Perfection Through Sacred Geometry

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Perfection Through Sacred Geometry


There's an endless ocean of information that has been preserved for millennia. This information is hidden in numerous layers in the form of alphabets, geometry, numbers & sound.

I feel that although the study of geometry is infinite, there are some facts about geometry that can help designers know how design has been used to reveal sacred information which is still available to a small number of people.

If today's designers take interest in this subject, their perspective towards designing might get transformed forever.

I believe that studying geometry is the most interesting path to enlightenment. Hence, being an architect , I found this topic to be the most relevant one. This research lead to the revelation of numerous facts about geometry and its sacred connections.

Geometry also serves as a physical proof of the existence of a supreme spirit. Also, it is a field of study involving precision & accuracy to the extent of perfection. It is everywhere, from the infinitely small atomic particles to the infinite expanse of cosmic bodies. Not only this, but even the bodies of living organisms are composed of strict proportions.

This is not just a personal observation. The presence of geometrical forms in religious arts & architecture is what confirms the importance of geometry in the physical realm.

Some well known geometrical marvels include the golden ratio, the number pi, perfect squares, perfect cubes etc. This is a negligible part of the perfect facts about geometry.

Some ancient mystery schools like Freemasonry have been preserving spiritual secrets expressed mostly through geometry. Once you start emphasizing on some repetitive geometrical forms, you will see a relation between many cultures and religions revealed as a story, lost in time

1. Know Thyself

Sacred geometry is omniscient in nature. You can realize this fact by simply knowing yourself & your (immediate) surroundings. For example, the name of our college, MBS stands for Mind, Body & Soul. Mind & body

are simply our intelligence & our physical selves respectively, but what about the third word? The soul? It is something very complex, & to know the true meaning of the word sacred, you must realize that there is a subtle energy in all of us known as the soul. To realize the fact that you actually have a soul & that everything happens for a reason, you need something beyond mere intelligence, it is called enlightenment. Geometry & symbols can help us express something that is beyond a few words. Sacred geometry is not only around us, but it is within us. Our bodies, minds & souls have a lot more to do with shapes & numbers (geometry) than you think. Socrates, a Greek philosopher quoted these important words- "The unexamined life is not worth living."

If you aren't awakened to the thrilling facts about how sacred geometry is in and all around us, especially as designers, then you are missing out on a lot.

2. Symbolism

Today's world is dependent on symbols like never before. Since symbols can help us communicate beyond what can be conveyed by words, logos have become important these days. Today, people across the world can identify the same logos or symbols, regardless of the language they speak. I believe that every designer should know that apart from functionality, symbolism should be a primary part of anything designed by us because if it isn't, it might be incomplete in terms of design.

2.1. Religion & Symbolism

Religions are the oldest proof of distinction between animals & humans, regardless of how science sees it. Today, CERN, Switzerland, the most sophisticated scientific laboratory in the world is ultimately in search of a particle which it refers to as the 'God particle'.

If you consider the symbols that religious buildings emphasize on, you will find a pattern that connects them all and you will ultimately realize that symbols are universal in nature, & science can't deny that. The effect that seeing beautiful geometry has on our mind can't be fully explained in words because there is really no fixed explanation of pleasure & satisfaction according to science, except some vague facts about chemicals & hormones. If science & religion get along, which indeed is happening these days, things may get really interesting as many mysteries can are coming to a conclusion.

Some of these deltas between religion & science can be studied only through geometry, as these involve visual beauty & meaning.

2.2. Pointing Towards Heaven

Most of the religious structures you'll come across have one thing in common, which is that the topmost part of the structure is pointing upwards.

Figure 1. Pointing upwards. {} {} {}

This is a simple, clear & a powerful use of symbolism. This represents the belief in religion, that there is the supreme soul up there somewhere; the spirit. I believe that too because once you delve into the beautiful world of sacred geometry, you will become speechless after seeing the amount of precision with which everything's in place.

3. It is Everywhere

Geometry is widely used by humans to design wonderful things, but how would you explain the reason behind the natural manifestations like the golden ratio & pi in flowers, animals & even humans.

like an eclipse? Could it be designed that way? The diameter of the Sun is approximately 108th of its distance from earth, and surprisingly, it is the same with the moon. Another interesting fact is that the diameter of the Sun is also 108 times that of the earth. This is why, this number is considered to be sacred in religions, especially in Hinduism, which can be commonly seen in the form of 108 beads on a string/thread used for meditation. Isn't it amazing how such a secret was known even before something like today's sophisticated technology was discovered. This is the power of sacred geometry.

Figure 2. 108 beads. {}

3.2. The Great Pyramid of Giza

The ancient knowledge about the cosmic bodies is very precise, its proof can not only be found in the religions, but also in an architectural marvel like the pyramid of Giza. The shafts/passages leading to the chambers inside the pyramid of Giza are actually so precisely designed, that in the night sky, they point towards the polestar & the Sirius star (the brightest known star), a very important cosmic body to the ancient Egyptians.

The great pyramid is also a scaled down model of the Earth & moon's geometries. If the moon was the same diameter as that of the height of the pyramid of Giza, then the volume of the two would be the same. If the pyramid is scaled up & placed such that its base is equal to the diameter of the earth, then the apex of the pyramid would be at the centre exact centre of the moon if the earth & the moon touched each other (refer figure 3). There are endless such reasons for why this is considered to be a mysterious structure even to this day after around 4,500 years from its construction because the extent of precision required to build such a marvel even is hard to achieve with all the modern technology available these days.

3.1. A Hundred & Eight

Is it all a mere coincidence that the earth is a sphere that revolves around a fireball along other planets and that too on a precise path, at a precise speed, neither too close to the Sun to burn us, nor too away from it to freeze us? If you are an atheist then you probably aren't enlightened by some of the mind blowing facts about our existence. You must be aware of the fact that the Sun is gigantic compared to the earth, & the moon, then how would you explain something

Figure 3. Earth , moon & the pyramid. {}

In the past few decades, the advancement of science & technology has accelerated at such a pace that it is incomparable to its pace in the previous centuries, yet we fail to match the perfection of sacred information.

4. The World & Sacred Geometry

The world we live in today can be described as a capitalist & a liberal world. What has truly transformed the world is democracy. With mass media & the internet, it is now easy to learn about the anything you want. With knowledge comes consciousness, the power to decide whether something is good or evil.

4.1. Art, Architecture & Secrets

What makes a topic interesting is the mystery involved in it, because we are curious beings. The most precious knowledge is that which is not blatantly available to all, but that which needs to be deciphered by the bright minds in order to achieve what is called perfect enlightenment. According to history, the most powerful (in every aspect) group of people on planet earth are those, who've have been deeply associated with art & architecture.

4.2. The Illuminati

You might have read or heard the word illuminati repeatedly these days. It is the name of a secretive organization that was found on 1st May, 1776, in Bavaria, Germany. The word illuminati is the plural of the word illuminatus, originally a Latin word, meaning 'enlightened', which means attaining a higher level of spiritual knowledge that can give you unprecedented power. This secret society is said to have been responsible for causing the French revolution & its goals were to oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life, and abuses of state power. The famous symbol associated with this society is a pyramid with an eye on its capstone. It is officially known to have ceased its operations in 1785, although it is easy to find out that it is still operational, but just by a different name. 4.3. Freemasonry

This is another powerful secret society; the difference is that it is officially operational even to this day. It is believed to be operating as the modern counterpart of the illuminati, which becomes very clear when you study about its roots.

It is an organization that traces its roots back to the kingdom of Babylon & construction of the pyramids of Egypt but the source of its exact origin is still a mystery to public. It was formed by & for stonemasons but it now accepts almost anyone into the fraternity. It preserves deepest of the secrets of sacred geometry & the creation of the universe; their belief is that God is the architect of the universe. Some numbers & symbols used by them are well known & speak for themselves. The society now has operational lodges in many countries worldwide including India as well.

There are levels of knowledge revealed to the recruited members & these levels are also known as degrees. There are total 33 degrees known to be in freemasonry. It's primary symbol is a compass on top, a square on the bottom & the alphabet G in the centre (refer figure 4). Because of its network throughout the world, it is believed to have influence on almost everything, from the entertainment industry to even politics.

Figure 4. Masonic symbol. {}

4.3.1. The United States of America

As we know today, USA is the most influential country in the world. The headquarters of the highest degree, the 33rd degree of freemasonry are located in Washington D.C., known as the supreme council or as the house of the temple. Out of the 45 American presidents till date, 14 are known to have been freemasons. The foundations of this country were laid on 4th July 1776, just about two months after the illuminati was formed.

The American currency is the only currency that is accepted worldwide & the one dollar note/ bill bears something really important to sacred geometry (see figure 5).

Figure 5. Masonic symbol on currency. { › ... › Folklore & Superstition}

This controversial symbol is the image of today's world in a nutshell. The image shows a pyramid with an eye on the capstone (a symbol of the illuminati/ freemasonry) which means that our world is ruled neither by the royals nor the billionaires nor the famous ones, but by a few enlightened ones on the top of the pyramid of hierarchy. The bottom of the pyramid is inscribed with the roman numerals MDCCLXXVI i.e. 1776, which is the same year in which both the USA & illuminati were found. Below the pyramid, the words "Novus Ordo Seclorum" can be seen which in Latin stands for "new order of the ages", which is currently a very important agenda of the world, also called the new world order. The new world order is a phrase that stands for the illuminati's agenda promoting a completely liberate world, which is why the statue of liberty in the New York City is such a prominent figure.

4.4. Do What Thou Wilt

"Do what thou wilt shall be whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will."—Aleister Crowley, a famous English occultist. You are who you are only for once, so why not do what you are willing to. It is something more important than laws, because even to accept the laws, morals & values, you have to be rational, which requires freedom of will. It means that an individual can reach the pinnacle of his creative power if he does whatever he is willing to, i.e. complete liberty.

I believe that it is very important, especially for designers to apply this to their lives, because contemporary art would have been impossible without this way of thinking. The freedom in abstract art is based on this theory which makes this quote is more or less the motto of the contemporary entertainment industry which is now as influential as politics. You can actually choose your own way to enlightenment. You learn to value the conventions & traditions only when you are given a choice between good or bad.

The new world order is about bringing light into the world, unlike the previous oppressive forms of governance like monarchy & dictatorship.

Life is too precious to not to express yourself through your art.

Figure 6. Unicursal hexagram. {}

4.5. Gematria

Gematria is one of the most sophisticated ciphers. It is a system in which the alphabets are given numbers, eg.- 'A' is the first alphabet, so its value in Gematria equals to one. Similarly, 'Z' being the 26th alphabet has the value of 26 in Gematria. You will be amazed when you find out that many words in English language are purposely designed, based on Gematria.

Figure 7. Gematria. {}

The unicursal hexagram (see figure 6), the symbol for free will as discussed above, is also encrypted with Gematria. It is composed of three 'X's (see figure 8), which is very symbolic with respect to the ongoing agendas in the world & can be decoded using Gematria, which I will leave for you to solve/calculate.

Figure 8. The hidden numbers. {}

5. Human Body & Sacred Geometry

Knowledge can be gained, but secrets are earned.

Our bodies are masterpieces of design. Billions of people existed, yet not even a single fingerprint is the same; coincidence?

Vitruvian man is a famous work by Leonardo Da Vinci (see figure 9). It is the simplest drawing that shows the presence of symmetry, balance & sacred geometry in the human bodies. Imagine a body without symmetry or balance. It would not only be unpleasant to look at, but also bizarre in physical functions.

Figure 9. The Vitruvian man. {}

5.1. Bones & Numbers

Bones are a framework composed of hard composite that hold up our bodies, but their arrangement is far more meaningful and astonishing than mere functionality.

5.1.1. The Mysterious Hand

Hands are one of the most instrumental organs we have because they are involved in almost everything we do.

According to Gematria, H=8, A=1, N=14 & D=4. 8+1+14+4=27. Now what's so special about this? Well this is the exact number of bones that makes up a human hand.

Figure 10 . Bones of the human hand. {}

5.1.2. The Backbone

Spine is known to hold us up and also to be connected to the brain & hence the nervous system which makes it a very important & complex part of our body.

Our spine has exactly 33 vertebrae or bones & the freemasons knew this secret, which is why the value the

number 33 so much; which is why, the number of degrees that they have is 33.

Figure 11 . The spine. {}

5.2. Chakras & Glands

The human body is where religion & science are coming closer. As mentioned before, we also possess a subtle body within, known as the soul. Yoga has the exact explanation of the areas of our body with which our soul is associated, also called chakras, but so is what science has to say. According to biology, we all have endocrine glands that secrete hormones which are responsible for complex phenomena like emotions sleep.

The number of chakras in yoga is 7 & so is the number of endocrine glands & both, the chakras and the endocrine glands are located on the same parts in our bodies respectively (see figure 12).

Figure 12 . Chakras & endocrine glands. { › 5 ano}

'G' is the seventh alphabet, which is one of the reasons I believe, there is a 'G' at the centre of the logo of the freemasons (see figure 4), representing the seven endocrine glands or the seven chakras of enlightenment.

5.3. The Pineal Gland

The most mysterious of all the organs in our bodies, is the pineal gland. It has also been called the seat of our soul. It represents the 6th chakra from the bottom, also known as the brow chakra & is one of the seven endocrine glands.

It's been known to be mysterious since the time of Egypt. The Egyptians already had a symbol that represented

the pineal gland (see figure 13) as the third eye which was later found to literally have the shape of an eye.

Figure 13 . The third eye. {}

The pineal gland is the gland which is responsible for creativity & imagination. This fact has been hidden from the masses for centuries & is still not much known, which is why, an eye on the pyramid is an important symbol (see figure 5) to secret societies like the illuminati & freemasonry.

The final question is that are we as designers and creators of the man made world, as responsible as the designers of the past?

If we put the tremendous knowledge available to us to good use, we can still create monumental wonders & maybe even add to the world of sacred geometry in our pursuit of perfection.

6. Acknowledgements

I would like to thank MBS School of Planning & Architecture for making it possible.

7. References

1. Patterns of Eternity: Sacred Geometry and the Starcut Diagram- Malcolm Stewart (Book)

2. Secrets in Plain Site- Scott Onstott (Documentary)

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