees and institutional fees from various “clients” (partner agencies; Government, non-government, and International agencies) for specific, usually short-term services provided.

Self-financed projects Part of Studio Driya Media’s income from such work contracts is used to cover the costs of self-financed projects and staff development.

Studio Driyamedia Jl. Ancol Timur XIV No. 1 Bandung - 40254 Phone: 022 - 520 2471 Fax: 022 - 522 8273 E-mail:

Contact Person: Rianingsih Djohani, General Coordinator. Farida B. Utami, Project Coordinator.


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 2008

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