1 minute read
From centuries architecture has evolved after advancement in builinding materials , from living in stone caves and huts to wall bearing brick buildings to sky taming R.C.C. and steel skyscrapers. What Is the next big thing that we can imagine ?
Today we have seen a population explosion happening in many major cities and need for land expansion ,this in turn has created a problem on ecology as trees are cut and nature is destroyed in order to accommodate the new population numbers. The focus of this project is to deal with this problem by taking people up few floors and making way for nature below for coexistence of urban and nature. Buildings that levitate or Float in air which can accommodate all the growing population and expand vertical rather than horizontal similar to high rises but free of foundation
One of the biggest animated movie is the movie ‘UP’ directed by Pete Docter. An old man and a boy goes off on an adventure in his house by using 20,622 helium filled balloons in search of Paradise Falls, his wife’s dream destination.
This movie even though was a fantasy , but had immense potential to explore how we imagine a building. How a house which is built as a permanent static structure becomes a dynamic floating structure to move and explore.
Can buildings also float by just using lifting gases and become independent of ground?
1. Nature. 2. Development starts. 3. Residencies take over.
4. Attach Helium Balloons. 5. Buildings levitate in mid air. 6. Nature takes over