6 minute read
Introduction to Pranarom
From Plant to Bottle
COMMITTED TO ECOLOGICAL PRACTICES, we work hand in hand with farmers and distillers to promote responsible cultivation of aromatic plants and guarantee the quality of our essential oils from the ground up. This includes the selection of only certified organic plants, certified organic cultivation and harvesting methods, precise gathering times, and the process of distillation with water vapor.
Pranarôm has invested a great deal of time and energy in establishing long-term partnerships with producers, which has enabled us to ensure a supply via short and direct channels to guarantee better traceability from the plant to the bottle.
For each batch of raw material, systematic and rigorous tests for quality are carried out by third-party companies (gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, etc… ). This allows us to ensure that no pesticides or synthetic chemicals are present in our oils.
In addition to quality control, these tests also define the natural chemical make-up of the essential oil, which makes it possible to establish the biochemically active molecules for therapeutic purposes. This analysis is necessary because the chemotype of an essential oil can vary greatly depending on the environment of the plant (sunshine, climate, soil composition, altitude...).
FICHE D'ANALYSE – ANALYSIS SHEET Huile essentielle – Essential oil
Nom botanique – botanical name: Nardostachys jatamansi Organique Nom commun – french name : NARD de l’HIMALAYA ou JATAMANSI BIOLOGIQUE Numéro du lot – lot number : OF27918 Origine - origin: ---- PRANARÔM - NEPAL Partie de la plante – part of the plant: RACINE Date de distillation – distillation date : 10/2016 Date de péremption – out of date : 02/2022
Caractéristiques d’analyse - analysis characteristics:
CPG - SM HEWLETT PACKARD / CPG-FID Colonne : HP INNOWAX 60-0.5-0.25 Programmation de température : 6 mn à 50°C -2°C/mn250°C-15 mn à 250°C Gaz vecteur He : 22 psis
Caractéristiques physiques – physical characteristics:
Aspect – physical state Couleur - colour Liquide légèrement visqueux Vert bouteille foncé
Odeur - odour Caractéristique
Densité à 20°C - density
0,947 Densité à 15°C - density 0,950 Indice de réfraction à 20°C - refractive index 1,504 9 Pouvoir rotatoire à 20°C - optical rotation - 15 ° (dilution au 1/10ème ) Miscibilité à l’éthanol à 90% - miscibility 6 volumes d’alcool 90 % / 1 volume d’HE Point d’éclair : SETAFLASH - flashpoint 84,4 °C
Analyses pesticides – pesticide analysis :
Pesticides Organochlorés : Dosage par GC MS détecteur XSD (méthode multirésidus
interne validée selon la norme NF V03-110)
Liste des pesticides recherchés (Pharmacopée Européenne): Alachlor, Aldrine, Bromophos Ethyl, Bromophos Methyl, Chlordane, Chlorfenvinphos, Chlorpyriphos, Chlorpyriphos Methyl, Chlorthal Dimethyl, Cyfluthrine, Cyhalothrine lambda, Cypermethrine, Dichlofluanide, Dichlorvos, Dicofol (Kelthane), Dieldrine, Endosulfan, Endosulfan sulfate, Endrine, Fenchlorphos (Ronnel), Fenchlorphos-oxon, Fenvalerate, Fluvalinate, Heptachlor, Heptachlor epoxide, Hexachlorobenzene, Hexachlorocyclohexane α, Hexachlorocyclohexane β, Hexachlorocyclohexane δ, Hexachlorocyclohexane ε, Lindane, Methoxychlore, Mirex, Naled, o,p’-DDD , o,p’-DDE, o,p’-DDT, Oxychlordane, p,p’-DDD, p,p’-DDE, p,p’-DDT, Pentachloroaniline, Pentachloroanisole, Permethrine , Phosalone, Procymidone, Profenophos, Prothiofos, Quintozene, S421, Tecnazene, Tetradifon, Vinclozoline
Pesticides Organophosphorés : Dosage par GC MS détecteur FPD (méthode multirésidus
interne validée selon la norme NF V03-110)
Liste des pesticides recherchés (Pharmacopée Européenne): Acephate, Azinphos Ethyl, Azinphos Méthyl, Bromophos Ethyl, Bromophos Méthyl, Chlorfenvinphos, Chlorpyriphos, Chlorpyriphos Methyl, Diazinon, Dichlorvos, Dimethoate, Ethion, Etrimphos, Fenchlorphos (Ronnel), Fenchlorphos-oxon, Fenitrothion, Fensulfothion (Dasanit), Fensulfothion-oxon, Fensulfothion-oxon-sulfone, Fensulfothion-sulfone, Fenthion, Fenthion-oxon, Fenthion-oxonsulfone, Fenthion-oxon-sulfoxyde, Fenthion-sulfone, Fenthion-sulfoxyde, Fonofos, Malaoxon, Malathion, Mecarbam, Methacrifos, Methamidophos (Monitor), Methidathion, Monocrotophos, Naled, Omethoate, Paraoxon, Paraoxon Méthyl, Parathion Ethyl, Parathion Methyl, Phosalone, Phosmet, Pirimiphos Ethyl, Pirimiphos Méthyl, Profenophos, Prothiofos, Quinalphos.
< LMR*
* Limite Maximale de Résidus autorisée
< LMR*
* Limite Maximale de Résidus autorisée

3100% natural No pesticides, synthetic molecules, chemical emulsifying agents or mineral oilsare present. 3 100% pure An oil must be free from vegetable oils, alcohol, turpentine or supplemental oils of another plant. 3 100% integrity All active molecules have been extracted without damage through a complete distillation process.
The Importance of Organic

THE EARTH Take a moment to consider the land mass represented in our tiny glass bottles. This is one of the reasons we speak so passionately about the importance of organic farming. As we harvest and consume this highly concentrated plant life, we need to protect and sustain the source.
2,000 pounds of oranges = 10 gallons of orange essential oil 2,000 pounds of lavender flowers = 1 gallon of lavender essential oil 5.5 million roses = 1 liter of rose essential oil
That’s 30 rosebuds in each drop of rose oil.
If plants are sprayed with pesticides and herbicides, not only are synthetic chemicals introduced to the environment, the plants themselves will not produce the same robust essential oils: the man-made additives are doing the job for them. When it comes time for harvest, you will have a weaker plant that, when distilled, lacks the potent aroma and active properties of an organic plant.
The practice of organic farming considers our fragile environment and keeps organic plant life in its most natural state, from the farm to your home pharmacy.
Steam Distillation

AN ANCIENT ART The most common method of producing essential oil is by extracting the volatile essence of an aromatic plant through steam distillation. Steam distillation collects the most subtle, fragile essence of the plant without damaging its quality or vitality. This technique has been used since High Antiquity, with the Arabs and eventually the perfumers of Grasse, France, perfecting it to what it is today.
The extraction process begins with steam passing through a vat filled with aromatic plant material. The water vapor, enriched with essential oils, then goes through a serpentine where it condenses before being collected in an essencier. The difference in density between the two liquids allows for easy separation between the essential oil and the water (hydrosol).
Cold Expression: Another process reserved for citrus consists of grating the fresh zest of the fruit on a natural sponge that is then pressed to collect the essential oil.
1 fire 2 water 3 steam 4 aromatic plants 5 EO laden steam 6 water and EO 7 essential oil 8 hydrosol
1 5
3 6 7
Giving Back

CONSERVATION & SUSTAINABILITY Demand for essential oils is increasing year by year. This growth requires us to conserve and protect our plant resources through a commitment to sustainable growing and harvesting practices. We believe that is it our global responsibility to give back to the communities that sustain us.
For example, our Sandalwood essential oil is only sourced from Western Australia, where its sustainable growth and harvesting is protected by legislation. Sandalwood has been declared a threatened species in many countries due to unsustainable cultivation, but this has been avoided in Western Australia by conservation laws and collaboration with the Aborigines. We are proud to support the protection of such a valuable resource.
We also promote the development of organic crops and support enterprises like Graine de Vie (Seed of Life), an organization that replants millions of endangered trees in Madagascar every year.

Single Note Essential Oils

Pure. Sustainable. Certified Organic.
Plants produce natural, aromatic oils that function as the plant’s immune system, supporting and defending its overall health. By distilling these oils, we can utilize their benefits for our health and wellbeing. Never adulterated, always organic, 100% of Pranarom essential oils are Ecocert SA certified and GC/MS tested, ensuring the highest level of purity and potency. We source only from sustainably grown and harvested plants, distilled with artisan techniques passed down through generations. The result? A product whose integrity and efficacy you’ll love.