Architectural Portfolio

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Pr a n j l e eC h a p o r k a r Se l e c t e dWo r k s2 0 1 5 2 0 2 0

EDUCATION Bachelor of Architecture (2015-2020) Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Architecture, Pune


AutoCAD Revit

Sketchup Photoshop

Higher Secondary Education (2014) Nehru Montesorri Senior Secondary School, Burhanpur.

PRANJLEE CHAPORKAR Date of Birth: 10 July 1997 Nationality: Indian E-mail:



Architectural Internship Navkar Architects, Pune

Teamwork and Leadership

Co-curricular Activities

ABOUT ME I am a 23 year old Architect, with strong inclination towards curating spatial experiences. I am extremely motivated to constantly develop my knowledge about architecture and hence I am in persuit of acquiring a Master’s Degree.

INTERESTS Cooking Travel Reading

Sketchbook Lumion MS Office

Gardening Music Designing

Documentation Workshop Public Realm of the Pune Cantonment: An Architectural Enquiry,2018 Bamboo Workshop Pune Binnale,2017 Competition y INTACH Heritage Awards 2018 For Excellance of Unprotected Heritage Active Member Of Forum of exchange and Excellence in Design, Pune. Exhibition Stone Paper Scissor Hosted By B.V.D.U.C.O.A Pune


Public Speaking and Presentation Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving Illustrations and 3D Visualizations




PUBLICATION “Unfolding the Untold Heritage of the residences in Pune Cantonment”. National Journal Of Council of Architecture(JCOA), VOL-2 Spring 2018 Page No 85-99.



Sc h o o lf o rRu r a lC h i l d r e n

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Pu n eC a n t o n me n tDo c u me n t a t i o n

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Re d e v e l o p me n ta r o u n dSh i v a j i Ma r k e t ,Pu n e

Ar c h i t e c t u r a lTh e s i s

Do c u me n t a t i o n

Ur b a nDe s i g n


E v e n tPl a z a ,Pu n e L a n d s c a p eDe s i g n


Ar t i s t ’ sSt u d i o


I l l u s t r a t i o n sa n dMo d e l Ma k i n g

Ar c h i t e c t u r a lDe s i g n

O1 SCHOOL FOR RURAL CHILDREN ARCHITECTURAL THESIS About the project The site is located in Chapora, a village in Madhya Pradesh. Currently the village lacks in providing the basic education to the children of that area due to the insufficent infrastructure and facilities.The aim of the proposed school is to design a holistic enviroment for the overall develpoment of the children.Also the design caters with the infrastructural needs of the village such as Women and Child health care unit, Public Library and Informal Education Centre.

Conceptual Diagrams

Objectives of the Project



Gender Equality

Healthy Environment

Medicare Facilities Transperency in spaces for a sence of openness and freedom

Design of Learning landscape and breakout spaces


Classroom Elevation

North light truss has been used for suffient lighting through out the day.The Trusses are made of steel with Mangalore tile as roofing materila. The circulation passage and door has been placed at the side and back respectively,to create minimun disturbance. Brick jalis has been used for adequate air movement. Classroom Detial

Central Corridor

Entrance to Classrooms

Learning Landscape Learning Landscape

The spaces between the classrooms are designed according to the age group of students, so that they could learn with fun.

O2 PUNE CANTONMENT DOCUMENTATION URBANDESI GN About the Project The objective of the project was to document and analyze the areas in Pune Cantonment. This area have a specefic architectural character as the Cantonment was established by the British East India Company. The houses in these areas had an interesting street facade, a blend of vernacular and western design. The spaces behind them and away from the main roads, replicated the urban spaces of the old city. It is a vibrant and articulated street facade developed due to the influence of European and Indian elements. This documention focus on the development of Bazaar area into a robust economic hub leading to development of various residential typologies in the area.


Door Detail

Front Elevation

Reidge Detail

2 Roof Detail


Map of Pune Contonment with marking of Documented Areas Note- The documentation was done in group of five students.

Jack Arch Detail Key Plan 1 with Surroundings K E D A R IB U I L D I N G

Fenestration Section

Front Elevation

Front Elevation

Multi Shutter Window Staircase Detail

Dormer Window Detail

Dormer Window Detail

Wooden Door

Wrought Iron Bracket

Key Plan 3 with its Surroundings Fenestration 1 4S A F I E ES T R E E T

Key Plan 2 Section O T IB U I L D I N G With Its Surrounding M Fenestration Section Note- The documentation was done in group of five students.



About the site

The site is located in the Pune Cantonemnt which is a one of the congested areas of the city.It is situated around Shivaji market which is of the oldest Market of the city. As this Market was designed in the British Era the design is not able to cater the current problems.The Aim of the studio is to redesign the site and its surrounding.

Elevated Plaza Segregated Vehicular and pedistrian Movements

Design Strategies

6M Wide Road (Congested Road) Commercial Area Redevlopment Site (Delapidated State) Shivaji Market Site Surroundings

Physical Model of the Existing Site

Proposed Design View

Proposed Vegetable Market

Shivaji Market


Elevated Plaza

Conceptual Diagram

Proposed Green Space

Residentail Area

Existing Shivaji Market

Residential Area

1.Increase open green areas and order road traffic. 2.Create a cultural and commercial trip. 3.Integrate society by promoting economic development.

Segregated Vehicular and Pedestrian Movements

Plaza covered by Parasol

Residential Area

O4 CITY EVENT PLAZA, PUNE LANDSCAPEDESI GN Aboutt hePr oj e c t The site is located on the M.G Road, Pune which is one of the busiest Road in the city.The aim of the Landscape Design is to design a Event Plaza which could be used to organanize city level events such as Exhibitions,Food Fares,Inanugaration/Closing ceremony of varoius programs. Besides,It will also serve as a recreational area surrounded by nature’s affinity. Activities Proposed Open Plaza View Cafeteria

Open Exhibition


Nature Walk

Riverfront Seating

A Amphi t he a t e rSe c t i on B Conc r e t eBl oc k Coa r s eSa ndBe d

As phl a t eConc r e t e As phl a t eBa s e Coa r s e

De t a i l AtA

Gr a nul a rMa t e r i a l

Compa c t Ea r t h

Compa c tEa r t h

De t a i l AtB

Riverfront Stepped Sitting




Viewing Deck


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3 1 0

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Stepped Seating

1 1

1 2



LEGEND 1 .Ent r a nc e 2. Ope nEx hi bi t i on 3 . Pl a z a 4. Cov e r e dGa t he r i ng Ar e a

5 . Ca f e t e r i a 6. Se a t i ngAr e a 7 . Amphi t he a t e r 8. Wa t e rFe a t ur e

9. La wn 1 0. Wa l k wa y 1 1 . Ri v e r f r onts e a t i ng 1 2. Vi e wi ngDe c k


About the Project The aim of the project was to design a Studio for an Artist in Pune inspired by contemporary design philosophy.Also providing adequate space for activities to function efficiently whule creating great work experience.The activities includes indoor and outdoor working and exhibition areas.


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i vat eZone e mi Publ i cZone Pr Publ i cZone S t udi o s pl ayGal l e r y S Re c e i pt i on Di Li br ar y f i c e Wai t i ngAr e a Of Admi n

Ent r anc et ot he S t udi o

Out doorDi s pl ay

Axonometeric showing Floor Plans

S e c t i onal Vi e wt hr oughEnt r anc eandCe nt r al Cour t y ar ds Thef ac adei sde s i gne ds uc ht hati tac t sasagal l e r y . Theke y f e at ur eoft hede s i gni st hee x pe r i e nc eonwi l l ge twhi l ewal ki ngt hr ought hec e nt r al c our t y ar ds . Thi sc our t y ar dsal s oe ns ur e ade quat enat ur al l i ghtandai rmove me nti nt hebui l di ng.

S e c t i onal Vi e wt hr oughAdmi nandDi s pl ayGal l e r y .

S e c t i onal Vi e wt hr oughAdmi nandDi s pl ayGal l e r y .


Me di t a t i onHa l l , Ar tofLi v i ngAs hr a m, Pune

Dor mi t or i e s , Ar tofLi v i ngAs hr a m, Pune

Hi ghr i s eMode l Ma k i ngPr oj e c t Dor mi t or i e s , Ar tofLi v i ngAs hr a m, Pune

St r uc t ur a l Sy s t e mofMe di t a t i onHa l l , Ar t ofLi v i ngAs hr a m, Pune


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