Graduate Design Project- Cockatoo Island

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Museum for the Pacific Arts Pramod Thirunavukarasu 309237173




The history of Cockatoo Island is emblematic of Australia’s history. Before the arrival of Europeans, it was undoubtedly used by the first Australians, the Aboriginal tribes of Sydney’s coastal region. For the next 50 years the island was both a place of incarceration and the site of the colony’s ship repair and shipbuilding activities. During the twentieth century maritime activity grew, notably during World War I and World War II. For a time, Cockatoo Island was the largest shipbuilding yard in Australia. The Trust is rehabilitating the island and creating one of the most unusual places to visit in the city the island which now has become a place of history and culture that has given the island its own distinctive identity. The journey taken by canoe around the pacific islands holds great similarities to The voyage taken over the water from the sydney foreshore to cockatoo island. it creates this notion of reflection between the past, present and unfore seen future. Water is a universal undertone of reflection and renewal. It symbolically is often viewed as the source of life itself across the nations of the Pacific involving culture and tradition. So in essence the water surrounding these islands is not just a barrier between all these islands but in a way connects them to form on single entity. So the surrounding water around Cockatoo Island plays an important part for future planning, development of the waterway and also its historical significance it holds not just to the island but also to the foreshores of Sydney Harbor. The boundary in which the different tides of the water become very prominent allows us to reflect on how the island has transformed over time from the different perspectives in which keeps on changing as time passes by. The island develops an on going transformation of its identity that adopts and embraces different cultures and historical values with it. Water is such an integral part of the makeup of cockatoo island and also the Pacific culture. It represents life, hope, success and renewal, key attributes that also help describe Cockatoo Island

Contents Introduction - Mapping Of Cockatoo Island Melbourne - Tracing Spaces Documenation, Analysis and Interpretation Conceptual Modelling - Site and Art Inhabitation Program - Volumetric Diagramming Design Intensive - Occupation and Circulation Structure and Envelope Revision, Reflection and amendments Communicating Designww

Re-Development of The Island

Prominent Boundary Lines

Legend Existing Circulation Possible Connection

Existing / Proposed Circulation

Tension Study of Space

Thresholds Withing the Island

Tide Level High


Water Study Mapping

Tide Levels Around The Island

Voyage to Cockatoo Island

Melbourne Tracing

The Physical boundaries on the island seem to have a dominate central figure in which seems to dictate the flow of movement and circulation. This central core(the plateau) the island possesses also leads to other unfamiliar spaces which are all interconnected with this core circulation around the boundary

Thresholds established on the island helps create a tectonic approach in architecture in which to help define spaces, movement and atmosphere. Many of the forms on the island have been divided and segmented thought the use of openings, wall thickness, heights, which all define the type of space it is ie private / public , welcoming / unappealing etc.

Tension between Materiality is what gives rise into identifying all different types of boundaries. Creating connection points between these boundaries acknowledges the unforeseen identity of the island as being a place where there are no limits and endless possibilities

Conceptual Analysis of Mapping

Conceptual Analysis of Mapping

The constant and ever increasing growing change in the identity of Cockatoo island is very uncertain and unpredictable. The island holds endless potential for the future as it becomes a place where different cultures and history become one.

The tension points that connect all these island together is water. Water represents life, growth and new beginnings to all the different cultures in the pacific. The water surrounding Cockatoo Island does not only just define the boundary within the island but like the Pacific symbolizes growth, life and new beginnings. It allows the island to reflect on the transformation the island has undergone from its historical past through to its new beginnings

Link Between The Pacific and Cockatoo Island

Volumetric Diagramming The site location showing all intent, like views of the water, circulation of spaces which will be divided into private and public spaces defined by sea and land. the intent is to have all the public accessible elements of the program to be facing towards the water to create a deep connection between the Pacific Art work and the origins in which it was created from.

Entrance court


Public Toilet


Cloak Room


Family Room

Permanent Exhibition Space

Conferance Room Library

Education Learning

Temporary Exhibition Space



Connecting the Tension between the boundaries Existing Circulation on the Site

Artists studio

Delivery/ Garabage

Proposed Connection for circulation Views towards the sea

Functional Relationship Diagram

Meeting Room


Open Exhibition Space

Plant Room

Bld Man


Staff Toilet


Massing Model Configuration

Permanent Exhibition spaces becomes the central figure in which the whole program revolves around like the Plateau does on the island

All the exhibition spaces are facing and are surrounded by the sea creating that symbolic gesture the pacific has with the water. The exhibition spaces start to overhang over the boundary edge creating that perspective that there are no limitations on the island, all the boundaries are tested.

Selected Configuration on Site

Transformation from Mass to Form

Occupation and Circulation The central figure in which everything is drawn towards follows the flow of the water that surrounds the island. The program is separated in half . one of private and the other being public. The flow of the circulation will almost mimic the journey taken by canoe giving the notion that the boundary which separates land from water is non existent. This creates a more intimate connection with the water.

Having two separate circulation patterns being separated through a central figure. Private heading away from the water and public circulating with

the water

Private facing towards the island and public facing towards the water. Allowing the circulation to test the limits of the boundaries by crossing over it

Circulation and Form Diagrams

Having the internal walls take up the form of the line of rise extracted from the tide study to separate the spaces through the middle.

The Circulation in the museum flows around a central figure in which encapsulates the symbolic importance of water to all the pacific nations. The gesture of crossing over water between exhibition spaces represents this important connection all the pacific nations share with what. Allowing the one form to break cultural boundaries

Schematics of Each Level

Creating points on the site which either point out to the sea or back into the island, but in which all pass a central area.

A physical diagram showing how this core circulation will be placed on the selected site.

Circulation and Form Diagrams

The physical diagram has been transformed into a 2d surface exploring the scale on the site and how it sits in place.

Once the core/central figure was established the program which was divided up earlier into public and private are placed in accordance with that initial concept.

That main circulation was then elevated up in relation to the line from the tide study. This will further test the boundaries of the site.

The existing and proposed circulation around the boundary of the site was all connected to the central core of the circulation model.

Process Diagram

The existing and proposed circulation around the boundary of the site was all connected to the central core of the circulation model. The circulation leading from the main ferry wharf was directed towards the centre

Journey by canoe around one of the local pacific islands. The journey always leads a trail which comes to paths with other water trails.

Circulation and Form Diagrams

All the straight angles were all converted to a more smoother curve line to replicate the journey taken by boat around the pacific.

Structure and Envelope The structure of the building will use reinforced concrete walls with I beam reinforcement which will meet the roof structure, like a portal frame structure. The envelope and also the material for the internal finishes will all be selected in accordance with how pacific art is perceived. All the materials will represent key attributes to the pacific which full of life, purity and reflection. Cor ten will be used for the cladding of the facade to help represent that resilient and long lasting life it has throughout a range of different climates. Transparent glass will give the building a more purer feel as it takes in large views of the water into the building, which will also create a stronger connection between the building and the sea. The internal floors and walls will be concrete to represent the idea that the building was erected from the ground like many of the pacific artefacts on display now. The walls will have a white render to allow the pieces of art to become the centre of attention.

Cor ten Panels

Transparent Glass

Polished Concrete

Concrete with White render

Precedent Study

Interim Presentation




Interim Presentation

Interim Feed Back and Suggestions Do not limit yourself to exploring the boundaries of the site only, allow the form to be tested to. If you are separating the program into two elements you should be able to see it in plan. The boundary is there for a reason so don’t be hesitant in taking your design to the extreme edge across the whole building. Since the building has a gradual progression from the main entrance as it slopes higher look at possibilities of exploring the vista and opening the building out more towards the water not just by place large curtain walls. Fix up the back of the house it looks to jumbled up and randomly placed. The three exhibition spaces do not read well as one design it all has its own form which does not gel together with your to do with water. Allow the spaces to flow into one another. Have your central figure be significant not just a empty void with light coming through

The central figure will unit the building and also its meaning behind bringing all the pacific nations together Allowing the central figure to also have progressive climb like the form of the building

colours extracted from all the pacific nations to form one unit form

Central Core Figure

Allowing the vista to open up to the water and allowing the water to become more part of the building. Exploring the boundaries of the form not just of the surrounding context. Spaces should be able to flow from space to space but still be interconnected with the main core circulation

Conceptual Idea based from Feedback

Breaking boundaries within the form

Allow spaces to flow from the main core circulation, which opens up to other spaces within

Interpreting abstract into a Model

Opening up the facade more to gain larger views of the water

Refined Floor Plan Sketch

Site Plan

Final Proposal -Site Plan -Detail Drawings -Ground Floor, 1st Floor and Rooftop Plan -Sections -North Elevation -1:50 Detail Section

Roof Top Detail

Construction Detail

Wall to Floor Detail

Ground Floor Plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223-

Entrance Court / Foyer Information / Tickets Cafe Shop Cloak Room Family Room Public Toilets Permanent Exhibition Temporary Exhibition Open Exhibition Conferance Space Research / Library Artist Studio Administration Storage Archive Meeting Rooms Staff Toilets Kitchen Building Manager Workshop Delivery / Garabage Plant Spaces

1st Floor Plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223-

Entrance Court / Foyer Information / Tickets Cafe Shop Cloak Room Family Room Public Toilets Permanent Exhibition Temporary Exhibition Open Exhibition Conferance Space Research / Library Artist Studio Administration Storage Archive Meeting Rooms Staff Toilets Kitchen Building Manager Workshop Delivery / Garabage Plant Spaces

Roof Floor Plan 26- Ramp Leading to Rooftop Level 27- Roof Top Level

The Core Circulation which follows the central figure of the buidling as it makes it way up to open air and new beginings



North Elevation

Section Through Exhibition

Detail Section

Internal Perspectives Depicting Atmosphere

3D Perspectives of The Voyage

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