Banzai Cosplay Edição 05

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Year I - Edition 05 | January / 15 - Free Virtual Distribution

English Version

Gloves ...

A Super Tutorial Cos2Me to leave Your most stylish cosplay...........pรกg. 09


- Learn when and where events will be held January Pรกg.08

Cosplay Health - Contact Lenses: Care not to impair vision Pรกg.04

Quick Play - VideoGames for all ages - How did ? Pรกg.05

Interview - Do not take the beast:

Zero from Grand Chase, embodied by Pamella Angel, in his best performance, followed by Sasuke and Elektra A Show apart Pรกg.07

Zero from Grand Chase by Pamella Angel

Our Cover Name:

Table of Contents

Cosplay Health

Pamella Angel

Functions: Cosplayer

Contato Face: / divo.cosplay

Photos by: Diversificado Note:

- Contact Lenses

Pรกg. 04

- Authorized reproduction of the photographs, as Quick Play well as the infor- - Games for all ages mation content, in- - How did? terviewed by itself. Team PlanoB The Banzai Cosplay Magazine is a publication

PlanoB PubliArte Expediente

Pรกg. 05 Interview

Pamella Angel

Responsible Journalist: Alex Prates (Mosca) Mtb: 0076461 / SP commercial: Graphic Design: Team PlanoB PubliArte drawing: Pรกg. 07 Indeterminate (Virtual Distribution) *** The information in the ads are And More ... sole responsibility of the advertisers. *** Agenda..............................Pรกg.08 The Team PlanoB PubliArte reserves the Do It Yourself......................Pรกg.09 right to correct any errors typing that impair their content.


Cosplay Health

Contact lenses Care not to impair vision Collaborator: Pamella Angel Pamella Angel will be collaborating with BanzaiCosplay Magazine, each month, accounting for the CosplaySaúde page with conservation tips and care of Cos.

Contact lenses give a special touch to your cosplay, however, we can not forget that they are in direct contact with very delicate and subject to complications of using organs: eyes !!! Contact lenses can be sources of infections that can cause conjunctivitis (inflammation of the membrane that protects the eye) and even bacteria that can cause loss of vision !!!!

Here are important tips: 1 - The correct is: if you want to wear contact lenses, seek an ophthalmologist w / see if you have any eye problems that may prevent use. 2 - ALWAYS wash your hands before handling the lenses !!! Hands only lose in terms of dirt, to our mouth. 3 - Clean the lens whenever with specific products! Some are well known, like Renu and Opti-Free (try which product you tolerate better). Never wash the lens with tap water and, worse still, spit! 4 - Sometimes, the lens causes a bit of dry eyes. Use specific eye drops for it (the brands that manufacture w / contact lens products also produce eye drops). NEVER use eyedrops as “Moura Brazil” with contact lenses. 5 - If the lenses cause a very big eye irritation, remove them! Make sure she is not upset (seeing the lens profile, bordinhas that fit in the eye must be turned w / in. If you are c / p edges / outside looks like an Bottom line- dish is that it is upside down) .

6 - When shopping for lenses, check that they are sealed! Never buy lens unsealed. Some cosplayers who often use lenses may indicate quite reliable sites to purchase. - The most important tip of all: never borrow lenses and lens use or borrowed! You never know how the person holds and manipulates the lens, beyond the highest risk of acquiring serious diseases in the eye! 8 - When storing the lens, fill the little pot with adequate product! Tap water and saline solution are not suitable for placing of a bowl lens. From time to time (preferably weekly), replace the liquid in the pot.


9 - Pay attention to the durability of the lens !!! lenses, like almost every product has expiration date! Stay tuned for information durability of the lens (disposable, extended wear, etc). If the lens is opaque display, attention- it’s time to throw out !!!!

Quick Play

- Games for all ages - How did? The Videogame is a competitive game or contest, performed in a video game format. The player stands in front of a vehicle that transmits images of the playful confrontation almost always a TV or a computer device. Usually this term extends also to set the media on which the games are processed, known as console. Apparently, the physicist William Higinbotham, a member of the Manhattan Project, responsible for producing the first atomic bomb, was the creator of the Video Game in 1958, but unaware of the importance of his masterpiece he has not bothered to patent it, so was not officially considered its author.

At the height of the Cold War, he devised a mechanism that incrementasse the number of visitors to the Brookhaven National Laboratories, headquartered in New York, because the US government had intended to display its nuclear potential before his people. Thus he produced a tennis game with only two primitive traits and a ball, baptizing him Programming Tennis or Tennis for Two, displayed on a screen of 15 inches and designed to be processed in an analog computer. Tennis for Two

The resource used by William surprised him, for he secured an unrivaled success; but not this amazing comeback was enough that he decided to patent his invention and market it. Thus, only became famous as one of the creators of the atomic bomb, and the memory of his participation in the creation of video games has become almost nil Primitive videogame Higinbotham, the game has evolved from conventional simulation games such as checkers and chess, for disputes and confrontations exhibition. In 1966, electronics engineer Ralph Baer, a German refugee in the United States during World War II, now considered the father of video game consoles, saw an opportunity to create an outfit that processed electronic games through its airing on television, with few financial resources. This occurred when Baer worked for Sander Associates. With input from friends and colleagues, the first fruit of their experience was ‘chasing game’, made in 1967, a rustic game of Ping Pong, in which two figures in square format could be handled by a competitor, and thus displaced along the screen. Its inventor patented it soon after, and a year later he exhibited the first model of the video game, called the Brown Box, which consisted of disputes soccer, volleyball and shooting. So it was not the first Atari game model to be marketed in the video game market, but this ancestor of games. Magnavox, a subsidiary of Netherlands-based Philips, immediately set about releasing to the public the first consumer video game console, titled Odyssey 100. This first console to Nintendos, PlayStations and Xbox today, this productive streak became, in the early twenty-first century in an extremely profitable company, thus capturing investments mounts that allow you to compete with the cinematic sphere and even transcend their profits. This first console to Nintendos, PlayStations and Xbox today, this productive streak became, in the early twenty-first century in an extremely profitable company, thus capturing investments mounts that allow you to compete with the cinematic sphere and even transcend their profits.




Do not take the beast Banzai: The initial idea of producing a cosplay came from curiosity to try or love at first sight? Pamella: I started with a curiosity to know what it was, how, why, where it had come. I started with a simple character, which made most of the clothes by hand, after the first event has become a passion. Banzai: There characterization characters easier. Create the Zero was more a challenge or identify with the character? Pamella: Zero was considered a challenge to me and I indentifico much about the character, by what he went through, his story is very similar to mine. I decided to do it to see the character in the game, I clung to him and his sword, the challenge was trying to find out who did the laundry, the sword and fittings while I worked and commissioned other pieces of each site in the world, each with your time delay or difficulty getting the item. Banzai: According to market research, many cosplayers find that one must keep the youth, or people of a certain age should not practice cosplay. What is your opinion on the subject, emphasizing that it’s such a biased way of thinking of certain cosmakers? Pamella: Prejudice is always a huge barrier that must be overturned strength, cosplay has no age, so that the creators were adult fans of the Star Wars saga, then became fever worldwide. But many veterans come out from among cosplayers for cosplay becomes cosmaker to understand the issue of production of accessories or tired of hearing “You’re not too old to play that? “. Joke is not old and this applies to cosplay. Banzai: Basic Tip on how to manage day to day work life cosmaker / cosplayer. Pamella: Knowing how to manage spending, in order to separate the money to pay the bills, keep up, have your expenses and save some for that project cosplay, so you have the money you think it will be necessary to start this project, start researching the items so that it fits in income or stored value. Banzai: The preparation of the zero character took about seven months to get ready. This time is considered only for the “construction” of the character or waiting to buy / pieces created with own material? Pamella: It was the time required to get the items, and accessories like ear wig, how to construct clothes, sword and display, and other items like makeup and lens got closer to home. The time it took to get this cosplay was paying to go every part of him slowly. As I worked hard, had no time to make time debut at Anime friends then told two cosmakers and a seamstress, two people regardless wig and ears, and of course with my effort at work, these people expect me to and I pay great results esparava the making of the pieces. Every thing there was the difficulty of several seamstresses, one agreed to do a complete wardrobe, several cosmakers, only one has committed, with little time to create, to make the sword Time Event Banzai: The personification of Elektra was an early test in the cosplay world or already had in mind your goal?

Zero from Grand Chase, embodied by Pamella Angel, in his best performance. Pamella: My first character, which largely made clothes, was Deidara from Naruto, Elektra was actually a test for the seamstress in which I committed to help it in spreading her job and I testing womenswear a agreement between the two. Banzai: Participation in events, doing justice to the dissemination of their work, held by sponsorship or by themselves? Pamella: I do much on their own, would love to have the opportunity of a sponsorship, but for now it’s on own and with the help of photographers friends who have immense patience in helping me, it’s a team effort. But I do also by participating in fun events. BBanzai: Sensuality is the key word in certain characters. The composition of the character Elektra, sensuality inconvenience caused to you and / or troublesome by fans and curious? Pamella: Did not cause me any amazement, that I already expected some reaction from the fans, because male characters always seeking and interpreting masculinity and being sexiest female characters. This is actually more playing the character, knowing it and making the maximum seems to him, that he applied to Elektra. anzai: You want to turn your hobby into something profitable? Pamella: Yes, I want to cosplay is an expensive hobby, which I love to play, I want to try to improve myself in the area and get a good income in order to live better and continue my hobby and my life more evenly. Pamella: Pamella: Determined, sluggish, kind, funny, strong, educated, creative, hardworking, intelligent, companion.

Mains Celebrity Name: Pamella Angel Age: 20 Dream to travel where: Europe, Japan and Canada Philosophy of Life: Fighting is only one way to prove stronger, each day that passes is one more battle to win a war, a challenge to overcome, proving the reason for its existence. Define life in one word: Challenge Person he admires: Johnny Depp Dish he loves: Sushi, salad and chocolate contacts: face: / 7


All events will be reported here in Rio de Janeiro City Source: LouCosplay Dia 25/01/2015 8

Do It Yourself

By: Material needed: • 30 cm tissue. We recommend using fabric like wool jersey or extensive tissue. • Tape hairy.

In this tutorial we will learn the basics and peludinha with the base model, but it is easy to style according to your needs.

1. Sew the gussets on the back of the fingers. b ‘- c - d’; also d ‘- e - f’; Also f ‘- g - h’.


2. Sew the wrist to the top of the indicator. a - b - b ‘- c - d’- d - d’ - e - f ‘- f - f’ - g - h ‘- h - h’. 3. Sew the toe (i - k - i).

4. Sew the thumb hole in the palm (i - j - i). 5. Bend the wrist and sew around.

6. Decorate your wrist with the hairy ribbon.


To make the classic fingerless mitts, just cut the fingertips to the desired height and sew around to the fabric is not rolling. If you want to style it, some possibilities:


The template provided is the right hand to the left hand is just mirror it. Remember, before you start using it, testing it serves straight in your hand! If possible, cut with approximately 0.3 cm off.

February at Banzai

Miss Fortune with Paula Melo

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