Ways to Get Google to index your website speedily At the time you write articles/contents on your websites or blogs you wish them to be noticed by everyone and indexed by search engine speedily. However, you need to wait a moment for Googlebot to crawl your site add up to the Google index. About Googlebot, Crawling and Indexing
Googlebot Googlebot refers to the search Bot sent out by Google to gather information regarding documents on the web to put in the searchable index of Google. Crawling The procedure where the Googlebot moves within websites to find out new and up to date information to report back to the search engine Google is known as Crawling. The crawl process starts with the list of web address from previous crawls and sitemap offered by website proprietor. Using different links Googlebot discovers what to crawl. Indexing Indexing includes the process of gathering information through Googlebot from its crawling actions. At the time, files get processed; they are added to the searchable index if they include quality content. Ways to Get Google to index your website speedily
Update fresh content frequently Content plays an essential role to determine the rank within search engines. The websites that keep updated and fresh content regularly have more chance to get crawled commonly by Google. The best way to provide fresh content on your site is through regular blog post. This makes your easy to update fresh content frequently rather than modifying your page content continuously. Static websites are less crawled compared to those with fresh content. You can maintain your blog with clean and fresh article on a regular basis and add up new audio or video stream within your site. Build a Sitemap XML document Sitemap helps in listing every page within your site. It notifies the search engine at the time new pages are added and checks back for modification on the particular pages frequently. You can take an example of a search engine where you may wish to come back and
check out your homepage regularly for fresh products, news and other recent content. If you develop your website on WordPress, you can install Google XML Sitemaps plugins and create and update it and send it to search engines. Through sitemap submission you can make your site speedy via search engine bots. Speed the loading time of your site One of the things Google considers to index your website is the loading time of your site. Keep in mind crawl performs every task inside budget and if it takes too much time crawling in your massive images or PDFs, there will not be any time left to visit other pages. Install Google Analytics With Google Analytics you can measure your advertising ROI and also track your videos, social networking sites and application. So, to know the progress of your site, you need to install Google Analytics. Check and optimize Google Crawl rate By using the Google Webmaster Tools, you are able to check and optimize Google crawl rate. You can get this tool and make your site a better, Google-friendly. Wrapping Up, these are the Ways to Get Google to index your website and blog speedily. You can apply these points to make your site healthy and friendly. Making an applicable use of these points you also keep yourself away from Google Penalty.