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Table of Contents

1. The Company 2. The Process 3. The Details 4. Business Collateral 5. Website 6. Truck | Uniform | Packaging



About the Company

Form is a mobile business that provides the service of Interior Design. You can find our trucks at showrooms at different events, such as market events, or you can find one of our designers at your front door for your convenience. Our mobile business provides designers and clients the easiest and most accesible methods to fully understand what design direction is taking place; our trucks hold textiles, accent pieces, and inspiration for your personal style and an opportunity for our designers to make your interior dreams come true.


Interior Design on wheels - FORM - is pairing professional designers with convenience. This is convenience for the clients and the designer, allowing our trucks to house all the necessities that most designers either don’t have access to or struggle to transport to their clients. Some of our trucks are used as showrooms at events to illustrate our ability to design making our design skills credible to the audience.

Brand Positioning


Form is a service provided to any individual above the age of 18. We are professionals so we can accomodate to any person of any age and any style. We are a high-class company, with low cost price because we are a mobile business. With that being said, we do ensure that our clients are able to provide the compensation necessary for our services.

Form is a service provided to any individual above the age of 18. We are professionals so we can accomodate to any person of any age and any style. We are a high-class company, with low cost price because we are a mobile business. With that being said, we do ensure that our clients are able to provide the compensation necessary for our services.












Primary Anatomy

Primary +



PANTONE P 173-14 C C 63% M 52% Y 46% K 18% R 97 B 102 G 108 HEX #61666C

PANTONE P 174-1 C C 32% M 23% Y 18% K 0% R 175 B 181 G 191 HEX #AFB5BF

PANTONE P 44-2 C C 28% M 34% Y 32% K 0% R 187 B 164 G 160 HEX #BBA4A0

PANTONE P 64-9 C C 8% M 16% Y 13% K 0% R 230 B 212 G 208 HEX #E6D4D0

PANTONE P 179-1 C C 3% M 1% Y 2% K 0% R 245 B 247 G 246 HEX #FSF7F6

These colors create the palette for FORM because of their diversity and neutrality. They represent light and dark; warm and cool.



Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm

Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm

Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz




Business Collateral

FORM’s business card was created with simplicity and shape. The clean, rounded right angle is used to mimic the shape of FORM’s logo itself. The exact amount of information needed is supplied in the content of the card.


This letterhead represents the style of FORM by mimicing the same shape structure as the inner shape of “F� in the logo. The colo choice of the letter head is complementary to the darker tone of the business card. This blue tone isn’t too cold, but also upholds stronger maturity and professionalism than the warmer tones used in the branding.




Inspiration for FORM’s website page was used from Globe West - furniture for beautiful spaces. They have a very clean style that follows a similar color pattern of FORM. The webpage includes photography of interior spaces and of the FORM team. We utilize this first page to introduce clients to our business leads to develop a relationship and trust.





At FORM, we encouage our designers to dress in business professional clothing for all clients. Whilst doing so, we provide them a notepad to use for appointments and note taking. We also provide a FORM tee to pair with business clothing at events such as market place sales, etc., to represent the company be a resource to others. The company’s tagline is “Interior Design on Wheels” so our custom tee follows that same saying, but instead describes our designers as “Interior Designers on Wheels.”


FORM has a short line of products for sale to clients and visitors and this candle is one of them. It goes along with the idea of interior design for the home. This is a complimentary bag that FORM gives to its clients and visitors. This is a use of free advertising.

Interior Design by Professionals

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