DIY- Homemade Face Pack for Fair and Even Skin Tone
List of ingredients you need to make pack for even skin tone. • • • • •
2 tbsp chironji 1 tsp fenugreek seeds 1/2 cup milk 1 camphor Half tsp Turmeric
Following is the method to make pack for fair skin; 1. Soak chirongi and fenugreek seeds into the milk in a bowl overnight. 2. Next day, grind this chirongi and fenugreek seeds and add 1camphor in the mixer. The mixture will become sticky, greasy and smooth. Take this pack into bowl and add half spoon turmeric to it. Mix it well.
3. Clean the affected areas and pat dry. Now, apply this pack on the affected areas and let it dry. When the pack dries, scrub the pack by your hands in circular motion. Do not scrub harshly. 4. Rinse the left over with water and pat your skin dry. You will see fair, bright and soft skin instantly. You can see drastic change in your skin tone in just one week. You can also use this pack to remove tan as well as to remove facial hair. After applying this pack, you must always apply a sunscreen with SPF 30 or more before exposing yourself in sun.