Google Doodle celebrates 246th Birthday of Raja Ram Mohan Roy – Let Us Remember Him
Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born on 22 May 1772. He was born in high-ranking Bengali Brahmin family in West Bengal. He was prominent Indian social reformer. He was a founder of the Brahma Sabha in 1828. Evidently he had a grip on the fields of politics, public administration and education as well as religion. Raja Ram is mainly remembered for his efforts to stop the practice of sati. Sati was the tradition followed by the Hindus in some parts of India, where a widow immolates herself on her husband’s pyre . He is considered by marxist historians as the Father of the Indian Renaissance. The image of Google doodle dedicated to Roy is designed and created by Beena Mistry, who is a UX Designer, and Illustrator based out of Toronto, Canada.