Bistability In the folded configuration, the structure is compact. In the unfolded configuration, the table is much larger and, based on the kinematics and the materials of the model, can support a significant amount of weight. Bistability means the system has two stable equilibrium states. According to the properties of mechanism chosen here, it has an inherent bi-stable behavior. In architecture, this stable behavoir can be used to bring reconfigurability in structures.
A graph of the potential energy of a bistable system; it has two local minima x1 and x2. A surface shaped like this with two “low points” can act as a bistable system
The two stable states are when the structure is open and when closed. The two states are In this research, the open configuration will be tested for stability when applied loads. For this purpose, modules will be tested as single and multiple aggregations in Karamba in Grasshopper. The displacement is the factor that will be judged for evey structure.
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